The UFSIN told why Moscow’s detention centers are overflowing

The excess of the number of those arrested over the number of places in the Moscow SIZOs is largely due to the large number of foreign citizens there, reports TASS a message from the head of the FSIN department in Moscow, Major General Sergei Moroz.

The UFSIN told why Moscow’s detention centers are overflowing

As of the end of December 2017, there were 10375 people in the pretrial detention facilities in Moscow, which exceeds the established filling limit (19,85 places) by 8657%. A year ago, the overwhelming rate was 22% (11,5 thousand people), and in the spring of 2016, it reached 30%,
said frost.

According to him, “the problem was partially solved thanks to the interaction with the prosecutor’s office and the courts - UFSIN regularly monitored the number of detainees, informing the courts and the prosecutor’s office about prisoners with whom investigative actions were not conducted for a long time.”

The situation in the capital's detention centers is largely affected by the presence of a large number of foreigners there.

Monthly, foreign nationals make up 25,4% of the total number of suspects, accused and convicted (detained). At the end of December there were 2513 foreigners,
reported frost.

For example, in “Butyrka” - one of the largest metropolitan SIZOs - the share of foreigners is up to 30% (almost 700 people at the end of December).

The head of the department also added that in Moscow in 2017 more than two thousand people were under house arrest, which is comparable to the number of people detained in a large Moscow prison.

According to the registrations of criminal-executive inspections of the Federal Penitentiary Service in Moscow for 2017, a year passed 2131 of the accused (suspects) with a preventive measure in the form of house arrest. This is 16% more than in the 2016 year (then there were 1794 people),
he said.

Moroz said that "with regard to 222, suspects and accused employees of the penitentiary inspections sent notifications to the investigating authorities and the courts about violations (conditions of house arrest) allowed by the accused and suspects to decide on the change of the preventive measure to be taken into custody."

As a rule, the courts apply additional restrictions, and only in relation to 22 a person for a year house arrest was replaced by a detention center. At the same time, 17 people (0,8%) managed to escape from house arrest.

The capital accounts for up to a third of house arrests in Russia. In 2016, the courts granted six thousand petitions for house arrest throughout the country, in the first half of 2017 of the year - 3,1 thousand.

In the Leningrad Region (including Petersburg), house arrest was administered 2016 times in 381 in the year, 2017 times in 555 in the year.

According to UFSIN in Moscow, in 2017, 2263 people were set free from the capital's detention centers. Of these, 910 - after the conviction (after the expiration of the sentence imposed, to which the term of detention was taken into account), or received a sentence not related to imprisonment, including a fine. The rest was changed preventive measure.
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  1. +38
    8 January 2018 12: 55
    Or maybe it’s more efficient not to let foreign criminals into the country?
    We understand what nationality these criminals are.
    Do not let into the country their female bellies, who come here to give birth to a freebie.
    Just limit the total number and not let new ones
    until the old ones get out of here.
    And during the detention do not be shy to eliminate.
    And then we do not need the Arabs with such "neighbors".
    1. +14
      8 January 2018 13: 09
      Putin, before the New Year, at the awarding ceremony in the Kremlin, said briefly: "Do not take prisoners ..!"
      I think soon, vacant seats .. And in Russia it will be very quiet!
      They also interrogated me at the expense of trying to escape .. Yes, tough. but to feed them guard is expensive and dangerous ..
      These will not work peacefully ...!
      1. +8
        8 January 2018 13: 20
        Well, so far there is no warning hanging on the border .. "We don’t take prisoner" .. But in the passport offices to register these ... crowds.
        Quote: VAGNER
        Putin, before the New Year, at the awarding ceremony in the Kremlin, said briefly: "Do not take prisoners ..!"
        I think soon, vacant seats .. And in Russia it will be very quiet!
        They also interrogated me at the expense of trying to escape .. Yes, tough. but to feed them guard is expensive and dangerous ..
        These will not work peacefully ...!
        1. +6
          8 January 2018 19: 24
          Quote: VAGNER
          Putin, before the New Year, at the awarding ceremony in the Kremlin, said briefly: "Do not take prisoners ..!"
          I think soon, vacant seats .. And in Russia it will be very quiet!
          They also interrogated me at the expense of trying to escape .. Yes, tough. but to feed them guard is expensive and dangerous ..
          These will not work peacefully ...!

