Bulk and "sleeping patriots"

For a long time, Alexey has not pleased us with anything hot, it has just become boring. Duelist Zolotov merged, sadness and longing? But no! Pies with heat and heat, and almost on the ball! Another series of revelations from Navalny and the company.

And here, by the way, for some reason, the desire to joke and mock completely disappeared. Because it came to the understanding that things were serious in the yard.

In many media outlets, especially those not very benevolently related to the authorities and the media in power, the word “sleeping” has flashed. Maybe someone did not watch the series, so you need a translation? But no question!

So, “asleep” is called agents who were previously deployed to government agencies, law enforcement agencies, and mass media, who were waiting for a team of active actions in “sleep mode”. After receiving the appropriate command, the “sleeping” agent is activated and starts working for the benefit of its part.

So, Mr. Brilev, with his English citizenship, was exposed not so much on time, but simply that it was exposed. But the main thing is not even the exposure of Brilev, one of the leading patriotic TV presenters. If he was alone ...

The main thing in stories that behind the Brilev machine pulled others. And today it is just possible to imagine how deep and how many are "sleeping" in the media.

Yes, Brilev himself does not deny anything. Well, he has the citizenship of a country that, to put it mildly, historically hates Russia. And in this country there are elite real estate for a tidy sum of 700 thousand pounds.

It is clear that the correspondent and the presenter of such money is simply not able to make money. Earned his lucky business woman and wife in combination. True, the projects in which Irina Brilev officially appears are mostly unprofitable for some reason, but earned money on Brilev's apartment.

Brilev himself not only confirmed his citizenship, he does not see anything like that in this. Say, an employee of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise (which is the TC "Russia") - not a civil servant. And according to the nature of the work, Brilev has no access to the state secrets.

“As for property in London, it was acquired with funds whose sources are transparent and well known to the relevant financial and tax authorities.”

Well what can I say ... 66 millions for an apartment ... God save the queen!

It is clear that we will not hear from Brilev here. On the contrary, the phrase that “an Englishwoman shits us” is directly a “trick”.

And another nuance. It has already resulted in the media, that indeed, the FSB and the FMS, Mr. Brilev, properly informed about his second citizenship, here without any questions. But evil tongues from VGTRK claim that nothing was known about this on the board of the TV channel.

But it already let the employee and the employer themselves understand each other.

The main Sands already voiced. Brilev’s possession of British citizenship “cannot be a cause for accusation or criticism.” So Peskov said in an interview with Ekho Moskvy.

Well, what said Sands, we know who thought ...

But I will again. I wonder what kind of "transparent sources" of financing the purchase of an apartment for almost a million dollars spoke Brilev? And to whom he reported? Before the Russian tax or British?

I understand that before the British, otherwise he would not have been able to sell a flat. There with this strictly.

But from where a million dollars from even the first-class TV host is still a question. And how much is a million comparable to his earnings. The fact that his wife, the owner of unprofitable enterprises, could not earn a millionaire is a fact. Although ... Maybe that's why unprofitable that the apartment was bought?

But in general, the fact that our "telepatriot" has the citizenship of a frankly hostile state, more than covers and covers all its financial frauds.

I agree, by the way, that there are no such formal violations in the history of Brilev. It is said that the relevant special services now rushed to check Brilev. They check his contacts in the UK, which Brilev spawned during a long-term business trip to this country, check sources of income, since the salary of a correspondent obviously did not allow him to buy property in the elite area of ​​London.

Of course, there are two in one. And citizenship, and flat. And everything is somewhat incomprehensible, but only one thing is clear: Brilev could well have fallen under the wing of someone or something in the UK. Well, couldn’t he, as a well-known political figure, “God give” so much?

Accordingly, our patriotic TV presenter may well be not quite the one for whom we accept him. Although not, if Peskov himself said, then no, it would not.

Nevertheless, a “sleeper” of such a level may be more than useful to the special services of a country “loving” Russia, like the UK. For example, he can, at the right time, voice the proper interpretation of a topic, especially live, give information with the right slant, ask the right question in an interview.

Can? Yes, of course!

The incident with Brilev shook up the media environment, and information about such incidents like a lump from the mountain came down.

And it turned out to be a disagreeable thing: in our leading media, not in the last roles, just a bunch of foreign citizens!

Citizenship of Great Britain has long been favored by Konstantin Ernst.

Ekaterina Andreeva (Channel One) has Montenegrin citizenship.

Ivan Urgant has Israeli citizenship.

Vladimir Pozner is a citizen of France and the USA.

Maxim Galkin - a citizen of Cyprus (with his wife Pugacheva).

Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky are citizens of France.

The Maslyakov father and son have a Latvian residence permit.

And so you can continue to insanity, and if you go to the camp of big businessmen (there are no oligarchs in the country), the whole world is there.

But businessmen are slaves to their capital. And the media staff?

It would be interesting to know how many there are, those who simultaneously serve two masters? And which of the two is preferable? Problem for the FSB, anyway.

By the way, such an idea: our real enemies absolutely not necessarily all completely work on "Echo of Moscow" or "Rain." Yes, and the organization of Navalny, it turns out, can be useful.

“Sleepers” quite normally can be ardent (in words) patriots, work in state-run media, hold posts in any ministries and departments.

And just wait for the command.

The only question is who, when and for the benefit of whom will give them the order?

And no matter how it came out, as in a joke: London cannot be bombed, ours are there. Berlin can not be bombed, there are also ours. Tel Aviv can not be bombed, there is generally all ours. Well, let's in Voronezh vmazh, there are definitely no ours!
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  1. +60
    30 November 2018 05: 50
    You can’t bomb Florida either ... Lebedev is resting there now ... entot has come up with an excellent wording ... Miami has a foreign electoral body with our citizens ... he needs to work there belay ... apparently a good job ... a lot of positive emotions about the local climate and people.
    I can imagine that he will feel when he comes back to our harsh conditions in every sense ... well, our people chose their chosen ones on their neck.
    1. +71
      30 November 2018 06: 15
      Florida is really a very nice place. Happened to be there. He flew home from Tampa. The change of crew was. And if on the topic, then this is all very disgusting ... A person who teaches to love the Motherland is a citizen of another state. And this is on one of the federal channels ... The situation is, to put it mildly, juicy ....
      1. +38
        30 November 2018 06: 28
        Florida is really a very nice place. Happened to be there. He flew home from Tampa.

        My good friends live there in that same Tampa ... I watched their transformation from Russian citizens to US citizens personally ...
        at the end of this transformation, Russia and Putin are watered with the last words ... these are the things. what
        I think Lebedev will face the same transformation ...
        instead of making the life of Russians better and richer, these deserters and deputies only worsen it.
        1. +22
          30 November 2018 07: 36
          Russia and Putin are being watered with the last words ...

          This may be a protective reaction of the organism to the change of environment. They convince themselves that having left the Russian Federation they made the right choice. Otherwise have to admit that life is crap. And it is difficult.
          1. +29
            30 November 2018 09: 04
            I will support your thought with my observations. A friend who left for Holland in each conversation tells how cheaply he bought this or that, convincing himself of the correctness of his choice. Is this a psychological defense against ... the heart?
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +7
                30 November 2018 09: 40
                I put a question mark next to this word precisely so that everyone could choose instead a word or concept that is closer and more understandable to him.
                1. +9
                  30 November 2018 10: 05
                  I will replace for myself with "belonging to my people and homeland (which has become the fiefdom of grabbers, swindlers, nepotism, tramps of creative ideology, retrograde bosses, nail stampers from sawing promising missiles and unique equipment)"
            2. +8
              30 November 2018 11: 21
              This is miserable self-justification. Self-justification of the betrayal of their homeland - the place where he was born, grew up, fell in love ... Betrayal of the land on which the ancestors lived for centuries (read millennia). And their ancestors betrayal. And so you need to justify your action. Well, at least somehow! .. At least something ... Cheaper then, more profitable than that ...
              Betrayal. And there is no other definition for this.
              "Needed where was born."
              1. +4
                30 November 2018 12: 48
                Quote: Waraga
                This is miserable self-justification. Self-justification of the betrayal of their homeland - the place where he was born, grew up, fell in love ... Betrayal of the land on which the ancestors lived for centuries (read millennia). And their ancestors betrayal. And so you need to justify your action. Well, at least somehow! .. At least something ... Cheaper then, more profitable than that ...
                Betrayal. And there is no other definition for this.
                "Needed where was born."

                Nonsense. Betrayal is:
                Work on someone else's intelligence
                Slope from the army
                The slope of their children from the army
                Tax avoidance
                Theft of state property
                Where the brow lives after he served in the army and paid taxes in his country is his own business.
                And the value of an individual who did not serve in the army evades taxes, steals - is very doubtful, even if his ancestors were on the Kulikovo Field.
                1. +2
                  30 November 2018 14: 04
                  Nonsense ...

                  You don’t understand - you never had a homeland.
                  1. +4
                    30 November 2018 14: 21
                    laughing .... again pushing for patriotism. Surely steal (s)
                    1. +19
                      30 November 2018 14: 54
                      Do you mean Peskov? So this is he at work "patriot", but then as the FSE ...

                      Or maybe you mean our dear Partners from the USA? They are very fond of cracking about their Amer patriotism. They steal a lot, not otherwise wassat
                      1. +1
                        30 November 2018 15: 00
                        Given that a roll of toilet paper “costs” the US Army $ 300, EMNIP, dollars, steal on a grand scale laughing
                      2. +6
                        1 December 2018 22: 15
                        .. we along the way, not only in the media the 5th colony is thriving ... looking at the affairs of the government and who is sitting in it, we can only guess how much we will stretch out ... as a sovereign state .. although this concept is already for our country under big question ...
                      3. +3
                        3 December 2018 15: 33
                        And what else could Peskov say if his wife, Tatyana Navka, is a US citizen? ... and the children are citizens of France .... involuntarily he will begin to justify people like Brilev
                2. +7
                  30 November 2018 14: 08
                  Quote: Krasnodar
                  Nonsense. Betrayal is:

                  What are you? How can you kick me out? I sold my homeland for a car!
                  classic of Soviet cinema.
                  1. +1
                    30 November 2018 14: 39
                    This is how they wanted to call Victory the Homeland - Stalin’s reaction:
                    And how much is our homeland laughing
                    Then, after renaming; Our Victory is not great. But the name still left))
                3. +3
                  30 November 2018 18: 55
                  "There are only two endless things: the universe and human stupidity.
                  I'm not sure about the first one though. "
                  A. Einstein
                  Which you have proved. Once again.
                4. +1
                  3 December 2018 10: 18
                  Quote: Krasnodar

                  Nonsense. Betrayal is:
                  Work on someone else's intelligence
                  Slope from the army
                  The slope of their children from the army
                  Tax avoidance
                  Theft of state property
                  Where the brow lives after he served in the army and paid taxes in his country is his own business.
                  And the value of an individual who did not serve in the army evades taxes, steals - is very doubtful, even if his ancestors were on the Kulikovo Field.

                  No, this is nonsense with you. The power of the state is created by the labor of its citizens. And if all citizens "fade", then who will then create the power of the state? According to your logic - he served in the army and that's all, the state does not owe anything. Flawed logic and flawed worldview. Here it is, a product of the 90s represented by Krasnodar. I even wrote my nickname in Latin.
                  1. -1
                    3 December 2018 10: 25
                    laughing ..and how to pay taxes in your country? )) He served in the army, unlearned / work / opened his own business, pay taxes, became popular and then decide for yourself whether to stay in the country or not. What is flawed here?
                    1. +1
                      3 December 2018 20: 24
                      Quote: Krasnodar
                      He served in the army, unlearned / work / opened his own business, pay taxes, became popular and then decide for yourself whether to stay in the country or not. What is flawed here?

