Residents of Haiti asked for help from Russia and burned the US flag

Participants in the protest action in Port-au-Prince (the capital of Haiti) opposed an alliance with the United States and appealed to Russia, China and Venezuela for help in resolving the crisis, the newspaper writes Le Journal de Montreal.

Residents of Haiti asked for help from Russia and burned the US flag

We want to declare a final break with the United States, we have had enough of the American occupation, this can no longer continue,
declared the leader of the protesters Bronson.

He added that the Haitians are asking to intervene in the situation of Russia, China and Venezuela.

Let them see the poverty we live in,
he said.

The protesters declared President of Haiti Moise and former head of state Martelli "Washington's henchmen" and burned the American flag, chanting: "Down with the Americans!" Long live Putin! ”To disperse the demonstrators, the police used force.

Mass protests are taking place in the Republic of Haiti from February 7. People demand the resignation of current President Zhovenel Moise, accusing him of the inability to provide even the most necessary citizens of the country.

According to the information, 7 people were killed during the unrest, several dozen were injured and injured. Among them is a young man who was shot by the police a few meters from the presidential palace. At the same time, Moise himself said that he was not going to leave his post.

Recall, recently the national security adviser to the US president Bolton told Haitian Foreign Minister Boccid Edmond about “continued support” and “indestructible friendship” with the republic.

He also called on "all Haitian politicians" to respect their democracy and "put an end to political violence."

In October last year, it became known about the assassination attempt on President Moise. The head of state was not injured - his guards took the blow.
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  1. +39
    17 February 2019 11: 56
    Down with the Americans! - soon this slogan will sound more and more often, because they have already gotten everyone with their "indestructible friendship". Now there will be a screech that the Kremlin paid for all these unrest and organized it.
    1. +42
      17 February 2019 11: 57
      The USSR has spent billions of dollars on supporting these beggars.
      Picture: What would a haiti help
      1. +9
        17 February 2019 12: 00
        Urgently hold a referendum !!! And we already have a rest in Haiti! :)))
        1. +28
          17 February 2019 12: 02
          Do you need it?) They will kill you there for a pair of your fashionable shoes)
          1. +4
            17 February 2019 12: 17
            Quote: Black_Jacket
            You will be killed there for a pair of your fashionable shoes.

            Do you think the boots of the Skorokhod factory are in high demand there? laughing
            1. +12
              17 February 2019 12: 41
              ANY shoes are in demand there, simply because there is NO ANYONE at all!
              1. +50
                17 February 2019 12: 52
                Over the past century, Haiti has been subjected to military aggression by the United States three times.
                1. War and occupation of 1915-1934
                2. War and occupation 1994-1997
                3. War and occupation 2004
                During a break in the middle of the last century, Haitians managed to establish light industry, tourism, the country began to develop.
                After the American democratization of the 90s, there was almost no elementary in Haiti - schools and hospitals. Half of the population is completely illiterate. There are almost no qualified personnel. Americans force Haitians to grow coffee, cocoa, etc. Lack of hospitals - the spread of disease, including AIDS. This killed another article of the country's income - Haitian tourism (it is dangerous to travel to such a country).

                But in a separate, unknown to anyone independent, territory, they still do not see their future in the example of Haiti. Nevertheless, it is being modeled.
                1. +3
                  17 February 2019 18: 14
                  Um ...
                  No doubt, occupation is bad.
                  But the question arises: why the Dominican Republic (the immediate neighbor of Haiti), which also underwent "American occupation" in your terminology, is living better by orders of magnitude than Haiti?
                  1. +2
                    17 February 2019 21: 08
                    Why is Puerto Rico, formally the US state, living worse than Haiti and Cuba?
                    1. +1
                      18 February 2019 06: 40
                      And where did you get such information? Worse than Cuba, let alone Haiti, nowhere ...
                      1. 0
                        18 February 2019 21: 45
                        Even as there is, a list of the poorest countries in the world.
                        10th place - Togolese Republic, GDP - $ 1084
                        9th place - Madagascar, GDP - $ 970
                        8th place - Republic of Malawi, GDP - $ 879
                        7th place - Republic of Niger, GDP - $ 829
                        6th place - Zimbabwe, GDP - $ 788
                        5th place - Eritrea, GDP - $ 707
                        4th place - Liberia, GDP ─ $ 703
                        3rd place - Democratic Republic of the Congo, GDP - $ 648
                        2nd place - Burundi, GDP - $ 642
                        1st place - The poorest country in the world ─ Central African Republic GDP $ 542
                        Haiti GDP - $ 1317
                        Cuba's GDP of $ 8433
                2. +2
                  17 February 2019 19: 05
                  Quote: Nikolai S.
                  still do not see their future in the example of Haiti. Nevertheless, it is being modeled.

                  Well, about the impact of mattresses on the whole world, this is one thing, but the education that we have, which is independent, is the same, so we will soon find out in full what is illiteracy and a complete lack of personnel, not counting effective minieters, of course!
                3. +4
                  17 February 2019 19: 30
                  Quote: Nikolai S.
                  Haiti century

                  and which of the members of the forum who are trying not to write slogans, but sober thoughts, have at least lived in Haiti for 2-7 months? I lived exactly 72 days .... and comment on the nonsense of forum users and the author-not seriously !!! learn to think - then shout yuryayaya !!
                  1. +4
                    17 February 2019 22: 47
                    and which of the members of the forum who are trying not to write slogans, but sober thoughts, have at least lived in Haiti for 2-7 months? I lived exactly 72 days ....
                    so share what life is there, since you know her so closely? Is there really a branch of heaven on earth, under the wise guidance of the SGA? And the local population simply does not realize their happiness?
            2. +13
              17 February 2019 17: 13
              From real life in Haiti, I’m familiar with a former Interior Ministry official who got to the UN police mission in this country, he helped a local boy who got to the UN post, 7-8 years old, he bought him clothes, a T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes, this was his first clothes in life, walked naked. Poverty in the country is utter, here is such a gloomy life.
          2. +6
            17 February 2019 14: 06
            Do you need it?) They will kill you there for a pair of your fashionable shoes)
            And then they’ll also eat laughing
        2. +10
          17 February 2019 12: 14
          It is unlikely that anyone will go there voluntarily ...
        3. +7
          17 February 2019 12: 25
          I know simpler ways to end my life)))
        4. +4
          17 February 2019 12: 35
          there the black Nazis are worse than the Sumerians ... crucified, they will sacrifice voodoo and make a zombie
          1. +14
            17 February 2019 13: 57
            Quote: Not Liberoid Russian
            there the black Nazis are worse than the Sumerians ... crucified, they will sacrifice voodoo and make a zombie

            Just a year later they will also yell just as well - down with the Russian occupation. There live chronic loafers.
            1. +3
              17 February 2019 16: 14
              "Chronic Loafers Live There" (IConst)
              So the inhabitants there are chronically hungry: they need to be given work so that they do not eat Cook.
              1. +8
                17 February 2019 16: 21
                Quote: tlSver4-KL (tat)
                So the inhabitants there are chronically hungry: they need to be given work, ...
                Hungry, hungry ... That's why they rage because the Yankees do not feed them.
                But something tells me that they don’t need work.
                They will agree to a one-time small things, such as bringing their suitcases (with the subsequent theft of these), but so that from bell to bell ... laughing
              2. +3
                17 February 2019 21: 40
                Cook didn’t eat there! Deuce to you, a diary on the table and tomorrow parents to school! laughing
                1. 0
                  18 February 2019 06: 13
                  You are right, a mistake for half the world, it happens, in Sarov 2 parcels came intended for Magadan
                  1. 0
                    18 February 2019 21: 47
                    a half-world error happens

