Russia is doomed. The country will die because of Putin's mistake

Paul Craig Roberts - known economist, analyst, doctor of science. Mr. Roberts was not invited to the economic forum in St. Petersburg, but if he had been there, he would have delivered a speech on the plundering of Russia and Putin’s erroneous policy aimed at integrating with the West.

Paul Craig Roberts - American economist, former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury at the time of Reagan. He was awarded the Ministry of Finance Prize with the wording "For outstanding contribution to the development of the economic policy of the United States."

He is now working with the American media, including an alternative direction. It stands against the confrontational course of the “neocons” (hawks) and against the new world war, which the neocons are trying to unleash. Roberts cannot be called either an “anti-American” figure, or “pro-Russian”, or, perhaps, even an ardent Republican. His main desire in recent years - pacifism and peace on Earth.

Russia is doomed. The country will die because of Putin's mistake
Paul Craig Roberts (photo:

A fresh article by Dr. Roberts has been published. "The Herland Report". If Roberts had been at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum (24 — 26 took place in May), he would say one thing: among those economists that set the tone for Russia, they have been brainwashed by American imperialism. Today the assistance of the West in the collapse of Russia is not required: the "washed" plunder the country and crush from the inside. You just have to wait!

If American neocons had “restraint,” says Roberts, they would simply lie back in their chairs and “allow the fifth column,” that is, the American neoliberal economy, to “finish off” Russia for them.

Next, the scientist explains his words.

The neoliberal economy has “brainwashed” the Russian central bank (Neo-liberal economics has also brainwashed the Russian central bank), the economist believes. The Central Bank believes that Russia's economic development depends on foreign investment. This “erroneous faith threatens Russia's sovereignty itself,” says Mr. Roberts. Putin’s partial impotence in front of Washington is due precisely to the control of the neoliberal economy over the Russian government.

Roberts reminds: he is “not pro-Russian” activist, but not “anti-American” either. He is, in his words, "anti-war." And especially opposed to nuclear war. His concern is that the Russian government is unable to abandon the conviction that Russia's development, despite all the talk about the Eurasian partnership and the Silk Road, depends "on integration with the West."

Such a conviction is declared by an economist to be "completely erroneous." This belief “does not allow the Russian government” to make a decisive break with the West. As a result of this mistake, Putin "continues to accept provocations in order to avoid the decisive gap that would cut Russia off from the West."

"In Washington and the UK, this is interpreted as a lack of determination on the part of Putin and encourages escalation of provocations, which will increase until Russia is left with the only choice: capitulation or war."

Vladimir Putin and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagard. Encounter at the SPIEF margins

If the Russian government did not believe that it needs the West, it could give a more decisive response to the provocations and thus would make it clear that there is a limit to Russian patience. This would make Europe realize that its existence may be in question. But Putin cannot give such an answer, because he mistakenly believes that Russia needs the West. "The American fifth column will destroy Russia" (America's Fifth Column Will Destroy Russia), the publicist insists.

Russia is doomed because its economists have been brainwashed since Yeltsin’s time. The washing was done by American neoliberal economists. It was easy enough for the Americans to do this: the communist economy collapsed, the Russian economy collapsed, the Russians experienced major difficulties, and prosperous America extended a helping hand to them, the author recalls.

In fact, the hand did not come to help, but to grasp what is badly lying!

In the privatization process, the American oligarchy gained the control it needed. After all, Russian economists and notions had no way in which “financial capitalism in the neoliberal guise” deprived the economy of its assets, sticking to it at the same time a debt yoke.

There is something worse: Russian economists have been brainwashed so that they have changed the very way of economic thinking. And today this thinking "serves Western imperialism," says Roberts.

The neoliberal economy mocks the Russian ruble. The national currency is dominated by speculation and manipulation, which makes it unstable. Washington has always used such manipulations to solve the problem of "destabilizing the government."

The neoliberal economy has brainwashed the Russian central bank. Russia's economic development depends on foreign investment? This belief is wrong; moreover, it “threatens the very sovereignty of Russia”!

Michael Hudson and Paul Craig Roberts two years ago explained to the Russians that if Russia borrows from the West, for example, from the United States, in dollars, then Russia "falls into the hands of its enemies." After all, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation simply creates the ruble equivalent of borrowed (and inactive) dollars and finances projects. But then why take these dollars? The only possible reason is that the US can use dollar debt to control Russia's decision making!

The absence of Moscow’s reaction to provocations by the West will ultimately lead to the Russian government losing the support of “nationalist elements in Russia,” Mr. Roberts said.

And explains why this is exactly what will happen.

Putin "is trying to integrate Russia into the Western economic system, while preserving Russia's sovereignty," but this goal is "unrealistic." This goal itself was inspired by Putin by that part of the “Russian elite, which was more likely western than Russian.” This part of the elite believes that Russia's economic development depends on how well the country is integrated into the Western economy. Since the neoliberal economic elite "controls Russia's economic and financial policy," Putin believes that he should "either accept Western provocations, or lose his hopes for Russia's economic development." Russian economists, adds Paul Roberts, are so fixated on the neoliberal economy that they “cannot even look at America” and see how the “once great economy” has now completely destroyed neoliberal ideas.

Today, the United States has the largest public debt in the world stories. The United States has the largest trade and budget deficit in world history. Unemployment in the US is 22 percent, which are hidden, writes Roberts. “If the neoliberal economy does not work in America,” Roberts wonders, “why will it work in Russia?”

The neoliberal economy only works for oligarchs and their institutions like Goldman Sachs, an economist points out. And it is not for nothing that the aforementioned Michael Hudson calls the neoliberal economy "garbage economy".

John Bolton (National Security Advisor to the US President on 9 on April 2018, Republican, a man who made a number of harsh statements in the spirit of the notorious “exclusivity”, including the phrase “There is no such thing as the UN, there is only to lead only the world's only superpower, which is the United States. ”- O.Ch.) and other neo-cons, Mr. Roberts concludes, can finally“ relax ”. The neoliberal economy, which "holds the financial interests of Russia, the government of Russia and, apparently, Putin himself, with a dead hand," will destroy Russia "without war."

In another material published on the author's site, Paul Craig Roberts points out that “the Trump regime sabotaged Putin’s peace efforts in Syria, Iran, Ukraine and North Korea,” while Putin “in the interests of peace” avoided a response to American and Israeli provocations in Syria.

The United States “rewarded” Putin’s peace efforts by occupying part of Syria with France. Seeing the presence of American and French troops, Putin "stopped the offensive, aimed at clearing the whole of Syria from foreign invaders." The situation is such that if one of the Americans or the French dies in the war, then the demonization of Russia will reach a new high level, and Washington will use it to counteract the discontent of Europe. Putin knows this. And he found himself in a position in which the US attacks on Syrian military positions could continue.

In fact, Russia may lose the victory in Syria. Washington is already organizing jihadists, which at one time used against Gaddafi and Assad, to prepare an offensive against Russia (and also China) through the former Soviet Central Asian republics: Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Putin, the analyst believes, is betting that Washington’s desire for hegemony in the Middle East will cost Washington hegemony in Europe. But if Putin does not win this bet, it is better for him to “prepare for war.”

* * *

An economist of the old school Roberts advises Russia to develop without the West and even without the dollars that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation likes to operate on and in which, exactly according to financial policy Kudrin, stored currency savings of the state, adoring egg capsules. Mr. Roberts, in recent years inclined to artistic conspiracy (at least to hyperbolization), forgets that Russia sells oil for dollars, and it is not she who sets the rules of the market game. He forgets about how much the federal budget of the Russian Federation depends on petrodollars. There is also the burning issue of Western technology.

The question of peacemaking implies patience: where you can resist provocation, there is no need to succumb there. If Roberts really wasn’t a supporter of wars, especially a new world war, he should have taken this simple fact into account. A true pacifist will never do anything that leads to a skirmish and, in the long run, to war. And does Reagan's financier teach the planet to live in peace? After all, Reaganomics was built precisely on inflating the role of the military industrial complex, and the expenditures on “defense” under Reagan broke all records! The current president, Trump, is following exactly the Reagan way, promising to increase military spending. More than a year ago the desire was reported White House increase defense spending and achieve the most significant increase in the Pentagon’s budget since Ronald Reagan!

As for Putin, who is often mentioned in Roberts’s material, everything with his views on the United States is simple and clear. There can be no two opinions.

Two years ago, just at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, the Russian president called the United States the only superpower. “America is a great power. Today, probably the only superpower. We take it. ”- said Putin He also noted that Russia wants and is ready to work with the United States: “The world needs such a powerful country as the USA. And we need. But we do not need them to constantly interfere in our affairs, indicate how we live, hinder Europe from building relations with us. ”

Russia is not a superpower, and it does not need it. Earlier, in January 2016, V. Putin said that Russia does not claim the role of a superpower: "... it is expensive and to nothing."

If you go back to Roberts' theses, then, apparently, you should conclude: it’s really time for American neo-cons to lie back in their chairs and relax.

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  1. +132
    28 May 2018 06: 06
    Somewhere I agree with him ... Somewhere it’s not quite ... But the main idea is true ... The children of Gaydarov’s nest are ruining us ...
    1. +82
      28 May 2018 06: 22
      Russia is in a difficult position! And I wouldn’t include Kudrin in the government of the Russian Federation! For, with its Kudrino Reaganomics according to the recommendations of the IMF and the World Bank (i.e., the US Federal Reserve), the common people definitely do not need it!
      The government of the Russian Federation needs "fresh blood" - other professionals and real ideas - and not the pro-Western liberoids Kudrin with his "curls."
      1. +48
        28 May 2018 06: 34
        We in the government need fresh blood - other professionals and fresh thoughts - and not dead-end Kudrin and "curls."

        How to do this? There are no legal methods for changing the government.
        1. AUL
          28 May 2018 08: 23
          The government is not elected by the people, but appointed (through the prime minister) as a guarantor76%. And the main trouble, IMHO, does not come from the economic course on the ideology of the US curators (although not without it), but because all the conditions for simple and undisguised robbery of the richest, in fact, country are created at the state level. This is not an economy; crime in all stripes has just seized power in the country!
          1. +11
            28 May 2018 09: 23
            So thoughtfully!
            But it is so disguised that the essence cannot be understood! What are you talking about?!
            Where is the crime, who exactly ?! Who has proven?
            And why so excited by the chatter of an AMERICAN starter? He achieved this, and did not teach mind to mind.
            1. +59
              28 May 2018 10: 19
              Everything is fine, gas at 43 rubles per liter of 95go, VAT at the rate of 20% will be fixed soon, the retirement age will be increased. Everything is fine in general!
              1. +29
                28 May 2018 12: 02
                And we already have 44,5 r, earlier at 500 r 12 liters, and now 10 liters. Stability from all cracks and rushing.
                1. +5
                  28 May 2018 13: 39
                  Yes, buy yourself a trolley bus! And do not suffer. Retirement age: rarely after 60 and can not and do not want to work. I know for myself.
                  Without getting out of bed - look for something to enjoy!
                  1. +2
                    28 May 2018 14: 15
                    Victor n (Victor n) Today, 13:39 '' Rad '' like an elephant. sad
                  2. +7
                    28 May 2018 15: 42
                    Something koment is somehow florid! Do we have free energy? We have it 3,19 r per kilowatt / hour.
                    1. +1
                      2 June 2018 09: 07
                      Quote: Sasha_Sar
                      Do we have free energy? We have it 3,19 r per kilowatt / hour.

                      well, you can still buy a trolleybus. laughing We have electricity at 4.25. In July, "looking forward" to the increase. what
                  3. +32
                    28 May 2018 18: 47
                    After retirement work forced. Because it is impossible to live on it. Pay a normal pension and 80% of pensioners will immediately leave. (Usually, people sitting in high offices speak well of increasing the retirement age. And people who don’t lift anything heavier than a pen) And they don’t intend to leave the bread place after retirement.
                    1. +1
                      29 May 2018 13: 58
                      Yes, you can observe life, but you can participate in it. Well, to each his own.
                  4. +13
                    30 May 2018 05: 06
                    you know how much the pension at the head teacher of a school in Japan is 10 thousand dollars, and she’s already retired for 30 years, and then a 40-year-old man has been working at a nuclear power plant for 17 thousand rubles, and it’s already a bad one.
                    1. +2
                      31 May 2018 03: 14
                      Quote: Charik
                      how much pension is the head teacher of a school in Japan 10tysch dollars

                      recourse recourse I would write immediately 100 thousand pension !! what wassat wassat laughing laughing laughing
                      1. +4
                        31 May 2018 19: 21
                        What's so funny? Maybe not ten thousand pensions, but certainly somewhere near this. And this is in a country where oil, gas and even a bunch of minerals are not extracted.
                      2. +2
                        31 May 2018 21: 58
                        Quote: Aleksey Ermolov
                        What's so funny? Maybe not ten thousand pensions, but certainly somewhere near this. And this is in a country where oil, gas and even a bunch of minerals are not extracted.

                        recourse recourse if you think 1000 and 10000 thousand are somewhere nearby, then you need to go back to school !!! what wassat wassat laughing laughing laughing
                  5. +9
                    1 June 2018 13: 46
                    In many regions, after 60, finding work is super difficult. An increase in the retirement age will inevitably doom a significant portion of the elderly population to poverty and hunger. But in the Kremlin, few people care, they have less money for drinking, so they even took up pensioners.
                  6. +3
                    2 June 2018 08: 55
                    Quote: Victor N
                    Yes, buy yourself a trolley bus! And do not suffer.

                    Yeah, because we have free electricity. fool In Kurgan, trolleybuses flew into a pipe because of the high cost of electric power. energy. Already, the contact wires were removed around the city and they are calculated with debts. Buses are trying to convert to gas.
                  7. +1
                    6 June 2018 11: 07
                    Very smartly said, of course, you can also have a trolleybus, but the price of gasoline is laid down in all goods and they are imitating, after 60
                    Many work now, with joy, but at the same time they receive a pension, otherwise it’s only a salary and not everyone at the office, and it’s physically hard to work at 60
              2. +6
                28 May 2018 14: 13
                Dangerous Today, 10:19 Today, I ran on 45 r.70k. per liter 95go.In Gelendzhik.
                1. +17
                  28 May 2018 15: 33
                  Quote: GradusHuK
                  Today seasoned on 45r.70k. per liter 95go.In Gelendzhik.

                  And now let's rejoice that we have all the yards full of cars - Glory to Putin! Soon yards will be crammed with rusting and rotting cars if gasoline rises in price at that pace. Pensioners who ran headlong to vote for Putin's Glory will first stop traveling.
              3. 0
                28 May 2018 14: 38
                Quote: Dangerous
                All perfectly,

                It will be even better if you do not panic.
                Quote: Dangerous
                Everything is fine in general!

                So, you yourself (the electorate of the Russian Federation). Voted for the current course of the Russian Federation. + Sanctions, no one has canceled them. So to say, the price for the “annexation” of Crimea and the appendage of the situation in the South-East is still integral Ukraine.
              4. +19
                28 May 2018 15: 09
                For what they fought for it and ran into it, who didn’t choose Putin, thanks to the residents of the European part of the Russian Federation, Dagestanis, Chechens, Ingush for their trust, the GDP will thank you and will not forget, and the government has scored thoroughly on the residents of the Asian part of the Russian Federation, remember only when trouble comes
                1. +1
                  28 May 2018 16: 08
                  Quote: yuliatreb
                  Thanks to the residents of the European part of the Russian Federation, Dagestanis, Chechens, Ingush for their trust,

                  You are welcome!
                2. +10
                  28 May 2018 16: 10
                  Quote: yuliatreb
                  For what they fought for it and ran, who chose Putin

                  But tell us, stupid, for whom it was necessary to vote? Huh?
                  1. +10
                    28 May 2018 17: 15
                    Did I, somewhere in the text, insult someone, called stupid, well, if you meant yourself then this is so, congratulations, of course, watch more TV for Vladimir Vladimirovich and read less and then you will be happy. Have you been to the Urals for a long time?
                    1. +5
                      28 May 2018 19: 17
                      Quote: yuliatreb
                      of course for Vladimir Vladimirovich

                      I’m boring to repeat the question ... And who was to vote for? Your opinion?
                      Quote: yuliatreb
                      Did I, somewhere in the text, insult someone, called stupid, well, if you meant yourself then this is so, congratulations,

                      And what about this?
                      Just answer the question: Who did you have to vote for?
                      1. +11
                        29 May 2018 14: 20
                        My conscious position does not allow me to go to the polls and vote, because according to your candidate everything was clear from the very beginning, and why this circus with the elections was needed, they would have taken according to all dermocratic canons, so that they wouldn’t deceive anyone, they would issue one ballot with the name of GDP, it would actually be much more honest. And you do not see my questions point blank
              5. +17
                28 May 2018 17: 25
                Quote: Dangerous
                Everything is fine, gas at 43 rubles per liter of 95go, VAT at the rate of 20% will be fixed soon, the retirement age will be increased. Everything is fine in general!

                Still the cost of gas and electricity is growing, etc.
                We make fun of Ukraine that the IMF is forcing them to raise all this in order to receive the next money. Our government does all this "silent glanders", all the same !!!! So who went to the west? Should our government start selling land to foreigners?
              6. +2
                3 June 2018 14: 57
                Quote: Dangerous
                Everything is fine, gas at 43 rubles per liter of 95go, VAT at the rate of 20% will be fixed soon, the retirement age will be increased. Everything is fine in general!

                at the expense of retirement age, I doubt it. My friend decided to change the place of work, the salary fell sharply on the old one. And despite the fact that he is a qualified specialist with extensive experience, as soon as they find out that they are 55-age, then they immediately refuse. So, the state will have to harness and support elderly unemployed who have not reached 65 years, but are unemployed because of the age limit implicitly established by most employers
            2. +28
              28 May 2018 13: 09
              Quote: Victor N
              So thoughtfully!
              But it is so disguised that the essence cannot be understood!

              Is it hard for you to understand?
              Offhand, the case of Zakharov and Gaiser, the case of Grigory Slabikov is what?
              You want to say that these thieves, while in power, have nothing to do with confirming the thesis that the current bureaucratic-oligarchic superstructure is precisely criminal?
              A deputy was arrested at Siluanov, Ulyukaev, do you believe that Siluanov didn’t know at all about the affairs of the deputy?
              All of Chubais’s activity is memorable, it is directly stated that the outcome of privatization is a solid criminal drama for the country, and who defends this criminal act in fact?
              Could you, for once, find the answer to this fact in the chatter of a certain Andrei Makarov, who strives in the State Duma’s Finance Committee? Does he have an answer there that even if it’s criminal, but can’t be canceled, so what is the whole system then?
              Actually, all the necessary information about the criminal nature of the division of state assets that happened in the "dashing 90s" has been around for quite some time - 14 years ago. This refers to the 2004 report of the Accounts Chamber of Russia entitled “Analysis of the processes of privatization of state property in the Russian Federation for the period 1993-2003”.

              r-itogov-privatizacii.html ©

              Quote: Victor N
              And why so excited by the chatter of an AMERICAN starter? He achieved this, and did not teach mind to mind.

