Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Lonely Cheburashka with a megaphone in the night ...

Greetings to you, dear friends and other readers! Well, that ended the "quiet" week of our election campaign. As I promised, there was no particular confrontation between the candidates. There is a calm preparation of the correct voting. Probably the most “bloody” is happening between supporters of the former Hydrant and the new party of Sharia.

Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Lonely Cheburashka with a megaphone in the night ...

Poroshenko bots have started attacking the red balloons that Shariy's supporters bring to rallies. On the one hand, it looks funny, but on the other, it makes me sad. War balloons. Well, yeah. The thing is that Poroshenko's party quickly adopted the enemy's (PPSh) experience and also began to use balloons. But black ones. In short, Ukraine today has its own version of the War of the Red and White Roses - the war of red and black balloons.

I’m not even saying how in the process of war a burst ball looks like its relative ...

Well, almost ... Although they have more in common than Sharia and Poroshenko.

You know, it's sad to watch a performance by a mediocre director Kolomoisky performed by a small troupe of actors. I’m just wondering so that you, and we too, will think about who really controls our country and who manipulates the whole people in their own interests. I called the main director, but I won’t have five more. Try to calculate the rest.

Now I will say a blasphemous thought. Thanks to the remnants of the Rada for the opportunity to laugh at last.

Well done deputies. I'm talking about the law banning swearing. We, regardless of political affiliation and party affiliation, really skated on the floor of this draft law. It is clear that deputies care about their re-election. Will take the law and ... Imagine the conversation of two voters before the election?

“And is he the one who in the last Rada didn’t work very well?

But this is nonsense compared to the joy of our young shoots. They just scream from pleasure, more precisely, from the presentiment of the future record for the Guinness book. The laurels of the first Russian emperor don't sleep. We read on the Internet that Peter I owned some kind of "big turn" from several hundred swear words.

You probably thought about how Peter is connected, the cockroach youth and the new law? I explain. Peter holds a record for the number of known matyuk. Our youth is modern, not particularly willing to look for these same matyuk in the annals storiesbut perfectly fluent in the internet. And the law requires that a complete list of these same matyuk be approved at the cabinet level. Got it?

The future record holder will sit in front of the camera and will simply read out all the swears that will be recorded in the decision of the Cabinet. Everything, the record is set! Modern, without tension and some torment. He sat down, read and received universal acclaim as the winner of Emperor Peter the Great! Beautiful perspective!

Here are the thoughts. I wanted to answer several questions of readers on the same person at once, even the notes began exactly with his mention, and, as the unforgettable Russian ambassador to Ukraine said, "never was this, and here again." And I wanted to answer questions about my attitude to Sharia. More precisely, about the attitude of the majority of Ukrainians towards this unconditionally talented and competent journalist.

Anatoly “died” for me at that moment when I began to carry out my own struggle with the authorities in the same ways as his opponent Poroshenko. He combined the excellent investigative journalism, showing the ulcers of our system, the abominations of those who seized the trough, the vileness of the fascist thugs with the purchase, and how else to call his payment to his own supporters in Ukraine 15 000 UAH for speaking at rallies (like "), Youth. Believe me, for Ukraine 15 thousands - serious money. This is, if anything, the monthly salary of engineers and technicians in a high-level enterprise.

The rest was soon added and continues to surface today. Stories about fascists in Ukraine? Yes they were. But the fascists were selective some. С14 Karas fascists, but the "National Corps" like and no. "Azov"? Yes, they are not bad guys when they fight in the Donbas. Only here among them there are freaks who use fascist emblems. Isn't that the case with Anatoly? Especially today, when it is necessary to catch up with the electorate.

In short, much of what Anatoly Shary is doing impresses me. And I understand that he is just as near-joyous as I am. Under his many inquiries, I would love to subscribe. But the fact that he from the well-fed Europe sends the boys and girls under the fists of the police and the Security Service of Ukraine, paying for this “compensation for moral and physical damage” - I do not like it.

This, by the way, is the answer to your proposals for creating a “party of Colorado cockroaches” in Ukraine. I do not want to be Lenin, whom “the people met with delight at the Finland station in Petrograd”. “The chest in the crosses or the head in the bushes” was not invented for word of mouth. This is the life of a normal person. Want to "crosses on his chest" - go first to the attack. Ahead of all, in the most meat grinder.

I was once solving a very important philosophical problem with my grandson. You can try it while you read the notes. What's the difference between a boiled egg and a fried one? For veterans armies и fleet the issue is insoluble. I advise you to connect the younger generation. And for all the rest, there are no insoluble questions. Everywhere we have a road for young people! But I, as a wise old man, will give an answer at the end of the material. In the meantime, continue on the election.

