China has announced the advantage of the J-20 fighter over the Su-57 and F-35

Fifth-generation J-20 Chinese aircraft will continue to patrol over the islands, the territorial affiliation of which is disputed by other countries. This is a patrol in the Spratly archipelago and the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku).

China has announced the advantage of the J-20 fighter over the Su-57 and F-35

A few days earlier, four Chinese J-20 fighters immediately patrolled over the southeastern waters of China.

At the same time, Chinese experts note that during the operation of the first production aircraft of the fifth generation of the PRC production, the shortcomings will be revealed that will be eliminated in subsequent versions of them. In the Chinese media, it is noted that already now J-20 "in terms of basic parameters are superior to the American F-22 and F-35, as well as the Su-57 of the Russian Federation Air Force, which is being prepared for delivery to service."

From the material in the Chinese press, specifying what the Chinese see the advantage of their fifth-generation aircraft over American and Russian aircraft:

J-20 today is unique in its concept for aerodynamic layout. It differs significantly from the American F-22 and F-35, as well as from the Russian Su-57. American airplanes have excellent stealth technology, but there are problems with maneuverability, and therefore they are not suitable for close combat. The Su-57 is the opposite - great aerodynamics, but there are no implemented stealth technologies.

Further, Chinese experts extol the J-20, noting that it has incorporated excellent parameters of both aerodynamic nature and low visibility. It is noted that the J-20 received one of the variants of the universal missile PL-21 - class "air-to-air". In the SINA edition, it is noted that this Chinese-made rocket is significantly superior to the P-73 and AIM-120 AMRAAM.

From the material:

Thanks to these rockets, the power of the J-20 has grown substantially.

The main disadvantage of J-20 in China is called engine problems. While these planes are equipped with Russian-made engines. It is planned to retool the J-20 for power plants manufactured by Chinese companies over the course of several years.

The article notes: the potential of Chinese manufacturers is such that already since 2020, from factories to the troops can be supplied to 150 of such fighters annually.
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  1. +34
    18 March 2019 09: 50
    "Further, Chinese experts praise the J-20, noting that it has incorporated excellent parameters, both aerodynamic and stealth."
    Every sandpiper praises its swamp, only time will put everything in its place, who is better, who is worse.
    1. +23
      18 March 2019 09: 51
      No, but what are they then, we buy SU-35 if they have all tip-tops with their fighters. Every merchant praises his goods.
      1. +13
        18 March 2019 09: 59
        Only 24 units, this is so that for the last time I’ll show that the Muscovites came up with a new one there.)
        1. +12
          18 March 2019 10: 05

          This is how they respond to the fact that Egypt buys SU-35 from us

          1. +9
            18 March 2019 10: 19
            In the Chinese media, it is noted that already now the J-20 "surpasses the American F-22 and F-35 in basic parameters, as well as the Su-57, which are being prepared for delivery to the Russian Aerospace Forces."

            The usual marketing ploy. Vasya, hello! hi
            1. +3
              18 March 2019 11: 00
              Quote: bouncyhunter
              Regular marketing move

              Pavel, welcome! hi Well, so they contradict themselves
              The J-20 is already unique today with its aerodynamic layout concept.. It differs significantly from the American F-22 and F-35, as well as from the Russian Su-57. American planes have excellent stealth technology, but there are problems with maneuverability, and therefore they are not suitable for close combat. The Su-57 is the opposite - excellent aerodynamicsbut there are no implemented stealth technologies
              So who has better aerodynamics? I so did not understand the Chinese experts ...
              1. +3
                18 March 2019 11: 05
                Hello, Sergey ! hi
                Quote: helmi8
                So who has better aerodynamics? I so did not understand the Chinese experts ...

                Well, I have three options: either the Chinese decided not to offend the Russians, or the Chinese got tired of it, or the notorious "translation difficulties". lol
                1. +4
                  18 March 2019 11: 11
                  Quote: bouncyhunter
                  or the Chinese decided not to offend the Russians

                  They are still offended for the engine - we don’t sell them with multi-vector IWT, so they complain that the engine is bad ...
                  The main drawback of the J-20 in China is called engine problems. So far, these aircraft are equipped with engines of Russian production.

                  Well, when they make their own there, we'll see.
              2. +13
                18 March 2019 11: 29
                Which is really incomprehensible?) Well, actually the Chinese said that they found a balance between maneuverability and stealth better than both of their competitors - we and the Americans. That is, they have worse maneuverability than our aircraft, and it is more noticeable than American ones. And in the sum it turned out best of all. If they are right, then their plane is really the best, with no options.
                All this is quite sad. The Chinese are confidently catching up, and if they are not quite right today, and slightly praise themselves too much, then only slightly! And so they practically caught up with us and the Americans. Soon they will catch up with the engines, and then everything will be completely bad.
                The Chinese today have a huge number of young and ambitious engineers, well educated, well paid, working in excellent conditions, well motivated.
                And we?
                1. +4
                  18 March 2019 12: 02
                  Quote: Mikhail3
                  That is, they have worse maneuverability than our aircraft, and it is more noticeable than American ones. And in the sum it turned out best of all.

                  Can you elaborate on this paradox?
                  1. -2
                    18 March 2019 12: 26
                    In what sense is this a paradox? What is paradoxical? It would be paradoxical to say that, for example, at a lower speed, the fighter is faster, or with less noticeability.
                    And here everything is logical. The Chinese aircraft (presumably) is somewhat slower in maneuver than ours, and somewhat more noticeable than the American one. That is, he (again, presumably) can get to our aircraft not seen not as close as the American, but still very close. And surpass the American in maneuver. Everything is very logical.
                    Another question is what kind of balance between stealth and maneuverability should be observed. Nobody knows this at the moment. The situation in real design bureaus of the military-industrial complex (and not in marketing "laboratories" where fairy tales about complete stealth are baked in large quantities and distributed to generations of aircraft) resembles Stalin's position before the War.
                    Stalin, being a real genius, was well aware of the irreparable defects of his own education and self-education, and in military matters he completely relied on the opinion of experts. The trouble was that the experts themselves knew little ...
                    1. +9
                      18 March 2019 12: 48
                      Quote: Mikhail3
                      In what sense is this a paradox? What is paradoxical?

