Abe: We will not deploy US military bases in the Northern Territories (Kuriles)

Japanese media actively comment on the statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin made at a press conference in Singapore. Recall that the Russian president announced the consideration of the signing of a peace treaty with Japan on the basis of the Soviet-Japanese declaration of the 1956 year. This is a ratified declaration by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Government of Japan.

Abe: We will not deploy US military bases in the Northern Territories (Kuriles)

The signing of a peace treaty in 1956 provided for the subsequent transfer to the Japanese of the two islands of the Kuril ridge - Shikotan and Habomai. At the same time, the treaty provided for Japan’s military neutrality. In other words, no foreign military bases.

As is known, Japan then rejected the provisions of this agreement. Moreover, it rejected mainly because of the position of the United States, which declared that they should demand the return of all the Southern Kuriles to Tokyo.

Today, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe decided to “rejoice” Russia with a statement that if Shikotan and Habomai were transferred to Japan, American military bases would not be stationed on these islands. In fact, this statement looks either ridiculous or hypocritical. The fact is that there is a treaty between Tokyo and Washington that gives the United States the opportunity to deploy its military bases anywhere in Japan.

Tokyo said that the United States cannot deploy its bases without the consent of the Japanese authorities. This is even more ridiculous, because whenever the Americans requested permission to build another base in Okinawa, the Japanese government took the visor and certainly agreed with the "urgent need for the emergence of a new US military facility to protect the Japanese islands."

At the same time, in Tokyo, some have forgotten about the mentioned neutral military status under the treaty of 1956. In a military neutral country there can be no military bases of another state at all. That is, to begin with, Shinzo Abe needs to rid Japan of numerous US military bases in the south, and only then declare its readiness to consider “next steps” as part of the 1956 agreement of the year. The president of Russia transparently and hinted at this at the press conference. And something tells us that the US troops are not going to leave Japan ...
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  1. +78
    16 November 2018 06: 21
    the Japanese will not, and the Americans - easily. ..... a 1956 declaration on which, by the way, two of the four islands were signed and ratified by both parties, but this did not stop the Japanese from refusing and turning on the back .... Neither the Japanese nor the Americans can believe it !!! Today they declare one thing, tomorrow another. Therefore, in which case they will easily refuse and withdraw from any contract when they consider it necessary. Examples are darkness.
    1. +33
      16 November 2018 06: 42
      a) Freshly betrayed, but hard to believe.
      b) Americans will not even ask them what they want and do
      1. +7
        16 November 2018 06: 43
        Quote: Evil543
        b) Americans will not even ask them what they want and do

        for sure .... moreover, if necessary, they will force japons to drag planes on their hump ... swim wassat
        1. +28
          16 November 2018 07: 58
          Well, comrades ... This is not the Russian president who announced the consideration of the signing of a peace treaty with Japan on the basis of the Soviet-Japanese declaration of 1956! In which the USSR agreed to give Japan two islands adjacent to it. This Abe proposed to consider this issue on the basis of this document. Why juggle ?! Putin only commented on this proposal, making it clear that important issues were not spelled out in this declaration, and of course we need to look ... To study ... To consult with comrades ... Come back in a week! Your king is our fiery hello!
          1. +6
            16 November 2018 08: 24
            This is called just to talk, but there is always a trick that will happen in 5 years, this is what Japan is trying to play.
            1. +9
              16 November 2018 08: 31
              Figs with butter, not islands! Players ... damn it.
              1. +19
                16 November 2018 08: 37
                Yes, I agree, but always, in history, there were traitors in power ...
                1. +8
                  16 November 2018 08: 39
                  You cannot do without these! They will talk, steal and sell ... Traitors, they are traitors!
                  1. +4
                    16 November 2018 08: 54
                    By historical analogy, our next ruler may be from this category.
                    1. +7
                      16 November 2018 10: 22
                      Quote: cniza
                      By historical analogy, our next ruler may be from this category.

                      Japan not only did not sign a peace treaty with us, but also supported the sanctions, i.e. Abe is as blunt as he thinks. They also understand everything literally, if Putin speaks to him in a friendly manner and even shakes hands, then the islands are in his pocket. And if Putin swore dirty and kicked Shinze in the ass, then the Japanese would say that nothing, tomorrow he will have a good mood and we will again be friends of the islands. Take Japanese poetry (tanks) and everything will immediately become clear who we are dealing with, you can also look at the anime, there is a Tokyo ghoul ... And you definitely need to learn from the Americans, they ate a dog in colonialism (literally in the Asia-Pacific region), well, you can’t deal with these states speak on equal terms, but only from a position of strength and superiority.
                      1. +2
                        16 November 2018 10: 40
                        The Russian president announced that he was considering signing a peace treaty with Japan on the basis of the Soviet-Japanese declaration of 1956.

                        Well, that really changes things! If Khrushchev was going to give something to the Japanese, then this is sacred! Can be given without remorse! The main reference is not to forget to do that, they say, all responsibility on the Soviet contract of 56 years.
                      2. +10
                        16 November 2018 11: 35
                        After the 60th Treaty between Japan and America, even the USSR forgot about the 56th Declaration. And God himself ordered to forget present-day Russia.
                        And let the Yapis sit, envy, that China has decided everything on time across the territories. The ride of unprecedented generosity is closed. hi
                      3. +13
                        16 November 2018 13: 28
                        For me, the fact that Russia owns all the Kuril Islands determines its exclusive right to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - as the inland sea. If you give away even one of the islands, we automatically lose huge resource sources outside the 200 mile zone from our shores. So I think there’s nothing to discuss - not one contract is worth it.
                      4. +4
                        16 November 2018 15: 17
                        but the post-war treaty on the division of spheres of influence is worth recalling. there it seems like Hokaido was moving into the Soviet zone of influence ...
                      5. +3
                        16 November 2018 11: 39
                        Japan should become neutral and expel all foreign bases, then first sign the treaty and only after that the USSR (now, like the assignee of the Russian Federation, by the way about the collapse of the USSR, it did not exist, only the outskirts fell off and that state remained the largest on the planet and retained the most powerful nuclear potential in the solar system) as a gesture of goodwill, can consider the issue of Shikotan and the ridge of Habomai. Legal science however.
                      6. +6
                        16 November 2018 14: 17
                        When Japan expels foreign bases, there will be so much free space that they will not need the islands at all. None. bully
                      7. +1
                        16 November 2018 12: 15
                        Quote: hrych
                        but only from a position of strength and superiority.

                        And right!
                        Two islands out of 4 our Armed Forces are already developing (even build GDP on one!), It remains to put garrisons on the other 2 islands - and you can offer yapps to walk around the islands for educational purposes ... After all, if our garrisons are located there, foreigners have nothing to do at all.
                2. +16
                  16 November 2018 08: 58
                  Quote: cniza
                  but always, in history, there were traitors in power ...

                  1. -4
                    16 November 2018 11: 58
                    Stalin and Mao are looking at us! lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_IDlO2hVzs А если серьёзно , то два диктатора уничтожавших людей .Ради благих целей или же ради ещё чего не важно .
                    1. 0
                      16 November 2018 16: 14
                      And this is, I do not argue. Are there any definite leaders?
                    2. 0
                      16 November 2018 19: 39
                      You, Yuri, look around, you might even notice someone who destroyed far more people than Stalin and Mao.
                      1. -1
                        16 November 2018 21: 47
                        There are plenty of such "leaders"! These stand separately. The road to hell was paved with good intentions ...
                  2. 0
                    16 November 2018 16: 40
                    Dear Silvestr,
                    Do not wishful thinking.
                    I myself would like Mao to say such a thing, but no.
                    He did not say this, but there is no indicated source.
                    Or is there? I really want to look at him.
                    1. +5
                      16 November 2018 19: 29
                      There are 2 opinions, fake and truth. Both are controversial. To understand, you need to learn Chinese and read in the original.
                      Knowing Mao’s attitude to Khrushchev, one can think of such an assessment, perhaps not in a literal sound.
                      “Where does Khrushchev put himself, who during the period of Stalin’s leadership took part in the party and state leadership and who now, beating himself on the chest or banging his fist on the table, vilified Stalin in a hoarse voice? ”Or in place of those who are like“ fools ”and“ idiots ”?

