"Impossible to justify": a difficult choice for the military judge Pakhomov

If someone tries to prove to me that there are more unlucky people in the military environment of the Western Military District, it will be very difficult to convince me of this.

There are two people whom I sincerely and wholeheartedly sympathize with. Moreover, it is absolutely free of play. So it happened.

This is Major Tsygankov from the military prosecutor’s office, and Judge Pakhomov from the Kursk Garrison Military Court.

Ask why, naturally. I will answer.

I do not know what Pakhomov and Tsygankov were guilty of, but it was they who were entrusted with the work of captain Zolotarev. That same "Putin goose".

And all would be nothing, but there is a moment to which I paid attention in previous articles. The fact that Captain Zolotarev began writing to the Commander-in-Chief and talking about some lewdness is only half of an orange.

In general, of course, it’s not very adequate to write complaints to Putin. And testifies to some excessive faith in the head of the captain. But this is generally a separate question - the question of faith in the commander in chief.

But the actions of its commanders testify to completely different moral aspects. And then the prosecutor and the judge, if not understood, will understand in the process, what kind of fat they have plunged into.

Talk about documents and evidence? Easy.

Moreover, at the next meeting of the Kursk Garrison Court, where the case is being considered, some of those whose signatures are on the documents will be present. And we hope to ask a couple of questions in person.

In the meantime, the case of Captain Zolotarev, who for six months or so did not appear in the service and led an idle lifestyle. And the suspicion of the complete incompetence of a number of officials in the structures of ZVO.

Here we have a serious document. The materials of the investigation conducted by the commander of the military unit 34670 Colonel Kazachkov.

Based on the investigation, the colonel referred the case to the military prosecutor’s office, being on 100% confident that Zolotarev, as stated in the “investigation”, had evaded the obligations stipulated in the contract. And wandered somewhere (mainly in Valuyki) from November 18 2016 to April 3 2017.

Leave yourself organized comrade captain ...

Well, if Zolotarev really organized such a vacation for himself, then he would have to be held accountable for such numbers.

However, according to eyewitnesses, this is not the case in this part. But we will return to the shirkers under the wing of the command and their real "exploits". For there is something to show the command of the division. And the army.

But we return to the commanders of the overwhelming Zolotarev. The captain lives quietly (as in the document) in Valuyki, and in part all are knocked down, trying to find him?


But all the services of the regiment and division were not able to do this super complex task. Valuyki is a huge regional center with an area of ​​34 square kilometers and a population of thousands of people 35.

This is not Moscow, here, you must understand, not just a person to find. Especially if he is not hiding.

It would seem to take and cut off oxygen. A person does not go to the service - it means that he does not have any content. B / s, so to speak. Would come running like a nice little from his caches.

But no. Zolotarev is hiding somewhere, the military police and the prosecutor’s office are thoughtfully walking by, and in part ... quietly paying Zolotarev money for housing rent!

Is it adequate?

Here are two not secret financial documents. Extracts from payment orders from 13.12.2016 and 31.01.2017 respectively.

It follows from the documents that at least once a month Zolotarev came to the unit and filed a report for paying him money for housing. The report was accepted, signed, the money paid.

Instead of being detained at a checkpoint or in any department and handed over to someone.

Rave? Rave.

Another document. By which Zolotaryov, who is on the run, is transferred from one position to another. With the payment, note the premium for the “fair and efficient performance of official duties” in November 2016.

This is another character added. Guard Colonel Konstantinov, acting commander of the unit. Also did not know what they are doing? Or did you know? And really, to Zolotarev there were no complaints?

Go ahead. Acting so temporary, but our main character, Colonel Kazachkov, ensured that the deputy head of the military investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Voronezh garrison, Major of Justice Pilgun, opened a criminal case.

Already mentioned dates. From 18 in November 2016 to 3 in April 2017, Zolotarev "spent his time idly at his discretion" while living in Valuyki. And "all the royal cavalry and all the royal army" could not find him.

True, there are nuances.

Somehow, the report, which was mentioned above, was brought to the unit and came to the command to the table.

Moreover, at least twice Zolotarev visited the medical unit. As a result of the examinations, the major of the medical service, Ershov, discharged Zolotarev from his official duties.

So I wonder who is inadequate here? Zolotarev, who, during the New Year's weekend, applied for exemption from the service (why did he need to be sick if he was on the run?), Or the head of the department, Yershov, who gave him this exemption?

Or is the head from the ordinary point of view absolutely normal, and did he give an exemption from the guard to a really ill officer? For some reason I believe in it more.