          Most of them are sitting there, due to raider seizures of their business, with the help of our judicial system, both ours and foreigners, and a very small percentage of real criminals.
      2. +10
        8 January 2018 13: 46
        These are your personal fantasies and desires, but in real life the other day I watched a picture of how Southerners wrote documents to Asians.

        And these people who executed the documents and to whom the documents are drawn are not from the Caucasus or our other republics at all!

        And now this whole situation is exacerbated by the fall of the economy and wild inflation, which everyone has already forgotten about.

        Visitors lose their jobs and they are tempted to engage in robberies and killings, the benefit of the law to foreigners for the murder is noticeably milder.

        If anyone is interested in st. Krasnodonskaya, 24, at one of the porches the sign "Lombard" in the right wing, this party with decoration ...
      3. +5
        8 January 2018 14: 49
        Quote: VAGNER
        soon, vacant seats .. And in Russia it will be very quiet!

        Yeah ... It is unlikely to be quiet. there were about 5 million Armenians in Armenia. Now they are almost all in Russia. And what a "quiet and modest" people they are - everyone knows up to Paris!
        And the Asians of Central Asia ....
      4. +6
        8 January 2018 16: 00
        Quote: VAGNER
        Putin, before the New Year, at the awarding ceremony in the Kremlin, said briefly: "Do not take prisoners ..!"
        I think soon, vacant seats .. And in Russia it will be very quiet!
        They also interrogated me at the expense of trying to escape .. Yes, tough. but to feed them guard is expensive and dangerous ..
        These will not work peacefully ...!

        Do not write books? science fiction ...
        1. +2
          9 January 2018 11: 00
          Mikhan was not recognized, Andrei Yuryevich? Another reincarnation.
    2. +6
      8 January 2018 13: 15
      Quote: Zomanus
      And then we do not need the Arabs with such "neighbors".

      The difference between refugee Arabs who did not come to work but came for benefits, migrant workers still work very hard, including for the Russian economy. Partly small industrialization was carried out at the expense of their hands. So cities (at least millionaires) are built up with new skyscrapers, many roads were built, etc. Naturally, the flip side is ethnic crime, infection, etc. Nevertheless, there is still a positive effect. Now you still have to tighten the regime, and rightly so.
      1. +15
        8 January 2018 13: 34
        you still forgot to mention the "valiant and shock" work of Gaster on the overhaul of houses, so that the houses are then resettled
        - example, a house on Entuziastov St., 20 in Ekb.
        and how they “valiantly and shockly” steal building materials, for which then they should pay the owners right up to 2044
        but as guest workers "valiantly and shockly" arbytes in the housing sector !!!!
        By the way - about the new skyscrapers - have you personally been in at least one of them?
        maybe you were lucky to see something else, but in our relatives’s apartment in the Akademichesky metro station, such Gaster have installed window blocks in such a way that when the window was opened, the block just sunk down from the 6th floor, well, at least I didn’t kill anyone
        the same thing about roads
        what they show on tv is not at all what is actually
        1. +7
          8 January 2018 13: 46
          Quote: petka locksmith
          Gaster work on the overhaul of houses

          There is an engineer and a foreman, ask them from them, and he will be a hard worker, as he is told, so he will. And if a private trader hires someone cheaper, then he carries the risks.
          1. +6
            8 January 2018 18: 16
            I completely agree. There, the engineer and the foreman do not decide, they only monitor the work of these hard workers, and about how to build cheaper and more angry, take much higher - the owners of these high-rises
        2. +8
          8 January 2018 15: 11
          Did they supervise the construction site and also hosted the Gaster?
          1. +2
            8 January 2018 16: 55
            Quote: Curious
            Gaster took the house too

