What does Putin’s return mean to Washington?


For four years, the main Russian interlocutor of Washington was the young and accommodating Dmitry Medvedev. However, the elections last week confirmed that American diplomats will soon again have to deal directly with Vladimir Putin. What does Putin’s return to Russian foreign policy mean and how should Washington change its approach now that, instead, Medvedev and Putin will not be sitting at the opposite?

Despite the stinging anti-American rhetoric of Putin’s election campaign and the tensions that arose in US-Russian relations at the end of Putin’s previous period in the Kremlin, Washington has the opportunity to maintain good and mutually beneficial relations with Russia during the second Putin act. To do this, it is necessary to develop a platform that will focus on the mutual interests of the parties and will help bring the relationship out of the impasse related to issues such as missile defense and domestic policy of Russia. Since the United States is accelerating the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan on the eve of 2014, for a start, America and Russia should focus on regional security in Afghanistan and Central Asia.

From the point of view of Putin

Despite the fierce anti-American rhetoric of his election campaign, Putin remains a man with whom Washington can deal. Although in the past four years Putin has avoided daily intervention in foreign policy issues, he remained a senior partner in the Russian "ruling tandem", and this meant that Medvedev could rarely make decisions that ran counter to his position. For example, the “reset” of relations between Russia and America announced by Presidents Medvedev and Obama at the beginning of 2009 could not be realized without Putin’s consent. Other key decisions also, of course, required approval by the Prime Minister. Including he had to approve the tightening of UN sanctions against Iran in June 2010, and the decision to allow the transit of American goods through Russian territory within the Northern Distribution Network - a system of routes for delivering goods to Afghanistan bypassing Pakistan.

The harshness of Putin’s election rhetoric should not overshadow the fact that he has long recognized the importance of good relations with the United States and believes that supporting them is in Russia's national interests if Washington is ready to treat Moscow as an equal partner (which, according to Putin often does not). In his long article, published 27 February in the newspaper "Moscow news", Putin stressed:" In relations with the United States, we would be ready to go really far, to make a qualitative breakthrough, however, provided that the Americans actually follow the principles of equal and mutually respectful partnership. "

Analyzing Putin’s article in Moscow News, Western experts focused on his criticism of the United States, which Putin accuses of their military intervention in Libya and the threat of similar operations in Syria and Iran undermining Russian security and world stability. Putin has long expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that, as he believes, the West does not show enough respect for the interests of Russia and for its status as a major power. In his view, Moscow has made significant concessions in the last twenty years: it agreed with the US withdrawal from the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Systems and with the accession of the Baltic countries to NATO, resigned to the US military presence in Central Asia, sacrificed its financial and strategic interests. Iran in order to stand united against America to oppose Tehran’s nuclear program. However, Washington continues to make new demands, without taking into account Russian interests, which require respect for the supremacy of the UN Security Council in matters of war and peace, maintain strategic stability in the nuclear sphere and - most importantly - respect the leading role of Russia in the post-Soviet space.

Putin’s article and his campaign statements offer the United States a choice: cooperation based on mutual respect, or zero-sum rivalry. Against the background of growing instability in the Middle East, the weakening of the European Union and the difficulties of strategic reorientation to the Asian direction, the United States needs productive - in a broad sense - relations with Russia - which in turn means exactly the kind of cooperation Putin is proposing.

New platform

One of the main problems is the lack of a positive platform for cooperation. The main goals set in recent years - the new treaty on strategic offensive arms, the tightening of UN sanctions against Iran, Russia's accession to the WTO, the reduction of rivalry in the post-Soviet space - have been largely achieved. The expansion of economic cooperation, of course, would be in the interests of both countries. However, even if we leave aside the need to convince Congress to establish a regime of “permanent normal trade relations” with Russia, building economic ties will still remain a long process. Attempts to increase transparency and initiate direct cooperation in the field of missile defense, which the Obama administration has undertaken in seeking to improve relations in the field of security, seem to have stalled.

Meanwhile, in the shorter term, Washington and Moscow seriously need to cooperate in Afghanistan and its neighboring countries in Central Asia. Although Moscow has long been troubled by Washington’s flirting with Central Asian governments in light of the US military presence in Afghanistan, Putin and other Russian leaders understand that the fight against the Taliban, in which US initiatives in Central Asia play a role, helps protect Russia from the spread of radicalism and crime. Russia, like some of its neighbors, is among the key partners of the United States in the Northern Distribution Network. Now Moscow, which has long opposed the American presence in the region, urges the United States to reconsider the deadlines for leaving Afghanistan and remain in the country after the 2014 year.

The Obama administration is unlikely to reconsider, but it should begin an intensive dialogue with the Russians about regional security during and after leaving. Russia has already agreed to create a transit point on its territory (in Ulyanovsk), which will be used during the withdrawal of troops. In the future, the main tasks of Russia in the region will be to limit the influx of Afghan drugs across its border and ensure the security of secular regimes in Central Asia. The United States is also interested in Central Asia not becoming a source of radicalism and instability, but after leaving Afghanistan, they will have less opportunity to influence events. That is why Washington, together with Moscow, needs to develop a regional security concept after 2014. This concept will have to pay special attention to the problems of border security, training and supplying security forces, combating drugs and the economic development of the region, and Russia should play a serious role in all this. Against the background of the lack of a real positive platform for Russian-American cooperation, the ability to focus on the security problems of Central Asia may allow the parties to move away from counterproductive conflicts over missile defense or Middle East problems that have occupied a key place in relations between Russia and the USA for too long.

The American leadership should have no illusions about cooperation with Putin’s Russia. Interaction with it will not be based on common values, but on the pursuit of common interests in the areas in which they exist, combined with open disagreements in other areas - including those relating to internal Russian affairs. Putin’s re-election was clearly not without fraud, however, despite this, it seems that the majority of Russians still support him - even if in fact he received fewer votes than the official 63,6%. The relatively small scale of the protests after the elections only emphasizes that, contrary to many forecasts in the West, Putin is still firmly holding power - at least for now. Of course, the situation may change, and in an unpredictable way. Therefore, Washington needs to concentrate separately on such areas as security in Central Asia, in which cooperation with America will be in the interests of Moscow in any event that develops in Russia itself.

American officials should continue to maintain contact with the opposition and openly acknowledge the shortcomings of the Russian electoral process. However, the United States will have to work with the Russian government, which is, and not with the one that would have liked America. That is why US-Russian relations require a platform for cooperation shared by both parties, regardless of who will sit at the negotiating table.

Jeffrey Mankoff is a freelancer in the Russia and Eurasia program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a visiting researcher at Columbia University in New York. In 2010 – 2011, he was an expert on international issues at the Council on Foreign Relations and worked in the Bureau of Russian and Eurasian Affairs of the US Department of State.
171 comment
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  1. +48
    16 March 2012 12: 10
    Quote: "US officials should continue to maintain contact with the opposition and openly acknowledge the shortcomings of the Russian electoral process."

    But this is called interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. So you gentlemen, behave somewhere in Africa, if you are allowed, of course.
    Or behave with Russia respectfully, or - walk in the forest ....
    1. Paratov
      16 March 2012 12: 56
      But the rhetoric has changed !!! Where did the former redneck go?!.
      1. +26
        16 March 2012 13: 21
        Sergey, hello. In one of the articles I came across such a phrase - "the expression on her face resembles the expression on the snake's face that bit a lemon. Instead of the pleasure of sinking her teeth into the victim's flesh and launching poison into it, she received a shock dose of acid." So, the states are now in the role of this snake, but they are trying, in the best American traditions, to observe external decency. And where are they going, sick! From the fact that they shout about the illegitimacy of the presidential elections, accept all sorts of resolutions and circulars, they will not get away from the fact that they will have to work with the president chosen by the people.
        1. +6
          16 March 2012 14: 52
          They will become even more dependent on Russia during transit through Ulyanovsk. They will begin to say if they just have to block this transit and they will definitely have to walk through the forest or bow to Moscow. And Moscow will calmly announce: "The elevator does not work. The nearest elevator is in the next building." And Afghan for the amers is a trap into which they got stuck out of their own stupidity and self-confidence. And in general, the United States has plunged in full on all fronts and is now trying to get out of the impasse so that no one sees their real goat face. The State Department wolf then turned out to be an ordinary goat and now meows like a helpless goat.
          1. S_mirnov
            16 March 2012 20: 50
            there is such an expression - "at least piss in the eyes, all the dew of God", it's about you.
            Let's supply oil to the USA for free, then they will sit on Russia even more and they will guarantee us praise and they will recognize an illegitimate president! http://demotivation.me/18ecqmemfi2jpic.html
          2. -1
            17 March 2012 09: 18
            Quote: alexneg
            They will become even more dependent on Russia during transit through Ulyanovsk. They will begin to say if they just have to block this transit and they will definitely have to walk through the forest or bow to Moscow. And Moscow will calmly announce: "The elevator does not work. The nearest elevator is in the next building." And Afghan for the amers is a trap into which they got stuck out of their own stupidity and self-confidence.

            I completely agree. Firstly: this is an excellent argument in dialogue with our sworn friends, and secondly, it is foolish to think that 100 people who have returned from Afghanistan will go home to fry a barbecue. No, the generals will immediately begin a democratic itch where else to add 000 soldiers to develop democracy. Well, let them sit here, but they send the coffins home (God forgive me), and we also need money for the construction and modernization of Ruslans.
            1. +1
              20 March 2012 12: 24
              What forest, what dependence? Already now news has appeared on this site that Pakistan has agreed to transit goods through its country. How can we scare NATO members? When did they go to some kind of arrangement that was unprofitable for them?
              What, God forgive me, what money do we have for the construction of Ruslans from the fact that NATO is sitting in Afghanistan? In all the media and on TV, they say and write that during the time the NATO contingent was in Afghanistan, the flow of drugs to Russia increased tenfold! Do you want to upgrade and build Ruslans with this money? Sometimes we will think, or what?
              A transshipment point was initially a bad idea. If only because at first it was necessary to achieve something useful by legally securing it, and only then allowing it.
        2. 0
          16 March 2012 15: 19
          Quote: esaul
          In one of the articles I came across such a phrase - "the expression on her face resembles the expression on the snake's face that bit a lemon. Instead of the pleasure of sinking her teeth into the victim's flesh and launching poison into it, she received a shock dose of acid."


