Civilization Russia. Challenges and Answers

Autocratic hand
He boldly sowed enlightenment,
Do not despise my native country:
He knew her purpose.
A. S. Pushkin. Stansy

Victor Vasnetsov "Baptism of Russia". Tretyakov Gallery


One of the theories devoted to the development of mankind describes development as a clash of civilizations.

English philosopher stories A.J. Toynbee, defining the attitude of the West with other civilizations, attributed Russia to the catch-up type of development.

If, due to historical circumstances, Western civilization “outpaced” another world in technology, challenged other civilizations at a certain stage of human history, then, due to “lagging”, they had to respond to them ... or die.

The “challenge” can be understood as the following elements: expansion, capture, enslavement, unfair competition, inequitable economic and cultural exchange, restriction in development, prohibition and pressure in order to slow down or limit the development of a competitor’s growth. All these points objectively characterize the West in the fight against other civilizations and peoples.

“The victory of the West” was predetermined by a breakthrough in technology, which other systems could not achieve. The Spanish philosopher H. Ortega y Gasset wrote:
“China has reached technical heights without having a complete understanding of physics. Only modern European technology is rooted in science and owes it its unique property - the ability to develop endlessly. Any other technique - Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, oriental - reached a certain point that could not be overcome, and barely touched it, as it immediately deplored ”.

A textbook example is the complete destruction of the Mesoamerican civilization by the Spaniards. Another striking example of the struggle of civilizations was the opium wars of the 40-60. Nineteenth century. and the expansion of Western countries that followed, which forced the Qing Empire to buy drugs and provide absolute favors to Western merchants. These actions were a terrible humiliation and blow to the ethnopsychology of the Chinese, who considered their country the center of the world - Celestial, which the distant and close states of the barbarians look with envy.

Western centrist Toynbee believed that those civilizations that were able to modernize or adopt "technology" were able to resist Western civilization, and those that were not able to do so, died or were captured by the West.

The author cites examples of a number of “failed civilizations” (and he wrote his works in the 50s of the 20th century), which became colonies of the West in the 19th century, including such supercivilizations as India and China.

Let's say for the sake of justice that Toynbee predicted that the super-civilizations of India and China will rise from hibernation and will be able to still present serious surprises in the struggle of civilizations, which we are witnessing today.

Continuing to view the world through the collision and interaction of civilizations S. Huntington wrote:
“The coming to power of Marxism, first in Russia, then in China and Vietnam, became the first phase from the European international system to the post-European multi-civilization system ... Lenin. Mao and Ho Chi Minh drove it to themselves [meaning Marxist theory. - VE], to challenge Western power, as well as to mobilize their people and establish their national identity and autonomy as opposed to the West. ”

So, the catch-up type always means that the object of pressure will be the one who “catches up”, and the greater the lag at all levels (in production, the information sphere and the management of society), the greater the “challenges”. As the Russian proverb says, misfortune does not come alone - it goes by itself and leads a hundred. At the household level, it is like working in time-trouble, when, for example, due to the lack of planning of the working day or simply excessive overloading, it is not possible to cope or deal with current issues and requirements: they grow like a snowball.

Another such factor can be a formalistic approach, when in fact there are special organizations designed to solve important issues, but they do not solve anything: that is, they seem to be there, but they do not seem to be. Or they solve questions and answer “challenges” so slowly and reluctantly, at a pace that does not meet the needs, that they turn into difficult-to-solve problems requiring global efforts of more than one specialized structure.

What is the cause of the problems? The answer is always the same - the lack of a system, system of management and protection adequate to the development of society. Of course, when it comes to new and modern times, and not the early periods.

Russia: "catching up type" of development?

I would like to consider the key issues of the “catching-up type” of development in relation to the history of Russia in the framework of the “clash of civilizations”.

First. Russia - Russia at a certain moment became, so to speak, “lagged behind” compared to its European neighbors, and this lag was not related to the social structure of the country, or, to put it another way, the wrong social structure of the country, external military pressure or the peculiarities of the ethnic psychology of Russians .

Every nation or group of nations (tribes) develops within its own historical framework. There is no “law” about backward and advanced countries from the point of view of development, since such a theory is anti-scientific and akin to racism.

Again, Russia went through its “organic” path of development, and this chosen path turned out to be much more correct, say, compared to the neighboring state of the Poles and Lithuanians or with the “aristocratic” republics in north-west Eastern Europe, the republics established on the basis of the ancient Russian veche principalities, but because of the seizure of power in them by the boyar families who came to a dead end.

At the same time, we note that no fork in the road stood and could not stand at the end of the fifteenth century: either the early Moscow monarchy or the “aristocratic” republic. There is no "either - or". Only a monarchical form of government could give Russia the opportunity to develop at this historical stage. About the Novgorod and Pskov republics, the question was not about an alternative path, but about who from their neighbors would devour them in the end. Any other view on the situation with the northern republics takes us beyond the framework of a scientific approach to the problem - in the realm of fantasy and fiction.

The problem was that in this “unofficial” confrontation, because of the earlier entry of Western Europe into the path of historical development, “she won the competition”.

Here is an example from another story. Many African people of the Negroid race in the period of the eighteenth - early nineteenth centuries. reached the level of economic equilibrium of the tribes, being in harmony with the biosphere, not exploiting it predatory.

But their fragile proto-systems were swept away by European and Arab slave traders, who had superior weaponry, organization, and impact technology (bribing leaders, soldering, etc.), and the vast territories of Africa turned into neglected deserts and forests.

Did Africans lag behind the invaders? Yes. Did they lag behind in relation to their own development and interaction with the outside world (biosphere)? No and no.

Second. The indisputable fact is that Russia is a civilization. The mistake of the supporters of a purely “Western” path of development is precisely that, in their opinion, Russia should not look for something special, not search for its own path, but use ready-made models and patterns, and deviation from them leads it to the economic and political backwardness.

Although back in 1918, Mr. O. Spengler wrote that Western society views history through the prism of Western-centrism. And in this he saw a big mistake. He demanded a move from the “Ptolemaic approach to the history of Copernicus,” indicating that the world does not revolve around the West.

A. Toynbee, who wrote about the “limitations and arrogance” and egocentricity of the West, spoke out even more harshly about this. This is what Roland Barth said in his essay “The Lost Continent”, criticizing Western ideas about other civilizations:
“For them [amateur filmmakers. - VE] Journey to the East - just a walk on the azure sea under the ever-shining sun. This East (by the way, which has now become the political center of the world) appears in the film as completely banal, sleek and colored, as if on old postcards.
Reception, justifying such irresponsibility, is quite understandable: to paint the world always means to declare his rejection in one way or another ... Filled, emasculated, crushed by lush “images”, the East is thus prepared for complete destruction, to which the film condemns it. By playing with a talisman bear and comically throwing spaghetti on the deck, our film and ethnographers will easily be able to portray an East that is exotic in appearance, and in essence, deeply similar to the West, at least in its spiritualistic hypostasis. Are there any special religions in the East? Nothing terrible, the differences mean little in the face of the fundamental unity of idealism. ”

Let us translate French semiotics: if things, ideas and actions can be judged on the basis of Western rules and values, then these entities fit into the “Western diversity of the world”, if not, then they have no right to exist, or can only be in the role of “rogue ".

