Walking in a great country and the position of the ostrich

Head in the sand and everything out
As if offering himself,
In short, he himself sat in a puddle
And more often in broad daylight.
He thought - hid from grief,
What followed on his heels,
But he didn’t get over it,
Outwit failed.

Morality? Or maybe without morality?
She is not very necessary.
You are immoral silent,
When truth is so important to us.

Nikolay Shaparev, Ostrich - Fable

Walking in a great country and the position of the ostrich

You read some articles and some comments on them and you just wonder how not to say more. Just stunned.

Here and optimism about the fact that not everything is lost, and confidence in the continuity of generations, and the conviction in the right educational process in engineering universities, and the conclusions that Russia has a guaranteed scientific and technological future, and not just the sad fate of the world gas station. In addition, there is also a belief in the device by human nature in such a way that it always draws on something sharp, and again the conclusions that demand creates supply. Well, and to those who disagree, and who proposes to walk around the country, an offer to walk by himself.

I’ll make a reservation right away: I personally, of course, didn’t take it all, for I never was the author of such materials, I have nothing to do with journalism, and moreover, I never thought that everything was lost. In a word, all these stones are not in my garden. Therefore, my view on such issues is, of course, subjective, but not biased.

With many authors and commentators, I agree that, really, to see only the bad and nothing good, it really is to be a dump truck. Here are just conclusions should rush? And write only about good, without constructive criticism ...? And under the fact that “Shapkozakidatelsky“ hurray-patriotism ”is no less harmful for the interests of Russia than defeatist and capitulatory sentiments,” is ready to subscribe to every word.

Before I share my impressions of “walking around the country,” I want to note that the view that a person is always drawn to something sharp, very controversial. Someone pulls, and some do not. For children, I will note when you say: “I recognize that you are watching TNT or 1 channel, etc. - damn it! Take care of business ”, and explain why, then they do not pull, as far as I know. And, most likely, will not in the future to pull.

The same controversial issue that demand creates supply. At least not the case. This is, in general, a philosophical question. If everything was so strict, then there would be no progress. Example - until they invented the cell, there was no demand for it. There was, of course, a demand for greater mobility in communication, but not specifically for a cell phone. Everyone had a cellular without polyphony - with polyphony was not needed, as soon as he appeared with polyphony - we just need that. New iPhone - yes, we want! Luxury car - of course! For example, I have a great desire to go fishing on the moon, and where is the offer? At least, what flows from the TV screen is, in my opinion, sabotage, not born in demand, but aimed just at “bashing” the population, so that it only has demand in accordance with the proposed proposals. Sorry for the pun. But a developed industry, giving rise to a demand for science, which, in turn, for education is just the case.

What I write below, I think, is scary, but I will try to be as objective as possible.

I would like to ask some people - and you yourself walked around the country? Or do we live in different “Russia”? Let's compare?

Are we all bad? I think not. There are new plants (including with young personnel), new productions, there are electronic lines in the traffic police, tax, Sberbank, etc., there is the My Documents MFC, growth of individual housing construction, etc., etc., etc.… Finally, Crimea.

Are we all good? Also no. Now I do not want to talk about what other authors have written before me. Is that with rare exceptions. Also, I will not talk about falling rockets, zero (if not negative) level of real GDP and similar sharp, in my opinion, things. Let me just say what I see with my own eyes.

Below we are not talking about capitals and not about big cities, but about the rest of provincial Russia.

I saw more than 70 of rural areas (several regions, central Russia: villages, towns, villages, villages; the distance between the distant ones is 800 km), communicated with residents. So - the people there just survive. Almost no work. The little that is - sawmills, on which our young women work (they, probably, have always dreamed about this share *?), On some sawmills there are many Uzbeks. An everyday affair was children's alcoholism. Young guys leave on a rotational basis who where, or work in the woods on felling. (To the question: “What will you do when the forest in the district ends?” - the answer is: “We don’t think so far, now we would survive”). Many have problems with alcohol. We sometimes not always and not everywhere for subsidiary work can find 4-8 people even for the salary of 1,2 thousand, 2,5 thousand rubles per day. Somewhere there, somewhere not, often brought from afar.

These are not only villages, similar problems in small towns - regional centers. There are people who did not leave, and did not “go into the woods,” of course, but there are only enough of them until the advance. We are not alone. I know authentically that one “our” large trading network (of the type “Magnit”), having bought agricultural in one of the regional centers (!). the plant, having failed to recruit the necessary number of field workers (s / n - from 25 thousand rubles to 45 thousand rubles / month), was forced, having repaired the old hostel, to carry there workers from the region. center (130 km) on a rotational basis. No one is surprised by the cases of cohabitation of young “girls” with guys, starting with 15 years. No one is also surprised by cases of alcohol abuse in boys and girls. They stopped wondering that young women (27 years) live alone, having 5 (!!!) children (local people say that almost everyone is from “different”), are dependent on alcohol, and children are “undressed” and often hungry . Interestingly, the authorities have this matter? Few people are surprised when 18-year-old (!) Woman with a two-month (!!!) 2 girl is missing the week where it is not clear where she ran away from her husband (also 18-year-old) and, as it turns out, feasts with her lover (!) in “raspberry” for gypsies.

I am also silent about how villagers are forced to survive, to knit birch brooms and sell them to “outbid” at 2,7 rubles / pcs. This is before the crisis. After - 1,7 rub. / Piece. Trying to find the “pearl”, I ask: “But there are programs for you, a loan there 1 million rubles. under the calves? "You know what answers:" You read them, these programs? It is unprofitable for us. They give a loan only with the condition to buy calves from a strictly defined manufacturer at a price 3,5 times higher than the market. ”

In the “distant” 2010 year, an emergency occurred at our facility, they called (they called 4, asked for it, promised to give gasoline) to the police or the police, as you like, they didn’t come (they had to go - 70 km) in general. A lot of negativity? Well - now positive: 2015 year: when we arrived (at the request of a friend, mentioned above, 18-year-old woe-to-be) to make out this Gypsy halabuda, the police, caused by them, arrived in 15 minutes. Progress? Of course. By the way, the opinion of the law enforcement officers is interesting - “How you all got us ...”. (This is to the fact that they, too, are already tired of everything). More positive? Please, I am not personally acquainted with any of the cases when the guardianship authorities tried to select children. Probably everywhere in different ways.

Many schools dismantled “on the bricks”, but children carry on buses to other schools for 20-30 km. In the 21st century, there are boarding schools in the grandest and richest country in the world, where parents send their children for the whole academic year, visiting them sometimes. True, there are good sponsors who carry children to various events, to an aquapark, for example. There have also been successful programs to overhaul existing schools in the countryside.

In fairly large villages, there are already deaths due to the fact that the hospital was liquidated, and instead it was the first-aid and obstetric point, and an ambulance from the district center to go 70 minutes. The opinion of the head physician is lawlessness. But then each has a separate room with modern equipment. True, sometimes there is not enough medicine. And the equipment is imported.

I came across all these examples personally, I know by name, name and address. They are not unique, the system is visible. I will not write about other egregious cases in order not to “substitute” anyone, but their weight.

Everything is bad? Not. I know several localities where people work and get paid. But their units. These are the places where large agricultural holdings work. But they provide only work, almost without worrying about the infrastructure, all the money is deposited in the centers. I know localities where schools still work. I know that many are fighting and not giving up, and many have already given up on everything.

This is all rural. What about the city? Besides the fact that there is good, there is the following. You can make an appointment with a doctor only for a few days, and for a specialist only for a few weeks, and for some - for a few months. Here it is necessary to ponder, but what is it like? When calling an ambulance, the elderly do not say their true age - they may not come at all. The queue for an urgent operation for tendon bundles on the arm after a knife injury should wait 1 a month.

At construction sites, there are more and more migrant workers, knocking down prices, living in conditions far from sanitary, and sending the money they earned to their homes. Fully round-the-clock shops selling fake liquor (under whose “roof”? - a rhetorical question). The problem with employment, especially for women. Low wages.

The closed banks of the rivers, their rent, irrigation of large reservoirs blocked by networks. Bestial attitude towards ordinary people, incl. to the elderly, although I already wrote this before. Social tension. Visiting people from rural areas, young guys, can get a job maximum for 25 thousand rubles. per month. And also tax and payment for a rented apartment. I was on the tower 4-ka, but I can not count. Explain to me, ignorant, how a young family of three people, including a child, can live on 11750 rub. per month??? (25000 * 0,87 - 10000 = 11750). Or did my rating system be 10-ball, and I didn’t know? This is still the maximum, and if not?