                      What is the difference between the curses of Khrushchev against Stalin and the curses sent to Stalin by the imperialists, reactionaries of various countries and renegades of communism? Why such a fierce hatred of Stalin? Why is it attacked even more viciously than enemies?

                      Speaking against Stalin, Khrushchev is actually speaking out with furious rage against the Soviet system, against the Soviet state. In this respect, his rancor is in no way inferior in language to such renegades as Kautsky, Trotsky, Tito, Djilas, and even far surpasses them. "
                      To the question of Stalin. Mao Zedong
                      The editorial office of the newspaper "People's Daily"
                      Editorial Office of Hongqi Magazine
                      (September 13, 1963)
                  3. 0
                    17 November 2018 19: 10
                    Quote: Silvestr
                    Quote: cniza
                    but always, in history, there were traitors in power ...

                    and komunyaki Stalin and Mao are directly the best that Russia and China had) everything, comrades are over, in the same China capitalism has long been))
                    1. 0
                      20 November 2018 09: 53
                      Dear Sylvester,
                      Here it is
                      To the question of Stalin. Mao Zedong
                      The editorial office of the newspaper "People's Daily"
                      Editorial Office of Hongqi Magazine
                      (September 13, 1963)

                      Searched on the Internet without any problems,
                      "New China", Beijing, 1964, no. 12
                      Well, no matter how it is not searched.
                      How is this possible?
              2. +3
                16 November 2018 10: 02
                With butter - it's gorgeous! No. Just - fuck bald to them !!! Yes hi
                1. 0
                  16 November 2018 12: 00
                  Let them bite bald horseradish! am also a kind of gastronomy! good
            2. +3
              16 November 2018 11: 56
              Quote: cniza
              This is called just to talk, but there is always a trick that will happen in 5 years, this is what Japan is trying to play.

              Yes, it's not Japan that is playing, but Russia :: the game is called "cat and mouse" - in addition to Korea, Singapore is also on the horizon, ready to lay out several lards not only on the islands, but also on the readiness to raise in Russia soybean culture and ready for this business to develop 500 thousand hectares and put two processing plants. You yourself understand that these are not the Chinese, who also promised a lot, but in reality they can only rapaciously chop down our taiga with their workers and have gotten to the Krasnoyarsk Territory with this heinous deed ...
            3. +2
              16 November 2018 18: 38
              These primates with narrow eyes can never be trusted !!! Not a word, not a signature !!! Following the signing of the surrender, these ... (primates) of the armed forces cannot have, but "self-defense forces" - what is this, eprst ??? With 5th generation aircraft and Aegis ships?
          2. +8
            16 November 2018 09: 01
            Quote: Detective
            Well comrades ..

            I want to believe you. Igor. But after the transfer of land to China, Azerbaijan, the waters of Norway ...

            1. +3
              16 November 2018 21: 30
              Quote: Silvestr
              waters of Norway ...

              Well, so we dragged this poor "water area of ​​Norway". Yes, from this water area Russia received such preferences ... fellow No kidding here. A strategic exchange took place, according to which ours turned out to be in a specific plus. Namely: the rights of the Russian Federation to the shelf in the Arctic Ocean were confirmed. Everything on this topic is in the public domain, you can easily find various materials. Our home-grown "fighters" with might and main use this topic to this day, repeating like parrots: "We gave it away, we gave it away ...". And they are silent about what they took in the end. hi
              1. 0
                16 November 2018 22: 03
                Quote: Paranoid50
                The rights of the Russian Federation to the shelf in the Arctic Ocean were confirmed.

                Is that why Canada and others have clung to the Arctic?

                Quote: Paranoid50
                And they are silent about the fact that they TAKE it.

                and what did they take from China and Azerbaijan?
                1. The comment was deleted.
          3. +4
            16 November 2018 09: 56
            Not an inch of land to the Japanese, allies of our enemies.
          4. +1
            16 November 2018 18: 11
            Get ready, Putin is negotiating, so everything has already been decided, discussing the details of the bargaining.
            They broke Putin, first with chemical weapons, now with the islands.
    2. -1
      16 November 2018 07: 58
      You argue as if someone would give them something)))
      1. +17
        16 November 2018 08: 57
        Quote: Bull Terrier
        You argue as if someone would give them something

        These are the statements I had when the prerequisites for the pension reform appeared. They told me, "after all, there is nothing and will never be. Our president is from the people, he sleeps and thinks about the people." And look how it happened!
        It’s too late to drink Barjomi when the kidneys have fallen off
        1. -4
          16 November 2018 10: 14
          The logic is this)))
      2. 0
        16 November 2018 09: 03
        That's right. Before we grind the bones like that, let's wait. Nobody has given anything up yet.
        1. +6
          16 November 2018 09: 17
          Nobody has given anything up yet.
          when he gives up everything will be ground. When I spoke a year ago about raising the retirement age, I was told "what is your evidence." It will be the same with the islands.
          1. +7
            16 November 2018 09: 28
            Quote: Gardamir
            when he gives up everything will be ground. When I spoke a year ago about raising the retirement age, I was told "what is your evidence." It will be the same with the islands.

            that's about what we are talking about!
          2. +7
            16 November 2018 10: 00
            Quote: Gardamir
            When I spoke about raising the retirement age a year ago, I was told "what is your evidence."

            Yes. Shawali pension robbery. And transfer islands too. They will awaken a little in the internet, but be forgotten in the everyday hustle and bustle. Amur Islands gave to the Chinese? Propaganda explained why this is good and how useless these islands are? It can also turn out roughly with the Kuril Islands.
        2. +1
          17 November 2018 15: 03
          Quote: stalki
          Nobody has given anything up yet.

          On the street, a gypsy whips a gypsy girl with reins, saying - "Here's a bastard, here's to you ..." A neighbor asks, - "Why are you him?" - "Yes, I am sending for milk, so that I would not spill it." - "So he hasn't spilled yet." - "Eh, when it spills, it will be too late to flog."
    3. +6
      16 November 2018 08: 54
      Quote: Black
      Neither the Japanese nor the Americans, DO NOT believe !!!

      I completely agree. And what will Mr. VVP say? After all, there are only "partners" around?
      1. +1
        16 November 2018 12: 07
        You see, for VVP "with comrades" they are partners, but for us these are partners and comrades of VVP, excuse me, but ENEMIES, and the enemies are CLASS.
    4. +4
      16 November 2018 09: 41
      Russia is in a hurry to please Japan that Japan will not deploy any weapons at all on the Kuril territory of Russia. There will be Russian military bases. laughing
      1. +3
        16 November 2018 09: 57
        The promises of the Japanese and other Euro-fascists are not worth a penny.
    5. +4
      16 November 2018 13: 19
      It doesn't matter what the Japanese say !!! I think it is important that a precedent is being created by the conditions of "draining" (otherwise the language does not turn) of the land shed by the BLOOD of ancestors !! HTO is such Putin and Co. to dispose of them ??? They conquered these lands ???
      They remind the nobles who lost to the nines and who sell the land inherited by them !! am
    6. +4
      16 November 2018 21: 27
      Quote: Black
      the Japanese will not, and the Americans - easily. ..... a 1956 declaration on which, by the way, two of the four islands were signed and ratified by both parties, but this did not stop the Japanese from refusing and turning on the back .... Neither the Japanese nor the Americans can believe it !!! Today they declare one thing, tomorrow another. Therefore, in which case they will easily refuse and withdraw from any contract when they consider it necessary. Examples are darkness.