                      Well, in your reasoning, the paradox for me is the conclusion that the plane is worse in some respects than ours, and in others - worse than the American one, in the end it is the best ...
                      1. +5
                        18 March 2019 12: 53
                        Compilation couldn't be better. It may be cheaper. May have an interesting set of hk. Especially in aviation and space technology. The best option is to take the glider and upgrade it. It doesn't seem like the Chinese are on this path. feel
                      2. +6
                        18 March 2019 15: 57
                        If one person runs perfectly on skis and shoots mediocrely, the other shoots superbly, but barely drags along the track, who will have the biathlon medal? Doesn’t one who runs well and shoots better than usual, although not like the second? Is this a paradox for you?
                        A combat aircraft must fly, maneuver, see far, be not too noticeable, consume little fuel, fly long distances, be light, carry a lot of weapons and ammunition ... enough? Do you understand what I mean?
                        Every fighting machine is a compromise between the sum of its qualities. A lot of fuel or low weight? Both that and that cannot be received. Subtle fuselage shape or aerodynamic? Weapons behind stealth cladding, or on pylons reducing stealth to zero? Powerful locator, or one that is difficult to detect?
                        Choosing an extreme, you weaken its other pole, if there are a lot of weapons on the pylons, so your plane will take off from takeoff. But if the weapon is small, so that it can be packaged in a corps, will it be enough to carry out a combat mission?

                        For designers, balancing this entire amount of impossibilities is the main question. It is impossible to verify all this experimentally, it’s not a competition, no individual quality ensures victory. The answer will be given only by war. On which it will be found out exactly how the systems should be balanced - in the direction of invisibility, or in the direction of maneuverability.
                        The Chinese, judging by their boast, are trying to take a course in conformity with their BI. A fighter in a real battle cannot put everything on one crown. In sports competitions - yes, of course! And in real combat, the only strong quality is quickly parried by the enemy. Fast? We’ll increase the volley weight so that you don’t dodge. Subtle? We’ll bulk up more imitators so that you open up during the shot. Etc. The combat vehicle must have at least several strengths in the battle, so that you can rely on them in various war conditions.
                      3. +3
                        18 March 2019 16: 31
                        Quote: Mikhail3

                        If one person runs perfectly on skis and shoots mediocrely, the other shoots superbly, but barely drags along the track, who will have the biathlon medal? Doesn’t one who runs well and shoots better than usual, although not like the second? Is this a paradox for you?

                        No, it's not. Because I do not conclude that this third is the best. In my opinion, it is generally incorrect, when comparing by individual parameters, to conclude that something in between is the best. That is what I am trying to explain to you.
                      4. 0
                        18 March 2019 17: 27
                        Not average, but harmonious. I, in turn, try to explain to you that the plane is in any case a compromise, average, balance between extremes. And avoiding one of them will always leave too many weak spots, as happens with live fighters, which are also a compromise). One of my college comrades was engaged in shooting. He once complained that improving the skill of lying shooting interferes with improving the skill of shooting in the rack, and they even reduce each other ...
                      5. 0
                        19 March 2019 08: 53
                        Very true, everything is noticed ...
                2. +2
                  18 March 2019 12: 53
                  Quote: Mikhail3
                  And in the sum it turned out best of all.

                  Better or worse is always relative and depends on conditions. Each "partner" sees these conditions in its own way, has different capabilities and tries to fight on its own terms.
                  Here it is not necessary to invent something completely new, but to take what is and redesign for your conditions. What the Chinese are doing with success.
                  1. 0
                    18 March 2019 16: 02
                    For what conditions? Can you formulate them? How do they differ from Russian and American?
                3. +6
                  18 March 2019 14: 53
                  An aircraft without a fifth generation engine is not a fifth generation aircraft. Our SU 57 cannot be a 5th generation aircraft. product 30 has not yet been tested and installed. Apparently, for the same reason, such a modest contract with the Ministry of Defense is to support the UAC pants. Why does MO need a generation 4 +++ aircraft for the price of almost two 4 ++ aircraft? Who is to blame for the fact that we still have not finished work on it is another matter. But given that the PRC's engine is even worse, then the J-20 is clearly not a fifth-generation aircraft. And all these "people who have no analogues in the world" (but now in the Chinese manner) are ordinary PR in the media.
                  1. +2
                    18 March 2019 15: 59
                    There are no generations. This is all pure marketing, and for the US Congress.
                    1. -1
                      19 March 2019 16: 47
                      Why is it not? There are specific criteria by which generations of combat aircraft are defined. Same thing with tanks. China and the Russian Federation lack the experience and technologies to create a 5th generation combat aircraft at the American level, due to technological lag and the experience of Americans in this area. Even if it is possible to fulfill all the criteria of the 5th generation, it is not a fact that the performance characteristics will be at or better than the American ones. In addition to stealth and unchallenged sphere sound, there are other important criteria that you can’t ignore if you want to confront the level in real battle. We need an AFAR, a line of modern explosives, or VP, or PB, as well as, very importantly, integration into a central information network, with noise-protected, wide-channel controls, communications and information. Marketing marketing, but not a single general staff of the world will buy expensive military equipment only on the basis of advertising booklets, especially if they do not correspond to real TTX.
                      1. 0
                        19 March 2019 16: 47
                        What are these criteria? At least do not share the link?
                      2. -1
                        20 March 2019 09: 45
                        Well, that's just it. There are no "clear criteria". There is idiotic marketing, sharpened to sell all kinds of crap to the American Congress. Well, "the whole world" picked up. It's more convenient - no need to understand the planes, thumped - "they won't cope with the 5th generation" and now you are an expert! Hehe ...
                      3. 0
                        20 March 2019 12: 46
                        You apparently didn’t read my comment, but I clearly defined the criteria - cruising supersonic, stealth, AFAR, a range of modern weapons, communications and information, such as NATO Link16, network-centricity. Many of these technologies in the Russian Federation do not exist, and if not, then you can call everything bullshit, right?
                      4. -1
                        21 March 2019 09: 30
                        You answered me with pointless chatter, can you see that? It's just water. Nothing. Do you even know what the term "criterion" means? So, there are no "clear criteria", so you cannot give them.
                      5. 0
                        21 March 2019 13: 27
                        You can turn on the fool and pretend that you haven’t been answered, so ignore the AFAR, Link16 and its analogs, GPS, network-centricity, a line of modern weapons. And ignore it because there is nothing of this in the Russian Federation. It remains to attach pluses to 4 +++. Oh yes, 4 +++ everywhere wherever you draw, there are no problems with the criteria apparently.
                      6. The comment was deleted.
                4. +1
                  18 March 2019 23: 09
                  their horde of engineers the 5th generation will not create. In the KB, white engineers are sitting, plus industrial espionage. Plus "sale" of samples. Toka sell modern weapons. Although what is modern is difficult to understand.
                5. -1
                  18 March 2019 23: 49
                  Quote: Mikhail3
                  The Chinese today have a huge number of young and ambitious engineers, well educated, well paid, working in excellent conditions, well motivated.

