Glitter and poverty of Sergey Kurginyan

Sergey Kurginyan brilliantly performed December 15 in the program “The Right to Know!” By Dmitry Kulikov. Convincingly defended his Soviet and communist views, made an impression even on the Polish anti-Soviet opponent, who perished under his answers. Yes, Kurginyan can make an impression due to his great political science erudition plus his directing theater practice. He is from the family of the Soviet elite, he knows a lot about the secrets of power from its direct carriers, about the nuances of the fall of the USSR.

Impressed by his speech, I don’t want to object, the opponents in the program didn’t object either, having fallen under his charm, under a hail of facts, maxims and logical conclusions. As in the ancient Greek legend about the ritor, who wrote an acquittal speech to his client. I liked the speech, he paid for it, and the next day he came to the orator in anger: “When I re-read your speech at home, I saw many inconsistencies and exaggerations in it, so that it would rather destroy me in court than save me!” The speaker answered: “And how many times will the speech be read in court?” The same is with Kurginyan.

One can agree with his speech in many respects, but sometimes inconsistencies and tensions come out of it, and in important messages. His thesis about the "entry elite" of the USSR, which sought to enter the Western world, which, in fact, surrendered the country to the West, raises no objections. Undoubtedly, the reborn Soviet elite played a much larger role in the fall of the USSR than the CIA and the US State Department put together. These sentiments in the part of the Russian elite still exist today, but it is not today that it makes government decisions!

When Kurginyan argues that the “entry elite” continues to rule the ball in today's Russia, it contradicts many facts, starting with Vladimir Putin’s Munich speech on 2007, which marked the rejection of the former “entry” policy on the terms of the West and the transition to protecting national interests Russia, to the policy of geopolitical security from the West. Most of the iconic "entrants" have long gone into the West, Boris Berezovsky, so directly into the English land, tied with a white scarf.

The cross on the “entrance” moods of our elite was put by the American coup d'etat in Ukraine in 2014, which led to the notorious Bandera nationalists. With the reunification of Russia after the Crimea, with the provision of assistance to the insurgent Donbass, the real gulf opened up between Russia and the West, including between the elites. After all, Western sanctions are directed primarily against our elite, some kind of one. The remnants of political "entrants" are being forced into a marginal niche today - these are the Rybakovs, Nadezhdins, Nekrasovs and Nikulins, who are used as a bogey on TV channels.

Kurginyan forgets that in 2014, there was a question about bringing our troops into Ukraine, that is, there was a high probability of starting a war with the West, according to Putin, with the “NATO Legion” in Ukraine. For the "entry elite" is an unthinkable question! By the way, they refused to enter the troops because of the economic unavailability of the country to the military confrontation with the West, came to the conclusion that it takes at least two years to solve the most important economic and military-technical problems, the information was in the open press. In fact, the latest strategic weapons began to arrive in the troops only in 2018 year. This is forgotten to be reminded of Kurginyan when he stretches the life of our “entry elite” to 2020 year!

Therefore, it is impossible to agree with him that today “Russian democracy is a state to enter Europe, the entry paradigm of Russia,” which Russia allegedly “will refuse in fact through 1-2 of the year”. She already refused! Kurginyan insists on this, because he foretells us a new return to Marx and the USSR-2! It turns out, already in 1-2 of the year!

In this connection, Kurginyan’s theory of Marx’s spirit raises big questions. Marx was not, of course, a die-hard materialist, he thought about how to fill the spiritual life of society after the abolition of religion as a public institution. He remembered that the cult of reason and the "tree of freedom" of the French Revolution were fruitless. This can be philosophized endlessly, but in the end Marx came to the “dictatorship of the proletariat” as an instrument of spiritual progress.

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” says the Bible, and the same thing happened with the good intentions of the “dictatorship of the proletariat”: they eventually led to the party dictatorship in the country and to the rebirth of the Soviet elite to the “entrance” . Kurginyan does not notice that this "sword of Damocles" hangs over his USSR-2 project! Marx resolved the question of transition from the “dictatorship of the proletariat” to the “kingdom of freedom” based on his historical optimism, Lenin, in fact, repeated Marx, speaking of the free work of the working people freed from exploitation, their natural commitment to freedom and humanism. These hopes in the USSR failed.

In fact, an attempt to completely eliminate social and class inequalities by the power of the state apparatus led not to the “kingdom of freedom”, but to equalization and stagnation in the lower classes of society, and to the dictates of the party bureaucracy from above, and to the “entry elite”. In the USSR-2 Kurginyan everything can happen again from the beginning, why not? In fact, Kurginyan proposes to continue the construction of the utopia of communism after Marx and Lenin, taking into account the experience gained. But he does not draw any conclusions from this experience, and only repeats Marxian hopes for a certain “public spirit”. His utopia turns out to be no less beautiful, but, apart from words and hopes for progressive humanity, nothing rests on anything, like Marx’s.

The question is, how does Kurginyan think of building the USSR-2? Democratically or under the control of the movement “The Essence of Time”, or some “dictatorship of the proletariat”? In the theater, the director, as is known, the dictator, this is required by the creative process of staging the performance, is it really less difficult to build a new USSR-2 society? Marx was not a director, but he understood this problem and came to the direction of the “dictatorship of the proletariat”. And what are the chances of building, thus, a beautiful society of the USSR-2? At best, it will be possible to repeat the USSR-1!

When Kurginyan talks about the development of human creativity - it is good in the theater, but this is hardly a good way to solve the problems of the modern world. Despite the messianic name of the movement “The Essence of Time” Kurginyan, staking on the “potential of humanity” does not tell us anything about the essence of solving the problems of humanity, passing their decision to the future, following Marx and Lenin.

Marx’s criticism of the capitalist “old world” is relevant in many respects, many economists now admit that they agree that “the world can die according to Marx”, but they add that he will be saved if he is saved “not according to Marx”. The same can be said about Kurginyan. He, in fact, proposes to resume the construction of the communist utopia of the USSR-2 according to Marx and on a democratic basis. And Marx's rakes again hit us on the forehead.

At the same time, you can applaud Kurginyan's foreign policy analysis, his aphorism: “The Anglo-Saxons never give up power - this is the law!” His criticism of Western postmodern society, the time of the big game, is remarkable; By the way, these are all the characteristics of Western modern “democracy”, which will surround the construction of the USSR-2, supposed by Kurginyan. Perhaps the USSR-1 was in a less aggressive and hostile environment.
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  1. +34
    24 December 2018 05: 40
    USSR-1 was in a less aggressive and hostile environment.
    The Great Patriotic War - doesn’t it count?
    1. +83
      24 December 2018 07: 24
      I am not very good with Kurginyan. This is my emotional assessment. I just don't like this hysterical person, not what he says. But, nevertheless, all the arguments of the author are no less strained than the arguments of Kurginyan. For instance:
      . Kurginyan suggests continuing building utopia communism after Marx and Lenin, taking into account the received experience. But he does not draw any conclusions from this experience.

      The author apparently has in mind the experience of building the USSR. But can this experience be called completely unsuccessful? After all, it was only under socialism that Russia, in its entire thousand-year history, has come to the forefront and become a super power!
      Unsuccessful, I would call the experience, rather of modern capitalist Russia. Compared to the USSR, Russia is slipping down in all positions.
      1. +56
        24 December 2018 08: 24
        The author is simply, already, more cunning (hiding behind the notorious, allegedly, "exposure" of Kurginyan) is trying to be the advocate of the existing regime. The "entrance elite" has not gone anywhere, it also, as before, sits in the Kremlin, crowds at the throne and behind the throne, sits in the Duma and rules in the highest echelons of administrative power .... and still, it is looking for ways to "merge" with "the world community". Yes
        1. -40
          24 December 2018 08: 46
          Yes Yes.
          All the space, go home.
          The most important thing is to drop the mode.
          American "partners" give a standing ovation.
          1. +53
            24 December 2018 08: 54
            Yes, no ..... it is necessary: ​​"to tighten the belts more", "to support the vertical of power", "to strengthen the bonds", "to start with oneself", "to work, work and work again" .... otherwise: " Do you want the Maidan? "," Do you want to give Crimea back? "," Do you want it, like in Ukraine? "," State Department agents? "," Liberals? " "bulked up?" and so on. That's more correct. wink
            1. -14
              24 December 2018 09: 18
              The funny thing about this discussion is that this -
              Quote: Mestny
              Yes Yes.
              All the space, go home.
              The most important thing is to drop the mode.
              I have repeatedly heard and seen both in TV and online reporting, and live at rallies (it happened once a couple of times), but this
              Quote: Snail N9
              "to tighten their belts more", "to support the vertical of power", "to strengthen the bonds", "to start with oneself", "to work, work and work again" .... otherwise: "do you want the Maidan?", "do you want to give Crimea? "Do you want it like in Ukraine?", "State Department agents?", "Liberals?" "bulked up?"
              heard only in forum squabbles. Officially, I have never heard anything like this from the authorities, unlike liberal-style screamers.
              1. +28
                24 December 2018 16: 17
                But what about "There is no money, but you are holding on!", "The state owes you nothing" and similar sayings?
              2. +3
                25 December 2018 12: 58
                Real quotes from Putin ..
              3. +1
                25 December 2018 14: 38
                If this is not official, then I don’t know
              4. -1
                27 December 2018 04: 55
                Forgotten, "you want it like in Paris?"
            2. +4
              24 December 2018 09: 25
              Finally, I met a person who sees how one training manual is fighting with another. Don't you think, dear, that both of them are printed in the same printing house? But what is the goal that a certain group achieves by playing off "protestants" and "patriots"?
              1. +14
                24 December 2018 10: 08
                Quote: Bolo
                Don't you think, dear, that both of them are printed in the same printing house? But what is the goal that a certain group achieves by playing off "protestants" and "patriots"?

                It may be rough, but they are bred like rabbits, and fish have always been caught in troubled waters. In general, now, with the advent of the Internet, the work on the selection of "personnel" for interested services has become much easier. Previously, installers, housing offices, conversations with neighbors, etc., and everything with legs and tongue. And now - I looked into social networks and the person laid out everything on himself, you don't even need to write anything, copied it and printed it into the case ... lol Again, a means of manipulating the masses .... Sometimes, especially on the eve of elections, you can read this .... in the heat of "holy fight" they drown themselves in feces. Who knows a lot about such work, it is sometimes funny and sad to look at all this mouse fuss. They gave people a kind of rubber-type simulacrum .. kgm .. for self-satisfaction, and so they play up, like - we solve important issues. But in fact, they replaced the port bag in the kitchen of the dissidents of the 60s-70s, with the Internet of idlers of the 2000s.
                1. +10
                  24 December 2018 11: 15
                  Quote: Captain45
                  But in fact, they replaced the port-bag in the kitchen of the dissidents of the 60s-70s, with the Internet of the loafers of the 2000s.

                  This is why hunting for "likes and reposts" is fantastic nonsense. Already now there is a tendency to transfer negativity to offline, and there they have long forgotten how to deal with it - as if not to get a handle on the forehead again.
                  The struggle with the "accursed manometer" has not brought anyone to any good.
            3. -18
              24 December 2018 10: 26
              Quote: Snail N9
              Yes, no ..... it is necessary: ​​"to tighten the belts more", "to support the vertical of power", "to strengthen the bonds", "to start with oneself", "to work, work and work again" .... otherwise: " Do you want the Maidan? "," Do you want to give Crimea back? "," Do you want it, like in Ukraine? "," State Department agents? "," Liberals? " "bulked up?" and so on. That's more correct.

