Who is more effective in the Ukrainian inter-round

In Ukraine, there is a second act of Marlezonsky ballet, in which the main roles are played by presidential candidates Poroshenko and Zelensky, and behind the scenes are the Americans and skillfully conduct this process. The second act was marked by quite interesting and unexpected events.

Who is more effective in the Ukrainian inter-round

The roles are all painted, each participant has his own place in this political performance, but some indulge in improvisation. Now Poroshenko has become a bigger clown than Zelensky, on the move changing the basic concept of his election campaign.

In the wake of the euphoria of a breakthrough into the second round, and in fact of his failure, not understanding the depth of his fall, he immediately set forth his demands with the rhetoric of Ukraine’s leading politician. He publicly insulted Zelensky, calling him a puppet of Kolomoisky and the Kremlin, hinted about his drug addiction and, in an ultimatum, began to insist on debate, hoping that Zelensky would refuse them. A video produced by the team of the guarantor appeared in the network in which Zelensky allegedly confesses to drug use.

For Poroshenko, it was a cold shower of Zelensky’s response, which demanded respect for himself and apologies for the insults and agreed to a public debate not in a television studio, but in the stadium. In addition, he proposed to pass tests for alcohol and drug addiction. By his actions, Zelensky knocked out Poroshenko’s trump card about his opponent’s fear of going to a debate.

Poroshenko made a mistake and accepted all the conditions of the opponent, thus he began to lead the campaign not according to his own scenario, but rather unsuccessfully responding to Zelensky’s well-thought-out steps. His tone has changed, now he respectfully called his opponent by name and patronymic, and the guarantor’s election campaign began to slip and give up.

Zelensky, having achieved his first success, humiliated Poroshenko, who did not appear at the appointed time at the stadium for testing, and conducted this procedure at another medical center. The guarantor for television cameras had to be tested and with a sour expression on his face to regret that his young rival did not appear at the appointed time.

In the actions of Poroshenko and his team began to fail. He publicly stated that he did not consider his rival to be drug addicts, despite the fact that the video launched by his team was vigorously discussed in the network, and the "gunpowder" demanded that Zelensky’s candidacy be withdrawn, since the drug addict cannot lead the state.

Poroshenko’s change in the concept of his election campaign, which was focused on the nationalist electorate and was built on Russophobia, Bandera nationalism and the rhetoric of war to the bitter end, was a complete surprise to everyone. His electorate resided mainly in Galicia, and it is unclear what his political consultants were counting on, pushing away such messages from the majority of voters in the Center and Southeast. The first round showed the fallacy of such a strategy, and Zelensky almost doubled around the guarantor. Poroshenko, as was to be expected, was the leader only in Galicia, the rest of the country, except for Donbass, who gave up Boyko, seized Zelensky and became the undisputed leader there.

Between the rounds, the guarantor decided to play the “peacemaker” out of himself and reach the largest possible audience of voters. The slogan “faith, army, language” separating the country disappeared from his vocabulary, which he considered to be the cementing foundation of the nation, and statements about reconciliation of different parts of the country, taking their interests into account, refusing from oppressing the Russian language, fell down, he even spoke Russian Russian, which had never been observed before. Such a somersault in the election campaign was carried out so clumsily that it caused only a wave of humiliation and ridicule over the attempts of the guarantor to appear peacemaker.

Then the guarantor violated the basic rule of public policy: never to make excuses and never go over to the rhetoric of the enemy, because it immediately puts in a losing position. He began to publicly admit his mistakes in personnel appointments, the oppression of the Russian language, the ineffectiveness of the fight against corruption and the readiness to correct the mistakes made. Trying to intercept the electorate from Zelensky, the guarantor significantly changed the ideological content of the concept of his program, softened the promises of nationalism, suggested speeding up the adoption of the law on the impeachment of the president and looking for ways of reconciliation in the Donbas.

