Paper thrown off, it's time to attack!

Strange as it may sound, we nevertheless waited for that bright day when Russia almost ceased to keep its savings in American treasuries. According to the US Treasury, at the moment the Central Bank of Russia holds in these securities less than 15 billions of US dollars, which is an “anti-record” from the year 2007.

The peak of sales fell in April-May of this year, when the volume of our investments in the US national debt decreased by a total of 6,5. And this, by the way, is a kind of “world record” - before that, no country could boast of such a pace of sales of American assets.

There are no visible economic reasons for such behavior of the Russian Central Bank: the dollar is firmly on its feet and even strengthens a little. This means that the reasons may lie either in the political or in the domestic economic situation in Russia.

First of all, let us calm down and stop thinking that the Russian government has become smarter and has found a way to make this money work inside and for the good of Russia. Alas, as it turned out, the withdrawn funds almost did not reach Moscow: 47 billions were deposited in foreign banks, 25,2 billion were in the accounts of foreign securities, the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements, and much of the remaining money was transferred to the assets and liabilities of others ( not US) states.

It turns out that the actions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are clearly dictated by non-economic reasons. About the sudden insight it probably is not. So, one thing remains - politics.

Many experts attribute the decisive steps of Moscow to the risk of seizing our assets. And, as practice shows, this option cannot be completely ruled out: relatively recently, the funds of the national sovereign fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan were arrested, not even for political reasons, but as a result of a commercial dispute between the government of Kazakhstan and some Moldovan entrepreneur. And 22 billion dollars fell under arrest, which, given the proportional size of the economies, is even greater than the number of treasuries in Russia.

It’s probably pointless to argue with such estimates: after all, they can really freeze, and no our self-hypnosis in the spirit of “they will undermine the credibility of their financial system” will help. But there is one important nuance - you can freeze assets in foreign banks.

The precedent of such a freeze also exists - Iran. At one time, with the filing of Americans in foreign banks, it was frozen, according to various estimates, from 100 to 130 billions of dollars belonging to Iran. Moreover, a significant part of these funds is in the banks of China, and, despite the strong ties between the two states, Tehran is still unable to pull them out.

This is due to the fact that the arrest of funds was carried out as a result of sanctions announced by the UN. And even China is still unable to lift these restrictions without already exposing its financial system to the risk of imposing some kind of unilateral sanctions from the US and its satellites.

Perhaps the Kremlin is looking more calmly at such a perspective, since it has the right to “veto” in the UN Security Council, and it simply will not allow any resolutions against its own interests.

And yet it is alarming: Americans can twist the arms of almost everyone except China, and Beijing is under such pressure that it is almost impossible to predict its response to American threats.

We can also assume that the rapid withdrawal of the Russian Federation from US assets is the preparation of Moscow for some political steps that will certainly go against US interests. That is, this is a work in advance, designed to minimize the consequences for Russia of any sharp political (or even military) steps of the Kremlin.

Two directions seem most obvious here: Donbass and Syria.

Moscow’s actions in the Ukrainian direction are difficult to predict - it’s too painful a knot. But it can be assumed that the injection of the referendum in the Donbass was made for a reason, and if it is not possible to agree on this with the "partners", Moscow can take certain independent steps.

In Syria, the issue of restoring the country is very acute. And it is clear that doing it without Syrian oil will be quite expensive. In turn, almost all of Syria’s oil fields were under the control of pro-American Kurdish formations. And somehow it turns out that a strike to the northeast of Damascus now seems almost inevitable, let only the south clean up properly.

Can a sharp escalation of the situation in northeastern Syria be a reason for strengthening anti-Russian sanctions? Yes, of course: the reasons are compelling, and the reason for the next tantrum is very good. And if so, then we will not discount this option.

But do not forget that all this can be a big bluff and part of the diplomatic game. We warn the Americans that there was one less trump card in their deck, and we are a little better prepared to continue the game. And it doesn’t even matter what exactly we will go for, the main thing is that in the ongoing military-political poker, we have long been an empty hand. And this can actually affect the negotiating positions of the United States: when there is no desire for war, but with talk and sanctions alone, victory cannot be won, inevitably we have to look for options for a peaceful existence.

This version is also supported by the fact that recently test clips of the latest Russian weapons appeared on the network. And this, whatever one may say, is also a signal. We crash, says Shoigu. And we will not allow money to be stolen, Nabiullina adds shyly.

Coincidence? Dmitry Kiselev does not think so ...
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  1. +51
    24 July 2018 05: 25
    The article gave an asterisk to the common sense that Putin had thrown the treasury, as he was ready to make the next move against partners. But in any case, these steps will be too small.
    In Ukraine, the time has long gone and changing the power (the Junta themselves were called so, and then recognized!) In Ukraine will not succeed. To revive the Novorossiya project, too. The maximum that can be done is to recognize the unfortunate bits from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. But then another question immediately arises: why didn’t we liberate (forbade the militias) these areas completely or at least didn’t move the buffer zone from Donetsk ?? Previously, they tied it up with a cunning plan, it seemed like they had to wait a bit, no one was planning to merge anyone, and the Minsk agreements were not the end ...
    What will happen there in Syria is not very interesting to anyone. Only one thing is interesting when we stop spending money on it, which, according to Medvedev, is simply not there, even for pensioners! All this Syrian epic dragged on very much, despite Putin's assurances that this would be a limited company in terms of time. This is an expensive toy for our weakened economy. Nobody still really knows what Putin is fighting for on the far approaches! But many guess that these are purely business interests of our elite. Paying the Russian people for this is too expensive, except for raising gas prices and VAT, even raising the retirement age.
    1. +23
      24 July 2018 05: 33
      Quote: Stas157

      Stas157, You - as always - for agitation - five (even eight), but for thoughts, alas ... well, three with a minus request
      1. +16
        24 July 2018 05: 37
        Quote: Golovan Jack
        You - as always - for agitation - five:

        And for what I campaigned?
        1. +36
          24 July 2018 05: 48
          Quote: Stas157
          And for what I campaigned?

          Didn’t you understand yourself?
          1. In Ukraine, in your opinion, "everything is wrong," as it should. You make war hotstsa.
          It was already about 3 years ago request
          2. Syria is a failed project and only Gazprom needs it lol
          3. Well, and "on the candy" -
          Quote: Stas157
          It’s too expensive to pay the Russian people, except increase in gas prices and VAT, even raising retirement age

          The standard set of agitator-throat, not? wink
          1. +38
            24 July 2018 06: 03
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            Didn’t you understand yourself?

            You yourself did not understand this. Agitation is to call for something, to induce political action. I didn’t call anyone anywhere, but I made only an estimate.
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            You make war hotstsa.

            You read my comment or are making up from yourself. I will cite again:
            Quote: Stas157
            In Ukraine, time has long gone and change the power ... in Ukraine will not succeed.
            Where is there about the call to fight?
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            The standard set of agitator-throat, not?

