Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Lonely Cheburashka with a megaphone in the night ...
Poroshenko bots have started attacking the red balloons that Shariy's supporters bring to rallies. On the one hand, it looks funny, but on the other, it makes me sad. War balloons. Well, yeah. The thing is that Poroshenko's party quickly adopted the enemy's (PPSh) experience and also began to use balloons. But black ones. In short, Ukraine today has its own version of the War of the Red and White Roses - the war of red and black balloons.
I’m not even saying how in the process of war a burst ball looks like its relative ...
Well, almost ... Although they have more in common than Sharia and Poroshenko.
You know, it's sad to watch a performance by a mediocre director Kolomoisky performed by a small troupe of actors. I’m just wondering so that you, and we too, will think about who really controls our country and who manipulates the whole people in their own interests. I called the main director, but I won’t have five more. Try to calculate the rest.
Now I will say a blasphemous thought. Thanks to the remnants of the Rada for the opportunity to laugh at last.
Well done deputies. I'm talking about the law banning swearing. We, regardless of political affiliation and party affiliation, really skated on the floor of this draft law. It is clear that deputies care about their re-election. Will take the law and ... Imagine the conversation of two voters before the election?
“And is he the one who in the last Rada didn’t work very well?
But this is nonsense compared to the joy of our young shoots. They just scream from pleasure, more precisely, from the presentiment of the future record for the Guinness book. The laurels of the first Russian emperor don't sleep. We read on the Internet that Peter I owned some kind of "big turn" from several hundred swear words.
You probably thought about how Peter is connected, the cockroach youth and the new law? I explain. Peter holds a record for the number of known matyuk. Our youth is modern, not particularly willing to look for these same matyuk in the annals storiesbut perfectly fluent in the internet. And the law requires that a complete list of these same matyuk be approved at the cabinet level. Got it?
The future record holder will sit in front of the camera and will simply read out all the swears that will be recorded in the decision of the Cabinet. Everything, the record is set! Modern, without tension and some torment. He sat down, read and received universal acclaim as the winner of Emperor Peter the Great! Beautiful perspective!
Here are the thoughts. I wanted to answer several questions of readers on the same person at once, even the notes began exactly with his mention, and, as the unforgettable Russian ambassador to Ukraine said, "never was this, and here again." And I wanted to answer questions about my attitude to Sharia. More precisely, about the attitude of the majority of Ukrainians towards this unconditionally talented and competent journalist.
Anatoly “died” for me at that moment when I began to carry out my own struggle with the authorities in the same ways as his opponent Poroshenko. He combined the excellent investigative journalism, showing the ulcers of our system, the abominations of those who seized the trough, the vileness of the fascist thugs with the purchase, and how else to call his payment to his own supporters in Ukraine 15 000 UAH for speaking at rallies (like "), Youth. Believe me, for Ukraine 15 thousands - serious money. This is, if anything, the monthly salary of engineers and technicians in a high-level enterprise.
The rest was soon added and continues to surface today. Stories about fascists in Ukraine? Yes they were. But the fascists were selective some. С14 Karas fascists, but the "National Corps" like and no. "Azov"? Yes, they are not bad guys when they fight in the Donbas. Only here among them there are freaks who use fascist emblems. Isn't that the case with Anatoly? Especially today, when it is necessary to catch up with the electorate.
In short, much of what Anatoly Shary is doing impresses me. And I understand that he is just as near-joyous as I am. Under his many inquiries, I would love to subscribe. But the fact that he from the well-fed Europe sends the boys and girls under the fists of the police and the Security Service of Ukraine, paying for this “compensation for moral and physical damage” - I do not like it.
This, by the way, is the answer to your proposals for creating a “party of Colorado cockroaches” in Ukraine. I do not want to be Lenin, whom “the people met with delight at the Finland station in Petrograd”. “The chest in the crosses or the head in the bushes” was not invented for word of mouth. This is the life of a normal person. Want to "crosses on his chest" - go first to the attack. Ahead of all, in the most meat grinder.