      I don’t understand one thing - why bother holding any negotiations on this issue? How many years we live without a peace treaty with the Japanese and you can continue to live. But to conclude a peace treaty on preliminary terms on the part of Japan is simply humiliating. They don’t want, well, don’t. What's the question?
      But if the Darkest still conducts these negotiations, then probably he admits such an opportunity - to transfer the islands to the Japanese? Otherwise, why negotiations?
      1. -4
        16 November 2018 22: 29
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        But why bother to conduct any negotiations on this issue? How many years have we lived without a peace treaty with the Japanese ...

        ... and all this time, with breaks for lunch and sleep, we are conducting and conducting these negotiations (and the islands are still there).

        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        to conclude a peace treaty on preconditions by Japan is simply humiliating

        Who told you that someone is going to "go for it"?

        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        Otherwise, why negotiations?

        Well, for example, a tribute to an established tradition laughing

        And if a little more serious, then in diplomacy the art of keeping the door ajar, while not letting anyone into it, is very much appreciated. Think it over.
  2. +63
    16 November 2018 06: 22
    One, I remember, was promised the non-proliferation of NATO to the east.
    The guarantee of the absence of US military bases on Shikotan and Habomai is the presence of Russian military bases on Shikotan and Habomai.
    1. +14
      16 November 2018 06: 51
      Quote: Mitya2424
      The lack of US military bases on Shikotan and Habomai is the presence of Russian military bases on Shikotan and Habomai.

      the best air defense is our tanks at their airfields
      1. +1
        16 November 2018 08: 55
        Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
        the best air defense is our tanks at their airfields

        or bulldozers, as a last resort
        1. +4
          16 November 2018 08: 57
          bulldozers are also possible, but with vertical take-off
    2. +6
      16 November 2018 08: 40
      Quote: Mitya2424
      One, I remember, was promised the non-proliferation of NATO to the east.

      good Well, straight "removed from the tongue" !!! It's good that before writing a comment, I decided to look if someone was ahead of us? good drinks
  3. +5
    16 November 2018 06: 23
    Of course you won’t - you will not see the Russian Kuril Islands as your ears without a mirror!
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 20: 37
      Putin Trump showed a thumb, Netanyahu, it seems, average, Abe ... Is it really a combination of three ?! Considering what this means in Japan, an agreement cannot be reached. Or vice versa?!? Politics is the oldest of the professions (((
      1. 0
        17 November 2018 15: 27
        Actually, in Japan, a three-finger figure is shown by women with low social responsibility as a call ...
  4. +8
    16 November 2018 06: 23
    Let them first fulfill their promises not to expand NATO to the east in the countries of eastern Europe, and so their words and paper are not worth anything, another government will come and replay everything.
    1. +48
      16 November 2018 06: 26
      Who cares ... they don’t fulfill it ... in general, talk about transferring the islands to the Japanese must be stopped and criminal prosecution instituted for this first of all against the highest officials of our state ... so that it would not be a temptation to even give a hint about it.
      1. +16
        16 November 2018 06: 36
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        Who cares ... they don’t fulfill it ... in general, talk about transferring the islands to the Japanese should be stopped

        I agree ..... by the way, in this regard, the position of our liberal politicians and the media touches. .... "The USSR (Stalin) illegally seized the Japanese islands" and then "Putin is trading territories" laughing .... in general, with them, as always, Russia is always to blame for everything. Russia is always evil, the West is good "...
      2. +26
        16 November 2018 06: 39
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        need to stop

        I agree ! These islands are watered with the blood of our fathers and grandfathers and surrendering them to Japan is a betrayal! This is the story. And in life these are our islands, the fishing region, the border zone. And their delivery will affect all residents of the Far East, and Russia!
      3. 0
        16 November 2018 06: 40
        The most correct offer!
      4. SOF
        16 November 2018 06: 55
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        introduce criminal prosecution for this first of all against the highest officials of our state

        .... and you need to start with those who gave birth to this bootleg, in 1956, gave birth to God .... right? ........
        .... would not give hope, under the Union, to the Japanese - there wouldn’t be any silly conversations now ...
        1. +2
          16 November 2018 13: 25
          What difference does it say THEN !!! Who, from the people, will live better after signing the contract?)) Personally, my family is neither hot nor cold, nor before or after!
          In any case, surrendering territory means weakness and betrayal !!
      5. +4
        16 November 2018 07: 29
        I completely agree with you, any disputes about disputed territories should be closed ....................
    2. 0
      17 November 2018 06: 44
      The West spotted Mishka Gorbachev gave so many words, so many promises that he promised that he could completely idiotic about the promise of the next Abe. I think that Putin is not idiotic and does not want to commit political hara-kiri at the end of a brilliant career. Russian statesmen are obliged today to collect fragments into a single whole, and not to give away. That time has sunk into oblivion - I really hope so!
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. +6
      16 November 2018 06: 38
      Quote: Ebsel Mobsel
      They remember us Damansky.

      Shaw Damascus? - Daman is already China sad
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        17 November 2018 06: 46
        Thank you Borka and Mishka for burning them in Hell.
  6. +11
    16 November 2018 06: 35
    they will believe in the Kremlin, of course, and a year or two after the transfer of the islands, they will cast an actor’s tear and utter - bad uncles have deceived us again
  7. +9
    16 November 2018 06: 36
    Our president will soon give the whole country in pieces in exchange for promises. Gorbachev cheated on NATO expansion. the same thing will happen with krill. Then part of the territory will be asked by Finns, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Germany ...
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 07: 55
      They are already demanding ... Even in Belarus. The truth is that nationalist idiots demand that the border be moved east to Dorogobuzh.
      1. 0
        17 November 2018 06: 47
        So the morons! And here is the whole Aba!
    2. -8
      16 November 2018 08: 01
      To whom did he give? Do not smack nonsense, it hurts.
    3. +2
      16 November 2018 10: 17
      Quote: mitchhunter
      Our president will soon give the whole country in pieces in exchange for promises.

      While he seems to have returned Crimea?winked
      1. 0
        17 November 2018 06: 49
        Plus, in fact, Abkhazia with Ossetia, and Donbass will return sooner or later. it is a pity that he miscalculated in 2014 and did not return all of New Russia - this is his huge mistake.
    4. 0
      16 November 2018 13: 27
      .... "investment" ..!))))
      People get bullied, and they hawala
  8. +6
    16 November 2018 06: 38
    A contract is just paper. Today you can cancel, pick up the Kuril Islands, and tomorrow sign a new one.
  9. +8
    16 November 2018 06: 39
    So the Yankees asked your permission! When it was for the owner to ask his serf for some permission. That's one master, and the other his servant.
  10. +2
    16 November 2018 06: 42
    So what’s the trick! We throw the ball to the side of Japan, while pushing them against the United States. wassat Well, VVP got tired of the methodical "swotting" of the Japanese, and he translated their persistence into clearing Japan of American bases. Connected, so to speak, the cause with the effect. Again, Shikotan and Habomai do not make the Sea of ​​Okhotsk international, Kunashir and Iturup reliably "lock up" this problem. And the WORLD stocks of iridium on Iturup generally take it out of any discussion ... In short
    They can’t see the islands like their ears, and we can channel energy into the disputes of Japan and the USA ...
    1. +13
      16 November 2018 07: 31
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      So that's the trick! We throw the ball over to the side of Japan, while pushing them against the United States. well, GDP is tired of the methodical "swotting" of the Japanese, and he

      after the betrayal of Russians in Ukraine (as in other "republics")
      and endless bloodshed of Donbass
      KhPshnikov only to drown in need.
      1. -7
        16 November 2018 08: 02
        Who betrayed whom? Surround yourself
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +13
      16 November 2018 07: 38
      Again, Shikotan and Khabomai do not make the Sea of ​​Okhotsk international

