The tale of how the Bolsheviks overthrew Tsar Nicholas

The tale of how the Bolsheviks overthrew Tsar Nicholas

"In fact, the Bolsheviks were the most categorical supporters of the overthrow of autocracy among all Russian opposition parties, they excluded the possibility of preserving the monarchy even in constitutional form and were consistent Republicans ... The Bolsheviks did not play a major role in the overthrow of the monarchy only because by February 1917-th party was still very weak ”(Yegor Kholmogorov).

“The Bolsheviks did not overthrow the king. The Bolsheviks overthrew the liberal-zapadnicheskoe Provisional Government. The battle against the Bolsheviks was not started by the people who fought for the faith, the tsar and the fatherland, but Lavr Kornilov, the general who announced the arrest of the empress and the royal family ”(Zakhar Prilepin).

So to say, for the anniversary of the Great October Revolution, two well-known publicists decided to once again discuss this very event and the preceding (next) events, as well as the role of the Bolsheviks in everything that happened. One hundred years have passed, and the general, consensus (or at least close opinions) on this key event of the world stories No, and not foreseen. History is always politicized. And this very event was overpoliticized from the very beginning.

And then, given the degree of ideology of Soviet society, some kind of scientific study of the 1917 events of the year was absolutely impossible. With the same success, a Muslim chemist can be offered to study the chemical composition of the Kaaba Black Stone ... Or a Muslim historian can be offered to give a strictly scientific assessment of the activities of the Prophet ... And so it was with us in the USSR with 1917. In fact, in Russia, they blew up churches (as opposed to the socialist Europe of Europe), because in our country they tried in many ways to replace Marxism religion. No more, no less. In Russia, everything was so “original” that Christ and Marx were direct competitors ...

Therefore, the “first year of the hijra” was not very possible to study with us. What led to certain psychological consequences: to this day, for most, October much, more than February. February was usually mentioned something like that - in passing ... they say that there is a lot of rassusol here? They made a revolution, but unfinished it, and only in October the Aurora shot announced the onset of a new era in the history of mankind ... After, at the time of the "controlled collapse" of the USSR, the signs changed, and everyone began to curse together the same October, the low politician in the cap and the very armored cars ...

However, as the obscure American blogger in uniform wrote, everything is not so simple. In general, by that very fateful October, the Russian Empire as such was no longer there. As we were told in those very Soviet textbooks, there were some muddy "capitalist ministers" in power. They had practically nothing to do with the sovereign-emperor, and their power was generally incomprehensible, it was not clear how widely it was distributed ... And here the most attentive reader will inevitably ask the same “fatal” question: “But allow! Where did the Romanov empire go by October 1917, and where did the Romanovs themselves go? Which years 300 quite successfully ruled the very Russia? "

And here you asked the right question. Dynasty The Romanovs were overthrown much earlier. And not Ulyanov-Lenin and the Bolsheviks. This is a kind of consequence of the “Folks History” for the broadest peasant masses: tsarism was cruelly oppressed by the common people, but the Bolsheviks made him a complete sting ... The eagles, as you know, do not hunt flies, and the removal from power of a little-legitimized Kerensky "in a woman's dress" - well, it’s rather from the category of operetta, and not the heroic epic.

There was no way for the Bolshevik comrades to recognize the simple fact that by the overthrow of Nicholas the Second they absolutely nothing did not have. But this is exactly the way things are: even the most “evil” critics of Bolshevism are forced to admit: the Bolsheviks did not play a major role in overthrowing the monarchy simply because by February 1917 the party was still very weak. They did not play not only the “big one”, they didn’t play any role at all and could not play.

The active role is implied. As a factor (one of many) of instability, they certainly were present. And some doubts are taking that Nikolai Romanov was shaking with fear when he heard the name Ulyanov ... He didn’t even know his main political “opponent” by name, let alone by his patronymic name! And where only watched the security? Okhranka, by the way, looked where it should go, and the RSDLP party was under very tight control.

From time to time the question: “How did they miss Lenin?” - sounds mockingly. Firstly, they “did not miss it”, secondly, the Simbirsk student who didn’t get enough of the monarchy and the empire delivered a mortal blow. What to consider it? What for? Arrest and even “liquidation” of Ulyanov-Lenin (and his entire party!) Until 1917 in no way the empire could not be saved. In no way. The empire was destroyed in February-March 17, by completely different people who were not formed any worse than Comrade Ulyanov (and not much more stupid), and their social position was much higher.

And all his “reflections” and “constructions” were, frankly, of little interest. It would be naive to think that it was Ulyanov-Lenin (or one of his Camerid) that was at that time the most powerful political theorist in the empire. And if so, then few, few knew about it ...

That is a basic, key event for Russia, its tragedy and shame - this is exactly February of the year 1917. Here everything has changed, here the legitimate power was destroyed (during the war!) And everything went downhill. Therefore, just February (and what led to it!) Must be studied in great detail. Because the “February revolution” was not some kind of “intermedia”, just the opposite - this is a key event. After him, the army fell down (preparing a major offensive!), And the empire as a whole. The key element was removed from the complex mechanism, and the whole sophisticated mechanism simply began to crumble ...

To dissolve frank fables, what would have happened if the October Revolution had happened, and everything would have been openly, frankly, simply dishonorable: by October and without the Bolsheviks there was a sea of ​​spilled water, moreover: the problems were growing exponentially. Evaluation of “Ulyanova and the team” is a very separate question, but it is somewhat incorrect to say that they “pushed the abyss that has begun to flourish in democratic Russia”. As one contemporary about the “new democratic power” remarked: “They only seized, seized, seized ...”

In general, it is difficult with the positive assessments of the Provisional Government - more and more they go into negative, throwing them to the root. Did not become comrade. Kerensky a national hero, alas. The liberal-bourgeois government very quickly compromised itself ... You write, and each time you want to clarify a decade ... Liberal Democrats with Russia have no luck ... or Russia has no luck with them. No, I would sincerely be grateful for the alternative (super-positive!) Assessment of 1917 spring-summer from one of the grateful contemporaries of those events. But somehow I have not yet met.

Once again: in order not to leave the full staff in the “holivar”, we will not fundamentally evaluate the violent activities of Ulyanov and his team - it was already much later, after February. Let's try throw comrade Ulyanova-Lenin from the research ship. Difficult, but nonetheless. It is simply extremely difficult to agree that it is he who is the key figure of what happened.

Tov. Lenin, rather, "hit the tails." But for those who removed Tsar Nicholas from power in February 1917, it is worth looking more closely ... No, rather, not so: it would be easier to list (literally on the fingers) those who remained loyal to the Sovereign. He was betrayed by literally everyone. At the same time, for some strange reason, what has happened is blamed above all ... Tsar Nicholas himself. Say, and what did he overlook? Well he did not save? Well, we must begin with the fact that Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov was not a runaway criminal or a political adventurer, and it would be strange for him, in his social position, to “take care of himself”.

Watch out, sorry, from whom? From their own officers who swore to him before God? By a strange coincidence, the Sovereign considered himself in complete safety, being in the company of Russian officers. Strange man, is not it? But no, in order to shave off the beard and dressing up in civilian clothes, covering the face with a scarf, but in a second-class carriage ... you could have crossed into the same compartment with Ulyanov. Or, perhaps, in the “tolerant” style of Kerensky, in a hired car ... and never twice spend the night in one place and every time I change clothes ... then a nun, then a shepherd boy ... And conspire, conspire

But the Emperor for some reason didn’t do that, he didn’t play in the Baghdad caliph ... he drove himself in a personal carriage with all the regalia. Where he was "taken." Warm. And for some reason everyone addresses the questions of arrest to him, to Tsar Nikolai, but no one addresses any questions to those who betrayed him - to Russian officers. But practically no one stood up for him: all five front commanders agreed with his “removal” (like both commanders fleetsunless Kolchak “just kept silent” unlike everyone else). For some reason, this is cited as a sentence to Nicholas II, although I rather see the sentence of the Russian army and, above all, the Russian officer corps.

Analyzing the “vigorous activity” of the German generals and their “independence” in the face of the Führer, Mr. Rezun came at one time to the logical conclusion that with such Germany could not win the generals. Regardless of the specific brilliant plans and brilliantly carried out operations. So, in Russia 17, the situation was not much better. The fish, so to speak, were actively “rotted from the head,” and the top leadership of the active army was no exception.

Gentlemen were doing whatever they wanted, but for some reason, the idea of ​​saving the king did not occur to them. This is, by the way, the circumstance causing complete and sincere amazement: Nicholas II was very much counting on the help of the army ... but did not receive it.

Beg to a lengthy quote: "Brusilov was faithful royal government, at least ideologically. Since childhood, he has absorbed the motto "For faith, the king and fatherland", could not imagine a different path for Russia and was faithful to him. Perhaps this explains his respect for the imperial family, as the sacred rulers of the country. Although the commander had a difficult personal relationship with Nicholas II, especially since the emperor led the active army. Brusilova annoyed indecision of the Supreme Commander, because of what the fronts acted separately - when the South-West advanced, the Western and Northern ones stood still. To organize joint actions, to force the commanders to put common tasks above local ones, Nikolay could not. He asked, persuaded, the generals argued and bargained with him, and precious time went by. The softness of the commander-in-chief was costly for his army.

By the way, in this relation to the last emperor, Brusilov was not alone. It is no coincidence that in February 1917, none of the high command supported the staggering power. Telegrams from all the commanders of the fronts and the Baltic Fleet (Sakharov, Brusilov, Evert, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, Nepenin) came to the headquarters car of Nikolay almost once, asking him to peacefully abdicate (the commander of the Northern Front, Ruzsky, had the “happiness” to do it personally) which he understood the uselessness of resistance. Even the chief of staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General Mikhail Vasilyevich Alekseev, and the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich did not see any other way out. So can we consider them all traitors? Maybe there really was no other option? ”

That is, the question is put like this: if you betrayed everything, was there a betrayal? That is, the "great and invincible Brusilov" "irritated indecision" of the king, and he decided that this could not continue any further?

Apparently, the royal indecision irritated and oppressed all the other "gentlemen-generals" ... and they decided that this could not continue. No, based on the fact that under Tsar Nicholas, the Russian army fought "badly", you can immediately draw a bold conclusion that after February 17, under the guidance of these "patriotic generals" ready to "give life to ... hmm, yes! for the fatherland! ”, she began to fight just great ... Unfortunately, history does not confirm this. After February 1917, the Russian army frankly went racing. As, in principle, the whole Russian empire.

But a major offensive was being prepared for the month of April - it promised to be successful, and the “revolutionaries” were in a great hurry, a successful offensive would cause a patriotic upsurge, which would make a coup impossible. And yes, the United States was about to enter the war ... and the leadership of the Russian Empire knew about this (the United States would enter the 6 war on April 1917 of the year!). The conspirators had to hurry ... and then suddenly Russia will win? Disorder.

“The Masonic leadership — Nekrasov, Kerensky, and others — as well as thousands of privat-docents, teachers of gymnasiums, telegraph operators, and other provincial intelligentsia were confident that the people would begin to rejoice at one change in the form of government and wait patiently for victory in the war, resolving the land issue , national problems, etc.

Alas, all these expectations were not justified. Immediately after the abdication of Nicholas II in March 1917, a real revolution began throughout the country. There were massacres of officers in the army and navy, military discipline collapsed, officers lost control of the units entrusted to them. In the villages begins a sluggish civil war - the defeat of landlords' estates, arson, armed clashes. I repeat, the bloody revolution in March-April 1917 of the year gained momentum against the wishes of the Freemasons and without any influence from the Bolsheviks. The revolution went everywhere, even in the Orthodox Church. ”

“Funny,” it happened: after the displacement of the “Glavkoverha”, it quickly became clear that even at lower levels (up to the rank and file!), There was a “certain” dissatisfaction with the higher ones ... And the process started! Started massacre of officers! And without any Bolsheviks. And we still stubbornly love to oppose the royal officers and the red cavalry in Budyonovka, who fought for some bright future ...

However, the events of spring-summer 1917, this bold hypothesis completely refute. Or rather, so: they do not leave her stone on stone. The big (childish) problems of the “tsarist officers” began immediately after the overthrow of the sovereign-emperor. That is, from the very moment when they, having changed their conscience and oath, ceased to be “royal”, they began to actively shoot them.

And what do you want? The whole country was "hawking": “In the spring of 1917, a revolution began in ... monasteries! The younger brotherhood in many monasteries rose to the eldest. There were fights, fights, in some places revolvers went into action. The reason for the conflicts were both religious and domestic issues. For example, where to whom to stand in the service, the distribution of tea, sugar, matches, etc. "

So, in the monasteries "revolvers went into action", this is not directly "Holy Russia", but some kind of "Wild West" is obtained. And this immediately after the overthrow of the Sovereign and without any participation of the Bolshevik Party. Without your “commissars in dusty helmets”.

You know, it is the simultaneity of events and the rate of growth of anarchy in the empire that frightens: “In Kiev, the power was seized by impostors who organized the Central Rada. From the moment of the tsar's abdication and until October 25 1917, the Provisional Government did not control Kronstadt, which in fact became an independent state. The cities of the Little Russian provinces were partially subordinate to the Provisional Government, and partly to the Central Rada. Steppe Crimea was ruled by the self-styled Kurultay. And the Little Russian villages were controlled by local atamans - Maroussi, Grizzians of Tauris and so on and so forth ...»

That is, "Wedding in Robin" began long before the appearance of strict but fair red commanders in Budyonovka. We all somehow love all the "dark forces", from the bespectacled Cadets to outright bandits, to oppose "the most correct party with the most correct ideology ..." However, all these "dark forces" fought each other perfectly without any participation of Lenin-Trotsky and even unaware of the existence of such "characters." And the empire went astray ...

And even kazаki: "Under Nicholas II, all the Cossack troops were the backbone of the autocracy and were ruled by fallen, that is, appointed chieftains of the king. In February 1917 of the year not a single Cossack army did not intervene for Nicholas II. But everywhere the atamans were replaced by elected. Independent state formations actually arose - the Don Army, the Kuban Army, etc. ”

So I imagine the agents of Ulyanov-Lenin in the Don villages. Well, okay, with the St. Petersburg workers it is clear (theoretically!), The factories are the workers, but that V.I. Ulyanov could offer the Cossack tops? Arabian horses unlimited? The “official” and “counter-official” versions of the 1917 revolution of the year (the Soviet era) are equally “idiotic”. Ulyanov-Lenin vs. Nicholas II - on this topic, you can argue endlessly (and it will be just as useless).

Why did the Bolsheviks overthrew the king? Strangely enough, the question is not raised directly by anyone, but it is constantly debated. There was such a "historical confrontation." Such a kind of “special historical Olympiad” - monarchists against Leninists ...

So, in that same France after 1793, this situation had a place: Republicans versus monarchists, that was, that was. The worst was the confrontation. The most interesting thing is that the French nobility and French officers for the most part stood for the king. The problem was precisely the reluctance of the bourgeois king Louis XVI to use violence. It was his “character” that in many ways served the fact that all the actions of the royalists were initially doomed. But until the very end they were ready to go after the king and die even for such a king. In the spring of 1917, Russian officers behaved quite differently in relation to the current monarch. At the critical moment (and he was just ready to fight!) Nicholas II did not receive any support from the army.

In a much more difficult situation on August 1945, after the atomic bombings and the virtually complete defeat at sea, on land, and in the air, the Japanese officers remained loyal to their emperor. After the appearance of information about a possible surrender, there was even an attempt of a coup ... They were ready to die for the emperor, even when it was completely meaningless.

One of the symbols of the Civil War was the tragic figure of the white officer (death on the battlefield, shooting with red or meaningless emigration). There is an integral such genre of “White Guard song” (in fact there is no “folk Red Guard song” genre), so to say: “All Russia is tortured, tears flow like a river ...” / “How many of us died on the Don, in Sevastopol and under Simbirsk ...”

However, on closer examination of historical facts, the desire to mourn this officer himself largely disappears. Alas, the Russian officers ’corps didn’t bring the“ Jewish-Bolshevik contagion ”just to the good, but the amazing willingness of the gentlemen of the cadre officers to зад pulling up their pants’ to run after various political adventurers.

According to the testimony of the French ambassador in Petrograd, Maurice Palaeologus, 1 (14) in March, representatives of the privileged parts of Tsarskoe Selo came to the Potemkin Palace in Petrograd with a statement of his loyalty to the new government:

“... the old Potemkin Palace served as a frame for another equally sad picture. A group of officers and soldiers sent by the garrison of Tsarskoye Selo, came to declare their transition to the side of the revolution. At the head were the Cossacks retinue, magnificent horsemen, the color of the Cossacks, the arrogant and privileged selection of the Imperial Guard. Then he passed the regiment of His Majesty, the sacred legion, formed by the selection of all the guards units and specially appointed to protect the persons of the king and tsarina. Then he passed another railway regiment of His Majesty, who was entrusted with escorting the imperial trains and guarding the king and the queen on the way. The procession was closed by the imperial palace police: selective bodyguards, attached to the internal protection of the imperial residences and taking part in everyday life, in the intimate and family life of their masters.

And everything, officers and soldiers, declared about their loyalty to the new government, which they don’t even knowas if they were in a hurry to rush to new slavery. During the reporting of this shameful episode I think of honest Swiss who were killed on the steps of the Tuilerian Palace 10 in August 1792. Meanwhile, Louis XVI was not their national sovereign, and, welcoming him, they called him the king-father.

231 comment
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  1. +15
    30 January 2018 06: 23
    and the surprising readiness of the gentlemen of the cadre officers "to pull up their pants" to run after various political adventurers.

