ECHR obliged Russia to pay compensation to Wahhabi militants

Today, the European Court of Human Rights in fact signed its complicity with terrorism and banditry. We are talking about a resonance decision, which was made in the French Strasbourg. This decision consists in the fact that Russia, on its basis, must make monetary payments to two militants convicted in their time for the murders of military personnel and civilians in Grozny (2001-2002 years).

ECHR obliged Russia to pay compensation to Wahhabi militants

The decision concerns the questions of the investigation regarding such persons as Deni Abdulkadyrov and Albek Dakhtayev, who at one time decided to join the gang formations of Wahhabis in the North Caucasus.

Militants complained to the ECtHR that, in carrying out the investigation, evidence was obtained “with the use of ill-treatment”.

In this case, “cruel treatment” refers to the very content at that time of persons under investigation.

Based on the decision of the ECHR, Russia is now obliged to pay the plaintiffs more than 41 a thousand euros (each), of which 37 thousand - for "moral damage".

In fact, the decision of the ECHR is difficult to be surprised. It seems that if today there was such an opportunity, then this court would have awarded compensation even to Nazi criminals and their descendants for the fact that the Soviet Union had “brutally” won. The whole essence of the work of the court in Strasbourg is to seek out any opportunity to pass an anti-Russian sentence, even if the claimant in Russia is convicted of terrorist activities.
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  1. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +14
        10 July 2018 17: 54
        ECHR obliged Russia to pay compensation to Wahhabi militants

        And the addresses will tell you where to bring "compensation" .... I'm ready even now! soldier
        I talked like that with these "refugees" in Europe .. The key is terrible, although there are adequate ..
        These are incorrigible .. negative Although Kadyrov is terribly afraid ..
        1. LMN
          10 July 2018 18: 45
          Quote: Trek
          ECHR obliged Russia to pay compensation to Wahhabi militants

          And the addresses will tell you where to bring "compensation" .... I'm ready even now! soldier
          I talked like that with these "refugees" in Europe .. The key is terrible, although there are adequate ..
          These are incorrigible .. negative Although Kadyrov is terribly afraid ..

          They are not just a "bug", they are enemies ..
          The Chechen diaspora in Germany openly opposes Russia.
          I had to deal with them at the "everyday" level in Germany. Total rejection of Russia. Moreover, they are trying to actively impose their opinions on everyone else. what
          1. +10
            10 July 2018 18: 56
            Quote: LMN
            Moreover, they are trying to actively impose their opinions on everyone else.

            And they do it very competently, that’s dangerous .. And they collect large sums, not only in Europe, but also in Russia (in their own way and not only) and even boast of this devil ..
            And they are trying to recruit ...
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +27
                10 July 2018 19: 58
                Quote: abvgdeika
                They do not like Russia, and this is normal

                And Russia does not need the love of those whom it considers its enemies.
              2. +28
                10 July 2018 20: 08
                But Israel is bathing in a sea of ​​Arab love smile
                1. 0
                  16 July 2018 01: 25
                  This does not prevent Israel from using this very “love”, to weed it and control it.
              3. +5
                10 July 2018 20: 23
                Quote: abvgdeika
                They do not like Russia, and this is normal

                Then I look at you here divorced "lovers of Russia" .. bully Are you dreaming of returning to carve it completely ..? I think you will not succeed
              4. +11
                10 July 2018 20: 26
                Quote: abvgdeika
                They do not like Russia, and this is normal

                Again, the alphabetist grunted, now you’ll stop loving us even more. smile
              5. +11
                10 July 2018 21: 57
                Quote: abvgdeika
                They do not like Russia, and this is normal

                I love Israelis so much, especially Russian speakers, that I’ve been banned and re-registered three times already. What do you like? And hit the road already, but shit traditionally. You can’t live without Russia :) Come back, sit, sew, you will be normal
                1. 0
                  10 July 2018 22: 00
                  Yes, you are incorrigible. Respect .... Remember that Rome did incorrigible. Well, where is the Great Rome now?
                  1. +7
                    10 July 2018 22: 03
                    Quote: Shahno
                    Yes, you are incorrigible. Respect .... Remember that Rome did incorrigible. Well, where is the Great Rome now?

                    Rome was, is and will be. But Israel, rather, a remake, sewed in the eastern part of the rear of the world.
                    1. +1
                      10 July 2018 22: 31
                      Israel? (God's help and Hebrew name). The Jewish state, or rather, whose representatives 2000 years kept their culture. And even the camps did not break, and Matsada was in place, as a reminder .... So the remake is the wrong word, because the Vatican and Novgorod the Great can rest.
                      1. +9
                        10 July 2018 22: 45
                        Judah, he is also a Judah in Africa! am Oh, what am I talking about ... .. laughing
                      2. +1
                        11 July 2018 18: 42
                        Brazenly lying, the current population of Israel has nothing to do with the ancient Jewish tribes. Khazars who converted to Judaism and Jews are not at all the same thing. So you have a little less right to a Jew than not at all.
                      3. 0
                        16 July 2018 01: 33
                        Shahno Yes, yes, we know, clan, money, power, are your gods.
                        When you enter a request to YouTube and Google "fake history of Israel"
                        The world and Russia are jumping out, everything is being blocked about yours.
              6. 0
                10 July 2018 23: 41
                I'm bad and it's good
                I will not be good and it is not bad
                so what?
              7. +2
                11 July 2018 04: 30
                Quote: abvgdeika
                They do not like Russia