I was once solving a very important philosophical problem with my grandson. You can try it while you read the notes. What's the difference between a boiled egg and a fried one? For veterans armies и fleet the issue is insoluble. I advise you to connect the younger generation. And for all the rest, there are no insoluble questions. Everywhere we have a road for young people! But I, as a wise old man, will give an answer at the end of the material. In the meantime, continue on the election.
Listen, how many Dolly sheep we have, it turns out! British scientists, the Western scientific world, Chinese genetics ... Fie on you. The best minds of mankind in this matter live in Ukraine! We studied lists here. Who and from whom wants to get into the Parliament. Guys, well, just can not. We can not then sit down you properly.
Where do we put eight Zelensky, for example? Well, why do we need so many deputies-presidents? Or a bunch of journalists Dubinsky (channel 1 + 1)? But we are ahead of the rest of the planet! We can clone everything! For example, political parties and clones of political parties. Shocked? And you look at our electoral lists.
In addition to the party “The Servant of the People”, there is a mysterious LLC “The Servant of the People” with its candidates, by the way, some mentioned above, from there. And then there are more 20 organizations, the name of which one way or another this name is present. This is cloning! To the envy of the world’s scientific community. Nobel Prize to us!
You know, I was thinking for a long time, or rather I was waiting for the new president to appear, in order to answer one question that was asked by the reader after the announcement of the election results in May. How the Tarakan will name the new guarantor of the Constitution? So, today I can voice the name of our Ze, which I gave him on the basis of the actions that have already been taken by the Ukrainian president - mamZEl.
Those who are familiar with this, albeit an outdated, but quite specific concept, will understand me. The rest of the dictionary to help.
So, MLAM decided to live as it should be. Fairy tales about the fact that after the victory of the “Servant of the People” something will change, they will remain fairy tales. And the victory itself is not as straightforward as political analysts and other analysts on TV are trying to tell us. Apply power MOMZEl afraid. Scary little. He will lose part of the audience. And it is necessary! Vital for Ukraine is necessary!
Compare my reasoning about cloning and one more tiny nuance, there are no candidate numbers on the ballots, and you will receive the results of the “people of Ukraine” voting in the upcoming elections. A grandmother from Ternopil or Vinnitsa will understand the difference between the conditional Tarasenko from the “Servant of the People” party and the conditional Tarasenko from the “Servant of the People” LLC?
Just such a play was staged for the Ukrainian people and the audience behind the cord by our director Kolomoisky and his five assistants.
Now about what will happen to the war in the Donbas in the coming months or even years. The question is really serious simply because every day of this war brings the grief of a close, dear person to someone’s family. No matter in whose, it is important that quite young and strong people die. Not those who daily vote at rallies and meetings with voters or hit the faces of the face to political opponents, but those who sowed bread, who mined coal, who fished, and who raised children peacefully in their native village.
So, the war will continue until the last Ukrainian. It finally became clear quite recently. After all the meetings that MUMZEL held at various levels in different countries. And today, Sundays, MUMZEl visited the village of Lugansk. But not alone, but with Donald Tusk.
“A high delegation had the opportunity to make sure that the Ukrainian side is unswervingly fulfilling international treaties and paragraphs of the Minsk agreements.”
It is clear that such attention to the Donbas is not just a desire to solve the problem quickly and without blood. This desire to solve the problem by someone else. NATO soldiers will come and expel the Russian army from LDNR. And the gallant APU and terbats will enter later and impose a “constitutional order”. So it was in the Ukrainian history. Yes, and NATO troops were.
Only then they were commanded not by the American generals, but by the Germans. And they were called somewhat differently. In 1941, the troops of almost the whole of Europe fought the Red Army, but our homegrown bastards established order in Ukraine. Both Babyn Yar, and the Lviv massacre, and other “special events” were held by local forces. Then, they also helped the Belarusians "helped" ... Khatyn, whose hands is it?
