The developed countries. Developed at whose expense?


Who's next?

The unwillingness of mankind to learn from the mistakes of others, as well as from the miscalculations of their ancestors, is becoming increasingly dangerous. Two world wars, the threat of a nuclear apocalypse, and now also the very real prospect of ecological and climatic collapse practically do not change anything in the life of more than seven billion “bare monkeys”.

The developed countries. Developed at whose expense?

Developed countries do not want to sacrifice any significant share of their own well-being, and in countries of "underdeveloped" the public, it seems, really wants only one thing - to live the same way as in developed ones. Meanwhile, only having embarked on a process of more or less equitable redistribution of world wealth, mankind will reserve the chances that at least something remains on the planet for future generations.

Countries that we habitually continue to call developed and from which we have been invariably encouraged to take an example over the past decades, are essentially the main dependents of all other states. Although it was they who inherited the “heavy legacy” of colonial rule, when it seemed that they would have to pay for centuries with those whom they had robbed so purposefully for so long.

In reality, five or six decades after the collapse of the colonial empires, things didn’t turn out quite like that, or rather not at all. The former colonies, without the normal ability to master the natural wealth they inherited, turned into hostages and, it seems, the eternal debtors of their former owners.

Even the majority of the countries of Latin America, which were freed from Spanish and Portuguese rule for a hundred, or even more years, earlier than the states of Asia and Africa, found themselves in a position of economic outcasts. And only in the third millennium did something like the economic breakthrough of China and India take place, and after them some other countries.

However, despite the fact that all the hiking trails in Europe are now literally trampled by the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, it is clearly too early to say that someone is already close to the developed countries. Well, let’s leave the Middle East experiments with universal Arab prosperity so far, since, apart from the still very backward Iran, nobody seriously claims to create a self-sufficient economic system.

Innocent deception

The population of developed countries is accustomed to respecting themselves, starting with culture (and especially political) and ending with the economy. According to the principle "we work well and therefore live well." And this is despite the complete absence of serious natural resources, an aging and stagnating real economy and a frank excess of all kinds of services, from tourist services to fashionable haircuts for cats and dogs.

Even with the California Silicon Valley, with the vaunted German industry, with French winemaking and Italian shipbuilding, and with all the fashion brands scattered around the world, developed countries, by and large, have long been parasites. They parasitize on foreign resources, including Russian gas, on foreign brains and on other people's labor, now basically not Chinese, but Chinese satellites. But they continue to confidently reckon themselves "ahead of the rest."

The famous economist John Kenneth Galbraith, a Canadian by origin, a researcher, as they say, from God, called this whole system "the economy of innocent deception." And the whole fraud, in his opinion, is that annoying terms like capitalism or social democracy have gradually replaced the “market system”, which official Russia is still almost ready to pray for.

John Kenneth Galbraith

In the past, 2018 was celebrated 110 years since the birth of Galbraith, but he managed to predict the last global crisis with its soap bubbles of trillions of dollars, launched, in fact, to nowhere. In non-existent mortgages, in insurance and pension funds, but mainly in virtual gaming exchanges, painfully similar to MMM. And launched only for the sake of superprofits of a selected cohort of financiers.

D.K. Galbraith convincingly showed that the real power in the modern economy does not belong to those who possess capital, but to those who manage, or rather manipulate, these capital. The approaching era of effective managers, whom Anatoly Chubais himself was the first to talk about, threatens to deprive the entire second and even more so third tier of the world economy of any chance of getting closer to the first - thereby the “developed countries”.

According to Galbraith, it’s quite simple to understand the whole basis of the current leadership of developed countries.

“The main economic function is the development and creation of new products, and no manufacturer will produce a new product without first creating demand for it. Not a single manufacturer will abandon measures to form demand for existing goods and stop supporting this demand - the age of advertising, the art of sales, television and consumer management has come, which means that consumer and market independence are losing ground. ”

In conditions when no more than 10 percent of the future value of a product or service is spent on raw materials and production, and 90% is spent on their promotion, developed countries quietly go precisely into the sphere of promotion. And they continue their "innocent deception."

In whose favor is the alignment?

So, as in the previous colonial era, Europe, having exhausted almost all of its own resources, continues to keep Africa and most of Asia in the position of “petitioner” and “consumer”. What? Yes, all the same - financial and managerial resource.

The United States behaves a little more cunningly, continuing to pump the whole world with empty dollars and trumpeting everywhere about its own technological and intellectual leadership. However, all this leadership is based only on the fact that due to the unlimited issue of pieces of paper with portraits of presidents and Benjamin Franklin, who has never been in the White House, almost anything promising is being bought right away. To the brain, of course.

From the “Military Review” dossier: The United States consumes up to 25% of the world's annual minerals, more than 50% of global uranium consumption, about half of the aluminum used, as well as more than a quarter of the extracted oil, natural gas, tin, copper and iron ores. At the same time, the United States does not give back and does not produce the same equivalent, except for dollars.
For decades, the United States has had an acute trade and budget deficit. Goods are imported into the country much more than the state exports outside. The difference is covered due to the fact that countries outside the US annually get poorer by the same equivalent that Americans are getting richer. There is a continuous redistribution of world wealth in favor of the United States.
The USA consumes about 20-25% of total world oil consumption, China - 13%. At the same time, the US population, which in many ways burns this enormous amount of energy, is only 4,3% of the world's population.
The average American consumes four times more goods than the "average inhabitant of the planet": five times more than any Hispanic, 10 times more Chinese and 30 times more Indian, and also throws out twice as much garbage and spends three times more water.
Europe and America, whose population makes up only 20% of the world's population, consume 60% of all products produced on the planet. Since the beginning of the 90-s, after the collapse of the USSR, the world (read: western) public has been trying to declare Russian mineral resources as a “common” asset.


Western propaganda is simply lying - there really were no real advantages for the developed countries over all the others, either. They either ate their resources or, with all their might, save on a rainy day, like the United States, its oil. Allegedly more qualified Western cadres are nothing more than a bluff; in the production of something real, they are slightly better than others.

Likewise, with labor productivity, which in the West and in Japan can be higher, but only thanks to a higher degree of automation and reliance on the existing technological advantage.

The main thing, in which the developed countries of their competitors are superior, is the availability of the most powerful financial levers and a managerial resource, that is, those same “effective managers”. Europeans, Americans and Japanese have already managed to breed them for decades ahead and put them in key positions in transnational corporations around the world.

This practice was perfected by a real revolutionary Leiba Bronstein, better known as Leon Trotsky. And this, by the way, has become one of the main reasons for the mass repressions, which began as a big party purge. By the way, if we were talking about the “demon of revolution”, regaining popularity in certain circles, then in developed countries they learned to use one more of its methods, which they even called “Trotsky's scissors”.

In his case, it was a monstrous difference in prices for industrial and agricultural products, of course, in favor of the proletariat, in order to suppress the independence of the kulaks, and indeed the counter-revolutionary peasantry. The developed West uses such “scissors” in order to prevail over the prices of its services over the prices of real consumer goods produced, for example, in China itself.