                    Aland, Zeland ... Jacques Paganel has never been so close to failure :-)
        5. +32
          17 February 2019 13: 08
          I recognize the opposition leader Bronson as the president of Haiti. hi soldier bully
          1. +3
            17 February 2019 16: 20
            And himself - his deputy with a salary according to the staffing table. Profit
        6. +5
          17 February 2019 13: 44
          I admired the colorful black man in the picture. Two thoughts came up. Pride for our country for the fact that there are still people. who are asking for our freeloaders. But right after that I thought, "What about the button accordion goat?"
        7. +2
          17 February 2019 19: 40
          Pity you Haiti, but there is nothing to give you!
        8. +1
          17 February 2019 21: 44
          Quote: Egorovich
          Urgently hold a referendum !!! And we already have a rest in Haiti! :)))

          it is they - the Haitians want to rest! and we need to work for this laughing
      2. 0
        17 February 2019 12: 15
        Just SUPER! It would be necessary to send this photo urgently to Haiti!
        1. +15
          17 February 2019 12: 22
          Quote: irazum
          It would be necessary to send this photo urgently to Haiti!

          As an agitation for joining Russia?

          1. +2
            17 February 2019 12: 28
            Democrat, practice guud!
          2. -3
            17 February 2019 12: 37
            Yes exactly! I wonder how the palm tree has survived, probably the last in the country ... Oh, Lord, we will find "friends" now ... I can already imagine how our Foreign Ministry got "excited" against the background of such "wonderful" news ...
            1. +3
              17 February 2019 19: 08
              Quote: irazum
              I can already imagine how our Foreign Ministry got "excited" against the background of such "wonderful" news ...

              You have a rich imagination, colleague! good
              1. 0
                17 February 2019 19: 32
                No, everything is real here, unfortunately ...
                1. +3
                  17 February 2019 21: 25
                  Quote: irazum
                  No, everything is real here, unfortunately ...

                  In our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in one of the few, unfortunately, state institutions, absolutely adequate professionals work, so you should definitely not expect anything inadequate from them.
                  1. 0
                    17 February 2019 21: 32
                    If you are sure of this, then I will not persuade you. Good luck!
            2. +1
              18 February 2019 01: 09
              ... I already imagine how in our Foreign Ministry
              And which Foreign Ministry do you consider "ours" to be Russian or Israeli?
              1. 0
                18 February 2019 21: 49
                In Israel, there are also our people :-)
            3. +4
              18 February 2019 09: 56
              Quote: irazum
              I wonder how the palm tree was preserved, probably the last in the country.
              You probably know little about this country. Palms there even on stones grow.
              1. +1
                18 February 2019 12: 20
                This is not a stone. This is a UFO. Can't you see.
          3. +2
            17 February 2019 12: 56
            Quote: Boris55
            As an agitation for joining Russia?

            Do we need it?
            1. +2
              17 February 2019 16: 23
              Useful. Stake out the airfield, enclose it under barbed wire under current and have time to put all the necessary signatures where necessary. Kings and Alaska were not needed at the time. Nekhay will be on the farm.
              1. 0
                18 February 2019 21: 52
                Alaska is nearby, across the strait. And this point through a half-ball is two big differences.
                1. 0
                  19 February 2019 10: 31
                  Alaska is far away. Sail along the Northern Sea Route for an atomic icebreaker from May to September or around Eurasia. And Haiti is close - from St. Petersburg 2 weeks of travel at any time of the year. Logistically, the Trans-Urals are farther from Russia than Haiti. Sad but true.
      3. +1
        17 February 2019 13: 11
        Is this a picture of a hostel and their own apartments?
      4. +20
        17 February 2019 13: 54
        Picture: WHAT HAY HAITI HELP

        A picture is from Ukraine))) Not good however. Kropivnitsky city.
        1. +2
          17 February 2019 14: 10
          A picture is from Ukraine))) Not good however. Kropivnitsky city.
          But how much "plus" has earned wink
      5. +20
        17 February 2019 13: 55
        Quote: Aristarkh Lyudvigovich
        The USSR has spent billions of dollars on supporting these beggars.
        Picture: What would a haiti help

        Photo from Ukraine, Kropivnitsky city.
      6. +3
        17 February 2019 14: 56
        Quote: Aristarkh Lyudvigovich
        The USSR has spent billions of dollars on supporting these beggars.
        Picture: What would a haiti help
        It looks like Ukraine today.
        1. -1
          17 February 2019 16: 48
          Russia, Saratov, 6-th Dynamo passage, house 2
          1. 0
            17 February 2019 16: 50
            In the future, the facade will be closed by a banner
            1. +6
              17 February 2019 17: 06
              Going to meet your wishes about how it is better for you to spoil your Motherland in front of the whole world. can help. Recently, an old two-story wooden house was settled in our town. Homeless people spent the night there, and one corner was burned. Now the picture is cleaner than that. which you brought here and is quite suitable for publication under the motto "This is where Putin drove the country, woe is me." Publish, it will be so cool. by the way, I can send you a photo of an abandoned house in Strasbourg, it also looks sad. I wonder if you get paid for this, or are you at the behest of your heart?
              1. -4
                17 February 2019 17: 41
                Quote: mikh-korsakov
                how is it better for you to defame your homeland in front of the whole world,

                The whole world is deeply parallel to how they live in Russia. They are busy with their life.
                1. The comment was deleted.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. 0
              17 February 2019 23: 05
              Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
              In the future, the facade will be closed by a banner

              The different number of storeys of buildings in two posts you have published in a row does not bother?
            4. -1
              18 February 2019 11: 48
              Would neigh, and not funny, not funny at all ...
          2. +7
            17 February 2019 16: 52
            Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
            Russia, Saratov, 6-th Dynamo passage, house 2

            This photo is already two years old. Is it all worth it? No newer found?

            And - yes - lying is not good (this is me about the first go-kart).
            1. -7
              17 February 2019 16: 59
              Quote: Consultant
              And - yes - lying is not good (this is me about the first go-kart).

              And where are the links to resources that picture from Ukraine?
              No newer found?

              I can add a newer photo. I don’t see the point.
              1. +3
                17 February 2019 17: 01
                Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
                And where are the links to resources that picture from Ukraine?

                Not this way. And where is the confirmation that this is in the Russian Federation?

                The burden of proof lies with the approver. The fact that this is the Russian Federation is initially your submission.

                Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
                I can add a newer photo. I don’t see the point.

                I believe... laughing
                1. -5
                  17 February 2019 17: 05
                  Quote: Consultant
                  The fact that this is the Russian Federation is initially your submission.

                  I did not write in a comment that this is Russia. Photo from here.
                  1. +7
                    17 February 2019 17: 08
                    Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
                    I did not write in a comment that this is Russia

                    Yes of course...