A sharp change in the concept and rhetoric of the campaign cannot fundamentally change its course, there is too little time left to attract new voters, and the majority of the population does not believe in Poroshenko, since these statements diverge from his actions on the issues raised during his reign. A part of the nationalist electorate, on the contrary, may turn away from the guarantor due to the betrayal of their ideological postulates.

Attempts from the “wheels” to change the concept of their campaign with the replacement of militaristic rhetoric with peacemaking did not bring anything good to the guarantor. Concessions to his rival, acceptance of his terms and procedure of the campaign showed helplessness of Poroshenko and his team, the lack of a coherent effective strategy and inevitably lead to defeat. No tricks to deceive all can not stop the fall of Poroshenko.

Zelensky's phenomenon is explained not only by his personality, several factors coincided here. Ukrainian society is tired of the insane propaganda of violence, nationalism, Russophobia, a catastrophic fall in the standard of living, does not trust the ruling elites and is eager to change the generation of the elites that have discredited themselves. The society has matured a request for a peaceful settlement of the war in the Donbass, establishing calm, stopping violence, and on adequate politicians who are ready to stop the destructive processes in the country. In Ukraine, there were no such politicians; a mass protest and a request for a "messiah" matured in society. Zelensky was quite fit for such an image, a new young face in the Ukrainian political field, while he was still not tarnished by himself, as a talented actor, knows how to behave intelligently in public and win her interest, promising what she wants to hear.

The curators from the United States also closely monitored trends in Ukrainian society, were well aware of the opposition to Poroshenko’s policies and were considering options for replacing him with a more convenient figure capable of defending their interests more effectively.

Zelensky, together with his associates, with the support of Kolomoisky, proposed the concept of satisfying an existing request, using for this the artistic image of “The Servant of the People”, which was played with skill by Zelensky. Having carefully worked out the concept of their actions, they conducted a non-standard election campaign, achieved phenomenal results with a minimum of financial expenses. Zelensky surfaced at the right time and place, the Americans picked him up and skillfully used for their own purposes the preservation of the pro-American regime in Ukraine.

I am not a supporter of Zelensky, but for the sake of objectivity it should be noted that he has achieved a lot. His creative team first took the protest electorate and, after winning the first round, began to bite off the electorate from Poroshenko. Skillfully playing to the interests of voters, they began to calmly talk about the need to reconcile citizens with different political views, end the war and the need for dialogue with Russia, stop the oppression of the Russian language. They talk about what the government forbade even stutter. At the same time, they play up to the interests of nationalists, stating the need to return Donbas and Crimea, make claims to Russia, thank the militants do-it-all and the military for defending the "territorial integrity" of Ukraine. All this is pre-election rhetoric, which may have nothing to do with the actions after the victory, but now it plays to increase the rating and brings victory to the election.

Zelensky team all the time plays the lead. Pushes unexpected conditions for the opponent and find ways to force him to fulfill them, remaining a winner in each episode. By their actions, they convinced the Ukrainian society, and most importantly, the Americans, of the possibility of their victory, and they relied on Zelensky. For the USA, it doesn’t matter who will lead Ukraine, the most important thing is that it executes commands and defends the interests of the USA. Poroshenko and the power system built up for him can bring confrontation in society to a boiling point and jeopardize the existence of a pro-American regime.

Americans need a peaceful and legitimate transfer of power, and Poroshenko’s team may not provide it. The United States is ready to launch in Ukraine the process of replacing elites and the rise of a new generation. To do this, they need moderate technocrats who can quietly quietly pursue pro-American policies in order to weaken Russia.

Zelensky in his views is quite ready for this role. He does not hide his anti-Russian views and is ready to defend them. The members of the present and future team announced by his headquarters consist of his friends and pro-American politicians of the second and third levels who worked in previous administrations and proved to be supporters of Ukraine’s Euro-Baltic integration and implacable opponents of rapprochement with Russia.

Ukrainian society is not yet in a position to push sane politicians into power to defend their interests, and American curators have taken the role of manager in the Ukrainian political field. Russian elites have no influence on the processes taking place in Ukraine, according to the established scheme they “interact” with Ukrainian politicians like Medvedchuk and Boyko who work out and come into circulation and wait for Ukraine to cease to exist.