If a new ideologue appears in the West, then the whole world is obliged to support it on pain of excommunication from Western material and non-material values ​​(sanctions).

The rules of the game are set by the West, and if someone starts to win according to these rules, then the rules simply change.

Summing up these views, the researcher of civilizations S. Huntington wrote:
“The illusions and prejudices that these scholars warned us about are still alive at the end of the twentieth century and flourished and turned into a widespread and limited concept that the European civilization of the West is the universal civilization of the world.”

The same delusions are present in the twenty-first century, introducing a split at the level of consciousness, world perception and, as a result, into the system of governance of society.

Russia - Russia is a genetically European, but a separate civilization on the territory of Europe, which, by the will of historical destinies, has linked itself together with the peoples of the East. Russia, like Byzantium, is European, but not Western civilization. And as Byzantium is not Western, not because it experienced greater influence of the East, as the supporters of the Eurasian theory assumed, but because it had other roots and sources.

The third. It should be understood that, historically, any technological, military, and social backwardness makes "lagging behind" nations into "food", directly or indirectly, for more developed ones. The Mongols, for example, who were at a lower stage of development than the overwhelming majority of the countries they had captured, had one important advantage over them: their society was organized as a system for challenges - for war.

Extensive development of human society, of course, in the presence of intense moments, implies only one scenario for the “lagging behind” - annihilation.

Fourth. The key breakthrough in the progress achieved by mankind, which occurred in the twentieth century, is associated not only with Western civilization. The Soviet Union became the most important driver of progress and brought the Russian civilization out of “catching up” into “challenging” in the twentieth century, which Russia could not offer either before or after its collapse. Please do not confuse military domination (Russia in 20-40 of the nineteenth century) and civilization that creates challenges.

By progress, we mean not only revolutionary changes in technology, but also in social engineering, humanization of human civilization as a whole. No wonder, speaking of the twentieth century, it is quite natural to speak about the century of the Soviet or Russian civilization.

What was the reason for the "backlog" of Russia? We intentionally take this word in parentheses.

We already wrote about the "Tatar-Mongolian myth" in the article on "VO": "Russia as part of the Eastern Empire?"In the next article we will try to address the real problems of lag. And summarize:

If you only try to “catch up” without changing the approach or the system - you will never catch up. Rather, drive yourself. So it is in the struggle of civilizations: they shoot horses, don't they?

To be continued ...
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  1. +10
    1 August 2019 15: 11
    Engels (C) 1866: "As for Russia, it can only be mentioned as the owner of a huge amount of stolen property, which she will have to give back on the day of reckoning."
    Engels (on Napoleon's campaign against Moscow in 1812): "Cossacks, Bashkirs and other bandit rabble defeated the republic, the successor of the Great French Revolution."
    Marx - speech at the Polish meeting (C) 1867: "I ask you, what has changed? Has the danger from Russia diminished? No! Only the mental blindness of the ruling classes of Europe has reached the limit ... The guiding star of this policy - world domination - remains Only a dodgy government, dominating the masses of barbarians, can currently contemplate such plans ... So, for Europe there is only one alternative: either the MOSCOVIT-RELATED ASIAN BARBARRY will fall like an avalanche on its head, or it must restore Poland, thus shielding himself from Asia with twenty million heroes. "
    Engels (from the article "Democratic Pan-Slavism"): "Then the fight, the REMEKING STRUGGLE, not for life, but for death WITH SLAVERY,

    And in Russia they do not like toleras.
    1. +4
      1 August 2019 15: 19
      What was the reason for the "backlog" of Russia? We intentionally take this word in parentheses.

      There are many reasons, one result.
      1. +15
        1 August 2019 16: 04
        There are many reasons, one result.

        The superiority of Western civilization is based on one condition, and this condition is loan interest.
        This is a dummy and the main driver of the growth of Western civilization. It is he who changes the mentality of people ....
        The Indians, as they said to the Western conquerors of America - "only when you poison all the soil on which it will be impossible to grow food, only when you destroy the last animal on earth, only when the last fish in the water dies, only then will you white people finally understand WHAT MONEY CAN'T EAT ".....
        1. 0
          4 August 2019 07: 53
          "The history of mankind knows many great civilizations. But only one civilization - the European one - was able to take over the whole world. But there was a time when the Islamic civilization was in no way inferior to Europe, and the Chinese civilization for many centuries even surpassed Europe in technology and economy , and on statehood. However, neither Islam nor China managed to conquer the entire globe. Only Europe succeeded - at least for a while. "

          Pavel Khlebnikov "A Conversation with a Barbarian"
      2. +1
        5 August 2019 08: 06
        The main underlying reason is the Mongol invasion. Everything else is his consequence.
        Before the Mongol invasion, which destroyed 2/3 of the population, Ancient Russia was equal and accepted by Europeans as equal and their own.
        1. 0
          5 August 2019 09: 47
          Well, how familiar this is if we ourselves can’t, then we must find the one who interferes! Why did you suddenly decide that you are special? for a thousand years, twice cheated on the Gods? In 988 and 1917 and now we pray to the golden Taurus? Each generation must prove its viability, and we have degenerated into envious beggars. and there is no place on this planet!
          1. 0
            5 August 2019 10: 47
            You have emotions. And skidding in the wrong steppe.
            The question was - why are Russians lagging behind other Europoids; despite the fact that BEFORE the Mongol invasion, there was no lag.
            The answer is the destruction of almost the entire urban population of Dr. Rusi by the Mongols. And it is the urban population, as we know, that ensures the availability and growth of technology, scholarship and all that.
            The Mongols massacred all the artisans. The loss of technology has come. Lagging behind the loss of technology. The Russians managed to somehow recover only by mid. 17th century. Those. it took 400 years. And the Europeans, during this period, galloped far, far. Therefore, a "revolution from above" was required for a catch-up leap. If there was no Peter, someone else would do it. In fact, by the beginning of the second half of the 2th century, the Russians managed to overtake Europe to the level of "breathing in the back."
            I do not know any "gods" except for the Triune Christian God. All sorts of idol-pussies are funny to me.
    2. Underwater hunter
      1 August 2019 15: 33
      What was the reason for the "backlog" of Russia? We intentionally take this word in parentheses.

