Notes of the Colorado Cockroach. Nevvodilovo gazovodvodnoe. No and do not need

It is clear that many will immediately have a question: did he understand what he said? So, the second part of the title is the answer to it. Immediately and in the forehead. But we go in order.

Greetings to you, dear friends! Hello and prosper! And with the holiday you, real people! We, whatever they say on Bankova, celebrate 23 in February. But for those who came to Kiev after the “Maidan”, this holiday is like an awl in the sirloin. Yes, and the younger generation, if viewed objectively, is not very relevant to the Soviet holidays.

But this, you know, as a sirloin of the rump in the commonplace presentation. That is, it is the most, but there is no such word. So here we have, there seems to be no holiday, and a quarter of the population of the country notes something. But how…

I have two problems. The first, the most difficult, is your desire to know the situation with elections. I look through the serious media in different countries, including the Russian, of course. Just as you know, I have my own sources of information in some areas. Honestly, for a person who thinks, finding the same pearl in a pile of manure is easy enough. Dare.

To agitate for someone, I will not compare the programs of candidates. Just because I do not see in this crowd crawling with a gentle, as they think, grunting to the tub, people. Everything as usual. And the animals are the same as always. Whoever comes first, the pigsty will not be rebuilt. Cockroaches do not like pigsty. And I don’t feel like changing the name to Okolosvinsky.

The second problem is so for pale young men, with a burning look ... Asking questions like "this is how you should hate your homeland" and all that. My dear ones (and you really cost Ukraine dearly, thanks to you they keep us for idiots), I see everything and I know your plans earlier than you do. Remember, cockroaches live even in your heads. And these cockroaches communicate with each other. You can only break, beat the weak and run in the SBU for the scammer's salary.

Boys, I'll tell you one nasty thing - I saw the Kiev lists of "hunters on cockroaches." As soon as I think about how to comb you, so as not to substitute anyone of yours - here we will talk sincerely.

Okay. I will begin a serious part of the notes. I will solve the problem number one. I'll tell you my own vision of the situation in Ukraine. This is not the expression of someone's views, but the thoughts of the Cockroach. No more.

Today, increasingly, among thinking Ukrainians, one can hear quite sensible thoughts. What I read in your comments about the historical lag of Ukrainian politics from the Russian years on 20-25 began to reach us. And in the modern world a quarter of a century is a whole epoch. Today we live somewhere at the end of the 20 century. At a time when you "voted with your heart."

In general, we are not very different, the main question - why would you suddenly? Therefore, everything is the same, and the rake is not even the label “Made in the USSR”, not “Made in Russia”. Bams on the head is about the same, the only question is to whom it is more offensive from what rake drove.

Ukrainians still divide the world into black and white. There is a civilized West and a wild East. True, some have already jumped balls for rollers. Is Japan West or East? And China? And India? There is a kink, but there are very few attempts to understand the changes. We want to go to Europe because they feed better there.

But I’ll say this for Europe, not everything is so smooth there either. And not in terms of visas, but in terms of us. Visa-visa - it's all garbage. In Europe, our reluctance to assimilate begins to cause discontent, but to live like diasporas.

No, what do you suggest? Polyglot become? Right now ... Let Europe begin to teach Ukrainian, since such a booze has gone that we moved to learn it! We are the ancient population of Europe, we dug the seas and poured mountains! And here they let our language learn, while we still think of something, such as the great migration of Ukrainians to Europe!

SchA show, sho is not stuck ...

Therefore, clamps are torn in our heads. Remember the wave of information (happiness) that covered Ukraine when the United States announced sanctions against Russian enterprises. Remember Deripaska. Well, now the great Americans will tear Mordor to shreds, and Ukraine will blow a piece of Ukraine. So what? Aluminum prices soared, and everything calmed down.

Americans are good. Russian good. Some Ukrainians with their mriyami sit in a puddle and flow around. How so? Where is Peremoga?

The latest example from Frau Merkel. "Of course, I am on the side of Poroshenko, but Nord Stream-2 is also important for me." This is from her speech at the Munich Conference.

And again, the gap of our patterns. What it is? What is the German Chancellor fighting for? We are for you, and you ... And they are for themselves! Friendship is friendship, and snuff apart. And even the great Zaluzha residents cannot pressure the Germans.

We also had an interesting relationship with these guys. Oh, how beautiful Americans drown for the preservation of our pipe. Already paws bend. On koryachki get up want of gratitude. Caring for us orphaned.

But it is necessary to include a thought, and a simple question arises. Do they not understand that the pipe is full of holes? Do not understand what to invest in its repair will be at a price equal to the construction of a new one? Stupid and can not count? Or are we so smart? Woe from such a mind.

No one will repair this pipe. You just need to wait for the beginning of its destruction. In this case, do not let Russia build a backup. And that's it! Imagine an option when Russia will not be able to fulfill gas supply contracts. Our pipe broke. Some activists blew up that in general easily ...

What happens next? And then there will be Ooooi from the EU. Give gas! Industry has risen. People freezes. Prices are rising. And here on the horizon appears a white steamer ... American gas carrier. Everything. Mission accomplished. Europe hooked on American liquefied gas!

Where is Ukraine in this scheme? Where where? There! Moreover, Ukraine itself will also have to buy from the Americans. And to pay for this gas in hryvnias received for the delivery of pieces of this very pipe to the scrap collection points.

Russia? We are "fighting" with you for five years. At the same time, imports from Russia are growing, and exports are falling. Factories rise one after another because of their orientation to the Russian market, which is closed at the direction of the government. And ours, and yours. Agriculture, even with record harvests, cannot realize cultivated. The quotas, wood louse their mother ...

