Do not let the bear drive. European journalism nostalgic for Goebbels

While some of our compatriots bubbled with mock optimism against the background of the World Cup, which allegedly turned the paradigm of Russophobia and hardened stereotypes in foreign cranial boxes, Western adherents of the next crusade against the "Oriental barbarians" did not give their paranoia a chance for a cure.

The natural basis for the cultivation of the Western phobias of the whole biomass of Russia in relation to Russia is the implantation of the conviction that Russians are inferior in Goebbels. The first such Goebbels swallow after the championship was the article from the German agitist Die Tageszeitung, in which a certain Andreas Ruttenauer declared that the Russians had turned into people, but only for the duration of the championship. That's how it is! I wonder if Andreas would replace the word “Russians” with the word “Jews” or “negros”, would his European ass remain in the same warm armchair?

But it was the first beast. And since agitation, especially in its cave version, is unthinkable without a systematic approach, less than a month passed, as Austria, once annexed by Germany, inserted its five euro cents with the pen of Klara Hürlimann from the local Tyrolean newspaper Tiroler Tageszeitung published in Innsbruck. I don’t know how much the Tyrolean frau is familiar with Russia and if she is familiar at all, but she managed to collect in a single material a decent amount of stereotypes and frank fakes that usually inhabit the garbage entertainment and gossip sites.

Do not let the bear drive. European journalism nostalgic for Goebbels

Klarochka started with the old phantom pain of the Western world about the size of our country. I can only guess how intense this frau's salivation was at the mere mention of the vast expanses of Russia. Undisguised irritation was clearly visible through the statistics lines: they say, the eastern barbarians own such vast lands. Whereas, the “civilized” West didn’t manage to control these lands, but even didn’t go over them without receiving a cap near Poltava or in Stalingrad. This is understandable, because the crown of the development of the western “thought” was another jackal attempt to “whistle” someone else's.

The next promise of the unlucky Clara was Yaroslavna weeping over the plight of gender equality in our Fatherland. Presumably, the German frau or Madame of France, fired by migrants in a circle, were satisfied? And the concealment of official statistics, according to which more than a hundred rapes by migrants were registered in Germany alone a month, was simply a minor flaw. However, Western thought does not stand still, and recently in European society have thought to pay for the safety of intimate places of Europeans, attention, intimate places of Europeans with low social responsibility, of course, at the expense of the European countries themselves. Apparently, the seditious thought of handing anxious, holey spoons did not attend them. But, according to Clara, that's true, European women are happy ...

Overjoyed Europeans surrounded by grateful "refugees"

The journalist also claims that having a wedding ring on her finger does not guarantee happiness in marriage for Russian women. I don’t know how to collect such statistics, but we must assume that European leaders are happy in marriage, although almost all are childless. Or was that manic shine in the eyes of the Macron Klarochka family seen as an indicator of happiness? And, perhaps, marital happiness with her head covered cutie Hillary, who, in my humble opinion, experienced an orgasm publicly and once in her life when news of the tragic death of Muammar Gaddafi reached her ...

And, of course, could not a woman of free Europe pass by the problem of the “lack of diversity of love” in Russia. Initially, even I did not immediately realize what lies beneath this packaging. For me, after all, “diversity” exists in the paradigm - I can love, I can not love. The rest is just technical details and a matter of fitness and imagination. But this, as it turned out, is about the eternal western bugfish with a blue tint and rear wheel drive. What kind of cockroaches and how exactly do they go in the Austrian head, if from the concern for the happiness of women, Clara has switched to the concerns of their direct competitors ...

This is followed by a subtle hint of the cave illiteracy of the Russians, like those of cockroaches. Clara, after consulting with her army in her head, cites statistical data, according to which 30% of our compatriots believe that the Sun rotates around the Earth.

We, of course, have problems with education, precisely because of the reforms of the Western model, but I have never heard of such statistics. However, we clearly did not reach the Western fashion trend of the violent insanity of the “flat land”. For those who remain on this side of reality, I will explain. In the 19 century in the country of the late Isaac Newton, the secular lunatic Mr. Rowbotham began to preach the idea of ​​a flat Earth. Like any insane, he was funny and artistic, so he made a good flock for himself.