      I do not think that we are so far behind. At different stages of history, it was different .. But I believe that Russia should stop copying Western models of government, because this is always a lag.
      We need our own way and then everyone else will catch up with us. I see this path in the development of a socialist state.
      1. +3
        1 August 2019 16: 15
        I’m afraid Russia doesn’t copy any Western models, but follows its own special path. But there is a suspicion that this is not a path to progress and prosperity.
        1. Underwater hunter
          1 August 2019 16: 30
          Quote: Pashhenko Nikolay
          I’m afraid Russia doesn’t copy any Western models, but follows its own special path. But there is a suspicion that this is not a path to progress and prosperity.

          Still licked from the United States, or almost everything, the other question is that it is implemented differently, adjusted for our mentality .. And the fact that no progress is expected from this is a fact!
        2. +6
          1 August 2019 16: 46
          Quote: Pashhenko Nikolay
          But there is a suspicion that this is not a path to progress and prosperity.

          What Soviet man had such boats and boats before?

          How could a resident of a communal apartment afford such a thing:

          You are right in suspecting, and I agree that the progress and prosperity of some may be the result of the degradation and poverty of others ...
          1. +5
            2 August 2019 00: 12
            Yes, a serious boat, what can I say. The size of a good corvette, and the price goes up to the cost of all corvettes in our fleet. And here we are discussing how to patch up the old man "Kuzyu" so that he smokes the clear sky for at least another five years. sad
            And the bottom photo is simply shocking. This is what kind of tastelessness you need to have in order to build this, and even live in it? Although, red bots - they obviously contribute. wassat
            1. 0
              2 August 2019 05: 27
              So this is the person who broke away from the communal apartment, unexpectedly made a dough for himself))
              1. +1
                2 August 2019 16: 43
                Then it is clear, "from rags to riches" ... But he has room to grow: in Saudi Arabia latrines are molded from gold. laughing
                1. -2
                  2 August 2019 16: 47
                  Yanukovych also sculpted from gold - what a show off is not clear)). I have one familiar hunting weapon that collects inlaid with precious metal - it's still understandable, but that .. laughing
                  1. 0
                    2 August 2019 17: 07
                    No, here, in my opinion, everything is simple: "And Schaub envied!"

                    And with a gun, that's okay. There was such a collector Lipman, so he came up with a good name for this kind of weapon - "Flowers of Evil". smile
      2. +6
        1 August 2019 16: 42
        Western models of government

        forgive what you mean by the words "model of government"?
        form of government? political regime?
        And then
        Those. socialism is not a western model, is it? And, say, Marxism is not a European teaching?
        1. Underwater hunter
          1 August 2019 16: 58
          Quote: Ryazanets87
          forgive what you mean by the words "model of government"?
          form of government? political regime?

          One follows from the other.
          Quote: Ryazanets87
          Those. socialism is not a western model, is it? And, say, Marxism is not a European teaching?

          Here you are right)) even socialism and teachings came from the West, another question is that only Russia was able to scale up the implementation of this project. And he was successful. Especially during the reign of Stalin, this was evident. Khrushchev took over everything and a slow collapse began with him.
          1. +5
            1 August 2019 17: 29
            One follows from the other.

            This is not true. Two states can be, say, unitary republics, however they differ significantly in the particularities of the political regime. I hope, take no offense, but for a start the basic course of the theory of state and law would not hurt.
            However, you obviously had in mind the typology of the state by creating a synthesis of the formation and civilization approach.
   - что-то подобное будет полезно для систематизации знаний в данной области.
            Here you are right)) even socialism and teachings came from the West, another question is that only Russia was able to scale up the implementation of this project.

            Excuse me, is the practical implementation of Western European teachings a sign of an independent "civilization"? More like a testing ground for Western civilization. Which, by the way, has never rejected 100% socialism, the left is quite a political mainstream in Europe.
            And in the part "only Russia", I will doubt: China has far surpassed in terms of scale. True, the reservation is characteristic.
            "And he was successful. Especially during the reign of Stalin, this was evident. Khrushchev wasted everything."
            The question is success criteria, although the final failure of the project is obvious. Moreover, the lack of internal strength and lack of interest in the so-called the elites in its continuation are just quite the criteria for failure. Something like a person without immunity.
            1. +2
              1 August 2019 18: 20
              Talking about admiring the past and returning to it is empty ... We must take into account the mistakes and systematically create a social state of our civilizational type. Which, in my opinion, is happening now. And we must take this fate, and not sigh about the past. The most important thing now is the protection and improvement of public morality.
              1. Underwater hunter
                1 August 2019 18: 58
                Quote: Victor N
                It is necessary to take into account mistakes and methodically create a social state of our

                I agree..

                Quote: Victor N
                create a social state of our civilizational type. What, in my opinion, is happening now

                But here I do not agree at all .. Please remind me, what were the government's initiatives that in fact led to positive social consequences?
                Quote: Victor N
                And we must take this fate, and not sigh about the past.

                Do you think that people have the opportunity to participate? How do you think this is possible?
                Quote: Victor N
                The most important thing now is the protection and improvement of public morality.

                What do you mean public morality?
                1. +2
                  3 August 2019 09: 20
                  I won’t convince you - the wrong format. A reasoned analysis is for scientific periodicals (... to take part ....). And here are personal impressions and conclusions.
                  Government initiatives ....... Yes, at least to help the poor, families with children. Just do not say that this is not enough - there is!
                  Public morality ...... I believe that it is urgently necessary to overcome the negative attitude towards entrepreneurs and eradicate the chimeras of the imaginary oligarchy. It is equally important to form a negative attitude in the public towards childless and small children - or extinction.
                  Observe, draw conclusions - there are a lot of interesting things around, just be able to see. There is an increase in vacationers in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Turkey - is it because "the people are becoming impoverished"? And why did the men stop picking up butts and asking them to "light a cigarette"? Why did they plant fewer potatoes in the dachas and more flowers?
                  Good luck!
            2. +2
              2 August 2019 10: 44
              Quote: Ryazanets87
              The question is success criteria, although the final failure of the project is obvious. Moreover, the lack of internal strength and lack of interest in the so-called the elites in its continuation are just quite the criteria for failure. Something like a person without immunity.

