Battle of Western Siberia. Peter and Paul operation 1919 of the year

The Peter and Paul Operation was an operation of the Soviet Eastern Front 20.08 – 03.11.1919 in order to crush the troops of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral A. V. Kolchak, and liberate Western Siberia during the Civil War in Russia.

A. V. Kolchak with the ministers

At the first stage

In the middle of August 1919, the troops of the Eastern Front (commander V.A. Olderogge, member of the PBC V.P. Pozern) as part of the 3 and 5 armies (up to 55 thousand bayonets, 6 thousand sabers, 171 gun, 1081 machine gun), pursuing A.V. Kolchak’s retreating troops (57,5 thousand bayonets, around 10 thousand sabers, 239 guns, 766 machine guns), reached r. Tobol. The Soviet 5 army under the command of M. N. Tukhachevsky (about 35 thousand bayonets and sabers, 76 guns, 479 machine guns) was opposed by the white 3 army of General K. V. Sakharov and the Siberian Cossack Corps (about 24 thousand guns and Sabers, 122 guns, 356 machine guns). Against the Soviet 3 army under the command of S. A. Mezheninov (about 26 thousand bayonets and sabers, 95 guns, 602 machine guns) white 1-I and 2-I armies (33,7 thousand bayonets and sabel , 117 guns, 410 machine guns). After regrouping and preparation, the Soviet troops 20 August forced the river. Tobol.

Battle of Western Siberia. Peter and Paul operation 1919 of the year

M.N. Tukhachevsky in 1919

Over the 10 days they managed to advance to 130 - 180 km.

The 5 Army began the battles on the distant approaches (about 70 km) to Petropavlovsk. But on September 2, White put in reserves - by launching a counterattack. Covering blows (3-I army attacked from the south, and 2-I and 1-I armies attacked from the north), they sought, surrounding, to destroy the 5-th army.

And the offensive operation of the Reds became defensive. In September, during the heavy defensive battles, the troops of the 5 Army disrupted the enemy’s plan, inflicting large losses on White (over 15 thousand) and retreating beyond Tobol.

The first period of the Peter and Paul operation.

The Soviet 3 Army came to September 14, but October 2 also retreated to its original lines, leaving Tobolsk.

5-I army, having moved beyond the line p. Tobol, took the next defensive position on this river.

The balance of power before the decisive throw

In the area of ​​Art. Zverinogolovskaya (along the path Troitsk - Petropavlovsk), was located 35-division - a total of up to 2100 bayonets, 684 saber, 69 machine guns and 22 guns. The division held bridge positions at the crossing of the Tobol in the area of ​​art. Zverinogolovskaya (defenders of this tete-de-pona were part of the 2-th brigade). 1-I brigade was located north of the left bank on the lake. Lebedevo - dd Bugrovaya - Redutskoe - Berezova.

North of the 35 Division, along the Kamenskaya line - dd Ignashina-Yazeva and Tolsto-Veretinskaya, the defensive positions were taken by the 1 brigade of the 5 division. 3-I, making up the army reserve, occupied the area dd Berezov, and 2-I - Cherkasov - Birds. The division consisted of 3683 bayonets, 196 sabers, 56 machine guns and 14 guns.

Along the line dd M. Sosnovka - Kurgan - Voronova stationed the 26 Division, with a total of up to 3929 bayonets, 114 sabers, 142 machine guns and 28 guns. On the right flank of the division defensive positions along the line d.d. M. Sosnovka - Utyatsky - Barabinskoe occupied the 1-I brigade (two regiments - 228-m and 227-m, while the third regiment, located in the village of Menshchikova, was a brigade reserve). The average combat sector of the division from the mouth of the river. Lebyazhya to the village of Kurgan was defended by the 2-th brigade, and the left sector from the village of Kurgan to the village of Voronov- by the 3-th brigade. The 2 Brigade of the 21 Division, attached to the 26, was its divisional reserve and occupied the area of ​​the d. Shmakovskoe (186 and 187 regiments) - Klepikova - Erokhin (184) - Orlovka (185).