Listen, how many Dolly sheep we have, it turns out! British scientists, the Western scientific world, Chinese genetics ... Fie on you. The best minds of mankind in this matter live in Ukraine! We studied lists here. Who and from whom wants to get into the Parliament. Guys, well, just can not. We can not then sit down you properly.

Where do we put eight Zelensky, for example? Well, why do we need so many deputies-presidents? Or a bunch of journalists Dubinsky (channel 1 + 1)? But we are ahead of the rest of the planet! We can clone everything! For example, political parties and clones of political parties. Shocked? And you look at our electoral lists.

In addition to the party “The Servant of the People”, there is a mysterious LLC “The Servant of the People” with its candidates, by the way, some mentioned above, from there. And then there are more 20 organizations, the name of which one way or another this name is present. This is cloning! To the envy of the world’s scientific community. Nobel Prize to us!

You know, I was thinking for a long time, or rather I was waiting for the new president to appear, in order to answer one question that was asked by the reader after the announcement of the election results in May. How the Tarakan will name the new guarantor of the Constitution? So, today I can voice the name of our Ze, which I gave him on the basis of the actions that have already been taken by the Ukrainian president - mamZEl.

Those who are familiar with this, albeit an outdated, but quite specific concept, will understand me. The rest of the dictionary to help.

So, MLAM decided to live as it should be. Fairy tales about the fact that after the victory of the “Servant of the People” something will change, they will remain fairy tales. And the victory itself is not as straightforward as political analysts and other analysts on TV are trying to tell us. Apply power MOMZEl afraid. Scary little. He will lose part of the audience. And it is necessary! Vital for Ukraine is necessary!

Compare my reasoning about cloning and one more tiny nuance, there are no candidate numbers on the ballots, and you will receive the results of the “people of Ukraine” voting in the upcoming elections. A grandmother from Ternopil or Vinnitsa will understand the difference between the conditional Tarasenko from the “Servant of the People” party and the conditional Tarasenko from the “Servant of the People” LLC?

Just such a play was staged for the Ukrainian people and the audience behind the cord by our director Kolomoisky and his five assistants.

Now about what will happen to the war in the Donbas in the coming months or even years. The question is really serious simply because every day of this war brings the grief of a close, dear person to someone’s family. No matter in whose, it is important that quite young and strong people die. Not those who daily vote at rallies and meetings with voters or hit the faces of the face to political opponents, but those who sowed bread, who mined coal, who fished, and who raised children peacefully in their native village.

So, the war will continue until the last Ukrainian. It finally became clear quite recently. After all the meetings that MUMZEL held at various levels in different countries. And today, Sundays, MUMZEl visited the village of Lugansk. But not alone, but with Donald Tusk.

“President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and President of the European Council Donald Tusk visited the area of ​​the United Force operation and visited the area of ​​breeding of forces and means in the Village of Lugansk.”

“A high delegation had the opportunity to make sure that the Ukrainian side is unswervingly fulfilling international treaties and paragraphs of the Minsk agreements.”

It is clear that such attention to the Donbas is not just a desire to solve the problem quickly and without blood. This desire to solve the problem by someone else. NATO soldiers will come and expel the Russian army from LDNR. And the gallant APU and terbats will enter later and impose a “constitutional order”. So it was in the Ukrainian history. Yes, and NATO troops were.

Only then they were commanded not by the American generals, but by the Germans. And they were called somewhat differently. In 1941, the troops of almost the whole of Europe fought the Red Army, but our homegrown bastards established order in Ukraine. Both Babyn Yar, and the Lviv massacre, and other “special events” were held by local forces. Then, they also helped the Belarusians "helped" ... Khatyn, whose hands is it?

By the way, I remembered one reader comment about this. Something like “read to the place where Jews in Lviv were killed by the locals and left” because these are inventions of the communists, right? Or because "there are bastards, but they are not the whole nation"? Just let me remind you one Russian (!) Proverb: a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. One fly in the ointment, which kills a whole barrel of honey! Have you ever seen this tar? The stench from him is such that all the sweetness of honey destroys.

Do you know what is the most disgusting in this whole situation? MamZEl again showed, in the style of Hydrant, evidence of Russian aggression in the Donbas. Remember pieces of the bus in the hands of the Hydrant? Here is the same scheme:

"Tusku presented the results of the work of the demining teams, which showed evidence of Russian aggression in the form of remnants of enemy ammunition that were found by pyrotechnic groups."

