Why does Moscow need a “pro-American” president in Kiev?

Why does Moscow need a “pro-American” president in Kiev?

Yesterday's article “Fatal mistake of the USA. Why Washington fails after defeat spawned a lot of questions. And the main one was: “But what about Ukraine, is there that, too, the United States is failing?” We need to answer it. Be sure to ...

So, how will the situation develop in Ukraine in the near future? Is there real opposition to Poroshenko’s regime in Ukraine? Who can, not in words, but in deeds, make a real, and not imaginary, competition to the ruling regime? And in general, what is the essence of the Russian game in Ukraine in the next year or two?

I will begin the story with a very interesting infopovod. On Saturday, a congress of the Popular Front of Arseniy Yatsenyuk (NF), one of the two main political "pillars" of the current regime, was held in Kiev. The event is very remarkable and is a very interesting marker of the already planned changes. Yes, it was planned and behind the scenes already approved.

Problems of the “Popular Front”: “Thank you”, Mr. President

And today, the NF has everything: money, and influential patrons, well-known media characters, and even a significant part of the power in the country. There are not enough trivia: voter support.

"Front-line soldiers" are generally an amazing game in Ukraine. Back in 2015, their rating was lowered to the level of the plinth, so it is there until today. At the same time, the NF remains one of the most influential political forces in the country. At first glance, this is not normal. But precisely this situation today is very convenient for Petro Poroshenko, who in many respects was “guilty” of the sharp decline in the popularity of the Yatseniuk party in the first year after the Maidan.

The president was very cleverly able to blame the entire negative of the “economic reforms” of 2014-15 on the leader of the NF Arseny Yatsenyuk. Thus, he killed two fat birds with one stone (Yatsenyuk does not count, he is skinny). The first is that he completely tied the “front-line soldiers” to his political force.

With the 81 bayonet in the Verkhovna Rada and a rating of less than 1%, re-election support is a natural political suicide.

If we pay attention, it is largely due to this “coincidence of circumstances” that Poroshenko could not only retain power in a very difficult time, but also defeat many of his opponents, including the “invincible” Igor Kolomoisky.

But all good things come to an end sooner or later. Anyway, it’s necessary to prepare for the elections, because only a year and a half is left before the planned presidential elections. And there and parliamentary is not far off. And the latter may well turn out and unplanned ...

The nuances of future elections

The changes in the election system of Ukraine, recently adopted in the first reading, fully work for the presidential pool of “parties” plus the “Popular Front”.

Which is understandable, otherwise they would not have voted for them.

Moreover, these changes are accepted according to the already well-established Ukrainian tradition for specific elections and for a specific political situation. The authorities are going to abandon majoritarian and lower the entry barrier. And the norm is abolished, which the government itself adopted two years ago. Regional governors and other officials may be members of the party.

What is all this done for? I think it is not necessary to be a rocket scientist in order to understand that Ukrainians in 2018 are waiting for a sharp price increase and a sharp increase in the level of construction (!!!). And infrastructure. It is these two factors that will become the main drivers of the economy, and it is the success in the field of the construction boom that local officials will try to convince voters of their professional suitability. And, as we understand, all of them, “by a strange coincidence of circumstances,” will be represented only by BPP and NF.

Why does the entry barrier go down? Also very simple. No, not to pass the NF. He and so will pass. So much money will be poured into it that if even none of the inhabitants of the country had voted for the war veterans, they would still draw the result. But it is very important for the authorities to bring their “opposition” clones to parliament, which, with all their desire, will not be able to gain 5%. In fact, the “opposition” in the new parliament is going to be diluted with pseudo-opposition parties, the creation of which has been going on for a long time.

Here we see both “For Life”, and “Our Land”, and the “renewed” socialists of Kiva with the “agrarians”. All of them will fight against BYuT, Oppoblok, and Saakashvili RUH. And “Freedom” will try to take Galicia from “Self-help”. Or, at least, to greatly reduce its result in the region and Ukraine as a whole. All these forces, one way or another, today are affiliated with the BPP and the Popular Front.

The main political “pereobuzhschik” of Ukraine and Poroshenko’s faithful support in the parliament, Oleg Lyashko, will definitely enter the parliament. Where do without him!


BYuT today is the highest rated political force. Not only secret polls (which are true) agree, but even public ones (which distort the truth). And with this pan, President Poroshenko has something to do. The easiest way to blur the Yulin rating today is to create competitors for it. Such competitors, fighting for the electorate "kytsi", are the above-mentioned parties.

Particularly encouraging to Petro Poroshenko is the fact that even Mikhail Saakashvili, fighting with him, will in fact fight for the most part with Tymoshenko, and therefore let him run and make people laugh for now. The main thing is not to bury. Nevertheless, Julia will not succeed in completely pushing in, and she will take her bayonets.