                  I just think that you hardly want to ride a Chinese car
                  1. 0
                    19 March 2019 12: 15
                    I drive in Russian - Volga 31105.
          2. +1
            18 March 2019 14: 39
            He doesn’t buy but receives, since he has not yet paid for Soviet deliveries.
      2. +12
        18 March 2019 10: 03
        Quote: Spartanez300
        No, and what are they then with us SU - 35 buy if they have all tip-tops with their fighters

        Moreover, why do not they test their prodigies in Syria, like ours and SU-35 and SU-57. There and the United States fly on their own and carry out combat missions. I think China has no problem agreeing with Syria to bomb off terrorists, and even show off to Russians and Americans. Well, a very good reason. But no, it’s only in their media
        1. +13
          18 March 2019 10: 37
          Sunjar (Alexander) Today, But no, it’s only in their media
          A good show is more expensive than money. Folk wisdom.
          1. +4
            18 March 2019 13: 32
            Here on this, and not only on this Chinese Pontus, many bought on our website. laughing
            Judging by the reaction of the participants in the competition, when you write something against China.
            And that China has not fought with anyone for forty years - kaaakoy there ... It does not roll!
        2. 0
          19 March 2019 09: 37
          Quote: Sunjar
          No, and what are they then with us SU - 35 buy if they have all tip-tops with their fighters

          and ours refused to sell engines without an airplane, so to rearrange them you have to buy the whole car
        3. 0
          19 March 2019 17: 02
          I think China has no problem agreeing with Syria to bomb off terrorists, and even show off to Russians and Americans.

          You have strange ideas about geopolitics. Agree to bomb some territory in order to show off?))

          Well, they do not experience their child prodigies in Syria, like ours and the SU-35 and SU-57. There and the United States fly on their own and carry out combat missions.

          In Syria, there are no opponents against whom an aircraft could be tested, with the same success it is possible to test it at home ranges. There is no air defense, no electronic warfare, no air force, which have to be resisted, so it is somehow inappropriate to call the use of the Su-57 and Su-35 in Syria "Tests in real combat conditions". Even worse, if various US aircraft are involved in the skies of Syria, with a hell of a lot of equipment on board, kororaya can measure the parameters of the same Su-57 and Su-35, thereby revealing their shortcomings or weaknesses, then it is a very dubious measure to use there the most modern aircraft of the Russian Federation. The use of army aviation, attack aircraft, or helicopters can be called a test in combat conditions.
          1. 0
            21 March 2019 10: 25
            Russia has agreed, the United States flies without a treaty. I also inform you that among the ISIS banned in the Russian Federation terrorists, including the Uyghurs - Chinese terrorists, have entered. Or do you think Syria only needs help from Russia? China has no problems at all to agree on military assistance with Syria, Assad has no reason to refuse such an offer. And China would show with its special operations to the whole World how cool they are, what good weapons they have. Here, look, our Sushki fly there, American Fkies fly and don’t miss, that both of them have electronic warfare, air defense, air force, all look after each other and carry out combat missions. But China is just pissing that they will burn it with love, they will show that their wunderwaffles are not invisible. And even more so all of a sudden, what kind of plane they crash over there. This will be a big nuisance and reputational loss for China.
            I repeat and emphasize in addition: China, the Acre Air Force, could well agree or even fight the terrorists without an agreement. Indeed, in Syria, it fights with permission and without whoever wishes: Russia, the USA, Turkey, Israel, Iran, Iraq, each with its own interest. And none of these actors is particularly shy. All of them are fighting for real, but China is cool only in words and in its training ranges. In connection with the foregoing, I think that China does not go into Syria, because it pisses on the teeth and then all the show off about the coolness of the PLA will be multiplied by 0.
            With all due respect to the great geopolitics of CrocodileGene hi
      3. +7
        18 March 2019 10: 03
        Quote: Spartanez300

        No, but what are they then, we buy SU-35 if they have all tip-tops with their fighters.

        exactly the same question arose with me .....
      4. +1
        18 March 2019 13: 02
        No, but what are they then, we buy SU-35 if they have all tip-tops with their fighters. Every merchant praises his goods.

        Su-35, not least because of the spare engines bought.
        We wanted 4 sets for the plane. Bargained for 3. hi
      5. 0
        18 March 2019 18: 24
        Because the military-political propaganda of the communist lobby.
      6. 0
        19 March 2019 07: 08
        The Chinese are masters in copying, so they study the performance characteristics of the SU-35 in order to create a kind of "miracle" on its basis and then sell it at a price lower than the original. Market and nothing more.
      7. 0
        19 March 2019 17: 04
        No, and what are they then with us SU - 35 buy if they have all tip-tops with their fighters

        Judging by the number of Su-35 purchased, it is unlikely to strengthen the Chinese air force. Rather, for study and copyist.
    2. +3
      18 March 2019 09: 57
      What is normal, you need to sell them.)))
    3. +5
      18 March 2019 10: 35
      Quote: GKS 2111
      Every sandpiper praises its swamp, only time will put everything in its place, who is better, who is worse.

      I will correct it - the battle will show whose plane is better and, God forbid, adding that this battle never happens.
      1. +5
        18 March 2019 10: 55
        We, too, are not made with a finger that even the British admit.
        "Daily Star author Henry Holloway calls the Su-57 the" envy "of the world's air forces. He notes that the new fighter is the" most advanced weapon "in the Russian arsenal, possessing" cutting edge technology. "It is capable of engaging targets at a distance of 125 miles ( more than 200 km) and in a number of characteristics surpasses analogues from the USA (F-22 and F-35) and China (J-20 and J-31), which are also commonly referred to as the fifth generation, the newspaper notes.
        "The Daily Mail tabloid notes that the radius of destruction of the Su-57 missiles K-77M significantly exceeds the American AIM-120D" Scorpion ", which is equipped with the F-22 (125 miles against 100). The publication cites official data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, according to which the Su- 57 will enter service with the Russian Aerospace Forces in 2019. "
        1. +9
          18 March 2019 11: 12
          A little about the promising R-77M missile for the Su-57 in the article it is called K-77. "K-77 (product 180) is a further development of the R-77 family of medium-range missiles (export name RVV-AE, in NATO classification Adder, viper It differs from the previous versions of the K-77, created for the fifth generation fighters, primarily in its longer flight range: 192 km versus 110 for the RVV-AE. "
          "The K-77 is a modern long-range high-precision weapon designed to intercept even small and highly maneuverable targets, it is impossible to evade it. The most interesting thing about the missile is its guidance system. Previously, maneuverable fighters - for example, the American F-15 - could avoid being hit sharply maneuvering in order to get out of a rather narrow beam of capture of the missile homing head. However, in the K-77, target search is implemented in a different way. An antenna array is hidden under the radio-transparent fairing of the nose, each cell of which is a monopulse emitter. Information from them is collected and processed. This gives the rocket high resistance to interference - even if the signal of some of the cells can be jammed, the rest will receive information. After turning on the seeker, the carrier aircraft continues to form and transmit a mathematical model of the target. This is necessary just in case of sharp maneuvers. If the object to be destroyed is If it is out of sight of the seeker, having disrupted auto-tracking, its repeated search using the model is turned on. During the entire hunt, the missile's on-board computer solves the kinematic equations to calculate the trajectory of the target. If its on-board defense system puts a curtain of interference, the K-77 homing head switches to passive mode and looks for the source of this interference. When enemy electronic warfare stations wreak havoc on the air, disrupting communication between the missile and the carrier, the K-77 pursues the target along special, memorized trajectories. "

