The secret of the charm of the great commander

The secret of the charm of the great commanderOur Suvorov is a great Russian hero, unique in everything, invariably and deeply popular; his name is the unquestioned name; His glory is an incontestable glory, and his moral image seems surprisingly clear and complete. With honor and pride, every son of our great Motherland can point at him. And, looking at him with a sense of national pride, we can and should say to ourselves and others: “Take care of his spiritual heritage!”

He was a warrior, but in him the merits were combined, which are needed not only for one warrior, but for every servant of the Motherland. He is a folk hero in the full sense of the word. Everyone knows how he loved his people - he loved the Russian apt word, Russian songs and proverbs, Russian customs, even food, but this is more of an external one. The main thing in him is that he was kind of drunk by our national spirit in his inner world. And above all, our hero is the son and pet of the popular religious faith. He studied in her home from early childhood; he studied her and then, living in close and direct contact with the soldiers in their barracks and performing with them, in the first years of his service, the duties of a lower military rank. His simple, calm, deep and solid religiosity seemed to spill over into him from the depths of the spirit of our God-loving people. It is always the same in it and unchanged: on the battlefield, in the ecstasy of glory, and in home life, and on the choir or on the bell tower of the village church, in which he sang and read, served the censer and reigned as the sexton. . He does not theologize, does not philosophize in the cause of faith, does not seek to “correct” the Church anyway: he loves her with simple, heartfelt love, humbly, childishly, and without art, like a good, pious Christian in her, he sees the support and guidance of life.

“The soldier is a Christian, not a robber,” - this is his view of the warrior. “Do not run into houses, do not kill unarmed, do not fight women, ask for mercy, don’t touch minors,” is the conclusion from his religious outlook. “Die for the Church and for the King; if you remain - honor and glory, if you die - the Church of God prays, ”- this is the true popular teaching of its soldiers. He himself built, first of all, a church in New Ladoga, when he commanded the troops there, a feature once again purely popular; here he set up a school in which he himself taught the soldiers' children the Law of God, and in general the soldiers followed religious development with great attention. And his piety was purely folk. In the morning every day, wearing one of his orders, he prayed with singing; entering the room, was baptized in the image; always prayed before dinner; even yawning, was baptized; I did not pass by the church without praying; during the Divine service he himself sang in the choir, read the Apostle and knew our church life very well.

One should not forget that Suvorov retained such a deep and simple religiosity in the age of the flood of unbelief and craze for the frivolous and free-thinking philosophy of the encyclopaedists; faith with him, like all great people, lived with a great mind, with a high and solid for that time education, on which he worked his whole life. And this religiosity was not done, not artificial: in order to be convinced of this, it was enough to know his childhood years, in which he showed special piety, erudition in the Holy Scripture and love for Divine service; it is enough to know his mature years of activity, in which religion everywhere served him as a support and guide and determined his outlook; it is enough to know about his dying minutes, which he spent as a pious Christian, after partaking of the Mysteries of Christ and touchingly saying goodbye to everyone around him. On the other hand, never-done religiousness would not attract the hearts of the soldiers to him, who felt in him a close, dear person, understood him from half a word. Undoubtedly, the great commander spoke with our people the language of his faith, not rented, but from the heart and soul. Here is the secret of his influence, the secret of his All-Russian glory, of his nationality. Even in the famous jokes and strangeness of it, something resembling the old Russian holy fools, these hitherto unmasked and ridiculed teachers and educators of our national spirit, have an effect.