              If a person is smart, then he is smart in everything, but if he demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of what was said, alas, it’s hard to call smart, Kasatonov and Glazyev to help you, to understand the situation.
            3. +1
              29 May 2018 05: 47
              Quote: Victor N
              And why so excited by the chatter of an AMERICAN starter? He achieved this, and did not teach mind to mind.

              Yes, this weirdo predicted a lot of things: it’s enough to dial in Google: NOTHING came true.
              This "wise guy" and now offers an "alternative" way.
              Or maybe it will show WHO lives in the world as he suggests?
              Does anyone depend on investment? Well, let it show!
              The same China-well TVK "does not depend!" fool
              1. +6
                29 May 2018 08: 16
                No need to equal the Russian Federation with China. In Russia, due to its nuclear and conventional military strength, as well as high costs, no one will seriously invest. Too dangerous. Only take out. So Russia will not lose anything by "abandoning investment." Moreover, the West simply cannot “completely forget” it. The world has become too small. The crisis will work for Russia.
            4. +2
              29 May 2018 20: 36
              I look, the local "field marshals" and "generalissimo" stuck their tongues in the ass! Waiting for manuals laughing !
            5. The comment was deleted.
            6. +1
              31 May 2018 17: 42
              What country are you living in ?.
        2. +24
          28 May 2018 08: 24
          Quote: Vladivostok1969
          There are no legal methods of changing the government.

          this is true, as there is no way to enter into a discussion with the president. The game of questions and answers is great, but in my opinion, instead of many questions, it's time to answer in detail one thing - what is the prospect of the Russian economy?
          1. +38
            28 May 2018 08: 41
            I am sure. On TV 07.06 18 they will tell us that the bottom has passed, and the economy is growing.
            1. +34
              28 May 2018 09: 38
              hi Dear Sergey (Vladivostok1969)!
              But do not tell:
              1. Why keep money from "partners" / enemies and expect investment from them, which if there will be, then only in quick, speculative projects. Statements that everyone is doing this, that they will steal it otherwise, that otherwise inflation will not come.
              2. What is the difference in the thieves' transfer of money over the hill, the honest transfer by the elite of money over the hill, leaving a decent part of the sale of hydrocarbons behind the hill? Maybe ban these tricks, as banned in Communist China, in capitalist Norway?
              3. What are the personal achievements of all members of the government, ranging from personal and successful leadership in both the grassroots leadership position and the salvation of the dying industry. And the impression that we have all of them are geniuses who, apart from devotion and experience, are not needed, and the children of the elite, as little as the 18 century, are from the cradle going through the ranks of the service ladder.
              4 And, on trifles, why the elite also is treated and learns children behind a hillock?
              People with power and wealth should live in such a way that others forgive them for these power and wealth. The Most Serene Prince MS Vorontsov.
              1. +1
                1 June 2018 12: 58
                1. Take out your money over the hill, then sit and wait as someone else’s uncles pour their money into our economy ....
                2. We do not fall either way. Russia has its own way ....
                3. This is a team as the Guarantor stated, but in a team it’s all for one (read - we don’t give our own) ....
                4. And what do you want them to study in Russia ?! The pope has so much money that the teachers for taking bribes for offset are dumped over a hill and a khan for higher education. They cherish the country, that's toil ....
          2. +20
            28 May 2018 09: 32
            While WE, instead of a garden and picking mushrooms, we will sit at our computers - only kirdyk will shine on the economy! And even 16 Presidents cannot do anything!
            I live for a long time, but never semolina has dripped on me - vote for anyone.
            Personal economic program: providing for yourself PERSONALLY - by working and earning money, considering pension as a gift of fate (for oil).
            1. +41
              28 May 2018 09: 54
              If the country's economy will depend on the collection of mushrooms, then this is not even Gabon.
              1. +7
                28 May 2018 13: 31
                Now the economy is free from mushrooms, but not from idlers, stupid and whiners. Classes themselves can’t, you see, find. They are waiting for the plant to come to them with a good salary! And to grow potatoes to mushrooms - it does not occur.
                1. +26
                  28 May 2018 15: 05
                  So after all, with such gasoline prices, the potato becomes golden, and the mushrooms are at the diamond level. And who told you that there are only loafers, incompetents and whiners? And I’ll tell you how once I tried to sell the surpluses grown at the country house of potatoes in Moscow. I CANNOT FIND A MARKET WHERE IT WOULD BE SOLD 300 kg, legally. Everything is captured by outbid.
                  1. +2
                    29 May 2018 19: 48
                    And not in the market, in the yards? You can’t?
                    1. +3
                      30 May 2018 05: 17
                      and in the courtyard of mint goof-as an option to neighbors
                2. +19
                  28 May 2018 15: 17
                  And now they are also going to introduce restrictions on planting potatoes so that they get used to hunger, and the tax on collecting forest gifts is just around the corner ....
                  1. +2
                    28 May 2018 15: 35
                    Quote: Tatiana Obraztsova
                    And now they’re also going to introduce restrictions on planting potatoes,

                    Already forbidden to plant their potatoes.
                    1. +4
                      28 May 2018 23: 02
                      Quote: Mordvin 3
                      Already forbidden to plant their potatoes.

                      Why provoke people? There is no ban. Responsibility for planting seeds that do not meet the standard has been introduced (in simple words: infected, treated with chemical / bio-you). It concerns not only potatoes.
                      1. +7
                        28 May 2018 23: 26
                        Quote: zhekazs
                        Responsibility for planting seeds that do not meet the standard has been introduced (in simple words: infected, treated with chemical / bio-you). It concerns not only potatoes.

                        And in simple words - a ban on seeds that do not have documents. Which automatically leads to the ban of their seeds. Or do you think that every summer resident will trample on two buckets of potato seed documents to do? Heh! Yes, do not give a damn about this law, while the fine is up to 500 rubles. Just because I feel that this will not be limited. And there is not far from seeds with GMOs. And goodbye to the food safety of Russia. We will buy seeds from the states. A test for the harmfulness of GMOs is a complete fiction. IMHO. It is dangerous to play such games with nature.
                    2. +3
                      28 May 2018 23: 51
                      Quote: Mordvin 3
                      And in simple words - a ban on seeds that do not have documents. Which automatically leads to the ban of their seeds. Or do you think that every summer resident will trample on two buckets of potato seed documents to do? Heh! Yes, do not give a damn about this law, while the fine is up to 500 rubles.

                      There is no ban on your seeds in the law, calmly harvest and plant your cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes if they are not infected by some Colorado potato beetle, bacteria, or poisoned by poisons, but any sane summer resident will not plant such seeds himself. But an unscrupulous manufacturer .... - here without comment. In this regard, the law protects us.
                      1. +7
                        29 May 2018 00: 12
                        But from a letter from the Kurgan department of the Rosselskhodnadzor. (Parliamentary Newspaper):
                        "We systematically note violations of the law" On Seed Production ", according to which a citizen is obliged to give seeds of his own harvest for inspection, both before their sale and for planting on his site." In general, Rosselkhodnadzor understands this law in this way.
                        You can imagine the crowds of summer residents storming the examination, I don’t even know where they are held, with buckets of potatoes, and bags with seeds of cucumbers? My deceased grandmother would have precipitated because she had never bought any seeds in her life. So they didn’t give a damn about this law.
                    3. +2
                      29 May 2018 01: 06
                      Quote: Mordvin 3
                      So they didn’t give a damn about this law.

                      seed lots intended for sale must have certificates proving their varietal and sowing qualities.

                      Not a single mention of the ban on planting their own seeds for private gardeners and not a word about the requirements to certify their own seeds for planting on their site. So my grandmother carried potatoes to the market or to sell cucumbers - she must get a certificate. Maybe this grandmother fed her cucumbers with an “orange agent” and drank DDT ... And for Kurgan officials - to go to school. Read and understand what is written.
                      1. +3
                        29 May 2018 01: 31
                        Quote: zhekazs
                        And to Kurgan officials - to study at school. Read and understand what is written.

                        Well, if officials can’t come up with laws that the Duma thinks up, figure it out, then what about ordinary people? You don’t understand what they can be fined for. We’re laughing over Ukraine, but you yourself don’t understand what our crazy printer is up to. What kind of tax on sheds is there? Closet demolish, or let it stand? Breaking a greenhouse, or what? request
                    4. +2
                      29 May 2018 11: 50
                      Quote: Mordvin 3
                      you don’t understand what our crazy printer comes up with

                      And the bar in the State Duma has completely lost touch with reality. As if lawmaking and a full sleep under the mumble of colleagues in the easy chair of the State Duma is their only duty. Their zeal would be for the right thing.
            2. +22
              28 May 2018 11: 19
              Victor n (Victor n) Today, 09:32
              While WE, instead of a garden and picking mushrooms, we will sit at our computers - only kirdyk will shine on the economy!

              You are more careful there. Do not try to collect deadwoodeven on a campfire on a camping trip or on a picnic! Legally, it can only be collected from January 1, 2019, but for now you can be threatened with up to 2 years in prison.
              Better save up waste paper!
              A bill has been submitted to the State Duma stating that
              Incomes of citizens received from the delivery of household waste paper can be exempted from income tax (PIT).
              In addition to tax, the document exempts citizens from filing a tax return. This should encourage them to participate more actively in the collection of waste paper.

              So WIN!
              1. +9
                28 May 2018 13: 30
                Volnoper: Your Club of mushroom pickers is just a masterpiece! drinks
              2. +3
                28 May 2018 15: 19
                And what. Is it not forbidden to fire in the forest ???? !!!! laughing
              3. +1
                29 May 2018 03: 47
                and 2 years on the basis of what document?
                in approximately 2016, it was clarified that deadwood (I do not remember dead wood) is not a fishing resource, so it can be collected by everyone, is it canceled?
                they joked that they would have allowed the people to eat rotten discarded meat
                question of course interesting
                1. +2
                  29 May 2018 11: 44
                  YELLOWSTONE (Supervolcano) Today, 03:47 AM
                  and 2 years on the basis of what document?
                  ... the question is of course interesting

                  Now the rules for collecting deadwood are set the same as for the harvesting of ordinary wood.
                  "Today, residents of villages and villages, as well as owners of" winter "cottages, must obtain permission and conclude an agreement with the tenant or the owner of the forest plot for the legal harvesting of fallen trees. And unauthorized appropriation of wind and windbreak trees located on the forest fund lands is considered as theft ", - told Rossiyskaya Gazeta at the Federal Forestry Agency. In this case, Article 158 of the Criminal Code applies, which provides for punishment up to imprisonment for a term of up to two years.
                  1. +2
                    29 May 2018 11: 56
                    Quote: Freeman
                    Now the rules for collecting deadwood are set the same as for the harvesting of ordinary wood.

                    Name of the person who gave such explanations to reporters, and proficiency test
                    order number? abrogating that explanation?
                    order number recognizing deadwood Yes
                    if so, deputy request on this subject
                    grandmothers in the forest were allowed to collect brushwood even under Stalin when there were three spikelets, there was a restriction on the diameter, an ax and a saw could not be carried there just like that
                    it is from a moral point of view, and from an economic logging stand it is an infection, mold, bugs, the threat of grassroots fires, other unsanitary conditions, it should not be allowed to settle until someone such a contract zhaklyuchit, and if the leshoz itself monitors the forest then there is nothing to collect
                    bugs are better bred and in dry, which can kill the forest in a half season
                  2. 0
                    29 May 2018 12: 52
                    it is strange that they did not write anything in this article about mushrooms Yes I heard that functionaries were especially zealous before the fines and bribes were planted, and they tried to detain and fine them, and therefore, this was the explanation of 2016 due to insorticity and the rest
                    deal with them otherwise they will devour you, they will impose a general restriction that you can’t even walk in the forest and along the side of the road
                    and you say Kirov Forest laughing stolen from someone else
                    and cross the street only where there is a zebra Yes and the law will be accepted that from 2019 it is still possible, although it is possible now (with the street, with the rest, sort it out) lol
                    if this is true, then after the deputy or their request they must be dragged for such a thing to court
                  3. 0
                    29 May 2018 13: 04
                    and to the prosecutor’s office, all the more so if suddenly a child walks a fern flower or a sprig, and a 2-year-old article will be hung
                  4. 0
                    29 May 2018 13: 48
                    read everything
                    it’s because of such “mistakes” of the deputy ministers (if this is journalistic truth) who need streets of revenge if not in the zone the country can really die because these tricks can bother the people
                    it’s impossible to “equate” and “consider”, because the fact of theft is only that it has some value, by the way, this was clarified in 2016,
                    and this is a non-fiction resource,
                    they can be punished for the ruin of living anthills because they, although the price is not set, are useful for the forest, and the deadwood is harmless, and even dead wood is harmful
                    "Valezhnik will no longer be considered a paid forest resource, ..." What is the price of this resource? Where is the assembled sold? lol with toadstools on it or without?
            3. +4
              28 May 2018 14: 24
              Victor n (Victor n) Today, 09:32 tremble, bourgeois, the last battle has arrived
              The whole poor class is up against you
              He smiled, laughed, broke all the chains,
              And she fights for freedom like a hero ... Soon, in all the cities of my vast country!
            4. +14
              28 May 2018 17: 29
              Personal economic program: providing for yourself PERSONALLY - by working and earning money, considering pension as a gift of fate (for oil).

              Then what .... pay taxes to this state?
              If it gives me nothing?
            5. +4
              30 May 2018 12: 54
              Victor N
              "to provide for himself PERSONALLY - by working and earning extra money"

              And why do they pay so much for honest work that I also have to earn extra money?
              That's because "PERSONALLY YOURSELF", because they have us as they want and where they want. It’s only in Hollywood that a lone hero wets everyone, in life it's the other way around!
              And finally, why then the state if I have to provide for everything myself ?! Since the state has left me to its own devices, then it’s time for me to stop paying taxes !?
          3. 0
            30 May 2018 23: 33
            Quote: aybolyt678
            this is true, as there is no way to enter into a discussion with the president. The game of questions and answers is great, but in my opinion, instead of many questions, it's time to answer in detail one thing - what is the prospect of the Russian economy?

            Everything has long been said 1,5-2% growth per year in the next 10 years!
            1. 0
              31 May 2018 11: 39
              I think a little more because oil is getting more expensive wink
        3. +24
          28 May 2018 08: 33
          Quote: Vladivostok1969
          We in the government need fresh blood - other professionals and fresh thoughts - and not dead-end Kudrin and "curls."

          How to do it?There are no legal methods of changing the government.

          The multimillion-dollar movement of the working masses! The working class must be consolidated.
          1. +15
            28 May 2018 08: 46
            Someone should lead the masses. Surprisingly, not one of the leaders of the opposition parties is even trying to appeal to the people.
            1. +10
              28 May 2018 09: 27
              Quote: Vladivostok1969
              Someone should lead the masses. Surprisingly, not one of the leaders of the opposition parties is even trying to appeal to the people.

              But people are generally afraid to turn to the people. Both the government and the opposition. And they don’t need it.
            2. +7
              28 May 2018 13: 35
              Quote: Vladivostok1969
              Someone should lead the masses. Surprisingly, not one of the leaders of the opposition parties is even trying to appeal to the people.

              Hehe, such an opposition seems to be there, but in general it does not exist. Either the cadres paid by partners, or elements according to the order for the appearance of democracy.
            3. +3
              28 May 2018 14: 36
              Over the hill will find someone to lead ...
              1. +9
                28 May 2018 15: 44
                Quote: Hottabych
                Over the hill will find someone to lead ...

                Now they are driving from behind a hill! Don’t believe me? Kudrin, Chubais, the central bank, enough?
            4. +3
              28 May 2018 15: 41
              Quote: Vladivostok1969
              Someone should lead the masses. Surprisingly, not one of the leaders of the opposition parties is even trying to appeal to the people.

              So this is because there is no real people's / workers 'and peasants' party, by the way this is a very widespread opinion among the lower classes of the same Communist Party. And therefore, the creation of such a party is not far off. A holy place does not happen.
          2. +15
            28 May 2018 09: 35
            Overslept! The working class, for you, is almost gone. Mostly sales clerks, whom you cannot consolidate by any chains.
            1. +15
              28 May 2018 15: 25
              It was being repaired at a shipyard. There was one turner and one milling machine operator in order to make a bolt in order to make a queue for a week. The whole working class in the country was over, there were traders, taxi drivers and managers.
              1. +12
                28 May 2018 15: 55
                So right, the technical colleges were closed, a person with a working specialty was lowered below the baseboard, from where the turners could get. I won’t speak to myself, a military man to the bone. But the younger brother has two specialties at the fourth level, a turner and a tinsmith. In the mid-90s, the aircraft factory collapsed, went on guard, now it works by courier on a personal car for 25 thousand. Thanks to Chubais and further down the list ...
              2. +2
                28 May 2018 17: 03
                Exactly, I missed two more specialties: guard watchmen, janitors ...
                1. +1
                  30 May 2018 05: 22
                  chop that kills people in stores
          3. Nzn
            13 July 2018 05: 29
            What other movement of the working masses? In comparison with the first half of the 20th century, there are not so many of these class masses, both workers and peasants. You see the progress. Now 10-15% of the working-peasant masses provide the minimum needs of the rest of the population. The masses have moved into the segment of the service sector, and these new masses are mainly interested in freebies, shows, beautiful candy wrappers, etc. There is no national idea in the country (ideology, if anyone likes). Existing parties ... Clowning to entertain and declare democratic principles ... A bunch of opportunists and politicians (in the worst sense of the word) - raise the vine until they stick to some feeder-sponsor to advance its interests (people, population - not a sponsor, but a resource, to which more and more the relationship is just like a resource). To all this, the prevailing social model is still hidden, well - not quite an obvious, oligarchic administration. Under the influence of the same progress, society is becoming more and more manageable and controlled (media, finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces), so that only the controller can really move the masses. I am not special in these financial-political-economic issues, but the impression is just that.
        4. +12
          28 May 2018 11: 18
          Quote: Vladivostok1969
          We in the government need fresh blood - other professionals and fresh thoughts - and not dead-end Kudrin and "curls."

          How to do this? There are no legal methods for changing the government.