              It turned out to be neither Stalin nor Khrushchev. The system was not stable, unlike the same USA. Although here, of course, one can argue that the United States is only 200+ years old, but during this time in Russia a dozen constitutions were written and the system changed more than once. Stories about the fact that insidious "partners" had a hand in the destruction of the system, today, can satisfy only inveterate fanatics from patriotism. Yes, of course they did, but if the system were stable and if the elites were interested in preserving it, nothing would be ruined. The strongest survives in this world ... And what the current elites are now "building" has exactly the same strength as what was built under Stalin. Only the surname of the helmsman is different, but the current system is again tied to individuals. And this is the most significant factor in the instability of any long-term social system.
              1. 0
                2 August 2019 17: 05
                That's right, the state management system must be changed. It is true that our system is completely tied to the "king", whatever he wants, he turns. Why is it not so in the USA? Trump does not have absolute power, the so-called system of checks and balances works, which does not allow him to destroy the state. Even if the president becomes completely inadequate in the United States, he still won't be able to destroy the state. And here, any president surrounds himself with devoted sycophants and can easily "do things".
                This is Putin’s fault - he could not create a reliable state machine, but most likely did not want to, because he decided to rule forever.
                1. +1
                  2 August 2019 18: 57
                  Why is it not so in the USA?
                  In the United States, big business has real power. In Russia, the "nobility" is in the hands of, at the moment, the word "know" means officials - bureaucracy. Both are bad, but if you choose between two evils, then looking at our oligarchs, I will definitely not choose them.
                  But the power of the people does not exist - this is a fairy tale, a myth that the authorities love to tell their subjects very much so that they do not grumble.
                  Here, for sure, someone will recall the Soviet power of workers and peasants. And who ruled the USSR in reality? Are the workers and peasants?
                  The "elite" always rules, only the composition of this elite changes, in relation to our country: the prince's relatives - hereditary boyars - serving nobles - descendants of serving nobles (bureaucracy) - revolutionaries - descendants of revolutionaries (bureaucracy) - someone (I find it difficult to censor those who were with Yeltsin) - officials (bureaucracy).
                  Trump does not have absolute power, the so-called system of checks and balances works, which does not allow him to ruin the state
                  Putin’s omnipotence is also a myth, one person cannot rule an entire country, he does it through the same bureaucrats.
                  Although it is indisputable that in Russia the role of the personality of the head of state is huge and significantly higher than in many other countries.
                  But our country will not survive without a rigid vertical of power, we have too many peoples and religions. It will be torn into divisions.
        2. +1
          5 August 2019 09: 50
          Well, no one really held on to socialism, everyone wanted to break out into the "princes"!
    3. +2
      5 August 2019 08: 14
      Oh yeah! Marx and Engels hated and despised Russia and the Russians. (Like their social-revolutionary Russian followers - all kinds of essays, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks ...)
      And were indecently politically incorrect. (Shaw, Internationalism? Yes, but not applicable to the Russians and their state.)
  2. +3
    1 August 2019 15: 30
    What caused the “backlog” of Russia?
    - Restoration of capitalism. And then it will only get worse if we do not return Soviet power ..
    1. 0
      2 August 2019 10: 47
      Quote: paul3390
      - Restoration of capitalism.

      The article covers a longer period than the Soviet regime in Russia ... And who is to blame for the fact that Peter the Great learned to build ships in Holland?
    2. 0
      5 August 2019 08: 18
      Those. Do you want to continue to transfer money to the fraternal people of Central Asia and the Caucasus?
      And by the way, "Soviet power" is whose power? In the USSR, all power was wholly and completely concentrated in the hands of the Communist Party. The Communist Party established the USSR. The Communist Party built, developed and strengthened the USSR. The Communist Party also dissolved the USSR.
      You are aware that in the USSR there was the Ukrainian Communist Party, the Armenian, Uzbek and other Communist Parties, but there was no Russian Communist Party. Why do you think so?
    3. 0
      5 August 2019 10: 00
      you won’t return late. Before, you had to think when there was something to lose.
  3. +9
    1 August 2019 15: 42
    Everything is fine with us, but it’s impossible to live like that.
    1. +2
      2 August 2019 11: 51
      Chukchi is not a philosopher, Chukchi is a writer, and this is me. It seems to me that the Russian people retained in themselves a certain feature of a beautiful, marvelous archaic, consisting in a proposal to other peoples: you do not touch us, and we will not touch you.
      Yes, we, having fought off the Horde, drove her established aggressive style to the end of the Asian continent and even penetrated the American one. But following what is indestructible in us, we peacefully coexisted with any peoples who met us on the way in our advance east. According to the law of justice, before which everyone was equal regardless of nationality. But to the south ... There is another archaic, dark, evil, seeking to spread to the north and therefore still forces it to fight back by force. Or buy her loyalty.
      Is the time of our kind, archaic thinking gone? Time has passed, but our genotype remains. They will destroy us. And a new era tirelessly creates mechanisms of extermination. Do we want to survive? Yes! So you need to understand these mechanisms, destroy them and create protective ones. And so that this does not work out, we are actively diluted and replaced by peoples of an archaic alien to us. One for which justice is a category only for their own.
      1. 0
        5 August 2019 08: 50
        The Russians did not fend off the Horde. The Russian state itself became half the Horde and, naturally, seized most of the territories formerly controlled by the Horde.

        Is the time of our kind, archaic thinking gone? Time has passed, but our genotype remains. They will destroy us. And a new era tirelessly creates mechanisms of extermination. Do we want to survive? Yes! So you need to understand these mechanisms, destroy them and create protective ones. And so that this does not work out, we are actively diluted and replaced by peoples of an archaic alien to us. One for which justice is a category only for their own.

        Well, what are you, here the people happily jumping for a return to the USSR 2.0. fool And you ... and you ... just some Dugin. bully
  4. +1
    1 August 2019 15: 57
    we (the Russians) can do everything (I always say this), but we need two small things: a national idea (goal) and a leader (not a tsar, the change of power is required), who will lead to this goal (through thorns to the stars). (not quite here - with "them") - nationalization of natural resources
    Text Art. 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the current version for 2019: 1. Land and other natural resources are used and protected in the Russian Federation as the basis for the life and work of peoples living in the corresponding territory.
    2. Land and other natural resources may be in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership.
    clause 2 to exclude except

    these 3 questions need to be resolved at this stage, the rest is secondary. however strange our strength is in multinationality, each nation (nationality) can make its own special contribution (approach) to the common cause.
    1. +4
      1 August 2019 16: 24
      national idea (goal)
      how strange is our strength in multinationality

      It’s really interesting how you combine this.
      a leader (not a king-shift of power is obligatory), who will lead to this goal

      the institution of the succession of "leaders" is also curious.
      Although the author of the article can enlighten you about the funny Khazar customs on this subject.
      1. +3
        1 August 2019 16: 52
        We already had such an "institution". And there were leaders. The result was the collapse of the USSR.
        1. -1
          1 August 2019 17: 23
          We already had such an "institution". And there were leaders. The result was the collapse of the USSR.

