Colonel Zhirinovsky will cover Russia with C-600 and C-700

The network continues to discuss the statement made by the head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky about Russian weapons. It is difficult to pass this statement, especially if one considers that it concerns the “presence” of such weapons, about which, except Zhirinovsky himself, nobody knows anything.

The LDPR leader announced on the air of the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” that Russia has such anti-aircraft missile complexes such as the S-600 and even the S-700.

Zhirinovsky on the TV channel "Russia 1":
Americans in general are afraid, they are afraid that the whole world will see that the best system in the world Defense — Russian S-300. And we have S-400, S-500, S-600 and S-700. We can cover the entire planet, and not a single plane will take off.

Ironically, Solovyov asked Vladimir Zhirinovsky to speak more carefully about the presence of the newest air defense systems in Russia, otherwise he could give out a “terrible secret about the C-1500 complex”.

However, Zhirinovsky continued to insist on his own, stating that "the latter is C-700 today." On the characteristics of the "C-700" the head of one of the parliamentary parties did not report ...

Jokes and memes have already appeared on the network. Users suggested that Vladimir Volfovich that day probably confused the C-700 with the K-700 tractor, or was preparing to use the "C-0,5", "C-0,7" and "C-0,75".

It is worth recalling that Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a reserve colonel. He served in the Soviet Army from 1970 to 1972 - in the political department of the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District in Tbilisi, having an officer rank at that time. He graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University.
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  1. +27
    15 October 2018 06: 39
    "At night, our scientists will slightly change the Earth's gravitational field, and your country (USA) will be under water!"
    1. +14
      15 October 2018 06: 55
      you can make fun of Zhirinovsky in every way, but often he is right. winked
      1. +7
        15 October 2018 07: 02
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        you can make fun of Zhirinovsky in every way, but often he is right. winked

        Uh-huh. I remember how he was in the game "who wants to become a millionaire" hung on the question about the weapon. He stated that the mortar is definitely not a cannon. laughing
        1. +28
          15 October 2018 07: 55
          Quote: Mordvin 3
          a mortar is definitely not a gun

          Well, a mortar is not a gun, according to a narrow specification. The gun, yes! But not a gun for sure. Fat is not a lie.
          1. +3
            15 October 2018 08: 01
            Volfych liberates his homeland. Does not go abroad. Tells scum in the face that they are scum. And in this statement it indicates to the mattresses that their place is in the bucket.
            And many here pounced on him.
            Well done Vladimir Zhirinovsky !!!

            Z.Y. by duty Volfych knows many times more than each of us, much less Solovyov.
            ps 2 Zhirinovsky never made fun of the interlocutor. He called a bastard, watered water, but did not categorically laugh.
            1. +11
              15 October 2018 08: 51
              More women for harness pulled))
            2. +4
              15 October 2018 11: 12
              Quote: For example
              Volfych liberates his homeland. Does not go abroad

              So from goodness - they do not seek goodness. Moreover, from such a quantity of "good" as he has.
        2. +6
          15 October 2018 09: 42
          If I am not mistaken, Vladimir Volfovich rose to the rank of captain in the SA. And Yeltsin had already appropriated the colonel to him, having jumped over 2 ranks, probably he should have been ex officio.
        3. +1
          15 October 2018 13: 21
          But it’s for sure that it’s not a gun. She is a mortar.
          1. 0
            15 October 2018 13: 31
            Quote: NordUral
            But it’s for sure that it’s not a gun. She is a mortar.