      What difference does it make or not do !!
      No our land cannot be given, just because it our!
      They used to say - we won’t give up an inch of Russian land !! It is necessary to stand on that !!!
      1. 0
        16 November 2018 20: 49
        Not an inch? Well, no one gives an inch, the Kuril Islands - not an inch, it turns out - you can. Apart from the word “shame!” Nothing comes to mind.
    3. +2
      16 November 2018 09: 26
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      Again, Shikotan and Habomai do not make the Sea of ​​Okhotsk international,

      Well, as if after some time this phrase did not sound, but already, like a mantra, from the TV screens ... Oh, that life of surprises is full.
    4. 0
      17 November 2018 06: 50
      He is a judoka, a judoka!
  11. +13
    16 November 2018 06: 46
    And she doesn’t even blush when she lies so brazenly. It’s not the Japs who need these islands, but the United States, they want to control the deep-sea channel so that Russia's nuclear submarines cannot secretly go out into the Pacific Ocean.
    1. +6
      16 November 2018 07: 49
      Looks like you're right. In fact, the transfer of the islands, the collapse of the defense of our country. And then to a preemptive strike on us - one step
  12. 0
    16 November 2018 06: 47
    Stanislavsky would say - "I don't believe!" ..
  13. 0
    16 November 2018 06: 50
    of course do not wake laughing
    who will allow you to place something on our land ?! fool
  14. +10
    16 November 2018 06: 51
    This is from a series about "NATO's non-expansion eastward."
  15. 0
    16 November 2018 06: 55
    Of course you won’t. Because you can’t see them!
  16. 0
    16 November 2018 06: 55
    Japanese, Japanese! At one time, they could get two islands (from what considerations the USSR government proceeded is not clear), but they caved in to the detriment of the Americans. Therefore, promises not to place in the case of American bases - an empty phrase. And today, in my opinion, no one is going to give two islands. This proposal (return to the 1956 Declaration) nevertheless contains some kind of strategic trick.
    1. +6
      16 November 2018 07: 32
      Quote: rotmistr60
      This proposal (return to the 1956 Declaration) nevertheless contains some kind of strategic trick.

      another HPP?
      not sick of them?
    2. +1
      16 November 2018 13: 30
      Refresh in your memory how Damansky and a piece of the sea "merged" ..
      Quiet, "beautiful without pathos" ...
      ANY change, even an inch of territory, is a betrayal
      1. 0
        17 November 2018 06: 52
        There were other times - they sang other songs ... I hope.
  17. +4
    16 November 2018 06: 58
    And something tells us that the US troops are not going to leave Japan ...
    .... And as soon as the United States leaves Japan, it is possible that the principle of "dominoes" will follow, they will be asked from other countries .. politely .. The USA understands this very well ... And where will they go, to their home? ... They are not needed at home, this is a reduction in military spending, a decrease in military orders for the American military-industrial complex ...
  18. +1
    16 November 2018 06: 58
    Nothing just happens, especially with such perseverance. This piece of wasteland was given to them - for good reason. Maybe inside the island that ..., but no, it will be for us, in the strategic plan, a splinter. To send further - they have never been friends for us - so one fiction.
  19. +17
    16 November 2018 07: 05
    I was tired of talking about the Kuril Islands. I don’t understand, Japs that no one can say solid NO? Or what, do we really need a peace treaty with a country that does not control itself?
    What is this all for such nonsense? They must be sent in the most severe form. Ultimate! And so they fucked up half of our country with a right-hand drive cut.
    1. -2
      16 November 2018 07: 12
      I would agree, but not everything is taken into account in your version. For example, the fact that the Americans will bring such shit to Japan! That, in the case of a non-nuclear mess, we are tormented to catch them from the forests of the Far East and eastern Siberia
    2. -4
      16 November 2018 08: 04
      This is politics. The ability to ask for something all the time in exchange, to think)))
    3. 0
      16 November 2018 11: 51
      oblique price stuff their own.
  20. -11
    16 November 2018 07: 06
    Be afraid if Pukin would like to surrender the islands, he would have done it long ago (Father Damansky). Here completely different goals are being pursued. (SVR loves to work!)
    1. -2
      16 November 2018 07: 34
      Quote: Maximilian37
      Here completely different goals are being pursued. (SVR loves to work!)

      Giraffe is great !! He knows better!
    2. -3
      16 November 2018 08: 04
      He did not give Damansky. Learn the story.
  21. +4
    16 November 2018 07: 07
    What can an occupied country promise? First, let Okinawa be freed from US bases to confirm the credibility of its intentions.
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 13: 32
      Are you out of your mind? (Sorry)
      THIS is the surrender of the territory !!! What conditions????
  22. +9
    16 November 2018 07: 08
    Yapi behave like that, because we put the question like that, Abe is a consequence of the promises of GDP ... and it's sad
    1. +11
      16 November 2018 07: 35
      Quote: Dave36
      Yapi behave like that, because we put the question like that, Abe is a consequence of the promises of GDP ... and it's sad

      This is not sad, but disgusting.
  23. +6
    16 November 2018 07: 19
    "Tokyo has stated that the United States cannot deploy its bases without the consent of the Japanese authorities."
    Purely just neighing. You might think that the Japanese will refuse the owner in something. In an extreme case, this issue can be considered, and that is a big question, only after the Americans completely get out of Japan. And this is unlikely ...
  24. 0
    16 November 2018 07: 30
    Abe: We will not deploy US military bases in the Northern Territories (Kuriles)

    And we will not place American bases there. Not surprised. Offer further. Make an offer we won’t be able to refuse. Well, our bases remain there. Your warriors will never be there. You finance the bridge to Sakhalin and the mainland. Pull our pipes to you with a guarantee of 80% of cargo to Europe via the trans-Siberian railway. You buy food in the Russian Federation at least 50 lard a year. Keep a plus of a guarantee of 350 lard from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. And after that, it will be possible to share these islands
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 08: 11
      And the main condition, to all of the above, is the complete cleansing of all of Japan from American bases with all their contingents. Well, there is no need to rush, but to think that we, as the winner, still need to demand from Japan, as from the party that lost the war.
  25. 0
    16 November 2018 07: 35
    That's right, narrow-eyed, you won’t! Because no one will give them to you.
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 08: 00
      And someone will ask you? Just as asked when transferring land to China? Or maybe your advice was asked when transferring part of the Barents Sea to Norway?
  26. +3
    16 November 2018 07: 35
    Putin will sell, but the Japanese will deceive!
    This is the most likely outcome.
  27. -2
    16 November 2018 07: 37
    From a dead donkey ears.
  28. +3
    16 November 2018 07: 38
    With the economy and social policy z-za, so the "guarantor of the observance of the Constitution" decided to imitate a breakthrough in the external, such as establish peace with Japan 73 years after the war, though to the detriment of Russia, but the oliga will be able to continue for some time. convert the good of the people into your loot.
  29. 0
    16 November 2018 07: 44
    After all, everyone watched "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession." Remember the Kemsk parish. it seems to me that soon this film from the zombie box will disappear altogether, and then it will be recognized as extremist
    1. 0
      16 November 2018 08: 56
      You are befuddled with the presidential terms of Yeltsin and Putin. Putin gave only the Domansky island (I am sure there were reasons). Well, Crimea returned home) And the Yeltsinoids crawled the shelf in Kamchatka (which was controversial) to America. The borders of some Baltic countries could not be recognized at all (we attached dofig to them during our entry into the USSR). Moldova also has those lands that it did not have before the Soviet Union, and included in their composition as Crimea at one time in Ukraine.
      1. 0
        16 November 2018 13: 37
        [/ quote] You seem to be confused with the presidential terms of Yeltsin and Putin. Putin gave only Domansky island (I am sure there were reasons). [Quote]

