In the Volga region, the control check of the troops was completed with the involvement of more than 10 thousand soldiers.

In the Volga regions, a control check of military units and formations of the Central Military District was completed, in which more than 10 thousand troops and more than 3 thousand units of military equipment took part, the Central Military District press service reported.

In the Volga region, the control check of the troops was completed with the involvement of more than 10 thousand soldiers.

As noted in the Ministry of Defense, the verification took place in two stages at several training grounds of the Penza, Samara, Orenburg regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan. Motorized rifle, tank, artillery, missile, engineering and other units were alarmed, brought to the highest levels of combat readiness, made marches at firing ranges, fired from regular weapons and military equipment. The military personnel performed the assessment of standards for fire, tactical, special, military medical and physical training.

During the test, four tactical exercises were conducted during the day and at night. During the test, more than 100 thousand ammunition was used.
- said in a message to the address of the "Military Outlook"
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  1. 0
    27 October 2017 14: 57
    As always - aggressive window dressing. And then complaints that the world community is taking retaliatory steps.
    1. +2
      27 October 2017 15: 02
      the summer period of studies has ended in the fall, many fighters will go to demobilization ... traditional teachings ... your anger is in vain ... and exercises in the depths of Russia ... and this is what we want to do at home. ... well, and lastly ..... KEEP POWDER DRY .... Russian proverb.
      1. 0
        27 October 2017 15: 05
        This is not malice. The situation is now tense and conducting ostentatious exercises is not the best idea. The Russian Federation was punished by sanctions - at the moment it is considering the extension / lifting of sanctions, and mass exercises by European standards are not the best method of mutual cooperation.
        1. +3
          27 October 2017 15: 12
          You don’t have enough fingers on all extremities to enumerate the NATO exercises at the Russian borders, the “daughter of an officer” or someone else would be silent!
          1. 0
            27 October 2017 15: 21
            Which de facto are a belated response to Russian teachings.
        2. +1
          27 October 2017 15: 33
          and we turned your sanctions! thanks to them, Russia is reborn, its economy is rising
          1. 0
            27 October 2017 15: 34
            And at the same time, the number of the poor is increasing, the GDP is falling and the space positions have been handed over to a private agency? Yeah - with such patriots, enemies are not needed.
            1. 0
              27 October 2017 15: 36
              no victories without difficulties!
              1. 0
                27 October 2017 16: 18
                In all likelihood, there will be no one left alive for a “victory” in the Russian Federation, except for a couple of oligarchs.
                And "victory" over whom? Over common sense? Very much like rhetoric to the rhetoric of Svidomo.
            2. 0
              27 October 2017 15: 44
              and show me where the people get poorer? excuse me on the road, there is nowhere to fart, there are more and more cars every day.
        3. +1
          27 October 2017 17: 35
          Quote: atoliner
          ostentatious exercises

          Why flashy? We are getting ready to bend the Baltic states and Poland! Are you there, are you waiting? good
          1. 0
            27 October 2017 22: 48
            The main thing is that the naginal would not bend, as during the Russian-Japanese one. It seems that history does not teach people anything ...
            1. +1
              28 October 2017 07: 48
              Oh yes, tell me what history teaches you. Yes
              For starters, rewind 40 years after the Russo-Japanese War (1945 so that you don't get too stressed). According to the results of two matches, Japan leaves the tournament, drops out as an independent player determining its foreign, and in many ways internal, politics.
              And now about the lessons learned from the history of the Commonwealth. 15-17 centuries here she is a dream, already visible on the horizon, Poland from sea to sea and further east. But does something seem to go wrong? Ah, it just turned out that it was not enough to join the territory, it was necessary to keep it, and for this it was necessary to include other peoples in their state system and in their culture, with their special mentality. But can a noble nobleman, whose main asset is a bloated arrogance, equate Ukrainian b ... oh? Once, and there is no Commonwealth of Ukraine.
              But can any Swedish king resist the great host of Polish Knights, and may he have more troops and they are better organized and trained. It is necessary to call upon powerful allies to fight when the Knights open the bread. But only if the allies win wars, they get the main benefit.
              And it’s also good to arrange a swara for power between different factions, parties and clans. Yes, it is desirable to attract foreign patrons in this matter for each of the parties, but as a result, for some reason, the Polish king becomes a puppet, for foreign powers. And then Poland itself, like a pie with apples is divided between them.
              And what do we have in fact? A failed geopolitical project that failed due to an inability to unite on its own and unite others around itself. Hatred of neighbors who have much more success. Willingness to lie under anyone who goes against them, and simultaneously throws a bone at your booth. Yes, and here the suit did not go. They went under the French, and they got it in the cabbage soup. We were ready to push everything that was possible for the Germans, but they didn’t ask themselves and put you in the right position and again got it, in the Nazi face. Now you are orally satisfying the Americans, yelling all that they want to hear.
              Quote: atoliner
              It seems that history does not teach people anything ...