          1. slas
            16 March 2012 22: 01
            The American leadership should not have illusions about cooperation with Putin's Russia. Interaction with it will not be based on shared values, but on the pursuit of common interests in the areas in which they exist, combined with open disagreements in other areas - including those related to internal Russian affairs. Putin’s re-election was clearly not without falsifications, however, despite this, he seems to be supported by the majority of Russians anyway - even if he actually received a few fewer votes than the official 63,6%.--- Honestly, you guys are not sick of this whole madhouse? It’s already starting to get me that somewhere soooooo there is a piece of land where 95% of our people were not and will never live (as they think of themselves) --- navels of the navel of the earth And interfering in our lives by different methods under different pretexts tell us what is right what is not tongue Maybe it's time to give them cuffs? laughing
            1. recitatorus
              17 March 2012 01: 16
              Zadolbalo, and how !!! Less attention should be paid to them.
            2. German
              19 March 2012 09: 00
              It’s certainly a good idea to put pressure on the cocks, but there is a folk wisdom that says: do not touch q ... that it doesn’t stink! laughing
        3. S_mirnov
          16 March 2012 20: 46
          "with the president who was chosen by the people" - I would say with the president whom the swindlers, tori and gullible Buratins chose. And America in GDP is satisfied with everything, from the NATO base in Ulyanovsk to the storage of the stabilization fund in the United States.
          In more detail, I already wrote about this, I repeat.
          Not so long ago I started visiting this site. And communicating with the local audience led me to some thoughts:
          I wondered who the supporters of GDP are made up of. Well, first of all, these are thieves and crooks, usually high-ranking members of United Russia. The GDP Board is very profitable for them, because allows you to rob the country and leave it unhindered, as the time comes to molt.
          The second type I would call "cowards." These are individuals who are forced to support GDP using an administrative resource (in other words, they promise to dismiss from work if they do not come to the rally or “vote incorrectly”). http://www.shturmtv.com/video/3997/Puting-in- Petersburg-18022012
          The third type is “traitors” - they support GDP for personal interests who are for 500-1000r. paid at a rally, who for exemption from practice at the university. And most of them will be very surprised if they are told that they are betraying their homeland! Well, I came to the rally, earned money, but I won’t vote for him - in that regard.
          The fourth type I called "Trusting Pinocchio" - these are generally good people who just got under the propaganda press and were too lazy to look for information from unofficial sources. It is to this part of the population that I want to turn. I perfectly understand that you absolutely do not want to lose your pink glasses. After all, your position is very convenient. Look, we consider the GDP a patriot genuinely caring for the interests of citizens and the homeland, in fact, everything! you don’t have to do anything, just spit on oranges, and maintain hysteria about “Russia without GDP”. Come to the rally in Luzhik, and the caring authorities put the trap in your ass, so that the patriotic ass isn’t freezing, give out hats for a freebie and a bag of gifts, bring them, take them on buses, sit them down so that everyone has enough space http://politsovet.ru/ 36909-opublikovany-svidetelstva-podvoza-na-putinskiy-miting
          .html at McDonald's is being fed. The main thing is to boldly stigmatize all those who are against the GDP into an orange apposition and blame them for wanting to ruin Russia, and in no case should one allow the idea that there are people for Russia and against the thieves' GDP regime. This seditious thought can destroy the cozy world of a “positional patriot,” you have to admit that the GDP regime is leading the country to death, and here it is already necessary to decide where to go from Trusting Pinocchio - to cowards or to traitors? There is another way out - to become a real patriot - but it is dangerous and scary, because it turns out you go against the government.
          Many "gullible Pinocchio" find a way out of the situation in that all the bad things in the country were done by Yeltsin, and all the good things were done by the GDP. I want to remind them who brought the GDP to the presidency. It is under the law adopted by the GDP against Yeltsin that it is forbidden to institute criminal proceedings and conduct investigations. Remember who put the monument to EBN. Who praises him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kInnSe_KMhE&feature=related
          I want to dispel the misconception that GDP pursues an independent policy from the United States aimed at Russia's interests. It is impossible to defend the interests of Russia if your daughters live in Germany, and before that they studied at the school of the German embassy (by the way, only German citizens have the right to study there, we draw conclusions). We also remember where the stabilization fund of our country is stored. So the US is completely satisfied with the GDP.
          By the way, in order to look more decent in the eyes of the people, the GDP regime is forced to sling mud over our great past.
          Now about why, under this regime, Russia will not become a great power. The most important reason is the corrupt power vertical. The GDP regime for all its time has convincingly proved that it cannot cope with corruption. Just by virtue of your device. For example, who elected deputies of the State Duma? Who are all these people adopting the laws by which we live? I answer - those who paid money to the leaders of the Duma parties, whose interests they will protect? Also with governors and judges. So you can roll in the army as much as you like, they simply won’t reach the end consumer. There are no people in the army defending the interests of the army.
          Especially for those who seek information on the real situation in the country themselves, I will post a few links:
          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HJW7ua211w&feature=youtu.be карусель на выборах
          http://lenta.ru/news/2012/03/07/nomod/ ситуация на флоте
          http://news.rambler.ru/13102454/ олигархи
          Very funny video about Zhirinovsky http://www.shturmtv.com/video/3998/ Schizophrenization-consciousness-zombies
          1%80%D1%84-%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80-%D0%B2-%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA это про КПРФ.
          1. +6
            17 March 2012 00: 59
            Etozh, it’s necessary to sprinkle such a comment, and even with links, I probably worked all day, but in vain. All this, before the election, the opposition and swamp mud poured streams from the TV screens of all channels. Didn’t it help you to get here now? You didn’t even notice how in the beginning komenta, I’ve cheated more than half of the country's population, and now you want people to communicate normally with you. I don’t like the country, the government; Borders are open, fly, dove.
            1. recitatorus
              17 March 2012 01: 21
              Did he understand what he said ??? I can argue, I won’t be able to repeat everything - I’ll get confused !!!
              1. S_mirnov
                17 March 2012 18: 07
                I always understand what I'm saying.
                p.s. If I do not answer, then putinoids banned me.
                1. 0
                  17 March 2012 22: 56
                  Oh, stop tryndet - I did not see the line "comment deleted", and you are not answering, apparently because you understand that you have lied and you dare not argue anything worthwhile ... or you have a busy mouth, consult with ideological inspirers.
                  1. S_mirnov
                    18 March 2012 19: 51
                    It's hard to be limited in your ability to answer, but limited in your mind is probably even harder. Such as you "patriots" will never see on this site a phrase that your rating does not allow you to leave comments here.
                    At the expense of your mouth you have sick fantasies, go eat pills!
          2. rolik
            17 March 2012 01: 41
            But it is interesting if Zyuganov, or Prokhorov, won. Would this be fair? Or also bought and with a bunch of fraud. Most likely, fraud would be an unrealistic amount. So, sit the partyigenos of these figures on your ass straight, and don’t blather. After the fight, they don’t wave their fists laughing
            1. slas
              17 March 2012 12: 26
              Quote: rolik
              But it is interesting if Zyuganov, or Prokhorov, won. Would this be fair? Or also bought and with a bunch of fraud.
              what would you know that in Ukraine there was the same scenario in 2004 where people threw a chewing gum between Kui and Yushche It flew 7 years and I see that Kuchma is not a saint either. But really, the situation was just like the presidential election in Russia in 2012. Here is the answer for you if you won the name of which you wrote. You see the consequences live. Falsifications in Ukraine in favor of Yushchik were such that your type of falsifications did not stand by. the mess is complete and everything is sold and divided recourse
            2. S_mirnov
              18 March 2012 23: 31
              These elections could not be honest whoever won. Because in general, only puppets were allowed to participate. These patriots were not allowed to the elections (Boris Mironov and Ivashev for example). And of course, the participation in the election of the Prime Minister who did not leave his post is generally out of the blue!
          3. +2
            17 March 2012 03: 48
            Hello dear again! Again, based on your comment, do you continue to insist that the majority voted "thieves, crooks, cowards and gullible Buratin"? I am trying to understand the train of your thoughts, unfortunately I don’t know your age, but the question is the same: to which part of the population of YOUR HOMELAND would you consider yourself?
            1. S_mirnov
              17 March 2012 22: 36
              I will answer you with pleasure. I am 37 years old. I consider myself to be "moderate patriots" - probably it would be more correct to say that. I love my Rodiina and am not going to leave here, at the same time I consider the GDP regime to be initial and leading to the further destruction of Russia. And I consider myself moderate, because I don’t want to beat someone's face because people have different views on the political situation in the country. If you wanted to know if I do not consider myself to be swindlers, cowards, traitors or gullible Buratins, then I do not. Approximately 60% of Russian citizens came to the elections, of whom 40 to 60% voted for GDP. In total, the categories I have listed are recruited by about 30% of Russian citizens. Not such a large percentage for crooks, cowards, traitors and gullible Buratin, is not it?

              Unfortunately I can’t always answer questions to me, the rating you know doesn’t allow angry toli freedom of speech on the site is such, toli this is real democracy.
              1. -1
                18 March 2012 08: 03
                Yes, you are the same "creative class" that considers the majority of the population: "rams, anchovies", etc.
                63% voted for Putin, and not from 40 to 60%, as if you were not sick of this. Know how to lose with dignity.
                And according to that onion counting scheme, not a single president, not a single country can be recognized as legitimate, well, except for Stalin. 45,6 million people are for Putin and it’s not at all a fact that those who didn’t come to the polls would vote against him, these are just your fantasies. Many decided not to bother, because Putin would have won anyway. (One of such people, for example, my mother-in-law).

                But for everyone, a very informative link. reviews of the "creative" class on the country's population: http://www.kontra20.ru/p/poslevyborny-trsk-shablonov/

                I strongly advise everyone to read.
                1. S_mirnov
                  18 March 2012 23: 33
                  I never considered myself to be in the "creative class" that you are trying so hard
                  adhere me to the white movement? You have more than two options in your head
                  does not fit? Either Zaputin or Nemtsov - well, a straight character from a single
                  Russia. I’ll tell you a secret - the world is more complicated than you imagine.
                  And I never called "the majority of the population" (I wonder the population of what?)
                  "rams, anchovies" are you just lying!
                  Here on this link a person is at least not afraid to say his name and show his face
                  I-cops - at the same time
          4. 0
            17 March 2012 09: 27
            S_mirnovhow did you get it. Is it really incomprehensible to you, an Internet hamster, that you have secured such a deafening victory for Putin, too, with your, if you can say, activity. Most of the population is just sick of you.

            And the links are all reputable: news.rambler.ru; lenta.ru; www.ymuhin.ru wassat Straight all the color of the world independent press laughing

            Hold on already ...
            1. S_mirnov
              17 March 2012 22: 41
              I do not consider the "victory" of the GDP deafening. I do not consider myself a white movement and network hamsters, moreover, I am not a member of social networks at all. And what makes you sick of the truth is that it needs to be treated. Normal people are not sick.
              Speaking of the independent press, do you also think that Y. Mukhin is a hamster paid for by the State Department? Can you justify? wassat
          5. rolik
            17 March 2012 15: 54
            Do you really think that the GDP did not draw conclusions from all the events connected with corruption. Medvedev simply spent his term so that it would not get any worse. In principle, it succeeded. And now, after the inauguration, the most interesting thing should begin. And I think draft laws are already ready for overly bureaucratic bureaucrats. Putin, I think, also wants to stay for a second term, and understands perfectly well that the army of uncontrolled bureaucrats is a stone on his neck. Therefore, I must take certain actions. The stabilization period was completed in 2000-2008, now the construction period begins. With the indispensable falling off of the husk.
            But this is interesting:
            The "playful" communists have already shown themselves, who have entrenched themselves in the media and become the first rats to flee from a sinking ship. Moreover, pouring their own shit on Zyuganov, they say that they did not do this before the election solely out of their own decency. Actually they were waiting.
            Meanwhile, the Communist Party leader G. Zyuganov really turned out to be in a rather difficult position. Knives of various kinds of adventurers and servants of many gentlemen pierce into his back. From below, the youth is supported, who suspects the leader of opportunistic politics in relation to the ruling elite. In particular, even a person close to him, Yuri Afonin, spoke out against G. Zyuganov. Today, he is the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Lenin Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation (LKSM), a member of the Presidium and secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the first secretary of the Tula Regional Committee of the Communist Party. In the State Duma elections, he was No. 3 on the list of the Communist Party.
            In this situation, Comrade Zyuganov is left to sharply speak out against Putin, accusing his supporters of rigging the election. He did not even go to a meeting with Putin after the announcement of the results of the presidential election.
            Zyuganov still believes that he scored 27–28% in the presidential election. And in the “Kremlin” he was deceived, promising not to “cut” much for future loyalty. Therefore, he did not go to a meeting with Putin. In the party, this could be interpreted as weakness or betrayal.
            They say that the next associates of the Secretary General have already begun to cautiously persuade him to change his role. Specifically, to become the "honorary chairman of the party." But the persuasion has not yet led to anything.
            We continue the fascinating reading:
            It is interesting to note that at the last stage of the campaign, Putin clearly competed with Prokhorov in the "alpha male" nomination: a rather unsuccessful video was launched as part of this contest about voting for Putin and the "first time" with frankly sexual overtones. However, the first topic began to develop Prokhorov, on the move, at the beginning of the campaign. He promised to marry in case of victory (he didn’t risk anything!). This immediately brought the female half of Russian students into a state of extreme excitement.
            However, this time the charm of the authorities did its job. Judging by the results of the vote, Prokhorov Putin is not a competitor in the sense of fans of various ages.
            It is difficult to suspect a successful businessman of losing orientation in the “three pines” of Russian politics. But there is no doubt that on his part there is an accurate business calculation. For example, Prokhorov will need a third result in the election race for a line in his resume that can be presented to investment bankers abroad.
            He will hardly continue his party or political career. His statements on the creation of a party project are seen as an attempt to demonstrate to voters the seriousness of their intentions. So, any man knows that an expensive bouquet and exquisite wine increase his chances ... At best, Prokhorov “will just give money” for the party, and perhaps Alexey Kudrin will head it.
            And finally, Prokhorov’s participation in the election race was also a form of “oligarchic” leisure, during which the candidate received an all-Russian PR and a fair amount of adrenaline. And hardly after that a new political star was lit.
            It is believed that M. Prokhorov will not be able to share his party project with anyone. Although alarming is the persistence with which he claims to create a “party without leaders”, which is impossible in principle.
            Now about our "friends":
            Worst of all was B. Obama. He invited Putin to the next G8 summit in Chicago and a meeting of leaders - NATO member countries, which will be held there the next day. But Putin refused to go to the NATO troops, citing a dead end on the missile defense issue. And his defiant departure would have looked like the failure of the G8 meeting. As a result, Mr. Obama had to transfer her from Chicago to his Camp David state residence. Despite the fact that in Chicago at least $ 30 million has already been spent on organizing meetings.
            1. gojesi
              17 March 2012 16: 28
              Quote: rolik
              And now, after the inauguration, the most interesting thing should begin. And I think draft laws are already ready for overly bureaucratic bureaucrats. Putin, I think, also wants to stay for a second term, and realizes that the army of bureaucrats not controlled is a stone on his neck.

