How the F-22 hit the Su-35C. In the US, trying to explain

American Journal The National Interest commented on the sensational photo, in which in the sight of the Russian Su-35 you can see the American F-22 “invisible” aircraft. The photo was allegedly made in the Syrian sky. By whom? The journal mentioned an attempt to clarify the situation.

How the F-22 hit the Su-35C. In the US, trying to explain

Known for his materials in the same NI, Dave Majumder writes that F-22 loses its stealth parameters “under certain conditions”. According to Majumder, the F-22 is invisible to the enemy’s machine in the infrared range only when the American aircraft is at an impressive distance from the enemy fighter, and the enemy’s systems should not be directly aimed at the F-22.

From the material:
If we talk about short distances, the F-22 Raptor can be detected in the infrared range, like any other aircraft.

It turns out that the F-22 is “afraid” of approximations, when all of its stealth “cloak” becomes transparent for the enemy.

According to Majumder, the Russian Su-35 fighter is not the first to see the F-22 in the sky. Examples are given that the F-22 was detected even by civilian airborne search and tracking systems. It is also reported that the F-22 in the sky "found" the system EuroFIRST PIRATE fighter Typhoon. At the same time, it added that EuroFIRST PIRATE is “more efficient than onboard detection tools of the Russian Su-35”. And should the F-22 pilots become lighter?
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  1. +13
    28 September 2018 07: 56
    It's just that their toggle switch was not on.
    1. +17
      28 September 2018 08: 02
      Quote: Petr1
      It's just that their toggle switch was not on.

      Forgot to fill in the invisibility or American ensign drank it.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. -62
          28 September 2018 09: 23
          What - did not like my comment and began to sculpt cons? wassat I don’t have the habit of screaming in the morning: "We will tear everyone apart !!", "Glory to the VKS !!" and other nonsense.
          1. +37
            28 September 2018 09: 40
            National Interest is not a yellow newspaper, but a well-respected publication. and you have been advised of minuses for inappropriate craps, you did not bother to sort out the sources, but you already concluded. so that the cons are deserved)
            1. +12
              28 September 2018 12: 53
              Quote: Garrett
              National Interest is not a yellow newspaper, but a well-respected publication. and you have been advised of minuses for inappropriate craps, you did not bother to sort out the sources, but you already concluded. so that the cons are deserved)

              NI respected publication? you hold us for fools, as the author of the article? In the infrared, say what’s not immediately in the optical? Write so - f22 isn’t stealth, because if you get close to it you can see it in the optical range even with the naked eye, that’s such shit, money laundering by the American military-industrial complex .. .
              1. +5
                28 September 2018 15: 12
                Quote: Vol4ara
                NI respected publication?

                Yes Yes Yes! and Majumder, the most respected author of articles in this publication! in certain circles ... wink
                Unfortunately, they are also present at VO. request
                1. +2
                  29 September 2018 06: 59
                  I get the impression that if Majumder goes to sick leave, then in America there will not be a single journalist.
            2. 0
              29 September 2018 15: 17
              Do you have VKS?
          2. +6
            28 September 2018 11: 04
            Quote: artak
            What - did not like my comment and began to sculpt cons? wassat I don’t have the habit of screaming in the morning: "We will tear everyone apart !!", "Glory to the VKS !!" and other nonsense.

            Cheap, fake, yellow ... You just, like at a rally "pour". The cons are not surprising in my opinion.
          3. 0
            28 September 2018 11: 19
            Quote: artak
            What - did not like my comment and began to sculpt cons? wassat I don’t have the habit of screaming in the morning: "We will tear everyone apart !!", "Glory to the VKS !!" and other nonsense.

            You have the habit of yelling the opposite in the morning! hi Cons deserved!
          4. +8
            28 September 2018 11: 54
            Quote: artak
            I don’t have the habit of screaming in the morning: "We will tear everyone apart !!", "Glory to the VKS !!" and other nonsense

            Correctly. It is better to have a habit of turning on the brain in the morning.
          5. +3
            28 September 2018 14: 28
            Quote: artak
            What - did not like my comment and started sculpting cons? I don’t have the habit of shouting in the morning: "We will tear everyone apart !!", "Glory to the VKS !!" and other nonsense.

