Putin was asked about the possibility of the restoration of socialism in Russia

Question from RIA News at a press conference with the president was devoted to the topic of sanctions.

Putin was asked about the possibility of the restoration of socialism in Russia

Putin noted that almost all of Russia’s history lives under sanctions.

The president:
See the diplomatic correspondence of the XIX-XX centuries. Constantly the same thing. What is the reason? It is connected with the growth of the power of Russia, with the increase of competitiveness. There is a new major player with which to reckon. And they do not want to ... We live 160 million. We protect them. Calmly, restrained. Our economy has adapted to change. In our 2008, GDP fell by 7-8%. And there were no sanctions then. The US Treasury believes that the fall in 2,5% in 2015 was due to sanctions by one third, and the rest from the fall in oil prices. The sanctions that were imposed on Russia hit them themselves. In Europe - minus 500 billion euros.

According to the head of state, we also have advantages "from sanctions cases."

Vladimir Putin:
It made us turn on our brains, and Western countries admit that.

According to surveys, many citizens of the country with nostalgia recall the times of the USSR? Is the restoration of socialism in Russia possible?

According to the president, the restoration of socialism is impossible. But justice is important.

Equitable distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, providing people with health care and education services - we are pursuing such a policy now.

How do you assess the relationship of the Russian Federation and China? Today, the level of turnover rises to the mark in 100 billion dollars. And another thing: Russian exports to China grew by 44% and by 10 billion dollars already surpasses China’s exports to Russia, what is your opinion on this issue

Putin said that he was positive about China’s economic development and deepening its partnership with Russia. The President noted that he did not know whether 100 would reach a billion dollars in trade, but in any case, economic cooperation is the most important component of bilateral relations.

Also, Vladimir Putin at this time was asked about the possibility of building a bridge across the Lena River in Yakutia. The President noted that it is necessary to calculate the economic feasibility of creating this project. It is necessary to compare the costs and the final result for the region.

Additionally asked a question from the Glavred environmental publication. The question received an applause. The journalist noted that on modern TV shows - someone left, changed, etc. According to him, there is no ideology in the country. And such an ideology could become a triad "Nature, Homeland, People". The journalist asked if it was possible to create a television show about the strategic tasks of Russia.

Putin recalled a conversation with Daniel Granin: "We have, on all screens, who stole, how much he stole, from whom he stole." But, apparently, this is the policy of modern channels.

The president:
But I think that today the situation has become more balanced, although I can be wrong, I do not watch TV very much.
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  1. +69
    20 December 2018 13: 46
    The answer was already given .. Putin is against! What socialism, when even these liberals do not shun genocide, pension reform is the real genocide ..
    1. +52
      20 December 2018 13: 50
      Quote: Vladimir Putin
      It made us turn on our brains

      It is very sad that before that, state control was carried out with the brains turned off.
      However, our president is overly optimistic, in my opinion. For many officials, for obvious reasons, the brains will never turn on.
      1. +3
        20 December 2018 14: 21
        The brain has nothing to do with it. The officials are in the first place diligence. Loot they get paid for this,
        1. +5
          20 December 2018 14: 22
          Quote: Campanella
          Officials in the first place

          while thinking is not supposed to?
          1. +28
            20 December 2018 14: 31
            According to the president, restoration of socialism is impossible. But justice is important.

            Fair statement. While Putin and his friends in the Kremlin, he will not be guaranteed. As well as the revision of the predatory privatization of the 90s, when overnight earned by generations of Soviet people it suddenly passed to a handful of people who were not clean at hand.
            The question was applauded. The journalist noted that on modern television shows - someone from whom he left, changed, etc. According to him, there is no ideology in the country... And such an ideology could be the triad "Nature, Motherland, People".

            As it is not, it is! Rob the people - eat in three throats. Ideology of an ideal consumer, a complete egoist. It may not be described in official documents, but this is exactly what our elite is. And this is an example to follow! If you want to "take place", you want to become "successful", one of them (the elite) - do as they do!
            1. +22
              20 December 2018 15: 14
              Quote: Stas157
              restoration of socialism is impossible

              It should be reminded to the President: never say never.
            2. +24
              20 December 2018 16: 42
              You know .... I'm even glad that he said that socialism in Russia is not possible.
              He also spoke about not raising a pension, about tax cuts, about getting off an oil needle ... everything turned out just the opposite
              So what is socialism in Russia drinks
              1. +8
                20 December 2018 21: 59
                Quote: Free man
                I'm even glad that he said that socialism in Russia is not possible

                Quote: Free man
                So what is socialism in Russia

                Exactly!!! I thought the same thing :)))
                Anyway ... Where else can socialism be, if not in Russia ?!
          2. +2
            20 December 2018 15: 00
            You can think, but this should not affect the speed and quality of the task
          3. 0
            22 December 2018 21: 47
            Yes, any creative initiative is punishable. And as you can always say, I executed the decree, what are my questions.
        2. +13
          20 December 2018 14: 30
          Quote: Campanella
          The officials are in the first place diligence. Salvage they get paid for it

          Officials in the first place are loyalty to their immediate superiors. And they get loot for that ...
          Diligence, competence, initiative, hard work and other "little things" are absolutely not critical ... alas. This is the reality.
        3. +3
          20 December 2018 16: 44
          Quote: Campanella
          The officials are in the first place diligence. Loot they get paid for this,

          Yeah, well. That is, I see that everything, supposedly aimed at the good of the country, they execute the decrees of the president with great zeal. laughing They have in the first place their own selfish interests and their brain works only in this direction. IMHO
      2. +32
        20 December 2018 14: 43
        Quote: Fedor Egoist
        Quote: Vladimir Putin
        It made us turn on our brains

        It is very sad that before that, state control was carried out with the brains turned off.

        judging by the state of affairs in the country, the brains did not turn on. After all, Putin is satisfied with the Medvedev government.
        1. +9
          20 December 2018 14: 49
          Quote: Silvestr
          judging by the state of affairs in the country, the brains did not turn on.

          I decided to take up the mind, but the mind went wild during this time, and was not given into the hands.
        2. +23
          20 December 2018 15: 13
          And what dissatisfaction can be Medvedev? The oligarchs do not infringe! Social guarantees turn out to be a dead end! And here we are all amicable Medvedev scolding! Social spending is an overspending, and business income is a sacred thing! So Medvedev very clearly follows all the instructions!
          1. +9
            20 December 2018 15: 14
            Quote: Mister Creed
            So Medvedev very clearly follows all the instructions!

            Here you can not agree!
      3. +18
        20 December 2018 15: 01
        It made us turn on our brains, and Western countries admit that.

        Quote: Fedor Egoist
        It is very sad that before that, state control was carried out with the brains turned off.

        Turned on - and realized that you can increase the retirement age.
      4. +2
        21 December 2018 12: 43
        ... despite what - how to steal from the budget, so officials have 24/7 brains on it !!!!
    2. +40
      20 December 2018 13: 54
      Once upon a time, there is the concept of Swedish Socialism, although Sweden's political system is capitalism. So, socialism is not a hindrance to capitalism. It would be a desire. But there is no desire. There is blah blah blah about social justice. But there is no justice. And not planned.
      The formation of a "new nobility" of officials and entrepreneurs is taking place. It would be nice to remind them how the previous nobility ended.
      1. -9
        20 December 2018 14: 43
        Sweden’s political system is a constitutional monarchy. The economic formation of Sweden is capitalism. Swedish socialism is a model of a fair distribution of the country's wealth. They are on the path of socialism, understanding that it cannot be grown without developed capitalism, which they have already passed the stage. There is no developed capitalism in the Russian Federation. What is socialism to build on?
        1. +9
          20 December 2018 15: 07
          Where does such a mess come from. Under capitalism, there can be no justice because the profit is at the head of the ball!
          1. -1
            20 December 2018 15: 41
            And I'm not saying what they do. I'm talking about the fact that socialism is based on developed capitalism while having "birthmarks" of this very capitalism. They declare that they are striving to build socialism. Will it succeed or not is an open question.
            1. +4
              20 December 2018 16: 01
              In the 90s, I heard enough of the same words only in a different wrapper (and after all, I got carried away like the others), namely: "Yes, everything is so great, good and satisfying in the West, but WE in the USSR have already invented everything in our own way. and passed ... and so on. " Now we are building capitalism, the most real thing to eat and still wonder - and WHERE is the justice? Now we are being accustomed to its pitiful likeness - charity, but this is just a screen, assigned to another, benefited the orphanage and now a respected (Caesura) person ...
            2. The comment was deleted.
              1. +3
                21 December 2018 01: 28
                in this scheme it is not. although I do not agree with everything, but before the "crooks" everything is true. That is why Lenin urged his comrades on the wave of the revolution and, provided the soldiers and officers were dissatisfied with the war, to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, otherwise the transition from tsarist feudalism to developed capitalism and further to socialism and communism would take centuries. Perhaps this was done in a hurry, but Comrade Ulyanov had no right to miss such a chance as a very competent politician. If he knew then that the time that he shortened with his determination for the development of the country would flush the stories of stupid Gorby into the toilet ... maybe he followed a similar path along which modern China is going - gradually passing from one form to another ... but he I did not know this, he was a pioneer then, China, taking into account his experience, is doing everything gradually today. And by the way, some historians believe that Stalin managed from 50 to 53 to get the initial stage of communism, tk. in his plans was a transition to 6, and then to 5 hours working day ... today someone in plans has a return at least to 8 hours with two days off? ... a rhetorical question ...
                1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            21 December 2018 01: 03
            Quote: mik0588
            Under capitalism there can be no justice because profit is at the head