And a cherry on a cake for Colonel Kazachkova. Here such still is available. Yes, you can arrange a sick-list there as a friend and all that (it’s like you agree with the doctors), but here’s another:

November 22 2016 of the year. That is, when Zolotarev already enjoyed illegal rest. Here is such an invoice. And what is she talking about? And that on this day, Captain Zolotarev did not just visit the RAV warehouse, but also completed the procedure for transferring two PKT machine guns to storage.

And then you think that it is more dangerous: the captain, who decided to rest with a couple of PKTs, or a colonel who allowed such a disgrace?

Overall, fun story to judge and prosecutor.

Of course, Zolotarev did not set off for SOCHI with machine guns. And I didn’t stay in any AWOLs. Unfortunately, this is all fiction and speculation, including Colonel Kazachkova, who, oh, how to get rid of what Zolotarev wrote in his addresses.

We will continue to delve into this matter, especially since new and new circumstances arise in it. And we will tell about them, because they, circumstances, deserve it.

Not to even show how bad we can be, no. In order to not be worse.

The command of the Western Military District in general, and the 20 Army in particular, have long been left out of the open stupidities, fabricating fake cases in the courts against those who still believe in the justice of Commander Putin, but really understand.

Punish the perpetrators and draw conclusions for the future.

We will return to this topic soon. Let us tell you how and who kidnapped people, who actually was in an unauthorized absence, as an officer threw the equipment entrusted to him in an open field and received an apartment for it.

It’s not funny, because the border with our mad neighbor is a couple of tens of kilometers away. And when such comrades are defenders of the officers, somehow you do not feel strongly protected by yourself.

Finish what I started with. Wishing the judges and prosecutors to really understand the idiocy in which they were cast by careless commanders from Valuhek.

It is clear that in an amicable way (for Kazachkov and the company) Zolotarev should not only not be allowed to serve back, as the court has already decided, but also to plant. So that in the future everyone who decides to turn to the Commander-in-Chief / President should have such an example.

Trampled, humiliated and spat completely former officer.

And so that everyone who wants justice knows that justice is not to be found.

And then, quite naturally, our army will grow stronger day by day. Fake cases and reports of commanders such as Colonel Kazatchkova.

And I would not want this.

Therefore - to be continued ...
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  1. +3
    13 February 2018 07: 25
    I don’t know how the case will end here and, to be honest, the captain’s fate is of little interest to me, but he can definitely put an end to military service, however, maybe someone will take from other commanders under pressure, swearing and spitting internally, and now the captain’s favorite column will be the vacancy column! laughing

    P.S. I still did not understand what this comrade had done and what truth was he looking for ??
    1. +3
      13 February 2018 09: 00
      The author raised an acute problem. One thing I can say is that there is no smoke without fire. The army is part of society.
    2. +3
      13 February 2018 09: 08
      There are different commanders. Perhaps Colonel Kazachkov scum, but this captain is also a "gift", I would not have served with that.
      1. +19
        13 February 2018 12: 18
        Quote: BerBer
        There are different commanders. Perhaps Colonel Kazachkov scum, but this captain is also a "gift", I would not have served with that.

        Why not serve? Here, it’s not a matter of what he struck as they drink in the park, but a serious matter, and they steal it infinitely. I generally begin to cognitive dissonance belay look here to write, the authorities are bastards of embezzlers! And as for the colleagues at once, the informer! That is, if a friend drags Mona in wagons, and you are a musketeer because you are silent, and the dog’s authority does not allow you to keep silent from such resentment, it turns out that stars from pure gold can be used as shoulder straps, and the deputy will have a gold pen laughing laughing everything should be a measure, a measure of restraint.
    3. +2
      13 February 2018 10: 02
      It’s good to serve if the prize is already given for the fact that there are no penalties. lol
    4. +2
      13 February 2018 12: 30
      And if you do not understand, then why are you smart? Although it is difficult to expect from you anything other than "approvals."
      1. +2
        13 February 2018 14: 27
        Do you have a fad about me? laughing Maybe at least once write something on the case? Or, if you know the nature of the problem, tell me. I would be grateful to you! hi
    5. +4
      13 February 2018 21: 46
      I still did not understand what this comrade had done and what truth was he looking for ??
      And this is not the main thing!
      ...who else believes in justice of the commander in chief of Putin ... so that in the future everyone who decides to contact the Commander-in-Chief / President, such an example stood before my eyes.
      But this topic is the main one! All other characters are needed insofar as.
      1. +2
        13 February 2018 21: 54
        So I also thought, even after the release of the first article about the captain's wrestler! Thank God, it’s not the first day in the army and the wrestlers have seen enough above the roof .... hi
        1. +2
          13 February 2018 22: 02
          Quote: Finches
          So I also thought, even after the release of the first article about the captain's wrestler! Thank God, it’s not the first day in the army and the wrestlers have seen enough above the roof ....