The final alignment of all this kind of “market manipulation” is no longer a secret to anyone. The so-called developed countries openly consume the planet’s resources and are not at all interested in the fact that the “underdeveloped” countries approach them in terms of consumption. The second and third echelons will continue to be kept in poverty, incite everywhere possible and impossible conflicts that lead to a reduction not only in consumption, but also in the population itself.
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  1. +8
    14 August 2019 05: 24
    We live in an artificial habitat !!!
    Shamelessly big difference in the price of a loaf of bread and a beaker of spirits, comes back to humanity in the end !!!
    1. -3
      14 August 2019 05: 45
      And you do not buy perfume and there will be no sense in the price. Do not buy cars and gadgets. Eat bread and evil Americans burn out.
      1. +15
        14 August 2019 06: 58
        The response is that you do not buy BREAD and everything that rural workers produce, I won’t buy what you offered!
        I’m betting on a box of cognac that I’ll outlive you a bit and have to drink my Cognac myself!
      2. +5
        14 August 2019 11: 52
        and I, for example, practically do it. Chinese gadgets (already better and cheaper than apple), a car in the city is not needed, or anything mattress.
      3. +2
        14 August 2019 12: 06
        What is the difference at whose expense. We either build our own state or climb into other people's monasteries again, imposing our charter, at our own expense. Stop feeding the parasites.
      4. +1
        17 August 2019 01: 14
        "Eat your bread and the evil Americans will go bust."
        That other countries produce only bread, and the west and fsha everything else is nonsense, that is, lies ...
    2. +6
      14 August 2019 08: 46
      This world lacks one thing - justice! Where there is no huge gap between rich and poor, there are people kinder and more fun. And only socialism can provide justice .. When will everyone already understand this?
      1. +4
        14 August 2019 08: 58
        Quote: Svarog
        This world lacks one thing - justice! Where there is no huge gap between rich and poor, there are people kinder and more fun. And only socialism can provide justice .. When will everyone already understand this?

        Oh, dream about justice, it is possible! That's just to find it is very difficult and not always! And I want very, very.
        Unfortunately a lot more is missing !!! And in the category of the most important falls the vegetable, thrifty attitude to our environment, to the EARTH MATUS !!!
        1. -1
          14 August 2019 09: 04
          Quote: rocket757
          Unfortunately a lot more is missing !!! And in the category of the most important falls the vegetable, thrifty attitude to our environment, to the EARTH MATUS !!!

          I agree, but it's all possible. Under the USSR, there was a fairer society, and a happier and more careful attitude to nature. There were mistakes, so now everyone knows them, you need to come back, corrected for errors and everyone will be happy.
          1. +3
            14 August 2019 10: 08
            One cannot blame one for the fact that he is destroying our planet. Who is more, who is less ..... it is logical that countries with developed industries are the most "poisonous" .... but, in many developed countries, ECO standards are the most stringent, at least officially !!! The less developed industries have much less production, but it is not clear how environmental standards are observed, which ones at all.
            For the USSR and ours now, what can I say ..... there were a lot and in different ways, there is and will be!
            Every day I come by the factories, the closure of which is dreamed of by that part of the city that DOES NOT WORK for them !!! Forced to breathe and smell all the muck.
            1. +5
              14 August 2019 11: 32
              Quote: rocket757
              but, in many developed countries, IVF standards are the most stringent, at least officially !!!

              Many of us believe that here is the West, the ecology is at its best, everything and everyone is being observed. A week ago I was watching TV about nature in Switzerland, and I was simply "stunned" (ashamed that I am writing such a word) so they have 30 (thirty!) Wolves and 300 lynxes left. Were protected !!!
              1. +2
                14 August 2019 11: 44
                Geyropa is "small", some countries are smaller than our area!
                The fauna was cleaned BEFORE modern greens, for the most part! It is no longer possible to restore, everything is "plowed up", divided, at least.
                The environmental disturbance associated with the industry is there !!! but the countries of the old gayrope worked hard in this direction, their citizens were "brought up" tough .... until new "gayropeians" came to them !!! now you have to see how and what they will cope with!
              2. +2
                14 August 2019 13: 59
                Well, you drove it in vain to Helvetov. There is simply no place left for such an amount of beast, there are people all around. I had to go there repeatedly, I’ll say frankly, 30 wolves and 300 lynxes - this is only because they are protected, we have such a population density when the sign End of NP and Start of NP are a meter from each other and this would not remain.
          2. -2
            14 August 2019 14: 32
            Quote: Svarog
            Under the USSR, there was a fairer society, and a happier and more careful attitude to nature.

            Is not it?
            About nature:


            About justice ... Soviet society ...
            If you get a quote (except for ecology), the psychological attitude about a just USSR can be explained in exactly the same way -

            “The subjective feeling that the ecological situation in the USSR was different for the better can arise among those who were then young and healthy. People who are now 60-70 years old do not remember real facts, but their youth, believes Protas, who was born in Russia and educated in the US "They remember how they handed in waste paper and received books for it, collected scrap metal by the whole class - these are positive personal memories, on the basis of which a false general picture is recreated."
            1. +3
              17 August 2019 01: 16
              "collected by the whole class scrap metal - these are positive personal memories, on the basis of which a false general picture is recreated."
              What is false then?
    3. +2
      14 August 2019 18: 44
      Memories inspired by the remark of a rocket.
      Spirit Beaker ...
      In 1985 I bought a perfume. A narrow bottle of "Clem" with pshikalka and "Pani Walewski" is a round flat bottle. I bought it and thought: why did I do it? A microscopic portion of these perfumes has incredible persistence, a special, wonderful scent, forcing passers-by to look around. But this was not necessary! Where she lived, the onset of "progressive" Western civilization was already felt everywhere. And it manifested itself not only in the fact that the speculators, from whom I bought perfume, were already trading openly, setting up shops in their houses, but also in the fact that criminals got out, celebrating gatherings together with the top of the city administration. Former inmates-thieves got out. They declared themselves respected businessmen and organized various consumer goods production. By the time I bought the perfume, both criminals and inmates had already noted, starting in the fall of 83rd, a series of horrific murders of non-local people. There was a "progress", not conducive to the fact that you are looked back and remembered. Spirits are dear!
      In general, I hid that perfume. More than thirty years have passed. And just recently, while rummaging in an old bag, I found a box tightly wrapped with duct tape. I cut it, and there - my perfume! The locals once threw some of our things into the trunk, transported my mother with that trunk across the border and told me, "Let's go bye ends!" Apparently, this box also fell under their arm. They would have known what was in it, they had left for themselves ...
      I sprinkled a little "Clem" on myself, sighed, sealed the box and hid it away. Yes, now I live in Central Russia, but "progress" is coming! The civilization activity of the West grows stronger day by day, gaining momentum. Especially at night, when outside the window one can hear the polyphonic howls, laughter and wild cries of drug addicts. And "Clema" is not your current cheap perfume, from which you sometimes suffocate on the street. Not the time to sprinkle with expensive perfume. Especially if the son of the neighbors opposite is an officially registered drug addict who has been treated more than once.
      1. 0
        14 August 2019 20: 31
        Quote: depressant
        The civilizational activity of the West is growing stronger day by day, gaining momentum.