            It is impossible to check a lot of things right away, for example, in St. Petersburg, near the metro, the starry house has a house where balconies began to pour in a year after delivery, all the concrete in the ceilings was incorrectly made, and for some, it was possible to make a hole with the hand to the neighbors up or down.
            1. +11
              8 January 2018 19: 03
              It’s not a matter of verification, but the fact that the developer violates everything that is possible. It's like checking a parachute after laying - well, a ring, a lock, a “scarf”, but how are the slings? And what about the state of the dome? Etc. So is the finished house. Ilyich was right about the crime of capitalism. God forbid to check it on yourself!
              1. +1
                9 January 2018 10: 52
                Marx, and not Lenin, wrote about interest profits and the greed of capital.
            2. +7
              8 January 2018 22: 10
              "A lot of things cannot be checked right away... "Baby talk. Discover. GOST 18105-2010. Concretes. Rules of control and strength assessment. Read, there’s not much there. And you will understand that Gaster do everything as the builder requires them. And Gaster didn’t lay sand instead of concrete Well, how they took the house into operation is a separate issue.
        3. +4
          8 January 2018 16: 52
          oh well I somehow was in a house where on some twenty floor the handles in the windows in the loggia were made on the street, I first fell into a stupor and saw the window, wanting to open it, and not finding the handle, and then finding it from the street long laugh laughing
          1. +5
            8 January 2018 17: 44
            Gaster didn’t do it. I myself work as a foreman and I know how our local workers are doing. You need to always stand above them and show what and where to twist. Just turned away, and then the handles on the other side are screwed laughing
      2. +8
        8 January 2018 14: 51
        There is an Uzbek janitor in our house. In a past life, a Russian language teacher in Samarkand. I can’t say anything bad about his work, and the person is quite reasonable, and if necessary, he is always ready to help disinterestedly. So that. as in every case, one must be able to distinguish grains from chaff. This should be done by our competent authorities. primarily FMS. But no organization can have 100% efficiency, just like in mechanics. So the question is not about inviting or not, but about efficiency.
        1. +3
          9 January 2018 11: 51
          Quote: mikh-korsakov
          primarily FMS.
          - already soon 2 (!!!) years as liquidated
          2) as a resident of the border area, I can confirm, all the autumn and December are Central Asians WENT OUT from the Russian Federation. Entering - there were only a few. The reasons for leaving are commonplace - because of the difference in exchange rates, it becomes unprofitable for them to work with us. In addition, the specialists who have trained with us are in demand in their own homeland, too, at the very least, but construction projects are underway.
          3) Residents of metropolitan cities forget the nuance - that the Russian Federation is a very multinational country. And the "come along Asians" - this is 60 percent our citizens, and many lived here all their lives and came to Moscow not from abroad - but from the regions of the Russian Federation. And this is one of the reasons (of course, apart from direct corruption !!!) for which outwardly beautiful raids in hot places ended in zilch.
          4) crime "Asian" - yes, there is a place to be. But she is more striking than the local. Let me explain with an example - acquaintances live in Germany (periodically write off). He tells me with indignation that the Arab came to the pool, where his parents swam with small children and masturbated in front of everyone. They gave a year. Naturally, parents began to be afraid to take their children there. And now he tells me all this and is indignant, they say they came in large numbers. I reminded him of the pedophile in their town whom they had been hunting for 4 years and 12 children had proved (he told me) - they said he was outraged then, but less strongly. The answer killed - but he is local, a German and has lived here all his life.
          I regard the case with the Arab as terrorism - although formally it is not (“terrorism is publicly performed generally dangerous acts or threats aimed at intimidating the population or social groups in order to directly or indirectly influence the adoption of any either a decision or a waiver of it in the interests of the terrorists. ")
    3. +2
      8 January 2018 14: 27
      In Moscow these foreigners make good money. The more they plant, the more fat. Yes, they only feed and support them at the expense of the federal budget, and not Moscow. hi
    4. +3
      8 January 2018 19: 32
      To be more effective, you need to hard-drive your parasites to work hard, then migrants can be banned. I’ve been following the same route to work for twenty years, there is a log there, 20 hefty men-algolics-parasites are sitting on this log, next to a dot is 100 grams - 10 rubles. Do not believe it, they are like frozen, neither the liver, nor the kidneys, nor the lungs from the cigarette, nothing hurts them. And the services of the state (medicine, benefits, education for their drunk born Aysh) are used on a par with working taxpayers. How they will begin to work (articles on parasitism and treatment in LTP are a good experience of the USSR) - migrants with their broods will immediately go home
      1. 0
        9 January 2018 12: 09
        Quote: Dr. David livesey
        How they will begin to work (articles for parasitism and treatment in LTP - a good experience of the USSR)
        -just that you were in the know, now there are very big strains with providing work in places of execution of sentences. In reality it comes to the famous:
        "Who is on the sand pit?
        Who is loading coal?
        I AM!"
        for no work in the zones - and, accordingly, even though small - but money for cigarettes / tea / feed
  2. +22
    8 January 2018 12: 56
    Because people like me are sitting at the spikelet, and who raised the billiards from our field is held in high esteem and respect under the current authority.
    1. +11
      8 January 2018 13: 08
      Quote: jolly deckhand
      people like me sit at the spikelet