        Only???? There, blood poured, by the way !! You are TWO, student !!
        1. -1
          16 November 2018 21: 11
          My koment is only about what Putin has done enough at the moment in foreign policy so that he is not called a harasser. And who knows, maybe this also played for the fact that China on our border with him relaxed and led partnerships with us. And so it is necessary to be on the alert.
          1. 0
            16 November 2018 22: 43
            Well, then, "victory" in the studio)))
            Just don't talk about the "cunning plan, about the Crimea"))) because he himself said that everything was decided "on the knee"
            And who, in your opinion, should be "relaxed" in order to become a "partner ??))
            Not too "tolerant"?)
            1. 0
              16 November 2018 23: 53
              You reminded me of a "friend" of childhood. Before going to the arrow, we sat on a bench near the school and talk about this topic. He was brave that nafig fight one on one, let's wall to wall. We told him that it wasn’t necessary. Well, he seemed to understand such a guy. Well, as soon as I started to fight with one of them, our “brave man” flies out from behind and gives another kid in the groin (slightly) and the other in the face with his fist. They decide that we have violated our agreement with them and come upon us with their whole larger crowd than ours. And this pretzel sheds some kind of macaroni and we grab everything to the fullest. What you take for your vision of politics from this story.
              1. 0
                17 November 2018 00: 34
                To be honest, I didn’t understand your analogy, but I didn’t see the answer to the question I asked, either) I conclude from this that you are simply blinding your opponent)) hi
                PS. I hope to read an example that I could be proud of sincerely, for I really want to
                1. 0
                  17 November 2018 11: 14
                  Millet tried to recreate that atmosphere) And if you didn’t understand it, then to the fact that everything at once does not always work, unfortunately. Putin’s domestic policy is almost nonexistent, but as for the foreign one, the main video is here and it’s clear that you can’t immediately go on the counter. Having solved the Domansky issue, we removed another problem on which the United States wanted to quarrel us with China (with modern weapons, this island doesn’t even solve tactically, it's like sacrificing a small gambit to win). And most importantly, if you do not understand my life example, an example from the history of the country: the Crimean or Eastern War, when ALL countries of Europe fought or maintained innate neutrality. We must learn from mistakes and not jump on the same rake.
    2. +1
      16 November 2018 08: 59
      How is it the phrase of the then Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Kozyrev, said to the US Secretary of State: We do not have our own interests. He lives by the way, now guess where)))
  30. +2
    16 November 2018 07: 51
    The agreement on mutual cooperation and security guarantees between the United States and Japan (1960) allows the United States to deploy bases in Japan, and Tokyo assumes the function of protecting them in the event of an attack on them. So the statement that the United States cannot place its bases without the consent of the Japanese authorities is really ridiculous. The United States will not ask.
    Our islands, stop squandering the inheritance we inherited from fathers and grandfathers! And they just returned theirs.
  31. 0
    16 November 2018 07: 55
    Japan bent and are not going to unbend. What faith may be slaves.
    1. 0
      16 November 2018 08: 11
      And now these slaves bend us too.
      1. 0
        16 November 2018 09: 19
        You did not unbend ... but you tried to bend Russia, the bending is weak ...
    2. 0
      16 November 2018 13: 38
      Who cares??? There is she, not her ..
  32. +2
    16 November 2018 07: 56
    "What are you, your king's muzzle, scattering state lands?"
  33. 0
    16 November 2018 08: 04
    Immediately I recall a fairy tale about a fox and a hare, in which the hut is bast and the fox has ice.
  34. +1
    16 November 2018 08: 15
    how can any discussion of the transfer of OURs be made! islands?
  35. +1
    16 November 2018 08: 18
    It should raise the question of the native Russian island of Hokkaido (southern territories of Russia)! The Kuril Islands are the same Japanese as the Russians.
    1. 0
      16 November 2018 13: 39
      Contact the LADY - he is a "special"!)))
  36. +1
    16 November 2018 08: 24
    Quote: Dude
    Again, Shikotan and Khabomai do not make the Sea of ​​Okhotsk international

    What difference does it make or not do !!
    No our land cannot be given, just because it our!
    They used to say - we won’t give up an inch of Russian land !! It is necessary to stand on that !!!

    In no case should you give it away!
    Moreover, Habomai is not an island.
    The Habomai group includes the islands of Polonsky, Shards, Zelyony, Demina, Yuri, Anuchin, Tanfilyev and a number of small ones. Separated by the Soviet Strait from Hokkaido Island. Area of ​​about 100 km²
    1. 0
      16 November 2018 13: 42
      Note that the question "strangely" turned about "conditions"! (
      Tin ...
      This, like the day before yesterday, poured gasoline at 45.30 and considered that "cheap" ((((
  37. +9
    16 November 2018 08: 26
    If there will be a transfer of these islands without the opinion of the PEOPLE, as they did with the pension reform, then this can be regarded as a betrayal, let everyone there on top know this. Not the Japs, and especially the Americans, there is no faith. You have already learned a lot in the domestic policy of the country, in particular in the economy, personnel and ideology, it’s enough to ruin the country with your own stupidity and mediocrity.
    1. +3
      16 November 2018 08: 31
      Ivan Petrovich, the fact that the Japs and the Yankees have no faith is understandable. That's really disgusting from the fact that "ours" have no faith.
      1. +4
        16 November 2018 08: 51
        Quote: Vlad 63
        there is no "our" faith

        Such "our" ovens would be heated in Lefortovo after the execution.
    2. +2
      16 November 2018 09: 32
      And when Tarabarov was given to the Chinese, they asked the opinion of the people?
    3. +1
      16 November 2018 13: 43
      Do you believe that they reckon with our opinion ???
      I took off my rose-colored glasses ..
  38. +1
    16 November 2018 08: 46
    Oh, these samurai! They have no faith. Then they also said that for sure, but they gave the back one.
  39. -1
    16 November 2018 08: 47
    Well, what exactly did Putin say on this issue ".. In 1956, the Soviet Union and Japan signed a declaration, which is called the declaration of 1956. What does it say? It says that the Soviet Union, after signing a peace treaty, is ready to transfer two islands, two southern islands of Japan.
    It does not say on what basis to transfer, it does not say under whose sovereignty these islands will remain, it does not say on what basis it will be done. But the readiness of the Soviet Union to transfer these two islands has been fixed ... "Plus, before that, he had repeatedly stated that the issue of Russia's territorial integrity, including the Kuril Islands, was not being discussed. From all this I can assume that Putin is ready to sign a peace treaty with the Japanese and give them Shikotan and Habomai for joint use, but the islands will remain part of Russia, and the Japanese, in turn, according to the 1956 declaration, are throwing amers out of their territory altogether.
    1. 0
      16 November 2018 09: 31
      this is not in the 1956 declaration.
      on the contrary, it states that the parties will not interfere in each other's affairs.
      1. 0
        16 November 2018 09: 53
        I welcome, my mistake, I agree - I didn’t write correctly, the 1956 declaration does not really contain a clause on Japan’s military neutrality. This requirement should have been spelled out in the peace treaty, since a violation of this particular requirement by Japan after signing the treaty with the United States forced the Soviets to abandon any further actions for reconciliation and subsequent transfer of the islands.
    2. +2
      16 November 2018 13: 44
      There is a sounding ... Remember the penny. reform
  40. 0
    16 November 2018 08: 49
    Of course, Yapi will not deploy military bases in the Kuril Islands. Who will let them on the Russian islands.
  41. 0
    16 November 2018 08: 51
    We will not deploy US military bases in the Northern Territories (Kuril Islands)
    Of course you won’t, our bases are already there
  42. -1
    16 November 2018 09: 06
    Japs are your business for American soldiers to raise and Cruisers we do. Do not shine if there is no pride or dignity. Just work for 14 hours — you are an experiment in creating a human robot. No one asks their vacuum cleaner or teapot where to put when to turn on ...
  43. +1
    16 November 2018 09: 14
    Well, specifically, our Crimea - the Kuril Islands is not ours.
    1. +3
      16 November 2018 10: 24
      But to hell with them! And not ours, and "ours", who are ready to give away the whole of Russia, having robbed them clean beforehand.
  44. +4
    16 November 2018 09: 27
    Abe: We will not deploy US military bases in the Northern Territories (Kuriles)