          Yes - this is a change of president supporting such a government. The main question is that the people cannot do anything with falsifying the results of the presidential election. And some still went to the polls with brainwashed, as Roberts puts it.
        5. +2
          28 May 2018 14: 32
          Quote: Vladivostok1969
          How to do it

          Quote: Vladivostok1969
          There are no legal methods for changing the government

          Civil, not violent acts. Read Gandhi.
          1. +11
            28 May 2018 15: 33
            I didn’t vote for power. At work, I tried to clear my brains. But my efforts were too little. But I’m not going to stop
        6. 0
          29 May 2018 15: 51
          Are you a neoliberal revolutionary? Is there too little room for OHL?
          1. +5
            30 May 2018 01: 28
            Liberals in the Kremlin.
        7. +6
          29 May 2018 21: 40
          There was a legal way, March 18! Profukali and what noom? It’s time to turn our heads on in order to understand the obvious - for these who are now ruling the ball in the country, we are strangers and. And to unite, there are leaders in the country, it is only necessary to support them throughout the country.
        8. 0
          15 June 2018 17: 13
          fresh blood, means the elimination of the old by planting them on stakes and pitchforks
          1. 0
            15 June 2018 17: 17
            I wish you were not far from the truth. But I look at things soberly. We have crushed.
      2. +11
        28 May 2018 12: 03
        Unfortunately, Russia will never get out of the “difficult situation” NEVER if it does not achieve at least full sovereignty. To do this, we need a “little thing” - to change the constitution in the right places. But NOBODY is going to adopt (and even draft a bill) on the constitutional assembly. Only it has the legal right to amend the constitution. Moreover, I think that if anyone thinks this over, they will quickly change their minds, either they will buy it or they will get it. Do not expect an improvement in the condition of Russia and yours personally, they will not allow it.
        1. +7
          28 May 2018 12: 47
          As for the personal - no one bothers, there would be a desire, there are more than enough opportunities, just do not be lazy.
          1. +11
            28 May 2018 15: 35
            Quote: Victor N
            As for the personal - no one bothers, there would be a desire, there are more than enough opportunities, just do not be lazy.

            Yes, but after us at least a flood. Did you want to say that? And for the Power, how? Do not be offended? Is the Russian people finally turned into a herd of consumers. But this was the goal of our Western "partners"
            1. +9
              28 May 2018 15: 50
              Quote: freddyk
              Quote: Victor N
              As for the personal - no one bothers, there would be a desire, there are more than enough opportunities, just do not be lazy.

              Yes, but after us at least a flood. Did you want to say that? And for the Power, how? Do not be offended? Is the Russian people finally turned into a herd of consumers. But this was the goal of our Western "partners"

              This Victor N is a consistent defender of the existing government. And therefore, he is not offended by the power, and even after it there is a flood. Do not waste time on him. Remember there are those who listen, but do not comment. Here they are the main listeners and the most important ones.
            2. +1
              29 May 2018 09: 31
              And the personal will reach for the general ...
              And for the power - YES, insulting, insulting for the communist orgy that is happening now in these comments ...
              Where did everyone crawl out of? request
          2. +2
            28 May 2018 16: 00
            Well, I finally understood. It can be seen that you always have a "stick" in any controlling authority. Credit can share with a low interest. And then I’m racking my brains, whom will I feed? Tolley family, that is, checking?
          3. +1
            29 May 2018 21: 41
            Announce examples of possibilities, please.
        2. +12
          28 May 2018 13: 13
          Quote: AKuzenka
          To do this, we need a “little thing” - to change the constitution in the right places

          So have long been changed. Now the term of the presidency is not 4 years, but 6, and the deputies have 5 years. And you can be elected president as many as you like, but only in a row you can’t be more than 2 terms.
          All these NOD tales about the lack of authority are babble feel
        3. +1
          28 May 2018 17: 09
          We need to think about constitutional reform, the most important thing is that the deputies should change the rule of amending the Constitution ... So that the change would be introduced in the working order without a referendum ...
          1. +5
            29 May 2018 21: 44
            We need to think about a change in the social system, the nationalization of fixed assets and mineral resources. Small and medium enterprises, if this is not the brainchild of a thievish bureaucracy, are not subject to nationalization. Honest and talented work should be inviolable.
      3. +9
        28 May 2018 17: 31
        Quote: Tatiana
        The government of the Russian Federation needs "fresh blood" - other professionals and real ideas - and not the pro-Western liberoids Kudrin with his "curls."

        In the government, and in parliament, we need, in addition to professionals, decent people ...
        And it’s full of smarts, even more talents. And wherever you spit among these talents, wise men and professionals, there are completely villains and thieves ...
        1. +2
          28 May 2018 18: 31
          Quote: Alber
          In the government, and in parliament, we need, in addition to professionals, decent people ...

          + In general, I agree with you; but, above all, decent people are needed in the society from which rulers and parliamentarians come out. No wonder it is said that every nation has the government that it deserves.
      4. +3
        29 May 2018 13: 17
        I and Putin did not include President in the March 18 elections, but Pavel Grudinin. But one plump aunt at the CEC said that I was wrong and that Putin should be president again.
        And the people believed her, though not all, still voted a lot for Grudinin, but with the votes for him, the addition rule suddenly ceased to work and the rule of subtracting votes for him somehow strangely worked. And others, who no longer believe in anything or those who are all over the drum, they simply gave their voices to this quick aunt, and she, with the dexterity of a note sharpler, knew how to use them in favor of the guarantor.
        So - hiccup and drink water from a glass.
      5. +2
        29 May 2018 15: 50
        Quote: Tatiana
        Russia is in a difficult position! And I wouldn’t include Kudrin in the government of the Russian Federation! For, with its Kudrino Reaganomics according to the recommendations of the IMF and the World Bank (i.e., the US Federal Reserve), the common people definitely do not need it!
        The government of the Russian Federation needs "fresh blood" - other professionals and real ideas - and not the pro-Western liberoids Kudrin with his "curls."

        And how does the “ingenious” Putin look at this? Does he agree with your position?
    2. +22
      28 May 2018 07: 17
      I can not name the modern economic policy of Russia neoliberal. It has long become a kind of state capitalism. Like and large private property is welcome, and at the same time, the state takes the most active part in serious industries, especially in the defense industry.
      What Paul Craig Roberts "explains" to Russian citizens is a creeping provocation, a good attempt to set people against their own government and specifically against Putin. But Putin does not equal the West and the USA. GDP takes into account all their mistakes, trying to avoid those in Russian realities. That’s where the word “hybrid” becomes appropriate: we can say that Russia has a hybrid economic course. With the development of small private enterprises, large private property, a serious private business with a state controlling stake and purely state-owned enterprises.
      No need to trustfully be conducted on the "analyst" Roberts, as well as any other analytics from Western "experts." All of them are gradually trying to crawl into the soul and consciousness of the Russian people, then to raise the people against the clever Russian government. And our power is smart now. At the western rate does not drift. It goes its own way, independent, at the same time not eliminating from Western investments and interacting with Western capital. And it is right. Self-isolation of Russia to us to anything.
      1. +40
        28 May 2018 07: 30
        Quote: mari.inet
        It has long become a kind of state capitalism.

        Is state capitalism really state? wink In my opinion, we simply have an oligarchic state, and is used for our purposes by a handful of oligarchs.
        1. +7
          28 May 2018 08: 20
          Discussions on the topic * what they said, wrote * the representative of the enemy are worth nothing but an analysis of their * Wishlist *.
        2. +31
          28 May 2018 08: 39
          Ingvar 72
          In my opinion, we simply have an oligarchic state, and is used for our purposes by a handful of oligarchs.

          Exactly. Small clarification.
          In Russia, we have peripheral comprador oligarchic-bureaucratic capitalism with an authoritarian form of government. Here is a socio-political formation with two dominant classes - bureaucrats and oligarchs.
          Such a system is not able to provide the necessary level of development for Russia.
          1. +6
            28 May 2018 09: 40
            So leave your vile capitalism in the village, to freedom.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +8
                28 May 2018 15: 54
                Quote: Gargantua
                Quote: Victor N
                So leave your vile capitalism in the village, to freedom.

                Are you a crest by chance? Those, too, only such "smart" thoughts can extract from their heads. winked

                No, he’s just earning money. The right authorities do not create jobs, so he is trying to poor man, take pity on the boy. wink
            2. +9
              28 May 2018 17: 34
              Quote: Victor N
              So leave your vile capitalism in the village, to freedom.

              And you do not want to return to your homeland in Israel and teach your brothers there?
              Will you still indicate here what to do ...
          2. +8
            28 May 2018 12: 07
            Exactly! True, authoritarianism is absent. After all, GDP does not have full power. But such a system provides the highest level of corruption of everything and everyone! Actually, in this regard, we are at the global level. In all Western countries, it has long been 100% venality, so Russia is confidently approaching this level.
      2. +12
        28 May 2018 08: 37
        Quote: mari.inet
        And our power is smart now. At the western rate does not drift

        very interesting comment, cute! I agree that the authorities are not drifting at the western rate, otherwise only Western oligarchs would pump oil. But I believe that the government is drifting in the interests of the "Russian" oligarchs. In addition, why in the country a huge amount of IKEA, AUCHAN .... ??? Is it not a drift under Europe ???
        1. +8
          28 May 2018 08: 58
          McDonald's forgotten. He was the first.
          1. +18
            28 May 2018 10: 25
            Many comrades pronouncing the word oligarch can hardly or will not be able to explain at all who they are and what they are! So oligarchs are called owners of large capital who have a very big influence on politics in the country. oligarchs actually form both the external and internal political agendas of the country naturally in their own interests or in the interests of oligarchic groups! Here you can recall such a gentleman as Berezovsky and a whole galaxy - Smolensky, Khodorkovsky, Gusinsky ... In an interview with the London Financial Times in 1996, Mr. Berezovsky quite officially and reasonably stated that 50% of the Russian economy is in the hands of 7 financial oligarchs who solve the most important political problems! All these bigwigs come from the banking sector, which arose already at the sunset of the Union, and then collateral auctions followed ... That’s all if someone who forgot, and who maybe didn’t know and is called the oligarchic system! Here, Putin just finished all this mess! Next. Rich people have always been and will be under the market system! The guilds, the regional party nomenclature not counting money, etc.were even in the USSR! The question is whether they influence state policy and in which direction are they oriented ?! All sorts of echoes, rains and other liberal media love to suck up a system allegedly created by Putin from his friends whom he helped to become oligarchs! However, at one time about the Gusinsky - Khodorkovsky they kept quiet in a rag! And someone remembers, for example, the patched leader of Echo asked Prokhorov a question, something like - brother in liberalism Prokhorov, and where did you get the money from ?! No, it's just bad for liberals! Talking with us, leftists of all stripes love exclusively Timchenko, Rottenberg, Sechin, Kostin, Chemezov! I'll tell you simply - Putin brought his people whom he knows and trusts them! This has happened in our history more than once! Rottenberg is a friend of Putin since childhood. It was to him that Putin entrusted him to build such an important strategic object as a bridge to the Crimea. And what is there to object? Is the bridge built in no time? Not only a bridge was built, but a whole network (built and under construction) of access roads! And who can say that Rottenberg could not cope with this serious matter ?! Or did he steal money ?! And now further - someone can say that Rottenberg is not controlled by Putin ?! Or does he crawl into politics and government, like Berezovsky or Khodorkovsky ?! Whether someone likes it or not, Putin’s recruitment system, but this system works! We do not have oligarchs in the country and there is no oligarchic system. We have nationally oriented rich people. There are very rich. But they and the oligarchs are two big differences! And the last. Did you and I choose Putin like that? Putin picks up a team, has the right? Does Putin have the right to put people he trusts in key sectors of the Russian economy? Putin instructed one of his friends to build a bridge! Is the bridge built? For all of us? And our bridge and Crimea! And Putin dealt with the oligarchic system at the beginning of his activity as a state. Not fast.
            1. +16
              28 May 2018 10: 34
              But the cost of the Crimean bridge differs from the design one by how many times? Have you forgotten about this?
              We have nationally oriented rich people
              Great expression. Do you hear yourself?
              1. +4
                28 May 2018 11: 00
                What time? But I hear generally well, as I see. There are no nationally oriented rich people?
                1. +21
                  28 May 2018 11: 41
                  The Kerch bridge, which is being built by the Stroygazmontazh company, owned by Arkady Rotenberg, a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has risen in price by more than 10 times over the entire construction period. Initially, the project was estimated at 24 billion rubles, today the estimated cost is 250 billion rubles.
                  Moreover, nationally-oriented rich people built the Vostochny spaceport.
                  1. +14
                    28 May 2018 12: 27
                    You quote a video from RBC’s stories - the bridge’s cost is 10 times more expensive!) Tell me, can official sources still look?) Or is it not interesting?) The contractor received 222,4 billion rubles for the construction of the bridge, an estimate of 227,9 billion rubles, a subcontractor Stroygazmontazh Mostotrest received 96,6 billion rubles. Next, 170 billion of them for the creation of the main bridge structures. 9 billion for design and survey work, 4.8 billion for the purchase of land and unforeseen expenses, 44 billion for the preparation of the territory, temporary buildings, energy facilities ... Consider it. Everything else is other contracts i.e. adjacent roads, tunnels, federal highway Tauris project cost 163 billion rubles. So, the total project cost is 227,9 billion rubles. This is 380 million rubles less than the marginal cost of the project approved before the start of the project. And now about your figure of 24 billion rubles in the cost of the entire (!!!!) project. This was reported by the very media, including Ukrainian and Russian, of a certain orientation, which relatively recently wrote that the bridge would not be completed even in 2019, and they also said that money for the construction of the bridge had ceased to flow at all and Rotenberg presented it to the Russian authorities an ultimatum, and they also said that it’s impossible to build a bridge at all, but on the other hand they said that it is very easy to build and worth the garbage, and everything else will be stolen ... Are you still not tired of yourself ?!
                    At Vostochny Cosmodrome, the construction dates for the second stage are announced. Soyuz rockets with 11 satellites on board are launched. Are you interested in theft facts? Dozens of criminal cases have been opened, 4 defendants have been convicted of embezzlement, received from 6 to 12 years. Collected 5, 16 billion rubles. as compensation for damage. The question is not closed. Still, something interesting?
                    1. +3
                      28 May 2018 12: 53
                      In 2010, Medvedev, who was then president of the Russian Federation, discussed the construction of the transition with Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych at the first Russian-Ukrainian interregional forum in Gelendzhik. Then the two leaders were shown the layout of the bridge "Crimea - Caucasus (port)" with a length of 4,2 kilometers and a cost of 24 billion rubles. In October last year (2013), Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced that it was about the construction of the bridge. “This project is costly, complex and requires careful analysis. But nevertheless, he is needed. "
                      1. +10
                        28 May 2018 13: 02
                        So what? Built for 24 billion ?! What are you talking about and what and with what are you comparing? Really built automobile and building railway bridges with a layout ?! Great! Ask Yanukovych and Medvedev about the layout. And why about the spaceport? If they steal, then they get good from the authorities, or what? "The rule of law in the country is determined not by the presence of thieves, but by the ability of the authorities to neutralize them!" Gleb Zheglov spoke in certain circumstances.
                  2. +3
                    28 May 2018 12: 46
                    The Kerch bridge, which is being built by the Stroygazmontazh company, owned by Arkady Rotenberg, a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has risen in price by more than 10 times over the entire construction period. Initially, the project was estimated at 24 billion rubles, today the estimated cost is 250 billion rubles.

                    I apologize. I did not have time to answer. I was driving home from work. Thank you for the answer. hi
                2. +14
                  28 May 2018 13: 50
                  There are no nationally oriented rich people?

                  It’s not without reason that Donald Trump, well-known to you, receives a salary of $ 1 a year. He is rich and can afford it. Here he is a nationally oriented rich man. And all the Rotenbergs, Timchenko, Sechins and the like came to cut down the grandmothers. At the same time, the president helps them in this .
                  1. +5
                    28 May 2018 14: 59
                    Here you are also a very nationally oriented person! And this is certainly based on them. that Rotenberg, Timchenko and Sechin are just grabbers for you, but Trump is a role model! You talk about a salary of 1 dollar ...)) Judging by the numbers on your nickname, we are the same age! Vladivostok, you are not a boy already! Well, you can’t be so naive! All Trump's actions are the essence of building a new world order and preference for US capital at the expense of everyone else! He wanted to spit on any contracts and obligations! Do you know why ?! Yes, because it relies precisely on American monopolies and corporations, in turn, being the locomotive of their interests! And here you are telling us tales about 1 dollar! And about the nationally oriented ... His daughter married a Jew and converted to Judaism! The transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem is probably such a gift from the pope!
                    And finally, about Timchenko, Rotenberg, Sechen, Chemezov, Potanin ... I already said about the bridge. I can talk about a lot more. But you yourself are better off reading about the charitable activities of these people financing Russian sports, education, culture, various social projects, the restoration of Orthodox churches ... This is what is in the public domain.) Look at the activities of the funds they created! I understand that Trump is closer to you, everyone has their own likes and dislikes, but the truth is more expensive!)
                    1. +11
                      28 May 2018 15: 47
                      The sport is certainly good. How much the Zenit Arena cost the budget. And who built it. And I watched the video with our players in the night club. Charity funds are also an interesting thing. Here worldvita collects money to treat children, but I don’t talk about Rotenberg or Potanin funds heard? Enlighten? Trump is just an example. But none of our rich people didn’t do that. Why? Because if the loot squinted, you can’t stop, others breathe in the back.
                    2. +4
                      28 May 2018 16: 14
                      The truth in the standard of living of an average person is what he is, what he lives in. Only in fact, not VTsIOM.
                    3. 0
                      1 June 2018 12: 12
                      Quote: Oper
                      . the end about Timchenko, Rotenberg, Sechen, Chemezov, Potanin ... I already said about the bridge. I can talk about a lot more. But you yourself better read about the charitable activities of these people

                      Your profession clearly prevents you from making sober conclusions in this area.
                      Continue to perform your duties better, catch criminals. Thieves, scammers, and most importantly drug dealers, whom are teeming with worms. Only you are not able to put things in order on the streets, crying that there is not enough time, people, salaries are small ... They made a mess in the country, and you talk about an economy in which you can’t beat
                  2. +9
                    28 May 2018 16: 11
                    And than GDP is not Trump. The same "rogue" with a salary of 500 thousand per month. But "socially responsible" subordinates rake in hundreds of millions a year. It’s possible to donate “a pair of silver coins” from bounty to charity. And to them in response, a medal to his 25-year-old son, for hard and selfless work.
                    1. +3
                      29 May 2018 08: 15
                      They receive tax benefits for organizing charitable foundations. Their whole world revolves around money (not according to Freud).
            2. +9
              28 May 2018 12: 21
              That’s all if someone who forgot, and who maybe didn’t know and is called the oligarchic system! Here, Putin just finished all this mess!
              What are you ?! I’m probably in a different dimension. They remembered Berezovsky and Gusinsky, but forgot Hodor. Those who wanted to sweep away the GDP in 2004 through the elections didn’t succeed, for which they were excommunicated and how Kurbsky disappeared abroad.
              Talking with us, leftists of all stripes love exclusively Timchenko, Rottenberg, Sechin, Kostin, Chemezov! I'll tell you simply - Putin brought his people whom he knows and trusts them! This has happened in our history more than once! Rottenberg is a friend of Putin since childhood.
              That's right, the main assessment is not professionalism, but devotion.
              1. +1
                28 May 2018 14: 55
                Quote: Sasha_Sar
                They remembered Berezovsky and Gusinsky, but forgot Hodor. Those who wanted to sweep away the GDP in 2004 through the elections didn’t succeed, for which they were excommunicated and how Kurbsky disappeared abroad.

