US missile defense system can only protect against Iran or the DPRK

American missile defense systems are currently able to protect only against a limited rocket attack, the newspaper writes Bloomberg with reference to the Pentagon’s operational test department.

US missile defense system can only protect against Iran or the DPRK

According to the director of the department, Robert Behler, a network of ground and surface anti-missile missiles, radars and communication lines, costing the United States $ 189 billion, can only protect the country from a limited rocket attack by countries like Iran or the DPRK.

Он пояснил, что исследования системы показали ее способность защитить территорию США или зарубежные контингенты troop от «небольшого числа» баллистических и межконтинентальных баллистических ракет. Но и это возможно только после задействования Пентагоном «полной архитектуры» датчиков, командования и управления.

The publication notes that Bechler’s report on the main weapons systems indirectly confirms the growing public confidence in improving the missile defense system, since in 2017, the test department gave a less than flattering assessment of the missile defense system, calling it “limited”. This conclusion is based on practical tests: only 10 was shot down from 5 target rockets.

However, the current state of the system does not give much reason for joy. Much remains to be done to improve it, the newspaper writes.

Recall, the US missile defense system takes the second place after the F-35 project. The ground network includes 44 interceptor missiles located in Alaska and California, as well as Thaad batteries. In addition, Aegis anti-missiles are deployed on ships.

Recently, the Pentagon announced the need to expand the missile defense system with the withdrawal of its elements into space.
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  1. 0
    25 January 2019 13: 48
    Who would doubt that!! lol This is very American. You say, dear taxpayers, lay out a tidy sum of $ 189 billion, and we give you a guarantee of your calm overseas existence! Not a single fly will fly by! IT ISN’T THAT! hi
    1. +1
      25 January 2019 14: 00
      Quote: Proxima
      You say dear taxpayers lay out a tidy sum of $ 189 billion,

      When sharing such money, no one thinks about expediency.
      Recently, the Pentagon announced the need to expand the missile defense system with the withdrawal of its elements into space.

      And then how many billions of $. hi
      1. +2
        25 January 2019 14: 44
        Quote: Evdokim
        And then how many billions of $

        There are already trillions)
    2. The comment was deleted.
  2. +10
    25 January 2019 13: 50
    So they didn’t lie that missile defense is not against Russia, but against Iran laughing
    1. 0
      25 January 2019 14: 38
      Quote: Tlauicol
      but against Iran

      The Israeli Air Force Raytheon HAWKER 800XP reconnaissance aircraft with a hardware system that can detect ballistic missile launches is operating in the Golan Heights area on the border with Syria, so we are waiting for something in the near future. I don’t trust the satellite to its owner, He doesn’t trust at all. And all because the US does not work against Iran, and therefore does not trust.
      1. 0
        25 January 2019 15: 06
        With the commissioning of Poseidon, Sarmat, Vanguard and other goodies, the effectiveness of American missile defense tends to zero. Close your denyuzhki on the Field of Miracles in the country of Fools. tongue
    2. 0
      25 January 2019 14: 45
      Quote: Tlauicol
      So they didn’t lie that missile defense is not against Russia, but against Iran

      Yes, they outsmarted themselves. After all, this assessment of the missile defense was given by the "Pentagon Operational Test Department." And for the layman, a more serious "aggressor" is needed, otherwise you won't knock out a lot of money.
    3. +1
      25 January 2019 15: 30
      Quote: Tlauicol
      So they didn’t lie that missile defense is not against Russia, but against Iran

      In Romania and Poland - against Russia.
  3. +2
    25 January 2019 13: 50
    "The means of the American missile defense system are currently capable of protecting only from a limited missile attack," writes Bloomberg, citing the Pentagon's operational testing department. "Any simulation on a computer cannot reflect what will happen in reality.
    Israel's "Iron Kumpol" was also presented as the pinnacle of anti-missile defense, and that ... Hezbollah did not know that. and this kumpole struck.

    and the American missile defense also screwed up during the Gulf War. How many Scuds flew to the KSA and Israel ..
    1. +2
      25 January 2019 13: 58
      On January 18, 1991, the first Iraqi missiles hit Israel. In total, seven rockets fell on the territory of the country on the first night, and four more on the next night. And on January 20, the first rockets hit Saudi Arabia.