                    Haitians asked for help from Russia and burned the US flag

                    Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
                    Picture: WHAT HAY HAITI HELP

                    Undoubtedly, you meant that the kingdom of Vanuatu will help. And the photo, no doubt - from there laughing

                    Don’t be sad: at the moment you already have 26 Baku commissars like-minded people. Will, I think, a dozen - another more.
                  2. +1
                    17 February 2019 17: 22
                    and I still held you for a decent ... laughing
      7. +6
        17 February 2019 16: 18
        In 2018, more funds were transferred from Russia by private individuals abroad than in the entire Soviet history it was invested in all third world countries. But not enough for retirement, because some Bolsheviks built a plant in Cuba 40 years ago?
      8. -1
        18 February 2019 03: 54
        Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
        What would a haiti help

        This is a guy on the balcony (on what is left of the balcony) thinking.

        Aristarkh Lyudvigovich hi
    2. +27
      17 February 2019 12: 10
      In fact, not only in Haiti are such sentiments. I worked in Argentina, they perfectly understand who is who. They were doubly interested in talking with me (I was the only one from Russia in the carriage) about politics and getting to know my views. Surprisingly, I have a minder (Argentinean) on watch, came up to me with his phone once and gave me a video to watch. And there is the Victory Parade on May 9th with the passage of equipment and subtitles in Spanish. He says to me in admiration: “look how cool”! And I told him: "naturally"! 25 years old Juan Carlos, and is interested in our country.
      Those who are older, those directly: Russia is good, USA is bad.
      1. +5
        17 February 2019 15: 46
        If you knew the geographical location of Haiti, then it would not hurt us at all.
        In terms of deployment, of course.
        1. +1
          17 February 2019 16: 12
          There is Cuba nearby, here is the flag in hand and let them build their USSR. Here in the Russian Federation disassembly on the nose, so that Haiti will wait ...
    3. -10
      17 February 2019 13: 43
      I warn all residents of the Russian Federation Preparing for a nuclear war is just around the corner. Take into account your capabilities and desires! And place already nafig map refuge. !!!
      1. +3
        17 February 2019 15: 50
        Look for a map on Google, everything is marked there, the main thing is to look closely and long wink
        1. -2
          17 February 2019 19: 44
          Quote: Dmitriy66
          Look for a map on Google, everything is marked there, the main thing is to look closely and long wink

          I’ve been looking for this card for 2 years now - nothing good. ) Do not know - do not write - do not waste time. I’m looking not for myself but for my family.
          1. 0
            18 February 2019 18: 26
            They wrote correctly below: you can carefully and carefully see the metro stations, everything else has already been stolen.
            What a pity, I dug a cellar in two tiers. Enough space, come if that.
          2. 0
            19 February 2019 07: 00
            And for what? You're so ... naive that you think you're not in list ofthen they will let you in anyway? Or die at the door to spite?
      2. +5
        17 February 2019 16: 25
        It is believed that preparing for a nuclear war is better in fasting, prayer, and righteous deeds. Than then to die long and painfully from radiation sickness in a very good bomb shelter.
        1. 0
          17 February 2019 17: 06
          Quote: Roma-1977
          It is believed that preparing for a nuclear war is better in fasting, prayer, and righteous deeds. Than then to die long and painfully from radiation sickness in a very good bomb shelter.

          "We will die as torturers and go to heaven, and they will simply die."
          1. -3
            17 February 2019 19: 46
            Quote: RUSS
            "We will die as torturers and go to heaven, and they will simply die."

            Let them die - I want to save my family. Not yourself.
      3. +2
        17 February 2019 21: 16
        Work at a defense plant, or near the metro
    4. -6
      17 February 2019 15: 58
      Federal TV usually broadcasts about the desire to satisfy the imperial ego of our rulers, watch it carefully. If the frequency of showing the harsh life of Haitians sharply increases (as in Syria in 2015, on the eve of sending our OKW there), then a new tax is planned (for Haiti, one will be enough to compensate for the budget costs of providing another "fraternal" aid). Aristarkh Ludwigovich hi
    5. +2
      17 February 2019 16: 07
      "Indestructible friendship" - this is from the slogans of the Soviet Union. Memory...
      And the United States is pushing everywhere its exclusivity and its democracy, imposing it, even if people do not want to.
    6. 0
      17 February 2019 20: 20
      Well done, if we don’t throw it!
      "Reuters: Gazprombank Freezes Venezuelan PDVSA Accounts" ...
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +5
        17 February 2019 12: 05
        Quote: solzh
        Do Haitians need them?

        No matter how negatively I treat them, but still these are our people and the fact that they have become such is our shortcomings. Let them go see, talk with the local population, maybe someone will change their minds ... Let them actually see what they want to turn Russia into with their actions.

        Quote: solzh
        Fifth convoy to Europe and the United States

        Spend the money even for the transfer - they will go there, at the very first time, at their own expense, they will run away, only the heels will sparkle. True, there is a problem - there will not be enough steamers for everyone ...
        1. +5
          17 February 2019 13: 40
          Quote: Boris55
          True, there is a problem - there will not be enough steamers for everyone ...

          Exit: loading in two layers in bulk. If the cargo is not deadweight, tamper like scrap metal, such as when bed nets are the main part of scrap. 5 the column without the bazaar must be rammed, the ramming must be thrown carefully, in order to avoid damage to the hull ...
        2. +5
          17 February 2019 14: 12
          Quote Boris55. there aren’t enough steamers at all. I think the fifth column will be draped out of bushes that they hate, the most important ones on airplanes A disgusting picture appeared: Mr. Venediktov and Ms. Albats grabbed each other's hair and squealed at the ticket office at Sheremetyevo Airport. Chur me. I’d better go get some tea.
          1. +2
            17 February 2019 15: 03
            Quote: mikh-korsakov
            A disgusting picture appeared: Mr. Venediktov and Ms. Albats grabbed each other's hair and squealed at the ticket office at Sheremetyevo Airport. Chur me. I’d better go get some tea.

            The first to blame officials and oligarchs with dual citizenship, and not all sorts of Albats, etc.
            1. 0
              17 February 2019 15: 51
              RUSS (Maxim) How cool you have put everyone in their places. In general, the desire to think globally is a sign of a couch strategist, but the truth is concrete. It has become fashionable to consider any official a parasite and an enemy. I had another mental picture. The officials were offended by the invectives of RUSS (Maxim) and went on strike. At RUSS (Maxim), a pipe broke in the house. Nobody sends workers to repair. will have to myself. As for the oligarchs, they have their own planes, so they are citizens of the whole world anyway, so they want to dump them, they want to stay, it depends on where it is more convenient for them to do business, but doing business is not the same as doing masturbation, the current moment is important here. The most unprincipled in our country is just the Moscow high-society party, their characteristic sign is the scandals on TV and thoughts about the poverty of the Russian people during a trip on their own luxury cars. I also think that if something happens, Mr. Brilev will remember his British citizenship and will change over on the fly.
              1. -3
                17 February 2019 17: 09
                Quote: mikh-korsakov
                It has become fashionable to consider any official a parasite and an enemy.

                I judge judgments about them, and yes, for me they are ALL parasites and dormoids.
                1. 0
                  17 February 2019 19: 36
                  So you are an anarchist?
                  1. 0
                    17 February 2019 19: 55
                    Quote: mikh-korsakov
                    So you are an anarchist?