                      That's right, for you, Homeland is just a springboard. But you, because of your flawed worldview, do not understand this. And trying to explain something to you is like throwing beads in front of pigs.
                      1. -2
                        3 December 2018 20: 30
                        Yeah .. and give shrines (Lehem Panim in the original) to the dogs. For I will trample pearls with hooves and, turning (giyur, brit, etc.), I will turn against YOU! )))
              2. +3
                1 December 2018 13: 51
                All the personalities mentioned in the article are not Russian. Most of the unnamed ones, too.
            3. +5
              30 November 2018 11: 48
              No tantrums. It is necessary to draw conclusions and conduct an audit of media employees.
              Those with other citizenship should be awarded the honorary title of an INO agent.
              1. +18
                30 November 2018 12: 16
                With pissing rags, it is necessary to drive this entire media ish mafia, covering up the chaos of crime and the ruling liberals.
                1. +12
                  30 November 2018 12: 35
                  To liberals add United Russia.
                  1. +9
                    30 November 2018 12: 59
                    So this is the same liberasti, only the most terry and unprincipled.
                    And to drive them not with pissing rags, but with ballots in the next elections, it will be more true.
              2. +6
                30 November 2018 12: 56
                Quote: Bearded
                No tantrums. It is necessary to draw conclusions and conduct an audit of media employees.
                Those with other citizenship should be awarded the honorary title of an INO agent.

                People competently prepare siding escape routes, isn't it clear?
                On the other hand, is it possible to blame them? Does he work in a high position in a state corporation and is not a civil servant? Does it really happen? in fact, in any situation, the tsarls or jamesbonds will be hooked, and he is not afraid of the fate of the violinists, or of the same Litvinenko with Berezovsky and other characters whom the GDP warned in a fatherly way: Ware to run around the ships ...
                1. 0
                  3 December 2018 15: 37
                  So Brilev is still a member of the Public Councils of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs ... in this way he is in contact with secret materials / operations and the state secret
              3. +11
                30 November 2018 16: 13
                One gets the feeling that these ... and others like them, as if in the event of a war are getting ready to take off from the country.
                Only hatred and contempt for such ...
              4. The comment was deleted.
              5. +1
                3 December 2018 20: 37
                Along the way, it would be nice to check officials too, and there are a lot of questions for the president, and the most important one is: why do US presidents have ALL relatives living in the USA and ours in France and the Netherlands? and why do our daughter understand the foreign minister lives in the USA? .... something very annoying this state of affairs! and also they rolled a barrel to Grudinin for transferring money to Germany for the treatment of (proven) relatives, because we couldn’t provide such treatment physically ...
            4. -1
              30 November 2018 12: 42
              Quote: Galleon
              I will support your thought with my observations. A friend who left for Holland in each conversation tells how cheaply he bought this or that, convincing himself of the correctness of his choice. Is this a psychological defense against ... the heart?

              No, in Europe it's a way of life laughing Yes, and in Russia, I have a bunch of friends who say that it was profitable to buy Italian at outlet, that they took a penny in New York .. or bought an apartment or a car here much cheaper ... there is no connection with nostalgia and the question of the right choice. Yes, and in our time you can always come back.
        2. +8
          30 November 2018 12: 28
          The same Lyokha. Note, the GDP and the country are watered, but not the citizens. Or maybe from the outside it is better to know what is wrong with us. And we ourselves begin to understand what is wrong after the last presidential elections. Probably, we ourselves need to start "debriefing" of our top leaders - Medvedev, VVP and other "untouchables in power", and it is high time to change for fresh and more powerful "galley oars" .....
      2. +4
        30 November 2018 09: 29
        Here you come to your senses. Or maybe the child needed to be raised while he was placed across the bench ?! You write as if such hypocrisy is a revelation for you. I’ll leave this link for thought:

      3. +27
        30 November 2018 10: 44
        Quote: Lantau
        The situation is mildly piquant ....

        Such a piquant situation in all spheres of Russian life .. And it is easy to explain it, there is an "elite" that uses Russia only to make money and there is simply a people that they consider cattle, but since there are too many cattle than the "elite" cattle, they are afraid and have come up with threats that cover up theft, accompanied by patriotic songs ..
        1. +6
          30 November 2018 11: 51
          Quote: Svarog
          Quote: Lantau
          The situation is mildly piquant ....

          Such a piquant situation in all spheres of Russian life .. And it is easy to explain it, there is an "elite" that uses Russia only to make money and there is simply a people that they consider cattle, but since there are too many cattle than the "elite" cattle, they are afraid and have come up with threats that cover up theft, accompanied by patriotic songs ..

          The Western sanction policy towards Russia is for a long time, so sooner or later the elite will have to choose whose side it is on. The choice in any case will be associated with financial losses.
          1. +14
            30 November 2018 13: 38
            Western sanctions policy towards Russia is a long time, so that the elite will sooner or later have to choose which side it is on.

            Elitka (including GlavSterkh) has already A long time ago it was determined. And the sanctions for her are kind of easy sparring, where they do not seriously beat. And if a blow takes place more impressively, then dragging sanctions is for our shoulders (and stomachs). Deripasok (Vekselberg, and the list goes on) GlavElitka will definitely save (not hiding at all - from the TV screens it was announced more than once).
          2. +11
            30 November 2018 13: 43
            Quote: Bearded
            this is for a long time, so sooner or later the elite will have to choose whose side she is on. The choice in any case will be associated with financial losses.

            I think they have already made their choice and they have absorbed the money ... which means that as long as the opportunity will milk Russia, they will do it when everyone fails to smell fried ..
            1. +3
              30 November 2018 13: 56
              Quote: Svarog
              Quote: Bearded
              this is for a long time, so sooner or later the elite will have to choose whose side she is on. The choice in any case will be associated with financial losses.

              I think they have already made their choice and they have absorbed the money ... which means that as long as the opportunity will milk Russia, they will do it when everyone fails to smell fried ..

              The fact that they are dumped is beyond doubt. The question is where? It may happen that you have to bring it to Russia without money. Does Russia need such an elite?
              1. -3
                1 December 2018 14: 10
                "Elite", "" ...... This is not the right terminology. The problem is much broader and deeper. Why does someone withdraw money from Russia, acquire real estate and foreign citizenship? Yes, because you will not find mention in the media and on the forums "DEAR ENTREPRENEURS".
                It is not customary to say "earned", but only "stole" - easily and without proof. There is no respect. But many people understand that successful entrepreneurship requires special abilities. Not every one of us is capable of this.
                That’s why they run - both capitals and people.
                Maybe we are envious?
        2. 0
          1 December 2018 22: 18
          ..there is not even better ...
      4. +10
        30 November 2018 12: 02
        It is sadly another thing that the president, through the mouth of Peskov, says - "Normul, this is possible."
      5. +1
        30 November 2018 13: 20
        Florida is really a very good place, and Chukotka is also a very good place - I recommend it to our "patriots" for rest - one inconvenience you can bomb there Abramovich is gone, and the others have not been delivered yet!
      6. 0
        30 November 2018 22: 45
        Quote: Lantau
        disgusting ... A person who teaches to love the motherland is a citizen of another state. And this is on one of the federal channels ... The situation is, to put it mildly, juicy ....

        These media! Traitor to the traitor
    2. +4
      30 November 2018 06: 25
      Lebedev - who is this?
      1. +20
        30 November 2018 06: 50
        The son of Zhirinovsky ... along the way, Deputy Prime Minister of the State Duma ... along the way a millionaire ... is it difficult to say whether he is a patriot of his country what
        Lebedev’s income At the beginning of 2010, information about the financial condition of Igor Lebedev, the son of Zhirinovsky, whose biography testifies to the multifaceted development of this person in the last year, became known to everyone. This information shocked almost everyone, because he became the richest person holding the position of head of the State Duma faction. At that time, he was able to earn more than 178 million rubles per year. In addition, he owned four apartments and cars, as well as one motorcycle. The following year, his earnings were very different from the previous one, before the sixth congress he was able to get less than 5 million, but at the same time got several apartments in the capital, another car and bought shares of VTB Bank. But still he remained the richest member in the party’s election list. - Read more on FB.ru: http://fb.ru/article/210956/igor-lebedev---syin-jirinovskogo-biografiya-foto
        1. +5
          30 November 2018 06: 56
          Thank you, I remembered. Lysenky is such a surname by mother.
          1. +32
            30 November 2018 08: 39
            they are all maternal pedigree
            1. 0
              1 December 2018 22: 20
              ..very correctly noticed .. good
        2. +9
          30 November 2018 12: 26
          What patriot is he to a dog? He earns money. They are all up there patriots of money.
      2. +5
        30 November 2018 13: 21
        You should know the processes of famous stumps!
    3. +16
      30 November 2018 10: 16
      Her Majesty’s Russian patriot sounds good!
    4. +5
      30 November 2018 11: 01
      Ahaaaaaaaaaaa !!! That's it!!! So all the same, Navalny Nashen counterintelligence undercover !!! Moreover, it was practically illegal in their own country to identify sleeping agents of enemy states under the guise of fighting the regime ... Clever! Thanks to the author - reassured! So clearly now you can imagine Putin smiling well giving Navalny a confused senior lieutenant (I won’t tell which department) a high state award !!! Uffffff! Straight from the heart relieved! Well done, our whole tact. What they won’t come up with for our quiet life! I hope this article does not harm the hero? Although what am I talking about - everything is under control and agreed upon! In short, all our human thanks!
    5. +4
      30 November 2018 11: 14
      THAT WHAT HE SAID - I solemnly, sincerely and honestly declare and confirm that when I become a British citizen, I will be faithful and maintain true devotion to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her Heirs and Successors, in accordance with the law
      1. +4
        2 December 2018 03: 32
        And after that they still say that there’s nothing in it negative They sing about patriotism am and what a bad Bulk what
    6. +3
      30 November 2018 12: 23
      There was such a tale about the naked King. So the task of this corrupt media of the retinue is to prevent our King from realizing that he is naked. And if he suddenly understands this, the situation should already be incorrigible. Therefore, even now they manage to kill-bankrupt enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
      1. +5
        30 November 2018 15: 17
        So the task of this corrupt media of the retinue is to prevent our King from realizing that he is naked.

        Nope. The task is that you do not understand that there is no king. Neither naked nor dressed. And there is a beautiful screen. Moreover, the screen perfectly understands who she is, whose she is and why she is.
        1. +1
          30 November 2018 16: 06
          Quote: dauria
          The task is that you do not understand that there is no king. Neither naked nor dressed. And there is a beautiful screen. Moreover, the screen perfectly understands who she is, whose she is and why she is.

          For realizing that you have a screen in front of you, you will want to know what is behind it good
  2. 3vs
    30 November 2018 06: 11
    The question then arises - is it the president and my prime minister who are just citizens of only Russia?
    By the way - a question for the upcoming December 20 direct line.
    1. +5
      30 November 2018 06: 57
      Under the constitution, civil servants are not entitled to dual citizenship.
      1. 3vs
        30 November 2018 07: 06
        And we have a lot of things written under the Constitution, only those in power wipe their feet on it, even Constitution Day is no longer a public holiday!
        But there is something incomprehensible on June 12, and November 4 is not any "Day of National Unity"!
      2. -19
        30 November 2018 11: 16
        Quote: jonht
        Under the constitution, civil servants are not entitled to dual citizenship.