But when it was necessary, Suvorov was able to show that religion in him is not one ceremony, but the deepest and basic foundation of his life. Then he rose to inspirational eloquence and to an understanding of the most subtle manifestations of the moral ideal, the most subtle shades of moral feeling. “The hero,” he says, “dared without passion, quick without haste, active without rashness, subordinate without flexibility, a boss without arrogance, a winner without vanity, noble without pride, accessible without guile, modest without pretense, pleasant without levity, obligatory without self-interest, insightful without perfidy, sincere without oversight and sharpness, supportive without curls, helpful without self-interest; the enemy of envy, hatred and vengeance, he puts down his rivals with kindness, rules his friends with loyalty. He is the ruler of modesty and temperance. Morality is his religion; he is full of frankness and despises lies; right in character, he rejects deceit; in his affairs he weighs things, equalizes measures, and surrenders to Divine Providence. ”

Such an idea of ​​a morally balanced person was created by Suvorov himself at a time when, under the influence of the corrupting, fashionable, sensual philosophy of his century, there was a reign of licentiousness and moral indifference; he was able to carry out such an idea in the most difficult time of the reign of intrigues, sudden rises and falls. In an environment often infused with lies and false relations, sometimes in the conditions of subjection to some envious and capricious temporary worker, especially in the early stages of his activity, Suvorov always kept his integrity, veracity and devotion to duty, and story knows that he has not tainted himself with anything dishonest. In such devotion to duty, official and moral, the secret and his posthumous charm. This consciousness of duty was surprisingly deep in him. It is known that even in his early youth, when he was a simple soldier, he astonished the Empress with the execution of the law, when, standing on his watch, refused to accept her gift.

Consciousness of duty then passes by the most wonderful feature through his whole life: in war, in peaceful civilian activities, in command and submission, in glory and in difficult circumstances, disgraces and persecutions, in a noisy capital among the courtiers and in the solitude of the village, where he was sharpened by the envy of enemies and where he lived without complaint, without complaint and complaint, obedient to authority and duty of obedience in all circumstances of life. “Learn to obey before, you will command others; be a good soldier, if you want to be a good field marshal "- these are the words of Suvorov himself. But duty and obedience to him - this is not a simple serviceability, not the usual accuracy: these properties will be found in the bona fide mercenary. Debt and obedience cease to be an unresolved mystery and grow into immense moral force when imbued with love and comprehended by religion.

Such devotees of conscientious and beloved duty, like Patriarch Yermogen and Abraham Palitsyn, like Minin or Dolgoruky, like Suvorov or Nakhimov - such people will not be given simple accuracy and good condition, will not give the most conscientious mercenary, such people neither hire nor buy impossible! For this we need a love for the Motherland brought up on the soil of the people, sanctified by religion - that true and noble patriotism, which, without turning into narrow and intolerant zoological nationalism and selfish, fervent self-interest, loves the Homeland with selfless love, simplicity, clarity and hotness of soul, as simple, clear and hot as a child loves its mother, just as freely and naturally as an even, calm and abundant river of our North flows, as the sun naturally shines and warms, as naturally our breasts breathe air ... And Suvorov breathed with such love for the Motherland and comprehended his duty and inspired him with it. Is it necessary to add that with such people exactly every public organization is alive and strong and everlasting? “To begin any business with the blessing of God, to be breathless to be faithful to the Sovereign and Fatherland,” these are his words, which can be called a testament to future generations. No matter how majestic the monument is erected to him now from granite or metal, the eternal memory of him in grateful hearts and following his covenants will be the best and most reliable monument to him.

Remembering him now - on the day of prayers for our King and Fatherland, we wish with all our hearts and before the King of Kings we will prayerfully ask our dear Motherland not to become depleted by such carriers of spirit that the image of Suvorov - this great warrior and worthy citizen - be with us not only a glorious historical memory, but also repeated, and carried out, and thus continued life in the living reality surrounding us. Amen.


Speech on the centenary day
since the death of the great Russian
commander A.V. Suvorov.