            Here you generalize instead of specifics. This phrase can be applied to anything, even to you!
            1. +12
              24 July 2018 06: 41
              Quote: Stas157
              Agitation is to call for something, to induce political action

              This, excuse me, is an excuse for excuses. If a person is told a hundred times a day that he is a superman, and the rest are underdeveloped, he will eventually believe it.
              And this is also agitation, verified, it works.
              You are doing exactly that on the site. "Repeat," in the sense.
              Quote: Stas157
              Have you read my comment or are you making up

              Yes, I read your "cry of Yaroslavna." The subtext is rushing - "Putin leaked, but it could have been ..."
              A hundred times to you and others like you explained: without. Neither was, nor is.
              About Minsk, you somehow modestly kept silent this time ... and why should it? wink
              Quote: Stas157
              Here you generalize instead of specifics

              The specifics of the comment above, as for me - so everything seems to be clear.
              In the continuation of the dialogue, I personally see no reason, you are understandable, and have long been Yes
              1. +41
                24 July 2018 06: 48
                Quote: Golovan Jack
                In the continuation of the dialogue, I personally see no reason, you are understandable, and have long been

                Dialogue? You flatter yourself! Are there any dialogues with you, like discussions on a topic? The transition to the individual and a negative assessment (and often just name-calling) of a forum member is all that you are capable of.
                1. +7
                  24 July 2018 06: 54
                  Quote: Stas157
                  that's all you can do

                  Stas, “everything” is a bad word, a dangerous one. Using it is easy to make mistakes. laughing
                  There are enough people in VO with whom I maintain good and respectful relations.
                  You, for a number of reasons, do not belong to them.
                  Dixi hi
                  1. +36
                    24 July 2018 07: 52
                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    There are enough people in VO with whom I maintain good and respectful relations.

                    Polite is not the one who is not rude, the one with whom the views coincide. And, the one who is not rude when the points of view are different.
                    Quote: Golovan Jack
                    You, for a number of reasons, do not belong to them.

                    Thanks for announcing this! As required to prove, you have not a single comment, with rare exceptions, wherever you express your intolerance.
                    1. +4
                      24 July 2018 07: 55
                      Quote: Stas157

                      You, as usual, misunderstood:
                      Quote: Golovan Jack
                      There are enough people in VO with whom I maintain good and respectful relations.
                      You, for several reasons, do not belong to them

                      The key phrase is highlighted in red.
                      Chew, excuse me, once - work is calling.
                      Until next time stop
                      1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +3
            24 July 2018 10: 07
            Quote: Golovan Jack
            Syria is a failed project and only Gazprom needs it

            Strongly disagree. Check out my publication today with an analysis of the “armed Syrian opposition,” I hope your opinion changes a lot. This matter is not only necessary for our government and Gazprom and Rosneft, but even for ordinary citizens. To get rid of the jihadist viper that Syria has turned into is a serious matter even on a global scale.
            1. +5
              24 July 2018 11: 29
              Stas one five seven, with tears spread over his eyes, does not see that the Russian Army saved Christians in Syria from cutting to ZERO

              They didn’t allow us to commit genocide, but in Stas, as always, Gazprom and Putin merged
            2. +3
              24 July 2018 12: 11
              Quote: Warrior2015

              Do you know the word "sarcasm"?
              Well, so ... it was he himself Yes
            3. +8
              24 July 2018 12: 36
              Quote: Warrior2015
              This matter is not only necessary for our government and Gazprom and Rosneft, but even for ordinary citizens.

              Ordinary citizens than it is necessary?
              Quote: Warrior2015
              To get rid of the jihadist viper that Syria has turned into is a serious matter even on a global scale.

              But will they not move to other "locations"?
              1. +1
                24 July 2018 20: 09
                they are already successfully passing (White helmets)
                1. 0
                  24 July 2018 21: 31
                  And the question was "rhetorical." wink
      2. -1
        24 July 2018 09: 15
        and who is Dmitry Kisilev?
        1. +1
          24 July 2018 11: 29
          you better tell who KLV2018 is (Cyril)

          Ukrainian, how do you like the war with the government of the Russian Federation on the VO forum? won?
        2. +1
          24 July 2018 14: 44
          Quote: KLV2018
          and who is Dmitry Kisilev?

          Not Kisilev, but Kiselev, from the word jelly! He is a man named Dima.
          1. -1
            24 July 2018 14: 45
            Quote: businessv
            Quote: KLV2018
            and who is Dmitry Kisilev?

            Not Kisilev, but Kiselev, from the word jelly! He is a man named Dima.

            But seriously, who is this?
        3. +10
          24 July 2018 17: 35
          Quote: KLV2018
          and who is Dmitry Kisilev?

          peacock television, changing beliefs depending on the host country
          1. +1
            24 July 2018 18: 49
            Quote: Silvestr
            Quote: KLV2018
            and who is Dmitry Kisilev?

            peacock television, changing beliefs depending on the host country

            forgive the political
    2. +26
      24 July 2018 05: 50
      Putin’s “steepness” costs people too much in recent years ...
      okay there are Siberian Cranes with amphorae ... and they didn’t stand next to Syria and the Donbass ...
      our king didn’t put on a hat ... the bins are empty ... the boyars are getting fat ...
      present times are somewhat reminiscent of the late leonid ilyich period ...
      climbed into Afghanistan ... the Olympics-80 ... an arms race ... a dead end of a planned economy ...
      then perestroika ... marked with a "new thinking" ... and krandets country ...
      I would not want to go through this circle of hell again ....
      1. +12
        24 July 2018 05: 51
        Quote: kepmor

        But what did the polymers not mention?
        Minus negative
        1. +35
          24 July 2018 06: 28
          the sun had just risen, and already managed to bark everyone ... purely in the old fashion ...
          1. +10
            24 July 2018 06: 32
            Quote: kepmor
            the sun had just risen, but already managed to bark everyone ...

            Yeah ... and walk the dog-feed, and get ready for work ...
            Now I’m sitting, I’m thinking - who else would I “bark at” ... there are a lot of Vass here such, ahem, candidates who have been persecuted since morning.
            Quote: kepmor
            purely old-fashioned

            Exactly good
            1. -1
              28 July 2018 17: 24
              Well, then you do not drive the "blizzard", that not a word is the ultimate truth, the mega intellectual is simple.
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              and get ready for work ...

              Yes, you have already worked here in the morning, take a break ... scribble all day long like crazy, in each topic they noted their asana to the address of the gdp and its clicks, blush mom do not grieve.
          2. +1
            24 July 2018 12: 11
            Quote: kepmor
            the sun had just risen, and already managed to bark everyone ... purely in the old fashion ...

            I would suggest that you do not argue with each other and insult each other, but look at this situation from a banal side.
            Everything can be solved very simply and Russia's "dumping" of these securities is dictated by the favorable situation on the market and good profits, rather than conspiracy theories voiced by the Author and supported by some.
            What Putin and Trump have agreed on in Helsinki, we will not soon find out, hence the variety of theories and assumptions regarding the events that took place before the meeting and are supposed to follow after it. A common thing and no more.
            1. +6
              24 July 2018 13: 06
              I wonder how the author knows how the money withdrawn was distributed.
              A source would have a look.
              For curiosity ...
      2. +13
        24 July 2018 06: 23
        climbed into Afghanistan ... the Olympics-80 ... an arms race ... a dead end of a planned economy ...
        What an analytical "mind" a person has. You need to be able to compare the situation with Afghanistan and Syria, the boycott of the Olympics in the 80 West and the doping scandal at the last Olympics, the “arms race” that appeared today from somewhere. And as a highlight - the upcoming "restructuring".
        1. +15
          24 July 2018 06: 33
          if the comparison and analogy is the same for you, then I am sorry for you ....
          1. +9
            24 July 2018 06: 53
            So that you do not feel sorry for me, check out-
            draw an analogy - put in one row, equate, draw a parallel, find similarities, put on the same board, liken, compare
            First of all, we would regret ourselves, because trust in Western liberalism will ultimately lead to no good.
            1. +8
              24 July 2018 07: 59
              you compare the events themselves with each other ... your right ...
              I draw an analogy in the sequence of events, which in their essence are not similar at times .... everyone thinks differently ... have a nice day! ...
        2. +1
          24 July 2018 10: 13
          Quote: rotmistr60
          You need to be able to compare the situation with Afghanistan and Syria, the boycott of the 80 Olympics by the west and the doping scandal at the last Olympics

          I hope that Syria will not become for Russia one of several catalysts for the collapse of what Afghanistan has become for the USSR. While there is no reason for pessimism, we are acting without the introduction of troops, deliveries of weapons, MTRs and VKS strikes.
    3. +15
      24 July 2018 09: 25
      Stas157 (Stas
      The article put an asterisk for the common sense that Putin threw off the Treasury, as he was ready to make the next move against partners

      Also put a star for a competent train of thought at the first level of reflection. But the whole explanation is at the second level.
      The Russian authorities are too weak and cowardly for active action at the moment. The exit from the treasury is explained by the danger of freezing in the event of a serious failure at the last negotiations in Helsinki. The Kremlin is not capable of serious activity against US interests
      1. +4
        24 July 2018 14: 49
        Quote: populist
        The Russian authorities are too weak and cowardly for active action at the moment.