        Stop what are you talking about ?! We also have Federal Laws! Here is not about legislation, but to talk! Suffer each other! Scare! Check it out! Look, they just screw each other up - Brilev has dual citizenship !!!!! Everything is lost! The plaster is removed i.e. we were betrayed Russia was sold! Navalny exposed Brilev !!!!!! Brilev is a sleeping agent of the West !!! Aaaaaaaaa so Navalny is against the West ?! Yes you sho ?????? And then there were comments about the authorities, Putin, Medvedev ... Well, that is also something like that ... Agents! A normal person begins to slowly but surely move down the roof ... But one question torments - wait, wait ... So if all the agents !!! And power !!! That is actually Brilev, in this case, whose agent ???????? Honduras ???????? Yes you sho ?????? That well tyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuuyuyuyuyuyuuyuyuyuuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuuyu ... But whose agent is Brilev working and rotating in the environment of "treacherous" government ?????
        Dear citizens, be careful! It is precisely such "revealing" tantrums that gained especially great momentum in Ukraine by 2014 ... Please think and respect yourself first of all!
        1. +19
          30 November 2018 11: 53
          Quote: Detective
          it is these "revealing" tantrums that gained particularly high momentum in Ukraine by 2014

          And who do you propose to blame for this? Whistleblowers or exposed? Or will we be modestly silent, so as not to shake, not to provoke, and so as not "if not Ukraine was"? I now do not agree to cover up such topics. Got this riffraff! Let Brilev, Ernst and others be fired from state channels! With the wording for the loss of confidence. There are private TV channels, they can find employment there ... In general, the feeling of an impending gigantic experience is growing, just a late Union, full deja vu ...
          1. -19
            30 November 2018 12: 41
            Did you like the early Union? And why is it so weak - to dismiss from the state media! Let's immediately introduce changes into Russian legislation, namely, Federal Law 62 "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" and infringe on the rights of all those with dual citizenship! Why waste time on trifles? You have Soviet symbols on your avatar, well, so you probably know who were the disenfranchised in the USSR? One of the repressive measures was to deprive a significant part of the population of voting rights! These persons unambiguously included the clergy and monks, citizens engaged in trade during the NEP era, dispossessed peasants, employees of the former police and simply serving in it, in general, all persons in one way or another involved in the police service, repressed for political reasons, etc. It was one of the tools to achieve loyalty to the authorities and eradicate dissent. Family members were also automatically violated. This is unemployment, eviction from an apartment, deprivation of food ration cards and pensions, medical assistance, etc. I can also remind you of such repressive methods as the eviction of unreliable citizens for 101 km in many cities of the USSR. Apparently you support such methods and the social order of their practitioner? About the possibility of traveling abroad the USSR and all the difficulties associated with this, I think you already know! Can ban again you never know what ?!
            People need to be judged for violating the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and not by the fact that someone does not like this person or lives better or just not from that circle! This unfortunately we went through. The same law clearly states that a Russian citizen, no matter what second citizenship he has, is subject to Russian laws, like any other citizen of the Russian Federation! This is not enough?
            1. +11
              30 November 2018 13: 07
              I did not find the early Union. And 70 and the first half of 80's liked it. However, this is too subjective. And what times are you pleased to remember?
              And, yes, I, too, for complying with the law. But in this case it is broken. Moral law, for many it is worse than formal, legal
              1. -9
                30 November 2018 14: 17
                Yon, I was born and raised in the USSR. He served in the SA and entered the institute also during the USSR. I am pleased to recall the times of my childhood and youth. At that time I had almost no duties and I thought about nothing. And then I came across all kinds of impossible and no. Moreover, it was impossible to do absolutely normal human things and there were no such normal and ordinary now necessary things. I would not want to list all this right now. tired of regular disputes here with storytellers claiming that the USSR was a paradise on earth fair and equal for all citizens of the USSR! These stories can be told to youngsters trying to powder their brains and then until a certain time. One must face the truth and act accordingly. Everything else is from the evil one. I may or may not like the second citizenship of Brilev. But I recognize his right to do so because He does not violate the laws of the country. I have nothing to reproach him with, and here I have not heard more than one reproach precisely in his position as a journalist. If he renounced the citizenship of the Russian Federation or was a government official, then for me his behavior would be clearly negative. However, this is not so. So what is all this hype for? It is clear why - to excite people. The state, Yon, we all must protect and protect and, of course, strive for justice. Having collapsed the state, little will not seem to anyone, and Russian people cannot strive for justice. Such a character. I hope I explained my position. And yet, it is necessary to fight not for the fact that there are no rich in the country, but for the fact that there are fewer poor in it!
                1. +7
                  30 November 2018 17: 01
                  So everything is for all good and against all bad. And in each period of the country's life, you can highlight the pros and cons. Why discuss the obvious? Can you answer why all these people come into the citizenship of other countries? Because it is not prohibited? And the point, and nothing to talk about since there is nothing to attract?
                  1. -5
                    1 December 2018 13: 42
                    Quote: matRoss
                    Can you answer why all these people come into the citizenship of other countries? Because it is not prohibited? And the point, and nothing to talk about since there is nothing to attract?

                    And, how can I speak for other people regarding why one or the other did this? Everyone probably has their own motives. Someone is personal, someone does not like Russia and thinks how to dump! There is an actor such as Russian Canadian Russophobe Serebryakov ... Well, what kind of questions can be here ?! There is Brilev who has a completely opposite position. Everyone must answer according to his deeds! And the point!
                    1. 0
                      1 December 2018 15: 20
                      There is an actor such as Russian Canadian Russophobe Serebryakov ...

                      I'm also annoyed by his political position ... but the actor is good
                      Everyone must answer according to his deeds! And the point!

                      I completely agree with this. And thanks for the discussion. hi
                      Regarding a character nicknamed TiM0305 I will support you unconditionally
              2. +4
                1 December 2018 09: 52
                The detective is a Kremlin boat! He is one of those who wrote that if they choose Grudinin, the country will end the next day! This is a paid creature and it is not worth it to prove something!
                1. -4
                  1 December 2018 14: 26
                  Since December, you were able to write only 20 with a few comments. Almost all of them contain insults to people who have an excellent opinion - a bot, a troll, who are you and from which city, etc. There is a comment in support of Navalny and ... EVERYTHING! So which of us is who?
                  Quote: TuM0305
                  This is a paid creature and it is not worth it to prove something!

                  Wonderful autobiographical feature! I have nothing to add to your personality or a group of persons. laughing
                  1. +1
                    2 December 2018 13: 54
                    You watched the movie Chairman with Ulyanov! I will assume that you are just stupid! Love for your country does not consist in shouting empty manifestos at party rallies! And that would be a sober assessment of the situation in your country! And I know that we are going to collapse! The rearmament of the army failed! There is a cut dough! Space is crashing! Destroyed machine tools, instrumentation, 100% dependence on imports! In the oil and gas industry, we do not have the technology to produce our own oil and gas! https://www.rbc.ru/special/economics/15/08/2017/597724fd9a794714c9ac187c this article is RBC! It shows how much taxes the largest companies of the Russian Federation pay to the budget! But at the same time, in 2019, both Rosneft and Gazprom will receive a trillion rubles from the budget! So why are you rejoicing! why do you support the robbery of your people! I want to know who are all those people who write that everything is fine! Where are you from, where do you work! There were three machine tool factories in my city! One of them produced optics for space! Now there is nothing left! I judge by what I see! There is no work, prospects too! Shipyard no longer makes court! What city are you from that everything is fine with you! Why do you support this power? None have answered yet! I think you are not quite human!
        2. +8
          30 November 2018 12: 00
          So this is really scary !!! People who find themselves "on top" really know more about the situation in the world and forecasts for this world. And if they connect their future life not with Russia - should we calm ourselves down? If they buy expensive real estate THERE and acquire foreign citizenship, then does this not mean that they do not see prospects HERE?
        3. +4
          30 November 2018 12: 05
          Quote: Detective
          Yes, stop what are you talking about ?!

          The fact that a foreign citizen teaching us to love our homeland looks as vile as a cop broadcasting about laws
          1. -4
            30 November 2018 15: 35
            Here you are the laws of Russia to start and read. This is generally useful. Who knows, can you learn to behave? I personally did not try to love to teach you the Homeland. This is generally useless. If you need to be taught this! Brilev I think is not worse than me.
            1. +2
              30 November 2018 16: 44
              I personally love to teach you the homeland and did not try

              Are you a foreign national? But I am constantly studying the laws, but how to fight back from greedy and corrupt cops? laughing
              1. The comment was deleted.
        4. -6
          30 November 2018 12: 28
          Detective... Igor! Overall, you are right. I read the comments. Brilev is an agent, and even asleep! I recalled the old song of Galich, popular among physicists, "We drank, added again, then the stoker opened my eyes." But people can be understood. a stinking fountain of lies is pouring into Russia in a continuous stream, and we are, as it were, for peace with them. Sorry, maybe the situation is not the same, but I can't help but mock. I have a bad attitude towards agents. An insurance agent convinced me twenty years ago to insure my life. And I am still alive. Here is a crook!
          1. 3vs
            30 November 2018 12: 33
            "And I am still alive. What a swindler!"
            And this is the "flaw" of the insurance agent! fellow fellow fellow
          2. +1
            1 December 2018 13: 46
            Quote: mikh-korsakov
            To the detective. Igor! Overall, you are right. I read the comments. Brilev is an agent, and even asleep! I recalled the old song of Galich, popular among physicists, "We drank, added again, then the stoker opened my eyes."

            I liked the source! laughing Exactly. One source here is constantly trying to open everyone's eyes ...
            Quote: mikh-korsakov
            But people can be understood. a stinking fountain of lies pours on Russia in a continuous stream

            But that's just why people do not need to understand. People themselves must understand based on all this stream of lies pouring on Russia and think with their heads. You understand! And I get it! We are not celestials with you?
        5. +1
          30 November 2018 13: 50
          Huge request: to abuse "???????" less and "!!!!!!!!". You want your comment to be read, but with such a whistle of interrogative and exclamation emotions, you can't read ...
          1. -1
            30 November 2018 15: 38
            Quote: Wizzzard
            Huge request: to abuse "???????" less and "!!!!!!!!". You want your comment to be read, but with such a whistle of interrogative and exclamation emotions, you can't read ...

            For you personally, I can not put commas. Fans to pay attention to errors just in case I inform you - this is for Mikhail B (in the end, just in case, I won’t even put a point)
        6. +4
          30 November 2018 14: 30
          Quote: Detective
          It is precisely such "revealing" tantrums that gained especially high momentum in Ukraine by 2014

          Anyway, this is not our man. He has elite real estate for a tidy sum of 700 thousand pounds, but our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery.
        7. +1
          1 December 2018 22: 24
          .. the roof of a normal person will not move, a normal person will think and draw conclusions ..
    2. 0
      30 November 2018 10: 26
      Only someone who is asked this question can know for sure. And does such information change anything?
      1. 3vs
        30 November 2018 11: 18
        An excerpt from the film "The weather is good on Deribasovskaya, or it is raining again on Brighton Beach" immediately comes to mind, when a performance is going on at the Bolshoi Theater and the audience is announced - "The KGB officers are urgently leaving" and everyone came out, including ballet dancers and musicians ! laughing
        On a direct line with the president on December 20, a request would have sounded - "citizens of Russia with dual / triple / ... citizenship, please stand up!" laughing
        The result is interesting, with Brilev, I think, other journalists and spectators from the audience should also get up ...
        1. +8
          30 November 2018 12: 27
          Quote: 3vs
          The result is interesting, with Brilev, I think, other journalists and spectators from the audience should also get up ...