As for the educational process in engineering universities. I do not know what's up with the requirements of the current level of technology, but I personally know the teaching staff of a technical university, and I know their opinion. It fits with mine - a university degree is almost buried. Almost - because there are still old shots. Soon they will leave, and then we will definitely bury. And one more thing. Some of the authors quite rightly wrote that education is Khan. And also the fact that we almost won the Ministry of Education of Russia. I completely agree. As for secondary education, in addition to a sharp drop in the level of knowledge, many are no longer surprised by the cases when young teachers lay out in social. networks, their pictures are in a half-naked form, when students do not know what a lazy person is, when they go to class with a dirty face after a firecracker exploded in the toilet, when they consider it acceptable to demonstrate their genitals to the class, and students know profanity so much that they can enter into shock even people who have had many years of camps behind their shoulders. And also the fact that cases when underage female students go to work as prostitutes do not cause a public outcry, just like rape of an under-aged drunk teenager of their own underage sister.

Here I want to focus particularly! I got my higher technical education in the second half of 90's, and it’s good, thanks to the teachers. Maybe I agree that it was also planned to bury education in the 90s, but the main crushing blow fell far from the 90s! Yes, and it is clearly seen how it is being killed right now, by the way, the GEF (Federal State Educational Standard) of secondary (complete) general education was adopted in the 2012 year, and not in the 90. And the exam?

But it’s positive again: almost 100 million rubles are allocated and mastered for the construction of 6 km of road to remote areas (at least something). True, while breaking 100 km of another road for the delivery of materials.

And just a couple of words. My good friends on the eve of the presidential elections in the United States were in the states. And their impression, of course, is only their personal one, that ordinary Americans either do not know that they are electing the president, or they don’t care, but there is no rush, everyone is busy with their daily activities. Other people close to me visited the Crimea (not on vacation), and their impression is that what one of the authors of “VO” writes about in the article “Crimean wonders: who sold to whom in the Crimea” is not everything .

It is necessary to compare with what is said on television screens (this is about the question of supply and demand). But various clowns broadcast to us on TV screens, for example, that the state owes nothing to anyone. They, probably, had never heard of the principles of the social contract, however, as well as of the principles as such.

But the rest, we are probably all good. “And, therefore, Russia has a guaranteed scientific and technological future, and not just the sad fate of a global gas station. "The main thing - that the military aircraft painted. Well, that country is great. Great president. Great incomes of state officials, reaching up to several million rubles a day. Yes, plus the main thing - “stability”. Miracles. I will note especially: it is not necessary to give, please, the Crimea as a counter-argument. If you look closely at historyone can easily find a whole bunch of facts without a hint when a country after territorial acquisitions or reunions suffered a crushing defeat due to mistakes in its policies, both foreign and domestic. But this, for me personally, just do not want.

All around is great, only the people in need. And from such stability gives cemetery spirit. But it says - all is well. And it is very good when young guys in some places go to work at the plant, but very badly when young girls go to work in prostitutes in many places. Or is it true that with many we live in different countries? Or in different dimensions? Here, with K. Semin and E. Spitsyn, who shot his wonderful film “The Last Bell” (just looked between the lines of the article), I live in exactly one country. With some others - I do not know, some kind of matrix. Two questions involuntarily arise: Is all the good that is, is it a ray of light in the dark kingdom, or a flash in the ICE when gasoline is over? And the second is power in knowledge or happiness in ignorance?

Both that, and another is learned only in comparison. It is necessary to look - what is more, good or bad, and how we relate to other countries, with those that are successfully developing. Yes, and stability is also different. Are we stably healthy or stably ill? Seeing with my own eyes what is happening at least with the economy and education, the reports of S.Yu. Glazyev believe, and reports DA Medvedev and the statements of V.V. Putin is not. With all due respect.

And watching the propaganda on TV screens, you understand that Mr. Obama, Trump, Frau Merkel and Mr. Poroshenko are to blame for everything, or you begin to doubt someone’s professional suitability. Or something else. Is that all we can do? And looking at how the West scolds us, it is believed that we are on the right course, and it does not come to mind that maybe the West requires us to give more than we have already given (WTO or education, for example). Or the fact that the West, perhaps, is not completely represented by such debtors who come to visit Solovyov, for example, and therefore, the opinion “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” may turn out to be erroneous. In the history of examples of mass.

Meanwhile, the chieftains will take an oath and promise to correct something. I will note the oath, not the people, the true bearer of power. I will not give examples from history in order to avoid an attempt to accuse them in comparison, but there are examples when the oath is taken to the leader, not the people, and how sad it all ends. As for the desire to correct, you can ride through the outback of an immense Motherland, there to correct - do not smuggle, however, then there will be no time to express loyal feelings.

One can argue for a long time about who is greater and mighty, and give birth to truth in disputes, and the country will not wither, it is great, and not be embarrassed that great countries do not behave this way. You can argue, argue, persuade to stop being indifferent, kindergarten, honestly. And you can shove your head like an ostrich in the sand or in the asphalt, or in the paving stones, and proclaim loyalty to the chosen path, or how bad the boyars are. And while they are trying to keep us behind the sheep, we are wrung out from ourselves ostriches. In the meantime, it remains only to pray to the Lord or hope for other strong compatriots who are forced to perform under the white flag, and gnaw victory at the Germans with their teeth? And you can look back and, having made an incredible effort over yourself for once, try to soberly evaluate everything. To each his own. But while the head is in the sand, we can be “devoured”, or we will hopelessly lag behind, our children have already arrived, trying to transform the task of education into a creative Person and a thinking Person into the task of upbringing a corrupted stupid cattle and a “qualified consumer”. And they just have to wait until the new generation grows up, and the old one goes into oblivion. Personally, I am convinced that nothing will come out anyway, but I’m talking about motives.

Russia is really a great country. But it is great in its history and culture, its achievements and values, its writers and scientists, its victories and its people with a capital letter. And once there is a conviction that Russia will survive, there is confidence in the near end of this besovstva and change of course. Let everyone decide for himself whom to serve, in what way, whether to serve at all, stand aside, or stick his head in the sand. Let me remind you only the words from “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov: “I would be glad to serve, to be nauseated at the service” ...

But we curse, of course, all much. Remember, like Shakespeare’s “The sins of others to judge, you rush so hard - start with yours and you won’t get to strangers.”? Who is to blame, what is the problem, and, most importantly, what to do? Everyone, of course, answers these questions himself, and I just want to quote the words of my friend, a highly qualified lawyer (do not compare with some), a sought-after lawyer and a successful entrepreneur (humanities, unlike me, a techie). I quote almost verbatim:
“The most important thing is that we do not have a new idea that could unite the active part of the population. All ideas of social justice did not take root in Russia, or were terribly perverted. We do not have a powerful social group interested in the development of the whole society, and the state, as one of the forms of community of people. Therefore, everyone lives by itself, what kind of people, and such are his rulers. Do not blame the mirror. So, even if this one, be a president, everyone will still work for themselves, they don’t care about the people, because the people themselves don’t care about the rulers either. Here is such mutual love in quotes. "

In my opinion, now only Grudinin P.N. and the political force behind it gives at least some chance for a new idea and expresses an intention to change the existing state of affairs, and other parties and individuals only slogans and populist statements, not only not confirmed by anything, but confirming the opposite. This is purely my personal opinion. I repeat, let everyone decide for himself.

Personally, I think that if I now stay away from this obscurantism, then my grandfather, who had spent years in the 10 camps, was in vain, and the second grandfather, a military officer, fought in vain. I remember them, I remember, I talked with them, they did not want this for their descendants.

And also, what can be done with those people who are mentioned here, who simply have no place to go, they can be sacrificed, they just haven't got lucky, they haven't entered the market? Are they really “conditionally superfluous”? I note that Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan and other more or less prosperous regions will not accept everyone for at least two reasons. Firstly, there will not be enough production to provide people with work, and secondly, a banal collapse will begin - not enough running kilometers of roads per square kilometer.

With respect to all.

PS In defense of animals. To the depths of their souls, they simply resent the words of individuals on this site when they compare Ksenia with a dog. You can not do it this way. Do you know that a dog is a friend of man! This is a faithful and faithful being. These our brothers are smaller and with German tanks helped to fight, and in peacetime there were many cases when they saved a person’s life at the cost of their life, in the service, during the attack of wolves, etc.

PPS At the time of writing these lines, taking into account an excerpt from another fable in the epigraph, it clicked in the head, and its own fable was born ** (if, of course, it is possible to bring it here).
* - The fate of a woman, just like in Nekrasov ???:
"Stoliete raced, and again
Like that immemorial year
Stop a galloping horse,
In the burning house will enter.
She would like to live differently
Wear a precious outfit ...
But horses - everyone jumps and jumps,
And the huts are burning and burning. ”
(Naum Korzhavin)

** - Fable about a strong eagle
There was a tale here,
Now here's a fable, perhaps set out below.
Once in that forest far
The animals decided how to live.

