In Russia, developed projects of heavy ekranoplanes to fight fires

In Russia, there are already developed projects of heavy ekranoplanes that could effectively deal with forest and other major fires. This was announced by the general designer of the Central Design Bureau for hydrofoil ships to them. R. E. Alekseeva George Antsev.

In Russia, developed projects of heavy ekranoplanes to fight fires

unfinished ekranoplan "Rescuer" (C-33) of the project 09037 photo 2016 of the year

According to Antsev, currently there are several proposals for the construction of ekranoplanes of the Rescuer series, which could be used to extinguish large forest and other fires. The advantage of such an aircraft is its ability to take on board up to 200 tons of water, while the IL-76 raises only 40 tons. In terms of the amount of water discharged, one “Salvator” flight will be equal to five sorties of the Il-76 or 17 - Be-200 amphibious aircraft.

If we talk about fires, we have serious work on the development of the ekranoplan "Rescuer", where we go to tonnages from 500 to 700 tons. We have a series of proposals for the construction of ekranoplanes, where you can already talk about the tasks of fire fighting

- he said.

Antsev also explained that using an ekranoplane as a fire extinguishing means saves time - he is able to draw water directly from rivers and lakes, and not to pump from fire engines at airfields. In addition, the ekranoplan is unpretentious to places of temporary parking, it can be based directly on the water or go ashore with a slight slope.

At the same time, he emphasized that the ekranoplans will not become a panacea for extinguishing fires, but they can become an effective tool for localizing large foci of fires.
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  1. +10
    9 August 2019 11: 07
    What is the terrain? Is it too dangerous to use such equipment in smoke conditions?
    After all, even planes, sometimes, fight on the slopes, and they fly higher.
    1. +20
      9 August 2019 11: 24
      Depends on the design. There are clean ekranoplanes, and there are ekranopletes that can go above the screen. Here, most likely, this is an ekranolet, the screen effect over a burning forest will be extremely doubtful.
      Well, or is it generally a PR of pure water and Aleksey residents simply decided to remind themselves against the background of a fire hype request
      1. +6
        9 August 2019 11: 32
        Quote: MooH
        There are clean ekranoplanes, and there are ekranopleta,

        The ekranolet is VVA-14, and the Rescuer is a pure ekranoplan.
        1. +3
          9 August 2019 11: 42
          Exactly. They even cut off the "wings" of the moon (see photo) so that it would not fly high. In fact, it became a high-speed yacht and a hospital in one bottle. In order for him to be able to extinguish something, he needs to become an airplane, no more, no less.
          1. 0
            9 August 2019 11: 50
            Quote: g1washntwn

            For the sake of truthfulness, I want to note that the VVA-14 was originally conceived as an airplane with inflatable floats and tormented him for a long time, then they tried to remake it into an ekranolet, but to no avail which completely destroyed the car.
            1. 0
              9 August 2019 22: 59
              VVA-14, originally, was conceived by R.L. Bartini as a vertical take-off amphibian. Due to the lack of engines, it was converted to a 14M1P ekranolet ... Catching up in Monino ...
              1. +2
                9 August 2019 23: 04
                Quote: tacon
                Due to the lack of engines redone in ekranolet

                The ekranoleta did not work because the engines located in the tail blew air from under the bottom towards the nose. I did not see a vertical take-off.

                At 1:17:00 you can see how it looked.
                1. 0
                  11 August 2019 12: 16
                  And who says that it turned out ekranolet (ekranoplan)?
                  Be careful when reading comments!
          2. +2
            9 August 2019 23: 17

            The wings are removed and mounted on the body in the transport position.
          3. +1
            10 August 2019 13: 32
            Quote: g1washntwn
            So that he can put out something he needs to become an airplane,

            Not by plane, but by SCREEN.
        2. -1
          9 August 2019 11: 53
          Quote: Gray Brother
          "Rescuer" is a pure ekranoplan.

          we have serious work on development ekranoplan "Rescuer"

          Lifeguard - yes. And what they have in their projects is unknown.
          Quote: g1washntwn
          Exactly. The moon was even clipped "wings" (see photo)

          This unfinished "Rescuer" wings of the finished fire version may differ significantly from what is shown in the photo.
      2. +3
        9 August 2019 11: 46
        In my opinion, this is a very dangerous undertaking, as there was no need to send rescue expeditions in search of these "Rescuers", or rather what was left of them.
        1. -3
          9 August 2019 12: 18
          Quote: Chaldon48
          In my opinion, this is a very dangerous undertaking, as there was no need to send rescue expeditions in search of these "Rescuers", or rather what was left of them.