            I’m now reluctant to look for this program, but in my opinion he said that such an instrument does not exist.
            1. +1
              15 October 2018 13: 34
              Here I have nothing to say what was written, and answered that.
      2. +14
        15 October 2018 07: 03
        Two years in the army and colonel, careerist however
        1. +3
          15 October 2018 07: 35
          After all, the service in reserve in Russia was not canceled, and that is what he earned.
          I remember in the USSR alone, even before the reserve marshal, it has grown, envied by users of VO!
          1. +6
            15 October 2018 08: 40
            Considering that Valfovich is a talking doll, voicing in the media space what others are not supposed to do according to their rank.... I assume the order for the new rank is already ready wink laughing
      3. tap
        15 October 2018 07: 08
        "... misfire, about 50-50."
      4. +3
        15 October 2018 07: 48
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        you can make fun of Zhirinovsky in every way, but often he is right. winked

        Much of what Zhirinovsky said today, and provocative of laughter, turns out to be a reality in five to seven years. Coincidence?
      5. +4
        15 October 2018 08: 03
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        you can make fun of Zhirinovsky in every way, but often he is right. winked

        Yes, he is very often right, because he is informed .. there are probably developments with 600, maybe there is already a c700, assuming that the parameters are specially underestimated ..
      6. +8
        15 October 2018 08: 06
        often he is right

        Yeah...Zhirinovsky is our in the Indian Ocean...and S-700 and much more.
        I wish Volfovich many years of life to fear all our enemies. smile
        If I had my way, I would appoint him as the Minister of Propaganda or, at worst, as Russia's representative to the UN... such a comrade would quickly shut the mouths of all the Russophobes there with his boots.
      7. +8
        15 October 2018 08: 14
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        but, often he is right.

        Yes, a lot of things came true, otherwise everyone laughed at him - a clown like.
        1. +6
          15 October 2018 09: 05
          Quote: Gray Brother
          Yes, a lot of things came true ...

          Nostradamus Technology: Speak a lot, say different things, say probable, speak without specifics ... and people will consider you a prophet.
          Pay attention in the video - when it starts to concretize, it always messes up.

          About the S-600, of course, the complex is being developed, at least at the conceptual level, but about the fact that "it will cover the whole world" is the correct way out of the prophet, like, if someone presents, you can always go into excuse, they say, "I've never he said that one launcher, did I debil? Will cover the whole world if we place the S-600 at military bases in Congo, Madagascar, in Indonesia blah blah blah. "
          1. +3
            15 October 2018 09: 17
            Quote: Nychego
            Pay attention in the video - when it starts to concretize, it always messes up.

            Many even tomorrow can’t predict anything, because brains don’t work. And he works and, in general, he paints the main trends correctly.
            And the fact that not everything is happening exactly as he says - well, he is still a human being, not a supercomputer, so he can calculate all the known factors and, as a result, make mistakes due to the emergence of new unknowns.
      8. +5
        15 October 2018 08: 29
        This is the trouble. “Colonel” says clever things, but sometimes it will soak that his “clever words” said earlier fade against the background of his “crazy conclusions”. And the older the more. He needs to retire.
      9. +4
        15 October 2018 08: 39

        it is impossible to take Zhyrik seriously laughing
      10. -1
        15 October 2018 09: 28
        You can treat VV Zhirinovsky as you like, but too often his emotional comparisons and accidental reservations later turn out to be true. Yes, he likes to exaggerate everything - this is his signature style. But these exaggerations always have grounds under their feet, and not accidental hits "with a finger in the sky." What is the only statement that Ukraine will not have Crimea in 2017, made by him in 20111))
        1. 0
          15 October 2018 09: 35
          Quote: Faceless
          often his emotional comparisons and occasional reservations subsequently turn out to be true.

          And you can add that the division of Russia into districts is completely his invention.
      11. +1
        15 October 2018 11: 12
        But then we have not washed our boots in the Indian okian.
        1. +1
          15 October 2018 13: 28
          And so, can not wait? For me, I’ll wait a couple of thousand years.
      12. -1
        15 October 2018 20: 17
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        you can make fun of Zhirinovsky in every way, but often he is right. winked

        Oga, he also promised to wash kirzachi in the Indian Ocean! wassat Yes, now a gang of 30 shekels will come running to talk about how we need to live in Jewish problems. laughing
      13. 0
        16 October 2018 00: 14
        Is it really so hard to insert a video for an article !!! hi Yuryevich ... sorry !!! hi PS Zhirik looks straight into the water! (this is about video good I saved!!!) hi
    2. 0
      15 October 2018 07: 38
      Well, Volfych is not very far from the truth, five hundred is being tested, so I think the S-600 is in development.
      1. 0
        15 October 2018 08: 48
        Quote: Sarmat Sanych
        Well, Volfych is not very far from the truth, five hundred is being tested, so I think the S-600 is in development.

