Khrulev - commander within mediocrity

Soviet historians assessed the leadership of the Russian army in the nineteenth century, for the most part, as worthless. The only exception, in their opinion, was Kutuzov, who defeated Napoleon’s armies, and also earned military leadership in other wars. but story it is such a thing, to look at which one should be critical, and thoughtlessly following someone else’s, even if respected opinion, is wrong.

Among the little-known surnames of that time there is one worthy of special attention. In the history of Russia there were two generals with a similar last name and, interestingly, with identical initials. This article is dedicated to Stepan Alexandrovich Khrulev. The amazing fate of a talented military leader is closely intertwined with the failures and victories of the Russian army, so his official biography reflects the state of the military forces of the empire during this period.

The son of the leader of the nobility, Stepan Aleksandrovich Khrulev, was born in the Tula province in 1807 year. The Khrulevs' family was one of the oldest Russian noble families, leading from the middle of the XIV century and had common ancestors with the AV family. Suvorov-Rymniki. Since childhood, the boy showed an interest in the art of war and dreamed of a military career. Contributed to the enthusiasm of Stepan Alexandrovich communication with a friend of his father Bronevsky, who was the author of "Notes of a naval officer." His dreams of feats of arms resulted in a detailed study of the biographies of the great generals and their works, strategies and tactics. Stepan Aleksandrovich turned out to be a diligent student, easily mastered several languages ​​and got excellent marks at the Tula Alexandrovsk School. He passed the final exams without difficulty in the Second Cadet Corps of the best military institution in St. Petersburg. Kutuzov himself finished this building once.

After successfully completing the training program, Khrulev went to the Noble regiment, later renamed the Konstantinovsky Military School. Here the young man trained, and also engaged in teaching, thanks to excellent knowledge in the field of mathematics. In 19 years, Stepan Khrulev was given the rank of ensign. Fate decreed that the beginning of military activity was laid in the 25-nd mounted light artillery company on the border with Poland.

The young commander of the baptism of fire took place in the beginning of the Polish uprising and already in the 1831 year, when he was about twenty-four years old, showed initiative and ingenuity. Extraordinary leadership skills were supported by accumulated theoretical knowledge and a little practice. In the Battle of Kozienice, Stepan Alexandrovich decided to put artillery in front of the infantry, which allowed him to destroy the enemy, without engaging in hand-to-hand combat. From a hundred and fifty steps from the Russians, shooting was opened with a canister that dispersed the ranks of the enemy. The Poles were so amazed at such an unusual tactical move that they could not take any reasonable steps, suffered heavy losses and lost the battle.

However, despite the successful outcome, the initiative of the young Khrulev frightened his chief, Major-General Kreutz. The baron saw in Stepan Aleksandrovich a dangerous rival, therefore, not only did he not present him for a reward, but he also tried in every way to hide this episode. Khrulev was the first to use card grenades in combat, while everywhere they began to be used only twenty years later. The military company for Khrulev ended with the rank of second lieutenant, as well as the Order of St. Anna 4 degree with the inscription "For Bravery" and the Order of St. Vladimir 4 degree with a bow.

In the 1848 year after the battle of Weizen, being in the center of the superior forces of the Hungarian enemy, already being a colonel, Khrulev successfully pulls the time until the main forces approach. The bold, but effective decision to impersonate the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian troops, allows him not only to keep the powers entrusted, but also to achieve the surrender of the Hungarian army.

He sent parliamentarians to the enemy headquarters, and while they got there, and then formally negotiated with the Hungarian commander-in-chief, coordinating every point in the treaty, the pulled troops forced the Hungarians to capitulate. For this witty and courageous act Khrulev was awarded. From now on, the command not only became afraid of him, but even felt hostility towards Stepan Aleksandrovich. For the Hungarian company, Khrulev was awarded a golden saber with an engraving “For Bravery”, the rank of major general, as well as the Austrian Order of the Iron Crown of the second degree. In the Kokand campaign during the successful assault of Ak-Mosque in 1853, the talented commander was finally marked by General Perovsky.

The Crimean War Khrulev met on the Danube front. 4 March 1855, S.A. Khrulev was appointed commandant of the Ship's side with the subordination of the Selenga and Volyn redoubts, the Kamchatka lunette (the names are given by units that built and defended these fortifications), as well as all the forces located in the 3, 4 and 5 divisions of the defensive line . The general was extremely popular among the soldiers and officers, had the glory of a fearless commander. It was noted that he is appointed to the place where it is currently the most difficult and dangerous of all. Even then, Khrulev had the fame of a “soldier’s” general, and for the care of his subordinates he received the nickname Stareletor, who addressed all without distinction the same: “my benefactor”. He impressed the officers with the modesty and asceticism of his camping life. He was a commander who continued the tradition of the "Suvorov school". The battle of Kamchatka lunet brought Khrulev even greater fame: on the night from 10 to 11 in March, the general made a sortie from the Kamchatka lunet, Russian soldiers broke into the main French trench and laid down all the works produced there by the enemy. The fight lasted all night and only at dawn Hrulev gave the order to retreat. A brave general was noticed and rewarded by the emperor himself. 6 June 1855 of the year, during the general assault on Sevastopol, he fought off a battery of Gervais with a handful (on the right flank of Malakhov Kurgan).