Do you think that Tusk saw the truth? Do you think that European politics needs truth? Do not be romantics. Everyone understands everything. Europe, although the Europeans are tired of us, the war in Ukraine is necessary. There will be no such war, the problem of own security and deterioration of life in the EU will become. So, Donald Tusk spoke out quite expectedly:

“I visited the village of Lugansk today with President Vladimir Zelensky. The tragedy in the east of Ukraine continues, with humanitarian consequences for the local residents who are trapped in the war of Russia. ”

I often recall one conversation with Tarakanushka. She knows my character. Frankly speaking, this very character looks a little like sugar. More on the rhino, probably. But I fight with him all my life! The cockroach responded very well to my flattery once:

“Maybe I'm wrong, but ...”

- You are mistaken without "but"!

In short, or you're right, or be quiet and do not confuse the situation.

Remember the statement of your president and once more of your politicians on the issue of the release of our seamen? Remember the reaction of our politicians, led by mamZelyu? So, to be continued. But not at all what you can imagine. In the style of "new us"!

Ukrpochta issued a new envelope dedicated to the prisoners in Russia and the occupied territories of Ukrainians! The envelope depicts the painting "Little Boat, come back home." In support of Ukrainian sailors captured by Russia in the Kerch Strait area.

It's time to finish. As promised, I give the correct answer to a philosophical question that I solved with my grandson. A boiled egg differs from a fried one in that it does not need to wash the pan after it! How do you intellect of modern children? With such a younger generation, you can be sure that in later life they will make no fewer mistakes than we are.

Paradox, but it makes me happy. Mistakes are a necessary part of life. Mistakes are not made only by those who do not live! Therefore, mistakes should not be punished, but encouraged. Awards, state awards and all the rest. Well, as it is done, that we have, that you have.

And for a snack, I cooked you "Marsh Cheburashek"! Who does not know, this is what we call the SBU between us. The text is in Ukrainian, so that you can feel the power of ... Cheburashek, xy. By the way, the author is none other than Valentin Nalyvaychenko, but I found his work in a poetic collection closed to ordinary people “for their own people” from the SBU called “Creativity of the SBU Employees”:

We swore Ukraine
I honor and take care of.
At tsiomu pragnennі єdіі
C'mon, tomorrow and make it.

At night and on the day,
Koli freeze and plank
We didn’t care,
Держ have a sword and shield


Sini Vіtchizni - to ratnіm dіlі
Nevemo service is not easy
Praise all husband and mind,
Usim, hto us on the post.

Sini Vitschizni - mi zupinem
In rozhvі rozbrat and ganbu (line not approved)
Mi sakhistymo Ukraine,
Mi є SSU soldiers.


Zaradi the world - dozorі,
Use my bachim around.
Our forces Kozatsky Korіn
Don't know who you are.

Zlizka we see і zdaleka
Shaw zupiniti evil worse.
Hai Service Our Security
In the Ukrainian share of the savings.

And let a friend Cheburashka not be offended. Any sensible Tarakan at first glance, it is clear that he is an employee of the bodies! Big eyes why? Yes, because he sees everything around. Ears? It is also clear to hear everything around. But why short hands? Yes, why there is no horn for a cow;

And we will still live! What do you want! And finally, some more pictures of our Kiev. Just to show that we are still alive.

All these rulers come and go, but the nations remain! Just like us, Cockroaches.
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  1. -15
    9 July 2019 06: 13
    Good morning pan cockroach! Beautiful article and beautiful photos, thanks. What can I say, but nothing, everything is clear. And on the contrary, it’s not clear to me! All smart people say, fig, you started this bridge (direct conversation between Newsvan and Russia 24), and our Skabeeva (and who thinks she is smart?), Interrupting everyone stupidly as the parrot starts - we want, they want there .... Medvedchuk in general, in my opinion, it does harm with all our actions, and on our part, in the person of Medvedev and the company, we interfere in this show with a known result! If everything is clearly tough for you, then everything is somehow incomprehensible in our relations, there is no adequate answer and solutions! Or, as usual, in tails, they finally decided on Russian passports in the Donbass.
    1. +9
      9 July 2019 06: 48
      Quote: lithium17
      And on the contrary, it’s not clear to me!

      So first deal with the situation, and then complain ... But somehow it is not solid. What do you want if someone helped you from abroad? Stupidly
      1. -7
        9 July 2019 08: 15
        And I'm not complaining! And these are the facts that are in our reality. And it's stupid not to see them, especially behind our Russia Forward processions. Everything is fine with me, but I would like that everyone was fine, life is better.
        Quote: svp67
        What do you want if someone helped you from abroad?