          And also "ballet soloist", "artist of large and small academic theaters" whose name is so well known that it is not necessary to voice it. wink
          1. 3vs
            30 November 2018 12: 30
            "And also the" ballet soloist "..."
            But this is something interesting !!! wink
            1. +1
              30 November 2018 15: 26
              But this is something interesting !!!

              Not interesting anymore.
        2. +5
          30 November 2018 12: 30
          Not so, citizens of other states stand up.
          So no one will remain on the podium.
          1. +7
            30 November 2018 14: 32
            Quote: Campanella
            Not so, citizens of other states stand up.

            Yes, it’s enough to say that the US citizens stand up and Poklonskaya is left to sit.
    3. +1
      30 November 2018 12: 28
      The key question for Russians is: "Whose are you going to be, slave?"
  3. +24
    30 November 2018 06: 11
    nothing surprising. Vlasov’s victorious ideology also allows the enemy’s passport to be captured and stolen from the same enemies.
    We have that on the radio that the TV selection is tough. Only adherents of liberals and democracies * only * from the church there.
    1. +24
      30 November 2018 08: 00
      Soloviev is a resident of Italy, Brilev is a citizen of Britain, Andreeva is an honorary citizen of Montenegro. These and other propagandists are not shy about spending money earned in Russia in NATO countries. On the other hand, they also need to flee somewhere when the people realize that they have deceived him.
    2. -10
      30 November 2018 11: 56
      Basil, is it really that our Orthodox Church is your enemy ?! But is she guilty of what ?! Do you not like that not all the temples were destroyed and the priests drained? Do you not like that young people go to temples and baptize children? Don't like Sunday schools opening? You can see the horror, how glad the persecution of Orthodoxy in Ukraine? So, like Brzezinski, Orthodoxy is your worst enemy? Do you know whom Vera is still across the road? Did not think about it?
  4. +35
    30 November 2018 06: 15
    Here it’s not even about some “sleeping” people who either exist, or they exist only in someone’s imagination. The fact is that Russia more and more begins to resemble the late USSR, when they told us from the TV screens about the “machinations of the West”, and those who broadcast it by hook or by crook shoved their children into various “trade missions” in countries of the “decaying” capitalism ”and themselves tried by hook or by crook to get there on a business trip. Hypocrisy is all saturated with Soviet and I'm afraid it will lead to the same thing that it led to in the USSR. To teach Russian citizens patriotism from a London mansion is both ridiculous and shameful and hypocritical.
    1. -1
      30 November 2018 17: 43
      And what is the late USSR? Interestingly, but on average, the USSR did not say anything about the West by chance? Or, for example, at MGIMO you could have done so easily from the street ?! But the Soviet people did not strive by hook or by crook in embassies and consulates to work, in trade missions and all kinds of foreign trade ?! And those who earned checks, and later dollars were not rich people in the USSR? Did not differ from the general Soviet mass? And is speculation absolutely creepy on deficit? Yes, just some people were enriched! And illegal currency transactions, and rampant poaching, and vertebral law ... It feels like you are reading here that people lived in some other USSR! Really can stop lying then? And again, the church bothers them! Yes, you have already hesitated both the church and the people!
  5. +8
    30 November 2018 06: 16
    The coming war will put everyone and everything in its place, it’s like litmus paper.
    1. +6
      30 November 2018 10: 17
      The coming war will put everyone and everything in their places

      Do not be shy for the kindly fatherland ...
      I brought enough Russian people,
      Carried out this railroad -
      He will bear everything that the Lord sends!

      It will endure everything - and broad, clear
      Breast pave the way for himself.
      It is a pity only - to live in this wonderful time
      I don’t have to - neither to me nor to you. "
  6. +49
    30 November 2018 06: 19
    Thank you Roman, you presented data on the figures of our TV throughout Russia who are fooling the country's population. Personally, I knew about it, and others?
    How can foreign citizens be allowed to take part in political life in leading countries? They left and let them earn money and live there. And then Andreeva receives 380 thousand rubles a month on Russian TV. Is it really impossible to find anyone instead of galkin to work on the first channel ?. Turned Russian TV into a farce and a synagogue.
  7. +38
    30 November 2018 06: 20
    Good morning!
    I read everything on the topic. Has anyone doubted that such Russian-speaking individuals with dual, triple citizenship would be "patriots"? The question is rhetorical. There is such a pattern, as soon as one grabbed, then the citizenship of another place is immediately acquired. Everything is correct, I just dumped it right away. About the FSB. Their work, of course, is not visible to us in the street, but when will the employees carry out their activities in relation to traitors in power, as in relation to terrorists? Although what I mean. You can't touch them, THERE are OWN everywhere.
    1. +26
      30 November 2018 08: 35
      Quote: Olegater
      About the FSB. Of course, their work is not visible to us ordinary people, but when will employees conduct their activities with respect to traitors in power, how about terrorists? Although what I mean. They can’t be touched, THERE are OWN everywhere.

      What do you think that the highest governing apparatus of the FSB is different, there are the same figures. Well, if the KGB, at one time, did nothing about Gorbachev, then there is nothing to say about the current time. Take even GDP, one daughter is married to a citizen of the Netherlands, and the second to a citizen of South Korea, and this is at least.
      1. +5
        30 November 2018 09: 24
        Quote: igor1981

        Well, if the KGB, at one time, did nothing about Gorbachev ..

        The KGB moved Gorbachev and accomplices to power ... do not you know this?
      2. -4
        30 November 2018 11: 28
        You can, of course, demand legislatively prohibit any relations with non-citizens of the Russian Federation wassat
        Otherwise, how to prohibit the daughter to marry a foreigner?
        Not middle ages.
  8. +28
    30 November 2018 06: 22
    so we have not only sleeping patriots ... everything is in a lethargic dream ... and the economy, and the government, and population ...
    only the thief doesn’t sleep ... once ... he works tirelessly with the thief’s hands ...
    it’s even scary to imagine how terrible awakening from sleep in six years can turn out to be ...
    1. +29
      30 November 2018 06: 26
      Good morning! hi
      Will there be that awakening? Or from an 18-year-old artificial coma we’ll go straight to fertilizer.
      1. +5
        30 November 2018 06: 52
        I would like to...
        1. +8
          30 November 2018 07: 02
          Hope awakening, not fertilizer? smile It’s time to wake up, it’s already past eight in the clock, and even more wink
        2. 0
          3 December 2018 20: 54
          in the sense of waking up? ... winked
  9. +32
    30 November 2018 06: 22
    These "citizens of the world" will no longer be called upon to "defend their queen." But their children may be obliged to act against Russia by passports. People hardly think that "citizenship" is not only the comfort of "travel", but also a "sacred duty".
    ps Judging by the flow of tweets from the "golden" youth, they will not have any moral problems of war with their homeland.
    ps Roman Skomorokhov - an undoubted "+" for the theme and thoughts.
  10. +35
    30 November 2018 06: 23
    It feels like everything is starting to fall. I tried to cheer up, watched patriotic talk shows on state channels, but it didn't help. I don’t believe any of them. By all senses, the people are experiencing an acute crisis of confidence in the authorities. In Ukraine, this led to the Maidan. Before it’s too late, we need to chase the Medvedevs and Silanovs into the neck, appoint a coalition government and, finally, change the goal of economic policy from "preserving and increasing the wealth of big businessmen" to "providing the people with a decent life."
    1. +32
      30 November 2018 07: 08
      Putin must leave. It's not about the Medvedevs, Siluanovs and other Sechins. The point is in him, from him all this rot comes.
      1. +10
        30 November 2018 08: 18
        Quote: Free man
        Putin must leave. It's not about the Medvedevs, Siluanovs and other Sechins. The point is in him, from him all this rot comes.

        The question is very interesting, did he give birth to this rot, or did this rot give rise to it? If it is one person, then who is stopping the people from expressing FRIENDLY their opinion in the elections? But if we see only the tip of the iceberg, then everything is much more deplorable ...
        1. +6
          30 November 2018 10: 52
          All the problems are in us, in our indifference to the fate of our children and grandchildren. When they understand what awaits them, it would not be too late. It’s time for the people to understand that he is a people, not a population!
      2. +16
        30 November 2018 08: 41
        Quote: Free man
        Putin must leave. It's not about the Medvedevs, Siluanovs and other Sechins. The point is in him, from him all this rot comes.

        This is the most sensible comment.
      3. +11
        30 November 2018 09: 48
        I wonder how you understand the content of this "go away"? He himself will never leave, and by the year 24 he will pull out some kind of successor for us - Sobyanin, Dyumin or someone else, for whom
        in "free democratic elections" we will vote as one. I still hope in the Lord God, because there is no one else ...
        1. +4
          30 November 2018 10: 50
          And I, the namesake, really hope that the people, the whole people, will grow wiser over the next five years. It seems to me that the guarantor and his gang of patriots are preparing a lot of wonderful surprises for us.
          1. +7
            30 November 2018 14: 41
            Quote: NordUral
            And I, the namesake, really hope that the people, the whole people, will grow wiser over the next five years.

            "Only scoundrels or fools can think that the proletariat must first win the majority in elections carried out under the yoke of the bourgeoisie, under the yoke of wage slavery, and then must conquer power. This is the height of stupidity or hypocrisy, this is the replacement of class struggle and revolution with votes under the old system , under the old regime. " -V.I. Lenin
            1. -1
              1 December 2018 15: 24
              Poroshenko, Trump, Merkel, Macron - ALSO do not like Putin and Medvedev!
              And "" in Russia - very much even trust.
        2. AUL
          30 November 2018 11: 20
          Quote: Rimlianin
          He himself will never leave, and by the year 24 he will get us some successor

          Rather, it will tweak the constitution. Or, following the example of a pig, he will do something to impose martial law for an indefinite period.
        3. 0
          1 December 2018 22: 31
          "..do not vote - you will still get ... EP", which has been proven more than once ... no one will give up power just like that ..
  11. -6
    30 November 2018 06: 24
    Not only do Russians always slip the wrong government, this time the Zionists swear by the wrong patriots. Well, how to live on?
    1. +2
      30 November 2018 14: 46
      Quote: pru-pavel
      Well, how to live on?