Went in the forest all the nakedness.
Hares gathered for advice:
Where to go? Who will help us?
Let's go to the bear - the answer is there.
Came and say - Brute! Please give us advice;
And the simple question seemed to be very wise to answer:
- Cabbage not endure?
- If not in the fields - work in the sea ...
- Let me collect some cabbage to feed the old hares?
- What are you, brothers, do not understand, will have to repeat again:
- My dear friends, don't be angry, I love you more than life,
“Cabbage” is not, but you hold on, I speak the holy truth.
And cursing his share,
One day in the morning,
By bringing the beasts of others with him,
They decided to bow to the eagle.
Having gathered together in a clearing,
Conduct amiable dialogue:
- You are the strongest, the main! With us!
Where is the truth here? Well, where is the use?
- The question, my friends, is not according to salary - I have security guards,
So that striped coyotes do not encroach on animals.
You should go to the bear, looking for the “raspberry” he, because he is downstairs, with the beasts in the field ...
- Went. - What? Is everything okay - woe! He sends hares into the sea ...,
Scored friends in the team, plow on conscience, not for fear,
Coyotes wander among us, are you really in no business?
- Like this? Well, he lost his temper, right
I will only tell you one thing:
That it is working properly,
Plus, I personally follow everything.
The beasts did not know what to think;
The eagle never lied to them;
Coyotes - it's scary, really, really,
But another question then:
- Why such a distribution list -
Goat guard with cabbage beds?
Owl - responsible at noon, the reindeer is watching the moss
A cow looks after straw, sheep think all day.
What kind of skill is needed here
To guard the carrot donkey?
- Tell me for mercy, what's the point:
Do you trust sheep to wolf?
We are silent about the fox, she is a red cheat,
Already, we note, for a long time - the chicken steals very cleverly.
He fattens, Rogue, very arrogantly, and looks at animals with mockery,
And the animals think with annoyance - when will there be that rope?
- So that the nests were not the earth, we will call a bird to us!
- What are you, is it a bird?
Well, I have to go, but I'm for you. -
Said and hid in heaven.
Some shout - give a bird!
Others - no - you give an eagle!
- We need someone who is close to us!
- No, strength, the main thing is important!
There was such a fuss
In an instant a wolf pack ran up
Eagle, of course, to protect; Magpies, those that borzopisty,
Come back to the heap peck a bird.
And the cuckoo connected to them:
- I could handle it too!
- Do you have any reason to be proud?
“I made two whole nests!”
The raccoon was completely taken aback, he was in bulk with his spirit, therefore, he was still attached ...
But ... did not pass. And drowned.
And only the woodpecker was silent,
Dug the pavement and missed.
Who is to blame, who is right - does not dream;
I note only, gentlemen,
Why do we need tit in the forest,
When idolize the eagle?
So what's the moral? - Look for yourself,
So as not to stay in the cold,
Do you hold a bird in your hand,
Or in the clouds soar with the eagles ...

While everyone was arguing, they were engaged, they decided where their wines were,
Above the forest twilight thickened, and there was silence.
And maybe come out differently, there was a way out, finally
The beasts loved each other as the Creator commanded them all.
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  1. +12
    27 February 2018 05: 40
    The truth is somewhere nearby ... And what do you want ... So it’s still not enough ... When it’s tired ... They drop everything and move to the same Moscow ... So maybe it sounds like a cannibal ... But natural selection works ...
    1. +2
      27 February 2018 05: 45
      Quote: Vard
      So maybe this sounds cannibalistic ... But natural selection works ...

      From a scientific point of view (Evolution Theory), you are absolutely right!
      1. +17
        27 February 2018 09: 18
        From a scientific point of view, this is the second Zagrudin’s article for today in the rubric “Opinions” ... And the closer to the elections, the more they will be.

        In our city, I have not yet seen a single banner with candidates. I don’t know, it may not have come across so far, it may not have been posted yet, but the videos of candidates on street screens have come across, I don’t know what they are called correctly, well, such big TVs on the streets. So I have not seen a single clip of Putin, but the clips of Grudinin are the sea, the rest are smaller, even Zhirik does not appear so often.
        The more advertising there will be for sternum, the less votes he will gain, mark my word. Our people did not understand for a long time already that the more advertising a product makes, the more shit in a product!

        Once again, I wish the site good luck in the anti-advertising "strawberry under-oligarch" ... laughing
        1. +12
          27 February 2018 09: 58
          Varyag_0711 2 Today, 09:18 ↑
          Our people do not ***** and I have long understood that the more advertising a product makes, the more shit there is in a product!
          Damn, why take a word out of context? Our people do not fool , how should I write the word d * y * p * a * k so that it is not cut out? Otherwise, the phrase completely loses its meaning. As in that joke,) I (there is, but there is no word ...
        2. +9
          27 February 2018 14: 31
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          So I have not seen a single clip of Putin

          Watch the central channels of TV, there in all news sections about GDP, and he will also make a message to the national assembly. This is worse than any street advertising.
          1. +2
            27 February 2018 22: 28
            True, Putin seems to be living on TV!
    2. 0
      27 February 2018 10: 22
      Quote: Vard
      The truth is somewhere nearby ... And what do you want ... So it’s still not enough ... When it’s tired ... They drop everything and move to the same Moscow ... So maybe it sounds like a cannibal ... But natural selection works ...

      Here again Moscow, Moscow. And you are aware that for a long time in the province the payment of housing and communal services has been targeted, and in Moscow there is still one receipt and it is not clear where the money goes. In Moscow, too, not everything is so rosy.
      1. +4
        27 February 2018 14: 28
        Quote: Wend
        Do you know

        Then, with a much higher salary, the cost of housing and communal services in Moscow is the same as in the province, if not less, that products in the province are more expensive, like other consumer goods.
        1. +3
          27 February 2018 14: 59
          Quote: uskrabut
          Quote: Wend
          Do you know

          Then, with a much higher salary, the cost of housing and communal services in Moscow is the same as in the province, if not less, that products in the province are more expensive, like other consumer goods.

          I have relatives in all of Russia, so I know about prices, not all products are more expensive than Moscow. Blaming Moscow for this squalor, no one bothers to raise provincial cities. the problem is that officials, still of the Soviet formation, are still sitting at the feeding trough and do not want to move.
    3. +4
      27 February 2018 10: 53
      Quote: Vard
      They drop everything and move to the same Moscow ..

      and Moscow sends garbage to Kaluga, Ryazan and other areas.
    4. +6
      27 February 2018 11: 37
      Everything is much more cynical and simpler. Every person is driven through life. Personal motivation. Therefore, our grandfathers won both times in World War II. War was everyone's personal business. Therefore, Ukrainians (not to be confused with the Ukrainians) and knocked out of the country, it is not their country, and the land is not theirs. And from personal motivation (priority), we ourselves determine our actions today. What about the power? Read the classics, they criticized her for life.
  2. +4
    27 February 2018 05: 57
    We sometimes do not always and not everywhere find 4-8 people for auxiliary work even for a salary of 1,2 thousand, 2,5 thousand rubles a day

    We have locksmiths for 1000 rubles. a day, drove a little more. And you have to work - nowhere to go.
  3. +20
    27 February 2018 06: 04
    In my opinion, now only P. Grudinin and the political force behind it gives at least some chance of a new idea and expresses an intention to change the existing state of affairs, and other parties and persons - only slogans and populist statements, not only not confirmed by anything, but confirming the opposite.

    “Vote for Grudinin” Many times this slogan pops up on the pages of VO. "Vote ..." and EVERYTHING !!! So why is he so good? Tell me. And then just "vote." Something I can’t recall, that one of the agitators of Grudinin clearly stated why he is so good.
    Convince me, please!
    1. +26
      27 February 2018 07: 04
      So why is he so good?

