The media announced the results of the preliminary inspection of the hole in the casing of the "Union"

RIA News published a material in which, referring to an unnamed source, reports on the preliminary results of studying photographs of a fragment of the skin of the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft. This is the area of ​​anti-meteorite protection where the hole was previously found. The discovery, as we know, caused a wide resonance - to the extent that some representatives of the space industry announced “the possible fact of drilling a hole by one of the crew members of the ISS due to psychological problems.”

Source in the rocket and space industry to which it refers RIA News, reports that, according to preliminary estimates of the study of the hole, "no evidence of the impact of the drill was found." This is called the results of the preliminary inspection.

From the material:
The photographs taken by the astronauts were scanned; no trace of drilling was found on the ship’s micrometeorite defense.

At the moment, this statement was not commented by the representatives of Roscosmos.

Recall that the Russian cosmonauts carried out work in open space, during which they cut off a fragment of the very micrometeorite defense with damages.

The media announced the results of the preliminary inspection of the hole in the casing of the "Union"

The picture was published on the page of the Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopyev

The fragment, as originally reported, will be transferred to a special laboratory of the FSB. It is after this that the final answer to the questions about the origin of the hole in the lining of the “Union” will be received. The return of the mission from the ISS to Earth is scheduled for December 20.
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  1. -23
    13 December 2018 15: 59
    Gee ... The CPC is essentially no longer the CPC, there is blatantism and nepotism, and the psychologists are strange there, people are spreading the march from the street, and they let children and relatives of high-ranking officials pass without problems, that's the result!
    1. +16
      13 December 2018 16: 02
      Do you understand what you wrote?
      1. -21
        13 December 2018 16: 04
        Well, yes, it's time to disperse them ... The CPC does not fulfill its direct function ...
        1. +20
          13 December 2018 16: 06
          Quote: Samara_63
          Gee ... The CPC is essentially no longer the CPC, there is blatantism and nepotism, and the psychologists are strange there, people are spreading the march from the street, and they let children and relatives of high-ranking officials pass without problems, that's the result!

          Quote: Andrey VOV
          Do you understand what you wrote?

          - it looks like it is with him (Samara_63), a hole in the head was drilled
          1. +6
            13 December 2018 16: 17
            Most likely four days wassat drinks
            What a fault they have on a person. I didn’t give out such pearls
            1. +5
              13 December 2018 18: 49
              fragment of the same micrometeorite defense with damage

              That is, the skin is also damaged? Not just a case?
              It turns out, or a very long drill, with which they continued to drill after they drilled the case and the air began to come out. Or ... something flew in from outside, breaking through the casing, body ... but not breaking through the synthetic matter that covered the body from the inside.
              Or covered the hole with matter later?

              Yes, and this hole looks somehow not very similar to a neat drilling.
              1. +3
                13 December 2018 19: 06
                This photo has not been given before. There were others with traces of drilling. Where is it from?
                1. +5
                  13 December 2018 19: 08
                  Quote: igorbrsv
                  This photo has not been given before. There were others with traces of drilling. Where is it from?

                  Here from this article
                  1. 0
                    13 December 2018 19: 09
                    Thank you, we will see!
          2. +1
            13 December 2018 16: 46
            At birth
        2. +1
          13 December 2018 16: 29
          Quote: Samara_63
          Well, yes, it's time to disperse them ... The CPC does not fulfill its direct function ...

          Again vile americos ...
          1. -4
            13 December 2018 16: 37
            Yes, no, I think everything is simpler in the CPC, the company does not match the name, the CPA is preparing more for the deputies ...
          2. 0
            13 December 2018 22: 44
            Quote: Alber
            Quote: Samara_63
            Well, yes, it's time to disperse them ... The CPC does not fulfill its direct function ...

            Again vile americos ...

            No, men, they could not do without evil spirits. Like Baba Yaga, her tricks. tongue
        3. +1
          13 December 2018 17: 39
          That's right, and you should be instructed to recruit new people. We have a bunch of sofa experts. "Joke, but seriously," let's live and see. "
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +6
      13 December 2018 16: 22
      Quote: Samara_63
      Gee ...

