Kiev Colorado Cockroach. Part of 1


Hello my beloved! Though off-plan, let's say. But I hope that you will be pleased and helpful.

Here is not self-interest or popularity for the sake of, but just to not give the abyss possible masterpieces. Maybe I will sometime become a sort of relic fossil, and my pictures will show in museums ... Can this be?

So the Cockroach bites, that if they show me somewhere, either in the museum of the medical institute, or on the billboards "Rozshukyutsya especially not without sin”.

And I still try. Moreover, more than one city has bypassed, but paid little attention to Kiev. And now I looked, my mother is a cockroach! Nasnimal something ... We must share.

Moreover, being a highly organized spiritually insect, I often just take it off, not to illustrate "Notes." And that's what I bring to the court.

Sketches of the city of Kiev.

It is clear that they will be mostly evening and night, but I will try in the afternoon. There will be fun (this is from the Maidan), and not very much. And I will begin the series with one of my favorite and at the same time most heartfelt places in Kiev - Victory Park. And it is better to watch it at night. Why - see.

Frost was - right Russian. For the soul grabbed and did not let go. But the air was clear and ringing of some kind.

The nightlife in Kiev is, of course, not the same as in the summer, but nevertheless, people are reeling - God forbid.

Well, there are such products-drinks-tea-coffee ...

I don’t even know how to teach you ... On the one hand, it’s kind of like the past. On the other - a possible future.

I will tell you about our bridges separately. I found the guys around here, oh, there will be a story ...

And here you can not explain anything, right? Just watch ...

Front, rear, partisans ...

Well, here the veterans are resting. They have almost a vacation in the winter. Until spring. And in spring the kids will come. Probably...

I love to wander around here. In summer, of course, it is more free and comfortable. But in the winter, nothing like that. This is how our memory stands here. As further - it is difficult to say, but for now keep the old ones.

In general, you know, I hope that more time will come and they will see red flags. Just red, no additives.

And in the morning snow fell, and fog fell on the city. Out of habit, I went to the Rada, and from there I will start the second part. You know how it hit the horror movie. Only without the movie. You seem to be in the center of the city, in the capital, in the center of Europe, and SUCH falls out of the fog ... Horror.

I think you will like it if you don't watch it at night.

So - until the next meeting!
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  1. +20
    13 February 2018 08: 47
    A beautiful city
    Nice pictures
  2. +1
    13 February 2018 11: 18
    Thanks to the cockroach for not lying. Not everything is bad with you.
  3. +4
    13 February 2018 14: 47
    Cockroach hi!
    Thanks for the "unscheduled" report!
    Kiev is the city of RUSSIAN GLORY. Someday, I hope to live to see this, everything will return to normal, and another attempt to divide a single people will fail.
  4. 0
    21 February 2018 18: 43
    Beautiful city. Great photos. Spread more.