      I do not know, but with a new face, there is hope for a change for the better. Naturally, after the 18 of March, even if elected, milk rivers will not flow in the jelly banks, and pancakes on the trees will not grow.
      But if Putin remains, then this swamp will remain for 6 years.
    2. +21
      27 February 2018 07: 08
      Quote: BecmepH
      So why is he so good?
      There is such a controversial advertisement "- How is it better than me ?! - Younger ..." Of course, this is also an argument, if you compare 20 of October 1960 of the year with 7 of October of 1952 year. Indeed, why is Vladimir Vladimirovich better, why is the program not heard, the debate is not foreseen? Such a general feeling that posters are hanging around, that 18 in March 2018 will be held not just elections in Russia, but elections for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ... I would be for him, without a doubt, tell him about his plans for the development of Russia, how he is going to revive multipolar world, get out of someone else's power pole. If a,"Who does not regret the collapse of the USSR, he has no heart; who wants to recreate it in its previous form, he has no head", please show me what will happen when you have a heart and a head! Brothers-oligarchs, funds in foreign currency and foreign banks," pipe "to the left," pipe "to the right, eating away from the Soviet safety margin ... No, this is not impressive, as the duty and duty of the president, is not perceived as a favor or a feat. Russia has no decent future in the bourgeoisie, they are reckoned with us until we have exhausted the great Soviet legacy of a superpower. One alternative, a way out of someone else’s system, and this is a revival of socialist development Grudinin voiced this, Putin is not. “parallel capitalism” with brother oligarchs personally, I don’t believe, as well as the fact that they will be able to squeeze a decent share for Russia from their true owners. Well, they are puffing up their cheeks, probably, they must be in front of their people, having a powerful nuclear potential from the USSR , how to justify yourself, but no more. The Soviet safety margin will end, and there is no money, but you stay there ... I was in the Arkhangelsk region last summer, empty, dead villages in which life was in full swing, but timber trucks, with the alien "conquistadors" that our timber is being exported from the north. They live brotherly Russian freebie, raw materials, but the Soviet technology, for which they "did not plow, did not sow." With these, it is unlikely that the people will be happy, and Russia will be reborn, and what would not have been worse ... And, what to expect, time is running out, the Soviet safety margin is not eternal. I am for the revival of Russia, for the healthy and happy future of our people. This is socialism, and Grudinina has this in the program, Putin does not. That's the whole story.
      1. +6
        27 February 2018 07: 23
        Quote: Per se.
        I am for the revival of Russia, for a healthy and happy future for our people. This is socialism, but Grudinin has it in the program, Putin does not. That’s the whole story.

        Quote: Per se.
        I am for the revival of Russia, for a healthy and happy future for our people. This is socialism, but Grudinin has it in the program, Putin does not. That’s the whole story.

        I, too, for the revival of Russia. For the return of pride in their Power.
        GDP is tired, and Grudinin ... He is a bourgeois.
        Russia has no worthy future in the bourgeoisie,

        I believe that it is not a businessman who should “steer” the country. After all, they have a professional deformation of thinking. How to cash in and spend less. He will not think about the people.
        Here you need a dysfunctional.
        In my opinion, the GDP has done everything that it could - for Russia. He is not ready for more. But Grudinin is simply not ready.
        1. +5
          27 February 2018 07: 59
          Quote: BecmepH
          I believe that it is not a businessman who should “steer” the country. After all, they have a professional deformation of thinking. How to cash in and spend less. He will not think about the people.
          Here you need a dysfunctional.

          as Kolya Machiavelli said, the one who has the necessary qualities for governing the people does not have the qualities needed to take and maintain power.
          and one who is decisive and cruel enough to become a sovereign, as a rule, does not know how to manage the state.
          Of course there are cases that go beyond the rule, but unfortunately rarely.
        2. 0
          27 February 2018 19: 42
          Quote: BecmepH
          Here you need a dysfunctional.

          That is, the one who mortgaged the company, scored loans and is waiting for them to be written off?
      2. +10
        27 February 2018 10: 55
        Quote: Per se.
        I would be for him, no doubt, would he tell about his plans for the development of Russia

        You see what progress we have with theft, the country is developing
      3. +3
        27 February 2018 14: 25
        Quote: Per se.
        I was in the Arkhangelsk region last summer, empty, dead villages in which life was in full swing before

        And this is in the black earth, and throughout our vast Russia ...... they did not fit into the market ..... and Gref and Kudrin entered, and Chubais, and Nabiulina and Siluanov entered!
      4. +4
        27 February 2018 14: 56
        Quote: Per se.
        There is only one alternative, a way out of an alien system, and this is the revival of socialist development.

        Common words. Specifically, what is the miscalculation of Putin in the economy? It seems that thanks to his economic policy, we are sailing normally in the world, overcoming WORLD crises. We are not starving, the standard of living in the cities is quite high ... What exactly doesn’t suit you? Issue a law that would not steal or a law that would make the best cars in the world? It’s not clear a bit .. specify.
        1. +3
          27 February 2018 17: 43
          Quote: Semen1972
          Do not starve, the standard of living in cities is quite high ...
          So, it at least looks ... Especially, in individual settlements, such as Rublevka. Against the background of the drunken Yeltsin, that Russia openly disgraced and alien “foxes” were let into our “hen house”, surrendering the country to the West, Vladimir Vladimirovich is simply a genius and the father of the people ... However, the president is not a “slave on galleys” and not ” God's anointed one ", to take care of his country and his people, his direct, immediate duty, work delegated to him by the people. In any case, it was conceived. What exactly does not suit me? It is impossible, having chosen capitalism, when the world capitalist system has already formed, with the leader and the owner, to be in this system and joke about independence, about a "multipolar world." I repeat, paraphrasing the classic, - to live in capitalism, and to be free from its laws is not possible, especially the laws invented by the masters of the system, and not the colonies. If Putin is a capitalist, a friend of the oligarchs, the whole furore of the system will be within the framework of trade in raw materials and sales of Soviet technology, as long as the Soviet legacy of a superpower remains. Not much the current bad guys, spent on education and health, in general, science and culture. We live with the minds of pensioners who received a Soviet education, what else is being developed in the design bureau, and even then, it doesn’t work out well, talents are dying out, and bankers and lawyers are spawned in the bourgeoisie, few new bright minds, and how many design bureaus are destroyed , booths, pilot plants, how much information on technologies they sold, simply leaked to the West ... There is no strong place for Russia at the pole of capitalism, the Soviet Union therefore became a superpower because it created its own power pole, a new social system not controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefel EPAM, the way the world vampires who together with transnational corporations are the masters of the world capitalist system. We are dependent, therefore, did not reach Tbilisi in the 2008 year, so we took only the Crimea, losing all of Ukraine. If those in power keep their goods in foreign banks and foreign currency, teach children and treat wives in the West, what else to talk about? If you judge the well-being of Russia by enchanting reports on TV and see the world in bloom within the boundaries of the Moscow Ring Road ... Clearly, there are rich and happy bodies in Russia, but for most people, not everything is so rosy. Having everything in the most secured country with resources and talents, the fact that we "overcome crises" is not a merit, like half measures, and frank failures, not genius and a cunning plan. Is this clear to you? ...
    3. +6
      27 February 2018 08: 49
      let those who have no head vote for this planter = it's about the sternum
      1. +18
        27 February 2018 10: 56
        Quote: alekc75
        let those who have no head vote for this planter = it's about the sternum

        Well, you need for GDP

        Everything is familiar, nothing new
        1. +5
          27 February 2018 11: 12
          And you, besides this "creativity", stripped from the vast expanses of the "world wide web", you have your own thoughts, or ...?!
          1. +11
            27 February 2018 11: 22
            Quote: B.T.W.
            have your thoughts, or ...?!

            is, therefore, and against. Do you have anything to object to? I do not like the truth about gasoline, you can about housing and communal services
            1. +4
              27 February 2018 11: 28
              Quote: Silvestr
              I do not like the truth about gasoline, you can about housing and communal services

              Also, "creativity" from an Internet ?! No, thanks.
              1. +11
                27 February 2018 11: 35
                Quote: B.T.W.
                Also, "creativity" from an Internet ?! No, thanks.

                well then you have a road to the housing office or a gas station
                1. +4
                  27 February 2018 11: 40
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  Quote: B.T.W.
                  Also, "creativity" from an Internet ?! No, thanks.

                  well then you have a road to the housing office or a gas station

                  Is that all your thoughts ?! Not much.
                  1. +6
                    27 February 2018 12: 10
                    Quote: B.T.W.
                    Is that all your thoughts ?! Not much.

                    do you need to prove the obvious? You are probably from the Old Square! It has always been difficult with feedback
                  2. +2
                    27 February 2018 14: 24
                    Quote: B.T.W.
                    Is that all your thoughts ?! Not much.

                    Fell: "Your-not-yours ..."
                    Have you even said something?
          2. +1
            3 March 2018 13: 13
            B.T.V. о New Year day Where did they think people in their country? Look at his flag. They paid him - he works out.
        2. +7
          27 February 2018 14: 05
          Quote: Silvestr
          Quote: alekc75
          let those who have no head vote for this planter = it's about the sternum

          Well, you need for GDP

          Everything is familiar, nothing new

          1. Change the word "gas" in your text for example to "corruption"
          2. understand the principle
          3. write a text for Putin for the next 8 years with the words "Education", "Housing", "Medicine", "Pensions"
          4. What Putin said / promised from 2000 to 2018 is better to forget. it’s all gone anyway
          5. truly believe in everything that he awakens to say.
          1. +2
            27 February 2018 19: 42
            And he will say what he said before. Can't you see the system in his speeches?
        3. 0
          27 February 2018 19: 29
          Medvedev-If we have cheap gasoline, he will all go abroad.
    4. +13
      27 February 2018 11: 34
      Western, I’ll answer you in a simple way, as my wife says.
      For the past 200 years, Russia has been alternating between bald and curly-headed people. bald - curly, bald - curly. Grudinin is the most curly of the candidates, and the bald one has already exhausted all trust and patience.
      But this is a joke, of course. Think for yourself, decide for yourself. If you do not decide for yourself, no one will convince you. hi
      But I am for Grudinin.
      1. +4
        27 February 2018 14: 30
        Quote: Galleon
        Western, I’ll answer you in a simple way, as my wife says.
        For the past 200 years, Russia has been alternating between bald and curly-headed people. bald - curly, bald - curly. Grudinin is the most curly of the candidates, and the bald one has already exhausted all trust and patience.
        But this is a joke, of course. Think for yourself, decide for yourself. If you do not decide for yourself, no one will convince you. hi
        But I am for Grudinin.