              Aerobatics, standing ovation! That's right, but what do we want? And we all do it right! We’ll build a new world. Only there will be no Maidan, treacherous GDP with their I’ve agreed with my friends (we don’t give up yours, in your opinion)! So the elites are consolidating! What's interesting: Lived, lived, here Russia has declared its interests in the world! Immediately as if on command: Ukraine, in bloody Putin go away wink , Sanctions! I do not understand, what would it be?
          2. +20
            24 December 2018 09: 53
            Much of what is about to happen has not yet happened, but this does not mean that time has stopped, and the fate of the country and each of us has hung in the air. No, everything is going as it should be. If the country does not concentrate and does not take desperate efforts to break out of the stifling arms of the oligarchy, the gang of marauders will finally complete what it is so persistently striving for - it will sell everything that remains of Russia from the Soviet Union to slip like a mouse like a louse in the Golden Billion so lauded by these gentlemen. What will happen to Russia and the people has long been resolved and more than once publicly voiced. It is not so difficult to guess what is hidden behind such statements by the authorities and the fifth column caressed by them. Facts and logic leave no doubt about this. An example of this is how the West fostered fascism in Ukraine. Decades have passed, many top government officials, a party milestone and a significant part of the intelligentsia have been bought ... As for the author - are there so many such framers on the Internet? In general, the next article is a pitchfork on water.
          3. -3
            24 December 2018 10: 30
            "Let the party steer" ... It already happened, in 91. Everyone applauded ... violently and for a long time. So. After all, the main one is who will "steer" further. And for today
          4. +30
            24 December 2018 11: 48
            Quote: Mestny
            Yes Yes.
            All the space, go home.
            The most important thing is to drop the mode.

            it is you, the dogmas of the irremovability of power, that lead the country to the fact that soon ...
            Quote: Mestny
            American "partners" give a standing ovation.

            Maybe you’ll put Putin in the Mausoleum and will go to pray for it (God grant him health)
            Do you believe that a country is heading in the right direction?
            The question is "things in the country are going in the right direction", 4 years ago, 22% of the population believed, at the beginning of 2017 - as much as 40%, and today - only 1%.
            Forgot the history of the USSR? No power can withstand either the Guard or without it unless there is support from the people. And its power is rapidly losing. And the more power the nuts tighten, the stronger the recoil. Without the Internet, the buildup of the USSR went on for years, today, everything can happen very rapidly. And it is you, the dogmas of power, who are rocking the society, and it is you who work for American partners. As it is not paradoxical.
            What can you offer the country? To the rich rich, and the poor poor? This is today's reality.
            1. +20
              24 December 2018 12: 07
              Do you believe that a country is heading in the right direction?

              Well .... it depends on which direction to recognize as "correct" ...... One of the criteria of "correctness" for the modern ruling regime in Russia is to maintain the minimum wage level in the country for (in their opinion): 1-incentive to increase productivity labor, 2-creating an attractiveness of the labor market for investment. If we count "correctness" in this direction, then yes, "success is evident":

              Minimum salary in Latin America and Russia:

              Costa Rica - $ 438
              Chile - $ 418
              Uruguay - $ 415
              Ecuador - $ 386
              Guatemala - $ 356
              Paraguay - $ 355
              Panama - $ 318
              Bolivia - $ 300
              Argentina - $ 295
              Peru - $ 278
              Honduras - $ 252
              Colombia - $ 245
              Brazil - $ 244
              Russia - $ 166
              1. -7
                24 December 2018 20: 14
                At the same time, PPP GDP in Russia is 1,65 times higher than the Costa Rican one. Given the much worse Gini coefficient of Costa Rica compared to the Russian, the difference in our standard of living is even greater. A non-critical (arithmetic) approach to the economy and the labor market in a country leads to conclusions that are contrary to common sense. The leadership of Costa Rica that you cited, taking into account the differences noted by me, is overestimated only by 5,8 times. The trouble is when such economists begin to influence people.
              2. -1
                24 December 2018 20: 18
                Now columns of refugees from Honduras besiege the "Trump Wall". This is with their minimal salary. Go and get sick.
          5. +11
            24 December 2018 13: 05
            Maestney .. Today we have outwardly the regime of A. Medvedev and False Putin-3, (the third appeared a few months earlier. V, V, Putin has a square chin with a fossa, the rest of false Putin has a triangular chin without a fossa) and it lasts 18 years, already more than the reign of Leonid Brezhnev. During the stagnant period of Leonid Brezhnev, how much has been done and built in Russia, that's what during Medvedev and Putin's time? - the collapse of the last remnants of industry from the USSR and a complete transition to the "pipe", their only laying, and money from the wealth of the Russian Federation go abroad ... Conclusions?
        2. +25
          24 December 2018 09: 24
          Quote: Snail N9
          The author is simply, already, more cunning (hiding behind the notorious, allegedly, "exposure" of Kurginyan) is trying to be the advocate of the existing regime. The "entrance elite" has not gone anywhere, it also, as before, sits in the Kremlin, crowds at the throne and behind the throne, sits in the Duma and rules in the highest echelons of administrative power .... and still, it is looking for ways to "merge" with "the world community".

          I agree, Kurginyan has nothing to do with it. And Putin and his entourage commit the mistakes of the late Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin combined. Expensive officials again started the so-called "pull", if earlier it was covered with low salaries, now it is absolutely impossible to explain it. Again the idea of ​​"convergence" in the form of bargaining for the Kuriles, or maybe not bargaining. Again we endure all sorts of slaps in the face. Well, all the curtsies to the West and East, which are possible. Plus anti-social politics contrary to the Constitution.
          1. +12
            24 December 2018 12: 30
            Quote: Altona
            But Putin and his entourage make mistakes of the late Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin combined.

            If Putin understands this, then what can he do?
            If Putin does not understand this, then what kind of President is he?
        3. +1
          26 December 2018 05: 17
          Snail N9
          You can’t write better ... I fully support it.
      2. +24
        24 December 2018 09: 33
        Quote: Stas157
        Unsuccessful, I would call the experience, rather of modern capitalist Russia. Compared to the USSR, Russia is slipping down in all positions.

        The USSR developed many good things that were in tsarist Russia. He took the classical education system as a basis, took fundamental science and the scientific corps, took the basics of military science and most of the military and engineering corps. Speaking of "poverty of spirit", for some reason they forget that the USSR was the most reading country in the world and books were published in millions of copies, professional, artistic, in art and languages, whatever. It is books, not waste paper as it is now. In the mid-1980s, the USSR had an excellent scientific, engineering and production groundwork and personnel to carry out any tasks. But there was a sudden "bourgeoisie" of consciousness. China understood what had happened. If that level of comfort was enough for yesterday's peasants, it is no longer for their educated children.
        1. +10
          24 December 2018 12: 13
          Thinking about education? ..... No-e-we have no time, and we don’t need to .... we need to think about "pipes", they are more important, well, about "zircons", how can we do without them, but education .. ......

          1. +21
            24 December 2018 12: 32
            Quote: Snail N9
            Thinking about education ?.

            you just need to read books by authorities, not grandmas
          2. +6
            24 December 2018 16: 44
            Quote: Snail N9
            Thinking about education? ..... No-e-we have no time, and we don’t need to .... we need to think about "pipes", they are more important, well, about "zircons" -how

            I never thought that teachers in Mexico have such high salaries .. Thank you, very interesting and clear.
            1. +10
              24 December 2018 17: 15
              And there, in Mexico, everything is interesting. They have adopted the program of "entering the" first world ", read it - they now have one of the highest growth rates in the economy ....
          3. -8
            24 December 2018 20: 20
            Only stupid graduates of impoverished Russian teachers can develop and make "Zircons". Although, according to the indicators you cited, this should be done exclusively by Mexicans. And the victories of our schoolchildren at the Olympiads are awarded out of pity for their teachers.
          4. 0
            25 December 2018 12: 34
            You play numbers. In the previous comment, you compared Russia with Latin America, then with developed countries. And why do not you compare with the whole world? Come on, tyrnet will endure everything, unlike fragile brains.
          5. -2
            25 December 2018 12: 57
            I would half the Russian teachers and this would not pay.
          6. +4
            25 December 2018 13: 07
            I’m afraid that not every teacher with us gets 32 thousand a month ..
          7. -1
            26 December 2018 10: 45
            Quote: Snail N9
            Thinking about education? ..... No-e-we have no time, and we don’t need to .... we need to think about "pipes", they are more important, well, about "zircons", how can we do without them, but education .. ......
            - Well, you just forgot the formula of the USSR: "You won't go to the medical school, you will go to the pedagogue !!!" and the fact that the salary of teachers was in the region of 90 rubles - which is less than the average 120 in the country ...
            The Americans, too, ruled the USSR and the oligarchs?
      3. +21
        24 December 2018 10: 10
        I would add: to speak simply about the USSR is a waste of language. USSR - it is different. The Stalin of the thirties, the post-war Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev - these are, in fact, different countries that, if anything, have a common territory and population, but different in power and structure of the economy, different levels of democracy, different ways management. Let me remind you that socialism can be very different - both the Chinese model of Mao, and the socialism of Pol Pot and Yeng Sari, and, finally, Swedish. Common in them - only some scenery and declarations. And in the social plan - from complete slavery to broad democracy. The only thing I agree with Kurginyan: we lack catastrophic ideological system, clear goals, cementing society. And religion is only an ersatz of ideology, double blooming on an ideological wasteland. It’s always like this: cut down a garden - everything will grow into a burdock.
      4. -2
        24 December 2018 11: 17
        Quote: Stas157
        I'm not very good with Kurginyan

        dialogue with him is not possible, does not accept another point of view at all, theoretically savvy - agitator in one word.
        1. 0
          26 December 2018 14: 14
          does not accept another point of view at all

          Not only does he not accept, he, relying on the point of view of the opponent, pounds on the head of the author with it.
          1. 0
            27 December 2018 07: 36
            but in the end it expresses only its view as the only true one.
      5. -4
        25 December 2018 16: 22
        1) You somehow did not notice that the Russian Federation feeds itself ... and to the full, but the Soviet Union could not ... bully
        2) The advanced positions of the USSR were in very narrow areas of science and technology, were achieved at the cost of robbing the peoples of the country, especially the Russian ... request
        3) The superpower status of the USSR also gave nothing to the peoples of the USSR - our resources were torn off from the development of the country and they went to support and feed God knows who around the world ... request
        can make a conclusion and not repeat mistakes? feel
    2. +14
      24 December 2018 08: 03
      And after the intervention, you forgot to say that how many of us have not yet been recognized and have made super-intrigues, for example, with the sale of technology and everything else in the West for grain (products) and the rejection of gold. Or how after the war with the Poles across the border from their territory gangs came and robbed, and the movement of the Basmachi ????? Which was FULLY on providing Great Britain and which of us drank enough blood and much more.
      1. +21
        24 December 2018 08: 06
        I would argue with the author about the degeneration of the "entrance" elite. She was and remained in power. And now it is even more "frankly entered".
    3. +12
      24 December 2018 14: 51
      Weak Kamenev in Kurginyan to compete. The level is not the same. Rhetoric on that and rhetoric, which is issued impromptu and depends on the level of education, knowledge gained, and to whom it is intended .. winked
    4. 0
      24 December 2018 18: 17
      The anti-advisers are silent about this ...
      1. +3
        25 December 2018 14: 06
        Viktor Kamenev YOU (are you) really fucked up by classifying Kurginyan as an extremist? you are weak Vit, on the knees, to compete with Seryoga ... honestly. I have been following Kurginyan for a long time - it’s adequate, I like it. You’re Victor, let’s gut the "inside" ... support. Yes
  2. +42
    24 December 2018 05: 44
    When Kurginyan claims that the "entry elite" continues to rule the ball in today's Russia, he contradicts many facts, starting with the 2007 Munich speech of Vladimir Putin

    And what isn’t that so ... listen to Chubais, Kudrin, Medvedev finally ... these people can tell a lot of interesting things about the shadow side of their business ... what we are not supposed to know by status ... read about Deripaska and Rusale, which the Americans crushed the government didn’t strike a finger under itself and to save this tidbit of Russian property from Deripaska or from the Americans ... a crook.
    When Kurginyan talks about the development of a person’s creative potential, this is good in the theater, but this is hardly a good way to solve the problems of the modern world.

    He correctly says ... how to make inventions and various technologies without a human eureka? ... to steal something or how the Chinese do it ... good engineers, scientists, technicians, hard workers on the street do not wallow, they need to be grown like diamonds in special conditions.
    Despite his eccentricity, Kurginyan is the right person ... very erudite and knowing what to say ... there would be more of these in our elite.

    1. +21
      24 December 2018 05: 49
      Look how far the Chinese have stepped up developing the potential of their people ... their people ... and now compare with what is happening here.
      1. +22
        24 December 2018 06: 17
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        and now compare with what is happening with us.

