ICTY sentenced Ratko Mladic to life imprisonment

Once again, the structure reminded of itself, which continues to feed an entire army of officials from around the world. This is the so-called ICTY - the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, known for its very one-sided approach to punishing those who at one time took part in hostilities in the Balkans.

The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia convicted 75-year-old Serbian General Ratko Mladic. According to the court, Mladic will serve his sentence of life imprisonment. At the same time, the trial of the general itself lasted from the spring of 2012. The charges against Ratko Mladic were made back in 1995 year.

Mladic was accused of dozens of points, including such as the “deliberate blockade of Sarajevo, which led to the death of more than 9 thousands of people”, “the massacre of the Muslim population in Srebrenica”. As is customary in the courts of "higher democracy", as a starting point of the process, only those characteristics of Mladic that were voiced by his enemies were considered.

ICTY sentenced Ratko Mladic to life imprisonment

In Serbia, Ratko Mladic is considered a national hero who defended the officer’s duty to the end, trying to resist the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. In the West, the very name of Mladic is represented as a synonym for a “war criminal.” As can be seen, the ICTY as a result (as in the overwhelming majority of cases) delivered precisely such a sentence, which was initially promoted by Western advisers.
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  1. +28
    22 November 2017 14: 40
    Who are the judges? Who is blaming the general? Those who staged the genocide of the Serbian people. It is a pity that we cannot help the general in anything but to express our negative attitude to the vile and inhuman trial on the Internet.
    1. +8
      22 November 2017 14: 42
      Quote: solzh
      Who are the judges? Who is blaming the general? Those who staged the genocide of the Serbian people. It is a pity that we cannot help the general in anything but to express our negative attitude to the vile and inhuman trial on the Internet.

    2. +8
      22 November 2017 14: 42
      Chaos and scum these judges
      1. +13
        22 November 2017 14: 57
        Yes, the whole tribunal, cheap farce, the price is penniless, everything was bought in the bud or pressed by the European bureaucracy, what happens to jurisprudence at this tribunal is better not to know am
        1. +19
          22 November 2017 15: 09
          Ah, "well done" - for 58 days they bombed Belgrade, and the man who stood up to defend his land - "Criminal", as everything is liberal - is democratically! am I hope that someday I will see a tribunal over NATO countries, and in particular the United States, for the destruction of the state of Yugoslavia! Yes
          1. +7
            22 November 2017 15: 19
            There’s nothing to be surprised if you remember who was mainly part of the administration of the Amer’s occupation zone in Germany in the 45th, almost every Nazi criminal didn’t worry, so here it’s not grateful to expect anything new from them.
          2. +1
            22 November 2017 17: 22
            Buddy I’ll correct it a bit, allow it if I correctly understood your comment. Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic with associates acted a little earlier, mainly in Croatia and in Bosnia. There, the conditions for "activity" were somewhat different. Civil War. But, later, with the use of NATO forces and their dominance.
            Union Yugoslavia, Belgrade was destroyed later, under S. Milosevic, in 1999
            Although it is not a fact that Ratko Mladic did not participate in the territory of his former country after the Dayton Accords of 1995, for example, in Kosovo and Metohija. We do not know this.
            But the essence of your comment does not change from this.
          3. +5
            23 November 2017 07: 07
            I would also like to see, not even in this life.
          4. 0
            23 November 2017 07: 34
            Quote: Sergey-svs
            Ai "well done" - 58 days bombed Belgrade, and the man who stood up to defend his land - "Criminal", as everything is liberal

            "He came to the defense of his land" and giving the order to shell Pofalichy (a suburb of Sarajevo), because there are "a little Serbian population" (!!!).

