Crimea supported the idea to cancel the decree of 1954 on the transfer of the region to Ukraine

Vice-Speaker of the Crimean Parliament Remzi Ilyasov supported the idea to cancel the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 1954, according to which the Crimean region of the RSFSR was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR.

Earlier, Konstantin Zatulin, a member of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots, said that Russia, as the successor of the Soviet Union, should repeal the 1954 acts of the year, according to which the Crimea region was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR. This, in his opinion, will allow to stop the talk that the Russians "took someone's land, took someone's sea."

Crimea supported the idea to cancel the decree of 1954 on the transfer of the region to Ukraine

The idea has the right to life and, probably, it is worth accepting for moral satisfaction, but for Western countries it will not be a reason to stop their political games and rhetoric around the Crimea. We do not need to prove to anyone that Crimea is an integral part of the Russian Federation. These are realities that are not negotiable.
- said Ilyasov.

According to him, it is necessary to concentrate efforts on overcoming the sanctions imposed by Western countries against the peninsula.

By a decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council on February 19 of 1954, Crimea was transferred from the RSFSR of the Ukrainian SSR. Such a step was based on the “commonality of the economy, territorial proximity and close economic and cultural ties between the Crimean region and the Ukrainian SSR”. The publication of the decree is often called the personal initiative of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, N. S. Khrushchev. After the collapse of the USSR, Crimea remained part of Ukraine. Several times on the peninsula, attempts were made to hold a referendum on independence, but Kiev qualified the initiatives of the republican authorities as unconstitutional, reports RIA News
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  1. +14
    7 November 2017 11: 22
    Alaska, do you mind? smile
    1. +25
      7 November 2017 11: 25
      and it will be fair. decommunization so decommunization! smile And then I look at the cunning of banderlogs and there is probably no one. They are trying to destroy and cancel the entire Soviet legacy. But the gift of the maize is not included for some reason. After 23 years of occupation, the peninsula turned it into an impoverished region ..
      1. +22
        7 November 2017 11: 37
        It would be necessary to wake up this question less, once they said the question of Crimea was closed and that’s it.
      2. +11
        7 November 2017 11: 41
        Yes, they not only muddied with a gift of corn, by decommunization, they should bury almost all weapons, blow up the Dnieper, and much more, but somehow they are in no hurry)))
        1. +5
          7 November 2017 11: 48
          Quote: Warrior with machine gun
          Yes, they not only muddied with a gift of corn, by decommunization, they should bury almost all weapons, blow up the Dnieper, and much more, but somehow they are in no hurry)))

          and the Dnieper after V.I. Lenin. but they teach us
          1. +6
            7 November 2017 11: 55
            fall maydanutyh again aggravation))
          2. +18
            7 November 2017 12: 25
            . Such a step was justified by "a common economy, territorial proximity and close economic and cultural ties between the Crimean region and the Ukrainian SSR."

            Crimea was handed over to Ukraine as a sign of eternal friendship. No friendship - no Crimea!
        2. +4
          7 November 2017 12: 10
          And by the way .. Why is it still not canceled? What are we waiting for? Summer weather?
          Quote: Warrior with a machine gun
          Yes, they not only muddied with a gift of corn, by decommunization, they should bury almost all weapons, blow up the Dnieper, and much more, but somehow they are in no hurry)))
          1. +2
            8 November 2017 11: 00
            But why change the little things then? Bialowieza "agreements" must be repealed as unconstitutional! Yes
        3. 0
          7 November 2017 15: 20
          Quote: Warrior with machine gun
          they should bury almost all weapons, blow up the Dnieper

          If you blow up the Dnieper, then downstream, a whole microdistrict will go under water. However, from Svidomo it will become, in which case, they can blow up, and not only the Dnieper, there is also a nuclear power station nearby.
      3. +11
        7 November 2017 11: 45
        11.25. The black! Well then, it’s worth going further and repealing all the decisions of the USSR on the transfer of territories to Ukraine! Let them remain within the boundaries of the pre-Soviet era! Want to decommunize? Russia supports you and takes away everything that was given to you during the USSR!
        1. +4
          7 November 2017 12: 24
          where is pre-Soviet ???? within the boundaries of the Pereyaslav Rada .... and not a square millimeter more .....
          1. +2
            7 November 2017 12: 41
            12.24. D * Amir! Yes, even within the borders of Great Ukraine a thousand or two thousand ago! laughing And the Black Sea dug up by the Great Ukrainians, how will we divide? lol After all, it turns out ukrov and squeezed out their own sea! smile Why is the world community silent about this? belay
            1. +3
              7 November 2017 12: 51
              I strongly suspect that if we begin to bury the Black Sea, then our mountain peoples will be very strongly AGAINST !!!! am am am what's this?!??! to move from the native mountains to the great Black Sea plain ????? and mineral water where ???? Here is a reason for indignation of the world community !!!!
      4. +8
        7 November 2017 11: 54
        Well, to be consistent, then the gifts of V.I. Lenin needs to be abolished. She received the lands located in the Southeast of present-day Ukraine with the aim of strengthening the role of the working class in the general composition of the population.
      5. +2
        7 November 2017 12: 45
        Quote: Black
        And then I look at the cunning of banderlogs and probably there is no one. They are trying to destroy and cancel all the Soviet legacy. But the gift of the maize is not included for some reason