      That is the whole intellect.
      1. -3
        13 December 2018 16: 25
        You'd better check the intellect of the one who actually drilled, and most importantly his boss!
    3. +24
      13 December 2018 17: 10
      I watched the broadcast, these are real space technologies! Work in outer space - in this Russia is utterly superior to all in the world. Hollywood science fiction writers nervously smoke on the sidelines!
      1. +11
        13 December 2018 17: 53
        Really delights, and even for 7 hours.
      2. 0
        14 December 2018 15: 29
        Not sure how the Americans repaired the Hubble telescope? They did perfectly.
    4. +3
      14 December 2018 05: 33
      Quote: Samara_63
      Gee ... The CPC is essentially no longer the CPC, there is blatantism and nepotism, and the psychologists are strange there, people are spreading the march from the street, and they let children and relatives of high-ranking officials pass without problems, that's the result!

      Interestingly, why did you get so many "minuses"? For expressing an awkward thought? Yes, 90% of the minus write themselves awkwardly. Or a herd feeling? Really, I'm really surprised that so many "minuses" are set. From me "+".
  2. +4
    13 December 2018 16: 00
    Or maybe aliens? (a joke of course). If there is no external impact, then the big question for the manufacturers is if you can say so ...
    1. -2
      13 December 2018 16: 03
      did the spider-man pierce with his finger and fly away?
      This is an Amer saboteur, avenging Chinese launches (and our help in the Chinese space program)
    2. +10
      13 December 2018 16: 04
      Quote: Alexey-74
      If there is no external impact, then the big question for the manufacturers is if you can say so ...

      Alex always discount that it is MAGAZINES.
      1. +1
        13 December 2018 16: 08
        Well, yes, Andrei, I agree, give more sensations with this ... and quickly launch something in a column
    3. +2
      13 December 2018 18: 04
      Quote: Alexey-74
      If there is no external impact, then the big question for the manufacturers is if you can say so ...

      So it was internal. External is from the outside of the station. But when it appeared, either during installation, or at the time of operation, here the grandmother said in two.
      1. +2
        13 December 2018 19: 15
        Well, if from the inside. There was a grandmother. American wassat
        Who knows?!
    4. 0
      14 December 2018 06: 38
      Or maybe aliens? (joke of course)

      Does not look like it. In Star Wars, aliens have very cool blasters. The hole will be much larger from their shots.
      Well here or aliens, or one of two ..
      (This is all a joke too !!!) laughing
  3. 0
    13 December 2018 16: 02
    It seems like the media did not say anything.
  4. +2
    13 December 2018 16: 07
    preliminary estimates, "no traces of the impact of the drill were found."
    And how then? A meteorite struck? Hazy somehow ... Both the news and the source.
    1. +5
      13 December 2018 17: 38
      Quote: Less
      preliminary estimates, "no traces of the impact of the drill were found."
      And how then? A meteorite struck? Hazy somehow ... Both the news and the source.

      Muddy, not the right word. As a matter of fact, some kind of hasty and unreasonable conclusion is being sold to us now, because the samples themselves are still at the station. Traces of drill impact, or their absence, could be determined without leaving the module, especially into open space, so that for the sake of such a "conclusion" the lives of astronauts could be risked.
      1. +3
        13 December 2018 17: 54
        All journalists are numb, I want sensations.
    2. -1
      13 December 2018 17: 45
      The meteorite did not exactly hit, because the outer "protection" is intact, so the hole appeared before the installation of this outer layer of protection. That is, a non-standard hole was drilled during the manufacture of the ship.
      1. 0
        13 December 2018 19: 26
        And how was the air at all? I am not a constructor. But how many layers are there? There should be no air under protection. Is the inner layer damaged?
  5. +12
    13 December 2018 16: 09
    As old Ford used to say: "If during the investigation of any incident, the culprit is not identified, feel free to close your office."
    1. 0
      13 December 2018 16: 19
      Quote: Raja
      "If, during the investigation of any incident, the culprit is not identified, feel free to close your office."

      good good good
    2. +2
      13 December 2018 16: 59
      Quote: Raja
      As old Ford used to say: "If during the investigation of any incident, the culprit is not identified, feel free to close your office."