            Yes, profit. What's next? What does this have to do with justice?
            What do you think, under socialism, goods were sold to the population without profit?
      2. +5
        20 December 2018 14: 55
        They mixed everything together. The BASIC difference is ownership of the means of production - under capitalism, these funds (factories, factories) belong to a private individual or group of such. Decide who you are ...))) And Sweden is an exhibition model .....
        1. -8
          20 December 2018 15: 02
          I am for myself. And who are you for?
          1. +6
            20 December 2018 15: 05
            For itself, this is pure capitalism (nothing personal is just business)
          2. -6
            20 December 2018 15: 49
            For yourself - this is common sense and the desire not to get into the affairs of others, deciding how they live and what they do.
            Quote: mik0588
            For itself, this is pure capitalism (nothing personal is just business)
            1. +6
              20 December 2018 16: 12
              Common sense decided for you a long time ago - to live together is safer and more efficient. A person in less or less uncomfortable situations will not be able to live alone, our ancestors knew this perfectly, unlike the coddled city in all independent ...
              1. -7
                20 December 2018 17: 01
                The whole of Europe lives and lives well, and for many years and is not going to bend, and here you are digging up the reasons for the emergence of a primitive communal system)
                1. +4
                  20 December 2018 17: 55
                  You don't need to carry nonsense. Europe has been living “well” only for the last 100 years. Before that, there was a complete set with vile wars, epidemics, revolutions, famine, 10-year-old children in mines.
                  1. -3
                    20 December 2018 18: 46
                    Well, do not carry bullshit, since it is not necessary. And 10000 years ago, people in Europe ate each other, and then what? How does what happened 100 years ago have to do with the fact that now people in Europe live well?
                    Quote: cast iron
                    You don't need to carry nonsense. Europe has been living “well” only for the last 100 years. Before that, there was a complete set with vile wars, epidemics, revolutions, famine, 10-year-old children in mines.
        2. +1
          20 December 2018 15: 43
          Deliver me from your lectures and I have long been determined. Sweden is an example of how the state apparatus is trying to force the capitalist to make a profit not in 2 hours of the worker’s work, but in 4 without changing the 8-hour working day. This does not really change the essence, but the worker is still at least a little bit easier.
          1. +3
            20 December 2018 16: 03
            Not for the whole ... but for half a bite. I understood you.
          2. -9
            20 December 2018 17: 06
            I completely agree with you, already tired of the Soviet bottling nostalgic for socialism. Practice has already shown that all this does not work, it hasn’t worked anywhere, neither in the USSR, nor in the GDR, nor in Czechoslovakia. Everywhere people with their active actions voted against Soviet socialism, no again they will talk about it. Okay, at least Putin understands this well.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +11
              20 December 2018 18: 12
              Quote: bystander
              already tired of the Soviet bottling nostalgic for socialism.

              And hold a referendum "What kind of system does Russia need? Capitalism? Socialism? ...." and see the result.
              1. -5
                20 December 2018 18: 42
                And then wait about 70 years and hold another referendum and see the result. Rather, we already saw him.
            3. 0
              23 December 2018 00: 17
              What does not work mean? Worked for 70 years! And I would have worked further if it were not for the stupidity of Soviet officials. And under capitalism, the people pay for all "mistakes" with crises.
              1. 0
                23 December 2018 10: 17
                And that means that it doesn’t work, if the system brings stupid officials to power and does not weed them out, then this system does not work and sooner or later it will fall apart, which the Soviet system has successfully demonstrated. This is not to mention the fact that the Soviet economic model was not viable.
                1. 0
                  23 December 2018 15: 43
                  If you talk like that, then you would still ride a horse instead of a car. Do you want to say that in the West officials are all smart?
                  It is not a matter of the system, but of the nature of man, his qualities. It is not for nothing that an ambitious program was put in the USSR to educate a new man.
                  1. 0
                    24 December 2018 17: 56
                    It's not just the nature of man, but the system that conducts a hard screening of those who can not cope. Yes, in the West he can come to power, but he won’t stay there long, unlike the USSR, where he was immediately taken out of the office to the morgue.
                    1. 0
                      24 December 2018 23: 28
                      The system is specific people. So the determining factor of any system is people and their worldview.
                      1. 0
                        25 December 2018 02: 05
                        Well, why are you mixing sour and fresh in one pile? How do you imagine people in a capitalist system with a communist worldview or in a communist system with a capitalist worldview?
                      2. 0
                        25 December 2018 23: 11
                        And what to imagine? This is true. Do you think capitalism is a monolith? Or socialism? There are always people who go against the system. It’s just that in the USSR they fell into the ruling cage, they might not have been dissidents, but the trouble was that they had no ideas, lived on what Lenin and Stalin declared.
                      3. 0
                        26 December 2018 03: 38
                        Individual people, no matter how they have a worldview, can in no way affect the system of millions of people, but this is by and large not important. I say that it was the Soviet system that was unsuitable, which did not get rid of incompetent people, which led to its collapse.
                      4. 0
                        26 December 2018 12: 40
                        As a result of the labor of the later leaders of the CPSU, the Soviet system turned out to be unstable, but this does not mean that socialism-communism is a utopia. I remember very well the "collapse" of the USSR and I can say for sure that it was a man-made betrayal. The system could live and develop in peace with the proper decisions and ideology, the people certainly did not rush to capitalism, they were practically forced into force. Why do I consider the Soviet system unstable, because the standard systems, in particular the KGB, did not work, and this did not happen because the fault was in the Politburo itself.
                      5. 0
                        27 December 2018 05: 44
                        You contradict yourself. A system that was destroyed by several traitors obviously cannot be stable. If the system was destroyed by a large number of traitors, then what kind of stable system is it that has generated such a number of traitors and does not have mechanisms for their timely neutralization? This is a worthless system. And this is not to mention the fact that the economic ideas themselves, which laid the foundation of the Soviet state, turned out to be worthless.
                      6. 0
                        27 December 2018 11: 07
                        I wanted to say that the Soviet system could be brought to mind. Personnel is the main thing in any system, look at the USA how it sausages and it is not known how it will all end.
                        As for "systems" in general, there are no eternal products, there is a constant change of formations and capitalism is still doomed. Market mechanisms will continue to be used to one extent or another, and the capitalists will definitely be put in a stall. Socialism was based not on economic but on moral principles.
                      7. 0
                        27 December 2018 16: 09
                        I do not believe that something will happen to capitalism. And I do not quite understand how you imagine market mechanisms without capitalism. In the foreseeable future, there is no alternative to capitalism. Unlike the Soviet system, the market capitalist system gives a clear and justified answer to how much, for example, the work of an academician costs, and in principle, how much any product costs. The Soviet model did not give an answer to this question, as a result of this, the worker received more than the engineer, and the shops were filled with useless goods that had a certain nominal value, but in fact they did not need anyone, i.e. having a market value of zero, at the same time there were no goods in stores that were in demand, hitting the notorious Soviet deficit. All this was the result of a serious imbalance in the Soviet economy, struck by normative pricing and the lack of mechanisms to eliminate such an imbalance. So, to date, not a single supporter of the Soviet socialist model has been able to give a reasonable answer to the question of how much the academician’s labor will cost in his model, as 10 workers or 100 workers, or maybe 1000 workers. With this in mind, an attempt to reproduce the Soviet economic model will end with the same result with which the USSR ended. And no betrayal is to blame. Only the unfit economic model is to blame.
                      8. 0
                        27 December 2018 17: 19
                        The capitalist system does not give clear and all the more justified answers how much the work of an academician costs. Fundamental science does not give profits in a close dimension. Funded as a promising and risky venture.
                        By the way, an unprecedented system of formation and accounting of salaries was created in the USSR. It worked well and, by the way, allowed calmly regulating the development of the necessary industries.
                        As for the so-called market formation, this is a bluff. The market only partially forms the price of the goods, mainly it depends on the will of the leading countries and financial speculators.
                        At one time, Italians poured milk into rivers when they had overproduction. In the United States, more than a million people died in the Great Depression, but it was a grub! So your praise of capitalism is not wealthy, it is a vile and vicious system, essentially modernized feudalism.
                      9. 0
                        27 December 2018 18: 00
                        The capitalist system lives and lives, and Soviet socialism passed away safely, because it turned out to be not viable. This is a fact, and all you tell is just your imagination. Including about the "unprecedented salary formation system." Rather, it is truly unprecedented, since it had no connection with the real value of what the worker produced.
                      10. 0
                        27 December 2018 21: 16
                        Flag you to a "bright capitalist" future.
                        As for living and living, so I can assure nothing eternal, you cling to archaism, explaining this by the fact that it works. Well, now this system works, and tomorrow who knows. Socialism is a more subtle thing, so the pilot version has been bent. I believe that there is a man and strength that will bring the project of socialism to a working version. Once again, I repeat with your logic, humanity would still be in the Stone Age.
                      11. -1
                        28 December 2018 07: 45
                        Soviet socialism is not viable. While no one can answer the questions that I voiced above, it is not necessary to say that the idea of ​​Soviet socialism can be brought to a working version. The Soviet economic model inevitably leads to an imbalance of the economy, as a result of which an excess of some goods (work, services) and a lack of others are formed in it. Not to mention the fact that the Soviet model completely lacks incentives to improve the consumer qualities of goods. Soviet socialism is simply utopia.
                      12. 0
                        28 December 2018 12: 10
                        I wrote to you about the imbalances of capitalism, but you missed it. As for incentives, some adjustment to the salary is enough and everything is decided. I remember the engineer grid at my enterprise from 140 rubles to 220 rubles in the 70s. So there were stimuli where needed. It was a medium-sized machine.
                      13. +1
                        28 December 2018 15: 05
                        I apologize, but I did not find anything about the imbalance of the capitalist system. Would you please repeat that? As for incentives, then your incentives, in the amount of 80 rubles. per month they themselves look ridiculous, against the background of how much, for example, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs earned, besides this, as Soviet practice has shown, these “incentives” were assigned for anything, but not for improving the consumer qualities of goods, because the issue of marketing the manufacturer’s goods were not at all interested, as was the question of the demand for the manufactured goods. Otherwise, no one in the USSR would have dreamed of Japanese electronics and other goods produced by countries of decaying capitalism, but this is not so, they all dreamed about these goods.
        3. 0
          20 December 2018 17: 42
          The exhibition model is an old argument that does not hold water. And by the way, the symbiosis of socialism and capitalism is possible - it goes into something third.
      3. +2
        20 December 2018 15: 22
        Not equal relations not only in Russia. There are many countries where there are many beggars. But there are no system changes. There are clan clashes with the slaughter. But the system does not change. Previously, they often wrote about poor African countries. Today, they all began to flourish, or then they lived under socialism and therefore were beggars?
    3. +1
      20 December 2018 13: 56
      Pension reform is definitely not genocide .. just find out the meaning of this word. In general, the reform was not carried out correctly. Again, at the expense of the population .., in fairness, something had to be taken away from officials sucking from the PF. Two .. in the late USSR, socialism was not .. much more .. find out the meaning of this term. The closest to socialism was during the time of Stalin, Khrushchov turned everything towards state capitalism.
      In general, the discontent of the population is growing due to the fact that the state solves financial problems at their expense. By raising old taxes and introducing new requisitions .. like Plato, again without giving anything to the population.
      1. +24
        20 December 2018 14: 04
        Quote: dvina71
        Pension reform is definitely not genocide .. just find out the meaning of this word

        You will find out:
        Genocide is a phenomenon that, in addition to direct physical destruction, practices creating unbearable conditions in which the further development of the "enemy" is impossible. For example, when it comes to religion, the practice of forcibly removing children from families. The widespread prevention of conception and procreation in some cases is also practiced.
      2. +28
        20 December 2018 14: 04
        Quote: dvina71

        Pension reform is definitely not genocide .. just find out the meaning of this word.

