Germans on beans

In the article devoted to effective bayonet attacks on the Russian front of the First World War (see 25 most effective Russian infantry bayonet attacks in the Great War), we mentioned the fighting episode held in der. Beans - promising to talk about it in a future article.

Fulfill our promise.

23 June 1915 d. 3 Grenadier Regiment Pernovsky was in reserve army at the village. Hodel At about 1 in the morning of 24, June, the regimental commander, Colonel A. Osetsky, received an order from the 25 Army Corps No. 2188 indicating that the army commander had transferred his regiment to the 25 Corps commander. The document indicated that the enemy managed to break through the 21 and 10 grenadier regiments near the Conrad colony in 12 for an hour and private reserves and two battalions of the 31 infantry regiment were moved there to parry the breakthrough. It is witnessed. The regiment was ordered to be ready to move to destroy the enemy.

A.V. Osetsky.

In 8 hours of 50 minutes in the morning A.V. Osetskiy received an order by telephone from the chief of staff of the 3 Grenadier Division to take the floor in der. Pushno Godovsky. After 10 minutes, the regiment came forward - moving for Years. In der. On the intermediate telephone station, the commander of the 3 th division of the Grenadier Division, Major General N. M. Kiselevsky, transferred from vil. Svidno, through the chief of the regimental communications team, an order to move to Godov and stand in a grove to the south of this village along the road Years - Svidno. Around the 11-ti hours the regiment stood in the indicated grove consisting of: 1-th battalion, 4-th battalion and consolidated battalion (from the mouths of the 2-th and 3-th battalions, greatly reduced after the battle of 17-th June near the village of Senno) with 8 machine guns.

In 12 hours 30 minutes the regiment received an order from the command of the division for the number 1419 indicating - to rest and dine, awaiting instructions from the commander of 25-th army corps. After 14 hours, the order No. 1421 was received, indicating that the corps commander ordered the entire regiment to act immediately at the disposal of the commander of the 3 grenadier division. Also in the prescription it was said: “Take the road past the forester’s house to the northern edge of the forest, north-east of the colony of Belovod, where you will receive detailed instructions. The task is to clear the ravine from the Germans, that to the south of the inscription Vandaline. The Germans got into it at the breakthrough of our front yesterday to the west of the colony Sections. The corps commander ordered the end of this work by 6 hours of the evening, and then pull you into the corps reserve. ”

Soon the chief of staff of the 3 Grenadier Division arrived at the regiment and verbally explained to the commander of the regiment the situation that the northern part of the ravine south of der. Vandaline units of the 31 Infantry Regiment of Aleksopol are already operating - but the composition of the latter is very small (no more than 3 companies are left from the 4 battalions) and that, according to the Aleksopol report, there is almost no enemy in the ravine. The chief of staff handed the order to the commander of the division: to thoroughly search through the entire ravine and groves to the south of the village. Vandaline to the creek north of der. Chruslins and Beans and clear him from the enemy - by contacting parts of the 12-th Grenadier Astrakhan and 10-th Grenadier Little Russian regiments. Aleksopoltsev A.V. Osetsky had to subjugate himself.

The regiment focused on der. Vandaline - at the road from this village to the south to the master's court Boba. At about 16, N. M. Kiselevsky sent an order over the telephone to clear the ridges of the ravine from small enemy groups, if there were any.

AV Osetsky decided to move enhanced intelligence - having appointed 2 companies for this purpose - 3 and 15. The 3-th company was given a following line south of the village. Vandaline - between the roads of Stanislav, the lordship of Boba and Smol. Barracks - Chruslins; The 15 Company - the strip between the roads of Stanislavov - the manor's court Bean and Vandalin - Bean. Direction - by 15 th company. The task is to find out the situation, the location and the front of the enemy, to clear the ravines of enemy units and to contact Aleksopolites, Astrakhanians and Little Russians. The mouths were ordered to act quickly and energetically. To support reconnaissance companies and to communicate with the regiment, half a company was sent from the corresponding battalion. Behind the reconnaissance companies was a telephone.

In 17 hours 20 minutes of the company went to the southern edge of the nearest to the village. Vandaline forest. And they began to undergo heavy shelling from the enemy's light artillery. The companies moved to the next edge, and then to the southern edge of the second forest - from the village of Vandalin. The company, advancing east of dor. Stanislav - the master's court Boba, found aleksopoltsev in a ravine south of this forest. The temporary regiment commander informed the company commander that the regiment was preparing for a further offensive. At the same time, the company, advancing to the west, was contacted with Astrakhan.