        The S-200 missile range is 200 km, the S-300 range is 300 km, the S-400 is 400 km, the S-500 fires at 500 km, natural progress, we can say with 100% certainty that the S-600 is not a myth, but a fully working project, and the S-700, as they say, is "in the mind."
        1. +1
          15 October 2018 13: 19
          Well, the S-200 has a range of 275 km in terms of performance characteristics with a probability of defeat of 0,8, and 300 to 50 km, believe me, it served a little in air defense (22 years). Yes, and this range of defeat is not needed, the air situation in battle is changing rapidly, remember the IL-20 in Syria.
  2. +3
    15 October 2018 06: 42
    As always, Zhirinovsky is a handsome man. I think he is speaking figuratively about the S-700. That is, even cooler than Kuzka's mother.
  3. +4
    15 October 2018 06: 44
    Actually, Vladimir Volfovich is a prophet. What he says comes true ten years later.
    1. +5
      15 October 2018 07: 03
      Here are just boots in the Indian Ocean did not wash. wink
      1. +3
        15 October 2018 07: 21
        So there were no boots left, there was nothing to wash. soldier
        1. -1
          15 October 2018 09: 00
          Quote: AlexVas44
          So the boot is gone

          I still have kirzachi and soap .....
        2. 0
          16 October 2018 01: 51
          I agree. Well, at least wash the footcloths)))
      2. 0
        15 October 2018 07: 50
        Quote: Ecilop
        Here are just boots in the Indian Ocean did not wash. wink

        It was he who hinted at military contracts with India, which helped not to lose, and now support our defense industry afloat.
      3. +3
        15 October 2018 09: 02
        For example wink

        The secret of selling “prophecies” Zhyrik is simple: you just need to grind as much as possible with your tongue ... about everything and then you will pass by the oracle.
    2. +4
      15 October 2018 07: 06
      Quote: 210ox
      Actually, Vladimir Volfovich is a prophet. What he says comes true ten years later.

      Yeah. I remember how he gave Nemtsov a pistol with the words: "Here, take it, and shoot yourself." laughing
  4. +9
    15 October 2018 06: 49
    So what!? what Zhirinovsky well done! good He blurted out, but the truth is not the truth - don't think Basurmans think wassat Let them not sleep at night, guess at matches and treat enuresis laughing
    A kind of information warfare request bully
    PS You need to be able to bluff too, and if the bluff still looks like the truth, then the dividends can be either positive (the enemy will draw conclusions and retreat) or negative (the enemy will draw conclusions and create an antidote)
    1. 0
      15 October 2018 07: 03
      Quote: Rurikovich
      : (the enemy will draw conclusions and create an antidote)

      So it was with railway nuclear trains: the United States threw the disa that they have, being absolutely sure that it was impossible to do (they did not succeed), and the USSR took and did.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      15 October 2018 07: 16
      Quote: Rurikovich
      A kind of information warfare

      Volfovich still can not be so. feel
      1. +1
        15 October 2018 11: 24
        How sweet it is to hear his words when he chastises these Europeans))) They certainly gasp and groan there, but in the hollow they need to fly in, and you look at least echo there. And then relaxed. Sometimes a strong word is enough to restrain a couple of dashing ones.
      2. +1
        16 October 2018 06: 56
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        Volfovich still can not be so.