        It’s a pity, it’s a pity that you are not in power, so strong, bold and active. Tell us about yourself, who you are and we will choose you in power !! lol
    4. +12
      24 July 2018 09: 32
      Money withdrawn from the USA to Russia did not return. Not for that they were taken there. And no one will know what addresses they went to. Option "gold party" worked out perfectly. winked
      1. +5
        24 July 2018 12: 08
        Quote: siberalt
        Money withdrawn from USA to Russia did not return

        Do you know this for sure? Or just guessing? Or, as usual - to the fan, but more densely?
    5. +6
      24 July 2018 10: 49
      Quote: Stas157
      this is to recognize the unfortunate bits of the Donetsk and Lugansk region

      "Stubs" in your garbage can. Square LDNR - 17235 km2. This is comparable to the area of ​​many states.
      1. +4
        24 July 2018 12: 20
        Quote: vlad007
        This is comparable to the area of ​​many states.

        and a population of 2,5 million people !!!!
      2. +8
        24 July 2018 12: 33
        And if you compare with the Vatican, then generally several times more negative
        The scale of thinking and inquiries of the average Russian man with the current oligarchic yoke have terribly shrunk belay At this pace, you will soon be glad that your house was left intact, although they were torn apart by democratic bombs in all neighbors and different parts of the body of neighboring children are lying around the street. But you will be glad that you can cultivate part of the land of the neighboring plot. Ugh!
        The thunder of the people is still silent,
        The Russian mind is still bound
        And oppressed freedom
        There are gusts of bold thoughts.
        ABOUT! long age old chains
        With ramen homeland will not fall,
        Centuries flow menacingly
        - And Russia will not wake up!
      3. +2
        24 July 2018 12: 37
        Quote: vlad007
        "Stubs" in your garbage can. Square LDNR - 17235 km2. This is comparable to the area of ​​many states.

        And for us, all that is less than half the continent is the bits))) I went fishing 400 km over the weekend, so I didn’t leave my region. )))
        - Yes, our one Siberia is five France!
        - The whole world is alarming that you are measuring your territory by other countries.
      4. +6
        24 July 2018 14: 53
        Quote: vlad007
        The area of ​​LDNR is 17235 km2. This is comparable to the area of ​​many states.

        Here you are a little deceiving! No LDNR! There are DNI and LC. If they united, IMHO, it would be better to manage and negotiate, but it’s more difficult to steal - they would certainly follow each other.
    6. +3
      24 July 2018 12: 05
      Clever thoughts (or type clever) verb. In Syria, our Global interests as a State: to prevent the gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe. Everything else is lyrics.
    7. +8
      24 July 2018 12: 14
      $ 100 million in treasury was about nothing. Internet patriots shouted for several years that all our troubles are because part of the Central Bank’s funds is kept in treasury. They shouted that we sponsor the USA and so on. Explanations that Treasuries are bought in the secondary market and that no money is paid to mattresses fell into hysteria. To the words that the Treasury is just real American money and keeping funds in them is not much different from dollars and euros, they repeated it as a mantra that it only costs to “stop sponsoring the American economy” and everything will turn chocolate. lol
      Well, why. Here ours have thrown off almost all American debt obligations. And how? Did something change right away? Yes, this was not even noticed by anyone until the United States published debt statistics. belay
      And I have a QUESTION - WHICH NEXT Mantra will come up with the Internet- ...... M? Which type will immediately make life a fairy tale? fellow
      1. +7
        24 July 2018 14: 17
        It’s useless for some horses to explain something, some buy “European gas”, others treasure (without money? Gee gee gee) on the secondary market (what difference does it make to me from a Washi dealer or if I have my goods) and it’s not important whether the American is Treasure or European - It is important that finances are withdrawn from the country and do not participate in the development of their own economy.
        They never returned to development and were not invested in industrialization, so nothing has changed
        No mantras will help here, have a dogrose or something laughing
      2. +10
        24 July 2018 15: 05
        Quote: g1v2
        $ 100 million in treasury was about nothing.

        Not a million, dear! billion! This, of course, is not a very large amount for the United States, but how many factories can be built on them in Russia? It doesn’t matter what the next mantra will be, but they definitely didn’t invest them in the plants! Anticipating the question I’ll say: at least waste recycling plants! Or plants for 100% refining of petroleum products - because there is just a bonanza! From gasoline to toys and food.
      3. +5
        24 July 2018 17: 16
        Vitalik, the whole problem is that this money didn’t come to the Russian Federation, but the Russian economy sits without affordable and non-predatory loans, it just barely exists without development. Example: the dream of all manufacturers in the world to close imports, develop in a guaranteed market without competitors, but the Russian economy is stagnating, there is no "blood" for development, credit money. The leadership of the Central Bank is being taken somewhere (according to the speculative interests of a narrow circle of associates), except for Russia ... Either you joked, or it's time to go to school ...
    8. +2
      24 July 2018 12: 19
      Quote: Stas157
      In Ukraine, time has long gone

      why is it gone? for me, it’s just coming !!!
      Quote: Stas157
      admit it unfortunate stubs

      we need ALL Ukraine ...
      Quote: Stas157
      What will happen there in Syria, few people are interested

      why so few? why before this was not enough? what changed?
      Quote: Stas157
      spend money on it

      we will stop spending money as soon as it becomes unprofitable !!!!
      Quote: Stas157
      Syrian saga dragged on

      why did it drag out? what are these conclusions?
      Quote: Stas157
      This is an expensive toy for our weakened economy.

      Do you really think that troop deployment is just toys ??? are the powerful of this world playing toys ??? Do you really think so?
      Quote: Stas157
      plainly doesn't know what Putin is fighting for there

      then you are not supposed to know !!!
      ps What did the USA fight / fight in Vietnam for? in Afghanistan? in Iraq? in Libya? in Somalia? Do you really think that there is no reason for these warriors?
      Quote: Stas157
      this is purely our business interests

      War is a continuation of politics by other means. ... Politics is a concentrated expression of the economy - Karl von Clausewitz.
      Quote: Stas157
      To pay the Russian people for this is too expensive

      tell it to your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers!
      "A people who do not want to feed their own army will feed someone else's"
      1. +5
        24 July 2018 17: 30
        Quote: NEOZ
        we need ALL Ukraine ...

        the question is, what will you do with it? after all, more than 30 million inhabitants, a large number of non-patriots of Russia. No economy, arms in the millions
        1. 0
          25 July 2018 12: 02
          Quote: Silvestr
          a lot of

          how much is this?
          Quote: Silvestr
          and what will you do with it?

          integrate into our economic space, the larger the population, the more economic ties, the better for the country !!!!
          Quote: Silvestr
          No economy, arms in the millions

          no economy? What did you mean? maybe about nuclear power plants? or Motor Sich, or about Progress, or about HTZ? ... I don’t argue, there’s already a lot of things. but much remains !!!
          with weapons, too, trouble, but the road will master the road !!! ps After the civil war and the Second World War, the problem with arms on hand was solved, and in Ukraine it will also be solved!
          and most importantly - it is FAVORABLE to our people!
          1. +1
            25 July 2018 17: 39
            Quote: NEOZ
            how much is this?