In this political cycle in Ukraine, the lesser evil between Poroshenko and Zelensky is chosen from two evils. Zelensky’s election doesn’t mean cessation of the state’s degradation processes and the drop in living standards in Ukraine, but this choice gives a chance to change something in Ukrainian society, and how much it can be realized depends on many factors, much of which are determined outside Ukraine.
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  1. BAI
    April 12 2019 15: 07
    The society has ripened a request for a peaceful settlement of the war in the Donbass, the establishment of calm, an end to violence, for adequate politicians who are ready to stop the destructive processes in the country.

    Where did the author see a peace request? 87% voted to continue the war. Those who advocated peace - Boyko and another scored 13% for two. The majority of the population of Ukraine is satisfied with the war in the Donbass.
    1. -1
      April 12 2019 15: 16
      Quote: BAI
      The majority of the population of Ukraine is satisfied with the war in the Donbass.

      guaranteed earnings in the family
      1. +7
        April 12 2019 15: 39
        Ukrainian choice: worse and worse. This territory has not yet exhausted the resources of evil and will continue to degrade.
        Quote: BAI
        87% voted to continue the war ... The majority of the population of Ukraine are satisfied with the war in the Donbass.
        1. +6
          April 12 2019 17: 19
          I believe that the evil that settled in Ukraine can only be uprooted by force. Above, a colleague noted that the war overshadows the overwhelming majority. So, this is the enemy, and the enemy is doing the same.
    2. -4
      April 12 2019 15: 42
      The article was either written by A. Shariy, or the author tore it off from him. Sorry, but the feeling is recourse
      1. 0
        April 12 2019 16: 10
        Just minus or hold a discussion
    3. +3
      April 12 2019 18: 30
      You're right! Jews are fighting for the hetman's mace, and among Ukrainians forelocks are cracking. Disgusting sight. am
      1. +1
        April 12 2019 18: 50
        Quote: gurzuf
        You're right! Jews are fighting for the hetman's mace, and among Ukrainians forelocks are cracking. Disgusting sight

        Rather, Ukrainian Nazism got the Ukrainians so sick that they are ready to see a sane Jew at the head of the country than a Bandera oligarch.
        1. +1
          April 12 2019 20: 48
          In the event that the "sane Jew" proves by his actions that he is sane.
          1. +2
            April 12 2019 21: 46
            Quote: gurzuf
            if the "sane Jew" proves by his actions,

            I also doubt that Kolomoisky’s protégé is better than Poroshenko, but Poroshenko in Ukraine managed to piss off the whole Ukraine very strongly.
    4. +1
      April 12 2019 18: 48
      Quote: BAI
      Where did the author see a peace request? 87% voted to continue the war.

      Do you often meet living Ukrainians who say that they wish the war to continue? In my opinion, the ratio is exactly the opposite, if not more. Another thing is that SBUshniki-CIAshniki effectively mobilized all lumpen-nationalists into punitive detachments and made a punishment higher than the average for Ukraine for punishers.
      1. +1
        April 13 2019 08: 21
        Quote: gsev
        Do you often meet living Ukrainians who say that they wish the war to continue?

        Chat roulette is full of these. Go to YouTube, listen, every second, including 16-year-olds and 60-year-olds. True, they are not ready to take up arms, they want to "fight" with someone else's hands.
        1. +1
          April 13 2019 22: 31
          Quote: bistrov.
          There are plenty of them in chat roulette

          The Internet is full, in life it seems rare.
        2. 0
          April 14 2019 04: 53
          16 year olds do not surprise me, 60 year olds surprise me. This is the most amazing thing!
    5. +2
      April 12 2019 21: 59
      Quote: BAI
      The majority of the population of Ukraine is satisfied with the war in the Donbass.