        (from gr. genos - clan and lat. caedere - to kill; literally: "the destruction of a clan, tribe") - the extermination of certain groups of the population on racial, national, religious grounds. Genocide is usually associated with fascism and racism. At the same time, this concept cannot be considered simple and obvious. Many of the tragic events of history, both ancient and modern, suggest that this anti-cultural phenomenon is much more widespread than is commonly believed.

        Above the definition of genocide, they gathered to destroy the population not by racial or national, religious motives, but by age .. that’s all the difference .. They just decided to get rid of the liquidation that people after 50 will be and this is a fact. I am a little over forty and I can’t find work for three months, what will be at 50? And how to live up to 65 years without work, only on a churchyard .. For this reason-this is genocide ..
        1. +16
          20 December 2018 14: 31
          Svarog, I'm your peer. And the problems are the same. There is work, as it were, but work is such that it is cheaper to sit at home without work. They offer a meager salary, work for five, responsibility up to criminal liability in the absence of resources to fulfill it according to the regulations.
          Though with a brush go on Rublevskoe highway.
          They pulled out a million pension rubles from their pockets and still teach me life.
          It's a pity you can’t put you a thousand pluses. hi
        2. +7
          20 December 2018 15: 29
          In short, age-related genocide. You can also say about social genocide, when the poor are put on the brink of survival. You can even work. But your salary is not enough to even pay for housing. It turns out that everything is accessible to one (in essence, communism with the postulate is accessible to everyone), while others are trapped in the grip of restrictions.
        3. +8
          20 December 2018 17: 06
          Quote: Svarog
          I’m a little over forty and I can’t find work for three months,

          There is a UAZ in Buryatia (an aircraft factory), I learned the know-how from capitalists the day before, specialists with 5-6 categories are being reduced, (people aged) are gaining crooked young people, they are being trained for 2-3 classes and oppa, work is in full swing, what’s the point you? The bottom line is the money, the difference in salaries between 6 and 3 categories))))) (solid profit) How to deal with laid-off workers? they say they’ll run around to look for work, they won’t find it, and go back, only 3 digits. In how competently bred, only then wonder why the missiles do not fly, I think with this approach, and helicopters will fall, soon.
          1. +1
            20 December 2018 18: 00
            Rather, everything would fall. Without revolutions, people can only resist the Italian strikes and mass sabotage on the ground.
      3. +17
        20 December 2018 14: 24
        Is Pension Reform Not Genocide? What is this? Older people were left without a livelihood: they took away their pension, they did not give work. What do people do? Beg? Climb the garbage can? Steal? Rob?
        It remains only to arrange hunger strikes in front of the Kremlin. Moreover, you have to starve anyway. And Rublevka will continue to walk on demand in gold toilets. It is good that people do not see how they live on Rublevka. And I had seen enough.
        In short, the problems of the Sheriff's blacks will not quit.
        1. -12
          20 December 2018 14: 36
          [quot [i] [/ i] e = Borodach] Pension reform is not genocide [/ quote]
          No, not genocide. It will be genocide when these people are driven to camps and are not allowed to work. In reality, dismissal by age is punishable. And now, thousands of pensioners are genocidal ... go to work. And my grandfather was genocidal until his death at the age of 78, keeping a private subsidiary farm .. pig, cow, rabbits and chickens ... and another 1 hectare in the estate garden. Despite the fact that he received a pension of approx. 30 Soviet rubles .., and one trip to the market brought to the economy from 100 rubles and more.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. -9
              20 December 2018 15: 00
              Again you are with pictures, Sylvester ... smile I became very interested in your mmmm ... taste for figurative, visual expression of thoughts! Looked at the history of your comments. You wrote that you have a good job and you earn good money. Moreover, the bosses are happy with you ... To be honest, I was incredibly surprised! How is this possible in such a kingdom of "darkness and oppression" as you picture our country and power ?! How did you get so twisted like that? Judging by your own words, you should not eat badly ... Otherwise, you are the foreman of the strawberry pickers at the communist money-bag Grudinin?
              1. +14
                20 December 2018 15: 05
                you can not understand. You cannot be happy and joyful in a country poor for people. Although, if "tilki for sebe", as the Ukrainians say and as you reason, everything is fine. It depends on the upbringing of a person. Yours is clearly modern
                1. -10
                  20 December 2018 15: 16
                  "You don't eat like that on our pension" are your words! In this case, in order to be honest to the end, write not to ours, but to yours. Add - I'm not a poor person and my salary is not small and I eat well, guys! No need to be poor. You, according to your words, lived well in the USSR, apparently being a hero of socialist labor, receiving a gift for shock work and something else there as much as 3-room apartments and now you live happily ever after!
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  You cannot be happy and joyful in a country poor for people.

                  So it turns out you wrote about yourself - in the morning I smear a sandwich with a thought right away - but how are the people? laughing laughing You personally social elevators worked at a frantic speed, that under socialism, that under capitalism! The miracle is wonderful! I just want to add it right - with such happiness and at large !!! (quote from a famous Soviet film, you must remember it)
                  1. +8
                    20 December 2018 22: 42
                    Quote: Cheslav Czursky
                    In this case, in order to be honest to the end, write not to ours, but to yours.

                    my pension is 15 800 rubles
                    Quote: Cheslav Czursky
                    Add - I’m not a poor person and my salary is not small and I eat well guys!

                    not poor compared to the poor and poor compared to the prefect of the capital's district (It is simply silly to compare your income with Sobyanin or Sechin)
                    Quote: Cheslav Czursky
                    You, according to your words, lived well in the USSR, apparently being a hero of socialist labor, receiving as a gift for hard work and something there as much as 3-room apartments, and now you live happily ever after!

                    when the Union always worked at 1.5 - 1.75 rates. Who worked then - that will understand
                    He was not a Hero of Socialist Labor, but for the development of rural health care in 92 he was awarded a 3-room apartment, not in Moscow, but in the district center.
                    Quote: Cheslav Czursky
                    So it turns out you wrote about yourself - in the morning I smear a sandwich with a thought right away - but how are the people?

                    just like that, because after a sandwich I go to work and render assistance to those who cannot pay for treatment under VHI.
                    Quote: Cheslav Czursky
                    I just want to add it right - with such happiness and at large !!!

                    I’d just want to say, well, you are a short-sighted person, you see life only from the window of a personal car.
                    "The happiness of the individual is related to the well-being of the community." Aristotle.
                    But you do not understand this.
                    1. -2
                      20 December 2018 23: 02
                      Quote: Silvestr
                      after the sandwich I go to work and provide assistance

                      For yesterday 35 comments. For today - more than fifty. Moreover, you manage to "provide help".

                      And really - just some kind of multi-punch request
                      1. +4
                        20 December 2018 23: 05
                        Quote: Consultant
                        Moreover, you manage to "provide help".
                        And really - just some kind of multi-punch

                        In the physiological sense, rest is a state of special activity when, "... remaining free from work, the cell restores its normal composition" (I. P. Pavlov). The most complete rest of the body is sleep; during sleep, intense recovery processes occur, primarily in the brain cells. An important condition for effective rest is the regular alternation of periods of work and rest, which helps to strengthen conditioned reflexes that underlie human labor.
                      2. -5
                        21 December 2018 07: 15
                        Quote: Silvestr
                        In the physiological sense, rest ...

                        ... it's blah blah blah. My work is connected with the computer, I follow him constantly, well, when I do not sleep, naturally. At the same time, I somehow can’t write 50 comments in a day, I don’t have time for it stupidly.

                        In addition to "helping the suffering", you still have time. This is exactly what is surprising if you misunderstood. Other options are somehow not visible request

                        Either the suffering ones are very few, so, "for the account" it is pure, or you, excuse me, will do something wrong.
          2. +2
            20 December 2018 14: 46
            [quote = dvina71] [quot [i] [/ i] e = Borodach] Pension reform is not genocide [/ quote]
            No, not genocide. It will be genocide when these people are driven to camps and are not allowed to work. In reality, dismissal by age is punishable. And now, thousands of pensioners are genocidal ... go to work. And my grandfather was genocidal until his death at the age of 78, keeping a private subsidiary farm .. pig, cow, rabbits and chickens ... and another 1 hectare in the estate garden. Despite the fact that he received a pension of about 30 Soviet rubles .., and one trip to the market brought to the economy from 100 rubles and above. [/ Quote]
            Should I breed pigs in the balcony in Moscow? Your grandfather - well done, but you can not all equal him. Everyone has different opportunities, health or lack thereof, strength, knowledge, etc.
            1. +4
              20 December 2018 14: 55
              Quote: Bearded
              To me in Moscow on a balcony of pigs to breed

              No .. on the balcony it is not necessary .. our neighbor in the 90s started a couple of pigs on the balcony .. the whole house knew about it, he was not by hearsay. In general, I do not pretend to be an advisor, but if I had an apartment in Moscow and were of retirement age, I would have sold it to hell and into the "taiga" .., for the difference, and the economy would not have to start ..
              1. +5
                20 December 2018 15: 44
                I am a Muscovite, a native Muscovite. My ancestors lived in Moscow under the tsar. Why should I leave my homeland because of thieving officials?
                And you sell your real estate and go live in Ukraine, life there is cheaper. You do not want? That's the same.
          3. +6
            20 December 2018 15: 09
            Quote: dvina71

            No, not genocide. It will be genocide when these people are driven to camps and are not allowed to work.

            Practice (life) shows that in order to deprive people of their work, which means their livelihoods, they do not need to be driven to camps. They just get fired. There is no Soviet Labor Code, and there are no trade unions either, and they are getting fired.
            Quote: dvina71
            In reality, dismissal by age is punishable.

            Can you give an example of the punishment for dismissal?
            Gena, why did my parents, ordinary workers, have a pension of 132 rubles?
            1. +7
              20 December 2018 15: 48
              Now they will be fired at 55 to avoid problems with retirees. No man - no problem. Medvedev or Putin will hire a sixty-year-old secretary? No, give them the Glatsky with twine.
              1. -1
                23 December 2018 00: 23
                That’s for sure, according to Monica Lewinsky, they need a table to raise their vitality.
          4. +9
            20 December 2018 15: 13
            Quote: dvina71
            In reality, dismissal by age is punishable.

            In reality, a person in pre-retirement age simply will not be hired.
            Quote: dvina71
            And now, thousands of pensioners are genocidal ... go to work.