On the left flank of the army in the area d.d. The Beloyarsk-Belozerskoe stationed the 27 Division, which included up to 4653 bayonets, 537 sabers, 169 machine guns and 21 guns. Combat sectors of the division: right - d.d. Beloyarskaya - Paderinskoye, medium - Paderinskoe - Ikovskoe - Kozmina and the left - dd. Kozmina-Belozerskoe, engaged 2-th, 1-th and 3-th teams. On the extreme right flank of the army, the Orsk and Kustanai areas were guarded by the Troitsky fortified area, at the disposal of which were parts of local formations - a total of up to 1864 bayonets, 468 sabers, 33 machine guns and 34 guns. They were located in the area of ​​hut. Poltava, where the enemy did not show active actions, and in the area of ​​p. Lavrentievsky - Dobrynsky (60 km east of the mountains. Kustanaya), where he kept a little more active.

In connection with the departure of the army for the river. Tobol, commander-5 was instructed to take all measures to urgently and maximally replenish the divisions and prepare for the transition to the offensive. Under the guise of p. Tobol should have been made a corresponding regrouping and collected information about the enemy.

Mobilization was announced in Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Kustanai and Troitsky counties.

Thus, a serf brigade of three serf regiments was formed: the 1 of Chelyabinsk, the 2 of Kazan and the 3 of Perm. These regiments were attached to the 35 division and participated in the development of the Peter and Paul operation. From the rear arrived 54-I Infantry Division as part of 2-x brigades.

By creating new divisions of cavalry regiments assigned to them, a cavalry division was formed from the 65 and 66 cavalry regiments and the cavalry regiment named Stenky Razin.

The combat composition of the army after replenishment was as follows:

5 Division (2 Brigade; Head Karpov; Nashtadiv Gildenbrant) - bayonets - 3342, sabers - 338, machine guns - 48, guns - 14;

26 Division (3 Brigade; Commander Eiche; Nashtadiv Belitsky) - bayonets - 7366, sabers - 20, machine guns - 132, guns - 30;

The 2 Brigade of the 21 Division (2 Brigade) - bayonets - 2572, machine guns - 52; guns - 12;

27 Division (3 Brigade; Head Pavlov; Nashtadiv Sharangovich) - bayonets - 7133; saber - 375; machine guns - 116; guns - 23;

35 Division (2 Brigade; Commander Neumann; Nashtadiv Belogurov) - bayonets - 3406; Sabers - 131, machine guns - 66, guns - 14;

54 Division (2 Brigade; arrived in the rear; Head Kalnin; Nashtadiv Gubanov) - bayonets - 4694, machine guns - 45, guns - 8;

Cavalry Division (3 Regiment; Chief Sokolovsky; Nashtadin Pinko) - Sabers - 2523; machine guns - 38;

2-I Fortress brigade - bayonets - 2800, machine guns - 8;

Trinity fortified area - bayonets - 2214, machine guns - 8, guns - 34.

In total, the army had in its ranks up to 33527 bayonets, 3387 sabers, 513 machine guns, 135 guns, 2 armored trains (“Avenger” and “Red Siberian”).

The location of the 5 Army after the departure of the river. Tobol 1 October 1919

The military actions of the army during the preparatory period were reconnaissance in nature — when periodic attacks on the enemy’s position by capturing prisoners attempted to ascertain the condition, the grouping and the closest intentions of the whites.

Taking advantage of the abroad r. Tobol, the enemy regrouped, brought battered units out of the battle line, replacing them with fresh ones brought up from the rear, reinforced them with reinforcements.

On the site of the 35 division, the Uymanov detachment was part of a separate cavalry division and 4 and 10 divisions of a special purpose, which occupied the line from the lake. Kara-Kamysh on r. Abuga, before its confluence with the Tobol, illuminated the right flank of the division.

Local fights

Scouts of reconnaissance groups were noted along the Bolshak, leading to Petropavlovsk.

More lively activity was observed in the area of ​​the 1 th brigade of the same division in the area of ​​the village Mokhovaya.

So, on October 4, the battalion of the 307 regiment, having crossed the Tobol, occupied the village. Mokhovaya and Borovaya, in 2 km south of Mokhovaya - where it was fixed. The next day, the enemy, with a force of about a hundred Cossacks and three groups of infantry with 4-guns, attacked from different sides on the village of Mokhovaya, forced the battalion to leave this village and retreat to the area of ​​Reduttskoe.