            But you go to the other extreme. Go do you pray in the morning on a photo of f-22, or do you squat on it?))))
          6. +3
            28 September 2018 16: 52
            So you write vile articles about Russia !!!!! And you were hurt that they wrote the same thing about you !!!!!!!? Unprofessional of you. Let them not pay you the bonus.
        2. +16
          28 September 2018 09: 34
          Quote: artak
          ... in Syria there are no direct clashes between Americans and Russians, and a Russian fighter could calmly approach an American at close range and take aim. In a real battle, the Russians would have no such chance.

          And why is that? The magic inscription "made in USA" works only in peacetime. During the period of real hostilities, the enemy sneezes at the fact that this is an "exceptional nation" technique. Pooh and feathers will fly from all these magical gadgets. Ordinary pilots will have to pay for all the kickbacks, deficiencies and incompetence of developers, manufacturers, generals and politicians.
          1. +5
            28 September 2018 16: 53
            You forgot to add that in peacetime and to the movies. Sorry, but it seems more correct to me.
        3. +4
          28 September 2018 12: 52
          Syria has no direct clashes between Americans and Russians, and a Russian fighter could calmly approach an American at close range and take aim. In a real battle, the Russians would have no such chance.

          Maybe not, but the struggle for markets for military products is not a joke, I think it's a good way to lower the much-praised F-22 and others like F-35 from heaven to earth.
          1. 0
            29 September 2018 22: 20
            F35 amer riveted 320 pieces and continue. There is no competition - the Russians still do not have a single sale on the fifth generation market .. Bad or not, but sold with a bang.
        4. +3
          28 September 2018 14: 34
          OLS is just intended to approach such "raptors". And in a real battle it would not have been necessary to approach, the F-22 would have simply been shot down on the way, since there would have been constant cover for attack aircraft.
        5. +5
          28 September 2018 17: 28
          Of course. This is pure chance and complete untruth. In a real battle, the F22 would have been shot down. If the training allows you to let yourself in the tail, combat capabilities, maneuverability, pilot skills are not enough to prove who is actually cooler, whose plane is more modern and more technologically advanced. In short, conditional destruction equals the real. It turns out an advertisement for F22 stating that it’s a super-duper fighter, super-maneuverable, super-technological - no more than blowing dust, noodles on your ears, to everyone, including you artak.
          1. 0
            29 September 2018 21: 36
            Dear! "Leonid Khar" You forgot .... add .... !!!! What --- this "Super-duper-invisible" is no longer available ....... and cannot be released anymore !!! All bets are on an even more "fat" "penguin" invisible .........? laughing hi "again - thirty-five !!! ... Because ... Delicious" Blinnnn-Bullied .. advertising !!!! laughing hi
        6. 0
          29 September 2018 07: 00
          if 1 is on 1, then there is little chance. probably this situation will not be and try to provide an advantage.
        7. 0
          29 September 2018 20: 24
          That's for sure . I remember that the S-75 and S-200 air defense systems had missiles with SBS. and in the rules of firing missiles it was directly written "bold and decisive use of missiles with SBS. Provides a reliable victory over the enemy" Probably there are such missiles even now. so do not tempt fate. Here's an example for you - the Fuhrer. Conquered all of Europe, everyone plowed for him. Why did you come to us? I immediately lost everything. incl. and life
      2. +10
        28 September 2018 17: 15
        And yet it is absolutely not visible if you close your eyes.
        1. 0
          28 September 2018 22: 00
          and look the other way: "when the American aircraft is at an impressive distance from the enemy fighter, and the enemy's systems should not be directly aimed at the F-22." soldier
      3. 0
        29 September 2018 09: 48
        Not an American ensign, but the head of the NATO NATO food warehouse, Stolashchuk.
    2. +6
      28 September 2018 09: 32
      F-22 loses its stealth parameters "under certain conditions"

      Of course, "under certain conditions" - as soon as it rolls out of the hangar.