                    With such power I will soon become laughing
            2. +3
              17 February 2019 17: 42
              The first to blame officials and oligarchs with dual citizenship, and not all sorts of Albats, etc.
              Neither the first (officials) nor the second (oligarchs) will be blamed - for in the West (read: having lost the ability to influence politics in Russia) they are of no interest to anyone.
              As for the "albats", their way to the west is also forbidden for the same reason as the first. The whole value of the "albatsei" for the West is that they, being in Russia, actively misused it.
              It is also interesting why Israel actively returned to itself all Jews (especially those employed in science), and completely ignored those who were engaged in journalistic activities or "worked" in the field of culture (actors, directors, screenwriters)? As if they were deliberately left in Russia.
        3. +3
          17 February 2019 15: 50
          The fifth column (it will be a robust long) must be slowed down at home.
          In difficult times, as always, there will be a lot of hard physical work.
          Yes, it’s interesting to see how labor ennobles a person.
          1. 0
            17 February 2019 17: 10
            Quote: Carpenter 2329
            The fifth column (it will be a robust long) must be slowed down at home.
            In difficult times, as always, there will be a lot of hard physical work.
            Yes, it’s interesting to see how labor ennobles a person.

            Don’t get even hundreds.
            Can you name at least a couple of dozen? Not jesters from TV and the Internet, namely those who influence political life in Russia
            1. -2
              17 February 2019 20: 52
              Go to regional and city pubs, take a walk on VK. And look what your "no more than a hundred" will turn into.
          2. -1
            18 February 2019 18: 22
            Yes, it’s interesting to see how labor ennobles a person.

            These are more likely to crawl into the loop than engage in heavy, physical, and, most importantly, useful by labor.
            1. 0
              18 February 2019 19: 28
              In Kolyma, Vorkuta, etc., did many of them outweigh?
              Kylili ayda — went for the balan.
              1. -1
                19 February 2019 08: 21
                Nika can’t imagine Sobchachka waving a kyle laughing
                1. 0
                  19 February 2019 08: 28
                  I can. But I do not want. I respected her when she was spinning under the circus dome. Not everyone can do that.
                  Yes, a joke about myself is not a scrap to tell her - they say I look like a horse. Well, what to hide?
                  And so - to read Shalamov, Zhigulin and others, people worked miracles. For an extra day, albeit such a life, or for a tin can of cannabis is empty.
        4. 0
          17 February 2019 16: 26
          There are special steamers for this - without a bottom.
  3. +2
    17 February 2019 11: 59
    Yanka to Gilyak, Russia will help us, Che come - restore order.
  4. +3
    17 February 2019 12: 00
    Kapets Haiti! And there’s nothing to help
    1. +5
      17 February 2019 12: 26
      nothing will help them. generally. the only way to establish life there is to disperse the entire population and bring in a new one. and that is not a fact that will help.
      1. +4
        17 February 2019 12: 54
        And there are many of them, but there is no decision, who gets there, he will turn into Haiti.
        1. -1
          17 February 2019 12: 57
          Quote: cniza
          there is no solution who gets there, he will turn into Haiti.

          so "by yourself"
        2. 0
          17 February 2019 18: 58
          Is the USA turned into Haiti? Three wars, the States brought to Haiti and their henchmen. Such exceptional people are quite happy with such a life of Haitians.
          1. +2
            17 February 2019 19: 01
            And what is the result? And what did the US get from this?
            1. 0
              17 February 2019 19: 58
              Quote: cniza
              And what is the result? And what did the US get from this?

              Are you not in trend or what? The United States is to blame for everything, and Haiti is generally a strategic country!
      2. +1
        17 February 2019 13: 41
        Hitler and Thatcher, too, reasoned that way, but not about Haiti.
      3. +1
        17 February 2019 15: 52
        And where to disperse, it's kind of an island ....
  5. +7
    17 February 2019 12: 01
    maybe they have their own Guaido, we will declare him president, support is already there ... what is the hypocrisy of the "exceptional", what a different approach to similar situations in Venezuela and Haiti, where they have their own dog son ...
  6. +4
    17 February 2019 12: 03
    Well ... You can’t hide the truth of being a US colony, the way to the grave. May the Haitians gain sovereignty.
    1. +11
      17 February 2019 12: 13
      They have had sovereignty since 1825.
      Black-skinned dictatorship. White has not been kicking in for 200 years.
      There is Voodoo, the Nazis, complete shamanistic sucks.
      1. +8
        17 February 2019 12: 45
        And who made them a devastation and who is the beneficiary? In the backyard of the SGA, all countries are in poor condition. What did the Haitians flourish before the earthquake? Why do migrants come in droves from all over Latin America?
        1. +3
          17 February 2019 12: 49
          “No,” Filipp Filippovich objected quite confidently, “no.” You are the first, dear Ivan Arnoldovich, to refrain from using this very word. This is a mirage, smoke, fiction! Filipp Filippovich widely spread his short fingers, which is why two shadows, similar to turtles, squirmed on the tablecloth. - What is this your ruin? An old woman with a stick? The witch who knocked out all the glasses, put out all the lamps? Yes, it does not exist at all. What do you mean by this word? - Philippe Filippovich asked furiously from the unfortunate cardboard duck hanging upside down next to the sideboard, and he himself answered for it. - This is what: if, instead of operating every evening, I start singing in my apartment in a chorus, I will fall into ruin. If I enter the restroom, I’ll start, sorry for the expression, urinating past the toilet and Zina and Daria Petrovna will do the same, the restroom will begin to collapse. Therefore, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads. So, when these baritones shout “beat the devastation!” - I am laughing. (The face of Filipp Filippovich was skewed so that the protracted opened his mouth). I swear I'm funny! This means that each of them must hit his neck! And so, when he hatches out all sorts of hallucinations and engages in cleaning his sheds - his direct business - the devastation will disappear by itself. Two gods cannot be served! It is impossible at the same time to sweep the tram tracks and arrange the fate of some Spanish rascals! Nobody succeeds in this, doctor, and even more so - for people who, in general, are 200 years behind the Europeans, still still do not quite confidently fasten their own pants!
          1. 0
            17 February 2019 13: 15
            Absolutely correctly quoted, bravo!
            1. +2
              17 February 2019 16: 10
              All this is correct, of course ...
              But the thinking of the people of Haiti (you have to include political correctness) is very different from the thinking of the people of Austria, for example.
              Or here is South Africa. There now the indigenous people rule with their indigenous thinking. And what this South Africa has become can be clearly seen on YouTube.
              So the way of thinking, gentlemen, must also be taken into account.
              1. 0
                17 February 2019 19: 06
                But aren't three Russian journalists trying to invade South Africa? After all, black Aborigines acted with them as once with Cook: they wanted to eat KOKA, but ate KUK! They don’t care practically who they were!
                1. 0
                  17 February 2019 19: 59
                  Quote: tlSver4-KL (tat)
                  But aren't three Russian journalists trying to invade South Africa?

                  Not in South Africa, but in the Central African Republic.
        2. 0
          17 February 2019 15: 16
          Quote: Tank jacket
          And who made them a devastation and who is the beneficiary?