    Is it about the 1991 year now? Or about 2018? wink

    An article from which very interesting conclusions can be drawn ... There comes a period in a person’s life, in the history of a state, when changes are needed ... And if the current government does not want or cannot change something through successive reforms, then a revolution ... change. But what to change is no longer important ...
    1. dSK
      30 January 2018 07: 12
      Quote: tasha
      need change

      Quote: Oleg Egorov
      Christ and Marx were direct competitors ...
      "If the servant says in his heart: my lord will not come soon, and begin to beat the servants and maidservants, eat and drink and get drunk, - the master of the slave will come on the day on which he does not expect, and on the hour on which he does not think and he will cut him, and subject him to the same fate as the unbelievers. " (Good News from Luke 12: 45-46) hi
      1. dSK
        30 January 2018 07: 36
        Quote: Oleg Egorov
        At a critical moment, Nicholas II did not receive any support from the army.
        Nicholas II sacrificed his chosen Life Guards, sending her to the front, where she folded her head for "faith, king and fatherland".
        1. dSK
          30 January 2018 07: 52
          Quote: Oleg Egorov
          I repeat, the bloody revolution in March-April 1917 was gaining momentum contrary to the wishes of the Masons and without any influence of the Bolsheviks.
          That's where "the dog rummaged." Tricky, "left" options, rustimperceptibly eating the colossus of the empire. Ulyanov-Blank (Lenin) personally gave the order for the execution of the royal family, Yeshua-Solomon Movshevich (Sverdlov) - executed.
          1. +38
            30 January 2018 08: 03
            In Tsarist Russia, everything was fine and everyone loved each other. The nobles in it, until tiredness in the groin, loved the peasants, and the peasants adored the nobles to the pain and squeal. Well, and of course, everyone loved the Tsar the Batyushka, the wise, loving, who cares for the common people of the Orthodox Russian German. Russia was an amazing sight. Fields full of cheerful, well-fed, smiling and incredibly wise peasants stretching along the sweet and sour banks of dairy rivers, who considered the main happiness of Russian life to work sixteen hours a day and go to another world for the Atonement and Saving the Soul at thirty. The noble estates reigned relentless crunch of French rolls and Schubert waltzes. And in 1917, in the Russia described above, a sealed flying saucer landed, carrying within itself a limited contingent of negative aliens. They saw the surrounding greatness and grandeur - and decided to destroy everything.
            1. dSK
              30 January 2018 08: 35
              Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
              decided to
              Peter I brought from a two-year overseas trip along with scientific and technological progress and spiritual "progress"by abolishing the patriarchate in Russia and placing the "apostolic church" under moral supervision secular officials. Body maybe for a while immortal soul to work only in one’s own interests, but it doesn’t end with anything good, it has been checked many times in its own skin. Only priests, "ordained", every day in the churches "transfigure" bread and wine in the "Blood and Body" of the Lord and offer "bloodless" verbal sacrifices to the Lord God.
              Peter I began to chop the branch on which the monarchy sat. Nicholas II did not have time to correct the error of the ancestor, for which he paid in full.
              1. dSK
                30 January 2018 09: 16
                The merciful and long-suffering Lord God does not leave his faithful children. Great Agiasma - water consecrated on the order of the great consecration on the day of the Epiphany, as well as on the eve of Epiphany, not boiled, without refrigerators - the believers do not go bad for a year. Obscurantist charlatans priests do not even use silver, wooden crosses to "disinfect" the sea of ​​water. There was a case in the history of Orthodoxy - the coming together holy fire at the Holy Sepulcher on Easter, the “reformer” tried to “initiate” once, the Orthodox Patriarch was dragged out of the church, but his holy prayers struck the convoy at the entrance, where he stood. And more so far no one’s hand raises such experiments. Therefore, the majority clearly understands that in the year when this miracle does not happen and comes "end of the world". hi
              2. +3
                30 January 2018 09: 41
                Quote from dsk
                Peter I began to chop the branch on which the monarchy sat. Nicholas II did not have time to correct the error of the ancestor, for which he paid in full.
                Under the priest of Peter I, there was a strong rebellion of Stepan Razin, against the tsarist government.
                1. 0
                  30 January 2018 15: 59
                  Quote: Stirbjorn
                  Under the priest of Peter I, there was a strong rebellion of Stepan Razin, against the tsarist government.

                  Do not forget a whole series of riots: Salt, Bread, Copper. Everything is under the Silent ...
                  1. dSK
                    30 January 2018 16: 41
                    Quote: Oleg Egorov
                    it is the simultaneity of events and the rate of increase of anarchy in the empire that scares: “In Kiev, the impostors who organized the Central Council seized power. From the time of the abdication of the king until October 25, 1917, the Provisional Government did not control Kronstadt, which actually turned into an independent state. The cities of Little Russian provinces were partially subordinated to the Provisional Government, and partially to the Central Rada. Steppe Crimea was ruled by the self-proclaimed Kurultay. And Little Russian villages were controlled by the local chieftains - Marusyus, Tritric Gritzians and others, and more ... "
                    "Breaking - not building."
            2. +8
              30 January 2018 09: 02
              And you, I see, only scrupulously and photos from the 1880s bring much more.
              You have read at least the statistical reference book for 1913 to have an idea of ​​the state of Russia in those years:
              Here is a quote from the introduction to this guide.
              The formation of modern infrastructure was continued - communication lines, communications, and a credit system. The Russian ruble was considered one of the hard convertible currencies; its gold security was one of the strongest in Europe. Finally, in the field of culture, the government made great efforts to overcome the grave malaise of Russian society - a low level of literacy: spending on the Ministry of Education increased almost 1900 times since 5, amounting to 1913% of budget expenditures in 14,6. Vernaille, who came to St. Petersburg in the summer of 1913 to clarify the conditions for granting another loan to Russia, predicted the imminent growth of Russian industry, which seemed to him over the next 30 years, which could be compared with the tremendous shifts in the US economy in the last third of the 1914th century. The French economic observer E. Teri, in fact, was also in solidarity with him, who, on the instructions of his government, also became acquainted with the state of the Russian economy. His conclusion, made in the book “Russia in 1912. Economic Review”, read: “... The economic and financial situation of Russia at the moment is excellent ... it depends on the government to make it even better.” Moreover, he warned: “If most European nations do things the same way between 1950 and 1900, as they went between 1912 and 1912, then by the middle of this century Russia will dominate Europe in both political and economic and financially. " A professor at the Berlin Agricultural Academy, Auhagen, who examined in 1913-40 a number of provinces in central Russia to study the progress of agrarian reform, concluded his analysis as follows: "I conclude my opinion on the likely success of the case undertaken by the government, agreeing with the opinion of an outstanding rural owner, a native of Switzerland , managing for about 25 years one of the largest Russian estates in the Kharkov province, stating that "another 25 years of peace and XNUMX years of land management - then Russia will become another country."

              And these are not allegations, they are based on capital, comprehensive work to collect information from all over Russia. Yes, the country was not perfect, there were problems, but these problems were solved and were solved actively, without trying to build an absurd utopia in the place of the country. And nobody broke people through the knee, driving them into a "bright future"
              1. +21
                30 January 2018 09: 18
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                Yes, the country was not perfect, there were problems, but these problems were solved and were solved actively, without trying to build an absurd utopia in the place of the country. And nobody broke people through the knee, driving them into a "bright future"

                The growth of the economy was based on foreign investment, most often French and German, for the sake of which the Great Russian Empire was literally sold. Foreigners owned basic industries, such as the oil industry, metallurgy, and shipbuilding. 90% of the enterprises were in foreign ownership, so the Great Russian Empire was a natural banana country, except with Christmas trees instead of bananas. The external debt of the Empire in 1912 of France alone amounted to two billion golden French raccoons, which hints at the wisdom of the financial policy of Nicholas II. On loans Russia every 6 years gave an amount equal to the military indemnity of France after the defeat of 1870 of the year. In order to repay old loans, they took new ones, which they sawed off right after the good Russian tradition. Yes, unlike the USSR, in Russia, which we lost, there was no death penalty for non-political crimes, but there was an enchanting difference in the incomes of the population and the poverty of a huge part of it. As for education on the census of 1897 of the year, 10% of men in the Principality of Finland were able to write. This is the best indicator in all areas. The leaders in literacy were the Baltic provinces, where 80% of the population was able to read skillfully. As for the Russian village, on average 22% of its inhabitants were able to read on average. And the peasants made up 85% of the population. As for production in 1910, the Russian Empire exported goods for 2,5 billion rubles, Belgium - for 4,5 billion rubles. In the total industrial production of the five leading powers of the planet, the share of Great Russia of the 1913 sample of the year was, according to various estimates, 4 — 5%.
                1. +21
                  30 January 2018 09: 33
                  Aristarkh Ludwigovich Today, 09:18 ↑
                  Economic growth was based on foreign investment
                  Now, wait, he will not tell you such a thing. There isn’t enough Olgovich, RUSS and the Soldier for a full orchestra of crystal bakers. They will certainly explain to you that the life that you described in the first post really was, it is true they will forget to remain silent, that it was only in their parallel reality. laughing

                  P.S. And the battle continues again ... in the sense that there will be another (rach ...
                  1. +6
                    30 January 2018 10: 32
                    Oh, I love the red-flagged ones in their ability to lie. A fresh example, straight from the article Quote: “The Bolsheviks did not overthrow the tsar. The Bolsheviks overthrew the liberal-Westernist Provisional Government. The fight against the Bolsheviks was not started by the people who fought for faith, the tsar and the fatherland, but Lavr Kornilov, the general who announced the arrest of the empress and the royal family ”(Zakhar Prilepin).
                    Everything in the genre, in the cinema, shows that whites fought "for faith, the king and the fatherland .." and Prilepin this bullshit, which was invented by the screenwriter sculpts as truth. The whites did not fight for the king, they fought for the convening of the constituent assembly. Dear Zahar, do not be lazy, read their program documents. Well, why lie to people.
                    Now about the officers. Dear author, this is where, in what document did you read that in 1917 the officers were from noblemen in Russia?
                    There is such a Soviet historian Kovtaradze. He wrote the work; "Military experts in the service of the Republic of Soviets." There he gives an assessment of the officers of the Russian army on the eve and during the First World War. Read, you may at least know that even in 1913 25% of the officers were immigrants from peasants, workers and Cossacks. And by 1917 the percentage reached 80.
                    “So, in that very France after the 1793 year, such a situation took place: the Republicans opposed the monarchists, that was, it was. There was a fierce confrontation. The most interesting thing is that the French nobility and French officers for the most part stood precisely for the king. The problem was precisely in the reluctance of the bourgeois king Louis XVI to use violence. It was precisely his "character" that made the royalists doomed from the very beginning, but they were ready to go after the king and die even for such a king. In the spring of 1917 russ "officers behaved quite differently with the current monarch. At a critical moment (and he was just ready to fight!) Nicholas II did not receive any support from the army."
                    Well, how can you write about something you have no idea about? The real Bolshevik !!! "Land to the peasants, the factory workers!" As there, one of the leaders of Kolomoisky said; You can promise everything, we will hang later. Well, you can’t lie even for the sake of an idea, they will stop believing. Which showed 1991g. Nobody came out to defend the Communists, people are tired of nonsense. But the homeland in 1941-45gg went to defend.
                    1. +2
                      30 January 2018 20: 56
                      Read, you may at least know that even in 1913g 25% of officers were people from peasants, workers and Cossacks. And by 1917 the percentage reached 80.

                      Perhaps, but this was hardly directly related to top management army and state ...
                      February was not done by apprentices or peasant children ...
                    2. +1
                      30 January 2018 23: 02
                      would be silent. twice betrayed .. and then maybe three times ..
                  2. +4
                    30 January 2018 10: 34
                    oh, Diana is not enough, such a topic - and without it!
                    1. +8
                      30 January 2018 11: 04
                      Roma hi welcome colleague! Yes, Diana really isn’t enough, so who would ride an iron skating rink for lovers of crunching rolls. lol
                      1. +4
                        30 January 2018 11: 23
                        Alexey hi the right word, their crunchy bumpiness. yes for peaceful purposes .. request
                      2. +1
                        30 January 2018 14: 37
                        Quote: Varyag_0711
                        Yes, Diana really isn’t enough, so who would ride an iron skating rink for lovers of crunching rolls.

                        Well, yes, and all this with some florid (sometimes habbalistic) emotions and with a complete lack of logic. laughing
                2. +5
                  30 January 2018 11: 44
                  Uh ... excuse me, but I'm deeply confused. Where do you get such fantastic information. There is an open source of statistics on RI, including the economy.
                  Loan payments accounted for just over 10% of the budget expenditures and steadily declined. Mutual lending was the normal practice of the time. The British had no less loans.
                  The same thing with literacy. The literacy rate steadily increased. I repeat — all data is official and open.
                  1. 0
                    31 January 2018 11: 33
                    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                    Uh ... excuse me, but I'm deeply confused. Where do you get such fantastic information. There is an open source of statistics on RI, including the economy.

                    From Bolshevik sites. excitedly, without thinking, copy-paste fool lol
                    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                    The same thing with literacy. The literacy rate steadily increased. I repeat — all data is official and open.

                    I think, you know, there is a wonderful monograph Saprykina D.L. Educational potential of the Russian Empire - with sources, links. Which NAGOLOVA beats all the Bolshevik tales of the "distressed" level of education.
                    As Pykhalov did not twitch, he could NOT refute ANYTHING.
                3. 0
                  31 January 2018 11: 27
                  Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
                  The growth of the economy was based on foreign investment, most often French and German, for the sake of which the Great Russian Empire was literally sold.

                  And here is what the Germans wrote about Russia in 1914:
                  “The population of Russia is growing at an amazing rate. In two or three decades, the tsar will rule over 200 million citizens ... Russia is already trying to reduce the import of our industrial goods and our agricultural products; "she is trying to gradually create a kind of Chinese wall on the path of our exports, she seeks to block the road for Germany and its workers."

                  Or: “Cologne Zeitung” (March 2, 1914):

                  “Russia's political assessment of its power will be different in three or four years. The restoration of its finances, the increase in credit from France, set Russia on the path to the end of which she would reach in the fall of 1917. "
                  “The rapidly growing population of the Russian Empire amid falling birth rates in the West, the economic consolidation of Russians, the construction of railways and fortifications, “These are all serious factors.”

                  .A you repeat all the mossy agitation ....
                  Let me remind you that after VOR-ALL in Russia began to many times poorerexcept for officials who, under the Bolsheviks, already in 1920 were in Ten times morethan in RI.
              2. +3
                30 January 2018 17: 39
                on what all-encompassing work ... you will laugh. Professor of the Berlin Agricultural Academy - the statement of MY opinion about the PROBABLE success of the case not for nothing said another -25 years of land management and then - maybe, in fact, in the meantime ... The yield of bread and potatoes in Russia and others countries in 1913 (centners per hectare):

                (wheat / potato)

                Russia 9,6 / 85,8
                England 26/200
                Germany 27,4 / 184,7
                France 15,5 / 99,6
                USA 11,9 / 71,3 why? But why?
                The average yield of the most important breads and the application of artificial fertilizers (centners per hectare):

                Belgium 25,7 / 3,74
                England 22,9/0,79
                Germany 22,5 / 1, 54
                France 14,5 / 0,56
                US 14,7 / 0,91
                Russia 9,2 / 0,068 and more on that-
                Brockhaus and Efron in their Encyclopedic Dictionary provide the following data for 1898.-
                Wheat consumption per capita, pounds / kg:
                France - 15/240
                USA - 11/176
                Great Britain - 8/128
                Italy - 8/128
                Germany - 4/64
                Russia - 3/48 yes - no one drove anyone into a brighter future ... they drove them with a whip to plow to death .. why? and why is such a bravura report entirely from the references of foreign experts? Yes, that's why. So, 1908-1913. total revenues received by the budget amounted to: 14987 million rubles, including income from the vodka monopoly: 3993 million rubles. (26,64%), direct taxes: 1115 million rubles. (7,44%), indirect taxes: 3111 million rubles. (20,76%), duties: 943 million rubles. (6, 29%) is the money received, so to speak. Now where did the money go- In 1887-1913. The West has invested 1783 million gold rubles in Russia. Over the same period, net income was exported from Russia - 2326 million gold rubles (the excess of income over investments over 26 years by 513 million gold rubles). Up to 500 million gold rubles (at current prices $ 15 billion) at interest rates and loan repayments were transferred abroad annually, which’s why such brave reports, put in money, see how much you can grab here .. it's just what foreign investors took out .and now it’s the same thing. They all see it for themselves. and the pseudo lieutenant says that it’s good .. yes, the lawyer is an economist ..
                1. +1
                  30 January 2018 19: 43
                  Hm. As I understand it, the directory, the link to which I gave you you did not dare to watch. Do political beliefs interfere?
                  1. +4
                    30 January 2018 23: 18
                    you gave a link to the directory. and you cited an excerpt from the report of a foreign citizen. The attitude of this report to the statistics of the Russian empire is the same as you to the officer’s estate .. and most importantly, Teterin ... as you really don’t know, the difference between the words can be and it was ...
              3. +3
                31 January 2018 03: 38
                And now 1913 km / train was built from the same directory 1917-3600, which is TWO times less than from 1900-1904 about how and where is the development here? Facial stagnation
                1. +2
                  31 January 2018 08: 11
                  and you look how many steam locomotives built. there is even more decline.
            3. +8
              30 January 2018 10: 16
              Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
              full of cheerful, well-fed, smiling and incredibly wise peasants

              Yes, people lived normally and earned normally. And the haulers - pathological losers were hired there, koi were and always will be. Their modern analogue works in landfills, janitors and other places that do not require qualifications.
              Z \ P laundresses (!) In the region of 1905 was 16 rubles. Z \ P worker Putilov plant more than 20 rubles. AND pood (!) beef cost 3rub 50kop. Now I can’t afford to buy so much meat. I could not afford so much in 1985 - my Z \ P was 120 rubles, and a kilogram of beef cost the same 3.50 rubles. Multiply.
              As for the peasants - my ancestors are peasants who lived in Belarus, and lived well. They worked from morning till night, but they never went hungry. After the revolution, the village drunks became proletarians and the dispossession started.
              Further - after the revolution, Russia substantially lost in territorieslost identical writinghaving received surzhik in return (the fight against illiteracy immediately after the reform of the language), she lost the right to her own chronologye, lost primordially Russian measures of weight and are long(England and the USA have kept theirs).
              It was thanks to the federalization of the country by Lenin that we received the collapse of the Union. It is along these borders that our country has broken up.
              So it’s not necessary about the “Russia we lost” in such derogatory tones. negative
              1. +1
                31 January 2018 14: 27
                Quote: Ingvar 72
                And the haulers - pathological losers were hired there, koi were and always will be. Their modern analogue works in landfills, janitors and other places that do not require qualifications.

                There were no losers there. According to the “Culture” channel, there was a broadcast about the hacks. Showed a photo (!) Hooks. Tall uncles of tremendous physical strength. Repin barge haulers - to put it mildly, misinformation. These goners and a meter would not be dragged. Ataman of the gang personally took people to the gang. The merchant did not skimp on food. Burlaki ate excellently. Earnings were very high. No alcohol. Ataman kept a close watch on this. There were burlachki. They showed a photo of one of the famous ataman of the gang. Woman weighing 120 kg. Not splashed with fat, but a strong knocked down hero.
                By the way, getting a janitor in our Criminal Code is almost impossible. Places are occupied
                1. 0
                  31 January 2018 16: 32
                  Quote: Oleko
                  Repin barge haulers - to put it mildly, misinformation.

                  Well, not really like that. There were some, like bastards - people working on drags. request And they earned seasonally well. hi
            4. +4
              30 January 2018 16: 32
              No, there were no dairy rivers. Do not share - but where were you? In what countries? Even England, vigorously robbing the whole world at that time, treated its subjects so fervently that ... In general, give an example. Okay?
            5. +1
              30 January 2018 21: 08
              Everything in Tsarist Russia was good and everyone loved each other.