                And WE DO NOT NEED !!!
          2. +4
            10 July 2018 21: 06
            Quote: LMN
            The Chechen diaspora in Germany openly opposes Russia.

            we don’t care about that in Russia !!! wink Yes
            Quote: LMN
            .Moreover, they are trying to actively impose their opinions on everyone else.

            but this, as they say, for which they fought, ran into that !! request wassat wassat Congratulations to "you" with a "profitable" purchase !!! laughing laughing laughing
        2. +3
          10 July 2018 18: 45
          Quote: Trek
          And the addresses will tell you where to bring "compensation" .... I'm ready even now! soldier


          I will participate!!!!!
        3. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            10 July 2018 20: 22
            Hehe .......
            1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +3
            10 July 2018 20: 31
            Quote: mr.Vain
            Meehan come out !!!

            Quote: abvgdeika
            ↑ New
            Hehe .......

            Ha ha ...! good
          3. +4
            10 July 2018 21: 34
            This is the spirit of Meehan. The owner of this name has long been wiped off the face of the site. But his spirit soars periodically instilling in the participants' comments.
        4. +3
          10 July 2018 20: 41
          Quote: Trek
          ECHR obliged Russia to pay compensation to Wahhabi militants

          And the addresses will tell you where to bring "compensation" .... I'm ready even now! soldier
          I talked like that with these "refugees" in Europe .. The key is terrible, although there are adequate ..
          These are incorrigible .. negative Although Kadyrov is terribly afraid ..

          Well, let Kadyrov deal with them)))) but seriously, the Duma made a decision on the supremacy of international law over national law and in the light of recent events should cancel this decision, thus making the decision of this codla illegitimate in Russia
          1. +6
            10 July 2018 21: 43
            Quote: forester
            should cancel this decision

            for a long time ... 3 years ago !!! True, this was done by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation !! request soldier soldier

            The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation recognized the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the execution of decisions of the ECHR

        5. 0
          11 July 2018 09: 30
          Quote: Trek
          And the addresses will tell you where to bring "compensation" ...

          To send this FIG to the same court, on the basis, for example, of non-compliance of its decision with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
          And, in general, curtail in reasonable aisles, participation in all kinds of anti-Russian sabbaths such as the ECHR, PACE, etc.
          Anyway, there is no sense in them, one harm and a double standard.
        6. The comment was deleted.
  2. +2
    10 July 2018 17: 46
    Only when they retire!
    1. +4
      10 July 2018 17: 51
      They will not live .......
      1. +3
        10 July 2018 17: 52
        Exactly ! Which is required. Yes
        1. +3
          10 July 2018 18: 47
          Why are they even alive? Are the mushrooms in the taiga over?
          1. +2
            10 July 2018 21: 46
            Quote: Pereira
            Why are they even alive?

            recourse recourse what are we to them ??? if they can do anything to us, it’s the current to bark from afar ... but they really hammer the Euros !!! wink Yes laughing laughing laughing
      2. +4
        10 July 2018 20: 55
        Quote: abvgdeika
        They will not live .......
        You can wish the same to your kindred, calm down, do not disgrace the Jews.
    2. MPN
      10 July 2018 17: 51
      ECHR obliged Russia to pay compensation to Wahhabi militants
      Yes, we’ll pay back, it’s not a question, place and time, we will discuss the amount on the spot ... I think about 9g for patronage. lead will not stop once I want to ...
      1. +5
        10 July 2018 19: 28
        the bullet is expensive, to report for the cartridge consumption ... with a knife to feed the throat and dogs ... much more cruelly ... preferably before sunset
        1. MPN
          10 July 2018 19: 31
          Come on, the ECHR asks to pay, so what if we clamp it, or what?
          1. +8
            10 July 2018 20: 01
            Quote: MPN
            Come on, the ECHR asks to pay, so what if we clamp it, or what?

            You can clamp it. Vise.
          2. +2
            10 July 2018 21: 16
            Quote: MPN
            Come on, the ECHR asks to pay off ..

            In fairness, I note that the ECHR is favorable not only to “Russian” terrorists and criminals in general, but also to “English” ones, for example, that it played a role before Brexit: the Britons were indignant that some unselected people indicate how to live the oldest European democracy.
            As far as I remember, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has all the tools to send decisions of the ECHR - God help them
            1. +2
              10 July 2018 21: 47
              Quote: Pete Mitchell
              As far as I remember, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has all the tools to send decisions of the ECHR - God help them

              remember exactly !! drinks drinks good good good

              The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation recognized the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the execution of decisions of the ECHR

              1. +2
                11 July 2018 01: 23
                Quote: Nikolai Grek
                drinks drinks

                Nikolay, I like the way you think wink
                Of course, you need to send them away so that you don’t even get close to Russian affairs. And it’s Western liberals who played with tolerance: they sentenced the British to compensate the “Islamic preacher,” the fundamentalist of the court as a recognized accomplice of the radicals, compensation for expulsion from Britain, nonsense. Although the idea expressed about compensation in 9g also sounds very harmonious
                1. +1
                  11 July 2018 01: 55
                  Quote: Pete Mitchell

                  Nikolay, I like the way you think

                  drinks drinks soldier soldier soldier lol
                  Quote: Pete Mitchell
                  Of course, you need to send them away so that you don’t even get close to Russian affairs

                  I think they have been sent for a long time ... most likely, compensation is paid mainly to those who have more or less really suffered from some, so to speak, excesses of our judicial system !! request request As for the most effective instructions regarding “compensations” for terrorism and similar “disgusting things”, so far they are simply ignored and the issue of world-wide support for esov courts by terrorists is not raised !!! am am am maybe in the end we’ll wait for the time when Russia gets such an approach and it will already speak out on the whole world on this topic !! request request wassat wassat wassat
      2. +1
        10 July 2018 22: 27
        I think on 9g. lead will not stop once I want to ...

        for such only a rope and on a trace in a pork skin to wrap as a warning ...
    3. +3
      10 July 2018 17: 55
      Quote: Theodore
      Only when they retire!

