Istomin Vladimir Ivanovich - the pride of the Russian fleet and the hero of the defense of Sevastopol

The heroic defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War was led by Vice Admiral Vladimir Alekseevich Kornilov. His closest assistant was Vice-Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, who led the southern defense of the city. But the command of the most important defense sector, the key position of the left flank - Malakhov Kurgan, Nakhimov entrusted to Rear Admiral Vladimir Ivanovich Istomin.

The future hero of the Crimean War, Vladimir Istomin, was a native of the nobility of the Pskov province. His father, a collegiate secretary, had five sons. All of them subsequently devoted themselves to maritime business. Vladimir received his primary education at home, after he entered the Naval Cadet Corps. He graduated from it in 1827, as a midshipman, for his outstanding abilities and hard work he could be promoted to midshipmen, but he did not fit by age.

The first years of the Istomin naval service were held on the famous battleship Azov, under the command of the captain of the 1 rank Mikhail Lazarev, the discoverer of Antarctica, the future famous admiral. It is said that Lazarev had “flair” for talented young sailors, so it was not by chance that Nakhimov and Kornilov served on the same vessel.

Soon the 74-gun "Azov" takes part in the Battle of Navarino. The merits of Istomin in this battle were personally noted by the commander of the squadron, Count Heyden, in a report on awarding the Order of St. George the 4 degree. For bravery and difference in battle, the 18-year-old midshipman was given the title of midshipman.

The next five years, Vladimir Istomin served on the "Azov". Improvement of its marine education took place during the Russian-Turkish war, it was connected with the protection of the Greek archipelago, participation in the blockade of the Dardanelles and Constantinople. Free time the young midshipman devoted to the study of the naval stories, both domestic and foreign, the device of foreign ships, sciences. Istomin maintained such a craving for knowledge throughout his life; it was not for nothing that he was considered one of the most educated and experienced sailors. In 1832, Vladimir was transferred to the ship "Memory of Azov", he continued his further service on the Baltic navy, a year later received the rank of lieutenant.

In 1834, Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet, who from the very first days began to gather around him competent, active officers devoted to maritime affairs. It was at his request that Istomin was transferred to the Black Sea, where he served on the ship "Warsaw", participated in cruising off the coast of the Caucasus.

In 1837, Lieutenant Istomin takes command of the steamer "North Star". In August of the same year, Emperor Nicholas I and his wife rose aboard the vessel to commit the voyage. For the excellent organization of travel, the emperor awarded the captain of the ship with two rings with diamonds, the Order of St. Vladimir 4 degree, ordered to issue an annual salary of salaries.

Istomin Vladimir Ivanovich - the pride of the Russian fleet and the hero of the defense of Sevastopol

Later, Vladimir Ivanovich, commanding the schooner "Lastochka", received another rank of lieutenant commander. In 1840, he commanded the corvette Andromache, in 1843, the frigate Cahul. This frigate rightfully became then the best of the ships on the Black Sea Fleet.

A few years later Istomin, again on the recommendation of Lazarev, was transferred to the disposal of Prince Vorontsov, who needed an experienced and knowledgeable officer "for the development of local maritime issues." During his five years of service, the lieutenant commander gained the respect and trust of Vorontsov, many of his advice was invaluable in organizing land and sea operations in the Caucasus. In 1847, he participated in the Dagestan campaign, in the capture of Gergebil and Salta. For outstanding achievements in the hostilities, Istomin was first promoted to captain of the 2 rank, and in 1849, he received the rank of captain of the 1 rank ahead of schedule.

In 1850, the young captain is already commanding the 35 fleet crew, under his command the Paris gun 120 gunship. Further service was associated with the continuation of the cruise off the Caucasian coast. In 1852, he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 3 degree “for excellent service”. In 1853, he participated in the Battle of Sinop. In his report to the Chief of the Main Naval Staff, Prince Menshikov, the squadron commander Nakhimov reported on Istomin’s brilliant leadership “Paris” during the battle with the Turks, his excellent and effective actions, fearlessness and firmness of mind. It is for the Battle of Sinop Vladimir Ivanovich promoted to rear admirals. Admiral's epaulettes were handed to Istomin by the officers of "Paris." Touched by their attention, the captain promised not to take them off, he would be buried with them later.

The beginning of the Crimean War served the landing of the Anglo-French troops in the Crimea. Most of the Black Sea Fleet was flooded in the Sevastopol Bay. The sailors had to take part in the land defense of the southern stronghold of Russia. In addition to protecting the Malakhov Kurgan, Istomin, on the orders of Nakhimov, kept the defense of the 2 bastion, the Selenga and Volyn redoubt.

Always at the forefront, without rest and sleep, Vladimir Ivanovich, according to eyewitnesses, was a model of fearlessness, surprising calmness. Even in the most difficult and critical moments, I didn’t lose courage and clarity of thought. During the defense of Malakhov Kurgan, Istomin was wounded, wounded, every day was in mortal danger, many officers admired his courage. The rear admiral always personally supervised the installation of the guns and the equipment of the batteries.

During one of the intense attacks of the Russian positions by the enemy, Vladimir Ivanovich died, struck in the head with a nucleus. It happened 7 March 1855 of the year. His death was a great loss not only for the defenders of Sevastopol, but also for the entire Russian fleet.
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  1. Dynamic
    24 March 2012 09: 30
    Yes, there were people!
  2. Mr. Truth
    24 March 2012 11: 33
    Istomin, Kornilov, and then Nakhimov. The author write more about the last two.
    1. sevas
      24 March 2012 13: 47
      yes there were people at a dashing time.
      not like the current tribe!

      By the way, the Black Sea Fleet is currently carrying out restoration of the Vladimir Cathedral, the tomb of admirals M.P. Lazarev, V.A. Kornilov, V.I. Istomin, P.S. Nakhimov
    2. sevas
      24 March 2012 14: 43
      briefly about Nakhimov.
  3. Georg Shep
    24 March 2012 12: 36
    Sevastopol was and will forever remain a holy and fighting city of Russian military glory. Eternal memory to the heroes who gave their lives for Russian Earth!
  4. Rodver
    24 March 2012 12: 43
    Sevastopol - how much in this word, for the heart of the Russian merged ...
    Glory to the heroes of Sevastopol! Homeland remembers you ...
  5. lars
    24 March 2012 18: 27
    From a letter to V.I. Istomin to his brother: "And it is wonderful that where our soldier does not have to come face to face with an Englishman, he drags him by the collar into captivity, which apparently distinguishes the superiority of our Slavic race over these Red Kaftans."
  6. biglow
    24 March 2012 20: 45
    surprisingly few comments, is it really a day off for bots, such as observing Saturday
  7. +2
    24 March 2012 22: 16
    Not an unambiguous war, on the one hand, heroism, stamina and courage ... on the other hand, accusations of lack of ingenuity and initiative ...
  8. +2
    24 March 2012 23: 04
    The story of flooding also raises many questions ...
  9. 0
    7 January 2021 22: 41
    I wonder why not a single warship is named after him?