              I agree! The Luzhkov clan was defeated and shut down from the economy, the Yeltsin clan (S. Shoigu) was blocked, and now the third and last clan of Governors remains. Otherwise - thieves, to-rykh hands on the shoulders in the "Harvard Project". Matvienko was taken out of the attack in advance, probably Vladimir Vladimirovich owes her something to her personally ... Personally, I'm looking forward to high-profile cases and the spring landing campaign ... It's not long to wait. The next, according to the logic, should be the law "On combating corruption" and the next "On the demographic policy of Russia" ...
            2. -1
              18 March 2012 08: 10
              totally agree with you. The fun part is about to begin. Putin made it possible for all rats to crawl out into the light of searchlights, where all showed themselves and marked, now it's his turn. Moreover, for all tough actions he has the full support of the people.
              Will wait.
              1. 0
                18 March 2012 23: 48
                Quote: kos
                Putin made it possible for rats to crawl out the floodlights,

                For a long time I have been turning this thought into my head. May God grant if so.
          6. +1
            17 March 2012 22: 53
            Reply to S_mirnov
            I do not think Pu is ideal - there are no ideal ones at all. But you have offended most of your people ... if you follow your logic. then opponents of Pu can be divided into the following types
            - 1 - unworthy of respect - fagots, fascists, liberals of all stripes and thieves who were moved away from the feeder to which they had access in the 90s, also thieves who are afraid that they will be moved away from the feeder in the future.
            2 - respectable - ideological opponents - mostly communists.
            3 - worthy of pity - who succumbed to the rhetoric of populists, not fed up with the destruction of the country. or those who do not understand what the further and final "liberalization" of the country, welcomed by the State Department, will lead to ...
            You, sir, judging by the anguish with which your writings are plagued, belong to the first paragraph of the type of the first classification I have outlined ... :)))
            1. S_mirnov
              18 March 2012 23: 44
              Again you speak for the majority of the people. I just called crooks, traitors, cowards and gullible Pinocchio with their imines, nothing more. And these categories do not constitute the majority of my people.
              As for your classification, I answer that I am not (I despise and consider sick people), not a fascist, definitely an anti-liberal (for example, I really liked Lukashenko’s decision regarding terrorists, a trial court and execution, compares favorably with our government, which does not openly judge anyone , they killed someone in the mountains, and those who were counted are silent, the terrorists say, and that's enough for you), not a thief, because I earn money myself and I do not hold a bureaucratic post.
              As for the third category, I am against the "leberalization" of the country, but unambiguously against the modern fascist regime. The last thing I want is the collapse of the country. I respect the communists, but I consider their leader a traitor (I mean Ziu.)
    2. +8
      16 March 2012 13: 05
      Quote: Nord
      But this is called interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. So you gentlemen, behave somewhere in Africa, if you are allowed, of course.
      Or behave with Russia respectfully, or - walk in the forest

      Salute, Leonid! And that's why, with those who work in conjunction with the gentlemen from the outside in the direction of the collapse of the country, you need to act, throwing aside the sussing about compliance with international standards. These norms are an instrument in the hands of a bunch of Western rednecks and bandits.
      1. +13
        16 March 2012 14: 13
        Greetings Valery!
        Bolotnykh, in the form in which they exist, must be crushed as an abscess on the body of the country, and this is unequivocal. What kind of lisp. It was enough to sniff in February 17th. If the opposition does not work for the good of the country, but works for its collapse, then this is an ENEMY, with all the ensuing consequences ...
        1. Sergh
          16 March 2012 15: 19
          Hi guys, all a Happy Holiday 1 May.
          Vovka Putin-GO! We’ll tear them all forward, Russia, we will win !!!
    3. 0
      17 March 2012 09: 10
      Quote: Nord
      But this is called interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. So you gentlemen, behave somewhere in Africa, if you are allowed, of course.
      Or behave with Russia respectfully, or - walk in the forest ....

      By the way, recently Lavrov said that we need to carefully consider American legislation on NGOs and bring Russian laws in accordance with it.
  2. +21
    16 March 2012 12: 12
    Well, Uncle Sam - the bear is unpredictable, sushi crackers laughing
    1. neodymium
      16 March 2012 19: 09
      More than 80% of those who voted refer to the United States as if to say ... "negatively" laughing

      1. recitatorus
        17 March 2012 01: 23
        Already all 95% are disgusted with America !!!
  3. crack key
    16 March 2012 12: 25
    Some kind of rat started up and minus all the time, as if it means something
    1. Bravo
      16 March 2012 12: 29
      always minus when we to one degree or another criticize Western power, hence the conclusion ...
      1. +19
        16 March 2012 12: 50
        Nothing, let’s go back ... we’ll be more wink
        1. +11
          16 March 2012 13: 59
          Quote: Tersky
          .us more

          And not only on this site. Not understanding this led America to defeat in Russia this spring (I think everyone understands who muddied our water here and what was counting on). Result - you need to change the rhetoric. So far, they’re doing poorly judging by the tone of the article. There is still time to learn.
    2. +3
      16 March 2012 16: 07
      Not a rat, but a mouse gray-humped laughing
    3. slas
      16 March 2012 22: 03
      Quote: crackkey
      Some kind of rat started up and minus all the time, as if it means something

      why are you worried about minus?
      1. slas
        16 March 2012 23: 03
        Quote: slas
        why are you worried about minus?

        you see me and minus and I'm not worried laughing
  4. Nymp
    16 March 2012 12: 25
    The American wrote, and making a discount on it, you can say the article is sober! He recognizes cooperation with Russia on equal terms, taking into account the political interests of Russia! It's good! Everything else is bad! The rhetoric of publication in an arrogant tone, they are clearly not ready for equal cooperation !!! Therefore, I put a minus! Dvoechniki learn homework again! am
    1. KAV
      16 March 2012 13: 32
      By name, it looks like a Russian-speaking American.
    2. +3
      16 March 2012 16: 53
      My thought was expressed, almost word-for-word, plus definitely wink
    3. 0
      16 March 2012 17: 55
      For America, this is a great progress, we have to rebuild on the go.
      And I really don’t want to change, not even at the beginning of the way. There is a feverish search for convenient options
  5. +28
    16 March 2012 12: 34
    The article does not recall serious analytics, but the cowboy’s thoughts on what to do with a peppy bull. As long as the Americans do not understand that the whole world is not the herd that they graze, there will be no normal relations with them.
  6. Sniper 1968
    16 March 2012 12: 36
    The USA is a boil on the body of the Earth. Soon the mass of pus and poison will become critical. We will see from the shelter how the scumbags fly away. You can’t break all the laws (universal, Cosmic, but all that are) and stay without Kara ... I'm 43, I hope , I will see this Bright event for all NORMAL people ... To all patriots of the Motherland, my respect. Yes
  7. PatriotizTAT
    16 March 2012 12: 54
    Putin hasn’t done anything bad for the states, now they will establish NATO transit, then he will sign STB3 and there will be no reason to steam at all, the EXXON MOBILE shelves by 2015 he had already fused ... well, everything is shorter according to the Pentagon’s plan, do not entertain yourself with the illusions that you he needs, I do not pest and invent .... I just live in an endangered country!
    1. Don
      16 March 2012 14: 08
      Quote: PatriotizTAT
      shelves EXXON MOBILE

      What are the shelves?
      1. PatriotizTAT
        16 March 2012 15: 19
        EXXON mobile company, a contract for the development of our northern territories for 500 billion dollars. Forward Putinism !!!
        1. rolik
          17 March 2012 02: 06
          But just about the contract.
          Exxon Mobil has stolen a major deal from Rosneft from competitors, including BP, The Wall Street Journal reports. This is a large-scale agreement in the development of the Arctic. The agreement is unprecedented: one of the Russian state-owned companies for the first time in history will get access to energy projects in the United States, the journalists of the publication emphasize.
          For the sake of success, Exxon Mobil was forced to take unprecedented measures. The company will become a co-investor in a project for oil and gas in the Kara Sea, which will require 2,2 billion euros. In addition, Exxon Mobil expressed its readiness to admit its Russian partner to the holy of holies - to extract oil and gas in North America, including in the fields in Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. “Exxon came to a country where investment in oil and gas is fraught with political risk , and agreed to invest $ 2,2 billion in the exploration and development of potential giant oil fields in the ice-covered Kara Sea; work will be carried out jointly with Rosneft. A deal was also concluded, under which $ 1 billion would be spent on oil searches in the Black Sea. In exchange, Rosneft will be able to acquire shares in several Exxon projects in the United States, including wells in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Texas, on land. ”
          Well, that's just about the contract. Yes, I forgot to add.
          An eloquent proof of Russia's aspirations is also a statement by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, who stated that Russia will firmly and strongly defend its interests in the Arctic and begin by investing in the northern region. The amount of investment was determined at the level of 35 billion dollars. These factors, such as the slurred position of the United States and the persistence of Russia, influenced Exxon Mobil when choosing a partner.
        2. Don
          19 March 2012 14: 08
          Quote: PatriotizTAT
          EXXON mobile company, contract for the development of our northern territories for 500 billion dollars

          Or maybe it’s time for you to start reading information, and not to update it yourself.
          You understand what cooperation and investment is.
          In January 2011, ExxonMobil signed an agreement with the Russian company Rosneft on joint development of hydrocarbon reserves on the Black Sea shelf. The primary site for exploration and production under this agreement will be the Tuapse Trough. It is expected that the Russian company will have 66,7% in the joint venture, the American - 33,3%
          The American company, according to the terms of the agreement, will become Rosneft’s partner in the development of huge oil and gas fields in the Arctic (Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who attended the signing ceremony, estimated the volume of investments in these projects to be hundreds of billions of dollars). In turn, Russians will get the opportunity to enter ExxonMobil projects, including in the Gulf of Mexico and Texas. In addition, the agreement provides for the organization of a joint Arctic Research Center in St. Petersburg.
          Can you still list the plants owned by Russian and Ukrainian companies in the USA and Europe?
      2. +2
        16 March 2012 16: 40
        Quote: Don
        What are the shelves?

        Hello Sergey, buddy! To see
        Quote: Don

        virtually joined
        Quote: Sergh
        Serg (1)

        Now we’ll hear another hour and more news wink Serge (1), countryman, hello! My friend remembered you, exclusively, in an envious vein! drinks
    2. gojesi
      16 March 2012 15: 00
      patriotism TATU
      Well, then what are you doing? Here on this site live those who live in a rising country? You need to change the site ... It's just ...
      1. PatriotizTAT
        16 March 2012 15: 17
        At least I don’t dump in Finland ... and I’m not trying to blindfold a blind patriot, I still have eyes and opinions, and if you don’t like my comments ... well ... DO NOT READ THEM!
        By the way, Serdyukov expressed a desire to become Minister of Finance, bravo Putin ... BRAAA-VOOO !!!!
        1. Sniper 1968
          16 March 2012 15: 43
          You can’t be biased towards people, comrade "Patriot". To judge a stranger by the flag is at least unreasonable ... You get excited.
        2. gojesi
          17 March 2012 12: 36
          many Russians now live outside of Russia, this is due to various reasons. There is an American and a Canadian and these are Russian people. And I was and will remain and will remain forever Russian, even being outside the cordon, and I will eat BREAD, not matzo. I am not a State Department Program, like some living in Russia.
          And the time will come I will take into the hands of Kalashnikov, although I’m not the same combat unit as before, but I’m still able to get the matzha chewing!
          Do you understand me "patriot ... kosher" ???
      2. S_mirnov
        16 March 2012 22: 20
        you do not live in a "rising country" you live in a cozy matrix of the 1st channel and NTV.
        1. +1
          17 March 2012 00: 28
          And then you live here, yeah ... on ... to your America.
          1. 0
            17 March 2012 16: 13
            Quote: SF93
            And then you live here, yeah ... on ... to your America.

            Yes ktozh let him go there. He is here for them both more useful and free.
            1. S_mirnov
              17 March 2012 22: 49
              It is unlikely that I am more useful here to America. The United States benefits from a corrupt regime in power in Russia. And I am against corruption in our country.
          2. S_mirnov
            17 March 2012 22: 46
            will you give me money? And then America does not know that I am "her". But the Russian tax office, on the contrary, is sure that I am a Russian laughing
        2. 0
          17 March 2012 03: 55
          Dear you categorically pursue me and give links of foreign production. Weakly support the domestic manufacturer, or at worst set out YOUR Thoughts and not someone else's links?
          1. S_mirnov
            17 March 2012 22: 53
            I have already stated my thoughts above, but for you again. True, I risk getting tired of constant repetition.
            "Not so long ago, I started visiting this site. And communication with the local public led me to some thoughts:
            I wondered who the supporters of GDP are made up of. Well, first of all, these are thieves and crooks, usually high-ranking members of United Russia. The GDP Board is very profitable for them, because allows you to rob the country and leave it unhindered, as the time comes to molt.
            The second type I would call "cowards." These are individuals who are forced to support GDP using an administrative resource (in other words, they promise to dismiss from work if they do not come to the rally or “vote incorrectly”). http://www.shturmtv.com/video/3997/Puting-in- Petersburg-18022012
            The third type is “traitors” - they support GDP for personal interests who are for 500-1000r. paid at a rally, who for exemption from practice at the university. And most of them will be very surprised if they are told that they are betraying their homeland! Well, I came to the rally, earned money, but I won’t vote for him - in that regard.
            The fourth type I called "Trusting Pinocchio" - these are generally good people who just got under the propaganda press and were too lazy to look for information from unofficial sources. It is to this part of the population that I want to turn. I perfectly understand that you absolutely do not want to lose your pink glasses. After all, your position is very convenient. Look, we consider the GDP a patriot genuinely caring for the interests of citizens and the homeland, in fact, everything! you don’t have to do anything, just spit on oranges, and maintain hysteria about “Russia without GDP”. Come to the rally in Luzhik, and the caring authorities put the trap in your ass, so that the patriotic ass isn’t freezing, give out hats for a freebie and a bag of gifts, bring them, take them on buses, sit them down so that everyone has enough space http://politsovet.ru/ 36909-opublikovany-svidetelstva-podvoza-na-putinskiy-miting
            .html at McDonald's is being fed. The main thing is to boldly stigmatize all those who are against the GDP into an orange apposition and blame them for wanting to ruin Russia, and in no case should one allow the idea that there are people for Russia and against the thieves' GDP regime. This seditious thought can destroy the cozy world of a “positional patriot,” you have to admit that the GDP regime is leading the country to death, and here it is already necessary to decide where to go from Trusting Pinocchio - to cowards or to traitors? There is another way out - to become a real patriot - but it is dangerous and scary, because it turns out you go against the government.
            Many "gullible Pinocchio" find a way out of the situation in that all the bad things in the country were done by Yeltsin, and all the good things were done by the GDP. I want to remind them who brought the GDP to the presidency. It is under the law adopted by the GDP against Yeltsin that it is forbidden to institute criminal proceedings and conduct investigations. Remember who put the monument to EBN. Who praises him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kInnSe_KMhE&feature=related
            I want to dispel the misconception that GDP pursues an independent policy from the United States aimed at Russia's interests. It is impossible to defend the interests of Russia if your daughters live in Germany, and before that they studied at the school of the German embassy (by the way, only German citizens have the right to study there, we draw conclusions). We also remember where the stabilization fund of our country is stored. So the US is completely satisfied with the GDP.
            By the way, in order to look more decent in the eyes of the people, the GDP regime is forced to sling mud over our great past.
            Now about why, under this regime, Russia will not become a great power. The most important reason is the corrupt power vertical. The GDP regime for all its time has convincingly proved that it cannot cope with corruption. Just by virtue of your device. For example, who elected deputies of the State Duma? Who are all these people adopting the laws by which we live? I answer - those who paid money to the leaders of the Duma parties, whose interests they will protect? Also with governors and judges. So you can roll in the army as much as you like, they simply won’t reach the end consumer. There are no people in the army defending the interests of the army.
            Especially for those who seek information on the real situation in the country themselves, I will post a few links:
            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HJW7ua211w&feature=youtu.be карусель на выборах
            http://lenta.ru/news/2012/03/07/nomod/ ситуация на флоте
            http://news.rambler.ru/13102454/ олигархи
            Very funny video about Zhirinovsky http://www.shturmtv.com/video/3998/ Schizophrenization-consciousness-zombies
            1%80%D1%84-%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80-%D0%B2-%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA это про КПРФ.
            Now to the question "What to do?" Looking at the leaders of the systemic and non-systemic apposition, honestly speaking, hands drop. But, nevertheless, I found in the network of people whose position is close to me and I consider it correct. http://avn.armiavn.com/ their position is reflected on this site. Of the presidential candidates, I support Boris Mironov and Ivashev, though they were not even allowed to vote, they are afraid.
            I sincerely hope that the material presented here will open the eyes of some "gullible Pinocchio." Wandering in pink clouds is very dangerous not only for Pinocchio themselves, but also for people around them. Unfortunately, the Soviet government weaned people from fighting for their rights and protecting their lives (the state itself did all this) and the Russian people were greatly relaxed. Where does this lead to look here, it is better not to look for the faint of heart. http://www.shturmtv.com/video/3158/
            Actually all that I wanted to tell you. Think, analyze, do not take a word, check. I think after this material my rating on this site will not allow me to respond to your comments, nevertheless I will read them all. It is advisable to see something more reasoned than emotions and throwing feces ...
            Be healthy!
            if I don’t answer, it means banned wink
            1. 0
              17 March 2012 23: 02
              Quote: S_mirnov
              who brought the GDP to the presidency

