The IMF has set the budget parameters-2018 for Ukraine

The mission of the International Monetary Fund completed the next stage of work in Ukraine. The permanent representative of the IMF in Ukraine, Jost Lyungman, stated that the work continued from 9 to 17 in November and was aimed at discussing the parameters of the Ukrainian budget for the next year.

It is reported that the members of the IMF mission have already left Ukraine, but the budgetary nuances are still being coordinated. In particular, it is said that the plank of the budget deficit of Ukraine at the level of 2,5% is subject to agreement. It was under such a bar that the IMF previously authorized the allocation of credit tranches. Planck corresponds to approximately 78 billion hryvnia.

According to the latest data, Ukraine cannot guarantee that in 2018, it will keep the budget deficit at the level of 2,5%. At the same time, Kiev in the IMF was given to understand that if the deficit turns out to be higher than the specified value, the foundation will cease to “so actively support Ukrainian reforms.”

The IMF has set the budget parameters-2018 for Ukraine

The IMF also noted that they approve the inflation parameter adopted earlier in Ukraine at the level of 7%. In Kiev, it is noted that in a three-year budget (up to 2020 of the year), the inflation rate is set at the level of 11%. At the same time, in 2018, Ukraine expects economic growth at the level of 3%. As you know, from 2019, if there is growth in GDP in this country, Ukraine will be forced to send income from growth to pay off debts to creditors. And it will automatically “devour” Ukrainian economic growth, if there is one.
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  1. +3
    20 November 2017 14: 34
    We need to get out of the IMF, otherwise we will save the Ukrainian economy with our contributions there, to our own detriment. It is also urgent for ukrointsy to introduce a visa regime.
    1. +9
      20 November 2017 14: 37
      Is the IMF saving the economy? He killed her, kills her and will kill her.
      1. +2
        20 November 2017 14: 46
        It is impossible to kill what is dead. Although life is warm in agriculture and processing of agricultural products. In the Kuban there are products from there despite the sanctions.
        Quote: Kleber
        Is the IMF saving the economy? He killed her, kills her and will kill her.
        1. +7
          20 November 2017 16: 02
          These all can simply be ground to powder.
      2. 0
        20 November 2017 15: 18
        The IMF is primarily interested in not the economy with industry, but the conditions for receiving paid money with interest.
        1. 0
          20 November 2017 19: 30
          The question remains: will Ukraine ever be able to pay? Apparently not. Will he give back land and remaining assets for debts? Petya and the team will fill their pockets and wash off, and the rest will be generations in w ... (slavery)
    2. +1
      20 November 2017 14: 46
      At the same time, in the 2018 year, Ukraine expects economic growth at the level of 3%
      Maybe someone will explain to me where the growth is from? The smelting of pig iron and steel falls in double digits, machine building and machine tool building have died, energy is falling, and the level of investment is too. in many other industries, too, falls. Not a single enterprise has been built. Where is the growth from? I think Ukrainians are cheating with reports. request
      1. +2
        20 November 2017 14: 48
        I know where they have growth. The military and everything connected with it. As well as construction and agriculture.
        Quote: RASKAT
        At the same time, in the 2018 year, Ukraine expects economic growth at the level of 3%
        Maybe someone will explain to me where the growth is from? The smelting of pig iron and steel falls in double digits, machine building and machine tool building have died, energy is falling, and the level of investment is too. in many other industries, too, falls. Not a single enterprise has been built. Where is the growth from? I think Ukrainians are cheating with reports. request
      2. +3
        20 November 2017 14: 54
        Statistics has long been a science of compromise for the sake of ... it’s clear who.
        Statistics under the control of the authorities are ... well, something about those with low social responsibility.
        1. 0
          20 November 2017 15: 22
          Such sovereignty in its pure, unsullied form!
          Ukraine-tse Europa? So yes, since Europa darnes the budget at its discretion.
          And the photo of the representative of this very Europa is generally a class !!!
      3. 0
        20 November 2017 14: 57
        Quote: RASKAT
        Maybe someone will explain to me where the growth is from?
        Elementary! Compared to 2013, there will be growth for anyone! In 2014, Ukraine's GDP, compared to the previous year, collapsed by 55% (and this is official data). Now any weak convulsions for growth will pass.
      4. 0
        20 November 2017 15: 07
        Quote: RASKAT
        At the same time, in the 2018 year, Ukraine expects economic growth at the level of 3%
        Maybe someone will explain to me where the growth is from? The smelting of pig iron and steel falls in double digits, machine building and machine tool building have died, energy is falling, and the level of investment is too. in many other industries, too, falls. Not a single enterprise has been built. Where is the growth from? I think Ukrainians are cheating with reports. request

