Russian Ambassador to Norway: Serious Subarctic Countries See No Threat from the Russian Federation

Russian ambassador to Norway Teimuraz Ramishvili, representing the Russian Federation at the international conference “Arctic Frontiers”, told journalists about the perception of Russia by the countries of the Arctic region. According to Ramishvili, many Arctic states do not view our country as a military threat. At the same time, according to the Russian diplomat, there are still states that are not set up for constructive dialogue.

RIA News cites a fragment of an interview with the Russian ambassador:
Countries that are not constructively set up and do not have economic interests in relations with us, in particular, the Baltic countries, they perceive through the lens of invented stereotypical threats. But there are none, it is pleasant to realize that the serious countries in the Arctic region perfectly understand the interest and legitimacy of our investments. Russia is welcomed as a responsible Arctic country and all countries of the Arctic region are interested in cooperation with it.

Russian Ambassador to Norway: Serious Subarctic Countries See No Threat from the Russian Federation

Apparently, Norway itself is also classified as a “serious” country, which has recently experienced considerable problems with the sale of seafood due to the loss of direct access to the Russian market.

The statement about the countries, some of which see others do not see a threat from Russia in the Arctic, came from the Ambassador’s speech after the Estonian deputy of the European Parliament (ex-foreign minister of this country) Urmas Paet. According to Mr. Paet, "Russia is militarizing the Arctic, restoring its military bases on the northern borders." The statement of the Estonian representative was criticized by the representatives of the Swedish and Norwegian delegations, who are at a conference in the city of Tromsø.

Ramishvili added the following:
Any activity — the restoration or re-equipment of old airfields that have been used for decades — is perceived as something that has been done again. Actually, no, there simply appeared financial opportunities, an understanding of the economic benefits of using Russian transportation hubs, not to mention the Northern Sea Route.
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  1. +2
    23 January 2018 05: 59
    The Varangians are not stupid and practical, I think relations with Norway will improve quickly enough. But it is better not to buy Norwegian salmon. wink
    1. +2
      23 January 2018 06: 17
      What side did the same Estonians attribute themselves to the “Arctic”? Each barrel barrel plug.
    2. +2
      23 January 2018 06: 19
      Norway was the most pro-fascist country. Dutche was resting. For a long time, we should not give a damn about those who are “afraid of us”. Or did little Medvedev give them to our Arctic waters for a handshake?
    3. +3
      23 January 2018 06: 24
      Quote: Genych
      I think relations with Norway will improve
      - To improve or worsen, - it is written with a pitchfork on the water. Ambassadors are taught specifically, so that if he utters anything, then understand how you want. Or with what intent ...
    4. +1
      23 January 2018 06: 47
      I would ask you to note Mr. Paet that Russia is restoring its military bases within its borders.
      1. +7
        23 January 2018 07: 04
        Okay, these “serious” Arctic countries will soon howl howlingly.
    5. 0
      23 January 2018 09: 45
      Quote: Genych
      Varangians are smart and practical people

      Norwegians are not Vikings, but Vikings. Varangians are northern Slavs. Historians have long perverted everything to please the West.
  2. 0
    23 January 2018 06: 05
    The diplomat beautifully sets out ... but everything can easily change in the event of any conflict between NATO and RUSSIA.

    There is no guarantee that the territories of Sweden or Norway will not be used to attack our country.
    The statement by the chief of the General Staff of Great Britain is much more interesting ...

    The General Staff of Great Britain called the Russian Federation the main threat since the Cold War

    Naturally, the northern EU countries will follow in the wake of this policy .... there should not be any illusions about friendship and good neighborliness ... as they say only business and nothing personal.
  3. +3
    23 January 2018 06: 08
    The ambassador needs to be replaced! The man is clearly out of place! How will he explain then that the Norwegians also imposed sanctions against us, that their politicians of all stripes, and even members and members of the royal family, howl that Russia has only one evil and misfortune in the world? ?? So you need to put a more adequate person in the place of the ambassador! Who doesn’t begin to brazenly lie!
    1. 0
      23 January 2018 09: 49
      Quote: Herkulesich
      Norwegians also imposed sanctions against us that their politicians of all stripes, and even members and members of the royal seven

      The ambassador most likely voiced a backstage point of view, which could radically differ from the official one. In this case, such duplicity does not at all make “honor", "serious Arctic countries".
  4. 0
    23 January 2018 06: 12
    The very statement about the countries, some of which they see, others do not see a threat from Russia in the Arctic, was heard from the mouth of the ambassador after the speech of the Estonian deputy of the European Parliament (ex-Foreign Minister of this country) Urmas Paet. According to Mr. Paet, "Russia is militarizing the Arctic, restoring its military bases on the northern borders."
    Or maybe the representatives of these countries dream of restoring the transpolar highway, and personally.
    And then the representatives of these shortcomings got everyone, even more or less loyal to them, Sweden and Norway
  5. +1
    23 January 2018 07: 16
    "Russia is militarizing the Arctic, restoring its military bases on the northern borders"
    And then the Balts managed to squeak with all their might against Russia. Here who should be silent, and especially with regard to the Arctic, is this ... By the way, on its borders Russia can do whatever it sees fit.
  6. +1
    23 January 2018 07: 16
    Everything goes on as usual. Just do not have to make excuses to all the trash, and send the dissatisfied away.
  7. 0
    24 January 2018 14: 36
    Quote: siberalt
    Or did little Medvedev give them to our Arctic waters for a handshake?

    I also remembered about this while reading the article. Why should the Norwegians be afraid of us if such a “present” was seized.