It is clearly seen how we are fighting with the example of a great oil-producing fish, a levitating, and more recently, a coal-producing country, Belarus. Do you know how much increased imports of petroleum products and coal from Belarus to Ukraine?

Last year, Belarus reduced the supply of petroleum products to Ukraine by 11,9% - to 3,16 million tons, but the export value increased by 15% - to $ 2,09 billion. This is evidenced by the data of the National Statistics Committee of Belarus. The total supply amounted to 11,93 million tons. The average export price rose to $ 544,1 per ton, which is 26,2% more.

Further more interesting. Over the past year, exports of coal from Belarus to Ukraine increased by 980 times, anthracite - by 340 times. And this is despite the fact that Belarus has no deposits of its own, except brown coal. Yes, and he mostly in the swamps, where shrimp are caught.

According to Belstat, Belarusian exports of coal to Ukraine amounted to 588,5 thousand tons (0,6 thousand tons in 2017 year), anthracite - 102,2 thousand tons (0,3 thousand tons in 2017 year). It is also reported that exports to the European Union increased significantly.

Our black and white vision cannot see the changes that have already occurred in the world. There is no global West and global East. The EU? WTO? NATO? Yes, any international organization today is nothing more than a tool to put pressure on weaker countries. Many US react to all these organizations? Or China? Maybe Russia is running to fulfill them?

A great example in this respect is the European Parliament. European deputies bucked. They deprived Russia of any rights there. So what? What is this talking room turned into? Who is now generally interested in the decisions of this body? This small party in which some people gather. Talk about something. Take some resolution. Something there express. And everything ...

Yes, we are glad to be hundreds of times more effective! Once accepted, the whole country rises to its ears! And then such a gang - and nothing ... Weak!

I would continue this conversation. And about the problem of the Kuril Islands. When they cannot solve the islands, but the energy bridge and the gas pipeline between Sakhalin and Hokkaido are being built. About "Nord Stream-2", when, after a massive attack on European companies involved in construction, somehow quietly all calmed down and do their job. About the British, who are willing to suffer losses from leaving the EU, but no longer want to listen to the idiots from the Young Europeans. But why?

My heart aches for my country. Our power lives, I repeat, in a different reality. What did our Hydrant say in Munich? "Success is possible only when the United States, Europe and the whole world will be together." Ha ha ha. And what about the tobacco, Mr. Hydrant?

Не хотел писать о боли, но сдержаться не могу. Посмотрите на Донбасс. Мы что-то сделать можем? Нет! Украинская власть, и та, что есть сегодня, и та, что будет завтра, ничего не предлагает. Сказки о могучей armies, которая на что-то там способна, уже никому не интересны. Ну разве только в плане отмаза от нее. Отмазаться от службы в могучей украинской армии стало дороже, чем в никакущей образца 2014 года.

We understand that it is worth turning the Ukrainian Armed Forces into a kangaroo and to jump a little further, half of Ukraine will have to meet the next coffins with the dead. And it will end with another Minsk. Only now we will lose at least the entire Donbass.

Сегодня кто только не просит решить проблему за нас. Мы глупенькие, слабенькие. Только помогите. Поговорите с Россией и республиками. Помогите нам устроить на Донбассе террор. Мы быстро люстрируем всех и все. Только troops введите, чтобы ВСУ, СБУ, НГ и МВД вдоволь порезвились.

I think you understand why I do not want to comment on the election campaign. Why I consider that those politicians who were allowed to nominate me are not particularly interesting. This election is almost without choice. Even the fact that many Ukrainians are deprived of the right to elect does not change the situation. Just another safety cable for today's power. No more.

In short, as my alcoholic neighbor said, the district physician is to blame. He, reptile, prescribed me a heavy drink. That rushed ...

We finally found out that Putin did not sign the Minsk agreements! Imagine? And Leonid Kuchma is guilty. He revealed the secret. True, peculiar. Now I will open you and you eyes.

Do you think the Minsk agreements are signed in order to solve the problem of Donbass?

Become Ukrainians to understand the essence! The Minsk Agreements were originally signed to not comply! We knew that, but Donbas are unlikely. Otherwise, how can you explain the fact that neither Merkel, nor Hollande, nor Putin, or even the Hydrant signed them?

Shah you and mate, the Russians. And we don’t need to tell us that the ambassadors of the countries are state representatives and have the right to sign documents on behalf of the country on behalf of their presidents or chancellor. Dudka you. Who are these ambassadors or ministers? Only glavnuki the right to sign. We know that!

Oh, we would have to clearly explain why the parties to the agreement and the guarantors of its implementation are the same thing? Nothing come up with more. What are our years. What-what, and we can get out and lie.

I know that some Russians think it would be good if we were behind you. Do not wait. If you do not want to know the truth, the Hydrant said that Moskal will not let out! So, leave your mriya to yourself. The hydrant of words to the wind does not throw! The man said - the man did. He said I will not give up his resignation and did not give. Moskal is like appendicitis. It seems to be harmful, but it is impossible without it.

Although, between us, I am now talking not about the Russians, but about Gennady Moskal, the chairman of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration. He wrote his resignation. Like, I can't stand it anymore. I want to be free from duties and other blah blah blah ... Although everyone understands perfectly well what a cigarette mafia took over Moskal's scrotum. Therefore, trying to jump off the hook.

In short. Muscovites, we will not let you go. Whatever cigarette mafia threatens you! We can not without you. On whom, if not Moskaley, we blame all our shoals? And so everything is simple. Roads do not repair - Muscovites are to blame. The forest in the Carpathians disappears - Moskal is to blame. Something does not work with the election-the machinations of Moskal. Lafa.