        Yes, I also decided. But here the people shout: "For Grudinin !!!" And all!
        Where are the arguments? And if you just expressed your thought, then in this format it is of no interest to anyone. No offense. If someone calls me to vote for someone, then try to convince me. Or should I take a word that your candidate is the best?
        1. +8
          27 February 2018 14: 42
          You do not understand me at all. Well, you're not serious: "try to convince me?" No one here will convince you. Let the candidates themselves convince you! I answered you with a joke. He proposed to decide for himself. You are repeatedly asking for ... arguments. Doesn't life show you arguments? The growing gap between the rich and the poor does not create in you a desire to shut up the widely separated same separate mouths for the sake of the state’s social structure and helping the poor - not to feed - but to give work. You understand that in a country with such a poverty level, spending, like Kamaz, $ 500 million on the development of unmanned trucks is something a little wrong. Or these permanent construction sites of the century in separate and very bizarre places. And that in the Vladimir region no one is building anything (the poorest region in Russia)? Or in Dagestan? Should I tell you this?
          18 years old was not enough for him? in 2000, I already wrote here, the 92nd gasoline was 7 rubles 63 kopecks - I made inquiries specially. Should I give you arguments?
          Anyone can tell you the proverb "at least ... into the eyes, all of God's dew," or a single bald man? Are you all right, are you one of those "friends"? Why do you need my arguments ??
          1. +3
            27 February 2018 14: 53
            Quote: Galleon
            Are you all right, are you one of those "friends"?

            Well no. I am not for GDP.
            You are all right. You, personally, expressed your position.
            I turn to those throats who shout: “Vote for ....” He shouted and that’s it. And whoever disagrees with him, that ...
            I turned to such people so that they would convince me, and not slogans in the ear.
            I understand your personal position and I respect it. Although, personally to me, Grudinin is not happy.
            Grudinin is still not satisfied, but the GDP is already.
            1. +6
              27 February 2018 15: 03
              I want to answer your sincerity with my own: Grudinin himself does not suit me in everything. The economic basis of his reforms is not clear, the team that will come with him is not clear (although this is already secondary). But I really want to shut off the financial flows to those happy persons. It will be at least some semblance of a “revolution from above," because nothing can be allowed from below, everything will be destroyed. But probably there is no way to do without a “revolution”. We need some beyond measure.
              And then, I really see his state farm - an island of prosperity in a sea of ​​general vague anxiety. Of course, you can’t put all of Russia on an island - but let it work if it wants to.
  4. +9
    27 February 2018 06: 06
    How did I get to the rally .. And from the rostrum another activist something "blah blah blah" ... They screamed and dispersed, left behind a heap of garbage .. Janitors will remove ...

    In my opinion, now only P. Grudinin and the political force behind it give at least some chance of a new idea and express an intention to change the existing state of things, and other parties and persons - only slogans and populist statements

    Do not be cunning. Grudinin P.N. and the political force behind it - the same slogans and populist statements.
    1. +4
      27 February 2018 14: 18
      Quote: tasha
      the same slogans and populist statements.

      And how do you like the slogans of October 1917? Power to the Soviets! Land to the peasants! Factory workers! It’s also populist. Yes, any slogans in favor of ordinary citizens are populist !!!
      1. +1
        27 February 2018 14: 21
        So what? Explain ...
        1. +3
          27 February 2018 15: 51
          the struggle for power involves the use of populist slogans understood by a simple voter
          1. +2
            27 February 2018 15: 57
            I agree only if you know this and understand why shout about it? wink
            P.N.Grudinin does not offer anything new.
    2. +3
      2 March 2018 09: 12
      In general, everything has been decided for a long time, several dolls were thrown to us as a rag, and the people already went into a rage: I am for Grudinin, I am for Yavlinsky, and I am for Volfich ...... And their programs are pure populism, "for everything good versus all bad. " This collective farmer again - let's choose, he will lease 95% of the country, enough money for everyone, and 5% will be engaged in "strawberries" - a dream, and that’s all. Whatever they choose, the system will correct and build, the real owners will make decisions, and we will have to execute them and cove that they did not vote for those.
  5. +13
    27 February 2018 06: 11
    In my opinion, now only P. Grudinin and the political force behind it give at least some chance of a new idea and express an intention to change the existing state of affairs

    Well, if such comprehensive material is without a doubt a platform exclusively for this author’s phrase ...
    If the water in the sea is salty, this does not mean at all that the phrase “after you owe me 500 rubles” following this truthful fact is also a fact.
    Personal conviction and the presence of the author's position are respected. But let us and Mr. (which, sorry, comrade?) We undergo the same procedure proposed by the author: good / bad.
    About "good" already all the ears buzzed - and the owner and the people cares. In his own way, somehow cares, but okay. Let us leave aside the standard "bad" accounts, sincere conviction that using existing methods to circumvent legislation is good.
    Let's get to China, in the Huashi village. That village was lucky to find itself in the same conditions as the God-saved state farm “Name of Lenin”:
    Now this "village of millionaires" is a vivid example of how residents can benefit from their geographical position, economic and political moment.

    Well, this is if a little less sticks to the hands of "effective managers" than the situation allows.
    And draw your own conclusions, dear readers ...
    1. dSK
      27 February 2018 07: 56
      Quote: Moore
      if the hands of "effective managers" sticks a little less than the situation allows.

      Today, February 26th, in the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region preliminary hearings were held. It is reported that immediately three minority shareholders of Lenin State Farm demanded the cancellation of the transaction to transfer a large plot of land to TT Development, which turned out to be associated with the director of the state farm and part-time candidate for president of Russia Pavel Grudinin. Plaintiffs demand recognition of land sale transaction illegal on the basis of claims to the constituent agreement of Development LLC and the contribution of two large plots of land to its authorized capital. The lawyer of Ivan, Tamara, and Olga Markin (the plaintiffs) referred to the lack of information on their deal with their customers until recently.
      Note that the law does not protect the rights of minority shareholders of joint-stock companies so carefully, and the real prospects for this lawsuit are small. (TV channel "Tsargrad" 21: 34., 26.02.18)
      1. +5
        27 February 2018 14: 16
        Straight on Mark Twain! He has such a story. How I was elected to the governors
  6. +4
    27 February 2018 06: 11
    In my opinion, now only P. Grudinin and the political force behind it give at least some chance of a new idea and express their intention to change the existing state of things ...

    ... and vulgarized everything.
  7. +20
    27 February 2018 06: 56
    The country is falling apart, but the GDP decrees are fulfilled by 93-94% and we are winning in Syria .... and we have already won the Olympics ... God, how far are all those power-holding ghouls, keen on stuffing their pockets and their favorite "toys ", from the life of an ordinary people in Russia .... Here, just recently, the GDP" bothered "by tele-box with" improving the standard of living of the people "and" internal politics "(at least in words), the people immediately strained, and not in vain: already voices appeared slurping "sun-kissed" about "point-dosed-address" help instead of social programs, about a total check of the income of all citizens of the type in order to identify the "poor and deprived", etc.
    1. +8
      27 February 2018 14: 13
      Quote: Snail N9
      Here, just recently, the GDP was “bothered” by tele-box “by raising the standard of living of the people” and “domestic politics”

      In their own shoes, I felt such concern when in the civil service more than 10% of the salary (for 2017), the bosses did not pay extra to ordinary employees, since the head was retired with the arrival of a high Moscow leader. Here is the very money they skipped. The scheme is simple - the size of bonuses for managers is UNLIMITED! Enough payroll. Here you have the care, here you have the conscience! And the guarantor provided this laf.
      1. +3
        27 February 2018 14: 42
        Yes, it's true. The guarantor allowed the "leaders" to share the ZP fund as they please. I myself fell into this “rake” more than once — I settled on “one” salary, but I paid a completely different one — not at interest, but at times less or not at all ... and figs of truth you will find something like “labor market and what are you like "....
  8. +12
    27 February 2018 07: 20
    Another advertising article for Grudinin. The main thing is that everything is so assertively stated, with pioneer-Komsomol enthusiasm.
    I do not know Grudinin. And I won’t vote for the cat in the bag.
    Somehow, with respect to the author of the fiery article.
    1. +13
      27 February 2018 10: 58
      Quote: inkass_98
      And I won’t vote for the cat in the bag.

      reasonable! Need to vote for a bright future
      1. +4
        27 February 2018 12: 26
        And you, my dear, everywhere you managed to stick your nose? Didn’t miss a single comment, hope?
        1. +7
          27 February 2018 12: 33
          Quote: inkass_98
          And you, my dear, everywhere you managed to stick your nose? Didn’t miss a single comment, hope?