        Thanks for the thought. Why did the foreign countries stop helping us and we started having problems? And yet, why does our government not act decisively and harshly against such "helpers" from abroad? Can I add one more thing, the Turks shot down our pilot, Israel our plane and silence? more than this GDP with data leaders just like .... Before Ukraine, it was somehow kindly, then they had a discount on gas, then they already wanted to judge the sailors at home (thanks to Klimkin, they ripped it off), we worry about how Europe will live there without their GTS ? the Americans threw us out of the embassy, ​​our citizens are being tried, accused of being arrogant, and we, our partners, do not understand that ... Kindergarten! Or have we started to live well? We also survive, the power stalls, the bureaucracy is strengthening, there is chaos on the roads, education ... And window dressing, yes, we have ... But whoever starts about problems or wonders why he should receive as much as the servant of the people said, he also complains ! Well, forward to the victory of communism, I know that!
    2. +1
      9 July 2019 17: 12
      Quote: lithium17
      And on the contrary, it’s not clear to me!

      everything is clear with this!
      to do what is not clear, it is from this that an illusion is created that it is not clear what is happening!
  2. +6
    9 July 2019 06: 41
    For me, Shariy died when he began to distribute ...
    It is strange but why he did not die much earlier when he distributed 8 thousand rubles to old women in the DPR and LPR. And the amount was pretty decent.
    Well, if you and Tarakanushka have 3 million subscribers like the Sharievs, then yes. Or not?
    1. +3
      9 July 2019 08: 00
      Shariy is probably not a bad person, but he has a European orientation. Those. if he gets power, he will follow in the footsteps of Petit "to Europe." This means the collapse of industry, degradation and extinction.
      1. 0
        10 July 2019 15: 31
        They have different "paths to Europe". Pedro has a virtual one, filled with fairy tales and promises of EU membership. With Shariy, everything is different. His idea is to build European life inside Ukraine without outside help, betraying the consciousness of Ukrainians: no one will give them anything and will not do anything for them - they must do everything they want to have themselves.
        1. 0
          11 July 2019 12: 15
          Quote: Lexa-149
          the betrayal of consciousness of Ukrainians: no one will give them anything and will not do anything for them - all that they want to have is for them to do.

          Does Sharia have a zombie emitter? Or maybe a magic wand? And what will they eat, while Shary will change everyone’s consciousness?
          Quote: Lexa-149
          Sharia’s situation is different. His idea is to build European life inside Ukraine without outside help,

          European life how where? How in Bulgaria, where the whole agricultural industry was killed, or how in Poland where shipbuilding was killed? Or maybe in Lithuania where they killed the energy sector. Europe destroys its competitors
          1. 0
            12 July 2019 09: 40
            Does Sharia have a zombie emitter?

            Not a zombie emitter, but a means of delivering information - a channel on YouTube and social networks.
            And what will they eat, while Shary will change everyone’s consciousness?

            Now what are they eating?
            European life how where?

            As in Germany, Holland ... Moreover, from there they will not take everything indiscriminately, but only good. You, for the sake of interest, watch Anatoly's videos and then there will be no questions.
    2. +1
      9 July 2019 17: 14
      Quote: scud
      handed out 8 thousand rubles

      giving out pensions and buying aunts are two different things!
      Quote: scud
      You and Tarakanushka 3 million subscribers

      But you never know how many subscribers ...
      1. 0
        10 July 2019 15: 28
        Do you know who these "aunts" are and where did the name come from? Unlike the aunts, Shariy's guys did and do everything according to the law.
        1. +1
          10 July 2019 15: 45
          Quote: Lexa-149
          Do you know who these "aunts" are and where did the name come from?

          I will assume that the "titushki" are people who take provocative actions in relation to other objects in order to obtain a reverse (necessary) reaction for money, posing as those who are not. In this case, Shariy's people deliberately went to the Poroshenko's election rally as his supporters (the rally was for supporters) and provoked his backlash! thus the people of Sharia, by this definition, are titushki.
          if you do not agree, correct.
          1. 0
            12 July 2019 09: 32
            You are not entirely right. The very definition came from the name of Titushko, who first appeared on the screen. The network writes that "titushki" are
            A collective term that arose in May 2013 in Ukraine, originally to refer to young people who are secretly used by local authorities as instigators and mercenaries to organize violent provocations.
            In fact, these are gopniks, provocateurs who try to undermine the situation and suppress dissent by force. Sharia’s people came to Poroshenko rallies and simply asked Poroshenko exactly the question, and didn’t tyrannize the audience. In addition to personally asking a question at the rally, otherwise it was simply not possible to ask Poroshenko a question. It is a legitimate right of a citizen. Is not it so?!
          2. 0
            12 July 2019 09: 35
            But the same Titushko. Sharia's supporters look like him?