Recent studies have shown that a third of the Yankees between the ages of 18 and 24 years are not sure that the earth is in the shape of a ball, or rather, a geoid. The avant-garde club of the flat Earth are not any marginals, but quite successful and wealthy people like rapper V.O.V.

Clara, being on the "right" way of turning the Russians into a wildly uneducated tribe, could not fail to describe the rituals of this tribe. She literally belches some kind of a jumble of superstitions, customs and traditions (not to greet the threshold, not to give an even number of flowers, etc.). By the way, this is characteristic of every nation. Paying tribute to Frau’s Austrian education, I’ll have the courage to remind you that the great German thinker Johann Goethe wrote: “Superstition is the poetry of life, so it’s not a shame for a poet to be superstitious.”

Another thing - the modern Germans or Austrians. For example, if you quietly sweat the chimney sweep, then, according to their belief, you will be happy. The terrible fear of the Austrians inspires the number of 13, from the seven they are thrilled, and every 2-th resident of Austria believes that the four-leaf clover brings good luck. But there are more colorful examples of schizophrenic superstitions, too - you can’t sneeze looking at the young moon. The statistics lover did not try to calculate how many Austrians choked on their own snot under the Moon, trying to observe the “correct” rituals?

And God forbid you to meet with a man who has a white cow, a white horse or a white cat. And how could I forget about this fat ball-shaped impotent bastard that climbs into houses on Christmas Day. But, as if this amateur reindeer herder was not enough for the Austrians, in Austria a small gadget in the form of the pagan demon Krampus, who eats naughty children dry, was added to this belief. From 5 to 6 December, in honor of this folklore maniac, saving Europeans from defective offspring, even arrange a carnival.

Krampus Annual Carnival

Here Clara's exposing tone gives a crack, and over-voltage cockroaches lose their order. And she for some time falls into the journalism level of "I read Wikipedia." From some corners of her subcortex, she recalls the invention of “Tetris” with Russian roots, but at the final stage of public discrimination on ethnic grounds returns to the “necessary” gauge.

Thus, in the rush of the sample “5 class, 2-I quarter”, the journalist begins to talk about the complexity of the Russian language and its incomprehensibility and even illogicality. Well, we will try. For example, when a conversation is heard in Italian, it is quite possible to assume that two hysterical girls with tightly smoked voices argue over money for services rendered. But in the end it turns out that two respectable gentlemen are talking about their favorite football team. And no one would argue that for a Russian ear, Germans even have lyric poems that were read with an expression - this is something between the order in the Prussian barracks and the rockfall in the mountains. And, of course, I will not mention the abundance of times in the English language, during the study of which I myself completely fell out of timelessness.

And the statement of an Austrian, that inside our language there is another language - abusive, consisting of four words, is simply insulting. How, the whole nature of the domestic fighters cram into the framework of four words? .. No, and here our nature makes itself felt. Not enough to be!

And the main problem that does not leave Clara’s head in any way is the ban on lace panties in Russia. Well, in this matter I am not a professional. But no matter how great experts in panties were found in the neighboring country, according to my modest visual observations, there is no shortage of lace shorts in the beautiful half of our country. Perhaps, on old stocks keep? But the fact itself is life-affirming. For example, my grandmother bought matches for the future, and, as it turned out, she had to be cowards!

"Spetsy" from Ukraine know what to strive for

The journalist from Austria gives her entire text for “facts about Russia” - without arguments, references to authoritative sources, and some objective data. This is what she does not need, in view of the fact that this is a real manifestation of the inferiority of the Russian people veiled in wry irony. That's right, because Clara constantly pedals the ethnic component of his Goebbels opus. It would seem, who would seriously regard this writings of a minor Hitler Youth from the correction class? And in vain. After all, the philistine in the hectic days will continue to form under the influence of just this, without going into details. And over time, we may not notice how the next “drang nach osten” will be reinforced by the more thorough graphomania of the notoriously permanent fiasco in the East of Europeans.