              And who brought it?
              Quote: S_mirnov
              Many "gullible Pinocchio" find a way out

              If you are a thinker of GOS scale, then why are you using the terminology of "troll"? Not interesting and not convincing. Everything has been chewed and pereporino a hundred times. According to your calculations and links.
            2. 0
              18 March 2012 01: 52
              Whose board do you like more like Gorbachev Yeltsin or Putin? (I want to disappoint you right away for Putin, I did not vote)
              1. -1
                18 March 2012 02: 08
                Quote: Zlyden.Zlo
                (I want to immediately upset you for Putin, I did not vote)

                No problem, this is a personal matter, in whose support to vote.
  8. gojesi
    16 March 2012 12: 57
    if we take into account, if we take into account that this is not written by a Russian, but by an American, then the article is productive! This means that in America comes the understanding that with Russia it is necessary either, according to Bismarck - ".. to play fair, or not to play at all ..."
    It was pleasant, surprised that the amers came to understand that if they are thicker now, it does not mean at all that it will always be so and in the near future. So what if they have "thicker" now, they still need to stand!
    1. PatriotizTAT
      16 March 2012 15: 14
      In your opinion there is only good things in Putin, and in your opinion you go up when you have a mortgage of 19 thousand rubles with an average salary of 24 ... ????????! Go on and go up!
      1. +2
        16 March 2012 17: 02
        NewTroll detected ... By the way, 24tyr is such an average salary, and in the tanks it’s 800 of their most candy wrappers, it’s good how I got a scholarship after the default of 5 candy wrappers, and a good salary at the end was 200.
        1. 0
          16 March 2012 21: 37
          I lied, I already received a salary in default, then it fell to 150.
      2. +2
        16 March 2012 21: 19
        Is it better like amers? Do the pyramid and increase public debt?
      3. -1
        17 March 2012 09: 35
        Quote: PatriotizTAT
        In your opinion there is only good things in Putin, and in your opinion you go up when you have a mortgage of 19 thousand rubles with an average salary of 24 ... ????????! Go on and go up!

        Well, it’s like someone. I had a mortgage of 12. After making the maternity capital, it became 000 per month for 5000 years. (I took 5)
      4. 0
        18 March 2012 05: 46
        And do not bite more than you can swallow. There is not enough finance, earn extra money.
    2. +2
      16 March 2012 16: 02
      Yes, they have no understanding. And about Bismarck, it seems, 80% of US citizens do not know at all. At best, they will say that it was such a ship from Hitler, whom they defeated. fool
    3. 0
      18 March 2012 05: 43
      You can say (and in this case write) one thing and do another. Everything that is done in conjunction with the amers needs to be double-checked 100 times, be sure to wait for the tricks !!!
  9. +14
    16 March 2012 13: 05
    What does it mean? Nothing at all. Do not be mistaken.
    GDP is not a new person who could become a "dark horse" for Washington.
    Everything is familiar, the same faces, long and thoroughly studied and "sorted out" by American psychologists and analysts in their reports. Amers always take this issue very seriously.

    The question is different - what will mean for Moscow the possible arrival of a new US president?
    1. Novosibirsky
      16 March 2012 13: 14
      Quote: Samsebenum
      The question is different - what will the arrival of the new US president mean for Moscow?

      Or what will mean for Moscow the consequences of the events of the current US president leaving for a second term ...
    2. Sniper 1968
      16 March 2012 13: 46
      Quote: Samsebenum
      What will mean for Moscow the possible arrival of a new US president?

      The same as always: readiness number 1. "Kind" uncle will not come. Best regards.
      1. recitatorus
        17 March 2012 01: 29
        With the change of presidents, America does not change! They are all like twins there!
    16 March 2012 13: 20
    Once again, the article proves that we must speak with the Americans toughly and confidently and once again we make sure that only Putin can do it!
    1. S_mirnov
      16 March 2012 22: 33
      evil troll. Grossly said so GDP - and Nuk Americans, build a base in Ulyanovsk! And those are Ai-Ay Sir! Can NATO planes fly over your homeland? And such a way - but not a question (strictly so strictly)!
      Well, Americans ofigev from the same rigor simplify the issuance of visas to Russians in America: http://news.rambler.ru/13103324/
      And Way shakes hands with Kissenger (toughly so!) Http://news.rambler.ru/13123649/
      Americans generally like to praise those who are tough with them (Putin, Lukashenko, Saddam, Fidel), and those who take off gently of course scold (Israel, England, Saakashvilli) request Damn it, it doesn't fit, right?
      1. 0
        17 March 2012 09: 37
        Quote: S_mirnov
        and Nuka Americans, build a base in Ulyanovsk!

        there is no base there and will not, calm down.
    2. 0
      17 March 2012 00: 32
      It’s useless to say something to the Americans, it’s time and on the slope once or twice so that they understand who is the boss in the house.
      1. S_mirnov
        18 March 2012 23: 47
        In-in, good mood. Come to Ulyanovsk, soon there will be a lot of Americans. Only most likely you will be bound there by our own police sad
  11. sas
    16 March 2012 13: 26
    Doesn't mean anything. It seems to me that all these types of support for the Russian opposition are sheer crap. All these statements of the State Department, McCain - into the hands of Putin himself. People look: "damned y" shit on the GDP, then he is our man and is doing everything right. Amers such "our man" is very welcome: if necessary, they will show a shibanted Russian on TV, distract people from emerging problems. In addition, Western TNCs, as far as I understand, feel great in Russia, the grandmothers are pumping, almost masters. Yes, and Putin has infiltrated the structure of the world "elite" - money, a lot of money from all his entourage - in foreign banks, property in the same place, etc. children GDP not a fig never in Russia. Everyone is happy with everything. In short, war - in words, no more.
    1. Sniper 1968
      16 March 2012 13: 41
      Quote: Sas
      It doesn’t mean anything. It seems to me that all these types of support for the Russian opposition are pure crap. All these statements by the State Department, McCain, are in the hands of Putin himself.

      I get it. McCain-Putin agent. I was recruited in Vietnam when I was in captivity ... How could I not have guessed before ... what
      1. sas
        16 March 2012 14: 01
        You have understood nothing. McCain says what he needs to say. Putin is a type and an enemy, but to look closely - and not an enemy. It is beneficial to the United States just as Hussein, Bin Laden, Gaddafi, etc. were beneficial. All this conflict is show-off. The Americans helped only Putin with their "open support" for the opposition. I think everything has already been agreed and decided there, and Russia is not included in Putin's plans.
        1. Sniper 1968
          16 March 2012 14: 37
          Quote: Sas
          were Hussein, Bin Laden, Gaddafi

          Honorable neighborhood ... For the above characters, the key word is: "were" ... Someone should "nightmare" the American man in the street ... Ogre villain ... No.
        2. gojesi
          16 March 2012 14: 55
          Yes, you can’t live like that !!! SEEING BEFORE YOURSELF ONLY BLACK, ONLY NEGATIVE! Well, why not wait a bit, and then blame. I agree with you that a lot speaks not in Putin’s favor, but now there’s no other, or they have been knocked out or not put forward or something else has happened, but it also says a lot FOR Putin ... You have to wait and not panic! In his first steps, it will become clear whether he works on the side of the State Department or Russia ...
          1. +2
            16 March 2012 16: 06
            Heard about the KGB shnogohodovki heard? You can not understand by the first steps. But about the fact that we need a strong leader and there is no alternative to GDP yet - I agree.
          2. Brother Sarych
            16 March 2012 18: 13
            And how long will you wait to order?
          3. sas
            16 March 2012 18: 47
            Yes, I do not panic, I live in another country, we have a lot of our problems. Let me disagree with you about the first steps. Putin has been in power since the 99th, if I’m not mistaken. Yes, and for Medvedev’s term he essentially didn’t go anywhere, it was he who taxied, not Medvedev.
            1. -1
              16 March 2012 19: 45
              [quote = Sas] Putin has been in power since the 99th, if I'm not mistaken. Yes, and for Medvedev’s term he essentially didn’t go anywhere, it was he who taxied, not Medvedev.
              [/ Quote]
              You yourself know the answer. Compare 2000 and 2012 [quote = Sas]
              Russia under Putin has become stronger? In [/ quote]
              [quote = Sas]
              Again you know the answer, well, like a child ..
            2. gojesi
              17 March 2012 12: 52
              Drednoutu /
              Heard about the KGB shnogohodovki heard?
              I heard not only about the KGB, but also about the CIA ... It happened and participated ...
              Putin in the first terms built a power vertical, fought with the Clans. Luzhkov is neutralized, the Yeltsin clan is neutralized as politicians. Now the governors are left ... I think if he works on our side, then he will rake, for which Putin does not undertake !!! Is it bad, is this another question good, but DO !!! We will wait for landings !?
              As for Medvedev's dependence on Putin, I think this is some kind of universal ..., some kind of "dream of reason" ... But would Putin have surrendered Libya? I mean, Russia would vote SO in the UN !!! But would he have handed over to the Norwegians a piece of the Barents Sea, about which no one ever knew anything? if he is now talking to the staff ??? But Abram's Batrak has already spoken, and Hillary ..., they felt - the Master is returning! They are not in a panic from "now", they are, IMHO, in a quiet panic from the approaching year 20!
          4. -1
            16 March 2012 19: 40
            Quote: gojesi
            Need to wait and not to panic!

            People constantly confuse the size of the Vatican and Russia
            Quote: Brother Sarich
            And how long will you wait to order?

            Soon, only cats, you understand what scale ..
          5. S_mirnov
            16 March 2012 22: 41
            gojesi, we've been waiting for 12 years now, are you kidding me? Tell me what exactly "speaks FOR Putin" to you?
            I can tell you what he says against Putin:
            The stabilization fund in private banks in the USA, Daughters live in Germany (can you imagine that Stalin’s son lives in the USA?), Only the number of billionaires grows in Russia, corrupt courts, unfair elections http://www.argumenti.ru/politics/n330 / 162014
            defense collapse
            I can still list, but laziness.
            1. +3
              17 March 2012 10: 01
              Quote: S_mirnov
              Daughters live in Germany (can you imagine that Stalin's son live in the USA?)

              Are you collecting all the rumors? All the same, Goebbels’s hand is visible, the same technique:

              Quote: S_mirnov
              US private banks stabilization fund

              stop reading the manuals, and start getting to know the reality. As a hint: there is no Stabilization Fund as such; it was divided into two others long ago. "expert", damn it.