      The Europeans, as we say, quietly slate rustling roof slides slowly!
      1. The comment was deleted.
  3. +18
    10 July 2018 17: 46
    I am not surprised at anything. The West is a hotbed of terrorists.
    1. +1
      10 July 2018 17: 50
      And you grow flowers alone !!!!! Well done !!!!
      1. +19
        10 July 2018 17: 56
        Voronv croaked her raven throat and cheese fell
      2. +32
        10 July 2018 18: 02
        Quote: abvgdeika
        And you grow flowers alone !!!!! Well done !!!!

        Well, who, who, and Israel, with their seizures of territory and bombing in the BV, together with the United States, have created a mass of terrorists .. And now you continue to support them and set them on Russia .. Well, let’s say the gentlemen plain text. hi
        1. +1
          10 July 2018 18: 26
          What to talk about with you ????
          1. +16
            10 July 2018 19: 04
            What to talk about with you ????
            So no one is holding you here. Arividerchi.
          2. +6
            10 July 2018 19: 08
            Quote: abvgdeika
            What to talk about with you ????

            When they don’t know what to talk about, they talk about the weather. (with)
            1. +5
              10 July 2018 19: 30
              these ... in yarmolki ... one weather ... what can I talk about
            2. 0
              10 July 2018 19: 31
              We are hot ... And you ????
              1. +3
                11 July 2018 03: 36
                Quote: abvgdeika
                And you ?

                And we have gas in Siberia !!!
            3. +1
              11 July 2018 04: 33
              Quote: sabakina
              When they don’t know what to talk about,

              It’s better to keep silent.

              Vyacheslav hi
          3. +2
            11 July 2018 16: 38
            Quote: abvgdeika
            What to talk about with you ????

            With people like you there is nothing .. hi But you need to remind, otherwise be proud and again arrange another bloody slaughter ..
      3. +15
        10 July 2018 18: 13
        We raise our children, and bring them up as we wanted .. What kind of "grass" you are growing, I am not interested in.
        Quote: abvgdeika
        And you grow flowers alone !!!!! Well done !!!!
        1. +1
          10 July 2018 18: 24
          So do not be interested good
          1. +7
            10 July 2018 18: 40
            That's right, why am I a kosher herb? No.
            Quote: abvgdeika
            So do not be interested good
          2. +8
            10 July 2018 20: 19
            Quote: abvgdeika
            So do not be interested good

            Drink the poison and calm down, overseas spit with mud! negative
            1. 0
              10 July 2018 20: 24
              Figs to you !!!!!
              1. +6
                10 July 2018 20: 59
                Quote: abvgdeika
                Figs to you !!!!!

                Enough to be rude, wise guy! Behave with dignity.
            2. +2
              11 July 2018 03: 38
              Quote: Major Yurik
              overseas mud spit!

              And he’s new whooper - a spit.

              Comrade Major hi
              1. +1
                11 July 2018 09: 05
                He’s already banned, talked yesterday)
      4. +9
        10 July 2018 20: 30
        Quote: abvgdeika
        And you grow flowers alone !!!!! Well done !!!!

        All Jews are Jews, and this one is completely out of hand, some kind of non-standard smile
    2. +6
      10 July 2018 17: 53
      Quote: 210ox
      210query (Dmitry)
      I am not surprised at anything. The West is a hotbed of terrorists.

      Another thing is surprising - the story with Osama taught them nothing. They do not understand that the terrorist is reaching for the nearest victim. In this case, these are French citizens who risk falling into the hands of these killers.
      1. 0
        10 July 2018 18: 01
        The authorities understand. But they are being protected !!!
      2. 0
        10 July 2018 20: 50
        the terrorist reaches for the nearest victim. In this case, these are French citizens

        Well, it’s not citizens who produce terror, and the authorities do not care about the citizens before the authorities anyway, their terrorists will not get there.
  4. +9
    10 July 2018 17: 49
    It was necessary to kill the reptiles, and not to litter, it is a pity the higher measure was canceled here. .Yes and what to expect from sponsors who supported these fighters?
    1. 0
      10 July 2018 18: 02
      How to sing, how to sing
  5. +18
    10 July 2018 17: 51
    The Constitutional Court confirmed the priority of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation over the decisions of the ECHR, so ... on foot sexual journey ... wink
    1. +1
      11 July 2018 10: 23
      I agree completely. This is also in the Constitution (Article 79).
      Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 19.04.2016 N 12-P
      Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 19.01.2017 N 1-P
  6. +6
    10 July 2018 17: 52
    There is a person - there is a problem, there is no person - there is no problem.
    1. +1
      10 July 2018 18: 03
      There is a country there is a problem .....
      1. +31
        10 July 2018 18: 10
        abvgdeika (Valera) 5 Today,
        There is a country there is a problem ....