              In democratic America, everything was fine and everyone loved each other ...
          2. +4
            30 January 2018 23: 15
            Was it Lenin who personally reported that he gave the order to shoot the tsar, or "dig" somewhere documentary evidence of this? Well, put this evidence. By the way, almost at the same time when the tsar and his family were shot, Lenin’s nephew was shot by “fiery revolutionaries”, and the second was miraculously saved at the last moment, the revolutionary element however, so the author of the article is one hundred percent right, the Bolsheviks and the government of Lenin against the backdrop of the events of 17-18 was more like a fly on an elephant, which tried to direct its movement, and only gradually, with great difficulty, they managed to really organize the management of the country over time.
            1. 0
              31 January 2018 11: 43
              Quote: Svidetel 45
              Lenin’s nephew was shot by “fiery revolutionaries”, and the second was miraculously saved at the last moment

              What do you ? belay
              ALL Ilych’s brothers and sisters (like him) turned out to be FREE, except for Dmitry, who had already made .... one daughter and, supposedly, an illegitimate son. And this is in question, for his first marriage is childless.
          3. +1
            1 February 2018 04: 10
            As of February 1917, the number of members of the Bolshevik party totaled just over 17 members, half were in exile, penal servitude, and Zabugrom. Enough of all the "sins" to hang on the Bolsheviks. They saved Russia ..
            The author of the article is right - ... it is not necessary to reduce the events of that time to a trivial confrontation RED - WHITE. I’ll add from myself who thinks so with the mind is not rich, if not to be rude.
            By the way, Lenin wrote to the King of Great Britain (cousin of Nikolashka), so he REFUSED to receive the royal family.
        2. +22
          30 January 2018 09: 27
          dsk today, 07:36 ↑
          Nicholas II sacrificed his chosen Life Guards, sending her to the front, where she laid down her head for "faith, the Tsar and the fatherland."
          Well, it started, you are here still "God save the king" tighten mournfully. It is necessary to pray in the church, and not in VO. Nobody will appreciate your whining here.
          But in fact the article, although in some places I do not quite agree with the author, but the article is completely on the case and with the correct assessments of the mess in the country. The only moment is an attempt to justify Nicholas II, so that everyone betrayed him. If he had not been such a rag, no one would have betrayed him. So that he himself and no one else are to blame for his troubles. As they wrote about him: "fit to sit on the throne, unable to rule Russia", here is the most objective assessment of citizen Romanov!
          1. +11
            30 January 2018 10: 05
            Well, a certified lawyer and Bolshevik Lenin, undoubtedly, according to the monarchists, is the personification of the World Conspiracy Against Russia. By the way, the same gentlemen, monarchists infected with the idea of ​​universal indifference, did nothing in the 1915-1917 years to rectify crisis situations in the country. “Old Russia collapsed like a rotten tree, waving banners and endless discussions of well-fed people about destructive poverty. The rich are rich, and the poor are poor ”- quote from Lenin.
            1. +16
              30 January 2018 10: 12
              Aristarkh Ludwigovich Today, 10:05 ↑
              Well, a certified lawyer and Bolshevik Lenin, no doubt, is the personification of the World Conspiracy Against Russia.
              Thank God that at that moment Lenin appeared in Russia, if he weren’t, it’s not known at all that we should be left. And even more, we need to thank God for Joseph Stalin, because if Trotsky had come to power, then there would have been an extinguishing of the light. In general, Russia was periodically lucky, and heavily unlucky on rulers.
              And now the situation, if not critical, is around that. And if Putin does not think about radical changes, then I am afraid of hard times, the 90s may seem like flowers.
              1. +3
                30 January 2018 10: 30
                Quote: Varyag_0711
                come to power Trotsky

                Lenin Guard adhered to the course of Trotsky, if I am not mistaken? wink
                1. +12
                  30 January 2018 10: 50
                  Ingvar 72 Today, 10:30 ↑
                  Lenin Guard adhered to the course of Trotsky, if I am not mistaken? wink
                  For which she paid. Thanks to comrade Stalin, I did not let the country be ruined.
                  1. 0
                    30 January 2018 11: 10
                    Quote: Varyag_0711
                    Thanks to comrade Stalin, I did not let the country be ruined.

                    This is yes.
                    1. +5
                      30 January 2018 11: 31
                      I agree. Comrade Stalin really pulled out the country, no matter who said anything about the price and sacrifices. Here or death, or so.
                2. +2
                  30 January 2018 23: 19
                  That's why many of them paid for this course in the 30s.
              2. dSK
                30 January 2018 14: 35
                Quote: Varyag_0711
                And more to us need to thank God for Joseph Stalin, because if Trotsky came to power, then there would have been a quench of light.
                Baptized, orthodox, seminary did not have time to finish, preparing to become the priest. Thanks to him for saving me from Zionist Trotsky and others like them Russia for forty years.
                1. dSK
                  30 January 2018 14: 46
                  Mother (Stalin) - Ekaterina Georgievna - came from a family of serf peasant (gardener) Geladze of Gambareuli village, worked as a day worker. She was a burdened hard-working Puritan woman who often pounded her only surviving child, but was infinitely loyal to him. She was disappointed that her son never became priest. In 1886, Ekaterina Georgievna wanted to appoint Joseph to study at the Gori Orthodox Theological School, however, since he did not know the Russian language at all, he failed to enter. In the years 1886-1888 at the request of the mother aboutJoseph’s children were taught the priest Christopher Charkviani. As a result, in 1888, Soso did not enter the first preparatory class at the school, but immediately into the second preparatory class, in September of the following year he entered the first class of the school, which he graduated in June 1894. In September 1894, Joseph passed the entrance exams and was enrolled in the Orthodox Tiflis Theological Seminary.
                2. +4
                  30 January 2018 17: 32
                  "Baptized, Orthodox, seminary did not have time to finish, preparing to become the priest. Thanks to him for saving me from Zionist Trotsky and others like them Russia for forty years. [/ Quote] "
                  The Bolsheviks had to pray for the Orthodox Church. Stalin, Vasilevsky, Podvoisky, Mikoyan Preobrazhensky, the same of the priests, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Speransky ......... In short, run the Red-flag comrades into the church and put a candle for the leaders of the CPSU (b).
            2. jjj
              30 January 2018 10: 14
              Friends, today the "head of the Russian imperial house" is Maria Hohenzollern. This is how it turns in history. Although we do not officially recognize this lady. But there are individuals who accept the "nobility" from her hands and recognize that the Prussian monarchist dynasty "has the right" to rule in Russia.
              By the way, some time ago I posted a message about this and was punished with a point
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. +1
                  30 January 2018 10: 30
                  Quote: Varyag_0711
                  I received an order, or a certificate

                  And I think it was or was not or was not .....
                2. +5
                  30 January 2018 11: 16
                  Quote: Varyag_0711
                  Well, yes, Hohenzollern, she is still a rogue. Poklonskaya either received an order from her, or a diploma with the promise of a lifetime nobility, and now she is working out her 30 silver coins as a mongrel.

                  Gossip is not good. At one time, this woman agreed to become a prosecutor of Crimea. And before her, three men, as it is literary to say, were .... chickened. The mongrel dear is you. And this woman has her own opinion, which is not similar to yours, but we are not at the party meeting, so that everyone would have the same opinion. And in general, you, as a communist, should not offend a woman. You’re better respected, the theory of free love, Comrade Kollontai, describe here. The people will be happy to know the views of these Bolsheviks on free love.
                  1. +9
                    30 January 2018 11: 23
                    Captain Today, 11: 16 ↑
                    And this woman has her own opinion
                    What the hell is her "own" opinion? He works off the handout from this old wallet Hohenzollern, who sleeps and sees himself as the empress of the All-Russian, yeah, "schaz" just take overclocking. And behind both, the Anglo-Saxon ears stick out, as well as behind everyone who here so advocates for the restoration of the puppet monarchy.
                    The mongrel dear is you.
                    We are so answered, "myself fool "However, faces also hit in the face.
                    1. +1
                      30 January 2018 11: 31
                      Quote: Varyag_0711
                      all who here so advocate for the restoration of the puppet monarchy.

                      Archimandrite John Krestyankin was asked:
                      - Father, will we ever have a king?
                      - if so, then only Chinese, replied Father John
                    2. +1
                      30 January 2018 11: 52
                      Quote: Varyag_0711
                      and in the face

                      But this is interesting ...... and in the face
                    3. +1
                      31 January 2018 10: 19
                      Quote: Varyag_0711
                      Captain Today, 11: 16 ↑
                      And this woman has her own opinion
                      What the hell is her "own" opinion? He works off the handout from this old wallet Hohenzollern, who sleeps and sees himself as the empress of the All-Russian, yeah, "schaz" just take overclocking. And behind both, the Anglo-Saxon ears stick out, as well as behind everyone who here so advocates for the restoration of the puppet monarchy.
                      The mongrel dear is you.
                      We are so answered, "myself fool "However, faces also hit in the face.

                      I don’t know how miserable you are, but read your comment about Polonskaya (first comment). And to those your heroes I’ll answer a beat of strangers' faces; The moral code of the builder of communism will not protect your face from beating.
              2. +3
                30 January 2018 10: 26
                Quote: jjj
                Although we do not officially recognize this lady. But there are individuals who accept the "nobility" from her hands and recognize that the Prussian monarchist dynasty "has the right" to rule in Russia.
                I repeatedly suggested that everyone put a question into the search engine --- what icon did Eta Masha bring to Russia? Any answer can be chosen. Or what icon did you give? You can look at the icon and the photo of officials who meet her. And how does this compare with the instructions of Nikolay2 about the Kirillovichs, especially if he is a saint (as those who MG greeted say)?
                1. +2
                  30 January 2018 17: 47
                  Yes, Dmitry doesn’t correlate in any way. But you know very well that the local monarchists, like the Orthodox in their overwhelming mass, are illiterate people ... they don’t even know the creed ..
                  1. +1
                    31 January 2018 04: 39
                    Quote: long in stock.
                    Yes, Dmitry doesn’t correlate in any way. But you know very well that the local monarchists, like the Orthodox in their overwhelming mass, are illiterate people ... they don’t even know the creed ..

                    It seems that Vladimir is not that illiterate, but some unaware of their chosen topic. And they do not want to know, not only what happened 100 years ago, but also what happened recently and is happening now on their same interest. As a zombie.
                    1. +2
                      31 January 2018 08: 14
                      Well, according to the comments of the same pseudo-lieutenant, this is perfectly visible. He selects the necessary pieces point-blank without noticing the rest. Even reading rap seems like meaningful poetry ..
              3. +2
                30 January 2018 15: 31
                Quote: jjj
                Prussian monarchist dynasty "has the right" to rule in Russia

                Great, it's small. Let them learn the Mongolian language and go to Ulaanbaatar, where Khaltmaagiin Battulga will hand them a label for reigning.
              4. 0
                31 January 2018 14: 36
                Quote: jjj
                Friends, today the "head of the Russian imperial house" is Maria Hohenzollern. This is how it turns in history. Although we do not officially recognize this lady.
                -There are nuances with the dough personally by the Romanovs. Therefore, they are eager for recognition by their relatives and HEIRS. Nikolai had several million gold in European banks (his own funds are not state). That is why t was torn "Anastasia" in daughters
            3. +7
              30 January 2018 10: 36
              in general, the passage touched the dropout in the article. how many volumes are there the complete works of Lenin?
              1. +9
                30 January 2018 11: 10
                Quote: novel xnumx
                in general, the passage touched the dropout in the article. how many volumes are there the complete works of Lenin?

                The reference material also includes the dates of life and work of V.I. Lenin, relating to the period covered by the volume, notes to historical events; personal index with brief biographical information about the mentioned persons, an index of the literature cited and mentioned by V.I. Lenin.
                Format: PDF

                Volume 1 Volume 16 Volume 31 Volume 46
                Volume 2 Volume 17 Volume 32 Volume 47
                Volume 3 Volume 18 Volume 33 Volume 48
                Volume 4 Volume 19 Volume 34 Volume 49
                Volume 5 Volume 20 Volume 35 Volume 50
                Volume 6 Volume 21 Volume 36 Volume 51
                Volume 7 Volume 22 Volume 37 Volume 52
                Volume 8 Volume 23 Volume 38 Volume 53
                Volume 9 Volume 24 Volume 39 Volume 54
                Volume 10 Volume 25 Volume 40 Volume 55
                Volume 11 Volume 26 Volume 41 Index of works
                Volume 12 Volume 27 Volume 42 Background Volume (Part 1)
                Volume 13 Volume 28 Volume 43 Background Volume (Part 2)
                Volume 14 Volume 29 Volume 44
                Volume 15 Volume 30 Volume 45
                1. +4
                  30 January 2018 11: 24
                  I’m embarrassed to ask, but how much has the blood-blooded one? lol
                2. +3
                  30 January 2018 11: 25
                  You can also find out in the search engine into which LANGUAGES the works of Lenin are translated and in what circulations they were published and are published. You can also find out that people WANT to buy these very volumes of Lenin, and they cost --- a lot! Despite the fact that Lenin is published constantly.
                  1. 0
                    30 January 2018 11: 40
                    Quote: Reptiloid
                    that people WANT to buy these very volumes of Lenin,

                    Well, why fantasize, what a stupid thing, they are snatching it right out of hand!
                    1. +2
                      30 January 2018 12: 18
                      Quote: bober1982
                      Quote: Reptiloid
                      that people WANT to buy these very volumes of Lenin,

                      Well, why fantasize, what a stupid thing, they are snatching it right out of hand!

                      And that's why I write, turn to the search engine. The price will be visible if the person is familiar with numbers and money ---- everything will be visible. People vote in rubles. Where did you look? Probably touched on Masha, the fascist daughter-granddaughter, but on those who call her the queen?
                      1. +1
                        30 January 2018 12: 35
                        Very confusing - about voting in rubles, and what does it mean where did i look?, in what sense.
                        No one, Masha (as you put it), didn’t call the queen and doesn’t name why compose.
                      2. 0
                        30 January 2018 13: 24
                        BEAVER -------- CHROME ---- to help you !!!!! But I see you don’t look at it, you don’t want to learn more about the price of books or about the coronation. And all you have to do is ask a question and choose any answer yourself, but you better want to pretend to be illiterate here. Good luck with CHROME !!!!!!!!!!!!
                3. +2
                  30 January 2018 21: 11
                  in general, touched in the article the passage about the dropout

                  And there is no passage in the article about the dropout ...
                  Simply, many do not quite represent the intellectual level of Russia until the 1917 year ...
                  He was much higherthan in 20-30 years ... in the USSR
                  And V.I. Lenin was definitely not a “unique value” in the world of political theory.
                  Here is the practice, yes - here he showed himself.
          2. avt
            30 January 2018 12: 16
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            Well, it started, you are here still "God save the king" tighten mournfully.

            Actually, under Nikolashka, the Bloody "was more quoted, since the Lord is glorious in Zion" bully
          3. +1
            30 January 2018 14: 44
            It is necessary to pray in the church, and not in VO.

            "And neither the church nor the tavern - nothing is holy ...
            Oh guys .. It's not like that. It's not right guys .. "

            One thing is surprising. Both under kings and under the Soviets people remained PEOPLE. It seems to be time to go wild, but no ...
        3. 0
          31 January 2018 11: 12
          Quote from dsk
          Oleg Egorov
          At a critical moment, Nicholas II

          Comrade Egorov does not know his leader well, which is unacceptable, and he pointed to "Short course vkpbe"about feb. revolution:
          "The revolution was made by the PROLETARIAT.
          They led them on the streets -BOLSHEVIKI
          It’s necessary to hack a knot! Yes
        4. 0
          3 February 2018 12: 30
          Quote from dsk
          Nicholas II sacrificed his chosen life guard, sending it to the front

          and what would change if they didn’t send her?
      2. 0
        30 January 2018 11: 01
        This is how a parable is based, based on the understandable terms of a person who lived then, 2000 years ago.
      3. +1
        30 January 2018 23: 01
        Quote from dsk
        "If the slave says in his heart: my lord will not come soon and begin to beat the servants and maidservants, to eat and drink and get drunk, - then the lord of the slave will come on the day that he does not expect, and at the hour in which "He won’t think, and will cut him, and subject him to the same fate as the infidels."

        Some kind of turbidity ...
  2. +7
    30 January 2018 06: 36
    Russia it is - in an instant turned away from the king, from Gorbachev and then turns away from .....
    1. +5
      30 January 2018 09: 01
      Russia it is - in an instant turned away from the king,

      And judging by the events of 1917-1942, as a result, the Lord turned away from Russia
      1. +15
        30 January 2018 09: 04
        Did he turn to 1945 again?
        1. +10
          30 January 2018 09: 37
          Uncle Lee Today, 09:04 ↑
          Did he turn to 1945 again?
          Volodya, I welcome my colleague! hi Do not feed the troll, they only become thicker from this.
          1. +7
            30 January 2018 09: 43
            Hello colleague! hi A. Belyaev has a story "The seller of air" there is such a phrase: "The merchant burst"!
            1. +9
              30 January 2018 09: 49
              These will burst, how come ... laughing I’m afraid we won’t live until that bright day when such people will not remain on Earth. Human meanness has no limits.
        2. +4
          30 January 2018 10: 37
          God is not a fraer, he sees the truth! lol hi hi
        3. 0
          30 January 2018 21: 53
          Did he turn to 1945 again?