      The war in the Donbass suits everyone. On both sides of the barricades, it’s so convenient to write off everything on it. About the barricades, I had in mind not only the Ukrainian side, and not the people.
      1. -2
        April 13 2019 22: 48
        Quote: lis-ik
        The war in the Donbass suits everyone. On both sides of the barricades

        Poroshenko and his lackeys are the only beneficiary in Ukraine. More homeless people and psycho-maniacs hired by Kolomoisky and the CIA in the punitive battalions. But already Kolomoisky, as a result of this activity, has so far reduced his capital and his influence. Even Zelensky makes statements that, unlike Kolomoisky, he is not involved in the revival and feeding of neo-Petlyuraism. Everything will be clear after the end of the confrontation: either the Russians will turn into a colonial people and will drag out a miserable existence as under Yeltsin, or the "maydanut heroes" will meet their old age dependent on the State Department, as Kerensky met her. In any case, Poroshenko's inveterate Russophobia seems to have led him to a political fiasco. The Russians, while they resist, preserve their honor, life and dignity on the territory of the LPR. Otherwise, they would have been robbed, raped and killed with impunity.
  2. +3
    April 12 2019 15: 09
    I’ll say that a Jew is not mistaken ...
  3. +2
    April 12 2019 15: 15
    The election of Zelensky does not mean the end in Ukraine of state degradation processes and a fall in living standards,

    no one will save urkainu. Of their hydrant candidates, everything is too neglected.
  4. +7
    April 12 2019 15: 17
    Once upon a time I saw a cockroach throwing, saving my own life on instinct - enveloping obstacles, rapidly changing directions ... I apologize, but the cockroach did not help! Rapid election throwing and Poroshenko will not help ... But five years will pass, and we will observe all the same cockroach races - this does not give rise to the political landscape of Ukraine to assume otherwise.
  5. +7
    April 12 2019 15: 29
    Petka understands that with the loss of power, they will begin to beat him - hard, methodically and possibly with his feet. As if this demon for the time remaining before the second round, hadn’t trained anything militarily, which would have allowed him to introduce martial law and postpone the elections for an indefinite period. Now his fear of retribution is becoming much greater than the fear of curators.
  6. +8
    April 12 2019 15: 35
    The question will surpass or not surpass Zelensky in the thieves' talents of his predecessor? Poroshenko turned out to be a more successful thief than Yanyk. I think this one will surpass in cooperation with Beney. I wanted to make a mistake in my forecasts.
    1. +3
      April 12 2019 17: 37
      Quote: loginovich
      The question will surpass or not surpass Zelensky in the thieves' talents of his predecessor? Poroshenko turned out to be a more successful thief than Yanyk. I think this one will surpass in cooperation with Beney. I wanted to make a mistake in my forecasts.

      hi That's right! Zelya, in close co-operation with Beneya and other kleptoligarchs, will surpass the results of her "papedniks" in anti-national "activities" - this is a stable tendency of the "Judeo-Bandera" "ukropolitikum of" unfortunate "failed state Ukraine", alas! request
  7. 0
    April 12 2019 16: 06
    Ukraine is of course our everything. But for Russia, interesting news, one of the high-seated said
    Drafting into the army sooner or later will be a thing of the past
    patriotism will now be a thing of the past. I serve money, no, it means the horse is in service.
  8. +6
    April 12 2019 16: 07
    It is far from the fact that Zelensky will pursue the policy of Ukraine against the interests of the United States, but this means that Zelensky is the same parashenko, but with humor. Something like that I think ...
  9. +3
    April 12 2019 17: 07
    I don’t see Zelensky’s choice of Ukrainians as a lesser evil. The same ghoul in relation to Russia, like Powder. FIG change in FIG. Only time to lose.
  10. +1
    April 12 2019 17: 12
    Ukrainian society is not yet able to nominate sane politicians in power to defend their interests