          Yes, I see, I see.
          The main thing is to catch on anything and shout all badly.
      2. +5
        1 August 2019 17: 03
        Quote: Ryazanets87
        it's really interesting how you combine this

        you propose a national idea for each nation, or Russian the national idea for the rest of the nations (gives up by fascism)? By the leader, I meant the person whom the people would follow, and not the shepherd chasing the herd.
        the institution of the succession of "leaders" is also curious.
        about fair elections have not heard? even Franco and Pinochet allowed to hold elections and come to the civil administration (although Pinochet was seriously injured because of this). For a long time, the one sitting in power turns into a monument.
        “Democracy is a bad form of government, but mankind hasn’t come up with anything better” (W. Churchill)
        , and as you know, Bismarck and Churchill do not recommend anything bad.
        1. +1
          1 August 2019 17: 39
          you propose a national idea for each nation, your own or a Russian national idea for other nations

          I would like to understand what you offer by combining the theses on the need for a national idea and multinationality as a source of some power.
          about fair elections have not heard? even free and pinochet allowed elections

          you see, in my opinion, leaderism and the regular change of power through fair elections are poorly combined. Actually, your Pinochet example just demonstrates this.
          I myself fully support the idea of ​​changing power and am a principled opponent of "leaderism" and "cults."
          1. +2
            1 August 2019 18: 04
            Putin came (after Yeltsin) to him (at that stage) the people had high hopes (leader), time passed, the castling of Medvedev / Putin (insulting), glued the Crimea (debatable, but the leader), the case of Serdyukov / Vasilyeva
            (very insulting), persistent decline in well-being (finally insulting). no changeability (one person - some words) and on the other side of the scales whether kuan yu (there are also their troubles, but progress is obvious). and my suggestions are simple - to leave nicely ( so as not to become Gorbachev in the memory of the people), our national idea is probably not the correct term - we will call it a vector of development (let it be the building of a socially oriented state, which is what is declared). Before leaving, make beautiful, right steps in this direction, say to everyone "thank you "and leave, but how can you offend sechin and so on. You have to choose a homeland or fat-ass fat men, and according to their actions, the choice is made towards the fat ones
    2. 0
      2 August 2019 01: 19
      I suspect that you were fond of the history of the Horde)) directly copied the main three acquisitions of the Genghis gene 1) a big state idea 2) unwavering faith of the monarch 3) tolerance for multinationality)))))) I do not know why the author of the article and the official TV insist that the Russian Federation is Byzantine type .....
      1. 0
        2 August 2019 14: 41
        multinational tolerance
        we will disappear
        unwavering faith of the monarch
        the whole thing - faith is a voluntary matter (you can’t be forced to believe, obey, yes, believe-no) I am more impressed by the replaceable wise ruler (not the king - aksakal),
        big state idea

        in the beginning was the word and the word was god
        no idea - no how.
        I don’t know why the author of the article and the official TV insist that the Russian Federation is a Byzantine type
        everyone wants to be cunningly cunning (our rulers), but we are simple people, if necessary "in the face", so we are "in the face".
    3. +1
      5 August 2019 03: 23
      Just do not be offended now, well ... Tell me, are you in your family Power? Do you have a pretty wife? How now about the change of power?
      Power, it is Power in the full sense of the word, neither in the USA, nor in Britain, ANYWHERE in capital countries has changed for centuries, it’s like there were families, dynasties, families, those who have money and resources, they remain. All these presidents, chancellors, these are all talking heads, puppets.
      Russia, a beautiful, very rich country, they will always want to crush it for themselves.
  5. +7
    1 August 2019 16: 17
    So in the struggle of civilizations: driven horses are shot, isn't it?
    .... The death of the Byzantine empire, for example .. Not just shot, but with a control shot .. And from the USSR, then as in a long distance run, we went in the lead, then decided to stop to see how others were running and decided catching up, only breathing has already gone astray ..
    1. 0
      5 August 2019 10: 32
      Perhaps even easier. under the USSR, the authorities spoiled the citizens so much to think about making a decision and just working that everyone is still offended by the authorities like an ex-wife like a husband like I gave you the best years and you?
  6. +3
    1 August 2019 16: 38
    Autocratic hand
    He boldly sowed enlightenment,
    Do not despise my native country:
    He knew her purpose.

    What can you say?

    Perhaps the tsar’s merits are not quite truthfully presented to us ... Probably the reign of some (Ivan the Terrible, Alexander III) was of great importance for the development of statehood, and palace intrigues and reprisals against the monarchs made sense and allowed the best to ascend to the throne, but it’s hard to speak after Stalin’s reign about some significant successes of the board. You can talk about the successes of scientists, directors, artists - people of creative labor, but the successes of the board are very modest. And the rule of some is called otherwise than genocide - the language does not turn.
  7. +3
    1 August 2019 17: 26
    Only a monarchical form of government could give the opportunity to develop Russia at this historical stage.
    Was it once different? Well, not counting the primitive system.
    Yes, there was a veche, but this is only a hypocritical form of deceiving people - everything was decided by several bagathees, and when the threat arose, the prince was still called upon.
    Later, when Russia arose, there was almost no other form of government besides a monarchical one. And rare episodes without a king have always been characterized as periods of timelessness, unrest, accompanied by the loss of territories, and disaster for the people.
    The heyday of our state always occurred with a strong autocrat.
    And by the word autocrat, I mean not only the prince / king / emperor but also the general secretary / president. It doesn’t matter what the title of the head of state is called if it is strong and decisive - the country flourishes, if it is weak, it falls into decay. At its core, Russia is an empire where many peoples live, and without a strong central authority it cannot maintain stability. Inevitably, national princes appear, who begin attempts to tear our country to pieces.
    The periods of democracy in Russia are periods of empty talking rooms. We cannot agree, we are too different.
    The West cannot understand this and is trying to impose its democracy on us.
    However, maybe he understands ...
    1. 0
      2 August 2019 01: 45
      I agree that only a rigid vertical and unshakable faith in a leader can keep such a motley empire, but I’m not entirely sure that this is to the benefit of civilizational development, as the author broadcast about - energetic creative monarchs on the fingers of one hand - the rest or stagnation or collapse - for me, this is the main vulnerability
      1. +3
        2 August 2019 02: 07
        I agree with you, but there are no options.
        Or shrink, leaving only the European part, without most of the Volga region, without the Caucasus, that is, those territories where the vast majority of Russians are Russian, perhaps something from Siberia, but again pieces. To me personally, such a perspective does not seem acceptable.
        Under the USSR, they tried to create a single nation, but failed.
        Unlike the United States, all of our peoples are not newcomers, how can they be forced to become a single nation.
        Slow natural assimilation took place before the USSR, but then dying languages ​​began to revive, to invent writing, assimilation stopped.
        Now it is still more aggravated by the clericalization of society - there is Orthodoxy, there is Islam, there is Buddhism. This is all very disconnecting. Only hard centralization of power saves from collapse.
        1. 0
          2 August 2019 17: 17
          there are always options))) why such pessimism and unlimited faith in the autocrat?!))) (symbolism with a coat of arms is not casual - an eagle with a scepter and crowns although it seems like a parliamentary republic, although under Kerrensky empty-handed and without a hat))) again then such a boriska will come to the kingdom and will steal everything that is overpowering as last time — the empire was thrown back for 50 years without any war. than you Anglo-Saxon model is not an option - the identity of the colonies is how many different .... there right now your Boriska - a step to the left execution. and Trump is still on probation))
          1. 0
            2 August 2019 18: 24
            than you Anglo-Saxon model is not an option - the identity of the colonies how many different
            Oh yes the colonies just mulion left wink
  8. 0
    1 August 2019 17: 41
    Toynbee, defining the attitude of the West with other civilizations, assigned Russia to a catch-up type of development.
    If you accept the rules of the game of scammers, you will always be a loser. Toynbee spoke and everyone rushed to prove that we were not like that. We already live in the west, because we measure in the west, success, money, cars in the yards. Has anyone even written words like honor justice here?
    The Soviet Union was the Russian Empire. And now the colors of the Holy Roman Empire have revived. They want to live not in truth, but in Roman law.
  9. +2
    1 August 2019 17: 56