          "Wolves are afraid not to go to the forest"
      3. +3
        9 August 2019 12: 04
        Quote: MooH
        and Aleksey residents simply decided to remind themselves against the background of a fire hype

        this rescuer stands at the shipyard, on the territory of Krasnoye Sormovo since Shoigu was still the Minister of Emergency Situations ... stands at 80% readiness ... at that time Shoigu refused him (he was imprisoned to save those in distress at sea) ... .there are both morgues and surgery .... now they want to sell it because it is like an anchor for a plant, though Krasnoye Sormovo split into 2 factories ... here it stands on the second .... in 2009 walked around it. ... huge colossus
        1. 0
          10 August 2019 00: 05
          Now it can probably be sold only on metal.
      4. +7
        9 August 2019 12: 31
        There are so many minuses that talking about their use for flying over a burning forest is simply stupid. They can’t be poked for a more usual environment for an ekranoplan, but then put out the forest. The storyteller is this Georgy Antsev.
        1. 0
          11 August 2019 10: 03
          Quote: cormorant
          Storyteller this George Antsev

          Not a storyteller, but an effective manager - he thinks about financing the enterprise entrusted to him and preserving (increasing) jobs.
      5. +1
        9 August 2019 13: 24
        Here I agree. Not even tens of meters for ekranoplanes from the ground and nifig in the smoke of a fire is not visible. Moreover, the very same Il-76 military couple come to extinguish. The second monitors the discharge and adjusts its course.
        And ekroosleta generally controversial machine. It is no longer an ekranoplan, but not an airplane yet.
        Modest IMHO. For our taiga only seaplanes. But, with previously flown rivers and lakes. What would all the navigation pads be.
      6. 0
        9 August 2019 16: 38
        Quote: MooH
        but there are ekranoleta that can go above the screen. Here, probably, we are talking about ekranolet

        So, they hang noodles on our ears ((
        ekranolet can not be more load-bearing aircraft in principle. His wings are not the same, and the structure is heavily weighted relative to the aircraft.
        He will not take cargo more than IL-76 or Be-200.
    2. +3
      9 August 2019 11: 28
      There are two questions to such a bandura: flight altitude and maneuverability. It is necessary to rise already by plane and the Caspian open spaces are far from all rivers.
      1. +6
        9 August 2019 11: 37
        "Oh, how many, we" wonderful projects are prepared by the dough sawers .... " wink
      2. -1
        9 August 2019 11: 49
        Three. The ascending (and descending) air flows are not even OVER the fire, but near it. Him overturn! A big fire is a pipe, in the center - everything is up, it sucks in air on the sides, and unevenly - the distance to the epicenter, relief, afforestation ... Tips over without options!
        1. -1
          9 August 2019 12: 25
          Quote: RWMos
          Overturn without options!

          This is understood by the developers themselves. They need to draw attention to this car. Therefore, they declared the carrying capacity. The goal is to get money on the continuation of work on the topic that was conceived.
      3. 0
        11 August 2019 10: 05
        Quote: g1washntwn
        To such a bandura two questions at once

        The most important question is different - how much will R&D financing, construction, testing, operation, depreciation, etc. cost? It is necessary not to extinguish fires that were utterly impossible, but to increase the number of foresters in the forests.
    3. +4
      9 August 2019 12: 09
      Projects are good. But. This is a means of dealing with disaster. .with consequence .a not with REASON
      Isn't it better to take measures to eliminate the causes of these fires
      -to establish a system of forest management and its savings for Russia.
      1. +4
        9 August 2019 12: 26
        fires in the taiga are inevitable - it is very dry there.
        you just need to debug a multi-stage fire control system.
        It seems to me that within the framework of the Ministry of Emergencies, relying on UAVs and satellites, it is not difficult to create global monitoring.
        only super-concentration of fire extinguishing means in the ministry is utter stupidity.
        70% of the problem can be solved only at the local level - from fire ponds and buckets of sand to organizational structures.
        never will any firefighter solve the problem by itself.
        1. +3
          9 August 2019 12: 30
          Everywhere you need an OWNER! And the sovereign’s eye ..
      2. +1
        9 August 2019 12: 30
        Quote: To be or not to be
        Isn't it better to take measures to eliminate the causes of these fires

        How to eliminate at least these reasons? He took the first thing that came to mind.
        “A thrown cigarette butt, an unpowered bonfire.”
        In the taiga, you can’t put a jailer to every tourist. The ban on visiting the taiga will not work either.
        It is impossible to ban and follow the ban on visiting the taiga.
        - Intentional arson.
        No comments here
      3. 0
        9 August 2019 13: 43
        The "human factor" is of course a crap reason. And the state must fight it.
        But, do you know what a "dry thunderstorm" is? On every hill in Siberia a lightning rod?
        1. 0
          9 August 2019 14: 20
          Quote: Monar
          But, do you know what a "dry thunderstorm" is? On every hill in Siberia a lightning rod?