                Remember what year Berezovsky began to hide? Before 2004!
                1. +2
                  28 May 2018 15: 39
                  It is fundamentally?!
                  1. 0
                    28 May 2018 18: 33
                    Judging by what you wrote above, in principle.
              2. +6
                28 May 2018 15: 41
                Firstly, I’m Sasha, I didn’t write anything to you personally and I don’t know what dimension you are in, and secondly, you don’t read carefully and if you call Khodorkovsky in such a way as I wrote about him!
                Professionalism of devotion is also not worth opposing! Both that and another is valuable. You deigned to comment on the paragraph I wrote where I said that we had a similar story! I’ll give you a couple of examples easily. Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin His Grace Prince of Tauride! Tavria, Crimea as a part of Russia, it’s his business! The creation of the Black Sea Fleet and the construction of many settlements are also his hands of creation! Surely not an oligarch ?! Yes, and the Mother Empress is the person closest ... They say diamonds were handfuls in pockets and could be given to them as they saw fit ... He built educational institutions for children at his own expense ... As usual, the slander was and was poured with mud from head to toe! Tales are still being told about Potemkin villages! HELL. Menshikov is the closest associate of Peter 1. Generally was illiterate. There is not a single document compiled by him! Favorite of Peter. Great Russian state and military active. All the Peter army of amusement created from the boys of their peers who later defeated the strongest armies in Europe!
                This is for you, Sasha, about devotion! And about professionalism, look at the Crimean bridge. On it, Crimeans someday, rightfully write gold letters in gold letters, Putin, and a little lower letters smaller Rottenberg! And they will be absolutely right without any pathos whether you like it or not!
                1. +5
                  29 May 2018 06: 28
                  If they write in gold letters, it means that somewhere there are many dumps of waste rock, which admire this gold? Calling to beat your forehead on the ground at the foot of the great pyramid?
                2. +2
                  29 May 2018 11: 04
                  Igor you are a “gift of God” with ... you yourself know what, do not confuse. Prince Potemkin and A. Menshikov did not keep their "pennies" in the treasury. They did not withdraw capital into offshore; they did not apply for Jewish citizenship. You wouldn’t put one “shelf” above standing characters with such personalities, the scale is not commensurate.
                3. +3
                  29 May 2018 11: 17
                  Surely not an oligarch ?!
                  Excuse me, Potemkin had his own, as they would say business now ?! As far as I remember, in addition to my not very rich estate in Smolenshchina, at the beginning of his career he did not have anything. He was a talented man in all respects, striving for a power. Service in the guard helped to take a close place with the empress. I have gained my wealth thanks to the mind and theft, and who is not without sin? I don’t remember something that he would lobby for a tax increase or something else to preserve his estate.
            3. +7
              28 May 2018 18: 23
              Quote: Oper
              Here, Putin just finished all this mess!

              Quote: Oper
              And Putin dealt with the oligarchic system at the beginning of his activity as a state.

              Oh, dreams. dreams. You are too naive in your conclusions - in fact, one oligarchic group defeated another by putting the right person at the helm. Test - how does Putin feel about Yeltsin and Chubais? wink
              1. +2
                29 May 2018 09: 50
                Reserved attitude ... does not swear in love, but also does not curse. hi
                The man gave reasonable calculations and conclusions, and you just drew a smile. But show off for milen!

                Opera - RESPECT!
              2. +1
                3 June 2018 18: 08
                Quote: Ingvar 72
                Quote: Oper
                Here, Putin just finished all this mess!

                Quote: Oper
                And Putin dealt with the oligarchic system at the beginning of his activity as a state.

                Oh, dreams. dreams. You are too naive in your conclusions - in fact, one oligarchic group defeated another by putting the right person at the helm. Test - how does Putin feel about Yeltsin and Chubais? wink

                ))) he (opera) is probably the same "opera" as the economist ... Or the historian
      3. +3
        28 May 2018 09: 37
        My respect, Marina!
        You have returned my loyalty to female wisdom.
      4. +16
        28 May 2018 10: 59
        With the development of small private enterprises, large private property, a serious private business with a state controlling stake and purely state-owned enterprises.

        Marina, you seem to be writing serious books. Let me ask you, how do you imagine what is quoted from your message? I am not an economist. Simple layman. Just a little read. From history, I know that in the 20s everything that you wrote was available. And the Dnieper and the NEP existed simultaneously. But then comrade Stalin said that this would not work. "If we do not go the way in 10 years, they will crush us." And only the public sector remained. Both in industry and in agriculture. For better or worse, history reasoned. And the isolation of Russia, for some reason, did not bother Comrade Stalin at all. Isolation of Russia exists only in the minds of liberals. The past five years have shown this clearly. I remember in 2014, at a summit in Australia, Putin was sitting at a table alone. Now, after "isolation", his doors do not close from visitors.
        Russia does not need Western investments, which are already absent. Need self isolation. At least for a couple of years. And you will be surprised at the reaction of the West.
        1. +3
          28 May 2018 11: 13
          Quote: Bakht
          And only the public sector remained. Both in industry and in agriculture.

          You forget about the artels. And this is not quite a public sector.
          1. +11
            28 May 2018 11: 24
            Yes, there were artels. And even comrade Stalin did not destroy them, but seems to have even developed them. But, honestly, in the place where the party card always lay, did the artels make the country great?
            Or is Trump deciding to make America Great Again betting on small businesses and small businesses? He demands the return of large-scale production to the country.
            In America, the number of small farmers is steadily declining. And the number of large agricultural holdings is growing and they themselves are growing in size. Only large-scale production can lift the country out of the abyss. And not mining, but manufacturing
            1. +7
              28 May 2018 12: 08
              Quote: Bakht
              Did artels make a great country?

              No, but they provided people with a huge mass of necessary trifles. All these cups, spoons, pans. In our city, for example, there was a third five-year artel, it produced household chemicals. Who do you think belongs to now? To the Americans. At first, under Khrushchev, they turned it into a state-owned enterprise, then a joint venture was established at Mechen. Now all this is Procter Gamble. But both the Germans, and ours, considered this enterprise a strategic one, and after the Germans blew up the plant during the retreat, ours immediately began to rebuild it. Now all the profits go to the Americans. Powders I think Tide, but Ariel buy? So consider it your contribution to the American economy. We also have enterprises owned by the Germans, and Italians, and China is also building a car factory.
              1. +4
                28 May 2018 12: 14
                Of course I buy both Tide and Ariel. So what is it all about? About the need for self-isolation. Russia can not produce washing powder?
                Why do you think in the beginning of the 30s they began to cover the private sector and single-handed individuals? Now they advocate for small-scale production. It is plagued. Chasnik Dnieper and Magnitogorsk will not be built. And a lot of gibberish sector gives jobs? Is unemployment greatly reduced?
                1. +6
                  28 May 2018 12: 52
                  Quote: Bakht
                  And a lot of gibberish sector gives jobs?

                  Few. Moreover, they squeeze a person to the limit. Not all, but many. Moreover, they come across that if you don’t prove to him that you shouldn’t work like that, they don’t understand. I saw how the plasterer worker stopped working in the rain, so his observing owner overlaid him with matyugs.
                  Quote: Bakht
                  Is unemployment greatly reduced?

                  Well, Putin contradicts himself in this matter. He gave an assignment for 25 million jobs, and did not tell how magically they would appear. Why the Chinese are building factories here, and not the government, is not clear.
                  1. +10
                    28 May 2018 12: 59
                    Because there is such a magic word "investment".
                    Suppose you need a plant (if the Chinese are building, then you need it). You can print rubles, Target them to allocate them for the construction of the plant. To give people work, to engage allies, to build a factory. What is not enough to buy for petrodollars (or petroleum yuan). Fill the plant with your own people and make a profit. Long receive a payback of several years.
                    The second option. Investments. Give the opportunity to build Chinese. Report that investments have gone into the economy. But the investor will invest money if he makes a profit. And his plant and workers can set their own. This is his PERSONAL factory. And profits will also flow to China. And the country will have a trifle like taxes.
                    What about the minister? He also reported on investments. The numbers were beautiful. Which way is better - to decide the citizens of the country. So I say that investment is evil. Sometimes they are needed (where there is none at all). But overall, this is evil for the country.
                    1. +6
                      28 May 2018 13: 48
                      Bakht, in fact, the original article by Roberts just explains that investment is not good for any country and its citizens, and this is described by the example of the states, and the conclusion is that the economic model imposed on Russia is fatal.
                      1. +9
                        28 May 2018 13: 52
                        Well then, I inattentively read. But "investment" is the hobby of the liberal bloc of government. So you can agree with Roberts :-)
                        In fact, investment is an investment in the economy. So you need to invest in the economy .... No need to invest other people's money, because it will be a foreign economy. Glazyev called for investing rubles. But the Central Bank for some reason does not want to do this.
                    2. +3
                      28 May 2018 16: 19
                      You can talk a lot about the Chinese for a long time. They will not build environmentally friendly plants a priori. The salary of a seamstress in China 45 thousand rubles for ours, we have 15-20 thousand. That's something like that.
        2. +3
          28 May 2018 17: 49
          In my opinion, compared with the period of Stalin and the Soviet era as a whole, now time is running much faster. The information flow is overwhelming and politicians, and dealers, and townsfolk, forcing people to increase and increase the pace of life.
          In the modern world, a couple of years of self-isolation will throw Russia back a couple of decades. For a couple of years, the world, science, international politics, the foreign market - everything will change radically. And Russia, with its self-isolation, will be at a trough.
          In voluntary self-isolation, even a critical attitude of people to events from the outside world will undergo a change: it will become naively simplistic, not corresponding to the real situation. And again, from the fire to the fire, we plunge from self-isolation into full openness, but together with the acquired denseness.
          I do not think that in today's world and in today's Russia, detachment from the global course of history is necessary. Russia will cope with the challenges without closing itself.
          1. +5
            29 May 2018 06: 58
            Marina, you communicate with people. And there is a lock on the door of your house. Why do you need a castle? After all, this is voluntary self-isolation. Under the tsar, only 6% of crude oil was sold abroad. Now 70% of the aluminum goes over the hill. Etc .. Do we continue to be motes? Count how many decades Gorbachev’s openness threw us away (USSR share in world GDP - 20%, today - 3-4%)?
            1. +1
              29 May 2018 07: 09
              Quote: Alexander Ra
              USSR share in world GDP - 20%

              Union? Together with CMEA?
              Quote: Alexander Ra
              share in world GDP -
              today - 3-4%

              Um ... check out the little picture. Informative Yes

              Clickable, by the way.
              1. 0
                29 May 2018 07: 53
                Thanks for the picture.
      5. +3
        29 May 2018 13: 18
        Marina, and where do you see our state, and even the social one?
      6. +1
        29 May 2018 21: 56
        You are either an idealist, or .... here there is already a choice.
    3. +2
      28 May 2018 11: 52
      Quote: Vard
      The children of Gaydarov’s nest are ruining us ...

      This country is governed with the help of the Cheka, and not with the help of economists, because the population is needed only for the development of Siberia, the laying of oil and gas pipelines, as well as the introduction of the population of socially undeveloped regions of the world to the market. Economic methods do not work here - the climate is too harsh and the environment is harsh.
      1. +14
        28 May 2018 12: 19
        I do not agree. Basic economic laws work. And in your opinion it turns out that without a commissar with a Nagan, nothing can be built?
        The problem is that it is the liberal economy that introduces incomprehensible economic laws in the country. The whole world called through customs and tariff barriers. Trump rejects all IMF recommendations when it comes to the US economy. And it requires that the same recommendations be made by other countries.
        It is incorrect to compare the economies of the USSR and the West. Because they are built on completely different principles. Tell me, who in the USSR suffered from the fact that the ruble is wooden (that is, non-convertible)? I personally did not suffer.
        1. +3
          28 May 2018 13: 02
          Quote: Bakht
          I do not agree. Basic economic laws work.

          And I do not agree with you. If somewhere in Indonesia, an iron hangar is enough for the construction of the enterprise, then we need a capital building with heating. Calculate how much heating takes one workshop average. However, on this occasion there is Parshev’s work “Why Russia is not America”. Have you ever tried to work at minus thirty in a workshop without heating?
          1. 0
            28 May 2018 13: 04
            I read Parshev .... And in many ways I agree with him. By the way, I’ve read it for a long time ....
            1. +6
              28 May 2018 13: 09
              Quote: Bakht
              I read Parshev .... And in many ways I agree with him.

              I have been working in the workshop for several years without heating. Not very nice, you know. Only our bourgeois says that he will go broke on heating.
              1. +4
                28 May 2018 13: 14
                Heating is one side of the issue raised by Parshev. This applies to production costs and the competitiveness of Russian products. But on Parshev alone the light did not converge. I say that I largely agree with him. Therefore, Soviet (Russian) industry cannot be compared with Western. But apart from one book, there are other authors. To date, my main sources are Kara-Murza "Soviet Civilization", Eric Reinert "Why the rich countries became rich ....", Jacques Attali "On the threshold of a new millennium." And other authors rank smaller ...
                1. +4
                  28 May 2018 13: 17
                  [quote = Bakht] Heating is one side of the issue raised by Parshev. This applies to production costs and the competitiveness of Russian products. But on Parshev alone the light did not converge. I say that I largely agree with him. Therefore, Soviet (Russian) industry is impossible [quote = Bakht] Today, my main sources are Kara-Murza "Soviet Civilization" [/ quote]
                  Read it yourself, “Manipulation of Consciousness” of books 1 and 2. There, a thorough analysis of all the chernukha that is sometimes driven by VO by some figures.
                  1. +2
                    28 May 2018 13: 25
                    I have not read this book. I'll see .... But in general, the orientation of his works is known. The fact that they are "driven" on the Internet does not need to be read. But in any case, any information must be pumped through its gyrus. Which I try to do.
                    1. +1
                      28 May 2018 13: 50
                      Quote: Bakht
                      I have not read this book. I'll see.

                      Just watch ... or read thoughtfully .. so the second is preferable.
                      But this is not in your direction, this is for those who, apart from the Internet, don’t know anything else, do not read and do not give their mind loads to learn that everything is completely different in reality.
                    2. +3
                      28 May 2018 19: 45
                      Quote: Bakht
                      I have not read this book. I'll see.

                      The book is very serious, I only defeated it in a year. A pause is constantly required to comprehend. But very interesting. hi
              2. +3
                28 May 2018 16: 21
                With the largest energy resources wassat
          2. +3
            29 May 2018 13: 24
            I don’t know how Bakht is, but I worked, so I completely agree with Parshev one hundred percent. And I worked in a hangar like the Indonesian, because renting a plot with heating was not affordable. And this is the common fate of all those who are trying to develop their business in the country, moreover, development and production, and not speculation, which we have come to call civilized business.
    4. +1
      28 May 2018 12: 55
      First of all, Sobchakova.
    5. +2
      30 May 2018 16: 40
      Quote: Vard
      The children of Gaydarov’s nest are ruining us ...

      The chicks of the nest of the drunk Yeltsin are destroying us, the Gaidar is only six in that gang.
    6. 0
      12 June 2018 12: 46
      it is necessary to write correctly: not nests but nests, because the Gaidar
    7. +1
      18 June 2018 19: 42
      But I never understood the meaning of the phrase "attract foreign investment" For what purpose will foreigners give money? Correctly with the goal of making even more money))) aaaaa meaning?
    8. +1
      24 June 2018 14: 52
      And everyone sees this: one “cormorant” from this nest destroyed the USSR with reforms, and the remaining “chicks” decided to physically reduce the country's population by pension reforms ...
  2. +26
    28 May 2018 06: 17
    Russia is doomed. The country will die because of Putin's mistake

    Putin comes and goes, but Russia remains. Therefore, the country will remain, but with a developed economy, thanks to the "cunning plans", the May decrees, the status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, some provisions of the Constitution, clanism and nepotism in power, lobbying for the interests of the oligarchs and a sluggish system of combating embezzlement and corruption it seems to be over before 2024. .. crying
    1. +14
      28 May 2018 06: 53
      Putin comes and goes, but Russia remains. Therefore, the country will remain, but with a developed economy, thanks to the "cunning plans", the May decrees, the status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, some provisions of the Constitution, clanism and nepotism in power, lobbying for the interests of the oligarchs and a sluggish system of combating embezzlement and corruption seems to be over before 2024. .. crying

      In Russia at the moment there is no normal opposition, the absence of which allows the authorities to promote with impunity not anti-popular actions, but sometimes just anti-people actions. But right now there is an opportunity to emerge from this force.
      1. +12
        28 May 2018 06: 59
        give up all hope everyone living here ...
        Well, we are not able to give birth to the opposition from the word at all ... we live in extremes ... or life for the tsar ... or Russian rebellion - meaningless and cruel ...
        1. +8
          28 May 2018 07: 06
          The destiny of the weak is to submit to the wave. And we Russians have always been strong. We cannot give up today. Because we will not be forgiven for this.
      2. +14
        28 May 2018 11: 37
        Quote: Vladivostok1969
        In Russia at the moment there is no normal opposition, the absence of which allows the authorities to promote with impunity not anti-popular actions, but sometimes just anti-people actions. But right now there is an opportunity to emerge from this force.

        There is a normal opposition in Russia, but anti-people’s government is fighting it with all its resources at its disposal: courts, the prosecutor’s office, the FSB, the Russian Guard and the zombie television station who is silent about it at all or tells us that they are terrorists.
        1. +2
          28 May 2018 12: 55
          Where is this opposition? Name at least one rally as a party other than those held for the 1 and 9 on May. I’ll live in Vladivostok. Besides the billboard with Zhirinovsky near his reception. I don’t see any other agitation. If the opposition is not hiding is that strange to you?
          1. +4
            28 May 2018 13: 53
            Quote: Vladivostok1969
            Where is this opposition? Name at least one rally as a party other than those held for the 1 and 9 on May. I’ll live in Vladivostok. Besides the billboard with Zhirinovsky near his reception. I don’t see any other agitation. If the opposition is not hiding is that strange to you?

            1. +1
              28 May 2018 14: 54
              The people don’t know anything about you. You yourself are to blame. Go out and declare yourself. Look for a worthy leader. The upheavals are just beginning. Have a ride on the wave.
          2. +7
            28 May 2018 19: 46
            Quote: Vladivostok1969
            Where is she this opposition?