    From a cup overflowing with God's wrath
    Blood is pouring over the edge, and the West is drowning in it.
    Blood will flow on you, our friends and brothers! -
    Slavic world, close tightly ...
    “Unity,” declared the oracle of our day, “
    It may be soldered with iron and blood only ... "
    But we will try to solder him with love, -
    And then we'll see what is stronger ...
    September 1870
    F.I. Tyutchev
  10. +1
    1 August 2019 18: 04
    Eurocentrism will soon die out, of course within the historical framework, not tomorrow. It has already been, it is, and it will be so. Civilizations are born and die, there is nothing eternal under the sun. whatever Marx, Engels, Toynbee, etc.
  11. +1
    1 August 2019 18: 27
    Obviously, it is worth waiting for a continuation or an end to understand what the author wants - to show that catch-up development, especially along the "imperial path", is a road to a dead end, to offer his own answer to the "challenges of the West" in the form of a development option taking into account state interests, national specificity and civilizational characteristics or creates another work from the series "Russia cannot be understood with the mind."
    In the meantime, only suspicion arises, possibly in vain, that the author, having mentioned Huntington, did not finish reading it to the end. In short, we are waiting for completion, while conclusions are obviously too early to draw.
  12. Quote: Amateur
    Engels (C) 1866: "As for Russia, it can only be mentioned as the owner of a huge amount of stolen property, which she will have to give back on the day of reckoning."
    Engels (on Napoleon's campaign against Moscow in 1812): "Cossacks, Bashkirs and other bandit rabble defeated the republic, the successor of the Great French Revolution."
    Marx - speech at the Polish meeting (C) 1867: "I ask you, what has changed? Has the danger from Russia diminished? No! Only the mental blindness of the ruling classes of Europe has reached the limit ... The guiding star of this policy - world domination - remains Only a dodgy government, dominating the masses of barbarians, can currently contemplate such plans ... So, for Europe there is only one alternative: either the MOSCOVIT-RELATED ASIAN BARBARRY will fall like an avalanche on its head, or it must restore Poland, thus shielding himself from Asia with twenty million heroes. "
    Engels (from the article "Democratic Pan-Slavism"): "Then the fight, the REMEKING STRUGGLE, not for life, but for death WITH SLAVERY,

    And in Russia they do not like toleras.

    And in Russia they do not like amateurs.
    You should at least bother to wonder what your contextual snippets were torn from, what specific historical events they are associated with, and what you sculpt them for, taking from repost to repost reposts to reposts of repost posts ...

    Learn Marx, Engels, Lenin:
    2.SPEECH AT THE POLISH RALLY IN LONDON ON JANUARY 22, 1867 Marks K., and at the same time
    "The imperialist war has shown, and the revolutionary practice of recent years in recent years has once again confirmed that:
    1) national and colonial issues are inseparable from the issue of the liberation of capital from power;
    2) imperialism (the highest form of capitalism) cannot exist without political and economic enslavement of incompetent nations and colonies;
    3) incomplete nations and colonies cannot be liberated without overthrowing the power of capital;
    4) the victory of the proletariat cannot be lasting without the liberation of unequal nations and colonies from the yoke of imperialism. "IV Stalin Towards the National Question.
    It was about the situation of the Poles in imperialist Russia of the 19th century.

    I remind you that Tsarist Russia was the same imperialist predator and strangler of peoples as the other imperialist powers of Europe and Asia.
    It is about this that the quotations of classics quoted by you, who certainly looked at history from the corresponding class and ideological positions ...
    1. By the way, can you recall the situation of serfs of Great Russians, Little Russians, and Belarusians in imperialist Russia of the 19th century?
    2. Who are you, an amateur from anti-communists, monarchists?
    1. 0
      5 August 2019 08: 41
      I remind you that Tsarist Russia was the same imperialist predator and strangler of peoples as the other imperialist powers of Europe and Asia.

      Did Russia have colonies? The Russian Empire banned national religions, customs or languages? And who, in your opinion, achieved 100% literacy in Central Asia? Me in the middle of 2000. at one of the sites of the former Sredmash I had to deal with professional men from South Africa, who had to leave because of afrodemocrats. So they said: which of ... colony. Here, 100% are able to read and write. Almost everyone knows two languages ​​(local and Russian). A third also knows English.
      What JV Stalin built in the USSR is called state capitalism. Then A.N.Kosygin tried to restore it. But communists from party committees, the CPC or the KNK (People’s Control Committee) could only interfere.
      Learn Marx, Engels, Lenin
      . And add Solzhenitsyn.
      There will be a complete anti-Russian kit.
      Who are you, an amateur from anti-communists, monarchists?

      I am just a Russian who wants my country and its citizens to be rich, independent and healthy.
  13. 0
    2 August 2019 01: 25
    Until we understand that West-controlled progress consciously embedded in his economic system, and is not a consequence of some "objective" laws, we will be catching up.
  14. 0
    2 August 2019 06: 28
    Quote: Civil
    What was the reason for the "backlog" of Russia? We intentionally take this word in parentheses.

    There are many reasons, one result.