After numerous storms, the French marshal Pelissier took Malakhov barrow. Count Totleben was wounded in the leg, but the defense still held for some time, then this part of the city was abandoned. Despite the controversy with the engineer Totleben, Khrulev enjoyed his respect and confidence. The engineer often consulted with him on the field fortification. In many respects thanks to the ideas of Stepan Aleksandrovich, fortifications are beginning to be used in the form of group trenches, hereinafter referred to as lodgments.

The command did not pay attention or, rather, did not want to notice the merits of Stepan Aleksandrovich. Of particular interest is the memorandum to the Minister of War, which he submitted in 1856 year. The document was devoted to the justification of possible routes of the military campaign in India. The proposed solution demonstrates Khrulev’s foresight and political literacy. This quality allowed him to determine the weakest and most painful point of the main opponent of Russia - Great Britain. The situation in India was becoming increasingly tense, the natives were ready to raise a rebellion at any moment, so the invasion of Russian troops would surely provoke the overthrow of the power of the colonists. Such a maneuver could not only undermine the power of England and force it to abandon further military actions, but also weaken its influence in the international arena, as well as shake its financial stability.

The experience of military battles suggested to Khrulev that in the offensive tactics one should look for new more advanced techniques. So Stepan Alexandrovich has an idea to create a new form of battle order in the form of a rifle chain. In addition, he considers it appropriate to change outdated muskets into a choke. As practice has shown, this decision was really successful and contributed to the victories in the clashes.

Fate decreed that the talented general did not command the armies, but he was personally known and highly valued by Emperor Nicholas I. General Perovsky spoke about him flatteringly in his letters. However, most of the command tried to keep Hrulev in the shadows. The reason for this was envy, fear of originality and courage of his ideas. Even the Hungarian commander-in-chief, surprised and admired by his exceptional tactical abilities, said of him: "Our brave knight, Colonel Khrulev." Ardent soldiers loved Stepan Alexandrovich ardently and devotedly, composed songs about him. However, the general had a chance to command only the corps, this man’s potential was not exhausted for a variety of reasons.

Stepan Alexandrovich died in 1870 on the night of May 22, he was buried in Sevastopol, which he bravely defended. On the tombstone is written: "Khrulevo - Russia." In this short phrase is the whole life of the general, dedicated to his homeland.
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  1. Brother Sarych
    30 March 2012 08: 08
    An interesting fate - Khruleva fortune didn’t particularly complain, or rather, the bosses did not ...
  2. +3
    30 March 2012 08: 41
    An interesting decision is to hit England through India. The general, not the first to express this idea, but as always things did not come to implementation, it’s a pity.

    And by the way, the first sentence in the article is very controversial.
    1. Zynaps
      31 March 2012 01: 16
      Quote: Lazer
      And by the way, the first sentence in the article is very controversial.

      it is not controversial - it is false. Kutuzov, Bagration, Nakhimov, Makarov, Skobelev and many others were well known, appreciated, proud of them, and films were shot about them. especially in the postwar years.

      Quote: Lazer
      An interesting decision is to hit England through India.