          Are you familiar with 1941-45's events? How much detail?
          1. +6
            31 January 2018 01: 09
            Quote: Olezhek
            well acquainted

            Enough and firsthand!
      2. +1
        30 January 2018 10: 04
        Quite the contrary: "If everything is easy and calm for you, then God has turned away from you!" So judging by the time interval I felt loyalty (the old unnecessary word is not in trend)
  3. +25
    30 January 2018 06: 45
    That is a basic, key event for Russia, its tragedy and shame - this is exactly February of the year 1917.
    The author very emotionally and energetically “pumped up” his article, where in fact everyone got it, but, nevertheless, the conclusion flickers, so if the king had not been betrayed ... That's the point, Mr. Oleg Egorov, that this very "February 1917 of the year" is a consequence, not the cause of the death of the empire. The cause of the world scale, which goes beyond the framework of Russia of that time, is the struggle for world leadership, in which tsarist Russia was an outsider. The fact that the "Englishwoman shits" has been known for a long time, but nothing significant was done in the empire to protect against a foreign lobby. Russia was drawn into alliances, then to save Britain from Napoleon, then from the German Kaiser ... At the same time, forcing to forget how England before this was bringing up the Turks or the Japanese. By the way, if we talk about February 1917 of the year, it is impossible to detach it from the disgrace of Tsushima and the 1905 revolution of the year, which is entirely on the conscience of the rotten imperialism and internal sleep-slumber of tsarism. If you do not set a goal to become a leader, this goal will be set by others, and, sooner or later, it will be achieved. The First World War was inevitable, to determine the leader, master of the world throne of capitalism, and not one Russian empire perished here, all the major European empires, such as the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman, were destroyed. Only the British remained, plus its overseas miscarriage, the USA, as a portable farm for everything that is forbidden and unacceptable in Europe. It remained only to deal with Japan in the east later, and practically the whole world would lie at the feet of the Anglo-Saxons ... Here, it is impossible not to recall the Bolsheviks, so without them, we would get either a pro-Western puppet government, all these Yeltsin, Chubais and Gaidar already in 1917 year, or, win the monarchists (and this again would be a civil war, even if pro-Western liberals with the same Kerensky, and such as General Kornilov) new ossified autocracy. So, the Bolsheviks, to the great sorrow of the same Anglo-Saxons, did not finish off Russia, as expected, but created a social system, beyond the control of the capitalists, not controlled by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, other clans of world ghouls and nascent transnational corporations. It was the Bolsheviks who industrialized, washed Russia from dirt, built the mighty Soviet Union, a force that confused all the cards on the world throne to the masters of world capitalism, which were already anticipating their triumph. So, as Britain has long succeeded in scooping the heat with someone else’s hands, putting others under cannon fodder, it was necessary to create an anti-USSR from Germany previously defeated. Socialism and internationalism can only be opposed by nationalism, fascism. Having defeated Nazi Germany, becoming a nuclear and cosmic superpower, creating its own pole of power in the socialist bloc, the USSR fell, not from the superiority of capitalism in humanism and the general potential for development, but from the superiority of capitalism in meanness, hypocrisy, bigotry and duplicity. The Soviet Union paid the price for believing in Western “democracy,” that we all believed it. Maybe it was necessary to go through this, through this new monstrous "NEP", and, most importantly, now the masks are dropped, capitalism showed its true face. And, it is not necessary here about God, save the Tsar, lubochnaya antiquity, no one would have allowed that Tsarist Russia to be great. We need to return socialism, without it we all will be devoured by the planetary virus, which has become the agonizing capitalism.
    1. +4
      30 January 2018 07: 36
      The only question is whether agonizing capitalism will give rise to just (of course regarding capitalism) socialism?what
    2. +4
      30 January 2018 08: 26
      Quote: Per se.
      the Bolsheviks, to the great sadness of the same Anglo-Saxons, did not finish Russia, to

      The Bolsheviks just finished off Russia, destroying its political, military, cultural elite, and brought the most active part of the people under execution or drove them through camps, breaking the will of people and depriving them of human dignity.
      Quote: Per se.
      It was the Bolsheviks who carried out industrialization,

      At the cost of ruining the village and the efforts of predominantly American engineers. I think you heard about Kahn’s company?
      Quote: Per se.
      washed Russia from the mud,

      But this phrase is pure Russophobia. Compare photographs of peasants of 1913 and 1940-beginning of 1941. The people of 1913 are dressed neater and cleaner. At least everyone has boots.
      Quote: Per se.
      without it, the planetary virus that the agonizing capitalism has become will consume us all.

      Excuse me, but what is happening in the society of America and Western Europe is the work of the left parties, who have seized power. And if anything destroys the planet, these are leftist, socialist ideas, with their desire to create a “new person” through the destruction of traditional culture, moral and family values, attitude to a person as an element of the state machine, and nature as a source of resources.
      1. +14
        30 January 2018 09: 46
        Lieutenant Teterin Today, 08:26 ↑
        The Bolsheviks just finished off Russia, destroying its political, military, cultural elite,
        What the hell is the "elite" of the then Sobchaks, Khansuarovs, Baghdasarians, Chubais, Gozmans, and other things? Yes, finished off, though unfortunately not all. They left alive your ancestors, the ancestors of olgovich, Russ, soldier’s and your similar disadvantages. It is unfortunate that the GPU NKVD did not finalize on this issue, there would be no one to shit right now.
        1. +6
          30 January 2018 10: 11
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          What the hell is the "elite" of the then Sobchaks, Khansuarovs, Baghdasarians, Chubais, Gozmans, and other things? Yes, finished off, though unfortunately not all.

          Hello, Varangian.
          Want to know which elite? But this one:
          During the years of WWII, the Imperial family gave the Winter Palace to the hospital, and not princes and barons, but ordinary soldiers and officers got into this hospital. The empress and the princes assisted the surgeons and bandaged the wounds that were being healed. Wounds. Do it yourself. Ordinary Russian guys called up for war. And the prince of imperial blood, Oleg Konstantinovich Romanov, was mortally wounded in a battle with the Germans, the squadron of the Life Hussar command.
          Count Vladimir Paley, the grandson of Alexander II, fought in another hussar regiment. Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov fought in the Life Guard cavalry regiment.
          Alexander Ivanovich Iskander, great-grandson of Nicholas I - officer of the Life Guards of the Cuirassier Regiment.
          Prince of imperial blood Konstantin Konstantinovich, another great-grandson of Nicholas I - captain of the Life Guards Izmailovsky Regiment.
          Count Keller, the First checker of Russia, the cavalry commander was a favorite of soldiers. Baron Wrangel in 1914 led an attack on the German battery of cavalry guards. Scandinavian by origin. Baron. And with a revolver in his hand in the front row, covering himself with Russian cavalry guards.
          That was the elite of Russia. Which the Bolsheviks hated and exterminated.
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          It is unfortunate that the GPU NKVD did not finalize on this issue

          Are you sorry that not all Russian people who were faithful to their homeland, its thousand-year history and its people were killed? Then you are really Russophobe worse than Himmler and Brzezinski.
          1. 0
            30 January 2018 10: 37
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Which the Bolsheviks hated and exterminated.

            Stalin stopped this.
          2. +12
            30 January 2018 11: 00
            Oh, lieutenant, you your trouble about how the Empress carried pots behind the soldiers, leave your grandmother on the noodles. And then, even if we assume that this is not an ordinary PR move, and it was just that, to raise the fallen spirit of the soldiers, one good deed does not cancel the evil that the Romanovs did to their people. It’s not in vain that they called Nicholas bloody, first Khodynka, then the completely lost Russian-Japanese war with huge losses in both people and equipment, especially the fleet, then the first revolution, bloody Sunday, then allowed itself to be pulled into the PMV meat grinder, then eventually became the cause of civil slaughter. And who is he after that? Saint? Well, how, how then ... So leave your weighty cranberries about the good and wise underdog and his infallible family. He dug his own grave and pushed himself in the same place, and rightly so.
            1. +4
              30 January 2018 13: 11
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              leave your mutoten about how the empress took out pots after the soldiers, leave your grandmother on noodles.

              Varyag, you that the history of your native country was taught only by the “Short Course in the History of VKPb?” For you, the testimonies of dozens of Russian people that the Empress is not that she was bandaging wounds with her own hands to wounded soldiers does not seem to exist.
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              the evil that the Romanovs did to their people.
              The rapid population growth, the organization of the Union of the Russian people, the introduction of pensions in 1912, the protection of Russia from German aggression — is all evil? Yes, is your logic in order after such statements?
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              first Khodynka,

              Ingenious! The Khodynka events were provided by the Moscow authorities, including the local branch of the Police Department, but the Emperor was to blame for this. Are you completely not familiar with the concept of subordination?
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              then a completely lost Russian-Japanese war with huge losses in both people and technology,

              Losses of Russia, according to official figures, amounted to 31630 dead, 5514 died from wounds and 1643 died in captivity. Russian sources estimated the losses of Japan more significant: 47387 people were killed, 173425 - wounded, 11425 - died from wounds and 27192 - from diseases. And in the memoirs of our officers there is evidence that towards the end of the war, old men and youth began to come across among the Japanese prisoners.
              And yes, you “forgot” what made the Russian Emperor go to negotiations? Then let me remind you: the terrorist war unleashed by the socialists in the rear of the warring army. But it’s Nikolay who is to blame for this, not the socialist traitors. You, for the sake of your ideology, prefer to shield the traitors of the Motherland.
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              bloody sunday

              Which was prepared by socialist agitators, who deceived the workers with statements about a meeting with the tsar, staged strikes at defense plants, and, to top it all off, fired at troops from the depths of the crowd, cowardly hiding behind unarmed people. But the Emperor is guilty of this for you, and not the cynical crooks who provoked the people and the troops with provocations.
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              gave himself to be pulled into a meat grinder PMV

              Hm. The Germans did not hide the fact that they were preparing to fight for “living space”. And Nicholas II, unlike a half-educated seminarian, “insidiously” and “villainously” managed to enter this inevitable war, having 2 industrialized powers in his allies. What an unheard-of atrocity — to protect the country from foreign aggression, while having allies saving the lives of Russian soldiers!
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              then eventually became the cause of the civil massacre

              How is this? Did Nicholas II order the Bolsheviks to seize power?
              1. +8
                30 January 2018 13: 22
                Porutchik, and they also say in your parallel reality milk rivers flow in the middle of the jelly banks, buns grow immediately on the trees, and if you go to the "field of miracles" and bury gold coins there, a tree will grow, instead of leaves that will have gold dimes grow with an image your dearest Nicholas the bloody ... fool True, Ali all lie evil tongues? laughing laughing laughing
                There was such a country, and it was called "country d fool Urakov, "as I understand it, you still live in it?
              2. +3
                30 January 2018 22: 32
                and then the lieutenant suffered, it seems that he had once re-read the yellow books, on some of which he did not hesitate to write something about grants
          3. avt
            30 January 2018 13: 47
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Want to know which elite? But this one:
            During the years of WWII, the Imperial family gave the Winter Palace to the hospital,

            bully Stalin simply did not have a palace.
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            And the prince of imperial blood, Oleg Konstantinovich Romanov, was mortally wounded in a battle with the Germans, the squadron of the Life Hussar command.
            Count Vladimir Paley, the grandson of Alexander II, fought in another hussar regiment. Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov fought in the Life Guard cavalry regiment.
            Alexander Ivanovich Iskander, great-grandson of Nicholas I - officer of the Life Guards of the Cuirassier Regiment.

            Stalin’s adopted son and eldest son (by the way, his capture was never documented, and when, contrary to legend, at the request of the Germans, they seemed to start negotiations with the Red Cross in Sweden, making sure that the person presented was not Yakov Dzhugashvili, he was mysteriously .. . ,, rushed to the barbed wire "), Timur Frunze, Mikoyan, the same Leonid Khrushchev, and Vasya, not to mention the Shcherbakov brothers and other children of the party and government officials of a lower rank, is that? AH! YES !! That's !! not count-princes! Mobile. Well, not crunch eyeglasses. Well, for sweets - grease rolls. THESE are generally WINNERS, even those who fell in battle, in the Patriotic War, which was fought in general for the physical destruction of the Slavs and Russia in general, no matter how it was called against the whole of Europe, by the way, unlike
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            That was the elite of Russia. Which the Bolsheviks hated and exterminated.

            who actually lost the First World after surrendering EVERYTHING. In conditions that were unmatched, it was easier. And indeed
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Make a complaint

            If in a blind fume of crystal buns, SUCH examples.
            1. +11
              30 January 2018 14: 24
              avt Today, 13:47 ↑
              If in a blind fume of crystal buns, SUCH examples.
              Now he makes you three boxes. It is better to ask him, and who were the grandfather and father of the current pretender to the throne, Masha Hohenzollern? That's where the fun is. Her grandfather, shell-shocked three times in a gunhole during the explosion of the battleship "Petropavlovsk", a friend of the Nazis who personally sacrificed them to the needs of the NSDAP and daddy, if I remember correctly, wore the title of the whole SS Obergruppenführer. This is not counting Krasnov, Shkuro and other skins, which are so sympathetic to the local bakers.
            2. 0
              31 January 2018 11: 54
              Quote: avt
              who actually lost the First World surrendering EVERYTHING.

              WWI was lost by the traitors of BOLSHEVIKI, having handed over EVERYTHING: read the signature near Brest: ADOLFUSHKA IOFFE - "Russian" "worker-peasant" (millionaire), parasite who understood diplomacy in the same way as a pig in oranges
            3. 0
              1 February 2018 19: 03
              Quote: avt
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Want to know which elite? But this one:
              During the years of WWII, the Imperial family gave the Winter Palace to the hospital,

              bully Stalin simply did not have a palace.
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              And the prince of imperial blood, Oleg Konstantinovich Romanov, was mortally wounded in a battle with the Germans, the squadron of the Life Hussar command.
              Count Vladimir Paley, the grandson of Alexander II, fought in another hussar regiment. Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov fought in the Life Guard cavalry regiment.
              Alexander Ivanovich Iskander, great-grandson of Nicholas I - officer of the Life Guards of the Cuirassier Regiment.

              Stalin’s adopted son and eldest son (by the way, his capture was never documented, and when, contrary to legend, at the request of the Germans, they seemed to start negotiations with the Red Cross in Sweden, making sure that the person presented was not Yakov Dzhugashvili, he was mysteriously .. . ,, rushed to the barbed wire "), Timur Frunze, Mikoyan, the same Leonid Khrushchev, and Vasya, not to mention the Shcherbakov brothers and other children of the party and government officials of a lower rank, is that? AH! YES !! That's !! not count-princes! Mobile. Well, not crunch eyeglasses. Well, for sweets - grease rolls. THESE are generally WINNERS, even those who fell in battle, in the Patriotic War, which was fought in general for the physical destruction of the Slavs and Russia in general, no matter how it was called against the whole of Europe, by the way, unlike
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              That was the elite of Russia. Which the Bolsheviks hated and exterminated.

              who actually lost the First World after surrendering EVERYTHING. In conditions that were unmatched, it was easier. And indeed
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Make a complaint

              If in a blind fume of crystal buns, SUCH examples.

              Really Nikolay !! signed the Brest Peace? What a bastard, but I didn’t even know what Lenin thought he had arranged. To what extent the red-breeds came to VO.
              1. +1
                2 February 2018 06: 53
                no, of course ... it wasn’t under the command of Nikolashki that Poland Poland and the Baltic countries were shaved with it .. of course it’s not great tsarist officers who made a bloody bath for our troops in Prussia ... really ... this Lenin did ... and more than a million deserters before the Bolsheviks came to power this is the same Lenin’s fault .. however, what can you expect from an individual who adapted and lied all his life .. and yes, Finland may not be mentioned. This province did not obey Russian laws in any way .. from it they didn’t even call to the front from the word at all ..
        2. +1
          30 January 2018 11: 13
          That's how it turns out with us - only a man got up a little from ordinary poverty ... Look - and he is already a crook and a thief. In fact, without irony, that is, I got to the feeding trough.
          And the rest in poverty grind their teeth from anger - he stole, if only I would go there, I would have reigned!
      2. +9
        30 January 2018 11: 48
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        The Bolsheviks just finished off Russia, destroying its political, military, cultural elite, and brought the most active part of the people under execution or drove them through camps, breaking the will of people and depriving them of human dignity.

        And I, the grandson of a Soviet officer from the peasants, have to believe it? Ahahahahhahahahahahhhhh laughing laughing laughing
        No one has ever heard even my grandfather swearing! And he, excuse me in theory, could, because he came from poor peasants, and the whole war from bell to bell - there is something to let off steam.
        Put this pathetic nonsense about "camps ... breaking ... the elite" to where my grandfather forbade me to pronounce bad words out loud.
        1. +4
          30 January 2018 13: 17
          Quote: Alex_59
          And I, the grandson of a Soviet officer from the peasants, have to believe it?

          You know, I've heard similar words. In 2014. Only then they sounded like: "I myself am the daughter of an officer, believe me, everything is not so clear."
          And I prefer to trust the words of people who saw the same camps themselves and went through all the circles of hell: Oleg Volkov, Varlam Shalamov, Efrosinya Kersnovskaya.
          And to your grandfather — if you told a real story — my bow to the earth and deep respect for his willpower. He was lucky in his time to communicate with good people, because according to the recollections of war veterans in the Great Patriotic War many did not disdain a strong word — from an ordinary to a marshal.
          1. +7
            30 January 2018 13: 42
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            You know, I've heard similar words.
            Doubt is inherent in man. For not perfect.
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            And I prefer to trust the words of people who saw the same camps themselves and went through all the circles of hell: Oleg Volkov, Varlam Shalamov, Efrosinya Kersnovskaya.

            Well then, do you not know that even in the midst of those who write about repressions there is no unequivocal opinion about this type of creativity. Not everyone, and not always write about the "circles of hell." They also write that "Nitsche lived and worked." This is if you want an objective picture, and do not seek to read only those who are about the "circles of hell."
            Examples. "Vishera" by Shalamov. No hell. It is clear that the camps are not paradise and are not smeared with honey. But they lived and worked, no one mocked them, did not humiliate them, did not force them to work beyond the norm. The whole country lived like that - not richly and severely.
            Another example. Elshtein-Gorchakov Genrikh Natanovich. "L- I -105: Memories.". Do not disdain a surname, read. The man passed Kolyma. And he also has the opinion that among the "dissident-sitters" dreamers more than enough. Because if you write as is, it’s boring, depressing.
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            And to your grandfather — if you told a real story

            I told a real story. And by the way, my grandfather was "taken away." But the charges were dropped. By false denunciation - the investigation established. It happens.
            1. +2
              30 January 2018 19: 51
              Quote: Alex_59
              They also write that "Nitsche lived and worked."

              Who is lucky with the camp authorities, the time of imprisonment and agree with the same authorities, yes, they write about this. So, for example, Solonevich writes in his memoirs. He managed to get a good job, but many around him didn’t. I can advise you to read the "Unquenchable Lamp" by Boris Shiryaev. Especially the part about the attitude of the leadership of the Solovetsky camp towards women.
              Quote: Alex_59
              I told a real story. And by the way, my grandfather was "taken away." But the charges were dropped. By false denunciation - the investigation established.

              Your grandfather is lucky. And, taking into account what you told about him, I respect the person. Any officer of the Russian Imperial Army would consider it an honor to serve in such a unit.
        2. 0
          1 February 2018 19: 27
          Quote: Alex_59
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          The Bolsheviks just finished off Russia, destroying its political, military, cultural elite, and brought the most active part of the people under execution or drove them through camps, breaking the will of people and depriving them of human dignity.

          And I, the grandson of a Soviet officer from the peasants, have to believe it? Ahahahahhahahahahahhhhh laughing laughing laughing
          No one has ever heard even my grandfather swearing! And he, excuse me in theory, could, because he came from poor peasants, and the whole war from bell to bell - there is something to let off steam.
          Put this pathetic nonsense about "camps ... breaking ... the elite" to where my grandfather forbade me to pronounce bad words out loud.