            700 thousand only official participants of the ATO
            Quote: NEOZ
            integrate into our economic space,

            Russia and Ukraine have money for this?
            Quote: NEOZ
            but much remains !!!

            Private property of Ukrainian ogigarchs. What kind of views do you have on them?
            Quote: NEOZ
            with weapons, too, trouble, but the road will master the road !!! ps after the civil and Great Patriotic War, the problem with arms on hand was resolved

            in 1956, Bandera was given amnesty because of the impossibility of their physical destruction.
            Russia is far from the USSR
            1. 0
              25 July 2018 18: 24
              Quote: Silvestr
              700 thousand only official participants of the ATO

              a lot ... so what?
              Quote: Silvestr
              Russia and Ukraine have money for this?

              did not understand the question .... for what?
              Quote: Silvestr
              What kind of views do you have on them?

              in the sense? if it is private property, then it does not participate in the economic process? the question is not clear ....
              Quote: Silvestr
              Russia is far from the USSR

              then Bandera leave in the open with the capital in Lviv ....
              1. +1
                25 July 2018 20: 11
                Quote: NEOZ
                a lot ... so what?

                what to do with them and their companions?
                Quote: NEOZ
                if it is private property, then it does not participate in the economic process?

                how will their private property participate in integration?
                Quote: NEOZ
                Quote: Silvestr
                Russia and Ukraine have money for this?

                did not understand the question .... for what?

                Who will finance Ukraine? 150 billion S already poured, the result is "-0"
                Quote: NEOZ
                then Bandera leave in the open with the capital in Lviv ....

                They will not want to. What to do? you dispose of the land of Ukraine as a Bandera. Ukraine is a state recognized by the world, even though you don’t like it.
                1. 0
                  26 July 2018 10: 45
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  what to do with them and their companions?

                  see last paragraph
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  participate in integration?

                  as well as the Lipetsk factory "Roshen"
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  Who will finance Ukraine? 150 billion S already poured, the result is "-0"

                  what do you mean? what exactly to finance? what is 150 billion? why the result "0" is more detailed, please.
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  They will not want to. What to do?

                  already doing it so they want (kindly, a gun and a banknote)
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  Ukraine is a world recognized state

                  recognized as Yugoslavia? or like the GDR and the FRG? or like Czechoslovakia? or like the USSR? ... or like Libya? or how is Syria? maybe like Iraq?
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  you dispose of the land of Ukraine as a Bandera

                  I ask you to justify this statement.
    9. +2
      24 July 2018 12: 34
      Quote: Stas157
      What will happen there in Syria is not very interesting to anyone. Only one thing is interesting when we stop spending money on it, which, according to Medvedev, is simply not there, even for pensioners! All this Syrian epic dragged on very much, despite Putin's assurances

      I’ll tell you about Syria, as you know, we came to Syria, if not forever, then for a long time and the spending will not stop even if the war ends, there are two of our bases, and if we want to be a power to be reckoned with, we simply have to control in the middle of the sea, and if possible, Suez. I think soon the bases will become self-sustaining, as you know in Russia, capitalism and no one just doesn’t do anything right now. Our companies have already come there, the story with our mercenaries is just from there. And to put Syrian oil under control means to have leverage in the Middle East and it will be stronger than just our two bases. Which by the way will play the role of protecting our business.
      1. +7
        24 July 2018 14: 30
        Databases will become self-supporting? there shawarma with censers will open something or oligarchs from oil and gas profits will be unfastened for maintenance ?? The USSR was much more powerful, but did not create bases in Syria, probably there were fools in the General Staff laughing
        1. +3
          24 July 2018 14: 41
          Quote: twviewer
          The USSR was much more powerful, but did not create bases in Syria ...

          ... but he created them in Cuba, in Vietnam, well, he kept the ATS, to the heap ...
          Quote: twviewer
          probably there were fools in the General Staff

          Yep, exactly good
          Watch less telly, think more. This is good advice. Yes
          1. +5
            24 July 2018 14: 43
            You buy me a TV and I will watch laughing maybe I don’t know what, for example, where is Syria and where is Cuba tongue
            PS Although it is unlikely that real journalism will be shown there
            1. +2
              24 July 2018 15: 13
              Quote: twviewer

              That is, about
              Quote: Golovan Jack
              Quote: twviewer
              The USSR was much more powerful, but did not create bases in Syria ...

              ... but he created them in Cuba, in Vietnam, well, he kept the ATS, to the heap...

              no objections.
              Well, I thought so Yes
              1. +6
                24 July 2018 15: 23
                You think a lot and read a little - it’s obvious.
                Quote: twviewer
                The USSR was much more powerful, but did not create bases in Syria

                And what about the TV then?
                1. +2
                  24 July 2018 15: 48
                  Quote: twviewer
                  The USSR was much more powerful, but did not create bases in Syria

                  Basting on Coke - start over:
                  Quote: Golovan Jack
                  ... but he created them in Cuba, in Vietnam, well, he kept the ATS, to the heap ...

                  And the TV set is not a horse for you ... so what about
                  Quote: twviewer
                  You buy me a TV and I will watch ...

                  ... it is unlikely request
      2. +3
        24 July 2018 18: 25
        vkfriendly, touched part of the phrase "the role of protecting our business", Russian business has little to do with Russia, and our definition certainly does not fit it; anyone’s, but definitely not ours ..
    10. 0
      25 July 2018 08: 32

      Stasik, sometimes it’s better to be silent than to speak. hi
    11. 0
      26 July 2018 09: 19
      ... to walk widely, tear pants, shame will fall out ..
    12. -1
      28 July 2018 21: 35
      In Syria, oil and gas, but profits from LDNR will never be received - of course, it can be integrated into the Russian Federation, but again these are dough mountains, and what can they do now?
      It is foolish to disgrace to fight for arms with Ukraine - because there is no serious raw material base that will return losses from the company. So cleanly throwing into this firebox will be just the right time anyway, there everything will end with the complete destruction of statehood and yet another Makhnovism, a matter of time - and in the Russian Federation it is well understood - playing for a long time.
    13. +1
      24 August 2018 14: 51
      Any war is a redistribution of markets. In Syria, this is unambiguous, because if the states managed to push the gas pipeline from Qatar to Turkey, the country's budget would lose a third of its income, which would not affect all of us in the best way.
  2. +1
    24 July 2018 05: 58
    Maybe it’s all the same, in the economy? The author somehow one-sidedly made an analysis of this action. After all, besides the USA, there are other countries. And to throw off the yuan, obviously early, given the potential of the jade dragon.
    1. +1
      24 July 2018 06: 46
      Quote: dog breeder
      Maybe it’s all the same, in the economy?

      right, the whole problem is from the head ... how it works.
  3. 0
    24 July 2018 06: 04
    Recently, here in the VO, the numbers 130 trillion came across. There were 50 left. ???
    1. +11
      24 July 2018 06: 48
      Quote: Rust
      Recently, here in the VO, the numbers 130 trillion came across. There were 50 left. ???

      about real estate and children, they didn’t say something, did everyone evacuate? Well then, yes, you can "advance"!
    2. +1
      24 July 2018 08: 41
      Less than 15 billion is left.
      1. dSK
        24 July 2018 20: 15
        Quote: Flame
        15 billion

        According to the report for May, we need to wait for the report for June - both filed and can buy, Brent goes to "90", incomes are growing ...
  4. +4
    24 July 2018 06: 43
    Time will tell ... "who, why and why" ...
  5. +1
    24 July 2018 08: 05
    Coincidence? Dmitry Kiselev does not think so ...