The attempt of the two battalions of the 307 and 309 regiments of the 6 number to take up d. Mokhovaya was not successful - and they had to retreat to their original position.

On the night of October 9, by attacking these two battalions, enemy units were knocked out of dd. Mokhovaya and Bugrovaya, but due to heavy shelling by artillery fire, the village Mokhovaya had to leave and take up positions a kilometer to the west.

10-th number of the enemy, in turn, tried to approach the crossing in the village of Berezov, but was repelled.

The enemy showed even more lively activity in the area of ​​the 5 division. On the morning of October 4, by a detachment in 400, the man he was trying to launch an offensive from d.d. Polusalskaya - Mezhbornaya to the crossing in the area of ​​the village Lebyazhya, but, met with fire, was scattered. The next day, he again attempted to force the river in the area of ​​the village of Glyadinskoe, which also proved to be unsuccessful.

On the 11 number, the enemy launched an offensive (already by a whole battalion of infantry with the support of artillery fire) - on d. Kaminskoe and Razueva, but also unsuccessfully: met with fire, he moved away to the east.

On the site of the 26 division, it also had to repeatedly repel the enemy’s aspirations to force the r. Tobol and take possession of the West Bank (he managed to do this in the area of ​​the village of Barabinskaya). In the evening of October 1, the company of the 227 regiment that was guarding this area, under pressure from the enemy who had crossed the Tobol left bank, was forced to leave the named point. Measures to eliminate this success were taken - but due to the unfavorable terrain conditions in the village of Barabinskaya (located in a hollow with commanders of heights along the eastern shore) and constant strong artillery fire, the 1-th brigade units located here had to leave the named point and move to the west, taking positions on the edge of the forest a kilometer from the village. In the evening of 9, the reconnaissance of the 26 Division, advanced in the direction of the village of Barabinskaya, carried out a successful raid on the village, knocking out the enemy's outpost, but, having been fired, was forced to withdraw to its original position. The same raid was made by two companies of the 227 regiment, with the aim of crossing over to the east bank. But the attempt to master the crossing was not successful.

In the area of ​​the village of Utyatskoye on the evening of 7, the enemy tried, with the support of strong artillery fire, to cross the r. Tobol, but was repelled.

In the afternoon of 9, under the cover of artillery fire, the 50 of enemy infantrymen managed to cross over to the west bank in the village of Predan. They pushed the outposts, but the reserves that came up restored their position.

On the site of the 2 Brigade, two companies of the 230 Regiment and two companies of the 229 Regiment made a raid on the village of Nechaevka. The latter was engaged in a company of the 30 Siberian Rifle Regiment. Bursting into the village, the Reds split a part of the company, and another part (45 people with one officer) was captured. After that, the companies launched an attack on the village of Ilino, which they occupied without a fight. By morning, they returned to their location. Simultaneously with the movement of parts of the 229 regiment on the village of Nechaevka, a company of the 231 regiment and a team of foot reconnaissance made a demonstration at the crossing in the area of ​​the village of Kryukovo-Utyatsky - which caused strong fire from the enemy.

At the site of the 3 Brigade, the battalion of the 233 Regiment, having crossed the Tobol in the area of ​​Smolin, turned the Etkulsky Cossack Foot Regiment, which occupied the indicated point, to flight. In this case, two prisoners were captured. On the divisional division, both sides are characterized by active defense.

In the area of ​​the 27 division, trying to force the river, the enemy brought relatively large forces into battle. Thus, in the evening of the 2, the infantry regiment, concentrating in the village of Peredrgan, tried to cross the Tobol - but without success.

At dawn 6-th, having led an enhanced reconnaissance throughout the division’s division, the enemy in the area of ​​the village of Galkina approached the river with thick chains, but was dispersed.

On the Kustanay and Orsk directions, the activity of the enemy was visible only in the latter direction. On September 30, a white detachment numbering around 500 bayonets attacked the Red partisans who occupied Dobryninsky. The settlement passed from hand to hand several times and remained behind the enemy.