          Americans are trying to create its analogue
          "The Russian development of the K-77M is a medium-range missile. This is an improved version of its predecessor, which was achieved by installing an antenna with an active phased array. The missile develops a fairly high speed thanks to a two-pulse motor. The minimum range of the K-77M is 110 km. Impressive power." and the ability to "lead" targets at a great distance led to what the West called this development "an absolute killer." the development of LREW - medium-range missiles “to ensure dominance in the skies.” It is planned that they, like the Russian K-120M, will be equipped with phased array antennas and increase the range ...
          Source: "
          1. 0
            19 March 2019 17: 18
            We, too, are not made with a finger that even the British admit.

            This Daily Star is a yellow internet wash full of information and advertising, which in this article refers to Sputnik’s information and cites Bondaryov’s statements. These are not statements by any British military experts, or major publications.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        18 March 2019 13: 35
        Yes, no, let it happen - go, they have eternal graters with India.
        There we will see what kind of 5th generation it is.
        And the pilots, okay - let them catapult! wink
    4. +9
      18 March 2019 12: 44
      Quote: GKS 2111
      "Further, Chinese experts praise the J-20, noting that it has incorporated excellent parameters, both aerodynamic and stealth."
      Every sandpiper praises its swamp, only time will put everything in its place, who is better, who is worse.

      This is what India says about their stealth.
      “The Indian Su-30MKI radar detected and tracked Chinese fifth-generation Chengdu J-20 fighters flying over Tibet, Indian Defense Research Wing reported. Sukhoi's radar sees them. The new Chinese planes aren't all that invisible. No special technology is required to detect them, J-20s are also recognized by conventional radars
      - noted the commander of the Indian Air Force Arup Shah. “
    5. +4
      18 March 2019 14: 11
      Quote: GKS 2111
      Every sandpiper praises its swamp, only time will put everything in its place, who is better, who is worse.

      Or maybe ... let them continue to be "mistaken"? Oh, and a "surprise" for them will be ... in which case ...! wink
    6. +1
      18 March 2019 14: 51
      Quote: GKS 2111
      Every sandpiper praises its swamp, only time will put everything in its place, who is better, who is worse.

      Given that the J20 has an engine from the SU-35, its Chinese counterpart, then what kind of comparison are we talking about with the SU-57?
    7. +3
      18 March 2019 15: 38
      Well it in FIG. Better to stay in the same position. Everyone will argue with whom it is better to praise their own and blaspheme someone else's. But so that a real comparison does not come.
    8. +1
      19 March 2019 09: 34
      Quote: GKS 2111
      Next, Chinese experts praise the J-20

      they go to zhoooooo on their Jewish Sabra with distortions
    9. 0
      19 March 2019 10: 36
      Well, how are we talking about ourselves?
      Paphos is needed for the people.
      And experts quietly take apart all the little details.
      And without a pump they report where it should be.
      So we look calmly at the passes of our eastern partners.
    10. 0
      19 March 2019 15: 58
      where this J20 - no matter what the Chinese say, our virtual su-57 easily becomes cooler with a simple effort of thought. And the Chinese suckers make their plane in iron and even patrol areas, dooming themselves to defeat in a dispute over the length of pussy. And if sarcasm is set aside, the j20 and f-22 are 100 generations cooler than the su-57, because the first two are in service, and the su-57 is in eternal testing and waiting for the engine, the new avionics, then it’s stupid to approve in the procurement duma though one for the real needs of the Air Force.
      In this regard, the first Soviet stealth in-2 is much cooler than the su-57. It is necessary to tell Medvedev that he needs to be pulled out of museums, modernized by installing LCD monitors and catapults. And what, a reliable weapon, time-tested. This one will actually serve.
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. +7
      18 March 2019 09: 53
      Quote: Spartanez300
      what are they then we have SU - 35

      They want to quickly tear apart all our improvements from our SU-35 to their J-20 copy-paste product.
  3. +8
    18 March 2019 09: 51
    you will not praise yourself, so you are not a Chinese ...
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +6
    18 March 2019 09: 52
    Yes Yes Yes...
    You can’t praise yourself - no one can boast.
    Some have a flying penguin, others have a duck ...
    A country that itself has not developed anything in aviation is criticized by the global pillars of aviation.
    The same duck flying is copied in many ways from amers.
    1. -5
      18 March 2019 10: 04
      Quote: Machete
      The same duck flying is copied in many ways from amers.

      The Chinese are copying less and less creating their
      1. +8
        18 March 2019 10: 15
        Well, show me on J20 that they introduced their own there, and not blinded from what they looked like.

        China does not have its own school of engineers. China can only clone !!!!
        1. -1
          18 March 2019 10: 18
          Quote: PROXOR
          Well, show me on J20 that they introduced their own there, and not blinded from what they looked like.

          China does not have its own school of engineers. China can only clone !!!!

          Soviet Russia also started with "clones" and made them on foreign machines, then we built our own engineering school, and the Chinese also learn well and quickly.
          1. +16
            18 March 2019 10: 26
            From the moment when the USSR began to clone until the time of the construction of its machines, no more than 15 years passed.
            An example for you. In the early 30s, we purchased a Vickers tank and a Christie chassis. After 10 years, the Soviet school of tank building puts on the conveyor T34 and KV-1.

            Further. In the late 40s, we buy a license for Douglas DC3. Immediately after the war, the IL-14 first appears, in 1955 the Tu-104 flew into the air, which within 2 years after the removal of the Comet was the only jet passenger aircraft.

            And now back to China. May I remind you how much China operates tanks of the 72nd family? The same Tu-16. And other samples. We take the same tank type-96 or type-99. The engine was changed to a copy of German, all electronics were licked from European samples. But for some reason the gun is still the same !!!! They cannot make the barrel better. And how much are they trying to make the AL-31F engine? !!!!

            And this is not only in the military commissar. I work in foreign economic activity, I see that all that is Chinese is a copy of imitated samples.
            1. 0
              18 March 2019 10: 47
              In the late 40s, we buy a license for Douglas DC3. Immediately after the war, first appears IL-14,

              A copy of DC3 is Li2, not IL-14
              1. +2
                18 March 2019 12: 22
                Quote: Astronaut
                A copy of DC3 is Li2, not IL-14

                No, do I have to paint everything? Or all the same, turn on the logic that I drew a line from the purchased DC3 to the domestic Bk-14? !!! Or do you have a task to write at least something? Kaypozhory - how can you write nonche.
                1. -2
                  18 March 2019 17: 03
                  Why be shy, we would draw a line to the IL-76! laughing
                  Oh, these aviation experts! am
            2. -5
              18 March 2019 10: 48
              Quote: PROXOR
              I see that all that is Chinese is a copy of imitation samples.