            At least Grudinin.
            1. +2
              29 May 2018 08: 21
              I voted for Grudinin. And where is he now? Lost and folded paws? Life is a struggle. And now is not the time to stop. Call people to the streets. Hold public events. But not only in Moscow. Russia, this is not only Moscow. There are a lot of us beyond the Urals. One in the field is not a warrior, but there are millions of us.
      3. +1
        29 May 2018 13: 25
        Not an opportunity, but an urgent need, and not expecting the 2024th.
    2. +23
      28 May 2018 07: 18
      but Russia remains.
      Until 2014, I also believed .. But Russia is more than the former RSFSR .. The Soviet Union and the Russian Empire were the same. And now we are sitting on the remaining scrap, and the authorities think that they would still sell in our territory ..
      1. +4
        28 May 2018 08: 40
        Yeah, the scrap is straight quite small, a few spans literally ... laughing And before that, of course, everything was better. That in the Empire, where most of the population was relegated to second-class people (or even worse), that in the Union for which the people were often no more than just another resource.
        Power, as it were, is always the same in essence and is only concerned with its own well-being. And now we have far from its worst option by the way.
        1. +18
          28 May 2018 09: 32
          not its worst option
          This is about the Crimean trumpet from each iron, but they won’t stutter for a long time about the cunning plan for joint management of the Kuril Islands.
          And about the span. Many territories belonged to Russia for a thousand years, and now we are convinced that these are supposedly other hostile states.
          1. +1
            28 May 2018 09: 52
            About the "cunning plan for the joint management of the Kuril Islands" it is only known that this idea did not go beyond the newspaper headlines, no wonder that they do not even remember it. You still remember Alaska or the islands on the Amur.
            From what belonged to Russia a thousand years ago, there is only Ukraine and Belarus (and that is not completely). And there is no need to convince anyone of the hostility of some state-this is an objective fact. Well, the Baltic states, Georgians, Ukrainians (namely Ukrainians) and others do not like us, and there is nothing to be done about it.
        2. +12
          28 May 2018 12: 17
          Quote: Lyapis
          And before that, of course, everything was better. That in the Empire, where most of the population was relegated to second-class people (or even worse), that in the Union for which the people were often no more than just another resource.

          Let's separate the compote separately from the flies. It was the USSR that showed the advantages of the social system, when an ordinary citizen, showing remarkable abilities, skills, talent, abilities, knowledge, could achieve a significant (high) social position in the country. Thanks to this, the Soviet elite appeared, the results of which (the fruits of mental and physical labor, abilities and skills) we reap until now and put them among the highest achievements. It was in Tsarist Russia that the path to Lomonosov’s knowledge became Christomatical.

          Quote: Lyapis
          And now we have far from its worst option by the way.

          Now we do not have options, but they have us in different versions, suggesting that this is exactly the right way. Therefore, with such attempts, we portray nationwide glee, support for this power and the lack of alternativeness to lack of profit. What we have is a dried-up version. He no longer stinks, although in essence he remains shit. When the population stops growing in the country with increasing life expectancy, it only means that degradation has come, genocide has given its first fruits. stop No options ...
          1. +2
            28 May 2018 12: 35
            1.This social system rested nearly 30 years ago. And this is the main indicator of all its "advantages". For a moment, the opposite side has achieved exactly the same successes and accomplishments ... and it still exists safely.
            2. Population growth is the sole prerogative of the authorities or can the people themselves? (and do not start about uncertainty about tomorrow, insufficient help to children, etc.).
            And since when has the increase in life expectancy become a sign of degradation of society and genocide (genocide, Karl !!! wassat laughing )?
            1. +9
              28 May 2018 18: 52
              Quote: Lyapis
              1.This social system rested nearly 30 years ago. And this is the main indicator of all its "advantages" ....
              2. For a moment, the opposite side has achieved exactly the same successes and achievements ...
              3. ... and still exists safely.
              4. Population growth is the sole prerogative of the authorities or can the people themselves? ...
              5. And since when has the increase in life expectancy become a sign of degradation of society and genocide ... i

              1. Not scientifically somehow, this fact can be considered the main indicator of “advantages” only with an inveterate manipulator or with someone who is sure that he knows the reasons for the change of this socio-political system. You obviously do not pull on the second. From the first years of its existence, this system operated under the most severe embargo, the most terrible illiteracy of the population and the extremely small share of industrial production in tsarist Russia, but despite all the trials it turned the country into a great power. Even Marx and Trotsky did not expect this, believing that in one country socialism could not withstand the pressure of world capital, and ours could do the impossible and the country lived a life equal to human - more than 70 years, while by common efforts the enemy was internal and external with the complacency and connivance of a people accustomed to always count on the protection of power, did not ruin it.
              2. Which ones are exactly the same? ... science, medicine, education, machine tool industry, defense, self-sufficiency and independence ..? They still cannot completely plunder and privatize what was created before them.
              3. Who would doubt it? The problem is that a social parasite reproduces its own kind, and a critical amount of it leads to the death of the body, which is what Russia expects. In that voluminous conclusion about the death of the USSR, a “crisis of control intelligence”, but not helminthiasis, could be distinguished from a close one. So do not mislead the people here.
              4. Don't you know such simple things? On average, fertility growth in the poorest segments of the population is defined as a manifestation of the survival instinct in parents, as a guarantee of a secured old age. This, damn it, whose "prerogative"? And the birth rate increase in wealthy families is determined by the presence of conditions for his care, upbringing, education and employment. And whose is "solely the prerogative"? It looks like you are accustomed to judge the life of the country only from the position of your own stomach.
              5. a) update your data on this account, or change the source; b) evaluate the new conditions (at least by law) from March 2018, identify trends and predict the result. You can choose, but you are already behind the times.
              1. +1
                29 May 2018 06: 39
                1. There is a Darwinian, so to speak, system. The strong and fit survive, the weak perish. The collapse of the Union, as I said, is the only criterion for the effectiveness of its device. You can recall / think for a long time, why the Soviet Union was wonderful and advanced, but all this will rest on the simple fact that it is no more. Collapsed unable to withstand external pressure and failing to rebuild according to the requirements of the time.
                2. Do you seriously think that in the West they still live in caves? He went out into space in exactly the same way, neither the USSR nor Russia stood next to him in terms of medicine. Science is the same, just look at the number of Nobel laureates of the same USA and USSR / RF over the past half century. I think talking about the self-sufficiency and independence of the United States (and the West as a whole) will be unnecessary. winked
                3. Does this have anything to do with it?
                4.Just look at the list of countries by birth rate. At the forefront there are countries of the very third world. And I have serious suspicions that in these states the governments do not really care about the "social network". And vice versa, it is worth looking down this list and we will see there quite developed and prosperous countries such as Japan and Germany (there things are even worse than ours) ... You feel some discrepancy between statistics and facts to the nonsense that you wrote, huh? wink And yes, what is the connection between my stomach and the demographic situation in the country?
                5. What are these terms and conditions? Give me an example of them, otherwise it's too lazy to look for yourself, to be honest. smile
                Genocide - acts committed with the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial, religious or other historically established cultural and ethnic group as such by:
                -killing of members of this group;
                - causing serious harm to their health;
                - deliberate creation of living conditions designed for the complete or partial physical destruction of this group

                Explain to me how the increase in life expectancy falls into at least one of the methods of genocide from the above definition?
                1. +2
                  29 May 2018 15: 25
                  Quote: Lyapis
                  1. There is a Darwinian, so to speak, system. The strong and fit survive, the weak perish. The collapse of the Union, as I said, is the only criterion for the effectiveness of its device.

                  With Darwin, one would have to be more careful, with the direct transfer of his provisions to society. What do you think you have: “man is friend to man, comrade and brother” or man to man is a wolf? ”Choosing your own is your right, but it’s not mine, for example, it’s true, here we are in different ideological positions. I don’t like analogies, because the opponent often starts to see the essential in another aspect, but is forced to cite:
                  How can the fact of a planned and well-prepared murder of a good person characterize the quality of that person? It’s his own fault, “he failed to rebuild according to the requirements of the time,” he was not careful and did not shoot first. Therefore, he did not give a damn and forget, there could be no use in him. What kind of society are we talking about? This Solzhenitsyn has a statement: "The main thing is to spit first." You will probably like to live in a society or admire a country where the question: “If you are so smart, why so poor?” get the answer: "And if you are so smart, then why so dead?" But this is also an analogy, and I'm not sure that you understood me correctly.
                  Quote: Lyapis
                  ... He just went out into space, in terms of medicine, neither the USSR nor Russia stood next to him. Science is the same, just look at the number of Nobel laureates of the same USA and USSR / RF over the past half century. I think talking about the self-sufficiency and independence of the United States (and the West as a whole) will be unnecessary.

                  Is he? Here it would be necessary to specify. Are Europe and Japan so independent in our country? I am not even talking about self-sufficiency in all types of resources. Let's start with the USA. Who did you decide to compare here with whom? A parasite country with the fairest country in the world. Maybe I will go too far, but I generally think that human civilization has passed the peak of its development in the form of the Soviet Union. But we were the first and everything was done for the first time, we made mistakes, we couldn’t foresee everything ..., but the advantages of the system showed that even in the conditions of fierce resistance, great results can be achieved. Starting conditions of the USA, what can I compare here - they lived off the robbery of the resources of the countries of Latin America, Mexico, earned money during the two World Wars, collaborating with the Nazis, and still rob the world with their financial system. Your right - admire.
                  Quote: Lyapis
                  3. Does this have anything to do with it?

                  Well, the opposite side that came to power after the change of the socio-political system .... "has achieved exactly the same successes and achievements ... and has been successfully existing until now." Something they do not very well obtained, except to exist safely. Maybe this fact will push you to understand what are the advantages of socialism? Or do you, as E. Gaidar, think that “Russia, as a state, does not have a historical right to exist” and as a true liberal: “Russia must disappear as a source of constant mistakes and misunderstandings,” well, in short, the whole point is the natural stupidity of Russians, who can’t do anything normal. Something I do not understand your position, where are you?
                  Quote: Lyapis
                  .... At the forefront there are countries of the very third world. And I have serious suspicions that in these states the governments do not really care about the "social network". And vice versa, it is worth looking down this list and we will see there quite developed and prosperous countries such as Japan and Germany (there things are even worse than ours) ... You feel some discrepancy between statistics and facts to the nonsense that you wrote, huh?
                  laughing read more carefully once again those "bullshit" under point 4, I explained everything there why it happens and I would like for you to answer the question: "Whose is this" prerogative "." I thought I was giving you a hint, but it turns out I’ve only confused. I give one more: “There is no question that would be deliberately or unintentionally confused by bourgeois ideologists and political scientists, like the question of the state” (V.I. Lenin). It is about his role, place in society and functions. Understand and - it will be clear.
                  Quote: Lyapis
                  Explain to me how the increase in life expectancy falls into at least one of the methods of genocide from the above definition?

                  You see, the fact is that the fact of increasing life expectancy in the Russian Federation is extremely controversial. The question is not so much the correctness of the calculation method, although there is no uncertainty here as much as the block of initial data, the distortion of this information after processing (so that representatives of the civil registry offices representing them in shock), ignorance of the exact number of deaths, the manipulation of migration growth, and even naked political expediency in the need to justify an increase in retirement age takes place. After all, it’s not only Rosstat that counts these indicators, who just did not work. It’s not that I’m too lazy to give numbers, graphs, tables of statistical data for a year since 2010 here, it’s just not the same communication format for this. But there is no faith to Rosstat, as an indirect evidence and sad fun I will bring this here, the essence is from 6 minutes. 25 p., Well, repeat for fixing from 8.05:
                  1. +2
                    29 May 2018 22: 06
                    Oh, a couple of machine gunners would be in this room ...
                    1. +3
                      30 May 2018 00: 43
                      And if this goes further, it seems that the submachine gunners will not be needed - they got their own saboteur there, in particular, said: "The main task of fulfilling the Presidential Decree has been solved ... we have done the main thing - we transferred the Federal State Statistics Service to the Ministry of Economic Development. Everything will be fine, colleagues, believe me. " Well, like you can do nothing more at all, just give instructions to the Federal State Statistics Service and there they will calculate the rate of economic growth as they should, show the average salaries in the country, well, everything you need and how you need it. I just don’t understand what kind of game it is? For whom are they digging, whom do they want to substitute? On the one hand, Makarov understands that this is political suicide, on the other hand, there is too much prudence. When it was full, pragmatism and aggressiveness showed. It seems that having lost 60 kg, his concentration of conscience in the body in terms of a kilogram of live weight has increased dramatically, but he forgot to take the antidote, so he flatters it. Another simply does not occur.
            2. +5
              29 May 2018 13: 29
              My friend, did not rest, but was destroyed by supreme traitors. With our tacit, if not joyful agreement. So thoroughly washed our heads during the years of perestroika and during the years of the endless series of funerals of the Kremlin elders.
              1. 0
                29 May 2018 13: 56
                Was killed or died of natural causes, no matter, the essence is one, he is dead. And the fact that the citizens of the Union during its collapse only rejoiced only confirms its non-viability. request What kind of advantages can we talk about ...
            3. +3
              29 May 2018 22: 12
              And where did you see the increase in duration?
    3. +1
      28 May 2018 09: 45
      ROSS 42 - reason exactly like their agents ...
    4. +11
      28 May 2018 11: 33
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Russia is doomed. The country will die because of Putin's mistake

      Putin comes and goes, but Russia remains. Therefore, the country will remain, but with a developed economy, thanks to the "cunning plans", the May decrees, the status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, some provisions of the Constitution, clanism and nepotism in power, lobbying for the interests of the oligarchs and a sluggish system of combating embezzlement and corruption it seems to be over before 2024. .. crying

      Putintsy came and do not leave. And they are doing everything so that Russia is not left by the 2024 year. If it remains, it is only thanks to the opposition of the people who did not succumb to Putin’s zombies and digitization.
      1. +1
        29 May 2018 13: 30
        I subscribe! Women will save Russia, there are almost no men left.
    5. 0
      28 May 2018 11: 53
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Putin come and go

      The scripture says, “Putin is Russia ...” Read between the lines.
  3. +7
    28 May 2018 06: 18
    Everyone earns as he can. We even sell such nonsense in the West.
  4. +19
    28 May 2018 06: 29
    Does Russia's economic development depend on foreign investment?
    - This is a sale of Russia. You need to invest your money, and not take it over the hill!
    1. 0
      28 May 2018 09: 49
      You, just like an economist argue! Where exactly do you want to invest?
      1. +10
        28 May 2018 11: 27
        Dear Victor N. (Victor N.) If you, as well as our economic block, have no thoughts on how to use the money received from the sale of minerals, this does not mean that in Russia we do not have smart people who can manage this money in the interests of Russia.
        Once laid out for a long time. For you personally. For you to understand - there are smart people in Russia.
        Oleg Kizim: "... What is the difference between an economic program and the pseudo-economic nonsense that has fed us fairly well over the last quarter century? An economic program cannot be abstract, divorced from the nuances and specifics of each individual country. That is why it is impossible to automatically tighten, for example, the American economic program on Russian realities; the reverse is also true.
        An economic program is essentially a directive plan with the rights of bylaws or even legal acts, consisting of tasks being implemented with clear guidelines, performance criteria and output parameters. At the same time, a circle of responsible persons is outlined both by the organizers and by the performers. Accordingly, for each specific goal, it is necessary to calculate the sources of financing, material and infrastructural sufficiency, the availability of technologies that ensure the implementation of the plan and the composition of the personnel reserve. ... When people talk about “developing industry and increasing its competitiveness, modernizing the technological base, building capacity”, etc., one can no longer listen. This is said on the machine when there is nothing to say. These are too abstract phrases applicable to any country at any time, even to Zimbabwe right now.
        The sane approach should be as follows. Take for example the mechanical engineering sector with the sub-sector “construction equipment manufacturing”.
        Initially, an analysis is made of the entire world market for the production of such equipment. The history of development, the technologies used, science and capital intensity, financial indicators of companies operating in this segment. Of these, formalized criteria of efficiency and competitiveness.
        At the second stage, an analysis is made of Russia's place in the segment of “production of construction equipment”. Market share, product range, technological comparison. From this, the degree of lagging behind world leaders is subsequently determined.
        At the third stage, benchmarks are formed. What intermediate and output parameters need to be achieved in order to occupy a certain market share by a specific date, compensating for the technological lag? A summary of the necessary financial, material, scientific and technical resources and personnel reserves is being made. Given the complexity of the products and the entire set of necessary components and intermediate products - roughly speaking, where will we get components from and how and on what will we produce all this?
        In the fourth step, a summary of the required resources is compared with the current resources. After that, a range of tasks is formalized, the achievement and implementation of which will bridge the gap between the cash and the necessary.
        At the fifth stage, a circle of responsible persons is formed on the part of the organizers and performers, and without exception, a measure of responsibility is determined.
        At the sixth stage, a system of operational control over the implementation of the plan is created with unconditional punishment for those who deviate from the established list of tasks. A control system for the quality of execution and adjustment of intermediate and output parameters in accordance with economic and political realities are also being created.
        The five-year plans worked in a similar way during the time of Stalin, where each economic program had a policy outline with sane criteria ... "
        1. +9
          28 May 2018 12: 40
          Not certainly in that way. The law states "it is better to have non-competitive and low-quality production than not have any." Therefore, Lada is better than Mercedes and ChTZ is better than Caterpillar. Of course, everyone wants to have clothes from Armani, and not to wear the Volodarsky factory. But for the state (and for the people as a whole), the Volodarsky factory is more important.
        2. +4
          28 May 2018 16: 26
          Here you are, "Victor n" gruzanuli! laughing
      2. +12
        28 May 2018 12: 21
        Quote: Victor N
        You, just like an economist argue! Where exactly do you want to invest?

        You do not make “smart people” out of us here. See where the money was spent in the USSR in 1928. See what tasks Soviet economists have solved. They did not build palaces abroad and instead created yachts, the Navy of the USSR ...
        1. +2
          28 May 2018 13: 17
          I humbly apologize! This is a professional question, since banks are not overwhelmed with interesting investment offers and often do not know where to invest.
          As for the USSR ....... By the end of the 80s, there were more metal-working equipment in the country than there were workers. Unique machines at individual enterprises worked several shifts a year. And they made new ones. Huge money invested in capital construction, but there was no sense. I THEN wrote this - not in the newspaper, but in scientific periodicals, in reports to the government from serious organizations .....
          As a specialist: there are still no serious studies on the economic history of the period of stagnation and the late USSR. And it’s not just that.
          1. +5
            28 May 2018 13: 33
            No one says everything was perfect. It would be ideal - would not sit in a .... crevice. The motto was "catch up and overtake." And why - no one knew. But throughout the country there was a huge shortage of workers. And not laborers, but skilled ones. So my friend had a personal stigma. So the director of the plant blew dust particles off him.
          2. +3
            29 May 2018 13: 35
            I humbly apologize! This is a professional question, since banks are not overwhelmed with interesting investment offers and often do not know where to invest.

            You, my friend, are clearly not in the subject. To get a loan for an idea or development, if you are from the street, and not someone else’s own person, then you need to be Houdini, so that everything works out as you need.
            I personally am a simple techie and I do not possess the talents of a magician, and I received a meager loan on such terms that it would be better not to get it at all.
  5. +2
    28 May 2018 06: 41
    If the whole West is sent at once, then, I am afraid, it might unleash a world war out of fear ... Maybe that's why the Russian government has such a policy - akin to soft pressure?
    1. Alf
      28 May 2018 18: 34
      Quote: zulusuluz
      If the whole West is sent at once, then, I am afraid, it might unleash a world war out of fear ... Maybe that's why the Russian government has such a policy - akin to soft pressure?

      And how are the pressure results? Which way did you blow it?
      1. 0
        28 May 2018 18: 38
        I have nothing to do with the government. And therefore - I can not know about the results of this pressure. Does it blow you? I don’t.
        1. Alf
          28 May 2018 18: 40
          Quote: zulusuluz
          I have nothing to do with the government. And therefore - I can not know about the results of this pressure.