        and what? in the case, Volfovich said in principle. I liked about the fact that Russia will come to Europe to treat it.
        relevant today
  5. +5
    15 October 2018 06: 53
    We constantly hear conflicting opinions from abroad, even if they listen, we will consider the above Volovich as a prophecy smile .
    1. +1
      15 October 2018 07: 57
      Quote: Not bad
      like a prophecy

      Rather, it "carries" a message to our "partners". Let them think.
  6. +2
    15 October 2018 06: 54
    Here, of course, Zhirinovsky went overboard with the S-700, etc. But I disagree with the author about the K-700. Unlike Taburetkin, Zhirinovsky does not confuse the abbreviations VVS (military air forces) and VVS (BBC). When Taburetkin was a minister, abbreviations were somehow banned, precisely after this stupidity of the "field marshal".
  7. +4
    15 October 2018 06: 56
    But he won’t drive a fool just like that, well, embellished the presence as a decent fisherman, but our developers are not asleep, like deputies in the Duma. Plans are natural, especially overclocked. So in every ... there is some truth.
  8. -1
    15 October 2018 07: 00
    In his estate there is probably a mower with a capture of 700 mm. Maybe the name crashed into memory.))
  9. +4
    15 October 2018 07: 01
    Zhirinovsky is getting old, sorry for the old man. He began to speak frequently on talk shows, the former "revolutionary" fervor disappeared, and his signature and familiar words began to be heard less often. The years take their toll.
  10. +2
    15 October 2018 07: 04
    All right said. These complexes are already on completely different physical principles
  11. +2
    15 October 2018 07: 07
    What is it that they pounced on the dude ... After all, after all, for a long time they know that the subject is a little out of his mind and for the most part "raves in reality" ...
  12. 0
    15 October 2018 07: 07
    "Negotiations are continuing. If there are S-400s in Syria, right next to us, then I will try to have S-400s, and even S-500s, and S-600s," he said. we cannot buy weapons from NATO, then we will find another way to do it "So maybe the S-700 is already in development wink
  13. -5
    15 October 2018 07: 10
    Wild fantasy! But this complex, if any, will be sold to China, India, the Emirates ... And in Russia there will be a good old S-300.
  14. +8
    15 October 2018 07: 11
    He blurted it out on the program, which is designed for not distant people. At those who in the daytime swear at the rise in prices, housing and utilities and pension reform, and in the evening they watch nightingale droppings and rejoice at how Russia gets up from its knees, "shows Kuzkin's mother" and what Ukrainians are stupid.
    In such a program, for the sake of patriotism, you can carry any nonsense if only the people would like these tales.
  15. 0
    15 October 2018 07: 11
    China is also experiencing something
  16. +2
    15 October 2018 07: 12
    Good colonel after two years of service! Especially valuable specialist in the specialty of political management! Feels school to convince opponents of their innocence! Something they are similar to trump. Maybe Volfovich should be offered the post of Minister of Information and Propaganda? After all, a valuable shot disappears! We have not very propaganda here. And so you look and Goebbels surpass! Moreover, the Wolfovich man is far from stupid. But now there is no place for his talent to turn around! The fact that he is the leader of the LDPR is too small for him. He needs room! Oh! Such talents disappear here!
    1. +1
      15 October 2018 07: 31
      Quote: Mister Creed
      Good colonel after two years of service! Especially valuable specialist in the specialty of political management!

      But what is wrong? There, Shoigu became a general from a lieutenant. fellow
      1. +2
        15 October 2018 07: 38
        Come on Shoigu! Won Serdyukov what a career he made! Here, for the sake of a career, people graduate from military schools and the General Staff Academy. And here such nuggets are born! Although recently laughed at the red commanders from the plow? Well, of course, these plows were special. Here are just some results that some and others have? Furrier Zhukov and furniture maker Serdyukov, both from plow can be said.
      2. +5
        15 October 2018 07: 39
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        But what is wrong? There, Shoigu became a general from a lieutenant.