Said in Tiflis
Alexander Nevskomonny Cathedral 6 May 1900 of the year
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  1. +18
    29 May 2012 08: 30
    "Suvorov" for a Russian is no longer just a surname, it is a symbol, pride!
    1. pribolt
      29 May 2012 08: 58
      Suvorov is really a great man, And I would also like to share the story of his life, from school I remember in history lessons we were told that in childhood Suvorov was seriously ill and struggled with his illness (I do not know if this is true or not)
      1. alexander hjcnjd
        29 May 2012 23: 15
        I don’t argue, he was the greatest thug, but he didn’t care whom to kill. I do not care how much he killed the Poles, Turks, French - these are external enemies, they do not mind them or they would kill us. But he committed crimes against his people , suppressed the uprising of the serfs. He brought one of the greatest people of our people, Pugachev, to the execution of the royal executioners. There can be no saintly man who was a punisher.
        Quote: pribolt
        And I would also like to have posted the story of his life
        one must have the courage to fully acknowledge the past and equally know both the glorious and shameful spots of our history.
        1. 0
          4 June 2012 20: 04
          It seems that a person does not care what to write. if only they zamusnuyut !!!
    2. Cadet787
      29 May 2012 20: 25
      Suvorov's "Science of Victory" is still relevant for the Russian soldier today.
  2. Altergo
    29 May 2012 09: 26
    I agree Suvorov is one of the greatest commanders for all the times of our country, and it is our duty to remember him and not let the next generation forget.
  3. marline
    29 May 2012 09: 31
    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov, in my city smile
  4. AlexMH
    29 May 2012 09: 33
    Truth. He grew up a frail child of small stature, but managed to harden. By the way, in St. Petersburg there is a very interesting museum of Suvorov, few people go there (I was a couple of times, the people were a little bit, maybe because on weekdays) - I recommend going, and always with a guide. But the monument to Suvorov in the same Petersburg was made according to ancient models, and has practically no similarities with Alexander Vasilyevich :)
  5. recruit
    29 May 2012 09: 34
    God forbid that such people appear in today's Russia.
  6. +7
    29 May 2012 09: 41
    Suvorov spirit, unforgettable and incorruptible for Russian.
  7. +12
    29 May 2012 10: 03
    The best commander of Russia in all its history, the real pride of the nation. Glory and honor to the great Suvorov ...
  8. Kibb
    29 May 2012 10: 39
    In Ochakovo there was an excellent Suvorov Museum in the building of the former Turkish mosque (practically all that was left of the Turkish fortress), but for some reason I decided to make a church there - iron logic !!! despite the fact that there were two of them for the 20 thousandth city. I hope inappropriately to explain the fate of a larger part of the exhibits?
  9. +7
    29 May 2012 10: 50
    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov, a great commander who deservedly deserved his ranks, for caring for a simple soldier and for not losing battles.
  10. +10
    29 May 2012 10: 58
    Great man of the great era of Russia.
  11. +11
    29 May 2012 11: 11
    A true patriot of Russia, who has proved by deeds, not words, his love for his homeland.
  12. vostok
    29 May 2012 11: 33
    Suvorov is a property not only of Russia, but of the whole world! I hope in our future, there will be no less talented commanders!
  13. +2
    29 May 2012 11: 57
    Suvorov is a great commander, a very moral and spiritual person. It is a pity that he has not been canonized to date.
  14. laurbalaur
    29 May 2012 12: 37
    In Kiev, the orange ones renamed KvSVU to the Bohun School. sorry!