          And Kvachkov with Khabarov, who do you think? Two combat officers, each of which is the Legend of the Airborne Forces !!! How did the gdp do with them?
          1. +4
            13 February 2018 22: 06
            Pensioners! They became bored - but they went to work and even couldn’t shoot Red - the clowns! If a pro goes to kill, he kills, but does not pretend to be a victim of political repressions ... As officers, maybe they were sensible, I don’t know, but retired visited insanity! The same thing happens - the cost of service! hi
            1. +5
              13 February 2018 22: 16
              Quote: Finches
              Retired! They became bored - but they went to work and even could not shoot Red - the clowns!

              Now you have acquired hemorrhoids! Never tell anyone else about it! Are you sure that even elderly people already suffering from a number of diseases associated with serving in the SA will not call you to account? I’m not going to swear at you, but someone will definitely invite you to sparring! soldier
              I told you a hundred times, do not touch NEVER military, it comes around! soldier
              1. +3
                13 February 2018 22: 21
                Went to business - do it! Who will call me to account? I myself am a military service veteran! I don’t suffer from garbage yet - but anything is possible! laughing
                1. +2
                  13 February 2018 22: 56
                  Quote: Finches
                  Went to business - do it! Who will call me to account?

                  If they did, then they did!
                  Quote: Finches
                  I myself am a veteran of military service!

                  The veteran is a veteran of discord, look at the "bars" ...., you are up to him, exactly like me ... only I am for him, and you are somehow against ..
                  1. +2
                    14 February 2018 08: 03
                    I do not beg his merits, but then he did not fail Red! Do not set off!
  2. +8
    13 February 2018 07: 34
    They are taking revenge, so they can afford to do it this way, without fear of punishment and exposure.
    And, this is already a question for officials who created such an atmosphere and conditions.
  3. +4
    13 February 2018 08: 34
    Of course, one must deal with such stories and bring them to light, otherwise it is impossible.
  4. +16
    13 February 2018 09: 04
    1. As I wrote on Zolotarev, his main mistakes in the conflict with the System:
    - timely non-removal of a copy of a business card;
    - failure to provide daily traces of being in the unit - murals for receiving a secret notebook, marks in the IWT forms, instruction books, etc.
    - naive hope for the Commander-in-Chief (more precisely, for the AP, which in such cases always gently sends).
    2. Not only the hero of the narrative messed up, his commanders messed up, sincerely convinced that the charters and laws were written for subordinates and, if they wanted, they would trample the “troublemaker” in the mud in any situation.
    3. The prosecutor and the judge have nothing to worry about: the first can make the right accents, and the second in his right to accept the arguments of the defense in the form of certificates and waybills, or not. It’s how they will be decided, depending on the prevailing trend at the moment: who is to be honored - the command or the captain. Military courts do not issue acquittals in principle. According to the Supreme Court, they are 0,36% in the Russian Federation. If the prosecutor approves the indictment and sends it to the court, my forecast is for the captain: out of 5 years, in part 4 of article 337 he will receive 2 conditionally.
    But due to the wide publicity of the case, options are possible.
    1. +2
      13 February 2018 12: 24
      Moore, thanks for the sober comment of an experienced person. hi
      I just didn’t understand: Zolotarev what, in these six months I have never worn outfits?
      1. +6
        13 February 2018 15: 04
        There is a practice: do not give out weapons to persons under investigation and other persons at increased risk of emergency. Sometimes a secret too. Hence, most likely, his non-assignment to outfits. Well, if the NS is part of the service officer qualification "God", he could give the command to retype the daily orders in part, but this is still the hemorrhoid.
        By the way, you came up with an interesting idea: if the captain was absent illegally, he should have been given daily to the illegally absent by the same daily order. Interestingly, he passes in these orders?
    2. 0
      16 February 2018 05: 28
      ... the armor is strong and our tanks are fast ...
  5. +5
    13 February 2018 09: 08
    But what about all the same with the Commander in Chief, to whom after that there is no faith? Again not to blame? Again the guarantor, does not write laws and is not responsible for anything, and no more?
    1. +4
      13 February 2018 11: 54
      Quote: andrej-shironov
      But what about all the same with the Commander in Chief, to whom after that there is no faith? Again not to blame? Again the guarantor, does not write laws and is not responsible for anything, and no more?