            They would be silent in a rag. fool
            1. +1
              23 November 2017 11: 53
              Quote: analgin

              Here we have professional beggars from Ukraine beaten. They claim that “surfing the Internet” is the lowest caste, earning is an order of magnitude lower than collecting alms.
      2. +6
        22 November 2017 15: 59
        Quote: Shura Perm
        Chaos and scum these judges

        Judges work for those who bombed Serbia. And then Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria .... Arranged the genocide of the white population in Europe itself ("Values" on the destruction of the healthy foundations of the community + uncontrolled migration, terrorists, etc.). .In theory, the tribunal is crying over them.
        Fortitude and courage to the hero, but he does not occupy them.
      3. +2
        22 November 2017 20: 30
        They simply work out their 30 pieces of silver.
    3. +10
      22 November 2017 14: 43
      What kind Europeans have become, and yet they could have strangled in a cell like poor old Milosevic ...
    4. +5
      22 November 2017 14: 44
      No one will help.Who are the judges? Not related. rules Europe. The general cannot be saved. Russophobia. Remember Milosevic.
      1. +12
        22 November 2017 14: 55
        Milosevic died before the end of the investigation! I did not live to see ... We can say that it was lucky! The Kingdom of heaven!
        1. +4
          22 November 2017 14: 57
          This is well-known. They simply brought humane to a heart attack. I hope, and soon they will have a court with hemp rope.
        2. +2
          22 November 2017 17: 35
          Quote: Anarchist
          Milosevic died before the end of the investigation! I did not live to see ... We can say that it was lucky!

          Milosevic was killed, before the trial. We felt that the trial could crumble. Now, Another Serb has been condemned for love in the Homeland and his people. Long live the European Court, the most “humane” court in the world. Who will tell stories about the “blessed” Europe, where order and prosperity reign?
          1. 0
            23 November 2017 11: 57
            Quote: Orionvit
            .Who else will tell stories about the "blessed" Europe,

            Who - who? Analgin, Krasnodar, Belyash in all incarnations, Professor, Privalov (such a surname was fucked up!)
      2. +3
        22 November 2017 15: 31
        Quote: VERESK
        No one will help.Who are the judges? Not related. rules Europe. The general cannot be saved. Russophobia. Remember Milosevic.

        Yes there are defenders, but something their voice was not heard at all all this time. Of course, the media are controlled, but nevertheless, it was initiated by the State Duma of the Russian Federation 5 years ago. On December 19 on December 2012, the Russian Public Committee for the Defense of General Mladic was established in the State Duma of the Russian Federation in defense of the Serbian patriot General Ratko Mladic. What has been done for 5 years? We have the right to know. Perhaps the people could help something. In the end, they found the opportunity to save Yanukovych, why it was impossible to organize the transfer of Mladich to Russia ?!
        1. +3
          22 November 2017 15: 42
          why it was impossible to organize the transfer of Mladic to Russia ?! Who was our president then? This is the answer to your question.
          1. +1
            22 November 2017 17: 24
            The primacy of international law over sovereign was! And the Kremlin was sensitive to it.
        2. +1
          22 November 2017 18: 19
          why it was impossible to organize the transfer of Mladic to Russia ?! The country was not in the zone of our interests at that time. Our president, vodka drank \ .baba was walking. We lost everything at that time. Except for the drunken conducting by the German orchestra.
          1. +1
            22 November 2017 23: 33
            Quote: VERESK
            why it was impossible to organize the transfer of Mladic to Russia ?! The country was not in the zone of our interests at that time. Our president, vodka drank \ .baba was walking. We lost everything at that time. Except for the drunken conducting by the German orchestra.

            Eheh, yes, if he were a woman walking !!
        3. 0
          23 November 2017 12: 07
          Quote: Svetlana
          The Russian Public Committee for the Defense of General Mladic was established. What has been done in 5 years?