I remembered the well-known phrase of Shakespeare: "The whole world is a theater, and the people are actors." I can’t say for sure that the monologue of Jacques from the comedy “How you will like it” is called that, but the phrase is common and it reflects my answer to one very common question. Question about polls and their results.

Do you really believe what people say on camera? Or what counted custom statistics? Especially in a country dominated by activists and other ultras? Himself is not funny? It is doubtful to me that even in the EU countries, the USA or Russia there are many brave souls who openly tell the camera about their desire to overthrow the government or the president.

Who wants to meet people in identical jackets or jackets tomorrow? Who wants to prove that your phrase does not mean a call for a coup d'etat? Or maybe someone wants to suddenly find himself in a crowd of patriotic youngsters and get "deserved" kicks in their own faces? How is the classic said: "The Law is silent - the people are silent, the criminal ax will fall ..."

And the phrase of Shakespeare for today's Ukraine should sound different. The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are in the canteen ... I mean, everyone left for work.

I, frankly, waited for the Hydrant to wriggle out with the Defender of the Fatherland Day, which we don't seem to have, but there is. Those who continue to celebrate, too, because the electorate. In short, your attention is invited to the congratulation of the Ukrainian Hydrant:

"Today is February 23. I firmly believe that you have already forgotten exactly what this day is. And I want to support this fact with applause, support all those who have forgotten. Why? Because that's the way it should. Our country changes, changes consist of small, small components that form a new Ukraine. The changes in the calendar vividly illustrate how Ukraine is changing. "

Yes, I signed for everyone, but considering that all those who were concerned with 23 February, by that time were already on the same wavelength with the Hydrant, had a ride.

We constantly forget the past, but we actively invent it. As it is not sad sounds, but you will not get bored with our fools.

I have overheard the anecdote with the new Ukrainians. I will share with you. For the mood. I bought a new Ukrainian home with technology "smart home". He does everything himself. I decided to boast to my friends. I went, I gathered all and lucky to him. They come, but not at home. Dumped smart home from Ukraine somewhere. Notice, this is not ordinary people tell, but those who have the opportunity to fall down.

We have some jokes to anything. We have a mayor. You listen, and comedians do not need. This is me in the sense of the 95 Quarter. Yesterday was watching TV. Our head Acne again distinguished himself. I haven't moved away from his digitalization on the forum in Davos. And he gives the following option.

"If every sixth person used to die in the intensive care unit, now every second person is dead. This is very important. We are raising the level, we are saving lives."

That's the way to live. Do not delve into anything. Dali text - read. And you are all a promising politician. In the next election I will go to vote for him. Dummy, but harmless. And most importantly, do not believe his officials are afraid. Although, they say, the image-makers have tried, and the planners are now without a massacre, they are already achieving something.

In short, if Pushkin lived today with us, he would definitely have written in his poem about a cat, not “a cat scientist, everything walks around the chain around,” and “there the cat broke the chain near the oak” ... Sometimes I hear conversations. You know, a sort of bug bug. People talk among themselves, and I absorb.

Know who loves the Hydrant the most? Do not believe it, but retired. Those who live the life from retirement to retirement. Those who do not have enough to pay for communal. The ones that talk about their troubles everywhere. You say nonsense?

Alas, but the vast majority of these ruins are beyond the Hydrant. When you ask a question about their lives, they tell you how unhappy they are. But when you ask who is to blame, immediately “I’m old, I don’t understand your politics”.

Those that are younger think something, and these peers of dinosaurs do not want to think. They are just for and everything. But the worst thing is that they will all go to the polls to vote. And vote for the Hydrant! And those who have not yet lost the ability to think may not go. Here is a deal.

I will go and smell what the exercises of the National Guard, which have just been conducted in the Donbas, smell. They fired machine guns and pistols, looked like a chain and ... Some kind of figovine is here. Somehow these exercises are connected with recent exercises in the Azov direction. I learn, I will tell in the following notes.

In the meantime, goodbye. Peace and good to you! So that your children will never see what ours see. And your old people could always not only pay for everything, but also buy candy for tea. Goodbye for now. Will live!
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  1. +5
    26 February 2019 08: 18
    As always, the atmosphere of the real state of affairs and the perspective are very accurately conveyed. The future is in the fog. And what will tovarisch antares say? "Would rather the elections be held?" Does Ukraine have a choice? There is, as long as there are such Ukrainians as Cockroach, and not such as Antares and others like that, waiting "abroad will help us to defend ourselves from the aggressor", "oh, stand up for the Gayropeans", "oh, Russia is a knife in our backs", "oh, give Crimea back -Donbass "...
    1. +1
      26 February 2019 18: 39
      Quote: Balu
      Does Ukraine have a choice?

      If you carefully look at the presidential candidates nezalezhnoy, then there is no choice.
      Rather, there is, but the thinking Ukrainian will have to choose, as always, the lesser of evils.
      But there is no guarantee that this lesser evil will not turn into very big evil.
      But if you look at the realities of today's Ukraine, it seems to me that Poroshenko will remain at the helm. recourse
      1. 0
        26 February 2019 20: 08
        Yes, the fun is that the lesser of evils among this kagal of presidential candidates is not corny. It’s the laughter that all the candidates differ in the same way - no one in fact has a clear political program. What will Poroshenko do from Ukraine if they elect? In fact, he himself cannot say - the great agrarian power did not work, the industrial one - it does not work, and what remains? But he himself does not understand. Exactly like Tymoshenko, and Zelensky, and all other House-2. Against their background, even a pronounced populist Zhirinovsky is like a politician
  2. +4
    26 February 2019 08: 19
    About koradsky hi
    Today is February 23. I am firmly convinced that you have definitely forgotten what day it is.
    I was waiting for him to continue, like: "So I will remind you about this holiday."
    And to be honest, I was very amazed at the number of congratulations "because of the curb", even from young relatives. Something is clearly being rebuilt in the minds of people in Ukraine ...
    1. +2
      26 February 2019 09: 11
      A certain movement may have gone in the heads, but in fact it is not noticeable. As they kept their mouths shut, they keep it. And almost no one will say anything in opposition to the authorities. The cockroach correctly said this. Tarakanych is the only exception, he thinks.
    2. 0
      26 February 2019 17: 32
      Quote: svp67
      Something is clearly rebuilding in the heads of people in Ukraine ...