    Till? TILL?! But did it even EVER succeed?
  11. +1
    April 12 2019 17: 25
    The author presses on the subconscious that Zelensky is better for Russia ... For the "elite" of the Russian Federation - maybe ...
    Behind the antics from "Kvartal" is Kolomoisky, who does not hide his desire to get even with Russia for his assets.
    Zelensky is a henchman of chthonic Russophobes. This "commissar of the West" will root out Russia in Ukraine in a more sophisticated way than Poroshenko.
    1. +2
      April 12 2019 18: 37
      It seems to me that for Russia it is better not to recognize the results of these elections. Moreover, there are reasons for this. And there, time will tell how to talk with a neighbor.
      1. +4
        April 12 2019 18: 47
        For Russia, yes. hi But for the Russian Federation, this is a question of children abroad and "peace of mind". For this, the "first persons" recognize both Biletsky and Gritsenko. And Zelya is just a brother to them.
  12. +5
    April 12 2019 17: 27
    When asked who is better for Russia - Gunpowder or Zelensky, I would answer - both are worse.
    1. +4
      April 12 2019 18: 56
      Quote: Terenin
      When asked who is better for Russia

      We can say that Poroshenko goes into oblivion. Zelensky and Kolomoisky will also leave. Butting with the Russian world did not bring anyone to good.
      1. -1
        April 13 2019 02: 05
        We can say that Poroshenko goes into oblivion. Zelensky and Kolomoisky will also leave. Butting with the Russian world did not bring anyone to good.

        It’s a good idea, but the feeling that Little Russians are spoiled somewhere at the genetic level does not leave.
  13. +6
    April 12 2019 17: 34
    Strange thing: if you stick with a stick at the anthill, then the ants begin to run erratically, then they calm down. If a violent clinic appears in a neuropsychiatric dispensary, then his companions will be violent, and then they will calm down. Ukraine, from the time of Kuchma in a state of aggressive chaos with signs of juvenile schizophrenia - when will it calm down?
  14. +3
    April 12 2019 18: 10
    And what is there to discuss? A wolf and a hare, a tiger in a cage, they are all puppets in dexterous and strained hands .. they pull the strings on their faces and smile and play the clown on the pipe ..
  15. +2
    April 12 2019 18: 47
    Something is guano, something is guano. There is absolutely no difference.
  16. +2
    April 12 2019 21: 42
    Whoever is in power in Ukraine - all American puppets
    all whom they choose in Ukraine, all American puppets
    hmm .. articles for Russians do not shine further than slogans
    although the situation in the Russian Federation is difficult to imagine, all the same, the bonds and stability do not give a chance even for other candidates to appear in the elections. Maybe that's why you need to serve the "Ukrainian elections" sauce with an unexpected candidate - like an ordinary dish. All American curators ... It's easier this way.
    Although in reality, the American curators do not care who wins. They can work with ANYONE. Dictators and democrats, autocrats and wild cannibals even. They can! Someone can not work with loyal countries and makes a rake all the time, but they do not care.
    If this is how articles about the Ukrainian elections will be published, then the Russian will absorb the information needed by the authors tightly (Ze-Kolomoisky-USA-bad RF)
    And the conclusion is not at all that the Americans rule there (they all have a chance who wins, they will work with them) but that the Russian Federation cannot / does not want / will not / can not! do. Well, that’s not all. And to explain is the evil machinations of the United States. But in fact, when needed, Poroshenko worked with the Kremlin on gas and other things. And no matter war. Business is above all.
    Russian (and Apukhtin writes here for Russians) articles about Ukraine are meaningless. More agitation, slogans and primitive.
    1. +3
      April 12 2019 22: 44
      I would put more advantages if I could ...
      Quote: Antares
      The Russian Federation cannot / does not want / will not / does not know how! do. Well, that’s not all. And to explain is the evil machinations of the United States.

      And about Russia, everything is for sure! He doesn’t want to work ... so, one window dressing in a pocket of EDR ....
    2. -1
      April 12 2019 22: 48
      Quote: Antares
      But in fact, when necessary Poroshenko worked with the Kremlin and on gas and other things.