So we fill KamAZ. We feed the bear by heating the borscht on a soaking nuclear reactor. We play on the balalaika in the intervals between writing denunciations. And again, on our bloody KamAZ, we get out on the road of rage in search of cowards for the faithful. And most importantly, keep the powder dry and do not let the bear behind the wheel, no matter how he asked.
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  1. +2
    24 July 2018 05: 00
    Comments? I am not an expert ....
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +13
      24 July 2018 11: 56
      I will express my opinion. A pretty good critical article. Yes, it is written harshly, with reservations from all the "sore spots", but you won’t take away your sense of humor. hi maybe you shouldn’t pay attention to every “bunch” of every stupid so-called “journalist”, but I read it with pleasure. Yes
      1. +1
        24 July 2018 16: 43
        We were, are and will be for these tolerant others, completely incomprehensible to the half-humans ... Let it be so, maybe history will teach them something. But only there will be no reconquest.
        1. +1
          24 July 2018 17: 37
          wait and see Dmitry! what
      2. 0
        25 July 2018 16: 20
        I agree with you, BUT these people believe the opus (though not all) in Europe ...
  2. +1
    24 July 2018 05: 14
    The dog gives - the caravan goes on.
    1. +5
      24 July 2018 05: 20
      Quote: Swetliy
      The dog gives ...

      ... whom (what, and why) gives dog?? belay
      And where does cowed??
      Nifiga has not entered, has not woken up yet, see ...
      1. +10
        24 July 2018 06: 50
        I wish Klarochka to take a walk on New Year's Eve in the night of Cologne ... her ass will pay for her bad head ....
  3. +5
    24 July 2018 06: 29
    Do not read German newspapers ...
  4. +11
    24 July 2018 06: 40
    “So we refuel KamAZ trucks. We feed the bear, warming up the borscht in the smoking nuclear reactor. We play the balalaika in between writing the denunciations.” ... we fix the ax behind the belt, distort the Kalashnikov’s shutter, check the presence of vodka in the flask ... now it’s possible in the way ... in front, to the West ... the roads of grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
  5. +18
    24 July 2018 06: 40
    My bear, after reading the journalist’s opus in the original language, said that this was all crazy about drugs. I will not quote it verbatim, there is a lot of obscene. But perhaps he will get his favorite tuna stuffed with buckwheat porridge for breakfast today. And we have not smoked the reactor for a long time, this is a lie, a new modular model - this is something, I advise everyone, take it you will not regret it!
    1. +5
      24 July 2018 12: 12
      The namesake, and my bear doesn’t even comment obscenely at the ravings, but offers not to feed him with his favorite red caviar, but asks him to buy a ticket to the geyropa and wants to taste such concerned ladies. I exhort him, they say it’s not the case, Toptygin has poison, but he doesn’t do it ... Grit until I try, I don’t understand what kind of animals they are ..... Just pray, let the owner go, buy a ticket, and then buy I myself .... So I think. And their magazines are sorry, and I don’t feel like upsetting the witches ... drinks laughing hi
    2. +6
      24 July 2018 13: 42
      Oh, I don’t know, I don’t like the modular model at all, firstly condensed milk cooked on it for a long time, and secondly, Mishka and I smoked fish on the old fish right away, and he could grind its claws right on the rod.
      1. +7
        24 July 2018 13: 59
        You, apparently, did not look at all the reactor modules. The manufacturer is so carried away that they are a separate catalog. There is a separate module for smoking, an automatic claw sharpener is also included .. even there is a special refrigerated module for polar bears living in the southern regions, a snow generator, with a den, all things are. fellow Mine has been begging for a month now, they say he missed the snow and do not care that for white, we will change the firmware, it will be for the brown. I read it, daredevil, the Internet ...
        1. +6
          24 July 2018 16: 44
          Damn, I’ve introduced it here, if this is our correspondence to American journalists, you can imagine with what headlines their newspapers will be published laughing wassat laughing
    3. +1
      24 July 2018 17: 41
      Quote: Wedmak
      But perhaps he will get his favorite tuna stuffed with buckwheat porridge for breakfast today.