          You are so honest and correct, do not tell me geographically in the dimensions of what Russia was and what it became after the communist rule? How many people were and have become? Where did the earth and the people go? Who attacked us? Which party ruled in 1991 a year in the USSR? Enlighten me wretched. Chubais also had a father who fought the whole war from bell to bell (this is not a joke) in the political department of the front and he was also lucky, awarded with orders. And my grandfathers were also lucky (they served in the infantry, so they didn’t go through the whole war from bell to bell, in the infantry, there were practically no such anti-tank artillery, especially among soldiers), they came from the war with disabilities. One without fingers on the right foot, the other had two fingers on each hand. And one grandfather recalled how they sent an attack near Moscow without artillery preparation. How glorious the marines went on the attack through their battle formations all in black and how the Germans mowed the marines with machine guns and how then the wounded sailors froze. Nobody took them out of the field. While the infantry commanders did not give the command to collect the wounded sailors. There, the human will was quickly broken without any ahahhahah. Excuse me, but ask the military registration and enlistment officers of Belgorod, Kursk, and other regions. where there were terrible battles: people brought after the war tokens of the dead and where they (the workers) put them. You can find out why we had so many missing people. Their families were not paid pensions. The budget however was cherished. And once again I will write: 45% of the city had a reservation, peasants only 5%. Urban people had rations, but they didn’t give them to peasants. Find out where the children died most often in the village or in the city (without the besieged Leningrad).
          1. 0
            2 February 2018 06: 55
            so you yourself were on this board .. and ask from others ..
  4. +3
    30 January 2018 07: 05
    Lord !!! fool Yes, you leave the story alone. For from the fact that it’ll be distorted a hundred times by the “expeditors” for the benefit of itself, in reality it will not become different!
    1. 0
      30 January 2018 11: 15
      Fortunately, this story is not so long ago - there are notes, transcripts, photographs. It is very useful to get acquainted, especially in comparison with the current situation.
  5. +10
    30 January 2018 07: 05
    It's easy to blame everything only on the Bolsheviks after a century. No need to think, analyze, because the culprits were clearly identified and named by name in the 90s. The main thing is appointed by those whose ancestors actively participated in both the revolution and subsequent events. Under Soviet rule, they felt great as their descendants subsequently.
  6. +6
    30 January 2018 07: 49
    In terms of putting everything in its place, I agree with the author.
    In the context of causal relationships, it was the February Revolution that overthrew (removed, removed, replaced anybody else) the tsar, and subsequently the Bolsheviks only quite skillfully (as it later turns out, albeit with some reservations) and picked up what happened to the country after six months of bacchanalia.
    If you look from the West, then in February they removed the competitor. If you look from the side of Russia, then against the background of a number of misses in management and a blazing war, they wanted the best, but got as usual with all the consequences. In reality, the Bolsheviks themselves were surprised that they succeeded. And therefore, they, as winners, wrote history. That’s why we know the Great October Revolution, the great role of the Bolsheviks in the overthrow of tsarism, the bourgeois February and other humiliation-exaltation of facts request Another thing is that there winked it is more visible that it is more necessary for a certain people in the long run and, as a result, thanks to PERSONALITIES in history, we got, albeit with our vices and shortcomings, but another option as opposed to capitalism in the form of a socialist USSR. What personally I do not consider bad.
    Everything is relative and the world is actually the way everyone sees it individually Yes hi
    1. +6
      30 January 2018 08: 35
      Quote: Rurikovich
      another option, as opposed to capitalism in the form of a socialist Soviet Union. What personally I do not consider bad.

      Dear Rurikovich, was the “counterbalance to capitalism” really worth the broken fates of millions of people?
      14 years old. The boy is still. And he is sent for 5 years to the society of criminals. And there were not one or two, but much more.
      1. +7
        30 January 2018 08: 53
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        Dear Rurikovich, was the “counterbalance to capitalism” really worth the broken fates of millions of people?

        But what, was everything perfect under the king? wink
        Any country can "brag" of skeletons in the closet, but for some reason everyone is very blaming Russia for that. Or to hell with them, with industrialization, with victories over fascism, with space flights ..... The main thing is that people feel sorry for ...
        Bad example hi
        1. +4
          30 January 2018 09: 20
          Under the tsar, everything was not perfect, but they also struggled with problems, not forgetting about people.
          Quote: Rurikovich
          Or to hell with them, with industrializations, with victories over fascism, with flights into space

          Excuse me, is space flight more important for you than the fate of millions of people? Or is it impossible to build an orbital rocket without mass repression?
          If you aren’t in the know, then industrialization in RI has been going at a considerable pace — look in the comments for a link to the 1913 statistical directory of the year. And this stuff:
          But your hard labor example is unsuccessful. You do not take into account the serious liberalization of criminal law by the beginning of the 20 century. And also the fact that they did not refer to hard labor for damage to property. They sent there for murders, rape, causing grievous bodily harm, etc.
          1. +10
            30 January 2018 09: 30
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Excuse me, is space flight more important for you than the fate of millions of people?

            Clear request To each his own hi
            PS If everything was so wonderful, then why did the king-priest of the beloved be overthrown wink
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Under the tsar, everything was not perfect, but they also struggled with problems, not forgetting about people

            So the repressions were not rampant. Much more justified than punished. Know, not so soulless and unjust were wink As with the king-priest feel
            1. +4
              30 January 2018 10: 15
              Quote: Rurikovich
              PS If everything was so wonderful, then why did the king-priest of the beloved be overthrown

              The emperor was removed from power by a group of conspirators who longed for power. This happens in any state — whether successful or unsuccessful.
              Quote: Rurikovich
              So the repression was not rampant.

              700-odd thousand executed in two years (1937–1938) against one and a half thousand under the tsar during the same period with the suppression of the revolution (1906–1907).
              Do you think this is “not as soulless and unjust” as under the king?
              1. 0
                31 January 2018 12: 01
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                700-odd thousand executed in two years (1937-1938)

                FOR THE YEAR- from September to September- about 1900 people in a day.
                Even just print the last name, and then a few pages of "truth" ...
          2. +7
            30 January 2018 12: 03
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            If you aren’t in the know, then industrialization in RI has been going at a considerable pace — look in the comments for a link to the 1913 statistical directory of the year.

            And how many aircraft in the Republic of Ingushetia, for example during the years of WWI, were produced aircraft engines?
            1. +9
              30 January 2018 12: 33
              Alex_59 Today, 12:03 ↑
              And how many aircraft in the Republic of Ingushetia, for example during the years of WWI, were produced aircraft engines?
              Here, and it would be interesting to know for how many artillery and shells with ammunition the “ampiator” sold its soldiers to France. So to speak, live barter in exchange for shells. Not a single aircraft, with the exception of Ilya Muromets, and even with imported engines, neither artillery, nor shells with ammunition, not to mention everything else.
              At the same time, our crystal bakers, to the tear of the fifth point, are here demonstrating to us what a tremendous pace Russia has developed and how the people lived there, especially ordinary peasants, of whom there were most.
              Only one thing is forgotten: if you have peasants in your country, 85% of the population is the most important indicator of the technological backwardness of your country!

              P.S. And I did not mention this about the fleet, which we almost completely lost in Russian-Japanese. By the way, the most modern ships at that time were built not with us, but in the USA, France, or Germany.
              "Tsesarevich" - France;
              Retvisan - USA;
              Askold - Germany;
              "Varyag" -USA;
              "Bayan" - France;
              1. +4
                30 January 2018 13: 34
                [quote = Varyag_0711] Here, and it would be interesting to know how many artillery and shells with ammunition the “ampirator” sold its soldiers to France. [/ quote]

                The answer to your question is for no reason. The proposal to deliver shells in exchange for the Russian Army corps was put forward by the French ambassador in 1915. His offer was rejected. The French then, almost with tears, begged us to help them. The emperor decided to single out one corps. One single building. While England got involved in the war, defending the French. They had the whole army in such a corps. And nothing, no one squeals that they say “the king sold his soldiers to France.” [Quote = Varyag_0711] In the country, 85% of the population are peasants, this is the most important indicator of the technological backwardness of your country! / Quote]
                It is interesting to know who set this indicator? You?
                [quote = Varyag_0711] By the way, the most modern ships at that time were built not with us, but in the USA, France, or Germany. [/ quote]
                That is, as I understand it, about the battleships of the Borodino type - Prince Suvorov, Emperor Alexander III, Orel, Borodino, the cruiser Oleg and Aurora, you don’t know? Do not know that they were both modern and Russian-built? And that I have not yet raised the composition of the Black Sea Fleet.
                1. +8
                  30 January 2018 14: 49
                  Citizen is under-pseudo-porutchik, and you are aware that the entire series of Borodino-type battleships is an unsuccessful copy of the battleship "Tsesarevich", built with such a flaw that during the Tsushima battle three of the four battleships of this type that participated in the battle ("Prince Suvorov "," Borodino "and" Emperor Alexander III ") turned over before death and quickly sank with the whole crew? Why don’t you lament over the innocently murdered sailors sent to certain death without the slightest chance of success, or at least salvation, by your idiot king?
                  The cruisers Oleg, Aurora, and Pallas and Diana of the same type, say, were somewhat outdated at the time of launching. This I am silent about the battleships (if you can call them that) Peresvet, Oslyabya and Pobeda, who are not plain battleships, but also not armored cruisers, and so, get the hell out of it. I will not say anything about the battleship Sevastopol, the Japanese Mikasa is only five years younger than Sevastopol, and did not go to any comparison with Sevastopol, because of its superiority.
                  So do not tell me tales about the "white" bull, which was sent to the slaughter of the Japanese as the last sheep.
                  About the peasants in the Republic of Ingushetia the information is open, but at least for you ((s into the eyes, all Nikolashkin’s dew ... laughing
                  And by the way, answer the question, who were the ancestors of the current premature "Ampiratsi Rossiysky" aka Masha Hohenzollern? With whom hobbled, whose uniform in the Second World War wore ... As?
                  1. +1
                    30 January 2018 15: 42
                    Quote: Varyag_0711
                    a series of battleships of the Borodino type, this is an unsuccessful copy of the battleship "Tsesarevich", built with such a flaw that during the battle of Tsushima three of the four battleships of this type participating in the battle ("Prince Suvorov", "Borodino" and "Emperor Alexander III") before they rolled over and quickly sank with the whole crew?

                    Where do you dig out your Russophobic libel?
                    Here is the expert opinion of a shipbuilding engineer:
                    Then why did the Russian battleships roll over? Yes, because they received such damage, in which, according to the experience of the First and Second World War, it is simply impossible not to roll over. Four torpedoes hit the Navarin and Suvorov, and all were on the same side. Borodino died as a result of an explosion of a kruyte-chamber of an average 152-mm tower located below the waterline. That is, "Navarin", "Suvorov" and "Borodino" turned upside down due to strong asymmetrical flooding. Oslyabya received for 40 minutes about 100 high-explosive shells in caliber 305 – 152 mm. Almost all the shells hit the unarmored nose, and both of the nasal compartments turned to mush. The requirements for the unsinkability of warships of the beginning of the 20th century allowed the death of a ship when two compartments were flooded. Therefore, having lost two compartments, the battleship began to sink with its nose and turned over the same way as half a century later - Novorossiysk.


                    The same article also reveals your Russophobic myth about the "backwardness" of Russian shipbuilding.

                    Tell me, what does the impostor Maria Hohenzollern have to do with the discussion of the Tsushima battle? She can call herself anyone, but the House of Romanov in exile is not only the head, but also a relative with a stretch of recognition.
                    1. +7
                      30 January 2018 16: 01
                      Lieutenant Teterin Today, 15:42 ↑ New
                      Where do you dig out your Russophobic libel?
                      Do you know who you remind me of undershot? Your overseas owners, act exactly according to their patterns, namely, blame the opponent for your own sins. In fact, Russophobic libels are the very fakes that you distribute here in VO, in the form of supposedly "evidence".
                      Leonid Filatov was right:
                      Well, you cunning people
                      Already take a dope
                      Everybody thinks an uro-house
                      Despite the fact that UR-OD itself ...
                      This is me specifically about you and your accusations against me. You are a traitor, an Anglo-Saxon henchman and you sang along, working to undermine Russia, accuse me of Russophobia, the right is funny, honestly ... laughing
                      And about
                      Here is the expert opinion of a shipbuilding engineer:
                      , so I have such "experts" in the internet with a dozen dig in five minutes. negative
                      Tell me, what does the impostor Maria Hohenzollern have to do with the discussion of the Tsushima battle? She can call herself anyone, but the House of Romanov in exile is not only the head, but also a relative with a stretch of recognition.
                      Specifically, it certainly has nothing to do with Tsushima, but it’s very applicable to you. It’s you here who advocate the restoration of the monarchy, and she is the first contender for the throne. So you want to proclaim it "the emperor of all Great, and Little, and White Russia"? laughing fool
                      1. +3
                        30 January 2018 16: 26
                        They started cursing and insulting again. Perfectly. This means that you have no counterarguments, and immense pride does not allow you to admit your wrong.
                        Quote: Varyag_0711
                        You are a traitor, an Anglo-Saxon minion, and you have been singing along, working to subvert Russia,

                        Yes, you are not only a boor, but also a pretty dreamer. If you read my comments on VO, then you know that I can’t stand the Anglo-Saxons spirit. And I directly blame the same British for organizing a conspiracy against Nicholas II. But by the way ... we have already established that the truth is you don't give a damn — mud the history of the Motherland and the honest Russian people who defend this history for you is probably more important.
                        Quote: Varyag_0711
                        she is the first contender for the throne. So you want to proclaim it

                        My words about the fact that this woman is an impostor you prefer not to notice. Typical, by the way, the behavior of the red Russophobe on the Web.
                      2. +5
                        30 January 2018 16: 54
                        Lieutenant Teterin Today, 16:26 ↑
                        They started cursing and insulting again.
                        I haven’t even tried yet!
                        This means that you have no counterarguments, and immense pride does not allow you to admit your wrong.
                        Teterin, do not flatter yourself, you don’t have any arguments and you haven’t gotten through, one rabid anti-Soviet and Russophobia, covered with a fig leaf of false patriotism, and nothing more.
                        It is not possible to enter into a dispute with you because of your lack of a little bit argumentative position. Therefore, our dialogue with you, if you can call it that, is nothing more than revealing your corrupt nature and debunking your crystal baked lies.
                      3. 0
                        2 February 2018 03: 51
                        Quote: Varyag_0711
                        Do you know who you remind me of undershot? Your overseas masters, act exactly according to their patterns

                        laughing lol Ah well done!
                        Take off the flag from the author, traitor! This is still the stern flag of the ships of the Navy of the Russian Empire, and not a pound of raisins. And he existed in such a status - two hundred years and not for you, discrediting the honor of the Russian Navy - to dishonor and wear it.

                        That is, the fact that the conspiracy against the Tsar was committed by pro-Western liberal women is for you a completely non-contradictory phenomenon?
                        So what is it - pro-Western Russophobes versus pro-Western Russophobes?
                        And it fits into your head ... What only some people will not go to, what other vileness, if only to prove the righteousness of their Revolutionary religion. But how beautiful is it to humiliate the Russians and the history of Russia in you? It's just a Russophobe holiday good
                  2. +1
                    31 January 2018 12: 04
                    Quote: Varyag_0711
                    Citizen under-pseudo-porutchik, and you are aware that the entire series of armadillos such as Borodino is an unsuccessful copy of an armadillo

                    List: how many LINCORS the USSR built after RI. What? No one? Though tried? And even the old-DANGERED?
                    Wow, achievement lol
            2. +2
              30 January 2018 13: 22
              There were problems with aircraft engines, but by the end of the war they began to set up their plants. Not to mention the explosive growth of shell production
              If in 1914 all Russian industry produced 516 thousand 3-dm shells, in 1915 there were already 8,825 million, according to Barsukov, and 10 million, according to Manikovsky, and in 1916, already 26,9 million shots according to according to Barsukov. The “all-inclusive military ministry reports” give even more significant numbers of Russian-made 3-dm shells to the army in 1915, 12,3 million shells, and in 1916, 29,4 million shots. Thus, the annual production of 3-dm shells in 1916 was almost tripled, and the monthly production of 3-dm shells from January 1915 to December 1916 increased 12 times!

              1. +1
                30 January 2018 15: 48
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                There were problems with aircraft engines

                Problems with aircraft engines were in the USSR in the 30 years)))) But there were no problems in the Republic of Ingushetia. There can be no problems with the "lack of something")))))
                Now, see how it is! Again, the Bolsheviks have problems - damned regime! )))))))
          3. +1
            30 January 2018 23: 40
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin

            Are you referring to a laflogbook? Yes you kidding dude !!! Let's be kidding together.
            1. +3
              31 January 2018 08: 17
              and he usually has no other facts .. he recently recently, in contrast to the historian with a bunch of publications and monographs, brought an eagle from a slurry .. you see the candidate of sciences is lying and the dude cannot lie from the same ...
          4. 0
            2 February 2018 00: 08
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Under the tsar, everything was not perfect, but they also struggled with problems, not forgetting about people.
            Quote: Rurikovich
            Or to hell with them, with industrializations, with victories over fascism, with flights into space

            Excuse me, is space flight more important for you than the fate of millions of people? Or is it impossible to build an orbital rocket without mass repression?
            If you aren’t in the know, then industrialization in RI has been going at a considerable pace — look in the comments for a link to the 1913 statistical directory of the year. And this stuff:
            But your hard labor example is unsuccessful. You do not take into account the serious liberalization of criminal law by the beginning of the 20 century. And also the fact that they did not refer to hard labor for damage to property. They sent there for murders, rape, causing grievous bodily harm, etc.

            Lieutenant, why are you like a child. It was under the tsar at the penal servitude that Lenin went hunting. After 1918, the political did not go hunting; they were used as game.
      2. +2
        30 January 2018 11: 10
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        Quote: Rurikovich
        another option, as opposed to capitalism in the form of a socialist Soviet Union. What personally I do not consider bad.

        Dear Rurikovich, was the “counterbalance to capitalism” really worth the broken fates of millions of people?
        14 years old. The boy is still. And he is sent for 5 years to the society of criminals. And there were not one or two, but much more.

        X * some sort of .. The first thing that fell out fell out.
        Yes, I will give you a thousand such examples in any system in any country. Did you introduce this as an argument?
        1. +9
          30 January 2018 12: 28
          Quote: BecmepH
          Yes, I will give you a thousand such examples in any system in any country. Did you introduce this as an argument?

