Special Suits Present and Future

What is modern workwear? If we talk about the profession of a firefighter, then his modern "combat" clothing is a whole range of high-tech products. They help to resist not only the fire. There are costumes that can counteract aggressive acids and even deadly radioactive radiation. In this case, the modification of firefighter clothing (or "boevki") continues even after it goes on sale.

A special suit is a necessary component for fighter pilots. It helps the pilot to endure ultra-low temperature and monstrous overloads, from which the pilot may lose consciousness.

What is the standard equipment of firefighters, which passed the fire, water and copper pipes? Due to what the "boevka" fireman withstands a collision with fire? How overalls protect pilots from loss of consciousness? Who follows the blood circulation of the pilots in flight?

In many ways, their role is played by new methods and the development of materials science, which allow us to create costumes of the "future".

About this tells the release of the program "Most-most". You can also find out about the development of the so-called exoskeleton and about the modern system of active disguise for the needs of the army and special forces.

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  1. +3
    April 4 2019 18: 43
    How to look under your feet in this "hat"?
    The helmet has a larger downward angle of view, and it’s hard to see
  2. +1
    April 4 2019 20: 24
    Firefighters in canvas tarpaulin work for us ...