        What's going on? Thoughts that it is easier to steal than to create slowly and surely supplant all desires for creation. A once healthy organism with clear-cut functions and movements is clung to with parasites that do not create anything, but only think about where else to settle down. They fixed the essence of their existence with the postulates of laws, elevated them to the rank of "taboo". They do not hesitate to lie, get into the treasury, provide greenhouse conditions for the existence of parasites close to them. The country is quietly and consistently turning into a territorial space, where citizens, divided into castes, live according to concepts and laws, only in the part concerning them.
        1. +16
          24 December 2018 09: 35
          Quote: ROSS 42
          What's going on? Thoughts that it is easier to steal than to create slowly and steadily supersede all desires for creation.

          People entering the corridors of the Government say that there are not even close bodies for planning the country's development there. There are only taxes and budgets.
        2. +6
          24 December 2018 11: 26
          Quote: ROSS 42
          A once healthy organism with clear, well-functioning functions and movements is covered in parasites

          You are describing the decomposition phase of a corpse, so the word "parasite" is not entirely appropriate here.
          Rather, these are reducers, in any case, judging by their terminology: wherever you stick, everywhere there is a "environment", then "investment", then "attractive", then some other kind. They will not calm down until everything is processed into humus.
      2. +25
        24 December 2018 06: 40
        Victor, dear ... If the West really squeezes people from the Kremlin’s environment, then they will be the first to sweep away their boss ... Big business is not aimed at rebuilding Russia. Yes, to get big benefits in offshore.
        1. +25
          24 December 2018 06: 59
          Quote: 210ox
          Victor, dear ... If the West really squeezes people from the Kremlin’s environment, then they will be the first to sweep away their boss ... Big business is not aimed at rebuilding Russia. Yes, to get big benefits in offshore.
          .... Often we observe non-fulfillment of presidential decrees .... we have not yet dared, but - they are not executed from year to year ..... It is generally not clear why the author decided that there was no entry elite in the Russian Federation? Unclear! If you ask the search engine a question about the ministers of the Russian Federation who have left to live abroad, then the headings are like this: over 13 years, 20000 millionaires left the Russian Federation, and also that there are many times more people leaving the Russian Federation than statistics indicate
          1. -5
            24 December 2018 09: 20
            Quote: Reptiloid
            If you ask the search engine a question about the ministers of the Russian Federation who have left to live abroad, then the headings are such --- 13 millionaires left Russia for 20000 years,

            So who exactly were you looking for in the search engine - ministers who left for the West or millionaires? recourse
            1. +4
              24 December 2018 21: 08
              Quote: Captain45
              So who exactly were you looking for in the search engine - ministers who left for the West or millionaires? recourse
              I did the above several times in the morning. There was no direct answer about the ministers, but there were exactly the same answers. Different sites. I will try differently with questions. However, the figures given by years show that the richest people are in a hurry. Elite? Try it, see the numbers ....
      3. 0
        24 December 2018 20: 43
        They stepped well 300 million poor, 70% of old people do not have pensions at all, and production is mostly a copy of foreign achievements.
        1. +4
          25 December 2018 14: 41
          You navigate there now. China has long been not what it was 10 years ago. The average salary is higher than in Russia.
          1. -1
            26 December 2018 10: 51
            Quote: Henderson
            You navigate there now. China has long been not what it was 10 years ago. The average salary is higher than in Russia.
            -Then they should not have production cheaper than in Russia.
            The law is the same for the whole world - where they pay less, then it is profitable to produce.
            And something Western companies did not rush out of there, and should have ...
            1. -1
              26 December 2018 11: 02
              Quote: your1970
              then they should not have production cheaper than in Russia.

              Why is this? With sufficient mass and robotization it will (and there are) cheaper than semi-handicraft assembly in the Russian Federation.
              Quote: your1970
              Western companies did not rush from there

              Western (and not only Western) companies are slowly moving their production to other countries. Including such giants as Sony, L'Oreal, Microsoft, Sharp, Revlon. The list is quite long.
              1. +1
                26 December 2018 14: 01
                the word "slowly !!!!" - most importantly, they also smell sanctions against China and the level of salary has nothing to do with it ...
                1. -1
                  26 December 2018 14: 14
                  Automation of production in developed countries plays a role here. And the work of the robot is the same everywhere. At the same time, the Chinese began to lift their prices. Look, for example, Chinese top-end smartphones are already not much cheaper than the same Apple or Samsung.
                  1. +1
                    27 December 2018 08: 41
                    Quote: Henderson
                    And the work of the robot is the same everywhere.
                    "And the work of a robot adjuster? Why then did everyone run away to China from Japan, where is the overdrive of robots? From the USA?"
                    I do not observe the general getaways - there is a smooth flow due to US sanctions, no more ...
                    1. -1
                      27 December 2018 13: 04
                      One person serves many cars. Labor productivity per person in automated production and artisanal production are not comparable. For example, the difference in labor productivity between Russian and American is about 9 times.
                      The United States did not impose sanctions against China. Therefore, what you observe there I do not know. But obviously not an objective reality.
                      1. +1
                        27 December 2018 18: 22
                        Quote: Henderson
                        The United States did not impose sanctions against China.
                        -increasing customs duties - this is no longer sanctions, this is a customs war ...

                        Quote: Henderson
                        Therefore, what you observe there I do not know. But obviously not an objective reality.
                        - I won’t argue that s / n grows in China and it’s wonderful. As they grow to American, in general they will be happy .....

                        wait and see...
                      2. -2
                        28 December 2018 12: 00
                        Quote: your1970
                        -increasing customs duties - this is no longer sanctions, this is a customs war ...

                        war is not war. But the United States is China's main economic partner. And just yesterday, China refused to make payments in national currencies with Russia. In other words, the ruble is insignificant for China. But the dollar remained.
                        Take it as it is.
    2. -12
      24 December 2018 09: 11
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      ... to steal something like that the Chinese are doing ...
      ... how far the Chinese have taken to develop the potential of their people ...

      And they’re doing it right. Thieves are those who introduce licensing - it is they who deprive us of the right to development. The Chinese didn’t give a damn about all kinds of licenses and how they rushed.

      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Kurginyan ... very erudite ... there would be more of them.

      Tell me, what kind of USSR 2.0 is he going to build:
      Trotskyist-Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev-Brezhnev or Gorbachev? What does he say about this? Indeed, some people think that the return to the USSR of 2.0 is a return to Stalin, and some dream of Gorbachev’s times, times of perestroika and lawlessness. And someone dreams of the times of Trotsky, when for a word a Jew was shot on the spot without trial. Someone dreams of the times of Brezhnev, when we ourselves were without pants, but fed the floor of the World ...
      1. -2
        24 December 2018 11: 26
        Quote: Boris55
        but they fed half the World ...

        didn’t you hear about Maduro’s arrival in Moscow? How many greens + wheat were rolled off Maduro? and Venezuela is already slowing down interest payments on our previous loan. military base in Venezuela? after its opening (sooner) Maduro will not - will the Americans remove what has changed with feeding?
        1. +2
          24 December 2018 11: 50
          Quote: akunin
          didn’t you hear about Maduro’s arrival in Moscow? How many greens + wheat were rolled off Maduro? and Venezuela is already slowing down interest payments on our previous loan.

          As I understand it, you condemn the period of the reign of Brezhnev and those who are stepping on the same rake today? I just don’t understand why you have an avatar with a portrait of him?

          About the money. For us, money is a matter of survival. In politics, money is a subject of management. If our rulers support other countries and at the same time our welfare at least does not fall, then for God's sake - the security and prestige of the country in the international arena must be won (bought). If the authority of the country is won due to the suffering of its citizens, then such leaders must be driven.

          So I did not hear in which USSR Kurginyan calls us?

          1. +6
            24 December 2018 12: 27
            Well, personally, you shouldn't worry about "what kind of USSR" Kurginyan is calling us ... You and Putin are forever ...
            1. -10
              24 December 2018 12: 47
              Quote: kepmor
              Well, personally, you shouldn't worry about "what kind of USSR" Kurginyan is calling us ... You and Putin are forever ...

              You do not know?

              Does this mean that Kurginyan is another hunchback? He once threw the word to the people restructuring and what started? Some began to work twice as good, others to steal twice as much and the country was gone. Kurginyan glory of a hunchback does not give peace to sleep?

              About Putin's. As long as they strive to gain the sovereignty of the country, I will support them. I will never support the exploitation of man by man, even Putin’s, even Medvedev’s.
          2. +5
            24 December 2018 12: 44
            yes kurginyan, for me, radish is not a good person (wherever he calls me with him on the way). I do not blame the Brezhnev period, but
            but fed the floor of the World ...
            I condemn.
            In politics, money is a matter of management.
            most of all, I don’t understand why wasting money on a dead maduro horse? I need to invest money and not give out (I don’t see any investments)
            nor does our well-being at least fall,
            mine is falling, among people close to power is growing.
            the authority of the country in the international arena must be won the same (buy)
            who has Maduro (Venezuela will forget about our help as soon as Maduro goes into the fog).
            If the authority of the country is won due to the suffering of its citizens, then such leaders must be driven.
            I completely agree with you. Are you surrounded only by well-fed and satisfied? But I am only hungry and not happy (whom I know from well-fed or close to power (feeding trough) or to shoot or shoot).
            1. -6
              24 December 2018 12: 59
              Quote: akunin
              yes kurginyan, for me, radish is not a good person

              I agree.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +6
    24 December 2018 06: 05
    “Kurginyan forgets that in 2014 there was a question of bringing our troops to Ukraine, that is, there was a high probability of a war with the West, according to Putin, with the“ NATO legion ”in Ukraine. , then they refused to send troops due to the country's economic unpreparedness for a military confrontation with the West, came to the conclusion that it takes at least two years to solve the most important economic and military-technical problems, information about this was in the open press. weapons began to enter the troops only in 2018. "

    It is terrible for the people of Novorossia when you read such a friendly "information chorus".
    ps Well, and the article is the PR of S.E. Kurginyan. ... This is from the series: Limonov - "nationalist", Prilepin - "militia", Navalny - "opposition", etc.
    1. +13
      24 December 2018 06: 27
      By the way, they then refused to enter the troops because of the country's economic unpreparedness for a military confrontation with the West, came to the conclusion that it takes at least two years to solve the most important economic and military-technical problems

      They decided ... then what? ... a vicious Russophobian state was formed on the Russian border.
      I also hope that there will be no war with Ukraine ... but let’s be realistic ... we will have problems with Ukraine for decades to come ... in all areas it will spoil us like the Anglo-Saxons and we will spend our resources now on Ukraine .
      Where is the guarantee that Ukraine will not be drawn into NATO or forced to arrange an armed provocation against our country ... and now this threat will be constant.
      Imagine what the United States would do if such a threat were at their borders ... they would not even stand on ceremony.
      1. +7
        24 December 2018 11: 49
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        what's next?
        Ukraine will not resolve further (as in that advertisement), I’ve been talking for the fifth year already. At this stage, it’s only liquidation with a section, the time when they could take everything has passed.
  5. +7
    24 December 2018 06: 41
    I wouldn’t attribute Kurginyan to the liberals, for the simple reason that he was Primakov’s assistant.
    said instead of the word "provocation" "squeeze." Maybe in order to calm the excited viewers.
    about the theater, so it is around us.
  6. +17
    24 December 2018 06: 45
    What is the "brilliance" of Kurginyan, the respected author has shown, and what is "poverty", sorry, it is not clear.
    But let's get it in order.
    The first impression is that the author is familiar only with Kurginyan’s last speech in the program with Kulikov. Therefore, it simply does not know that the USSR-2.0 project is based on an analysis of the reasons for the failure of the USSR project, ideological and economic and metaphysical.
    1. -7
      24 December 2018 08: 57
      Honestly, if this project had been presented in a more intelligible language, it would have been much better for its implementation.
      “Does he exist?” - I just want to shout theatrically into space.
      1. -4
        24 December 2018 14: 25
        “Does he exist?” - I just want to shout theatrically into space.