        Why are you speaking so disrespectfully about your Israel? Homeland must be loved, however! hi
        1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +17
        10 July 2018 18: 10
        Quote: abvgdeika
        There is a country there is a problem .....

        how exactly israeli said good
        1. 0
          10 July 2018 18: 28
          I agree .......
      3. +7
        10 July 2018 18: 13
        Yes, they themselves have now created a tolerance and the whole BV suffers.
        1. 0
          10 July 2018 18: 29
          Who are you interested in .... Creators
          1. +4
            10 July 2018 19: 20
            Quote: abvgdeika
            Who are you interested in .... Creators

            Now uninteresting, yes. If you don’t remember what kind of Empire the Ben Gurion had to be, or after how many days the USSR recognized the formation of Israel. The main thing is that with memory, gratitude does not disappear.
            1. 0
              10 July 2018 19: 33
              What to thank for ??
              1. +2
                10 July 2018 19: 44
                Well, it’s as if Israel officially recognized Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. Russia would thank in response. Clear?
          2. +2
            11 July 2018 00: 08
            Who are you interested in ...

            Yes, there’s one shot, forever, as shit on BV, it’s obscene to be explained to Moscow as much as 2 times a year ...
            On April 21, 2016, Benjamin Netanyahu again arrived in Moscow to negotiate with Vladimir Putin.

            June 6-7, 2016 Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Moscow

            On March 9, 2017, the current situation in the Middle East was discussed at the talks in Moscow between Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu.

            On August 23, 2017, Sochi hosted a meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin.

            On January 29, 2018, Moscow hosted negotiations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
      4. +4
        10 July 2018 18: 57
        Quote: abvgdeika
        There is a country there is a problem .....

        Are you talking about the problem of Israel for its neighbors?
      5. +6
        10 July 2018 20: 23
        There is a Jew - there is a problem, there is no Jew - there is no problem. In essence, there is something to say, or continue to sign ..... will you follow each?
  7. +1
    10 July 2018 17: 53
    can a court decision to see the translation at least? Something is not very believed in such an absurdity. I increasingly notice, unfortunately, that the portal is slipping to the level of ukroSMI - links, if any, lead to the main page, and there look for what you want. So hard to make a screen page with a solution? Leave a link? Where is journalism heading?
    1. +5
      10 July 2018 18: 01
      can a court decision to see the translation at least? Something is not very believed in such an absurdity.

      The court’s decision is not issued and only a lawyer gets to know him. Here is such an absurdity.
      1. 0
        11 July 2018 10: 19
        case 35061/04 Abdulkadyrov and Dakhtayev v. Russia{
        Look for a court decision here. Maybe they won’t immediately post it, but it will be and will be including in Russian within a month.
      2. 0
        11 July 2018 10: 22{"fulltext":["A
        bdulkadyrov and Dakhtayev "]}

        So far, in English (I read in it), the Russian translation will be later
  8. +8
    10 July 2018 17: 53
    Militants complained to the ECtHR that, in carrying out the investigation, evidence was obtained “with the use of ill-treatment”.
    The beast had to fill up in the nearest ditch and deal with the end. They are not worthy of the consequences and trials.
    1. +7
      10 July 2018 18: 10
      Well, in Iraq it was like that. However, slicing shawarma from a freshly hammered babakh, gutting and other showdowns on ears and other souvenirs - did not really affect the image and Western partners. Plus, Shiites are very fond of Sunnis, especially in the nearest ditch and without goals. Well and vice versa. Therefore, strong excesses went on the ground that could not be ignored.

      Now everything is official - broads? quick court = gallows with a delay on appeal. But appeal may not be considered. Recently, the IGs arranged a check on the roads and filled up a bead with 8 soldiers. In response, 13 of the Baha'is from the nearest parties were hanged, by order of Sadr.
  9. +13
    10 July 2018 17: 55
    I’m shocked! They killed people-children .. and pay them for it? Is the world going crazy or am I not understanding something?
    1. +1
      10 July 2018 18: 04
      Please highlight the Palestinian issue
      1. +15
        10 July 2018 18: 26
        Jews have selected a foreign territory-Palestine, now they still believe that the Golan Heights are also theirs.
        1. +1
          10 July 2018 18: 44
          Quote: Chicha Squad
          believe that the Golan Heights are also their
          We learned from the Russians that something holy was taken in battle
          Quote: Chicha Squad
          Jews selected foreign territory-Palestine
          Palestine until the 48 year was Jewish, a fact, but how to take it away from yourself, how is it how?
          1. +6
            10 July 2018 19: 06
            Quote: ZarSta
            Quote: Chicha Squad
            Jews selected foreign territory-Palestine
            Palestine until the 48 year was Jewish, a fact, but how to take it away from yourself, how is it how?