          So am I about that. Unable to prevent fire.
          I don’t remember where and when they found out that the fragment of bottle glass became the cause of the fire. It worked like a lens, set fire to dry grass and a fire started
      4. +3
        9 August 2019 16: 26
        Reason # 1: citizens like you and me, who wanted to quickly cut down the dough for illegal logging, because to work honestly and pay taxes zapadlo, and then cover up the traces of the taiga.
        I had seen enough of this in the Far East at the time, some are screwed, a month later new ones are drawn.
    4. -1
      12 August 2019 11: 33
      That confused me. The ekranoplan the most optimal destination is a lifeguard in the sea or ocean. We received the SOS signal, only a helicopter or plane is faster than it.
  2. -7
    9 August 2019 11: 07
    In terms of the amount of water discharged, one flight of the Rescuer will be equal to five flights of the Il-76 or 17 - of the Be-200 amphibious aircraft.

    perhaps it’s more efficient not to carry water, but to blow off the flame with engines.
    1. +3
      9 August 2019 11: 09
      Quote: yehat
      and blow the flames out with engines.

      I propose to bomb fires with special power bombs. Nuacho? Oil wells are extinguished by blasting.
      1. +3
        9 August 2019 11: 29
        the wells do not just undermine, but create a ring charge, so that a toroidal cloud (bagel) is obtained, which extinguishes the well. I personally knew the people who created this technology.
        1. 0
          9 August 2019 11: 53
          Quote: yehat
          create a ring charge

          So there is a "fountain", not firewood burning. Trees can be swept to the sides, and the fountain beats continuously.
        2. 0
          9 August 2019 12: 14
          Obviously, all the explosions have a radial propagation vector of the blast wave. Therefore, the technology of extinguishing wells is that oxygen is burned. And the blast wave changes the vector to the center. That is, it is a vacuum bomb. We need to think what technology to use to extinguish forest fires.
          1. -2
            9 August 2019 12: 22
            Quote: gridasov
            We need to think what technology to use to extinguish forest fires.

            You bring down trees and the horse’s fire turns into a grassroots, after which you can spill from the air and land the troops relatively safely.
          2. +1
            9 August 2019 12: 32
            Tiny little black hole in the epicenter, it all fell into a hickey. wassat
            1. -1
              9 August 2019 13: 07
              Quote: Evil Echo
              Tiny little black hole in the epicenter, it all fell into a hickey.

              And he will spit out on phishington wassat
              1. +1
                9 August 2019 13: 09
                Straight to the capitol Yes
                1. -1
                  9 August 2019 13: 12
                  Quote: Evil Echo
                  Straight to the capitol

                  Well, we will not trifle.
                  You can not be limited by size laughing
                  1. +1
                    9 August 2019 13: 14
                    A flame will ignite from a spark, let’s start small, and then we'll see recourse
                    1. 0
                      9 August 2019 13: 16
                      Quote: Evil Echo
                      A flame will ignite from a spark, let’s start small, and then we'll see

                      If there will be anything lol
          3. -1
            9 August 2019 12: 37
            Quote: gridasov
            We need to think what technology to use to extinguish forest fires.

            Think better how explosives to cover several tens of hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers of forest fire perimeter
            Moreover, it is increasing every minute.
            And how much explosives will be needed.
      2. +5
        9 August 2019 11: 48
        Right! Topol, well, at least Iskander or Tornado gasping for fire! There was nothing to burn! And most importantly, that the arsonists did not have time to escape ... The peasants sat in the clearing, a brazier, ate a barbecue under vodka and then suddenly flew in! .. laughing
        1. 0
          9 August 2019 11: 54
          Quote: Welldone
          Right! Topol, well, at least Iskander or Tornado gasping for fire!