      With a spaced source and receiver in the radar, no stealth technology works. And there are a lot of questions to the effectiveness of stealth F-22 technology.
    3. Maz
      28 September 2018 14: 25
      Explained already. This "Raptor" vyzhivalsya in the sky over Syria in front of our Su-35S. The insolent man got tired of it and Our eagle, without permission, made some evolutions with him in the sky, which are sometimes called air combat. As a result, this frame appeared, and the pilot received a hat for an unauthorized air battle with an F-22.
      1. +1
        28 September 2018 14: 37
        This frame shows only that the Su-35 worked as the RL, because it is a passive information receiving tool, then the F-22 could not know whether they were leading it or not, but to join the F-22, which should not be expelled is an.
      2. 0
        2 October 2018 02: 19
        Quote: Maz
        Explained already. This "Raptor" vyzhivalsya in the sky over Syria in front of our Su-35S. Tired of the insolent man and Our eagle, without permission, made some evolutions with him in the sky

        Jemnip, then this rapper wanted to mock our attack aircraft (or two), let out the brake flap on their course - he was a hooligan, and the 35th approached him unnoticed and already bent this rapper himself, surpassing it in flight characteristics. It happened after our plane was shot down by the Turks, then there was still a lot of abuse that attack aircraft flew without cover. There was also the thought that at that time, our 35th "saw" the raptor first, then, as he himself remained unnoticed, and let go of his escorts in order to appear the way he did it, suddenly out of nowhere, "fell on his head "invisible f-22 and outraged him.
    4. +1
      28 September 2018 15: 24
      In general, if you close your eyes, then he really is invisible. And the king is naked!))
    5. Maz
      29 September 2018 12: 11
      Here he is the handsome Su-35S VKS of Russia in the sky over Syria. From the same bomber fighter
  2. +34
    28 September 2018 07: 58
    According to Majumder, the F-22 is invisible to the enemy’s vehicle in the infrared range only when the American aircraft is at an impressive distance from the enemy’s fighter, and the enemy’s systems should not be directly aimed at the F-22.

    In short, the recipe for invisibility of F22, the aircraft is located 1K kilometers from the enemy and the enemy has no radar
    I understood correctly?
    1. +20
      28 September 2018 08: 09

      Bulls. (Bykov Alexey) Today, 07:58 AM NEW
      In short, the recipe for invisibility of F22, the aircraft is located 1K kilometers from the enemy and the enemy has no radar
      I understood correctly?

      ... and so that there is no air defense on the ground - only bows and arrows are allowed, and in the air of aircraft - only during the Second World War it is allowed, but again - not close, because they can go to ram ...
      1. +8
        28 September 2018 08: 17
        Quote: aszzz888

        ... and so that there is no air defense on the ground - only bows and arrows are allowed, and in the air of aircraft - only during the Second World War it is allowed, but again - not close, because they can go to ram ...

        I also would not forbid hang gliders. To fight like that.
      2. +4
        28 September 2018 08: 21
        Quote: aszzz888
        and so that there is no air defense on earth

        That's it, to overcome them, it was created. And in the sky, the Americans a priori implied the complete superiority of their Air Force. In principle, they are not so far from the truth. The ENEMY must be respected, my friends ....
        1. +11
          28 September 2018 08: 43

          edeligor (Igor) Today, 08:21
          The ENEMY must be respected, my friends ....

          ... The enemy must be beaten, "my friend" ... wink
          1. +1
            28 September 2018 23: 25
            and preferably feet
        2. +3
          28 September 2018 11: 20
          Respect those who are worthy and deserve respect, and those who are trying to excel above others, regardless of the culture of other nations, BREED ...
    2. +5
      28 September 2018 08: 53
      By analogy with the "elusive Joe". He closed his eyes and no one sees him.
  3. +8
    28 September 2018 08: 00
    ... the usual Hollywood approach of the merikatos - if their piece of iron, then a priori nothing can be better ... this is their global mistake ...
    1. +2
      28 September 2018 10: 07
      Quote: aszzz888
      if their piece of iron

      So after all, she really is completely invisible when in boxing at her airfield. laughing
      1. +2
        28 September 2018 11: 10
        Quote: Jura
        Quote: aszzz888
        if their piece of iron

        So after all, she really is completely invisible when in boxing at her airfield. laughing

        "Each aircraft has its own hangar!" - a slogan since the days of aviation pioneers.
        And apparently you are all drawn to cars laughing
        1. +1
          28 September 2018 12: 13
          Quote: Serg Koma
          And apparently you are all drawn to cars