              Quote: S_mirnov
              unfair elections

              As for the Naganoff, I already wrote, but especially for you I can repeat:

              Your Naganoff is a typical liberal talker. His opuses have more than once been refuted. Read:


              you can read it: http://infodefence.livejournal.com/34015.html

              And here about the Naganoff itself: http://infodefence.livejournal.com/49861.html
            2. gojesi
              17 March 2012 12: 59
              See above
              I can still say a lot, but laziness ...
        3. +8
          16 March 2012 15: 56
          Where is the logic?
          Does America want to see Russia strong? She regrets that early
          calmed down, did not finish the collapse of Russia under Yeltsin and did not
          overestimated Putin. She considered that the process is irreversible. When they realized that
          Model 1998 Russia has sunk, and Russia 2008 appeared, earth and sky.
          A slight panic develops into anxiety looking at Russia 2020. At the same time,
          they themselves got into big "misunderstandings" everywhere, besides, the printing press is overheating, and then again a bullfighter with a red rag. The snow revolution has settled in the swamp. Something needs to be done, but time is not
          suffers. The bull turned out to be a cow on ice.
          1. sas
            16 March 2012 18: 35
            Russia under Putin has become stronger? In what? The oligarchs are less? With people can be shared? Or maybe there are fewer officials? Or maybe someone is fighting corruption? Or have the army been reequipped? Well-being? Exclusively due to energy prices. Nobody denies this. The system remains the same, the oligarchs are the same and even more. Decay continues. And Putin is cementing the whole thing. I think there is no alarm, let alone panic in the USA. They know what’s happening there.
            1. Don
              19 March 2012 14: 44
              Quote: Sas
              Russia under Putin has become stronger? In what? The oligarchs are less?

              An interesting approach to assessing the state economy. By your incomprehensible logic, if there are fewer oligarchs in the country, then is it economically stronger ?! But is there nothing much more oligarchs in the USA and China than in the Russian Federation? Do you know how many oligarchs in one small Hong Kong? Or are these economically weak countries? But nothing, that the Russian Federation is the 6th world economy ?! Or do you think she did not become stronger? And do not tell tales about the rise in oil prices. I will not even paint the economy now, but I just would like you to think logically. Why oil has risen in price, the Russian Federation has become one of the largest economies in the world, with 140 million people, and Indonesia, Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Angola, Nigeria, Algeria, Gabon, Ecuador - no?
              Quote: Sas
              Or maybe there are fewer officials?

              And why should there be less of them? The bureaucratic apparatus in any large state is large.
              Quote: Sas
              Or maybe someone is fighting corruption?

              Of course they are fighting, but only one country in the world has not yet been able to defeat it.
              Quote: Sas
              Or have the army been reequipped?

              In general, they are reequipping and in full swing. OSK South, for example, was re-equipped with 70% new equipment. New planes, helicopters, nuclear submarines, and air defense systems are arriving.
      2. -1
        16 March 2012 19: 35
        Quote: Sniper 1968
        I understand. McCain-Putin agent. Was recruited in Vietnam when he was in captivity ... How could I not have thought before.

        Absolute truth
        Quote: Sas
        Russia is not included in Putin’s plans.

        Well, I’ve completely agreed
    2. Don
      16 March 2012 14: 10
      Quote: Sas
      In addition, Western TNCs, as I understand it, feel great in Russia, grandmas shake, almost the owners.

      You are deeply mistaken. Not many Russian corporations have a share of foreigners, and if there is, then it is not large. But the corporations of the Russian Federation and Ukraine have a bunch of factories, mines, mines around the world, including the United States and Europe.
      1. Brother Sarych
        16 March 2012 18: 14
        You’re just like a small, honest word ...
        1. Don
          19 March 2012 14: 45
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          You’re just like a small, honest word ...

          You to whom?
    3. -1
      17 March 2012 09: 53
      Quote: Sas
      In addition, Western TNCs, as I understand it, feel great in Russia, grandmas shake, almost the owners.

      Only on this level of competency is already visible.
      Which companies? where to download? what are they shaking?
  12. Nechai
    16 March 2012 14: 17
    "... if Washington is ready to treat Moscow as an equal partner"
    Well, our "elite will not wait for this. So observe external decency, as long as its elite of the Russian Federation, actions do not go beyond the mainstream of US national interests. And while it will continue the velvet genocide of the peoples of Russia ...
    "The United States is also committed to ensuring that Central Asia does not become a source of radicalism and instability."
    Words words. In fact, it’s exactly the exact opposite.
    "Engaging with her will not be based on shared values."
    Chur, mind, mind! FROM THEIR COMMON VALUES! Ordinary citizens of America, having visited Russia, express the opinion that they now understand WHAT THEY HATE THEM SO HERE. "All the filthiness of our society is being poured out to you. And this is passed off as Arecan values ​​..."
    "open disagreements in other areas - including those related to Russian internal affairs."
    Here for them it is STRANGE - the "Papuans" are outraged by the actions of the Sahib. That is why he and the "World Master", so that the truncated according to the evonomy happened ... fool
    "US officials should continue to maintain contact with the opposition and openly acknowledge the shortcomings of the Russian electoral process."
    And how are leaders of the leading OPPOSITION now trying to sneak up on GDP. The fifth column does not change anything. They will lick the anus of power, for a fraction of a small. And at the same time, to cherish the dreams of putting a knife under her shoulder blade, and with a successful set of circumstances that did not tremble with her hand, they will sadan.
  13. boris.radevitch
    16 March 2012 14: 30
    It is necessary to remove the Khalui traitors of Russia Udaltsov Nemtsov Ryzhkova
    prostitute Sobchak or let Vashinkton run away where their uncle Sam will be their
    kiss! ....... Russia is ahead without the Nazis !!!. bully
  14. Obama
    16 March 2012 14: 41
    Quote: “Against the background of the absence of a real positive platform for US-Russian cooperation, the ability to focus on Central Asian security issues could allow the parties to move away from counterproductive conflicts over missile defense or Middle East issues that have been key in relations between Russia and USA"
    I guess "this is where the dog is buried" ....
    1. +4
      16 March 2012 15: 23
      Own bargain benefits outweigh all their slogans about freedom of speech and democracy combined!
      1. Obama
        16 March 2012 18: 23
        I mean that all the so-called "American cooperation" will be directed by any means to divert our attention from the main problem of missile defense !!! "
        ... the ability to focus on Central Asian security issues could allow the parties to move away from counterproductive conflicts over missile defense or Middle East problems ...
  15. Volkhov
    16 March 2012 15: 23
    The return of Mr. Putin means for Washington the opportunity to ride a Russian donkey, showing carrots with patriotic rhetoric - profitable and fast.
  16. +4
    16 March 2012 15: 40
    At least the concept of the US development until 2025 was approved by the Congress, and there I did not read something about "love" for Russia!
    Whether we want it or not, we will always have a swing with them, and the only question is - who will fall first?
  17. sevas
    16 March 2012 15: 56
    for s, this means that the second wave of privatization will take place in the direction they need !!!!
    The government document of October 25, 2010 hit the press. N1874-r, which determines the privatization of Russian state-owned enterprises, which is planned to be implemented in 2011-2013. According to this decree, the Russian state authorizes the sale of state property to be privatized to several authorized structures, among which are: Bank Credit Suisse CJSC, Deutsche Bank LLC, J.P. Morgan Bank International Commercial Bank LLC, Merrill Lynch LLC Securities ”, Morgan Stanley Bank LLC and GOLDMAN SAKS. However, there are Russian companies among the “affectionate” ones, in particular, VTB Capital, but at the same time Meryl Lynch Securities is entrusted with the sale of shares of VTB itself. The list of enterprises whose state-owned shares will be sold is approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development for the list of state assets and includes Rosneft, Transneft, Sberbank, Sovcomflot, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Rosagroleasing, Rosspirtprom, OZK, FGC and RusHydro. But this is only “the largest”, small blocks of shares will be sold here, which nevertheless allow their owners to participate fully in managing the affairs of companies. On a much larger scale, it is planned to privatize “less significant” enterprises, which, oddly enough, even include sea ports. It seems that there are many who want to, because the port is an opportunity to participate in the regulation of foreign trade.
    1. sevas
      16 March 2012 16: 55
      Lord! Explain the backing track!
      There should be a discussion, not a stupid "fool himself".
      1. wk
        17 March 2012 03: 29
        Quote: sevas
        Lord! Explain the backing track!

        Gentlemen in Paris ....
      2. gojesi
        17 March 2012 13: 14
        There are obvious things, they are a priori "default". Have you ever thought about an interesting paradox, why the epithets applicable to water are always applied to Information? - Stream I., Drop I., Information Channel, Stream I., etc. You see, when you are in the status, conventionally, - "Big Boy", then you can immediately see who drinks from what sources ... Therefore, they simply put a minus to you without explaining the reasons, and with this, they say: - go learn ...
        1. +2
          17 March 2012 23: 10
          Reply to Sevasu and Goyesi
          No ... well, then tell me what to answer you. Well, judge for yourselves - you are lying, and judging by the fact that you people are apparently not stupid, you are lying intentionally. And from start to finish. Well, what to talk about with you? Well, why would a person lying to deliberately dissuade - you already know that. Here are website visitors and rate your propaganda in this way. .. Or am I wrong about your mental development?
      3. +1
        18 March 2012 05: 54
        25 years I did not go to the polls, now I went for Putin. I set the minus, because I do not believe in a penny amer. Everything looks right, but crap.
      4. S_mirnov
        18 March 2012 23: 54
        can't wait, "this is not a place for discussion" lol . In other matters, compared to my rating, you are still great. The local audience does not like it when their dreams are debunked, that the patriot Pu is at the helm and there is nothing more to do for the prosperity of the country, the wise GDP itself will drive thieves and alga into the bright future.
        Soon you will be disconnected from the opportunity to respond to attacks explaining this by too low a rating.
        1. sevas
          19 March 2012 03: 08
          disconnect and to hell with them!
          I am glad that there are adequate people on such a "charged" site!
    2. rolik
      17 March 2012 02: 43

      R A S P O R I J E N I E

      dated October 25, 2010 N 1874-r


      In order to create conditions for attracting investments,
      stimulating the development of the stock market, as well as modernization and
      technological development of the economy and in accordance with
      subparagraph 8-1 of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law
      "On privatization of state and municipal property":
      1. To approve the attached list of legal entities for
      organizations on behalf of the Russian Federation of the sale of privatized
      federal property and (or) the exercise of the functions of a seller.
      2. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia to select legal entities
      from the number of legal entities included in the list approved
      this decree, for the organization on behalf of the Russian
      Federation of sale of privatized federal property and (or)
      exercise the functions of a seller.

      Chairman of the Government
      Russian Federation V.Putin

      Government Order
      Russian Federation
      from 25 October 2010
      N 1874-R

      П Е Р Е Ч Е Н Ь
      legal entities for the organization on behalf of the Russian Federation
      sales of privatized federal property and (or)
      exercise the functions of a seller

      1. Closed Joint Stock Company "Bank Credit Suisse (Moscow)"
      2. Closed Joint Stock Company "VTB Capital"
      3. Limited Liability Company "Deutsche Bank"
      4. Limited Liability Company "Investment
      Vnesheconombank company (VEB Capital) "
      5. Commercial Bank Limited Liability Company
      "J.P. Morgan Bank International"
      6. Limited Liability Company "Merrill Lynch
      Securities "
      7. Limited Liability Company "Morgan Stanley Bank"
      8. Limited Liability Company "Renaissance Broker"
      9. Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Auction House"
      10. Branch of a private company with unlimited liability
      "GOLDMAN SAKS (Russia)"

      And here is the required document. Since then no more body movements have occurred. And if they did, then most likely the movements of the States would be in support of GDP, or at least neutral. However, the opposite process was observed and is being observed. Money has rushed into the opposition and continues to flow. Zyuganov, privately, is recognized as a more convenient candidate than Putin.
      Naturally, in modern conditions, neither the Rothschilds nor the Rockefellers, no matter how strong they may seem, can claim to single-handedly skim the cream in Russia and in the post-Soviet space. Globalization has led all financial and industrial clans to reckon with each other and cooperate, establishing uniform rules of the game at regular meetings such as the Bilderberg Club. And at the same time, financiers are also forced to reckon with their governments, no matter how condescendingly they look at them.

      As for Russia, in this situation it has a unique opportunity to use the competition of international financial and industrial groups for its own purposes. It would be foolish and reckless to come to terms with the role of the object of influence and not try to become its subject, no matter how complicated it may seem. In solving this problem, it is quite possible to cooperate with China, which is considered the "estate" of the Rothschilds (it was in the Celestial Empire in recent years that they moved their main base). While the Rothschilds believe that the PRC is acting on the prompting of their HSBC bank (which does advise the Chinese government on financial and economic issues), Beijing is playing its game and is not going to lose. In other words, while the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are playing their chess game, Moscow and Beijing may try to beat them into a “fool of the ball”.
    3. gojesi
      17 March 2012 13: 13
      There are obvious things, they are a priori "default". Have you ever thought about an interesting paradox, why the epithets applicable to water are always applied to Information? - Stream I., Drop I., Information Channel, Stream I., etc. You see, when you are in the status, conventionally, - "Big Boy", then you can immediately see who drinks from what sources ... Therefore, they simply put a minus to you without explaining the reasons, and with this, they say: - go learn ...
  18. 755962
    16 March 2012 16: 18
    he has long recognized the importance of good relations with the United States
    I am for diplomatic relations.
    1. neodymium
      16 March 2012 19: 27
      "He himself preferred to call himself a philosopher. He was also presented in the news. But in the payroll, which is compiled in Church English, his position is called unambiguously:" crack discourse-monger first grade. "[3] That is, in fact, he is the same like a military man. But there is no contradiction - we are not children and we perfectly understand that the power of modern philosophy is not in syllogisms, but in aviation support."
      Pelevin SNUFF
      Yes, the TRUTH must be with fists.
    2. io_stalin
      16 March 2012 19: 55
      Light and heat in the amount of 10M here:
  19. +4
    16 March 2012 16: 53
    The article is full of crap! Our government has not taken Russian interests as a basis for a long time! In whose interests it acts, one can only guess! Some concessions and omissions in foreign policy! They say that Putin will come, he will show them! When he was president, he repeatedly proved that he did not take Russian interests as a basis! There is more than plenty of evidence for this, I will not repeat myself and count on the fact that the GDP, having come to power, will turn to face our interests, I personally have great doubts! Well, if I would be wrong, but .......
    1. sazhka0
      16 March 2012 17: 04
      Unfortunately you are right ..
      1. recitatorus
        17 March 2012 01: 42
        Doubts make you think, and thoughts make you act! And this applies to everyone, including Putin. Putin finished the first phase of his reign - the phase of the people's representative. The next phase is the phase of the dictator! But the dictator has no friends, only enemies! So he will crush all these ill-fated oligarchs. And crush pretty soon!
        1. 0
          17 March 2012 07: 55
          Quote: recitatorus
          So he will crush all these ill-fated oligarchs. And crush pretty soon!