          I miss, not interesting. I do not miss those in which the categorical thought and sheer chant. And today there is free time.
        2. +10
          27 February 2018 13: 21
          inkass_98 Today, 12:26 ↑
          And you, my dear, everywhere you managed to stick your nose? Didn’t miss a single comment, hope?
          A man is trying, for 11 days on the site he sprinkled almost 300 comments. Most importantly, this fruit is “SURE” even before the elections that they will be falsified by 146% ...
          The guys intensified sharply, to see Grudinin doing very bad things, since they are trying so hard ... laughing
          1. +2
            28 February 2018 01: 37
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            The guys intensified sharply, to see Grudinin doing very bad things, since they are trying so hard

            You can’t sleep without mentioning Grudinin? Sorry for you, one-sided thinking. As Raikin said, “wider is necessary, wider!”
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            Most importantly, this fruit is “SURE” even before the elections that they will be falsified by 146% ...

            themselves indicated the number. not me. Looks like you know something!
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            Man is trying

            I try, it’s fun to watch when the opponent has no arguments and he begins to hang up labels, use cliches and at the same time considers himself to be the navel of the Earth.
            I prefer to say unpleasant things. than singing odes. Ostrich position is not for me
    2. +4
      27 February 2018 19: 55
      Quote: inkass_98
      And I won’t vote for the cat in the bag.

      When the GDP was brought to the throne, there was not a bag but a whole safe.
      1. +5
        28 February 2018 06: 50
        When he was brought in, there was no need to vote, Borya simply introduced him to the general public as the new king. Somehow it was in 1999. Or were you already celebrating the new year by not noticing this event?
  9. +11
    27 February 2018 07: 20
    The author is a liberal and belolentochnik. Do you want us to have the same as in Ukraine? Our children waved !!! lol Prepare the author for such comments, cotton and cheers patriots do not sleep. And TNT and 1st and so on are better not to watch when they show the story of the ala Europe geyropa, what good fellows we are in Syria and Ukraine, and then help Olechka with money for 5 years for the operation - my hand reaches for the hammer itself.
    1. +4
      27 February 2018 13: 57
      Quote: Nix1986
      Do you want us to have the same as in Ukraine?

      He doesn’t look like a maydanut, normally he laid out everything about our thieves’s power
      1. +3
        27 February 2018 14: 58
        The first part of my comment was Troll
    2. +2
      27 February 2018 22: 38
      Adore! Especially on NTV. Help to raise a child for an operation in Israel for only 16 million rubles, and he will live for two whole weeks more ... I’m exaggerating a little about the term - it seems like it was about a half-year or a year term. But this does not change the essence. How many children in orphanages and the curable can be fully helped for the same 16 million rubles? I think - not just ten, but even hundreds.
  10. +17
    27 February 2018 07: 20
    The author said about the system, that’s absolutely certain! A system has been built for transferring the public into personal money, squeezing money out of citizens’s empty pockets, political lawlessness, withdrawing money and resources abroad. The same system kills medicine and education.And this system is man-made, it is built by those who are now in power, for themselves. That's the main thing in this article!
  11. +8
    27 February 2018 07: 21
    I liked everything, an acre of clearly propaganda lines about Grudinin. Just so the article lost its charm for me personally request
    Everywhere, whether it be Russia, Belarus, the United States, or what thread of Burkina Faso, for the most part, ordinary people have to stupidly survive, regardless of the political and economic structure of the state. This is an axiom of the modern world, where 20% of the population use 80% of the resources, and 80% of the population are satisfied with twenty. The only country in the world where there was more or less relative justice (in comparison) from the point of view of ordinary people is the USSR at the dawn of existence. Not without biases in ideology, but still. But this is another topic.
    Anyone can tell about their views on the situation in modern society, but what will change? What if you exchange one person for another, will life become better ??? Everyone sets America as an example with its stability, regardless of the chosen beholder, but few talk about America's choice of how to live, on what scale of values. But it is simple, this system - the dollar is corny. The rest is all variations on the theme request
    I myself can give a bunch of examples on the injustice of existence even in Belarus itself, looking at them with my own eyes. And I’ll only say one thing (no time — time to work) - it all depends on ourselves, on the people. Of course, any leader acts on the basis of his abilities, but justice is around and depends on such a leader. The trouble is that such people are now a minority. And if there were more of them, then even on the ground, in small towns and villages, instead of a rich office of the head with the rest of poverty, an additional ambulance would have appeared. But alas, we also become the "ruler" of the monetary unit, followed by the depreciation of moral qualities. Therefore, the problem is in ourselves. Although this is all philosophy. Everything is relative...
  12. +9
    27 February 2018 07: 39
    Who argues that in our country, in addition to the good, there are many unresolved problems and questions. But how to present it. If so, as the "political scientist" Nekrasov does on a talk show, then it remains only to be strangled by the fact that everything is very bad and you should not even think about resistance to the "powerful" United States. In a word - the logic of the liberal. But if you look carefully, not everything is so bad and it is not in vain that the United States is trying to crush us with sanctions. if everything would be so bad, then the Americans silently watched us bend. And so it turns out to be afraid.
    1. +2
      27 February 2018 08: 26
      Quote: rotmistr60
      And so it turns out to be afraid.

      Quote: rotmistr60
      And so it turns out to be afraid.

      Yes, they’re not afraid, but they are gopniks. International Gopnik.
  13. +7
    27 February 2018 08: 50
    Stepan is a great article! You have no doubt the gift of writing. I will say this without foolishness. But it’s unlikely that Grudinin is a panacea, forgive me. The oligarchs and liberal capitalists cynically seized power, sucking money from the people like blood. And Grudinin, being one of them, will not be able to change anything.
    1. +3
      27 February 2018 19: 38
      Quote: andrej-shironov
      Stepan is a great article! You have no doubt the gift of writing. I will say this without foolishness. But it’s unlikely that Grudinin is a panacea, forgive me. The oligarchs and liberal capitalists cynically seized power, sucking money from the people like blood. And Grudinin, being one of them, will not be able to change anything.

      What to do? After all, you need to do something, you can’t live like that, is it?
      1. +2
        27 February 2018 22: 14
        I totally agree with you! And it is necessary to start already in the elections. To say your firm and decisive NO is not legitimate power through non-participation in this cardboard booth.
        1. +2
          27 February 2018 23: 32
          Quote: andrej-shironov
          I totally agree with you! And it is necessary to start already in the elections. To say your firm and decisive NO is not legitimate power through non-participation in this cardboard booth.

          What will it give? Interest will write!
          1. +1
            28 February 2018 08: 50
            They will be written anyway. Although you will vote for Grudinin even for Sobchachka. Do you think in vain the authorities so aggressively advertise absentee statements? Just for stuffing. But there will be very few voters! Both video recordings and monitoring at the polling stations will show this. And this is partly illegitimate in our eyes and the eyes of external observers.
      2. +1
        27 February 2018 22: 45
        The logic of Euromaidan is that one cannot live on like this.
  14. +3
    27 February 2018 09: 08
    Everything is correctly described, the conclusions are not correct. for whom do not vote nothing will change.
    Some macro projects are possible that can and will change something in the villages, but who will implement it?
    You can be a farmer, but try to sell products? Just not where, just in the market to stand at the counter.
    At the end of the 90s and beginning of the 2000s, small business finally began to take shape in our country. I remember from my friends every second had his own company and his good income. A new middle class even began to take shape, and it was thought that after the difficult 90s, life finally began to improve somehow. But the time of the initial accumulation of capital was over and large Moscow players entered the market, who for a couple of years simply dared the entire unstable private business in the regions by simple dumping. The vast majority of entrepreneurs either went bankrupt or sold the business. lucky for those who have acquired real estate, at least rent out space.
    And this is in almost all sectors of the economy and throughout the country. There was only business with the local bureaucratic "elite" but this does not count. That's when it was necessary to defend the nascent middle class, where there was an antimonopoly committee, special services. Now we have even more fat capitalists who pump money out of the whole country, partially pay to the Moscow budget, the rest - abroad. Therefore, small business, especially in the countryside, is unpromising, no, you can put up a stall and people bet, but you can’t raise a village in this village, try to sell something in the city - your costs will go beyond the final price.
    1. +3
      27 February 2018 13: 46
      Quote: Resident of the Urals
      Some macro projects are possible that can and will change something in the villages, but who will implement it?