    wanted to write orange!
  15. Hey
    29 May 2012 12: 39
    Not at all begging for all the merits of this great man and military commander, one historical question arose.
    All the same, for what military merit A.V. Suvorov
    (and the merit is really outstanding to Tsarist Russia and personally to the Romanovs) received the title Count Rymniksky.
    The official version is known to everyone, but there are facts refuting this.
    1. For some reason the Austrians called this battle "Battle of Martinesti".
    2. According to the lists of Moldavian rivers of those times (a document exists), there is no river with that name in it.
    3. On the maps of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries there is no city or river with the same name on the territory of Moldova. But there is a city Rybnik.
    Instead of Rybnik, a ramnik appears on maps of the late 18th - early 19th centuries.
    4. But the name Rymnik is present on the early maps of the 17th - early 18th centuries, and where you would think. Right in the Urals. That was the name of the river Yaik (Ural). And the Ural mountains were also called Rymnik (i.e., Roman).
    Is it not for the fighting in this area A.V. Suvorov got this title?
    (And he showed his talent as a military commander in full measure here. And the award was well deserved, and besides the title there was also a sword with diamonds). Allegedly, Alexander Vasilyevich was awarded two such swords (both lost), most likely there was one sword precisely for merits in the Urals, Alexander Vasilyevich does not recall the sword allegedly received for victories over the Turks. In his letter to his daughter, he described in detail all the awards received for military operations with the Turks, but for some reason he does not remember about such an important award as a sword with diamonds.
    1. 0
      30 May 2012 09: 51
      what list of rivers of Moldova do you refer to? For the first time I hear about a certain list ... And on which such maps of Moldova did you see the city of Rybnik? By the way, the correct historical name is Moldova. And the territory of Moldova at that time included the Zaprutsky (right-bank) now Romanian Moldova, Bukovina, part of Odessa region.
      But in the documents compiled by A.V. Suvorov, it is precisely the Rymnik river that appears in his writings. And, by the way, the military operations in which Suvorov participated took place precisely at the end of the 18th century. But you write that on the maps of the end of the 18th century the name Rymnik appears instead of Rybnik ... That is, to understand that the name of the city Rymnik appears?
      In my opinion, you are confused.
  16. +3
    29 May 2012 13: 31
    Sam is a model of a Russian warrior and commander, and the soldiers next to him seemed to be a cut above. You read his reports and hardly believe your eyes: where the enemy was laid in hundreds and thousands, our losses amounted to just a tenth, or even less. He loved Russian people and the Russian land. I never forgot about my Orthodox duty. Such people are strong and Russia.
  17. 8 company
    29 May 2012 14: 11
    Suvorov is the greatest commander who not only had an invaluable influence on the military power of Russia in the 18th century, when it became the most powerful state in the world, but also on many subsequent generations. It is a pity that these subsequent generations are constantly trying to forget and break his covenants, hence all the military defeats of Russia stem from this. And when the Suvorov covenants are remembered and begin to really apply, then wait for victory.
  18. Odessa
    29 May 2012 14: 25
    I read with great pleasure how the author revealed on the example of Suvorov the essence of the primordially Russian character, plus article love add to bookmarks!
  19. Svyatoslav
    29 May 2012 14: 36
    Alexander Vasilievich is the greatest commander in the world and the only one who has not lost a single battle.
    1. 0
      30 May 2012 11: 19
      Alexander Vasilievich is the greatest commander in the world and the only one who has not lost a single battle.

      Sure? In principle, in Switzerland, Suvorov was threatened with a complete defeat if he did not withdraw troops from the army of Massena in time, which shortly before that had incinerated Rimsky-Korsakov’s corps.
      Field Marshal Rumyantsev also did not lose a single battle and admirers of the genius Suvorov (to whom I belong) will forgive me, the battle of Rumyantsev on the Cahul River is an unattainable victory of those times.
      By the way, Napoleon honored the talent of two generals - Suvorov and the Austrian field marshal and Generalissimo Prince Eugene.
  20. +1
    29 May 2012 14: 57
    And he fought not by number (like komunyaki in the early days), but by skill. We still use his instructions in the army))
    1. Svyatoslav
      29 May 2012 15: 10
      At such an early time did the Communists fight by number?
      1. 0
        29 May 2012 15: 57
        In civilian. And the number is not weak.
        1. Svyatoslav
          29 May 2012 17: 03
          In the Civil War, it was not the "commies" who fought, but the people who supported the tsar against those who were against the tsarist power.
  21. +3
    29 May 2012 16: 50
    In civil war the Russians fought against each other, brother against brother. It is not known which side each of us would have been if we had to live in that difficult time. And you shouldn't call one of the parties so indiscriminately "komunyaki".
    If Max111 meant 1941, then the chosen tone becomes even less acceptable. The people fought, not the "komunyaki".
  22. Morani
    29 May 2012 19: 45
    Suvorov is an outstanding personality for the Russian Empire. He was devoted to the crown. He first-class executed the order of power, he is a soldier. His people very successfully hung the Belarusians in clusters of trees. For such feats, the crown gave him slaves in Kobrin of the Brest region and a fellow countryman. Currently, the museum for Russians is in excellent condition in the city center. We Belarusians are not vindictive. Remember what other Russian national hero he transported to execution.
    1. +2
      30 May 2012 10: 01
      Can Pugachev be called a Russian national hero? I do not presume to judge. The person, for sure, was outstanding. But when I imagine what would happen if I brought Pugachev to the end (suppose such a scenario), she somehow becomes scared for Mother Russia.
      Did Suvorov have a choice? I think no. He did as the duty of the defender of the Fatherland prompted him.
      As for the hanged Belarusians - I don’t know, I won’t lie. Just tell me what kind of event this is, where and when it took place. In order not to be unfounded ... But the Pugachev rebellion was very bloody. This is so, by the way.
      1. Sitev
        1 July 2012 18: 20
        Quote: Flood
        Can Pugachev be called a Russian national hero
        He was a Russian "prince" who fought for the liberation of the Russian people from the rule of foreigners who seized the Russian throne ...
    2. Sitev
      1 July 2012 18: 18
      Quote: Morani
      Suvorov outstanding personality for the Russian Empire