        The advancing west is not terrible, he escaped the resettlement faster than his squeal more than once!
        The terrible thing is that we are ceasing to be unbridled barbarians from the east !!! change, there will be nothing left of us !!!!
        And "clema" I remember ..... brought a lot of things to the ladies from there, from afar.
        1. dSK
          15 August 2019 08: 06
          All is not lost: "In Russia in 2018, five children were born, who became the fifth among mothers at the age of 17, says the thematic report of the Federal State Statistics Service. As explained by RIA Novosti the director of the Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economics Anatoly Vishnevsky, in some regions of the country this is considered normal.
          РИА Новости 03:04/15/08/2019.
        2. 0
          15 August 2019 16: 19
          This is how my premonition works ... Damn it! Just yesterday I wrote here, in my upper post, about a drug-addicted neighbor who should be feared, as today someone appeared - even there were no steps on the stairs - "Fire department, can I talk? Open!" And when I sent him, I called opposite and without explanation, silently entered and left. Apparently, only to just throw up her hands and shrug her shoulders - they say, she didn't open it.
          How scary life has become, and the further, the worse ... Clouds of different-sized and variegated swindlers climb out of all the cracks. Until the 83rd summer, because of the heat, they slept with wide open doors and windows. Come in whoever you want, take what you want. Nobody came in. And then the offensive of "progressive" Western ideas began, "raising" the civilizational redistribution to mass bestiality.
    4. 0
      15 August 2019 14: 21
      At first, Europe depleted resources, now we are depleting our resources for Europe, a long-term development strategy can only be socialist.
  2. +1
    14 August 2019 05: 26
    Oh, author, sectarians will now fly in and slander you))) I have been saying about this for a long time that you wrote - they always flock to this. We are betting which sect will be drawn earlier - the sect of witnesses for the launch of Teslamobile or the sect of heaped children on them ...
    1. +2
      14 August 2019 07: 03
      And you yourself belong to which sect, dear? lol
    2. -1
      14 August 2019 10: 48
      Quote: RWMos
      Oh author

      Quote: RWMos
      The United States consumes up to 25% of the world's annual minerals, more than 50% of global uranium consumption, about half of the aluminum used, as well as more than a quarter of the extracted oil, natural gas, tin, copper and iron ores. At the same time, the United States does not give back and does not produce the same equivalent, except for dollars.

      This contradiction is simply explained. The US consumes resources not only domestically, but also abroad. So on the territory of China, about 70 thousand large American investment projects are being implemented with a total volume of $ 80 billion. The companies are American, and Chinese products are in RMB. As in Russia, a foreign company produces Mercedes, and Russia's GDP grows. If you follow the logic of the author, then medeses is a derivative of the ruble and not the euro.
      1. +1
        14 August 2019 15: 40
        So about "investment projects in China" - they also consume in China, and not in the United States, otherwise production would also be considered - not in China, but as in the United States. Exactly what the US CONSUMES in the US, but produces in China!
        1. -1
          14 August 2019 21: 16
          Do you think that we produce Mercedes from domestic components? And how do you explain such a huge consumption of US resources, but does not produce anything besides the dollar?
          1. +1
            14 August 2019 21: 22
            Do you think that iPhones being built in China are the production of the USA? But the consumption of these iPhones - yes.
            1. -1
              14 August 2019 21: 25
              Processors are the United States, the operating system of the United States.
              1. -2
                14 August 2019 21: 42
                So that is all. Although the Indians draw the OS ... Everything else is completely China ... And not just iPhones. In fact, the United States does not even produce anything for itself. To close at least their needs.
                Total - we are observing FACT - China will live without the USA, the USA without China will die
                1. -1
                  14 August 2019 21: 51
                  In your Google, are they Indians? The Android belongs to Google .And on the bill will die, this is your subjective opinion.
                  1. 0
                    14 August 2019 22: 23
                    Not even in our opinion, but in the American way, the same Boeing is the Indians. Here are the recent crash caused by the software that the Indians painted. But not the point. Let there be sysyya. Well? Software, the main one is the OS and the processor. China knows how to produce processors and the axis already has its own. Does the USA know how to make mobile phones? No.
                    1. -1
                      15 August 2019 03: 46
                      Quote: RWMos
                      China knows how to produce processors and OS already has its own
                      And production lines, licenses, technical process, i.e. all that is the United States ’intellectual property, have the Chinese themselves come up with?
                      Quote: RWMos
                      Axis already has its own
                      Is that what? Which is open source Google Android? Oh well.
                      1. +1
                        15 August 2019 04: 12
                        China has long been producing even its own processors, which is why the current hysteria of mattresses is related to Huawei. And they are put on TOP MODELS. But Apple not so long ago announced the termination of assembly of the last product of his office in the United States. That is macbooks. ALL! There is nothing. that could not - and would not produce - China. And there is everything. except for commercials, that the USA is stupidly unable to do without China. Their intellectual property remained on ancient, inferior to Chinese, products. With which I congratulate you and them.
                        As for the OS - one thing. that it is 60% faster than Android - the android is already sending it to the dump, not to mention that. that the development of Android, and even more its support, is largely an achievement of China, and penguins alone will not pull it, as they have not pulled all other production that has left the country for a long time.
                2. +1
                  15 August 2019 11: 26
                  Quote: RWMos
                  Everything else is completely China ...