      Al-Husseini's missiles were the Soviet R-17s modified by Iraqis during the war with Iran (Scud-Be according to NATO classification). By reducing their payload by a third, the flight range was increased to 550 kilometers. Missiles were launched from mobile launchers on the MAZ-543 wheeled chassis, deployed in desert regions in western Iraq.

      In total, during the war, Iraq issued 88 Scuds in Israel and Saudi Arabia. This led to the deaths of 2 Israelis and 1 Saudi, as well as 28 Pennsylvania Guards, when a rocket accidentally landed in their barracks in Dahran on February 25. Although the missiles were not particularly accurate, these launches made a lot of noise.

      A big disappointment of that war was the American Patriot missile defense system deployed in Israel, for which the defense of Tel Aviv from the Soviet “Scuds” became a debut in real combat conditions. It turned out that the system was no good. Of the 38 Iraqi missiles, she tried to intercept 17. Of these, it was possible to get into only 7. Moreover, the effectiveness of the hits was always rather dubious: if Patriot did not shoot down the Scud, but exploded somewhere near it in the air, then this only changed the trajectory the fall of the Iraqi missile, and not the fact that the change was useful for the defended settlements. Four American Patriot missiles fell and exploded in residential areas in Israel.
      1. 0
        25 January 2019 16: 58
        There was infa that Scud fell on the territory of the US base, there were victims, it was classified, now it became known.
      2. +1
        26 January 2019 00: 11
        "if Patriot did not shoot down the Scud, but exploded somewhere near it in the air,
        then it only changed the trajectory of the fall of the Iraqi missile "////
        Correctly. For this very reason, Americans later developed
        complex apparatus "kinetic killers" for direct hits
        into attacking ballistic missiles.
        They learn from mistakes.
  4. -9
    25 January 2019 13: 54
    So what? And what is capable of air defense and missile defense of the Russian Federation? So far, it can only remain silent and lose the Israeli Air Force.
    1. -2
      25 January 2019 13: 57
      we don’t have a global pro at all, it’s only for Moscow and that, naturally, will not save
      1. -1
        25 January 2019 16: 16
        This is what we are talking about. With the air defense system the same story - most of the territory is not covered.
    2. -1
      25 January 2019 13: 58
      UMA-UMA (UMA-UMA) Today, 13:54 PM NEW

      "So what? And what is the air defense and missile defense of the Russian Federation capable of? So far, it is only capable of being silent and losing to the Israeli Air Force."
      Is the Russian Federation is at war with Israel?
      Yes, and air defense - Syrian - or rather its individual fragments. And not a system
      Therefore, the holes they climb into ..
      1. -1
        25 January 2019 16: 21
        Yes you! Israel simply shot down our plane with impunity, killed 16 of our intelligence officers, and Nansit attacks in the immediate vicinity of our facilities. And so Israel is the best friend of the Russian Federation, yeah.
        1. -1
          25 January 2019 16: 42
          UMA-UMA (UMA-UMA) Today, 16:21

          Yes you! "" "