On October 10, after part-hour fighting, the partisan detachment of Logoishny knocked out the white units from the village. Lavrentievsky (having captured prisoners and minor trophies), continuing the attack on Dobryninsky. But in the afternoon, 4 th enemy, with a force up to 6, a man with 600 machine guns, launched a counter-offensive and occupied n. Lavrentyevsky and n. Semenovsky, and then began to attack in the western and south-western directions. The guerrilla detachment of the Logoishny departed to the settlement of Yeriskovsky. The second enemy detachment launched an offensive in a westerly direction to the area in 2 km southeast of the lake. Jantyr Kul.

Developing the offensive in the direction of Kustanai and continuing to push the red partisan units, the enemy occupied Y. Eriskovsky.

The 9 of the infantry detachment of the 1 Troitsky serf regiment, which had arrived to reinforce the partisan detachments operating in the area, Yeriskovsky was again beaten off by the enemy - who retreated to the settlement. Lavrentievsky.

Kustanai and Orsk directions. Troops Fortified Forces on October 10.

Developing a further offensive, units of the partisan battalion and the consolidated cavalry division of the 10 number occupied the settlement. Semenovsky.

The fight against the enemy in this direction was fought red, mainly through the formation of partisan detachments from peasants and Kirghiz, who were in a state of acute hostility with the Cossacks.

To be continued ...
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  1. +11
    21 June 2019 18: 17
    One of the most important Siberian battles begins)
    Question about Siberia - question about Russia)
    1. +12
      21 June 2019 18: 44
      And the balance of power without a clear advantage?
  2. +3
    21 June 2019 18: 24
    Olderogge, Pozern, Mezheninov and Tukhachevsky proper were shot in 37-39 as enemies of the people. Olderogge as a general back in 31.
    1. +11
      21 June 2019 18: 45
      But surely
      It turns out that some enemies fought with others!
    2. +2
      21 June 2019 19: 42
      Quote: Moskovit
      Olderogge, Pozern, Mezheninov and Tukhachevsky proper were shot in 37-39 as enemies of the people. Olderogge as a general back in 31.

      Heroes and masters of their craft yesterday - easily enemies today. This is true today.
    3. +1
      23 June 2019 00: 21
      But it wasn’t a fig to betray his class and his caste. But no one trusts the traitors: betrayed once - betray and more. Stalin did what he simply had to do.
  3. +3
    21 June 2019 18: 55
    My wife had uncle I. Yagunov He was the commander of artillery at M. Tukhachevsky.
    The family has a photograph of him. On it he and his wife before being sent to the front with a bag over his shoulder, and there the inscription "KILL KOLCHAK". But in 1937 he was shot as an enemy of the people. Rehabilitated posthumously in 1954.
  4. -4
    21 June 2019 19: 23
    Neither politician nor administrator came out of Kolchak.
  5. +11
    21 June 2019 19: 46
    How interesting, so important operation. We look forward to continuing
    1. -6
      21 June 2019 20: 54
      Quote: EKZECUTOR
      How interesting, so important operation. We look forward to continuing

      I agree with you.

      Only now, instead of discussing the article and the hostilities described in it, a dance begins on the bones of the repressed. For a long time, everyone at "VO" knows that there were reprisals against the commanding staff of the Red Army, that they affected both the former tsarist officers and the commanders from the common people. There is nothing extraordinary in this. The fact that the former officers fought on the side of the Reds does not mean anything.

      Yes, they were for a united Russia, for which the Bolsheviks then advocated, they protected it from intervention and from those whites that were kept by the Entente, but they did not accept the ideas of the Soviet government, it was alien to them, they could not forgive it abolition of caste, privileges, private property. Therefore, many former officers fought on the side of the Reds with the hope that the Bolshevik government would not stay in power for a long time, and hatched plans for a return to the old regime.