    The reason is always ONE - Russia spent and is spending MUCH more forces and means in OTHER peoples and countries, and not in itself!
  15. 0
    2 August 2019 07: 17
    The post is very interesting, and I drove it into exile. Sometimes they published it more clearly than near. They see very well that our country is doomed to an industrial boom. It is precisely this that bothers them. A breakthrough in various branches of the military industry will bring about a peaceful transition. To such a quick many state institutions are not ready for the movement. They simply have not decided on the rules. You can talk a lot about the past and try not to notice the current realities. Here, the main thing is to determine the place of an ordinary person.
  16. +3
    2 August 2019 08: 35
    The Soviet Union became the most important driver of progress and brought Russian civilization from "catching up" to "challenging" in the twentieth century. And capitalism is turning Russia into fodder for more advanced civilizations, because in the pursuit of short-term profit does not think about the long term.
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +2
    2 August 2019 08: 48
    Quote: lucul
    There are many reasons, one result.

    The Indians, as they said to the Western conquerors of America - "only when you poison all the soil on which it will be impossible to grow food, only when you destroy the last animal on earth, only when the last fish in the water dies, only then will you white people finally understand WHAT MONEY CAN'T EAT ".....

    The Kremlin and those close to it are unlikely to agree ...
  19. +2
    2 August 2019 10: 46
    I totally agree.
    The key thought is this:
    Russia - Russia is a genetically European, but a separate civilization on the territory of Europe, which, by the will of historical destinies, has linked itself together with the peoples of the East. Russia, like Byzantium, is European, but not Western civilization. And as Byzantium is not Western, not because it experienced greater influence of the East, as the supporters of the Eurasian theory assumed, but because it had other roots and sources.
  20. 0
    2 August 2019 11: 12
    I did not understand why they banned me ?????
  21. +2
    2 August 2019 11: 14
    I totally agree.
    The key thought is this:
    Russia - Russia is a genetically European, but a separate civilization on the territory of Europe, which, by the will of historical destinies, has linked itself together with the peoples of the East. Russia, like Byzantium, is European, but not Western civilization. And as Byzantium is not Western, not because it experienced greater influence of the East, as the supporters of the Eurasian theory assumed, but because it had other roots and sources.

    Russia is the East European subcivilization of European civilization.
    In my view, European civilization has historically been represented in three forms:
    - the first - South European or Old European (Antique) in the form of Greece and dr. Rome
    - the second - Western European (West) in the form of a community of Germanic peoples who seized the territory of the Western Roman Empire, the core of which were the Franks;
    - the third - Eastern European or Russian (historical Russia: modern Russia, BR and former Ukraine).
    The first ceased to exist: Italy became part of the West, and Greece, along with a number of other countries between the West and Russia, became Central Europe - neither fish nor meat.

    As for developmental lag, I would not put the word "lag" in brackets. The West, being protected from external enemies by Russia and the seas and having a more favorable climate and sea transport routes, did not have the need to mobilize society to the extent that Russia was forced to do. These factors allowed in the West to engage in agriculture not as a whole community, but in individual patriarchal families, which subsequently led to the emergence of private ownership of land, individualism, the growth of private trade, the emergence of an influential third estate of wealthy townspeople - the bourgeoisie (merchants, bankers, manufactures) and the possibility of establishing an oligarchic republic (so-called capitalism), and then a modern democracy with its freedom of the media and universal suffrage. All this in the West happened in a natural - evolutionary - way.
    The above allowed the West at the dawn of the New Age to create a powerful ocean fleet, firearms (including artillery), industry, and a little later - to carry out a scientific and technological revolution.
    So The Russian empire really lagged behind the West in terms of social development and was forced to borrow its achievements in various fields. Another thing is that it had to be done thoughtfully, and not mechanically, adjusting Western European recipes to Russian reality (hello to Peter I and the CPSU (b) -KPSS).

    This is my opinion.
  22. +1
    2 August 2019 11: 22
    As always, Mr. Vashchenko chatted about the topic. The question he raised is of course important, if only in order to understand at what cost this very progress is paid. The way of life of any nation is formed on the basis of the environment in which it lives .. Progress including .. Let's say right away ... Russia was not lucky in this regard. The West obviously turned out to be in a more advantageous position. Well, what if Russia is the owner of gigantic territories. More than half of these territories are unsuitable for comfortable living. Permafrost. and the associated "charms" Vesti The economy on this territory is problematic. Most of the surplus product is spent on maintaining elementary life. One heat generation consumes most of the profit. There is no time for fat, I would live. Yes, and the climate podkuzhil .. We are accustomed to that the more south the warmer. And the north the lower the temperature .. In Europe, this rule does not work. A decrease in temperature there goes from west to east. The more east, the colder. Compare at least eastern and western Germany .. You will not believe those .. On average, Sweden is warmer than ours in the Kuban .. The southern part of Finland is much warmer than the Leningrad region, although at the same latitude. During construction, you have to dig a deep foundation. Although in Greece, I noticed many buildings are built simply on the ground. And the reason for everything is the Gulf Stream The oven of Europe .. The north of Russia gets crumbs from the heat of the Gof Stream. The non-freezing port of Murmansk. All this raises the price of the final product .. It's not for nothing that Russia butted so much when joining the WTO. - knocking out some preferences. Our products under such conditions are deliberately uncompetitive .. If you believe this bitch Margaret Thatcher, only fifteen percent of the territory of Russia is suitable for comfortable living ... no more than 20 million people ... And you are progress .. progress .. it is painfully expensive
  23. +2
    2 August 2019 13: 22
    Here are more such articles, and in the end, add to the fact that it is the Russians and not Ukrainians or "Sumerians" who dug the Black Sea.
    1. +2
      2 August 2019 13: 59
      No connection. On the contrary, stupid fantasies are dispelled in the article.
  24. 0
    2 August 2019 21: 50
    Russia adopted religion, culture, and the state system of the Eastern Roman Empire and became an Empire. Russia did not accept Catholicism and did not become part of the backyard of Europe - Poland. Yes, she lagged behind in science, technology, painting, architecture, literature and much more. But did the west want to share? No, the West has always regarded Russia as a subject of aggression and robbery, and for this Russia was deprived of the opportunity to adopt the achievements of the West. But the deadline came and Russia took everything by force, money, diplomacy. All a matter of time. By the way, we must already consider the lag of the West from Russia, otherwise it somehow turns out in person, the author.
    1. -1
      4 August 2019 08: 16
      The West is not involved in Russia's lag, it is not necessary in itself to explain its shame with the machinations of foreign countries. Russia withdrew from Afghanistan, transferring influence to China. Why should I blame the West for anything?
      Find which civilization can afford to blow twin towers
      1. 0
        4 August 2019 17: 27
        And how many wars did the collective west wage against Russia, Russia, the USSR? And continuous sanctions since the days of the USSR? The USSR left Afghanistan :)))
        Civilization cannot kill its citizens or it is a civilization of barbarians.
        What are you speaking about?
        1. 0
          9 September 2019 22: 20
          You show me one war of the West against Russia.
          1. 0
            16 September 2019 17: 00
            Did you go to school?
            1. -1
              20 September 2019 18: 11
              They introduced Rogozin because he would destroy any industry. I don’t know anything else.
  25. -2
    3 August 2019 08: 53
    In my opinion, several reasons at the moment, because of which we are behind:
    1. We live in the past. Like a people. We constantly remember the good and the bad of the past and do not think about the future at all.
    2. We do not think about the future, because with such thieves, freaks in power, the future becomes completely unpredictable. Spit them all for the future, for space exploration, a breakthrough in medicine - the main thing is the grandmother is now grabbing and dumping abroad. Corrupt power cannot inspire people to create, altruism, passionarity.
    3. Globalization. Why invent and do something better if you can buy a ready-made, good solution in the West.
    4. The lack of a microclimate, tools, the right field for creative people, specialists in applied physics, IT, etc. All talents are felled in the United States, because they are not needed here, since basic research will not bring money in the short term. Therefore, in the Selicon Valley, half of the Russian speakers. Google and Apple have hundreds of yards in their accounts, they have long gone through the accumulation phase, and now, sparing no money, they invest in fundamental developments, gathering people around the world.