          Want to say a Freudian reservation? I agree sinful. laughing
  4. +8
    28 September 2018 08: 00
    If this is a screen from the Su-35 instruments, then why is the inscription "fighter - bomber" in English? This is the only thing that interested in the article ..
    1. SOF
      28 September 2018 08: 12
      Quote: KVU-NSVD
      If this is a screen from the Su-35 devices, then why is the inscription "fighter - bomber" in English

      ... this is the pseudonym of a blogger, from where, in fact, the snapshots began their journey on the network ...
    2. +17
      28 September 2018 08: 13
      This is the same Fu22 that on November 23 in the sky near Meadin (Deir ez-Zor) interfered with a couple of our Su-25. Hindered until Su-35С approached and showed who the folder is in the sky of Syria.
    3. HAM
      28 September 2018 08: 17
      This is the Yankees added, the source was all in Russian ...
  5. +48
    28 September 2018 08: 01
    This is how an invisible plane should look like, the rest is a sucker scam for money Yes
    1. +3
      28 September 2018 08: 18
      Not this way!! Shadows should not be :)
      1. +14
        28 September 2018 09: 05
        Quote: den3080
        Not this way!! Shadows should not be :)

        So this is not a shadow. It rained and under the "invisible" plane a dry area. wink
        1. +2
          28 September 2018 10: 26
          Yes you are right. I hurried in the morning, at breakfast, at the expense of the shade wassat
      2. +3
        28 September 2018 09: 08
        This is not a shadow - it just rained :)
  6. +21
    28 September 2018 08: 09
    laughing Another charade from NI. I don’t know who and how, but in the morning I was uplifted .. laughing
    Especially with this paragraph.
    According to Majumder, the F-22 is invisible to the enemy’s vehicle in the infrared range only when the American aircraft is at an impressive distance from the enemy’s fighter, and the enemy’s systems should not be directly aimed at the F-22.

    In short, he is invisible until no one looks at him ... laughing
  7. +1
    28 September 2018 08: 16
    Something has been done with the radio range for invisibility, now how to pass hot as cold.
    1. +4
      28 September 2018 08: 23
      Take it higher! It is necessary to give the visible as invisible
  8. +2
    28 September 2018 08: 16
    All these songs are about invisibility and network-centricity, before it starts (God forbid) !!!
    And then it becomes clear that it’s more important for someone to have stronger Faberge from the material, the quantity of the same one is bigger, in order! Yes, they will still find out to everyone whose commanders foreheads / heads are needed for what, to hammer nails or .....
  9. +5
    28 September 2018 08: 17
    Another thing surprises me. Why is there no screaming that this is fake, photo montage, screen from a computer game?
    Very strange
    1. +10
      28 September 2018 08: 20
      another RUSICH Today, 08:17 NEW
      Another thing surprises me. Why is there no screaming that this is fake, photo montage, screen from a computer game?
      Very strange

      ... soon the hexagons will carry out the changeover, get new control units and begin ... wink
    2. +3
      28 September 2018 08: 21
      Another thing surprises me. Why is there no screaming that this is fake, photo montage, screen from a computer game?
      Very strange

      What are you! This is NI! This is the most authoritative source! laughing hi
    3. -2
      28 September 2018 09: 14
      Another thing surprises me. Why is there no screaming that this is fake, photo montage, screen from a computer game?

      "Bomber" .... @Fighter_Bomber .... Maybe someone from the "experts" will explain what these inscriptions are doing in the "Russian sight"? .... for example, I am "on air simulators" (just , in "games" wink ) I know that the "@" sign is highlighted and means "unidentified, any", but ..... not in Russian "sights" .... winked
      1. SOF
        28 September 2018 09: 59
        Quote: Snail N9
        Maybe one of the "experts" will explain what these inscriptions do in the "Russian sight"?

        .... as an explanation ...
        1. -3
          28 September 2018 10: 21
          Thinking like the designation "property" from "publisher"? Okay ... Why is there only "Bomber" in the first picture? wink Well, actually, those who have played in "air simulators" know that these are the inscriptions that appear, for example, in the sight of the F-16 Вlock .... and they, just, can "jump" from the "fighter" to "bomber" and to "fighter-bomber", depending on how the target is recognized from the angle and the image intensifier .... therefore, it is possible "hardly likely" wink assume that the "nickname" of the second publication is taken, namely, from the designation of the target in the game (well, or in the "real sight"), and not vice versa ...
          1. 0
            28 September 2018 11: 27
            Indeed, what kind of signature is in the picture. Also looks like a frame from the game.
            This already happened when ours published a video of the destruction of terrorists from a computer game.
            1. +5
              28 September 2018 11: 55
              For those who have not yet climbed out of the tank
              @Fighter_bomber is an instagram channel where a friend publishes photos from Syria and other places under this nickname))) learn the mate part, keep up with life!
          2. SOF
            28 September 2018 12: 04
            Quote: Snail N9
            Thinking like the designation "property" from "publisher"?