            In 1800, the population of Palestine did not exceed 300 thousand, 5 thousand of which were Jews (mainly Sephardim). Most of the Jewish population was still concentrated in Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Hebron. Christians, numbering about 25 thousand, were much more dispersed. The main places of concentration of the Christian population - in Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem - were controlled by the Orthodox and Catholic churches. The rest of the country's population was Muslim, almost all Sunnis.
          2. +10
            10 July 2018 19: 07
            Quote: ZarSta
            Palestine until 48 was Jewish

            Palestine until the year 48 was British (and even earlier - Ottoman). smile
            No wonder somebody in the process of building his state, he unleashed terror against the British - blew up British officers (the King David Hotel), killed the British Minister for Middle East Affairs, and even the UN mediator. And now their descendants complain of terror.
            1. 0
              11 July 2018 10: 12
              Quote: Alexey RA
              Not for nothing that some in the process of building their own state unleashed terror against the British - blew up British officers (the King David Hotel), killed the British Minister for Middle East Affairs, and even the UN mediator. And now their descendants complain of terror.
              So what? People fought for their independence, yet successfully. Honor and glory to them. They drove out the colonialists. For example, there were countries in which the Dictatorship of a part of the population over another was registered in the law. That is, the country has grown up on discrimination. Now what, pretend that it is not?
            2. 0
              11 July 2018 13: 45
              Quote: Alexey RA
              Alexey RA (Alexey) Yesterday, 19:07 ↑
              Quote: ZarSta
              Palestine until 48 was Jewish
              Palestine until 48 was British (and even earlier - Ottoman)

              In the 3rd millennium BC e. the territory of Palestine (Canaan) was inhabited by the Canaanite tribes.
              In the XIII century. BC e. "the peoples of the sea" invaded the country from Crete and other islands of the Mediterranean Sea, attacking also Egypt and gaining a foothold in the southern Mediterranean coast, in the area of ​​the current sector of Gaza. From the neighboring seven-lingual peoples, they received the name plishtim, literally "invading", or the Philistines.
              In the XI century BC e. the Hebrew tribes founded the kingdom of Israel, which disintegrated in 930 BC. e. into two: the kingdom of Israel (existed until 722 BC) and the kingdom of Judea (until 586 BC)
              Subsequently, Palestine was conquered by the ancient Persian state of the Achaemenids, then it was part of the Hellenistic states of the Ptolemies and Seleucids (in the XNUMXrd – XNUMXnd centuries BC).
              From 63 BC e. Palestine was a Roman province and was divided into Judea, Samaria, Galilee and Perea (Zaordanie).
              After the defeat of the Bar Kochba rebellion against the Romans in 132 AD e., the Romans expelled a significant number of Jews from the country and renamed the province of Judea to "Syria Palestine" in order to permanently erase the memory of the Jewish presence in these places. The main Jewish population during this period moved from Judea to Galilee.
              In the years 395-614, Palestine was a province of Byzantium.
              In 614, Palestine was conquered by Persia and became part of the Sassanid Empire.
              After defeating Persia in 629, Palestine again became a province of Byzantium.
              The period of Arab rule (638-1099)
              conquest and development of the country (638-660);
              Umayyad dynasty (661-750);
              dynasty of the Abbasids (750-969);
              Fatimid dynasty (969-1099).
              From 1099 to 1187, the Crusaders founded the Kingdom of Jerusalem here. However, already in 1187, Salah ad-Din Ayubi took Jerusalem. But during the Third Crusade, the crusaders again returned to themselves Akkon, Ascalon and other cities. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was restored, although Jerusalem itself was in the hands of Muslims. The capital was Akkon. In the summer of 1241, the Mongols, led by Khulagu, invaded Palestine, but in the Battle of Ain Jalut on September 3, 1260, they were defeated by Egyptian Muslims, the Mamelukes led by Sultan al-Zahir Beibars. This defeat blocked the Mongols' path to North Africa, and Egypt became the most powerful power in this region. Then the Egyptian Mamelukes began a war with the crusader states in Palestine. May 18, 1291, the fall of Accon, May 19 - Tire. The fall of Sidon occurred in June, Beirut - July 31. Further, Palestine was ruled by Egypt until the time of the Ottoman Empire.
          3. +4
            10 July 2018 19: 31
            Palestine until the 48 year was Jewish, a fact, but how to take it away from yourself, how is it how?

            I am surprised. And did the state of Israel exist before the 48 year?
            1. 0
              10 July 2018 22: 20
              Do you think the state arose before the declaration of independence? Even a house needs to be built; it does not arise by itself.
      2. +3
        10 July 2018 19: 01
        Quote: abvgdeika
        Please highlight the Palestinian issue

        Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين - Falestyn, Aram. ܦܠܫܬ) פלשת), Heb. tr. ארץ ישראל - Eretz Yisrael) is a historical region in the Middle East, covering roughly the territory of the modern Gaza Strip, Israel, the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Jordan.
        1. 0
          10 July 2018 19: 36
          It remains only to clean up Jordan
    2. Mwg
      10 July 2018 19: 34
      For Mila Gubanova
      Liberalism-s and democracy-s
    3. +2
      11 July 2018 03: 46
      Quote: Mila Gubanova

      My dear. We are all, except for ABVGDeyki, in shock and we all do not understand something.

      That ABVGDeyka knows something, but a female dog is silent.

      Mila hi
  10. +3
    10 July 2018 18: 00
    Only after that, all compensations will be paid to the US Barmels held in American prisons around the world.
  11. HAM
    10 July 2018 18: 04
    So, when they’ll pay for the “Charlie Ebdo” with the relatives of the terrorists, we’ll talk about “compensation” for moral harm, we can only give it with lead, a natural product ...
  12. +4
    10 July 2018 18: 09
    It wasn’t necessary to take them alive ... or when trying to escape ... with this approach ... swear word ... it’s better to dig in ...
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. +2
    10 July 2018 18: 11
    Militants complained to the ECHR