      The command staff of the Red Army at that time, as they joked then, was like a radish - on top Redinside White. The country had a difficult political situation at that time, the struggle of the Trotskyists against the policies of the Leninist and then Stalinist Central Committees unfolded, and the army could play a fatal role in this struggle for the Soviet government. Therefore, after the end of the civil war in the Red Army, re-certification was carried out, many were demoted, they began to dismiss former officers, first those who served with the whites, then the rest. There were many offended and dissatisfied with this dismissal, so they began to pile up, unite, in underground organizations. So in the early 30s. The Spring case appeared.

      By the end of the 30s Against the backdrop of the aggravation of the external political situation, the class struggle in the USSR intensified again, the remaining former officers united again, and many commanders who came from the common people were drawn into their conspiracy. The worker-peasant origin is not an indulgence, among this layer of commanders there were also many dissatisfied who supported the conspiracy.

      Yes, many of them were with party tickets, but the ticket of the Bolshevik party does not mean that its holder is a Bolshevik. Therefore, everyone was judged for participating in the conspiracy, regardless of their origin or past merits. Innocent people who were mentioned by the arrested conspirators fell into this struggle. They could not always understand correctly. They were in rags and in the NKVD, which specially fabricated affairs.

      Therefore, I constantly write in my comments that the time will come and an objective commission of lawyers, historians and politicians will deal with each of the repressed and pay their due names.
      1. +9
        21 June 2019 22: 19
        I see it a little differently.
        For example, your quotes and my opus to them:
        The repressions against the commanding staff of the Red Army were that they affected both former tsarist officers and commanders from the common people.

        and who are the "tsarist officers" - officers of Ivan the Terrible?))
        But seriously, by 1917, 90% of the officers were from peasants, workers and raznochintsy. With the contingent of warrant officers' schools you do not want to get acquainted?)
        Therefore, after the end of the civil war in the Red Army, re-certification was carried out, many were demoted, they began to dismiss former officers, first those who served with the whites, then the rest. There were many offended and dissatisfied with this dismissal, so they began to pile up, unite, in underground organizations. So in the early 30s. The Spring case appeared.

        Yes, not quite like that. It was just that at the right time they used old specialists as a subject of male intimate hygiene, then they raised their own - and they did not need the old ones under the knife. And all these conspiracies and processes are 90% fabricated by repressive bodies.
        It so happened that the state system of that time could not live without repression. Repression has become corny way to rotate personnel.
        By the end of the 30s Against the backdrop of the aggravation of the external political situation, the class struggle in the USSR intensified again, the remaining former officers united again, and many commanders who came from the common people were drawn into their conspiracy. The worker-peasant origin is not an indulgence, among this layer of commanders there were also many dissatisfied who supported the conspiracy.

        No, cleanings were needed for another. And it’s not entirely correct to look at everything exclusively through the prism of the class struggle. Very much you just succeed.
        Or do you consider Govorov, Vasilevsky, Shaposhnikov and a host of other former officers to be enemies, who, despite the perversity of the then system that prevailed in the 20-30s, somehow managed to survive in these millstones ??
        Therefore, everyone was judged for participating in the conspiracy, regardless of their origin or past merits.
        Don't you find too many enemies? But what kind of system is it that has so many enemies all the time? Maybe he is an enemy himself?)) And why did so many enemies survive - poisoning Stalin and defeating the USSR? Maybe the system itself produced enemies?
        the time will come and an objective commission of lawyers, historians and politicians will deal with each of the repressed and will give their names according to their deserts.

        I doubt it. Right now, according to your logic, there are many more enemies than ever, for the class struggle according to your logic has again escalated to the limit. And the most fierce enemies are sitting in the Kremlin.
        In my deep conviction, the shooting of the White House in 93 led to the death of parliamentary democracy and democracy in Russia in general. Then came the Chechen wars and the construction of the oligarchic-criminal model of capitalism.
        The period when it was still possible to reform something was from December 1991 to October 1993. And then tank shots at the White House heralded: THE END OF THE GUYS.
      2. -2
        24 June 2019 09: 00
        Quote: Alexander Green
        they started firing former officers, first those who served with the whites, then the rest.

        Quite often it was the other way around - they left the former Whites, who only at the end of the war switched to the Reds, and fired those who had been in the Red Army "from the first days of Soviet power." The reason is education, professionalism. The army was reduced by 11 times, respectively, leaving the most "specialists".
  6. -7
    22 June 2019 11: 55
    Quote: EKZECUTOR
    I see it a little differently.