      Do you find yourself milking millet from a collective farm field?
      1. +5
        8 January 2018 15: 13
        Quote: hrych
        Do you find yourself milking millet from a collective farm field?

        Kamaz ...! Offended ..))))
        Rather, the toad crushes that KAMAZ, it was necessary compounds .. Here is their essence! Not even shy ..
      2. +1
        9 January 2018 11: 54
        Quote: hrych
        Quote: jolly deckhand
        people like me sit at the spikelet

        Do you find yourself milking millet from a collective farm field?
        - canceled a long time due to the lack of collective farm property .. For what sits - it is not clear ...
    2. +2
      9 January 2018 03: 58
      Well, duck has always been like that. One German Adolf in the 20th century told the secretary who was looking for his flashlight. “I don't steal flashlights.” I steal the state. Because those who steal flashlights. They are hung up. And those who steal the state walk around in freedom.
  3. mad
    8 January 2018 12: 57
    Is it a Military Review or a Bulletin of the UFSIN? It is necessary to depart from the holidays)))
    1. +6
      8 January 2018 13: 10
      Quote: mad
      Is it a Military Review or a Bulletin of the UFSIN? It is necessary to depart from the holidays)))

      Well, not yet Echo of Moscow ..! ))))
  4. +3
    8 January 2018 13: 01
    There are no stars and stripes there? And the place would be vacated and exchanged for ours.
  5. +17
    8 January 2018 13: 02
    Or maybe you need to comply with the laws, and not to put "scapegoats," but to catch and plant real criminals, otherwise for the sake of statistics of "felt boots" all sorts of jails and then prisons are caught and slaughtered by them! Our law-enforcement machine does not work, creeps to its side, crushing bundles of random people!
  6. +2
    8 January 2018 13: 17
    As of the end of December 2017, 10375 people were held in pre-trial detention centers in Moscow, which exceeds the established limit of filling (19,85 places) by 8657%

    Somehow it's not serious; for 10-15 million people, only 8 thousand places in jail. Yes, even for the capital.
  7. +6
    8 January 2018 13: 29
    The UFSIN told why Moscow’s detention centers are overflowing
    As always, they catch a trifle. Krupnyak in the Kremlin. But there, the catch limit determined the GDP.
  8. +2
    8 January 2018 13: 33
    Quote: hrych
    So cities (at least millionaires) are built up with new high-rises, many roads were built, etc.