      This is indisputable, but there is one snag Russian throne was captured by foreigners (the so-called Romanovs) and they wrote history ...
  23. Svetoyar
    29 May 2012 20: 38
    Glory to Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov - the great Russian hero warrior and a real Russian man!
  24. Morani
    29 May 2012 22: 12
    Why did Suvorov destroy those who dared to dissuade Belarusian peasants from serfdom? And why didn’t the prisoner liberator let the same Belarusian serfs granted to him forever “in retribution of military merits”? And in the Kobrin province of Brest economy presented to him there were 6922 men and 6300 women peasants and another 552 men and 480 women were in the Kobrin forestry - together 14254 souls of both sexes (RGVIA, f. VUA, d. 18451, f. 7 vol.). (Not counting the children. - Approx. Ed.) These peasants did not show him armed resistance.

    If Suvorov's order to "spare" those who lay down arms and not to touch the unarmed was announced three times, then look how his subordinates acted "lively and in Russian" in the memoirs of a witness, the German Friedrich Nufer. He looked with horror among the dead horses, dogs and pigs heaps of bloody and naked bodies of “people of both sexes, old, babies on the breasts of dead mothers. All of Prague was on fire and smoke, in which the swearing of brutal soldiers spread. The Cossacks ... grabbed the Jews by the legs, beat them with their foreheads against the walls and on the ground until their brains ran out, and the money they found was divided among themselves. The Cossacks amused themselves by killing these uncommon creatures, calling them conspirators. "

    And this is what the Russian General I. Klugen saw. "They fought with bayonets, rifle butts, sabers, daggers, knives, even gnawed. Our soldiers burst into houses, killed everyone who did not come across. One of our detachments lit the bridge on the Vistula and cut off the retreat of the fleeing. The massacre began again at the bridge. They fired into the crowds without disassembling anyone, and the shrill screams of women, the screams of children terrified the soul. There is no pardon for anyone! "Our soldiers shouted and killed everyone, not distinguishing either age or gender. Several hundred Poles managed to escape across the bridge. drowned, rushing into the Vistula to swim. Taken prisoner up to one and a half thousand. At four o'clock, a terrible revenge was committed for the beating of our people in Warsaw "(F.V. ).
    1. 0
      29 May 2012 22: 42
      Why are you asking stupid questions? And why are you asking us about this? By the way, what do you want to blame for the Russian soldiers?
      1. Morani
        29 May 2012 23: 08
        Well, silly questions, briefly: why should the Litvinians have serfdom enforced by a Russian bayonet; Why brutally kill civilians, women, children, the elderly (well, yes, such a time, wild morals, a mother did not like soldiers as a child, like terminators); why do Russians still ask - and why do these despicable Poles not like us ?; on what grounds do the modern Poles, Lithuanians and Belarusians idolize Suvorov (and the museum in Kobrin shines)
        1. +1
          29 May 2012 23: 32
          I don’t understand, you want to say that the Russians are the most cruel soldiers? Or was Suvorov a cruel man? Sir, fight, you yourself will understand what violence in war is and you will not ask miserable questions.
          1. Morani
            29 May 2012 23: 56
            I no longer believe that terror against civilians is mandatory, I consider this a common crime for which immediately to the tank barrel. My questions and answers by post above. I’m not fighting anymore and I’m not talking to the hag, I don’t advise haters. Analyze, think, do not be a herd of sheep.
  25. prispek
    29 May 2012 22: 24
    Great commander. Great person. For his attitude to the soldier bow to the ground and eternal gratitude. "Winning Science" is a mandatory exam for all officers. For not knowing - dismissal in disgrace. “We are Russians! Therefore we will win!” Glory to Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov!
  26. AlexMH
    29 May 2012 23: 40
    Quote: Morani
    Why did Suvorov destroy those who dared to dissuade Belarusian peasants from serfdom?