          I fully share your position! It is this strategy
        2. -2
          17 March 2012 16: 21
          Quote: recitatorus
          Doubts make you think, and thoughts make you act! And this applies to everyone, including Putin. Putin finished the first phase of his reign - the phase of the people's representative. The next phase is the phase of the dictator! But the dictator has no friends, only enemies! So he will crush all these ill-fated oligarchs. And crush pretty soon!

          It is interesting to read your thoughts! With such efforts, these oligarchs were fed, reared, then crushed !!! I don’t know, I don’t know, but there is definitely no logic in your words, only hopes, and they, as they say, die last ...
    2. +1
      17 March 2012 11: 00
      Quote: nycsson
      There is more than enough evidence for this, I will not repeat

      please repeat with the facts.
      1. -1
        17 March 2012 12: 58
        Yes, any number:
        1. Liquidation of our base in Cuba.
        2. Gave the islands to China.
        3.Gave the disputed territories of Norway (together with DAM)
        4. Allowed aggression against Libya (together with DAM)
        5. A complete failure in the direction of the former Yugoslavia (Kosovo Serbs are simply destroyed), deduced from there our airborne forces in the 2003 year
        6. Entry into the WTO (opened unhindered access of world goods to our market) along with DAM
        7. Complete failure of relations with Ukraine (she looks towards NATO)
        8: Baltic states joining NATO, NATO planes are already patrolling their skies
        9: Deploying an American Missile Defense System at Our Borders
        10. Complete failure in relations with Georgia (it is almost in NATO)
        11: allowed the opening of a NATO base in Kyrgyzstan (Manas)
        12.Tensioned relations with Belarus
        13.Stressed relations with countries of Central Asia (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan)
        This is so offhand .....
    3. gojesi
      17 March 2012 13: 16
      I do not think that you are right! And I really hope that you are wrong !!!
      1. -2
        17 March 2012 16: 14
        Quote: gojesi
        I do not think that you are right! And I really hope that you are wrong !!!

        If possible, then share your thoughts on this! Something I do not understand your train of thought!
        1. gojesi
          17 March 2012 17: 17
          To nixon
          Quote: nycsson
          If possible, then share your thoughts on this! Something I do not understand your train of thought!

          Please ...
          Have you ever heard WHY wars are fought? To seize the enemy's territories, his material values, his natural, industrial and labor resources, but most importantly to seize his markets ... Markets are "privatized". For the indigenous population, programs are drawn up and the occupied Territory begins to pay the contributory quitrent, due to the fact that the winning country is completely pumping out all the resources from the conquered territory. As a result, the country that lost the war quickly goes bankrupt with the newly adopted comprador laws that satisfy the appetites of TNCs, as well as the obligatory imposed, predatory, bank loans and extortionate interest rates ... As a result, the defeated country finds itself with a destroyed economy and completely controlled by financial capital and at a completely broken wooden trough!
          Now I will tell you great news !!! Get ready! Russia, thanks to the Jewish betrayal in the Kremlin, has lost the 3rd world war (cold) !!! With all the consequences listed above ...
          Now go on your points
          1- The base is liquidated due to the subordination of Vassal to the Sovereign
          2- Are the islands crushed? And did the people know that the Amur is spreading to 55 km in the flood? Do you know that many islands are disappearing, and many are being washed up on the contrary? So what did you give in there ???
          3- I would not give the "disputed territories" to the Norwegians, and I am sure Putin would never give it up, further evidence that Medvedev decided that he was the "Big Boy" himself and decided to steer.
          4- I would have imposed VETO in the Security Council, I think Putin would have imposed, but Medvedev ... Also the proof that Medvedev taxied himself.
          5- on the WTO, completely agree not with you but with Putin and other smart economists ... Look at China!
          6- Ukraine ... but what's the point of talking with them while they themselves are not completely fed up? Europe Ukraine DO NOT NEED !!! Putin gave time to understand this for MOST UKRAINE, without helping her ... It seems they are beginning to understand that they are not the main peppers ... If they do not come, then they will crawl! I think Russia's actions are correct
          7- the Baltic states and NATO? See above how the conquerors behave in relation to the defeated vassal ...
          8- deployment of missile defense? So what did you deploy ??? Why scream ahead of time? When an ordinary Pole and a Czech understand that deploying an American missile defense system at home, they are thereby directing Russian missiles onto themselves, then they will throw this about them back to America ... There are a lot of concrete lies in Europe, I live here and believe me I know what I'm saying ...
          9- with Georgia? So Mishiko is a State Department program or do you have a different opinion, are you otherwise informed? The security of an economy such as Georgia should not go beyond 10 %% of government debt relative to GDP among Georgians. The current debt is 110%. How do you like the result of Mishiko’s reign? I am also impressed. Do you think Putin is to blame, that Mishiko did 08.08.08. ???
          10- Manas in Kyrgyzstan? So when was it open? Not interested ??? I’ll say in the 2001 year, in the 11 year, the 10 anniversary was celebrated ... And in the 2001 year, Russia was in ruins ... and people were starving to death, and old people froze from the cold in Sakhalin ...
          12- with Belarus A GREAT relationship, chop it on your nose! The Old Man simply has other priorities, well, so they are smaller, they are the youngest, but anyway it's OWN !!!
          13 - with the Bayk, landlord "republics" relations, I will tell you a secret NO! This is how it should be, first we will restore the house, fix it, paint it, clean it up in the yard, and then we'll see that the neighbors stop playing naughty, shoot with slingshots, smoke cannabis, trade in organs ...
          1. -3
            18 March 2012 00: 46
            Wars are fought primarily to satisfy national interests ......
            Quote: gojesi
            1- The base is liquidated due to the subordination of Vassal to the Sovereign

            This is not for average minds, it is possible in more detail, I can not catch the train of your thoughts ......

            Quote: gojesi
            2- Are the islands crushed? And did the people know that the Amur is spreading to 55 km in the flood? Do you know that many islands are disappearing, and many are being washed up on the contrary? So what did you give in there ???

            I laugh from the heart !!! And you yourself are not funny from what you wrote ???
            Quote: gojesi
            3- I would not give the "disputed territories" to the Norwegians, and I am sure Putin would never give it up, further evidence that Medvedev decided that he was the "Big Boy" himself and decided to steer.

            And in my opinion they announced to the whole country that they are swimming in the same boat and their views are the same! And the GDP, so he is generally the chairman of united Russia, and this decision passed through the Duma, and there the EP has a parliamentary majority !!! So your arguments on this issue are not accepted by me ....
            Quote: gojesi
            4- I would have imposed VETO in the Security Council, I think Putin would have imposed, but Medvedev ... Also the proof that Medvedev taxied himself.

            This refers to the previous paragraph ....

            Quote: gojesi
            5- on the WTO, completely agree not with you but with Putin and other smart economists ... Look at China!

            In Russia there are many smart economists who have the opposite point of view ......... well, yes, we will close all our enterprises, and we will open foreign ones .....
            Quote: gojesi
            6- Ukraine ... but what's the point of talking with them while they themselves are not completely fed up? Europe Ukraine DO NOT NEED !!! Putin gave time to understand this for MOST UKRAINE, without helping her ... It seems they are beginning to understand that they are not the main peppers ... If they do not come, then they will crawl! I think Russia's actions are correct

            The closest and most friendly relations must be maintained with Ukraine! If you think there is no sense in Ukraine, then I will not say anything, I don’t have any words .... let it join NATO ..... we just do not have NATO bases in Ukraine .... After all, this is our strategic partner! And not to allow NATO influence on this country ......

            Quote: gojesi
            7- the Baltic states and NATO? See above how the conquerors behave in relation to the defeated vassal ...

            So what? Yes, let them behave as you like! NATO planes patrol the sky of the Baltic States, that’s the question, and the time of approaching Moscow in 15 minutes .... and the Baltic states didn’t join NATO under any circumstances - this is a failure in foreign policy !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
            Quote: gojesi
            8- deployment of missile defense? So what did you deploy ??? Why scream ahead of time? When an ordinary Pole and a Czech understand that deploying an American missile defense system at home, they are thereby directing Russian missiles onto themselves, then they will throw this about them back to America ... There are a lot of concrete lies in Europe, I live here and believe me I know what I'm saying ...

            How is everything just working out for you !!! This is your subjective opinion! And if you say normal, it’s another failure ....... They will not abandon them, they will not give them .....

            Quote: gojesi
            9- with Georgia? So Mishiko is a State Department program or do you have a different opinion, are you otherwise informed? The security of an economy such as Georgia should not go beyond 10 %% of government debt relative to GDP among Georgians. The current debt is 110%. How do you like the result of Mishiko’s reign? I am also impressed. Do you think Putin is to blame, that Mishiko did 08.08.08. ???

            So what? No, I don’t have a different opinion! And who admitted that the United States implemented this program ??? Of course, it’s to blame along with DAM, since under their nose the United States does whatever it wants ........
            Quote: gojesi
            10- Manas in Kyrgyzstan? So when was it open? Not interested ??? I’ll say in the 2001 year, in the 11 year, the 10 anniversary was celebrated ... And in the 2001 year, Russia was in ruins ... and people were starving to death, and old people froze from the cold in Sakhalin ...

            Under Putin !!! I do not presume to judge the reasons, but this is another omission ....
            Quote: gojesi
            12- with Belarus A GREAT relationship, chop it on your nose! The Old Man simply has other priorities, well, so they are smaller, they are the youngest, but anyway it's OWN !!!

            Ordinary people may be wonderful, but not Lukashenko with Medvedev and Putin .......
            Quote: gojesi
            13 - with the Bayk, landlord "republics" relations, I will tell you a secret NO! This is how it should be, first we will restore the house, fix it, paint it, clean it up in the yard, and then we'll see that the neighbors stop playing naughty, shoot with slingshots, smoke cannabis, trade in organs ...

            Yes, with them, too, it was necessary to maintain good relations and not lose their influence there ...... And the outcome is deplorable, in all countries the pro-American government ......
            I’ll tell you honestly, your arguments surprise me ........
            1. +2
              18 March 2012 10: 41
              Quote: nycsson
              This is not for average minds, it is possible in more detail, I can not catch the train of your thoughts ......

              1. Yes, there is no need to be seven inches in the forehead to understand the obvious things. Everyone clearly wrote to you: we lost the Cold War and, as a result, lost a significant part of our sovereignty, for example: economic sovereignty, when we signed the law on an independent Central Bank, when this very bank was obliged to operate in the "Currency board" mode. and what kind of economic independence can we talk about when the country is standing with an outstretched hand; You know that, as losers, we paid tribute to America for a very long time, we invested our earned money in the securities of unprofitable mortgage companies, bought up state. US bonds, in short, ensured a beautiful life for the Yusam (and we are not alone); diplomatic sovereignty - there could be no question of any independent position on the world stage, Russia was simply despised then (watch the film "Cold Politics"), and what kind of opinion you can talk about when the life of citizens directly depends on whether they give money or no.
              Whoever says it, but the main principle of international politics is the right of the strong. It was then that the United States was to the right, so Russia closed the base, otherwise we would have simply been crushed, and not necessarily brute force.
              No, of course, you can saliva and shout that Putin is a traitor, but then do not forget to include both Alexander Nevsky and Dimitri Donskoy, who, according to the right of the strong, paid tribute to the traitors. Naturally, they could send to ... But then Russia would have disappeared from world history.

              Quote: nycsson
              I laugh from the heart !!! And you yourself are not funny from what you wrote ???

              And there is nothing to argue?
              The question there is generally not as simple as it seems.
              The territorial dispute around the island of Tarabarov and the Big Ussuri Island on the Amur began in 1964, when the USSR leader Nikita Khrushchev and Chinese leader Mao Zedong agreed on the demarcation of territories, but did not agree on the issue of these islands.
              After that, the Chinese launched the so-called irrigation war and began to regularly flood sand barges in the Kazakevichev duct. If the channel dried up, the islands, having connected with the Chinese coast, would automatically become Chinese, so the Chinese poured sand into the Amur, and the Russians deepened the bottom and strengthened the coast.

              In 1991, USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev signed a border agreement with China, and the border was drawn along the Amur channel, i.e. two islands ended up on the Chinese side of the shipping lane. All this time, the border between Russia and China for almost 4 km remained unmarked.