There were no faithful reconnaissance for the Aleksopolites: for example, they believed that there was only one spur of the ravine before them, and there were two spurs. They also believed that there was almost no opponent, but in the next ravine they had to deal with the advanced parts of the latter.

Intelligence has already entered into a firefight with the protection of the enemy. Having received the order of the division command, A.V. Osetsky advanced: the 1 battalion to the 3 squadron, the 4 battalion - to the 15 squadron. Task: quickly move forward and, having joined reconnaissance companies, destroy the enemy who occupied the trenches of one of the neighboring regiments. A directive was given to the battalion commanders - to advance with weak parts from the front, to have enemy-covering parts on the outer flanks and to keep at least companies in reserve to repel accidents.

After 17 hours, the battalions quickly moved forward. Their movement was somewhat delayed by the enemy airplane circling over the offensive zone - it was necessary to lie down and wait in open places. After the 18 hours, the advancing battalions had already been subjected to strong fire from enemy artillery — sometimes turning into a hurricane. At this time, the advanced companies slowly moved forward - leading battles with the advanced parts of the enemy, pushing them aside and finding out the further situation. Our artillery fired at the approaches of the enemy’s reserves along the eastern outskirts of Khruslina, the manor’s court of Boba and Der. Beans.

Germans on beans

Fighters of the Peruvian Grenadier 3 Regiment

In the 20 hour, the battalions reached the last ravine in front of the enemy-occupied trenches line - only about 700 - 1000 steps were left before the enemy. By this time, advanced companies and Aleksopol residents joined the battalions. Intelligence found out the presence of large enemy forces, and AV Osetsky asked the division commander to order the artillery to increase fire on the approaches of the enemy’s reserves, and, in particular, to the mill at the manor’s court, Boby - where intelligence found the presence of machine guns and an observation post. The enemy has already bombarded the advancing shells of light and, mainly, howitzer artillery. Having called the temporarily commander of the Alexopol regiment by telephone, A. V. Osetsky exchanged with them the situation. Since the Aleksopolites were very exhausted, they were ordered to join the regimental reserve of Pernovtsy, advancing beyond the left combat area.

After the advancing units were moved to their original positions for further offensive in open areas, the offensive began with the assistance of Russian artillery fire, which provided real and powerful support to the detachment. The latter circumstance was vividly confirmed later - when, on the slope of the manor’s court, Boba and der. Khruslin were found many corpses of the Germans, oblique artillery. With the beginning of the attack Pernovtsy and Aleksopoltsev and artillery of the enemy opened mad fire - mostly in fluent bursts. Two telephone lines leading to the combat unit of the regiment, all the time interrupted - intersected in many places by artillery shells. It was extremely difficult to establish other methods of communication: cavalry soldiers hardly reached half the distance, and the pedestrians walked slowly. Nevertheless, the connection was maintained by all forces - and even was stretched to the warhead of the 3-i telephone line.

At about 22 hours, attacks began. After the first of them, the left combat area captured the front line of enemy trenches. The enemy, after a short bayonet battle, began to retreat to separate houses north of the court of Boba. And then, reinforced from other lines of the trenches, he went into counter-attack with thick chains with strong supports.

Two consecutive counter-attacks of the enemy, which greatly exceeded the number of Pernovists, were consistently repelled. In the intervals between counter-attacks, the enemy developed a long fire from rifles and machine guns - there were a lot of them in front of the front of the left combat area.

The Russians again rushed to the attack - and the enemy could not stand it and rushed back, and set fire to the manor’s court and the village. Beans. The glow of the fire began to illuminate the chains of the grenadier. The enemy once again lingered - and opened a deadly fire from rifles and machine guns. Pernovskie company again rushed forward - and the enemy began to retreat.

At the same time, keeping the direction along the left combat area, the right sector also moved. His chief, Colonel E. M. Evseev, was supposed to provide the right flank of the left combat area, which was dealt the main blow - by acting on the flank of the enemy.

E.M. Evseev

Under the enemy’s hurricane artillery and rifle fire, the 1 Battalion began attacking a position heavily occupied by the German infantry. His companies have swept away everything in their path. With a swift blow, companies crashed into the dense mass of the enemy - a strong bayonet battle ensued here, as a result of which the Russian units occupied enemy trenches.