    And what does Kiselev think? And what does Kisilev have to do with it?
    1. +6
      24 July 2018 12: 39
      Turn on a zombie man on Sunday evening and citizen Kiselev will tell you that this is such a tricky plan, at the same time you will see pensioners in the gym
  6. +1
    24 July 2018 08: 56
    And this in connection with this transfer, the Central Bank lost 5 billion dollars? (as they wrote)
    1. 0
      24 July 2018 10: 15
      Quote: Larum
      And this in connection with this transfer, the Central Bank lost 5 billion dollars? (as they wrote)

      What to do, yes, there are losses, but the direction of the course is the right, right decision to withdraw from treasure.
      1. AUL
        24 July 2018 11: 45
        IMHO, it’s better to lose 5 billion now than after - that's it!
    2. 0
      24 July 2018 14: 58
      Quote: Larum
      And this in connection with this transfer, the Central Bank lost 5 billion dollars? (as they wrote)

      On the fence it is also written ......, and there is firewood. Now such scribblers have gone as they write, they write that it’s better not to read while looking at night, otherwise you won’t fall asleep, you’ll still think how much the Central Bank has lost. lol
  7. +10
    24 July 2018 10: 07
    Quote: populist
    The Russian authorities are too weak and cowardly for active action at the moment. The exit from the treasury is explained by the danger of freezing in the event of a serious failure at the last negotiations in Helsinki. The Kremlin is not capable of serious activity against US interests

    The Russian authorities are not even conducting attacking actions, only retaliatory "asymmetric" actions. With regards to Ukraine and the Donbass, then not a single strong state will endure the nursery of the Nazi and any other threat under its side. The EU and the USA are smashing everyone who is within their reach and cannot really answer. Even the Saudis have a kind of imperial policy. As for the treasuries, they took it out, but that doesn’t mean that you invested in the country, just a change of assets, you changed it like a ruble deposit into cash dollars or vice versa, but you didn’t do home repairs and didn’t buy a car.
    1. +7
      24 July 2018 14: 31
      Guys, I am surprised at your thoughts. Do you really think there is an opportunity to make such a colossus as Russia rich and happy overnight? That we should or simply must do some harm to the USA Putin takes steps to build an independent strong power Who wants to move to Ukraine faster There they did everything very quickly I think you will like Reset of US securities there is just one more step in building a new Russia And you don’t need to look for more in it than this step Anyway, we won’t see the whole picture. Wrong review level. Did you know something about Russian hypersonic weapons a year ago? But it already was. And now don’t bother with idle ideas. Papers have not been dumped for the sake of momentary effect. This is the state’s policy and its result is another step in the new Russia’s long road. disputes and just readers
  8. +11
    24 July 2018 10: 16
    Quote: kepmor
    our king didn’t put on a hat ... the bins are empty ... the boyars are getting fat ...

    1) About the cap. The size of our country suggests only a Monomakh hat regardless of other factors.
    2) The bins are quite full, the country has 8 trillion rubles, both on balances and cut off by the budget rule.
    3) The boyars are getting fat, I agree with this and are estranged from the people in every sense. In principle, there is no sense in them and it is possible without crushing the country to crush them, at least financially.
    1. +1
      24 July 2018 12: 12
      The boyars are gaining weight, I agree with this and are estranged from the people in every sense. In principle, there is no sense in them and it is possible without crushing the country to crush them, at least financially.

      how much% will your financial income increase after that?

      you better not want others to be crushed, but create your own something and develop it. Not? Give work to friends, pay them a large white salary, show how it should.

      So much crazy in your posts, but still hasn’t helped to improve the financial situation of your loved ones

      You think all about high. About the boyars. Understand. Once.

      But try to convert your rank on this forum into something you feel. Become a capitalist with a human face and give the wage workers the lion's share of the profits.

      Buy them an apartment - do not be like an ordinary businessman, but be like a socialist businessman

      Why you do not want? And you only want to be clever in the forum and criticize the authorities. Why are you trying to get in there with your advice?

      Why didn’t you begin to help yourself with tips?

      The bins are quite full, the country has 8 trillion rubles, both on balances and cut off by the budget rule.

      and here you are again about trillions in the hectic forum
      1. 0
        24 July 2018 12: 24
        The boyars are getting fat, I agree with this and move away from the people in all senses.

        as here on the forum nonpolitians like to write such a game. But demand creates supply, yes, Altoha?)
      2. +5
        24 July 2018 15: 15
        Quote: conservative
        Become a capitalist with a human face and give the wage workers the lion's share of the profits.

        And what costs include this action? Have you been dealing with the tax for a long time? Or is the acquisition of the human face of a capitalist costing taxes twice as much as an animal? Well, then who needs it if it is not encouraged by the state? No need to juggle and jerk, dear! hi
        1. 0
          24 July 2018 19: 20
          salary 80k + 13 salary. I think the tax will not be shocked by such a scheme for encouraging workers

          Well, then who needs it if it is not encouraged by the state?

          I don’t know what should be specifically encouraged by the state. An increase in salaries to employees by reducing the tax burden?

          No need to juggle and jerk, dear! hi

          Boyars gobble up and then move away. How not to fuss about it?)
          1. 0
            25 July 2018 11: 41
            Quote: conservative
            The boyars gobble and then move away.

            The more belly the farther they are from the people. It is strange that you do not understand this. However, probably not so strange. Russia is rich in bad roads and unrecognized geniuses.
            1. 0
              25 July 2018 11: 43
              The more belly the farther they are from the people.

              what do you care about someone's belly? Well, if in fact.

              You should be interested in yours.

              I, too, are people, like be. And to me from the fact that someone's belly is growing - well, it's not warm, it's not cold. Well, his belly has grown - well, hey. Puzo is harmful. Karma is. And everything is back

              1. +1
                25 July 2018 11: 44
                Quote: conservative
                what do you care about someone's belly? Well, if in fact.

                If this concerns me, and this is exactly the case in this case, then there is a case.
                1. 0
                  25 July 2018 11: 46
                  Well, the main thing here is to understand - that from the fact that his belly will decrease or that he will be removed from this life as a character altogether, it will not be better for us to live. There will be a new one in its place.

                  It's like fighting windmills. It must be left to the appropriate authorities and the people should not have a headache about this.

                  Let the investigator, prosecutor, and judge have a headache about this.

                  And if someone from the people wants to fight corruption - you have to study at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, get a law degree and extinguish corrupt officials with reinforced concrete evidence.

                  After all, if you want to do well, you need to do it yourself.

                  1. 0
                    25 July 2018 11: 52
                    Quote: conservative
                    It must be left to the appropriate authorities and the people should not have a headache about this.