              As a result, 1,5 islands (337 sq km) were given to China, and not two completely, as required by international law and the Gorbachev treaty, and closed the topic of disputed territories.

              In my opinion, at that time it was the right decision. The unnecessary tension was removed at our borders. Having resolved this 40-year dispute, Putin in the person of China received a strategic ally and the concerted actions of our countries in the international arena only confirm this.

              Quote: nycsson
              And in my opinion they announced to the whole country that they are swimming in the same boat and their views are the same! And the GDP, so he is generally the chairman of united Russia, and this decision passed through the Duma, and there the EP has a parliamentary majority !!! So your arguments on this issue are not accepted by me ....

              And when in 2000 Putin wanted to nationalize the Central Bank, the Duma also had a majority, but for some reason the law did not pass. Do not know why?

              Now on to the case. A controversial issue was resolved with Norway stretching back to 1972, half of the disputed territories were given to Norway (it remains in joint use), half of it was left to itself. We agreed on the catch of fish for a long time and it was quoted. But most importantly, the Shtokman field, like most of the identified structures, is more undeniably owned by Russia. See for yourself:

              For those who do not know what the Shtokman project is, a brief reference:

              The Shtokman field is located in the central shelf of the Russian sector of the Barents Sea.
              C1 category reserves are 3,9 trillion cubic meters. m of gas and 56 million tons of gas condensate, of which 3,9 trillion cubic meters are located within the Gazprom licensed area m of gas and 53,3 million tons of gas condensate.
              The Shtokman gas condensate field development project is of strategic importance for Gazprom. The project will be the starting point for the formation of a new gas producing region on the Arctic shelf of Russia.
              The Shtokman field will become a resource base for increasing the supply of Russian pipeline and liquefied gas to the Russian and international markets.
              The license for the search, geological exploration and production of gas and gas condensate at the Shtokman field is owned by Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gazprom OJSC).
              On February 21, 2008 Gazprom, Total and StatoilHydro (currently Statoil) signed a Shareholder Agreement on the establishment of the Shtokman Development AG special-purpose company to implement the first phase of the project. Gazprom owns 51% in the capital of the company, Total - 25%, Statoil - 24%.

              Quote: nycsson
              Allowed aggression against Libya (together with DAM)

              What do you mean allowed? What could Russia do? Start a war for Gaddafi, who, with all due respect to him, turned his tail with ours and yours?
              To veto? What for? Who knew that the notion of a "no-fly zone" could be interpreted as permission to bomb civilian targets and ground operations. Now, having learned from bitter experience, Russia adheres to its position on Syria.
              There is one more option: in chess there is such a concept - "gambit". Have you heard?

              Quote: nycsson
              A complete failure in the direction of the former Yugoslavia (Kosovo Serbs are simply destroyed), withdrew from our airborne forces in 2003

              Read part of the answer in the first paragraph. Do you know that a real order was given to bomb our soldiers at the Pristina airfield? Then they would just say: I'm sorry, we thought it was the Serbs who stayed at the airport, everything turned out so unexpectedly ... And then what? That was the attitude towards Russia.

              In addition, you forgot that our contingent was under the command of NATO (the peacekeeping operation was led by NATO), i.e. we would simply be accomplices of all that NATO did in Kosovo. We couldn’t have anything to do with this and could not influence the situation, so why be there?

              Moreover, the Serbs themselves are not very eager to defend the Kosovo and Serbian population in it. Recently, a referendum has been held among the Kosovo Serbs whether they consider themselves part of Serbia and whether the Albanian authorities recognize it. 98% answered that they consider and do not recognize. What did they say in Belgrade? They simply dismissed them, said that the referendum is not legitimate. That’s the whole fight. The Serbian leadership is simply eager for the EU and ready to betray its citizens. And if Serbia does not need this, why the hell is it for us? Or should we, with the help of soldiers, protect the Serbs from his own leadership?

              I should add that our leadership regarding the Serbs is still taking certain steps. The recent convoy of humanitarian aid (by the way, the passage of this convoy is a clear victory for Russian diplomacy. In the 90s or early 00s, no convoy would be allowed anywhere). Here is Lavrov’s fresh initiative on Serbia: http://vz.ru/politics/2012/3/16/568785.html
              1. -2
                18 March 2012 23: 19
                Will you oppose me for gojesi? Oh well! I read your arguments, read mine too:
                1. About the base in Cuba: maybe you are right! At least at that moment! But this is a big concession in foreign policy! Whether it was justified or not is another question! But it seems to me that no excuse is appropriate here! They turned it all too quietly, without any ultimatums, etc.! But why did you remove trains with vigorous bombs? I don’t remember in which year, with him or with a drunkard !?
                2: About the Islands on the Border with China: Why Nothing? The question is not simple - that's for sure! And it became funny from the thoughts of gojesi! You know what I’ll tell you, here recently an article was about new claims of China to our territories ...... you catch the idea ..... yes, for every patch of native land you need to stand to the end! We are not dependent on China in any way, but here they are! Why then didn’t they give these islands to us ??? Didn’t settle the controversial question, how do you deign to argue !!!
                3. Now about Norway: I’m talking about Ivan, and you’re talking about me! I don’t know what quotes were there, but you don’t remember how the Norwegian border guards chased our ship ??? And what does the Shtokman field have to do with it !? and so on our territory!

                Your logic is just iron on the points listed above: the base in Cuba was removed, as it was crap one's pants, they ceded the territory to China because they wanted friendly relations, they gave Norway away, since the Shtokman field is anyway in our territory ....
                4. For Libya: yes, anything could be done, up to the deployment of its troops there as in Kosovo or the supply of weapons !!! So this is foreign policy and geopolitics !!! Our whole staff of advisers, SVR, GRU !!! They should not, but were obliged to know how the United States will behave with its supporters! Complete incompetence and myopia .....
                5. On Kosovo: Yes, I am aware, and I also know that the English general did not go for it! Yes to us, and now the attitude is no better! And in general, where does the drop of the airborne forces at the airport and their withdrawal from Kosovo ??? the first heroism, and the second .................... !!! Only while ours were there, Serbs were not chopped up into bodies, etc. And if we were still standing there, then there would be no missile defense ....... strategically you need to think while in the position of president of the country, but alas ..........
              2. 0
                19 March 2012 08: 26
                Let's, with the right strategic decision, give the Whales Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Personally, I do not understand how you can make a trade item from your own territory. Have a bitter experience Alaska. Such events do not suit me in Putin. Why does he single-handedly decide on the transfer of land, why he does not ask the local population.
          2. 0
            18 March 2012 11: 32
            Let's go further ...

            Quote: nycsson
            Accession to the WTO (opened unhindered access of world goods to our market) along with DAM

            This is solely your wretched perception of this agreement.
            First: we haven’t entered yet.
            Secondly: it not only opens our market, but also opens up foreign markets for our capital.
            thirdly: according to the agreement, Russia has the right to subsidize / protect its agricultural producer and the automotive industry for 7 years. In addition, we have Onishchenko and that’s it.
            Don’t worry, Stalin also signed the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944. Or is he also a traitor? wassat

            7.You painted here separately (for the scale of crimes, I guess wink ), although one line could have been: "relations with the former Soviet republics."

            They have already answered you, but I’ll add a little.

            It’s not a secret for anyone, except for you, probably, that the Balts, to put it mildly, do not really like Russia, therefore, as soon as the opportunity was given, they immediately stuck to the EU. How could Putin prevent the admission of these countries to NATO by mutual agreement? Can a nuclear racket grind?

            Now about Ukraine. What does failure mean? Favorable relations between the two parties at least require mutual interest, mutual agreement. What is sex without mutual consent called? Rape. Do you want Russia to rape Ukraine? If they have not yet decided who they are in the most independent, if they are still rushing from side to side, then they will look to the West, then to the East, what can Russia do? Or to raise the rating to start feeding her? Are you ready to feed Ukraine? Me not. And our leadership is absolutely right, since you are so independent, self-sufficient, then you yourself live, stop whining and begging for the damned to her. And then all this recalls the story of how a proud teenager left home, such as he is so independent, but continues to run to his mother for money. No, let them eat up their freedom, look at the EU where nobody needs them for fucking (if they are accepted only to the peak of Russia and then Ukrainians take a sip of European life), and then you look, something will turn on in your head. We are always happy for them, brothers, after all.

            The same goes for Georgia. By the way, the 5-day war is again a fact of independent foreign policy, which Russia regained thanks to Putin.

            Belarus is a member of the Eurosian Union, may have heard.

            Quote: nycsson
            Deploying an American missile defense system at our borders

            This is generally, sorry, nonsense. The United States is a sovereign state that has all the possibilities to pursue its own external. politics. They wanted to build a missile defense system, they will build it, and we cannot force Congress to ban this event. It’s you then write down Stalin as traitors, because he did not prevent the attack of Hitler, Alexander 1, because Napoleon attacked him, and so on.

            The only thing we can do is respond to the actions of other countries and respond in such a way that all their efforts are leveled. Which is what Medvedev and Putin are doing.

            In the end: In your criticism, you forget that politics is the art of the possible, you always need to act in accordance with the real situation at that time and in accordance with your real forces, otherwise the navel will break.
            In addition, you point blank do not notice the difference between not doing, because there is no way to do and not doing, because there is no desire (traitor). With such sly logic, a lot of outstanding figures of Russian history can be written down as traitors; I think that it is not necessary to give examples.
            1. gojesi
              18 March 2012 13: 14
              Regarding your argument, in addition to mine, in the direction of Nixon.
              You know, my experience of being on the site suggests that there is such an eee contingent that does not need explanations and it is SIMPLY USELESS to enter into polemics with them! This is a talking black grouse, he hears only himself-beloved, the arguments of the opposite side to him DO NOT NEED IN PRINCIPLE !!! I believe that these are, in principle, unteachable youths who, in their childhood, played American toys and computer games, where valiant green berets destroy Russian barbarians. It seems to me that their food, in the mass, is not, conventionally, "bread", but concrete matzo. Otherwise, I cannot explain their innate, natural Sobchak-Novodvornichesko-Chubais hatred of Russia, which they call "this country". Therefore, I believe that there is no need to enter into conversation or polemics with them. To not provide them with an additional "swamp-Sakharov" tribune ... We need it ???
              Your comment, CBS, deserves a huge plus! Accept my respect and gratitude !!!
              1. 0
                18 March 2012 17: 28
                I will answer the braid a little later, there is no time, I hurry, and as for you .....
                Quote: gojesi
                You know, my experience of being on the site suggests that there is such a contingent that doesn’t need explanations and into polemics with which it is SIMPLY useless!

                My opinion about you is similar ....... you belong to people who the enemies of our country put on yellow glasses and you don’t see anything further than your nose !!!

                Quote: gojesi
                This is a current black grouse, hears only himself, his beloved, the arguments of the opposite side DO NOT NEED IT IN PRINCIPLE !!!

                I will ask you to respect my opinion with great respect, even if it is not acceptable to you .....
                Quote: gojesi
                I believe that these, in principle, are non-teaching youngsters who played American toys and computer games in their childhood, where valiant green berets destroy Russian barbarians.

                I am 31 years old, maybe I’m a youth for you, I don’t know how old you are, at the moment I am getting a second higher education, I don’t accept computer games, especially shooters - this all refers to the program "dom2" for brainwashing !!! I have been interested in politics and geopolitics since about 2000, I have read many articles and books, so I have my own opinion on some questions! Sorry you don't like my opinion.

                Quote: gojesi
                Otherwise, I cannot explain their innate, natural Sobchak-Novodvornichesko-Chubais hatred of Russia, which they call "this country".

                But with this, you cling to me for the living !!! I don’t sympathize with them all, since these are obvious enemies of the Russian Federation! I’m a communist in my heart ...... I have never written any sympathy for these people on this site, I have never called for revolutionary action! I consider myself a patriot of my country, I want everything to be good for our Motherland ......
                Quote: gojesi
                Therefore, I believe that there is no need to enter into conversation or polemics with them. To not provide them with an additional "swamp-Sakharov" tribune ... We need it ???

                So do not enter into the discussion, who forces you !?
                1. gojesi
                  18 March 2012 19: 41
                  To nixon
                  I sincerely ask you forgiveness! You are a good person and I honestly did not want to offend you SUCH.
                  I didn’t ask you, uh, to harness it, but since you had to do it, I too — my eldest daughter will turn 29 on March 36, average 27 ... I have a bunch of grandchildren, for whom I - GRANDFAT!
                  I am educated and well informed.
                  not by the way, - Nixon was perhaps the only one worth a good word ...
                  Once again, please accept my sincere apologies!
                  1. +2
                    18 March 2012 22: 26
                    Apologies are accepted! It's okay, and you will forgive me, if that! I’m sincerely glad for you, raised children, now you deal with grandchildren, it should be in a normal family! I have repeatedly said that in my opinion I do not pretend to the truth! I just look at things from my little bell tower and call them by their proper names!
          3. +1
            19 March 2012 08: 22
            Putin personally gave China no more or less than 400 sq. Km of islands along the Amur. These are not alluvial and not flooded sediments. Although of course it happens that they are flooding, but this is not a large number of outbreaks. Also among the transferred islands was the well-known Domansky. With the burial of Soviet soldiers. When the Whales discovered the burial place, they returned half of the island back. The whales returned, and we gave. Honestly, I poorly understand some of the actions of the government, the president, the prime minister in relation to the Far East. Talking about the Kuril Islands will also lead to nothing good. I would also like to say about the flooded islands. It was they who were flooded with us, and the Whales poured these islands with the coastline, from this Cupid leaves in our direction, thereby changing the channel and the border passes along the forwarder. Let me remind you, the first agreement with the Whales on the border was signed by Count Muravyov-Amursky. According to this agreement, the Amur was allotted to the Whales only to drink the horse. Since then, less than 200 years have passed, in my opinion about 160 years, and Cupid almost moved to China.
  20. orion-sticks
    16 March 2012 17: 06
    I wonder what flight mission missiles that supposedly do not look at each other?