            .... mmmmdaaaaa ....
            ..... squeaky case ......
            .... step by step ......

            .... do not thank ....
            1. +1
              28 September 2018 13: 01
              Quote: SOF
              Quote: Snail N9
              Thinking like the designation "property" from "publisher"?

              .... mmmmdaaaaa ....
              ..... squeaky case ......
              .... step by step ......
              .... do not thank ....

              Something on the rest of the photos from the "insta" from this friend, this "tsopik" / @Fighter_bomber /, is not present.
              But there is such an "interesting post".

              Shl. The allegedly "transparent" rectangle, highlighting the silhouette of the plane against the background of the terrain, is very annoying. what
              1. SOF
                28 September 2018 14: 14
                Quote: Freeman
                Something in the rest of the photos from the "insta" from this friend, this "tsopik"

                ... I won’t understand something: I have to prove something to someone here, ???
                ... or you refuse to believe the obvious fact that the phrase in the middle of the screen, recognized by local "experts" by Photoshop, is his signature, or it is not displayed on your monitor - then you should nevertheless connect to the propaganda-tuned Runet ...

                1. 0
                  29 September 2018 16: 11
                  Quote: SOF
                  Quote: Freeman
                  Something in the rest of the photos from the "insta" from this friend, this "tsopik"

                  ... I won’t understand something: I have to prove something to someone here, ???

                  hi You are absolutely right, for -
                  On the Internet, nobody owes anything to anyone - and nobody needs anyone. ©

                  “But why then go to the forums?” request
                  Thanks to you, I learned how posts in "instagram" are made out (although I could not see the author's "tsopik" at all).
                  And now to the point.
                  - I do not doubt that f22 could have come under the sight of our "drying" and this fact was even somehow recorded. It is quite possible that there was some kind of "tag game" ("air battle" according to the blogger) - that's not the point.
                  The "evidence base" is questionable. Modern media demand news in the form of a "beautiful picture", a short note in the "basement" of the newspaper is no longer enough. So there are "photo facts" of varying degrees of reliability from bloggers. We laugh that Western politicians take them unconditionally on faith as justification for certain actions against Russia. And we ourselves "unconditionally believe" such "facts" confirming our "superiority" in this or that area.
                  - Can you explain something about where the light rectangle came from, highlighting the silhouette of the plane against the background of the terrain image?
                  / I had a similar effect when I tried to make a collage in a simple photo editor. /
                  Threat. Although you may not answer. (see aphorism)
                  hi Best regards
    4. -1
      28 September 2018 10: 29
      Because the analysis of these photos was carried out by Chinese military experts and came to the conclusion that these are real images, not fake.
      1. -7
        28 September 2018 10: 44
        Yes? Is it "Chinese"? And where, can you read about it in the English version? By the way, I generally do not understand all this "fuss" about "detecting invisibles" in the infrared range - last year, right there on the VO, infrared images were published, taken from the upper hemisphere by satellites, where the "invisibles" are also clearly visible in its "heat trace", like any other aircraft .... But this, only from the side of the upper hemisphere ....
  10. +6
    28 September 2018 08: 20
    Soon on the screens of the S-300, the F-35 will also light up ... With the Greek C300, they trained ... 90s in the EXPORT version ... But will not it be scary? Check on your own skin?
  11. +6
    28 September 2018 08: 23
    I did not understand the meaning of the alleged excuses?
    It all started with the fact that the su 35 found f22 at a distance of 50 km through the OLS. And what's so surprising?
    1. +6
      28 September 2018 08: 26
      smile hi
      Well, you can't look at him, he's "invisible" ....
    2. +1
      28 September 2018 09: 36
      This is because the case was forgotten, and many commentators did not understand the situation and not only - for them it’s a radar, that the OLS is single-perpendicular. The fact is that the Su-35 did not turn on the radar and for the F-22 pilot all the sophisticated electronics and the vaunted situational awareness worked only when the dryer got on its tail ...
      And the photo itself is most likely the installation of elements from individual frames. I don’t think that they will just lay out the real picture from the display.
      1. 0
        28 September 2018 20: 24
        Was there a boy?
      2. -2
        28 September 2018 21: 14
        Why so many fantasies? Everything was much simpler. Su-25 pilot, just literally told the su-35 pilot where to fly and whom to look for! I mean, he just literally told him so, fly to me, a reptile flies in front of my nose .. From where they invent so much .. these are obvious things!
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +2
    28 September 2018 08: 27
    Looks like they have such invisibility)))
  14. +2
    28 September 2018 08: 33
    The whole point is that pilots, both American and Russian, are well aware of this bike about invisibility, while they still cannot technically do the real stealth .... well, our designers decided in favor of speed, maneuverability of the fighter, and of course pilot skill.
  15. +3
    28 September 2018 08: 58
    Quote: den3080
    Not this way!! Shadows should not be :)