    We will not now. Well, unless we put a hydrographic scientific station to study the deep sea and straits. And the fact that she discovers the submarine is an accident. But she discovers them non-military, and peacefully, civilly laughing
  45. +4
    16 November 2018 09: 35
    A return to the long-decayed declaration of 1956 (the USSR had already refused it) is extremely dangerous for Russia.

    To exchange our islands and water area for their pieces of peace treaty means to commit a monstrous betrayal.

    Don’t wake it up while it’s quiet, and our guarantor scratches this subject every now and then, one asks why ...

    Soon we will see the outcome of the Far Eastern incident
  46. +2
    16 November 2018 09: 35
    If memory does not change, one of Khrushchev’s conditions for transferring the islands at the conclusion of a peace treaty with Japan was the withdrawal of US bases from Japanese territory ..
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 13: 46
      One of the conditions of Judah, there were 30 pieces of silver
  47. +5
    16 November 2018 09: 37
    In an interview, Putin himself admitted that in 2014 his Americans deceived him with Ukraine. I won’t be surprised if he is deceived this time. How is it sung in the song -
    "you don't need a knife for a fool,
    you lie to him with three boxes
    And do whatever you want with him. "
    I do not trust Putin, say anything, but there is no more faith in him.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  48. +9
    16 November 2018 09: 42
    A few questions for ourselves.
    1. How important is the peace treaty with Japan to us, did we live without it? How much will the trade turnover between our countries increase after its conclusion? 3-5-10 billion dollars? Our outflow of capital in 2018 is comparable to the amount of excess profits from the sale of oil, which is hundreds of billions of dollars not invested in the economy. That's where the hidden reserves are. Well, and how we drove the cars, we will continue to carry them without any contract, because it is mutually beneficial. And they will not cancel sanctions.
    2. After 2022, neither Putin nor Abe will be in power. Who will guarantee not the deployment of US military bases, missile defense systems and nuclear weapons on these disputed islands? Americans will certainly find legal incidents in the contract and do as they want, they are strong in this. The flight time of missiles to Vladivostok, Khabarovsk will probably be seconds. There will be no time for decision making. An example of such agreements is the Warsaw Pact countries in NATO, although they also promised not to move NATO eastward.
    3. We still have the Kaliningrad region. Who guarantees that future German politicians will not raise a similar issue?
    In general, you need to think a hundred times, consider other options for cooperation on these islands, up to our military bases on them. We have nowhere to hurry, it's Abe in a hurry to retire.
    1. 0
      16 November 2018 13: 48
      Paragraph 1 good the rest doesn't matter
  49. +8
    16 November 2018 09: 54
    If the guarantor transfers at least one island to Japan, then it must be brought to justice and judged as a state criminal. The country has been overtaken from all sides, and the transfer of at least part of our ridge will deprive Russia of the Pacific Fleet (which will be restored by the people’s power (when we get smarter and choose it, finally).
    And we must remember those servants who laid their heads and health in the war with Japan.
    And believe the Japanese in it a question is the height of naivety or betrayal.
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 10: 09
      Putin personally needs the contract, it is in diplomatic isolation, and this is at least a small, but a breakthrough, in any case an attempt
      1. +1
        16 November 2018 10: 15
        Sergey! But Russia does not need him, we will not be of any use to him. These will be shod again, and we, as always, are fools.
    2. 0
      16 November 2018 23: 27
      Quote: NordUral
      If the guarantor gives at least one island to Japan, then it must be brought to justice and judged as a state criminal

      This was necessary to do in the early 90's, when he was so sweetly enriched by 122 mil.doll. at the expense of Peter. Such individuals are commonly called the capacious word BOP. Exactly. Not the Darkest or Lightest, not Lunar-faced or Tauride, and certainly not the Supreme.
  50. 0
    16 November 2018 10: 13
    And I like it, the japs ​​remove the mattresses, we give the islands away. But the point is that this slap in the USA will never be carried out (well, the next hundred years), so you can endlessly troll .... and then the donkey dies, or check.
  51. +4
    16 November 2018 10: 18
    Firstly, already in 1960, the 1956 declaration was disavowed by the Soviet government, since the Americans had deployed nuclear weapons and missiles in Japan.
    Secondly, how long can Russian territory be put at the forefront of negotiations? The country is great for you, you can’t rule it, your mind is short, leave! Others will come who can and know the “national idea” and what needs to be done with the country’s economy, finances, and industry. Who lives and works here, and does not work here, but lives there...
    Thirdly, stop fooling people with all sorts of turns to the east, west and so on. Twice in the 20th century they “turned around,” taking advantage of the darkness and downtroddenness of the people, losing territory, abandoning the Russian people to their fate, giving them into the clutches of the fascists and other riffraff. Or are all the lines of the International haunting: “This will be the LAST and decisive...”?
  52. -2
    16 November 2018 10: 27
    I really like this position of the Kremlin. First, it is necessary to resolve the issue of Japan's neutral status and only then consider a peace treaty and the joint use of the islands.
    1. +1
      16 November 2018 13: 51
      Sorry, WHY sharing??!! WHO are they? Russians???
  53. +4
    16 November 2018 10: 34
    These islands cannot be given away! This will dramatically worsen our security! It will be difficult for the Pacific Fleet to go to sea; foreign ships will be able to enter the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which is exclusively ours and can be a place of combat duty for our submarine missile carriers. Japan is a strategic ally of the United States; no treaty can be concluded with it! What is being done is a crime. The Americans will deceive you anyway and bases will appear. it is very dangerous!!
  54. +1
    16 November 2018 10: 39
    The man promised to marry the girl. And then he said: live like this! They also promised not to move NATO to the East... We should not chew snot, but demand the return of Hokkaido...
  55. The comment was deleted.
  56. +2
    16 November 2018 10: 59
    Thank you, Abe. You reassured me. Just a stone from the soul.
  57. +4
    16 November 2018 11: 27
    Urgently introduce criminal liability not only for trading in territory but also for talking about it......
    With capital punishment.
    1. -1
      16 November 2018 13: 53
      good good
      Only guys in the Kremlin have a different opinion, alas (((
  58. +1
    16 November 2018 11: 42
    What does 1956 have to do with it? Let them read the documents of 1860.
    1. 0
      16 November 2018 13: 53
      Probably PROFITABLE..
      Question: TO WHOM???
  59. +2
    16 November 2018 11: 47
    in short, the guarantor is bargaining over the islands not childishly, but seriously, but he will sell and announce another (as with the Chinese) territorial settlement of the issue. what a shame. disgusting.
  60. 0
    16 November 2018 12: 46
    Today, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe decided to “delight” Russia with the statement that if Shikotan and Habomai are transferred to Japan, there will be no deployment of American military bases on these islands.