      the solution is interesting, but it is completely unclear how to supply the army with materiel, food and supplies through the wild lands of Afghanistan and Balochistan. smacks of pure adventurism.
  3. +1
    30 March 2012 09: 49
    The first sentence is just the point ... Alas, history has always attracted people ... how to say it ... from bad wine, good vinegar ... in the silence of the study, in front of the fireplace it is very convenient to write ... and did not take this opportunity he lost the battle ... He’s all civilians and judges about matters that are inaccessible to them with great conceit ... And about the intrigues ... a simple engineer quit his old job ... three major accidents ... damage to 10 000 000 $, but they would give the peasant a leader ... how many problems they escaped ...
  4. +3
    30 March 2012 11: 21
    Nothing in life changes.
    A simple and proactive officer is more dangerous for his thick-assed bosses
    than the enemy. The expression "whatever happens" is not outdated to this day.
    Khrulev hard worker and master of his craft!
  5. dmb
    30 March 2012 13: 11
    Ms. Gordeeva again pleased. Firstly, the previously unknown type of Russian troops was opened to her - equestrian artillery. Secondly, a new word is said in fortification. Judging by the text from today, the lunette is a closed position, and the redoubt is open. (And the fools Voban and Karbyshev assured that the opposite). She could not but please Gordeev and the phalerist by creating the mysterious Russian Order of St. Anne and St. Vladimir with a bow. Summary. When you wrestle Wikipedia articles, you should not supplement them with your own, unsubstantiated fabrications, and sometimes it is worth checking the authenticity of the facts stated in them, because they can be written as a connoisseur of military affairs as Ms. Gordeeva is. And Khrulev honor and praise. An outstanding warrior and servant of the Fatherland.
    1. -3
      30 March 2012 16: 54
      I will add my five kopecks: "The Khrulev family originates from the most ancient surname of Suvorov-Rymniksky, which is closely connected with the military history of the state." Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov-Rymniksky died in 1800, 7 years before the birth of Khrulev. The term for antiquity is not very long.
      1. cvet2010gordeeva
        30 March 2012 20: 17
        With all due respect to Suvorov, I can’t say that the Suvorov-Rymnikovsky family came from him. In fact, it goes back to the beginning of the 16th century, and this, you see, is a deadline.
    2. cvet2010gordeeva
      30 March 2012 20: 16
      1. The article contains a misprint, it means not "horse-light artillery company", but a light horse artillery company.
      2. The Order of St. Anne was introduced by Paul 1 (there are opinions that in honor of his favorite), the Order of St. Vladimir has 4 degrees and is supplemented with a bow in special cases.
      3. Concerning lunettes and redoubts, in my opinion the article sets out quite clearly, I don’t see what you made such a sharp judgment from.
      4. I am glad that you are so closely following my work, it is a pity that your conclusions are not always true .... maybe the male logic is really different from the female one)))
      1. dmb
        30 March 2012 22: 29
        Typos aside. ... To understand the difference between lunette and redoubt, read their definition and compare with what you have written. Khrulev did not conduct negotiations with any Hungarian Commander-in-Chief, because at that time there was no such position in the Hungarian army, but he was led by Minister of War Gerge. Perhaps this is the same thing for you, but then it is hardly worth writing on military history topics. And if you decide to refute Academician Tarle and the Russian Biographical Dictionary, then at least give the sources according to which Khrulev, not Totleben, was the ideologist of the use of lodgements, which for some reason you call mysterious "group trenches". Do not consider it a work, indicate the source in which this definition is given.
        1. cvet2010gordeeva
          31 March 2012 06: 26
          Between definitions that are so complicated for my mind, lunettes and redoubts and what is described in the article there really is no contradiction that you are trying so hard to see. Regarding group trenches, it is not necessary to give their definitions in the explanatory dictionary in order to assert that they are group because it is SO.
          1. dmb
            31 March 2012 09: 26
            "Ostap analyzed the situation, shamefully called the queen a queen and pompously congratulated the brunette on the win." If you and I were in private correspondence, then it might not be worth continuing. But you publish your articles for general review, and if they do not cause objections, then they are correct. This, alas, is not so. Therefore, I have to continue to comment on them, because this will give an opportunity for others interested in the problems discussed on the site to know not only your point of view, sometimes expressed according to the principle: "I think so," but also have the opportunity to doubt it and check it for themselves.
            1. cvet2010gordeeva
              31 March 2012 09: 39
              You may be surprised, but I look forward to your comments, and for a long time wink
              1. dmb
                31 March 2012 18: 35
                Thank you, because the least pursued goal is to hurt you.
        2. Brother Sarych
          31 March 2012 09: 50
          Maybe this is a mistake of a later time, but it seemed to me that the lodgements appeared long before Totleben, although this is indicated in the Wiki ...
          It is possible that some of the later authors simply made a mistake, but I met that they were dug by the Turks at the instigation of the French ...
          Something in the article alluded to redoubts and lunettes - has the text changed?
          Still, the lunette is an open fortification, and the redoubt is closed, though. now it’s not clear what all this is about ...
      2. Brother Sarych
        31 March 2012 09: 45
        It was more honorable for a military man to have Vladimir with swords, even more honorable with swords and a bow ...
        It is strange that someone expressed doubts about Anna - if only they remembered Anna on her neck. Anna 4 degrees, in the form of a lanyard on a saber - the first officer award ...
  6. Georg Shep
    30 March 2012 21: 00
    I bow my head to Stepan Aleksandrovich Khrulev. Eternal memory and glory to him!
  7. +1
    30 March 2012 22: 30
    How many more such outstanding people remained in the shadows and on the outskirts of our history ...
    Thanks to the author! Thank! And thanks again for the material. I read it with great interest and pleasure ...