      Pavel, you’re like a little one. Get one or two jobs, start a child, take a mortgage and get things settled.
  12. +17
    30 November 2018 06: 26
    I have such "non-citizens" or "two-faced anycy" exclusively in the same associative row with drones. They eat diligently in the hive and create the appearance of "their own".
  13. +30
    30 November 2018 06: 47
    When persons with dual citizenship are speaking on TV, the inscription "foreign agent" must be displayed.
    1. +23
      30 November 2018 06: 56
      Such a thought has not let me go for a long time. Against organizations that receive income from abroad, it means they have passed laws stigmatizing them with Foreign agents. And citizens who swore allegiance to frankly hostile states, having expensive real estate (it is not clear what was bought for) in these countries, which in fact is pledged by these countries. Are they not foreign agents? Nothing personal, just everywhere there should be an annotation that the person is a foreign agent.
    2. +7
      30 November 2018 07: 36
      Quote: Thunderbolt
      When persons with dual citizenship are speaking on TV, the inscription "foreign agent" must be displayed.
      It is high time the law was extended not only to organizations, but also to individual citizens.
    3. +1
      30 November 2018 10: 47
      Kind you guys! It is necessary, as it is, the enemy of the people.
      1. 0
        30 November 2018 14: 37
        sleeping, foreign agents - an agent of influence is called, let’s go, soon grandmother will be called grandmother laughing
  14. +21
    30 November 2018 06: 54
    Novel, really, it’s impossible to do so ... Really, you don’t understand all these people whom you mentioned and did not mention in your article, these are Minins and Pozharsky put together today, it’s they who will lay their wives in a dashing year (God forbid) and they’ll sell their children, they’ll sell off their property, they’ll transfer their capital, but they will save the Russian land. This is our national defense, the property of the country ... Or maybe their task is even more important, in the best of times, to tear abroad and from the inside, behind enemy lines, fight. And when the Russian flag proudly flies on the ruins of London, Paris, Berlin, Washington, the country will remember them and yes he will award ... posthumously .. And the Russians will be ashamed that they were not fair to them like that ... smile
    1. +27
      30 November 2018 07: 33
      Ooooo, Alexey, your humor is insidious and it has a secret double bottom (and someone walks along this bottom and someone knocks from the bottom ..)
      Probably Minin and Pozharsky are still in the past. Now we see hucksters and gamblers-sharpers with "aces" of different suits in their sleeves, ...
    2. 0
      3 December 2018 20: 58
      laughing wassat good and finally: fool
      are you kidding If yes! I’m taking off my last smiley !!!
  15. +20
    30 November 2018 06: 55
    I’m not surprised that the president and the jester also have foreign citizenship, and there’s more than one. They want to stir up a big naughty, on the sly and dump there, "where the ass is warmer", where the loot and families ... and here. .. NATO and Ketay will help to restore "constitutional" order on both sides of the Urals. They will leave 15 million for servants, pipes and spare parts, the rest of the population will be disposed of.
    campaign, to that goes.
  16. +33
    30 November 2018 07: 03
    But Peskov himself is not sleeping? Children abroad, so that the raven will not peck out the raven’s eye, and if he is sleeping next to our commander in chief, is it already a puncture of the security service or did our commander take a nap? That fish rots from the head, and at the locksmith’s defense factories and welders give 5-year subscriptions about not leaving, explanatory technologists write why they called children in America.
    1. +39
      30 November 2018 09: 11
      About Peskov has long walked the right demotivator
  17. +19
    30 November 2018 07: 10
    And what is not taken into account, when they receive foreign citizenship, they take the oath that they will serve this country with faith and truth. As in other countries, I do not know, but that in the United States and Britain it is for sure. And for violations of the oath, a very severe penalty is provided. So it seems that when S. Brilyov "vilifies" Britain, it is with the great permission of the interesting services of this very Britain, or at their direct instructions. And if he is wandering, then in a moment he will go to this very apartment and will not be able to come there.
    just stupidly arrested for treason and soldered term and not small.
  18. +13
    30 November 2018 07: 25
    I do not watch these shaving and other ernst .... hi
  19. +21
    30 November 2018 07: 27
    Now the Consultant and Conserva Tiven will come, they will explain that "the state has done so" for our own good. laughing
    1. +12
      30 November 2018 07: 34
      Quote: Altona
      Will come now

      they won’t come))) they took a turn at the consulate ...
    2. -17
      30 November 2018 07: 55
      Quote: Altona
      Now the Consultant and Conservative Tiven will come, they will explain that ...

      Quote: Anecdote
      Masochist - To the Sadist: - Well, cut me, cut ... burn me, burn ...
      Sadist: - And here not boo-woo-woo!!

      Sound familiar? wink
      1. +13
        30 November 2018 08: 58
        Quote: Consultant

        Sound familiar? wink

        Banned Golovan recalls! Why is there no dog on the avatar? Already sent to London?
        1. -17
          30 November 2018 09: 26
          Quote: Stas157

          What kind of audience is here? In the morning early - poke, rude ... like a tram laughing
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +6
          30 November 2018 09: 40
          Golovan was banned? ☺I wonder for what?
  20. +7
    30 November 2018 07: 50
    I don’t want war! But only she (even for a while) cleanses our country from crap ... but I don’t want war - only this time the whole world is in ruin ...
    1. +5
      30 November 2018 10: 42
      No, Alexander, I don’t want the whole world to be in ruins; I feel sorry for the children, nephews and grandchildren. Only for a peaceful life do we need drastic changes in the country in order to become strong again and discourage the fight with us.
      1. -2
        1 December 2018 15: 34
        The country is strong, but not thanks to us. And those who recreated and retains it strong, many here do not like.
  21. +9
    30 November 2018 08: 25
    Here is a patriot with a British passport, the expression of who dances a girl, that she dines not born from scratch. Then we are all surprised that the concept of a patriot loses its true meaning and begins to be pronounced more and more in a negative context.
    1. +7
      30 November 2018 12: 18
      The fact of the matter is that this jungle misunderstanding Brilev varnishing reality helps to destroy the country!
  22. +9
    30 November 2018 08: 29
    And it’s true ..... what is it that his father is broadcasting from everywhere ??? when we have in power and a lot where at the head or next to the TIME!
    Why are we surprised, what are we waiting for .... eh, it is necessary to revive a very useful, as it turns out, movement, "Fighting the enemies of the PEOPLE and the COUNTRY"
    Look for a new Comrade Lawrence or something !!! and "our servants" and other close tsars flew to their children, villas. yachts, babosikam, faster than their squeal! If only you had time, of course!
  23. +21
    30 November 2018 08: 42
    Well, what said Sands, we know who thought ...
    So what do we want to hear from Navkina’s husband ... Navka herself is a US citizen. And the daughter of this husband lives in Parisabad. I don’t care about the guarantor ...
  24. +18
    30 November 2018 09: 08
    And so you can continue to insanity, and if you go to the camp of big businessmen (there are no oligarchs in the country), the whole world is there.

    But businessmen are slaves to their capital. And the media staff?

    The author "forgot" (or slyly kept silent) about the silovikoff, government officials and senior statesmen ... And there, too, we are waiting for many wonderful discoveries, especially among their relatives ... Interestingly, and these characters are "slaves "? .... wink I already wrote here that paraphrasing Peskov, we can say that in real Russia, an indispensable attribute of any "true" - "absolute" patriot of Russia should be foreign citizenship with him or his, close relatives. By the way, everyone knows perfectly well that foreign citizenship is generally bought, it is much easier and faster, so buying a foreign citizenship is already an investment in the economy of a foreign state by "absolute" "patriots" of Russia. Yes
  25. +13
    30 November 2018 09: 10
    And do nothing to them. And in Voronezh or K, they’ll necessarily kill. In vain chtoli Death squads with skulls on chevrons already exist.

    And the patriots Deribaska, Usmanovs, Abramovich and others will continue to drive, work and sue Norilsk Nickel in London.
  26. +16
    30 November 2018 09: 13
    It is clear that we will not hear from Brilev here. On the contrary, the phrase that “an Englishwoman shits us” is directly a “trick”.
    Very cool, Roman noticed. I wonder how Brilev will now let her go on air wassat
    1. +11
      30 November 2018 10: 54
      Brilev will now let her go on air
      Easy! usually foreign citizenship is accompanied by a lack of conscience.
      1. +1
        30 November 2018 13: 20
        ... yeah, and without it, the halo so straight and climbs right away, just no words.
  27. +13
    30 November 2018 09: 18
    Wherever you go, one rot is anti-Russian. Moreover, it is roofed at the state level. Before the army and navy have not reached it too much, they are still holding on. How long will it last?
    1. 0
      3 December 2018 21: 03
      Quote: svp
      Moreover, it is roofed at the state level. Before the army and navy have not yet reached too

      Are you sure? here i am not!
  28. -17
    30 November 2018 09: 21
    The witch hunt is in full swing ... even the clowns have been branded - Galkin, Urgant !!!!! wassat Atu him guys !! wassat
    1. +8
      30 November 2018 11: 09
      So the "time of witches" has come, And the people do not want to be their food. So the hunt begins. A natural sense of self-preservation.
      1. -11
        30 November 2018 12: 46
        Quote: Cetarb Kilork
        So the hunt begins. A natural sense of self-preservation.

        When you start to put on the wall? And don't forget - you need to find a golden loaf !! wassat He definitely is, ask the pan-leg-killers - they will not let you lie .... however, there may be a gold toilet bowl, etc.

        All hunters always put a pan on their heads .... such a custom !!!

        1. -9
          30 November 2018 13: 03
          Well, when you deal with all enemies of the people, they will give you a bonus:

          1. +11
            30 November 2018 13: 22
            So, Mr. Brilev and other patriots with citizenship in NATO countries receive these bonuses. So show them these pictures ...
            1. -10
              30 November 2018 13: 26
              Quote: Cetarb Kilork
              So, Mr. Brilev and other patriots with citizenship in NATO countries receive these bonuses. So show them these pictures ...

              And the pan-heads also spoke about Yanyk with accomplices ... only the word- they replaced NATO with the word -Russia. Good luck, friend! Look for a loaf of gold !!! Don’t write to me anymore, otherwise you’ll compromise yourself! I believe in you and the bright future of Russia!
              1. +5
                30 November 2018 13: 27
                Have a nice one you too!!!
          2. +1
            1 December 2018 22: 45
            ..your relatives ?? !!
        2. +7
          30 November 2018 13: 25
          So Brilev did not make a mink for himself in Rostov. And the rest of the patriots, the real estate and the kids are also not there ...
          1. -6
            30 November 2018 13: 34
            I say do not write to me, you will be under suspicion !!!
            Seeing the number of comments and obsession, there was a steady sense of the need for a second citizenship for himself and his family !!!

            1. +2
              30 November 2018 14: 10
              Quote: Nasr
              but I say do not write to me, you will be under suspicion !!!

              I did not count the signs. Sure enough to meet today's standard? Or will the pictures go into credit? wink
              1. -7
                30 November 2018 14: 15
                Quote: victor50

                I did not count the signs. Sure enough to meet today's standard? Or will the pictures go into credit? wink

                These are questions in accounting ..
                Come on on the topic of "swamp" ... What are you going to drag to the barricades - cobblestones or a bed net (inherited)? laughing
                Either we them, or they us - that’s how the question is! I can give Lenin's work to read ... wassat

                what question, such and the answer ...
  29. +7
    30 November 2018 09: 24
    The main thing Peskov has already voiced. Brilev’s British citizenship "cannot be a cause for accusation or criticism."

    Because not even a shadow of suspicion should fall on my wife.
    Guy Julius Caesar at the trial regarding a divorce from his second wife Pompeii. in my opinion it is very similar. laughing
    similar to brilev
    But businessmen are slaves to their capital. And the media staff?
    - slaves of businessmen.
  30. -13
    30 November 2018 09: 37
    . It would be interesting to know how many of them, those who simultaneously serve two masters? And which of the two is preferable? A task for the FSB, anyway.