    This is not a shadow, but a dry area under the plane.
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. -4
    28 September 2018 09: 12
    The National Interest - Pushkov’s, a lot of lubudas are popping, they say we’ll throw hats over.
    A hundred times it was sucked up that F 22 end-to-end became close to the Su group - naturally, no stealth end-to-end would help.
    They took a picture of him. And he probably also took a picture of the SU. And then flew away.
    1. KCA
      28 September 2018 09: 24
      If this is so, then something else is interesting - the F-22 scoffed at the SU-25, and suddenly with a 5km SU-35 dived under its tail, the F-22 hastened to rush off, the question is that the SU-35 is also invisible, such that it’s even super -super-megaradars of the 5th generation aircraft were not detected until the drying reached the position of 100% defeat of the enemy?
  18. 0
    28 September 2018 09: 20
    ))) According to Majumder, the F-22 is invisible to the enemy’s vehicle in the infrared range only when the American aircraft is at an impressive distance from the enemy’s fighter, and the enemy’s systems should not be directly aimed at the F-22.

    that is, in order not to see him, you need not to look at him then he is invisible))))
    1. 0
      28 September 2018 09: 33
      That is, it is important to work out a search engine that would quickly probe the sky, take aim at the front sight and bring it closer.
      1. 0
        28 September 2018 10: 32
        yeah, there is such a function called zoom laughing wassat
  19. 0
    28 September 2018 09: 20
    Quote: edeligor
    Quote: aszzz888
    and so that there is no air defense on earth

    That's it, to overcome them, it was created. And in the sky, the Americans a priori implied the complete superiority of their Air Force. In principle, they are not so far from the truth. The ENEMY must be respected, my friends ....

    So the USSR in 1941 also meant that the sky would be "clear". And because of the loss of air superiority, he suffered enormous losses. And only when air superiority was won (the Kuban air battle), only then were the ground forces able to lift their heads from the ground and show themselves in all their glory.
    Almost a hundred years have passed, and the Americans are stepping on the same rake))
    1. +1
      28 September 2018 14: 57
      So you do not write nonsense, the USSR meant that it would be hard and long to fight, the authorities and the command had no illusions.
  20. 0
    28 September 2018 09: 24
    Here is another US myth collapsed)
  21. +1
    28 September 2018 09: 35
    And what's not clear? They are "invisible" when not being looked at. And look at them ay-ay-ay. The teacher will scold
  22. -7
    28 September 2018 09: 45
    that a frank fake shot can be seen even from the fact that for him it was necessary to dive plumb onto f-22, which is absurd.
    And so, it is clear that f-22 is not invisible and you will see it near. Did anyone have doubts?
    1. SOF
      28 September 2018 10: 02
      Quote: Avior
      that the frank fake frame is visible

      ... well, write to NI so that they are not fought on Russian propaganda .... I think that everyone who wants to make this a fake will say thank you so much for exposing
      1. -2
        28 September 2018 10: 29
        they did not write that this is not a fake
    2. +2
      28 September 2018 14: 58
      A typical enough perspective for dog dumps, in fact, do not write shit. I saw this in games and in real records of training battles.
  23. +4
    28 September 2018 09: 58
    Quote: Avior
    that a frank fake shot can be seen even from the fact that for him it was necessary to dive plumb onto f-22, which is absurd.
    And so, it is clear that f-22 is not invisible and you will see it near. Did anyone have doubts?