                  I will quote my last year’s comment:
                  About the iPhone, which is "all Chinese" (and, I think, not only on it), this is the situation:
                  Audio path (chip) and codec: Cirrus Logic in the USA (outsourcing).
                  Radio module: Qualcomm in the USA (outsourcing).
                  Battery: Samsung in South Korea, Huizhou Desay Battery in China.
                  Cameras: Sony in Japan, OmniVision from the United States produces the FaceTime front-facing camera chip, however, the Taiwanese company TMSC is the subcontractor for its manufacture.
                  Chipsets and processors: Samsung in South Korea and TSMC in Taiwan. Together with a partner company GlobalFoundries, located in the United States.
                  Controller chips: PMC Sierra and Broadcom Corp in the USA (outsourcing).
                  Screen: Japan Display and Sharp in Japan, LG Display in South Korea.
                  Random Access Memory (DRAM): TSMC in Taiwan. SK Hynix in South Korea.
                  Electronic compass: Alps Electric in Japan.
                  Fingerprint Scanner: Authentec collects it in China, but the production is located in Taiwan.
                  Built-in memory: Toshiba in Japan and Samsung in South Korea.
                  Gyroscope: STMicroelectronics in France and Italy.
                  Induction coil (audio): TDK in Japan.
                  Main skid assembly: Foxconn and Pegatron in China.
                  Mixed Signal Processing Chips (e.g. NFC): NXP in the Netherlands.
                  Plastic case and other parts (for iPhone 5c): Hi-P and Green Point in Singapore.
                  Radio Frequency Modules: Win Semiconductors (Avago and RF Micro Devices Module Manufacturers) in Taiwan. Avago technologies and TriQuint Semiconductor in the USA. Qualcomm in the US for the LTE module.
                  Protective glass for display: Corning Gorilla Glass in the USA. GT Advanced Technologies produces sapphire crystals for screens.
                  Semiconductors: Texas Instruments, Fairchild, and Maxim Integrated in the USA.
                  Touch ID Scanner: TSMC and Xintec in Taiwan.
                  Touch screen controller: Broadcom in the USA (outsourcing).
                  Transmitting and amplifying modules: Skyworks and Qorvo in the USA (outsourcing).
  3. +7
    14 August 2019 05: 35
    Who used to get up and slippers. Or, in another way, who earlier began building schools, developing law, industry, and shortened religious obscurantism, built self-sufficient statehood. And everything else is an application for slippers.
    1. +5
      14 August 2019 05: 39
      Then you described the Arab world. On a par with Turkey. It was all there. And while Europe waved slightly flattened crowbars of fig iron, and the Arabs were metallurgy. developed medicine, navigation, science - the same astronomy, for example with physics, for example optical instruments ... And with obscurantism there were no pogroms and Inquisition in occupied Spain until its Europeans reconquered - and obscurantism began
      1. +3
        14 August 2019 06: 47
        What the Arabs had was exclusively applied science.

        The industrial revolution began in England, the scientific development in the West.
        Newtons and other Maxwells with the Faraday.
        1. +9
          14 August 2019 06: 57
          The industrial revolution needs huge resources, the resources were provided by the centuries-old robbery of India, the slave trade, drug trafficking, piracy and other exploits of civilizers. So at whose expense the banquet is understandable in principle
          1. +3
            14 August 2019 15: 50
            According to this logic, the industrial revolution was to happen in Spain / Portugal. And the same America should be at the baseboard level.

            But it happened in England.
            Colonies are not related to the invention of a steam engine or sewing machine.
            Resources alone are worthless.
            The industrial revolution is, above all, a new format of production.
            This was not the case in any Arabia.
        2. -1
          14 August 2019 15: 43
          Fundamental science was best developed in the USSR, for the West from time immemorial only applied science is characteristic. The clearest example of psychiatry in the United States is practically undeveloped. It is not a monetary science - you can't get money from incompetent money. But psychotherapists (do you want to talk about it? (C) - at least salt it. Because as money. From hysterical "stars" and office moths. And psychiatry has been at zero
          1. +1
            14 August 2019 22: 03
            Quote: RWMos
            Fundamental science was best developed in the USSR,

            also not always, only when the USSR got fat in full (Brezhnev time).
            1. +2
              14 August 2019 22: 15
              Heh. And Mendeleev and Vernadsky - what are these years? Vavilov, In the USSR specifically - nuclear physics. Applied - this is Oppenheimer, but the Kurcha-atov ... Landsberg, Joffe, Kapitsa ?! Cherenkov? Landau? All lit mainly to Brezhnev ...
              1. +1
                14 August 2019 22: 45
                Quote: RWMos

                Well, who won the theoretician Vavilov or practitioner Lysenko?
                Quote: RWMos
                Fundamental science was best developed in the USSR,

                Excuse me, Mendeleev (January 27 [February 8] 1834, Tobolsk - January 20 [February 2] 1907, St. Petersburg) and the USSR? Vernadsky has more than half in the same place (5 awards from the Republic of Ingushetia against 2 + diploma from the USSR, and the USSR awards for practice) and again recognition for the practice:
                from 1922 to 1926 - the unsuccessful search for a radioactive substance, in 1915-1930 - chairman of the Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces of Russia, was one of the founders of the GOELRO plan, "Radium Project" from 1910-1940.
                Biogeochemistry - here Vernadsky proved himself as a theorist. In addition to practice.
                Quote: RWMos
                Kurcha-atov ... Landsberg, Joffe, Kapitsa ?! Cherenkov? Landau?

                But how, if their lighters were not justified by survival. What do you think of Stalin interested in their theory or the presence of an atomic bomb (practice)? And the Stalin project, which was clearly far from theory, was in charge of the Kurchatov project, but in practice.
      2. -1
        15 August 2019 05: 06
        Arabs have many prominent scientists. Almost all Nobel laureates are Arabs. Syrian scholars are among the most celebrated. But religious obscurantism is not there. Turks and Arabs live in secular states and they are mostly atheists
    2. +6
      14 August 2019 05: 54
      Rudyard Kipling, singer of British imperialism:

      Hardly gone
      We are from those who trampled
      Heel glacial hills.
      The one who wore the best bow -
      Enslaved all others,
      Just like we are today.
      The one who is the first of their kind
      Mammoth killed on the ice,
      He became the owner of animal trails.
      He stole someone else's shuttle,
      He ate someone else's garlic,
      Died - and the best coffin grazed.
      And when some guest
      He carved bone -
      He stole that bone from a guest,
      Gave it to the Viceroy,
      And the king said, "Praise!"
      There was already such a law.
      As with us - everything is sewn and covered,
      Crooks and favorites
      They ate from the official trough.
      And the secret that was closed
      At the foot of the pyramids
      It consists only in that
      What a contractor though he
      He respected the law very much,
      Lightened Cheops for a million.
      And Joseph was also
      A rogue as much as possible.
      In vain, well, did he know the food?
      So all that I sing
      To you about my India,
      For a thousand years, no one has been surprised
      So man is made.
      Now, forever and ever
      Theft reigns over the world.
  4. +7
    14 August 2019 05: 48
    Quote: rocket757
    We live in an artificial habitat !!!
    Shamelessly big difference in the price of a loaf of bread and a beaker of spirits, comes back to humanity in the end !!!

    Well, as it should be. Or not ? A luxury item that is very easy to dispense with is more expensive than a vital loaf of bread. Or was the thought more global?
    1. 0
      14 August 2019 07: 05
      Quote: Self
      Or was the thought more global?