              The Chinese invented paper, compass, gunpowder and typography, and this is because China is rich in minds, but now they copy a lot, but their developments from smartphones to weapons and space also appear.
              1. +4
                18 March 2019 11: 58
                Quote: RUSS
                The Chinese invented paper, compass, gunpowder and typography

                It was attributed to them by the Anglo-Saxons)). Confirmation of this, previously medieval documents, no.
              2. -1
                18 March 2019 12: 22
                Quote: RUSS
                The Chinese invented paper, compass, gunpowder and typography, it’s me that China is rich in minds, yes now they copy a lot

                stop Maybe they also copied paper, compass and gunpowder? belay For example, I am familiar with many inventions that were known long before when smart business people applied for them ...
                Quote: ctepx
                It was attributed to them by the Anglo-Saxons)).

                The Anglo-Saxons did not know what a Russian bath is and today they wash themselves in the same water in order to save ... laughing
              3. +3
                18 March 2019 12: 59
                Russian Vanya taught them to piss standing ...
              4. +3
                18 March 2019 13: 09
                Yes, the Chinese came up with all this, but did not implement it in large quantities, and did not develop it in the future. As an example - artillery. By the 8th-9th centuries, the Chinese had created almost all types of weapons plus rockets. And they stopped at that. Europeans received gunpowder after about 500 years, and by the time of the great geographical discoveries had gone far ahead (in just 200 years). By the time the Europeans decided to cut China, the difference was already disastrous. Roughly speaking, steel, albeit muzzle-loading, guns and rifled rifles and mitralles against mortars made of wood and low-power rockets. That is, there were minds, but engineering is also needed.
              5. +3
                18 March 2019 13: 42
                You shouldn’t talk about gunpowder like that, Maxim. And about paper with a compass. Before the Chinese people there lived a completely different race. They left what the Chinese plainly could not use. Things didn’t go further than crackers.
                Or say that the Chinese and Germans have the same brains?
                1. 0
                  19 March 2019 18: 15
                  what race ..?
                  I am without sarcasm.
                  just as far as I understand the territory of present-day China was occupied by them, that is, many nationalities of the Mongoloid race: Mongols, Uighurs (actually from there the word "china" appeared, from the Turkic language), Manchus, Han and a bunch of other peoples, which either united or disintegrated again ... The main "unifier" of the peoples of that area was writing, a type of common language. around the 2nd century BC and a little later - Confucianism, before that - nationalities and their temporary associations, which cannot be fully called a strange state, but almost ... but - no.
                  Well, here I am presenting an approximate history of that locality with those peoples.
                  What other races?
                  1. +1
                    19 March 2019 18: 38
                    Sasha, if you think about the reason for the characteristic cut of the eyes of the Mongoloid race, you can come to the conclusion that this reason has been snow and sun for millennia.
                    There is also a precession of the earth's axis. At which the North Pole changes its place. With everyone coming out. In general, something like this. I won’t write so much)).
                    Simply, the Mongoloids did not always live where they are now. And the peoples were not called modern names at all.
                    1. 0
                      19 March 2019 23: 31
                      I understood, I know about the precession, but I didn’t know about the characteristic cut of the eyes (more precisely, the reason) (somehow I didn’t bother with the question) ...
                      and I immediately understand that I’ve lived all my life in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the indigenous peoples here also have a similar cut of eyes ... and we have a lot of snow (blizzard, snowstorm, blizzard, etc.) and the sun reflects and dazzles constantly from the snow ...
                      damn it, the answer was lying on the surface!
                      thank you hi
            3. +1
              18 March 2019 12: 06
              kv 1 and t-34 slightly different tanks and their schools
              1. +2
                18 March 2019 13: 07
                The designers are different, but the tank building school is the same. The layout of the tanks is the same. With rear engine transmission. Even the guns were originally the same L-11s.
          2. +3
            18 March 2019 10: 44
            Quote: RUSS

            Soviet Russia also started with "clones" and made them on foreign machines, then we built our own engineering school, and the Chinese also learn well and quickly.

            Like Japan at one time
        2. +4
          18 March 2019 13: 02
          Quote: PROXOR
          China can only clone !!!!

          This is also a strategy. Catching up is always easier and cheaper than being a leader.
          Now remember the year 1945. The Germans invented such that all the winners had enough for many years of development. But it was not the prodigies that won, but the massive use of simpler and cheaper models of equipment.
        3. 0
          19 March 2019 11: 00
          Well, don't underestimate the achievements of Chinese engineers. After all, they made the lens of plastic (ultra-light and advertise it as a means to enlarge the penis and other genitalia). True, there is a warning: you can not use the lens in bright sunlight, in order to avoid burns and damage to the subject of observation.
  6. +6
    18 March 2019 09: 53
    Every sandpiper praises its swamp
    1. +7
      18 March 2019 10: 00

      However, this aircraft is cute.
      1. -3
        18 March 2019 10: 04
        Quote: The same Lech

        However, this aircraft is cute.

        And futuristic good
        1. +6
          18 March 2019 10: 06
          However, the weak chassis, heavy, stealth is lame and the engine still needs to be finalized ... do the Chinese have the patience to eliminate these shortcomings. what
          1. +8
            18 March 2019 10: 18
            And what to modify it. The maximum that they now have an AF-41 with a Su-35 and that's it. With this engine, this fighter does not develop supersonic in the afterburner mode, and therefore it is possible to attribute this fighter to the 5th generation WELL VERY CONDITION !!!
            1. -2
              18 March 2019 10: 26
              Quote: PROXOR
              this fighter does not develop supersound in the afterburner mode

              and which fighter is developing?
              1. +2
                18 March 2019 10: 30
                Of the destroyers, so far only Fu-22, Su-57 with product 30 should also go to supersonic without afterburner. Of the older SR-71s, but it's a scout.
                1. -4
                  18 March 2019 10: 43
                  Quote: PROXOR
                  Of the older SR-71s, but it's a scout.

                  But the SR-71 was designed as a fighter.
                  1. +2
                    18 March 2019 10: 45
                    Yes you are ADMIRAL evidence. He wrote that of the fighters only Fu-22. And the Sr-71 is an example of another plane with supersonic speed at afterburner mode. Consider no such aircraft at all.
                    1. -6
                      18 March 2019 10: 57
                      Yes you BAT, if it weren’t for clever at the expense of SR, then I would not put in my five cents. And if I’m right, what didn’t you like? Don’t be angry people will reach you.
                      1. +1
                        18 March 2019 12: 24
                        Remove Soviet symbols. For the logic of a person developed in the USSR is not available to you.
                        Quote: loginovich
                        Do not be angry with you people will reach.