          Where do you live ? On a desert island? The results of this soft pressure every day in the store and wallet do not feel?
          1. 0
            28 May 2018 18: 44
            I have a Belarusian flag. I live - in the same place.
            1. Alf
              28 May 2018 19: 06
              Quote: zulusuluz
              I have a Belarusian flag. I live - in the same place.

              I respect Old Man in many respects. And you live in Russia, then we'll see.
              1. +1
                28 May 2018 19: 25
                Believe me, it’s good where we are not.
                1. Alf
                  28 May 2018 20: 06
                  Quote: zulusuluz
                  Believe me, it’s good where we are not.

                  It is truth too.
    2. 0
      29 May 2018 13: 49
      Naturally, but to be absolutely sure, we just need to give up and give everything that is. Then surely they will not attack from fear.
  6. +22
    28 May 2018 06: 44
    somewhat apocalypse, but overall absolutely true ...
    decisions and appointments after the next accession to the throne cause an indescribable "delight" even in the camp of "supporters of the slave from the galley" ...
    sometimes one wants to ask in a childish way - Uncle Vova, and who are you ???
    1. +4
      28 May 2018 12: 24
      Quote: kepmor
      sometimes one wants to ask in a childish way - Uncle Vova, and who are you ???

      More precisely: "With whom are you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, and what do you want?
    2. +1
      28 May 2018 14: 56
      kepmor (Alexey) Today, 06:44 hi good Yes And not childish identity.
  7. +2
    28 May 2018 07: 14
    On the other hand, the GDP is a protege of the Russian special services, who, having analyzed the situation, made an offer to EBN, which he couldn’t refuse, are their analysts also neo-liberals, why then removed the EBN? Or another KP GDP?
    1. +13
      28 May 2018 11: 44
      Quote: andrewkor
      On the other hand, the GDP is a protege of the Russian special services, who, having analyzed the situation, made an offer to EBN, which he couldn’t refuse, are their analysts also neo-liberals, why then removed the EBN? Or another KP GDP?

      He is no henchman of the special services, but a henchman of the oligarchic-thieves elite who seized power in the 90's. They suspended EBN because the people were not happy with him, and he had already fulfilled his role and deserved rest. What was needed was a man who, against the backdrop of EBN, seemed to be the savior of the fatherland, which happened. He still successfully copes with this role, since there are still those in Russia who still consider him to be such. For this, they leave him by any tricks in this position almost for life. You need to be able to beautifully powder brains.
    2. Alf
      28 May 2018 18: 36
      Quote: andrewkor
      why then removed EBN?

      So that the people would not raise him to the pitchfork. And so replaced by the One who will lay softly, but hard to sleep.
    3. +1
      30 May 2018 13: 57
      And who demolished the Union? Or at least not defended? Not the KGB?
  8. +12
    28 May 2018 07: 15
    those economists who set the tone in Russia, brainwashed by American imperialism
    How exactly, even commenting is not necessary.
  9. +21
    28 May 2018 07: 20
    Paul Craig Roberts is right in many ways, integration with the West will not lead to good ... Greece has integrated and where is its shipbuilding industry, agriculture ... If you invest in something, you will need returns anyway ...
  10. +2
    28 May 2018 07: 58
    Interestingly, Putin read this article ??
    1. +16
      28 May 2018 08: 13
      And why? He is now preparing for June 7. He takes into account the answers to questions that are not posed.
      1. +16
        28 May 2018 08: 28
        not quite so ... now "random passers-by" are diligently studying questions that will ask answers already prepared ....
        1. +10
          28 May 2018 09: 10
          Interesting. Will the question of raising the retirement age be raised.
          [quote] The government is discussing raising the value added tax (VAT) from 18 to 20 percent to implement the new "May decree" of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vedomosti writes about this with reference to three federal officials ....... According to Vedomosti, the budget will be supplemented by two trillion rubles in raising the retirement age, the state will receive three trillion with the help of federal loan bonds, and one trillion rubles will come from oil industry tax reforms. This is reported by Rambler. [Quote]
          It seems that the issue has been resolved. And we will be the last to know.
      2. +5
        29 May 2018 09: 48
        Quote: Vladivostok1969
        And why? He is now preparing for June 7. He takes into account the answers to questions that are not posed.

        Wang ...
        -build a kindergarten in the village;
        - conduct optical fiber at a reindeer herder camp;
        -give the dog to the boy (he already gave it to the girl, like);
        - removes the negligent mayor;
        -takes director for Faberge and he will pay the RFP;
        -build a hockey box ... etc. etc.
        Oh yes ... It will give learned answers to rhetorical questions
    2. +15
      28 May 2018 08: 29
      Quote: aybolyt678
      Interestingly, Putin read this article?

      Who cares? Claw bogged down, the whole bird abyss. This is me about "our" economy. I would like to ask Mart: "Russia depends on petrodollars, but what prevents it from investing in enterprises, and not in a bottle?" And investments ... They will remain American.
      1. +4
        28 May 2018 08: 44
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        "Russia is dependent on petrodollars, but what is stopping it from investing in enterprises, not in a small box?"

        the dollar exchange rate imposed by the Central Bank prevents this. In order not to be produced at these enterprises, it will be unprofitable precisely because imports are more affordable
    3. +5
      28 May 2018 12: 30
      Quote: aybolyt678
      Interestingly, Putin read this article ??

      He did not even participate in the law of the debates provided for, and his retinue explains this by the fact that the intellectual level of opponents was low. I don’t know why he arranges demonstrations (television debates) with people who, in terms of intelligence, have not even reached the right to be a presidential candidate ... request The people show that they trust the authorities. The authorities show that she hears the people, but does the opposite ...
  11. +19
    28 May 2018 08: 20
    Either the economy is not a science, or the Russian government cynically ignores it. Why did China come out of the world’s leaders from the deepest ass, and Russia, with a pretty good backlog, is falling deeper and deeper there?
    1. +8
      28 May 2018 08: 41
      Quote: whowhy
      Russia with a pretty good backlog is falling deeper and deeper there?

      Depth is directly proportional to the diameter of the oil and gas pipe
    2. +6
      28 May 2018 08: 46
      Quote: whowhy
      Either the economy is not a science, or the Russian government cynically ignores it.

      Today, economics is politics, and also technology of fooling
      There were times when the war ended with an agreement on the circulation of someone else's coin in the country. Today's Central Bank with its gold and foreign exchange reserves, this is a disguised alien coin.
      1. +1
        28 May 2018 11: 41
        In China, live the Chinese, who stupidly rest and work until evening. Do not be lazy to read textbooks on economics. And do not stick out at the computer.
        In Russia - for years they have been chasing the issue of foreign exchange reserves and will not bother to read the textbook! And think about it.
        How do you manage to survive yourself ?!
        1. +6
          28 May 2018 13: 32
          In China, embezzlers and bribe-takers are being executed in public, while we seek geyropu.
        2. +3
          29 May 2018 17: 07
          Quote: Victor N
          In China, live the Chinese, who stupidly rest and work until evening. Do not be lazy to read textbooks on economics. And do not stick out at the computer.
          In Russia - for years they have been chasing the issue of foreign exchange reserves and will not bother to read the textbook! And think about it.
          How do you manage to survive yourself ?!

          Right! In China, they are just fine fellows ... Only there is no pension system as such (I don’t consider public service) and a killed ecosystem due to production, and on the verge of an ecological catastrophe in some industrial regions. You know, it’s better to have a poorer country than the dead genetics of future generations.
    3. +7
      28 May 2018 12: 03
      Quote: whowhy
      Either the economy is not science, or the Russian government cynically ignores it.
      Economy economy, as it turns out, is different. What to take as a basis for forecasts, plans, what to put at the forefront, in which "parrots" to count, in our "mushrooms" or their "cones" ... Can science rely on currency speculators, that is, exchange trading, can it depend from the greed of transnational monopolies and their lobby for the reorganization of the world? The fact that economics uses quite scientific laws of mathematics is unlikely to automatically make economics a science, rather, economics, these are certain rules, such as casino rules, which can civilize those who have come up with these rules for casino prosperity. If we come to play in the world "casino" called capitalism, these rules of the world order are hardly created for the prosperity of Russia, with the already established owner and leader of this world system.
    4. +2
      28 May 2018 12: 32
      Quote: whowhy
      Either the economy is not a science, or the Russian government cynically ignores it.

      The science. But the Russian government is mostly trojans, who are used to tips and cheating. They rarely think with their own heads.
    5. LMN
      28 May 2018 12: 36
      Quote: whowhy
      Why did China come out of the world’s leaders from the deepest ass, and Russia, with a pretty good backlog, is falling deeper and deeper there?

      Maybe because we have 12 children, they don’t work with whole villages for rice? what
      Ever wonder where such cheap production comes from in China? wink
      1. +4
        28 May 2018 13: 37
        The labor market in China is far from the cheapest. In the markets in Russia and in China in the border provinces, Russians are working. China is no longer working for that kind of money.
        1. LMN
          28 May 2018 14: 17
          Quote: Vladivostok1969
          The labor market in China is far from the cheapest. In the markets in Russia and in China in the border provinces, Russians are working. China is no longer working for that kind of money.

          And what is China doing the rest, while "migrant workers from Russia are processing the border lands"?
          Where did this bunch of Chinese go that we drove from the borders? laughing

          Previously, the problem seemed to be ... Chinese settlement of the Far East. Now, apparently, China has questions ... the settlement of the Chinese "Far East" by Russians laughing laughing
          1. +1
            28 May 2018 15: 56
            You are right. Many pensioners move to live in China. You see life there is much cheaper. hi
            1. +2
              29 May 2018 17: 00
              Quote: Vladivostok1969
              You are right. Many pensioners move to live in China. You see life there is much cheaper. hi

              Interesting. Living there is cheaper on a Russian pension, but salaries there are higher than Russian ones .. some kind of paradox.
      2. 0
        28 May 2018 16: 34
        It has long been cheap. Compared with Russia, 1,5-2 times higher. Moscow does not count.
  12. +10
    28 May 2018 09: 03
    Robertson’s position is twofold.
    On the one hand, Putin, surrounded by a pro-Western elite who owns industry and resources, is not able to radically change the economy in the country. I think the title is provocative.
    On the other hand, when describing the mechanism of the global economy, Robertson is absolutely right: this mechanism does not lead to the development of the economy in any country, which means its goal is to weaken the states. Look, in any country that is hooked on tranches of the IMF, tidbits of the economy become the property of international corporations, and the state has unbearable debts that the IMF requires to pay at the expense of the already impoverished population.
    And to Russian affairs. I have something to compare. I recall my early childhood: black smoke from the pipes of a power plant and March snow black from soot. After 15 years, everything has changed: tall pipes with catchers, clean snow, grown comfortable homes, major kindergartens instead of leaky shields, dispensaries and recreation and health programs for employees and their children. The company produced building materials, performance is good. Earned profit was distributed between the enterprise and the state. Funds were sufficient to ensure stable operation, modernization and development of production. And the time has come for "effective managers", the company was successfully bankrupt (tidbits were taken first). The residential village supplies heat to the same boiler house, we have high tariffs. Still, TSC on sublease, and once on New Year’s day became famous throughout the country, when they raised the tariff by 40% to pay utility networks (KKS), with which they are not connected. And the truth didn’t reach Putin. And now it is recognized that the networks are decaying, the CCCs have been negligent, and we are still undergoing a concession agreement when tariffs are raised to modernize the networks, and the result is predictable, the rich will get richer, the networks will decay. Nobody controls them, there are no network passports in which it would be clear that the service life of the transferred networks is 6-8 years. And the boiler room became unusable, the "effective managers" did not have the money to maintain the equipment in good condition. And it cannot be- the money raised is always the personal income of effective managers. Let the state allocate money for modernization, then check and recover all the stolen money, and then increase the tariff to compensate for the really spent on modernization - people will pay the bills. In the meantime, the mechanism is this: the population pays an indirect tax on the maintenance of millionaires and an increase in their income.
    This is just an example, but across the country the financial burden on the population is increasing and its meaning is: the content of millionaires pumping money to the west. And this is done for one purpose: so that the people can’t stand and rise, and the new leaders are already prepared and will lead the country to complete collapse.
    Innovations about artificial intelligence and digitalization are perceived negatively. It would be better to take care of how to feed, dress, put on shoes and provide housing for the population of the country, so that the population itself produces and consumes the results of their labor. And supporters and conductors of digitalization, let them eat their numbers and genetically modified foods. In general, it’s time for the State Duma to feed exclusively modernized products: soybean, industrial palm oil, preservatives, dyes and flavorings. Only then will they realize that they are destroying the country.
  13. +4
    28 May 2018 09: 09
    And to me, in addition to some interesting remarks on the Russian economy, this quotation has sunk: "The absence of Moscow’s reaction to Western provocations will ultimately lead to the Russian government losing the support of" nationalist elements in Russia, "Mr. Roberts believes."
    But "the hearts that are not occupied by us are immediately occupied by the enemy!" ???
  14. +8
    28 May 2018 09: 10
    In Russia, the next anniversary of the publication of Capital by Karl Marx passed almost unnoticed. Is that Solovyov had a discussion on this topic. Meanwhile, sales of this labor are growing in the world, including Russia. Curious, huh?
    No one thought that V.V. Putin is a representative of big business? And the largest companies from Russia are essentially transnational. So that "integration with the West" is logical. How logical are conflicts with multinational companies from the West.
    What is the place of Russia, or rather its peoples? A couple of today's illustrations on this topic:
    "The government may raise housing and utilities tariffs at the request of the En + group of companies, which manages part of the assets of businessman Oleg Deripaska, Kommersant reports". "
    "The government is discussing raising the value added tax (VAT) from 18 to 20 percent to implement the new “May decree” of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    From the news of Rambler.
    Quote: whowhy
    Either the economy is not a science, or the Russian government cynically ignores it.
  15. +7
    28 May 2018 09: 11
    Is Putin a mistake? maybe this is conscious?
  16. +4
    28 May 2018 09: 12
    Quote: Tatiana
    Russia is in a difficult position! And I wouldn’t include Kudrin in the government of the Russian Federation! For, with its Kudrino Reaganomics according to the recommendations of the IMF and the World Bank (i.e., the US Federal Reserve), the common people definitely do not need it!

    If Putin doesn’t understand a damn thing in the economy, then what do you want?
  17. +8
    28 May 2018 10: 28
    to all dissatisfied, powerful economists on June 7 we ask the president questions and he will quench your sorrows smile discussing economic policy after the election does not make sense (they do, but it does not make sense) tongue
  18. +7
    28 May 2018 10: 50
    This is not a mistake of Putin or his Government. This is a conscious choice of the country's development path. If the country has embarked on the path of capitalism, then there is no other way but to be friends with the West. The fact that the West is not going to be friends will be revealed later, when you are shy. But someone will remain ... Will fit into the West. Neocolonialism does not imply direct military intervention and occupation of the country. It is expensive and unproductive. It is much more profitable and easier to have a comprador bourgeoisie in the country.
    Therefore, sanctions against Russian oligarchs will have a limit. They are now shown a whip. And they promised a carrot if they escaped to the West. Together with the stolen capital, of course. And those who have already withdrawn their capital can certainly be robbed.
    In general, and again, you can repeat again, this is not a mistake. This is a choice. It is full of adults and adequate people. Including those who voted for Putin.
    1. LMN
      28 May 2018 12: 42

      If it’s no secret, are you a member of the Russian Federation?
      1. +6
        28 May 2018 12: 52
        Everyone seems to have a check mark. Here you have the flag of Germany.
        No, I am not a citizen of the Russian Federation. But I was a citizen of the USSR. And we were all dipped in one big barrel of shit. If you think that the situation in Azerbaijan is different, then you are mistaken. Even worse, because Azerbaijan does not have the resources that the Russian Federation.
        Sorry for the counter question. Does citizenship matter for this site? Or can only citizens of the Russian Federation write here?
        1. LMN
          28 May 2018 13: 30
          Quote: Bakht
          Everyone seems to have a check mark. Here you have the flag of Germany.
          No, I am not a citizen of the Russian Federation. But I was a citizen of the USSR. And we were all dipped in one big barrel of shit. If you think that the situation in Azerbaijan is different, then you are mistaken. Even worse, because Azerbaijan does not have the resources that the Russian Federation.
          Sorry for the counter question. Does citizenship matter for this site? Or can only citizens of the Russian Federation write here?

          Yes, everyone has flags. And citizens of different countries write here. And this is good winked
          (By the way, I am not and will not be the city of Germany Yes )
          This is not the first time you are actively “discussing”, “condemning”, “approving”, “teaching
          you’ll ".. generally speaking, actively" worry "about what is happening in Russia.
          That's why it was interesting to know the motivation for such an active position of a person who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation. hi
          1. +3
            28 May 2018 22: 59
            It would not matter if I didn’t worry. We were all in the same boat and we are all sitting in it. If the situation in Russia did not affect neighboring countries, I would not discuss it. I discuss situations in those countries that can influence Azerbaijan. And I'm also interested in questions of history. That seems to be all.
            I really didn’t think that my statements were like “teach”. I'm not going to teach anyone in any way. Just telling my opinion. Long conversations and discussions (not only on the Internet, but also face to face) convinced me that no one can be persuaded. Everyone has their own point of view, and for a person to agree with someone else's opinion, there should be a lot of water to leak.
            So I'm not going to teach anyone here. If I disagree with something, I express my point of view and .... step aside.
  19. +4
    28 May 2018 11: 06
    Quote: Victor N
    So thoughtfully!
    But it is so disguised that the essence cannot be understood! What are you talking about?!
    Where is the crime, who exactly ?! Who has proven?
    And why so excited by the chatter of an AMERICAN starter? He achieved this, and did not teach mind to mind.

    Another troll drew! Are you sitting over the hill, looking at the pink glasses? Do you get $ royalties? Go put a shadow on the wattle fence in your durland!
  20. +2
    28 May 2018 11: 11
    Quote: Victor N
    While WE, instead of a garden and picking mushrooms, we will sit at our computers - only kirdyk will shine on the economy! And even 16 Presidents cannot do anything!
    I live for a long time, but never semolina has dripped on me - vote for anyone.
    Personal economic program: providing for yourself PERSONALLY - by working and earning money, considering pension as a gift of fate (for oil).

    Something before I have not met you on the forum? And already in a cardboard lieutenant colonels signed up! How many shekels did I buy?
    1. LMN
      28 May 2018 12: 54
      Quote: sib.ataman
      Quote: Victor N
      While WE, instead of a garden and picking mushrooms, we will sit at our computers - only kirdyk will shine on the economy! And even 16 Presidents cannot do anything!
      I live for a long time, but never semolina has dripped on me - vote for anyone.
      Personal economic program: providing for yourself PERSONALLY - by working and earning money, considering pension as a gift of fate (for oil).

      Something before I have not met you on the forum? And already in a cardboard lieutenant colonels signed up! How many shekels did I buy?