    you still forgot to mention the "valiant and shock" work of Gaster on the overhaul of houses, so that the houses are then resettled
    - example, a house on Entuziastov St., 20 in Ekb.
    and how they “valiantly and shockly” steal building materials, for which then they should pay the owners right up to 2044
    but as guest workers "valiantly and shockly" arbytes in the housing sector !!!!
    By the way - about the new skyscrapers - have you personally been in at least one of them?
    maybe you were lucky to see something else, but in our relatives’s apartment in the Akademichesky metro station, such Gaster have installed window blocks in such a way that when the window was opened, the block just sunk down from the 6th floor, well, at least I didn’t kill anyone
    the same thing about roads
    what they show on tv is not at all what is actually
  9. +7
    8 January 2018 13: 48
    Migrant workers ... some losses ... 1 out of 10 works ... but everyone regularly transfers money to the camps, they are a brake on the development of the country's economy. If you translate the calculation of the number of people kept to the number of residents ... then the numbers will go several times to the main population ... and this is only a small part that they could detain ... virtually all the grouse on migrants.
  10. +2
    8 January 2018 14: 04
    Personal IMHO. There is a category of crimes, very common. These are bribes and fraud. If these crimes are committed WITHOUT the use of violence, then you shouldn’t imprison such criminals. They need to be fined twice as much as the total atrocious crime and hang a bracelet with wiretapping and tracking. You can even establish a special badge - "bribe taker", "fraudster" - mandatory to wear. There are all sorts of pickpockets and tweezers)
    1. +14
      8 January 2018 14: 29
      Quote: tchoni
      Personal IMHO. There is a category of crimes, very common. These are bribes and fraud. If these crimes are committed WITHOUT the use of violence, then you shouldn’t imprison such criminals. They need to be fined twice as much as the total atrocious crime and hang a bracelet with wiretapping and tracking.

      They hope so, back in the 90s ...! There is only one way to deal with such ones .. And there is a lot of experience ..!

      You can kick, but Joseph is right ..!
      1. +3
        8 January 2018 14: 59
        That is, then the "prisoners of conscience" and other thieving "political prisoners" divorced.
        1. +5
          8 January 2018 15: 07
          Quote: Sinbad
          That is, then the "prisoners of conscience" and other thieving "political prisoners" divorced.

          And everyone demanded compensation, and then they fled to Israel and the USA ..
          1. 0
            8 January 2018 15: 08
      2. +7
        8 January 2018 19: 06
        Stalin was generally right in many ways.
    2. 0
      9 January 2018 11: 58
      Quote: tchoni
      They must be fined in the amount of twice a large amount of perfect crime

      - did not try to read the Criminal Code ???10 to 50 times has long been
      Criminal Code Article 290. Receiving a bribe
      1. Obtaining by an official, a foreign official or an official of a public international organization in person or through an intermediary bribes in the form of money, securities, other property or in the form of illegally providing him with property services, providing other property rights (including when a bribe is transferred to another natural or legal person as instructed by an official) for taking actions (inaction) in favor of the bribe giver or of the persons represented by him, if the indicated actions (inaction) fall within the official authority of the official or if, by virtue of his official position, he can contribute to the indicated actions (inaction), as well as for general patronage or connivance in the service -
      shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles, or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or in the amount of from ten to fifty times the amount of a bribe with the deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years, or correctional labor for a period of one year to two years with the deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years, or forced labor for a period of up to five years with the deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years, or imprisonment for a period of up to three years with a fine in the amount of from ten to twenty times the amount of a bribe or without it.
  11. +7
    8 January 2018 14: 24
    ... Moscow's detention facilities are crowded ... What's the problem? Build new isolators with the help of funds such as Zakharchenko (about 9 billion) and placed under house arrest of corrupt officials. Enough to build only one shopping centers.
  12. +4
    8 January 2018 14: 35
    The excess of the number of people arrested over the number of places in Moscow pre-trial detention centers is largely due to the large number of foreign citizens there