        Plusanul. The only correct question in the whole discussion: The "specter of communism" wandered around Europe, and by morning it had vanished. But what a harmonious science was "scientific communism". Here you have both the productive forces and the relations of production, which begin to hinder, and therefore are replaced. And the man is "new". I tried to imagine - well, the planet became depopulated in 1980, everything except the USSR. One language, they are able to feed themselves, no one interferes. Would an unbreakable balance be established? If so, at what level? Eh, to look a thousand years ahead.
  7. +13
    24 December 2018 06: 45
    Perhaps USSR-1 was in a less aggressive and hostile environment.
    .... Where did the author draw such conclusions from? ... It turns out that until 1941, the good countries of the West together helped the USSR build socialism ... During the Great Patriotic War, they stood up on his chest in defense, after the war, began to destroy their colonial system ... and all this for the sake of the USSR? .. They began to create a friendly environment for him ...
    In fact, an attempt to completely abolish the social and estate inequality by force of the state apparatus did not lead to the "kingdom of freedom", but to equalization and stagnation in the lower strata of society, and to the dictatorship of the party bureaucracy from above.
    .... This is generally pearl ... And the slogans climb: Down with social equality! Long live the class society! Privileges for certain classes! .. What we are actually observing now ... Chubais, Brilev, Kiselev, Svanidze and the like probably crying reading this article .. Expressing my sincere gratitude to the author .... Joined .... I am not a supporter of Kurginyan, a populist, earns political capital and does not make bad money ... He reaches for the feeder ...
    1. +10
      24 December 2018 07: 13
      The impression is that not only the thesis cited by you, Alexei, but also the other theses of the author ----- slogans that do not correspond to the truth. There are no practical examples. Where did the author get his claims? There are no figures in the article, no facts.
      The author mentions Kurginyan’s knowledge of the Soviet elite after birth, but the author himself, I wonder how he got his knowledge?
      The mention of a one-time speech in court is valuable in that it applies to many speeches and articles today. A good example.
      1. -9
        24 December 2018 08: 54
        Where do you get confidence from? Impressions are not proof either.
    2. -11
      24 December 2018 08: 53
      The author does not write about this. He writes that the good intentions of social equality have led to this.
      How did it happen, and why? Why will it fail again?
      People do not seem to have changed.
      1. +7
        24 December 2018 11: 03
        Quote: Mestny
        The author does not write about this. He writes that the good intentions of social equality have led to this.
        How did it happen, and why? Why will it fail again?
        People do not seem to have changed.

        People have just changed!
      2. +4
        24 December 2018 20: 56
        Quote: Mestny
        The author does not write about this. He writes that the good intentions of social equality have led to this.
        How did it happen, and why ?.
        You see, you yourself noticed that there is no answer to this question. From what did the author draw this conclusion? Different authors have different answers to this "why" that have nothing to do with social equality, and there are also explanations.
  8. +20
    24 December 2018 06: 52
    When Kurginyan claims that the "entry elite" continues to rule the ball in today's Russia, he contradicts many facts
    And you have forgotten how joyfully and obsequiously "our elite" applauded the American senators. It was immediately clear who are the servants who are the masters ........
    1. -2
      26 December 2018 11: 14
      Quote: 72jora72
      When Kurginyan claims that the "entry elite" continues to rule the ball in today's Russia, he contradicts many facts
      And you have forgotten how joyfully and obsequiously "our elite" applauded the American senators. It was immediately evident who the servants were who were the masters........

      -And when Stalin entered - Churchill stood up and extended his arms at the seams (according to his own memories !!!). Churchill - Stalin's servant ????
      fool fool fool
      People greeted people who had never before been in such quantities before. To support and remove stiffness ..

      Now, if they happily clapped those leaving, there could be doubts. And even that could be according to the principle, "a woman with a cart ..."
  9. +20
    24 December 2018 06: 54
    To the author ... You would argue with Kurginyan in a personal meeting. And more ... Why, according to recent polls among people, are you homesick for the USSR?
    1. -25
      24 December 2018 08: 51
      Because some of them are playing in their ears - "in the USSR everything was given for free."
      And now, you see, they don’t. But I want to.
      1. +13
        24 December 2018 12: 37
        stupid and disrespectful to the bulk of our people ... would be ashamed to write such a heresy ...
        people are not fools or freeloaders ... people just want to live more or less normal in a country where there is at least some kind of social justice and hope ...
        1. -7
          24 December 2018 15: 43
          people are not fools or freeloaders.

          That is, they will go to work on a construction site, if it is possible for the same money and "respect" to sit in the warmth? People are freeloaders. They are made industrious by the system of coercion and reward, material and moral. And in the USSR in the 80s, this system collapsed, losing the competition in the economy to that very hateful "capitalism". And there was no "socialism" in the USSR. There was capitalism in its last stage - a monopoly of power, property, means of coercion for everything by a handful of people. Though veiled. Even if the "supreme monopolists" are highly moral and work "for the soul." The entire population was, in fact, hired workers without property, selling only their own labor. All over the world this is called capitalism.
          1. -2
            24 December 2018 20: 34
            And to whom did the hired workers sell their labor? Well, I know the party nomenklatura, to which there were complaints about black Volgas and official dachas. The communists were getting rich. They were much richer than the current owners of yachts, football clubs and castles. The whole country plowed for them. Disorder. So they destroyed this unjust country without property. And now they began to dream again about the return of that unjust system.
            So understand who has no heart and who has no mind.
            1. +1
              26 December 2018 11: 36
              Quote: GUKTU76
              They were much richer than the current owners of yachts, football clubs and castles.
              No, not richer ... They AUTHORITIES was many times more than the current ones ...
              And money without power is ZERO ...
              1. -1
                26 December 2018 12: 00
                Maybe the opposite? Power without money is zero? Power without money is selfless service to the people.
                1. 0
                  26 December 2018 13: 28
                  Quote: GUKTU76
                  Maybe the opposite? Power without money is zero? Power without money is selfless service to the people.
                  - Section 100 of GUM? "Eliseevsky"? Uzbek business? Brezhnev's diamonds? Zhukov's trophies (4km (!!!!) tissues including)?
                  "December 17, 1982 - a month after the death of Brezhnev - Nikolai Shchelokov was dismissed from the post of minister in connection with an investigation into corruptionstarted by Andropov after the murder by police of the KGB major Afanasyev. A comprehensive audit of the activities of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs during the leadership of Shchelokov carried out at the direction of the new Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR V.V. revealed a large number of abuses."?

                  sheer disinterestedness, yeah, yeah .... so rushing ....
                  1. 0
                    27 December 2018 07: 49
                    So this is power for the sake of money. However, they could not use the money that the stolen Soviet party functionaries earned. Everything lay in small capsules and in the end turned out to be in state ownership. What pleasure can bring power, which can not use it in their favor, I can not imagine. Maybe that's why perestroika was started. So that you can turn power into material wealth. Only a completely blinkered representative of the liberal intelligentsia can not understand this.
                    1. +2
                      27 December 2018 11: 40
                      Quote: GUKTU76
                      Everything lay in small capsules and in the end turned out to be in state ownership.
                      -All-all? Sure? I-no, moreover, I am SURE that God forbid if 10 percent was confiscated ....
                      "In the second half of the 1970s, the General Director of the Trade and Production Company" Ocean "Ye. B. Feldman and the director of one of the brand stores" Ocean "Fishman got into the field of sight of the workers of the KGB of the USSR. from the Union, taken there hundreds of thousands of rubles (!!!!!!!!!!!!!), exchanged them for currency, and then smuggled them to the West.
                      Quote: GUKTU76
                      What pleasure can a power that cannot "use it" to its advantage, I cannot imagine.
                      -power IS ALWAYS can be used to your advantage
                      "In 1976 Minister fishery, Hero of Socialist Labor and holder of five orders of Lenin Alexander Ishkov has achieved through the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Kosygin for the ministry the right to trade in our own products. It was then that “real money” appeared in the system of the ministry, which slowly but surely turned into bribes. Five all-Union associations were formed in the Ministry of Fisheries, the largest and most profitable of them - Azcherryba, headed by former hero-tanker Ivan Denisenko. "
                      Shel 1977 (!!!!!!!) year. In Moscow, the head of Soyuzrybpromsbyt Rogov and the deputy minister of the fishing industry Rytov were arrested for bribes. And in place of Rogov Denisenko was appointed. In his new position, Denisenko was in charge of, among other things, the distribution of fish delicacies in the country. And he could easily send 30 tons of red caviar to Georgia, and 200 – 300 kilograms to other republics. Ivan Fedorovich, who was absolutely not alarmed by the fate of his predecessors (Rogov was sentenced to a long term, and Deputy Minister Rytov was shot), not only immediately switched all the Georgian bribe-givers to himself, but also added new ones. "-

                      They completely stole themselves peacefully ... but perestroika didn’t even smell ....
                      1. -1
                        27 December 2018 15: 57
                        Good arbiters of the destinies of millions of Soviet people. And their fate: "(Rogov was sentenced to a long term, and Deputy Minister Rytov was shot)"
                        But don't worry. Believe that under the Soviet Union, everyone was slaves. And there was capitalism in the USSR. Simply because some of the thieves "were not at all alarmed by the fate of his predecessors."
                        But it seems to me that in vain you are trying to make yourself worse than you are. Svidomo never adorned anyone. You need this for the resources of your like-minded people.
                      2. +1
                        27 December 2018 18: 18
                        Quote: GUKTU76
                        The arbiters of the fate of millions of Soviet people are good.
                        -what is-there will be no others
                        Quote: GUKTU76
                        Svidomo never adorned anyone.
                        -a closing eyes with a palm and talking "in the Communist Party all the saints were !!!" it helps a lot in life.
                        Only then watch how idols turn out to be bullshit - it hurts, eyes hurt.
                        In principle, it is enough for me that 16 million communists have profiled the country ineptly - and now they are shouting "We were deceived !!!" .....
                      3. -1
                        28 December 2018 10: 53
                        I was one of those 19 million communists. And my position at that time was this: you do not want to live under socialism, you want only the saints in the CPSU — get and sign for stupidity and greed. Russia reached the level of consumption in 1989 only in 2006. Ukraine is still very far from that level. For that - not slaves.
                        That's how it turns out. They were free people, they worked for themselves and their country - that means they were slaves. Now the majority works for the owners - they have become free.
                        So everything is fair. According to the mind and the result.
                      4. +1
                        28 December 2018 12: 50
                        Quote: GUKTU76
                        To level consumption 1989 of the year Russia came out only in the 2006 year.
                        - consumption of what? !!Cast iron? Maybe ... or electricity ...
                        and if for example soaps, then it was already in pieces by coupons in 89. And I sent a bathhouse soldier’s sent from all over with parcels ...
                        about tangerines - generally keep quiet ...
                        just offer modern youth wait queue for a car for 5 years, and then buy not the one you want - but the one that will be allocated. I don’t even want to remember the "vykhodalshchik" of the USSR times
                        And so in everything more or less interesting ....
                        The words "Blat" and "Scarcity" were not invented yesterday or even in the 80s, alas ..
                        anecdote about "He is disabled - the hand remained in Moscow !!" told me in the early 80s ..

                        Well, then your party members decided
                        Quote: GUKTU76
                        And my position at that time was this: you do not want to live under socialism
                        - and started to sooooo quickly grab and share ....
                        for example, we have all living farmers who were either ancestors or collective farm engineers ...
        2. -6
          24 December 2018 20: 45
          "People are not fools and not freeloaders" - Unfortunately, half of the population meets these criteria.
  10. -22
    24 December 2018 07: 03
    Kurghin-funny dreamer with well-hung tongue ...
  11. +13
    24 December 2018 07: 12
    It’s funny. The author calls the liberals-marginals Nadezhdin, Nekrasov, etc., and he speaks their language!
    The article is a continuous personal article on the author Kurginyan flavored with ur-patriotism, implicated in liberal anti-Sovietism.
    One would like to ask: “What do you smoke”?
    1. +11
      24 December 2018 11: 02
      Quote: Old Tanker
      It’s funny. The author calls the liberals-marginals Nadezhdin, Nekrasov, etc., and he speaks their language!
      The article is a continuous personal article on the author Kurginyan flavored with ur-patriotism, implicated in liberal anti-Sovietism.
      One would like to ask: “What do you smoke”?