          This is a "provocation". When all the facts are precisely in the politicized right direction. All shoals, mistakes, failures - all the malicious crime of the regime. No options. It cannot be assumed that the sled on the spot (a specific person) simply turned out to be a bastard. The authorities cannot be allowed to err. Everything is black and white. No shades, halftones! The cat left the kittens - Stalin is also to blame. Denunciations, too, Stalin apparently scribbled.
          And what a powerful argument - "is it worth the flight into space of millions of lives" - neither more nor less. What kind of meager people are they for?
          1. +3
            30 January 2018 13: 40
            This is one of many examples. I brought others. For example:
            Ponosov Ivan Fedorovich (1885 year of birth) was accused of distributing ditties and stories, ridiculing the "system of collective and state farm construction." Sentenced to 10 years of ITL; (extract from the protocol No.2 15 of August 1937 of the year of the Omsk Troika)

            Alimov Mukhamet (1911 year of birth) from Omsk, was sentenced to capital punishment for anti-Soviet agitation among workers (struck Lenin’s bust, deliberately defeated him); (extract from the protocol No.2 15 of August 1937 of the year of the Omsk Troika)

            Demin Sergey Fedorovich (born in 1880) from the Kormilovsky district, was accused of discrediting the leaders, tearing off the portrait of Stalin, and disrupting the loan subscription. Sentenced to 10 years of ITL; (extract from the protocol No.6 of August 26 1937 of the Omsk troika)

            Kostogryz Fyodor Andreevich from the Kormilovsky district, was accused of discrediting the leaders of the party, tearing the portrait. Sentenced to capital punishment. (Extract from protocol No.6 of August 26 of August 1937 of the Omsk Troika)

            Source: materials of the UFSB archive of the Omsk region. (Ttp: //
            In all these cases, do you think there were bastard investigators? No, these are not individuals, it was the whole system.
            1. +2
              30 January 2018 13: 45
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              This is one of many examples. I brought others. For example:
              Ponosov Ivan Fedorovich (1885 year of birth) was accused of distributing ditties and stories, ridiculing the "system of collective and state farm construction." Sentenced to 10 years of ITL; (extract from the protocol No.2 15 of August 1937 of the year of the Omsk Troika)

              Alimov Mukhamet (1911 year of birth) from Omsk, was sentenced to capital punishment for anti-Soviet agitation among workers (struck Lenin’s bust, deliberately defeated him); (extract from the protocol No.2 15 of August 1937 of the year of the Omsk Troika)

              Demin Sergey Fedorovich (born in 1880) from the Kormilovsky district, was accused of discrediting the leaders, tearing off the portrait of Stalin, and disrupting the loan subscription. Sentenced to 10 years of ITL; (extract from the protocol No.6 of August 26 1937 of the Omsk troika)

              Kostogryz Fyodor Andreevich from the Kormilovsky district, was accused of discrediting the leaders of the party, tearing the portrait. Sentenced to capital punishment. (Extract from protocol No.6 of August 26 of August 1937 of the Omsk Troika)

              Source: materials of the UFSB archive of the Omsk region. (Ttp: //
              In all these cases, do you think there were bastard investigators? No, these are not individuals, it was the whole system.

              And I give you Maru Baghdasaryan as an example. And what do you say about the system?
            2. +5
              30 January 2018 14: 01
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              In all these cases, do you think there were bastard investigators?

              Firstly there was a revolution. The comrades of the Bolsheviks who had just recently come to power were shaking hands to lose this power. Moreover, there was a fresh example of Nicholas II, who was just messing around with the underground, messing around and reloading, and if he had shot them without pity (as the Bolsheviks did), then maybe RI would not have fallen apart?
              Secondly, real opposition and sabotage are not fiction. Many were not satisfied with the Reds, but there were still those who suffered from them in civilian clothes. There was also a real Trotskyist (left) opposition, which sincerely considered the hundred that was happening under Stalin a reversal. Not everyone who sat down or was shot on 58 is not guilty! All this riffraff objectively and harshly had to be cleaned. Otherwise, you won’t cook porridge, but forgive me the country was deep at that moment ... well, everything was bad in general.
              Fourth, the phenomenon of "great terror" is a clear crime. Nobody argues. The examples you cited are just great terror - Yezhovschina. After all, Yezhov was convicted and not rehabilitated. What else do you need? Under his leadership, this chaos was happening.
              Fifth, never from a system alone is everything completely independent. The cat left the kittens - is Stalin also to blame? No, nobody removes responsibility from Yezhov and Stalin. But you must admit that it was not Stalin who wrote the denunciations, and he did not give them a move. In every village. And they did it (or in the case of my grandfather - did not) ordinary people - investigators. And then how lucky. And in our time, everything is the same! So the role of the "bastard" in history is huge. And denunciations, after all, were also many convinced that they sincerely wanted to help.
              Sixth, out of many who roar that they had condemned for nothing, they were really just not friends with their heads. If you see that such a cleaning is going on, well, what kind of mischief do you poison jokes or draw caricatures? Well, you are a stupid person! And this, excuse me, according to Zhiglov - "there are no punishments without guilt."

              This is real life in all its diversity. And you started, the Bolsheviks, the Bolsheviks. Enough to deify them already.
            3. 0
              2 February 2018 00: 18
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              This is one of many examples. I brought others. For example:
              Ponosov Ivan Fedorovich (1885 year of birth) was accused of distributing ditties and stories, ridiculing the "system of collective and state farm construction." Sentenced to 10 years of ITL; (extract from the protocol No.2 15 of August 1937 of the year of the Omsk Troika)

              Alimov Mukhamet (1911 year of birth) from Omsk, was sentenced to capital punishment for anti-Soviet agitation among workers (struck Lenin’s bust, deliberately defeated him); (extract from the protocol No.2 15 of August 1937 of the year of the Omsk Troika)

              Demin Sergey Fedorovich (born in 1880) from the Kormilovsky district, was accused of discrediting the leaders, tearing off the portrait of Stalin, and disrupting the loan subscription. Sentenced to 10 years of ITL; (extract from the protocol No.6 of August 26 1937 of the Omsk troika)

              Kostogryz Fyodor Andreevich from the Kormilovsky district, was accused of discrediting the leaders of the party, tearing the portrait. Sentenced to capital punishment. (Extract from protocol No.6 of August 26 of August 1937 of the Omsk Troika)

              Source: materials of the UFSB archive of the Omsk region. (Ttp: //
              In all these cases, do you think there were bastard investigators? No, these are not individuals, it was the whole system.

              Do not be offended by the lieutenant, but I thought that you understand who you are arguing with. For this code, people like you are not people. Such as you can and should hang and shoot. For them, the main thing is their children and their opinion. Lenin did not just call the intelligentsia shit ... nom. He hated the Russians; for him they were the Mordovians. And you, for these red-flagged shit that needs to be destroyed, and if there was their will, they (let's call them right; Zionists and Russophobes) would have mixed you with manure for a long time (literary). You are an enemy worse than Hitler for them. Previously, a certain Dianna was cutting through with might and main. She was not shy like a Varangian. Excuse me, dissolve the snot.
              1. 0
                2 February 2018 07: 00
                for the red-flag shit, not the intelligentsia, but parasites and liars. to whom you are perfectly suited .. such as you and the pseudo-lieutenant .. do you recall how qualification by law is the assignment of an undeserved title? By law, this is fraud. With which I congratulate you ..
        2. +4
          30 January 2018 13: 35
          With any system, a 14-year-old guy was sent to criminals for 5 years for property damage?
  7. +6
    30 January 2018 08: 13
    Let me complement the author.
    1) February did not destroy, but severely wounded the Russian Empire. After the coup, Russia lost the Emperor, but remained Russia — the old laws, government, etc.
    2) Anarchist tendencies in the country grew similarly to the Time of Troubles of the beginning of the 17th century. The name “Provisional Government” itself inspired people with distrust, there was no clear understanding of what it was, but everyone agreed that firm power could be elected at a nationwide Constituent Assembly. But before that - in the minds of many there was a misunderstanding of what was happening.
    3) The officers did not intercede for Nicholas II, because the one who directed the conspirators gave them a very dangerous idea — to arrange a coup as voluntary the Emperor’s abandonment of the throne and command, which is why for an outside observer the situation looked as if the Emperor simply took and left the throne. Allegedly he wanted so. But none of the officers knew about the threats and pressure of the conspirators (hanging, incidentally, on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Ingushetia). The front commanders were partly involved in the conspiracy, having bought on the promises of the conspirators in the style of the Young Turks, and partly were misled by telegrams in the style: "the rear riots, demands the abdication of the king, everything is on the verge of collapse."
    1. +3
      30 January 2018 08: 59
      to force the coup as a voluntary abandonment of the throne and command by the Emperor, which made the situation look to the outsider as if the Emperor would simply take and leave the throne. Ostensibly he wanted so. And about the threats and pressure of the conspirators (hanging, by the way, according to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Ingushetia), none of the officers knew.

      Were they children? These same officers?
      1. +2
        30 January 2018 09: 23
        Were they children? These same officers?

        Political babies, rather. Like the entire educated layer of Russian people of that time as a whole.
      2. +3
        30 January 2018 10: 33
        They were not children, decent and very disciplined people. They were brought to the text signed by the Emperor, which says that he renounces. The document was signed in the presence of officers of the headquarters of the North-Western Front. It could never have occurred to an officer of that time that a military general, a Russian officer, would violate the oath and would threaten his Emperor, to whom he swore allegiance, and then also participate in forging a signature on the “renunciation”. Therefore, they believed the paper.
        1. +6
          30 January 2018 12: 48
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          They were not children, decent and very disciplined people. They were brought to the text signed by the Emperor, which says that he renounces. The document was signed in the presence of officers of the headquarters of the North-Western Front.

          just continue the analogy
          1944. (3 year of the war, as in 1917) - the officers are notified of the abdication ... of Stalin's resignation. The document was signed in the presence of officers of the headquarters of the North-Western Front. Will the officers believe in such a piece of paper? Officers who have been assaulting for 3 years and are well aware that Can not at the height of the war, the Commander-in-Chief of the troops write- "I'm tired, I'm leaving .. are you here yourself without me somehow !!"
          Will this work ??? Yeah ... Bullshit? And disciplined officers in 1917 changed their shoes in flight ...
          Any normal officer in this situation would ask himself right away: who will command the fronts? He betrayed us !! we fought, we laid down our lives - and he just sideways !!!
          That is exactly what happened in 1917 - the officers decided: the Tsar betrayed and abandoned us - and we are throwing the Tsar / betraying, swearing an oath to the Provisional Government ....
          Nothing else to explain massive the oath is impossible, well, or just real (!!!) officers were not there - there were bearers of stars (careerists, mediocrity, thieves who later turned out to be unable to withstand the Reds, although the war was not even going to 2 fronts — the republic was in the ring of fronts))
          1. +3
            30 January 2018 13: 41
            You do not compare the system RI and the USSR. The emperor had the right to recant. The head of VKPb, especially against the background of paranoia about the "Trotskyist conspiracies" ... I think you understand.
            1. +4
              30 January 2018 15: 21
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              You do not compare the systems of the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR. The emperor had the right to recant.
              "Is there a normative legal act on the order of the king’s abdication? Technology, so to speak? Which describes - when the king has the right to renounce, to whom the power transfers, who are the witnesses, where will he go later?"
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              The leader of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, especially against the backdrop of paranoia regarding the “Trotskyist conspiracies” ... I think you understand.
              - But what does the leadership of the USSR have to do with it? We are talking about "decent and very disciplined people" - they were told "renounced!" they immediately faithfully denied the oath and ran in different directions - some to the white, some to the red, some to the green, some to the hetman, some to the Germans and other invaders .... Exceptionally - "honest, decent and disciplined" people. ..
              1. +1
                30 January 2018 17: 12
                Quote: your1970
                Is there a legal act on the order of abdication of the king? Technology so to speak?

                Let me surprise you.) There is such an act, and it was called “Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire”.
                Articles 37 and 38:
                37. Under the rules above on the order of inheritance of the See, a person entitled to it is granted the freedom to deny this right in such circumstances when there is no difficulty in further inheritance of the See.

                1825 Dec 12 (1) adj. III; 1906 Apr 23, comp. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.

                38. Such renunciation, when it is made public and turned into law, is then recognized as irrevocable.
                Russian Empire
                In other words, the Emperor can abdicate at any time, provided that there is someone to inherit the throne. This was also known to officers.
                Quote: your1970
                what does the leadership of the USSR?

                This I also said that the tsar, in contrast to the "secretary general" of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, could renounce power. [Quote = their1970 decent and very disciplined people "- they were told" renounced! "Did they immediately conscientiously renounce the oath and ran in different directions? [/ quote]
                So, after all, they “fled” not after the Emperor’s removal from power, but after the October seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, when it became completely unclear in the country — what kind of power there is in the country and whether it exists at all.
                1. +1
                  30 January 2018 17: 39
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  Is there a legal act on the order of abdication of the king? Technology so to speak?
                  Let me surprise you.) There is such an act, and it was called “Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire”.
                  Articles 37 and 38:
                  37. Under the rules above on the order of inheritance of the See, a person entitled to it is granted the freedom to deny this right in such circumstances when there is no difficulty in further inheritance of the See.
                  1825 Dec 12 (1) adj. III; 1906 Apr 23, comp. Uzak., 603, Art. 24.
                  38. Such renunciation, when it is made public and turned into law, is then recognized as irrevocable.
                  -Don't read such a document, thanks for the link.
                  it's all great, but
                  1) the sequence was broken
                  2) he could not deny son
                  3) "30. When the last masculine generation of the sons of the Emperor is suppressed, the inheritance remains in this same kind, but in the female generation of the last reigning one, as in the one closest to the Throne, and in that it follows the same order, preferring a masculine female face; but with this the female person from whom the right came directly never loses her right. "- there were still a bunch of Nikolai's daughters, including adults, more direct heirs - and he renounced in favor of his younger brother - who, according to this, the documents seemed to be very far from the succession to the throne
                  1. 0
                    30 January 2018 19: 46
                    Quote: your1970
                    1) the sequence was broken
                    2) he could not deny son

                    I agree. It was here that the conspirators made a mistake in drawing up the act of "renunciation." But in the whirlwind of the war years, the voices of jurists who could pay attention to this remained unheard. And for the army it was announced that "the sovereign deigned to abdicate." As far as I remember, there was not even a copy of the manifesto of the manifesto about “renunciation” in every part, but the credibility of the Emperor’s word was stronger.
            2. 0
              30 January 2018 21: 04
              You do not compare the system RI and the USSR. The emperor had the right to recant. The head of VKPb, especially against the background of paranoia about the "Trotskyist conspiracies" ... I think you understand.

              Hmm, "Kings Can Do Everything" ...
              I would venture to compare: - Nikolai Romanov - a representative of the ruling dynasty and the Anointed of God ...
              It is not so easy for him to become a "citizen Romanov."
              And I.V. Stalin (officially!) - just a "friend", just like everyone else ...
              And he will work where the Party sends him ...
              And the party can send very long away.
    2. +4
      30 January 2018 11: 10
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      1) February did not destroy, but severely wounded the Russian Empire. After the coup, Russia lost the Emperor, but remained Russia — the old laws, government, etc.

      1) February killed RI
      2) RI lost the emperor
      3) the old laws completely ceased to operate. No, formally, according to the papers, they worked. Only order No. 1 canceled the effect of ALL military laws at once - if the orders of the commanders can be discussed, how will the guard duty regulations work? go? and so on in everything.
      3) I’m embarrassed to recall that the state system didn’t just collapse .. It was also defeated by dual power ..
      4) "as if the Emperor simply took and left the throne. He supposedly wanted it like that. And none of the officers knew about the threats and pressure of the conspirators (hanging, incidentally, on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Ingushetia)." - i.e. you expose gentlemen officers as complete fools. The tsar for no reason denies, "I was supposedly sitting here on a stool, but now I will leave" - ​​and gentlemen officers joyfully(!!!!) they swear allegiance to the Provisional Government. And everyone is so naive ... Yeah, 4 years of the bloody war quickly treat naivety, for those who survive ...
      5) "The front commanders were partly involved in the conspiracy, buying into the promises of the conspirators in the style of the Young Turks, and partly were misled by telegrams in the style:" the rear is rebelling, the king must be abdicated, everything is on the verge of collapse. "" . part of the commanders of the fronts were unable to evaluatein the aggregate of the facts they have: the rhythm of the arrival of goods, the mood in the troops, the quality of incoming replenishment, the quality of incoming food / equipment / uniforms / armed
      and other things.
      Were they not of strategic thinking? Mediocrity - incapable of evaluating together all the factors and consequences of the actions of these factors?
    3. +2
      30 January 2018 11: 18
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      But none of the officers knew about the threats and pressure of the conspirators (hanging, incidentally, on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Ingushetia).

      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      But none of the officers knew about the threats and pressure of the conspirators (hanging, incidentally, on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Ingushetia).

      Well yes! Indeed, among the officers there were only some illiterate sheep.
      Yes, and these are the same ...
      The front commanders were partly involved in the conspiracy, having bought on the promises of the conspirators in the style of the Young Turks, and partly were misled by telegrams in the style: "the rear riots, demands the abdication of the king, everything is on the verge of collapse."
    4. 0
      2 February 2018 00: 24
      Dear lieutenant, personnel officers (especially the younger ones) were destroyed in the first year of the war, and what happened after the 16 year did not have anything to do with the officers. As in 1941-42gg, cadre commanders of the Red Army were destroyed. And all these palace games were alien to officers of the comfrey. They stupidly wanted to survive and save their soldiers.
      1. 0
        2 February 2018 07: 01
        Do you have to talk about war and trenches .. as soon as the fried smells, you immediately squealed and went through the service ..
  8. +2
    30 January 2018 08: 27
    And something takes doubt that Nikolai Romanov was shaking with fear when he heard the name of Ulyanov ...
    .. The Empress in her letters to Nicholas II wrote all about Kerensky ...
  9. +5
    30 January 2018 09: 34
    As long as I read this article, I recalled the verses of G.V. Ivanova:
    It’s good that there is no King.
    It’s good that there is no Russia.
    It’s good that there is no God.
    Only the yellow dawn
    Only icy stars
    Only millions of years.
    Well - that nobody
    Well - that’s nothing,
    So black and so dead
    What can't be dead
    And never be blacker
    That no one will help us
    And do not help.

    Indeed, for a Russian person of that time, if there is no Tsar, then there is no God. And if there is no God, then everything is possible.
    So we have been living since then: without God in the heart, and without the King in the head.
    1. +9
      30 January 2018 09: 58
      Jmicer Today, 09:34 AM
      So we have been living since then: without God in the heart, and without the King in the head.
      Yes, live as you like, at least put ten kings on your neck. Only here it is not necessary to impose your vision on the rest, neither your god nor your king need me for nothing in the barn!
      1. +6
        30 January 2018 10: 13
        Only a Soviet person can react sharply to the proposal to live with God in the heart and with the Tsar in the head. I feel sorry for you.
        You are yet another confirmation of my hypothesis that the Soviet is a Russian, whom you marry from love and beauty (that is, from God), accustomed to unconditional submission to the state (whatever it may be) and hatred of its enemies.
        1. +5
          30 January 2018 12: 11
          Quote: Dzmicer
          Soviet - this is Russian, who was married to love and beauty (i.e. from God),
          - apparently, therefore, under the tsar, they could give up penal servitude for up to a year for failure to attend services, and for reluctance to baptize a child according to the Orthodox tradition, they could give penal servitude up to 5 years.
          Do not want love and beauty - go to hard labor !!
          And the Tsar in his head is generally cool, but for some reason everyone around him betrayed him, moreover, all his relatives betrayed him, and even more so, his relative, George 5, also threw
          Although importing under a surname into England (in which passports with a photograph appeared only in the early 2000s) is elementary. Yes, even in overseas colonies, if you were afraid in England, in the same Australia in the end, or Canada. And no one in England would have recognized ..