            Small salary + small pension = you can live.
            Quote: dvina71
            And my grandfather was genocidal until his death at the age of 78, keeping a private subsidiary farm .. pig, cow, rabbits and chickens ... and another 1 hectare in the estate garden.

            A person received the right to retire at age 60. To work further or not is his choice. It was.
            And where are the promised 10 million jobs?
            1. +2
              20 December 2018 20: 11
              Quote: Sunflower
              And where are the promised 10 million jobs?

              By the way, not 10, but 25 :: breach - so "in a big way" at once ;-))
          5. +8
            20 December 2018 15: 36
            He was a small businessman, a farmer. And I didn’t pay tax to the tax. Why now small businesses have to pay taxes? Today they pay taxes, but there is no money. Why having taxes there is no money for social payments?
          6. +9
            20 December 2018 16: 01
            Quote: dvina71
            In reality, dismissal by age is punishable.

            In whose reality? You didn’t come across our laws. The employer has 1000 ways to fire a person without breaking the law ..
            Quote: dvina71
            And now, thousands of pensioners are genocidal ... go to work.

            Yes, for 12 thousand guards .. with a rent of 5-6 thousand .. leftovers for pasta ..
        2. -4
          20 December 2018 17: 55
          Guys, yes, no one is happy with the pension reform, but there is no need to make an elephant out of a fly, an increase of 5 years will only be in 2028. Who specifically raised something now, why the extremes? Who is begging, they are confused with khlov? For those, yes - millions are fighting, but we haven’t had that for 15 years.
          And so yes, I myself do not like this shnyaga and will directly affect. Although there is an increase in age all over the world, everywhere except us they have raised it, relatives in Belarus - so they did it quietly a couple of years ago and who would say the word.
          Half the country a s / n gets what you’ll do here.
          1. +5
            20 December 2018 19: 21
            Quote: Sarmat Sanych
            an increase of 5 years will only be in 2028. Who specifically raised something now, why the extremes?

            you're not right. the increase concerns 1959 in men, i.e. already in the coming year. in a month, they will not see pensions.
      4. +8
        20 December 2018 14: 52
        not genocide - ????? I have devoted my whole life to the defense industry, but now it is Transnistria and, according to the law of Russia, they threw me into the oven and gave me a pension of 8500 !!!! and how to live say our wiseacre ???
    4. -11
      20 December 2018 13: 57
      Svarog, and in what countries of the world today is socialism?
      1. +11
        20 December 2018 14: 09
        Quote: Halado romance
        Svarog, and in what countries of the world today is socialism?

        Socialist Republic of Vietnam, People's Republic of China (?), Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of Cuba ... request
        1. -2
          20 December 2018 14: 22
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Socialist Republic of Vietnam, People's Republic of China (?), Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of Cuba ...

          Cuba and the DPRK. More socialism is nowhere left.
          By coincidence (apparently) these are poor countries with a half-starved population, ruled by tough authoritarian regimes.
        2. +1
          20 December 2018 14: 28
          smile Good list! Let me speak out too. About Cuba and Vietnam, I will tell you later this is generally not very serious. But China is yes! Do you really consider the PRC a socialist country? Why excuse socialism? In China, it is not close. You will not consider state monopoly capitalism i.e. state control over capitalist production relations by socialism? Socialist China is nothing more than a propaganda cliché of the left. After all, do you know about the reforms of the 80s carried out in the PRC and what is socialist in them? The return of private property, the management of foreign capital in special economic zones, the regulation of prices by the market ... And? Private campaigns are largely based on foreign capital ... Do not you think that from such Chinese Marxism the theorists of Marxism - Leninism are turned over in their grave?
          1. -5
            20 December 2018 14: 31
            Ahead of me, Cheslav, but your answer is completely satisfied. Yours II too, thanks.
          2. +2
            20 December 2018 15: 07
            Quote: Cheslav Czursky
            Why excuse socialism? In China, it is not close. You will not consider state monopoly capitalism i.e. state control over capitalist production relations by socialism? Socialist China is nothing more than a propaganda cliché of the left.

            There is no socialism anywhere. The countries called People’s, Socialist, Democratic for the most part are remnants of the Soviet experiment. Nobody really knows what socialism really looks like. Moreover .. many people confuse it with the hypertrophic social security of the population .. when they FORCE them to work .. Although on the jelly itself this is a form of ownership of the means of production, excluding the exploitation of man by man. In the days of Stalin, socialism was built in the USSR, but the means of production newly created by the state remained state-owned and this problem had to be solved, or everything should be turned down to state capitalism, which Khrushchev did. After that, it took only time to switch to the usual, associated with the presence of leading cadres of the old system and the accumulation of primary capital (not only money) by new managers.
          3. +3
            20 December 2018 15: 55
            By the way, under Joseph Vissarionovich there were artels. Nothing but a non-state society for making money with their labor. And the cooperatives were to remain after the war, because they would unload the state in small things (light industry). The country would not have to take under its wing the production of rolls and pastries, socks, stockings, hats, scarves, mittens, etc. However, it turned out how it happened.
            And now this niche is occupied by small business. "As I call it." (FROM)
            1. +5
              20 December 2018 17: 47
              The artel was a form of socialist collective economy and attempts to equate the artel, especially the "Stalinist" one, with private entrepreneurship are fundamentally wrong. An artel was impossible to buy, sell, inherit, etc. - all of its movable and immovable property was in equal collective ownership of the employees of the enterprise, the right to use which was canceled upon exit or dismissal. In addition, the main goal of the production of the artel was not to profit, but to increase the well-being of the entire Soviet society. The most widespread in the USSR were agricultural cooperatives, known under the name of collective farms.
              An artel in the USSR is a production cooperative as a form of socialist collective economy, created on a voluntary basis with the obligatory labor participation of members and collective responsibility.
              1. 0
                20 December 2018 18: 31
                That is, the artel was the very self-supporting, self-governing unit in the general economy of the country, to which they began to come in the mid-80s.
                1. 0
                  20 December 2018 18: 51
                  In the 50s and 80s, the vectors are different.
                  Not a big, but in my opinion, very not a bad article on this subject.
            2. +1
              20 December 2018 19: 22
              Quote: Ural-4320
              By the way, under Joseph Vissarionovich there were artels. Nothing but a non-state society for making money with their labor.

              And there were artels.
              And the collective farms were.
              Everything was. Only the plan was let down from above centrally. And funds were allocated for this plan. And from this, there was no difference, other than formal, between them and state-owned enterprises.
              And without funds, these artels and collective farms would have dreamed of kirdyk for a couple of months. Because There was no market for raw materials in the country.
              1. +2
                20 December 2018 21: 02
                Only now the country was building an absolutely new society and economy, in principle, and there were no textbooks or specialists. And now "every gopher in the field is an agronomist", a ton of books on economics, the Higher School of Economics, have learned abroad, and how to make a country self-sufficient (even with a growing economy) - no one knows and cannot. They only know how to saw into their own pockets and suck from the budget.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. 0
                    20 December 2018 21: 15
                    Ek you skidded! Name at least one socialist state before the USSR. And the USSR was a self-sufficient country until it started to slip.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
          4. +4
            20 December 2018 19: 47
            Quote: Cheslav Czursky
            Socialist China is nothing more than a propaganda cliché of the left. After all, do you know about the reforms of the 80s carried out in the PRC and what is socialist in them?

            "China adopted a program on a new social norm. The Chinese economy, including for reasons of foreign policy, is switching to domestic demand. And in this situation, the poor working class and peasantry will clearly not allow the economy to develop. Therefore, now China is introducing new standards of education, medicine, social That is, in the Celestial Empire, the most that neither is a welfare state is being built, in particular, it is supposed to lower the retirement age for women to 50 years, men to 55.
            Returning to China, a kind of hybrid is being created there, when the state invests in human capital, but at the same time is not going to cover up private business. Ideologically, this is real socialism. Such socialism is not only possible, but also highly desirable in Russia. "
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +3
                20 December 2018 19: 59
                Quote: I.I.
                What is common between them?

                I think a simple person is better off living. No matter what color a cat catches mice
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. +4
                    20 December 2018 20: 03
                    Quote: I.I.
                    Is it better to live in Cuba and North Korea ?!

                    if I’m not mistaken, then was my speech about the achievements of China?
                    1. 0
                      20 December 2018 20: 05
                      Quote: Silvestr
                      if I’m not mistaken, then it was about the achievements of China?

                      Once it was. And who has nothing to do with socialism is China.
                      He had been with them for a long time. Deng Xiao Ping killed him there. What I think glorified himself among the Chinese forever.
        3. +2
          20 December 2018 18: 00
          "Socialist Republic of Vietnam, People's Republic of China"laughingwassatlaughing Thanks, neighing. You have named in this list (along with Srilanka and Laos) countries with the most monstrous form of capitalism and exploitation. Plus with elements of feudalism.
      2. +4
        20 December 2018 15: 12
        Quote: Halado romance
        Svarog, and in what countries of the world today is socialism?

        Virtually none. Because the upper hand in the struggle for a just society, took such as you. Hope temporarily.
        1. -1
          20 December 2018 15: 36
          Krasnoyarsk, but I did not get the upper hand! Chet and the truth of what they just did not blame me here for this unfortunate month! I don’t need much. It is necessary that the children are healthy and that my wife and I can calmly take their Sunday school to their temple. So that there is work and that they do not explain to me which work is good and which is bad. So that I have my own land and my own house. So that I could easily go to visit my relatives in Europe. I don’t want to run away; I like my country and there is no need to look after me. In general, I need that no one climbed into my life and taught me how to live. I don’t need the CPSU as a teacher, and the Komsomol too. I have a father. So I live my work, Krasnoyarsk, and Russia gave me the opportunity to live a normal life and earn money. I am grateful to my country for my life. Try to come to me and take away what I have earned! It will be troublesome for you. And the people around me will not be happy for you. So don’t expect it.
          1. -1
            20 December 2018 17: 10
            So don’t expect it.

            So you earned your bourgeois happiness "shoeing", as the common people themselves boasted, 2 you are our store. Your owners from the Russian oligarchy do not want to provide you with a quiet life. They take 5 skins from the people and you help them to "shoe" them. So when you go to a uranium mine under escort, do not ask the stupid question "Why?"
            1. 0
              20 December 2018 17: 22
              Quote: ruigat
              So don’t expect it.