          Four bombs of 76-9 tons will easily fit into the IL-10.
    2. +2
      9 August 2019 11: 12
      Then it’s not to “blow off the flame with the engines”, but to shoot down with a supersonic wave, maybe some kind of tu160 is suitable for these purposes.
      1. +6
        9 August 2019 11: 46
        Immediately - by the gravitational drag of the space cruiser near the surface of the planet. Why trifle? laughing
        1. +5
          9 August 2019 11: 48
          Collect commentators with VO. We poison it with poison. smile
          1. +1
            9 August 2019 12: 33
            And we can pioneer from helicopters, after beer drinks
            1. -1
              9 August 2019 13: 18
              Quote: Evil Echo
              And we can pioneer from helicopters, after beer

              I'm even ready right now !!!
              After "Ochakovskoe" will do? laughing
              1. +1
                9 August 2019 13: 20
                I’m not sure that you need to test all varieties, well, there’s an abundance of yield or foaming, as well as a drop in accuracy from the accepted volume of the original product.
                1. 0
                  9 August 2019 13: 27
                  Quote: Evil Echo
                  I’m not sure that you need to test all varieties, well, there’s an abundance of yield or foaming, as well as a drop in accuracy from the accepted volume of the original product.

                  I mnu liver can not stand belay
        2. +3
          9 August 2019 11: 49
          Even your version seems much more realistic than using ekranoplanes for the same purpose.
      2. 0
        9 August 2019 12: 40
        Quote: Corn
        Then it’s not to “blow off the flame with engines”, but to bring down a supersonic wave,

        Selectively so will he include supersonic?
        He will destroy more forest with a shock wave than save
    3. 0
      9 August 2019 12: 33
      Quote: yehat
      It’s more efficient not to carry water, but to blow off the flame with engines.

      Yeah ... And pour a little gas so that it burns out faster?
      And how are you going to "blow off" the local fire in this way?
    4. +1
      9 August 2019 13: 46
      But as? Urgent take-off around the perimeter. Landing IL-76 well or An-125. Turn them towards the fire and blow dvigalovym?
      1. 0
        9 August 2019 14: 25
        Quote: Monar
        But as? Urgent take-off around the perimeter. Landing IL-76 well or An-125. Turn them towards the fire and blow dvigalovym?

        And after the nozzle, spray water good
        Brilliantly lol
        Yes, also the wind should be provided. And then we’ll plant it there and they will blow in the wrong direction laughing
        Cool answer good
  3. -2
    9 August 2019 11: 07
    Let them develop this topic. a good idea .
    1. +1
      9 August 2019 11: 13
      Quote: parkello
      a good idea .

      Not take off. But the attempt is worthy of respect.
      1. +1
        9 August 2019 11: 50
        in the sense of not taking off? they seem to calmly up to 6 m away from the surface of the water in screen mode. so let Gray Brother develop this theme. she has prospects. well, and if it doesn’t take off, even if experience is gained, experience is never superfluous.
        1. +3
          9 August 2019 11: 57
          Quote: parkello
          in the sense of not taking off?

          In the sense of implementing the proposed, as a project in general.
          1. 0
            9 August 2019 11: 59
            I agree yes, but I want to believe the opposite ... or rather the opposite recourse
        2. 0
          9 August 2019 12: 43
          Quote: parkello
          they seem to calmly up to 6 m from the surface of the water

          Is 6 meters enough to fly over a fire?
      2. +1
        9 August 2019 12: 41
        Quote: Gray Brother
        Not take off. But the attempt is worthy of respect.

        Yes, though it will fly up. Like a fire truck, it’s no good
  4. +3
    9 August 2019 11: 16
    Just the worst idea possible, even airships would suggest building ....
    You can only imagine what kind of tin is happening outside the walls of the Central Design Bureau at the SEC them. R. E. Alekseeva with such a gene designer.
    1. +1
      9 August 2019 11: 21
      Quote: Corn
      with such a gene constructor

      Normal general designer - trying to shove existing developments by hook or by crook or at least remind about them. It can be seen that a person is happy for his organization.
      1. +3
        9 August 2019 11: 57
        A normal CEO would not engage in the development of obviously useless horseradish understand what.
        In the domestic sector of light shipbuilding there are many demanded vacancies, but Comrade Antsov and the rest of the heads of this Central Design Bureau are in no hurry to take them ... and really, why produce real products if you can hang noodles on your ears with the same financial efficiency? "The state budget?
        1. -2
          9 August 2019 11: 58
          Quote: Corn
          A normal CEO would not engage in the development of obviously useless horseradish understand what.