      I’m probably pessimistic, but I remembered the Germans at Stalingrad. well, those who "did not want to fight," though after less than half of them were left alive.
  3. +2
    26 February 2019 09: 00
    Good wound, shannovy pan Ukrainian. Very notes today vigorous and sincere turned out. Traveling clearly benefited you. This is what it means to breathe in light overseas air.
    By the way, do you want a joke? The Americans are regular customers of our Arctic LNG from the new plant. So, they themselves do not have enough gas, so it’s unknown to bring rot on the white parachute there. It is possible that the Indian national hut. And we still have plans to expand the LNG plant in the Baltic, expand our capacities in the Yamal Peninsula and increase the fleet for the year-round transportation of gas carriers in both directions. So by the time the Ukrainian pipe is scrapped, our partners will not remain without gas.
    And you try not to fall under the SBU sneaker. Cockroach, although it is tenacious, it does not tolerate slippers at all.
    1. -3
      26 February 2019 09: 17
      And we still have plans to expand the LNG plant in the Baltic, expand our capacities in the Yamal Peninsula and increase the fleet for the year-round transportation of gas carriers in both directions.
      Only here our pensioners from such capacities no profit. Let's hope that they will still be remembered and children will not be forgotten. I will not say anything about ordinary people. We ourselves somehow.
      1. +1
        26 February 2019 10: 29
        Are you sure there is no profit? In fact, these capacities are new jobs, and highly paid.
        1. +2
          26 February 2019 11: 42
          Where are pensioners from these jobs? Where are the children? Mom and dad should understand this. But despite the fact that the pension does not correspond in proportions to inflation and how the child allowance lags behind it, I do not accept this argument.
          1. 0
            26 February 2019 11: 50
            Payments to the FIU not, have not heard?
            1. +3
              26 February 2019 13: 30
              Have you not seen what I wrote? Not? The level of pension and inflation in the proportion of absolute values ​​is not comparable. So the PFR can take anything in itself, but it’s not going to give it away. And the funded one is frozen for what year in a row. I do not hope for my retirement and care about it now. Well, where is our PFR? And he went into the forest. So our fin state does not correspond to the national heritage.
          2. -1
            26 February 2019 13: 47
            I am ashamed to tell the sergeant the obvious things to the captain. It seems he should understand the foundations of the state economy. And for pensioners and children from these jobs, taxes and revenues to the state budget. From which pension is then formed including.
            1. +4
              26 February 2019 13: 52
              You do not seem to see or hear. The last time I write, pensions and benefits do not correspond to the level of inflation. Knowledgeable people already understood everything.
    2. 11+
      26 February 2019 09: 43
      This is all a pack of evidence ... a happy colony ... to Krajina.
      You, the Russians envy that we have a brake ... oh Thomas, which means you have freed yourself from the centuries-old Moscow bondage, consecrated, illuminated the path to a brilliant Jew ... the European future, and set on a member ... ugh, you are a member of the alliance.
      Over the five years of the godlessly stripped ... br ... protected democracy, more than a million Svidomo's hooves have thrown back our hooves and the znachitsa have fulfilled the slogan of the prez ... president-they live in a new way.
      And today, as a nikada, an important slogan of candidates is a lot of parasites ... but what is the president alone. SUGS.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  4. 0
    26 February 2019 09: 00
    Some author is now embittered. Probably hot. Togo and look at the barricades. In general, you are not bored there.
  5. +1
    26 February 2019 09: 28
    He smiled well about the "smart home"! But, I'm afraid that it can be applied to more than one Ukraine - we have a lot of former republics ...
  6. +3
    26 February 2019 09: 41
    Good wound comrade Cockroach! Thank. Yesterday I watched Rabinovich (such a channel appeared), he read about Turchinov’s thoughts, I copied from the censor -
    In Crimea (in 2014 - ed.) There are up to 30 thousand Russian soldiers who have undergone appropriate training, and most of our security officials have gone over to the side of the aggressor. The most powerful group of Russian troops with reserves, numbering up to 200 thousand people, is concentrated along the entire Ukrainian-Russian border. To organize an offensive in Crimea, one must have a significant advantage in forces and means over the enemy. And we have no one to defend the country, Kiev did not have the strength to cover from the invasion. Then I made a difficult, but the only possible decision. I ordered the soldiers and officers who did not betray us in the Crimea to hold the defense of their units. And thanks to the heroism of our servicemen, these small islands of resistance tied the actions of the enemy for almost a month. This time was enough for us to organize and conduct mobilization, arm and prepare our Armed Forces, carry out a large-scale transfer of troops from west to north and east, create defense lines, "the NSDC secretary noted. In a word, in chess, they gave the" stupid "GDP Crimea to rush to Donbass.
    In general, the studio quarter 95 gives metastases throughout Ukraine, the staff of clowns is increasing!
  7. BAI
    26 February 2019 09: 44
    and live in such diasporas.
    The Bandera diaspora in Canada is an example. They are guided by it.
    and these peers of dinosaurs do not want to think. They are just for everything. But the most disgusting thing is that they all trample to the polls to vote.
    And in Russia, young liberals have the same attitude towards the elderly:
    At the same time, a portrait is drawn of such a soviet elderly man who is “approved” to any call of power and dense to all technical innovations. He cannot use the Internet, social networks are not for him, he cannot even master a modern smartphone - he is afraid to scratch the screen. He sits all day in front of the TV and believes everything that is broadcast to him from there.