          ZY, just think - why did the Russian Orthodox people suddenly begin in 1917? with PLEASURE shoot priests, hang, flog? strange - from them
          "love and beauty"? or not?
          1. +2
            30 January 2018 12: 22
            See above - "If there is no God, then everything is possible."
            1. +4
              30 January 2018 13: 36
              Quote: Dzmicer
              See above - "If there is no God, then everything is possible."
              "And if God is - but I don’t believe in him - then to hard labor? Love was instilled through hard labor?"
              1. +2
                30 January 2018 13: 51
                Do not deign the link to the relevant legalization? Or not?
                1. +2
                  30 January 2018 15: 31
                  Alas, I don’t give links on Tuesdays ...
                  the code of different years, "look, ye find it"
                  Chapter Two On Deviation from the Faith and Decisions of the Church
                  First Division On abstraction and deviation from faith
                  190. For the distraction, through coercion, seduction or by other means, of anyone from the Christian faith of the Orthodox or other professing in the Mohammedan, Jewish or other non-Christian faith, the perpetrator is sentenced:
                  to deprivation of all rights of the state and to exile in hard labor in fortresses for a period of eight to ten years, and if he is not exempted from corporal punishment by law, and to punishment by whips through executioners to the extent determined by Article 21 of this Code for the fifth degree of punishment of this kind, stamped.
                  When, at the same time, it will be proved that they used violence to force them to abandon Christianity, then he will be awarded:
                  to deprivation of all rights of the state and to exile in hard labor in mines for a period of twelve to fifteen years, and if he is not exempted from corporal punishment by law, and to punishment with whips through executioners to the extent determined by Article 21 for the third degree of punishment of this kind stamped.

                  195. For seduction from orthodox otherwise Christian religion, the guilty person is sentenced:
                  to the deprivation of all special rights and advantages personally assigned to him and to the reference to living in the province of Tobolsk or Tomsk, or, if he is not legally excluded from corporal punishment, to punishment with rods to the extent determined by Article 35 of this Code for the fifth degree punishments of this kind and to be sent to correctional companies of the civilian department for a while from one to two years.
                  When it will be proved that coercion and violence were used to seduce from the Orthodox to another Christian religion, the guilty person is exposed to:
                  deprivation of all rights of state and exile to a settlement in Siberia, and if it is not legally excluded from corporal punishment, and punishment with whips through executioners to the extent specified in Article 22 of this Code for the second degree of punishment of this kind.

                  A little strange for seduction from Orthodoxy to another Christian faith to receive from a year to two arresting companies. Not?
                  Is this competition between churches or does God not like inside confessional riotings?
                  1. 0
                    31 January 2018 12: 11
                    EXAMPLES of the execution of these codes and the YEAR of publication (action) -Do not indicate?
                    I think no
                    1. +1
                      31 January 2018 14: 30
                      year of publication, any, articles wandered from laying to laying almost unchanged
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      examples are not needed: it is enough that there are articles in the Criminal Code. Any offense falls into the Criminal Code only if it exists in life. There is no punishment for drunken driving while you are cracking. There were transitions to other religions, there were, otherwise there would have been no articles ...
                      Article 187 of the Code of 1869
                      However, if you give examples of the fact that these articles of the Code have not been executed for 100 years, I may believe you ...
                      1. 0
                        31 January 2018 15: 09
                        Quote: your1970
                        Article 187 1869 year

                        And for the year 1350 you do not have the Code?
                      2. +1
                        31 January 2018 18: 38
                        but what does not suit you than a year? The content has not changed, but you can find later ones, too, until 1905 inclusive ....
                        and you didn’t give examples of NOT executing these articles ....
        2. +1
          30 January 2018 23: 47
          Quote: Dzmicer
          who was married from love and beauty

          "Every wife has a wife, but I have a ... goddess."
      2. +2
        30 January 2018 10: 41
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        at least ten kings put on your neck.

        We have hundreds of kings sitting on our necks now. One thought is worth it. laughing
      3. 0
        30 January 2018 11: 24
        Yes, this is not the point, especially not specifically you.
        Here it is about the fact that for the development and preservation of society and civilization a certain higher regulator is needed, capable of giving most people a moral, unquestioned guideline.
        Religion successfully coped with this task, then religion in half with ideology, and then without religion at all, only communist ideology.
        It was she who acted in the role of this supreme regulator and landmark, and ordinary citizens, accordingly, had no reason to question her postulates. Moreover, these doubts were punished, as it is generally accepted in religion to punish heretics.
        Of course, there are always people who do not accept either religion or ideology, living according to their own invented guidelines. But in the vast majority this is not. People need such landmarks from the outside.
        1. dSK
          30 January 2018 15: 56
          Quote: Mestny
          living on their own invented landmarks
          "virtual reality" is a terrible force. angry
    2. dSK
      30 January 2018 15: 46
      Quote: Dzmicer
      And if there is no God, then you can all.

      "After us - even the grass does not grow, or even the flood"who like what more.
    3. 0
      2 February 2018 08: 33
      Well, where in the head of a liar and a scammer will there be any king ..
  10. +3
    30 January 2018 09: 48
    The author makes an interesting conclusion: the five millionth army was no good, and the king was impeccable. And the army betrayed the king ... Or maybe everything was somehow different? Maybe this wonderful man and worthless statesman has established himself as a grand-caretaker so much that he pushed away the entire officer corps? After all, he was burdened by the reports of General Alekseev, chief of the General Staff! They interfered with his pleasant pastime: walking, playing cards, hunting (at least for cats and owls!), Etc. Having become the supreme commander out of jealousy of his uncle, Nikolai Nikolayevich, this ruler did nothing for the army and established himself as "no way." It sometimes seems to me that he was not capable of victories, in general. Well, if it’s so that you’re climbing your ... face into military people. Maybe the officers felt this intuitively, but they put up with it while they were patient.
    Not the army betrayed the king, but the king betrayed the army. After all, by 1917 the 3rd squad was already at war, two army squads were already killed in that thoughtless and barren worthless war. He did not know what he would have to bear the answer for. Well, if only he himself, but also the whole family, dragged all the children behind him. Oh, he got an evil fate.
    1. +2
      30 January 2018 10: 15
      Maybe this wonderful man and worthless statesman has established himself as a grand-caretaker so much that he pushed away the entire officer corps?

      Rather, the generals were physically unbearable to obey a simple lieutenant.
      Damned Russian sick ambition destroyed Russia - the British knew very well what to put pressure on.
      1. +3
        30 January 2018 13: 53
        Quote: Dzmicer
        Damned Russian sick ambition ruined Russia

        I wonder where you got about this very "Russian ambition"? Or do you poorly imagine the Russians. The Russian is content with the small, but this small cannot be taken from him. What is ambition? Do not confuse Russians with Poles. Russians have dignity and self-esteem.
        1. +1
          30 January 2018 13: 58
          The Russian people, already extremely ambitious in themselves, were driven crazy by the Petrine reform, which gave rise to a complex and controversial system of authority - a two-layer elite of bureaucracy and nobility, which pumped up the field of competition and ambition to the point of absurdity. Nervousness and tension were squared. The wolf is the perfect killing machine. Fighting within a clan under such conditions is death. Mating tournaments of wolves are determined by a complex ritual. The loser substitutes the throat - this is a sign that the fight is over. A wolf will never have a bite to his throat - “A raven will not peck out a raven's eye.” In dogs, this instinct is lost. From here the wolfhound, being weaker than the wolf, bites him to death. Peter I mixed the bestial naturalness of localism with the artificial laws of bureaucratic civilization. A simple wolf instinct confused. What started here!

          As a foreigner (moreover, a Frenchman, that is, a person competent in such matters), Kyustin felt this well. He wrote:

          “The son of the first nobleman of the empire can be in the last class, and the son of the serf, at the whim of the monarch, can go to the first classes ... The nobility is not destroyed, but transformed, that is, nullified by something that took its place, but did not replace it. It is enough to become a member of the new hierarchy in order to achieve the hereditary nobility over time. In such a way Peter the Great, having outstripped modern revolutions by almost a century, destroyed the feudal system. Such a fever of envy, such a tension of ambition, that the Russian people are now incapable of anything other than conquering the world, flow from such an orientation of society. My thought constantly returns to this, because no other purpose can explain the immense sacrifices made by the state and individual members of society. Obviously, the people sacrificed their freedom in the name of victory. Without this backward thought that people obey, perhaps unconsciously, the history of Russia would seem to me an insoluble mystery. ”

          D.E. Galkovsky, "The Endless Dead End"
    2. +3
      30 January 2018 10: 57
      Quote: Galleon
      After all, he was burdened by the reports of General Alekseev, chief of the General Staff!

      In fact, there are memories that Nicholas II stayed at Headquarters until late at night. And he had a phenomenal memory for front-line events.
      General Baron P.N. Wrangel left such recollections of his meetings with the Tsar: “I have many times been able to closely see the Sovereign and speak with him. On all who saw him near, the Emperor was impressed by the extreme simplicity and invariable goodwill. This impression was the result of the distinctive character traits of the Sovereign - excellent upbringing and extraordinary ability to control himself. The Emperor’s mind was quick, he grasped the interlocutor’s thought at a glance, and his memory was absolutely exceptional. He not only perfectly remembered events, but also a map; somehow, speaking of the Carpathian battles, where I participated with my regiment, the Sovereign recalled exactly what points my division was on any given day. Moreover, these battles took place a month and a half before my conversation with the Sovereign
      You must admit that a constantly entertaining person could not work with officers as described in the memoirs of Baron Wrangel.
      Quote: Galleon
      Having become the supreme commander out of jealousy of his uncle, Nikolai Nikolayevich, this ruler did nothing for the army and established himself as "nothing."

      Of envy? !! Are you kidding or serious? The emperor assumed command during the period of heavy defeats of 1915. He took responsibility for saving the army and the front. His army, after stopping the German offensive, was in his arms!
      Admiral Grigorovich wrote: “When the Sovereign traveled around the troops at the front, fortresses, ports, factories and infirmaries, it was nice to see the participation and joy that he met everywhere, especially among the wounded whom he comforted and awarded” {230}.
      The source is the same.
      1. +1
        30 January 2018 12: 19
        Lieutenant Teterin, read the tsar’s correspondence with his wife - all this is mentioned there - about tedious reports, Alexandra’s words that the army loves and listens more than the autocrat when she should love the tsar, and “Friend” says the same thing. .. etc.
        The fact that our sources differ from each other, I do not see any particular contradictions - the era was controversial. The emperor loved deputations, detours and parades - this is true. Because of them, he didn’t even find the time for the wounded Stolypin, he came to the hospital when P.A. already into oblivion fell.
        To your quote from Baron Wrangel, I can answer that General Slaschev, in his memoirs of that Wrangel, covers his tail and mane as a liar and a hypocrite - another example in the difference in sources. And Slashchev can be blamed for ambition, but not for hypocrisy. BUT I do not want to question these words of Wrangel - the point is not whether there was a memory or not. There was no other - will and determination. And this is a disaster.
        1. +2
          30 January 2018 14: 01
          I know about the correspondence. But it must be borne in mind that the words about tedious reports were written in the context of the fact that the Emperor had to work hard and at the Headquarters. And the opinion of his wife is just the opinion of a loving woman who was worried about her husband, nothing more.
          But the fact that General Slashchev scolded Wrangel I am not surprised. In 1921, a court of honor fired him without the right to wear a uniform. The ambitious Slashchev accused Wrangel of the fact that the court made such a decision, therefore his attacks on the baron are not surprising.
        2. 0
          31 January 2018 12: 14
          Quote: Galleon
          And Slashchev can be blamed for ambition, but not for hypocrisy.

          Evidence of an addict and an alcoholic is nowhere accepted.
      2. BAI
        30 January 2018 13: 16
        “When the Sovereign traveled around the troops at the front, fortresses, ports, factories and infirmaries, it was nice to see the participation and joy that he met everywhere, especially among the wounded whom he comforted and awarded” {230}.

        Replace the word "Sovereign" here with Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin and get the same result. In all the newspapers will be. (You don’t have to find fault with the “front”, I understand perfectly well that not all of the above were at the front as the head of state).

        And he had a phenomenal memory for front-line events.

        You will laugh, but Hitler also had an excellent memory for all military-economic issues.
        1. +4
          30 January 2018 14: 23
          And there are also memories that the soldiers were crying when the Emperor, after the "abdication" said goodbye to the convoy. The troops really loved him.
          Quote: BAI
          You will laugh, but Hitler also had an excellent memory for all military-economic issues.

          That's just the result of Hitler's intervention in the affairs of the army was the defeat of Paulus troops, and after taking command of Nicholas, the Russian army stopped the retreat. Feel the difference, as they say.
          1. BAI
            30 January 2018 14: 56
            The troops really loved him.

            and after that
            [quoteThe guard agreed to transfer the imperial family to any authority, to anyone who repays the debt. [/ quote]?
            And why did the guard simply not let him go? SEVEN officers, the "white bone" who swore allegiance to the king.
            1. BAI
              30 January 2018 15: 19
              I had to write in 2 stages.
              the result of Hitler's intervention in the affairs of the army was the defeat of Paulus troops, and after taking command of Nicholas, the Russian army stopped the retreat. Feel the difference, as they say.

              The result of Hitler’s intervention in the leadership of the army was a stoppage of the Wehrmacht’s retreat near Moscow (all historians admit. If it weren’t for Hitler, a stampede would begin) and Germany lasted several more years. As a result of the intervention of Nicholas, Russia a year and a half later ceased to exist as an empire and lost the war while in the camp of the winners.
              I feel a huge difference.
              1. +3
                30 January 2018 17: 20
                Quote: BAI
                The result of Hitler’s intervention in the leadership of the army was the stop of the Wehrmacht’s retreat near Moscow (all historians admit. If not for Hitler, a stampede would begin)

                You are so zealously defending his military “talents" that you might think you are a supporter of Hitler ...
                Quote: BAI
                As a result of the intervention of Nicholas, Russia a year and a half later ceased to exist as an empire and lost the war while in the camp of the winners.

                You confuse cause and effect. As a result of Nicholas taking command, the Great Retreat was stopped — see information on the Vilna-Molodetsky operation. And the shell hunger was eliminated at the command of the Emperor.
                But it was not the Russian Empire that lost the war, but the RSFSR, and when the Emperor was no longer in power, under the Brest disgrace are the signatures of the Bolshevik crooks, and not the Emperor of All-Russian Nicholas II.
                1. avt
                  30 January 2018 18: 44
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  But it was not the Russian Empire that lost the war, but the RSFSR, and when the Emperor was no longer in power, under the Brest disgrace are the signatures of the Bolshevik crooks, and not the Emperor of All-Russian Nicholas II.

                  bullyTsarebozhiki on the march quite drove reason fool How could the RSFSR established in 1922 lose the First World War
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  Brest disgrace

                  signed in March 1918! ?? wassat In 1922, the RSFSR won the Civil War, from the losers of this same commander-in-chief, Nikolashka the Bloody at the station Bottom who passed.
                  1. +2
                    30 January 2018 19: 09
                    Quote: avt
                    The Tsarebozhiks on the march had already completely gone with reason. How could the RSFSR, established in 1922, lose the First World War

                    Dear, you are completely at odds with your native history. The RSFSR was established in January 1918 by the Constitution of the RSFSR
                    Approved by the III All-Russian Congress of Soviets in January 1918, the declaration of the rights of the working and exploited people, together with the Constitution of the Soviet Republic approved by the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets, constitute a single basic law Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.
                    This basic law comes into force from the moment of its publication in final form in the "News of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets." It should be published by all local organs of Soviet power and displayed in all Soviet institutions in a prominent place.
                    The Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets instructs the People's Commissariat of Education to introduce the study of the main provisions of this Constitution, as well as their explanation and interpretation, in all schools and educational institutions of the Russian Republic.

                    SECTION ONE
                    Declaration of the rights of the working and exploited people.
                    Chapter one.
                    1. Russia is declared the Republic of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies. All power in the center and in the localities belongs to these Councils.
                    2. The Russian Soviet Republic is established on the basis of a free union of free nations, as a federation of Soviet national republics.
                    You will find the source on the Web - the texts of this Constitution are full. And in the text of the Brest disgrace, Russia is called the "Russian Federative Soviet Republic". And who here "drove with reason", claiming that the RSFSR did not sign the Brest Peace?
                    1. avt
                      30 January 2018 19: 45
                      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                      You are at all at odds with your native history. The RSFSR was established in January 1918 by the Constitution of the RSFSR

                      Not at odds with the year - I admit. However, according to your own advice
                      Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People, Constitutional Act of the Soviet State; adopted on January 12 (25), 1918 by the Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets, proclaimed Russia the Republic of Soviets. The draft declaration was written by V.I. Lenin, January 3, it was adopted by the Central Executive Committee.
                      The Constitution is already indeed the RSFSR Adopted by the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets on July 10, 1918. So again, the Brest Peace was signed on behalf of the Republic of Soviets to the RSFSR.
                  2. 0
                    31 January 2018 12: 16
                    Quote: avt
                    The Tsarebozhiks on the march had already completely gone with reason. How could the RSFSR, established in 1922, lose the First World War

                    The mind has left a man who claims that
                    Quote: avt
                    RSFSR established in 1922
                    fool lol
              2. +1
                30 January 2018 23: 55
                Quote: BAI
                The result of Hitler’s intervention in the leadership of the army was a stoppage of the Wehrmacht’s retreat near Moscow (all historians admit. If it weren’t for Hitler, a stampede would begin) and Germany lasted several more years.

                However, Russia lasted the same few years after the intervention of Nicholas II.
                Quote: BAI
                I feel a huge difference.

                Point blank there is no difference.
    3. +1
      30 January 2018 21: 49
      Not the army betrayed the king, but the king betrayed the army. After all, 1917 had already fought by the 3 year, two army units had already fallen in that mindless and fruitless futile war.