          It's funny Can I have a link? Or all the information from LJ?
          How softer? Mladic is from Croatia, not from Serbia. Serbia did not extradite ANYONE to the “European court”.
          We have relations with Croatia - they owe Gref, and a lot. And no more.
          And we do not recognize this “court”.
          And we do not interfere in the internal affairs of other states, even existing "in fact."
          So - only diplomacy, and this is a very long way with those who understand only "gunboat diplomacy".
          1. 0
            23 November 2017 21: 10
      3. +7
        22 November 2017 19: 32
        Quote: VERESK
        No one will help.Who are the judges? Not related. rules Europe. The general cannot be saved. Russophobia. Remember Milosevic.

        and who are we? when they betrayed the only country — which remained faithful to the former USSR, and was waiting for help from both Belarusians and us. and we are like .......
        1. +3
          22 November 2017 22: 07
          Our guano, at ours, here for "faithful little brothers" ??? we don’t read the story at all, perhaps ... the Serbs ALWAYS were on their own, we can somehow during the war with the Nazis, some for friendship / union were, as it were. And then they moved cheerfully in such a Europe ... now it’s just in a geyropu, and therefore HIS OVERVIEWS HAVE HANDED FOR JUDGMENT.
          Me on such little brothers / soyuznichkov just be-eee ... in short, we have such a guano and our own.
          1. 0
            23 November 2017 12: 10
            Quote: rocket757
            Serbs ALWAYS were on their own

            Do not confuse with Croats? And it seems so.
            1. +3
              23 November 2017 13: 41
              No - no, for the ugly I am aware, just tell me you are a nice person, where and when can we see for this very fraternal support from Yugoslavia ??? They were not our enemies, it is understandable, and the Serbian and other Slavic peoples of the republic treated the Russians maybe not badly, but for the most part nothing.
              I have no questions, complaints to them ... Slavs, Orthodox, they just were strictly oriented towards Europe, it was tastier and sweeter to feed on.
              That’s the whole philosophy, they didn’t have our troubles at all, well, maybe someone worried, even sincerely, not the point ... they remembered for the little brothers and they voted just when that very Europe started evening ... that’s such a compote.
              And again, I don’t have any complaints about them, I just don’t believe a penny, the country, the people who surrendered their defenders. Their sales were not won, they were crushed morally. and deal with such, brrrr and it’s dangerous ... they’ll surrender.
              1. 0
                23 November 2017 15: 42
                Quote: rocket757
                where and when can we see for this very fraternal support from Yugoslavia ??? They were not our enemies, it is understandable, and the Serbian and other Slavic peoples of the republic treated the Russians maybe not badly, but for the most part nothing.

                How do Muscovites feel about us - in any case, with a slight touch of contempt. Boom to continue examples?
                Actually, on this all your arguments and assumptions fall apart.
                Quote: rocket757
                I don’t believe in a penny, the country, the people who surrendered their defenders.

                Nothing that Serbia was the first to leave the Federation, because otherwise the Croats would have killed them? Bosnia was in Croatia during the triple march, presidential elections and NATO intervention in _Croatia_, and not Yugoslavia, which was no longer there. So where and whom did the _Bosnian_ Serbs protect?
                Nevertheless, Serbia accepted all the "Bosnians", there was a presidential decree on their status - but the "so tough" ones were torn to the stage, that is, the tribunal. They believed that they would defend _ their country_ — not Serbia. There was an open letter from Milosevic to the President of Serbia with a persistent request not to impede their surrender. But - order is order, for their access to the body of the tribunal and the European stage, arrest and extradition were required. Serbia resisted - I don’t remember now, but for about 3 months, there were emissaries from Moscow, but the perseverance of the defendants won.
                Gossip from the Serbo-Croatian press, including decrees. Then we even read newspapers. Free subscription ended a little later.
                1. +3
                  24 November 2017 07: 50
                  Our guano, at our guano ... I also know about it, I don’t live in capitals, I’ll say more, I’ve traveled all over the union \ visited everywhere and felt “love” for the attitude of different peoples and people of individual cities. So to argue that there crumbled and how, at your personal opinion. The topic, however, is about another.
                  For Yugoslavia ... my opinion may be biased, it did not form yesterday, much earlier. I am at least suspicious of all the "bros" .... Serbs in that zone of "trust", too.
                  You are deeper in the subject, I agree and accept this justification, you yourself did not want to delve deeper. So my opinion is not very changeable, tk. It was only additional confirmation of what happened before.
                  My opinion cannot be the only true one, and it doesn’t matter at all ... so personal relation, but for the sake of objectivity, I read and see the info.
    5. +1
      22 November 2017 15: 10
      I’m more worried about who gave him to this trial? There are enemies, and it was clear from the very beginning of their existence, but who issued them, and where? The country should know its “heroes” by name. .Pood of cement on the neck and in the swamp
      1. +2
        22 November 2017 15: 34
        He was issued: Boris Tadic (President of Serbia in 2004-2012); Serbian Minister of Justice Snejana Malovic (signed the extradition order)
      2. +3
        22 November 2017 22: 10
        HAVE given it out to YOURSELF, those of which he defended ... and for sure, thirty pieces of silver in equivalent and in short ... exactly there.
        1. 0
          24 November 2017 07: 25
          Let us not condemn Serbia, which was ready to quarrel with all the national heroes, in extreme cases, to pack it and send it to the Russian Federation.
          This is a life position. The right himself came to an unholy court. Knowing everything in advance. In order to confirm for all the dishonesty of the court. (Yugoslavs, Choj, they are.)
  2. +5
    22 November 2017 14: 45
    Vae victis - grief for the vanquished.
  3. +10
    22 November 2017 14: 45
    ICTY sentenced Ratko Mladic to life imprisonment