          Everything was developed back in the USSR.
          1. +1
            9 August 2019 12: 45
            Quote: Gray Brother
            Everything was developed back in the USSR.

            And many visitors were even born in the USSR.
            We are not developing, or have not even learned how to use a computer?
            1. 0
              9 August 2019 12: 52
              Quote: Lipchanin
              We are not developing, or have not even learned how to use a computer?

              Generation of "snowflakes".
              Many, formally unrelated events are symbolized by a phenomenon that we have to deal with more and more - the “generation of millenials” has finally matured and came to life. These are representatives of the generation of up to thirty years of age, which "is easy to recognize by gadgets, a glass of coffee, a scooter and sneakers." And this is already seriously changing our lives.

              1. +1
                9 August 2019 13: 03
                Quote: Gray Brother
                Generation of "snowflakes".

                I wonder why I should believe him?
                Every day, schoolchildren are shown who collect ALL "gold" at the international Olympiads
                Today they just showed a team of programmers. Indisputable favorites in all international competitions
                1. 0
                  9 August 2019 13: 04
                  Quote: Lipchanin
                  Every day students are shown

                  Most are still boobies.
                  1. 0
                    9 August 2019 13: 08
                    Quote: Gray Brother
                    Most are still boobies.

                    And in what generation were all geniuses?
                    1. 0
                      9 August 2019 13: 13
                      Quote: Lipchanin
                      And in what generation were all geniuses?

                      Yes, not in any. And even if a person really hacks in some area, there are still such things as "narrow specialization" and a completely fair statement that higher education is not a guarantee of high moral principles.
                      1. 0
                        9 August 2019 13: 24
                        Quote: Gray Brother
                        And even if a person really cuts in some area, then there are still such things as "narrow specialization"

                        So you all generation in "boobies" recorded.
                        So this generation must be Queen, Tupolev, Mikoyan and many others?
                        and the absolutely fair assertion that higher education is not a guarantee of the presence of high moral principles.

                        And what have "moral principles" to do with it? belay
                      2. 0
                        9 August 2019 13: 38
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        And what have "moral principles" to do with it?

                        Given that they determine a person's worldview. If you, for example, think that you owe everything in life, and at the same time they rub you that you live badly, then you will demand that you urgently be made to live well (after all, you owe everything) and this despite the fact that you are -that business has never really lived badly and you do not know exactly how it is to "live well" and what is necessary for this in general.
                        And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are an academician or vocational school graduate.
                        In Orthodox Christianity, for example, this sin is called "pride" and it is directly related to moral principles.

                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        So this generation must be Queen, Tupolev, Mikoyan and many others?

                        It would be nice)))
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        So you all generation in "boobies" recorded.

                        Not everything, but most.
                      3. 0
                        9 August 2019 13: 50
                        Quote: Gray Brother
                        Despite the fact that they determine the worldview of a person.

                        Let me remind you where the conversation started
                        Everything was developed back in the USSR.

                        It’s not a word about worldview
                        And what does this have to do with new developments, I don’t understand at all request
                        If, for example, you think that you owe everything in life, and at the same time they rub you that you live badly, then you will demand that you urgently be made to live well (after all, you owe everything) and this despite the fact that you are -that business has never really lived badly and you do not know exactly how it is to "live well" and what is necessary for this in general.

                        This topic has been frayed several times not so long ago.
                        I do not want to go on a rake again. Prove did not prove otherwise, but got dirt above the roof.
                        See for yourself. They’ll notice your post, they will zamusutut without any comments
                      4. +1
                        9 August 2019 14: 05
                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        It’s not a word about worldview

                        Quote: Lipchanin
                        zamusutut without any comments

                        One of the above was already minusanul - I saw the abbreviation of the USSR and minusanul not going into details, I didn’t even try to use the search, not because I didn’t learn how to use the computer and not even because it was degraded, but I’m sure that it’s a priori right.

                        I say, the worldview - "there are only two opinions - mine and wrong." Pride.
  5. -1
    9 August 2019 11: 25
    We built, built and ... finally build again.
  6. 0
    9 August 2019 11: 30
    Quote: Corn
    maybe some kind of tu160 is suitable for these purposes.

    cheaper fire department deploy
  7. +2
    9 August 2019 11: 31
    200 tons of water is certainly cool.
    But how much kerosene he eats.
    Mahina then hoo.
    And on what river or lake did he plan to land ???
    1. +3
      9 August 2019 12: 07
      Quote: Vladimir Nizhegorodsky
      But how much kerosene he eats.