                    Thank you, of course, but I myself will decide what and how I need it, the opinion of the anonymus from the Internet in this regard is of course extremely important, but for me it is somehow secondary. smile
                    1. 0
                      25 July 2018 11: 53
                      I am ridiculous characters - who on the forum act as an investigator, judge and prosecutor. Well, part-time - economization. And a little more commander

                      But everyone has the right to do what he wants. So go ahead)

                      But remember that everyone should do his own thing - and only then will order)
                      1. 0
                        25 July 2018 12: 04
                        Quote: conservative
                        I am ridiculous characters - who on the forum act as an investigator, judge and prosecutor. Well, part-time - economization. And a little more commander

                        "This is a free country, isn't it?" laughing
                        Quote: conservative
                        But remember that everyone should do his own thing - and only then will order)

                        If the orders had not changed, you would still hang out with your tail clinging to a branch of a palm tree. smile
          2. 0
            26 July 2018 10: 03
            Quote: conservative
            salary 80k + 13 salary. I think the tax will not be shocked by such a scheme for encouraging workers

            Dear, I will be in shock, after paying taxes and fees from such a salary and bonus !!! If the government encouraged bonuses and salaries, then everyone would pay "white", and not all other types! So you don’t mock over the boyars, who are doing well and therefore breed like mice, but over us freelancers. By the way, the number of bureaucrats-managers in Sevastopol increased in comparison with the Ukrainian period, 3 times - 2500 against 840! How do you comment on this? This is instead of computers, apparently, the bureaucrats were set up to speed up the process of processing incoming data. And the number of employees of state institutions will reach 20073 people - i.e. plus almost 500 more.
      3. 0
        25 July 2018 11: 37
        Quote: conservative
        but create your own and develop.

        You with such advice would go to the followers of privatization 2.0. First get it, yeah how.
        Quote: conservative
        Become a capitalist with a human face and give the wage workers the lion's share of the profits.

        Negotiate already. Lose the competition to the capitalist with a non-human face, not limited by anything in his actions.
        1. 0
          25 July 2018 11: 39
          Lose the competition to the capitalist with a non-human face, not limited by anything in his actions.

          voooot. see how it turns out when you turn on your head and start thinking about business development. the interests of the hired staff fade into the background and you start to think that 80 k and 13 are good, but scans 50 (at 25 in an envelope) and instead of 13 you can fine someone to increase profitability

          and the characters here poke olegarchs and teach them a Jew.

          You with such advice would go to the followers of privatization 2.0. First get it, yeah how.

          Well, nevertheless, people are spinning, creating production and with a loan of 10% per annum
          1. 0
            25 July 2018 11: 49
            Quote: conservative
            voooot. see how it turns out when you turn on your head and start thinking about business development. the interests of the hired staff fade into the background and you start to think that 80 k and 13 are good, but scans 50 (at 25 in an envelope) and instead of 13 you can fine someone to increase profitability

            And where are we going at such a pace? Well, turn on your head and tell me about the bright post-industrial future.
            Quote: conservative
            Well, nevertheless, people are spinning, creating production and with a loan of 10% per annum

            I am happy for people who love to cry, prick and continue to eat cactus. But I’m not like that, and so objectively our interests in this regard do not coincide.
            1. 0
              25 July 2018 11: 51
              And where are we going at such a pace? Well, turn on your head and tell me about the bright post-industrial future.

              where? That's life. There was an experiment with communism and ephemeral justice - but you see that something went wrong.

              I am happy for people who love to cry, prick and continue to eat cactus. But I’m not like that, and so objectively our interests in this regard do not coincide.

              but then everyone looks at those who thrashed themselves, cried and paid taxes (took risks, paid a loan) - they look at his big car and they say - he stole. He stole from us and took a jeep.
              1. 0
                25 July 2018 11: 59
                Quote: conservative
                There was an experiment with communism and ephemeral justice - but you see that something went wrong.

                Communism must be grown. As it was before capitalism, so I don’t need fairy tales about ephemerality.
                Quote: conservative
                but then everyone looks at those who thrashed themselves, cried and paid taxes (took risks, paid a loan) - they look at his big car and they say - he stole. He stole from us and took a jeep.

                By and large it is. The surplus value is already a theft. Someone can and justify the bribe taker. He also took the risk. laughing
                1. 0
                  25 July 2018 12: 01
                  . Someone can and justify the bribe taker. He also took the risk. laughing

                  the bribe taker is not equal to the capitalist.

                  you were mistaken by the shore.

                  Communism must be grown.

                  judging by where we ended up after this construction, we have not yet grown. So we continue to grow.
                  1. +1
                    25 July 2018 12: 11
                    Quote: conservative
                    the bribe taker is not equal to the capitalist.
                    you were mistaken by the shore.

                    It all depends on the criteria.
                    Quote: conservative
                    judging by where we ended up after this construction, we have not yet grown.

                    For now, probably yes.
                    Quote: conservative
                    So we continue to grow.

                    I’m yes, but by definition you are the force that slows down the development of society, and alas, you can’t grow in any way, except perhaps in breadth. How is it there? "The boyars are getting fat." smile
    2. -1
      28 July 2018 21: 42
      either the stupid lazy proletariat - and the proletariat is so loudly said - often unemployed or huckster is of course the elite and the foundation of society. well yes . in the scoop it was. other times — not the brains are needed, and thank God the 90s ended when this most arrogant proletariat everywhere — now it is shod with those with brains and knowledge. Yes, the proletariat is lacking and the gangsters from the 90s are often in power — well, they are from the people — the scoop is indestructible — but they will also leave - because there is nothing to do with it inferior.
      So let the boyars gobble up - if only the boyars would be big-headed. And so here we have capitalism, as in developed countries, and the fatness of the boyars is the main task of the system.
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +2
    24 July 2018 12: 27
    There was already a referendum in the Donbass kakbe, but Putin did not support it, he said early. Now, what is it - the time has come, so it turns out !?
  11. +3
    24 July 2018 14: 03
    And even China is still not able to lift these restrictions, without already exposing its financial system to the risk of imposing any unilateral sanctions on the part of the United States and its satellites.
    Perhaps the Kremlin is looking more calmly at such a perspective, since it has the right to “veto” in the UN Security Council, and it simply will not allow any resolutions against its own interests.

    The veto right in the UN Security Council is the veto right that only five permanent members of the UN Security Council (UN) have: the United Kingdom, China, Russia, the United States and France

    either I don’t understand, or China has a different veto right, or the author knows that something we don’t know?
    1. 0
      25 July 2018 00: 50
      Quote: akunin

      either I don’t understand, or China has a different veto right, or the author knows that something we don’t know?

      You do not understand that Iran has no “veto” right. And in order to cancel a resolution that has already been voted, the right of "veto" is not necessary - it is necessary that states like the United States and the United Kingdom agree with this, which will never happen. Therefore, the right to "veto" China will not help, since it will receive unilateral sanctions from its largest markets, filed as a violation of the current Security Council resolution.
      Read the material carefully. Then try to think. Perhaps as a result, you can not sit in a puddle in front of thousands of readers.
      Thank you.
      1. 0
        27 July 2018 14: 53
        You do not understand that Iran does not have the right to "veto"
        you won’t believe it, but I understand it because I can read (list of countries above in the commentary)
        This is due to the fact that the seizure of funds was carried out as a result of sanctions announced by the UN
        and read it
        i'm not worried about iran
        Perhaps the Kremlin is looking more calmly at such a perspective, since it has the right to “veto” in the UN Security Council, and it simply will not allow any resolutions against its own interests.
        it is not clear why the Kremlin can "sleep peacefully and dream ..." but China does not?
        And yet it is alarming: Americans can twist the arms of almost everyone except China, and Beijing is under such pressure that it is almost impossible to predict its response to American threats.
        unfortunately it’s impossible to think (you are for me), but the facts are stubborn things (from the text of the article).
  12. +2
    24 July 2018 14: 04
    Quote: kepmor
    present times are somewhat reminiscent of the late leonid ilyich period.

    it’s not like I lived at that time And I think you’d blurt something similar about Ilyich you would understand and quickly the difference between Ilyich and Vladimir Now you can bark any mongrel on an elephant So bark use The dog barks the wind as my mother said so as not to be unsubstantiated an example from the life of my village then Youth in the evening after dancing spoiled several portraits of the Politburo, painted beards, stuck cigarette butts, and so on. In the morning everyone was at the police station. They got everything. Someone left after the perestroika.
  13. +6
    24 July 2018 14: 15
    Quote: conservative
    how much% will your financial income increase after that?

    you better not want others to be crushed, but create your own something and develop it. Not? Give work to friends, pay them a large white salary, show how it should.