      And so spies on trifles scorch. He feeds tuna with a bear ... when the whole country knows that the only food we have is a hedgehog by coupons. wink
      1. 0
        25 July 2018 21: 04
        Hedgehogs for us, humans, and in general, you have WHAT, never had your own bear? belay
  6. +12
    24 July 2018 06: 44
    article from the German propagandist Die Tageszeitung ...
    The German media, from large publications to yellow sheets, rapturously not only stigmatize Russia and our people, but also instill in the Germans fear and contempt for the Russians. Smart people used to say correctly that any business should be brought to the end. Now it becomes clear that in 1945 they were too kind on German territory and from the position of the winner showed excessive humanism. The descendants of the fascist degenerates live and prosper.
    1. +4
      24 July 2018 11: 41
      Quote: rotmistr60
      article from the German propagandist Die Tageszeitung ...
      The German media, from large publications to yellow sheets, rapturously not only stigmatize Russia and our people, but also instill in the Germans fear and contempt for the Russians. Smart people used to say correctly that any business should be brought to the end. Now it becomes clear that in 1945 they were too kind on German territory and from the position of the winner showed excessive humanism. The descendants of the fascist degenerates live and prosper.

      This is the main problem of Russia .. Too good .. Therefore, no one is afraid of us and does not respect us .. We would have put a German woman at 45m and there would have been no Hungary, Czechoslovakia and others .. And so they took 2% of everything that was destroyed and stolen from us. Who after this will take us seriously?
      1. +3
        24 July 2018 12: 16
        But our sworn friends don’t understand that when they talk about Russian nastiness, they not only brand us, but frighten their population so much that they have gone too far and fear has settled in the hearts of burghers .... But as Alistair Macklin wrote, “Fear is the key” .. . hi
        1. +3
          24 July 2018 12: 32
          They all understand. The population is intimidated for the next war, so that they would come at us with weapons in their hands (well, rob, mock, or rather forever solve the "Russian question"). So do not console yourself with the fact that they do not know what they are doing. Repair about the mid-end of the 30s of the 20th century. The same rhetoric of the West, the same slogans the same ...... fear.
          1. +2
            24 July 2018 14: 33
            The people were different ... (not a typo). There was such an actor Vesnik who fought. I read his reviews of German soldiers. He recalled how one prisoner had a revolver stuck in his teeth, and noted that he still remembers the melody that he whistled in the barrel. "these are the people we fought with," the actor used to say.
            1. +1
              24 July 2018 21: 09
              Quote: Russian quilted jacket
              The humans were different ..