      In 2014, a law was passed by which the leadership of the regions was given the opportunity to decide for themselves to extinguish or not to extinguish fires based on economic feasibility.
      We all saw the result in 2019.
    2. 0
      9 August 2019 14: 47
      and on the lakes, rivers, snags float and not a little .... Schaub him "to clear the site, will have a BRIGADE of watching-cleaning on the river to keep!
      Already tried, already proved to be limited by many conditions!
      Why now re-check everything again! Then the specialist controllers were cooler than the current ones, an order of magnitude!
  8. +4
    9 August 2019 11: 37
    According to Antsev, there are currently several proposals for the construction of ekranoplanes of the Rescuer series, which could be used to extinguish large forest and other fires. The advantage of such an aircraft is its ability to take on board up to 200 tons of water.

    I don’t even want to comment on this bullshit!
    What are 200 tons on board? Pure projection of the next nanoChubais.
    Here TVS-2MS (a new modification of the An-2) cannot be launched in any way - NO MONEY!
    1. +1
      9 August 2019 11: 42
      "No money, but you hold on." One official said.
      Of course, I would like to have a different answer to the development of such projects and analogues.
    2. 0
      9 August 2019 16: 13
      You are not much behind, the plant with the airfield in Tatarstan is already being completed.
  9. +2
    9 August 2019 11: 56
    You can not rush already with these heavy ekranoplans to fight fires - the taiga has already burned, the next such big fire will be in 70-90 years if the taiga has time to recover after the 2019 fire.
    1. 0
      9 August 2019 12: 00
      the next such big fire will be in 70-90 years

      But it will not be our concerns anymore, let the Chinese break their brains over this problem.
      1. 0
        9 August 2019 12: 10
        But it will not be our concerns anymore, let the Chinese break their brains over this problem

        Alexander Us, aren't you laughing And so this year, it was not our concerns that were seen ...
  10. +3
    9 August 2019 12: 07
    How is the ekranoplan going to fly at a low altitude above the forests? Trees and rough terrain do interfere! It looks like another advertisement like an aircraft carrier. And the rivers for water intake are not perfectly straight, but usually with bends.
  11. 0
    9 August 2019 12: 14
    Quote: Gray Brother
    So there is a "fountain", not firewood burning. Trees can be swept to the sides, and the fountain beats continuously.

    the fountain can beat as it pleases, but combustion requires oxygen and high temperature, which the toroidal cloud removes by squeezing it out of a tube along the axis of the "fountain".
    I think you can find a video of such well explosions in Iraq - more than a hundred have produced them.
    1. 0
      9 August 2019 12: 35
      Quote: yehat
      you can find a video of such well blasts in Iraq

      I am sure that coal does not remain there.
    2. 0
      9 August 2019 12: 55
      Quote: yehat
      I think you can find a video of such explosions in Iraq-

      Are boreholes and forest fire sizes comparable? The circumference is easy to calculate
      Fire at the well stably in one place. That is, it does not apply.
      The weight of explosives can be calculated quite accurately.
      You can also post it slowly.
      Simultaneous detonation of all charges will also provide easily.
      Now apply this to a forest fire whose area is expanding at a tremendous speed
  12. 0
    9 August 2019 12: 21
    Quote: RWMos
    Three. The ascending (and descending) air flows are not even OVER the fire, but near it. Him overturn! A big fire is a pipe, in the center - everything is up, it sucks in air on the sides, and unevenly - the distance to the epicenter, relief, afforestation ... Tips over without options!

    Well, it’s worth sharing the types of fire.
    a fire in the dry taiga with the wind, you can’t put out the front with anything, you can only stop it positionally - make a non-burning clearing of sufficient width.
    If the taiga burns with static foci, another question.
    so what are we putting out?
  13. Egg
    9 August 2019 12: 21
    You only have to spoil everything ... where is your revelry of fantasy? Where is the flight of thought? wink
  14. 0
    9 August 2019 12: 36
    And someone from among our gouging paid for an unfinished ekranoplan, which is pictured in 2016 ??? After all, most likely considerable efforts and resources were spent !!!
  15. 0
    9 August 2019 12: 39
    WIGs do not fly high. Hot air currents rising from fires will not "knock" them down ???
    1. 0
      9 August 2019 16: 32
      Quote: nnz226
      Hot air currents rising from fires will not "knock" them down ???

      as if the fire itself happens with a flame height much greater than the altitude of the ekranoplan
  16. +1
    9 August 2019 12: 55
    Quote: To be or not to be
    Everywhere you need an OWNER! And the sovereign’s eye ..