    By itself, dual citizenship does not mean anything, if not prohibited, then it is allowed.
    But someone can really serve "two masters". Can earn a reputation for turning public opinion towards its masters one day.
    But it is almost impossible to calculate such "sleeping" and this can turn into a witch hunt.
    It is worth considering who is "leaking" this information to us. There are doubts that they want to do good to us. Most likely, we control the drain, and the "fighters for justice" will be silent about those "sleeping"
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. -7
    30 November 2018 10: 10
    Well, this is the end.
    The beginning.
    I don’t feel sorry for him, but he will sit down. It is a pity that he is alone, and not all who "should sit" ©.
  33. +18
    30 November 2018 10: 21
    Russia is under anti-Russian, anti-people liberal power. Social networks, forums and political sites are full of popular anger. Putin’s rating fell below the plinth, but I’m generally silent about his guardsmen, feudal lords and propaganda clowns. The people have no words - only mats are left.
    Roman - for his civic position - great respect.
    1. -7
      30 November 2018 13: 26
      Ek, you have now signed for the whole nation, but I didn’t ask you anything like that on my behalf.
      1. 0
        3 December 2018 08: 40
        Nine cowards who are not even capable of opposing, if such are the "patriots" today - really scared for Mother Russia! Shame!
    2. 0
      1 December 2018 14: 33
      Nonna, Nonna ... And again, on behalf of the people ... Well, revolutionaries do not know how to say I! The revolutionaries simply do not have this I! And the people said their word in recent elections, Nonna. Everyone came and said. And not impersonal like you, but under your own name.
  34. +12
    30 November 2018 10: 32
    And the organization of Navalny, it turns out, can bring benefits.

    Lesha, of course, is that bug. But the facts cited by him, the defendants have not yet challenged, not a single one!
    In general, we can talk for a long time and tediously on the topic of sleeping, and in fact very long awakened enemies of Russia, dressing up as zealous patriots.
    How not to recall "White Sun of the Desert" with a replica about the grenades of the wrong system. In this very system and the whole problem of our, once our, country.
  35. -16
    30 November 2018 10: 35
    Bulk traitor, and Brilev and Ko tell us the truth about the world !!!! So much for the difference !!!!
    1. 0
      30 November 2018 11: 00
      I agree about Zasralny, but the "main propagandist" is Britt ?!
      1. -4
        30 November 2018 12: 13
        Quote: Sergey Dmitriev

        I agree about Zasralny, but the "main propagandist" is Britt ?!

        And who to believe ???? Write !!! Do not believe the official media, do not believe the opposition, do not believe the Internet. Moreover, I do not believe my eyes when I come to Europe several times a year. Because they don’t want to kill me there and they smile (but what the hell they want !!! and they want to capture Russia and want to move to Siberia from the state of Florida !! and pump our oil !!!)
        1. -4
          30 November 2018 13: 54
          Semyon Respect hi you see at the root, and local users are all sitting in the trenches.
          1. +1
            30 November 2018 16: 13
            Quote: Semurg
            Semen Respect at the root you see, and local users are all sitting in the trenches.

            That's right that they are sitting !!! The country is surrounded by enemies .. and you know why .. yes, everything is millet, because WE .. with Putin are good, and they are bad, so they rage !!! And good always triumphs over Evil !!! So all of them will soon end .... And the "migrant patriots" therefore go there to get aesthetic pleasure from how they wriggle in convulsions. I myself adore the Czech Republic and Germany .. I drink beer with knuckles and grin at their rotting ... I am morally charged, I am convinced that we are all going the right way ... unlike them .. these fiends of hell !!!
  36. +5
    30 November 2018 10: 43
    And what, someone thinks that the leading top programs on the central channel receive little? There, incomes should well be comparable with the price of the apartment. In addition to the salary, there are also bonus payments from advertising, business trips, loans, etc. The only question is, do we have good leaders in the country? Brilev the only patriot chtoli? By the way, neither his program nor his manner of conducting somehow catches me, a boring gray clerk ...
    1. -5
      30 November 2018 12: 14
      Quote: Resident of the Urals
      By the way, neither his program nor his manner of conducting somehow catches me, a boring gray clerk ...

      I agree!!! Here Kiselev and Soloviev normally tell us how the world works !!! I’ve been watching them for many years !!! And I advise everyone !!!!
      1. 0
        3 December 2018 21: 08
        gee - gee! wink pinned up? praaalno!
  37. +7
    30 November 2018 10: 49
    ..therefore, to the "Sleeper", hand over the Russian passport and quit or hand over the British one and stay ..
  38. +6
    30 November 2018 11: 00
    I would like to note that Ekaterina Andreeva is married to a citizen of Montenegro in 1997, so the presence of Montenegrin citizenship is natural. But another "patriot" Yekaterina Strizhenova's daughter, after graduating from the London vocational school, went to live in America ..
    1. 0
      1 December 2018 14: 36
      I highly recommend you, Gardamir, to take an interest in where the relatives of the party leaders of the USSR live !!! With rare exceptions. Just so interesting! The current comparison is just children! laughing
  39. The comment was deleted.
    1. +8
      30 November 2018 14: 04
      Quote: Faceless
      More harm than the author himself does, they will still not bring the Russian Federation

      This is a very strong assumption.
      Quote: Faceless
      And no "sleeping" in this sense is not there and cannot be.

      In this (formal) sense, perhaps yes. And in all the rest? Xenophiles, unlike xenophobes, we have enough everywhere.
      And as for the responsibility of the first person - so it is the first. It is not good for the commander to bury behind the backs of his subordinates.
    2. +10
      30 November 2018 15: 08
      Ah, well done! But it would be easier (and more economical) to simply quote Volodin:
      "There is Putin - there is Russia!"and so on in the text. He takes it very much ... And most importantly, so convincingly ...
    3. +3
      30 November 2018 17: 15
      openly inciting and fueling anti-government sentiments with their own articles.
      Forgot to add Extremism
  40. +12
    30 November 2018 11: 22
    Duelist Zolotov merged, sadness and longing?
    Why "merged" - everything is "in chocolate", it was just that the VGK ordered not to stick out. And these characters, to whom the article is devoted to a similar position - "everything in a bunch". The power of its own, especially honored, medal-bearers does not surrender, it's time to get used to it. Because "she" herself is so ... sad
  41. +8
    30 November 2018 11: 28
    Quote: Faceless
    Very strange article with obscure accents.

    Yes, many of our journalists have not only citizenship of the Russian Federation. So what? That is their right.

    Yes, many do not like Russia, or, out of their own stupidity, admit essentially anti-Russian attacks. Did the author discover America with this? We have the lion's share of the media - openly or partially Russophobic. Moreover, those media outlets that openly propagandize "all-prophetic" sentiments can also be classified as Russophobic.

    IN, by the way, is no exception. Read such analysts as E. Damantsev, O. Kaptsov, A. Volodin and some others. A common motive: everything is always bad and good, it could never be good, it could be good, but we are all stupid, therefore it will not (take apart each heel from five articles and see the evidence of my innocence). This, however, does not mean that there are no worthy authors at VO who are engaged in analytics, without disguising it as fantasies and their own opinions, but nonetheless.

    The author of this article himself is an ardent oppositionist and constantly, literally in each of his articles, with rare exceptions, criticizes the head of state, who is to blame personally and for everything and many officials, without usually offering anything reasonable in return.

    Constantly saying that we have a disgusting President, a useless Government, all officials, without exception, are corrupt, what does the author strategically achieve? - increase love for the Russian Federation? resolving accumulated problems (without offering reasonable options for resolving them)? Is this not hidden Russophobia?

    Now "suddenly" akhtung! Media representatives and some "pop stars" are not only Russian subjects. Well they can harm the Russian Federation!

    They will bring no more harm than the author himself, they will not bring the RF anyway, and there is nothing wrong with that. In addition, anyone who wants objective information reads official sources, not a corrupt or omniscient press.

    Civil service (any) is another matter. There, it is legally prohibited to acquire any other citizenship, except for the citizenship of the Russian Federation. For non-compliance - dismissal. And no "sleeping" in this sense is not there and cannot be. Here the author has an open factual error. based on ignorance of the legislation (to the word about the quality of "analytics", although, in fairness, from the point of view of analyzing the situation, it is difficult to make a claim to this article; another thing is the semantic component).

    As for the anecdote, it seems to me that the very fact that the indiscriminate and unconstructive critic of the authorities R. Skomorokhov took up arms against potential "sleeping" media representatives with another citizenship as potential anti-Russian forces is already an anecdote.
    Especially when you consider that the author himself is a media representative and regularly tries to "rock the boat" to the best of his own strength, openly inciting and feeding anti-government sentiments with his own articles.

    Instead of a nickname, "Faceless" is more suitable for you - "Sleeping" lol The style immediately feels preparation ... wink
    1. -4
      30 November 2018 14: 23
      What kind of sensitive are you ... all who do not share your point of view are the enemies of Russia?
    2. +6
      30 November 2018 15: 12
      Yeah. Particularly impressive are the impersonal masterpieces:
      indiscriminate and non-constructive critic of the authorities R.Skomorokhov was up in arms

      It remains to be understood: are there really possible noncritical and constructive critics of the authorities (and Solntselikogo in particular)? Seduction, however, musia Faceless ...
      1. 0
        3 December 2018 08: 53
        What amazes me, Mikhail, is that accusations and minuses are easy and unconstrained, but constructivism or real proposals - here further "Putin go away", which sounds like a mantra - nothing. One gets the impression that everyone here disagrees - they write directly with milk from the dungeons, adult uncles and aunts, but are engaged in nonsense, coalitions. a bloody regime, I love Russia without this inert mass, I don’t dare Himself ..., some overgrown infants embraced by youthful enthusiasm and maximalism, but oh well. whatever the child is amused. For this, as always IMHO and to the new minuses.
        1. 0
          3 December 2018 14: 17
          Strange, however, I wrote about the "sweeping criticism of Roman S." and about the possibility or impossibility of the existence of "not indiscriminate". You attributed to me both the milk from the dungeons, and "I am the One", and God knows what else. And the unquenchable enthusiasm of the type "The party said: it is necessary. Edromol answered: yes!" - is it not infantilism? True, such chants are possible without milk from dungeons ... Just like Volodin's mantra ...
          And the technical question. Well, we have instructed you (or me) of cons (or pluses). And how do you determine who specifically minus (or vice versa)? I am a new person here, so I would like to understand
          1. 0
            3 December 2018 15: 30
            Mikhail, you expressed your opinion, I - mine and did not attribute anything to you. As for the minuses (or pluses), it was the one who had the "courage" to check in earlier, apparently I expressed myself inaccurately since you took it personally.
            1. 0
              3 December 2018 15: 34
              Okay, got it. No problems.
  42. +6
    30 November 2018 11: 47
    Task for the FSB

    I involuntarily tormented by doubts ... given the constantly-periodic failures of the "Bashiro-Petrovs" ... maybe for them work against their second homeland ... so to speak - not comme il faut? And in the FSB they differ only in their work against the abreks - they do not respect the citizenship of Iraq or Afghanistan. But about the exposure of sleeping agents from partner countries, which has not been noticed for a long time.
    You can be calm only for our border guards - these guys will not let you down! So far ... So far, Ukrainian citizenship is not in demand.
    1. +3
      30 November 2018 12: 23
      I remember somewhere somewhere at the end of the 90's, or at the beginning of the 2000's, the FSB general died in a shootout (from ricochets) in Moscow .... and the cops fired. The story is very interesting. Take an interest in it. She clarifies a lot.
  43. +8
    30 November 2018 12: 11
    Here we (the people) are hammering everything about the fact that the country is bad, that everything needs to be changed, specialists should be put in, and not eccentrics close to liberalism.
    And at this time, citizens "sleeping" in leading positions of the media make up victorious information regulations about every good thing in the country's economy, thereby misleading everyone.
    The President is euphoric that the people are growing at an unprecedented pace, salaries and more, and the reality is getting worse and worse through the efforts of shaving, engaged in obsession and makeup of harsh reality.
    1. -6
      30 November 2018 13: 54
      Quote: Campanella
      We (people)

      Are you a people? belay Then I am a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater laughing
      1. +2
        1 December 2018 22: 54
        ..Congratulations!!! good
      2. 0
        3 December 2018 08: 57
        ... it's like in that cartoon in the voice of Dzhigarkhanyan ... - Shaw, again ?!
  44. -1
    30 November 2018 12: 15
    What are "sleeping" ?? !! These are Minaev's fantasies. It has long been known that Masons rule everything !!!
  45. +7
    30 November 2018 12: 29
    The issue is very serious and it needs to be decided, not Skripaley to discuss. And where Peskov’s daughter is, where he is, he’s voting for Brilev. I don’t know about you, but I think a person with dual citizenship cannot work either in government agencies or in the public sphere. As Viktor An, an athlete, please, here in the Russian sports committee there isn’t., And he left for my home in Korea. There is a job for security officers to draw through all the power structures and the media. I do not call for repression, I call for transparency of our government and the media - the rulers of human thoughts.
    1. +11
      30 November 2018 13: 47
      Quote: Ros 56
      There is a job for security officers

      But the Chekists have long been gone ...
      But the National Guard is already there.
      1. -1
        30 November 2018 20: 47
        Why write nonsense, KGB, they, too, like us, are different.
      2. 0
        1 December 2018 14: 39
        Quote: kakvastam
        But the National Guard is already there.