      Yes, he does not know about it yet. and to get there through the AP (presidential apparatus) anyway, what heaven. smile
      1. +1
        13 February 2018 19: 02
        smile So maybe from below and not knock? Suddenly, what will the bad think of knocks from below? Change right away!
  6. 0
    13 February 2018 09: 36
    The more oaks in the army ... The stronger our defense ...
  7. +1
    13 February 2018 09: 47
    Therefore - to be continued.
    That's all, that's enough, no continuations are needed, how much you can chew on this topic.
    1. +9
      13 February 2018 12: 28
      Quote: bober1982
      Therefore - to be continued.
      That's all, that's enough, no continuations are needed, how much you can chew on this topic.

      Why is that enough? Let the captain be closed for nothing, and hungry children sit without understanding why? No, they’ve come to the end. And if possible, to support both Roman and the captain, it can happen to both of them, but if everyone quietly decided to watch how the matter closes, then don’t have to rely on the Supreme, he’s not rubber and will not cover every ass, but here many probably have connections and such that and they can help.
      1. +2
        13 February 2018 12: 34
        Quote: midivan
        here, many probably have connections, but such that they can help.

        There are only balabolas, what other connections, perhaps only sexual relations.
        1. +2
          13 February 2018 12: 56
          Quote: bober1982
          There are only balabolas, what other connections, perhaps only sexual relations.

          I don’t think so, for any reason they have somewhat gone out of the way, another thing is that no one needs anyone, you think some kind of cap got there, what’s the matter with us, this is another matter.
          1. +1
            13 February 2018 13: 00
            We must do everything according to the Charter, we should not jump over our head (s), they don’t like such people in the army, and don’t lean out, they don’t like those either.
            1. +7
              13 February 2018 13: 24
              I agree. but in the event that this charter is respected by higher authorities, otherwise dismiss. And how to live according to the charter, if I should be equal to whom I put on the charter, then I don’t agree request
            2. +2
              13 February 2018 18: 48
              And what kind of "army" do they like?
              1. 0
                13 February 2018 18: 57
                You need to know your place, your sixth.
                1. +5
                  13 February 2018 19: 14
                  How's the chicken coop? Collide your neighbor, lay on the bottom? Isn't it scary to live with this attitude to the service?
                  Quote: Galich A.
                  Let others cry out of despair
                  From resentment, from pain, from hunger!
                  We know that silence is more profitable,
                  Because silence is gold!
                  This is how easy it is to get rich
                  Here's how to just get into the pervachi,
                  Here's how to simply get into the executioners:
                  Keep silent, keep silent, keep silent!
                  1. 0
                    13 February 2018 19: 17
                    Every cricket, know your hearth .....
                    And you about the chicken coop ......
  8. +3
    13 February 2018 10: 02
    As there was a mess in the army, it remained!
  9. +6
    13 February 2018 10: 42
    By the way, a good illustration to the regularly pop-up thesis of conspiracy theorists "everything was as we say, but in the archives all the documents were forged". And here is an example - how many documents in various structures of one part are left by one person for a year, and how difficult it is to fake them to compose a fake story.
  10. +7
    13 February 2018 10: 43
    The whole army lives like this ... the captain’s problem is that he decided to take the dirty linen out of the hut .., didn’t solve the problem from the inside and went into the opposition!
    The case against him is clearly fabricated .., here do not go to a fortuneteller ... but there are moments in which I do not agree with the author!
    1. On what basis does one not have to pay the officer the required money even in order to return it from the alleged unauthorized abandonment of the unit ??? Read the law ... this is not a factory salary for the number of nuts produced !! Failure to provide the required types of allowance is a deliberate undermining of combat readiness! So do not tell the author nonsense ... otherwise you can don’t feed the soldier according to your method, so that he studies better, and don’t give cartridges so that there is an incentive to get them in battle!
    2. What are you so attacked the prosecutor with the judge and expose them do not understand who ??? They were presented with a very specific set of documents: the materials of the “trial”, of course fake ... and the testimonies of the “witnesses”, who wrote under dictation that they hadn’t seen the captain in the service for half a year, and some even began to forget him in person! Naturally, no one presented the documents confirming his presence ... otherwise the meaning of this venture ... And the miracle is that they (the documents) got here .... The task of the femida is to figure it out ...
    Well, the question is for the commanders, who naturally ask themselves ... But why the hell was the soldier absent from the service for half a year, and the materials for the criminal case were submitted only in April? And after the officer made it all public? An attempt to get rid of the objectionable is obvious ... that’s all ... But as always, according to the good old tradition, you don’t go to the toilet without a piece of paper: a step to the right is a report, a step to the left is an order (if you don’t want to write a report, then you also need to write a report that you refuse to write - whoever served will understand) ... and money is a whole bunch of papers ... so traces of being in the service cannot be destroyed ... especially when the money has already been paid and the grounds there are! Paper in the army - various orders, manuals, recommendations, instructions, reports, heaps of magazines, etc. - This is a great way to keep people busy, show work, and at the same time justify the existence of sometimes whole structures and individual posts !!!
    And finally .... the people in the army from a soldier to a general, whether you are a commander or not ..., in terms of jurisprudence - these are, for the most part, illiterate planers (sorry, no offense is said) ... Well, what to demand from people who have been engaged in combat training all their conscious lives !? Lawyers in any organization are dealt with by professionals who, as far as I know, are not among the troops ... They tell the commander what and how ..., and all other wars are faced with the law when dust is wiped in the "corner of legal knowledge" - if you are a soldier, and when you sue after an illegal dismissal, because before that there was a lack of time ...- if you are a contractor! ...
    There is only one law in the army - the back of a superior should be safe ..., the captain did not understand this and became a victim of his ambitions ... now he will put an end to his career regardless of his innocence - the army is not the State Duma - the opposition is not needed there, but sometimes dangerous ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      13 February 2018 12: 05
      Quote: FalconD
      and money is a pile of papers ...so traces of being in the service cannot be destroyed ..., especially when the money has already been paid and there are reasons for that!