    "Long live the ICTY - the most incorruptible and objective court in the world!" fool am negative (foul language and mats in 40 floors).
    1. +3
      22 November 2017 14: 50
      mats in 40 floors 42.
    2. +5
      22 November 2017 15: 09
      Carla Ponti is not, but her work lives on! The boatswain mat for 15,5 minutes! negative
      1. +4
        22 November 2017 15: 27
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        The boatswain mat for 15,5 minutes

        I carefully and delightedly listen, in order to remember more born from the land of elegant literature. good
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Carla Ponti is not, but her work lives on!

        As long as there is someone to sponsor, her cause will not die. No.
        1. +5
          22 November 2017 15: 31
          Quote: Jedi
          graceful literature

          My partner sang obscene ditties for two hours, never repeating myself! drinks
          1. +1
            22 November 2017 23: 38
            Quote: Uncle Lee
            Quote: Jedi
            graceful literature

            My partner sang obscene ditties for two hours, never repeating myself! drinks

            Heh, and after all there is a bend of Peter the Great !!! And on the topic, then Borya passed all of our allies !!! So we have what we have !!
    3. +4
      22 November 2017 15: 15
      Quote: Jedi
      ICTY sentenced Ratko Mladic to life imprisonment

      "Long live the ICTY - the most incorruptible and objective court in the world!" fool am negative (foul language and mats in 40 floors).

      If the court! And then the tribunal.
  4. +5
    22 November 2017 14: 49
    Is the trial of the collective West against the "Balkan Russians" gaining relevance again? Another action of humiliation of the Serbs. In the West, they will obviously come up with how to use it against the Russians.
    1. 0
      23 November 2017 12: 18
      Yes, and these people condemn our extraordinary triples (each case on a separate order) and forbid us to pick our nose !!!
  5. +2
    22 November 2017 14: 54
    When will the perpetrators of the Yugoslav tragedy pin dosses and brazen Britons end up in the dock? That’s why the tribunal doesn’t cry, weeps. To destroy a prosperous country with numerous civilian casualties and to plant those who hindered them in ethnic cleansing of the Serbs is European and American. I think if what a big bargain will begin in Geyrop, then they will be crushed first and without any pity, they brought too much grief and suffering to the Yugoslavs.
  6. +4
    22 November 2017 14: 59
    A biased court simply could not do otherwise.
  7. +2
    22 November 2017 15: 08
    With the same success, you can sentence: Clinton, Bush and Obama to death ...
  8. +2
    22 November 2017 15: 20
    The whole essence of Western civilization! Also in a single former country. In fact, against the nation.
    Tribunal (lat. Tribunal - court) - an emergency court, often (but not necessarily) military, one way or another opposed to the regular courts of general jurisdiction. The name “tribunal” was the Inquisition Courts.
  9. +2
    22 November 2017 15: 49
    Quote: K-50
    When will the perpetrators of the Yugoslav tragedy pin dosses and brazen Britons end up in the dock? That’s why the tribunal doesn’t cry, weeps. To destroy a prosperous country with numerous civilian casualties and to plant those who hindered them in ethnic cleansing of the Serbs is European and American. I think if what a big bargain will begin in Geyrop, then they will be crushed first and without any pity, they brought too much grief and suffering to the Yugoslavs.