The Oppoblock has all the chances to fall apart on the conditionally “pro-American” version under the patronage of Levochkin and the pro-Russian version under the patronage of Novinsky. Actually, this education in Ukraine today is very amusing. To have two such antagonistic beginnings and to stick together ... And to hold precisely because both heads are afraid to remain out of work after the collapse and to lose the remnants of their influence in the country. But if the "pro-Russian" part of the "opp" will almost certainly survive, then with the pro-American everything is much more complicated. Washington according to the good old tradition can simply write off the waste material.

Although personally for Levochkin, of course, they will make an exception. His services to Washington and Independence are really invaluable. In fact, he was his father and mother ...

Ukraine 2017 - is Ukraine 2013 vice versa

By the way, if we pay attention, the main battle in the upcoming elections in Ukraine will be between two main blocks, which can be called conditionally “proportional” and “pro-American.” And for the population they are all American protégés, and this situation is very beneficial for Moscow.

The biggest annoyance for Vladimir Putin in 2010 was the appointment by Washington of the pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovich, whose headquarters at the time was headed by the well-known American expert Paul Manafort, at that time.

As we all remember very well, in those elections Russia supported Yulia Tymoshenko. What for? It's all very simple. Washington had to merge the mess and negative that remained after the reign of Viktor Yushchenko. It is desirable to head to Moscow. And then they did it.

Now the situation is very similar. Washington, having lost much of its control over Poroshenko, will want to bring another “pro-Russian” candidate to power.

I am sure that this is exactly what Kurt Volker is now proposing to Vladislav Surkov, representing this as a mega-touring Moscow.

But Moscow, as in 2010, does not need this alignment. And if then Vladimir Putin could not achieve victory on the Ukrainian front, now he holds almost all the trump cards.

And he really doesn’t care who wins the Ukrainian throne in 2019: Tymoshenko or Poroshenko. Even Yatsenyuk suit him. And the Nazi coup would be a jackpot at all. Now the situation is such that any real scenario is profitable for Russia. And for Washington in Ukraine, zugzwang begins. That is, any of their moves only worsens their situation. All that remained for Moscow was to wait until the moment when Ukraine was completely satisfied with the pro-American course of "development", and she herself finished preparing for a real political return to Kiev. And then a completely different game will begin.
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  1. +9
    14 November 2017 06: 59
    Something with my memory was, but I don’t remember that in the elections of 2009, vna Ruin of the Russian Federation would support Vaughn.
    And on the other hand, if we needed a pro-American president, then why give Yanukovych money in 2013? They would merge it calmly, but the matter is with the end. They would also have drowned for fidelity, having surrendered it to the maidan for reproach.
    1. +5
      14 November 2017 07: 35
      Of course you have a memory problem. And big ones. Elections, firstly were in 2010 year ...

      And about the 2013 of the year ... I really thought that such elementary things did not need to be explained with just a perfect example of Poroshenko. You are my strange opponents who consider peace and politics to be static. We are all changing. Look and Putin was once an assistant to Sobchak. And your humble servant .... But let's not talk about it. In general, as you understand that the world is dynamic and remember the 2010 year, you will immediately understand everything. .
      1. +6
        14 November 2017 07: 58
        In order for the elections to take place in 2010, support for Kyce had to be provided in 2009, especially during the period of total theft of gas by Ruin, so there is no contradiction here.
        By the "oddity of opponents" I can say the same to the author lol . Nobody considers the world to be static, I somehow happened to be able to observe changes in the world for almost 50 years, so I saw the changes that have occurred over this time.
        And one more thing: I never went in cycles in the Ruin, for me these territories appeared as an irritant in 2013, before that she appeared in the news only as a source of problems in gas transit, and the tricks of Bandera scumbags. Well, in the appearance of different colorful characters like this:

        So, I did not receive an answer to the question about Yanukovych’s support in 2013 and the separation of the Ruins from the process of turning it into a Euroreich colony in view of the failure to sign the association with the EU. Everything would go its course to rapeseed fields (not static, but quite dynamic), and Shukhevych with them.
        1. 0
          14 November 2017 08: 22
          Since you did not follow Ukraine before the 2013, why do you say "authoritatively" that Kytsyu did not support GDP in the 2010?
        2. +1
          14 November 2017 16: 22
          What is this Sturmbannfuhrer in the picture? laughing
          1. +2
            14 November 2017 18: 42
            Rather, the Sturmbann Marshal.
            1. +1
              15 November 2017 13: 35
              I thought this demobilization was going home to the village.
          2. +1
            17 November 2017 17: 58
            This is Kravchenko - the Minister of Internal Affairs in the last government of Kuchma.
            After coming to power, Yushchenko committed suicide. And with two headshots, one of which was in the back of the head.
            Unique "suicide." The investigation was conducted by the new Minister Yurik Lutsenko.
      2. +2
        14 November 2017 09: 54
        Quote: yurasumy
        And Moscow could only wait for the moment when Ukraine is completely saturated with the pro-American course of “development”, and it itself will finish preparations for a real political return to Kiev. And then a completely different game will begin.