By the way, I remembered one reader comment about this. Something like “read to the place where Jews in Lviv were killed by the locals and left” because these are inventions of the communists, right? Or because "there are bastards, but they are not the whole nation"? Just let me remind you one Russian (!) Proverb: a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. One fly in the ointment, which kills a whole barrel of honey! Have you ever seen this tar? The stench from him is such that all the sweetness of honey destroys.
Do you know what is the most disgusting in this whole situation? MamZEl again showed, in the style of Hydrant, evidence of Russian aggression in the Donbas. Remember pieces of the bus in the hands of the Hydrant? Here is the same scheme:
Do you think that Tusk saw the truth? Do you think that European politics needs truth? Do not be romantics. Everyone understands everything. Europe, although the Europeans are tired of us, the war in Ukraine is necessary. There will be no such war, the problem of own security and deterioration of life in the EU will become. So, Donald Tusk spoke out quite expectedly:
I often recall one conversation with Tarakanushka. She knows my character. Frankly speaking, this very character looks a little like sugar. More on the rhino, probably. But I fight with him all my life! The cockroach responded very well to my flattery once:
“Maybe I'm wrong, but ...”
- You are mistaken without "but"!
In short, or you're right, or be quiet and do not confuse the situation.
Remember the statement of your president and once more of your politicians on the issue of the release of our seamen? Remember the reaction of our politicians, led by mamZelyu? So, to be continued. But not at all what you can imagine. In the style of "new us"!
Ukrpochta issued a new envelope dedicated to the prisoners in Russia and the occupied territories of Ukrainians! The envelope depicts the painting "Little Boat, come back home." In support of Ukrainian sailors captured by Russia in the Kerch Strait area.
It's time to finish. As promised, I give the correct answer to a philosophical question that I solved with my grandson. A boiled egg differs from a fried one in that it does not need to wash the pan after it! How do you intellect of modern children? With such a younger generation, you can be sure that in later life they will make no fewer mistakes than we are.
Paradox, but it makes me happy. Mistakes are a necessary part of life. Mistakes are not made only by those who do not live! Therefore, mistakes should not be punished, but encouraged. Awards, state awards and all the rest. Well, as it is done, that we have, that you have.
And for a snack, I cooked you "Marsh Cheburashek"! Who does not know, this is what we call the SBU between us. The text is in Ukrainian, so that you can feel the power of ... Cheburashek, xy. By the way, the author is none other than Valentin Nalyvaychenko, but I found his work in a poetic collection closed to ordinary people “for their own people” from the SBU called “Creativity of the SBU Employees”:
We swore Ukraine
I honor and take care of.
At tsiomu pragnennі єdіі
C'mon, tomorrow and make it.
At night and on the day,
Koli freeze and plank
We didn’t care,
Держ have a sword and shield
Sini Vіtchizni - to ratnіm dіlі
Nevemo service is not easy
Praise all husband and mind,
Usim, hto us on the post.
Sini Vitschizni - mi zupinem
In rozhvі rozbrat and ganbu (line not approved)
Mi sakhistymo Ukraine,
Mi є SSU soldiers.
Zaradi the world - dozorі,
Use my bachim around.
Our forces Kozatsky Korіn
Don't know who you are.
Zlizka we see і zdaleka
Shaw zupiniti evil worse.
Hai Service Our Security
In the Ukrainian share of the savings.
And let a friend Cheburashka not be offended. Any sensible Tarakan at first glance, it is clear that he is an employee of the bodies! Big eyes why? Yes, because he sees everything around. Ears? It is also clear to hear everything around. But why short hands? Yes, why there is no horn for a cow;
And we will still live! What do you want! And finally, some more pictures of our Kiev. Just to show that we are still alive.
All these rulers come and go, but the nations remain! Just like us, Cockroaches.