      Since you started a conversation about business (in the sense of business, which is above all), then you just need to change the word you need to word profitably and the mystery of your proposal disappears before our eyes. hi
      Quote: Antares
      And no matter war.

      Do you still fight with Russia, still? belay
      Quote: Antares
      Business is above all.

      So otozh winked
  17. -1
    April 13 2019 05: 27
    of the two evils between Poroshenko and Zelensky choose the lesser evil. The election of Zelensky does not mean the end in Ukraine of state degradation processes and a fall in living standards, but this choice gives a chance to change something in Ukrainian society,
    1. Both carry the same evil. Even candy wrappers will not change. 2. Accordingly, the Ruin will fall apart and the standard of living will continue to fall. 3. There is no chance of changing the design state process. 4. In Ukraine, there is a process of cleansing the territory of the people under Israel2.
  18. -1
    April 13 2019 09: 18
    Zelensky surfaced at the right time and in the right place, the Americans picked him up and skillfully use them to preserve the pro-American regime in Ukraine.
    Very accurate definition. I also think that the Kolomoisky’s creature was intercepted by the States that did not want either Petya or Julia.
    I am not a supporter of Zelensky, but for the sake of objectivity it should be noted that he has achieved a lot. His creative team first took the protest electorate and, after winning the first round, began to bite off the electorate from Poroshenko. Skillfully playing to the interests of voters, they began to calmly talk about the need to reconcile citizens with different political views, end the war and the need for dialogue with Russia, stop the oppression of the Russian language. They talk about what the government forbade even stutter. At the same time, they play up to the interests of nationalists, stating the need to return Donbas and Crimea, make claims to Russia, thank the militants do-it-all and the military for defending the "territorial integrity" of Ukraine. All this is pre-election rhetoric, which may have nothing to do with the actions after the victory, but now it plays to increase the rating and brings victory to the election.

    That's right. Applicants for power do not say what they will do, but what part of the electorate that the applicant is counting on wants to hear from them.
    And with the author’s conclusion, I do not agree:
    In this political cycle in Ukraine, the lesser evil between Poroshenko and Zelensky is chosen from two evils. Zelensky’s election doesn’t mean cessation of the state’s degradation processes and the drop in living standards in Ukraine, but this choice gives a chance to change something in Ukrainian society, and how much it can be realized depends on many factors, much of which are determined outside Ukraine.
    Now, whoever becomes the president of Ukraine will fulfill the will of the Washington regional committee. Therefore, Zelensky's victory means prolonging the country's agony, because the population will wait for the positive results of his rule, and then be disappointed in the absence of such. And after Petya's victory, perhaps, an explosion of discontent may follow, which should hasten the death of this "ugly brainchild of the Belovezhskaya agreement."
    However, theoretically, there is also a jackpot: the reaction of the Russian Federation to the elections in Ukraine. In my opinion, after the victory in Syria and clear signals to the States in Venezuela, it’s time for Banderstadt to finish.
  19. 0
    April 13 2019 10: 57
    Both pockmarked. In short, you can’t say. And why try to compare different types of shit?
  20. +1
    April 14 2019 21: 39
    More effective, of course, Pep. Only this efficiency will not help him win, because he has such a gigantic anti-rating that people vote for a dull shit in the form of Zelensky, if only Pat would not remain for another 5 years.
  21. 0
    April 15 2019 22: 07
    A jester or a gobletman? What has Ukraine come to? ..
  22. 0
    April 15 2019 22: 16
    I think we should not interfere in the situation in Ukraine.
    Firstly, since all the problems of this reservation will fall on the shoulders of our budget
    Secondly, 'because Ukraine and its people are not constant, like a woman in the ICP.
    We just look stupidly, make bets as if on a races and we will survive only for our country, our people.
    And if someone bites each other, we will help, as much as possible. We can sell weapons. :-)
  23. 0
    April 15 2019 23: 26
    The author made a mistake in the title.
    It will be right -
    Who in the Ukrainian inter-Durje is more effective

    Otherwise, they are of the same berry field.