      He does not smoke anything, he simply defends the bourgeois with all his might. The ordered item.
  12. +5
    24 December 2018 07: 18
    Here Kurginyan will be surprised - what is he accused of!
  13. +26
    24 December 2018 08: 00
    Author. Kurginyan heads the Essence of Time movement. In the Kostroma region. they have a commune where they WORK, and not whip with tongues. And everything is correct about the power, otherwise how to explain the unsinkability of Chubais. You can't argue against facts.
    Therefore, Viktor Kamenev, your propaganda is weak.
  14. +17
    24 December 2018 08: 07
    the author is unconvincing in criticizing Kurginyan ... his argument was taken from perestroika times, and is very flawed, The issue of entry elites is just as relevant, there is no need to hope that the elites have become patriotic - the issue is about price, Gorbachev and his comrades have made a lot of money, it's just bargaining. .. The word communism causes horror - the reflex is created ..., saliva flows. In essence, Kurginyan offers a compromise, and an acceptable way out of the hole where the country is ... and the elite. Russia was late in building a liberal society ... it makes no sense to build a Wright brothers plane in the age of jet aviation ...
  15. +3
    24 December 2018 08: 38
    Just leave it here for the author of the article
  16. -18
    24 December 2018 08: 49
    Quote: ROSS 42
    Thoughts that it is easier to steal than to create slowly and steadily supersede all desires for creation. A once healthy organism with clear, well-functioning functions and movements is surrounded by parasites that do not create anything, but only think about where else to attach.

    Once a healthy body?
    Is it not the case that in 1991 ordered a long life?
    1. -6
      24 December 2018 16: 00
      Is it not the case that in 1991 ordered a long life?

      You can't do this with your opponents, just use heavy artillery. They are fighting honestly "on hand". They begin with the moral qualities of a person. And you are in their forehead "Your morality gave birth to an organism that is dead." It's a shame.
      1. +3
        25 December 2018 13: 22
        "... morality gave birth to an organism that died." It's a shame. "
        No morality can produce an organism ...
        In this case, one should be offended only by the inferiority of one's own allusions.
  17. -16
    24 December 2018 09: 50
    The main question of the USSR - 2 - is the question of power, "the dictatorship of the proletariat - 2", and Kurginyan may well push Russia to a dictatorship, but it will not be "the dictatorship of the proletariat - 2", but rather the dictatorship ... of the antiproletariat, as it happened on Ukraine, mini-post-USSR.
    1. +10
      24 December 2018 12: 20
      Quote: Victor Kamenev
      The main question of the USSR - 2 - is the question of power, "the dictatorship of the proletariat - 2", and Kurginyan may well push Russia to a dictatorship, but it will not be "the dictatorship of the proletariat - 2", but rather the dictatorship ... of the antiproletariat, as it happened on Ukraine, mini-post-USSR.

      I think the main question of USSR-2 is in whose hands the means of production, raw materials, and state monopolies will fall. And this is a review of the results of privatization. Power will not voluntarily do this. And without this basic basis, no socialism can be built. IMHO !!!
      1. -5
        24 December 2018 16: 12
        . .
        . And without this basic basis, no socialism can be built.

        And with this basis they built? Who was in the way? But the second time "we will definitely build"? "Marxists", yours ... Yes, according to Marx, socialism can be built in a single country. Only simultaneously, only in the most developed burls. countries "slowly ripen" should. Lenin was impatient. He took it and said - you can. And the argument is "iron" - "Marxism is not a dogma, but a leadership ...".
        1. +4
          25 December 2018 09: 40
          Quote: dauria
          And with this basis built?

          Built. They won the war with all of Europe. We went into space. Reached Mars and Venus. Free medicine and education.
          Lenin was patient. On the eve of the February coup d'etat, he said that the current generation of Bolsheviks would not see the socialist revolution in Russia. Who is to blame that gentlemen liberals / democrats will prepare the ground for this event for some six months. And the first three months WITHOUT PARTICIPATION of the Bolsheviks? Lenin came to Russia in APRIL 1917.
          1. -2
            26 December 2018 12: 20
            Quote: sergo1914
            Built. They won the war with all of Europe. We went into space. Reached Mars and Venus. Free medicine and education.
            -after which these same people-IMPOSSIBLE all profiled .....
            And don't talk about "Deceived!" - deceive only the one who is ready Fooled
            1. -1
              26 December 2018 20: 05
              Quote: your1970
              Quote: sergo1914
              Built. They won the war with all of Europe. We went into space. Reached Mars and Venus. Free medicine and education.
              -after which these same people-IMPOSSIBLE all profiled .....
              And don't talk about "Deceived!" - deceive only the one who is ready Fooled

              The same? Profuka completely different people. And here's how they gave them a fuck ...
              1. +2
                27 December 2018 11: 54
                Quote: sergo1914
                Quote: your1970
                Quote: sergo1914
                Built. They won the war with all of Europe. We went into space. Reached Mars and Venus. Free medicine and education.
                -after which these same people-IMPOSSIBLE all profiled .....
                And don't talk about "Deceived!" - deceive only the one who is ready Fooled

                The same? Profuka completely different people. And here's how they gave them a fuck ...
                - okay !!! in power were people aged 35-40 years old - not older ????
                And if older - it is they
                Quote: sergo1914
                They won the war with all of Europe. We went into space. Reached Mars and Venus. Free medicine and education.

                All born after 1930 years participated in profiling, all 100%
  18. -16
    24 December 2018 09: 58
    Let it build what it wants - the USSR 2 makes cubes of the house or builds a dog house for dogs, but it doesn’t bother with politics and economics.
  19. +21
    24 December 2018 10: 01
    “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” the Bible says.

    There are no such words in the Bible. In principle, this could be finished - it’s enough for a clever man. But I will have to continue, at least for the sake of the author himself.
    When citing the texts of the Holy Scriptures (the Bible, the Koran, Upanishads, etc.), it is customary to write in parentheses from which book, chapter and verse a particular quote is given. For example: "Do not judge, lest you be judged" (Matthew 7.1) - which means - the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 7 verse 1. If you take this correct quotation as a rule, you will not have to sit in a puddle, as it is today.
    The example shows the superficial nature of the article and the thoughts contained in it, as well as the superficial nature of the education of its author. It was precisely due to the Dunning-Krueger effect that the author came up with the idea to criticize Kurginyan, even the intellectual difference did not bother him.
    Is the time really gone when articles went to publication from an overabundance of people's knowledge and thoughts? No, and in our community we have decent people who do not speak often, but from an overabundance of knowledge and thoughts. But the mass media are in demand for "cavalrymen" with quickly moving fingers across the keyboard. Perhaps this is what we need, I myself am not far from them. But even in the retelling of Kurginyan's thoughts by the author, one cannot fail to see in them a simple and clear idea about the priority of social harmony for the normal development of society, about the priority of a fair distribution of surplus value in society for its health and development. And you need to be a heavily biased fee to disagree with this.
    1. +10
      24 December 2018 10: 12
      Quote: Galleon
      Good intentions pave the way to hell

      The authorship of the expression is often attributed to the English writer Samuel Johnson.
      “Hell is paved with good intentions”
      The most likely original author of the dictum is considered the English theologian of the XVII century George Herbert
      “Hell is full of good meaning and wishings” - “Hell is full of good intentions and desires”
      This dictum echoes the dictum from the book of Jesus, the son of Sirach: “The way of sinners is paved with stones, but at the end of it is the abyss of hell” (Sirach. 21:11).
      And this is not at all a defense of this author, whose works I read for laughs and for stating a change in the course of propaganda.
      In the article, Kamenev decided once again to extol the modern HPP ..
      even the USSR did not face such "difficulties" as the Russian Federation now ... laughing
      yes, of course .. the Russian Federation survived a couple of years of decay, famine, global civilian, 2MB, a fierce war in the burning form along the borders ...
      shock therapy does not draw on any of the comparative features ...
      what is the justification of the young capitalist predator? (RF)
      The author’s goal has turned into a farce ... even the object of humiliation looks better.
      1. +3
        24 December 2018 10: 23
        Dear Antares, thank you for clarification. If you quote, you need to know its origin.
        1. +4
          24 December 2018 10: 39
          Thank you, but in Kamenev’s articles this rule has little effect ..
    2. +6
      24 December 2018 11: 07
      The Kamenevs are not readers, they are "writers"!
    3. -3
      25 December 2018 01: 06
      on the priority of fair distribution of surplus value in society for its health and development

      And I, perhaps, will not agree. What does “fair distribution” mean? If neighbors have three skins, but in the country there are only two, is that fair? And there will be no development? England in the 19th century did not develop and was not healthy? Or was it fairly distributed there at that time? It will not do "justly", but enough so that they do not grumble or grumble, and taking into account the apparatus of coercion and deception. If only to keep up with the neighbors. Otherwise they will come and "appoint" their justice. And justly the surplus value was distributed in the late USSR. "To lie for a ruble, to run for three" was already invented then.
  20. +8
    24 December 2018 10: 21
    Weak article, Kurginyan is not as primitive as Kamenev wants to expose him. And Kamenev himself what is capable of, except for, engage in criticism? The topic is very serious, to discuss it from the bay-floundering.
  21. -1
    24 December 2018 10: 37
    I remembered Kamenev, the times of Lenin-Stalin, and what he finished with. Now Kamenev-2 is drowning in the same spirit. Will he end up with something?
  22. +7
    24 December 2018 10: 44
    Such conversations, which the author starts here, only say that you do not want to change anything. Kapitalizm, postmodern is bad, but there is no alternative. And the people live worse and worse ... if you just sit back or stick your head in the sand the situation will not improve. If you don’t even know the way to a brighter future, then you still need to turn off the path to chaos. Where? Yes, even where, but there you look at the gully and get out!
  23. +11
    24 December 2018 10: 56
    Until 2014, Kurginyan was a singer of power, now, if you look at him in YouTube, he is a grave digger of power. He quite logically predicts the collapse of the existing system, something that we are breaking spears on in. I don’t know what Kurginyan is going to build, but at the moment he is saying quite real things. Although there is an opinion that his game is on the instructions of the authorities, one of the towers.
    What he claims is the king is good, the boyars are bad. But the tsar chose the boyars himself, they did not fall from the moon. Where did the Kudrins, Medvedevs, Zolotovs and the like come from? so there are inconsistencies among everyone and even Putin. Nothing is perfect
    1. +2
      24 December 2018 11: 28
      reasonable remark, on the one hand, Putin claims the impossibility of a return to socialism, and on the other-- Kurginyan ... they send signals to someone ....
    2. A V
      24 December 2018 12: 11
      Kurginyan was never a power singer. He supported specific points of Putin's foreign policy, but he always emphasized that Putin did not overcome the regression in domestic politics, but only slowed it down - and without a change in anti-Soviet course, the collapse of the country is inevitable.

      Kurginyan in 2011 in the lectures "The Essence of Time":
      I have shown such a curve many times: first, under Yeltsin, collapse quickly, in a parabola, goes down. So fast that the country could hit the bottom already in 2000. Under Putin, this line straightens and goes down smoothly. For everyone at the peak, slow motion seems a lot more
      convenient. But this slow motion to the same point - the point of the final collapse. No one leads up!
      How many times have I talked about this? Lots of. And this represents for me the axis around which all ideas about what is happening revolve.

      And from there:
      In order to be in the current political system, one must not be outside the framework of the anti-Soviet consensus (that is, not where your humble servant is), but anywhere inside it. Because there is a systemic co-optation into the space of anti-Soviet consensus. But outside the framework of this co-optation is not. And all the talk that we supposedly “support Putin”, that we have some kind of “consonance of souls”, is complete nonsense.

      Today, Putin is completely unprepared to break the framework of anti-Soviet consensus. He has now banned a pro-liberal turn and himself has remained between centrist and nationalist forces. And the whole political system is here. She does not know,
      where should she go. She does not want to move into nationalism. This contradicts a lot. But she does not go beyond the framework.

      And I am convinced that only a transition to a space outside the framework - serious, systematic - can ensure the stability of the country and the reversal of negative trends.

      Kurginyan in 2012, at a rally on Poklonnaya (they didn’t show this on TV - they shamefully cut off):
      Now people with very different ideas about the good will appear on the stage and appear before you.

      These are people who believe in the course of Vladimir Putin.

      These are also people who believe that Putin will abruptly change course.

      These are people who, like me, AGAINST [his] course. I am FOR the Soviet Union! For the RED project!