  2. 0
    27 October 2017 15: 08
    So NATO in the person of atoliner (I’m sorry that with a capital letter) has already been done, suddenly the shells will reach the "Great Polonia"! We are waiting for a squeal from the Triebalt!
    1. 0
      27 October 2017 15: 23
      I personally do not worry - the Polish Army is stronger than ever. And the allies only arrived. It’s just sad to see that instead of spending, people spend either on yachts or on unnecessary shootouts. With whom are they going to fight with whole armies in the 21st century? With the terrorists? So pointless - it's like a cannon on sparrows. With the West? So there will not be enough strength, as always in history.
      1. NKT
        27 October 2017 16: 06
        Well, what’s to you where we spend OUR money? I liked it was a litter - your business, why pull us to yourself? Yes, I don’t believe in your "just sad to see."
        1. 0
          27 October 2017 16: 20
          It is hard to believe - but in more developed societies, a sense of compassion is stronger. Volunteers are engaged in animals, someone is collecting help in Africa, and now I'm worried about a country close to me.
          Well, “OUR money,” sounded very loud. Rather, the money of the ruling elite. Or from some hour did the citizens of Russia receive some part of the rent from the extraction of resources?
          1. NKT
            27 October 2017 16: 37
            Yes, yes - how developed is your sense of compassion - you have to see every day. From this deep of your feeling for the rest of the world, so many tens of millions of people have died. You carry this feeling from century to century, you still can’t calm down, nobody wants to accept your “democracy”.

            And at the expense of rent - this is an old song about the main thing. But at your leisure, take a simple calculator, or maybe in a column, and calculate how many barrels we have per person, his production cost, the amount of taxes that are paid from him and compare with other companies.
            1. 0
              27 October 2017 22: 47
              Only now, for the whole world, Europe is a symbol of what it is striving for. All over the world, people want to buy European goods, work, study and live in Europe.
              But Russia causes only hatred or contempt. Even the African rebels, in which the USSR invested billions of dollars. So, the statement is doubtful.
              1. NKT
                28 October 2017 08: 56
                Russia causes hatred only among Russophobes, for example, people like you, who are a small handful. You do not have to answer for others. What do you, Russophobes, have for the habit of spreading your opinion to others? To other nations to impose their opinion and lifestyle? And only thanks to Russia (USSR) you live and can buy, as you say, European goods.
      2. +1
        27 October 2017 19: 39
        Wow! What a bold, or rather stupid statement. Dear Polish fellow, you obviously got excited about the forces and history. Even I will not list historical examples, they are well-known. Study history, learn from the mistakes of others ...
        1. 0
          27 October 2017 22: 46
          Tatar-Mongol yoke? Crimean war? Russian-Japanese? Or what examples?
          1. 0
            29 October 2017 16: 54
            And is that all? Your knowledge wasn’t enough for more? It’s sad. You could ask Napoleon and Hitler about examples. And that’s not all, there are dozens of such examples.
  3. +4
    27 October 2017 15: 15
    "During the audit, more than 100 thousand ammunition was used."
    10 rounds per nose? belay laughing
    1. 0
      27 October 2017 19: 28
      But in vain you think that this is accounting for small arms cartridges. At the training grounds, not only a pistol is fired.
  4. 0
    27 October 2017 15: 35
    eh, when will the charges begin to be carried out for storekeepers? Tired of a civilian I want to take a break from the army in everything :))))
  5. 0
    27 October 2017 18: 56
    In Tatarstan, nationalists threaten to rally against federal arbitrariness. Politeness is a feature of the Russian armed forces.