        With the published inflation of 7%, (what a blessing if inflation is more than 15%. After all, then the budget will be executed with an increase from the plans and not at the end of December, but in October). to have a "growth" of 3% is quite possible. This is not an increase in the economy due to industry and agriculture. This is an inflationary increase in the tax system, caused by an increase in prices, and, accordingly, tax deductions. And the money coming into the budget from above can be distributed already beyond what is stipulated by the budget law. To whom and somehow it is clear, to the one who rolls back the most.
        1. +2
          20 November 2017 15: 29
          Well, this is in hryvnia growth, but the IMF, then in bucks needed.
          1. 0
            20 November 2017 17: 49
            Quote: bk316
            Well, this is in hryvnia growth, but the IMF, then in bucks needed.

            You can count everything from one to another. You can’t just count square meters into simple.
      5. +2
        20 November 2017 17: 44
        Quote: RASKAT
        Maybe someone will explain to me where the growth is from?

        I am not an economist, but it seems to me that all the trick is in the methods of calculation. But more specifically, I think that they determine the dynamics of the development of the economy by money turnover. 3% scrolled more money than last year - cheers, the economy grew by 3%! So they tightly twist their deficit budget. laughing This, of course, is simplified, but somewhere close to the truth. I say again - I am not an economist and this is the view of an amateur. smile
      6. 0
        20 November 2017 19: 45
        Quote: RASKAT
        At the same time, in the 2018 year, Ukraine expects economic growth at the level of 3%
        Maybe someone will explain to me where the growth is from? The smelting of pig iron and steel falls in double digits, machine building and machine tool building have died, energy is falling, and the level of investment is too. in many other industries, too, falls. Not a single enterprise has been built. Where is the growth from? I think Ukrainians are cheating with reports. request

        Damn, do not be lazy, google the topic. Just not news resources !!!!! look at narrow-profile: finance, agriculture, etc.
      7. +2
        20 November 2017 22: 49
        So the GDP indicator is so formal that you can wind it up as you like. For example: you have an apartment, I have money. I bought your apartment, then you sold it to me. We did not build new housing and did not make money, but the GDP statistically clocked up the double price of the apartment.

        Or, for example, you can take a loan from a foreign bank, give it out as a consumer loan physical. individuals and let them buy imported consumer goods in local stores. Again, we did not produce goods, and did not make money, but we boosted the GDP.

        Statistics, such a thing :)
    3. 0
      20 November 2017 19: 39
      Quote: Herkulesich
      We need to get out of the IMF, otherwise we will save the Ukrainian economy with our contributions there, to our own detriment. It is also urgent for ukrointsy to introduce a visa regime.