      What is he wrong about? request
      Do not we ourselves have to produce something? For ourselves and for the country
  21. +2
    28 May 2018 11: 41
    Quote: Bakht
    This is not a mistake of Putin or his Government. This is a conscious choice of the country's development path. If the country has embarked on the path of capitalism, then there is no other way but to be friends with the West. The fact that the West is not going to be friends will be revealed later, when you are shy. But someone will remain ... Will fit into the West. Neocolonialism does not imply direct military intervention and occupation of the country. It is expensive and unproductive. It is much more profitable and easier to have a comprador bourgeoisie in the country.
    Therefore, sanctions against Russian oligarchs will have a limit. They are now shown a whip. And they promised a carrot if they escaped to the West. Together with the stolen capital, of course. And those who have already withdrawn their capital can certainly be robbed.
    In general, and again, you can repeat again, this is not a mistake. This is a choice. It is full of adults and adequate people. Including those who voted for Putin.

    I agree in general, but voted for GDP, did not vote, does not play a role! Back in the 90s, liberals and their patrons achieved the main thing in the country, the separation of the people into individuals! And the authorities are still trying in every possible way to support this in many ways! There is no main unifying principle! Or ideology, or faith, there is a thirst for profit! And it doesn’t matter, this gain to live up to a salary, or to rob a city or the whole country! For a quarter of a century such individuals have bred visibly and invisibly! All of them are unprincipled thieves and grabbers at any cost, although they seem to live next to you and look like you, but if they have the opportunity, they will not regret anyone for their own sake! This is a big trouble for the country! Here, even war is a weak medicine! As in the XNUMXst MB, some died for their homeland, others immediately profited from the suffering of the people! That’s why the professional gevolitionists won with the very close support of the world behind the scenes, which has not changed its principles so far!
    1. +6
      28 May 2018 12: 29
      Right. In science, the atomization of society is called. Each for himself, one Putin for all. Ideology is needed, but according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, there is no ideology in the country. As A. Zinoviev wrote, “An idea is needed. Something decisive is needed, for which people are ready to die. Maybe it’s necessary for the Communists to stand up to their full height with the singing of the International. But we are not communists. We are commies.”
      In the 30s and 40s, people had an idea, a dream. For which they agreed to die. Nobody is going to die for the palaces and yachts of the oligarchs. That would be stupid.
      Why didn’t you run away with those?
      Why? I shrugged.
      I fought for this land.
      For her, I was numb in the cold.
      For her, I scolded without a piece.
      With giblets, I, as they say, grew into it.
      I’m crushing a tear from myself
      Touched by memories.
      I already love you one
      My narrowed gray earth.
      I can’t afford to part with it.
      Easier without a wife and without children.
      It’s easier to bury alive here.
      Let her have a handful of dung.
  22. +3
    28 May 2018 11: 52
    Putin cannot give such an answer because he mistakenly believes that Russia needs the West.

    Mr. Roberts, as befits a Western economist, albeit with a critical look at what is happening, like all the experts from the forefront, he draws information from CNN.
    Russia does not need either the West or the East. Russia needs markets, technology and economic ties with its neighbors in order to keep neighbors from attempting military invasion and blackmail through an economic interest. And business is international, as are its participants and rules. It is foolish to economically limit yourself to a particular region and isolate yourself from the rest of the world. For this reason, it is difficult for a Western theorist to understand Eurasian practice.
  23. +9
    28 May 2018 12: 13
    Quote: akunin
    to all dissatisfied, powerful economists on June 7 we ask the president questions and he will quench your sorrows

    It makes no sense to ask questions. He is a liberal and in economics has proclaimed and blessed the liberal course "there will be no revision of the results of privatization." This is when a couple of illiterate bookkeepers (Kudrin and Chubais, and Siluanov, Nabiullina and Oreshkin, who joined them) with a certificate of graduation from Yale rural financial courses try not even to lead, but to sell at a cheap price the economy of a huge country that they have not acquired. And the money from the sold also put in the West. This is a team that manages to ruin everything it touches. And Putin is just the guard of it all.
  24. +4
    28 May 2018 12: 16
    Quote: Berkut24
    Mr. Roberts, as befits a Western economist, albeit with a critical look at what is happening, like all the experts from the forefront, he draws information from CNN.

    Such as Mr. Roberts use their sources, probably from former and current scouts, some Pringston professors and someone else. CNN is a chewing gum for rednecks and office plankton, that is, for very poor brains. He is not the only one who speaks of the fatal course of the neocons, there is a libertarian Ron Paul, there is a democrat Bernie Sanders, but they don’t hear and don’t want to hear them.
  25. +2
    28 May 2018 12: 19
    Quote: Berkut24
    For this reason, it is difficult for a Western theorist to understand Eurasian practice.

    All theorists have long understood that any expansion-economic, cultural, military on the continent can quickly develop into a war.
    1. +4
      28 May 2018 12: 47
      Quote: Altona
      The neoliberal economy, which “holds the financial interests of Russia, the government of Russia and, apparently, Putin himself,” will destroy Russia “without war”.

      And I think the thought is correct in the article: "The neoliberal economy, which" holds the financial interests of Russia, the government of Russia and, apparently, Putin himself, "will destroy Russia" without war. " The hybrid wars in which our people die go on and will continue to grow, a full-scale war in which those who unleashed it may not be necessary. Slowly the necessary process for our destruction goes on and on. And no one is in a hurry.
  26. +2
    28 May 2018 12: 26
    The situation is much more complicated, of course it's good to talk about the neoliberal economy while in the USA. Integration with the economy of the West is inevitable, and it happens outside depending on sanctions, it is important not to forget about the self-sufficiency of the Russian economy and the priority of its development. The sanctions have already taught who can be trusted and who not, but it’s becoming more and more difficult for the hegemon to promote his goods abroad by force and this is already a good trend.
  27. +2
    28 May 2018 12: 29
    Quote: sib.ataman
    That’s why the professional gevolitionists won with the very close support of the world behind the scenes, which has not changed its principles so far!

    And then the world behind the scenes abruptly shifted to the other side and organized a rebellion of the Whites and intervention across all borders. Somehow you have a problem in the logic. And where did you divide the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, anarchists? And the Bolsheviks themselves in February 1917 were few. Everyone wanted the February Revolution, because the tsar really interfered with the capitalists with all this autocracy and sometimes self-determination of many issues. Well, nonsense, one person takes apart a bunch of petitions. But the October Revolution was bloodless, there was no assault, and even more so, "the help of the world behind the scenes." There was a dual power between the Soviets (which were elected) and the self-proclaimed Provisional Government, which the autocracy canceled just around October, although they had long gone with red bows. There was no development program. Everything is like schoolchildren, when the teacher got sick, cheers and that's it. So there you go.
  28. +6
    28 May 2018 13: 04
    We do not want to face the truth. Yes, there is a good, the same Crimean bridge, undoubted success. The changed appearance of many cities is also impressive. But at the same time, there are significant negative processes: poverty is growing, and raising the retirement age despite the fact that there are tens of millions of unemployed people in the country, moreover, in most cases, it does not voluntarily negate success. In one case, convenience and beauty, in another, the vital interests of citizens suffer. The reasons for this bias must be understood. Why does this happen in a country rich in all necessary resources for life?
    The reason is in the economic model. The mechanism of the current model is designed so that the profits become income of the West, and the country, its people, get debts that they did not do, but will be paid.
    The basis of economic development is profit. Profit invested in production makes a profit. This is the basis of economic development.
    Since the 90s, profit has become the personal income of individuals, withdrawn from enterprises, infringing on the interests of production and the work collective. But it also becomes the property of the state: large capital is the extraction of Western banks and works for their economy. But even the money that is returned as an investment is not good. This is even worse than a loan. If you manage to pay back the borrowed money with interest, good. But investment is a calculation of future profits, which means a lack of working capital and new loans. And this is degradation.
    The screen of degradation is inflation, achieved by the collapse of the ruble. The ruble brings down the Central Bank, which thus provides the necessary budget revenues. The numbers are the same, but the purchasing power is different. The price of any goods includes a part of imports: raw materials, equipment, components, seeds, therefore all goods are becoming more expensive. And then, like in a fairy tale: "Everything is fair, without deception by the wizard Suleiman," t, e. at the government. Inflation is 4%, and the same set of goods is twice as expensive. West applauds.
  29. +2
    28 May 2018 13: 05
    The people do not understand Putin’s domestic policy. A little time is needed! Will or Pan! Or gone! And I think Putin understands this very well! And if he cannot say goodbye to Liberalism! That will have to say goodbye to the people!
    1. 0
      28 May 2018 17: 50
      Quote: Sergey Morozov
      And if he cannot say goodbye to Liberalism! That will have to say goodbye to the people!

      No, you have to accept that communism is long dead. Elections showed. what course people want to see.
  30. +11
    28 May 2018 13: 24
    For 100 yards of greenery that the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation stores in the USA (Treasury) at 2-3% per annum (while occupying 5-6% in the West), 30-40 large plants could be built in the Russian Federation to produce what is now The Russian Federation buys in the West for the same dollars (for example, tomographs). Thus, the need for foreign currency will be significantly reduced, highly paid jobs will be created (source of income tax and contributions to the Pension Fund), the source of income tax and the Russian Federation will receive the products it needs for rubles at appropriate prices. Enterprises do not have to be left in state ownership, they can be corporatized and sold to businesses, leaving the state with a controlling or blocking stake (thereby leaving the state the source of dividends and protecting the plant from closure or reprofiling). However, in recent years, only large enterprises are built in Russia that are engaged in either oil refining or production of export-oriented products. Over the past 25 years, the wrecking position of the financial and economic authorities of the Russian Federation with respect to the sovereignty of the Russian Federation has been observed, which, however, seems to be completely shared by the guarantor. I agree with Paul that having sovereignty and at the same time being integrated into the Western economy is nonsense.
    1. +2
      28 May 2018 17: 49
      Quote: Vladimir Pupkin
      it would be possible to build in the Russian Federation 30-40 large factories for the production of what the Russian Federation is now purchasing in the West for the same dollars

      AvtoVAZ was built for you, and everyone with grandmas goes to Aidi, BMW and Merc ... ask yourself a question, why? We built aircraft factories, and fly to Boeing - why? They even did their own smartphone ... and we buy samsungs and apples ... Is there still a belief that the most important thing is to build a plant? The plant is the wall. There is no sense from this if there is no technology.
      1. +2
        29 May 2018 01: 44
        They built AvtoVAZ ... in 1970. And Soviet people began to ride not on "Muscovites", but on modern cars. And what's the difference on what the rich ride in the Russian Federation? Yes, even on a Rolls Royce. What, the toad strangles you at night. It is obvious that the bulk of the population rides right now (finally) on domestic cars. And the quality pulled up. And as for the poor finish and lack of frills, then the price tag is appropriate. Find in Europe up to 10 kiloevrov cars with bells and whistles and which will not break after a year of operation. And am I talking about “essential goods” like iPhones, Samsung and apples? By the way, we have everything in order with apples, we buy from those to whom we have nothing more to offer, but trade, so that there is no trade surplus (at the request of the other side). Factories must be built to produce what is really NECESSARY for the population, for example, the same tomographs. And here is a different penny consumer goods, in the cost of which we still will not surpass the Chinese (because we don’t want to plow 10-12 hours a day for 200 greens a month), so it can be bought over the hill. Theirs should be: weapons, railway transport, medical equipment, medicines, machine tools, airplanes, power equipment, electronic components base, atom, space, production of fertilizers, seeds and grub. And the rest can be purchased.
        1. +1
          29 May 2018 03: 19
          Muscovites and Volga Prada were better and valued more than these "modern cars", and even went for export
      2. +4
        29 May 2018 01: 54
        What is the obsession about "technology"? What kind of "technology" for example do you miss? If the truth is not enough, then China is doing everything simply - it receives these technologies through its intelligence. What the USSR did safely. And right now, our SVR is “embarrassed” about the campaign to engage in economic intelligence. And, I think, not by his will, but by order. This is to mean our "partners" do not offend. And then suddenly they will start buying less gas :-) Those. we have a vicious circle. How the West receives technology - for the loot that our Siluanovs drive there, the West buys scientists around the world who are engaged in these technologies. So I see no reason for our intelligence to "be shy." Why fly at Boeing? Do you really think that Russia cannot build such aircraft? The question is the approach of our leaders - they first study the "export prospects of products" for a long time. This is despite the fact that all together the Russian airlines purchase about 40 MS-21 class aircraft per year. That's when you can build 40 boards a year, then you will dream about exports, and for Boeing - protective duties.
        1. +1
          29 May 2018 03: 21
          this was done by Japan, by the way, more and more from the USSR, only intelligence was not its own, it would have been too noticeable to send so many to the USA and Europe at once, so everyone came up with a fairy tale about the Japanese who suddenly wised up immediately, the first time they were out of luck was the F-35 Yes , they themselves admit that all the time they were engaged in introducing someone else's and not their own developments,
          China buys more and develops production at home
        2. +1
          30 May 2018 16: 06
          Quote: Vladimir Pupkin
          What kind of "technology" for example do you miss?

          For example, those that make engines and turbines. They make planes and cars, make smartphones and computers ... oddly enough, we are not leaders in these areas ..))) Although maybe for you and Lada Vesta the limit of technological thought, TU 154 is the best plane in the world, and at home a disk phone ..))))
      3. +2
        31 May 2018 15: 57
        "AvtoVAZ was built for you, and everyone and grandmas go to Aidi, BMW and Merc ... ask yourself a question - why? We built aircraft plants, and fly to Boeing - why?"

        AvtoVAZ was built by the Communists so unloved by you in the 70s of the last century. Aircraft factories too. We fly at Boeing because all those aircraft factories that built the YAKs, Ily, Tu and the engines for them were destroyed by the liberals so beloved by you.
        Answer why the IL-86 was decommissioned? This is an aircraft that has been in operation since 1980. And during this time there was ONE plane crash in which not even the entire crew died! (There were no passengers - flew to Hurghada for an empty one.) An investigation showed that the plane was driven for two years without maintenance! And the Boeings fight every month, how many human lives are on their account!
  31. +6
    28 May 2018 13: 40
    The author made public what is frowning in the Kremlin.
  32. +7
    28 May 2018 14: 00
    Normal experts, analysts, politicians from the beginning of the Gaidar "reforms" have said, they have been sounding the bells that we need to develop our economy and industry. What they got, complete collapse, the country is still sitting on the needle of oil and gas. Rotten eggs of power - the economic bloc has failed the country's economy over the years, other countries have reached a new, high-quality level of development, and if the president does not see this. then this speaks only of one thing about his professionalism. Now China is on the right track and be sure all decisions of the 19th CCP Congress will be implemented, and take a transcript or video of the Congress from us ... in September 2011, where the GDP announced plans for the future, they are implemented - NO. What kind of jerk, movement forward, unity they say there, 22 million people living below the poverty line - according to official statistics, this is the SHAME of all the authorities, talking about the low quality of all branches of government and the country's leaders. Mediocre, stupid, irresponsible.
  33. BAI
    28 May 2018 14: 02
    After all, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation simply creates the ruble equivalent of borrowed (and inactive) dollars and finances projects. But then why take these dollars?

    Indeed, why borrow dollars when you can freely print rubles and not pay interest on debt?
  34. +3
    28 May 2018 14: 04
    Quote: Oper
    what are you comparing with? Really built automobile and building railway bridges with a layout ?!

    Not really, if you think Medvedev’s layout of the bridge is 24 billion, then how much then the layout of this bridge was built for the rest.
  35. +3
    28 May 2018 14: 11
    Quote: olimpiada15
    Yes, there is a good, the same Crimean bridge, undoubted success.

    Take a trip to the Volga, there are several such bridges, up to 8 km long. The surface of the Crimean bridge is about the same length. More than half goes along the island of Tuzla, which is strengthened by gravelly bookmarks. The task, although not entirely trivial, was quite feasible.
  36. +2
    28 May 2018 15: 00
    Yeah, how are you right! Yes, we know that ....... But it seems to me that Putin does not rely heavily on them. Time will tell ..... But here's what they rob then they rob Russia .........
  37. 0
    28 May 2018 15: 00
    The author apparently forgot that brevity is the sister of talent.
    Why is such nonsense, and even in such a wild volume not moderated?
  38. +4
    28 May 2018 15: 05
    I bet that is exactly what this is all about. But it is useless to explain something to the patriots. In the end, if 76% of clowns don’t see this from the word “at all,” then maybe Russia’s way there ...
    1. +1
      28 May 2018 15: 29
      Well, if, in your opinion, 76% of the country are clowns, then maybe change it, country ?!
      1. 0
        28 May 2018 17: 45
        Quote: Hottabych
        Well, if, in your opinion, 76% of the country are clowns, then maybe change it, country ?!

        Stupidity, you can make good money on clowns. Not all leaders should be. 76% should think as they are told. And those WHO say ... they normally stuff a pocket ... while 76% are at war with the West. So it’s 76% that the country needs to be changed .. in this, it’s only the eternal struggle against the West, the fifth column, liberals, etc. .. we’ll always come up with enemies for you to ask questions about your standard of living.
        1. +1
          28 May 2018 23: 36
          How smart you are, Sema! lol
          76% are apparently stupid, and you are smart.
          1. 0
            30 May 2018 16: 04
            This happens, do not envy.
            1. 0
              1 June 2018 12: 27
              Russia is recognized as a European country where it is most difficult for gays to live. Therefore, if you live poorly, maybe ...... maybe you should move? laughing
              1. +1
                6 June 2018 12: 31
                Quote: Hottabych
                Russia is recognized as a European country where it is most difficult for gays to live. Therefore, if you live poorly, maybe ...... maybe you should move?

                You know better for gays. Like men, for God's sake, this is irrelevant to the matter, even love. Do not write the main nonsense here.
  39. +12
    28 May 2018 15: 12
    Quote: Victor N
    Now the economy is free from mushrooms, but not from idlers, stupid and whiners. Classes themselves can’t, you see, find. They are waiting for the plant to come to them with a good salary! And to grow potatoes to mushrooms - it does not occur.