    It was necessary to immediately interrogate and destroy them.
  15. +8
    10 July 2018 18: 13
    The whole essence of the work of the court in Strasbourg is to look for any opportunity to pronounce an anti-Russian sentence, even if the plaintiff in Russia has been convicted of terrorist activities. This, or a similar wording, in relation to the ECHR, must be submitted to any Russian court of first instance, and legally shut them up for the future.
    1. -1
      10 July 2018 18: 45
      but who will bear? Putin's plush courts and politicians with daughters-sons and bills abroad? this gdp walks in front of the average man with a gogol and rubs about mnogohodovki.
      1. +7
        10 July 2018 23: 13
        And without you, we know our problems and speak openly about them. But the whole world knows our President, and your Estonian Kersti Kalyulayd did not even recognize your "brothers" at the Munich Conference.
  16. +1
    10 July 2018 18: 19
    I immediately remembered the film of 12 chairs. From a dead donkey ears, you get from Pushkin.
  17. +1
    10 July 2018 18: 23
    Are they in Europe, fooling around, or in all seriousness? If they are all serious, we are not on the way with them.
  18. +1
    10 July 2018 18: 27
    Until changes are made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the priority of national normative acts over international ones, nothing will change. It seems like they gathered at first, talked, that's how it ended as usual.
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 10: 17
      This is already in the Constitution of the Russian Federation - Article 79. "The Russian Federation may participate in interstate associations and transfer to them part of its powers in accordance with international treaties, if this does not entail restrictions on the rights and freedoms of man and citizen and does not contradict the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation "
      Accordingly, what contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation cannot be ratified by the Russian Federation, if it has ratified, it does not contradict, but if the interpretation of what has been ratified comes into conflict, then this interpretation is not applicable. If interested, here is an example of the details.
      Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 14.07.2015 N 21-P
      Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 19.04.2016 N 12-P
  19. +1
    10 July 2018 18: 28
    and what is there to be surprised, gentlemen, the Jews, is it your work or will it soon take over for you?
    1. +1
      10 July 2018 19: 38
      What are you talking about ?????
  20. 0
    10 July 2018 18: 29
    Putin was afraid to use the death penalty against terrorists, although he had a legal right to it even under WTO rules, and now there are consequences.
  21. 0
    10 July 2018 18: 29
    [quote]. ECHR obliges Russia to pay compensation to Wahhabi militants [quote]
    Yeah, they still can’t write tickets for the final?
  22. 0
    10 July 2018 18: 29
    I understand that this money will immediately go to payments to the dead
  23. 0
    10 July 2018 18: 30
    It is necessary to provide an e-check for the upkeep, the costs of catching and detaining, transporting and so on of two scoundrels. During the arrest, he was wounded and treated. And there will be no desire from the ECHR.
  24. +1
    10 July 2018 18: 34
    In relation to Russia, the ECHR always chooses the most “fair” decision. It sits in his genetics. Nach!
  25. -1
    10 July 2018 18: 42
    I would usefully looped them around the neck. to be seen in the geyrop.
  26. +1
    10 July 2018 18: 47
    These two nonsense, but how long will they reach for? Do not count.
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 10: 04
      Behind them and stretch. How many such decisions of the ECHR in favor of the militants after the second Chechen one already exist ...
  27. +1
    10 July 2018 18: 50
    Your money is not enough chol?
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 10: 06
      At the ECHR, always offended is suing the state that offended him. And if the offended person wins, then the ECHR obliges (as a rule) the offended state to pay. “Out of pocket”, the ECHR pays nothing. True, convenient?)
  28. 0
    10 July 2018 18: 52
    Is it really necessary to execute this court decision?
  29. +2
    10 July 2018 18: 53
    The whole essence of the work of the court in Strasbourg is to look for any opportunity to pronounce an anti-Russian sentence, even if the plaintiff in Russia has been convicted of terrorist activities.
    The Igilovites in Syria, destroyed by the Russian Air Force, need to file claims to Strasbourg faster, while they are still alive, they will be helped by fanatics and murderers, compassionate judicial Jesuits ...
  30. +2
    10 July 2018 18: 54
    Well, let them go to Kadyrov in Grozny. And they will be paid to them !!!!!!!
  31. +2
    10 July 2018 18: 58
    It is time to leave this Russophobic organization, and accordingly not recognize the jurisdiction of this court.
  32. +1
    10 July 2018 18: 59
    ECHR, CoE, OSCE have become so predictable. Europeans with their own hands are destroying the foundations on which post-war Europe is built.
  33. +1
    10 July 2018 19: 12
    There are few of them in France who are crushing and shooting all kinds of people, they will not understand how weak-minded they are that it’s not worth it to cling to terrorists ...
  34. +2
    10 July 2018 19: 19
    There is no need to take prisoners!
  35. 0
    10 July 2018 19: 23
    What cannot be taken from our Western and Middle Eastern partners is that they don’t leave their
  36. 0
    10 July 2018 19: 26
    But Putin and Medvedev still want something from the Geyropa some honesty and another positive relationship. Ai-ai, how beat and consciousness do not correspond.
    1. 0
      10 July 2018 19: 41
      Consciousness must have
      1. +1
        11 July 2018 04: 18
        Quote: abvgdeika
        Consciousness must have

        I’ll tell you more - they need to use it.
  37. +2
    10 July 2018 19: 29
    Comrades gentlemen! Russia has its own opposition to such decisions of the ECHR.
    On December 15, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law allowing the Constitutional Court to completely or partially ignore resolutions of the European Court of Human Rights. The reason for this decision is if the decision of the latter presumably leads to a discrepancy with the Constitution of Russia. The amendments themselves allowed the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation to legalize the refusal of the Russian authorities to implement the decision of the ECHR, requiring the implementation of both general and individual measures (including the requirement to pay the compensation appointed by the ECHR).
    A hole to them from the Russian bagel!
    I have the honor! soldier
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 10: 02
      Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 19.04.2016 N 12-P
      Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 19.01.2017 N 1-P