              But this is true, the people chopped up in Europe and not only .. All this tolerance, tolerance and other multicultural nonsense was invented to castrate the most pasian people who threaten the dominance of the Anglo-Saxons led by God-chosen people on the planet .. Where are the Japanese right now? Or Swedes, Norse Vikings? Not to mention the Bundes muzzled to death .. We are also among the first candidates for destruction (house 2, economic policy, education, medicine), so far hardening has been saving for centuries, but the enemy is very insidious, and if nothing is done, everything will be sad ..
  7. +12
    24 July 2018 07: 05
    My friends from Norway, for the first time in my life, came to Russia, to St. Petersburg, for the football championship. They really feared for their lives, asked them to choose a hotel “in a safer place, somewhere,“ closed from Aboriginal and protected territory. ”In my words, it’s safer in St. Petersburg now than in Oslo, they don’t they believed. They stayed at a ParkIn hotel that it was safer near the airport. Arriving in St. Petersburg, they were simply awesome - they imagined this proud as something like Bogotá, where in the "old city, guarded by police and army, are concentrated museums and attractions and wealthy people live, and around him are the beggars of the beggars and a drunken crowd rages with balalaikas and bears, looking for gays to tear them to shreds. After two weeks of their stay, they left St. Petersburg with completely different feelings: first of all, they were awesome about how deceitfully and one-sidedly the Western media represent Russia. As it turned out, Peter is cleaner Oslo and safer. Heaps of migrants and various kinds of “free” hippie lumpens, occupying all the parks and central streets, where they live, wallow around Oslo. For all the time, no one has ever offered them drugs, illegal alcohol, girls-boys, as the "Arabs-Africans" in Oslo in the area of ​​the bus station and in other places visited. They also noted that the people in Russia are apparently richer than the Norwegians (well, this is a fallacy, of course), as they dress brighter and better than the Norwegians and female women in Russia are not afraid to use bright make-up, which makes them even more attractive. And of course, they noted that the Russians did not smile with a fake smile to everyone they met, as in the West, at first it bothered them, and then they “cut through the Russian chip” - “only the idiots are smiling all the time and insane "and found her, indeed, logical. In general, they left, slightly fucked up.
    1. +5
      24 July 2018 07: 52
      about the same reaction a familiar Frenchman was about to come to Moscow for a long time. He got together ... asked two days why there are no blacks and Arabs (apparently they got him pretty hard)? he was surprised at McDonald's (at first he only went to him) - exactly the same food as in Paris. Then I tasted food, vodka, surroundings, began to walk around the city, and not only to tourist places ...
      In general, he liked it ....
    2. +4
      24 July 2018 11: 33
      Quote: Snail N9
      They also noted that the people in Russia are apparently richer than the Norwegians (well, this is a mistake, of course), as they dress brighter and better,

      They were right, they were passing through the Berlin airport, I was very surprised at how untidily people were dressed, in crumpled trousers, greasy jackets, trodden shoes, the pain was less accurate by the Americans.
    3. +1
      24 July 2018 13: 51
      Quote: Snail N9
      what is safer in St. Petersburg now than in theirs Oslo, they did not believe.
      Damn it, it's good that these norgs do not speak Russian ... laughing That shame would be ... wassat
  8. BAI
    24 July 2018 09: 02
    Well what can I say? No words, only gestures.
  9. 0
    24 July 2018 09: 45
    This is what unsatisfied, miserable, terrible babes mean
    1. +1
      24 July 2018 11: 38
      But did you see her? Here are the people, just to write a thread. And why didn’t she like Andrei?TT-Chefredakteur Mario Zenhäusern mit Julia Baumgartl, Klara Hürlimann, Anja Larch (v. L.). In the center if that.
      1. +1
        24 July 2018 12: 21
        So satisfaction is different. Because of tolerance, she’s just a man and she’s not enough .... Women can’t count women for her. Deviations are the same different .... love
  10. +4
    24 July 2018 09: 54
    Quote: Strashila
    “So we refuel KamAZ trucks. We feed the bear, warming up the borscht in the smoking nuclear reactor. We play the balalaika in between writing the denunciations.” ... we fix the ax behind the belt, distort the Kalashnikov’s shutter, check the presence of vodka in the flask ... now it’s possible in the way ... in front, to the West ... the roads of grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

    Everyone remembered !!! Damn, but forgot to drink bear vodka ???? am
    1. +3
      24 July 2018 10: 49
      Quote: Old26
      Damn, but forgot to drink bear vodka ????

      Monsieur knows a lot about hunting games! laughing
      1. 0
        24 July 2018 12: 19
        How so .... Not vodka ... Monsieur you forgot such a Russian drink as moonshine .... Vodka from a bitch is not suitable for a bear .... But moonshine is a natural product .... I only need it wassat
    2. 0
      24 July 2018 17: 42
      Quote: Old26
      Everyone remembered !!! Damn, but forgot to drink bear vodka ????