          1.Israeli funds did not bring down the il-20m
          2. The Israeli Air Force used the incompetent use of the IL-20m in that area and covered it with their next raid on Syrian installations
          3. The Syrian air defense could not assess the situation and hit the IL-20m with their surface-to-air missile (the reflecting surface of the IL-20 m is larger than the F-16, which means the signal is stronger)
          Very sorry guys ...
          1. -1
            25 January 2019 16: 56
            1. Spit on your ingenious pity.
            2. Official tales about coverings, closures and other skills of IDF pilots have been voiced more than once, do not work. These are all fairy tales for simpletons who do not understand how silt 20 can interfere with their air strikes. In fact, the board was shot down by a Jewish plane.
            1. -1
              25 January 2019 16: 56
              Shot down because it interfered.
              1. -1
                25 January 2019 17: 13
                you mister provocateur
                1. 0
                  25 January 2019 17: 16
                  Yeah, and liberal hirelings.
                  1. 0
                    25 January 2019 17: 24
                    anyone who calls to unleash a war between Russia and Israel or is not completely friends with him or a provocateur who wants only evil to Russia
              2. +1
                25 January 2019 17: 22
                UMA-UMA (UMA-UMA) Today, 16:56
                Shot down because he interfered. "
                NO! here it is seen at the genetic level of the problem ..
                It was shot down because the command of the Israeli Air Force was very vile, planning to set up for the Syrian missiles of the Russian unarmed reconnaissance aircraft IL-20M.
                Each flight of planes, the more real combat one, is planned on the ground. its elements are worked out on the ground and then into the air. At the same time, reconnaissance information is fully applied on the situation in the area of ​​operations. including on flights in that area of ​​the IL-20 m
                1. -1
                  25 January 2019 17: 29
                  Is there something wrong with my genes? Are you a genetic engineer? And what did you want to say with your manuscript presentation of preparation for sorties? What did the flight master plan in advance to cover for il20? That's bullshit. You have no idea either about the BV or about the hostilities. Shot il20 was most likely at the initiative of the pilot because it interfered with striking.
                  1. -1
                    25 January 2019 19: 27
                    Quote: UMA-UMA

                    From the word - "Fig".
                    Quote: UMA-UMA
                    the craftsman

                    From the word - "Rukodil".
                    Quote: UMA-UMA
                    Shot il20 was most likely at the initiative of the pilot for interfered striking.

                    From the word - "Enough for today To interfereregardless of Friday. "
                    1. 0
                      25 January 2019 21: 06
                      Oh, Mlyn, the Jewish poplites went for spelling - from the word ornithologist. In fact, nothing to say. All the best.
    3. +3
      25 January 2019 14: 01
      The hat also does not save from the brick, it is from sunlight and other precipitation.
    4. 0
      25 January 2019 14: 16
      Yes, as if there was no Israeli attack on the military bases of the Russian Federation, you draw conclusions early, and the defense of Damascus airport is more to the Syrians themselves. hi
      1. -1
        25 January 2019 16: 22
        Of course, the Syrians are to blame.
    5. -2
      25 January 2019 14: 48
      Quote: UMA-UMA
      And what is capable of air defense and missile defense of the Russian Federation?

      Able to bring down 90% + missiles fired across the territory of the Russian Federation (except for strategists, of course)
      1. 0
        25 January 2019 16: 23
        Yeah, capable. With holes, but two-thirds of the country.
    6. 0
      25 January 2019 16: 08
      Quote: UMA-UMA
      So what? And what is capable of air defense and missile defense of the Russian Federation? So far, it can only remain silent and lose the Israeli Air Force.

      This is the missile defense system in which the Russian Federation invested $ 189 billion?
      1. -1
        25 January 2019 16: 23
        This is me about empty articles, such as all around fools.
  5. -2
    25 January 2019 13: 56
    That's right, missile defense designed for chronic paranoid, nothing more.
  6. +2
    25 January 2019 14: 00
    All this from the evil one. The US protects the dollar and only the dollar. The dollar kicks in - and the United States turns into Honduras.
    1. -2
      25 January 2019 16: 26
      The dollar does not kick. For the past 28 years, only the ruble has been circulating. But of course, the beloved el president is to blame for this.
      1. 0
        25 January 2019 18: 05
        Let's see what you say in a year, at the height of the new economic crisis in the United States.
        1. +1
          25 January 2019 18: 19
          You think the poor and backward for the Russian Federation, but nothing terrible will happen to the first global economy, don’t worry. They have already won about 200 billion. In the trade war with China, agreeing to balance the trade balance to zero. Do not tell me that won the Russian Federation? Oh yes, I remembered minus 14bn in Venezuela's highly reliable partner, under the leadership of former Maduro driver.
          1. Fat
            25 January 2019 22: 57
            Quote: UMA-UMA
            You think the poor and backward for the Russian Federation, but nothing terrible will happen to the first global economy, don’t worry. They have already won about 200 billion. In the trade war with China, agreeing to balance the trade balance to zero. Do not tell me that won the Russian Federation? Oh yes, I remembered minus 14bn in Venezuela's highly reliable partner, under the leadership of former Maduro driver.