                        Do I need it ?! This is necessary for the generation of lycodr .... s and highfire.
                      2. 0
                        18 March 2019 12: 53
                        And what do you dislike about the flag of the Ukrainian SSR?
                        Do not be angry with you people will reach.

                        Do I need it ?!
                        Your hateful principles will not lead you to anything good. Your predecessor, Adolf Aloizovich, did not finish well.
                  2. 0
                    18 March 2019 13: 46
                    A-12 (SR-71) was sawed strictly under reconnaissance.
                2. nks
                  19 March 2019 13: 17
                  f-22 showed super cruise M1,6, typhoon M1,5, rafal M1,4 (with ~ 1,5 t load)
        2. 0
          19 March 2019 08: 49
          And I thought that 1980-s for us is the distant past.
          1. +1
            19 March 2019 12: 44
            Quote: EvilLion
            And I thought that 1980-s for us is the distant past.

            but it turned out to be a distant future !!!!!
      2. +5
        18 March 2019 10: 09
        Quote: The same Lech

        However, this aircraft is cute.

        The image is certainly good, but as for me, the plane is not pretty. But it is clear that the main thing is its capabilities - especially in comparison with the su-57 and f 35.
        1. +6
          18 March 2019 10: 17
          Quote: IGOR GORDEEV
          The image is certainly good

          That's exactly what the image is rendering, not the real photo. And I don’t understand what is beautiful in this chisel.
      3. +4
        18 March 2019 10: 14
        But for me the aerodynamics are poor. Put next to the same Drying, everything will become clear.
        MiG-1.44 is much more beautiful
      4. -1
        18 March 2019 23: 14
        Flying iron. Su-50 is really stylish.
      5. 0
        21 March 2019 04: 02
        The Chinese generally pay a lot of attention to the appearance of weapons - not only aircraft, but also ships, tanks and other equipment. See how cool they look like new destroyers or helicopters or the same vt4 tank. Perhaps these are corporate troubles to increase profitability.
        But I think that this is a consequence of the last 10-15 years of propaganda of the revival of the imperial spirit -
        something like gilded lat with patterns from the guards in the cinema.
        They need real symbols of greatness and they make them. J-20 is also a symbol.
  7. +9
    18 March 2019 09: 54
    Like a hedgehog, like a hedgehog, a sandpiper is a swamp! Who would doubt it!
    All of these sin, and put up grades .... time, let it be better.
    1. +4
      18 March 2019 10: 03
      We need to conduct training fights there, and we'll see
      1. +1
        18 March 2019 11: 10
        Quote: egor egor
        We need to conduct training fights there, and we'll see

        Good offer, BUT !!! Then you really have to prove that your pepelats is so advanced, the most - the most!
        There are two options, either they have a UX-X-X device, or PFE-E-E! Well this is not to shoot commercials and articles of praise to scribble! Here PROVE TO COME!
        1. +2
          18 March 2019 12: 44
          Naturally, because which country does not make the aircraft, then everything is either invisible, or a killer, or both here and there, after all, it’s not only a piece of iron that you have to take into account the pilot’s skill (the Indians are shooting down 21 f16) so they say at least
        2. +1
          18 March 2019 13: 50
          If we take the quality, "advanced" and modernity (Tu-16!) Of Chinese weapons, then "pfe" suggests itself in the first place.
          1. +2
            18 March 2019 14: 12
            Quote: Carpenter 2329
            If we take the quality, "advanced" and modernity (Tu-16!) Of Chinese weapons, then "pfe" suggests itself in the first place.

            When they could do something, the concept of strategists was not the most popular. They are unlikely to be able to do something at the level of Lebed and Lancer, this is already aerobatics and a serious design school, and no one will provide them with copies for copying. They manage the sho there, the sho they can do.
  8. +18
    18 March 2019 09: 55
    In China, they declared the advantage of J-20 fighters over the Su-57 and F-35, and in Russia they announced the advantage of the Su-57 fighters over the J-20 and F-35, and in the USA they declared the advantage of the F-35 fighters over the Su-57 20 and J-XNUMX. Well, okay, the main thing is that in words and not in practice.
    1. +1
      18 March 2019 13: 06
      The fact is that everyone is right. smile
    2. 0
      21 March 2019 04: 06
      Quote: Hakka
      In China, they declared the advantage of J-20 fighters over the Su-57 and F-35, and in Russia they announced the advantage of the Su-57 fighters over the J-20 and F-35, and in the USA they declared the advantage of the F-35 fighters over the Su-57 20 and J-XNUMX. Well, okay, the main thing is that in words and not in practice.

      The fact is that the rhetoric of the authorities in the United States led them to where they are forced to declare even the advantage of the F15 and F16 over the su-57.
  9. +4
    18 March 2019 10: 00
    They consider their tank the best, and the Chinese wall that you can’t take by storm, and you can list endlessly, in one they succeeded, cheat, steal, copy, make.
    1. +5
      18 March 2019 10: 38
      Quote: Ravil_Asnafovich
      and the Chinese wall that you can’t take by storm,

      Deal with the wall ... but that is the opinion that it was stormed from the wrong side and not exactly those that the Chinese say were stormed))
    2. +2
      18 March 2019 12: 47
      Was the wall after the Mongols built or were the Mongols still navigating it? It seems like they transported through it, if they climbed over and about the rest the Chinese are lying
  10. +2
    18 March 2019 10: 02
    Do not praise - do not sell! The Chinese are aggressively entering the arms market! No.
  11. +5
    18 March 2019 10: 02
    In Russia, they talk about the superiority of the Su57, in the USA about the superiority of the F 35, in China about the superiority of the J 20, I would be surprised if they said something different, this is a normal manufacturer praises their products to sell to potential customers.
  12. +2
    18 March 2019 10: 04
    It is logical that the Chinese j-20 have the advantage for the Chinese, and one (!), Before the Su-57 and Fu-35. Everyone understands that this advantage is the price. Everything! The benefits are no more.
  13. +2
    18 March 2019 10: 05
    No, of course, the Chinese are well done, but they are definitely far away from us, the shape of the Su-57 airframe is much better suited to the theory of stealth, sparkling blades were the news that this product was eliminated in the 30th product. There is no cruising supersonic in the J20.
  14. KCA
    18 March 2019 10: 05
    I did not delve into the details, but what is the engine on the J-20? Really AL-41Fhhh? Or has China learned to make its own? Then why are they buying ours?
    1. +3
      18 March 2019 10: 29
      Quote: KCA
      Really AL-41Fhhh?

      rather AL-31fhh ....
    2. +1
      18 March 2019 13: 53
      Quote: KCA
      I did not delve into the details, but what is the engine on the J-20? Really AL-41Fhhh? Or has China learned to make its own? Then why are they buying ours?