      Not for luxury items ..... although, as some say, spirits came up with the idea of ​​hiding the stench of an unwashed body (a controversial, but biting statement)!
      How much rubbish is obtained, pollutes nature, in the production of the same perfumes !!! There is a demand for them, but there is no way without bread! However, polluting the earth, we destroy the environment in which we live and which feeds us all! The question of prudence and a reasonable balance .... when bread cannot grow, it will not work to eat spirits !!!
  5. +4
    14 August 2019 05: 51
    "replaced by a" market system "for which the official Russia is still almost ready to pray.", historically, there was never a market in Russia, but there was a bazaar and a flea market. The "market system" is a Western myth, a purely idealized system, like communism, not bad in theory, but divorced from the realities that do not take into account human properties, like greed (and other violations of the commandments) and everything connected with it.
  6. +4
    14 August 2019 05: 56
    Allegedly more qualified Western cadres are nothing more than a bluff; in the production of something real, they are slightly better than others
    Nonsense. Compare a Mercedes made in Germany or another country in the world, a diamond cut in Israel or China, shoes sewn in Italy or Bangladesh, etc.
    1. +2
      14 August 2019 06: 43
      Too categorically. The difference in quality is due to technological backwardness. Obviously, developed countries will oppose the technological development of backward countries, and by any means possible. This is essentially the same war. The Americans got lost on the huwei, how dare they possess the technology.
    2. +4
      14 August 2019 07: 15
      Price difference. For the same price, the Chinese will sew shoes worse than Italian. Here is a high-tech sphere, yes. Well, Americans outbid any invention for their candy wrappers. They do not have to produce. Live on the percentage of licenses. Vicious circle. I don’t have dough because they live well there. The inventor cannot and does not sell production. They trust their pieces of paper and they print more, and again they buy fools from us
      1. +5
        14 August 2019 07: 20
        For the same price, the Chinese will not buy either the traditions or the qualifications of Italian shoemakers. And the Americans have more than enough of their high-tech patents. And here the inventor organize production doesn't wantbecause they wring out.
        1. +1
          14 August 2019 07: 31
          This is precisely what this is about. All these traditions are PR. We are brought up on this culture. We are constantly told that Italian shoes are a masterpiece. I don’t argue, I like it myself. But if we rub 100 years about Chinese quality, then there will be Chinese qualifications and traditions. Everything will appear.
          1. +2
            14 August 2019 07: 37
            Traditions are not PR. I like Italian and English shoes. Because it’s beautiful and comfortable. Not all brands, by the way. Prada and Honors are not the last of all models. The rest is dachshund. The Gucci - crosses bought in Frankfurt am Main - comfortable, but a year later they looked like black fecalodavs with a red-green stripe, the macasses are also tough. English Barkers are not the most expensive, but comfortable and beautiful. The Chinese - if they promote the brand for a hundred years - are likely to roll.
            1. +3
              14 August 2019 07: 46
              this is a futile argument. I like to walk barefoot. How many people have so many opinions. It is about imposing a way of thinking. Who has more resources, he imposes his own. Again it imposes that in which it has a technological advantage. It was and it will be. It is foolish not to take advantage.
            2. +2
              14 August 2019 07: 56
              By the way, I do not think that you would just as well wear Italian shoes sewn about 50 years ago, despite traditions and qualifications. Technology defines everything.
              1. 0
                14 August 2019 07: 58
                I do not know. English would be worn for sure))
                1. +1
                  14 August 2019 08: 06
                  it all depends on the size of the wallet and 100 years ago there were beautiful shoes, but it was a piece of goods and was fabulously expensive. Technology erases this line. Possession of technology gives an advantage and no one will voluntarily give up on this.
                  1. +1
                    14 August 2019 08: 07
                    100 years ago they were sewn on the leg, mainly
                    1. +1
                      14 August 2019 08: 08
                      wait a bit, shoes will adapt to the foot)))
                      and the most fun will be if this technology does not appear in countries
                      with recognized brands
                      1. 0
                        14 August 2019 08: 14
                        Quite possible
                      2. 0
                        14 August 2019 09: 15
                        Quote: Dogmatic
                        wait a bit, shoes will adapt to the foot)))

                        Or a foot adapting to shoes.

                        Already the product is not made for the consumer, but the consumer for the product.

                        By the way, have you watched the "children's" cartoon WAL.E? This suggests an analogy with a "children's" book - "Dunno on the Moon". Programming into children's consciousness for stereotypes - "How to live".
  7. +1
    14 August 2019 05: 58
    And what does the author suggest? All take and share? Don’t be afraid after 200 years, White will die out and everything will be fair as in the 15th century
    1. -1
      14 August 2019 06: 21
      The author does not offer anything - he envy fiercely! This is on the one hand. On the other hand, in the modern world, the main thing is not natural wealth and territory, but intellectual resources. Any. Intellectual, engineering, financial, managerial.
      1. +2
        14 August 2019 10: 55
        Book of Nobel laureate and American scientist Noam Chomsky "How the World Works". Just a quote:

        "The SNB-68 memorandum is the position of the supporters of the hard line taken to an extreme. It must be remembered that this policy was not mere theorizing: many of its aspects were carried out in practice. Now let's move on to the opposite edge - to the" doves. " no doubt George Kennan, who headed the State Department's planners until 1950, when he was succeeded by P. Nitze, and Kennan's department was in charge of Gehlen's spy network.
        Kennan was one of the most intelligent and sober American planners, the largest figure that defined the face of the post-war world. What he wrote is an extremely interesting illustration of the “pigeon” position. Those wishing to understand their country should not go past "Research on Policy Planning No. 23" (IPP-23) compiled by Kennan for the State Department planners in 1948. Here is what it said in particular:

        “We have 50 percent of the world's wealth, but only 6,3 percent of the population ... In this situation, we inevitably turn into an object of envy and indignation. Our true task in the coming period is to develop such a system of relations that will allow us to maintain this inequality ... For this, we will have to give up all sentimentality and fantasies; our attention everywhere should be focused on our immediate national tasks ... We need to stop talking about vague and ... unrealistic goals, such as human rights, improving living standards, democratization. The day is not far off when we have to resort to brute force. The less ideological slogans will bother us at such a moment, the better. ”

        IPP-23 was, of course, a strictly classified document. To appease the public, it was necessary to proclaim “ideological slogans” (as they continue to do to this day), but here the planners spoke to each other.

        Kennan also reasoned at a briefing for US ambassadors to Latin America in 1950, noting that the main concern of US foreign policy should be "protecting our (that is, Latin American) commodity market." To do this, we must fight the dangerous heresy spreading, as American intelligence reports, in Latin America, "that the government is unconditionally responsible for the welfare of the people."

        American planners call this idea "communism," no matter what the true views of the people pushing it. Even if it is a mutual aid group of church parishioners, they are communists if they adhere to such heresy.