      But in order for us to fight here for different projects, we need RUSSIA, and our enemy wants to ruin it!
      1. +5
        24 December 2018 12: 28
        maybe you are right. I did not read it
        1. -5
          24 December 2018 15: 28
          These are people who, like me, AGAINST [his] course. I am FOR the Soviet Union! For the RED project!

          But in order for us to fight here for different projects, we need RUSSIA, and our enemy wants to ruin it!

          And no one sees the maneuver in this place?
    3. -2
      24 December 2018 20: 48
      Directly predictive 3000 - it predicts everything, but it doesn’t come true, however, as with most Internet recordings.
  24. +16
    24 December 2018 10: 56
    The article is a lie, Marxism is turned upside down by the author!
    In this regard, the theory raises big questions "Marx's spirit»Kurginyan
    What kind of spirit is Marx? Where does this nonsense come from? Soul, spirit are all idealistic categories, and Marx was a materialist!

    and to equalization and stagnation in the lower classes of society, and to the dictatorship of the party bureaucracy from above, and to the "entry elite
    The social system has nothing to do with it! This is just a consequence of the revival of the bourgeoisie as a class and, as a result, the modern Russian Federation with all its shortcomings that are characteristic of any country with a capitalist structure of society. But the social system is to blame for the author!The author carries out banal manipulationbut really clumsy, sit down 2!

    When Kurginyan claims that the “entry elite” continues to rule the ball in today's Russia, it contradicts many facts, starting with the 2007 Munich speech of Vladimir Putin, which marked the abandonment of the former policy of “entry” under the conditions of the West and the transition to a policy of protecting national interests Russia, to the policy of geopolitical security from the West.
    This is generally funny, especially after raising the retirement age.

    In USSR-2 Kurginyan everything can be repeated from the beginning, why not?
    Because the level of productive forces is an order of magnitude higher! There will not be such a deficit as in the USSR, which, with all its might, should have developed to satisfy the needs of the population. Because despite all attempts to fool the population, the population of modern Russia is still more educated and smarter than Russia 1917, and will figure out who to support and master Marxism faster and deeper than previous generations.Because the mastery of Marxism by the overwhelming majority of the population is the mechanism that once and for all will destroy the possibility of restoring the bourgeoisie in the new USSR.In other words, everyone will know in whose class interests one or another servant of the people acts, there will be no talk of any elitization of power.

    And the Marx rake will hit us on the forehead again.
    The rake of capitalism is now smashing on the forehead, but the author is bashfully silent about this!

    Lenin, in fact, repeated Marx, talking about the free creativity of the masses of working people freed from exploitation
    So what do you author take words out of context?
    Lenin spoke of the free creativity of the masses, but this free creativity should come from class interests and practical necessity. And not by and large as the author, the author thinks abstractly.

    The author serves the interests of the modern bourgeois system of the Russian Federation. The article is completely false.
    1. -2
      26 December 2018 12: 29
      Quote: free
      and to equalization and stagnation in the lower classes of society, and to the dictatorship of the party bureaucracy from above, and to the "entry elite
      The social system has nothing to do with this!
      -Oh well....
      about потолок in the salary under the USSR remember?
      about the fact that 1 secretary of the district committee decided - when to sow / when to harvest, remember?
      about the elite? Churbanov, Shchelokov and so on - no? they were not the elite hour?
      Quote: free
      Lenin spoke of the free creativity of the masses, but this free creativity should proceed from class interests and practical necessity.
      - i.e. if a ruling class, and it doesn't matter which one - the bourgeoisie or the proletariat - is itching to see a movie, will everyone watch a movie? and it doesn't even matter - the "Prize" or "Stalingrad", all the same, there and there lies ...
      1. -3
        26 December 2018 18: 32
        Quote: your1970
        Quote: free
        and to equalization and stagnation in the lower classes of society, and to the dictatorship of the party bureaucracy from above, and to the "entry elite
        The social system has nothing to do with this!
        -Oh well....
        about потолок in the salary under the USSR remember?
        about the fact that 1 secretary of the district committee decided - when to sow / when to harvest, remember?
        about the elite? Churbanov, Shchelokov and so on - no? they were not the elite hour?
        Quote: free
        Lenin spoke of the free creativity of the masses, but this free creativity should proceed from class interests and practical necessity.
        - i.e. if a ruling class, and it doesn't matter which one - the bourgeoisie or the proletariat - is itching to see a movie, will everyone watch a movie? and it doesn't even matter - the "Prize" or "Stalingrad", all the same, there and there lies ...

        Do you even understand what nonsense you wrote?
        1. +2
          27 December 2018 11: 46
          Quote: free
          Do you even understand what nonsense you wrote?

          and you Stupidity considered?
          That the ceiling was OFFICIAL in s / n?
          Or the fact that the Ruling class dictated HIS will in creativity?
          Quote: your1970
          free creativity should come from class interests and practical need
          -so this is not what I said at all ...
          Or what lies in the "Prize" and "Stalingrad" (Bondarchukovsky)? Have you ever heard that in the days of the USSR, hard workers took and returned the prize - and LEGALLY earned?Oh well...
          What did 1 secretary decide? so to confirm this, it is enough to read "Virgin Soil Upturned" or "Eternal Call" to look, it can be clearly seen ...
          1. -1
            27 December 2018 14: 26
            Quote: your1970
            Quote: free
            Do you even understand what nonsense you wrote?

            and you Stupidity considered?
            That the ceiling was OFFICIAL in s / n?
            Or the fact that the Ruling class dictated HIS will in creativity?
            Quote: your1970
            free creativity should come from class interests and practical need
            -so this is not what I said at all ...
            Or what lies in the "Prize" and "Stalingrad" (Bondarchukovsky)? Have you ever heard that in the days of the USSR, hard workers took and returned the prize - and LEGALLY earned?Oh well...
            What did 1 secretary decide? so to confirm this, it is enough to read "Virgin Soil Upturned" or "Eternal Call" to look, it can be clearly seen ...

            The stupidity is that you do not separate the Stalinist USSR from the USSR of the times of Khrushchev, or Brezhnev, but these are qualitatively different models of the structure of society. You do not understand or do not want to understand that not everyone who called himself a communist is really him. Worse than ever, the bourgeoisie again began to raise its head, and what you pointed out is a direct consequence of this rebirth.
            This is your stupidity.
            1. -1
              27 December 2018 14: 51
              Quote: free
              not everyone who called himself a communist is he really

              Even if he was accepted "into the ranks"?

              Convenient position, to some people: what good is all communists. And just as a communist did some kind of trouble, he’s not a communist at all, wink
              1. +1
                27 December 2018 18: 07
                Quote: free
                You do not understand or do not want to understand that not everyone who called himself a communist is really him.
                -a cool !!!
                each subsequent leader of the CPSU said - that the previous nifiga are not communists, moreover - and around him quite often they are not communists at all - but Trotskyists / deviators / voluntarists / "and who have adopted Shepilov" / who sold perestroika / "fell under the oligarchy" .....
                What labels did they still like to hang ??
                And mind you, for any objection you immediately slide into
                Quote: free
                This is your stupidity.

                And do not bring reasonable arguments.
                Even yours
                Quote: free
                The stupidity is that you do not separate the Stalinist USSR from the USSR since the time of Khrushchev, or Brezhnev, meanwhile qualitatively, these are different models of society.

                only says that for you Constitution of the USSR - filkin letter.
                And it, by the way, was the same for all the types you named "different models of society."
                And if the CPSU was the main law of the state before the bullet, this means only one thing: each leader of the CPSU molded the state for himself beloved with complete plevism on Marxism-Leninism .....

                ZY let alone the fact that "not everyone who called themselves communists are such" - we know, we saw how 16 million party members ineptly profited both the party and the country
  25. 0
    24 December 2018 11: 04
    And someone can tell about the role of Kurginyan and his movement in the war in the Donbass?
    1. +5
      24 December 2018 11: 39
      Quote: Andrey VOV
      And someone can tell about the role of Kurginyan and his movement in the war in the Donbass?

      in my opinion a dark story
    2. A V
      24 December 2018 11: 55
      A good article on the topic was:
    3. -6
      24 December 2018 20: 48
      Empty space is his whole role.
  26. +6
    24 December 2018 11: 08
    And the entire "economic block of the government", the last of the fat cattle - Gaidar, is not the "entry elite" is it ???
  27. -8
    24 December 2018 11: 35
    But can Kurginyan be taken seriously. Among show-talkists, it’s generally difficult to meet adequate people. Kurginyan always begins his monologues with seemingly correct words, calmly, carefully, but already for 20 seconds loses the thread of reasoning, breaks into hysteria and turns speech into a confused set of meaningless phrases, slogans and emotions. And most importantly - I’m very pleased with myself.
  28. +7
    24 December 2018 11: 37
    Kurginyan himself could envy such a number of exclamation marks.
    For the "entry elite" this is an unthinkable statement of the question!

    It seems to the author that the elites are rarely united, and in those years there really was a fairly influential group that held patriotic views, and subsequently, apparently, was completely defeated.
  29. A V
    24 December 2018 11: 40
    Quote: nikvic46
    I would not attribute Kurginyan to liberals. For the simple reason that he was Primakov’s assistant.

    In fairness, Kurginyan was not Primakov’s assistant. He did not enter power, although he was offered to become a deputy in the early 90's.

    And Kurginyan had nothing to do with liberals - the liberals cursed Kurginyan in Perestroika when he joined the CPSU (from which the liberals fled and burned party cards) and began to save the USSR.
  30. +8
    24 December 2018 12: 17
    To refute K.Marx or, for example, S.Kurginyan it was necessary to study very well. Time is lost, and time is the only irreplaceable resource. In addition, the level of awareness of S. Kurginyan about what the modern world is and what the modern political and economic system is, who are its prominent representatives today far beyond the horizon of his critics. I want to be understood correctly: it’s not someone else’s preferences, but in the course of a historical process that develops according to objective laws. These laws must be a) discovered, b) applied at the right time in the right place, c) prepare for the right moment to come. Lenin, a few months before the February (socialist!) Revolution, wrote that he, the old man, would probably not survive. What happened next we all know.
    We have big problems and there are a huge number of simple and incorrect solutions to them. So S. Kurginyan must learn to listen, try to figure out what he said and what is behind his estimates and forecasts.
    1. 0
      26 December 2018 12: 31
      Quote: iouris
      Lenin, a few months before the February (socialist!) Revolution, wrote that he, the old man, would probably not survive. What happened next we all know.
      - "bourgeois" both in fact and in name ... if anything ...
  31. +5
    24 December 2018 12: 22
    The 1991th (December 26th) year of the collapse of the USSR. According to Marx, the bourgeoisie came to power, with all the ensuing consequences. The period of the initial accumulation of capital and then the attack on the rights of workers. Do not judge by words, judge by deeds.
  32. +6
    24 December 2018 12: 44
    "Democratically or under the control of the" Essence of Time "movement, or some" dictatorship of the proletariat "?
    Actually, if someone offers their own development model, then this model should be built under the direction of the person who offered it. Or will we commission Nabiulina, Siluanov and Medvedev to build communism?
    Howls about Marx are ridiculous. Our country has unique experience in building a left-conservative model of society. The society that many still remember well is not communism. This is what remains of Stalin’s plans after Khrushchev mutilated everything he managed.
    And Stalin was not at all dogmatic. A Marxist dust jacket was needed so as not to distract the people from work. The economy under Stalin was very mixed. Even Khrushchev did not have time to destroy everything. I well remember how the same Chechens traveled around the country with artels and built cowsheds on collective farms, etc. Not to mention the gold mining cooperatives.
    Therefore, we must return (taking into account current realities) to the development vector that Stalin outlined.
    Who has not read - read the charges that were brought against Beria. Very informative and opens his eyes to the true goals of Stalin. Reducing the role of the party, refusal to build a communist society in the GDR, etc. Just a remaster. In a good way, he would not have merged that country and would not allow others. Excessive faith in people let me down.
  33. +5
    24 December 2018 13: 10
    1. These sentiments regarding the Russian elite exist today, but it does not take state decisions today!
    It is interesting, and where then are the children of this elite who takes state decisions today!
    2.a to leveling and stagnation in the lower classes of society
    This is probably why the West has a progressive tax scale, but not in Russia.
    1. -9
      24 December 2018 20: 55
      In Russia, the progressive scale will not work, and if it is introduced, ordinary citizens will suffer first of all, since all entrepreneurs, compensating for the costs of these taxes, will proportionally increase the cost of the final product - in all areas. At present, from 18 to 26 million people do not pay taxes - and in this case they will not pay, more than half of the population.
      1. +2
        25 December 2018 19: 31
        Quote: Vadim237
        ordinary citizens will suffer

