In the 200-th separate motorized rifle brigade is intensive military training

As part of the press tour organized by the press service of the Western Military District, the most active bloggers of the Murmansk region and representatives of central and regional media visited the 200-th separate motorized rifle brigade. The journalists visited training grounds and shooting ranges, where they watched the holding of company tactical exercises, training of all units with the implementation of live firing.

In the 200-th separate motorized rifle brigade is intensive military training

“The 200-I separate motorized rifle brigade is constantly staffed with 100%,” said the brigade commander, Colonel Oleg Tsekov. - Both by personnel and by all necessary for daily activities. Our main task is to plan combat training and build up our skills.

Military personnel showed high results in combat training. They hit targets with shells tanks T-80s, Akatsia self-propelled howitzers, anti-tank guided missiles, Tunguska anti-aircraft missile systems, covered the enemy’s conditional deployment with the Grad multiple launch rocket system, as well as intense fire from motorized rifle platoons.

The 200-th separate motorized rifle brigade was formed on December 1 on the basis of the 1997-th motorized rifle division of the Leningrad Military District. Today it is the largest motorized rifle unit of the Western Military District, deployed in the Arctic near the Norwegian border.

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  1. sanyarusian
    31 March 2012 09: 01
    Our fellows! Let them continue as well, rather than waste their time in the barracks!
  2. Sarus
    31 March 2012 09: 04
    Well done ...
    It is a pity that in BBO they do not conduct a student, for example, a reflection of a large-scale tank attack ...
    I wish the PLA thought ...
  3. Demonzz
    31 March 2012 10: 18
    The 200th separate motorized rifle brigade is constantly 100% staffed, the brigade commander said ... interestingly, that is, they don’t have any vacations (30 days or more), no one gets sick, doesn’t go on business trips .....
    how wonderful! what a wonderful commander! Everyman, hawai ..
    1. +6
      31 March 2012 13: 30
      Those on vacation, business trips, sick leave, leave, etc. are not removed from the staff of the divisions, since they are still registered with these divisions. An incompleteness is the fact that the actual composition of the military personnel assigned to a given unit does not correspond to the staffing table of this unit. This was what was discussed. When the commander spoke about 100% staffing, he said that all positions in the unit were occupied. It's about the same with technology. True, it is not easy for a "man in the street" to "grab".
      1. Demonzz
        April 1 2012 07: 42
        Captain obvious?
        but didn’t try to look at rainbow relations a little wider? Not a word was said about the position, and even if it was so (which is practically impossible, since people are moving around the service, contracts are ending, etc.), the process of changing the draft, drawn out for 1-3 months does not allow constantly keep 100% of the kit (at least 3-6 months). This is a headache for all commanders, but you can't talk about shortcomings, the reform was a success, everything is fine! Even an advanced "layman" sometimes finds it difficult to think of it ....
  4. kuzmich
    31 March 2012 10: 47
    stingy photo story for the largest motorized rifle unit of the western military. counties.
  5. vvr-81
    31 March 2012 11: 41
    It pleases the soul when the martial teachings of the great teachings of our military come
  6. +1
    31 March 2012 17: 07
    Well done !!!
    Native landscapes wink
    1. CEO
      April 1 2012 21: 21
      Luastari)))) Tank shooting gallery))))) And motorcycle racers drive around the balls))))) Thank God combat training rushing)))))
  7. +2
    31 March 2012 22: 14
    Here is such a hat standing near our barracks! Everything is fine, but when they get corrections at night ...... it’s uncomfortable to sleep ................ the bed bounces !!!!
  8. rkhbzshnik17
    26 January 2013 15: 54
    in the RKhBZ company there were not enough people and it was disbanded in front of my demobilization a shame good company was

    RKhBZ company go for breakfast a kilometer to the dining room