        The same views are upheld in open access documents. For example, in 1955, a high-level working group reported that main threat posed by communist states (such is the practical meaning of the term "communism"), lies in their refusal to play an official role, that is, "complement the industrial economies of the West"."
  8. +5
    14 August 2019 06: 08
    [quote] [quote] Parasitize on other people's resources, including Russian gas ... [/ quote] [quote]
    Well, we (Russia), with great pleasure, drive this gas, constantly trying to increase its volume. What, otherwise we can’t live?
    [quote] They either consumed their resources, or they are saving their forces for a rainy day, like the United States own oil. [/ quote]
    A time may come when we (our descendants) will sing:
    ("Oh mom, mom, what are we gonna do
    When will the winter cold come?
    You don’t have a warm handkerchief,
    I don’t have a winter coat! ”)

    Probably worth considering?
    1. +2
      14 August 2019 08: 09
      Well, we (Russia), with great pleasure, drive this gas, constantly trying to increase its volume. What, otherwise we can’t live?
      ... If the Germans will buy American gas, the cost of German products will rise in price, and not all Russians will be able to buy it. But on Russian gas, German goods will either become cheaper or keep the price tighter, and as they say more German goods to Russia, good and different, otherwise it’s impossible ... laughing
    2. 0
      15 August 2019 11: 35
      Quote: AlexVas44
      we drive this gas, constantly trying to increase its volumes. What, otherwise we can’t live?

      Here! I, too, about this. What will we tell our grandchildren when they ask why gas and oil ran out in the country ...
  9. -2
    14 August 2019 06: 13
    if such texts are written, and they are believed, then our country deserves what happens to it fool
    1. +2
      14 August 2019 07: 17
      Are developed countries not parasites?
      1. +1
        14 August 2019 07: 19
        how does canada parasite?
        1. -3
          14 August 2019 07: 22
          Never interested in Canada. I mean the United States and England
          1. +2
            14 August 2019 07: 23
            well, the question is, what do they parasitize on since Canada does not fall under your judgment?
            1. +1
              14 August 2019 09: 06
              . The structure of the US economy is characterized by pronounced post-industrialism. Most of the US GDP (79,4% in 2004) is created in service industries, which primarily include education, healthcare, science, finance, trade, various professional and personal services, transportation and communications, and government agencies. The share of material production (agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and manufacturing, construction), thus, remains 20,6% of GDP. About 0,9% of GDP is generated in agriculture, and industry produces less than 20% of GDP

              . The leading sector of the British economy is the service sector (3/4 of GDP). The leading position in it is occupied by its financial component (27,7% of GDP), which determines the country's specialization in the system of international economic relations. Britain carries out 10% of the world export of services - banking, insurance, brokerage, advisory, as well as in the field of computer programming.

              Trade air
        2. 0
          14 August 2019 09: 41
          Quote: Vasily Ponomarev
          how does canada parasite?

          Interest Ask.
          For 2017. Canada's trade balance is positive. $ 377 billion export. Imports $ 326 billion. However, if we take away - Crude oil ($ 54,1 billion), Oil products ($ 11,5 billion), Oil gas ($ 10,2 billion), then the balance becomes negative. If the balance of trade is a way of determining who is a parasite and who is not, then it is necessary to put Canada in the category of "semi-parasites".
          But to be honest - I think that Canada is a kind of reserve for the UK and the USA.
          1. +3
            14 August 2019 11: 25
            and if Russia removes oil exports? Yes, and where does it? Why did you remove the export of gas and raw materials?
            1. 0
              14 August 2019 11: 33
              Quote: Vasily Ponomarev
              and if Russia removes oil exports? Yes, and where does it?

              Just arguing over the question - is Canada a parasite? How to distinguish a parasite from a donor? The working version - who exports more - is the one and the donor. In Canada, however, the situation does not answer, or rather does not fit into such a simplified theory.
            2. +1
              14 August 2019 13: 43
              Russia has been taking oil for a long time already ..
              Everything is aimed primarily at the "foreign" .. because the price is better there .. And at any meager cost, selling inside the country is not profitable .. and what they sell - the state then compensates the companies for the "lost profit" ..
              Of course, compensation comes again from our pockets .. in the end, we still pay the same price as in Europe .. At the same time, no one compensates people for salaries up to the European level .. We live at completely different rates and incomes, differing by orders .. while the prices are trying to focus on European .. The eternal "yes, look how much electricity / gas / water / further down the list in Europe" ..
              This is where the difference comes from !!
              Well, even a child should understand that if it arrived somewhere ... it’s only because it has disappeared somewhere .. The mountains of gold themselves are not born .. they are produced ..
              And everyone understands that the average Canadian / American / European does not work with 18 hands .. they work the same way as in the whole world ..

              However .. if after reading the whole article you do not understand anything .. it is unlikely that my words will change anything ..
        3. -4
          14 August 2019 13: 34
          Read the article more carefully to understand how two people work the same way, but one consumes 10 times more resources than the second ..
          Connect your head a little when analyzing ..))
          1. 0
            14 August 2019 15: 21
            Quote: Roman070280
            Read the article carefully

            Eto whom?
            1. 0
              15 August 2019 12: 48
              To whom I answered - he knows to whom ..
      2. 0
        14 August 2019 08: 08
        Quote: igorbrsv
        Are developed countries not parasites?
        There are many developed countries. In addition to the United States and Western Europe, there are for example Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, etc. On whom are they parasitic?
        1. 0
          14 August 2019 10: 01
          . Economists at the Marxist school believe that the bulk of the profits are distributed disproportionately to the cumulative labor invested through the country where the corporation’s board is located, including through an artificially hypertrophied share based on property rights to licenses and technologies - at the expense and expense of direct producers of goods and of services

          About countries with a post-industrial economy. I am not a financier and not an economist to correctly substantiate my opinion. For me, a parasite is any person or country whose income significantly exceeds the effort put into it. If people make the same effort, but their wealth is different, then one parasitizes on the other. If somewhere has arrived, then somewhere has disappeared. At the same time, I perceive songs about the qualification of labor as an excuse for exploiting one person by another. Example, I and the cleaning lady have different salaries. The qualifications are different, the applied labor is the same. Can I do without a cleaning lady (or she without me) - no. Why should she get less? Due to education? I am against such a system. I already get gesheft from education. For example, I sit on a chair while she rinses it in cold water. Plus, I can become a cleaner, but she isn’t me. So it’s easier for me to find a job. Are these advantages from qualifications not enough?
          In general, parasites no matter how you call it. Symbiosis from them is so-so, they still harm.
          And this despite the fact that I, too, have more than one parasite. Poor cleaning lady crying
  10. +7
    14 August 2019 06: 17
    Actually, nothing has changed, more than a hundred years ago, under the tsar-empire, Russia was filling up Europe with cheap grain, with starvation inside her country, then everyone was dragging abroad to shock the world community by throwing money.
    1. +6
      14 August 2019 06: 44
      Here is a little different. At all times, no matter how shitty our elites were, they remained ours. And now there is a unique situation when the whole elite in the Russian Federation simply bucks money, and keeps families away from the feeding trough. A kind of voluntary intervention.
      1. +7
        14 August 2019 07: 06
        Quote: Mastrer
        while the family keeps away from the feeder
        They remember that during the Revolution many nobles fled the country almost bare-backed and were left without means of subsistence in all kinds of Europe. It’s another matter now, when it’s worth it, everyone has alternate aerodromes.
      2. -1
        14 August 2019 09: 18
        Quote: Mastrer
        they remained ours.

        Is it?