Strengthened by reserves that came from the rear trenches, the enemy rushed into a counter-attack - and the position was repeatedly passed from hand to hand. Aleksopoltsy found themselves in a ravine - behind the right section and partially between the sections - and were subordinated to Colonel E. M. Evseev. 2 companies from the general reserve A.V. Osetskyi moved the captain of Vadarsky (shock) to the site.

At about 1 in the morning of 25 June, the situation was as follows: the left combat sector captured all lines of the enemy's trenches and took up a position in the last of them. The head of the site thought it was the Germans regiment converted by the Germans — but it turned out that the Ukrainians had mostly been buried by the enemy, and as a result, the attackers, being carried away by the pursuit, walked kilometers to 1,5 south of the latter. Since the task of the Pernovsky regiment was to capture the former Russian trenches occupied by the Germans, Captain Vadarsky's plot was pulled back to the mountainside — where the good sector of shelling turned out to be. A plot of Col. E. Yevseyev was drawn back. The last section had to be very tight - and in 23 hours of 40 minutes, a half pound of general reserve moved to support it. Aleksopoltsy operated in the intervals between the right and left combat areas.

Probably, the number of wounded Germans was very large - because, contrary to their custom, the Germans did not pick up the dead. Until 1200 Germanic corpses remained on the field of hot bouts - about 1,5 km ahead of the grenadier trenches. Three prisoners were taken - one of 217, and two more of the 220 of the reserve regiments. Moreover, the corpses belonged to the composition of the 3 German regiments - 217-th, 218-th and 220-th. The small number of prisoners is explained by the fact that the Germans often raised their hands and then shot at the Russians - as a result, they did not take them prisoner. Most of those killed were pinned down with bayonets.

Russian casualties: a regimental priest was killed, who was marching ahead of the 1 Battalion to storm the German trenches, officers: killed - 2, wounded - 3, grenadier: killed - 177, wounded - 479, contused - 6 and went missing - 8.

The ratio of the losses of the opponents speaks about very much - only the German losses killed by 2 exceeded the total losses of the squadron of A. V. Osetsky. Fight at der. Beans - a page of military glory Pernovsky grenadiers. Pernovtsy fought with significantly superior enemy forces - with the Germans' 3 regiments - and proved that they are fighting in Suvorov style - not by number, but by tactical ability.

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  1. +12
    7 May 2018 05: 41
    The Germans did not get nuts, so beans)
    Well done grenadiers!
    Demonstrative battle episode
  2. 0
    7 May 2018 05: 41
    The bayonet battle is very nervous ... Tanka’s machine gunner’s nerves survived and she put a psychic bayonet attack from the White Guards from the machine gun ...
  3. +12
    7 May 2018 05: 51
    When a bayonet battle is practiced by both opponents, then it turns out who is stronger
    Well, to judge the real bayonet battles of the WWII by the movie myths of the Civil War is like the history of the Second World War from the movie 2 fighters.
    Machine guns and rifles were on all sides, but on occasion the opponents converged.
    Detachment P.V. Osetskoy lost half as much. What kind of squad?
    1. +22
      7 May 2018 06: 16
      You are right heavy division
      As for the detachments (despite the fact that they tried to fight this phenomenon), the realities of the fighting led to the formation of impromptu detachments - for example, the generals Potapov and Veselovsky during the Gorlitskaya and Tanev operations, respectively.
      Osetsky’s detachment near Bobi included the 3rd Grenadier Pernovsky Regiment and the remains of the 31st Infantry Alexopolsky Regiment. The command was taken by the commander of the largest and more important mission unit - the commander of the Pernivtsi Osetsky. The latter were temporarily subordinated to the Aleksopolites.
      1. +7
        7 May 2018 06: 42
        Thank you for the clarification hi
  4. +10
    7 May 2018 07: 37
    Since Peresvet and Oslaby
    The Russian military clergy was at the forefront - like a regimental priest of the Grenadiers of Pernov, walking in front lines to the German trenches.
    Valorous example!
    1. +5
      7 May 2018 12: 59
      Once he listened to a sermon of one father in the church, and he voiced very characteristic figures of the losses of the Russian military clergy in WWI.
      Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact numbers, but I remember, but the sacrifice was visible very clearly.
      After all, not only confessors, but also the peculiar political leaders of that era
  5. +22
    7 May 2018 07: 59
    I want to focus on two circumstances
    First, the battle at the village. Beans are a great example of a balanced combined arms battle. The parties use artillery - both Russians and Germans. Moreover, artillery fire is of a hurricane nature, and inflicts serious losses on opponents. Fire of all types of small arms is used. Enemies actively maneuver, repeatedly attack and counterattack. Lack of ammunition, etc. not visible. Even Russian artillery, even in the courtyard of the summer of 1915, this time fully armed - and bombards the Germans with shells.
    But all this did not prevent the bayonets from acting effectively. Ultimately, it was a bayonet strike that brought victory.
    Secondly, Germans and Austrians were lovers of false surrender - on all fronts. The Germans, for example, threw out white flags and opened fire on the approaching surrender to the enemy - you need to look for illustrations on this topic, sketches of eyewitnesses. It was somewhere. But in the case of Bobov this number did not work - the grenadier was angry. And paid.
    1. +16
      7 May 2018 18: 43
      Germans and Austrians were lovers of false surrender - on all fronts. The Germans, for example, threw white flags and opened fire on the approaching surrender to the enemy