    But what’s interesting is that for those who retired in the USSR, now over 90. They are negligible. All current retirees have retired under democracy. These are the fruits of the era of liberalization. When the collapse of the USSR began, he was 30-40 years old - the most active and capable age.
    1. BAI
      26 February 2019 09: 53
      the future should be chosen by people who live in this future,
      - This slogan sounds constantly in Russia.
  8. +2
    26 February 2019 11: 54
    I feel K. Cockroach lives somewhere very close to me. Our "pictures of the life surrounding U." smile
  9. +4
    26 February 2019 12: 24
    It's nice to read an intelligent "cockroach". My Colorado homage ...
  10. 0
    26 February 2019 13: 06
    Dear Author, let me take a chance, I will try briefly:
    I will say right away: I myself am 30% "s pid of Poltava", 30% "from the titular nation", the remaining 30% - "daragoi rasiyanin" (the remaining 10% is an error). (wondering who am I after all this?)
    1. Message / thought: "Ukraine is Russia, but 25 years ago."
    I do not agree with you. All the mess with the Maidans and so on. began exactly at the moment when the municipal and practical (from the word "practice", but not from the word "almost", which is often confused), was taken on the decision on "Sev.ptok-2". Look at the chronology ... Interesting parallels. And at all "the association of Ukraine with the EU" has nothing to do with it. It was a screen. It was and is about the global redistribution of the world market of hydrocarbons. Also, in general, he wrote a trivial thing.

    2. Information: "Ukraine for sanctions against the Russian Federation - but the trade balance between Uraina and the Russian Federation is growing." Plus - "fog" from ... Belarus, coupled with its shrimp and coal "(which is the absolute truth).
    Everything is simple here. No quotas, sanctions and other nonsense in the world economy ALREADY work. (in fact, you are writing about this). From the word "completely" and "tightly". And the effect of growth in trade between countries (Ukraine - Belarus - RF) is NORM. This is how it should be (and is) between the border states.
    Why shout at every corner about the sanctions and the aggressor in the Crimea and Donbass? - Screen again! for simpletons and ordinary people who do not have the basic skill of "stop and think".
    I will say more, a lasting impression is created: the whole mess was again welded up for redistribution / restructuring of trade flows on the quiet; also, probably, taking into account the "new pipe" and the interests of Europe.

    3. "Alas, but in the overwhelming majority these ruins are for Hydrant. When you ask about their life, they tell how unhappy they are. But when you ask who is to blame, right away" I am old, I don’t understand your politics. ”- If you , dear Avor, were the Lady, would marry you!
    Your Thought about "voters" came to me around the time of the BNU.
    I would go further (in all seriousness I say):
    Would forbid the law to participate in any election of power for:
    - without exception, all pensioners over 70 years old (at this age a person ceases to think, physically, this is how the brain works); and no offense - I will soon be the same.
    - pensioners up to 70 years, BUT WITHOUT HIGHER EDUCATION (in this state, a person has not yet begun to think, purely physically, this is how the brain works).
    - persons of pre-retirement age WITHOUT HIGHER EDUCATION.
    My logic: if people I didn’t bother to educate my beloved-Most-Most-Native Mother, how can I ask him for an opinion on how to build an entire state with a million people? DO NOT WANT TO THINK AT A HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION FOR 5 YEARS AT A SESSION - NOT A PROBLEM, BUT THEN - DO NOT DISAPPOINT, FOR YOU AND ALL OTHER MATTERS WILL BE SOLVED BY PEOPLE REMEMBERED.
    In fact, why the fate of the state should depend on MOST with 10 classes of vocational schools + the same crowd, but also in senility ???????
    Well, we do NOT elect the Chief Designer or the Chief Physician by the forces of the "working proletariat" !!
    For, everyone wants to fly on planes and receive operations in hospitals from Specialists, but not from quorum nominees. Although yayayayaya, it was in the Russian Federation and such .... It was !!!!!! Still sneezing about this RF.
    Not convinced ??????
    Then, .... head to the "Church" ... There are smart people (without irony), NEVER trust the "flock in kerchiefs" to choose the main Pop. NEVER! And nowhere .... There is no such practice in any concession. And why?...
    1. 0
      26 February 2019 17: 47
      Quote: seld
      Would forbid the law to participate in any election of power for:

      and can ban the election? no, this is not sarcasm. I'm serious.
      You say that you are a sane person, which means you should know that there are techniques for managing the crowd, there are methods for shaping public opinion, there are image makers, PIA agencies and other scientists who have studied at higher educational institutions how to properly influence the target audience. all this is not shamanism, but science confirmed by practice.
      Tell me, what is the point in elections, when not the one who is better able to lead or manage, but the one who has a better "campaign headquarters" and more qualified specialists wins? Why arrange elections if the one with the best funding wins?
      moreover, all this is completely independent of who will come to the polls, 20-40 years old or 70 years old.
  11. +2
    26 February 2019 13: 47
    Remember Deripaska.