        And when there is a breakdown planned? 10-20 years will still rake races continue or more? It seems to me we will get a second Poland based on results on our borders. It is likely that it has narrowed over the territory. Donbass will most likely follow us, well, maybe even part of the Black Sea coast, in the west part of the territories will fall off to the Hungarians, Romanians and Poles, and there will remain a stub with the capital - Kiev. And what is another option for the west? I can’t completely reformat Ukraine, then they will tear off what they can and reformat this piece, well, until the next time. And all is well in the end. And it’s good for us, we have a full trynde with demography, and here we will get the missing millions of working hands and they’re good, the crisis and the same problems with demography must be eaten by someone, we won’t succeed, they will devour the dodgers.
    2. 0
      14 November 2017 08: 56
      Quote: inkass_98
      And on the other hand, if we needed a pro-American president, then why give Yanukovych money in 2013?

      I agree!! The article is VERY and VERY controversial !!! Although some "internal layouts" are presented correctly !!!!
    3. +5
      14 November 2017 16: 18
      Alogicity is the visiting card of this author.
      In a previous article, it turned out that the States lost with Ukraine, and Russia, therefore, won.
    4. 0
      14 November 2017 21: 12
      And on the other hand, if we needed a pro-American president, then why give Yanukovych money in 2013?
      So I beg you, give money to Yanukovych and win the election, these are two big differences
    5. +1
      15 November 2017 15: 41
      Quote: inkass_98
      Something with my memory was, but I don’t remember that in the elections of 2009, vna Ruin of the Russian Federation would support Vaughn.

      Reason to support WonU was Putin’s, because she (I apologize for the pun) signed good gas contracts for the Russian Federation in 2009. Moreover, she had a fight with Yushchenko (by the way, also not as anti-Russian as is commonly believed) and could go on union with Russia, in fact doing the same thing that the Russian Federation expected from Yanukovych.
      But then the president was Medvedev, whose motivation was to prevent 5 from the years of Yushchenko’s rule (they became more than hostile to each other after 08.08.08). As a result, Yanukovych came to power (with the help of the same Yushchenko).
  2. +4
    14 November 2017 07: 02
    "Washington, having largely lost control of Poroshenko" ... request
    "Now the situation is such that any real scenario is beneficial for Russia. And for Zugzwang, Ukraine begins in Washington." laughing request
    The rest of the article gives a correct overview. That's just in the Ukrainian political solitaire "pro-Russian" is not left.
    1. 0
      14 November 2017 07: 39
      It’s hard for you to accept and accept, but the fact that you ridicule the author is also right. ))) Facts are stubborn and not subject to emotions.
  3. +6
    14 November 2017 07: 04
    We are busy with fish and a beer - soon the fourth season of the TV series "Maidan" will be released. But only the ending of the third is lame - Mishiko can’t make it bright in any way bully
    1. +2
      14 November 2017 07: 39
      I do not mind. It’s too early to talk about this. And the third is clowning.
  4. +7
    14 November 2017 07: 21
    From this Ukraine, its "political forces", the possibility of further developments is already dropping cheekbones. In the meantime: Donbass is being fired, Ukrainian drones are flying over our territory, Ukrainian "guests" on Russian television are casting out as they want ... The game of "friendly people" continues.
    1. +3
      14 November 2017 07: 41
      Before the marshal's epaulettes, "reached out on the clave," but they still did not understand the simple truths. Knowing the enemy’s disposition is a great thing, even if it reduces the cheekbones. And to go into battle having the wrong disposition is fraught with defeat.
      1. +7
        14 November 2017 07: 45
        First up to the army general. Secondly, tell your computer game friends about the disposition. If you do not understand the meaning of the comment, then it is better not to show it. Read the "expert on disposition" again.
  5. +4
    14 November 2017 08: 50
    We are Ukrainians, the most advanced in anti-ratings.
    Mortality is twice as high as birth rates, suicides and road deaths — strong first places in Europe.
    But as for me, destructive for dill is not even that. And mayduanism of a significant part, God forgive me, my fellow countrymen.
    The horror has become better, the horror has become scum.
    1. 0
      14 November 2017 10: 13
      And what solution do you think?
    2. 0
      14 November 2017 18: 47
      Well, don’t hurt too much to show off then. We are not far behind you. Well, except for the mask, of course.
    3. 0
      15 November 2017 02: 06
      And all this is a bitter truth. Well, when will the Ukrainians come to their senses after hypnosis?
  6. +5
    14 November 2017 09: 01
    Well, again .... I thought yesterday after the article about the “defeat of the United States” the author would “let go”, but no .... mix in a bunch of everything, crumble “on the shelves” about the parliamentary “balance of power” to make an “unexpected conclusion” "that in any story the US will win there .... And at the end, the" unexpected. " that the worse in Ukraine, the better they say Russia .... Yeah, how many years does this "the worse" last? Either Ukraine will "freeze soon", then it will "die of starvation," then it will "go bankrupt," or something else that will not be "terrible" there .... Well, how? How fulfilled were these expectations? Not tired of these mantras yet? And meanwhile, in Russia itself, the situation in the economy and in public life is getting worse and worse, just yesterday we discussed an article on the VO that the number of bankrupt enterprises is only growing despite peppy reports from the Ministry of Economic Development ..
    1. +2
      14 November 2017 10: 17
      I support my dear, there is no order in my house.
  7. +6
    14 November 2017 09: 29
    The author raves, a little (sorry)
    the Americans are already winning: they made the brothers enemies, started a civil war, bought up a whole country "in the bud."
    Wow zuckzwang!
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +5
    14 November 2017 11: 05
    I don’t know ... The position of a neighbor waiting for another neighbor to die is debatable. What to do with the corpse then? The fate of a state living next to a zombie state is unenviable.
    1. +1
      14 November 2017 17: 20
      Quote: Selin Andrey
      I don’t know ... The position of a neighbor waiting for another neighbor to die is debatable. What to do with the corpse then? The fate of a state living next to a zombie state is unenviable.
      "What should I do? Revitalizing is expensive! Killing is expensive! Making friends with zombies is expensive! What other options are there ????!
      1. +3
        14 November 2017 17: 59
        Of course I understand - geopolitics, all that. But, to be honest, for choosing the position of a passive observer, it’s just a shame. In Ukraine, the majority are normal people. The brain is dirty, yes. But in Russia, too, a lot of brainless. One sect of the dump, and liberal ikzperdy, to which they listen, what are they worth. Oh, m ...
        1. 0
          15 November 2017 02: 00
          The trouble is that most people have a dirty brain.
        2. 0
          15 November 2017 09: 09
          The problem is that our economy now is not the USSR in its best years. The economy of Ukraine is in decline ..
  10. +3
    14 November 2017 13: 50
    Why does Washington need a pro-American president in Moscow?
    Here are some issues to discuss
    And Ukrainians let them boil in their bowl! "
    1. 0
      14 November 2017 18: 49
      The only adequate comment. I support, 100%.
  11. +2
    14 November 2017 16: 14
    The biggest trouble for Vladimir Putin in 2010 was Washington's appointment of pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych to the post of president of Ukraine