    Surprised that you have never heard the term "royal officers". This indicates your poor knowledge of our history, and hence the incorrect assessment of events.

    After the Civil War, the Red Army of wartime (by the end of 1920, its number was 5,5 million) was reduced to a peacetime army (by 1924, only 500 thousand were left).
    The number of command and administrative personnel of the Red Army as of December 1920 was 446 people. ”

    It goes without saying that such an amount of command staff and administrative staff in a reduced army is not required. It is obvious that the first to be unreliable were fired from the army. The dictatorship of the proletariat was supposed to protect the state of workers and peasants from military uprisings.

    About the repression. Repression is one of the functions of any state. Power suppresses its enemies, otherwise it will not stand. So it was under slavery, and under feudalism, and under capitalism, so it was under socialism.

    But there really were many enemies, not everyone wanted to work honestly, many wanted to parasitize on the working people, so the class struggle exists objectively. Repression will end with the destruction of classes.

    Govorov, Vasilevsky Shaposhnikov. If they did not participate in any conspiracies, then no one touched them.

    And the shooting of 1993, it was just a showdown between two clans of the bourgeoisie: comprador and national.
    1. +7
      22 June 2019 12: 22
      Surprised that you have never heard the term "royal officers". This indicates your poor knowledge of our history, and hence the incorrect assessment of events.

      it painfully you know a lot, stuffed with stamps under the crown.
      to know. Since 1721, our officers are no longer royal, but imperial.
      It is obvious that the first to be unreliable were fired from the army. The dictatorship of the proletariat was supposed to protect the state of workers and peasants from military uprisings.

      in the state of social racism, first of all, the “dangerous” ones were fired, those who served as a model of another state. Although she, this dictatorship, did not particularly protect herself.
      Repression is one of the functions of any state. Power suppresses its enemies, otherwise it will not stand. So it was under slavery, and under feudalism, and under capitalism, so it was under socialism.
      Yes, the only question is that sometimes repression becomes a necessary element of the existence of the state mechanism, a way of staff rotation, as it was in Stalin's times.
      Govorov, Vasilevsky Shaposhnikov. If they did not participate in any conspiracies, then no one touched them.
      And what, Svechin and a host of other honest military participated?
      do not believe yourself.
      however if for you
      the execution of 1993, it was just a showdown between the two clans of the bourgeoisie: comprador and national.
      then what else to talk about?
      1. -8
        22 June 2019 17: 29
        Quote: EKZECUTOR
        then what else to talk about?

        Tsarist officers. tsarist generals, tsarist ministers, tsarist Russia, formed from the word "Tsarist" referring to the monarchy led by the tsar ("tsarist vodka" probably too),
        The term "tsarist officers" is even used by Wikipedia ( Tsarist officers on the service of the Red Army), and even to us "illiterate" is not forbidden to use it.

        About stamps A small example of how we explain the same event:

        My thesis: “... after the end of the civil war in the Red Army, re-certification was carried out, many were demoted, they began to dismiss former officers, first those who served with the whites, then the rest.”

        Your explanation
        “It was just that at the right time they used old specialists as a subject of male intimate hygiene, then they raised their own - but they didn’t need the old ones under the knife”

        My explanation
        “After the Civil War, the Red Army of wartime (by the end of 1920, its number was 5,5 million) was reduced to a peacetime army (by 1924, only 500 thousand were left).
        It goes without saying that such an amount of command staff and administrative staff in a reduced army is not required. It is obvious that the first to be unreliable were fired from the army. ”

        I think that there is no need to explain here: where are the cliches, and where are the real cause-effect relationships.