      For example, the Germans
      1. +17
        7 May 2018 18: 49
        Or here's another

        About the Austrians, an eyewitness writes about an episode between the Hungarians of the 11th Honored Regiment and the Russians of the 67th Tarutin Infantry Regiment: “When there were no more than 200 steps to the enemy’s position, the Hungarians threw a white flag and rose from the trenches, expressing their desire to surrender; an enemy enemy officer rode forward and entered into negotiations with our officers who approached. But it was only a treacherous trick. When our infantry approached several dozen steps, the negotiating officer suddenly rode off to his own, the Hungarians disappeared into the trenches and opened fierce fire. Confused by this unexpected treachery of the enemy, the Tarutins, having suffered heavy losses, rushed back into the forest .... "
        Then at about 18 o'clock they went on the attack again: “Having burst into the enemy’s trenches and enraged by his betrayal with a white flag, they (soldiers of the 67th regiment) began to repair the merciless reprisals against the captured Hungarians ... The commander was caught in a dugout in his dugout 11th hogwarted regiment. A group of our soldiers rushed there. But a series of revolver shots came from the dugout: one soldier was killed, two others were wounded, but the next pierced the regiment commander with a bayonet. Immediately with him, his adjutant was killed and the banner of the regiment was captured. No prisoners were taken. Captured a lot of machine guns. The cruel enemy received what he deserved. The valiant Tarutins were avenged "
  6. +14
    7 May 2018 08: 18
    The battle at the village. Beans - a page of the military glory of the Pernovsky grenadiers.
    The page of glory not only of Pernovtsy, but of the entire Russian Army.
    Good memory to the heroes of the First World War. Glory to Russian weapons and our soldier - Hero", -.
    Russian President
  7. +14
    7 May 2018 09: 02
    Great article! And the episode of the Great War is also very interesting. What is noteworthy, the attack of Pernovtsy occurred just during the period of the Great Retreat and its success convincingly proves that despite the difficult situation at the front, the situation was far from everywhere and always was catastrophic. The author — my sincere gratitude for the work done!
  8. +19
    7 May 2018 10: 20
    You can see how difficult the process of commanding the regiment is,
    The offensive section of which broke up into several combat sites.
    And it is important to organize the efforts of the latter, competently use the reserve, interact with artillery, keep in touch with the warhead and with higher command authorities, etc.
    And that’s all - tactically competently, consistent and with the necessary efforts in the right place and at the right time.
    1. +19
      7 May 2018 18: 33
      Yes, Colonel A.V. Osetsky (in March 1917 he became a major general) showed tactical skill.
      The years of WWI brought him the following awards: St. George's Arms (VP ​​03.02.1915); St. Vladimir 4th art. with swords and bow (VP 07.02.1915); swords for the Order of St. Anne, 2nd art. (VP 07.02.1915); St. Vladimir 3rd art. with swords (VP ​​26.02.1915); swords to the Order of St. Stanislav 2nd art. (VP 28.09.1916/3/14.04.1917); swords and bow to the Order of St. Anne XNUMXrd art. (PAF XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX).
  9. +6
    7 May 2018 13: 00
    Thanks for the interesting article hi
  10. +18
    7 May 2018 16: 06
    And the battle was still taking place in an environment of increased complexity.
    As appears from the text of the article and the map - in the ravine system and in the defile between ravines.
    Well, the Russian army has always been successful in the most complex cases. Traditionally good