        Not a day in the army without having served. Talent.
        1. +2
          15 October 2018 07: 50
          Quote: frezer

          Helped Yeltsin, Gaidar allocated a thousand machines in 93, and that's all.
    2. dSK
      15 October 2018 07: 35
      Quote: Mister Creed
      Such talents disappear here!

      Really? In the parliamentary elections, the LDPR caught up with the CPRF and Volfovich set the task of becoming the "second" party in Russia or, as an option, uniting with the CPRF and creating a "two-party" system like the US one. His idea of ​​a "State Council of the Russian Federation", which at first seemed crazy, unexpectedly received confirmation from Zorkin, the "chief judge of the Russian Federation", and there is no doubt that Volfovich will join this body. hi
  17. +1
    15 October 2018 07: 24
    Quote: bald
    ... well, embellished the presence, like a decent fisherman,

    The most pleasant and listeners open their mouths. The beauty... fellow
  18. 0
    15 October 2018 07: 32
    Not so subtle humor, but still turned out to be inaccessible to those who laughed at Zadornov's "stupid Americans".
    1. 0
      15 October 2018 08: 07
      Volfych is an unofficial mouthpiece of the Kremlin, such as what is on the mind, then it is in the language.
  19. 0
    15 October 2018 07: 46
    Maybe Zhirinovsky meant the complex, which is part of the Moscow missile defense system. There, even in Soviet times, there were missiles with a nuclear warhead.
    1. 0
      15 October 2018 09: 55
      In more detail, about anti-missiles with a nuclear charge, and why is it, this nuclear charge?
      1. 0
        15 October 2018 10: 04
        A-135. Nuclear, so that the hit was 100%
  20. +1
    15 October 2018 07: 46
    In every joke ... there is a fraction of a joke. Even from Zhirinovsky.
  21. 0
    15 October 2018 07: 54
    Vladimir Zhirinovsky is a reserve colonel
    Colonel in the Duma gave him. Like the previous ranks. No more than a stock lieutenant.
  22. +2
    15 October 2018 08: 00
    Corporal Zhirinovsky continues the old traditions. It is not clear what purpose he pursues nonetheless. After all, although he behaves like a clown, he is actually not very stupid - this is known to any more or less knowledgeable person.
  23. +1
    15 October 2018 08: 18
    Well, what an interesting article, and so approaches this forum with a military theme)))
  24. +1
    15 October 2018 08: 28
    How can you take Zhirik seriously? This is a showman of the lowest damage. He keeps his nose to the wind and succeeds. No major achievements in the field of real affairs. How much his own PR.
  25. +1
    15 October 2018 08: 48
    hmm, besides the role of an old clown, I heard from respected people that this citizen did a lot of useful things, which, it seems, was not particularly advertised, as for the air defense, then what is the elderly demagogue-deputy wrong about? Rearmament is an endless process in principle, so it will be with 600 and with 800 ... if the country is not ruined by bad governance for the third time in a hundred years, as for the militarism, no one could prove anything special to our ancestors in all written or epic history, and even now there is no one so muscular and bad in sight ..., if there was money for 1500
  26. +1
    15 October 2018 08: 58
    What did you get to your grandfather?
    Volfych likes to joke. And the mattresses pause.
  27. +1
    15 October 2018 09: 11
    C - +100500, KB Zhirinovsky.
  28. +1
    15 October 2018 09: 43
    Let the reserve colonel thrash his tongue, scare European monkeys and quite often turn out to be right, but God forbid and close him to the sole authority, it will be scary.
    1. 0
      15 October 2018 11: 18
      The power is over, the colonel, and that’s scary, but if the whole colonel will be !!! No, in Russia power only marshals should be
      1. 0
        15 October 2018 12: 58
        It’s like, but I’m not scared yet, it was scary in the 90s. although he was much younger and it seems that incomes were greater. Have you forgotten that the 70-80 generation was taken to the cemetery because of drugs and gang warfare?
  29. 0
    15 October 2018 09: 51
    Maybe Volfovich inadvertently revealed a military secret !!! ?????? laughing
  30. +1
    15 October 2018 10: 05
    In what he is right - the Americans and NATO without planes and missiles - no one can be called militarily. Therefore, of course, our efforts are being made in this direction. This is understood on the other side - why they are furious. While they masturbated to the "strategy of disarming and unrequited blow", it seems that they will soon see such an opportunity, but not in their performance.
    And the fact that Wolfovich’s jokes are flat in appearance, but essentially difficult, is high time to understand. I would advise the Americans not to take Lavrov or Zakharova’s statements (smoke screen) to heart, but to create departments and departments in the State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and the US Presidential Administration to decipher and interpret VVZh quotes.
    1. -1
      15 October 2018 13: 10
      Quote: faterdom
      What is he right about - the Americans and NATO without planes and missiles - no one can even call militarily. Therefore, our efforts in this direction are of course applied.