        About Svechin. They are all good, bye .... The brigade commander of the Red Cossacks, Ilya Dubinsky, in his book described how Svechin told the audience at a lecture at the military academy how he, being the regiment commander in the First World War, put the guilty soldiers on guard on the parapet ...
        1. +7
          22 June 2019 18: 15
          Listen to me carefully with your theses.
          I can justify everything that was said above oh how in detail, especially since the volumes are written on this subject)
          And what I wrote is no worse than your class explanations, often childishly naive.
          About Svechin.
          The brigade commander of the Red Cossacks, Ilya Dubinsky, in his book described how Svechin told the audience at a lecture at the military academy how he, being the regiment commander in the First World War, put the guilty soldiers on guard on the parapet parapet

          Firstly, what is the guarantee of the authenticity of some Dubinsky there casting a shadow on the disgraced (he probably knew about it) officer, secondly, it’s wild to put the guilty on the trench parapet in battle, for this would have removed him from command . So maybe a trench of some second line?) By the way, such officers would not have lived long before the first battle and there was a bullet in the back. The front-line workers themselves write that at the front, even a voice against the soldier was dangerous, not just something else - they would go to battle together.
          Thirdly, if (even) this is all that can be blamed on a military theorist, then it is clear how the charges are drained from the finger. So betrayal of the motherland and work on enemy intelligence consisted in the relation (supposedly) to the guilty?) And what about the school of red commanders (even generals) who were engaged in assault during the Second World War? Are they also therefore enemies of the people?
          Yes, even God is with him, with Svechin. The mass of commanders very necessary for the country and the army was cleared - start now to list, I think even such naive excuses with parapetes will not be enough ...
  7. -8
    23 June 2019 00: 22
    Quote: EKZECUTOR
    About Svechin .... God bless him. With Svechin ....

    First about Svechin. He was nervous and practically nowhere could get along with anyone. neither in the tsarist nor in the Red Army, because of this, Trotsky specifically sent him to teaching at the Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army. But also as a teacher, he also did not take place, because he treated the audience with arrogance, on this basis he had a conflict with V.I. Chapaev, who had to leave the academy because of this.

    He also treated the soldiers like a baron. Dubinsky will not lie, he himself spent 10 years in the camps in the Primakov case, and he does not need to lie about Svechin, all the more so since Dubinsky wrote about this in the 60s, when they made all the repressed whites and fluffy.

    Quote: EKZECUTOR
    ... the mass of commanders very necessary for the country and army was cleaned up - start listing now, I think even such naive excuses with parapetes will not be enough ...

    Svechin, like all former officers of the old General Staff, who had lost their privileges and position, found themselves in the conditions of Soviet power, maintained their hostile attitude towards it throughout the entire period of its existence and cherished hopes for the transformation of Soviet power into a bourgeois-democratic republic, and tied their hopes for a right-wing opposition. Therefore, most of them hatched plans for a coup, which could really be realized in the attack on the USSR ..

    They all had a snout in fluff. For example, to Svechin in the 20s. emissaries from the Baltic states came, had contacts with a Japanese attache, visited his home, corresponded with his brother abroad, a former general, and carried out it under a pseudonym, he carefully kept secret about all this.
    1. +9
      23 June 2019 09: 10
      First about Svechin. He was nervous and practically nowhere could get along with anyone. neither in the tsarist nor in the Red Army

      just to pour mud on a person ...
      And everything else in your comment, Alexander Green (Alexander) is a slander against one of the prominent front-line commanders of the WWI and recognized military theorists of the Red Army.
      This is only a slap and distortion on the part of a mentally ill person and obsessed with the class struggle (I emphasize that it has long been irrelevant and fundamentally wrong).
      1. -8
        23 June 2019 14: 50
        Quote: Dalton
        from a mentally ill person and obsessed with the class struggle (I emphasize that it has long been irrelevant and fundamentally wrong).

        This is not slander, read the case of Svechin, and the class struggle is objective, it does not depend on your desire and will exist as long as classes exist.
        1. +7
          23 June 2019 17: 01
          Natural libel. But Svechin’s case will not be given to you. Especially fabricated)
          class struggle is objective

          Yes, there are no classes or objectivity. A hodgepodge of everything and everything, blurring of all categories and Brownian motion.
          1. -7
            23 June 2019 22: 53
            Quote: denatured alcohol
            Yes, there are no classes or objectivity.

