The military situation in Syria: "Cannibalism" among militant groups

In the northern part of the Syrian province of Hama, ISIS terrorists attacked the positions of al-Qaeda militants, beating off the last eight settlements. This is not the first time that bandits from one group attack others. Be that as it may, this means only one thing: in the north of the country, a substantial presence of forces hostile to Syria still exists and after the liberation of the areas bordering Iraq with Iraq, units of official Damascus will be sent there.

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  1. 0
    23 November 2017 10: 01
    In the northern part of the Syrian province of Hama, ISIS terrorists attacked the positions of al-Qaeda militants, capturing the last eight settlements. This is not the first time that bandits from one group attack others
    humiliate and dominate ... what remains when the "main" players are "fucked up and humiliated. You need to let out a pair ... from our VKS -prus, like a kid. drinks fresh breeze to you from the sea, guys, when you relax, a military rose of winds, may Good luck give you, you are doing everything right.