    Remembered! wink
    Two old inhabitants of Odessa talk:
    “No, how do you like these Russians ?!” I'm dying with them!
    - Arkasha, what happened?
    - You did not hear ?! Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska wanted to give our
    the city of a hundred million bucks for development, but we still refused!
    - And shaw, he gave it for free ?!
    - Well, not completely free, so, a trifle. I wanted in our name
    Deribasovskaya we changed the letter "b" to "p".
  12. +4
    26 February 2019 13: 58
    Following the previous post. FIGURE comparison of foreign gas supplies to the European market. Such subtle Gazprom humor.
  13. +1
    26 February 2019 17: 41
    Tarakasha, class! It's so boring without you ...
  14. +1
    26 February 2019 17: 50
    Quote: SanichSan
    Quote: seld
    Would forbid the law to participate in any election of power for:

    and can ban the election? no, this is not sarcasm. I'm serious.
    You say that you are a sane person, which means you should know that there are techniques for managing the crowd, there are methods for shaping public opinion, there are image makers, PIA agencies and other scientists who have studied at higher educational institutions how to properly influence the target audience. all this is not shamanism, but science confirmed by practice.
    Tell me, what is the point in elections, when not the one who is better able to lead or manage, but the one who has a better "campaign headquarters" and more qualified specialists wins? Why arrange elections if the one with the best funding wins?
    moreover, all this is completely independent of who will come to the polls, 20-40 years old or 70 years old.

    All of the above by you is 99% real.
    So, in fact, the elections have long been canceled!
    In any case, for the overwhelming population of ANY COUNTRY.
    In fact, there are no elections. legally - as you like.
  15. +1
    26 February 2019 19: 10
    Read. The local therapist was to blame for everything, having prescribed a plentiful drink ... So it started. Excuse at all times.
  16. +1
    26 February 2019 19: 18
    "Yes, and the younger generation, if you look objectively, does not really treat Soviet holidays." - You can only blame yourself for this, that your children do not know that this date marks the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, thanks to which citizens of all parts of the USSR now exist.

    "about the historical lag of Ukrainian politics from Russian by 20-25 years, began to reach us. And in the modern world, a quarter of a century is a whole era. Today we live somewhere in the late 20th century. At a time when you" voted with your heart "- Political life in Ukraine has not lagged behind. And in Russia there are many politicians at all levels of government, subordinate to the master abroad. And in Russia there are many who want to arrange the way it is now in Ukraine, and as it was already in Russia in 1995-1998 years, when in the civil service there were advisers from the state structures of the United States and Great Britain, who, as now in Ukraine, commanded politicians.If you make an effort and remember, you will see that there was practically no vote in 1996 about the president of Russia, but there was a play and manually inserting the required ballots.

    "We want to go to Europe, because the food is better there." - They always feed for work. As you work, you will be fed. If, of course, you are only ready to work, and not to work, then the person who gives you the job will decide and will feed you, regardless of his geographical position in relation to the worker.
  17. 0
    26 February 2019 19: 19
    "And so they let them learn our language while we come up with something else, like the great migration of Ukrainians to Europe!" - Whoever hopes that they will be met at the borders with European countries, as immigrants from Africa and the Middle East, is mistaken. If those are met and presented with money, then the border guards of the neighboring country will meet those who think so as Ostap Bender at best, and at worst they will be shot.

    "Well, now the great Americans will tear Mordor to shreds, and Ukraine will snatch a piece for itself." - Russia was almost torn apart in 1999, but even then the robbers would not have gone unpunished. Do not expect those who think so that they will be able to rob for their pleasure, in Russia not everyone avoids the punishment for robbery, and on the territory of Ukraine as well. Look at the Donbass.

    "Some Ukrainians with their mriyas are sitting in a puddle and flowing around. How so? Where is the peremoga?" - It is necessary to work - there will be victories.
  18. 0
    26 February 2019 19: 20
    "What is the German Chancellor fighting for? We are for you, and you ... And they are for themselves! Friendship is friendship, and tobacco apart. And even the great Zaluzhinians cannot put pressure on the Germans" - All people living in Ukraine are necessary for the above only as gunpowder, which should, according to their plan, burn, and at the same time set fire to Europe and Russia, until the population in these regions is completely destroyed.

    "But it is worth turning on the thought, and a simple question arises." - The residents on the territory of Ukraine must first turn on the thought, and then the residents of Ukraine need to ask themselves the question "What do we, do not understand that the pipe is full of holes? We do not understand what to invest in its repair will be at a price equal to the construction of a new one? Such parasites that we consider not worthy of our attention to consider? Or are we so smart? Woe from such a mind "

    "At the same time, not let Russia build a backup." - First of all, the American leadership, and then the European subordinate to them, will not allow to stop the construction of reliable systems for the supply of energy from Russia. Why then in the 70s of the last century the American leadership did not forbid the Europeans to allow their adversary to build a system of pipeline energy supplies to Europe? How is today different from past decades? Think for yourself.
  19. +1
    26 February 2019 19: 20
    "Russia? We have been" at war "with you for five years already." - While the inhabitants of Ukraine are thinking that they are some other, and besides, they are at war with the same as they are in Russia, there will be losses in Ukraine, and in Russia.

    "Plants rise one after another due to their orientation to the Russian market, which is closed by order of the government. Both ours and yours. Agriculture, even with record yields, cannot sell what has been grown. Quotas, woodlice are their mother ..." - Restrictions imposed by the leadership of Ukraine against Russia, they do not harm Russia, but they only force the opposing people of Russia inside our country to restore production, which they have been tearing down with such joy in their hearts since the 50s of the 20th century. Taking into account the desire of the Ukrainian leadership to harm the Russian economy, the Russian leadership managed to introduce the necessary restrictive measures to protect its economy and its people. And thus, the masters of Ukraine beyond its borders met with resistance to their aggression against Russia. But the masters of Ukraine outside its borders did not consider the people living on the territory of Ukraine for their own, or at least for their allies in their aggression against Russia, therefore, in turn, they introduced restrictive measures against the Ukrainian economy in the form of quotas for export supplies to the European Union and the United States.