    Fake is your 40-page report on IL-20.
    1. -3
      28 September 2018 10: 29
      I did not give you such a report, you have confused everything.
  24. 0
    28 September 2018 10: 02
    sensational photo, in which in sight of the Russian Su-35S the American F-22 invisible plane is visible

    I am amazed at the confidence of ordinary American inhabitants in the invincibility and invisibility of American weapons.
    And then the American military is forced to explain to every sharp-minded tweeter-inhabitant that the missiles are not so smart, the planes are not invisible, and the answer will certainly arrive.
  25. +4
    28 September 2018 10: 19
    The war of cartoons and pictures is in full swing ...
    1. 0
      28 September 2018 20: 28
      Bravo! Catch a plus. The most sensible comment.
  26. +6
    28 September 2018 10: 33
    It has been repeatedly written, incl. and me, this data has long been in open sources that stealth aircraft are remarkably visible: on over-the-horizon radars, on the radars of the C-400 system, which uses several ranges for detection, so there can be no invisibility for it. Previously, the question was only in the accuracy of determining the coordinates of targets, now it is not worth it.

    The emphasis on “invisibility” to the detriment of other characteristics is not justified. But the United States needed a loud PR slogan about technological advancement, and they were most likely fully aware that they were building rubbish against high-tech opponents, frankly speaking, and designed “invisibles” in the anti-Papuan style.

    In the original article, we are talking about a system such as OLS, Atoll-101KS-V, about which he also wrote in the comments to the article on the acquisition by Israel of the F-35. Because Americans don’t have our systems, they come from the data on the “advanced” Eurofighter Typhoon PIRATE IRST, whose detection radius is from 50 to 90 km, and the target capture radius is 65% of the detection radius. Therefore, songs about rapprochement. However, some experts (Australians, for example) believe that Russia is ahead of other countries in this area of ​​technology.

    With the adoption of systems with ROFAR technology, which they cannot even sneeze about abroad, the issue of "invisibility" will be completely closed.
  27. -6
    28 September 2018 10: 39
    you add klofelin-purgen-a beginner is also good! and the Air Force is resting!
    This is the work of real air defense!
    And all sorts of Zrlikon-Shell-Stingers there is a simple money laundering!
    As an example, an IL-20 shot down in Syria with its own C200 missiles!
    1. +1
      28 September 2018 11: 11
      the adoption of such a troll with such a cerebellum for work is money laundering! laughing
      everything is so "thick"!
  28. 0
    28 September 2018 11: 05
    Quote: frezer
    I did not understand the meaning of the alleged excuses?
    It all started with the fact that the su 35 found f22 at a distance of 50 km through the OLS. And what's so surprising?