            Well, nothing terrible happens with this economy. And to such an extent that in general you begin to doubt its reality ... The balance with China in some surreal way is balanced every 20-30 years and each time a trade war ... and the US "wins". Trump is right! It's time to sew T-shirts not in China, at best in Mexico ... It's warm there in winter and behind the wall ... you can pay with dogs instead of greens, especially if you don't let into the territory with "wide margins and high democracy" ... Well done same in America and look at the atlas in North America .... Oh, yes, and Che Maduro? much like Yanukovych? Or did his murdered predecessor (who died of cancer in the prime of life) go to the wrong school?
            Pedro Carmona overthrew Hugo Chavez as a result of a coup d'état and de facto led the country for 47 hours (between April 12 and 13, 2002). After the overthrow of the Carmona government, Vice President Diosdado Cabello temporarily assumed the presidency until the return of Hugo Chavez.

            As the saying goes: "The main thing is to notice the movement of cockroaches in time when the light is turned on", you can even find a temporary nest of parasites ...
  7. 0
    25 January 2019 14: 10
    Recently, the Pentagon announced the need to expand the missile defense system with the withdrawal of its elements into space.
    This type of ISS only with rockets ...
    1. 0
      25 January 2019 14: 26
      Satellites with orbital interceptors, with neutron guns and electromagnetic small-caliber guns - for the destruction of warheads and satellites, this will spend another 100 billion.
    2. +1
      25 January 2019 18: 08
      And it is better to bring missile defense to another galaxy, so that more money is washed with a smart look.
  8. +1
    25 January 2019 14: 32
    The American missile defense cannot be protected from anyone. Even worse, it is very dangerous in the first place for the United States because it creates a sense of false security.
  9. -4
    25 January 2019 14: 36
    How then to explain the military psychosis in Russia associated with Sarmatian and Vanguard ... for the American layman ... a threat from Russia. in this regard it is clear as day ... and a completely incomprehensible picture for 22 million poor Russians ... to cover up the genocide of the people, as always, with patriotism and an external threat ..
    1. Fat
      25 January 2019 23: 31
      Quote: plotnikov561956
      22 million poor Russians ... to cover up the genocide of the people as always with patriotism and an external threat ..

      Lumpen proletarians have NEVER suffered from spiritual contradictions. Give to EAT ON THE HOLYAVA. Declassed elements for all 100 years provided the Country with years of perestroika and years of "building the state vertical" ("Forgive me, Lord"). Officials were appointed 2 times more than in the entire USSR, Most not just from the "plow", but from the "washing machine" ... They came to their senses, it turns out that a whole million extra "writing and serving coffee" parasites ... Are you talking patriotism? An external threat? An Uzbek patriot puts a stove for me at the dacha (pretending that he can), AND THE EXTERNAL THREAT never disappeared! I always feared that "everything for money for the people" would be exchanged. Now it’s less, because I’m ready not to have breakfast 7 times a week ... If only there were Weapons and an Army capable of protecting, if not me, then my grandchildren.
  10. -3
    25 January 2019 14: 41
    Actually, it’s not from anyone at all: I mean from the DPRK and Iran, too. The price of the error is too high.
  11. 0
    25 January 2019 14: 41
    And then they pissed off even attacking the DPRK with their 2.5 nuclear warheads, primitive delivery vehicles and the presence of a missile defense system capable of protecting against the DPRK’s strike
    1. +2
      25 January 2019 14: 52
      It must be admitted that the DPRK's missiles are not so primitive and 60 warheads.
      1. 0
        25 January 2019 16: 22
        Threats to the United States are not. Only threats to their bases in Korea and Japan, and to the Japanese and South Koreans themselves
  12. 0
    25 January 2019 14: 43
    The ground network includes 44 interceptor missiles located in Alaska and California

