Who is being attacked by NATO: Russia or the USA?

At the end of the first day of the NATO summit in Brussels, a statement was adopted. Strangely enough, a significant part of it is devoted not to the NATO problems proper, but to Russia and its actions, interpreted one way or another.

Reading this document, you do not immediately understand why, in fact, it was written. The people who signed it, sincerely think that Russia will take "under the visor" and instantly rush to fulfill all the points of this statement? It is unlikely: there are fools in NATO, but most of them are not different either by clinical stupidity or by special naivety. Then why are there, for example, such passages:

We reaffirm our support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova within their internationally recognized borders. We call on Russia to withdraw the forces that it has deployed in these three countries.

And in order not to get up two times, they added to this the demand for Russia to refuse to recognize the sovereignty of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

That is, calling things by their proper names, Russia should lay a carpet for Georgia on which it will join NATO? Wonderful. But does anyone believe in it?

Another important point of the statement was a call to Russia, consider, “to recognize responsibility for the crash of a Malaysian Malaysia Airlines aircraft over the Donbas.” And also, attention:

We urge the Russian Federation to recognize responsibility and fully cooperate in all efforts to establish the truth, justice and responsibility.

What?! Blame yourself for the unproved guilt - and welcome to The Hague? Wonderful. But really, it can not be that they themselves believe it?

However, this is not all. Russia was called upon to abandon the support of armed groups on the territory of Ukraine, as well as to fully implement the Minsk agreements.

Also, the North Atlantic Alliance expresses solidarity with England in the case of Skripale. And on what basis? Yes, all the same "highly Likely", or "most likely." Here is how it sounds in the performance of the faithful allies of Great Britain:

The United Kingdom considers it highly probable that the Russian Federation is responsible for the attacks and that there is no plausible alternative explanation. We express solidarity with the United Kingdom in its assessment.

Great, right? Come with such "arguments" to the court, and you have every chance of getting a sentence for libel. But the largest military-political bloc, on the basis of such judgments, accepts important statements, and he is not worried about either his own reputation or Russia's reputation, on which, by calling a spade a spade, erected an unsubstantiated slander.

For the sake of fairness, we note that there were several points in the statement that, at first glance, seem quite conciliatory. In particular, the forum participants see the benefit in sharing information between the alliance and Russia, and also note that NATO does not seek confrontation and does not pose a threat to Russia. But it all comes to naught with just one sentence:

Due to the current circumstances, we regret that, despite appeals by the allies and the international community to Russia to change course, there are no conditions for such relations.

As you can see, Russia has been allocated a whole day of the fleeting summit. And we can think as many times as possible that in this way NATO indirectly recognizes the importance of relations with our country. That's the way it is, and yet the use of the wording and informational reasons that actually drive Russia into a corner does not leave us a chance to think that the purpose of this document is an attempt to somehow establish relations with Moscow.

So what is it for then? Probably, to answer this question, we need to recall the main event on the international political agenda - the expected meeting of Trump and Putin.

Everything falls into place if we try to take this document not as an appeal to Moscow and Putin, but as an appeal to Trump. Using the presence of the American president at the summit and his apparent reluctance to thwart the event, which already cracks under the weight of American initiatives, European hawks ... But no, this word does not fit here. Better like this: European fighting roosters are trying to force Trump on the agenda of a meeting with Putin!

And for this, it is really possible to raise from the cellar the badly tainted accusations of attacking a peaceful Boeing, and recall the “support for the armed groups in Donbas”, and demand strict compliance with the Minsk agreements (although Russia is not a party to the conflict) - in general everything suits. And the fact that under all these points is the signature of the United States, still can affect the information background of the upcoming meeting in Helsinki.

And still we hope that Trump can keep even more serious blows. He was fairly tempered as a policy of confrontation with opponents within the United States, and now there is every reason to think that the whining of European "partners" will not cause him anything but irritation.
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  1. +1
    13 July 2018 05: 14
    All of NATO’s policy is explained by the fact that they know that they won’t fly backwards ... We are peaceful people ... But in vain ...
    1. +1
      13 July 2018 06: 20
      "We urge Russia to withdraw the forces it has deployed in these three countries."
      How many places on Earth where you want to ask NATO to withdraw its troops, enough to trample on foreign lands with dirty berets!
  2. +3
    13 July 2018 05: 50
    The whole day of the fleeting summit was allotted to Russia.

    if on some of their gatherings they do not discuss Russia and make demands on it, then such gatherings were in vain ...
    1. 0
      13 July 2018 15: 03
      Quote: Masya Masya
      The whole day of the fleeting summit was allotted to Russia.

      if on some of their gatherings they do not discuss Russia and make demands on it, then such gatherings were in vain ...