      So once - everyone is standing in line for coupon coupons. sad
  11. kig
    24 July 2018 10: 54
    And the hunt is for you to wool someone else's press in search of all nasty things ...
  12. +4
    24 July 2018 11: 08
    Che for idiocy? Yes, there are fools everywhere, because one in the village is fun, but there is no fascism in relation to the Russians. I can say for sure for Sweden that in some towns even Russian migrants are welcome. But with the Arabs and blacks there, yes, the trouble is one big, even patrols appeared against them. So, they have other troubles, certainly not to the Russians.
  13. 0
    24 July 2018 12: 59
    Good article, laughed heartily.
  14. +2
    24 July 2018 13: 15
    What can you do? Propaganda is a relatively new weapon of mass destruction. Moreover, quite effective. And in this form, WMD Russia loses. Yes, there is RT for non-CIS countries, there is ORT, the 1st channel for an internal audience. And what is there for the near abroad? What works for the countries of the former USSR, where should active work be conducted? There is nothing.
  15. 0
    24 July 2018 13: 32
    Oh-oh-oh-oh oh
  16. +4
    24 July 2018 13: 40
    oh oh oh author, why are there so many letters? Run, perhaps your grandmother that bad Europeans offend you, let her kick their ears. Roll up such a sheet only to once again record the fact of Russophobia, stupid and cave? Half an hour to argue with some profursetka from some ragged newspaper? What for? Europe has always been an enemy, an enemy and has remained. And it behaves exactly as it should be for the enemy. Well, let them collect rumors and gossip, if the brains are not enough to think. I just strongly doubt that a new drang tries will grow out of this. He is not fed up with stupid stories about superstitions, but with tank divisions. What Europe is not doing well with. And who will sit in the tanks in those divisions? Let them feed their children with Russophobia, but also because of tolerance and rear-wheel drive types of love. So not the legions of the SS will go to us (if at all), but the legions of fighting homosexuals. Which will first surrender to our brutal barbarian men. Well, or as an option, legions of illegal and legal migrants. Which doesn’t sound at all frightening, but frankly funny. So let them scare each other and hate us if such a hunt. While they are afraid, everything is fine.
  17. 0
    24 July 2018 15: 46
    Quote: staviator
    But did you see her? Here are the people, just to write a thread. And why didn’t she like Andrei?TT-Chefredakteur Mario Zenhäusern mit Julia Baumgartl, Klara Hürlimann, Anja Larch (v. L.). In the center if that.

    What shall we see her? She is furious that her own grandmother did not want to have these terrible Russians in the 45th! From which all occupied Europe moaned in horror?
  18. +1
    24 July 2018 17: 10
    Ball-skiers they are these Europeans! What to take from them? They will climb again with their idea of ​​"world domination", will be in the 1945 year, and immediately on the Japanese islands ... They know this, therefore they are angry. But, we must give them "due": from the Ukrainians they were able to do what they were going to do with the peoples of the entire USSR in 1941. So, Europeans, especially young ones, are not so harmless, those to whom, apparently, war veterans on their part were talking about revenge, about the “frost general”, about the stupidity of traitors-generals and the undergraduate education of the Führer, about their other misadventures in Russia . The main thing is not to succumb to their provocations and not become like them.
  19. +2
    24 July 2018 20: 09
    If it were an international forum, then I would be silent. But since this is Russian, I will pull the log out of my eye. The author claims that a third abroad thinks that the land is flat, so in Russia, thanks to ren-tv, half are. He is also depressed that there are women of low behavior, but there is a strict division between normal and low, I was ashamed when the women at the championship were like low behavior. I understand that the author wanted to make an agitation, but it turned out a mess for piglets. This is not the place where people are marching. Do it thinner, but rather, let’s solve our problems, the local ones don’t come here
  20. +2
    24 July 2018 20: 15
    You, Kavkaz, warm up the KAMAZ trucks, and as long as we look after the adversary.
  21. +3
    24 July 2018 21: 04
    Do not let the bear drive.
    And then opinions were divided.
  22. 0
    25 July 2018 09: 15
    Beautiful picture, saved. It’s only a pity for the bear, how can he not be allowed to drive, he knows how to ride a bicycle!
  23. 0
    27 July 2018 15: 38
    Very true article
  24. 0
    28 July 2018 13: 09
    All right, Frau writes. Russians, they are. laughing

    Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi, middle of the night.
    The World Cup ended, the tourists parted. Now the bears can again go outside and play the balalaika.