      Examples of how this law operates. The mechanism for protecting our interests works.
  38. 0
    10 July 2018 19: 45
    You need, you pay!
  39. 0
    10 July 2018 19: 46
    In the words of a famous character: "From a dead donkey ears! Get from Pushkin!"
  40. 0
    10 July 2018 19: 46
    A sachet to them for fear where do you order? laughing
  41. +1
    10 July 2018 19: 55
    The European Court of Human Rights has in fact signed its complicity with terrorism and banditry. This is a resonant solution, which was adopted in French Strasbourg. This decision consists in the fact that Russia, on its basis, must make cash payments to two militants convicted at the time of the killing of military personnel and civilians in Grozny (2001-2002)

    Frozen t cook geyropiskye !!!
    If only a lead pill, then okay.
    Therefore, it is necessary to shoot all the barmalei without any kind. In order to protect all "human rights defenders" only civilians remained, and not all scum. negative
  42. 0
    10 July 2018 20: 08
    Well, who will listen to him - this ECHR? In short - blah blah blah .... wassat
  43. 0
    10 July 2018 20: 11
    What is the problem, recognize the ECHR as a terrorist organization and prohibit its activities on the territory of the Russian Federation ... Then we’ll see how they sing
  44. +2
    10 July 2018 20: 33

    These guys can pay for everything ..!
  45. +5
    10 July 2018 20: 51
    I wonder why the site administrator does not block yapping at Russian Israelis here ?!
  46. 0
    10 July 2018 21: 38
    gentlemen humiliated and offended by the decision of the court accept pork skins? and then maybe the diasporas settled in Europe will arrange supplies?)
  47. 0
    10 July 2018 21: 54
    Why did Russia even ratify this convention? This is the same adder.
    1. +1
      11 July 2018 10: 00
      The point is not in the convention, but in its evolutionary interpretation by the court of the ECHR. There is nothing wrong with the convention - there are common phrases. What is this interpretation - I will explain on the fingers: the court has 2 options for a decision. The first is to find a precedent in the past (they have case law), as previously interpreted by the norm, the second is to create a new precedent, if such a thing did not exist before. But there is a 3 option, when there is a precedent, but I want to solve the matter differently. then they say that circumstances have changed, the interpretation needs to evolve, since the old is already outdated. True, a wonderful court?)
  48. ZVS
    10 July 2018 21: 55
    The ECHR is not the organization to dictate to Russia. Russia has come out of it and will never return, because The ECHR has become a political tool in the hands of odious European politicians.
  49. +1
    10 July 2018 22: 05
    "... This decision consists in the fact that Russia on its basis should make cash payments to two militants convicted at the time of the killing of military personnel and civilians in Grozny (2001-2002)."
    An extra argument in favor of secession from the Council of Europe. If they want to decide something together with us, they will gather a group of “courageous” people, following the example of the US Congress, send ... Membership in secondary organizations is not necessary.
  50. A.
    10 July 2018 23: 08
    What else can be expected from gay-Jewish, Jewish and American (USA, Canada) accomplices and parents of terrorism. Only condemnation of the oppression of terrorists, fascists and Bandera.
  51. +1
    10 July 2018 23: 34
    “The ECHR obligated Russia to pay compensation to Wahhabi militants” - And the court of the ECHR (Private Entrepreneur Semyon E....... at an on-site session in the independent village of Gadyukino at an evening meeting followed by a feast, unanimously overturned both the present decision of the ECHR and all possible future decisions of the ECHR regarding the Russian Federation for the period until the second coming of the Messiah, documented by the ECHR. The ECHR opened a counter-trial case No. 7/8/8/7 against the hooligans from the ECHR.
  52. +1
    10 July 2018 23: 35
    Pay to the account of the colony where they are serving, and add a deadline.
    1. +1
      11 July 2018 11: 50
      Let the colony management pay from their own pockets so as not to create comfortable conditions for the prisoners.
  53. 0
    11 July 2018 01: 03
    I wonder how much these figures received in court in Russia, that they are already in Europe and are demanding compensation?
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 09: 57
      25 years. The appeal softened it a bit.
  54. 0
    11 July 2018 02: 27
    That's right - that's what they do to the weak
  55. +1
    11 July 2018 05: 10
    It’s high time for Russia to get out of all these European vipers like the ECHR, PACE, CE, OSCE and others - they just transfer money, but all the time they receive lectures, a slap on the back of the neck, or orders to feed all the evil spirits from the pustules of the possessed to the complete terrorists!
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 09: 56
      We haven’t paid in PACE for 1,5 years)) Since we were deprived of the right to vote there)
  56. +1
    11 July 2018 05: 44
    We now need to give up on this “human rights” court; we need to withdraw from the Council of Geyropas and let them stew there themselves and repeal the article of the constitution that talks about the supremacy of international agreements over national legislation
  57. +2
    11 July 2018 05: 51
    And why did they decide that Russia would immediately pay compensation to the bandits? It’s time for all organizations (the so-called “international” courts and other riffraff) who dream of profiting at our expense to send them far, far away and not forget about the decisions of our Constitutional Court on these “judicial swindles,” take the example of the United States, and declare once and for all about the supremacy of Russian Legislation. And stop supporting a pack of these worthless ill-wishers of Russia, that we have nowhere to invest money!?
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 08: 59
      God forbid the supremacy of the Russian court should happen. Then the innocently convicted will have no chance of ever leaving prison.
      1. +1
        11 July 2018 09: 55
        And we have no culprits there at all. You can’t talk to anyone - they’re all innocently convicted, convicted, and in general the victims themselves are to blame: sometimes they wear a short skirt in the evening, sometimes they wear an expensive watch, but maybe he had a difficult childhood... You should feel sorry for him. and they give you undercooked porridge - your rights, but they violate them... And when he raped and robbed, he couldn’t do it any other way. This is how the circumstances developed, the demon got in the way, and in general provoked them all... You read their complaints - all people are saints. And then you read the verdict, where the list of the victim’s injuries is 1,5 pages long. And not a single guilty person in our prisons...
  58. 0
    11 July 2018 07: 41
    Regarding these questions, contact Kadyrov, he is the chief cashier, he will write out a little, it seems.
  59. 0
    11 July 2018 08: 04
    This is good, you can use it correctly and trumpet it throughout the world’s media, the main thing is to convey the correct information to as many people on the planet as possible, especially to Europeans. The greater the ferment of minds among the Western electorate, the less confrontation between Russia and the West.
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 08: 56
      The main thing is that it should not be revealed later that these two were imprisoned for no reason.
  60. 0
    11 July 2018 08: 08
    I would like to hope that in connection with the latest events in the world and the attitude towards Russia in general, and in the end, due to the prudence of the authorities, no one will pay anything because this is just some kind of wildness.
    1. 0
      11 July 2018 09: 51
      There are such mechanisms. A lot of them. Here are a couple of examples.
      Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 19.01.2017 N 1-P
      Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 19.04.2016 N 12-P
  61. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      11 July 2018 09: 49
      My friend, imagine that your relatives’ ears were cut off, and then the murderers were forced to pay compensation in the amount of the total annual salaries of both those killed and yours. The ECHR is generally a wonderful court - it hints that because of 2 criminals it is necessary to hold repeat elections of the President and the State Duma throughout the country, then the militants were tortured disproportionately, and now they are treated cruelly. They're saints, aren't they?
  62. The comment was deleted.
  63. 0
    11 July 2018 10: 09
    And the victim, PACE, also receives compensation.
  64. 0
    11 July 2018 10: 50
    And Uncle Adik doesn’t need to compensate for anything????????????????????????????
  65. 0
    11 July 2018 11: 13
    But this ECHR would not have gone to ... in ... etc. What Russia is doing in this court is unclear and why their decisions should be implemented.. A bunch of Russophobes.
  66. 0
    11 July 2018 11: 45
    The death penalty must be introduced, then no complaints will be filed with the ECHR. Zhmurs don't need money!
  67. 0
    11 July 2018 12: 31
    Yeah, what about compensation for Waffen SS veterans?
  68. 0
    11 July 2018 13: 41
    Unfortunately, we do not know all the details of the process...