      Yes, we have an unpredictable missile, and therefore we have already won the war !!!
  31. 0
    15 October 2018 10: 08
    I am very respectful of Vladimir Volfovich himself and, to be honest, I believe his statements. He knows perfectly well what and when he can and should say. He's also a good psychologist. I especially liked his proposal to send several large landing ships to the shores of the United States, anchor them near the coast and write "100 Megatons" on the hull of the ship. Let them wonder if these megatons are there or not. With them it is only necessary!
  32. +1
    15 October 2018 10: 11
    From "Ural dumplings":
    - How can you characterize Zhirinovsky?
    - He's cool.
    - and everything?
    - Are you not enough ?!
    1. 0
      15 October 2018 11: 56
      Quote: Talgarets
      From "Ural dumplings":
      - How can you characterize Zhirinovsky?
      - He's cool.
      - and everything?
      - Are you not enough ?!

      Is it okay to laugh at the deputy chairman of the State Duma? We laugh at the millions of his voters ... after all, there are those who believe him ...
  33. +1
    15 October 2018 10: 53
    Quote: Svarog
    development with probably 600 is going on, maybe there is already c700

    Maybe some promising work is underway at the paper stage, but the fact that it will bear the designation S-600 or S-700 is not at all a fact. The index, in particular "S-", is assigned to air defense complexes (systems) at the stage of putting into service.
    Now work is underway on the S-500, nobody will throw away billions so that in 5 years they will not launch the S-600 or S-700. So often the complexes are not updated.

    And his phrase
    And we have S-400, S-500, S-600 and S-700.

    Why so weak ??? A couple of days ago, in one of the topics, someone and commentators, as already talking about the S-800, which was almost being supplied to the troops and deployable system. So in reality you can already blurt out about the S-1500

    Quote: KOCMOC
    S-200 missile range 200 km, S-300 range 300 km, S-400 400 km, S-500 shoots at 500 km, natural progress, we can say with 100% certainty that the S-600 is not a myth, but quite a working project, and the S-700 as they say "in the mind."

    probably it took you years to derive this "comprehensive formula that the index is a range in kilometers ????, that is, proceeding from this, to be honest," poor "logic, the range of destruction by the S-75 complex should not have been 34 km, like this it was originally, and as much as 75. And the next complex - the S-125 was supposed to hit targets not at ranges from 16 to 22, and only in the latest modifications - 32, but already at a distance of 125 km ...
    And nothing that the range of the "Angara" modification was 160 km, and not 200, as you broadcast. That "Vega" shot at 180, and "Vega-M" at 240 km. And "Dubna" for 300 ???? Why is it all of a sudden, in the index the number 200 means the range in your opinion?
    And the fact that the S-300 of the first modifications fired at 47-75 km, it's like ....
    Yes, what only people will not think up to be original ....