        Those. Is "Westernism" a myth?
  11. -2
    14 August 2019 06: 30
    Take and share
  12. +4
    14 August 2019 06: 42
    Demand creates supply.

    If the average American consumed 4 times less, the average Chinese would receive 4 times lower wages.

    It is not the US that makes money in other countries.
    And other countries, especially China, earn in the rich American market.

    To make money, goods must be sent to the markets where they will be bought.

    Developing countries are not able to consume the amount of goods that they themselves produce.
    Without rich markets where you can sell your goods, there will be no global economy.
    1. +2
      14 August 2019 11: 28
      Quote: maden.usmanow
      If the average American consumed 4 times less, the average Chinese would receive 4 times lower wages.

      The average Chinese would get the same amount, because lower living standards in the US would automatically raise living standards in "underdeveloped" countries.

      Quote: maden.usmanow
      It is not the US that makes money in other countries.

      The word "earn" is as inappropriate here as in the "earning" of banks on loans.
      Earning means the work being done, and not banal parasitism.

      Quote: maden.usmanow
      Developing countries are not able to consume the amount of goods that they themselves produce.

      The point is that there is a robbery. If it were not for the artificial redistribution in favor of the "developed" countries, the standard of living in the developed countries would be much higher than it is now. And in the "developed" - lower than now.
      1. +1
        14 August 2019 22: 11
        Quote: Perun's grandson
        because a decline in the standard of living in the United States would automatically raise the standard of living in "underdeveloped" countries.

        I wonder how if demand in the US fell, there would be nothing to sell to underdeveloped countries in the USA.
        1. 0
          15 August 2019 00: 02
          Everything is very simple: as soon as Russia stopped buying treasuries and investing its money in the US economy, our living standards immediately improved slightly, but in the states there was another shutdown due to an increase in public debt.
    2. +1
      14 August 2019 12: 36
      the law of conservation of dough says: if xde has gone, then xde will arrive. May the loot come with you.
    3. 0
      14 August 2019 13: 49
      China earn in the rich American market.

      Without rich markets where you can sell your goods, there will be no global economy.

      Chicken or egg ..))
      The article speaks precisely of what hangover the American market has become rich with ..
      No need to look for excuses for this, replacing the basics ..
      There is a single population of the Earth .. where some consume resources orders of magnitude more than others ..

      Without rich markets, there will be no economy .. and without rich oligarchs, too, this cycle of money will not exist, yes ??)
      We survived, damn it ..
  13. +2
    14 August 2019 07: 08
    Sobsno who prevented the southern peoples, who are in more comfortable conditions with a warm climate, from developing in ancient times and building civilizations, rather than sitting with a banana on a palm branch and waiting until a wise barbarian comes from the north and enslaves them?
    1. +3
      14 August 2019 09: 23
      Quote: Greenwood
      Sobsno who prevented the southern peoples, who are in more comfortable conditions with a warm climate, from developing in ancient times and building civilizations, rather than sitting with a banana on a palm branch and waiting

      Mesopotamia, Egypt (ancient), Greece (ancient), Rome - they look at you with some surprise.
    2. +2
      14 August 2019 11: 59
      probably the northern barbarians also interfered by carving out the population from the time of the Portuguese and buying up slaves from local kings
    3. 0
      15 August 2019 11: 45
      Quote: Greenwood
      build civilizations, not sit with a banana

      Remember the old joke?
      A Negro under a palm tree in his homeland lies younger. A businessman from Europe passes by. - Here you are a black man, lying idle, but you could climb a palm tree, pick up bananas. Go to the market and sell. - What for? - Well, why? With the money from the sold, you buy a trolley and you get a lot more! - What for? “Yes, you can already buy a truck from a sold one and carry large volumes, then you will hire workers, and you will lie and do nothing!” - And I already lie and don’t do anything!
  14. +3
    14 August 2019 07: 08
    They either ate their resources or, with all their might, save on a rainy day, like the United States, its oil.

    To go nuts. The United States in the first place has long been in oil production from 12,2 million barrels per day, far ahead of Russia with its 11 million
    That's all analytics
    1. +3
      14 August 2019 07: 18
      and almost the entire history of oil production they were the first, second only to 1980 to 2016
  15. +3
    14 August 2019 08: 01
    D.K. Galbraith convincingly showed that the real power in the modern economy does not belong to those who own capital, but to those who manage these capital
    ...And indeed it is...
  16. +2
    14 August 2019 08: 07
    AND? Post-industrialism, what do you want? Enrichment and consumption are the two foundations of the modern world order.
  17. BAI
    14 August 2019 09: 14
    By July 26, humanity had consumed the entire amount of renewable Earth resources for the year. Since July 27 - we are eating up the resources of future generations. How long will they last?
  18. +1
    14 August 2019 09: 20
    My friend worked in the merchant fleet, he said that only whites work in Africa. The author read Galbraith well, but missed Max Weber.

    Let him do an analysis on the same topic, based on "Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism."
    1. 0
      14 August 2019 10: 48
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      Let him do an analysis on the same topic, based on "Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism."

      Marco Semov has interesting discussions on this topic (And for America, Kato for America [Patis]. - Sofia: P.K. Yavorov, 1991, 312 pp.). Interestingly, however, in almost 30 years, has the Protestant ethic changed? In the US, I mean. And are there only enough Protestants to feed the West?
      1. +2
        14 August 2019 11: 26
        Interestingly, however, over almost 30 years, has the Protestant ethic changed? In the US, I mean.

        I suppose that the idea of ​​working endlessly (hard work) and not using wealth (living modestly) remains at the basic level of work ethics. But I'm much more interested in how Protestant ethics get along with neoliberal power. There must be inconsistencies here. In short - "clean" Cromwell must be turning in a coffin. Yes, and Jefferson too ... if you read the "socialist" features, even at a time when socialism was never heard, and the idea of ​​"justice" without aristocracy and banks was at the heart of modern America. And we arrived at the wrong place ...
        1. +2
          14 August 2019 12: 04
          Quote: Keyser Soze
          I suppose that the idea of ​​working without end (hard work) and not using wealth (living modestly) remains at the basic level of labor ethics. But I'm much more interested how Protestant ethics get along with neoliberal power. There should be inconsistencies.

          "Spiritual Quest in the Consecration of Work: An American Protestant Work Ethic"

          "Protestantism turned the monastery into an ideal of social order, where man’s main virtue is his ability to work selflessly and selflessly, where in the name of labor, as a form of service to God, a person must abandon many sinful desires. Continuous self-improvement is an essential quality of spiritual growth, and asceticism is the most worthy form of life.

          The city of Geneva, a rampant trading city, Calvin turned into a huge monastery, living the highest religious goal of creating wealth. Economic activity has been highlighted in a special area of ​​life, in which moral law, concern for one's neighbor, ceased to be an absolute. The virtue of each member of the community was evaluated through work, by the fact that he created.