              So you earned your bourgeois happiness "shoeing", as the common people themselves boasted, 2 you are our store. Your owners from the Russian oligarchy do not want to provide you with a quiet life. They take 5 skins from the people and you help them to "shoe" them. So when you go to a uranium mine under escort, do not ask the stupid question "Why?"

              hi Yes, it’s he who at the computer famously anneals the gypsy for the oligarchy, but how will it come to, “debriefing,” at once he will remember another repertoire ..
              1. 0
                20 December 2018 18: 17
                This is an ordinary female song about marriage. Like a gypsy got married. laughing Not at the box office the movie grandfather put up at all. And about parsing, is it possible in more detail? Very interesting to listen to. Are you by any chance a relative of Sylvester?
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. 0
                    20 December 2018 19: 12
                    Hid behind an avatar and rude? Well, your apparently destiny. You can’t do anything else except blah blah. I understand this upsets. A man cannot behave this way in principle. Am I going to swell with such obscenities and it’s still not clear to whom ?! Before people then you are tormented to make excuses after such a conversation. Have you promised a parsing here? Well, I'll wait. You write how to begin to understand. So let's see who is who. And so we have a very suitable saying - kryntsenas chibasa, from guruvna porjasa! Flutter with your tongue like a cow tail!
                    1. 0
                      20 December 2018 19: 32
                      I’ve been persecuting yours for a long time, you’re tired of worse than the bitter radish .. in your yard you can’t leave anything metallic, parasites drag women and junk of incomprehensible origin walk around the yards bothering stupid old women to retire .. The whole house on the next street is occupied, how many are there it’s not clear, some come, others leave, noise, fights, the district policeman has already gotten off your cultural, so I don’t have to push for your culture and decency and learn to swim, we know that you are all the same.
            2. 0
              20 December 2018 18: 10
              Yes, you stop juggling that. Bring here my phrase about dressing and shoeing according to national tradition, let people laugh. Well? Your only messages do not forget to feel free! I do not have bourgeois happiness. We have a big family. I have four children. But we have enough. We work hard and people come to us. Things are good and not expensive. I say one more time and you come, we’ll dress decently and you personally will definitely wear shoes! Do not doubt! laughing
              1. +1
                20 December 2018 19: 06
                Halado Romane (Petya Palkin) December 12, 2018 09:30
                No, I have to upset you. We do not have Larkov. We trade in clothes. And we have two stores in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Come dress you well. Well, according to national tradition, we’ll shoe naturally!

                See from laughter do not burst. You work as standard. I bought it in Turkey for 100, in St. Petersburg I sold it for 200. I will come when the 2nd civil war begins and then we will see who will sow whom.
                1. -1
                  20 December 2018 19: 20
                  Well, what are you ashamed to put up your rudeness? I answered you very well. No, not in Turkey. In Lithuania. We do not double the margin. We count the road, electricity, rent one store and then set prices. People are snapping up quickly thanks to God and no one is offended. You will not wait for any civil war and do not dream. Your train has left ... Then your grandfather, my friend, promised me a showdown, that's how you start to figure it out and come. We will meet as expected guests dear!
                  1. +1
                    20 December 2018 19: 55
                    In Lithuania. We do not double the margin. We count the road, electricity, rent one store and then set prices.

                    Yeah, that means raising the economy of the Russophobic fascist regime. Come on. So that the huckster, the speculator agreed instead of 100 margin for the invested 000 to be content with 100, I willingly believe, for the Spanish pilot.
                    You will not wait for any civil war and do not dream. Your train has left.

                    Many people in Donetsk thought so in 2013. Our armored train "USSR" is on the side track.
                  2. 0
                    20 December 2018 20: 39
                    No, not in Turkey. In Lithuania. We do not double the margin. We count the road, electricity, rent one store and then set prices. People are snapping up quickly thanks to God and no one is offended. You will not wait for any civil war and do not dream. Your train has left ... Then your grandfather, my friend, promised me a showdown, that's how you start to figure it out and come. We will meet as expected guests dear!
                    Ay young man, honestly speculate. wassat So much for power and such power that it does not punish speculation and does not force honest work in the country. Only this is not freedom, but licentiousness. negative And of course, meet as it should, with a compassionate song forcibly married to an oligarchy Yes laughing .. ,, let the boss go, I’m just for fortune telling about everything ... ,, crying
          2. +4
            20 December 2018 20: 01
            Quote: Halado romane
            Try to come to me and take away what I have earned!

            so they will come to you .... Federal Tax Service with new taxes, and you are looking for enemies somewhere
      3. +1
        20 December 2018 15: 43
        Does Romane consider slavery the norm of life?
        1. -1
          20 December 2018 16: 58
          Of course not! That is why I live in Russia.
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. +19
      20 December 2018 14: 09
      According to the president, restoration of socialism is impossible
      Oh, and self-confident Putin, he thinks he will always decide for Russia. Or maybe he imagines himself to be the anointed of God, the immortal ruler of Russia? But history has shown that sometimes a people can not only go against the will of the king, but can also HIS HIMSELF, to send him to the next world without proper wires and honors. In Putin’s place, I wouldn’t have denied that, because the patience of the people is approaching, and he and his gang are doing everything possible to bring this time closer as quickly as possible.
      1. -4
        20 December 2018 18: 28
        It was not the Russian people who murdered the tsar with the tsarina and five children with accompanying people, but geeks, even among whom there were two Russians, and he counted on 10 roles! Such as you generally do not know who are trying to dishonor here with such libels and Russians and Russia. Rejoice at such atrocities and murders is your lifetime stigma! You will repent for a long time if even this mind is enough! I don’t even want my comments to be near yours. Vile!
        1. +2
          20 December 2018 19: 31
          ENOUGH to falsify history. Nobody killed ANY Tsar, they killed citizen Romanov, and the "children" were 14 years old at the time of the execution, Alexei, and Peter II already ruled Russia at the age of 12, and the princesses from 17 to 21 years old, they themselves could already have children ... And the monarchs have only heirs to the throne.
          1. 0
            20 December 2018 20: 28
            Quote: tatra
            Nobody killed the Tsar

            Well yes? They killed themselves Yes , and several times, and then they poured themselves bleach, well, that would be better preserved ..... I will continue your thought: You must not live by lies. For your and our freedom. A flame will ignite from a spark. And on the ruins of autocracy our names will be written. After all, no one except us. Balls, beauties, "Birch" deficit. And Schubert's waltzes and reprimand at the party committee. The Russia that we lost. We are ours, we will build a new world. In the struggle we will gain our right. Workers of all countries - unite. We are on the mountain to the bourgeois, a world fire will inflate. All power to the Constituent Assembly! The results of the XXth Congress of the CPSU - to life! We are the power here. So win!
            Quote: tatra
            "They were children" at the time of execution, Alexei was 14 years old, and Peter II ruled Russia at the age of 12, and the princesses were from 17 to 21 years old, they themselves could already have children.

            Tell me, do you have children, how old are children, before 10? And such a heresy is written by a woman where the world is heading ..
            1. +4
              20 December 2018 20: 32
              This makes no sense . By the time the Romanov family was shot, there had been no monarchy in Russia for a year and a half. And yes, when it is profitable for you, the enemies of the communists, you pretend to be "philanthropic" for children, as you did on the Maidan.
              1. 0
                20 December 2018 20: 41
                Quote: tatra
                And yes, when you enemies
                You are more careful with the selection of synonyms, I’m not an enemy to anyone, including you,
                Quote: tatra
                how did you do it on Maidan.

                belay An interesting point, you have to ask yourself when I managed to visit it
                Quote: tatra
                By the time of the execution of the Romanov family, there was already no one and a half monarchy in Russia for a year and a half.

                So why then shot if she was already gone? Answer- you were afraid of them, even the dead.
                1. +1
                  20 December 2018 20: 59
                  The essence of the people on the Web can be recognized by one comment, even one word, and your words exactly repeat the propaganda of the enemies of the Communists to justify their capture of the USSR.
                  And according to your logic, Charles I, Marie Antoinette, the old people of Ceausescu were executed, because well, they were very "afraid"
                  1. 0
                    20 December 2018 21: 11
                    Quote: tatra
                    The essence of people on the web can be recognized by one comment,

                    It is true, I recognized your essence from the commentary .. For you who are not with you, all enemies. Yes
                    Quote: tatra
                    And by your logic,
                    My logic is with me, but in yours there are some slogans that I listed in the post above.
                    1. 0
                      21 December 2018 06: 57
                      I don’t need to answer according to the eternal principle of the enemies of the Communists — defending myself through an attack on others.
                2. -1
                  23 December 2018 00: 37
                  Do you know the story? Births with the right to succession were cleaned up to zero. Brothers of the relatives were killed .. What they did not do. And this was long before the Bolsheviks. I do not condone the killing, this is bad. But as they say for 300%, the capitalist and mother will kill their own.
        2. +4
          20 December 2018 20: 01
          I don’t even want my comments to be near yours. Vile!

          Uchi the ways we are gentle. As ordinary people in the shops "put on shoes", so Halado Romané's hand will not flinch. And how the one who was called to account, because of which all the bloody orgy from the beginning of the 20th century and began, so immediately high matters rushed.
    7. +5
      20 December 2018 14: 14
      According to the president, the restoration of socialism is impossible.

      Everything is possible in Russia.
      Perhaps one more socialism in one form or another of the people is enough. And then the voros will disappear by itself, Russia will end.
      1. -1
        20 December 2018 18: 21
        And they need this. They do not need Russia at all.
        1. +2
          20 December 2018 20: 22
          Quote: Halado romane

          And they need this. They do not need Russia at all.

          Those. Do you think that only in the wild comprador capitalism can Russia live? Otherwise, will die?
      2. 0
        23 December 2018 00: 39
        Everything ends and your capitalism ends in convulsions and will be written in the history of it as feudalism.
    8. 0
      21 December 2018 00: 26
      What has this pension reform become for you personally? All countries retire later. It will work longer - save more. Or are you going to retire? Well, you are an optimist!
      1. -3
        21 December 2018 10: 22
        Quote: LeonidL
        All countries retire later.

        Perhaps in Russia they would start coming out later if they survived ... belay
  2. +3
    20 December 2018 13: 47
    Justice is needed by liberals, not your corrupt tolerance with double standards and a market that will regulate everything. He does not regulate anything ...
    1. +18
      20 December 2018 13: 55
      you have a clear dissonance ... liberalism does not need justice, they are quite satisfied with the "feudal vertical" ... justice for them is like an aspen stake for vampires ...
      justice is needed by the people and the state itself in order to survive elementarily ...
      1. -1
        20 December 2018 14: 01
        And what liberalsikov already thrown out a filthy broom? Tightly populated. Plant not to transplant ...
        1. +8
          20 December 2018 14: 07
          But who will throw out their friends and associates, let alone imprison them? ...
          1. -1
            20 December 2018 17: 05
            There are few comrades-in-arms, but the privatization guano-elite of the 90s comprador’s many Chubais liberals ...
    2. +9
      20 December 2018 14: 25
      Quote: Tank jacket
      Justice needs liberals,

      and who is in power now? Does Medvedev need justice? not even funny
      1. -5
        20 December 2018 17: 07
        He definitely doesn’t, but there are others who are more patriotic, Shoigu for example.
        1. +5
          20 December 2018 18: 29
          Quote: Tank jacket
          who is more patriotic, Shoigu for example.