        So there are many things that are not included: Donbass and New Russia, for example
      6. 0
        7 November 2017 16: 30
        Quote: Black
        And then I look at the cunning of banderlogs and probably there is no one.

        All right! Just not "trickier", but "cunningly .. @ .. drink"!
        "How does a cunning person differ from cunning .. @ .. how much? And the fact that the cunning - trying to deceive someone comes from the fact that the" deceived "is a smart person !! And cunning .. @ .. opy MYSTERY EVERYONE! " (film "Volkov Hour")
    2. +10
      7 November 2017 11: 32
      It was high time to do this, back in 2014. Yes
      1. +4
        7 November 2017 11: 40
        I agree . But for the skakuas, what is the occasion to move towards Russia ... lol
        1. +5
          7 November 2017 11: 51
          Quote: bouncyhunter
          I agree . But for the skakuas, what is the occasion to move towards Russia ...

          they have these occasions every day N times. and if not, they’ll come up with
        2. +4
          7 November 2017 11: 51
          Quote: bouncyhunter
          But what a reason for the skakuas to grow

          Yes, what the hell is the difference, they still howl both in business and without work. We are not accustomed to these cries of the offended.
          Hello Pasha! Happy holiday! drinks drinks drinks soldier
          1. +4
            7 November 2017 12: 10
            Kostya, hello, and you with the anniversary of the Great October Revolution! soldier drinks drinks drinks
            What to howl about and without, it would be better to do business. negative
            1. +2
              7 November 2017 12: 24
              Happy Holiday !!!!!!!!!! drinks
              1. +1
                7 November 2017 12: 32
                Greetings Damir! hi Thanks for the congratulations, mutually !!! drinks drinks drinks And let the skakuas howl and gallop. lol
            2. +3
              7 November 2017 12: 58
              Quote: bouncyhunter
              What to howl about and without, it would be better to do business.

              which one? everything that they could have ruined everything for a long time. Yes, and they have already weaned to do something good. just ruin
              1. +2
                7 November 2017 13: 03
                Quote: LSA57
                just ruin

                That would have destroyed each other - you look, and there would have been less stupidity in the world.
                1. +3
                  7 November 2017 13: 06
                  Quote: bouncyhunter
                  That would destroy each other

                  will start soon. handouts end, I want to eat. and where is the denyuzhka? the neighbor of the destroyer. need to select
        3. +8
          7 November 2017 11: 53
          And what remains for them Pasha? hi I would even call it rather than howling, but whining. laughing
      2. +4
        7 November 2017 11: 49
        Quote: 79807420129
        It was high time to do this, back in 2014.

        really so simple. why no one had thought before.
    3. +3
      7 November 2017 13: 13
      Quote: Thrall
      Alaska, do you mind? smile

      What the hell is she? Kamchatka wasn’t really mastered, and here Odessa, Kharkov, Nikolaev and other cities surrendered to Ukraine, I think they won’t be against it, I’ll even say more - they are waiting for them to be returned
  2. +4
    7 November 2017 11: 22
    Nice photo.
    And the idea is true.
    1. +26
      7 November 2017 11: 25
      Quote: Livonetc
      Nice photo.
      And the idea is true.