  3. +7
    9 July 2019 06: 44
    About koradsky hi . I was very surprised yesterday by the fright of your mumZeli in relation to the planned teleconference. Well it’s so bad to get scared ... Why would it?
  4. +1
    9 July 2019 07: 16
    In the morning he was sobbing with might and main
    Now putting to the wall, then I wondered at the party card,
    But fortunately, I didn’t tell you the worst terrible secret,
    After all, I have my own family and children
    But fortunately, I didn’t tell the worst secret
    After all, I have my own family and children

    Yu. Shevchuk
  5. +1
    9 July 2019 07: 34
    Probably the most "bloody" takes place between supporters of the former Hydrant and the new Sharia party.

    You know, it’s sad to look at the performance of the mediocre director Kolomoisky performed by a small troupe of actors.

    TARAKASHKA, but are you sure that everything is as it is, as you described ???
    Maybe for nature it was necessary to post photos of the performance of KS? Ali, you should also .... suspect that sho crumbs from one table toss.
    I would say that this is THEIR business and I somehow like Pof! But here I DO NOT POF !!! And we can someone else will be interested, but there is no information FROM HERE, so Schaub, first-hand, they do not!
    PS By the way, red balls rushed to throw almost EVERYTHING now and greenery in that began to participate SPECIFICALLY !!! WHY IS THIS! Maybe they are afraid of what? And what actually?
    1. +2
      9 July 2019 08: 14
      Quote: rocket757
      red balls scrambled almost ALL now and the greens started to participate in it SPECIFICALLY !!! WHY IS THIS! Maybe afraid of what? And what exactly?

      I watched the videos of the current Shariy. Strange, but I saw a completely different person than he was before the presidential election. There clearly drowned for mamZEL. And here all the time laughter through tears. "Everyone is against us, but that's good."
      It seems to me that after he and his wife were kicked out of the lists, he himself lost faith in the victory. He was not interested in fighting. In the same place I saw video reports from the rallies of his party. Honestly, they did not hit the crowd.
      And finally, he is generally for what and against whom? Except Poroshenko of course. There it is clear personal scores and years of war
      1. +3
        9 July 2019 09: 43
        Quote: domokl
        I watched the current Sharia videos.

        And I follow the situation from the very beginning, ATTENTIVELY, I am interested in how it really is there, from different angles .... it happened.
        1. The ball spoke out against PORRO and his .... power !!! Winning ZE is a byproduct !!! Sharik SPEAKED, SHOWED, SHOWNED precisely this repeatedly!
        2. The ball did not say that with ZE it would be good, he assumed that not as with POR, it would not be worse. In some ways he was very mistaken, and in some things he really did not expect that such a positive effect would be obtained!
        3. The offense of the Ball does not matter. It matters that he and his like-minded people looked after ZE and when they saw that it had NOT been HERE, he was organizing real resistance, organizing REAL force against such a course! He promised!
        4. The ball is NOT OUR, NOT MY .... he is for UKRAINE ... maybe for his compatriots. We have nothing to present to him! bye, at least!
        5. Burst KSH now ALMOST EVERYTHING! And this is an ARGUMENT to sort matters out carefully.
        1. +1
          9 July 2019 10: 10
          Quote: rocket757
          They are bursting KSH now ALMOST ALL! And this is ARGUMENT to sort out the questions carefully.

          I also wondered why there were a lot of people against Sharia. I communicate with Ukrainians often. Their opinion is about the same as that of a cockroach. Moreover, many directly say that he is a nationalist. Just did not hit the trend in time. Kicked out of the country under Yanukovych.
          In the boiling boiler, which today is Ukraine, it is really difficult to understand. Who is for whom, who is for what and who is against. Everything is mixed up.
          Simply because everyone is "for all the good" and parties are organized under someone's name. Without a program, without specific proposals, without answers to burning questions
          1. 0
            9 July 2019 10: 59
            Quote: domokl
            Without a program, without concrete proposals, without answers to burning questions