    I'd like to believe what will happen! Nuremberg 2.0 ...
    Otherwise, the world would have “collapsed”, probably for a long time
  10. +2
    22 November 2017 17: 07
    against the background of Obama, Trump, Merkel and other European leaders (I wanted to write the first letter differently, correctly), who destroyed the system and hundreds of thousands of lives in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Mladic - a saint!
  11. +1
    22 November 2017 17: 47
    It is necessary to rescue the general by any means. Then deal with this farce.
  12. 0
    22 November 2017 17: 50
    First of all, it is necessary to judge the ICTY - it was they who justified the real criminals against humanity. Milosevic was sent to the other world, after a quietly acquitted. Why does the Russian Federation so eagerly break into these European sharashki: their criminal politicization has long been obvious. At first they will bomb, kill, then quietly mumble that there was no reason.
  13. +3
    22 November 2017 19: 40
    [quote] On May 26, 2011, Bosnian Serb military leader Ratimir Mladic was arrested by Serbian police. His arrest is one of the main conditions for Serbia's entry into the European Union. Most Serbs are against the extradition of a national hero to the Hague tribunal. But they are ruled by Judas. And there is no Russian power that would unite and protect the Slavic brothers. And there is no unity of the Slavs, delimited by different faiths. Alas, there is no unity within the people and even within the individual family ... [quote]
    The question is not: “Who are the judges?” The answer is clear. And not even the one who sold it from his own. Everything here is also transparent. But the fact is that most Serbs, many of whom were directly affected by the war, looked indifferently as their defender with the hands of their own Judas gave into the clutches of the "Eurohumanizers." And now, after the verdict, they will remain silent, hoping for handouts from the European Union. At the same time, the current president of Serbia received another warning not to try very hard to get closer to Russia, for ...... And the people, as usual, are silent.
    1. 0
      23 November 2017 12: 27
      Quote: k174un7
      Bosnian Serb military leader

      Is it nothing that at that time Croatia, and later Bosnia and Herzegovina - that is, a foreigner in Serbia?
      Quote: k174un7
      Most Serbs are against the extradition of a national hero to the Hague tribunal. But they are ruled by Judas.

      And the fact that these folk heroes were eager for the "European rostrum" of the tribunal is not considered?
  14. +1
    22 November 2017 20: 38
    "The ICTY sentenced Ratko Mladic to life"
    - The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) itself "needs" a life sentence. NATO and America committed aggression against Yugoslavia and then set up a farce - a trial of the Serbs and tore Kosovo and Mitochia, the birthplace of Serbian Orthodoxy. They still pour out the tears of the Serbs.
    1. 0
      23 November 2017 12: 35
      Quote: PValery53
      committed aggression against Yugoslavia

      Damn, where did you all get stuck with this stamp? !!!
      What the hell “aggression” is intervention. Or invasion, capture.

      And aggression is when someone swore for a long time, and he, so bad, took and showed his teeth! And the mothers were hysterical, "they were threatened."

      Damn, do not learn Russian from the current "media".
  15. +3
    22 November 2017 22: 03
    Quote: solzh
    Who are the judges? Who is blaming the general? Those who staged the genocide of the Serbian people. It’s a pity that we can’t help the general except to express their negative attitude to the vile and inhumane trial on the Internet.