    Trusting our authorities and the media (both ours and Western ones) is STUPID.

    Ours could accuse and condemn innocent people.
  69. 0
    11 July 2018 17: 07
    If I'm not mistaken, the decisions of the ECHR ARE RECOMMENDATIVE AND NOT MANDATORY!!!
  70. 0
    11 July 2018 18: 23
    Quote: LMN
    They are not just a "bug", they are enemies ..
    The Chechen diaspora in Germany openly opposes Russia.
    I had to deal with them at the "everyday" level in Germany. Total rejection of Russia. Moreover, they are trying to actively impose their opinions on everyone else.

    How can one not ask here - where are Kadyrov’s squadrons, for which there are no borders.
  71. 0
    11 July 2018 18: 26
    Quote: Shahno
    Jewish state

    quasi-territory you wanted to say.
  72. 0
    11 July 2018 18: 34
    Quote: ZarSta
    Palestine until the 48 year was Jewish, a fact, but how to take it away from yourself, how is it how?

  73. 0
    11 July 2018 19: 08
    Do you think it’s worth bringing terrorists to trial now?
  74. Say
    11 July 2018 19: 37
    The point is not in the idiotic decisions of the ECtHR, but in the idiotic servility of Russia, which still listens to this shit.
  75. The comment was deleted.
  76. 0
    12 July 2018 12: 38
    1 After WWII, the Mau Mau movement appeared in the Kenyan province of the British Empire, which fought for independence. The British really didn’t like the fact that the militias not only killed some of the colonialists, but also ate them (there has always been a terrible shortage of protein foods in Africa). However, about ten years ago, a court in England (local, not international) awarded compensation to the undead cannibal militias as victims - apparently not all the colonialists were well-fed enough.
    So there are a lot of interesting court decisions in the world.

    2 To pay or not to pay is not really a question - they will seize the property of the Russian Federation in Europe and pay.

    3 And shout that the Russian Federation is not going to fulfill its international obligations, i.e. not negotiable, not good.
  77. 0
    14 July 2018 01: 08
    So what? Have we broken with this ECHR or not?
    And if we are masochists, then why throw lightning? We are simply satisfied there and that’s all.
  78. 0
    15 July 2018 10: 51
    The ECHR has fallen from grace again. Let the Wahhabis pay compensation to the country first.
  79. The comment was deleted.