    So much crazy in your posts, but still hasn’t helped to improve the financial situation of your loved ones

    You think all about high. About the boyars. Understand. Once.

    I don’t remember that I drank with you on the Brudershaft. I ask you not to poke. The petty-bourgeois formula "if you are so smart, why so poor", please do not apply to me. I am quite able to increase production at any enterprise and create quite normal working groups for myself, knowledge quite allowed and allow me to do this. As for well-being, everything is fine in my financial plan. I completely own any financial instruments. If you do not like my comments, then you can not read them, they are not addressed to your poor petty bourgeois brain.
    1. +1
      25 July 2018 23: 08
      Quote: Altona
      Petty-bourgeois formula "if you are so smart, why so poor" please do not apply to me

      And why, actually? How are you so different from all the others?
      Quote: Altona
      I myself can quite increase production at any enterprise ...

      These are just your words. Suggest to believe?
      Quote: Altona
      I completely own any financial instruments

      These are also just your words. What is there, by the way, for the "tools"? If only they called a couple, purely for solidity.
      Quote: Altona
      If you do not like my comments, then you can not read them, they are not addressed to your poor petty bourgeois brain

      good laughing good
      Altona, does the crown press you?
  14. +7
    24 July 2018 14: 19
    Quote: conservative
    as here on the forum nonpolitians like to write such a game. But demand creates supply, yes, Altoha?)

    To non-Poltsev more you relate. My nickname is written exactly as it is written, and not as you interpret. This word meant a code signal for non-aggression of Germany on the USSR in 1941. But apparently you don’t need to know such people as "enlightened", just as you don’t need to know much more. You just have to be rude in the comments, Mr. Conservative? Or not? And by the way, about create. What did you create? I created about 150 constructions of specialized transport and about 2000 various kinds of non-standard equipment. What did you create?
    PS As for the "capitalist with a human face" in general is nonsense. Do you know how difficult it is in our country to produce something and develop production? And overcoming these difficulties, you will give all your working capital to workers instead of developing production, it’s better to buy a CNC machine for a million and generally remove the worker, if you think about the logic of the capitalist. Double nonsense. You already created a workplace, pay a salary, and also give an apartment. For what, it is not clear?
    1. +1
      24 July 2018 14: 48
      Quote: Altona
      PS As for the "capitalist with a human face" in general is nonsense. Do you know how difficult it is in our country to produce something and develop production? And overcoming these difficulties, you will give all your working capital to workers instead of developing production, it’s better to buy a CNC machine for a million and generally remove the worker, if you think about the logic of the capitalist. Double nonsense. You already created a workplace, pay a salary, and also give an apartment. For what, it is not clear?

      Strange you seem to be with a conservative for one ... but bark ... for what ?!

      Both are ready "You already created a workplace, pay a salary, and also give an apartment. For what, is it unclear?" - tear three skins ... because yours "Do you know how difficult it is in our country to produce something and develop production?" as it is very leveled ...

      It is difficult when you organized production and do not tear three skins ... by the way, how many years should a hard worker work at your enterprise to buy an apartment?
      1. +2
        24 July 2018 23: 39
        Dear Dail !!! Where did you see the contradiction at Altona? The essence of our tax system is that it is simply not possible to develop an enterprise and pay high salaries for not direct taxes. Many appeal that taxes are higher in the West! But there it is direct taxes and we have, in addition to direct wagons and a small indirect cart, which in terms of normal market relations should not exist at all. It is thanks to state policy that the normal laws of a market economy in Russia do not work unfortunately.
        1. +1
          25 July 2018 22: 39
          Quote: Nehist
          Dear Dail !!! Where did you see the contradiction at Altona? The essence of our tax system is that it is simply not possible to develop an enterprise and pay high salaries for not direct taxes. Many appeal that taxes are higher in the West! But there it is direct taxes and we have, in addition to direct wagons and a small indirect cart, which in terms of normal market relations should not exist at all. It is thanks to state policy that the normal laws of a market economy in Russia do not work unfortunately.

          1) List direct and indirect taxes with us with the usual tax system, with simplified (two types), without the formation of a legal entity ...
          2) List what "they have" ...
          3) Do not forget to indicate how much taxes are paid, unlike us, the workers themselves ...

          At the expense of market laws ... try to organize a serious business there, or at least ask how their citizens get there ... and you will see the same thing (yours and ours) ...

          In one thing, it’s worse for sure, if they put it in your pocket, then this pocket is in the same place, and we have most of it taken out ... although the trend is more and more like ours - we are studying ... laughing And here, God willing, it will be the other way around ... Yes, I do not at all justify that they steal ...
          By the way, they robbed and robbed the whole world now, and at the same time put themselves almost as a benefactor (remember the Queen of England and such a historical character as Francis Drake) - in fact, their business is practically built on it now ...

          Is it good or bad?
          Do you agree to rob and kill for the welfare of your country?

          You tell us yours is enough, and America is not a penny in size (and add Mexico there, where they completely host, well then the Mexicans live so poorly then ... laughing )
  15. 0
    24 July 2018 14: 38
    It is not a matter of perspicacity or preparation for any drastic actions, it’s simpler. Between China and the United States, a trade war has begun that Europe is slowly getting involved in. The process will be long, tedious, and without winners. In the process, the dollar can crash, big leaps for sure. Any financier in such a situation, he will try to minimize financial losses by scattering capital over independent funds.
  16. 0
    24 July 2018 14: 51
    Quote: siberalt
    Money withdrawn from the USA to Russia did not return. Not for that they were taken there. And no one will know what addresses they went to. Option "gold party" worked out perfectly. winked

    And please tell me where this money went. I, like you, really want to know !! laughing
  17. +5
    24 July 2018 15: 48
    By transferring its foreign assets (Gold and foreign currency reserves) from US government bonds to accounts with commercial banks, Russia essentially won nothing - in total terms, there was just as much money left, and the risks of freezing or confiscation of assets did not go away.
    The country is witnessing yet another fake achievement by the Kremlin Corporation.

    In normal developed countries, citizens really do not like when the authorities hold them by fools.
  18. +1
    24 July 2018 15: 51
    Quote: siberalt
    Money withdrawn from the USA to Russia did not return. Not for that they were taken there. And no one will know what addresses they went to. Option "gold party" worked out perfectly. winked

    And why did you decide that they should have returned? They were only transferred from one form of assets to another.

    True, sometimes they come back, for example, for loans to Yanukovych ..
  19. 0
    24 July 2018 16: 09
    Quote: kepmor
    if the comparison and analogy is the same for you, then I am sorry for you ....

    Well, you’re a direct poured Aisman! However, alas - not Mueller! wassat
  20. +1
    24 July 2018 18: 54
    Quote: conservative
    The boyars are gaining weight, I agree with this and are estranged from the people in every sense. In principle, there is no sense in them and it is possible without crushing the country to crush them, at least financially.

    how much% will your financial income increase after that?

    you better not want others to be crushed, but create your own something and develop it. Not? Give work to friends, pay them a large white salary, show how it should.