      Lavrenty Palych is not on you ...
      "How many bastards got divorced. I would shoot, but bastard and asshole, this is not a criminal offense, there is no article." Quote Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria.
      But nicho, our time will come, the followers of Lavrentiy Palych ...
      1. 0
        13 December 2018 23: 28
        Quote: KOCMOC
        "How many bastards have divorced. Would shoot, but bastard and asshole, this is not a criminal offense, there is no article

        stupidity under the charter is not punishable-General Kondratenko (Stepanov-PA)
  6. +4
    13 December 2018 16: 11
    Stuffing ... By reference to the source, the astronaut’s page where he does not write a word about it. But the bots have already pulled themselves up
  7. BAI
    13 December 2018 16: 11
    In my opinion, something is messed up in the news. Micrometer protection was removed in order to get to the casing - to see where the edges of the hole go (on which side they drilled) and where, respectively, is the putty. And take samples of this putty (not protection). Already in space, it became clear that the hole was drilled in the factory, the hole goes from the outside to the inside. There (outside) was putty.

    However, at the same time it becomes completely unclear where the traces of drilling (peeled paint) come from on the inside?
    1. +4
      13 December 2018 16: 23
      I think they were looking for shavings. The presence of shavings under the meteorite sheathing would indicate that they were already drilled in space.
      1. 0
        13 December 2018 17: 55
        Indeed, there are more than one options. I think that since we took such measures for the investigation, we will soon announce a conclusion based on its results. But purely even thinking logically - the version with an unbalanced astronaut is much less likely than a manufacturing defect. It is much easier to select a few, or several dozen "super-people" suitable for space missions than a few thousand technically supporting these missions. And it is much easier to make a mistake in the complex technological process of assembling a ship than to get to the point of drilling it in space from the inside.

        Interestingly, what will they do with the ship? Returned to Earth for research? as I understand it, the astronauts on it are not safe to launch.
        1. SOF
          13 December 2018 18: 43
          Quote: alexmach
          as I understand it, the astronauts on it are not safe to launch.

          ... are you serious.? ... this is not a shuttle ... as if this ship has no wings, and therefore cosmonauts / astronauts descend on a descent vehicle, which includes a closet, where, in fact, and found a "hole", not included ....... request
        2. +2
          13 December 2018 19: 07
          Quote: alexmach
          But purely even thinking logically - the version with an unbalanced astronaut is much more likely than a production defect.

          Alexander! hi As I believe, if there was an obvious manufacturing defect, then, given the recently tarnished reputation of Roskosmos, ours would not "wash dirty linen in public." Moreover, the module is purely ours and the p-owls could not be allowed there at all until the causes of the leak were eliminated. They would say that a microcrack or micro-hole from a meteorite was found. Quietly, they would close up the hole and hush up the case. And then no - they rang the bell "to the whole Ivanovskaya". I think that not everything is so simple.
        3. -1
          13 December 2018 21: 48
          Quote: alexmach
          Interestingly, what will they do with the ship? Returned to Earth for research? as I understand it, the astronauts on it are not safe to launch.

          As I understand it, this module is one of those that descend to Earth, as a result of which the outer shell burns so much that it is no longer possible to study those fragments for which the spacewalk was carried out. As they say - "ends in water". Therefore, those who initiated this entire operation to remove samples and deliver them to Earth have serious reasons to assume that there is an interest and direct participation of "partners" in the appearance of this hole on the Russian segment of the ISS. As far as my memory serves me, not so long ago there was information that the mattresses in their module had a problem with the toilet, because of which they used our space pot for some time. Here, as it were, the topic arises, did they really have such a serious problem, and did this hole appear during their "friendly" campaigns?
          1. +3
            13 December 2018 23: 03
            Quote: Nyrobsky
            that this module is one of those that descend to Earth

            Sectional view of the Soyuz TMA spacecraft.

            A hole was found in the household compartment. The astronauts are landing in the descent vehicle. The rest burns out in the atmosphere. So for the descent is not critical.
    2. 0
      13 December 2018 19: 39
      the hole could be inside, but the putty is outside
  8. 0
    13 December 2018 16: 12
    Quote: Media voiced ...
    ... a fragment of the same micrometeorite defense with damage.

