US missile defense system can only protect against Iran or the DPRK
According to the director of the department, Robert Behler, a network of ground and surface anti-missile missiles, radars and communication lines, costing the United States $ 189 billion, can only protect the country from a limited rocket attack by countries like Iran or the DPRK.
Он пояснил, что исследования системы показали ее способность защитить территорию США или зарубежные контингенты troop от «небольшого числа» баллистических и межконтинентальных баллистических ракет. Но и это возможно только после задействования Пентагоном «полной архитектуры» датчиков, командования и управления.
The publication notes that Bechler’s report on the main weapons systems indirectly confirms the growing public confidence in improving the missile defense system, since in 2017, the test department gave a less than flattering assessment of the missile defense system, calling it “limited”. This conclusion is based on practical tests: only 10 was shot down from 5 target rockets.
However, the current state of the system does not give much reason for joy. Much remains to be done to improve it, the newspaper writes.
Recall, the US missile defense system takes the second place after the F-35 project. The ground network includes 44 interceptor missiles located in Alaska and California, as well as Thaad batteries. In addition, Aegis anti-missiles are deployed on ships.
Recently, the Pentagon announced the need to expand the missile defense system with the withdrawal of its elements into space.