    When we return Alaska to its native harbor, then we immediately dismantle their missile defense. Well, the independent Republic of California will also roll out missile defense - we will have normal relations with this country
  13. -4
    25 January 2019 14: 55
    Hypersound made missile defense senseless, so mattresses have sadness about it
    1. +1
      25 January 2019 16: 55
      Now it is powerless - and tomorrow they will take 3000 SM missiles of the last 3 versions, with several interceptors on one rocket and about 60 missile satellites with IR cameras and radars, to be riveted.
  14. +1
    25 January 2019 15: 20
    Quote: plotnikov561956
    How then to explain the military psychosis in Russia associated with Sarmatian and Vanguard ... for the American layman ... a threat from Russia. in this regard it is clear as day ... and a completely incomprehensible picture for 22 million poor Russians ... to cover up the genocide of the people, as always, with patriotism and an external threat ..

    And what is the psychosis expressed in? Politicians jump into the windows shouting: Are the Americans coming? ... laughing tongue wassat
  15. 0
    25 January 2019 15: 41
    In addition, Aegis anti-missiles are deployed on ships.
    - sorry who wrote this? sho for antimissiles? bully
  16. 0
    25 January 2019 15: 55
    The United States all the time hoped for the ocean that it would protect them .. Now Russia has new supersonic systems and even space will not save you. And still wait for Russia to be somewhere in Venezuela, etc. something cunning will place and your hegemony will end.
    1. +1
      25 January 2019 17: 17
      There’s no need to post anything here. Everything is taking its course. Fish rots from the head. In the United States, processes are similar to those in the late USSR. Top management is mired in the division of power and corruption. The USA is gradually becoming obsolete in ideological terms, living past victories, they don’t want to change, keep up with the times. And why, after all, everything is good, and if so, then you don’t need to change either. The bone of the system, constant scams in the economy, fraud, there is no desire to change something seriously there is a desire to find loophole and temporarily get out, problems then accumulate all the time, but no one is going to solve them, everything is solved temporarily through a printing press. All this for the time being and is fragile like ice in the spring.
  17. +2
    25 January 2019 16: 43
    The thing is that the US missile defense system was originally conceived as a scam for money laundering by the so-called "patriots." Such a global pyramid like MMM, constantly growing up and down and thirsting for more and more new investing countries. The F-35 will be an element of missile defense. Maybe it will also make intergalactic flights? Belief in missile defense in America is a belief in constant money laundering. And it does not matter whether this missile defense system works or not.
    1. +1
      25 January 2019 17: 02
      True, fewer and fewer European customers believe in the need for missile defense. Therefore, they must be made to believe in the need for missile defense. Exiting the INF Treaty and propaganda about aggressive Russia and its latest weapons is just the point. Now missile defense systems will be sold and will be sold naturally expensive. And America, once again at the expense of Europe will improve its economic situation.
  18. 0
    25 January 2019 19: 44
    Well, at least it can protect against Iranian and Korean missiles, and that's good laughing -true neither Iran nor S. Korea has missiles capable of reaching the United States, but these are trifles laughing
  19. 0
    26 January 2019 01: 22
    only from a limited missile attack by countries like Iran or the DPRK

    "Only" - but what, you never know? Who has more than this "just"?
  20. +1
    26 January 2019 17: 49
    Quote: Bearded
    With the commissioning of Poseidon, Sarmatia, Vanguard and other goodies, efficiency

    But how much can they trump? The air defense system is created not only against one country - against Russia (formerly the USSR). It is created from possible threats. At the same time, the Americans (and we, too) know two things very well.
    1. The probability of war between our two countries is very small. This is the first. According to experts - about 1% In relation to China, this probability rises to 5%. And no more. But the possibility of a regional conflict with any other country (DPRK, Iran) is much higher.
    2. And the second one. Both we and the Americans WE KNOW EXCELLENTthat a mass strike of missiles, whether they be even Russian, even American WILL NOT STOP NO system About. Neither American nor Russian. And we continue to trump out of place or out of place systems that are not yet in service

    Quote: asv363
    Quote: Tlauicol
    So they didn’t lie that missile defense is not against Russia, but against Iran

    In Romania and Poland - against Russia.