    Have you listened to the government report in the person of the prime minister? What did he say? Maybe he reported how many industrial enterprises, shipyards were built, modern processing machines were produced, ocean tankers, dry cargo ships, bulk carrier-bulk carriers were launched - what are the overall results for the reporting period? Instead, we_chal about the ruble exchange rate, sanctions, and misunderstanding on the part of the "partners" - everything is as usual! And who is behind him? "Guarantor" in person! Therefore, eat your retirement "oil", and here we do not vtyuhivat about the correctness of the "course"! sad
  40. +3
    28 May 2018 16: 17
    Quote: Oper
    What time? But I hear generally well, as I see. There are no nationally oriented rich people?

    they cannot be in principle. at least in Russia. truth. I would distinguish between the concepts of “rich man” and oligarchs that do not exist, in your opinion. People and ... squealing thieves. A person who has “made himself” in business in an honest way is interested in the state, the oligarch is a kleptomaniac and a bloodsucker, and to him the state is only an object for sale. Anyone, anytime.
  41. +5
    28 May 2018 16: 25
    Like, "everything to friends, and the rest to hell without salt."
    Great government! Great job!
    "One hundred billionaires and forty million beggars is a very significant and visible result."
    And now there will be no pensions for men. They will die at work, if any. And if not, it doesn’t matter either - they grunt even faster. Now more than 19 million Russians have incomes below the subsistence level. In normal countries, this is called the normal word: genocide. And we have called the "cunning plan."
    This is a perfectly planned and accomplished work. And "them" have been doing it for so many years ...
    1. +3
      28 May 2018 17: 59
      I’m always wondering what kind of income of Russians is below the subsistence level? Which laziness to work? No, I agree that there are low-paid professions, but not 19 million work in them? On average, it is estimated that approximately 50% of the country's population is working. Roughly 70-75 million. that is, approximately 30% of the working population works for less than 10000 rubles? I do not believe. I live in Yaroslavl, I am 33 years old. I have no acquaintances who receive less than a living wage!
      1. +3
        28 May 2018 19: 31
        Low incomes are predominantly among women, often with secondary vocational education, unskilled workers who are not capable of hard physical work, and people in rural areas. There are problems with employment in the country, because people agree to any conditions. Do you think that after raising the minimum wage, no one will receive less? They will deliver part-time, and the whole shift will work.
        1. +1
          28 May 2018 21: 04
          The countryside is a separate song. All my childhood I lived in the countryside, from 5 to 17 years. from 1989 to 2001. All the fun times. Mothers were given a salary 2 times a year, an advance for the New Year and some money to collect children for school. The rest of the money was taken away by products - grain for wages, hay. He lived in a small farm in the Rostov Region. Of course there was not enough money, but they lived normally, worked, and lived on their households. Now the people in the village are lazy. Not all of course. I have a wife from the Yaroslavl region. She lived in a village (a small paradise center), we go there periodically to my father-in-law with my mother-in-law. No one even holds a chicken! Not to mention cows, sheep. We kept 20 pigs in a farm, 100 ducks each. and 50-100 geese each. He hacked, he dragged manure after school, fed everyone before the school, his mother went to work by 5.00 a.m., stepfather thumped :) And now I say to my wife’s brother we’ll build a big barn, we will raise sheep, it’s easier with them, we’ll sell meat to “lovers”. What for, it’s better to work with a carrier for 15000 and whining that there’s not enough meat. But for that, he wants to rush and sell gasoline from work, like all the carriers. In rural areas, salaries were always less than in the city. It has its own potato, onions, carrots. Raise a farm and it will become easier to live financially. Only need to work!
          I also noticed that. Everyone wants everything at once. No one is ready for the future! And this does not happen!
          The fact that women receive little - and the peasants fuck them. My wife is a nurse - the salary before the dictation was 13-15000. And that’s normal - their woman’s expenses were enough and okay. I would be glad that she did not work at all, she dealt with children. She doesn’t want to, she asks for work!
  42. The comment was deleted.
  43. +5
    28 May 2018 16: 56
    Quote: Tatiana
    common people

    In general, little is needed, because it is simple!
  44. +2
    28 May 2018 16: 57
    Quote: free
    Quote: Vladivostok1969
    We in the government need fresh blood - other professionals and fresh thoughts - and not dead-end Kudrin and "curls."

    How to do it?There are no legal methods of changing the government.

    The multimillion-dollar movement of the working masses! The working class must be consolidated.

    Alas. In the absence of large-scale industry, the working class is also absent. Maybe you see migrants in the migrants or do you see the working class in the shadow economy? People are busy with consumption and accumulation.
  45. +4
    28 May 2018 17: 10
    Today I went to the MFC, the registration of the contract, (after a week of non-acceptance due to the program update) increased from 4000 rubles. up to 12000 rubles !!!
    How to deal with it?
    1. 0
      28 May 2018 17: 41
      Quote: sagitch
      Today I went to the MFC, the registration of the contract, (after a week of non-acceptance due to the program update) increased from 4000 rubles. up to 12000 rubles !!!
      How to deal with it?

      Who are you going to fight with? This money goes to old people, children ... soldiers fighting for your life !!!
  46. 0
    28 May 2018 17: 12
    Quote: naidas
    Quote: Oper
    what are you comparing with? Really built automobile and building railway bridges with a layout ?!

    Not really, if you think Medvedev’s layout of the bridge is 24 billion, then how much then the layout of this bridge was built for the rest.

    Well, don’t get hungry. There is still money in Russia. If there was little money, then there would be nothing to steal. A colony of Russian milordaries will soon be formed in England. But I want to ask about the bridge. If large businessmen do not recognize Crimea,
    as a subject of Russia, then who will provide the infrastructure of Our Crimea? State? So the people.
  47. +2
    28 May 2018 17: 25
    But there is at least some truth to this! Putin, I believe, is a good person, but in some things things are clearly not well organized with us ... to put it mildly.
  48. 0
    28 May 2018 17: 31
    Quote: badens1111
    Quote: Victor N
    So thoughtfully!
    But it is so disguised that the essence cannot be understood!

    Is it hard for you to understand?
    Offhand, the case of Zakharov and Gaiser, the case of Grigory Slabikov is what?
    You want to say that these thieves, while in power, have nothing to do with confirming the thesis that the current bureaucratic-oligarchic superstructure is precisely criminal?
    A deputy was arrested at Siluanov, Ulyukaev, do you believe that Siluanov didn’t know at all about the affairs of the deputy?
    All of Chubais’s activity is memorable, it is directly stated that the outcome of privatization is a solid criminal drama for the country, and who defends this criminal act in fact?
    Could you, for once, find the answer to this fact in the chatter of a certain Andrei Makarov, who strives in the State Duma’s Finance Committee? Does he have an answer there that even if it’s criminal, but can’t be canceled, so what is the whole system then?
    Actually, all the necessary information about the criminal nature of the division of state assets that happened in the "dashing 90s" has been around for quite some time - 14 years ago. This refers to the 2004 report of the Accounts Chamber of Russia entitled “Analysis of the processes of privatization of state property in the Russian Federation for the period 1993-2003”.

    r-itogov-privatizacii.html ©

    Quote: Victor N
    And why so excited by the chatter of an AMERICAN starter? He achieved this, and did not teach mind to mind.

    If a person is smart, then he is smart in everything, but if he demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of what was said, alas, it’s hard to call smart, Kasatonov and Glazyev to help you, to understand the situation.
    _sdelali_ministrom_sel_skogo_hozyajajstva? utm_refer
    rer =
    1. 0
      28 May 2018 19: 11
      Thanks so much for the link!
      + + +
  49. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      28 May 2018 19: 05
      Dear Semen1972 (Semen) I agree with you on the whole, I didn’t like it, just because of the call for violence
      Quote: Semen1972
      The author in the oven and burn alive !!!!
      ; and in all other respects you are right. In addition, it is not necessary that the author wishes the evil of Russia; he may be mistaken by virtue of his age and his mentality.
    2. 0
      28 May 2018 20: 44
      Generally support Yes But I am against bloodshed - let the author live and gain wisdom hi
  50. +3
    28 May 2018 18: 02
    Well what can I say ... BRAVO !!!
    1. 0
      29 May 2018 09: 30
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      Well what can I say ... BRAVO !!!

      Why, bravo .. just opened our eyes to us all ... now I understand everything about the world economy !!!! I would never have thought ... but ... ... !!!!
  51. +4
    28 May 2018 18: 34
    His statement was 20 years late. And instead of Putin, the name should have been Yeltsin.
    1. +3
      29 May 2018 08: 56
      Putin is a worthy successor to the work of his protégé, but he works more cunningly.
  52. The comment was deleted.
  53. +1
    28 May 2018 19: 22
    thank you, there is something to think about, but will those in power in Russia hear this...
  54. 0
    28 May 2018 19: 24
    Quote: VIK77
    Putin, I believe, is a good person, but in some things things are clearly not set up in the best way... to put it mildly.

    In this phrase I see 2 positive points... Firstly, what you believe; and secondly, the fact that the country is headed by a good person, which means things in the country will steadily improve in all directions.
    1. Alf
      28 May 2018 20: 09
      Quote: T.G.I.
      which means things in the country will steadily improve in all areas.

      Have they improved a lot since 2014?
    2. +1
      29 May 2018 09: 00
      Galina Timofeevna! Nicholas I was also a good man, but a useless Emperor. Everything else you know from the history of the country.
  55. The comment was deleted.
    1. Alf
      28 May 2018 20: 10
      And who is it ? The word “Holy” is stressful. Surely the candidate is not from the Russian Orthodox Church Joint-Stock Company?
  56. +4
    28 May 2018 20: 26
    These guys are strange - Americans. Fat, stupid, almost rich and too curious. They constantly strive to stick their nose up someone's ass. It's their hobby...
  57. +2
    28 May 2018 20: 44
    Quote: mari.inet
    And our government now is smart. It does not drift along the western course. It follows its own independent path, while at the same time not avoiding Western investment and interacting with Western capital. And it is right. Russia's self-isolation is of no use to us.

    Yeah, we already had one such smart guy in the USSR, he was always looking for a third way. And if Putin has found it, then the light at the end of the tunnel has not yet appeared, only candles are flickering...And this is in 18 years?
  58. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      29 May 2018 09: 02
      My friend, Godunov was far from the worst option for Rus', to say the least - at that time the best. That's why he was gone.
  59. +1
    28 May 2018 20: 50
    But Ukraine is not doomed from the state. debt over 50 billion dollars. Why do you look at Russia, she jumped out of worse situations, but the toad will definitely give us 100% booze.
  60. 0
    28 May 2018 21: 15
    We do not need America, not Europe. We need the Saava Morozovs.
    1. +2
      29 May 2018 09: 04
      We need Ivan IV and Joseph Stalin! If they do not appear, then nothing good will happen in the country.
  61. +5
    28 May 2018 22: 44
    Investments only benefit the state when financial flows are controlled by the state. In Israel there is also capitalism,
    but the main bank of this country manages and strictly controls the work of all banks in the country. The same situation is in Germany,
    where Deutschbank is under the control of the president. Investments are useful for such countries. I specifically do not write about the financial situation of Russia. I believe that no liberalism is acceptable in finance. Money loves precise calculations.
    By the way, Stalin used investments and, using them, industrialized the country.
    1. 0
      29 May 2018 09: 05
      Stalin did not use investments. Nobody gave them to the USSR.
  62. +2
    28 May 2018 23: 09
    This Government will definitely bring Russia to collapse or occupation, everyone
    they see, but the President does not see or pretends not to see. An alarming sign, the Jews began to fall off the leeches from the body, more precisely from Russia - Mints,
    Abramovich ....
  63. The comment was deleted.
  64. 0
    29 May 2018 01: 00
    I am amazed at the Amers. Isn’t it better to destroy the country and rob it than to leave it alone....
  65. 0
    29 May 2018 03: 13
    Quote: Vladimir_65
    Quote: Oper
    What time? But I hear generally well, as I see. There are no nationally oriented rich people?

    they cannot be in principle. at least in Russia. truth. I would distinguish between the concepts of “rich man” and oligarchs that do not exist, in your opinion. People and ... squealing thieves. A person who has “made himself” in business in an honest way is interested in the state, the oligarch is a kleptomaniac and a bloodsucker, and to him the state is only an object for sale. Anyone, anytime.

    Yes good hi
  66. The comment was deleted.
  67. 0
    29 May 2018 06: 43
    ))) questionable decision of the author... Patience is going as it should! If I hadn’t seen the GDP, I wouldn’t have believed it. Putin carefully and quietly does everything as he needs!
    1. +4
      29 May 2018 09: 07
      Quote: Nitarius
      Putin carefully and quietly does everything this way how he needs it!
      Do we really need that?
  68. 0
    29 May 2018 06: 48
    Nothing, my friends, God won’t give us away, the pig won’t eat us, we’ll break through, as they say, we’ll live...
    1. +2
      29 May 2018 09: 08
      Where are you, Misha MIHALKOV, planning to break through, please share?
  69. 0
    29 May 2018 08: 35
    Mordvin 3,
    The "potato riots" come to mind...
  70. +1
    29 May 2018 08: 55
    Mr. Roberts was not invited to the economic forum in St. Petersburg, but if he had been there, he would have given a speech on the plunder of Russia and Putin's misguided policy of integration with the West.

    That’s why liberals of all stripes and trends were not invited to this gathering.
    Exporting raw materials in increasing volumes will leave our country and our future without resources, and this is a state crime.
    But the guarantor and his gang do not care about the future of the people; they live as temporary workers in the occupied country and feverishly rob it with insatiable greed. And we, the people of Russia, no matter what nationality, Chuvash, Tatar, Russian, Buryat or Chechen (let them forgive me for not naming) must unite in a powerful People’s Front in order to resist this organized crime group in all elections!
  71. 0
    29 May 2018 09: 24
    Quote: Vladimir Pupkin
    The main thing is that the bulk of the population now (finally) drives domestic cars

    In Moscow and St. Petersburg...well, that is, in cities where there is money, the share of our cars is significantly lower than foreign cars...And in the Duma, the Federation Council, the Kremlin and other structures, their share is zero.. I want to understand how you answer this question? Maybe so that ordinary people could get more cool cars?
  72. +1
    29 May 2018 10: 53
    They weren’t hooked on the dollar, but on the technologies that can be bought for that dollar. Until we restore everything that was destroyed in the 90s, we will not jump off the dollar. We can only switch to another currency, for example the yuan.
  73. +1
    29 May 2018 15: 45
    Russia is doomed because its economists have been brainwashed since the Yeltsin era. American neoliberal economists did the washing.

    US foreign policy has never benefited the common people of the country to which it is addressed and is aimed at the interests of a narrow group of people in order to subjugate the economy and turn the flow of resources in their direction.
    The consumer mentality in the United States is considered stronger than the internal mentality of the people of another country.
  74. 0
    29 May 2018 16: 41
    They never answered my question.
    And you didn’t ask the question.
    But you closed the opportunity for me to comment on you.
    That is, you are just trolling the topic and that’s it.
    There are no constructive suggestions, only one:
    -"Everything is lost!"
    Cause panic here.
    Look for the guilty again... Ingushetia, Dagestan, Chechnya, again you are to blame.
    And they say that the most people voted for Sobchak were in St. Petersburg and Moscow (is this central Russia?).
    Do you want someone like Sobchak for president?
    I do not want.
  75. 0
    30 May 2018 17: 54
    Quote: Mordvin 3
    Also, our enterprises belong to both the Germans and the Italians, and China is also building an automobile plant.

    You're lucky - jobs...
  76. The comment was deleted.
  77. +1
    30 May 2018 19: 05
    Putin has already answered all your questions - the bear is back again. government and all this riffraff remained there. What can we expect from them? Nothing good.
  78. The comment was deleted.
  79. 0
    31 May 2018 17: 38
    Plutin put all his friends to rule Russia
    And they turned out to be thieves and swindlers. There is a proverb: Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. We have no future with Plutin’s friends. So the second version remains. War...physical elimination of the fifth column...And defeat the aggressor. Let's wait....
  80. The comment was deleted.
  81. 0
    31 May 2018 20: 46
    Well...How, some kind of lazy dog, can discuss what is right in the Russian Federation))) and what is not??
  82. 0
    1 June 2018 06: 07
    This Roberts himself is doomed.
  83. +2
    1 June 2018 06: 49
    All the current “shitcrats” are precisely what promote (slow down) the development of Russia. There are no more than a quarter of pro-Russian ministers in the Government, this is ridiculous, but nevertheless the Duma approves and supports the approval of precisely this composition! No one is going to introduce progressive taxes on the rich (read THIEVES OF STATE (PEOPLE'S) PROPERTY), taxes in our country, unfortunately, are being tightened around the necks of the population. Look, almost all of the survivors, Yeltsin’s “young reformers” who plundered and brought Russia to the very bottom of the crisis, are still sitting at the “state trough”. Now there are elections in the regions where United Russia's rating is supported only by administrative resources, and yet it has long been said that among our deputies at the highest levels the percentage of “statists” has long since entered a steep peak and tends to zero. So where is democracy, is power people! She's not even around the corner, she's not even there! Who and how will make a “breakthrough” in the development of the country? The DAM government is definitely not, it is not capable of such actions!
    1. 0
      4 June 2018 09: 53
      The office of the prime minister and president must be removed from Moscow and Russia will be happy
      Peter1 is a good example for you, it was not in vain that he read the library of Ivan the Terrible, he understood everything, not everything worked out, but he lived for 300 years no worse than others
  84. 0
    4 June 2018 09: 46
    Mr. Craig Roberts did not know the statement of a Tibetan monk who visited Prime Minister Putin in October 1999: in our homeland he would be called the Great Enlightened One.
    Although there is a prospect in Russia of starting troubles after Ivan the Terrible, this does not concern the enlightened. Another perspective of the board, however.
  85. 0
    12 June 2018 12: 42
    I completely agree with Roberts. Surprisingly, even an American says the same thing as our real economists. Listen to Academician Maltsev and compare his ideas with Kudrin’s ideas and you will immediately understand and immediately understand where the special is. on a national scale, where is the accountant?
  86. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      20 July 2018 10: 29
      You can invite Trump to restore order here!
  87. 0
    16 July 2018 15: 08
    Someday we will remember Volfych, to ban the circulation of the dollar in the country, to ban the outflow of capital abroad. Congratulations on Democracy. The elbow beckons.
  88. 0
    20 July 2018 10: 27
    Everything is really bad with the economy and economists! Take the situation in Crimea, where in 4 years roads, a bridge, an airport, and new houses for the wealthy were built. This is all good, but it is a road to nowhere. Where are the new enterprises! There is nowhere for people to work except as speculators in the markets, in the service sector, etc.
  89. 0
    April 10 2019 14: 47
    Will die due to neoliberal policies. How to get rid of this: in one action movie I read about a business forum that was going to be held, where all active politicians, oligarchs, officials, ideologists of neoliberalism, and two top officials would be present. The command received information about the landing of terrorists like ISIS near the forum site; the terrorists were sentenced to destruction with a tactical missile, but the missile hit the business forum. There is no death penalty, a technical error, the shooters went to court, but did not confess. Nobody suspected anything, the chairman of the Federation Council and the Minister of Defense were appointed acting. The main thing I liked was that in the country no one brought anyone to power, but in our country they are to take decisive measures if there is a decisive party of such fighters or fighters. At this time, at some dacha, another part of the elite was discussing the tricky issues of dividing up the next enterprises, a plane flying near the stratosphere received a command and struck a blow at the supposed gathering of criminal authorities, but everything was timed was for military exercises. Later it turned out that no one gave the order; it was just that the plane received an automatic command to open the hatch and bomb a secret target without the knowledge of the pilot, the pilot completely blacked out for 5 minutes. The country will not perish if some kind of technical error occurs, similar to that described in the novel “New dawn”, only real men in Russia have already run out. Well, what would happen next: they would tighten the screws, but who would be worse off from this, those who are afraid of the collapse of liberalism in the country? But social policy began to be pursued more carefully. The cost of the issue is millions more dying from social disorder, lonely people who did not live to see retirement and who died earlier.