    “The European Parliament is a great example in this regard. European deputies backed up. They deprived Russia of some rights there. ” - Russia does not need any rights that the objects of administration are trying to give it. Russia is a subject of management, management decisions of which affect all subjects and objects of management on planet Earth.
  20. +1
    26 February 2019 19: 21
    “Yes, our Parliament will be hundreds of times more effective!” If they accept it, the whole country will rise to its ears! ” - if the inhabitants of Ukraine are satisfied with such control over themselves, then little time is left for you to think about your future.

    “The Ukrainian government, and that which is today, and that which will be tomorrow, offers nothing. Tales of a powerful army that is capable of something there are no longer interesting to anyone ”- with such an attitude towards their fellow citizens, the civil war in Ukraine will never end. And your masters abroad will beat you until your last breath.

    “Avoiding service in the powerful Ukrainian army has become more expensive than in the non-existent model of 2014” - the Ukrainian Armed Forces currently exist and are used only as a punitive detachment in a punitive operation against their own citizens, which falls under the regulation of the articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
  21. 0
    27 February 2019 05: 00
    “Everything will end with the next Minsk. Only now we will lose at least the entire Donbass ”- Donbass is not lost for Ukraine. It is enough to carefully read the requirements of the residents of Donbass who have self-organized for self-defense, it will become clear that they demand that violations of the criminal code of Ukraine be stopped against them, and that criminals are punished in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. Until you realize that you are breaking the law, you will be destroyed on the battlefield, and when the battles end, there will be a court in accordance with the law of Ukraine, in which everyone will be sentenced and sentenced for the crimes in accordance with the degree of guilt and the severity of the consequences.

    “Today, who just doesn’t ask to solve the problem for us. We are stupid, weak. Just help. ” - No one will solve your problems for you. No one will help you, because in Europe and America, to which you relate yourself, the only rule applies: Man-to-man is a wolf. Remember that you lived according to a different rule: Man-to-man is a friend, comrade and brother, and begin now to put this rule into the foundation of each of your actions and the measure of your guilt in the crimes committed will be less now.
    “This is an election with almost no choice. Even the fact that many Ukrainians are deprived of the right to vote does not change the situation. Just another safety rope for today's authorities. No more." - Participation in the presidential elections in Ukraine under the current president is already a crime. The living and current president in accordance with the current constitution of Ukraine is V. Yanukovych. In order not to participate in the crime and not give moral rights to criminals in power, then declare that you see, you voted for us, so submit to us further, you must not participate in the voting and not approaching the places where the voting will take place in March 2019.
    “Do you think the Minsk agreements were signed in order to solve the problem of Donbass? Become Ukrainians to understand the essence! The Minsk agreements were initially signed so as not to implement them! ” - Residents in Ukraine becoming Ukrainians (each such resident must remember for himself from whom he becomes a Ukrainian) are going to not fulfill the signed agreements. Each violating the contract loses in the eyes of the second party, and in the future, his opinion and position will be accepted as long as it exists, but no more. His fate will be decided without his participation, namely, as he is told, so he will be forced to do. The deceivers are postponing their end with the help of their masters because of the rifles of Ukraine, but, like traitors, the deceivers are considered for nothing as those who support them in deception, and those whom they deceive.

    “Check and checkmate, Russians. And we don’t need to tell us that the ambassadors of countries are representatives of the state and on behalf of their presidents or chancellor have the right to sign documents on behalf of the country. Pipes to you. Who are these ambassadors or ministers? Only glavnyuki have the right to sign. We know that! ” - Read on your own the agreement signed in Minsk, think on your own, then it will become clear to you that the contracting parties are executing the document, on the one hand there are criminals in power in Ukraine and, on the other hand, residents of Donbass who have not changed the constitution of Ukraine. The remaining signatures only certify the above.

    “Eh, we would still clearly explain why the parties to the agreement and the guarantors of its implementation are one and the same? We’ll come up with more. What are our years. Why, why, we can get out and lie. ” - Liars always have their end and are not very good-looking. No matter how much the rope does not curl, all one will end, or even break.
  22. 0
    27 February 2019 05: 01
    “I know that some Russians think how good it would be if we were behind you. Do not wait. ” - In vain you hope that you can continue to parasitize on the body of the people. You will have to heal from your diseases yourself, with your own efforts, and live on the results of your own labor.

    “Who wants to meet people tomorrow in identical jackets or jackets? Who wants to prove that your phrase does not mean a call for a coup? ” - If someone doesn’t want such a result, then he should not participate in such polls, not participate in the voting, as the candidates are solid criminals who want to continue the 2014 coup d'etat. The only ones who did not violate the constitution and laws of Ukraine (including the criminal one, which describes the possibility of self-defense in case of a threat to life and health) are residents of Donbass.

    “Yes, I signed for everyone, but given that everyone who was on February 23 was already on the same wavelength with the Hydrant, it was a ride.” - This holiday concerns all residents of Ukraine, regardless of the state of their self-awareness, worldview and world outlook.