      For the United States, the fact of the existence of NATO is not an end in itself if it does not bring any dividends, and since the United States plays the first violin in NATO and through the NATO mechanism the US military-industrial complex receives substantial profits, this statement was written under the dictation of the United States and not vice versa, under dictation of the EU countries.
      So the author of the article incorrectly entitled the article and NATO does not attack anyone with its statement. Just a statement, most likely is the US homework, with which Trump will go to a meeting with Putin, in order to:
      - once again tell Putin that both the United States and Trump are ready to cooperate with Russia, but the great "concern" of the EU countries with Russian policy, expressed in a NATO statement, does not allow the United States and Trump to lift all kinds of sanctions and requirements,
      - show the rest of NATO that the United States will mentally and firmly adhere to this statement (but do whatever it sees fit).
  3. +1
    13 July 2018 06: 43
    Well, and how can you collaborate with these stubborn hypocrites? Answer: no way!
  4. +3
    13 July 2018 06: 49
    Regarding the adopted documents, in which Russia appears only, it is clear that NATO needs to justify the purpose of its existence. Calls to Russia to repent, admit guilt for everything that has happened in the world are necessary in order not only to inflict another information blow on our country, but also to distract attention from their criminal actions in BV and other regions. The most interesting thing at this summit is that the master arrived, built everyone, pointed out the shortcomings that are required to be fixed, obliged to make money, and left by slamming the door. NATO wiping snot out of habit took on Moscow.
  5. +1
    13 July 2018 07: 48
    Bandera Maidan Ukraine flies somewhere, Europe crumbles, in America, under the trump, the chair wobbles.
    ... The author came to this conclusion in a published article on the Crimea and Donbass fight for us! .. But according to the statement adopted at the summit, this is not visible .. The statement itself sounds like an ultimatum ...
    1. +2
      13 July 2018 10: 55
      Quote: parusnik
      Bandera Maidan Ukraine flies somewhere, Europe crumbles, in America, under the trump, the chair wobbles.
      ... The author came to this conclusion in a published article on the Crimea and Donbass fight for us! .. But according to the adopted statement at the summit, this is not visible ..The statement itself sounds like an ultimatum ...

      The ultimatum, in addition to the requirements, also provides for strict deadlines for their implementation, which, as we see, is not, and therefore the statement of the summit can be considered as a diploma. Russia, of course, can demonstrate readiness for execution, but with certain reservations that will never be fulfilled.
      -Russia is not against NATO countries, but against the presence of foreign troops on the territory of these countries. In this connection, he proposes to withdraw the American contingent from the territory of European countries and countries of the “candidate” of Georgia and Urkaina.
      -Russia recognizes responsibility for the downed Boeing solely in terms of its lack of physical and technical ability to prevent this terrorist attack carried out by the Kiev regime under the leadership of the CIA, and therefore is ready to fully cooperate in "" "all efforts to establish the truth, justice and entrusting liability "" ".
      - Considering the repeated relapse of poisoning of UK citizens with a poisonous substance, Russia expresses doubt about ensuring proper control over the circulation of OM in the UK, therefore, DEMANDS to organize an inspection of all storage facilities and development of OM by the OPCW and is ready to provide its specialists for participation in its work.
      At least, this will at least achieve parity in paper requirements, which will remain on paper. In general, much will soon become clear after the meeting of GDP and Trump. At least the whole world has to revolve within the framework of the agreements that will be reached at the meeting and until the next presidential election, when one of them leaves the political arena.
  6. +3
    13 July 2018 08: 09
    Our NATO response
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. 0
    13 July 2018 09: 18
    [/ Quote]We express solidarity with Great Britain in its assessment. [Quote]

    It’s too early to evaluate that Teresa May hasn’t tried the “newcomer” yet (although who knows)
    They say that they creaked so "flew away" from the "beginner" that others wanted.
  9. +1
    13 July 2018 10: 18
    Well written, even with a twinkle. But for whom? There is no doubt on the forum who has approached whose border and who should withdraw the military from many countries where they are located illegally. Maybe only for our Government and its "pocket" deputies? I don’t see what our politicians put to the discussion of the aggressor’s actions in the Parliament once a month with the addition of new facts, I don’t see the reaction of our Foreign Ministry to the same actions with some frequency. So, it seems to me that they don’t come here and they are only concerned about their own pockets and their own place at the top of the food chain of individuals on the neck of the state.
    1. 0
      17 July 2018 09: 30
      About the same thought. For whom was the author writing? Well, maybe some stupid wanderer will come to the site and understand after reading that there’s a false biac.
  10. 0
    13 July 2018 10: 45
    Reading all this bleating of the NATO herd, you involuntarily catch yourself thinking that they had a difficult childhood: they slept under the same blanket, ate Nutella from soy, and the toys were bolted to the ceiling! Having matured, they got stuck in their "difficult" childhood, where they let out a pot once a day! And we are surprised at their inverted consciousness and psyche!
  11. 0
    13 July 2018 16: 23
    Cheap reader divorce into the tale that Trump is ours. It seems that for a long time this bike has gone bad, but no, the author dug up, hastily cleaned it and again issued it as a novelty.

    That Putin and our Trump will resolve all matters, no NATO will stop!

    And then you see, sixes, they are against us going to speak, scat under the bench !!!
  12. 0
    13 July 2018 20: 51
    With England, it did not work out very much, it reminds me of cheap nonsense!
    The special services have relaxed and cannot admit that they themselves framed May. For those who do not believe how Porton Down poisoned their own British citizens with chemical weapons, there are a couple of links to the results of the study.
    Mortality in British military participants in human experimental research into chemical warfare agents at Porton Down: cohort study
    084 /
    Cold War at Porton Down: Informed Consent in Britain's Biological and Chemical Warfare Experiments
    Well, in general, everything continues, human trials, but only the perpetrators are appointed!
  13. +1
    16 July 2018 11: 06
    ... European fighting roosters ...
    The word I have highlighted is clearly superfluous.