      Ask about the losses in the French army to 1917 year
      And the French soldiers began to rebel in 1917 ...
      But not French generals...

      thoughtless and barren worthless war. [

      Komrad - here especially for you - there are two links to the two articles on the topic at the bottom of the article.
      if there is time, read pity.
  11. BAI
    30 January 2018 10: 06
    The role of the church in this story is generally extremely unsightly. The Russian Orthodox Church is one of the pillars of the autocracy (for which it was later repressed by the Bolsheviks), but it was the Russian Orthodox Church that refused to redeem the royal family and the guards - in the sense of a convoy (appointed by the Provisional Government) simply transferred the property to the Bolsheviks with an inventory number.
    as early as March 4, despite the absence of legal abdication of the Romanov dynasty, the Synod began sending telegrams to all dioceses with an order to stop mentioning the names of members of the “reigning house” in divine services. In the past time! Instead, it was prescribed to pray for a "faithful Provisional Government." The words “emperor”, “empress”, “heir to the throne” became forbidden.

    The money in question was intended to protect the royal family in Tobolsk, which consisted of three guards rifle companies - 330 soldiers and 7 officers. In August 1917, they were assigned a double salary, however, when the power changed, payments stopped.

    The guard agreed to transfer the royal family to any authority, to anyone who repays the debt. The monarchists of Petrograd and Moscow became aware of this. The money was collected, secretly delivered to Tobolsk and transferred to the local bishop Hermogenes.

    But by that time the structure of church administration had changed - the patriarch appeared. And Hermogenes did not dare to act independently, turned to Tikhon for a blessing. Tikhon forbade the use of these values ​​for their original purpose. Where they eventually went is unknown. Neither the NKVD nor the KGB could find any traces. Well, the Romanovs were eventually bought by the Bolsheviks. In April 1918, a detachment of Red Army soldiers led by the authorized representative of the People’s Commissar Yakovlev arrived in Tobolsk, delivering the detained salary to the guards. And he took the royal family to Yekaterinburg, at their calvary
    1. dSK
      30 January 2018 17: 50
      Quote: BAI
      just like property
      Tales from the "comrade" Soros, translation - BAI.
  12. +4
    30 January 2018 10: 58
    You will read the transcripts of the meetings of the 4th State Duma at the end of 1916. Ahnet.
    Almost complete coincidence of the rhetoric of the current "fighters with the regime" and these then deputies and leaders of the factions. The same "crooks and thieves", "it's time to change everything," and "abroad will help us."
    Moreover, the intensity is such that it was already impossible to make any decision that could save the country.
    And all this with the fierce, unprecedented support of the liberal (Jewish) press, which diligently made a certain monster out of the current government, which must be urgently destroyed, even at the cost of losing the war.
    On the other hand, revolutionaries are the organizers of strikes.
    A brilliant example, how to .. your country. Us descendants on the mustache.
    1. +2
      30 January 2018 13: 49
      Clear! The Maidan was invented in February 1917.
  13. +2
    30 January 2018 11: 08
    Quote: Per se.
    That’s the point, Mr. Oleg Egorov, that this same “February 1917” is a consequence, not a cause of the death of the empire. The reason for the global scale, going beyond what was then Russia, is the struggle for world leadership, in which tsarist Russia was an outsider. The fact that the "English woman is crap" was known for a long time, but nothing significant was done in the empire to protect against the lobby of another.

    Does this really mean the need to destroy everything? Or maybe one could try to do something significant in Russia itself to protect the empire itself? In addition to destruction, of course.
    This is the problem. Just as the USSR collapsed in due time, with almost total indifference of its citizens dragging everything that was bad from work, so the Russian Empire did not find in itself the strength to at least not destroy the bad acting Monarchy.
    And all of their statements then, of these highly learned political figures, boiled down to exactly one thing - the need to certainly destroy the current government at all costs, even if the civil war and the collapse of the state.
    The fish rots from the head say?
    No brothers. In this fish, the head is obtained from the body. What a body - such a head. Since the head rots, then the body has long been.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  14. +1
    30 January 2018 11: 34
    it was necessary to study normally at school so that there was no need to open such so-called "White spots"....
  15. +6
    30 January 2018 11: 37
    The article basically repeated many of my theses, including yesterday’s comment. And then we have a lot of boulder crunches, who blame all the blame on the alien Bolsheviks, who flew into the clouds and killed hundreds of thousands of beautiful boulder crunches. Now lieutenant Teterin will come running and start a hackneyed record about the red Fatherland, destroyed by the "Bolshevik infection". This old NTSovsky myth, invented by the CIA curators.
    1. +4
      30 January 2018 12: 39
      Quote: Altona
      who blame all the blame on the alien Bolsheviks who flew into the clouds and killed "hundreds of thousands"

      The neo-monarchist party is very touching. Yes Okay, demon with them, with undergrowth, but, in this camarilla, quite “mature” organisms are found, most of which received a ticket to life precisely from the Soviet Authority — they grew up and learned in the USSR. And then it started ... Someone dug up a family tree, which before could simply be ashamed and hide it; someone read something and Ya-ha-ha !!! It started, the circus came, yeah. But, even omitting the moment of elementary decency, all these "dances with a crown" are nothing but a consequence of self-deception. Well, well, "it’s more convenient to manage an invented world." Yes
  16. +3
    30 January 2018 11: 40
    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
    Dear Rurikovich, was the “counterbalance to capitalism” really worth the broken fates of millions of people?

    Teterin, do not you see that this is a fake? Printed on a printer, 1924, RUSSIA. What is Russia? Already there were the USSR and the RSFSR. I am ashamed to shove this garbage and crush the "tear of a child" here. Do not put fakes from Memorial here and don’t wring your hands about “broken fates” as an impressionable institute.
    1. +3
      30 January 2018 13: 49
      I didn’t drink with you at the Brudershaft. This is the first.
      And secondly, didn’t you notice that this is a modern card created on the basis of archival materials?
  17. +5
    30 January 2018 11: 43
    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
    The Bolsheviks just finished off Russia, destroying its political, military, cultural elite, and brought the most active part of the people under execution or drove them through camps, breaking the will of people and depriving them of human dignity.

    The White Guard myths finished off your brains, Lieutenant. Stop writing nonsense. Even if this is so, then it proves that any arch-brave lieutenant like you is junk and an institute in front of a real Bolshevik, a parquet guard.
    1. +5
      30 January 2018 12: 27
      Lieutenant Teterin’s Nikolaev-monarchical convictions are not close to me, but your arguments in the form of personal insults against him characterize you and your point of view as intellectual and moral insignificance. Rise from all fours, my dear, and find other words for discussion. And it’s worth apologizing to Teterin so that you yourself won’t be what you wrote.
  18. +16
    30 January 2018 13: 30
    The Bolsheviks did not overthrow the tsar. The Bolsheviks overthrew the liberal-Westernist Provisional Government.

    Amazing discovery
    100 years later guessed laughing laughing laughing
    Level awesome crying
    1. +1
      30 January 2018 20: 59
      For the general-purpose presentation of Russian history - yes, like a discovery ... request
      1. +15
        31 January 2018 08: 39
        Thats exactly what I mean
        Soon I will have to tell you what year the Second World War began.
        With such an educational level of public
  19. +3
    30 January 2018 13: 41
    Quote: Galleon
    Lieutenant Teterin’s Nikolaev-monarchical convictions are not close to me, but your arguments in the form of personal insults against him characterize you and your point of view as intellectual and moral insignificance. Rise from all fours, my dear, and find other words for discussion. And it’s worth apologizing to Teterin so that you yourself won’t be what you wrote.

    How is it? Teterin repeats the myths created by the CIA in the 1950s and Wolens-Nolens is a "useful idiot of the USA", repeating word for word of their training manual. And as for the all-encompassing all-fours, you have strongly wrapped up. Sometimes I just read the stories that lieutenant Teterin brings here for discussion and they are driven only by frenzied anti-communism. Absolutely without critical reflection of the information provided, they say, I threw you a "fact", and you will refute. And why should I refute Teterin’s fakes and let him pour lies on the Soviet past only for the reason that the lieutenant was blocked by the glitter of epaulettes and accelerants? There are eyewitnesses of that time, there are writers Makarenko, Gorky, Bulgakov, Babel, who displayed everything in literature. If we accept the Teterin paradigm, then there were no pioneer heroes, the Young Guard, there was no my grandfather who, with active actions and without detachments, crossed the Dnieper. And in general, all Soviet power was a hoax. So, Galleon, get up off your knees and stop singing songs for the sake of collaborators and traitors.
    PS And the "convictions" of Teterin are not at all Nikolaev-monarchical, but Hohenzollern-Karageorgevich’s, judging by the one whom we are hard-pressed to push the Russian throne by hook or by crook.
    1. +2
      30 January 2018 19: 40
      Quote: Altona
      repeats myths composed by the CIA in the 1950s
      Dear Altoha, let me ask, on the basis of what do you draw such conclusions? I refer, to examples, to the archives of the regional FSB, which contains data on repressed people. Do you think these archives were written by the CIA? And there were written the books of Varlam Shalamov, Euphrosyne of Kersnovskaya, Boris Shiryaev? Or maybe the CIA also faked statistical handbooks on RI?
      Quote: Altona
      they say, I threw you a "fact", and you refute.

      Actually, as a rule, in the comments I quote either links to archives, or to the research of historians. I can bring scans of documents. Therefore, the request to the opponent to refute the above is quite natural. For a cultured person.
      Quote: Altona
      And the "convictions" of Teterin are not at all Nikolaev-monarchical, but Hohenzollern-Karageorgevich’s,

      But now this was an open lie. I consider Maria Hohenzollern an impostor.
      1. 0
        30 January 2018 20: 58
        As it was supposed, the "extreme battle" of the security officers against monarchists began ...
        Interesting ... laughing
        The article is not about that, and even as if questions the meaning of such “battles”
      2. 0
        3 February 2018 12: 49
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        I consider Maria Hohenzollern an impostor.

        in what sense?
    2. +1
      30 January 2018 21: 08
      Quote: Altona
      How is it?

      Since my friend hi that when you come here, you indestructibly want to calmly and respectfully talk in discussions with smart people, albeit different from your views. And insults instead of arguments look like inferiority, you see. Yes, I remember that the Bolsheviks never respected anyone, but that time was gone, now is another time. We need to learn to respect, we need to learn to listen and hear, to prove that they say about you: "You know, I don’t share the views of the Communists, but we have a competent person at VO, Altona, and he sometimes says things that I can't help agree. "
      If you do not take your opponents with thoughtful arguments and do not part with them with respect, you will only have one option - to exterminate those who disagree. Some meager, unfortunately, or towards your tendency, views about this are discussed in the discussions in the open. (See discussion below). I sincerely wish you all the best. hi
      1. +1
        30 January 2018 21: 59
        when you come here, you want to talk calmly and respectfully in discussions with intelligent people, even if they have different views than you

        Exactly! It is for this!
  20. +3
    30 January 2018 13: 43
    "As one contemporary aptly remarked about the" new democratic power ":" They only grabbed, grabbed, grabbed ... ""
    It is very similar to modernity. If we ignore the article, then there is no doubt that this is the 1990s - 2000s.
  21. +3
    30 January 2018 13: 45
    Reasons ... Historians cannot figure out what was there and why. Each proves his own. But exactly in the article - about the Cossacks. (I am from my bell tower) Cossacks something to offer? They worked, had land, served. Could get an education. They had strong families. What did the Soviet government give them?
  22. 0
    30 January 2018 14: 07
    What is the coronation, what are you talking about? it is something beyond.
  23. +2
    30 January 2018 16: 40
    On this site, you rarely see such a quality article. To the author - a lot of respect.
  24. +1
    30 January 2018 18: 51
    "A people who do not know their history have no future." This, not entirely accurate quotation of the statement of a great man, only emphasizes the need and timeliness of such materials. The victors write the story, therefore, the big men and "grabbed" the royal abdication. Most of them have grown up; they don’t think of another. The February Revolution of the 17th is full of secrets. Yes, the Russian officer corps betrayed their sovereign and supreme commander, but neither the peasants, nor the Cossacks, not even the church, stood behind an crumbling old world. However, under almost similar circumstances, the same Cossacks and ordinary people under the banners of Pozharsky, Minin spoke for "Faith, Tsar and Fatherland", and without participation, and even with the opposition of the corrupt officers corps of that century, in the person of boyars, governor and etc. noble public. It seems to me that the author needs to consider and analyze this important fact: why the Russian Orthodox world did not support the anointed of God. I look forward to continuing. Respect to the author.
  25. +7
    30 January 2018 19: 24
    Your truly Jesuit duplicity and resourcefulness tired me of order.
    You, during our discussion today, not only constantly break into frankly provocative insulting attacks, but you lie frankly when you start talking about the history of Russia.
    You are trying to accuse me of Russophobia, but let me know: where did you see Russophobia in my words?
    The fact that I, referring to the senior lieutenant in reserve, an engineer-shipbuilder with more than one publication on the history of the Russian and Soviet fleets, prove that the Russian shipbuilding school was worthy of the world level - Russophobia?
    Or maybe Russophobia is that I, with reference to the studies of Generals Manikovsky and Barsukov, prove the enormous amount of work done by Russian engineers and workers to eliminate the "shell hunger"?
    Or is Russophobia a fact of unity of the elite of the Russian Empire and the Russian people during the war years?
    For you, Russophobia is that the princes of imperial blood, counts and barons, despite the titles and antiquity of the clan, covered with their bodies ordinary Russian youths and men who stood up to defend Russia?
    And at the same time, calling yourself a “patriot” you, without any twinges of conscience, are spreading a false myth that the Russian expeditionary force was sent to France in exchange for the supply of military equipment. This myth is false, because there is nowhere agreement in which such a condition would be spelled out. Fulfillment of union duty - yes. Sending soldiers in exchange for something - no. The British themselves are not the same as a corps, they sent their entire army with such an expeditionary corps to France and do not consider it shameful. And your words, spreading the myth, discrediting the honor of Russian WWII officers and the Russian imperial government - is this, what is not Russophobia? Russophobia, in its purest form.
    You said in your comment:
    finished off, though unfortunately not all. They left alive your ancestors, the ancestors of olgovich, Russ, soldier’s and your similar disadvantages. It is unfortunate that the GPU NKVD did not finalize on this issue
    . You regretted that the ancestors of modern Russian people were not killed. And I, and Olgovich, and Russ, and the soldier - we are all Russian people. We speak Russian. Brought up in Russian culture. We remain faithful to our homeland - Russia. And you regret that our ancestors were not killed. I repeat again: YOU. SORRY. ABOUT. WHAT DID NOT KILL RUSSIANS. And what should I call you after such words? Only a liar, a provocateur and Russophobe.
    1. +4
      30 January 2018 20: 55
      Lieutenant, you are calling for the Varangian in vain. As arguments, he has only cliches, stereotypes and personal insults. And when I, in response to his insult, called him a copy with some perversions, for which I received a warning from the moderators (he remembers and knows who he is), it turned out that this was a man without honor. He did not serve his fatherland, does not have a military rank and education, and practices words without leaving his room.
      1. +2
        30 January 2018 22: 11
        Dear Galleon, I sincerely thank you for the warning. I suspected something similar for this man, but now my assumptions have been confirmed. Thanks you! hi
      2. +2
        30 January 2018 23: 23
        wow .. dear, but will you tell me where this instance could serve as a lieutenant? You can’t clarify to me, otherwise he doesn’t speak ..
  26. 0
    30 January 2018 21: 20
    Against the backdrop of bright scarlet October, dirty pink February may not be noticed.
  27. +2
    30 January 2018 21: 31
    A person abandoning his country during the war and when the country's difficult socio-economic situation is not worthy of forgiveness.
    Everything that happened during the revolution on the conscience of this "sovereign".
    1. +1
      30 January 2018 21: 50
      Man throwing his country

      ? Did he personally have to fight for power? In the "one face"?
      1. +2
        30 January 2018 23: 34
        Well, he could call you .. or his relatives .. can you list me the members of the royal family who fought on the fronts of the civil war? You can’t .. for there were none.
      2. 0
        3 February 2018 12: 45
        Quote: Olezhek
        ? Did he personally have to fight for power? In the "one face"?

        The Emperor is not only the Ruler, the Emperor is if you Want the Banner, you save the Banner, the unit exists, even if there was only one fighter, they lost, it is disbanded even if everyone is alive
        Empire was first betrayed by the dynasty itself
  28. 0
    31 January 2018 09: 16
    They didn’t come out because they were waiting for the order,
    Quote: captain
    Oh, I love the red-flagged ones in their ability to lie. A fresh example, straight from the article Quote: “The Bolsheviks did not overthrow the tsar. The Bolsheviks overthrew the liberal-Westernist Provisional Government. The fight against the Bolsheviks was not started by the people who fought for faith, the tsar and the fatherland, but Lavr Kornilov, the general who announced the arrest of the empress and the royal family ”(Zakhar Prilepin).
    Everything in the genre, in the cinema, shows that whites fought "for faith, the king and the fatherland .." and Prilepin this bullshit, which was invented by the screenwriter sculpts as truth. The whites did not fight for the king, they fought for the convening of the constituent assembly. Dear Zahar, do not be lazy, read their program documents. Well, why lie to people.
    Now about the officers. Dear author, this is where, in what document did you read that in 1917 the officers were from noblemen in Russia?
    There is such a Soviet historian Kovtaradze. He wrote the work; "Military experts in the service of the Republic of Soviets." There he gives an assessment of the officers of the Russian army on the eve and during the First World War. Read, you may at least know that even in 1913 25% of the officers were immigrants from peasants, workers and Cossacks. And by 1917 the percentage reached 80.
    “So, in that very France after the 1793 year, such a situation took place: the Republicans opposed the monarchists, that was, it was. There was a fierce confrontation. The most interesting thing is that the French nobility and French officers for the most part stood precisely for the king. The problem was precisely in the reluctance of the bourgeois king Louis XVI to use violence. It was precisely his "character" that made the royalists doomed from the very beginning, but they were ready to go after the king and die even for such a king. In the spring of 1917 russ "officers behaved quite differently with the current monarch. At a critical moment (and he was just ready to fight!) Nicholas II did not receive any support from the army."
    Well, how can you write about something you have no idea about? The real Bolshevik !!! "Land to the peasants, the factory workers!" As there, one of the leaders of Kolomoisky said; You can promise everything, we will hang later. Well, you can’t lie even for the sake of an idea, they will stop believing. Which showed 1991g. Nobody came out to defend the Communists, people are tired of nonsense. But the homeland in 1941-45gg went to defend.
  29. 0
    3 February 2018 10: 49
    (c) The tale of how the Bolsheviks overthrew Tsar Nicholas (s)
    The meaning of the heading is the exact opposite of the real one. Then it’s not “Tale”, but “Tale”.) Nikolashka was overthrown by the bourgeois, and when these bourgeois brought the situation to complete loss of control, the Bolsheviks simply took power.
  30. 0
    3 February 2018 12: 43
    And here you asked the right question. The Romanov dynasty was overthrown much earlier. And by no means Ulyanov-Lenin with the Bolsheviks.

    the Romanov dynasty was sentenced by Peter I, the sentence of the Empire was signed by Catherine II