    Quote: Cattani
    what is impossible to do (they did not succeed),

    In fact, they did, and they are based on the MX. Just taking into account the fact that their roads are private, the creation of special roads for the BZHRK would have poured into them trillions. Therefore, placed in the mines ...
  34. 0
    15 October 2018 11: 14
    I haven’t met information about the S-600 and S-700, but I came across the network about design work on the S-1000! As I understand it, after the S-500, the next modification is planned with the designation of the S-1000 as promising. Information about the parameters and planned performance characteristics was only about anti-satellite capabilities.
  35. +2
    15 October 2018 11: 21
    why should I do something about it? This is Zhirinovsky. The head of the PR department, he always PR, the further the more odious when he starts he speaks sensibly and then accelerates and starts yelling and making pearls down!
  36. 0
    15 October 2018 11: 37
    - We have such systems! But we won’t tell you about them. *

    Mango Mango.
  37. +1
    15 October 2018 11: 54
    Discussing Solovyov's programs is in bad taste, gentlemen officers. You might as well discuss Ren-TV the way, the channel received 2 TEFIs. Or you should make a separate section "TALK SHOW" and refer to all these "experts", "political scientists", "enemies of the people", "journalists", etc.
  38. 0
    15 October 2018 11: 59
    Age is no obstacle for a clown. Jesters of royal families sometimes told the truth.
    1. -1
      15 October 2018 13: 07
      Quote: prior
      Age clown is not a hindrance. The jesters at the reigning persons also sometimes spoke the truth.

      The jesters have not been in power for more than 20 years and do not ride on maybach, do not you? Or do you think people who vote for him are underdeveloped ???
      1. 0
        15 October 2018 13: 21
        Do you really think that voting solves something?
        And also, Petrosyan can’t afford a Maybach?
  39. +1
    15 October 2018 12: 13
    I see that after the next annealing of Zhirinovsky in the West, the scene is still dumb. Even The National Interest shut up.
  40. +1
    15 October 2018 13: 10
    It is a shame when such fools, as in the photo, are sitting in power :(
  41. -1
    15 October 2018 13: 37
    An interesting phenomenon.
    When Zhirinovsky carries insanity delirium about weapons - everyone laughs.
    When Putin carries exactly the same senile delirium about weapons, everyone believes and is proud.
  42. 0
    15 October 2018 16: 46
    Users suggested that Vladimir Volfovich that day probably confused the S-700 with the K-700 tractor, or was preparing to use the S-0,5, S-0,7, and S-0,75

    Ah what! Maybe Vladimir Volfovich foresees that we will have an S-700 in Russia and speaks about this in advance. wink wink
  43. 0
    15 October 2018 16: 59
    You have to understand that with age and the development of insanity, Vladimir Volfovich came to a state of complete "entering the role", this happens with artists.
    He seemed to be fixated on the role of a clown, and so he hung in this form, chatting already doesn’t know what, just to listen and laugh.
    In his own way, he is even happy, especially since they continue to pay well for this role.
  44. +1
    15 October 2018 19: 44
    Volfovich is a monster, doctor of science, and we must listen to him very carefully ...
  45. +1
    15 October 2018 21: 05
    I personally have long noticed that Vladimir Volfovich often voices what the official Kremlin is embarrassed to say (for one reason or another).
  46. 0
    15 October 2018 21: 10
    So aliens for contact will not be able to fly.
  47. 0
    15 October 2018 22: 49
    Quote: Simon
    Ah what! Maybe Vladimir Volfovich foresees that we will have an S-700 in Russia and speaks about this in advance.

    You, Vyacheslav, can even write your opinion about the S-900 or S-950 air defense systems and even come up with some more or less real performance characteristics. And while you are unlikely to be mistaken with the name. Such a complex "MAY BE". The truth is not known in how many years or decades, but nevertheless. It is very difficult to make a mistake in such a forecast (with a name), but you can be considered an oracle. Everyone will say that in 2018 you foresaw the appearance of the C-2070 complex in 950 laughing