    All these points above are the reasons for the further strong backwardness and death. Empires are born and die. Here we are at the final frontier. And do not be complacent that carried us and God has always been with us, lucky only strong and smart.

    PS Well, see the demographics. We are dying.
    And who comes to us and from what countries and their level of education for partial replenishment?

    PPS and listen to Vova, he will once again show cartoons with military developments of the 80s of the Empire, passing them off as "newest". There are no brains now to come up with something.
    1. 0
      4 August 2019 13: 54
      Do not forget that empires are dying. And in its place remain other states (and not quite others). The Roman Empire has been gone for more than one and a half thousand years, and its legacy is still everywhere.
      Normal process of restructuring an inefficient enterprise
      1. 0
        5 August 2019 09: 12
        We are all mortal. But so that our country does not die, you need to know: where do the threats come from, it’s real, not informational trash of amateurs.
        The second, understand historically, really where it came from, and not use the stories from N. Karamzin, with all due respect to his great, but irrevocably outdated work.
        The rulers of the nineteenth century and earlier did not have the opportunity that managers today have. Speaking about the mistakes of the past, we can blame their personal mistakes, due to their nature, education, etc., today everything is different.
        Today, whining about the fact that we are dying, having at hand a powerful science of management, it is possible to calculate the needs of society, perhaps a high level of medicine and all resources - and so wastelessly waste them - a crime against our Civilization and our descendants.
        1. 0
          5 August 2019 13: 16
          Nobody argues that science can do a lot. Although the phrase about the obsolescence of history struck me deeply. But in the matter of the formation and collapse of states, science most often can only ascertain. In a situation in which "the lower classes cannot, but the upper classes do not want" science becomes powerless to change anything, this is a real path to collapse, which cannot be stopped by any universities and research institutes, as well as by writing "the most modern history, instead of the outdated Karamzin -Nestorskoy ". And how much the collapse will come in a couple of years or a couple of centuries is a matter of time. But you still don't need to panic, this process as a whole is not fatal, although it is accompanied by individual victims. But on the whole, I do not believe in the imminent collapse of Russia. However, I do not see the possibility of Russia to remain within its existing borders at least on the horizon of 100 years. The time is now very interesting. The discovery of integral-differential calculus by Newton and Leibniz 3 centuries ago forces the structure of human society to change rapidly, and the further, the faster. Challenges, challenges all around.
          1. 0
            5 August 2019 13: 31
            Dear Pavel,
            on the whole I agree with you, I won’t even argue here. Although, it seems to me that this is precisely the period for Russia, when a lot can be turned, but, unfortunately, the last thirty years ...
            Better about the story.
            In history, knowledge, as in any science, is becoming obsolete. This is called historiography: that is, who said what, so as not to give out the hypotheses of bygone days as sensations.
            Karamzin, of course, one of the pioneers of our science, the discoverer, was the first to express many hypotheses. But by the 50s of the nineteenth century it was "outdated".
            Social sciences move faster than the science of dead bodies, but for some reason in physics we do not study obsolete theories, but in history we are looking for long irrelevant researchers.
            But in the mass consciousness it seems that in history, the more ancient, the more true. This is not true.
            When we use a computer, no one says, it is better on abacus or, better on a typewriter, but in "history" - I read Karamzin better with his primitive monarchism ...
            Something like this.
            Best regards,
      2. 0
        7 August 2019 22: 31
        Pavel, this is what we are saying that I don’t want to become the Roman Empire, which disappeared along with the people, language and culture. To disappear due to these stumbling blocks in power, who do not want to do anything inside the country, and they think about short- and medium-range missiles. Not an external enemy is killing us.
        1. 0
          8 August 2019 03: 44
          Nobody has disappeared there. And that culture remained. Yes, and the people. Scientists did almost all of the science in the language of the ancient Romans until the 18th century. Well, among the people. Latin was first transformed into folk Latin. And more, under the influence of local languages, it was transformed into Italian Spanish Romanian French and other languages. You now also don’t speak Old Russian, and you don’t even write Old Bulgarian on which everyone wrote down to Peter the first. And besides the priests, almost no one knows
    2. +1
      4 August 2019 17: 31
      You have depression, hence all these black thoughts.
  26. -1
    4 August 2019 22: 31
    All the same, the country is a big family, there can be no diarchy in the family — this will lead to the disappearance of the family, but there must be agreement.
    Father - foreign policy, family protection, foreign trade, and other diplomatic tricks
    Mother - domestic politics, social institutions, all efforts are aimed at improving the lives and education of children.
    Children grow, develop, get married, fight and thump. They have every right to inform their parents of their point of view on a particular problem in both foreign and domestic policy.
    The country is a family, and Russia is a country without fatherhood. She does not have a mother or a father ... All these presidents with a state fool are profanity, never and no one who is temporarily holding office, is not interested in the prosperity and development of the state, stupidly there is no time to do this. To dump and dump this is the task.
  27. 0
    4 August 2019 23: 17
    It seems to be elementary: after childhood, adulthood should come,
    and after adulthood, old age.

    Europe after 500 years of adulthood-civilization has become
    old liberal civilization.
    And barbarian Europe was 500 years earlier than Russia (1000-1500gg:
    crusades, knight castles, burning witches).

    By its age, Russia should have become
    the next adult civilization after Europe, but it didn’t happen
    (for some reason, but it can happen? or it will not happen anymore, as it already
    became an old civilization, like Europe for the next 500 years?)
  28. The comment was deleted.
  29. 0
    6 August 2019 21: 35