    Already 90-120 km. The range is growing. Plus they introduced the L-band ... In general, an asymmetric response to stealth ...
  29. +1
    28 September 2018 11: 32
    And this is already interesting:
    On the one hand, the planes often approach each other, therefore, in principle, with high "traffic", two planes simply crossed over on a parallel course, or in different echelons, which was used by the Su35, I also used to stand in traffic jams behind armored personnel carriers in a Mercedes, but this does not mean that I took it in the "crosshair of the emblem" on the sight, although I photographed it. But on the other hand - this is SYRIA with all the consequences where no one "peacefully" wakes up to fly, although the photo shows that the F-22 is flying straight and does not maneuver.
    Version number 2 - the pilots were still measured with bolts, and the Su-35 had it more.
    Version number 3 is a photo montage, but let's drop it.
    The Americans initially had a philosophy to go unnoticed, launch rockets and leave without going into close range; this philosophy of air combat was embodied in the F-22, which was basically a good, albeit very expensive, airplane to its standards (it still needs to be respected).
    The Russian Federation, on the contrary, made a bet on the philosophy of close combat, from here to the Su-35 with its super maneuverability, against which the F-22 seems to be powerless (I never found a video of the impressive evolutions of this aircraft in the sky).
    Syria is small, so the basic principle of the F-22 most likely does not really work, so the Su-35 in this case is corrected by a point.
    PS By the way, the French Rafali also repeatedly took F-22 in the crosshairs during training of highly maneuverable combat, which confirms the theory that the F-22 is a long-range aircraft that does not want to come into direct contact with the enemy.
  30. 0
    28 September 2018 11: 57
    They would say that they turned off the invisibility, so that they would not wear out. Why sculpt such long excuses? Brevity is the sister of talent, prickly hedgehogs! laughing
  31. -2
    28 September 2018 12: 51
    F-22 approached with Russian aircraft in Syria at a distance of visual contact.
    F-22 tried to warn the Russian S-24 not to bomb near the positions of the Kurds.
    Warned by launching a whole fireworks display of heat traps. At this time they could be easily "copied"
    on sight. There is no sensation in this. Raptors fly there with lenses that dramatically increase the EPR.
    1. 0
      28 September 2018 21: 04
      In! Feels the pen of the master. So it was necessary to say. laughing
    2. +1
      28 September 2018 22: 26
      Firstly, not S-24 (what is this?), But Su-25, secondly - there was no need to be rude, thirdly - and what prevented putting OLS on a raptor? And crests do? still the most fighter in the world .. Didn’t - don’t cry.
      Fourth, maybe the pilot of F-ki thought that the Russians didn’t have the right to bomb the barmaley, and even when the Kurds were close to them (cover something?), But this was already his difficulties. The result will probably be the official difficulties of the pilot himself, who fell into the sight of drying.
      Probably after this, the United States will impose sanctions on the blogger so that he does not upload anything to the network ..
  32. +1
    28 September 2018 16: 26
    Known for his materials in the same NI, Dave Majumder writes that F-22 loses its stealth parameters “under certain conditions”. According to Majumder, the F-22 is invisible to the enemy’s machine in the infrared range only when the American aircraft is at an impressive distance from the enemy fighter, and the enemy’s systems should not be directly aimed at the F-22.

    That is, the "enemy" Fu-22 should fly in the other direction on non-overlapping courses. Even better invisibility will be if "the enemy turns off all avionics and closes his eyes.
    Then invisibility is provided. Yes lol
  33. 0
    28 September 2018 22: 02
    Quote: EvilLion
    then F-22 couldn't know if they were leading him or not

    Poor him. Well, let's regret it until there is no fighting. And then it will be too late.
    1. 0
      29 September 2018 13: 18
      It's not a matter of regret, the fact is that if you turn on the radar and capture it, then this is equivalent to a trained pistol, and a completely different (open) level of aggression, which easily goes into real shooting. In this case, most likely, there was no such obvious aggression towards the American, that is, you could not quit presenting anything special.
  34. +1
    28 September 2018 23: 38
    Let the pin.dosy explain what they want. Their problem is that we don’t bast with bastards. Our aircraft and air defense systems are designed precisely to destroy their "invisible" ones. It is obvious! But for the exceptional not likely!
  35. 0
    29 September 2018 10: 10
    And the king was naked
  36. +1
    29 September 2018 12: 36
    Who knows which toy photo?
  37. 0
    29 September 2018 15: 14
    don’t look at him and you won’t see, such an invisibility
  38. 0
    29 September 2018 15: 18
    The photo clearly shows the English text in the sight - fighter bomber. Since when did they start writing in English on our sights on the Su-35? Fake and even so grimy. I wouldn't be surprised if now all the "patriots" shouted Hurray!
  39. 0
    29 September 2018 17: 48
    F-22 loses its stealth parameters "under certain conditions"

    By "certain conditions" is meant the presence of Russian vehicles in the air ...
  40. 0
    30 September 2018 04: 30
    Everything and everyone with amers does Hollywood !!! The main PR and squeeze money from Congress.
  41. 0
    1 October 2018 09: 19
    Damn, what an idiocy. There are no completely invisible aircraft. This is a stupid journalistic stamp. The reflective surface of the aircraft is evaluated as a perfectly reflective sphere of a certain diameter. For bombers, this sphere is tens of meters, for fighters of 4 generations, units of meters, for fighters of 5 generations, tenths of meters. At the same distance, the bomber will be more noticeable, 4th generation less, 5th generation even less noticeable. The key word here noticeable. It all depends on the characteristics of the radar, the range to the target,
    what projection the plane is turned to the radar, etc.
    The author of the article uses explicitly amateurish terminology, does he really think readers are diby teenagers?