          "Luther and Calvin psychologically prepared man for the role he plays in today's society." Erich Fromm. "

          “Labor in the USA is the soul of the people. "The American serves his business with the passion with which the crusaders sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the Holy Land." Englishman Francis Grund, 1843.
    2. +1
      14 August 2019 11: 42
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      ... only whites work in Africa ...

      I doubt that, for example, the African miners are white.
      Specialists - yes, almost all are white. Because if a Negro does not have a rich dad from the local elite, then with all his will he will not have the means to learn to become a specialist.
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. +8
    14 August 2019 10: 58
    In fact, a long time ago, one English king formulated the golden rule of managing and manipulating people. He said something like the following: "A free man is evil for the state. A free man is a man fully relying on his own resources, that is, independent of the state and those around him. The task of the state is to make all people dependent and therefore manageable. This is achieved by If a person is obliged to pay a tax that will be knocked out of him or will be given to forced labor for non-payment, he will have to look for any source of income, agreeing to any conditions, that is, his will will be suppressed to please earning money, which means it will become manageable. And all those who do not pay taxes - all beggars, beggars and vagabonds must be executed, and executed immediately. " wink
    1. 0
      14 August 2019 11: 56
      so this is in English hi
  21. 0
    14 August 2019 11: 30
    Well then, with the help of various manipulations on the external circuit, it is necessary to wind up the price of oil and other raw materials, which forms the basis of our exports. Plus manipulations in other financial markets - foreign exchange first of all. Thus, redistribute capital to your advantage. As they say wedge kick out a wedge.
    1. 0
      14 August 2019 12: 10
      Quote: Klim Chugunkin
      Well then, with the help of various manipulations on the external circuit, it is necessary to wind up the price of oil and other raw materials, which forms the basis of our exports.

      Do not wind up, but make it profitable, i.e. such that the extractive industry develops normally. And at the same time they will close up something for those who are not engaged in oil and gas production.
      Or do you think that now the price is not the result of manipulation?
      1. 0
        14 August 2019 15: 05
        At the moment, the price is already profitable. I am talking about getting EXTRA PROFITS through an active foreign policy. The proceeds can be distributed as you like - something to the social network, something to the hi-tech industry, something to the financial sector ...
  22. 0
    14 August 2019 11: 39
    but, in many developed countries, IVF standards are the most stringent, at least officially !!!
    The norms began to tighten, when it became impossible to breathe or drink water
    1. -1
      14 August 2019 12: 15
      Quote: tihonmarine
      The norms began to tighten, when it became impossible to breathe or drink water

      Or when everyone moved to China?
  23. 0
    14 August 2019 11: 55
    Quote: Greenwood
    And you yourself belong to which sect, dear? lol

    most likely not to yours.
  24. 0
    14 August 2019 12: 12
    The developed countries. Developed at whose expense?

    It depends on which countries. Russia is definitely one of the most developed countries in the world. And we have developed over the centuries exclusively for the retirement of our forces and means, without exhausting resources from less developed territories. On the contrary, while occupying any lands, the Russians made every effort to raise the standard of living of the annexed or (which also often happened) conquered peoples.
  25. -1
    14 August 2019 13: 22
    What a mature article ..
    I am glad that people are not yet zombified, and are capable of real analytics of what is happening ..
    I always believed (and will continue to believe) that only socialism has a future .. everything else is utopian in nature ..
    And how symbolic against this background is the neighboring article entitled "Return to the USSR. No turning back?"
    1. 0
      17 August 2019 16: 39
      This article does not reach the analysis, although there is a weak one, but there is no forecast and suggestions for solving the problem.
      1. -2
        19 August 2019 08: 52
        Analysis and search for solutions are several different things ..
        But just the same answer to the question itself from the title is given in full and clear ..
  26. +1
    14 August 2019 15: 56
    I really liked the article, right here in unison with my thoughts ...
  27. 0
    14 August 2019 22: 53
    So what? What is the difference in what way is achieved, in the era of globalization, leadership and a high standard of living of the country's population?

    I, as a layman, do not care - I want to live well in my country, the rest does not concern me much, and even more so the interests of the former colonies.

    Nothing personal, the fittest survives.
  28. 0
    15 August 2019 01: 27
    And this is called analytics?

    Not a word about petrochemistry (and chemical industry) in the USA. They turn out to burn oil. Then we open and look that in the electric generation the share of coal is 44%, the share of oil is 0.9%. As of 2015, the United States imported approximately 39% of total oil consumption and 61% produced independently. Electrical equipment for their energy industry - with their own hands and cars. States do not buy food, there is nowhere to put it. And so on..

    What’s the rest of us? A powerful industrial power (4 with an extra billion kW * hours), which largely sits on its raw material base (in some industries - on 100%) and fuel and energy. Which covers the vast majority of domestic needs with their labor and at the expense of their means of production. Yes, and manages to sell the surplus. And in some places it uses the English model of industrial development (we import raw materials, process it with our labor and machines, resell it to suppliers of raw materials, we buy even more raw materials for value added). For export - electrical equipment, finished metal products, metal, food, computers and electronic products, chemicals, transportation equipment, cars, mineral fuels, including oil, transport, aircraft and spacecraft, optical, technical and medical devices, pearls, precious stones, precious metals and coins, plastics and so on ..

    Well, somehow the ghoul and parasite that turned out in the VO dossier do not work out ..

    And yes, there is Venezuela next door. A million children live on fertile land and want to eat. The States are to blame, of course - they didn’t plant potatoes, they didn’t drive up to weed, and they didn’t bring shovels to dig ..
    1. 0
      15 August 2019 13: 02
      What’s the rest of us? The most powerful industrial power

      You look from the wrong side ..

      Let's try with a simple example ..
      Instead of "the most powerful industrial power", let's substitute the notorious oligarch .. He has money .. he has land, he has a bunch of different industries .. communications and a resource base ..
      And there are others .. like you .. Who, although they plow from morning till night at the plant of this oligarch, but, of course, do not get anything in the end .. but they do not weakly increase and increase the state of their oligarch .. For this state, the oligarch times and has "money, land, production, communications and resource base"

      A ghoul and a parasite were looming in our country ..

      Well, the fact that this ghoul (precisely because of its parasitism) has the status of a "powerful industrialist" .. does not make him less of a ghoul ..
      And he certainly does not make vampires all those who work for him, and processes them ..

      Threat .. Although the ghoul himself, of course, thinks that it is he who works .. gives jobs, salaries to employees, etc. .. and the rest should be grateful to him for the doshirak, and work hard on a new yacht ..
      There is even a great example of this "judgment" above:
      It is not the US that makes money in other countries.
      And other countries, especially China, earn in the rich American market.

      Without rich markets where you can sell your goods, there will be no global economy.
    2. 0
      15 August 2019 15: 16
      Quote: Smirnov Mikhail
      What’s the rest of us? The most powerful industrial power

      It turns out you're right. Found an article that confirms your words
  29. 0
    18 August 2019 10: 38
    We are looking forward to the product = continuation from the author of this interesting analytical article