          The Haitians themselves caused disruption in the country, their neighbors on a common island - the Dominican Republic lives, in principle, even well.
      2. +3
        17 February 2019 12: 53
        Here we definitely have nothing to do there and the USSR did not dare to intervene there.
      3. +10
        17 February 2019 13: 37
        Quote: voyaka uh
        complete shamanistic sucks.

        That's right. Yes In the fall, I was able to watch how the Khabadniks at the local Jewish school staged a massacre, killing about three hundred hens in two days. They cut the throat of the bird, leaving it in convulsions. Children smeared with blood. Yes, all this happened in the center of St. Petersburg, however, they tried to more or less hide this action and its signs. Twenty-first century in the yard, and obscurantism everywhere is missing.
        1. +6
          17 February 2019 13: 44
          It's right. We have hens, Muslims have sheep. Remnants of the past that must be undone.
        2. +1
          17 February 2019 19: 09
          I have not heard THIS about St. Petersburg and unfortunate hens and children (even if they are Jewish).
          1. 0
            18 February 2019 09: 28
            Quote: tlSver4-KL (tat)
            I have not heard THIS about St. Petersburg

            Well, this is their annual ritual.
      4. +3
        17 February 2019 14: 11
        Quote: voyaka uh
        They have had sovereignty since 1825.
        Black-skinned dictatorship. White has not been kicking in for 200 years.
        There is Voodoo, the Nazis, complete shamanistic sucks.

        First, the Spaniards drank the Indians in Haiti, then the whites brought the blacks to the plantations, they, in turn, drank the whites to the root, now Haiti is a big garbage in the literal and figurative sense.
      5. 0
        17 February 2019 14: 14
        And Francois Duvalier, with all the ensuing, the case did not support the Americans?
  7. +10
    17 February 2019 12: 09
    In Haiti, a complete blockage, even worse than in Venezuela. They are after the 2010 earthquake in full priest. Venezuelans have at least viscous oil - some money is dripping. And Haiti is literally zero.
    1. +1
      17 February 2019 12: 18
      voyaka uh (Alexey) Today, 12: 09 NEW

      ... I agree with you at least once ...
      1. +6
        17 February 2019 12: 51
        Quote: voyaka uh
        And Haiti is literally zero.

        That's for sure, except for bananas that grow themselves, they have nothing.
        1. 0
          17 February 2019 12: 58
          Quote: cniza
          except bananas, which grow themselves, they have nothing.

          we don’t need bananas!
          1. +6
            17 February 2019 13: 01
            Bananas are closer and better.
            1. 0
              17 February 2019 13: 02
              Quote: cniza
              Bananas are closer and better.

              that's what I'm talking about. Let them eat them yourself
              1. +4
                17 February 2019 14: 47
                Sylvester, I welcome, besides bananas, this is what the prikepiya writes: “Washington’s interest in Haiti stems mainly from the proximity of this country to the Panama Canal and Central America. Haiti also controls the Windward Strait, which can easily block, disrupting shipping in the region. In the 1960th century, the United States considered establishing a naval base in Haiti. During World War I, the United States occupied Haiti along with several other countries in the West Indies and Central America. Since the XNUMXs, Washington has seen Haiti as an anti-communist stronghold, in part because of the country's proximity to Cuba. ” It turns out that Haiti has an important geostrategic position ... Well, of course, bananas.
    2. +3
      17 February 2019 12: 28
      they are in my opinion 10 yards of green money after the distance. stole everything. in general, everything) did not even try to repair something, at least for a look)
    3. NKT
      17 February 2019 12: 58
      As early as the 70s and 80s, Americans and French conducted geological exploration there on the shelf and on land and discovered promising traps of uv. Gazprom was offered to start work there. In addition, in 2015, the government negotiated with the French, but again did not grow together.
      In addition to oil and gas, there are also uranium deposits.
    4. -1
      17 February 2019 19: 00
      In Haiti, a complete blockage, even worse than in Venezuela. They are after the 2010 earthquake in full priest. Venezuelans have at least viscous oil - some money is dripping.

      Russia is already "helping" Venezuela ....
      After all, Russia and its business are not afraid of US sanctions ..... lol
  8. +3
    17 February 2019 12: 14
    Here is another Ukraine, the Americans probably also promised them salaries and pensions as in the USA
    1. +4
      17 February 2019 12: 25
      Americans have 80% sugar, etc. bananas are purchased. Now they will not.
      Despite the fact that this is the weakest and poorest economy of both America with billions of dollars in debt
      1. +2
        17 February 2019 13: 01
        Quote: Tlauicol
        Americans have 80% sugar, etc. bananas are purchased.

        In benefactors! And they could buy planes, satellites, electronics, but for this we must first seriously invest! How much is invested in high-tech production of the country by the Americans?
        Quote: Tlauicol
        Now they will not.

        Well yes ? Now, due to riots in the country, the price of bananas and sugar will still fall. Capitalists will simply strangle for profit
        Quote: Tlauicol
        Despite the fact that this is the weakest and poorest economy of both America with billions of dollars in debt

        How did the USA help to get out of the country's debts or is it from a good life that they raised a rebellion against money?
  9. +2
    17 February 2019 12: 22
    Now many countries of the world will start asking for help from Russia ... But alas, we ourselves need help in the fight against internal enemies - clinging to the body of our native Motherland .. soldier
    We will try comrades to help everyone in the fight.
    1. +1
      17 February 2019 12: 28
      Interestingly, they are really sure that Russia is something "their own", from the Third World?
      1. +5
        17 February 2019 13: 06
        Well, they believe in our "king-father", so they believe. After all, joking aside, we are the only ones on the planet left with a normal scale of values ​​and justice. And comedies of us because in the country they try to vulgarize and turn it upside down.
    2. 0
      17 February 2019 12: 28
      Yes, what comrades are they to us, even the USSR disdained to be friends with them
    3. +1
      17 February 2019 13: 00
      Quote: The guard
      Now many countries around the world will start asking for help from Russia ...

      the poorer the more they ask. That's just do not want to repay debts
      Quote: The guard
      We will try comrades to help everyone in the fight.

      mentally we are with them
    4. 0
      17 February 2019 16: 35
      They should not be given money. But the AK-74 from warehouses, with ammunition, is possible, and even necessary.
  10. +7
    17 February 2019 12: 26
    Haiti - population 11 million. The most backward and hopelessly impoverished state. This is not a state, this is a big dump. No culture, no ethnicity. Even China does not dare to get in there, although this is the underbelly of the United States. Therefore, they appeal to Russia, hoping that we will lead to them, instead of Cuba. I hope that ours will not lead. It is better, cheaper and more reliable to create a dozen "Poseidons" than to feed 11 mln. beggar madmen. Yes
    Who does not agree, look here: (Have you been to Haiti ?. Personal experience of 20 days in hell) hi
    1. -5
      17 February 2019 12: 35
      Quote: askort154
      Haiti - a population of 11 million The most backward, and hopelessly impoverished state. This is not a state, this is a big dump. Neither their culture, nor ethnic group. Even China does not risk getting into it

      Well, we are Russians! Always helped the peoples of the weak and oppressed .. Such is our historical mission. hi
      1. +1
        17 February 2019 13: 00
        Quote: The guard
        Well, we are Russians! Always helped the peoples of the weak and oppressed .. Such is our historical mission.

        who would help us raise the economy?
        1. +2
          17 February 2019 15: 42
          Quote: Silvestr
          who would help us raise the economy?