    How else can we intelligibly explain the appearance of a hole inside, if it is outside, then go through?
  9. +1
    13 December 2018 16: 15
    Your deeds are wonderful, Lord ...
  10. 0
    13 December 2018 16: 20
    Well, thank God raufikneuinoouaty ..
  11. +2
    13 December 2018 16: 21
    There is an option that our guys will delicately keep silent so as not to take the dirty linen out of the hut and then sort out quietly with NASA so that there are no international scandals.
    1. +2
      13 December 2018 16: 58
      Two years ago I ordered a computer desk. A guy arrived with a large cardboard box, dumped the accessories on the floor, quickly assembled the table and left. Large table, comfortable, beautiful, pine veneer. On the right, it relies on something like an open nightstand. On the inner support of the bedside table, two holes were found at the same height from the floor. A thorough examination showed that there were no signs indicating the possibility of placing an additional shelf, as well as the shelf itself. I am still thoughtful about this ...
      1. +1
        17 December 2018 22: 03
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +3
    13 December 2018 16: 36
    Quote: Samara_63
    You'd better check the intellect of the one who actually drilled, and most importantly his boss!

    When they figure it out and find a performer, then it will be possible to ask. In the meantime, you have only bare speculations with inarticulate "Gee", characteristic of the inhabitants of a neuropsychiatric dispensary.
  14. 0
    13 December 2018 16: 48
    Publishing about anything, no information. What conclusions can be drawn here, that the manufacturers are to blame.
  15. 0
    13 December 2018 16: 52
    In other words, there is no certainty yet. Will wait.
  16. 0
    13 December 2018 16: 53
    I alone did not understand what the micrometeorite protection was for the capsule that received the drilling? Or is it much easier? Tried to understand where they drilled like and who?
  17. +1
    13 December 2018 17: 02
    For those who have not yet understood, "translated" into "normal" language, it means: "Drilled from the outside, not from the inside."
    1. +2
      13 December 2018 19: 41
      Drill slip marks found inside the module! hi
  18. 0
    13 December 2018 17: 09
    ... published material in which, referring to unnamed source...

    You can not read further.
  19. -1
    13 December 2018 17: 15
    the final answer to the questions about the origin of the hole in the skin of the "Union" will be received

    The answer, of course, will be received. But will it be published?
    That is:
    1) if no obvious traces of "orbital humanoids" are found, then the hype was raised in vain (and the hype is a convenient preparatory period for the design of a lever of pressure on the "inconvenient partner" - her in such matters for nothing they do not raise);
    2) if traces of "orbiting humanoids" are found, then what - to disclose them, worsening the already fragile relationship? And then how to fly on (officially) their station, restricting them access due to sabotage?
    I suppose that they will hide the story, explaining it with some fantastic phenomenon (a drill-toothed intra-station cockroach). And they themselves, in turn, will have the opportunity to set conditions for the "sworn partner". Simply because there is no sense in "exposing the villain". How to punish him? "Trampoline" is not fashionable - BE-4 is already being prepared in full by 2019, and there have been developments in the cabin for a long time.
  20. +1
    13 December 2018 17: 32
    there are holes, there are no traces of a drill. Question- where are the holes from?
    1. +1
      13 December 2018 17: 46
      Here I am talking about the same thing, if someone did not understand: where and where are the holes in my table?!? They correctly said: The missing element in any current production is Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria !! am
    2. +4
      13 December 2018 18: 35
      Quote: Silvestr
      there are holes, there are no traces of a drill. Question- where are the holes from?

      Found what to discuss and what to believe.
      Media voiced

      Never take information from "unnamed sources who wish to remain anonymous" for truth. Therefore, your question can be addressed to that very "source". Well you wait for the official investigation and information.
  21. +1
    13 December 2018 17: 39
    Quote: Samara_63

    Gee ...

    This is a good argument.
  22. 0
    13 December 2018 18: 29
    It's time for the "Trampoline-Moon Clown" to seriously think about resignation ...
  23. +4
    13 December 2018 18: 41
    The photographs taken by the astronauts were scanned; no trace of drilling was found on the ship’s micrometeorite defense.