    It was necessary to start with this nonsense so as not to waste time.
  12. +5
    14 November 2017 16: 23
    Russia lost Ukraine - America, by 150%. For a long time, even under Yushchenko. Break diplomatic relations. The pacification of psychos does not bring to good.
  13. 0
    14 November 2017 17: 01
    Honestly, it’s impossible to think of anything more ridiculous than in this article utter nonsense, a pro-American puppet is beneficial for Russia,
    1. +2
      14 November 2017 17: 27
      Alas, yes ..
      The ideal “pro-American” president of Ukraine for Russia is after whose board is for "SUGS!" they’ll immediately raise them to the pitchfork, and for mentioning Bandera, they will stone them ...
      Otherwise, there are too many problems for the Russian Federation-which we can not pull ..
  14. +1
    14 November 2017 22: 45
    The only reasonable idea in the article, and it does not follow from all the previous ones, that the Nazi coup would be a jackpot for Russia. This would not leave room for maneuver and at the same time would free our hands to our superiors. Yes, and local hatskrayniki would have to finally choose the side ...
    But since our authorities are running away from any decisive actions like hell from incense, they will continue to support the under-state and almost any of its governments with all their strength, while at the same time telling about the wisdom of expecting "self-insight" on the basis of hunger.
    Zugzwang, of course, has a place to be. Only not the Americans are in it ...
  15. +3
    15 November 2017 01: 34
    Russia will always lose (like any other country) while maintaining this system of power (the power of money), it is the same as trying to win at the casino.
  16. 0
    15 November 2017 01: 56
    But in vain Yuri Podolyaka believes that Russia now does not need a pro-Russian president in Ukraine. The West has done all the dirty work in Ukraine, having carried out unpopular reforms there. The economy of Ukraine has bottomed out, it’s good that a default would have been declared, after which the recovery of the Ukrainian economy and a gradual increase in the welfare of the population will begin. It's time for Russia to put a pro-Russian president in Ukraine. But I doubt very much that the West will cede Ukraine, because he invested money there and he needs to get it back, and for this he needs control over the Ukrainian government.
  17. +1
    15 November 2017 21: 30
    There is a political game of long and multi-way. Chess however.