            You need to understand it yourself, if you are of course interested .... to speak from other people's words ????
            My opinion perfectly \ coincides on different topics, but we stand on that because I try to figure it out myself.
            All the same, events will show who was right! We will take the result.
            This is the business of Ukrainians, it is important for them.
      2. +1
        9 July 2019 14: 26
        In the presidential election, Akhmetov, Pinchuk and Kolomoisky nominated a single candidate to overthrow the piglet Petya, who had too much power under him. Therefore, Shariy and Quarter95 in a single rush drowned for Zelya. Now all three are trying to hold as many of their deputies as possible in the Rada. They laid eggs in different baskets. After the parliamentary elections, when the parties decide how many deputies have passed and whether Kolomoisky will need to negotiate with someone or whether he can control the Parliament himself, it will be clear who will negotiate with whom or not. Accordingly, Sharia will either support Zelya and his master, or begin to drown him if Akhmetov and Kolomoisky quarrel. request
        In general, Shariy is a good preparation for the future. Everyone loves "Pravdorubov" and fighters against the regime. This election is just the beginning. It was clear that it was difficult to promote a party from scratch in a short time. Even if you have big money for you. But he has 4 years before the next election to get off the ground. So far, he is doing initial PR, and not really trying to get into the Rada. This is an artillery barrage. I would not be surprised if Sharia is nevertheless made the next president of Ukraine, when the population is completely tired of Zela and his master. request
        And it already gets tired. Fortunately for Zeli, no one understands the word "libertarianism", which everyone thinks is extremely fashionable. Just like Gorby's "pluralism". And libertarianism, in fact, has the main idea of ​​the power of business over the state and the complete non-interference of the state in business affairs. Simply put, this is the power of the oligarchs. Plus a cut in social services and government obligations. Cutting social sphere can certainly lead to advantages in the economy. But this will not please the population. But the word "libertarianism" is still fashionable in Ukraine, not obscene, everything is still ahead. hi
      3. 0
        10 July 2019 11: 56
        Comrade, Sharia’s wife (Olga Bondarenko) was not thrown out of the lists by the electoral commission. And in passing to the Rada, he did not at all lose faith. Look at his channel closely)).
    2. -1
      9 July 2019 17: 18
      Quote: rocket757
      Ali, you should also .... suspect that sho crumbs from one table toss.

      but I suspect!
      Quote: rocket757
      Maybe they are afraid of what? And what actually?

      worried that Akhmetov will steer!
      Shary, really drowns for the Akhmetovs!
      1. 0
        9 July 2019 18: 44
        Rumors, rumors here and there!
        I didn’t hear that I read !!! And I will not argue that this can not be in principle !!! But with such evidence, i.e. in their absence, I will not go anywhere to court or to the Inquisition.
        I look at everything, listen to everything and read, but if there is no evidence, there is no corpus delicti.
        In short, only time will tell .... this is not so Schaub our affairs, although it is important, we will sit on heaps!
        1. 0
          9 July 2019 18: 52
          Quote: rocket757
          Rumors, rumors here and there!

          The facts show you.
          Shary mokkanul smartly !!! smartly (Medvedchuk) was the Kremlin’s project and had to take power away from gunpowder in the second round ... but it didn’t work very well with the towers ...
          the electorate smartly went to vilkul / muraev / bondarenko - the people of ametov ...
          those. Shary dragged the electorate of Medvedchuk to Akhmetov’s group
          1. 0
            9 July 2019 19: 04
            And whom did Shary not "wet"? One and two faces, which already do not shine.
            Then, a ball for Ukraine, not for the Kremlin, that's for sure.
            In short, a bunch of options .... By the way, the oligarchs played a long hobby at the fairy tale.
            In principle, it doesn’t matter at all who will be there .... if only it were adequate.
            1. 0
              10 July 2019 22: 27
              Quote: rocket757
              In principle, it doesn’t matter at all who will be there .... if only adequate was.

              how to say, and here are his explanations. everyone makes conclusions
              1. 0
                10 July 2019 22: 56
                And sho? I can also indicate a few things like that.
                EVERYONE has KOSAKI, but few decide for them to explain and apologize!
                Then, I remind you again. I don’t need a BALL! He is not OUR, not for us and not about us! Interesting as an example ...... because I'll watch the "show" to the end! And there I will make final conclusions.
                I am a cynic old and ANY result I can assume.
                Squires, Ukraine is again out of luck! He will fulfill a major part of his promises, Ukraine will have light at the end of the tunnel!
                So far, declaratively, the idea is very attractive ..... all the more attractive, Schaub was able to break through, and there is more there and there !!!
                And what is, if nothing is done, it did not look appetizing at all.
      2. 0
        9 July 2019 20: 12
        Shariy never drowned for Akhmetov anywhere. With the exception of gratitude for the "brakes" for starving pensioners of Donbas
  6. +2
    9 July 2019 08: 03
    Europe, although Europeans are tired of us, war in Ukraine is necessary. There will not be this war, there will be a problem of our own security and deterioration of life in the EU.
    .. That's right, the association with the EU has been signed, it’s signed. The war will end if you have to take it into a friendly family of European nations, allocate money. This is Turkey, the EU has been driving the nose for how many years, it promises and finds new reasons every time. Ukraine doesn’t succeed, it’s necessary to take it if the war is over. It’s necessary to deprive someone. And if, after adoption, Ukraine pretends to be the USA’s beloved wife? .. Such a mess in the EU will begin. No, the war is better, especially since capital to earn her mona, both financial and political. We need each other, but not in existing systems.
    1. +3
      9 July 2019 08: 14
      Quote: parusnik
      That's right, the association with the EU has been signed, it’s signed. The war will end, if you don’t tell, you need to accept money from the friendly family of European nations.