    So much crazy in your posts, but still hasn’t helped to improve the financial situation of your loved ones

    You think all about high. About the boyars. Understand. Once.

    But try to convert your rank on this forum into something you feel. Become a capitalist with a human face and give the wage workers the lion's share of the profits.

    Buy them an apartment - do not be like an ordinary businessman, but be like a socialist businessman

    Why you do not want? And you only want to be clever in the forum and criticize the authorities. Why are you trying to get in there with your advice?

    Why didn’t you begin to help yourself with tips?

    The bins are quite full, the country has 8 trillion rubles, both on balances and cut off by the budget rule.

    and here you are again about trillions in the hectic forum

    If everyone suddenly rushed into business, as you advise, then who would work then? ...
    And if, hypothetically, the most profitable thing was, for example, mathematics, who then, for example, would grow bread, some, in your opinion, losers? ...
    1. +2
      24 July 2018 19: 56
      If everyone suddenly rushed into business, as you advise, then who would work then? ...

      What is in your head, do not understand the mechanisms at all.

      If everyone rushed to sell well, for example, popcorn, and one didn’t rush and began to make it, then he would be the most demanded, which means under capitalism the highest paid. For money is only a measure of social significance. It is only under the slave and socialist system that the most demanded can be the poorest.

      If you engage in unclaimed labor, then you will be a loser, but a loser is a concept of modern society, is not a complete synonym for the word loser. A person may well be happy, his undertakings are super successful, but unclaimed, which means he will be a loser.

      The paradox and misfortune of most people screaming here about communism as the only just society is that they really just want more money, because for them, money is the measure of success.
  21. 0
    24 July 2018 21: 59
    Strange as it may seem, despite the collapse of the army under Yeltsin, Russia took a leading place in the world (even China comes in second if you drop articles like “All Russian is poop!). A small amount of all this“ advanced ”weapons confuses! (And if Russia really says: “America and Europe, you are the“ highest race ”only in the mirror, and the dust from the“ Red Button ”is carelessly brushed off like that - it stinks in American pants! But this is so, theoretically ... And the deputies They always stole! Or did they steal less under Yeltsin? Right now, it’s dangerous to “clean the ranks”: they can “insert” big and thick from the outside! .. And when this “Outside” becomes silk, then the deputies will only have to bury money, because “ knocking "from this" outside "which, where and how much has put - will become prestigious for foreigners! Well, this is also a theory! Right now either the government has some tricky plan, or - the end of Russia has come! And neither rallies nor revolution save ... :( Time is very, very small! ..
  22. 0
    24 July 2018 22: 09
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Quote: Stas157
    And for what I campaigned?

    Didn’t you understand yourself?
    1. In Ukraine, in your opinion, "everything is wrong," as it should. You make war hotstsa.
    It was already about 3 years ago request
    2. Syria is a failed project and only Gazprom needs it lol
    3. Well, and "on the candy" -
    Quote: Stas157
    It’s too expensive to pay the Russian people, except increase in gas prices and VAT, even raising retirement age

    The standard set of agitator-throat, not? wink

    Syrian oil for Gazprom? There’s no one to develop its own normally, let alone sell. It’s enough to write about oil. Oil costs a penny, and is valuable only for those countries where it is not. But in your opinion, it captured a refinery and grandmother flowed into your pocket Of course, they will flow in ten years, if you capture oil refineries and wells, you can keep them in the war zone for these years, you can ensure their smooth operation, you can find a buyer, you can take them out, and most importantly for all this you will spend millions of dollars at first. you’ll work at a loss for ten years. Tales about the oil war are for preschoolers to leave.
    1. +1
      24 July 2018 22: 23
      You do not know how to read.
      Quote: Golovan Jack
      2. Syria is a failed project and only Gazprom needs it lol

      - it was a paraphrase of my opponent’s words (there is such Stas157) that
      Quote: Stas157
      ... No one still really knows what Putin is fighting for at the far approaches! But many guess that these are purely business interests of our elite...

      Therefore, before rushing into battle - make a minimum reconnaissance, or something. In other words - get acquainted with what is actually being discussed. Otherwise, it’s easy to get into a mess.
      What have you successfully done now?
      And to be rude:
      Quote: Xscorpion
      Stop talking about oil

      - bad for karma. Ministry of Health warned (s) Yes
  23. +2
    24 July 2018 22: 41
    it seems the rain begins (cartoon Winnie the Pooh)
    which are likely to go against American interests

    seems sure- forecasting by the author is not very. Yes, and the theme is also long-playing, Syria, Ukraine ... why not Russia then - here the battles on the internal front are more interesting.
    Embed, says Shoigu. And we will not allow money to be stolen, Nabiullina adds shyly.

  24. +2
    25 July 2018 00: 08
    Quote: Golovan Jack

    Golimy, Golovan, Golimy. Yes Sorry to correct ... feel
    And the rest, I agree. Yes
    1. +1
      25 July 2018 06: 06
      Quote: Angry Guerrilla

      Strongly welcome hi
      It is so, and so it is possible, oddly enough. I like my version more ... like
      ... carry Galya wooooo ...

  25. 0
    25 July 2018 01: 53
    During the World Cup on football over the northern region of the southern regional center located in the immediate vicinity of Ukraine, aerial activity was seen in the form of an east-west transfer of Mi-8 helicopters for at least 50-70 units over several days ... tired of counting \ plumping . Due to the lack of visual observation equipment besides the balcony, and hungover eyes (no numbers were visible) ... I got the impression of building up the funds, and I remembered a 2014 YouTube video about dozens of mi-8s in the air of Crimea. The version of the hours-long (from approximately 12-00 to 23-00) training of several turntables seems self-evident, although it is not excluded.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      25 July 2018 02: 07
      And yes ... the body kit was different for the turntables and there were including pair spans ... so maybe the GDP and the "greens" were cached ...
  26. 0
    25 July 2018 07: 37
    Someone shouted why it was necessary to invest, support the enemy, and dehydrate their own. The papers were thrown off, the enemy did not care, we better not live.
  27. 0
    26 July 2018 09: 21
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    Quote: Stas157
    And for what I campaigned?

    Didn’t you understand yourself?
    1. In Ukraine, in your opinion, "everything is wrong," as it should. You make war hotstsa.
    It was already about 3 years ago request
    2. Syria is a failed project and only Gazprom needs it lol
    3. Well, and "on the candy" -
    Quote: Stas157
    It’s too expensive to pay the Russian people, except increase in gas prices and VAT, even raising retirement age

    The standard set of agitator-throat, not? wink

    ... premium begging ..
  28. 0
    26 July 2018 09: 26
    Quote: KLV2018
    Quote: Silvestr
    Quote: KLV2018
    and who is Dmitry Kisilev?

    peacock television, changing beliefs depending on the host country

    forgive the political

    ... so - money does not smell ..
  29. 0
    26 July 2018 19: 44
    And should it be strongly tied to Russia in a confrontation in eastern Ukraine? For what? To give the US another reason to come up with something else and force the EU to follow the US? After a year and a half, interest in Ukraine in the West will decline. Those who organized all this, as well as the residents of Ukraine, who allowed to do with Ukraine what started after the Maidan and what should be corrected in Ukraine, should first of all be the first to blame for what happened in Ukraine on the Maidan. Perhaps Russia will help them in something. But while the people in Ukraine "have not ripened."
  30. 0
    28 July 2018 15: 20
    Paper thrown off, it's time to attack!

    To tread? Russia? Under the direction of this burry thief with the Supreme Roof? "Do not tell my horseshoes" (c)
    And where did they drop it? Where is the money, Zin? (c) They are silent about that.