      And besides, two machine guns from an armored personnel carrier were dragged, no, of course they can also be trophy, the brothers are quite nearby laughing
  11. 0
    13 February 2018 11: 35
    You can conduct an experiment, castling a nerve-adversary. We change positions, we observe 1 year. We draw conclusions. By the way, this was already in the years that way 41-45. Not always successful, but the adversaries acted well. The prosecutor and the judge to strengthen the rule of law with an increase in the Magadan region.
  12. +4
    13 February 2018 12: 01
    Quote: Finches
    I don’t know how the case will end here and, to be honest, the captain’s fate is of little interest to me, but he can definitely put an end to military service,
    P.S. I still did not understand what this comrade had done and what truth was he looking for ??

    IMHO, he put an end to the service for a long time. I’m old-fashioned, but the captain of the commander’s platoon for 15 years of service .... Is this not a cross? And he seemed to be looking for such a truth - in the scans it is clear that he was counting on an increase, but he received a transfer to a position that seemed to be equivalent, but to see somewhere in the village. Essno was offended and rushed. Maybe he even “brought” the commander for the appointment, and he - on the side. On the whole, it does not fit in with the new look ... Or rather, it is just the same “new" look in the form of Poryulyukovsky. If tomorrow is war, if tomorrow is a campaign .... then shoot today
  13. +2
    13 February 2018 13: 17
    In principle, this situation is not new. Even such limited information allows us to conclude that, in essence, this captain, ballast and a person discrediting the army, who wants to receive buns from his status, but who allows himself not to carry out the order (according to the law, transferring to an equivalent position does not require the consent of a military man), clings to formal violations and gaps in procedural issues in order to avoid punishment and continue to receive good salaries without resting on the service. Over the course of his life, he has often had to deal with such scoundrels. In wartime, if he had not gone by order to a new duty station, the outcome would have been clear and understandable to everyone.
  14. +2
    13 February 2018 14: 03
    One peremptory conclusion from this article can be made for sure - we are talking about a powerful army to the extreme. In what other army do whole captains command platoons. Even in the Soviet army, which “from the taiga to the British seas”, platoons were commanded by lieutenants, sometimes aging, and sometimes “castles” of sergeants, as a shortcoming happened. And here the captains - they command a platoon!
  15. +1
    13 February 2018 15: 52
    A muddy story ...
  16. +2
    13 February 2018 21: 50
    We will continue delve in this case ...
    Keep going Yes
  17. 0
    16 February 2018 05: 25
    Quote: Finches
    I do not beg his merits, but then he did not fail Red! Do not set off!

    ... so red * spellbound *, it can be eaten only with * God's * help - like Viya (at Gogol), calm ...
  18. 0
    26 February 2018 21: 38
    "And you think that it is more dangerous: the captain, who decided to rest with a pair of PKT, or the colonel, who allowed such a disgrace?" Indeed, it would be very funny if it were not so sad. Personally, everything that has happened lately reminds me of some kind of partisan war. If you say - a disgrace - it means nothing to say. Well, at least there are still people who really matter, and that bread. No words.