    Of course it won't happen. Because you will get ears from a dead donkey, not islands!
    1. 0
      16 November 2018 13: 57
      “We’ll kill you, it won’t hurt)) Chick: and you’re already in heaven!..” (Humpbacked)
      Film "The meeting place cannot be changed"
  61. 0
    16 November 2018 13: 42
    S. Abe is trying to deceive someone. For what?
  62. +1
    16 November 2018 13: 51
    I don’t like this noise on this topic in our media...
    it feels like information noise is being deliberately created on this topic in order to prepare the population for the transfer of these islands to Japan, under any guise..
    then various experts and specialists will express “smart” thoughts and in the end, under beautiful words, our rulers will surrender these islands, there is no trust, you can expect anything from them...
    the only positive thing is that we need these islands, from a military point of view - access to the ocean for our ships in winter, otherwise they would have been surrendered long ago...
    And it’s not good that Putin doesn’t clearly say at all these meetings that the issue of transferring the islands is not subject to discussion, he’s still joking, but what will happen in the end?
    I would like to hope that there will be no problems with the islands and that they will always remain part of Russia.
  63. Cry
    16 November 2018 14: 34
    There is no faith in promises, so Putin’s nomination as Emperor of All Japan is a guarantee. Well, if not Putin, then Medvedev or Zhirinovsky.
  64. 0
    16 November 2018 15: 02
    The price of the islands is the Nobel Peace Prize.
  65. 0
    16 November 2018 15: 19
    It has already begun, on all fronts.
    ..Calls to “reconsider the status of Kaliningrad” have resumed in Lithuania. The nationalists of this country continue to consider the Kaliningrad region the territory of “Little Lithuania” and dream of tearing it away from Russia. Surprisingly, they found supporters not only in countries hostile to Russia, but also inside Kaliningrad itself... https://vz.ru/world/2018/11/16/950724.html
    1. +1
      17 November 2018 16: 23
      Territories are the last resource.
  66. 0
    16 November 2018 15: 25
    Abe: We will not deploy US military bases in the Northern Territories (Kuriles)

    That is, this is already a decided matter? Like - “already, “agreed” on the “internecine meeting”? Something, it seems to me, judging by what is happening after the re-election of the “sun-faced”, the “elite” or - whoever rules Russia there, have set a course to ensure that in one fell swoop cut all the “Proud knots” both within the country and outside its borders, which they inherited from the USSR and “developed” in recent years in capitalist Russia.... and, who cares, the main thing is that in the “West” "We were happy with it...
    1. +2
      16 November 2018 15: 47
      One becomes afraid for the fate of the country while such a leader is at its head. Only the premature departure of this person (for natural or other reasons) can give a chance for the best.
  67. 0
    16 November 2018 15: 43
    I once hinted to my wife about the scales.

    Then he gave it. Scales. On the floor which.

    As a result, he declared in plain text that she was plump and left.

    at the press conference transparently and hinted

    Maybe stop hinting already?
  68. +1
    16 November 2018 16: 53
    Ours are not strong in diplomacy, so these flirtations with the Japanese will not lead to anything good.
  69. -2
    16 November 2018 17: 15
    Quote: Silvestr
    Quote: Gardamir
    when he gives up everything will be ground. When I spoke a year ago about raising the retirement age, I was told "what is your evidence." It will be the same with the islands.

    that's about what we are talking about!

    And what are we talking about? About the fact that you are hysterical out of nowhere?
    As for pension reform, Russia is one of the last developed countries in the world to delay its implementation to the extreme limit.
  70. 0
    16 November 2018 18: 15
    Japan did not deceive us like the Americans, but there is a first time for everything. Considering that the United States and Japan have an agreement allowing the deployment of military facilities throughout the country, without restrictions. Guess which agreement will be more convenient for the Japanese to comply with?
  71. 0
    16 November 2018 22: 15
    I hope you are smart enough not to believe...
  72. 0
    17 November 2018 00: 24
    Why do we even need a peace treaty with the treacherous Japs? Is it bad without it?
    If I were Shoigu, I would also think about how to take Okinawa while we are “at war”...))
  73. 0
    17 November 2018 02: 08
    Japan is a faithful whore... servant of the States. In general, this is enough to understand that
    why can't we give the islands back? I just don’t understand why we didn’t openly send the Japanese.
    Why didn’t they put forward strict conditions in response to the preliminary liquidation of American bases in Japan?
    Like, if you want islands, remove American bases.
    And that’s it, the islands will remain ours for a long time.
    Otherwise these endless conversations are about nothing...
  74. +1
    17 November 2018 02: 32
    "transfer to the Japanese two islands of the Kuril chain - Shikotan and Habomai"

    Habomai is a group of islands that includes the islands of Polonsky, Oskolki, Zeleny, Demina, Yuri, Anuchina, Tanfilyev and a number of small ones. Together with the island of Shikotan in Soviet and Russian cartography they form the Lesser Kuril Ridge.

    No need to be misled!
  75. 0
    17 November 2018 06: 09
    The absence of a peace treaty with Japan is neither cold nor hot. It was senseless to give up the islands; in analogy with the big Ussuri Islands, there was no need. We should develop more real cooperation with Japan on the basis of sister cities in the Far East, Sakhalin, and adjacent territories. And not limit yourself to growing cucumbers, as in Khabarovsk.
  76. +1
    17 November 2018 07: 16
    Today, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe decided to “rejoice” Russia with a statement that if Shikotan and Habomai were transferred to Japan, American military bases would not be stationed on these islands. In fact, this statement looks either ridiculous or hypocritical. The fact is that there is a treaty between Tokyo and Washington that gives the United States the opportunity to deploy its military bases anywhere in Japan.

    Tokyo said that the United States cannot deploy its bases without the consent of the Japanese authorities. This is even more ridiculous, because whenever the Americans requested permission to build another base in Okinawa, the Japanese government took the visor and certainly agreed with the "urgent need for the emergence of a new US military facility to protect the Japanese islands."

    What difference does it make - whether the Japanese or whoever will place military bases there or not - THESE ARE THE ISLANDS OF RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN RUSSIA! AND YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE THEM TO ANYONE!
  77. 0
    17 November 2018 07: 18
    Quote: Black
    the Japanese will not, and the Americans - easily. ..... a 1956 declaration on which, by the way, two of the four islands were signed and ratified by both parties, but this did not stop the Japanese from refusing and turning on the back .... Neither the Japanese nor the Americans can believe it !!! Today they declare one thing, tomorrow another. Therefore, in which case they will easily refuse and withdraw from any contract when they consider it necessary. Examples are darkness.

    Are you a fool! - to give up your land for the sake of some kind of agreement? It doesn’t matter whether there will be an agreement or not, military bases or not. This is YOUR land, Russian Orthodox Christian Russia! What kind of nonsense are you talking about!? What the hell is the return of the islands, their land???????????????
    Even if the Japanese comply with some kind of agreement there, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU GIVE YOUR LAND, not only to the Japanese, but to anyone at all?!?????????
    This is simply treason and such people should be shot!
  78. +2
    17 November 2018 07: 23
    Quote: Evil543
    a) Freshly betrayed, but hard to believe.
    b) Americans will not even ask them what they want and do

    WHAT THE FUCK, ASSHOLES, GIVE UP YOUR LAND???????????????????????
  79. +2
    17 November 2018 07: 30
    Quote: Bearded
    Not an inch of land to the Japanese, allies of our enemies.