      Nothing like this. The association is signed with a bunch of African countries, from ours also with Armenia. Nobody will take anyone anywhere. Shame on Europe is unknown.
  7. 0
    9 July 2019 09: 00
    but it’s somehow sad to look at the Big Ukrainian Derby without a commentator ... who-where-after whom ... good
  8. +1
    9 July 2019 09: 16
    Yes. Ukraine is in the line of many Asian countries, do not throw the "apple of discord" in the trash. Public harmony and tranquility are generally not taken into account. There is a struggle according to all the rules of the corridor scandal. And the saying about forelocks, slaves and gentlemen has been completely forgotten.
  9. 0
    9 July 2019 09: 16
    As for the eggs ... in me they differ in that one is round, the other is flat smile
    1. +2
      9 July 2019 09: 27
      Quote: Vadim Golubkov
      they differ from me in that one is round and the other is flat

      At the beginning I thought about the anatomical features of the organism and only then remembered the question of the cockroach good
      1. 0
        9 July 2019 09: 34
        Ah ha ha ... to tears laughing
  10. Ren
    9 July 2019 09: 22
    And in my opinion, this individual of civilian appearance is more to the face of VAZElin than mamZEL! hi
    1. +3
      9 July 2019 09: 33
      Quote: Ren
      this individual civilian appearance more to face VAZELIN,

      And I had to get into Wiktionary.Austar., Neglected. a girl or a woman belonging to a theater bohemian ◆ Do you have here, they say, mamzeli, standing on horseback, ride ... right? I. S. Turgenev, "Homelessness", 1846
      outdated. simple. a prostitute, a woman of easy virtue ◆ Grab a piece of musician Kuzma with mustard smear his head and Mamzel pieces four. A.P. Chekhov, "Fair" Total "."
      In a cockroach, the name on 100% corresponds to the essence of this type. From belonging to bohemian to behavior. laughing
  11. BAI
    9 July 2019 09: 25
    Where do we go eight Zelensky, for example? Well, why do we need so many presidential deputies? Or a bunch of Dubinsky journalists (channel 1 + 1)?

    And this is a rip-off from the Russian film "Election Day - 2". True, the authors there are Ukrainians (well, or immigrants from Ukraine - whatever you like), so, maybe. and not plagiarism.
    2. The author somehow bypasses sharp corners. Here is the opinion of the Kiev woman, published in "KP":
    The people here, frankly, are not yet considering Zelensky for the president at all. Everyone is waiting for the election but at the same time there is only one pre-election leitmotif in Kiev: Ukraine is the breadbasket. From time immemorial fed the impoverished Russia. This year, by the way, there is a poor harvest of everything. They only talk about this. There will be no apples, there will be no peaches and plums. Cherries fall, currants fall, the potato dries, the cucumbers wither, the tomatoes shrink and something black eats them and they fall off the bush. All Turkish, imported, tasteless is on sale. The agrarian power was completely exhausted and even left PACE from resentment against Russia.

    Mb therefore, the author so often photographs and presents us with various food stalls and points in Ukraine? There is a reservation on Freud, and there is, apparently, photographs on Freud.
  12. 0
    9 July 2019 10: 25
    Quote: svp67
    About koradsky hi . I was very surprised yesterday by the fright of your mumZeli in relation to the planned teleconference. Well it’s so bad to get scared ... Why would it?