      They just don’t know how to do their own stupidly. And that’s it.
      1. KCA
        18 March 2019 13: 54
        And I’m talking about the fact that they have fighters of the 5th generation, and the engines are ours, or not at all
        1. +1
          18 March 2019 14: 01
          To do such things, it is very straightforward hands needed. And very crooked gyrus.
          And not vice versa.
          Quote: KCA
          And I’m talking about the fact that they have fighters of the 5th generation, and the engines are ours, or not at all
  15. +4
    18 March 2019 10: 06
    J-20 is already unique today ...
    Chinese propaganda. Neither stealth, nor afterburner supercruise, nor super maneuverability. Unique mediocrity.
  16. +10
    18 March 2019 10: 06
    It turns out that China also has its own RenTV and its own Prokopenko.)))
    1. +6
      18 March 2019 10: 11
      laughing to the point, you can’t say better!
    2. +3
      18 March 2019 12: 55
      And what do you dislike about Prokopenko?
      1. +1
        18 March 2019 15: 13
        The fact of the matter is that as a patriot, everyone loves. I am sure that the local Prokopenko is also fond of the Chinese)))
  17. 0
    18 March 2019 10: 13
    Neither the Su-57, nor the F-35, nor the J-20 can yet be considered full-fledged combat units. So there’s nothing to compare there.
  18. +3
    18 March 2019 10: 13
    The fact that one can believe in this article is "that already from 2020, up to 150 such fighters can be supplied to the troops from factories annually."
  19. +2
    18 March 2019 10: 16
    No specific data or even justification for their point of view. Solid Chinese propaganda.
    1. +5
      18 March 2019 11: 35
      But the planes are on alert. Full squadron.
      And they carry out military patrols of disputed territories with weapons.
  20. +3
    18 March 2019 10: 18
    The statement is most likely addressed to his sworn friends in the disputed territories of the Republic of Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia and the rest whom China wants to kiss to death.
  21. +5
    18 March 2019 10: 26
    Strange, the Russian Federation has not yet really released su-57 into the "people", and the Chinese are already declaring that they are better. Question! Where could the Chinese steal better technologies than the Russian Federation has now? Is that aliens, but for some reason they fly on the "best" planes, still on Russian engines and, of course, very much hope until the year 20 that the Russian Federation will come up with something cool so that they have time to slander.
  22. +2
    18 March 2019 10: 30
    Each "sandpiper" praises his swamp, but I agree with this that this is the BASIC advantage of the "Chinese":
    starting from 2020 of the year, up to 150 of such fighters annually can be delivered to the troops from factories.
    and do not forget that they have another stealth model on the way
  23. +4
    18 March 2019 10: 34
    Why be surprised? They have tanks better than ours. Yes, and the rest probably. And do not convince them of this.
    1. 0
      18 March 2019 20: 14
      They would have told, supposedly they have nuclear defense better than Sarmat laughing
  24. +3
    18 March 2019 10: 53
    From the material in the Chinese press, specifying what the Chinese see the advantage of their fifth-generation aircraft over American and Russian aircraft:

    This is fully consistent with Chinese philosophy, according to which the "Celestial Empire" - the center of the worldaround which everything should revolve! And with the strengthening of China, this representation of the Chinese will be increasingly broadcast to the world!
    1. +8
      18 March 2019 11: 33
      What to do ... China, having become an economic superpower, is gradually turning into a military superpower. And it always seemed and seems to the superpowers that the world revolves around them. fellow
      1. 0
        18 March 2019 13: 11
        Quote: voyaka uh
        And it always seemed to the superpowers and it seems that the world revolves around them

        And there is. The heavier the object, the stronger the force of gravity. Everything smaller starts to revolve around.
        1. +2
          18 March 2019 14: 06
          Quote: Petrix
          Quote: voyaka uh
          And it always seemed to the superpowers and it seems that the world revolves around them

          And there is. The heavier the object, the stronger the force of gravity. Everything smaller starts to revolve around.

          The world can turn so round up to the detachment of the head.
          It happened recently - about 75 years ago.
    2. 0
      18 March 2019 12: 13
      Quote: Goldmitro
      This is fully consistent with the Chinese philosophy, according to which the "Celestial Empire" is the navel of the earth, around which everything should revolve!

      I don't speak Chinese. There Confucius did not write anything that "both navels of the Earth", around which everything revolves, are frozen - they lie under the ice ... request
  25. +3
    18 March 2019 10: 57
    China can declare anything, but in fact all its weapons are lower than the quality of ours and, in most cases, of NATO
    1. 0
      18 March 2019 20: 18
      Otherwise, they would not sell them weapons, but vice versa ...
  26. +3
    18 March 2019 10: 58
    It is noted that the J-20 received one of the options for the universal rocket PL-21 - the class of "air-to-air.

    The PL-12 BVRAAM is China's advanced long-range air-to-air missile (beyond visual range). With a range of over 62 miles, active radar search and Mach 4, this is already lethal enough - the ramjet version will make it even more deadly, increasing range, agility and speed. Combined with AESA radar devices on modern Chinese BVRAAMs, a BVRAAM ramjet engine such as the PL-12D, PL-21 or PL-15 variant will pose a long-range threat even to stealth fighters and bombers. China is developing hypersonic weapons that have a triple range of existing Chinese air-to-air missiles. Premise: A ramjet engine that can transform already lethal missiles into weapons with greater range, agility and speed. The air motor can more than triple the range of Chinese BVRAAMs. For example, the range of the PL-12 could increase from 62 miles to nearly 200 miles ... hi
  27. +2
    18 March 2019 11: 18

    The film is called: "The Struggle for Tibet - Chinese Lies"