    2. +2
      7 November 2017 11: 29
      Quote: Livonetc
      And the idea is true.

      in theory, this decision should have been made back in 2014 after the accession of Crimea to the Russian Federation!
  3. +4
    7 November 2017 11: 23
    To cancel the Decree in Russia is not a problem. But in general: is it possible to prove in international courts that this Decree and the subsequent transfer of Crimea from the RSFSR to Ukraine were issued in violation of the then existing domestic legislation of the USSR? That would be another calico ... feel
    1. +1
      7 November 2017 11: 31
      Quote: Angry Guerrilla
      In general: is it possible to prove in international courts

      Do you believe in the justice of international courts? smile.... Serbs know firsthand about them ..
    2. +6
      7 November 2017 11: 59
      Quote: Angry Guerrilla
      To cancel the Decree in Russia is not a problem.

      this decree

      already in those days there was talk that the decree was not legal. and we don’t have to prove anything in international courts. there was an illegal decree, we canceled it. There is one more nuance. until now, we have no boundaries with urkaine. according to the latter, before joining, Crimea is part of the RSFSR. like this!
    3. 0
      7 November 2017 12: 21
      Quote: wicked partisan
      To cancel the Decree in Russia is not a problem. But in general: is it possible to prove in international courts that this Decree and the subsequent transfer of Crimea from the RSFSR to Ukraine were issued in violation of the then existing domestic legislation of the USSR? That would be another calico ... feel

      Quote: wicked partisan
      To cancel the Decree in Russia is not a problem. But in general: is it possible to prove in international courts that this Decree and the subsequent transfer of Crimea from the RSFSR to Ukraine were issued in violation of the then existing domestic legislation of the USSR? That would be another calico ... feel

      It will not cause anything but laughter.
      You cannot enter the same river twice.
      Why not recall the Budapest Memorandum on guaranteeing the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for its return of nuclear weapons?
      Poor attempt to justify a priori unlawful.
      He reminds me of Caligula’s actions when he took another matron from high society and decided to take her as his mistress, retroactively filed her divorce from her husband, while obliging him to pay her alimony.
      1. +3
        7 November 2017 13: 01
        Quote: hamkan
        Why not recall the Budapest Memorandum on guaranteeing the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for its return of nuclear weapons?

        such a question, but which of the countries that signed this memorandum ratified it? worthless to him, paper.
      2. +2
        7 November 2017 13: 26
        Quote: hamkan
        Why not recall the Budapest Memorandum on guaranteeing the territorial integrity of Ukraine in exchange for its return of nuclear weapons?

        Yes, to hell with this Budapest. We need to go further, we must abolish all points of the Bialowieza conspiracy and it would be desirable to seat the participants for betrayal of the country (at least the living, and ask the heirs for the non-living)
  4. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      7 November 2017 13: 25
      Quote: tsvetkov1274
      Cancel ?? HZ
      Yes, why is history canceled .... Crimea is a subject of the Russian Federation! We must live by the new laws ..... Yes The admission to the Russian Federation and the formation in its composition of a new entity are carried out in the manner prescribed by federal constitutional law. hi
  5. +3
    7 November 2017 11: 32
    Quote: Black
    But the gift of corn is not included for some reason.

    There, if all the gifts are handed out, a gulkin nose will remain.
    1. +7
      7 November 2017 11: 43
      Petkin horseradish will remain there, and they will immediately devour it without salt))
  6. +5
    7 November 2017 11: 33
    Cancel in FIG this shameful decree. There has always been Sevastopol! Crimea ! Russia ! And the Ukrainians always knew this!
  7. +11
    7 November 2017 11: 34
    And why should anyone prove something? CRIMEA is RUSSIA. That's it. Who does not like, go to the forest.
    1. +11
      7 November 2017 11: 45
      I’ll support you, if you don’t harshly stop them, they will continue to exaggerate, once they decided - that's it.
  8. +2
    7 November 2017 11: 36
    Crimea supported the idea to cancel the decree of 1954 on the transfer of the region to Ukraine

    And who in general is asking this Crimea? He, like a pig in a poke, was given and returned back, now it is necessary to justify this legally.
  9. +4
    7 November 2017 11: 43
    In principle, a rather sensible thought! And really feasible. It is necessary to conduct an audit of the treaties, especially those from the time of the maize, Labeled and EBN, I think something else will come up there ...
    1. +3
      7 November 2017 12: 01
      Quote: Evrodav
      I think there’s something else coming up ...

      sure to pop up. especially tagged with his contracts with sashas and x accomplishments
    2. 0
      7 November 2017 12: 42
      good I support. !!!
  10. +3
    7 November 2017 11: 45
    When the cat has nothing to do, what is he doing? My hometown was first on its own, then swam to the Kazan province, then belonged to the Gorky Territory, now in the Kirov Region. Which of the decrees need to be canceled?
    How many such movements within the country were?
    Maybe it is better to cancel all Yeltsin’s decrees, for example, the one that was signed in Belovezhskaya Pushcha?
  11. NKT
    7 November 2017 11: 46
    Or maybe cancel the 1922 agreement? All the lands that the Russian Federation gave to the republics should be returned back to the Russian Federation.
    1. 0
      7 November 2017 12: 45
      Quote: NKT
      The Russian Federation gave the republics a return back to the Russian Federation.