    And are you ready to name our complexes that will be intercepted by these anti-ballistic missiles in Poland and Romania ??

    Quote: SS-18 Satan
    Israel's "Iron Kumpol" was also presented as the pinnacle of anti-missile defense, and that ... Hezbollah did not know that. and this kumpole struck.

    If a rocket launched around Israel does not fall on residential areas, but somewhere on a wasteland, why shoot it down by spending a fairly expensive rocket on it? Of course, part of the missiles that will not cause harm fall on the territory of Israel. And they, the Israelis, do not deny

    Quote: SS-18 Satan
    and the American missile defense also screwed up during the Gulf War. How many Scuds flew to the KSA and Israel ..

    Actually, you shouldn't use the events of almost 30 years ago as an example. If you knew at least a minimum of the same history of the creation of the Patriot complex, you would know that the tests of the very first version of the complex took place only on tactical Lance missiles with a flight range of 70 km. To intercept targets of the "operational-tactical missiles" type, this complex was not at all adapted. They threw him there only to at least have some kind of protection, good or bad - the tenth thing. For the events that followed (which we like to write about with aspiration), for 28 years, the complex has been repeatedly modernized, its modifications PAC-1, 2 and 3 appeared (the latter is generally intended to intercept ballistic targets), options have appeared adapted for interception and ballistic and cruise missiles. And we all continue to refer to the events of almost 30 years ago, when this complex was first used. But they took into account the experience gained from its application. Our complexes, such as the S-300, not to mention the S-400 AT ALL NEVER HAD EXPERIENCE OF BATTLE APPLICATION... So continue to shout about the "holes" of other people's air defense systems ...

    Quote: Qwertyarion
    Hypersound made missile defense senseless, so mattresses have sadness about it

    And before that, the ICBM and SLBM warheads were probably subsonic ???? What nonsense are you writing. Everything, absolutely all warheads of ICBMs and SLBMs approach the target at hypersonic speeds, and only when they enter the dense layers of the atmosphere they begin to lose speed ....

    Quote: Alexander Vitalyevich
    Quote: UMA-UMA
    And what is capable of air defense and missile defense of the Russian Federation?

    Able to bring down 90% + missiles fired across the territory of the Russian Federation (except for strategists, of course)

    And with the condition that our NATO adversary does not have non-strategic missiles, that means they will not bring down a single one. Even in the best of times, when the Moscow missile defense system was fully equipped with interceptors in the amount of 100 interceptors, it was able to destroy up to 16 twin targets. Or roughly up to 32 goals. And where did the figure of 90% + goals come from ????

    Quote: Alexander Vitalievich
    When we bring Alaska back to its home harbor,

    Are you so naive ???? belay

    Quote: Freemason
    And wait until Russia is somewhere in Venezuela, etc. something cunning will place and your hegemony will end.

    Vitalik! Turn on the "box" on some news channel and see what's going on in Venezuela now. Maduro would have stayed in power, and that would have been a plus for him. And to place something tricky, you need to invest a couple of tens of billions of dollars and get a "black hole" where hundreds of millions of dollars will regularly flow away. At the same time, leave our fighters there as "kamikaze", because they will not do anything against the hegemon, but he will roll out the base with everything that is there ...

    Quote: Bone1
    Well, at least it can protect against Iranian and Korean missiles, and that's good laughing -true neither Iran nor S. Korea has missiles capable of reaching the United States, but these are trifles laughing

    The DPRK actually already had such a rocket tested .... It’s just that you don’t seem to know about it
  21. The comment was deleted.