  28. +5
    18 March 2019 11: 20
    Chinese experts praise their aircraft, saying that it incorporates the best properties of both an aerodynamic nature and stealth. At the same time, they stipulate that there are problems with the engine. The question arises, and they are not cunning, because the aircraft’s maneuverability and stealth are dependent on the engine’s characteristics. You will not praise yourself; few people will bite and buy your product. However, business :)
  29. +4
    18 March 2019 11: 30
    "already from 2020, up to 150 such fighters can be supplied from factories to the troops annually." ////
    This is serious. The J-20 is aligned with the F-35.
    1. +1
      18 March 2019 14: 11
      I-16 before the war was many times more released than the Bf-109.
      1. 0
        19 March 2019 08: 48
        I don’t even check it, but EMNIP I-16 appeared a little earlier, but in those years the planes served a couple of years, then the skin decays, and the engine wears out of wear. What was released in 1939 in 41 was no longer interesting.
      2. +1
        19 March 2019 11: 55
        In those days (and now even more), much was determined by those who were sitting at the helm. The problem of the USSR was not a large number of old equipment, but the lack of massively trained pilots. This does not mean take-off-flight in circles-landing, but the skills of high-speed maneuvering and evading attacks. And with them I-16 could be fought.
    2. 0
      19 March 2019 08: 48
      Can But they will not. Because it is expensive and there is no special meaning.
  30. +7
    18 March 2019 11: 37
    Chinese cuisine is often built on touching deception. Fish cooked with the taste of meat and vice versa meat disguised as fish, a fat duck consisting of one puffed skin is the peculiarity of the thinking of our charming neighbors ...
    1. +1
      18 March 2019 20: 21
      But in the end, no fish, no meat! laughing
  31. +3
    18 March 2019 12: 00
    so give up immediately and prepare the white flank ???
  32. +4
    18 March 2019 12: 07
    China has announced the advantage of the J-20 fighter over the Su-57 and F-35

    To make such statements, you must have a minimum of a pair of each model and a raid on each of at least several hundred hours (preferably combat sorties) ...
    They will say, like in a puddle ... The fact that production capabilities allow - no one argues. Again, where and who will need the J-20, or even the J-2020, if they NOT (!!!) Will Russian engines be delivered? belay
    One must be more modest, and envy is a poor helper.
  33. +6
    18 March 2019 12: 21
    In the Chinese media, it is noted that already now the J-20 "surpasses the American F-22 and F-35 in basic parameters, as well as the Su-57, which are being prepared for delivery to the Russian Aerospace Forces."

    And also heavy imperial fighters, or whatever flew at Skywalker. Yes fellow laughing
  34. +6
    18 March 2019 12: 32
    The Chinese j-11d can not bring to mind, and we buy a su-35 in search of inspiration. And then right away the 5th generation was immediately washed down. Miracles in the sieve. Forward the Japanese, who surpass them in all necessary. technology. PR he is.
  35. +5
    18 March 2019 12: 37
    First of all, to say the least, the J-20 is not exactly a fighter. And the Chinese pilots spoke about this in an interview. And secondly, the Chinese should not forget that the engine for it comes from Russia, but in fact, this is not an engine for the 5th generation. With all the ensuing consequences.
  36. -1
    18 March 2019 12: 56
    The last review is not happy, 150 planes a year is serious, and there is no doubt that they can, the industry is developing, the economy is also, they are building destroyers faster than we are the 5th generation planes. Enviously
  37. 0
    18 March 2019 12: 59
    YES, really, advertising in the trade of the Chinese "does not take"! And the meaning is much more subtle, namely (!):
    - raise the price of your J-20 (for suckers!)
    - wait for the price of the SU-57 to fall due to competition - and buy them in bulk from us!
    (PS A game without a losing one ... Does the Silk Road say a lot?)
    1. +1
      18 March 2019 20: 26
      That's just nichrome it is not clear what the hell they are building communism, since advertising - that's all for them! lol
  38. +4
    18 March 2019 13: 27
    I've always wondered what is the connection between stealth and two engines? The F-35 and Su-57 have already taken part in operations directly or indirectly. Where was J-20 involved, does anyone have information? And if we take into account that the "Chinese" is equipped with an AL-31FN and is almost a meter longer, then at least here it is already inferior to Sushka.
  39. +2
    18 March 2019 14: 04
    "Plasma" engine for the Su-57
  40. 0
    18 March 2019 14: 07
    Even in confusion. So whose pepelats is better. Chinese or Russian
  41. 0
    18 March 2019 14: 22
    China has announced the advantage of the J-20 fighter over the Su-57 and F-35 laughing
  42. 0
    18 March 2019 19: 11
    I think the key point here is why the F-22 is not indicated ?! laughing
  43. 0
    18 March 2019 19: 22
    The article had to start from the end! 5th generation Chinese mighty aircraft are equipped with 4th generation Russian engines! From this they become the best, that is, 5 + 4 = 9 generation! Hooray !
    1. -2
      18 March 2019 20: 17
      They are equipped! And ours remained on paper. Or sold out overseas.
  44. 0
    18 March 2019 20: 15
    The characteristics of the machine are finally secondary, if they produce 150 per year. Who-thread is finally aware of this ???
  45. +1
    18 March 2019 20: 32
    In general, a short comment on the article addressed to the PRC: "For the ability to steal 5, for PR 4, for technology 3, for the truth 2!"
  46. +1
    18 March 2019 20: 58
    Chinese lovers of sushi and pi.dit everything and everyone will never get better. for they have never created the original. let them slam their tight mouths and truly make their product. then it will be seen
  47. +3
    18 March 2019 21: 00
    In this your China, what they just did not say)) About tanks and aircraft carrier ships. and about missiles too. In my deep Soviet childhood there was a fairy tale - "you lie like a hundred Chinese", where did it come from, why there is no answer, but it was. A billion Chinese lie better than a hundred))
  48. 0
    18 March 2019 23: 19
    Every day we are deceived. And here too. There - China does not exist. it's fantastic. there is China.
    Kitay Gorod is finally in Europe. Learn synology, special operations “Liote” and “Yellow giraffe”.
  49. +1
    18 March 2019 23: 36
    Quote: Mikhail3
    The Chinese today have a huge number of young and ambitious engineers, well educated, well paid, working in excellent conditions, well motivated.

    Not really, or rather, not at all ... I advise you, if possible, to see for yourself. I made sure.
    1. +1
      19 March 2019 10: 20
      Yes, the Chinese are hard workers, but they completely lack abstract thinking, and without it, the constructor is no longer a constructor - but a copyist! Can someone tell me what the Chinese have constructed, more or less worthwhile, over the past 100 years? All ideas bought or stolen from all over the world. And their production jumped due to the greed of the Americans, who transferred the main production to China. For what subsequently paid!
  50. 0
    19 March 2019 01: 38
    That's something I can’t believe at all
  51. +1
    19 March 2019 02: 07
    "...The Su-57 has the opposite - excellent aerodynamics, but lacks implemented stealth technologies..."
    The Chinese certainly know better laughing
  52. +3
    19 March 2019 08: 45
    It’s been a long time since the P. O. Sukhoi Design Bureau laughed so amicably, including the cleaning ladies.
  53. 0
    19 March 2019 09: 09
    An excellent advertisement for your aircraft for poor countries that have problems updating their aircraft fleet. I think these planes are just right for Egypt, Brazil and similar countries.
  54. +1
    19 March 2019 09: 58
    If you don't praise the product, you won't sell it!
  55. 0
    21 June 2019 10: 21
    According to the communist economy, domestic developments will always be better... because... cheaper!!!