          Yes, we do not need to help us - the main thing is that they do not interfere ... EBNovskie shortcomings have not yet faded into London, Munich and other "democratic places" such as Washington, New York, etc. ... after the Kochs, Kasparovs, avens, illarionovs, kalugins, trump cards and other wickedness ...
          I would really like the next wave - Chubais, Kudrins, Siluyanovs ... and the HSE professors - led by the Kuzminovs, Yasins ... etc. etc. accompanied by ideologists such as Svanidze, Brewers, Gozman, Amnuel, Podrabinek, Venediktov and other Shenderovichs with bulls ...
        2. 0
          17 February 2019 16: 36
          There is one person. He also has friends - very rich people in Russia, who over the past 4 years have become even richer. What is the name?
      2. +5
        17 February 2019 13: 04
        So boldly and desperately get up off the couch, and go on! To Haiti, help the local black man! From Russia, with love!
      3. 0
        17 February 2019 20: 01
        "This is our historical mission" (guard, while alive)

        -Tell me, WHO told us to be RESCUERS on Earth?
      4. -1
        18 February 2019 18: 31
        Quote: The guard
        Quote: askort154
        Haiti - a population of 11 million The most backward, and hopelessly impoverished state. This is not a state, this is a big dump. Neither their culture, nor ethnic group. Even China does not risk getting into it

        Well, we are Russians! Always helped the peoples of the weak and oppressed .. Such is our historical mission. hi

        ... and the moron ...
        Yes, they went to the stump !!! am
    2. +1
      17 February 2019 12: 37
      One can only try to pull out from the swamp those elements that can be cultivated, westernized and brought up in the appropriate spirit and which subsequently will secure the country for the metropolis.
      1. +1
        17 February 2019 16: 37
        That's exactly what the United States does in Russia .... Peskov’s daughter will not let me lie ...
  11. +3
    17 February 2019 12: 27
    Great news! Venezuela "poboku", a new "druzhban" emerged. Or maybe we have an extra dozen Su-30SMG, plus a couple of S-400G systems. Then we go there. They slaughtered all whites (literally) back in the 19th century. And today, absolutely all vegetation has been cut down. And who is especially interested in Haiti and Port-au-Prince in particular, I strongly recommend reading the book (fiction) of the great English writer (and, concurrently, spy) Graham Greene called "Comedians". And, if possible, watch the Hollywood film of the same name with Elizabeth Taylor (the book is better, by the way).
    1. +2
      17 February 2019 13: 28
      Smiled, thanks!)
  12. +5
    17 February 2019 12: 28
    issho some bros? belay on fig stop
  13. +4
    17 February 2019 12: 29
    take us for maintenance, otherwise we poor blacks and creoles do not want to work without a whip of white sagib
  14. +5
    17 February 2019 12: 29
    Haiti is the first country to achieve independence in South America, as a result of the uprising of blacks, they even adopted a constitution which stated that all the inhabitants of Haiti are blacks regardless of skin color. But something went wrong and all the fathers of the nation turned into emperors then in life presidents, in general it is the most miserable country in the world.
    1. 0
      17 February 2019 16: 57
      How could it be otherwise? Only one former colony with a predominantly non-European population has become a truly successful state and a full member of the First World - Singapore. For most others, hunger, tribal wars and freaks in power are routine.
  15. 0
    17 February 2019 12: 30
    Russia is simply obligated to help Haiti. It is necessary to send the Putin-Mendel tandem there.
    1. -1
      17 February 2019 12: 51
      To join Haiti, after the referendum, of course, and send there as a LIFETIME governor, well, for example, Rogozin. Let him tell the "new Russians" how "spaceships roam the Bolshoi Theater."
      1. +1
        17 February 2019 13: 04
        Such territories may be the property of the state rather than a part of it, JSC Haiti.
        1. +11
          17 February 2019 13: 20
          Woah! The smartest idea !!! And the head of this company, well, of course, CHUBAIS !!! That's where his PLACE is in Haiti!
        2. +3
          17 February 2019 16: 38
          "West India Company of Russia"))))))
  16. +3
    17 February 2019 12: 34
    Another country realized that friendship with America was only to their own detriment.
    1. +5
      17 February 2019 12: 37
      just looking for a new sponsor
    2. 0
      17 February 2019 13: 11
      States have stopped "flirting" with Haiti for 35 years already. Fed up with feeding.
      1. +3
        17 February 2019 13: 34
        Striped do not feed other countries.
  17. +6
    17 February 2019 12: 35
    Great, the more problems states where the United States steers the better! States must die from the fruits of their own democracy, the main thing is not to help this process, but to strengthen it ..
  18. -2
    17 February 2019 12: 43
    Haiti residents asked for help from Russia

    A ruble for a hundred, that the Russian Federation will remain consistent and faithful to the precepts of one of the emperors: "Russia has only two allies: its army and navy."

    We do not need allies in the world. It’s like people like Stalin who play on the contradictions of enemies, and our diplomacy should be direct as a shaft, transparent as a pervash and predictable like a wrecked train.
    1. +4
      18 February 2019 11: 37
      Quote: McAr
      Rupees for a hundred that ... We do not need allies in the world. It’s like people like Stalin who play on the contradictions of enemies
      I will not argue, although the rate is very tempting, but I express hope that our Foreign Ministry is considering options for consolidating the moral authority of the Russian Federation in this country. I do not exclude that some project will appear.
      1. -1
        18 February 2019 11: 43
        Quote: sniperino
        I hope that our Foreign Ministry is considering options for consolidating the moral authority of the Russian Federation in this country.

        Give up hope everyone entering here!

        We buy sugar in NATO countries, but to help those who at least buy from potential allies, what we need and that we import already - such an idea does not fit into the minds of the Kremlin. Too long - it sticks out from the left ear, then from the right ...
        1. +5
          18 February 2019 12: 27
          Quote: McAr
          We buy sugar in NATO countries
          Sugar imports are constantly decreasing, but coffee is an option, we definitely don’t have it.
          1. -1
            18 February 2019 12: 36
            Quote: sniperino
            Sugar imports are constantly decreasing, but coffee is an option, we definitely don’t have it.

            Yes, sugar is just an example.

            Our headless diplomacy has done everything so that the Russian Federation does not have any friends or allies left. To become the biggest outcast in the world - is this what the Kremlin towers dream of? If all the countries of the world regarded the USSR as a bulwark of the world, as a power that defeated the brown plague, as a reliable partner, then what do they know about the Russian Federation? The country is a champion in the gap between rich and poor, corruption, kickbacks, Natasha, oh, yes - hydrocarbons and a nuclear club. All. Why wonder at their attitude towards us?
            1. +5
              18 February 2019 12: 58
              Quote: McAr
              If all the countries of the world regarded the USSR as a bulwark of the world, as a power that defeated the brown plague, as a reliable partner, then what do they know about the Russian Federation?
              Tepericha - not like that just now. Even here a large group zombiesparticipants form a vision of modern Russia with a picture from the 90s, Haitians are more advanced in this regard
  19. +4
    17 February 2019 12: 46
    I recommend reading reviews of tourists about Haiti. A more wretched country with a more worthless population is hard to find in the world. Only this was not enough for Russia to shoulder. What for? To the peak of the United States?
    1. +3
      17 February 2019 13: 26
      Here is the second half of the same island, called: "Dominican Republic", I will not say that there is "everything in chocolate", but tourists from all over the world visit (including from Russia and a lot, by the way) , some kind of economy is present (developed tobacco, good, sugar, etc.). But this is ONE and the same island, practically divided in half. And, for some reason, everything is like this ...
      1. +3
        17 February 2019 15: 13
        Quote: irazum
        But this is ONE and the same island, practically divided in half. And, for some reason, that's it ...