    Yes nifiga (about an eye). I remember how extinguished fires in Siberia during the Soviet era
    there were no owners except people who considered their country and people often went to stew,
    having no direct benefit from this - simply because in my the country should not burn the forest.
    I myself extinguished several times fires that were higher than a 5-storey building.
    many of my friends and I, too, in my childhood passed the standards for training young firefighters.
    try not to run away when such a front of fire is quickly approaching you.
  17. -2
    9 August 2019 13: 38
    A drummer with PCR, a marine rescuer, a reconnaissance plane, plus passengers rolling the sea and oceans, that's all the niches for ekranoplanes (years). In general, and this is not a little, but there is a tradition in Russia — until they appear abroad, they don’t think to bring to mind the coupons and cut the first ones.
  18. +7
    9 August 2019 13: 51
    So. WIG is.
    Soon at VO we will seriously discuss the following fire fighting methods:
    1. Pies.
    2. Pancakes.
    3. Dried mushrooms.

    VO is getting more serious and serious ...
  19. +3
    9 August 2019 14: 07
    In addition, the ekranoplan is unpretentious to places of temporary parking, it can be based directly on the water or go ashore with a slight slope.

    It can be based on water. But to go ashore with a slight slope - this requires a concrete slip.

    Quote: g1washntwn
    There are two questions to such a bandura: flight altitude and maneuverability. It is necessary to rise already by plane and the Caspian open spaces are far from all rivers.

    EMNIP flight altitude somewhere in the rail 6-10 meters (although I may be wrong), Maneuverability - for an ekranoplan this concept does not exist. Any roll "on the screen" usually leads to the fact that the ekranoplan catches the water with its wing and .... and that's it, there is no ekranoplan

    Quote: evgen1221
    A drummer with PCR, a marine rescuer, a reconnaissance plane, plus passengers rolling the sea and oceans, that's all the niches for ekranoplanes (years). In general, and this is not a little, but there is a tradition in Russia — until they appear abroad, they don’t think to bring to mind the coupons and cut the first ones.

    Of the four niches, only a PLO scout and "ride passengers" is worth something. As a drummer with anti-ship missiles, no one needs him now. In-1 strongly depends on the weather, in-2 is very well detected by AWACS aircraft.
    How is the lifeguard? The rescuer must board the ship in distress in any weather and take off with the rescued. The ekranoplan has limitations on the wave. He may sit, but he certainly will not take off
    1. 0
      9 August 2019 16: 31
      Quote: Old26
      The rescuer must board the ship in distress in any weather and take off with the rescued.

      and also, for starters, he must find those who are patient. To do this from a low height is very problematic. You can walk in circles close - and not notice.
      Those. as a lifeguard - completely insolvent.
  20. 0
    9 August 2019 14: 22
    Well, on "projects" we have been "ahead of the rest" for a long time! The only pity is that when it comes to a specific production ... and there are no funds, and there is not enough strength, and for some reason ... fool
  21. +1
    9 August 2019 14: 39
    That's it, now only from this news we ALL FIRES die from fear and shock ... we burn for a month and a half, and then bam and achrenoplan straight from heaven wassat An hour like stewing rushed - probably already from Mars it became visible as burning. There is nothing to breathe in the city again, and visibility is a maximum of 300 meters - milk and kiseya. And the week before last, beyond five meters, solid cotton wool in the air. Baldezh in full.
  22. +4
    9 August 2019 16: 28
    another dusting of the brain and the development of funds for the prodigy.
    If it is logical to argue, the ekranoplan as a fire aircraft, as described in the article - is nonsense

    The advantage of such an aircraft is its ability to take on board up to 200 tons of water, while the IL-76 lifts only 40 tons.

    Yeah, that's just the ekranoplan with such a load will go at the height of the screen, and this is 10-15 meters. Where is he going to extinguish a fire from such a height? And whether he will approach him at all (the terrain, however, is not even, it is wooded and mountainous).
    Wing? It seems like he can climb a few kilometers. BUT! Not with such a load. And with less load than an airplane. Why? Because the design is heavier, and because the wings are not optimized for flight. Those. ekranolet can not be more load-bearing aircraft in principle.

    By the amount of water discharged, one flight of the "Rescuer" will be equal to five flights of the Il-76 or 17 - of the Be-200 amphibious aircraft
    and how much fuel ekranoplan with its battery of engines will gobble up? Also for five IL-76? Somewhere like that. And what is the advantage?