    I was absolutely sure of this result ... As well as the reasons for the sinking and death of the crew of the Kursk nuclear submarine
    Again, the case of sabotage sabotage will be hushed up .. Oh Russia, so as not to offend anyone, again at a price ..
    Once again, another muddy secret story .. Well, wait until someday. Evil is not enough. angry
  24. 0
    13 December 2018 18: 52
    it is clear that this hole has a name and surname, I hope that now he bites his last nails with his teeth in fear, I really hope
  25. 0
    13 December 2018 19: 03
    Blaster, no ?! bully
    1. +1
      14 December 2018 16: 04
      No, full-time pilot weapon:

  26. +4
    13 December 2018 19: 38
    I will translate it from journalism into a normal language: when removing the screen-vacuum insulation and opening the panel of the anti-meteoroid aluminum screen, no traces of drilling were found on the inside of this screen. Those. if drilled in space, then the drill should have left a mark on this screen, but if it would have been long enough for this. The black sealant, a piece of which Oleg took was a trace of a gauze swab with sealant - which the astronauts put into the hole when, in search of a leak, they found it.

    At the ZEM, where the ship was going, when installing the screen, the hole, even if it was dirty, would be immediately noticeable - all assembly operations are documented. After assembly at the ZEM, the ship was in the CIS at Baikonur for a long time.
  27. 0
    13 December 2018 19: 42
    for the second article in a row, casting a shadow on the wattle fence.
    it doesn’t matter where it was drilled from, when opening the protection it turned out that the hole was sealed with sealant outside, before the meteorite was installed, that is
    1. It was made at the factory.
    2. meteorite installers could not help but see the smeared hole.
  28. +2
    13 December 2018 19: 45
    Quote: Avior
    for the second article in a row, casting a shadow on the wattle fence.
    it doesn’t matter where they drilled from, when opening the protection it turned out that the hole was sealed with sealant on the outside

    Outside was a piece of gauze with metal sealant, which the astronauts stuck in the hole and the chip of which was taken as a sample in order to detect traces that were previously in the hole.

    1. 0
      14 December 2018 11: 49
      2 mm hole, carefully look at the picture
  29. -3
    13 December 2018 20: 00
    I don’t understand who needs this investigation ??? Now "highly likely" rules! It was necessary to have a mattress crew first in Matrosskaya Tishina, as they confess - immediately in a madhouse and treat for 8 years, until vegetables! wink
    And to our diplomats at all corners to declare "You," dear partners ", psychos fly into space, therefore, until you provide a certificate (Russian) from a psychiatrist, there is nothing to talk with you about! wassat
    IMHO hi
  30. 0
    13 December 2018 20: 16
    Not a stupid storekeeper, not a drunken collector, and now certainly an American warrior. Although it’s not Russian crooked hands, but the vile enemy, I swear ...
  31. 0
    13 December 2018 23: 17
    A scribe to a student - the practice will not be counted.
  32. 0
    13 December 2018 23: 27
    "Opening the MMZ and EVTI made it possible to find that the outer part of the hole was sealed with some kind of black substance." I knocked out all this blackness, now there is a lighter mass, "Oleg Kononenko reported to the MCC.

    What kind of black mass with fringe, which the astronauts compared with a spider, will show a study on Earth where the collected samples of the “plug” and the adjacent area of ​​the MMZ will be sent with the Soyuz-MS-09 ship on December 20. However, the detection of this "gag" under the MMZ

    indicates that the hole was made during the assembly of the ship on Earth.

    With the fact that traces now lead to RSC Energia, agrees Victor Minenko, professor of MSTU. Bauman, a former employee of RSC Energia, previously engaged in the design of transport manned and unmanned vehicles Soyuz and Progress.

    “Of course, this was done here (in RSC Energia), from where the entire object is delivered already assembled at the cosmodrome. After all, the ship’s hull, MMZ and EVTI make, install different brigades, different people. So, we need to look for someone in the workshop, ”Minenko told

    The expert believes that analysis of the material used to plug the hole can point to the culprit. “And this mastic can be found, and the one who installed it, who has it in use, is there such a mastic in the workshops,” Minenko believes. "
    Something like that.
  33. 0
    15 December 2018 15: 10
    Well, where is the news? Stop doing such stuffing!
  34. 0
    17 December 2018 21: 55
    100% aliens wanted to take an air sample in the ISS.