      Duc were already! They built clubs in the villages at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation. Then, instead of closed hospitals, FAPs were opened. Everything for people, everything for beloved villagers! But no one thought where they should work, these villagers.
  15. +5
    27 February 2018 09: 46
    Damn, the second article in a row for Grudinin. If a third appears, I will sue. More than TWO CONTRACTS nizzya !!! negative
    And to the author: to take a sheet on a shroud or will they give it there? Because, as I understand it, they won’t give out a ticket to “seduce”. laughing
  16. +1
    27 February 2018 10: 00
    In my opinion, now only P. Grudinin and the political power behind it
    Everything was waiting for the Author to finish. He is done.
    But in general, the article is quite objective ... Well ...
  17. +7
    27 February 2018 10: 13
    The preamble was not bad, in the style of "Russia in which we survive." It really is - abandoned villages and towns, depressed monotowns, there are sparkling megacities. There are hard workers surviving from paycheck to paycheck, and there are fattening social parasites of all kinds. But without a nation-oriented state of Russia, one cannot survive, and until social parasites are expelled from power, nothing will change. But Grudinin is unlikely to help here, Grudinin is an elective project of Gennady Andreyevich and is rather unsuccessful.
    1. +7
      27 February 2018 10: 53
      Quote: Altona
      But without a nation-oriented state of Russia, one cannot survive, and until social parasites are expelled from power, nothing will change. But Grudinin is unlikely to help here, Grudinin is an elective project of Gennady Andreyevich and is rather unsuccessful.

      And who will expel social parasites from power? Hired manager of the oligarchy of the Russian Federation? Grudinin is a chance to at least reduce their appetites in favor of the people.
  18. +5
    27 February 2018 11: 11
    Yes, at least sign up and shout out.
    In the Urals, a miner s \ n 25 kilo rubles with part-time jobs.
    Have you ever descended into a mine?
    Do you know what it is to see a “pin” of 0.5 cubic meters, and after half an hour lying at the level of your knees, and realize that at any moment you could be in the same axis between it and the center of the earth?
    1. +4
      27 February 2018 11: 25
      For skeptics ....
      If anything, then I’m a former certified mine rescuer and driller ...
  19. +5
    27 February 2018 11: 29
    If not for the finale, with Grudinin, then maybe there would be a normal article.
    Author. Is it not clear that everything offered by Grudinin is impossible to what extent? That he is no different from the present.
    1. +6
      27 February 2018 11: 43
      Here I am about that ..
      What, 19.04.2018/XNUMX/XNUMX Grudinin will take away all the nishtyaks from the oligarchs and distribute them to the people? As Meehan heh would say ... heh ...
      I have SUSHKI and MIGs flying over my house, and I'm glad that they are flying, that the pilots are really training and not on paper and parades ...
      1. +6
        27 February 2018 13: 42
        Quote: Ace of Diamonds
        I have SUSHKI and MIGs flying over my house

        But under Grudinin, will they stop flying?
        1. +2
          27 February 2018 15: 25
          Did they fly under Bor?
  20. +10
    27 February 2018 11: 40
    here are people, one line about Grudinin and everything seems to be pre-election article, but you say about the whole article that this is not there, everything is untrue and, in general, sheer rocking of the boat)))
    1. +4
      27 February 2018 14: 37
      Quote: Tatanka Yotanka
      and you say about the whole article that this is not there, everything is untrue and generally a continuous rocking of the boat)))

      If you carefully read, read comments, it is clear that no one denies the problems existing in the country. In total, there is enough about villages, and about drunkenness with prostitution, and salaries are not ah, but okho everything is true. Just when all this is brought together and served in a single piece, then they can choke. The question, as Varyag previously noted in one of the comments, is not the absence of problems, but how these problems are being presented to us. From the article there is one solid chernukha and I don’t want to live in such a “Leviathan”, but this is not so. And the country lives, and children are born, and study in schools and work. And medicine is available. I most recently had a heart attack, went to the hospital. I wasn’t there, but it turns out that a new cardiac separation was built, modern equipment, stenting is done. And before, either to Orenburg, or to Samara with this. And my town is not very large under 100 thousand, the usual provincial. Yes, many industries in the city were closed, however, nobody climbs trash and trash like in the 90's, nobody drowns the bitter from morning till night. Although, what I prove here, such as the author knows better. But from my point of view, he is the same worm from a joke that does not choose his homeland. To whom apples, and to whom r .... about. What I have chosen lives there.
      1. +3
        27 February 2018 19: 43
        Quote: Captain45
        Quote: Tatanka Yotanka
        and you say about the whole article that this is not there, everything is untrue and generally a continuous rocking of the boat)))

        If you carefully read, read comments, it is clear that no one denies the problems existing in the country. In total, there is enough about villages, and about drunkenness with prostitution, and salaries are not ah, but okho everything is true. Just when all this is brought together and served in a single piece, then they can choke. The question, as Varyag previously noted in one of the comments, is not the absence of problems, but how these problems are being presented to us. From the article there is one solid chernukha and I don’t want to live in such a “Leviathan”, but this is not so. And the country lives, and children are born, and study in schools and work. And medicine is available. I most recently had a heart attack, went to the hospital. I wasn’t there, but it turns out that a new cardiac separation was built, modern equipment, stenting is done. And before, either to Orenburg, or to Samara with this. And my town is not very large under 100 thousand, the usual provincial. Yes, many industries in the city were closed, however, nobody climbs trash and trash like in the 90's, nobody drowns the bitter from morning till night. Although, what I prove here, such as the author knows better. But from my point of view, he is the same worm from a joke that does not choose his homeland. To whom apples, and to whom r .... about. What I have chosen lives there.

        Or maybe it’s not how the problems are presented, but how they are solved? Not?
        1. +2
          27 February 2018 22: 55
          Yes, people can gather and demand that bureaucrats solve the problem, but is blown away extremely quickly. Although I know of cases where people insistently demanded not backing down - and bending officials. Few fight for their rights - and this is the main problem at the moment. But to personally criticize the president of the country is forever. It's only he who is responsible for everything. Tsar, god, road worker and many others in one bottle.
          1. +2
            27 February 2018 23: 44
            Quote: Gregory_78
            Yes, people can gather and demand that bureaucrats solve the problem, but is blown away extremely quickly. Although I know of cases where people insistently demanded not backing down - and bending officials. Few fight for their rights - and this is the main problem at the moment. But to personally criticize the president of the country is forever. It's only he who is responsible for everything. Tsar, god, road worker and many others in one bottle.

            You write nonsense, if the system does not work without shouting, then this is a bad system, right? If a bad system is present unchanged, which year does anyone need it, right? And who else but the president should improve the system, for this he has all the powers, he a guarantor, right? From that, all claims to power ultimately come down to the president. Nobody says Putin is to blame, but the government, parliaments and councils of federations with state Duma are needed to improve the life of the people and the power of the state, Is it so that the president should control their work, is he the guarantor, is that so or not?
  21. 0
    27 February 2018 11: 43
    We sometimes do not always and not everywhere find 4-8 people for subsidiary labor, even for a salary of 1,2 thousand, 2,5 thousand rubles a day.
    the author - to put it mildly, is disingenuous, if he doesn’t lie. t --- at 20 working days - up to 50t.r. it turns out - "ankleman", consider a handyman. This is nowhere to be found (well, especially especially in the capital). Today they offered me a technician 20-23t.r., security guards moonlight in E-rge - 15-20. And 30-50 is already a specialist level.
    1. +1
      4 March 2018 22: 13
      the author - to put it mildly, is disingenuous, if he doesn’t lie. t --- at 20 working days - up to 50t.r.

      The author is entitled to a sawmill until the first payday and there are no workers for six months, salaries are 50-60t.r., and there is nowhere to spend.
  22. 0
    27 February 2018 11: 44
    ..And everything will be repeated, as before:
    The night, the icy ripple of the canal,
    Pharmacy, street, lantern.
    Author: A. A. Block
  23. +11
    27 February 2018 12: 15
    As the Zaputinians began to sing, even the second article about Grudinin, etc., and the fact that Putin does not exit the screens is normal, turn on channel 1,2,3, the news is repeated every hour, and not a single news release without mentioning Putin or Medvedev, 18 years old and all in a positive way, the grandmaster is the most influential person in the world who for some reason cannot stop the killing of Russian people at his side for 4 years already. It is worth mentioning Grudinin right away, a liar, an oligarch, without any evidence, and this is said by people who see Putin's circle in Java, these are Medvedev, Sechin, Miller, Rottenbergs, Vekselbergs, an army of oligarch friends who milk Russia far and wide, squeezing everything juices, pumping everything to the west for some reason, children, day, wives, throwing miserable handouts to the people so that they would not die of hunger and there was nothing to pay for utilities. Try to refute everything that is indicated in the article. Even in the Caucasus, where they used to be proud of longevity, rarely anyone lives to 70. Because they feed us with all sorts of shit. With Grudinin, at least there is hope that he will be able to improve the situation by at least 50%. But these are not going to change anything, everything suits them. They had a lot of time to change everything.
    1. +4
      27 February 2018 12: 52
      Ale. Who sang where? Everyone agreed with the article. But you don’t need to rub that Grudinin is a mechanic with VMZ and that his program is feasible, even theoretically.