    Who do you really mean? Are they not Poles? Do you seriously think that they were going to "annoy" the Belarusians? Those very Belarusians whom they considered cattle and forced to convert to Catholicism? Suvorov was a GOVERNOR, he was sent - he went, defeated everyone and returned with glory. And Pugachev would have won, if Mikhelson had not had time before, so now Suvorov is considered a "strangler of freedom" as a Russian? If anyone has any complaints about the storming of Warsaw, present to Catherine II, although the Poles still got off easily for the massacres of Russians in Poland at the beginning of the rebellion. And the idea of ​​"freeing all your serfs" in the 18th century smelled like an insane asylum, which, however, did not exist in Russia at that time. :)
    1. Morani
      30 May 2012 00: 00
      It begins. It was like the first liberation campaign in order to liberate the Litvins (Belarusians) from evil Poles, the second liberation campaign was in 1939? Yes, Belarusians from the Muscovites of evil suffered as from the Hans in due time.
      1. +1
        30 May 2012 10: 08
        so you decide who the soul hurts? For the Belarusians whom you call Litvinians in Polish, or for the Poles themselves?
        "Why do Russians still ask - and why do these vile Poles dislike us?" Russia does not seek Polish love, here the feelings are mutual and constant. But since you get to the bottom of the root cause, then dig up to the time of the Troubles. Could it be that the Polish warriors distinguished themselves as much near Moscow?
  27. 0
    30 May 2012 15: 58
    In addition to heroic campaigns, Suvorov has many punitive campaigns that are far from heroism, which are hushed up consciously. This punitive operations against the Poles, against Belarusians, the extermination of Nogais on the Black Sea coast and Crimea, the destruction of the Crimean Tatars. There are no ideal heroes. therefore, it’s not worth idealizing Suvorov either. More than Suvorov, honors deserve the outstanding general and desperately brave man P. Kotlyarevsky! now almost forgotten, really worthy!
  28. high school student
    30 May 2012 22: 45
    Suvorov is a true military genius who glorified Russia, whose name went down in world military history, which bears the title of generalissimo unlike the other, the Soviet "generalissimo".
    1. Sitev
      1 July 2012 18: 28
      Quote: high school student
      Suvorov is a true military genius who glorified Russia, whose name went down in world military history, which bears the title of generalissimo unlike the other, the Soviet "generalissimo".

      Suvorov is a doubtful person! And the only generalissimo is Great Stalin, if it weren’t for that we would simply be crushed and methodically destroyed!
      1. Anthony98
        18 July 2012 23: 02
        Russia has experienced many dangerous moments, even recall the invasion of the Golden Horde and the victory of the Kulikovo battle for all our people, the Patriotic War of 1812, the Great Patriotic War ...
  29. KOMOd Shpakov
    18 June 2012 18: 57
    Kutuzov was even cooler by all standards. But the marine theme is dearer to me, so I vote for Nakhimov.
  30. +15
    4 November 2017 19: 53
    Genius - one word