        It sounds racist. But Haiti and the Dominican Republic have different ethnic and racial composition.
        Something like the Republic of South Africa ... white and not white. They live in the same place but in different ways.
        1. +4
          17 February 2019 15: 56
          In my opinion, it doesn’t smell like racism at all, it’s the prose of life. Some people are used to achieving certain goals, but others fall into bananas and coconuts. * Our happiness is always eating coconuts, chew bananas. Chunga-chang! *
    2. +1
      17 February 2019 13: 36
      Quote: KAMEPTOH
      What for?

      Then, what is the INF. If WHAT flight time NATO missiles from Latvia to Moscow 2 minutes. It is impossible to physically prevent these missiles - the air defense will not have time to react and there simply will not be enough time to coordinate everything and issue an order. And where can the Russian Federation make flying time of a similar scale?
      1. +1
        17 February 2019 15: 10
        Quote: McAr
        Quote: KAMEPTOH
        What for?

        Then, what is the INF. If WHAT flight time NATO missiles from Latvia to Moscow 2 minutes. It is impossible to physically prevent these missiles - the air defense will not have time to react and there simply will not be enough time to coordinate everything and issue an order. And where can the Russian Federation make flying time of a similar scale?

        1. +2
          17 February 2019 15: 26
          Quote: KAMEPTOH
          Quote: McAr
          Quote: KAMEPTOH
          What for?

          Then, what is the INF. If WHAT flight time NATO missiles from Latvia to Moscow 2 minutes. It is impossible to physically prevent these missiles - the air defense will not have time to react and there simply will not be enough time to coordinate everything and issue an order. And where can the Russian Federation make flying time of a similar scale?


          There is a BR, not the INF.

          To detect the launch of a BR, which flies into space and from there falls like an uncontrolled bomb, is much easier than launching an INF. Yes, and the flight time of the BR is measured in tens of minutes. To bring down a BR is incomparably easier than the INF, which can fly at very low altitudes repeating the relief.

          Because of this, the United States is borzoi that Russia has no friends or allies left in the world. And hamsters are happy about it. Circus! Well, why bother? If we reboot, let’s replay.
    3. 0
      17 February 2019 21: 49
      Quote: KAMEPTOH
      Only this was not enough for Russia to shoulder. What for? To the peak of the United States?

      I wonder how much more effective it would be than Donbass?
  20. +1
    17 February 2019 13: 12
    The response to the coup in Venezuela
  21. 0
    17 February 2019 13: 14
    We must ask the Venezuelans to transfer several divisions of the Iskander to the Haitians.
    1. +2
      17 February 2019 13: 46
      You can transfer it, but there is one "BUT", they, the Haitians, will sell or lose them (Iskander) ...
      1. +1
        17 February 2019 13: 53
        Nothing like this. Carefully tell that the Iskanders are tied to certain coordinates on the ground and when moving more than .... they will break. Loud.
  22. +6
    17 February 2019 13: 14
    Do we need Haitians? Do you have enough of your Caucasians?
    1. +2
      17 February 2019 13: 48
      THIS is much worse, you can’t even imagine how ...
      1. -1
        17 February 2019 13: 49
        In the Dominican Republic was, I do not think it is better))))
        1. 0
          17 February 2019 13: 56
          I myself was not, I won’t lie, but, according to friends, it’s very decent if you don’t leave the hotel grounds in the evening or at night.
          1. -1
            17 February 2019 13: 58
            Indeed, sitting in a hotel is pleasant in the evening.
    2. 0
      17 February 2019 13: 53
      We need a mess in that hemisphere.
      1. -1
        17 February 2019 13: 55
        Comrade Major !!! Well, what are you our plan then !!! Not good!!!!
    3. 0
      17 February 2019 21: 50
      Quote: Lamatinets
      Do we need Haitians? Do you have enough of your Caucasians?

      the more Haitians we have, the less America our Caucasians will have laughing
  23. -2
    17 February 2019 13: 43
    #GatiOur #
    1. +2
      17 February 2019 13: 50
      Your))) take away)))) then tell.
      1. 0
        17 February 2019 13: 57
        Yeah, at least neighing, if there is anything ...
        1. +3
          17 February 2019 14: 13
          So we ran into Chechnya, fig Haiti, let them catch fish.
    2. -1
      17 February 2019 14: 37
      If the Russians once make a successful colonial operation, then Haiti will be ours.
      1. 0
        17 February 2019 15: 45
        You are still ready to provide someone, I am not.
        1. 0
          17 February 2019 15: 57
          Someone was going to support them? Colonies should be profitable, not loss.
          1. 0
            17 February 2019 15: 58
            Call profit from Haiti, pliz? well besides the situation in the caribbean ____
            1. -1
              17 February 2019 16: 13
              Free labor.
              1. 0
                17 February 2019 16: 57
                Quote: Steel Falcon
                Free labor.

                They do not want to work...
                1. -1
                  17 February 2019 17: 00
                  If they want to eat, they will fight for the right to wash toilets.
                  1. 0
                    17 February 2019 17: 44
                    If they still knew what a TOILET is ...
                2. 0
                  17 February 2019 18: 11
                  If there was work, they would work. Such small republics need to be pulled out of poverty at least to the level of Russia, since in the current state they are the main hotbed of terrorism and deadly diseases.
                  1. -2
                    17 February 2019 18: 15
                    And why should we "pull them out"? Are our problems not enough for us? Do we have a voodoo in the pen? Do we need to save him?
              2. 0
                17 February 2019 18: 48
                LTD !!!! there is such a workforce, you add a Haitian to your house, I want to comment directly after 3 months.
                1. 0
                  17 February 2019 19: 06
                  Three months!? You're out of your mind! I can't even live a couple of days in such a "neighborhood" ... Lord, why do you want me to look like this at night?
                  1. -1
                    17 February 2019 19: 09
                    Dear colleague on the site, I apologize for hurt your feelings !!!! But it was not I who called Haitians for Nashi, I only expressed doubt about their necessity.
      2. 0
        17 February 2019 21: 51
        Quote: Steel Falcon
        If the Russians once make a successful colonial operation, then Haiti will be ours.