      Dear agitators for all sorts of different candidates. You are already indistinguishable, in your polemical enthusiasm, either from some enemy mercenaries, or even from provocateurs. Are you sure exactly SO should be campaigned for the candidate who gave you the money?
      1. +8
        27 February 2018 15: 08
        Can you answer for your words that they gave me money? I am a federal civil servant and I perfectly see this kitchen from the inside, and I can answer for my words. The entire system built by this tandem has rotted completely.
        1. +2
          27 February 2018 15: 30
          Can you answer for your words that they gave me money?

          Perhaps yes. Because the person who
          federal civil servant and perfectly see this kitchen from the inside

          Can’t write such nonsense.
          How is Grudinin going to change position?
          Here's a look at the "restoring order" in its execution.
          1. Opposition to raising rates has already been invented - they are sent part-time.
          2. Taxes change? Yes, no one will have any more taxes. The smart ones no longer have it. Since there is no income.
          3. Very good about support for graduates and the first job. Then we must begin with the restoration of industry to the level of at least half of the USSR. There is not even a word about this.
          Source http://grudininkprf.ru/news/navesti-poryadok-v-st

          So I see the next daughter of the officer (s). No need to powder people’s brains - in this circus all the clowns are the same.
          1. +3
            27 February 2018 15: 40
            You’ll see a clown in the mirror, people’s brains of power have been powering for 18 years, such as you don’t see the forest behind the trees, it’s useless to prove and explain to the Kremlin boats, your task is to protect the current government, when even the last cowards will be removed from you like you will be glad that though not raped and thanks for that. Now prove that I get money, do not be a balabol.
            1. +1
              27 February 2018 15: 44
              1. Read my posts in other topics and you will be able to understand where you got your finger with the "Kremlin boat".
              2. Please send the account numbers (and do not forget the pins) and we will deal with the receipt of money. How else?
              1. +3
                27 February 2018 17: 37
                Come to sunny Dagestan, I will show you all the accounts and passwords I give, I will show haromas built with Grudinin’s money, I get 100 rubles for every comment. But seriously, don’t you give the key to the safe? I fully support Grudinin and his views, I don’t need to pay for my vision of the future of Russia, it’s more like you pay, only for money you can so stubbornly defend this oligarchic system, where 20 million beggars, incomes from oligarchs grow and people fall .
                1. +1
                  27 February 2018 19: 00
                  Well, you asked a meaningless question and received an appropriate answer.
                  Once again - you hit your finger ... not in the sky, completely different. Look at my posts in other topics - it may come. If you do not, then this is another confirmation that the paid agitator. I’m not too lazy, I discovered that in one place you crawled and the flag floated away. So where are you really?

                  Although you all do not care about both Grudinin and the poor, you need to create at least some interest, intrigue. So that at least someone came to the polls. And then they will conquer in the west, which is illegitimate.
  24. 0
    27 February 2018 12: 43
    In general, everything is true ... But just did not understand, where does Grudinin? What will this character replace for? . That is, a custom article. In the country, it’s true that everything is very hopeless. But it’s stable and constant.
    So that's it for the election! There will be a good king to us, a warm summer and stability in everything. They did not live well and there is nothing to start.
    1. +3
      27 February 2018 13: 34
      Quote: AleBors
      That is, a custom article

      And you look at the first and second channels of TV, there really is an order. And the author, one might say, is a volunteer, like the volunteers of our government, they work for free, the author is not one of these.
      1. 0
        27 February 2018 16: 33
        I don’t watch TV. Occasionally a "star" ... And then, when old films are shown there. The reason for non-compliance by you is indicated correctly. As for the author, I don’t know, but for some reason I’m not sure that they will not advertise an unknown person just like that.
  25. +3
    27 February 2018 13: 14
    Somehow it happened in history that the Slavs have a peculiar cultural trauma - faith in a good king. During elections and political crises, the trauma escalates, between them it goes into a sluggish chronic phase. But it has always been present for hundreds of years. You can argue about its origin, but that it is available - no doubt.
    Therefore, those who hold power use the presence of this injury without hesitation. And by all means suppress any attempt to heal this injury.
    Why, then, as soon as it comes to the good king, even for smart people, the mind turns off. Everyone forgets everything.
    “The retinue makes the king,” the great Italian thinker Machiavelli once said, and history has repeatedly proved him right.
    One of the most important laws of managing people should never be forgotten: retinue plays
    the king. That is, his reputation and, as a result, the attitude of others around him depend on the people surrounding the leader.
    “My state is my friends, the warriors standing by my throne. I am not much interested in their wealth and nobility, and I can give them both myself, but who, besides them, can give me confidence in a successful rule in our glorious France “Therefore, I can only wish each of my crowned neighbors to surround themselves with such a retinue, who are not afraid to substitute their backs.” This was said by Henry IV, king of France.
    In Russia, about one and a half million officials. For comparison, the army is about one million nine hundred thousand. Almost one soldier has one official. Here is the retinue that makes the king and who is hired by those in power to keep their interests. Change the king - for health. You try to change the retinue! And try changing the algorithm of this suite!
    But this issue is not discussed at all. So break the spears further. The historical vaudeville about the good king continues.
    1. +2
      27 February 2018 13: 40
      Quote: Curious
      “The retinue makes the king,” the great Italian thinker Machiavelli once said, and history has repeatedly proved him right.

      And for all those who are appointed to the retinue, whether forcibly or voluntarily, but their conscience must be amputated.
      1. +2
        27 February 2018 13: 42
        Well no. In such corporations, the selection goes on the appropriate qualities. An official is a vocation with the appropriate psychology. Conscience must be absent from birth.
    2. 0
      27 February 2018 23: 24
      Quote: Curious
      that the Slavs have a peculiar cultural trauma - faith in a good king

      this is not an injury. This is the influence of climate and geographical conditions (the formation of society and the person himself in this territory)
      try to form such a "trauma" in the coastal European state ....
      1. 0
        27 February 2018 23: 36
        And how does the presence of the sea and climate affect monarchical traditions?
  26. +6
    27 February 2018 13: 24
    Useful and timely article, bravo to the author! hi
  27. +8
    27 February 2018 13: 32
    Whenever it comes to Russia's successes under the leadership of our very smart, advanced, most-powerful people, I have only one question:
    "How should you hate your people or how should you be an incompetent leader (to put it mildly), if with such vast riches of Russia, the Russian people live in poverty?" Now go and choose! March 18th is coming soon!
    1. +1
      27 February 2018 15: 39
      Almost 30 years have passed ... and my questions are the same ...
  28. +1
    27 February 2018 18: 29
    Listen to the author, so it's time to die wink
    1. +3
      27 February 2018 20: 00
      You shouldn’t live like that. And the article invites you to turn on the brain.
      1. +1
        3 March 2018 20: 20
        Quote: tamara
        You shouldn’t live like that. And the article invites you to turn on the brain.

        Many Russians have nothing to turn on. Over 18 years of Putin, the brains of the people were thoroughly washed. Putin is king and god. There are no substitutes, for all the rest in the country, apparently full of worthlessness or agents of the US State Department.
  29. 0
    28 February 2018 11: 30
    Quote: Bastinda
    So why is he so good?

    I do not know, but with a new face, there is hope for a change for the better. Naturally, after the 18 of March, even if elected, milk rivers will not flow in the jelly banks, and pancakes on the trees will not grow.
    But if Putin remains, then this swamp will remain for 6 years.

    I apologize, but just such a position is the most stupid of all possible. Believe me, I know firsthand what this leads to. Same - same! - said all the supporters of the Maidan in the 2014 year. And it is precisely those of them who seem to have something in their head, or at least diplomas in their pockets. They said so: “I know how, it’s clear that it won’t be better right away, but we need to do something! The new government gives at least hope that something will change. And with this Yanukovych we will live in the same swamp!” One to one is your thought. To write about the results?
  30. 0
    28 February 2018 13: 15
    Horses mixed up in a bunch, people.
    Many, many words. Economics, politics, people-mess of emotions.
    I still don’t understand, is it good here or is it all gone?
    1. 0
      28 February 2018 19: 20
      This is an advertisement by Grudinin, so do not wait for the logic in the article.
    2. 0
      28 February 2018 19: 22
      This is an advertisement by Grudinin, so do not wait for the logic in the article.
    3. 0
      4 March 2018 22: 20
      It all depends on whether your glass is half empty or half full?