The hunt for the Bear - about one of the assassinations of Stalin

During the reign of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, several major attempts were made on the life of the Soviet leader. So, in 1931, the agent of British intelligence was trying to shoot him, in 1933 - Stalin almost died on a mined bridge, and in 1935 - he almost fell victim to an internal party plot. None of these attempts was crowned with success, largely due to the highest level of protection and security of the Soviet leader.

However, the authors of the release of the program “Not a Fact” were interested in another sabotage operation codenamed “Bear”, which was carefully developed in 1938 year. Her goal was the liquidation of Stalin in Matseste, in one of the residences of the head of state, where he took healing baths.

The whole operation to assassinate Stalin should have taken less than a minute. The plan of operation was developed and rehearsed so thoroughly that nine out of ten trainings ended successfully. The organizers of this attempt did not scare at all that Stalin was guarded with a vengeance.

Is it true that Japanese intelligence stood behind another attempt to eliminate Stalin? Was a senior NKVD official involved in the murder? Is it true that the attempt on the life of the leader prevented a war in the Far East?

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  1. 0
    April 3 2019 16: 22
    "And forever and ever, and at all times a coward, a traitor - we always despise." V.S. Vysotsky
    1. -1
      April 3 2019 21: 41
      What do you mean?
      1. 0
        April 4 2019 07: 55
        Quote: Fen1x237
        What do you mean?

        Do you disagree?
      2. 0
        April 4 2019 10: 27
        Quote: Fen1x237
        What do you mean?

        This is for your mental development.
  2. -1
    April 3 2019 19: 01
    And how many attempts were made on the possessed Führer, he believed that Providence kept him. Someone even moved the Staufenberg bomb at the last moment. Wonderful things are ....
  3. +2
    April 4 2019 09: 59
    I didn’t understand one thing: why is this drop of bird droppings in the plot in the form of the word “supposedly”.

    [07:46] In addition, the scope of responsibility of Lyushkov included the preparation of open trials of Allegedly exposed enemies of the people

    Indeed, the authors of the film really believe that there was not a single enemy of the people, and for all 70 years, both inside the country and outside, the USSR had only friends. If the assassinations were organized by friends of the people, then who are the authors of the film holding for friends? As they say - tell who your friend is ...
    1. +1
      April 4 2019 16: 06
      This assassination density suggests one thing that the repression was justified. Of course, wood chips are flying, and innocents have also got it. But alas, this is life.