    Wrong! Not an inch of Russian land, Russian Orthodox Christian Russia - TO ANYONE! That's right! And not just the Japanese!
  80. +2
    17 November 2018 07: 34
    Quote: The same Lech
    Who cares ... they don’t fulfill it ... in general, talk about transferring the islands to the Japanese must be stopped and criminal prosecution instituted for this first of all against the highest officials of our state ... so that it would not be a temptation to even give a hint about it.

    I totally agree with you!
  81. +1
    17 November 2018 07: 58
    Quote: Bull Terrier
    To whom did he give? Do not smack nonsense, it hurts.

    China USSR E 88.jpg
    The demarcation of the Russian-Chinese border took place in 2005. As a result of the interstate border in the center of the Amur River, China received a number of territories with a total area of ​​337 km² - a plot of land in the vicinity of Bolshoi Island (the headwaters of the Argun River in the Chita Region) and two sections in the region of the Tarabar and Bolshoi Ussuriysky Islands at the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri Rivers. The main part of these territories was the western tip of the Bolshoi Ussuri Island on the Amur River opposite the mouth of the Ussuri River. The island has an area of ​​327 to 350 km² depending on the season.

    On 14 on October 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Hu Jintao signed an addendum to the agreement on the Russian-Chinese state border, according to which the transfer took place.

    On May 20, 2005, the State Duma of the 4th convocation ratified an additional agreement (307 deputies supported, 80 against, two abstained). On May 25, the agreement was approved by the Federation Council (157 senators supported, against - two, without abstentions).
    Look for Putin’s statements on YouTube - how he says that he gave the disputed territories to China.
  82. +1
    17 November 2018 08: 05
    Quote: Pythagoras
    A few questions for ourselves.
    1. How important is the peace treaty with Japan to us, did we live without it? How much will the trade turnover between our countries increase after its conclusion? 3-5-10 billion dollars? Our outflow of capital in 2018 is comparable to the amount of excess profits from the sale of oil, which is hundreds of billions of dollars not invested in the economy. That's where the hidden reserves are. Well, and how we drove the cars, we will continue to carry them without any contract, because it is mutually beneficial. And they will not cancel sanctions.
    2. After 2022, neither Putin nor Abe will be in power. Who will guarantee not the deployment of US military bases, missile defense systems and nuclear weapons on these disputed islands? Americans will certainly find legal incidents in the contract and do as they want, they are strong in this. The flight time of missiles to Vladivostok, Khabarovsk will probably be seconds. There will be no time for decision making. An example of such agreements is the Warsaw Pact countries in NATO, although they also promised not to move NATO eastward.
    3. We still have the Kaliningrad region. Who guarantees that future German politicians will not raise a similar issue?
    In general, you need to think a hundred times, consider other options for cooperation on these islands, up to our military bases on them. We have nowhere to hurry, it's Abe in a hurry to retire.

    Will it happen, won’t it happen, what kind of dunces do you have to be to give away your lands????? What nonsense and insanity, dementia????????? Why are you burying yourself in your grave?
    Such a person comes up to you and says, give me your home. And I’ll make contracts for you, I’ll promise everything, I’ll keep everything. WHERE WILL YOU LIVE??????? You are stupid, like dunces, without a war, they take your land, hanging noodles, like underdeveloped people!
  83. 0
    17 November 2018 08: 10
    Quote: Nyrobsky
    Quote: mitchhunter
    Our president will soon give the whole country in pieces in exchange for promises.

    While he seems to have returned Crimea?winked

    He returned Crimea. But he also gave away some land to China!
    Demarcation of the Russian-Chinese border (2005)
    Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    China USSR E 88.jpg
    The demarcation of the Russian-Chinese border took place in 2005. As a result of the interstate border in the center of the Amur River, China received a number of territories with a total area of ​​337 km² - a plot of land in the vicinity of Bolshoi Island (the headwaters of the Argun River in the Chita Region) and two sections in the region of the Tarabar and Bolshoi Ussuriysky Islands at the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri Rivers. The main part of these territories was the western tip of the Bolshoi Ussuri Island on the Amur River opposite the mouth of the Ussuri River. The island has an area of ​​327 to 350 km² depending on the season.

    On 14 on October 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Hu Jintao signed an addendum to the agreement on the Russian-Chinese state border, according to which the transfer took place.

    On May 20, 2005, the State Duma of the 4th convocation ratified an additional agreement (307 deputies supported, 80 against, two abstained). On May 25, the agreement was approved by the Federation Council (157 senators supported, against - two, without abstentions).
  84. -1
    17 November 2018 08: 12
    Quote: LeonidL
    Plus, in fact, Abkhazia with Ossetia, and Donbass will return sooner or later. it is a pity that he miscalculated in 2014 and did not return all of New Russia - this is his huge mistake.

    Why only Abkhazia and Ossetia, and not all of Georgia? Donbass, Novorossia, and not all of Ukraine??? Georgia and Ukraine were part of the USSR. Why not return all the countries of the USSR????????? What kind of waste of our lands is this??????? Why are you merging the lands of Russia into Russian Orthodox Christian???? For that matter, fuck back Alaska then!!!!!!!!!!!! too! -together with the countries of the USSR!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don’t understand why they’re ripping you off and treating you like mugs, why are you abandoning your lands, your people, your own?
  85. 0
    17 November 2018 08: 14
    Quote: Lynx33
    And she doesn’t even blush when she lies so brazenly. It’s not the Japs who need these islands, but the United States, they want to control the deep-sea channel so that Russia's nuclear submarines cannot secretly go out into the Pacific Ocean.

    In your opinion, if the USA is not there, then we can give it to the Japs????? Are you out of your mind????????????? NOT AN INCH OF RUSSIAN LAND FOR ANYONE!
  86. +1
    17 November 2018 08: 36
    Words are just words. Yes, and agreements are not a guarantee at all: the government has changed and denounced the previous agreement - there are countless examples. Therefore, first of all, you need to rely on yourself - your strong economy, powerful army and, of course, creating a quality life for the people, for the majority who actually carry the country on their shoulders.
  87. 0
    17 November 2018 14: 44
    Well, yes, “they won’t”, they promised not to expand NATO, and now they have their bases at the very borders of Russia, you have to be the last idiot to believe such promises, they are worthless, or even less.
  88. +1
    17 November 2018 15: 02
    Quote: oracul
    Words are just words. Yes, and agreements are not a guarantee at all: the government has changed and denounced the previous agreement - there are countless examples. Therefore, first of all, you need to rely on yourself - your strong economy, powerful army and, of course, creating a quality life for the people, for the majority who actually carry the country on their shoulders.

    No neutral status for Japan is expected in the next 100 years, and we can all see perfectly well how the agreements signed by the Russian Federation with its “partners” are being implemented. To carry out negotiations with Japan on concluding Peace with them, it is necessary: ​​1- for the Japanese to cease to be an occupied country (liquidation of the WB SGA), 2- liquidation of the armed forces (prohibited from being created according to the act of surrender and neutral status). The Japanese will never agree to this, and therefore this topic must be closed until general and complete disarmament occurs throughout the world, and therefore until the end of WW3! wassat
  89. +1
    17 November 2018 15: 51
    Koso...the Japanese do not recognize the will of my fellow Crimean citizens. Why would they give away something for which our ancestors did not spare their lives?
  90. 0
    17 November 2018 20: 24
    The Japanese have not yet handed over the war criminals of Units 731 and 100 to the international tribunal... besides, the Japanese do not consider people of other nations to be people, even the Ainu. First, recognition of all crimes and payment of compensation to the USSR and CHINA, and then we’ll talk.
  91. 0
    17 November 2018 20: 26
    For some reason, our rulers behave ambiguously. Either the pension reform is disgusting, or the talk about surrender to Japan... some kind of bullshit.
  92. 0
    18 November 2018 00: 32
    Yes, yes @we won’t, Nata already sang about this in 94 laughing