    “We constantly forget the past, but we are actively inventing it. It doesn’t sound sad, but you won’t get bored with our fools ”- Why did you choose fools for yourself in the supreme administration?
    “I overheard a joke among new Ukrainians.” - Believe me, all the so-called “new Russians,” or rather, the new “gentlemen,” as they themselves think, are exactly the same and act in exactly the same way in Russia as in this joke. The difference is only in their associated location with respect to the border between Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

    “That's the way to live. Do not delve into anything. Gave the text - read it. And you are all a promising politician. In the next election I’ll go vote for him. but harmless. ” - how do you despise those who fall into the number from "every sixth to every second." Note that you yourself participated in the fact that he was chosen and put in this place in management. If you think that an increase in mortality in such a proportion is a quality of harmlessness, then you will be happy when you fall into this number.
    “Alas, the vast majority of these ruins are beyond Hydrant.” - How much hatred you feel for your older generation, thanks to the work of which you still feed, despite all your efforts to destroy, ridicule, vulgarize, humiliate, trample and destroy the results of their efforts.
    “But when you ask who is to blame, immediately“ I’m old, I don’t understand your politics ”- Everything that is happening in Ukraine now, in what state it is, is the result of the actions of all people living on its territory.
    1. +2
      27 February 2019 05: 27
      Denis, you probably recently read the notes of the Cockroach. That's why you think that everything that he wrote is not clear. If you had met with other articles, you would understand that everything that you write, he has already written many times. In general, on the cockroach, you can study the history of post-Maiden life in Ukraine.
      1. 0
        27 February 2019 06: 47
        Yes, indeed, the author wrote about events with exactly the same sarcasm before. Sarcasm is always used for its intended purpose - to humiliate, to show insignificance through ridicule. If you think that it is permissible to talk about the older generation of ka about "ruins", then you will get the same thing in your old age. If the author wants to say something, then it is necessary to write about the same, and not about the exact opposite and present it as a true image. The chain of events in the history of Ukraine, again, cannot be studied from the author's articles, because, again, one image is passed off after another. Exactly the same "satire" was used on television in the USSR to prepare for granted the collapse in the minds of the population and, as a consequence, the plundering of the country into 15 parts, and with the mass murder of its own neighbors.
        1. +3
          27 February 2019 09: 03
          Well I do not know. In my opinion, Tarakan writes not for those who can only swallow something chewed, but for those who think. I remember the articles when we exploded here from his Svidomo and ukrodebilizma. The Internet, especially the patriotic Russian cursed the insect in full.
          And about the rigidity of his definitions. Why do you advocate for the older generation, but admit rigidity in relation to the young, in relation to your political opponents, in relation to the alien point of view?
          As I understand it, Tarakan is really against the existing power in his country. But Tarakan is a patriot of his country. In addition, you do not take into account that he has a slightly different thinking. Propaganda in Ukraine and such people acts. Unfortunately, citizens of Russia and citizens of Ukraine are not citizens of the USSR.
          Note, we do not use the combination "brotherly people", and in Ukraine, for the most part, they do not even use the word "Russian". And we look at many things in completely different ways. It turned out that it didn't take even half a century to destroy the "new historical community of people". Just years ...
  23. 0
    27 February 2019 11: 31
    Quote: Denis Tatyanin
    Yes, indeed, the author wrote about events with exactly the same sarcasm before. Sarcasm is always used for its intended purpose - to humiliate, to show insignificance through ridicule. If you think that it is permissible to talk about the older generation of ka about "ruins", then you will get the same thing in your old age. ... Exactly the same "satire" was used on television in the USSR to prepare for granted the collapse in the minds of the population and, as a result, the plundering of the country into 15 parts, and with the mass murder of its own neighbors.

    Controversial, controversial. Sarcasm in the form of humiliation, etc., as indicated above in the text, is perceived this way only by those who have absolutely no sense of humor and a critical attitude towards themselves, but there are a lot of complexes, all sorts of different ones. Satire on TV USSR was SUPER !!!! High-quality, verified, always with a subtest and a hint of "thick circumstances", at the level of works of art. "Crayfish for two rubles", "Avaz" and just do all without EXCEPTION work performed by, for example, Raikin and not only. And this is a small fraction.
    Theft of 15 parts ... Well, here you can reason (but DO NOT argue) for a long time.
    At the same time, the process (s) in the Russian Federation in the 90s were NOT something outstanding and unique. It is enough to recall the events in the same Europe at the turn of 1913 - 1920, and beyond, until 1949-1950. The mess is continuous!
    Events in "Tsarist Russia - RSFSR - USSR" in the same period were very similar to European and recent, a la the 90s. Let us recall the period of formation of the "RSFSR - USSR". I am sure readers know the difference between "RSFSR" and "USSR"!
    Regarding the plundering of the Russian Federation .... And what happened in Russia in the period 1918 - 1920, 1933, 1941 (and I do not mean the beginning of the Second World War !!!)? I will say this: it was "several times" worse and more interesting than in the 90s.
    Events in Ukraine, in my opinion, are associated with .... still DEVELOPMENT of the country. Yes Yes Yes! And the development of this or that state does not always go smoothly and visually "growing". Ukraine has been objectively placed by "events" in a situation where it is necessary to reckon with the "Giant-RF" and at the same time to benefit and benefit from the western border state-TV. It's not as easy as it might seem, especially in an environment of ... scarce resources.
    Objectively, if "there is nothing to heat and light the house with", you have to bend over.
    In the current realities it is impossible to be friends with one state, and "sobachitso" with another. This is proven by the multiple gray schematosis of Ukraine with the Russian Federation through Belarus and not only.
    The factors of corruption in Ukraine (and not only in Nenka, which is really there ....) are a consequence (albeit very harmful) of this "bifurcation" of the state. They will survive. Corruption has one weakness - it devours itself.
    This geopolitical state (for Ukraine and not only) is like a furuncle that will necessarily "explode" sooner or later (but in a very foreseeable historical perspective). This is exactly what happened in 2014. Especially in the conditions of "Sev.potok -2".
    Law of nature! There are many examples!
    Russia will physically pump gas through two new pipes, and everything will gradually cease. In the meantime - well, something like that ... People are just sorry ...
  24. 0
    28 February 2019 17: 15
    Thank you so much, Cockroach, for your work! God bless you !!!
  25. 0
    6 September 2020 16: 25
    Strongly wrote.