    In addition, who needs to dump 200 tons of water at a time ???

    The article is designed for ardent enthusiasts of ekranoplanes - they should be, even if ineffective. Love is blind...
  23. +2
    9 August 2019 17: 30
    Even the Be-200 is a very dubious aircraft, and here it is also shielded and ekranot. I count for money
    IL-76 - carrying capacity of 40 tons (?) like IL-76MD-90A 60T, the cost of 5 billion rubles, more versatile, can be used for military purposes
    Be-200 with a loading capacity of 5 tons, the price in 2013 was 1,3 billion, now I think about 1,6-1,7
    Mi-8 with a carrying capacity of 4 tons, the price in 2013 is 250 million, well, let it be 300 million now, but it has less speed, but it can discharge water more accurately and use a much larger number of reservoirs compared to any amphibians. More versatile, can be used for military purposes, do not need an airfield.
    It turns out that it is more profitable to use the IL-76 and MI-8 for the price / efficiency ratio
  24. 0
    9 August 2019 18: 27
    In Russia, developed projects of heavy ekranoplanes to fight fires
    laughing good wassat laughing News from the category. Clean neighing. Well, such a "fool" and over the forest! Plus the smoke from the fire, and this bullshit will tumble down the forest itself. I propose to tie this "genius of thought" Antsev to a pine tree and let the ekranoplan fly over it a couple of times laughing
    1. 0
      9 August 2019 20: 56
      Now, if he and Beriev began to work on a Be 2500 1000 WIG seaplane, it would be a breakthrough - in transport aviation, aircraft building, engine building and fire fighting, all the same XNUMX tons of payload is a good argument for fighting a riding fire
  25. +1
    9 August 2019 19: 36
    You know, such news evokes the idea that in Russia you still need to change something (POWER)! Notice as soon as the taiga caught fire, as here - effective managers jumped out of the gateway, with a proposal to master
    No, you bastards do ekranoplanes, but sell ON THE WORLD MARKET
  26. +1
    9 August 2019 20: 42
    Jet aircraft for entertainment which, for fire-fighting needs ........
    1. +1
      9 August 2019 20: 58
      There is also a project of an integrated circuit cargo aircraft "
      Killer Whale "with a carrying capacity of 250 tons.
  27. +1
    9 August 2019 23: 08
    Honestly, I have not yet met so much stupidity in a single topic! And comments are generally not amenable to any logic!
  28. 0
    10 August 2019 00: 19
    it remains only to create a plan to save the ekranoplanes during an emergency.
  29. 0
    10 August 2019 19: 50
    Have you decided to revive the "Monster of the Caspian Sea"? Finally got it? Well, better late than never fucking these strategists.
  30. 0
    10 August 2019 19: 57
    Preparing another cut dough! Wormholes in the forest, but with smoke, and even in the mountains do not fly. And if they fly then until the first hill no further ...
  31. 0
    10 August 2019 22: 51
    The most effective and most needed project for the country now !! ... I am only worried about the situation when immediately "heavy". .. There is a high probability of problems, but you really need to take risks !! The projects of heavy peaceful ekranoplanes are the last thing that Rostislav Alekseev managed to do before his death. He saw the perspective just like that and tried to be in time, at least in paper and layouts, to convey this vision to people ...
    Dear members of the Government of the Russian Federation, Comrade President of the Russian Federation, I ask you to pay attention and support initiatives in the development of this area. Strategically, it is now the most important for our country. You will find confirmation of my words in the writings of designer Rostislav Alekseev.
    At one time, an unacceptable mistake in assessing the capabilities of this type of transport led to an unequivocal loss of the strategic superiority of our state - ekranoplanes "Lun" and "Eaglet" were lost for our country along with the capabilities they gave the Army and the Navy.
    But the designer Rostislav Alekseev did not betray the work he had begun, nor our country - he continued to develop the chosen direction in difficult conditions.
    What this man, a true engineer, citizen and patriot managed to do during his lifetime, is ahead of time so far!
    There is every reason to believe that the implementation of his plans will give a completely different quality to domestic transport technologies, which will be ahead of the leading countries of the world in terms of technical and economic indicators for a long time, which will have a positive effect not only in technology and economics.
    Please consider supporting this area, promoting its development and speedy implementation.
  32. kig
    11 August 2019 11: 17
    How will he extinguish the taiga if his flight altitude is not more than 5 meters? And maneuverability is not so good. Bluff.