    For these foreign citizens, I would suggest making a separate detention center on some island in the North Sea.
  13. +4
    8 January 2018 14: 43
    Quote: hrych
    many roads were built, etc. Naturally, the flip side is ethnic crime, infection, etc.

    nevermind - the "reverse side" !!! Let the half of the country die, but "etc." they will build ... The question then is who will get it later? Those who are mostly built are dumped in Kursaveli, the indigenous population is dying out catastrophically ... There will remain "dear" guests of the capital and its environs.
    And we all care about Europe.
  14. +1
    8 January 2018 14: 45
    Quote: Terenin
    (out of 9 billion)

    these queues have long been lined up .. new pockets are sewn.
  15. +6
    8 January 2018 14: 58
    It seems that now he sits more than in his time in the USSR. And this despite the fact that for a large list of articles the criminal punishment was replaced by an administrative one. Plus regular amnesties with and without. Those convicted of power and money generally migrated to the untouchable caste, both literally and figuratively. Salute, democracy?
    1. +7
      8 January 2018 19: 12
      No. Salute, chaos! How much is sitting on a case, how much is sitting because investigations have been stretching for years, how many are sitting who have crossed the wrong path? How much then, after justification, will lose health? If you start to plant cops with ordinary citizens, the situation will change dramatically, I think.
      1. +4
        8 January 2018 19: 24
        Who will plant them? They are all “in the subject,” at the trough, a proven electorate. I recalled a story that surfaced somewhere beyond the Urals. When the cops hit a businessman, and he began to search for the truth and connected journalists who found out that in the local police department there were literally all relatives, Dagestanis by origin. And yesterday I talked with friends - one of them, a motorcyclist, a woman in a car intentionally pushed off the road. The husband turned out to be a cop, so they tried to merge the matter for 1,5 years. It’s good that everything turned out fine, but those who put the investigation “under the cloth” did not receive any punishment. And they won’t.
        1. +2
          8 January 2018 22: 40
          we have in the Ordzhonikidze district in the OP 14,15, dagi are predominantly district police with a half-hour gold jar clock, there are also PPS - that is, where you can easily pick up from the "land" - to rob the locals and get a share from your own countrymen
          knowledge - 0 - they communicate with people like "everyones climb here"
  16. +1
    8 January 2018 14: 58
    The article on temporary detention facilities and migrants is more suitable for the weekly AiF than for the Military Review. In AiF report and explain why this happens, IMHO smile
  17. +3
    8 January 2018 15: 30
    Ahhhhh! So that’s why power-holding corrupt officials are kept under subscription and house arrest and then given suspended sentences !!
    1. +6
      8 January 2018 19: 13
      Yeah, all the seats are taken! laughing drinks
  18. +6
    8 January 2018 17: 23
    With Russians, outside of Russia, no one is ceremonious. So why are we doing this? It is only thought not because we are kind and cordial. but because local "managers" to one place. such a state of affairs. They get their “grandmothers" from this and everything is a "bunch"!
  19. amr
    9 January 2018 10: 58
    All locals do not like visitors so much ..))) and everywhere, everywhere they are stupid, illiterate, freeloaders, parasites, criminals and work are taken away, and they interfere with life .....
    .... is it not easier - deportation without the right to return! I don’t know for serious crimes, but for theft, hooliganism, drug addiction, immediately a subracker and home, and to the border service all the data!
  20. 0
    9 January 2018 20: 07
    Honestly, I don’t understand why a pre-trial detention center should be placed in capital buildings?
    And if with a lack of places to deploy the required number of zones camp type? To fence the territory with a thorn and build cottages for prisoners there? (Fortunately, there is experience.) It will be spacious and the air will be fresh.
    1. 0
      10 January 2018 08: 37
      because from a pre-trial detention center it is possible both at will and in jail, and you suggest that they ALREADY serve a part of the term in a penal colony (milder punishment)