        How are we without Mistral ???
  24. The comment was deleted.
  25. +4
    17 February 2019 13: 57
    Author. Is the article just a reprint of the news feed? Complaints of this country about what, about harassment from the United States? about their military bases? about illegal use of resources? You can in more detail about what? They can ask for help from anyone from the UN, the EEC, the American Union, but if they themselves do nothing, who needs them. Nearby there is a more reliable ally - Cuba. They can be trusted and helped, because proved to hold the word. But these were not visible before and are now not visible. Well, let Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transdniestria, the DPR and LPR recognize, then we'll see.
    1. 0
      17 February 2019 14: 23
      Where will we "look"? They recognize, for the money of our pensioners, as "good morning" they recognize, and then WHAT? Where to look and why? Vanuatu and Nauru were also recognized. How much was taken out of the RF budget for this case?
      1. 0
        17 February 2019 16: 18
        Let's "look" at the expediency of doing something in this direction. Just not for money ("pensioners"), but for "for example" the shipment of Russian goods through barter.
        1. 0
          17 February 2019 16: 37
          And what can you take from them on "barter"? Only street children. What will we do with this "product"?
          1. +1
            17 February 2019 17: 03
            To be able to trade correctly with accounting is a big science, you can trade with agricultural products, there is no product, there are bowels, ports for transshipment, airfields, jumps, renting money also costs, and they will have it inexpensively, etc.
            1. -1
              17 February 2019 17: 46
              They are uninteresting for China! Can you imagine this?
    2. 0
      17 February 2019 15: 47
      I applaud you, I knock with your heels, Oh, Haiti, where the UN, OAS, pick their nose
    3. 0
      17 February 2019 21: 52
      Quote: DargAVS
      Nearby there is a more reliable ally - Cuba. They can be trusted and helped, because proved to hold the word.

      Comandante is not. And as history shows, it all depends on the person at the head
  26. +3
    17 February 2019 14: 31
    There are all sorts of Deripasoks, Mullers, Sechins, Shamalovs, Chemezovs, Timchens, Rotenbergs, Kovalchuks and other cooperators of the "lake" with a bone budget that is barely dragging from sanctions ... But it's not rubber, but people don't want to collect money by text messages to save these so-called. oligarchs. He would have saved the future of Russia in the person of children by SMS fees for operations abroad ...
    1. +2
      17 February 2019 15: 56
      All sorts of different bulk, Venediktov, amnuela, gozmans and other such kind of riffraff. SMS-kami, of course I will not support. Of course, in their opinion, everything is bad. Only some of the sms-ok pickers were offered an operation here in Russia. But no, it’s more important for them to collect sms-ok.

      I was replaced with a knee joint, in CITO, I had to wait three months.
    2. +1
      17 February 2019 18: 05
      The state can not give anyone subsidies for treatment for
      This is necessary to collect paper and wait - officially long, here are the parents on SMS and go with him much faster to collect money - the result is a couple of days.
  27. -2
    17 February 2019 14: 33
    Well, of course, all-propellers will not forget to mention pensions, salaries, etc.
    1. +3
      17 February 2019 14: 46
      And what is wrong with that if the citizens of Russia are interested in their pension, their health care, and the education of their children?
      1. -1
        17 February 2019 19: 23
        The fact that the "protesters", for the most part, did nothing for the country.
        1. 0
          18 February 2019 12: 14
          Man, I will not speak for everyone, I have no information, and that is not the point. And for myself I can say: "drilling oil and gas wells" in the position from pombur to chief geologist of the enterprise. About "protesters" the topic is closed, I hope?
  28. 0
    17 February 2019 15: 23
    The main thing is not to make mistakes. And so the offer is tempting.
  29. +2
    17 February 2019 15: 26
    Effectively, but doubtful: who prevented them from taking the path: Angola, Ethiopi? There was also no justice and the Americans thoroughly interfered, but broke off
    To be honest, I am disappointed in the sincerity of the Africans. I remember well the hostels for Soviet students and foreign students. Ours lived in "barns", while the foreign ones lived as "white people". True, the blacks in our city, their hostel FUCKED to the extreme
  30. 0
    17 February 2019 15: 27
    Is Lemon silent?
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. 0
    17 February 2019 16: 03
    What despair is visible on the faces of these people who went out on the street to seek justice!
    1. 0
      17 February 2019 16: 48
      Yes, despair, they are ready to return already under the "whip of the planter", but now no one even offers them a "whip". They, besides themselves, are of no interest to anyone. Let them turn on at least the remnants of their brains and understand that the world, in the state in which they are now, does not need them. And you can burn as many flags as you like, and, moreover, absolutely different powers. It's just that some more or less "educated" Haitian got a piece of a newspaper where it is written that the United States is an enemy of Russia, and that's it, rushed ...
  33. -1
    17 February 2019 16: 55
    New business idea: ,, burn the US flag - get a few billion dollars from Russia as a gift. " laughing
    1. -1
      17 February 2019 18: 24
      Good start-up!
  34. 0
    17 February 2019 17: 07
    In general, they really bargain, try to sell themselves more expensively. You can’t refuse the logic of actions. In order to change something, they really need to make a revolution; there is no cheap revolution about it. Just to see, they already offered themselves to everyone. Only Russia will be offered.
  35. 0
    17 February 2019 18: 00
    Yes, to raise this poor republic, you need to raise at least 100 billion dollars and several years of time, you can make a tourist paradise there, only 10 million people will live there, and put our base there.
    1. -1
      17 February 2019 18: 27
      Yes, everything can be done there, the main thing is: if only they themselves wanted this ...
    2. 0
      17 February 2019 21: 21
      Hooray! To our base in Haiti!
      Hooray! for the rise of the Haitian economy!
      While, to a whole bunch of n.p. in Russia there is no entrance, there are simply no bridges, elementary!
      N.p. Managora, Bashkiria!
      There is no connection with the "land", the reason is the flood!
      Happen emergency, krants!
      They built a bridge, squandered money, equipment remained on the shore .....
      People in n.p. Managora hoped, but alas!
      And such places, such n.p. how much in Russia ?!
      1. 0
        17 February 2019 22: 01
        Heap n.p. it is not gasified in Russia, it lives like a pea king, on wood!
        There are no roads to the village, no bridges to the village!
        Not developed a rescue system in case of emergency!
        Less, of course, is the office plankton, which is always and everywhere the first!
        "We will stand behind your backs!"
        1. -2
          17 February 2019 22: 14
          Plankton from the office ?! wassat wassat wassat
          1. 0
            18 February 2019 06: 33
            What a "plankton", really everything ...
        2. 0
          23 February 2019 15: 55
          If they have not been supplied with gas during the entire existence of the USSR, then it is costly and inexpedient, at the expense of bridges and roads "somewhere" the same thing.
  36. +1
    17 February 2019 19: 20
    Even in Haiti they know Putin laughing
    1. 0
      18 February 2019 06: 35
      It would be better not to know ...
  37. -2
    17 February 2019 21: 09
    It's interesting how the "light elves" would react if Surkov would please the protesters with cookies
    1. 0
      18 February 2019 12: 17
      I suggested Rogozin ...
  38. The comment was deleted.
  39. The comment was deleted.
  40. +1
    18 February 2019 01: 40
    Troops must be entered!
  41. -2
    18 February 2019 05: 12
    Uncomfortable like that. People are asking for help. Need to help.
  42. 0
    18 February 2019 08: 45
    Quote: Voronezh
    Uncomfortable like that. People are asking for help. Need to help.

    Pralna laughing! We don’t leave our own!
  43. Sly
    18 February 2019 10: 40
    Quote: irazum
    I wonder how the palm tree has survived.

    it is old photo laughing
  44. 0
    18 February 2019 10: 53
    This is all good, but no money!