      it wasn’t the Russian Federation in 1922, it’s a “young 26 year old” (as one highly paid Russian official said)
      all 1922 of the RSFSR and only 1 day-USSR
      1. NKT
        7 November 2017 13: 49
        If every time you pay attention to what the official says, especially in Ukraine, your head may not stand it. And so the Russian Federation recognized and paid royal debts, although without it it is the legal successor of the Russian Empire, the RSFSR, the USSR.
  12. +2
    7 November 2017 11: 52
    More EBN in 91g. could calmly return Crimea to Russia in exchange for the "independence" of Ukraine. But his head hurt for another reason, and not for the Russian lands. On the other hand, Crimea is part of Russia, and the attacks will not stop even with the repeal of Decree 54.
    1. +7
      7 November 2017 12: 00
      Quote: rotmistr60
      attacks will not stop even with the repeal of Decree 54

      Will stop. One has only to show real strength and unequivocal determination to use it.
    2. +1
      7 November 2017 13: 22
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Another EBN in 91. he could quietly return the Crimea to Russia in exchange for the "independence" of Ukraine But his head ached on another occasion, and not for the Russian lands.
      It is no longer the year 1954 should be remembered, but the actions of Yeltsin, when he "dissolved" the USSR, after, signed the recognition of the integrity of Ukraine. By the way, the Duma mostly supported it. If anyone remembers with a kind word who actively defended the interests of Russia, it is Moscow Mayor Luzhkov. Let me remind the plot.
      31 May 1997, President Yeltsin and the President of Ukraine (Kuchma) signed the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. At the beginning of March 1998, the question of its ratification was put on the agenda of the State Duma, but the Treaty was not ratified. This Treaty was ratified later, on April 1 of 1999 ... The Communist Party faction, Yabloko, the NDR, the State Duma Committee on International Affairs also supported the ratification of the Treaty. As a result, the Federal Law “On ratification of the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine” was adopted by the State Duma. 243 voted “for”, “against” - 30, abstained - 4, did not vote 173 deputy. When considering the issue of ratification of the Treaty in the Federation Council of February 17 1999, the mayor of Moscow Y. Luzhkov expressed a sharply negative position.
      So, if we recognize something illegal here, first of all it is the collapse of the Soviet Union, and we must begin with Russia, with our oligarchs, all traitors and shifters. Our Duma, thinks a little, first hobbled Khokhlyandii, after initiating a "backing" on the actions of Khrushchev. I would have looked at myself, called the names of those, including from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who signed the ratification. This is how they create problems, and after their ears they draw excuses to their same blunders and betrayals.
  13. +3
    7 November 2017 11: 54
    Russia, as the successor to the Soviet Union, should repeal the acts of 1954, according to which the Crimean region was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR.

    Logically and for a long time.
  14. +1
    7 November 2017 11: 57
    As there in Ivan Vasilievich: "Why are you distributing the state lands to the Tsar’s muzzle !?"
  15. +2
    7 November 2017 11: 58
    What's the point? For Russians, Crimea is Russia and so. The West will not abolish its sanctions, the horses will not calm down ...
    1. +2
      7 November 2017 12: 39
      Quote: Seaflame
      The West will not abolish its sanctions, the horses will not calm down ...