          1. -3
            20 December 2018 18: 47
            What is wrong with Shoigu in your opinion? Any suggestions to improve something?
            1. +4
              20 December 2018 18: 49
              just wondering how you measure patriotism in Shoigu
              1. 0
                20 December 2018 18: 54
                I measure liberals in the Chubaisiks, Kudrins, Voloshins, Nabiulchiki, Shuvaliks, Siluanchiks, etc.
                1. +3
                  20 December 2018 18: 55
                  Quote: Tank jacket
                  liberals measure

                  well it is clear. What about patriots?
                  1. -1
                    20 December 2018 18: 58
                    And what exactly do you understand, who canceled Sechin’s decisions on gas prices? Fees?
  3. +11
    20 December 2018 13: 47
    He feels good under Feudalism hi why does he need some kind of socialism
    1. +12
      20 December 2018 13: 48
      Quote: spirit
      He feels good under Feudalism hi why does he need some kind of socialism

      Yes, he and his comrades do not complain laughing
      1. The comment was deleted.
  4. +3
    20 December 2018 13: 48
    Equitable distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, providing people with health care and education services - we are pursuing such a policy now.

    1. +11
      20 December 2018 13: 50
      Quote: spektr9
      Equitable distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, providing people with health care and education services - we are pursuing such a policy now.

      Yes, a lie has become an integral part of Putin ..
      1. +8
        20 December 2018 14: 01
        But who will admit to you your own insolvency and failed policy?
        This is for you, Dear, not Japan - this is Russia, no one will resign himself, he will not do seppuku ..... wink
      2. +2
        20 December 2018 14: 46
        Quote: Svarog
        Yes, a lie has become an integral part of Putin ..

        Well, why is it a lie, just justice for the orcs is one, for elves - another.
      3. 0
        20 December 2018 20: 27
        Quote: Svarog
        Quote: spektr9
        Equitable distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, providing people with health care and education services - we are pursuing such a policy now.

        Yes, a lie has become an integral part of Putin ..

        It's not even a lie. The question is - who allowed people to live below the poverty line? Who and why, and why (?) Brought them to such a life?
  5. +11
    20 December 2018 13: 50
    "Fair distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, provision of people with healthcare and education - we are pursuing such a policy now."
    Gold parachute for guidance and increasing VAT, fuel prices, retail prices for me - is it justice?
  6. +8
    20 December 2018 13: 51
    for the new industrialization of Russia, huge sums will be needed, there is nowhere to take them from except how to shake them out of Putin's oligarchs, so they will have to return the stolen
    1. +5
      20 December 2018 14: 11
      ... they will have to return the stolen ....
      perhaps few will survive until such a momentous event ....
  7. +11
    20 December 2018 13: 51
    In a just society, or rather a state, there can be no people living below the poverty line, by definition.
  8. +9
    20 December 2018 13: 52
    It made us turn on our brains, and Western countries admit that.

    And before the sanctions did they live with their brains off?
    Bravo Mr. President! He signed for his own incompetence .... good
  9. +19
    20 December 2018 13: 52
    I have always believed and still believe that Russia should return to the Soviet model both in politics and in the economy. Only the Soviet system will increase the welfare of the people and remove the division of the people into rich and poor.
    1. +11
      20 December 2018 13: 54
      Quote: solzh
      I have always believed and still believe that Russia should return to the Soviet model both in politics and in the economy. Only the Soviet system will increase the welfare of the people and remove the division of the people into rich and poor.

      Yes, there are many of us .. but who will hear us ..
      1. +4
        20 December 2018 15: 01
        You are right, but this is the only thing that remains - to explain and clarify.
    2. -4
      20 December 2018 14: 41
      The saddest thing in the USSR is that it went bankrupt. Point of no return - 91st year. Imagine that you are all like that for an alliance and against the creation of a puppet state under the control of the governor-Hunchback or Yeltsman, you are in August of the 91st. And with whom to go? With this Yanaev with shaking hands and a running gaze ?! He didn’t restore the Union, but his nomenclature feeding trough, the Union went bankrupt ideologically - the elite broke away from the people, and the 90s was simply the development of what was already so, and that very elite ruled there.
      Now they have nothing more to say to the people, and without it there will be no returns in principle.

      Can you argue? What is the return, who will return - Zyuganov with Grudinin? What development program - like among Ukrainians, "I want to live well, period, but how to do it - I don't care"?
      1. +6
        20 December 2018 16: 07
        Quote: Jerk
        What development program - like among Ukrainians, "I want to live well, period, but how to do it - I don't care"?

        And when did Putin go for the next term, did he give you some kind of program? In general, I didn’t even bother, and the Communist Party had and still has a clear program.
        1. 0
          20 December 2018 17: 22
          Well, how did you answer, and I will answer you: "And Zyuganov, before the elections, once again thought -" to portray the struggle, or take money again? "This time I did not even bother to go to the elections, but Putin had and has a program ...
          You answered exactly in the style of the Ukrainians - zero words in the case, translation of arrows and empty chatter in the final.
          Continue in the same vein, very productive dialogues with you are obtained, not the first time, I note. In your posts, the meaning is zero again, then maybe it’s better not to answer at all, since there is nothing to say, or do they pay for posts against the non-kosher Vlad?
      2. +1
        20 December 2018 16: 30
        Quote: Jerk
        The saddest thing in the USSR is that it went bankrupt. Point of no return - 91st year. Imagine that you are all like that for an alliance and against the creation of a puppet state under the control of the governor-Hunchback or Yeltsman, you are in August of the 91st. And with whom to go? With this Yanaev with shaking hands and a running gaze ?! He didn’t restore the Union, but his nomenclature feeding trough, the Union went bankrupt ideologically - the elite broke away from the people, and the 90s was simply the development of what was already so, and that very elite ruled there.
        Now they have nothing more to say to the people, and without it there will be no returns in principle.

        Can you argue? What is the return, who will return - Zyuganov with Grudinin? What development program - like among Ukrainians, "I want to live well, period, but how to do it - I don't care"?

        Do you personally know these citizens (Zyuganov and Grudinin) that you categorically declare their incompetence? What are we losing except spare chains?
        1. -2
          20 December 2018 17: 28
          And the answer is the same for you - do you know them in order to point me out?
  10. +12
    20 December 2018 13: 53
    Another blah blah blah. I didn’t even turn it on ...
    1. +7
      20 December 2018 14: 15
      This is not blah blah blah, this is another injection of sedative for the people. Periodically steam must be released. Here's a whistle and blowing ...
    2. +14
      20 December 2018 14: 26
      Quote: Hagakure
      Another blah blah blah. I didn’t even turn it on ...

      well, that this is already beginning to understand
  11. +8
    20 December 2018 13: 53
    The people chose their own path in the early 1990s, going out to mass demonstrations and rallies against the CPSU and socialism in the capitals, silently supporting them in the regions and regions. What kind of restoration of socialism can there be? That's it, the train has left. Russia is again doomed to evolutionary development along the path of capitalism. The question of what this development can lead to if we constantly think about the past, to which all kinds of "democrats-admirers" of Russian history are pushing us.
    1. +5
      20 December 2018 14: 10
      I could argue. Moreover, there were rallies, but the instruments of mass propaganda were already knocked out of their hands. Well, in principle, I agree.
      Now the popular consciousness is sleeping, philistinism is at the forefront. And the farther, the higher the price of insight.
    2. +2
      20 December 2018 14: 12
      There is no such way. Capitalism will go away anyway.
    3. +4
      20 December 2018 16: 12
      Quote: 1536
      The people chose their own path in the early 1990s, going out to mass demonstrations and rallies against the CPSU and socialism in the capitals, silently supporting them in the regions and regions. What kind of restoration of socialism can there be? That's it, the train has left. Russia is again doomed to evolutionary development along the path of capitalism. The question of what this development can lead to if we constantly think about the past, to which all kinds of "democrats-admirers" of Russian history are pushing us.

      Yeah, the people themselves chose EBN, and the Ukrainians chose Poroshenko. You have chosen the wrong resource: thinking people here. When did people choose something? Oh yes, Rurik was chosen as a prince. And after him there was no election. And then, Rurik chose the boyars, not the people. Democracy died with ancient Greece.
      1. +1
        20 December 2018 16: 26
        Dear, I will not be mistaken if I say that in ancient Greece, "thinking people" also believed that Pericles was chosen not by the people, but by his closest circle. Alexander the Great, he just stopped all this talk about elections so that no one would be offended.
        Yes, Yeltsin chose the people. From hopelessness. There was no other alternative. This alternative was then frightened to take power in the country. And whether this could be, is also a big question. Or do you think that there was an alternative in the recent 76 percent election? And Rurik had nothing to do with it, because then, without Rurik, apparently, the Novgorodians would have killed another friend to the joy of the same German merchants.
        We really need to think so that real alternative candidates finally appear. And everyone considers themselves to be "thinking people", but they can only destroy what is or indicate to others what and where they need to choose. Including sites.
    4. +1
      21 December 2018 10: 40
      Quote: 1536
      The people themselves chose their path in the early 1990s

      Who would doubt that:
      Of the 17 million (1991%) USSR citizens with a right to vote, 185,6 million (80%) took part in the referendum on March 148,5, 79,5; 113,5 million of them (76,43%), answering “Yes”, spoke in favor of maintaining the renewed USSR

      Quote: 1536
      The question of what this development can lead to if you constantly think about the past

      The question is more acute: "To what extent can such a development reach when they do not remember the past?"
      1. 0
        21 December 2018 11: 19
        Yes it is. But on the whole, the referendum was a real farce, because in the wording of the five questions submitted to the referendum, there was a denial of the existence of a single Soviet Union as such, although the question was not directly raised. First, what, for example, was the question about "updated Federation"and creation"sovereign republics". It is similar to how when settling a communal apartment, tenants are told that you will still live together, but each will have their own separate apartment. Of course, everyone will say" I am for ", but then they will inevitably think, but what about us will we be together when everyone is already apart? That was a strange question, don't you think, dear? Armenia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Estonia, that is, 5 (!) Union republics of the USSR, refused to participate in the referendum. full independence. Who could have kept them? GKChP in August 1991? I beg you ... As a result of the events of those days, it was possible to finally disavow the decisions of the referendum, as well as all decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on it. And so on.
        I need it. Of course, without the willingness of the people to go to incomprehensible referenda, without the decision of the people not to take the last chance and arrest the entire rotten top of the CPSU, without the decision of part of the union national republics not to participate in this referendum, the USSR would not be ruined and would not cease to exist. So who chose this path? I do not see any contradictions here. We have what we have. And we must think about the future so as not to repeat mistakes in the future.
        1. +3
          21 December 2018 11: 34
          Quote: 1536
          And we must think about the future so as not to repeat mistakes in the future.