        Quote: Vadim237
        Now we do not pay taxes from 18 to 26 million people

        How to suffer if they do not pay taxes.
        We have not only a flat tax scale, but also large capital receives a tax deduction.
        In addition to the progressive scale, I would generally abolish taxes for those whose income is less than 0,5 million per year, one mark with them.
        1. 0
          26 December 2018 12: 33
          Quote: naidas
          How to suffer if they do not pay taxes.
          - so suffer
          Quote: Vadim237
          proportionally increase the cost of the final product - in all areas.
  34. +7
    24 December 2018 15: 27
    Well, for a wise guy who cite the fact of Putin’s Munich speech as one of the main facts of denying the absence of an entry elite in Russia with the help of the Donbas and joining the Crimea here, I can say that the author does not understand that the elite does not consist of one person and almost half of the Russian government and there is that same entry group in the elite, but people like Nikulin, Nadezhdin, Nekrasov and fishermen have nothing to do with the elite, neither in terms of knowledge, nor in their ability to analyze events, and about Marx, let him try to refute the basis of the economy capitalism - the law of surplus value
    1. +4
      25 December 2018 13: 04
      Well, you’re right straight from the trump cards ... you can’t do that, by God)
  35. +6
    24 December 2018 15: 49
    The order according to Kurginyan is clear, he holds the wrong song by those holding power !!! Therefore, atu him, so as not to tweet .. !!
    Only here is the question that any sane citizen of Russia faces, and where are we going, what is our goal, what are we building or want to build .... !! ???? The president said that there is no return to socialism ..... which will further drive our bureaucracy, bankers, the oligarchy and other cohort of people who today thrive under his leadership, to continue to do what we see and give Russia, sadly , 1-2% of GDP growth, which, considering how it is considered, is within the arithmetic error. But the gain is quite real for those who plunder and plunder our natural resources today, contribute to the prosperity of other economies in the camp of our enemies, taking out there not only the looted capital, but also dumping themselves there with their households !!! We invest in America’s well-being, and we keep our economy on a starvation diet while hoping for foreign investment, which, taking into account the US and Western sanctions, is leaving us more than they are coming. At the same time, we are tasked with making a technological breakthrough, figuratively speaking, jumping into the last carriage world technical progress ... !! Only who will be the jumpers is a corrupt bureaucracy and hedgehogs with them, so they already have everything to one degree or another, like the oligarchic stratum of our society, and the rest, even if they wish, sometimes simply do not have the opportunity. They did not have time to announce about raising the minimum wage, raising pensions, benefits, etc., when the mechanism for raising prices, taxes, fines and tariffs started working, which is unlikely to make 2019 less stressful and difficult for the population than in 2018. And this is not the splendor and poverty of Kurginyan, but the splendor and poverty of our economic policy and the people who head it in the government !!!
  36. Cop
    24 December 2018 16: 17
    So our president said not so long ago that they say we no longer have socialism and will not have it ..... You, Mr. Kamenev, as I understand it, share his point of view and therefore criticized Mr. Kurginyan. Let's leave the motives behind this criticism on your conscience, but what did you modestly keep silent about how the Chinese comrades got around the "Marx rake"?
    1. 0
      26 December 2018 12: 37
      Quote: Cop
      have the Chinese comrades bypassed the "Marx rake"?
      -and didn’t get around ... 3 people shoot corrupted people a day, it doesn’t help, they have million dollar wagons with them, their means of production are also the majority
  37. +4
    24 December 2018 17: 25
    With his position, the author is trying, as it were, to legitimize the existing unfair world order. And what about the USSR 1, the experience of its construction can be not only useful in the future, but is already being applied in China. I believe that the author is an ardent Westerner with all the ensuing consequences, and is not looking for ways to make the country happy and prosperous.

  38. -10
    24 December 2018 18: 19
    Kurginyan has many worthy interlocutors "in the dustbin of history". (Ivashov, Prokhanov, Kiselev, Baranets, Soloviev, Mikhalkov, etc.). Flag, a large Flag in hand, and the anthem, repeatedly rewritten, to the same place!
    1. -7
      24 December 2018 20: 58
      Yes, they are all old "clunkers" - efficiency 0%
    2. +1
      25 December 2018 17: 10
      irazum! You’ve got a strange vinaigrette.
  39. The comment was deleted.
  40. +5
    24 December 2018 19: 36
    These sentiments in the Russian elite exist today, but it does not take state decisions today!

    Yes, but participating in the economy it makes economic decisions. Hence the withdrawal of capital, investing money earned in Russia in various Western assets, etc.
    Long overdue nationalization of the economy in the form of nationalization of the elite.
  41. +4
    24 December 2018 19: 39
    “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” the Bible says.

    this is not there !!!
  42. +5
    24 December 2018 19: 51
    the same thing happened with the good intentions of the "dictatorship of the proletariat": they ultimately led to the party dictatorship in the country and to the degeneration of the Soviet elite into the "entryist" one.

    The fact of the matter is that the dictatorship was very conditional. There was "democratic centralism" that is, internal party democracy. ... It was the internal democracy in the CPSU that made people like Gorbachev and Yakovlev at the head. And the party bosses like Ligachev and Kryuchkov could not do anything with them.
  43. -9
    24 December 2018 21: 22
    Reconstruction of the USSR is objectively impracticable. Bolshevism has completely discredited itself. The Russian leadership may try to build a Horde under the guise of a united Eurasia, a "special path" or something else, but not under a red flag.
  44. +4
    24 December 2018 22: 35
    Mergers elit could not have happened. The mentality of the Soviet elite is boyars and slaves. In their homeland in the USSR they were the boyars, but we have climbed out of them servile slaughter, servility, denunciation. We have many of them in London, and their children too. It is interesting that in their circle they are puffing in front of each other, but as soon as the matter concerns us, it is immediately bowed down. They are all agents of influence and very diligent. But the funny thing is that everyone knows this and your intelligence and the rest of the elite and not only do not make noise, but rather contribute to them in the hope that they too will be able to settle down.
  45. +5
    24 December 2018 23: 15
    For those who squeal about the dictatorship of the proletariat, I want to say that it is very possible that a dictatorship awaits us around the corner. No, not according to Marx, just a "dictatorship". It can be seen that the guard is getting tired. Chubais again complains about the people.
  46. +3
    25 December 2018 01: 54
    If someone is interested in Kurginyan’s answers to all the claims stated in this article (there are 2), then here they are:
  47. +3
    25 December 2018 01: 56
    Quote: Mestny
    Yes Yes.
    All the space, go home.
    The most important thing is to drop the mode.
    American "partners" give a standing ovation.

    Complete distortion of the facts! Or did you forget that it was Kurginyan who led the masses of the people against the opposition rally on Bolotnaya Square?
    By the way, at this time the authorities were in a state of shock in their stupor. But after the meetings, Kurginyan woke up in her support and began to clean up the protest electorate.
    So Kurginyan proved himself to be an active supporter of the Putin regime and ... unwittingly, a defender of Gref, Na.bulina, Medvedev and the like "entrance" elite.
  48. The comment was deleted.
  49. -6
    25 December 2018 03: 37
    Extremely sinister figure. It seems to be an important staple of Western imperialism, mimicking the Soviet socialist restorer. Provocateur and organizational saboteur. The manufacturer of pseudoscientific simulations and the distributor of information fakes. It is possible that it takes aim at a coup.
  50. +10
    25 December 2018 08: 02
    Yes. Kurgirnian sometimes has some inconsistencies in judgments, although very insignificant ... but let's ask ourselves - WHO MANAGED THE COLLECTION OF 1 MILLION SIGNATURES ON CARRYING OUT A REFERENDUM ON PENSION REFORM? Zyuganov? Zhirinovsky?

    Kurginyan !!! It is Kurginyan !!! It is the "Essence of Time" !!!

    And it was under his leadership that all these signatures were collected, but Putin chose not to notice this, as he pretended not to notice the huge poster announcing this million signatures at his press conference a few days ago!

    And you still continue to believe after that OUR "guarantor" Putin?
    Especially after back in 2005 he declared that while he was president, he would oppose raising the retirement age ... laughing lol winked
    Then I’m truly sorry for you ...
    Naivety is a terrible thing when it comes to the basic survival of older people ...

    For today PUTIN us guaranteed only an increase in the retirement age, which means mass deaths of people of pre-retirement age, who, through his efforts, will remain without a livelihood (try now to find a job at 50-60 years old?), which means they will simply die of hunger or elementary cold due to the impossibility of paying communal apartments ... How? Do you like these iron "guarantees" of future mass deaths? Whether there will still be ... Appetite comes with "eating" ...
    And this is only a small part of what Putin guaranteed to us ...

    But MYSELF and to his buddies - oligarchs, he ironically guaranteed protection from scary for them progressive tax!
    Nowhere in the world thisbut Putin has it! His shirt is closer to the body.
    He still has nothing to lose ... the last term ... What will happen next - do not care! "Guarantee"...

    And Kurginyan - well done! Respect to him and respect! good
    1. +9
      25 December 2018 13: 00
      which else our the guarantor? in the Russian Federation, the ruling class is the bourgeois. The president is a representative of the ruling class. They are not "ours" to us ...
  51. +4
    25 December 2018 15: 20
    When Kurginyan argues that the “entry elite” continues to rule the ball in today's Russia, it contradicts many facts, starting with Vladimir Putin’s Munich speech on 2007, which marked the rejection of the former “entry” policy on the terms of the West and the transition to protecting national interests Russia, to the policy of geopolitical security from the West. Most of the iconic "entrants" have long gone into the West, Boris Berezovsky, so directly into the English land, tied with a white scarf.
    Is there no other elite besides Putin? Yes, everyone from the head of the district to the head of the police department has a house in Montenegro, an account in Switzerland and a son at a European university... Our elite dreams, for the most part, of becoming European burghers, and not arbiters of destinies in their homeland...
    1. +3
      25 December 2018 17: 04
      Our elite, for the most part, dreams of becoming European burghers, and not arbiters of destinies in their homeland...
      They are the arbiters of our destinies, humiliating and destroying the country of Russia.
  52. 0
    25 December 2018 15: 52
    Hmmm, a new reading of Kurginyan.
    Kurginyan offers another UTOPIA and does it beautifully as a director.
    Actually, Kurginyan is a specialist in SYNTHESIS, which is greatly facilitated by his profession as a director. There are many analysts, but there are very few synthesis specialists capable of perceiving the situation as a whole, in its complex totality, and Kurginyan is one of them.
    As for utopia, once upon a time flying into space seemed like science fiction (read: utopia). But life has shown that MAN, if he wants, can turn fantasy into reality.
    I understand Kurginyan and his desire for USSR -2.0 as follows:
    capitalism (where the main thing is profit, and the quality of a person is not important), on the one hand, especially at an early stage, promoted scientific and technological progress, and on the other hand, it was not at all interested in the moral education of a person.
    Everything would be fine. But!
    But capitalism gave rise to many contradictions (not only economic, but social, psychological, moral), which resulted in conflicts. The latter were resolved through warriors (WWII, WWII).
    That's just nt. progress contributed to the creation of weapons of mass destruction, including atomic bombs.
    In essence, the threat of human self-destruction arose.
    If you look at the world through this prism, it turns out that in order to prevent the destruction of living things, it is necessary either to abandon NT. progress (which is no longer possible), or change the MAN himself, i.e. to raise a new, truly humane person.
    But capitalism, as a project, does not do this (for it, the main thing is profit at any cost).
    The only project that sets the task of raising a new moral person is the communist project.
    As we see, the choice is not great: either we educate a moral person, or we self-destruct.
    Hence, presumably, USSR-2.0
    Russia can be the first to start moving in this direction, and the rest of the world (if it wants to survive) can join Russia.
    If he doesn’t want to, that means TMV, don’t go to grandma’s here. Yes
  53. +4
    25 December 2018 16: 14
    The author’s opinion, in my opinion, reflects panic in circles rejecting the Soviet experience.
    For thirty years there has been no ideology, the future is vague, and no solutions are in sight. The government is run by an “amateur” who doesn’t really know what he’s “managing”!
    1. +3
      25 December 2018 17: 01
      If only he were alone.
  54. +2
    25 December 2018 16: 49
    There is no doubt that the degenerated Soviet elite played a much greater role in the fall of the USSR than the CIA and the US State Department combined.
    Let's just say that the search of the "respected" departments of the Main Opponent you indicated for the "necessary" degenerated candidates among the Soviet political class of the middle and top level was crowned with success - they found each other, so it is more a question of mutual "wants"! lol
    1. +1
      26 December 2018 12: 42
      Quote: Radikal
      among the Soviet political class of the middle and upper level were crowned with success -
      -Do you know what “democratic centralism” is in the USSR? If it pushed to the top
      Quote: Radikal
      degenerate candidates
      - this means that such a party had already rotted to zero by that moment and was UNABLE to nominate worthy ones...
  55. +3
    25 December 2018 17: 00
    It is not Kurginyan who is full of exaggerations, but the author of this article. I advise him to re-read what he wrote.
  56. +1
    25 December 2018 17: 03
    The article does not stand up to any criticism at all, so much so that I don’t even want to comment on anything. How can you oppose any character if, let’s say, “yesterday” he was a member of the party, an employee of the KGB - i.e. a defender of the foundations of the system under which he was born, an opponent of the countries of the Main Enemy, and conditionally “today” is the main opponent of what he wanted to devote his life to? So it is with the author, who, being an adept of the degenerate, trying to criticize someone in his article, claims to be objective, and almost the ultimate truth! Well, what can we talk about here? winked lol
  57. +3
    25 December 2018 17: 42
    To the author of the article (background):
    1) about "entry" and Putin here - "Putin and his boyars - who will gather whom? Kurginyan on politics - The meaning of the game 131"
    Marx eventually came to the “dictatorship of the proletariat” as an instrument of spiritual progress.