    Why is it incomprehensible? Biletsky clearly said that the lads would do with him and his family ... So Zelensky did the trousers!
  13. +2
    9 July 2019 12: 29
    Let the opinion:
    Despite the well-known principle that complex questions cannot be resolved with simple answers, it seems like this: all the badyaga around and around Ukraine will end very quickly right after the full launch of SP-2.
    Actually, if you look at the chronology, then the whole blizzard began precisely from the moment this project began.
    Money, banal to nausea, will put everything in its place: they will earn new financial flows, new structures will earn (alas, alas, without Ukraine and without the significance of this state in the volume that exists and would like to see now and tomorrow), a fundamentally new business project of pan-European scale will be launched. Add a pipe to Turkey with a syud (by the way, few people probably know that this is NOT the only pipe to Turkey at all, because there is another, old, less powerful one), and the topic will close with Ukraine, curl up by itself, like milk curdling to kefir and further along the chain.
    No one in the West will finance the empty Nezalezhnaya project after the launch of the aforementioned pipes, for further on, the Russian Federation itself, very likely, will close this movement with Kiev by banal and total ignorance of this limitrophic territory.
    This is how life works ...
    People are sorry, but billions of dough are more expensive.
    This is how life works ...
    1. 0
      9 July 2019 13: 31
      Well, where did the amount of 15000 hryvnias come from? 1 + 1 crowed? The insect sequentially drowns against Sharia.
      1. +1
        9 July 2019 17: 37
        The figure did not come from, but was voiced by Shary either at the end of winter, or at the beginning of spring, when the confrontation between Shary-Poroshenko was simply enchanting. Then not only the muzzles were beaten, but the SBU was sent and the telefrins were smashed. Anatoly even then created a fund for payments to victims ...
        But for whom the insect drowns, I still do not understand .. For cockroaches probably what
  14. +4
    9 July 2019 18: 59
    That's it, now Vovka Zelinsky will urgently patent the word "mamZEL", like other words with WE! smile
    With this "patenting" he vividly reminded me of the "orange" Dioxin, who was trying to single-handedly cash in on the "orange" Maidan symbols - "horse horseshoe" and "So!"
    I never considered Sharia to be my-muddy, he was always and throughout the trick-a moderate banderlog, so I did not have any charm and disappointment with them.
    I have already decided for myself that if I go to these "elections, I will vote for Boyko-Medvedchuk's" Oppoplatform ", for lack of anything better, for" bezrybe "and indistinct cancer -" fish ".
    The clown VAZelin was also unsympathetic to me (in the second round of the quasi "elections" he did not spoil his ballot and put a tick in front of his name only because the hated Bloody Pedro-Christ-seller, with a large number of our spoiled ballots, could not falsify the "elections" in his benefit and stay for a second term!), I do not like the comic show "95th quarter", and after I saw the video with his "playing" the piano and "dancing" in high-heeled shoes, then any desire to watch some more the completion of the 95th quarter in the future has finally disappeared. negative
    Pan Nalyvaichenko is still an unpretentious "virshoplet" (these are "verses" at the level of a student of 4-5 grade of secondary school - why should an adult be so disgraced, even using his official position, is there really no self-esteem, only hypernarcissism ?!) "and" Ukrainian " kagby "my Ridna Movu" does not feel at all, after all, any "nosy Mova (native speaker)" cuts the ear right away - not "mi zupinim", but "mi zupinim" (or is this an editorial typo?) ?!
    In principle, a normal report from the respected KoloRadsky Cockroach, reminiscent of the one familiar to the regulars of the VO, its "corporate style" - if it is "multi-footed" and works under the control of "Cheburashkas" (I did not know about such a Kiev nickname "huts" winked ) ", then already so clearly does not give" control signals ", but the" sediment ", of course, remained, probably, it was conceived:" forewarned, then armed! "?! Thank you, comrade Cockroach-Health to you and Well-being, despite no matter what!
    They will not pass!
  15. 0
    10 July 2019 09: 01
    Zdorovenka bula, pan Ukrainian.
    I want to bring to your attention that the deaths of the Ukrainians fighting for NATO and the EU against the so-called Russian world, do not cause any sympathy, rather the opposite. Among the formations controlled by Kuev, innocent lambs have long been gone. All fight for pennies or the millennial Reich.
    So glory to the nation! Until the last Ukrainian !!
  16. 0
    10 July 2019 15: 17
    It finally became clear quite recently.
    Yes, it has long been clear to everyone. Well, if not for everyone, then for many - for sure.
    A boiled egg differs from a fried egg in that you do not have to wash the pan after it!
    This must be written down !!!!
  17. 0
    11 July 2019 04: 53
    In fact, this whole performance does not matter. Money has been invested in all this disgrace in Ukraine. Huge, gigantic money. I would even say tumbled down. In order to obtain long-term specific results. And no one will ever let you jump off, or taxi in the wrong direction. Whoever and wherever you choose, he will speak and do what they say. And there will not be - then it will not be.
  18. 0
    12 July 2019 15: 08
    And in our small Siberian town on the streets it is forbidden to trade in food products. Is it - fruits and vegetables, but the fruits of orchards. And then the places in three or four ...
  19. 0
    14 July 2019 17: 01
    And local moderators are unlikely to answer the question posed in this article .....