          So let's hold a referendum on whether the people want to follow Putin's cunning roads into a bright capitalist tomorrow? The mere fact that pension reform, for which there was no economic justification behind the scenes, without questioning those that will bear all its hardships, casts doubt on the concern of the authorities for the prosperity of the Fatherland. She does not even bother to speak honestly with the people. Considers him a bunch of idiots who don’t need either money or food ...
          1. 0
            21 December 2018 12: 04
            That you have such a craving for referendums, Bo! Well, these referendums are not rolling, don’t you understand yet? Or immediately hold a referendum on joining NATO or the European Union, with the wording of the question: "Do you consider it expedient to join the European Union and NATO, if your material well-being will increase?"
            But seriously, let's just work each in their own place, based on their functional responsibilities and qualifications, without fools, presidents and referenda.
  12. +4
    20 December 2018 13: 56
    How do you assess the relationship of the Russian Federation and China? Today, the level of turnover rises to the mark in 100 billion dollars. And another thing: Russian exports to China grew by 44% and by 10 billion dollars already surpasses China’s exports to Russia, what is your opinion on this issue

    Reached, Comrade Sinyuha.
    Swing water, chop wood
    And I recently something
    Bought in Ali Express wassat
    1. +1
      20 December 2018 18: 09
      Well, actually we sell to China, among other things, the Su-35, nuclear services, petrochemicals, helicopters, agricultural products, S-400, aircraft engines, etc., so that there is not only oil, gas and coal.
      1. +3
        20 December 2018 18: 53
        Quote: Sarmat Sanych
        so there is not only oil, gas and coal.

        For the five months of that year
  13. +12
    20 December 2018 13: 56
    We 160 млн live. We protect them.

    Equitable distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, providing people with health care and education services - we are pursuing such a policy now.

    And does not blush. And maybe it’s blushing, just the illuminators and operators are high-class professionals ...
    1. +5
      20 December 2018 14: 08
      He just lives in a different world.
    2. +9
      20 December 2018 14: 29
      Quote: serpent
      Equitable distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, providing people with health care and education services - we are pursuing such a policy now.

      And does not blush.

      what for? With such an electorate
  14. +11
    20 December 2018 13: 59
    "Look at the diplomatic correspondence of the XIX-XX centuries. The same thing all the time. What is the reason for this? Associated with growth of power Russia, increasing competitiveness. "

    Since the 19th century, we have become more and more powerful and powerful ..
    On this occasion, from the new year, gasoline will grow again ..
    Maybe it's enough to feed the people with such "competitiveness" ??
    1. +12
      20 December 2018 14: 30
      Quote: Roman070280
      "Look at the diplomatic correspondence of the XIX-XX centuries. The same thing is always the same. What is it connected with? Is it connected with the growth of Russia's power, with an increase in competitiveness."

      Of course, now our oligarchs compete with the Chinese and American, and the population - with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
      1. 0
        20 December 2018 15: 00
        and yet you are a master of demotivators, however ... hi
      2. -1
        20 December 2018 18: 10
        And where are the 90s?))) With a pension for 5 "Doshirakov"wassat
  15. +13
    20 December 2018 13: 59
    Is socialism not justice? )) The oligarch will always be disingenuous behind the slogans of socialism, nationalism and liberalism, these are all words. The most convenient form of government for them is the third way (corporatism, solidarity, in other words, fascism) and it will be so. Well, at the root of their ideas lies only profit and profit.
    1. -3
      20 December 2018 14: 09
      Socialism is, there is no justice.
      1. -8
        20 December 2018 14: 20
        Quote: Henderson
        there is no justice.

        Social justice is a sign of a highly developed bourgeois society.
        Is bourgeois society in Russia? Even in its first phase?
        However, justice can be the other way around. This is when all the poor and disenfranchised. This is easy to achieve. And society does not need to develop anywhere. And you can feed him fairy tales and other tales (recently passed).
        1. +5
          20 December 2018 15: 14
          "Social justice is a sign of a highly developed bourgeois society." Themselves invented, funny, funny ...
  16. +12
    20 December 2018 14: 07
    "Equitable distribution of resourcesfair treatment of people living below the poverty line"

    What kind of socialism are they asking him ??
    This clown does not even know that with an equitable distribution of resources, there can be no poverty line ..
  17. +10
    20 December 2018 14: 09
    "Fair treatment of people living below the poverty line" ....
    Great humanist at someone else's expense.
    As for socialism, it is not for Putin to decide the fate of Russia. It will be decided by the people of Russia. And the people will succeed, though with a different president. And this tablecloth path with his vassals.
    1. +3
      20 December 2018 15: 06
      Give the Second Socialist Revolution!
    2. 0
      20 December 2018 16: 56
      The people decided in March, Will try to reconsider earlier than 6 years later, the police and Rosgvardia will do everything possible so that "it is not like in / in Ukraine." Even if it works out, today's Russia is not the USSR in terms of "autonomy" (the leadership has made and continues to make every effort). At the slightest attempt to "return everything back" we will be crushed economically, simply by not buying our hydrocarbons, or they will stupidly impose an "embargo on everything" like Cuba. There is no hope for China, they are pragmatists and care first and foremost about their PEOPLE, which cannot but command respect.
  18. +9
    20 December 2018 14: 13
    Vladimir Putin:
    It made us turn on our brains, and Western countries admit that.

    They should have a conscience. But where did they get it from?
    1. +12
      20 December 2018 14: 19
      Vladimir Putin:
      It made us turn on our brains, and Western countries admit that.

      Cool .... the dude himself admits that before the sanctions, they are the government and he himself acted "without brains" .... wink Is it too late? Already so much firewood "without brains" has been broken .... And judging by the latest actions of the "mad printer" and the fountain pen of the "guarantor" - "turning on the brains" in general, is not observed .... or they "turned on" only in one direction: more thoroughly rummage through the pockets of the population ... Yes
      1. +2
        20 December 2018 14: 27
        brains, as an anatomical feature of homosapiens, they have ... there will not be enough mind with a conscience ...
  19. +7
    20 December 2018 14: 20
    Well, yes, ask our fat dogs what they want ??? Socialism will not be in the answers, that's for sure.
    1. +6
      20 December 2018 14: 45
      As for me, VVP and its entourage missed the moment when the population seriously "moved to the left" and talking about a complete rejection of socialism is a mistake ...
      1. +8
        20 December 2018 15: 05
        The people just want to live a normal, dignified life .... with the current authorities, the most, the most, long-suffering are hoping here, I do not want to express myself as it should.
        For the most part, they simply remember or according to the stories of the elders decided that socialism is better than the mess that is happening now.
        There is no need to idealize the past, it wins in most parameters, the most important for the working people!
  20. +8
    20 December 2018 14: 29
    No one asked him: why do the children and families of many of our politicians live and work in NATO countries?
    1. +4
      20 December 2018 15: 03
      and you don’t know? ... it's a residency ... whose truth is not clear ...
  21. +4
    20 December 2018 14: 36
    I don’t understand GDP, how can this bridge across a large river be unprofitable ???
  22. +7
    20 December 2018 14: 57
    Never say no when. In 1945, no idiot had the idea that they would someday celebrate Victory Day under the Vlasov flag and would discuss the removal of Lenin’s body from the mausoleum. As old George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel used to say:
    "History repeats itself twice: the first time as a tragedy, the second as a farce"
    1. +2
      20 December 2018 15: 17
      The plus sign is not active, therefore I will support the word! +++
  23. +11
    20 December 2018 14: 58
    Well, at least he admitted that socialism is not worth the wait. Maybe even after that, some citizens will open their eyes. He also admitted that he was glad to export to China (our natural resources). I am glad that China's economy is growing (and we are standing still, if not worse). We have a good guarantee, rejoices for other countries, and let their citizens hold on and wait for a bright future.
  24. +6
    20 December 2018 15: 10
    Also, Vladimir Putin at this time was asked about the possibility of building a bridge across the Lena River in Yakutia. The President noted that it is necessary to calculate the economic feasibility of creating this project. It is necessary to compare the costs and the final result for the region.
    - oh well you ...., we can pump gold, diamonds, gas and oil from the republic, but as a bridge, you need to build a bridge, take a bridge to Russky Island ..., ugh sad
  25. +1
    20 December 2018 15: 14
    Let's rightly eat in the dining rooms at the prices and menu of the dining room for all citizens of the Russian Federation!
  26. +5
    20 December 2018 15: 25
    Well, if we are talking about leaders, then on December 21, 2018, the traditional laying of flowers at the grave of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin at the Kremlin wall in Moscow will take place for the seventeenth time. The action "Two Carnations for Comrade Stalin" will be held for the 17th time on the private initiative of a group of comrades.
    No Communist Party, Zyuganov and other semi-pink half-sneakers are not there to do.
    1. 0
      22 December 2018 07: 49
      Quote: mik0588
      “Two carnations for comrade Stalin”

      +++++ Who is the initiator ???
  27. +1
    20 December 2018 15: 28
    Socialism should be like in Sweden.
    1. 0
      23 December 2018 17: 00
      Yes, yes, yes, blah, blah, blah .. All this we heard in the blessed 90s!
  28. +6
    20 December 2018 15: 36
    All the time of his reign, he was engaged in the destruction of the achievement of the socialist system, destroyed education, medicine, pensions, making almost everything paid, the same thing as asking the wolf when he stopped killing lamb, stupid questions, in general people are considered fools.
  29. +9
    20 December 2018 15: 36
    The course towards further robbery of the people, for the sake of increasing wealth beyond the rich, will continue and cannot be changed!
  30. +2
    20 December 2018 15: 40
    Quote: Campanella
    The brain has nothing to do with it. The officials are in the first place diligence. Loot they get paid for this,