      About sanctions:
      Remember how many years all the same US did not recognize Soviet Russia? As a result, recognized. And not a small role in this was played by the Great Depression.
      But then, recognition lasted for decades. And today, when the world is more global, the process will be disproportionately faster.
      About horses:
      You think that there is nothing to restrain the violent? There are tools.
      Of course, another thing is that someone stubbornly restrains its use. recourse
  16. +3
    7 November 2017 11: 59
    Purely legal then it was an administrative division within the framework of one state. Now the states are different. Ukraine has not ratified the border. Property has returned all the rules.
  17. +1
    7 November 2017 12: 20
    And why did the successors wait so long?
    1. 0
      7 November 2017 12: 50
      Obviously, many officials in the Russian Federation do not want this
  18. 0
    7 November 2017 12: 46
    It is necessary to learn from the Bolsheviks how they solved questions of the tsarist legal heritage. But those who saw the testicles were stronger than the current ones. But these can’t. They have children there.
  19. 0
    7 November 2017 12: 50
    Yeah, how to pay the debts of the USSR so Russia is obliged to pay and how to cancel the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 1954, according to which the Crimean region of the RSFSR was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR. So the west and the geyroppa reared up, and the Ukrainians in general should be kept quiet as they call it decommunization, here you get it.
  20. 0
    7 November 2017 12: 51
    A logical and legally competent step ... according to all the canons of international law ... in general, this can not be done given the illegality of Gorby’s decrees ...
  21. +1
    7 November 2017 13: 03
    in the local court you can cancel anything you want. You can not only in court
    In Belovezhskaya Pushcha, too many things that have been “illegitimate” changed, we still disentangle.
    The Russian Federation is not the successor of the USSR in this part. The issue of this has already been considered. Regarding the legal succession of the Russian Federation, the country's capabilities are quite widely inflated in the media.
    December 25, 1991 at 19.38 Moscow time, the Soviet flag was lowered over the Kremlin. From this moment it can be considered that the Soviet period is over.
    And the abolition of something is something that is not even possible, as the method of populism is always available.
    But why? A long time ago, Frederick 2 said
    “If you like a foreign province and you have enough strength, take it immediately. As soon as you do this, there will always be enough lawyers who will prove that you have all the rights to the occupied territory ”
    1. 0
      7 November 2017 14: 06
      And probably the Ukrainians paid the debts of the USSR? But this money was spent on the construction of factories and factories throughout the Union. And why the 1953 Decree is valid, if there is no Hohlyad to argue the USSR, there is no Decree on the transfer of Crimea.
    2. 0
      7 November 2017 22: 35

      Diplomatic missions

      N 11 / UGP

      The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation shows its respect to the heads of the Diplomatic Representations in Moscow and has the honor to ask to bring to the attention of the Governments of accrediting states the following.
      The Russian Federation continues to exercise the rights and fulfill obligations arising from international treaties concluded by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
      Accordingly, the Government of the Russian Federation will perform instead of the Government of the USSR, the functions of a depository under the relevant multilateral agreements.
      In this regard, the Ministry requests that the Russian Federation be considered as a Party to all existing international treaties instead of the USSR.
      The Ministry takes this opportunity to renew to the heads of the Diplomatic Missions the assurances of their highest consideration.

      Ministry of Foreign Affairs
      Russian Federation
      January 13, 1992
  22. 0
    7 November 2017 13: 44
    Oh, the possibility of legal consolidation of the Russian affiliation of Crimea.
    True, this will not affect the sanctions, but together it forms a solid base.
  23. +1
    7 November 2017 14: 19
    It is interesting who will cancel it - the Duma, or the Communist Party, although the current Communist Party has a mediocre attitude to the Communists.
  24. +1
    7 November 2017 14: 22
    Quote: forester
    Quote: Thrall
    Alaska, do you mind? smile

    What the hell is she? Kamchatka wasn’t really mastered, and here Odessa, Kharkov, Nikolaev and other cities surrendered to Ukraine, I think they won’t be against it, I’ll even say more - they are waiting for them to be returned

    As for the development, I agree that there are enough of our ownerless lands, but if you take into account the strategic scale, the USA without a bridgehead, without a Pro in this direction, the Northern Sea Route is completely under our control, the USA ceases to have the right to the Arctic and much more. But for now, these are dreams.
  25. NKT
    7 November 2017 14: 51
    Quote: Antares

    The Russian Federation is not the successor of the USSR in this part. The issue of this has already been considered. Regarding the legal succession of the Russian Federation, the country's capabilities are quite widely inflated in the media.

    And where was it considered, in Ukraine, by Bandera journalists and political scientists?

    The Russian Federation is the successor of the USSR’s membership in the UN and, in particular, in the UN Security Council, as well as in other international organizations. The Russian Federation was not admitted to the UN again, therefore, it continued the USSR’s membership in the UN Security Council and the UN as the same subject of international law, which only changed its name.
  26. +3
    7 November 2017 18: 14
    Since Russia pays debts not only of the USSR, but also of the Russian Empire, and in the west they are not shy about taking this money from the Russian Federation, the Russian government has the right to cancel not only decrees of the government of the USSR, but also the government of the Russian empire. Odessa was built on the money of Russia, according to the decree of the Russian government, on the lands conquered by the Russian army from Turkey ... It is time to return to Ukraine the borders of 1654, in which it came to Russia from Poland.
  27. +1
    8 November 2017 04: 08
    Long time ago !!!