        This is in Ukraine! Ay ah, can you get pierced like that ??? laughing
        1. +1
          1 December 2018 15: 16
          Bad detective, incompetent.
          Ask at your leisure what the Rosgvardia is actually called (I suggest: "The Federal Troops Service national guard Russian Federation").
    2. +4
      30 November 2018 16: 59
      Yuri, do you naively believe that the "nice guys" from the FSB work "at the call of the heart, and not at the command from the top"? If they start to work at the call of their hearts, cleaners and janitors will go to work in ministries and administrations in the morning. In our country, they have already "ground" half of the regional ministers in two years, and corruption has not decreased.
      1. +1
        30 November 2018 20: 45
        Any security forces work on command, and the call of the heart is from the pope with mom and the external environment. And from someone who outweighs, good or bad, some carry the title of Heroes, as my countryman A. Prokhorenko suppose, while others sit on the bunks.
    3. 0
      3 December 2018 09: 06
      So, in the Constitution or the Criminal Code, the Labor Code or somewhere else there is something like that? No? So we collect signatures, we find the deputy, we submit to the profile commission and vu a la. If you want the rule of law and not a locality gag - act, and don’t say that they won’t accept, first try, without irony - I wish you success.
  46. -7
    30 November 2018 12: 30
    [/ b] Nevertheless, the "sleeping" of this level can be more than useful to the special services of such a "country" that loves Russia, such as the UK. For example, he can, at the right time, voice the proper interpretation of a topic, especially live, submit information with the necessary bias, ask the right question in an interview [b]
    What nonsense. Let’s say I asked a question, let’s say, highlighted the topic in the right angle for the British ... so what? Peremoga UK? laughing
  47. +6
    30 November 2018 12: 37
    Well, I agree with the author and that's it, although I can smell it with my nose that something is wrong here. And not so much to hell with the annoying provocateurs from the winter! Someone needs Bandera to publicize their ideas on public administration on Russian TV. The Americans can be put in jail for an indefinite time (Butova), and we are the enemy on TV, and we also endure their bazaar and inappropriate behavior. Oh, something is wrong here!
    1. +3
      30 November 2018 13: 43
      Another excuse in the video of conspiracies, Putin’s multi-walkers, inappropriate theories? Open your eyes already, you are just being blatantly lying and stealing from under your nose, while you are making excuses and thinking what it means. Listen to what the governor of the Oryol region Potomsky says about Ivan the Terrible, these are the kind of people who rule you
      1. +1
        1 December 2018 14: 42
        Are we being controlled? And who exactly are you and where are you from? Well, why then canceled the flags in VO ?! Probably by chance?
  48. +7
    30 November 2018 12: 40
    Oh yes, everything is clear. Our allarcharchic leadership drives resources west and east; it does not allow the state to reduce population costs, develop and fall apart. And while holding capital where? And whose citizenship is it? Conclusion. Russia is a raw material colony led by agents playing the show for the population. And so that it doesn’t happen as when Lenin’s sleeping agents were introduced into the control system, so that in case of too much independence of some people, they would pull the stop cock on time.
  49. +6
    30 November 2018 13: 05
    Well, the electorate, about ... their "elite" slept. She is good, only she was not lucky with the people. Whatever they do, the coconut does not grow.
  50. +7
    30 November 2018 13: 29
    London can not be bombed, there are ours. Berlin can not be bombed, there are also ours. Tel Aviv can not be bombed, there is generally all ours. Well, let's in Voronezh vmazh, there are definitely no ours!

    A wonderful, very accurate and very sad anecdote. It looks like everything will start and end with a "vmazka" in Voronezh ...
  51. +2
    30 November 2018 13: 33
    Quote: Rimlianin
    I keep putting my hope in the Lord God, because I have no one else...

    You're lucky..))
    I’m an atheist... and I understand perfectly well that no one will help us with this..))
  52. +8
    30 November 2018 13: 38
    Why are Echo of Moscow, Jozhd or Navalny enemies for you? For example, I watch and read them periodically. The same Navalny is an adequate, modern and sensible person, unlike those who talk nonsense on TV or write in the federal media. In addition, it is useful to know several alternative points of view on the situation. Agree, if they constantly say on TV that the USA and Ukraine are to blame for everything, then you begin to think that if this idea is so readily instilled in us, then something is wrong here. Soloviev, Kiselev and Simonyan are simply hypocritical, embittered and thirsty for foreign blood people who approve of the actions and curses of officers whom they are ashamed to listen to. For some reason, they don’t show how the same officers ram the small boats of their fellow citizens, Russian fishermen, because they are somehow trying to feed themselves and their loved ones. This is why our people become so aggressive and dishonest, because such people are made an example for you. Think a little about who you are listening to
  53. +11
    30 November 2018 13: 43
    Quote: igorbrsv
    By itself, dual citizenship does not mean anything, if not prohibited, then it is allowed.

    And the question immediately arises in my head - what for?? Why did a person need this citizenship so much?? For work?? Maybe it would be easier to film reports there?? Just for the heck of it?? Hmm..
    Maybe someone can name another reason??
    We have become so accustomed to living in the manure that surrounds us that we blindly close our eyes even to the most obvious facts...
    However, we are not fools!!
    We can’t imagine that Levitan was a citizen of Germany.. it just doesn’t fit in our minds.. it’s Bad!!

    But if in a year they “accidentally” tell us that some Putin is a citizen of some Cyprus... we will be a little surprised... and calmly swallow it... And another Brilev from the screen of the box will help our thoughts not to enter into dissonance..
  54. +9
    30 November 2018 13: 44
    Brilev, one of the leading patriotic TV presenters

    Well, no one considers Brilev a patriot, he’s too obvious a sycophant. But for the one whose thoughts fly out from under the famous mustache, yes. But this is already quite sad.
  55. +7
    30 November 2018 13: 46
    “When scientists, engineers, doctors and other representatives of intellectual work leave the country. The flower of the people - the intelligentsia - leaves, then in such a country “businessmen” become the rulers, plebeians and crooks from the street become politicians, and market speculators, athletes and artists become deputies "(C) Hars Jensen
  56. +9
    30 November 2018 14: 58
    Here is the answer to the question: “why don’t we recognize Donbass and Transnistria?” Fifth column!
  57. +8
    30 November 2018 15: 26
    I think this is the most useful thing Navalny has done. After this publicity about Brilev and Peskov’s answers, the authorities should think about who can shout from a megaphone that everything is wonderful in the country and tomorrow a bright future will come, only the government will introduce a “couple” of taxes and that’s it, everyone will be fine. But not a person with citizenship of a country hostile to us.
    After this, Navalny even earned a little respect. Maybe he will understand that he doesn’t need to dig in the government, he won’t dig anything there anyway, but around it.
    1. Yat
      30 November 2018 18: 59
      This Navalny of yours does not leave abroad himself, and he also studied there.
      1. +1
        30 November 2018 19: 10
        Navalny is not mine. Read what I wrote about him.
  58. +2
    30 November 2018 16: 48
    Quote: Nikolay73
    What kind of sensitive are you ... all who do not share your point of view are the enemies of Russia?

    Damn, there’s a whole station of you here on the site...! wassat lol tongue
    1. The comment was deleted.
  59. +1
    30 November 2018 16: 51
    Quote: kunstkammer
    Task for the FSB

    I involuntarily tormented by doubts ... given the constantly-periodic failures of the "Bashiro-Petrovs" ... maybe for them work against their second homeland ... so to speak - not comme il faut? And in the FSB they differ only in their work against the abreks - they do not respect the citizenship of Iraq or Afghanistan. But about the exposure of sleeping agents from partner countries, which has not been noticed for a long time.
    You can be calm only for our border guards - these guys will not let you down! So far ... So far, Ukrainian citizenship is not in demand.

    Indeed, we have completely forgotten when TASS was authorized to declare anything! wassat
  60. +5
    30 November 2018 16: 52
    And due to the nature of his work, Brilev does not have access to state secrets.
    With Mr. Brilev much worse, he has access to the minds of Russians, which can be manipulated. They put it correctly on the forum, but what would have happened if Levitan had the citizenship of Nazi Germany?
    1. +4
      1 December 2018 17: 04
      Brilev is a civilian. There are no questions about the residence of the daughter of the Head of the GRU in Switzerland, the family of the son Naryshkin, the head of the SVR, the children and wife of Teplov, the head of the North American department, a direct subordinate of Fradkov, the head of the SVR, the grandson of the Head of the National Guard, Army General Zolotov, with his parents in the UK and many other secret carriers and military personnel.
    2. 0
      3 December 2018 09: 49
      A person who has a brain and knows how to use it is a priori a difficult object to manipulate, but those who did not know the instructions and forgot are easy prey. Since you remembered the Germans, many German officers studied at our military educational institutions before the start of the war...
  61. -2
    30 November 2018 17: 36
    Owning does not mean paying in full. In many countries, mortgages are at 1%. Pay 20% of the transaction amount and own it. You don’t even have to pay back the remaining 80%, but only pay a percentage of the loan. So, it is not at all a fact that he paid all 700 thousand.
  62. The comment was deleted.
  63. +3
    30 November 2018 19: 05
    And how is Peskov doing? His wife there seems to be the citizenship of his partners... according to rumors :)
  64. +4
    30 November 2018 19: 38
    The article surprised me because everything was written correctly.
    I'm just interested in a couple/three questions.
    -Why doesn’t the state provide priority rights to work to its citizens?
    -Why can a Tajik/digger (conditionally) be paid less than his citizen?
    -why do citizens of England, France, Italy need!!! pay more than your own to the natives?
    I wonder if these “irreplaceable” ones are sent to their “small/new homeland”, what will they do there??? Will they sell matryoshka dolls or go to work for “voices”???, in fact, they don’t know how to do anything and are nothing of themselves.
    1. 0
      3 December 2018 10: 00
      Prove everything to yourself once and for all - get citizenship of the kingdom, get a job at Sky News and report what you got while you are selling nesting dolls, and he is a successful journalist who is in the presidential pool... these are the nesting dolls. I won’t even talk about your questions... how old are you?
  65. +5
    30 November 2018 20: 59
    Quote: Campanella
    The President is euphoric

    maybe he... so-and-so... also has a second one? What a pain! I can imagine if Khrushchev also had Japanese citizenship... The Kuril Islands would have gone there along with Crimea! What's wrong? Brotherly Japanese people.
  66. 0
    30 November 2018 21: 06
    Quote: Monster_Fat
    I remember somewhere somewhere at the end of the 90's, or at the beginning of the 2000's, the FSB general died in a shootout (from ricochets) in Moscow .... and the cops fired. The story is very interesting. Take an interest in it. She clarifies a lot.