    In this situation, the May decrees should have been executed ahead of schedule and reported. And do it right, not how it goes. That is the diligence.
  31. +13
    20 December 2018 15: 41
    Putin's achievements in 19 years:
    Conquests of the counter-revolution of the 90s, saved;
    Positions are strengthened;
    The political field has been cleaned up so that even Putin himself cannot be replaced by anyone;
    The Soviet camp is defeated;
    The working class is defeated and scattered;
    The wealth of the people and the state is seized in private hands;
    The family is being destroyed and capitalized;
    Education is capitalized;
    Medicine is capitalized;
    Culture is discarded and capitalized;
    There is an active offensive on all social and cultural fronts.
    And all this is Putin, or rather, the term of his reign.
    He and Co. have done a lot, but I hope not enough to destroy the people of Russia.
    1. -1
      20 December 2018 18: 39
      And this will be 19 and twenty and as many years as you like. Until the ADEQUATE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION appears.
      If the opposition had normal leaders, not buffoons, and United Russia has already been forgotten. Who is our adequate leader: G. A, who only knows how to puff out his cheeks and speak beautiful words? Suraikin: "I am the only communist in Russia"? Grudinin? We did not hear not one word from him, but only confidants. If only he was not guilty, then it was possible to raise such a high that a deaf person would hear. Okay, I didn’t do it during the elections, but in my opinion it was the right time, but after the elections he could drag him to court. And so inevitably suspicion remains.
  32. lot
    20 December 2018 15: 58
    ah this conference is about nothing. unless someone personally help.
  33. +3
    20 December 2018 16: 05
    Putin openly condones betrayal. An example of Butina. The girl had to agree, under pressure, that she worked for the government of the Russian Federation on the issue of interference in the elections. Otherwise, she was threatened with 12 years. And during the war, teenagers under the terrible torture of the Gestapo did not betray their own. Some may argue that the war was then. Yes, war, but the price of life. So they did it in vain?
  34. +11
    20 December 2018 17: 30
    fair distribution of resources blatant lie
    1. 0
      20 December 2018 19: 13
      rayruav! I bet you plus so, because the counter does not do this!
    2. +8
      20 December 2018 19: 17
      Quote: rayruav
      fair distribution of resources blatant lie

      what did you want? Resources, justice? Remember the joke about the general’s son?
  35. +1
    20 December 2018 18: 12
    Quote: Silvestr
    Quote: Campanella
    Officials in the first place

    while thinking is not supposed to?

    And when did officials think? NEVER and ANYWHERE that the local leadership was completely smart.
  36. +6
    20 December 2018 18: 15
    Putin, like ALL enemies of the Communists in the USSR, is against everything BEST for his country and people. They all proved that they are against the best-socialism in the USSR, compared with the wretched, ineffective, disadvantageous country and the majority of the people, -capitalism before the October Revolution and in all the republics of the USSR they seized, and against the best that exists in the countries of the world -Systems , both in the West and in the Scandinavian countries.
  37. +4
    20 December 2018 18: 46
    Quote: kriten
    The course towards further robbery of the people, for the sake of increasing wealth beyond the rich, will continue and cannot be changed!

    Until there is an adequate opposition leader. With such an opposition, say what you want !!
  38. +8
    20 December 2018 18: 59
    Putin believes that the people do not decide anything and will not decide. The oligarchs lead the country wherever they want. And for society there is a show - "noodles for the ears."
    1. +3
      20 December 2018 19: 10
      I put "+", but zero remains zero. I put it again, the answer is that I have already given a grade. And today (after the guarantor's speech) I had a lot of such cases. Are you insuring, moderators?
  39. +4
    20 December 2018 19: 07
    Equitable distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, providing people with health care and education services - we are pursuing such a policy now. Already wrote that everything in the world is relative. Justice, as a concept, is no exception.
    1. +8
      20 December 2018 19: 38
      This phrase of Putin is generally the height of deceit, hypocrisy and cynicism.
      1. +7
        20 December 2018 19: 42
        Irina! He is the leader (real or fake, I don’t know) of the organized crime group that we take for the state. And when did this brotherhood take care of the people and the country? I do not remember such a perversion.
  40. +6
    20 December 2018 21: 00
    A man openly declares that the opinion of the people is up to one place. He said feudalism means feudalism! Otherwise, they wanted socialism!
  41. +2
    20 December 2018 21: 38
    It is symbolic that of all Putin's topics today, the topic of socialism has the most heated discussion.
    However, he himself has long said everything.
  42. +4
    20 December 2018 21: 59
    Under socialism they did not steal so much, why do we need socialism. And then the "national property" where is it ??? all friends of Volodya, where it has been seen that a working person is on the verge of poverty or even poverty, is tearing up three skins for utilities, gasoline, etc. In a country where gasoline is under 50 rubles, where a dozen eggs are at 80 rubles and a pack of oil is at 100 rubles, an ordinary working person has a rogue salary of 15-20 thousand rubles. Fair distribution of resources ???? What is it like ??? when one 100 million a day and the other three skins for housing and communal services ???
  43. +4
    21 December 2018 06: 11

    According to surveys, many citizens of the country with nostalgia recall the times of the USSR? Is the restoration of socialism in Russia possible?

    According to the president, the restoration of socialism is impossible. But justice is important.
    It is true, the Guarantor said - impossible, the expression on his face said - and we will not allow it! Then you could not listen! sad
  44. +5
    21 December 2018 06: 38
    It is outrageous to create a negative image of socialism, but the underlying problems then were primarily the deep upheavals that the country was experiencing, and not the socialist idea itself.
    The basis of socialism is the creation of a new formation that implements the principle of activity for the benefit of all interested parties: the state, population and producers.
    The basis of capitalism is to maximize profit at all costs. This is a struggle at different levels: if the competition between large capital is generally a struggle of equal rights, then for the population it is oppression, even genocide, because the main source of profit is the population, the withdrawal of modest income for the sake of multiplying large capitals. I happened to work in a successful enterprise , with profit-and-loss accounting, social problems were solved: they built houses, children's institutions, organized recreation and treatment for both workers and children. Where have you arrived now? In Western banks, on the accounts of corporations and individuals, they work for the prosperity of the West and the country receives Western gratitude in the form of sanctions, information bullying day and night thinking how to infringe on the interests of the Russian Federation. Compare the information field - under socialism it is the formation of a competent responsible citizen, under capitalism it is the formation of a thoughtless consumer acting to the detriment of himself. The future can only be socialist, what is happening now is degradation and extinction.
  45. 0
    21 December 2018 07: 19
    Personally, I believe that it is not socialism that is important as a political system, with its pluses and minuses, but precisely how the bonuses for the citizen were implemented in the Soviet Union in the form of free education, medicine, a decent salary and pension, employment, etc. It is necessary to strive for this, and here it is difficult to disagree with Uncle Vova.
  46. +4
    21 December 2018 09: 15
    He lies as he breathes, but breathes often. Russia ranks second in terms of social inequality (after Thailand). So the "respected" person has something to work on in the next 4 years and finally bring us to the top of the rating for this position. And you mean socialism to him. Sadness. He's sick of him and his gang.
  47. +3
    21 December 2018 09: 58
    According to the president, the restoration of socialism is impossible. But justice is important. He clearly expressed his opinion to his electorate, dutifully voting for him. And justice is clearly not his craft.
  48. +6
    21 December 2018 10: 12
    In Russia, only the insane can make further improvements to the quality of life, to some kind of social reform. It turns out:
    ... we need to jump into a new economic structure ...

    We’ve been jumping for 18 years, but it turned out to be wasted. But what did not suit the old way and who did not suit?
    The question was asked:
    According to surveys, many citizens of the country with nostalgia recall the times of the USSR? Is the restoration of socialism in Russia possible?

    According to the president,
    restoration of socialism is impossible. But justice is important.

    However, few people drew attention to the reasons for this "impossibility." It turns out the whole point is that it is connected
    “... with spending more income, and ultimately a dead end in the economy.”

    What a strange proposition. Holding on its shoulders the costs of maintaining thirteen republics, providing assistance to all the social and communist parties in the world, rebuilding the economy within the CMEA framework, supplying the armies of the Warsaw Treaty countries with equipment and weapons, training specialists (for FREE !!!) from all over the world, preparing army personnel in military academies, we have come to a standstill for forty years. Having reached a dead end and making sure that “one cannot live like that anymore”, and not those 77,85% were convinced of this, but a small group of “advanced through the ranks in the higher echelons of power”, turned in the opposite direction and, using the surplus in this budget from 2004 to 2010 and in 2018 and the deficit in other years, brought the external debt of the Russian Federation (state + banks + enterprises + other sectors) from $ 200 billion to $ 529 billion. While not helping anyone, without feeding anyone. What a strange economy. True, during this time, the total capital of our oligarchs - the pillars of the Russian economy - increased to an amount exceeding the reserves of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. And while inflation was devouring labor savings, salaries and pensions of ordinary mortal Russians, the number of other Russians — dollar millionaires and billionaires — was growing.

    So, dear Mr. President, if, in your opinion, an excess of expenses over incomes in a socialist society can lead to a deadlock in the economy, then the economists of your formation will lead to the degeneration of the nation, to the impoverishment of the masses and the complete economic dependence of the state on the whims of the oligarchs. The government you have created cannot carry out any reforms in order not to get into the people's pocket, while your friends and managers who are effective for you profit from this impoverishment and the usual looting that has become orphaned natural resources.

    If you are talking about such justice, then we do not need it.
    1. 0
      22 December 2018 16: 14
      Quote: ROSS 42
      If you are talking about such justice, then we do not need it.

      the problem is that 10 people have a greater impact than 140 million. Not only that - they have a common goal, to suck the country. To achieve this, they have towers, pipes, prisons, the army, and to protect against foreign flukes even the Army with nuclear weapons !!!! And 140 million have the Constitution and the right to ask questions without the possibility of engaging in controversy
  49. +1
    21 December 2018 11: 11
    Am I surprised by the figure of 160 million citizens of Russia?
  50. -1
    21 December 2018 13: 23
    There has never been socialism in the USSR, there was "under-communism", yes.
  51. 0
    22 December 2018 07: 24
    Fair distribution of resources, fair treatment of people living below the poverty line, provision of people with healthcare and education services - we are pursuing such a policy

    injustice is the difference between what you have and what it could be.
  52. 0
    23 December 2018 11: 38
    It is sad to see how usually balanced judgments are interspersed with the categorical impossibility of restoring communism (socialism). This answer seemed to me to some extent to mean that he himself would not allow this. As usual, there is a lack of theoretical preparation; in contrast to the invisible hand of the market, communism is precisely the inevitable result of monopoly capitalism: further consolidation of monopoly inevitably leads to a general monopoly - the monopoly of society.