      A scanty contribution to the IMF structure scares you, but is there no way that Russia is pumping billions into Ukraine through VTB and Sberbank?
    4. 0
      21 November 2017 02: 40
      you will laugh but we also get denyuzhki from there-capitolism-his mother !!!! wink
  2. +6
    20 November 2017 14: 35
    The photo is the true face of the IMF, God forbid, I dream at night laughing
    give her a scythe in her hands
    1. +3
      20 November 2017 14: 56
      On the extreme, there are your own with braids ... one is considered natural, the other figuratively.
      It’s not easier for people.
    2. +1
      20 November 2017 15: 11
      You involuntarily remember Pushkin- "There, the Tsar Koschey is languishing over gold ...."
    3. +2
      20 November 2017 16: 31
      Quote: faiver
      The photo is the true face of the IMF, God forbid, I dream at night laughing give her a scythe in her hands
      She and without a scythe in her hands scare anyone with a scythe sad
      1. +3
        20 November 2017 18: 56
        Mrs. Julia with a scythe, the matter of the grave was extreme, as it were, and enta the little thing reimported from Canada over a poor extreme scythe has already entered from all over !!! The joke or the tragedy is that the pan-legged do not really understand what a northern fluffy animal crept up to them !? And this is not a copper!
  3. +2
    20 November 2017 14: 41
    The woman in the photo looks like something otherworldly, or like a zombie, or a ghoul ...
    Well, first wrote a comment, then read other comments, it turns out the photo already had a comment (((((
    1. +2
      20 November 2017 16: 53
      And it immediately came to my mind:
      "I, I, Kemska volost, Kemska volost, me, me.
  4. 0
    20 November 2017 14: 54
    According to the latest data, Ukraine cannot guarantee that in 2018, it will keep the budget deficit at the level of 2,5%. At the same time, Kiev in the IMF was given to understand that if the deficit turns out to be higher than the specified value, the foundation will cease to “so actively support Ukrainian reforms.”

    Nothing, "godfather" as he says, it will be so! And this IMF "beauty" will not go anywhere.
  5. +3
    20 November 2017 14: 59
    Planet Zhelezyaka?
    There are no minerals, there is no economy, the population will not be observed soon .... there is no inflation, there will be no debts, for there will be anyone to tear skins!
    Democracy. liberalization, geyropa however!
  6. +1
    20 November 2017 15: 04
    Normally, the IMF already determines the budget of Ukraine ..... After which, to say that there is no external management there is a little dissemble ....
    1. 0
      20 November 2017 19: 11
      Quote: Topotun
      Normally, the IMF already determines the budget of Ukraine.

      What is the IMF? This is a kind of "money" stall - it lends money at interest and under property guarantees. The main objective of the fund is to profit from foreign exchange rents, and by no means the welfare of the borrower. The IMF exposes its conditions to the borrower from decades of experience in knocking out debts after the expiration of the annuity period. So in relation to the former Ukraine, the fund does not require fulfilling its conditions out of love for an independent one, not out of a desire to help overcome the critical state of its economy, but to ensure repayment of its debt with interest. Nothing personal just business.
  7. 0
    20 November 2017 15: 08
    I got a dill, now either give back your debts or do what you are ordered, right up to the meat grinder with the designated enemy, of course.
  8. 0
    20 November 2017 15: 19
    In whose face the target must be hung instead of the Sultan in NATO exercises! Well, what a written image, Baba Yaga is probably a written beauty against her background!
  9. 0
    20 November 2017 16: 03
    Yeah. The path to Europe is complicated and thorny. As in an old joke about a cat and sandpaper - only ears have reached the TV

    The head of the IMF can go directly to the museum, to the sarcophagus - to portray a mummy.
  10. +1
    20 November 2017 17: 40
    The highest manifestation of the independence of ukrozhopii. The country's budget is accepted by outsiders. And from across the ocean, in fact.

    Near secure future.

    PEREMOGA !!!!!
  11. +2
    20 November 2017 19: 43
    According to the latest data, Ukraine cannot give guarantees

    Ukraine can no longer give any guarantees.
  12. +1
    20 November 2017 20: 04
    Fantasy character from the IMF. (Kikimora) lol
  13. 0
    20 November 2017 20: 14
    This is called external management. They broke off the horns, put in their place the handlebars of the bicycle and rule the whole country.
  14. 0
    21 November 2017 01: 55
    At the same time, in 2018 Ukraine expects economic growth at the level of 3%.

    ... and who checked these tsifiri? ... utter nonsense !!! bully
  15. +6
    21 November 2017 03: 13
    We went through this and from the outside it is clearly visible what awaits Ukraine.