    Can you be a little more detailed... didn’t find this fact in the search?
    1. 0
      1 December 2018 08: 33
      Monster_Fat's colleague made a slight mistake in his ranks - it was not a general, but a colonel who was killed... He obviously meant the famous "shootout on Profsoyuznaya Street" https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/110696
  67. +5
    30 November 2018 21: 06
    Dual citizenship is like dual gender. Although... in places of deprivation there are enough of the latter when they are dad or mom, depending on the situation for the day.
    1. 0
      3 December 2018 10: 16
      In what capacity were you there? Were you serving or guarding?
  68. +1
    30 November 2018 21: 22
    Quote: Krasnodar
    Quote: Waraga
    This is miserable self-justification. Self-justification of the betrayal of their homeland - the place where he was born, grew up, fell in love ... Betrayal of the land on which the ancestors lived for centuries (read millennia). And their ancestors betrayal. And so you need to justify your action. Well, at least somehow! .. At least something ... Cheaper then, more profitable than that ...
    Betrayal. And there is no other definition for this.
    "Needed where was born."

    Nonsense. Betrayal is:
    Work on someone else's intelligence
    Slope from the army
    The slope of their children from the army
    Tax avoidance
    Theft of state property
    Where the brow lives after he served in the army and paid taxes in his country is his own business.
    And the value of an individual who did not serve in the army evades taxes, steals - is very doubtful, even if his ancestors were on the Kulikovo Field.

    There are big doubts that his ancestors could have been on the Kulikovo Field.
  69. +2
    30 November 2018 22: 06
    I haven’t watched our federal TV for a long time, but tomorrow I’ll watch “Vesti on Saturday”, I wonder if Brilev’s muscles will even twitch?
  70. +1
    30 November 2018 22: 07
    in our leading media, not in the last roles, there are just a bunch of foreign citizens!

    And it’s hard to mention the deputies..... where do their children live, where do they study, what apartments do they have over the hill?
    Where does Lavrov's daughter, Peskova... live?
    Someone handed over two Russian colonels in Great Britain, in Salisbury....
  71. +2
    30 November 2018 22: 31
    I don’t know how these people get our citizenship. I probably lived in the country for a long time without leaving, worked, paid taxes. I don't know this rule. If an English taxpayer buys a house, then the bank checks, and if a foreigner, then you need proof of the legality of the income, or you have to run to one government service and ask for immunity. If you prove that you can be useful to the Crown, then you will be given immunity against confiscation. I think that all of you who live here or have houses, accounts, children, those near power or those who have influence on those in power, give information or agents of influence or give advice to services, somehow interact. In general, all are traitors and their number is growing.
  72. +2
    1 December 2018 00: 06
    Quote: GUSAR
    I haven’t watched our federal TV for a long time, but tomorrow I’ll watch “Vesti on Saturday”, I wonder if Brilev’s muscles will even twitch?

    This is a widespread principle in the modern Russian media, cultural, and political environment: “spit in the eyes - God’s dew!” Therefore, for them it is like recognition of their merits. They begin to tremble only when they are taken for “Faberge”, but this is precisely what GB citizenship, or Israeli citizenship, is reserved for! sad
  73. 0
    1 December 2018 01: 19
    Lord, what difference does it make what citizenship they all have? On all state channels they sing only what they are ordered to sing. And if on these channels there are so-called "sleeping agents" - who and what they will say. Who watches TV here, and what does he watch on this TV? I even stopped listening to weather reports on the box, my friends too, and those who turn it on don’t give a damn about any politics. And, as the recent past has shown, our “sleeping agents” were not on TV or Radio, but even in the Kremlin. So, don't look there... hi
    1. +1
      1 December 2018 14: 27
      Quote: Sea Cat

      Lord, what difference does it make what citizenship they all have?

      But the difference is that citizens of Russia a priori cannot be led by citizens of foreign countries. Let them, like Galkin and Pugacheva, build their castles and prepare paths for retreat (though with what joy?) - these are people outside of power.
      1. -1
        1 December 2018 14: 30
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Citizens of Russia a priori cannot be led by citizens of foreign countries

        And they can, and they do lead... in some foreign companies, for example - and quite often.

        Perhaps you wanted to say something else? So tell me, don't be shy.
        1. +2
          1 December 2018 14: 35
          I’ll say it more clearly especially for you. In Russian government bodies there should not be persons with dual citizenship, in fact and in accordance with the constitution...
          1. -3
            1 December 2018 14: 53
            Quote: ROSS 42
            There should be no persons with dual citizenship in Russian government bodies

            Are they there? And then - what, in your opinion, is a “state authority”? Village council too? wink

            Quote: ROSS 42
            according to the constitution...

            Well, why are you pushing the Constitution into all the holes? She has nothing to do with it, quite the contrary:

            The possibility of having dual citizenship in Russia is provided for in Art. 62 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and art. 6 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” dated May 31.05.2002, 62 No. XNUMX-FZ

            There is No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” dated June 27.06.2004, 6 (subparagraph 1 of paragraph 16 of Article XNUMX).
            There is No. 142-FZ4 dated 04.06.2014/31.05.2002/62, amending the Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” dated XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX No. XNUMX-FZ.

            That's all. And this is quite enough, as far as I understand.
            1. 0
              2 December 2018 07: 53
              The law allows it! Let this law die!
  74. lot
    1 December 2018 11: 21
    “Sleeping” can be quite normal

    Comrade, believe: she will rise,
    Captivating Star of Happiness,
    Russia will wake up from a dream,
    And on the ruins of autocracy
    Write our names!

    Well, maybe not on the wreckage, but on Zakharova’s Twitter or wherever...
  75. +3
    1 December 2018 14: 21
    Quote: The same LYOKHA
    at the end of this transformation, they pour the last words on both Russia and Putin... these are the things

    I don’t believe in such watering only because Putin’s interests in the ways of Russia’s prosperity are so clannish that it is hasty to put an equal sign between them.
    I know that the former governor of Kuzbass did not first of all ask for forgiveness from the relatives and friends of the people who burned in the fire in the “Winter Cherry”, and did not even ask for forgiveness from the region, which he brought to the brink, selling everything to the Moscow owners and destroying everything. -a marginally productive former state-owned enterprise, reducing the region's population by 600 inhabitants, and fell to its knees before Putin.
    In the materials provided here:

    and here:

    IT'S ALL TRUE...
  76. The comment was deleted.
  77. 0
    1 December 2018 16: 17
    All this fraternity resembles stokers who fan the fire in the stove. The only pity is those who believed, respected and continue to believe in them.
  78. 0
    1 December 2018 16: 31
    ....sources are transparent...
    List of sources - to the studio!!! Please don't be shy, Mr. Brilev.
    ...known to the relevant financial and tax authorities.
    Whose are the relevant tax and financial authorities? Ours or the English?
    1. -1
      2 December 2018 07: 50
      The organs are ours, but they serve the British. It's clear as day!
  79. 0
    1 December 2018 16: 34
    Quote: 1536
    All this fraternity resembles stokers who fan the fire in the stove. The only pity is those who believed, respected and continue to believe in them.

    There is no need to feel sorry for them: “Every people deserves its own ruler.” (WITH). I don’t remember who said this, but it was said correctly. request
  80. +1
    1 December 2018 17: 45
    It is better to deal with foreigners than with helminths. Brilev either needs to renounce our citizenship, or change his place of work, or register as a foreign agent.
  81. 0
    1 December 2018 18: 50
    Mr. Bond is on vacation, agent No. 006 is exposed. A list of everyone who is a citizen of the world would be so interesting. Our State Duma gets up when the Americans come in and the people will endure them, after all, they are not Americans.
  82. 0
    1 December 2018 19: 31
    who is stopping commentators from acquiring property in the West and citizenship?) no one) you have been cheated once again)) plow your 6 acres in the village)) while not forgetting to vote for Putin)))
    1. +3
      1 December 2018 23: 19
      ..Soviet upbringing interferes, and there’s no way to earn millions on 6 acres..and when it comes to voting, yes we vote, but not for the guarantor, but the result still turns out to be “ER”...no matter how you vote..
  83. +1
    1 December 2018 21: 13
    Where can I find out about the citizenship of deputies of the State Duma and the Federation Council?
  84. +4
    1 December 2018 22: 01
    Voice from Voronezh, Let's hit the Kremlin!! OURS have not been there for 28 years...
  85. +3
    1 December 2018 22: 22
    Cynicism, cynicism and once again the cynicism of our government, for which we supposedly voted. And Brilev is so-so, a mediocre talking head. And quite disgusting. I wouldn't drink vodka with him...
  86. +1
    1 December 2018 23: 25
    Quote: Reptiloid
    someone is walking along this bottom, and someone is knocking from below..

    It's me knocking from below! To make it creepy :)
  87. -3
    2 December 2018 07: 48
    Not smart! Brilev is an agent, sleeping or otherwise - time and the events of time will tell. They crowed wildly! Well done! We earned the carrots.
  88. 0
    2 December 2018 11: 20
    Citizenship of Great Britain has long been favored by Konstantin Ernst.

    Ekaterina Andreeva (Channel One) has Montenegrin citizenship.

    Ivan Urgant has Israeli citizenship.

    Vladimir Pozner is a citizen of France and the USA.

    Maxim Galkin - a citizen of Cyprus (with his wife Pugacheva).

    Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky are citizens of France.

    The Maslyakov father and son have a Latvian residence permit.

    This is a very short list...
    This is how revolutions and unrest happen in Russia later! Again the dominance of all sorts of “smart guys and businessmen” ..
    On the VO website, something is also happening.. crying
  89. 0
    3 December 2018 13: 41
    Now it is clear that the World Cup was only a cover for the construction of emergency launches (officially Aeroprotov) in case of an emergency. Every Russian patriot must be saved from Russia smile
  90. 0
    3 December 2018 22: 08
    A pointless question.....I'm embarrassed to ask, I was leaving for a minute, but how many citizens of the Russian Federation work in the media of Great Britain, the USA or in the councils under the Min. Defense of the same states......Peskov will answer, huh?
  91. 0
    5 December 2018 17: 06
    To resolve the issue with dual citizenship - arrest of all their assets and property outside Russia! This is what it's all about! The “loyal” citizens with a “double bottom” and ebullient patriotism will immediately disappear.
  92. 0
    5 December 2018 17: 06
    Russians, welcome to our real world, the era of world globalization; patriots remain perhaps only in North Korea. There’s nothing bad about the fact that Mr. Brilev and others like him have citizenship and real estate in other states, the bad thing is that they’re talking to you all about some kind of patriotism and homelands, for them, where they pay more, that’s where the homeland is, as in fact for most of us .