            You want to say that hired workers and owners of factories, newspapers and parades are no different from each other, and therefore taken forever?
            There is a transcript of Svechin's interrogation in the Viasna case on the Internet, everything is written down from his words.
            1. +6
              24 June 2019 07: 58
              I want to say that you are a demagogue
              And the Spring case is fabricated
              1. -6
                24 June 2019 21: 01
                Quote: denatured alcohol
                I want to say that you are a demagogue

                The demagogue is the one who denies the objective and the obvious, and this is what you suffer from.
                1. +3
                  25 June 2019 09: 12
                  The man is right. Are you aware that the spring case is fabricated, or are you still living the propaganda of the 37th year? And who is the demagogue?
                  1. -6
                    25 June 2019 23: 05
                    Quote: Albatroz
                    The man is right. Did you know that spring is fabricated

                    Now everything is considered a fabrication, but the conspiracy was and cannot be hidden. Read Zdanovich.

                    It all started with small groups of former officers in the 20s, in which anti-Soviet conversations were held, plans were made for the fall of Soviet power during the war, and when at the turn of 20-30 the foreign policy situation was complicated, the military intensified.

                    The OGPU had comprehensive information about the situation, about the views and relations among the former officers in the USSR. Secret agents were actively introducing themselves into their environment. It became known that in 1928 an uprising was being prepared in Ukraine, the threads of which led to Poland, which was confirmed by intelligence.

                    The fears of the Chekists increased when it was revealed the theft of weapons from the warehouse of the 20th Regiment of the 7th Territorial Division. Searches were conducted during which a large number of weapons were seized from the conspirators.

                    After that, the arrests began. So there is no smoke without fire.
                    1. +5
                      25 June 2019 23: 19
                      You just chat Green.
                      But it has long been PROVEN that Spring is a linden and an order
                      1. -6
                        25 June 2019 23: 24
                        Quote: Albatroz
                        But it has long been PROVEN that Spring is a linden and an order

                        By whom? Liberators? By the way, for some reason, most of the documents on the Viasna case are still classified, although they are in the archives of the SBU, they would have been deployed on them, but apparently the truth cannot be released ..
                      2. +5
                        25 June 2019 23: 26
                        What kind of liberals? Soviet lawyers in 1989 - 1991)
                      3. -5
                        25 June 2019 23: 29
                        Quote: Albatroz
                        What kind of liberals? Soviet lawyers in 1989 - 1991)

                        These are not Soviet lawyers, since they worked out the anti-Soviet order.
                      4. +6
                        25 June 2019 23: 32
                        No, you are working on the order now. And they were engaged in the rehabilitation of victims of repression)
                      5. -5
                        25 June 2019 23: 45
                        Quote: Albatroz
                        And they were engaged in the rehabilitation of victims of repression)

                        This is precisely the development of the anti-Soviet order. And they continue to work it out - they have already rehabilitated Bandera, and Vlasov, and forest brothers,. and other traitors.
                      6. +6
                        25 June 2019 23: 51
                        Don't you have any shame? For the sake of the moment, everything is bad, only you are a violent patriot of Russia?
                        Lawyers did this on behalf of the Soviet government. And do not you drive a wave in the USSR.
                        However, I forgot - when it suits you, you trump Sovietism, and when not, foreign intelligence is used. Just like the NKVD-Schnick in the 30s.))
                      7. -6
                        26 June 2019 00: 05
                        Quote: Albatroz
                        Lawyers did this on behalf of the Soviet government. And do not you drive a wave in the USSR.

                        By 1989, this was no longer the Soviet government. It was already a product of the rebirth of Soviet power, which began in 1961. It was a perestroika of the traitors' government, which betrayed the ideas of communism and the USSR ..
                      8. +6
                        26 June 2019 11: 06
                        By 1989, this was no longer the Soviet government.

                        what deep insights and knowledge. Awesome!
                        It was Soviet until December 91.
                        It was already a product of the rebirth of Soviet power, which began in 1961.

                        Do you understand the same product?))
                      9. -6
                        26 June 2019 15: 34
                        Quote: denatured alcohol
                        what deep insights and knowledge. Awesome!
                        It was Soviet until December 91.

                        Unfortunately, you have neither the knowledge nor the experience to understand that era. read to start with the links:
               Причины поражения социализма в СССР
               К какому социализму зовут большевики
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