    Why can't you help?
    It is possible, with the help of a pro, to steal some general from the USA or from the European country of NATO, and bring him to Moscow. And in Moscow to set up their own military tribunal for genocide and massacres in Yugoslavia. And pronounce the exact same sentence.
    Everything should be mirrored and without double standards.
    If the US-NATO can kidnap and go to jail, then Russia MUST do it.
    1. 0
      23 November 2017 12: 46
      Quote: Berkut-UA
      And in Moscow to set up their own military tribunal for genocide and massacres in Yugoslavia. And pronounce the exact same sentence.

      The Serbian tribunal took place, the documents and the ruling are published, are on the Internet.
      Quote: Berkut-UA
      You can use the pros to steal from the United States or from the European country of NATO

      ? It is worth noting that this topic is not for discussion.
  16. +4
    22 November 2017 22: 14
    Quote: solzh
    He was issued: Boris Tadic (President of Serbia in 2004-2012); Serbian Minister of Justice Snejana Malovic (signed the extradition order)

    Well, yes, yes, they alone are to blame!?!?!? And who chose them, or they hatched themselves, grew out of mold.
    "Brothers" are very sick with a geyropa ... but do we need to drag this infection to ourselves ... are we probably so very healthy?
    1. +2
      22 November 2017 23: 37
      Quote: rocket757
      Well, yes, yes, they alone are to blame!?!?!?

      No. Still to blame, at that time already dead, Zoran Djindjic, who was killed on March 12, 2003 by the deputy commander of the special forces detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, Zvezdan Jovanovic, who stated that in this way he hoped to stop the extradition of Serbian patriots to the Hague Tribunal. Well, the people ... Our people are to blame for choosing Yeltsin as president of the Russian Federation in 1991?
      1. +4
        23 November 2017 00: 10
        This is our guano, you can’t say anything against ... we can’t choose with our "heart" !!! But with the mind we do not know how.
        1. 0
          23 November 2017 00: 16
          I just wanted to say that the people have nothing to do with it, the politicians in Serbia, what we have, well ... you understand, they always use the people for their own purposes.
          1. +5
            23 November 2017 07: 55
            People are trying to do nothing at all, namely when making a decision, when sharing the wealth of the country etno. But this people allows you to push him aside !!! So there’s nothing to say that the people really have nothing to do with it ... the authorities have chosen, their decisions are tacitly supported or not, one figs - they have surrendered their defenders, GUILT IN ALL THIS!
            We have our troubles, but precisely for the same reason ... we are silent in a rag and hope for a good gentleman ??? Why did our ancestors shed blood? Certainly not for that.
  17. +1
    23 November 2017 15: 30
    Ratko Mladic is a true hero of our time.
  18. +1
    23 November 2017 22: 35
    But the Serbs seem to be silent .... National hero? then ... But if this tribunal is of an international type, then Clinton must be judged for the bombing and uranium tips in the ammunition, not talking about some of the leaders of Bosnia ... (Muslims)
    1. 0
      24 November 2017 07: 29
      The Serbs held their tribunal and condemned _all_ those who gave orders and those involved.
      Online ruling for a long time.
  19. 0
    27 November 2017 22: 30
    Quote: analgin
    Quote: Sergey-svs
    Ai "well done" - 58 days bombed Belgrade, and the man who stood up to defend his land - "Criminal", as everything is liberal

    "He came to the defense of his land" and giving the order to shell Pofalichy (a suburb of Sarajevo), because there are "a little Serbian population" (!!!).

    They would be silent in a rag. fool

    Yes, he fought for his country - for Yugoslavia, which was torn apart by nationalists - Croatian Ustashs and Islamists from Bosnia and Albania. Yes, he gave orders to clean the settlements from terrorists. And he did it in response to the massacres and genocide of the Serbs. I don’t remember the name of the Mksklman general who was hiding behind the line of the so-called blue helmets, and when he left this area he killed the Serbs. And everyone knows that on his personal order about 40 THOUSAND civilian Serbs were killed. His fighters also killed the Croats .... but not in such numbers. And this general was tried by the Hague Tribunal and ..... RELEASED FOR NOT BY THE NAME OF THE SIGNS. So - double standards, not only in the United States but also in the enslaved Europe.