    What are you talking about?? What is "spiritual progress"?
    "The dictatorship of the proletariat is a scientific definition of the essence of the state power of the proletariat and the entire political system, established as a result of the liquidation of the capitalist system and the destruction of the bourgeois state machine. The dictatorship of the proletariat is necessary for the working class for the entire period of the revolutionary transformation of capitalism into socialism"
    [ of the Proletariat]
    Socialism is the first phase of the communist formation, based on public ownership of the means of production, but still retaining remnants of unequal rights in that distribution is made according to labor.
    What does Kurginyan think about building USSR-2? Democratically or under the control of the “Essence of Time” movement, or some kind of “dictatorship of the proletariat”?

    - development new political language with the maximum possible for modern times “adopting” meanings from the classical Soviet-Marxist one with the establishment of political interaction with national and religious communities;
    (28:00-30:30) “What should the revival of the USSR be like?”
    Only with the introduction in our days of the necessary class of society “cognitariat”.
    relying on the “potential of humanity” tells us nothing about the essence of solving the problems of humanity, placing their solution in the future, following Marx and Lenin

    How can he not speak? Here are specific goals for you - we are winding down the “postmodern”, we are organizing an acceptable and closely monitored the range of private production of goods is wide. consumption, carefully We establish connections between the communist power structure and religious and national formations. About the common new political language that permeates all the administrations involved - it was said above + I will add: before the creation of the proletarian party there was also no common political language. language. The Marxist one was taken and powerfully reworked with fundamental “additions to suit itself.”
    5) And about the ascent of man and about the spirit - this is the need to consider and include it in the general economic vector of development, which is visible in the most contrast only today. Otherwise - deviation, excess, lack of goals and vector of implementation - in short, species-scale descent.
    * * *
    P.S.: A child does not learn to walk in one day. But it’s better to try a few times and beat your knees than to lie around and be constantly moved by someone - you lose some independence.
  58. 0
    26 December 2018 00: 23
    It's hard to think of anything more stupid.
  59. 0
    26 December 2018 14: 15
    Entering into a debate with a person who firmly believes in what he says and does not accept or does not want to accept someone else’s opinion is a thankless task. But if we talk about the chain of historical events that entailed the transformation of Russia into an enemy of Western Europe and the United States, at least in words, then we should point not to the President’s Munich speech, but to the refusal of General Motors and the German government to sell the Opel plants "to the Magna-Sberbank consortium. Russia was simply thrown out of the market for the latest technologies, showing it its place as a raw material appendage of the “civilized world.” Of course, our people could give up on this, not the first time, they experienced other things. But to some in the notorious “entry elite” (in the terminology of a comrade), such a decision seemed discriminatory, and minimizing this refusal would require the investment of huge funds and an n-amount of time. Those. the discussion about what came first, “the chicken or the egg,” rests on ordinary economic relations, which inevitably entail changes in social relations, etc. That's what we see. Not everyone in Russia is destined to sell “hemp, honey and tar and canvas.” I want something more.
  60. 0
    26 December 2018 16: 17
    Quote: your1970
    Quote: Radikal
    among the Soviet political class of the middle and upper level were crowned with success -
    -Do you know what “democratic centralism” is in the USSR? If it pushed to the top
    Quote: Radikal
    degenerate candidates
    - this means that such a party had already rotted to zero by that moment and was UNABLE to nominate worthy ones...

    Read my comment carefully - it says nothing about 6 million ordinary communists. Well, secondly, read the next comment after the first... sad
  61. +1
    26 December 2018 21: 43
    Well, if you compare Kurginyan and the author of the article, then Kurginyan wins unconditionally. Although somewhat emotional, Kurginyan quite reasonably proves the correctness of his point of view. In principle, he defends the plan of economic reforms in Russia, which Andropov nurtured. Here many will scream: “The KGB again.” But you don’t need to listen to these. Kurginyan is right, a return to socialism in Russia can really accelerate economic recovery. The PRC confirms the correctness of this point of view. Here you have socialism and capitalism in one bottle. Moreover, the whole world calls the results of such a symbiosis the “Chinese miracle.” But the “entrants to Europe” put a spoke in the wheels in advance and try with all their might to slow down the development of the country’s economy. It's not beneficial for them. And while the Kudrins, Grefs, Zadornovs and Chubais sit in Moscow and try to spin the steering wheel so much that we all feel sick. After all, Chubais was offended by the people. That's how ungrateful he is. I robbed him, but these people don’t say “Thank you” to me. Just imagine the level of impudence. So think about which path to take. Along the path of the “Chinese miracle” or along the path of Chubais’ lawlessness? I think the solution is obvious. It is simply necessary to use the positive experience of other countries in developing the country’s economy and infrastructure. Why reinvent the wheel when there is already one invented and tested. If the Chinese achieved such a “miracle”, are we really worse? But the potential for such a development path is quite high even now.
  62. 0
    27 December 2018 08: 45
    Quote: your1970
    and the fact that teachers’ salaries were around 90 rubles - which is less than the national average of 120...
    The Americans, too, ruled the USSR and the oligarchs?

    Since the 80s, teachers' salaries have been raised very well, understanding the importance of the specialty.
    Our physicist earned about 400 rubles, although he had a lot of hours.
    1. +1
      27 December 2018 12: 35
      Quote: Nait
      Quote: your1970
      and the fact that teachers’ salaries were around 90 rubles - which is less than the national average of 120...
      The Americans, too, ruled the USSR and the oligarchs?

      Since the 80s, teachers' salaries have been raised very well, understanding the importance of the specialty.
      Our physicist earned about 400 rubles, although he had a lot of hours.
      -and my aunt, being a teacher, received a total of 152 rubles for the highest category and clubs, which aroused wild envy among her colleagues
      If there were 400 rubles in schools, women wouldn’t be there in principle, their men would rot. Do you remember who worked as teachers in schools among men? NVP-former military man (pensioner + salary = normal money) and Trudovik (usually drunk).Everything.....
  63. -1
    27 December 2018 21: 48
    And Marx’s rake will hit us in the forehead again

    I will assume that the author did not read the manifesto The Essence of Time - it is about understanding the reasons for the collapse of the USSR and recreating the Empire, taking all the good things from the past.
  64. +1
    28 December 2018 23: 02
    Quote: Stas157

    I don’t have a very good attitude towards Kurginyan. This is my emotional assessment. I just don't like this hysterical man, not what he says.

    Here is an opinion with almost no emotion:
    Profitable quarter of Sergey Kurginyan
    Privatization scheme of the “fighter against oligarchs”
    “In 1987, on the basis of the theater-studio “On the Boards”, theater director Sergei Kurginyan created the “Experimental Creative Center” (ECC), to which the Moscow Council provided a complex of premises on Vspolny Lane, and also allocated public money for the reconstruction of the complex. By 2012, the structures Kurginyan, in particular ETC Corporation CJSC (KETC CJSC), owned buildings and plots in Moscow with a total area of ​​about 3500 m2 , which were called “Kurginyan Quarter”.

    Kurginyan is a banal rentier, who, out of boredom, is engaged in pseudo-patriotic activities.
    The figure is on a smaller scale than the goose of the Jew Panikovsky from The Golden Calf.
  65. -1
    29 December 2018 11: 01
    The author casts a shadow over the fence, has no knowledge of the theory of communism, has not read political economy, but meanwhile speaks with the OPINION of someone who knows! But this is not so, a complete distortion and alteration. Example: “an attempt to completely abolish social and class inequality by force of the state apparatus led not to the “kingdom of freedom”, but to egalitarianism and stagnation in the lower classes of society” - Read political economy and history, the fight against egalitarianism was waged from the very first years, from the time of Khrushchev faded away.
    “When Kurginyan claims that the “entry elite” continues to rule the roost in today’s Russia, he contradicts many facts, starting with Vladimir Putin’s Munich speech in 2007” - or maybe the author is fulfilling the Kremlin’s order to convince the people that those at the top are not traitors and champions for the homeland? etc. and so on....
  66. 0
    31 December 2018 00: 26
    “Marx’s criticism of the capitalist “old world” is relevant in many respects, many economists admit today; they agree that “the world can perish according to Marx,” but add that if it is saved, it will be saved “not according to Marx.”

    How will one be saved not according to Marx? Will good aliens arrive?
  67. 0
    1 January 2019 09: 36
    Kurginyan is an ideologist or, more simply put, a chatterbox, in the USSR such people occupied leadership positions and Kurginyan’s aspirations are connected with this, to return those glorious times when ideologists ruled the country, his opponents are, let’s say, accountants, Siluanov, Nabiullina, Kudrin, a lot of them, they work with numbers and everything is fine with them, the economy is growing, inflation is being contained, but they do not understand how Russian air can be used as a measure of success in the economy, how should it be calculated, in cubic meters or liters? according to Kurginyan, this is the most important thing, to breathe Russian air, he doesn’t need either sausage or toilets, since the air is there on its own, and sausage needs to be produced and toilets built, but Kurginyan is not in this area, he’s a talker
    so for now the accountants are winning and this is probably for the best
  68. 0
    2 January 2019 14: 51
    Quote: your1970
    If there were 400 rubles in schools, women wouldn’t be there in principle, their men would rot. Do you remember who worked as teachers in schools among men? NVP-former military man (pensioner + salary = normal money) and Trudovik (usually drunk).Everything....

    Quote: your1970
    -and my aunt, being a teacher, received a total of 152 rubles for the highest category and clubs, which aroused wild envy among her colleagues
    If there were 400 rubles in schools, women wouldn’t be there in principle, their men would rot. Do you remember who worked as teachers in schools among men? NVP-former military man (pensioner + salary = normal money) and Trudovik (usually drunk).Everything.....

    I’m telling you what happened in the 80s, maybe you’re confusing something.
    Or my aunt had one headquarters in the village.
    Maybe there were differences.
    The physicist worked all day, later he began to earn even more - Chernenko’s reform:

    “In April-May 1984, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Konstantin Chernenko - himself a teacher by training - initiated the reform of school education in the USSR. It affected all aspects of the school, including teachers’ salaries, which increased sharply - from 250 rubles for young teachers, up to 370-400 rubles for experienced teachers with experience. At the same time, prices in stores still remained the same “Brezhnev’s.” A teacher could buy a TV or refrigerator from his salary and still feed his family for a month. During this short period, teachers had the highest level of income for throughout the existence of the USSR."