    I wonder what flight mission missiles that supposedly do not look at each other?
    1. 0
      16 March 2012 17: 17
      Based on the design of warhead missiles, they cannot be sent anywhere.
  21. Nickolay3145
    16 March 2012 17: 14
    The election results showed really-Putin is all of us !!!
    And whatever the "democratic press" yells, nothing will come of it. And the screaming must be planted, and for long periods.
    1. Sniper 1968
      18 March 2012 17: 46
      Quote: Nickolay3145
      And screaming should be planted, and for long periods.

      If you don’t like the tablecloth, let them leave. It’s better to hover in Honduras than to Honduras in Kolyma ... We won’t cry. No. No. No.
  22. 0
    16 March 2012 17: 28
    Now Moscow, which has long opposed the American presence in the region, is urging the United States to revise the timetable for leaving Afghanistan and stay in the country after 2014.

    Someone I don’t remember, the American beguiled or I did not keep track of it?
  23. +1
    16 March 2012 17: 29
    A tedious article, I hardly read to the end. Listing what is not news for everyone for a long time.
  24. malera
    16 March 2012 18: 01
    Putin-Medvedev leadership assent to the West. Medvedev defiantly refused to deliver S-300 systems to Iran, hiding behind a UN decision, although it did not require this from us. And therefore, also from the year 92, Russia has not had the slightest influence in the world. In fact, we now have even less influence than during the time of Yeltsin. Boris Nikolayevich could still sometimes go nuts and bang his fist on the table. Dmitry Anatolyevich and Vladimir Vladimirovich cannot even do this.
    1. +3
      16 March 2012 18: 50
      More details about the "influence" of Russia during the Yeltsin era. In pursuit of my daily bread, I missed something in the foreign policy of our Motherland in the 90s. Soak in public Baltimore airfield - in this way cats scare each other, but not politicians. And yet, gentlemen, trolls - you somehow agree among yourself or something. And then, on the one hand, VVP is the successor of Yeltsin's policy, and on the other hand, it is the strangler of your freedoms, which this narrow-minded Sverdlovsk foreman "granted" you in due time. In general - decide. You look and McFaul will praise, and the dumping granny will find his master
    2. 0
      16 March 2012 19: 56
      Quote: malera
      In fact, we now have even less influence than during the time of Yeltsin. Boris Nikolayevich could still sometimes go nuts and bang his fist on the table. Dmitry Anatolyevich and Vladimir Vladimirovich cannot even do this.

      To deceive oneself is an empty matter. Or you wishful thinking.
    3. -1
      17 March 2012 11: 02
      Quote: malera
      In fact, we now have even less influence than during the time of Yeltsin.

      This is generally a masterpiece. Examples in the studio!
      1. 0
        17 March 2012 13: 07
        Quote: kos
        This is generally a masterpiece. Examples in the studio!

        And you yourself do not want to bring examples and facts in support of your thoughts !!! And then, in addition to empty talk from you, I have not read anything yet !!!! I told you up there some facts outlined, as you asked, in a hurry !!!!
  25. +2
    16 March 2012 18: 33
    The fact that the article appeared in "Voennoye Obozreniye" is undoubtedly a plus, and also a plus is the decrease in the level of "show-off" in the tone of the article. And the rest ... Time will tell. Although this is -
    the fight against the Taliban, in which US initiatives in Central Asia play a role, helps protect Russia from the spread of radicalism and crime
    - amused.
  26. sas
    16 March 2012 18: 37
    I think Putin does not give a shit about Russia and the Russian people. His activity is more reminiscent of the work of a liquidator in the event of bankruptcy of legal entities. faces
    1. kustarodinochka
      16 March 2012 18: 46
      yellow flea talked
    2. -2
      16 March 2012 18: 47
      Quote: Sas
      I think Putin does not give a shit about Russia and the Russian people. His activity is more reminiscent of the work of a liquidator in the event of bankruptcy of legal entities. faces

      Unfortunately you are right .....
    3. +1
      16 March 2012 20: 00
      Quote: Sas

      I think Putin does not give a shit about Russia and the Russian people.

      Thinking is not prohibited
      Quote: nycsson
      Unfortunately you are right ...

      Your thoughts are wonderful ...
      1. 0
        17 March 2012 13: 00
        Quote: plotnikov561956
        Your thoughts are wonderful ...

        You seem strange, amid all the problems of the Russian Federation !!!!
    4. -1
      18 March 2012 20: 06
      You think about Yushchenko and about Bandera
  27. Crash
    16 March 2012 18: 55
    Putin’s rule will not lead to anything good. Just chose it, immediately opened transit for our territory for NATO
    1. -2
      17 March 2012 11: 04
      Quote: Crash

      Putin’s rule will not lead to anything good. Just chose it, immediately opened transit for our territory for NATO

      Transit through the territory of Russia has already been opened for several years
      1. 0
        17 March 2012 13: 10
        Quote: kos
        Transit through the territory of Russia has already been opened for several years

        And what is achievement for you !!! ??? Now they have little transit, give them a transshipment point! At this pace, he will turn into a NATO base on the territory of the Russian Federation !!! Your position is simply ridiculous from my patriotic point of view ......
  28. 0
    16 March 2012 18: 58
    In my opinion, this decrepit vagina (from the video clip) takes too much on itself. Russian Expert - Nonsense
  29. +6
    16 March 2012 19: 07
    Amid growing instability in the Middle East, the weakening of the European Union and the difficulties of strategic reorientation towards the Asian direction, the United States needs productive - in the broad sense - relations with Russia - which in turn means exactly the type of cooperation that Putin offers.

    What Putin did not understand is that when the US recovers from the crisis and Europe’s problems are behind us, they will suck it to the bone and throw it away !!
    1. -1
      16 March 2012 21: 42
      They suck it - yeah ... (dreamily)
      But about "to the bone" I do not agree, when the crisis-schmizis will end (which I personally do not believe, but believe in the end of the financial world in 2012), then the demand for coal-water-and-rod will grow, everything will be in demand, those who live on these very organic compounds will row money with a shovel.
    2. +2
      17 March 2012 00: 39
      I agree that they are sucking, but that the bones are thrown away - there are no bones in the part of the body that they are sucking.
  30. wolverine7778
    16 March 2012 19: 37
    Yeah, Obama knows very well that if Putin does not support him, does not see him a second term as his own ears and goes into political oblivion forever, Putin also knows that Obama should not be thrown to American voters now and not only Romney will come even worse some other hawk and turn the whole world upside down wink
  31. Oleg0705
    16 March 2012 20: 11
    What does Putin’s return mean to Washington?

    Мir will return to multipolarity, its natural state.
  32. 0
    16 March 2012 20: 13
    1. +1
      17 March 2012 00: 42
      He said a lot and said nothing.
  33. malera
    16 March 2012 20: 28
    Quote: plotnikov561956
    To deceive oneself is an empty matter. Or you wishful thinking.

    Sorry, but on what issues did the West (and other countries) reckon with Putin.
    ABM in Poland - Putin (Medvedev) - nevermind show.
    Libya - Putin (Medvedev) - nevermind show.
    Kosovo - Putin (Medvedev) - nevermind show
    Iran, too - Putin (Medvedev) - nevermind show.
    1. +1
      17 March 2012 07: 50
      Really look. Very well said below "Magadan", I will not repeat myself, and it is useless, you are a stranger to Russia. and it is not concern for the Motherland that drives you, but anger towards the current situation in Russia, and the objective realities are as follows - for 12 years Russia has risen from its knees and is forced to reckon with it with clenched teeth in hatred
  34. serge
    16 March 2012 20: 50
    We will not have friendship with the States until we restore the army with the fleet. They will be friends only with those who can bury them.
  35. +4
    16 March 2012 21: 08
    Once again I will express the idea that the United States and Russia cannot and cannot have friendly relations. There are common interests and there are opposing interests that intersect or collide towards everything. This means that we are opponents and geopolitical partners at the same time.
    Considering the opinion set forth by Putin, namely the strengthening of the army and navy. Application of a resource policy (pipelines, own ports for exporting raw materials, relations with consumers at the level of the exporter's - importer's border), building absolutely pragmatic relations within the CIS, creating the CU and the EurAsEC. These are the proposals that I personally like very much. And especially the union of fraternal peoples in the territories called Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine. Hopefully, in time, the fascist niggles from the Baltic states will appreciate the abomination of "Western democratic values" and dissolve in the Eurasian Union.
  36. -1
    17 March 2012 01: 21
    Minus 100%! Nonsense! !
    Is it advantageous for us to have the Yusy presence in Afghanistan? - in my opinion - there is something to argue about! For example, just while the Yankees are in Afghanistan, drug trafficking is flourishing (I will never believe that the "omnipotent American army" cannot track down coca plantations, etc., on the territory of Afghanistan, and even more so destroy, because there is everything for this funds), the situation with drugs as a whole is beneficial for you, only it is very expensive and only because of this they are going to dump, although not only because of this - also because they still crap themselves "with their nose in the bee hive." As for us: it is possible to cope with drug trafficking, and there would be a desire and a great will alone! I don't know about the transshipment base in Ulyanovsk, but here you can play it into a very good card if you think about it correctly! I will say this about Iran - better nuclear Iran than the limitlessness that can begin after its division into parts (there are many examples)!
    In general, I do not think that Putin will follow the amer’s lead, it will mean complete failure, and he is far from a fool !!!!!
  37. +4
    17 March 2012 05: 06
    S_Mirnov! Links can be thrown, philosophizing about "what will happen tomorrow" is also possible. But there is real life, and here are the specific deeds of Putin, thanks to which this real life is better:
    1. The salary in 1999 was 80 dollars, now about 800. Average. In Magadan, near 1300-1500.
    2. In 1999, bevik mercenaries not only controlled Chechnya, but also part of Dagestan. Now there are some undeserving ones (for the training of special forces they left along the way) With Georgia, NATO had been dragging NATO for 5 years in 5 days. With the equality of forces.
    3. In 1999 America, no one spoke across the word, and even if it did (as in the case of Primakov and Yugoslavia), NATO sneezed at all. Now - Putin has not allowed to unleash aggression against Syria.
    4. In 1999 in foreign. forums, they directly told me from what country I am, they say, we Russians are below the baseboard and we can’t say anything there (for example about Serbia). Now I can calmly mock those foreign citizens. states. For I am from a Mighty Country. Which again became Mighty in 10 years.
    5. Russia exports wheat, and used to buy it. Normal (albeit Western) cars are produced in Russia. The possibility of mortgages has appeared in Russia. In Russia, maternity capital appeared, for which my specific acquaintances named Max and Zina really improved living conditions from 1 room to three rubles, paying only 5000 rubles (1/10 of my income) on a mortgage per month (for 7 years). Russia has a normal movie (like We are from the Future, Saboteur, Penalty Battalion, Sword, Brother-2, Shadow Fight, etc.) 20 trillion rubles have been allocated for the Russian Army. The salaries of Russian officers were actually raised.
    These are real improvements. I have not heard from you about real deterioration, but I won’t follow links. Tell me briefly and succinctly, as I did, citing specific facts and specific figures. About oil is not necessary - if Putin is lucky it is his merit. Just like when a loser is unlucky, this is his specific problem. It is necessary to judge by RESULT. Leave the philosophy to morons, I prefer the exact sciences.
    1. +1
      17 March 2012 11: 16
      MagadanI’ll add a little to your words:
      5. The USSR has been purchasing grain since 1963, we are now one of the largest grain exporters in the world. In addition to grain, we export buckwheat, sugar (in 2011 we generally harvested a record crop), under. oil, we begin exporting poultry meat (who would have thought about this in 90, when there was nothing besides Bush’s legs). The mortgage market in 2011 grew 2 times. In car sales in Europe, we are second only to Germany. In general, the car market is growing at an explosive pace (almost 45% last year), we have produced 1700 cars! About cinema: for the second year in a row Russians leave in cinemas, attention, more than $ 000 billion in ruble terms!
      About the mortgage: I, of course, are not your acquaintance, but last year it was thanks to maternal capital that we moved from 2x to 3-room (I pay 5 a month for a mortgage. (000/1 of our income))

      Lucky one who is lucky.
      1. 0
        17 March 2012 17: 20
        It’s good that you had a two-room apartment, and who doesn’t have anything, what to do? 5000 obviously can’t do with thousands of a month .......
        1. rolik
          18 March 2012 12: 50
          You just do not forget that both Europe and the USA sit on the credit needle longer than the current Russia exists. And we began to give loans to the population about 12 years ago, so that we will have a loan culture and the rates will drop. Remember what rates were at the very beginning? But most likely you don’t even want to remember, because this is so inherent in all the opportunists of the current government.
          1. +1
            18 March 2012 21: 57
            The only question is, when will this culture appear? What bets were at the very beginning I do not know! What I know for sure is that for the majority of the population, mortgages are not yet available due to high interest rates! And they themselves will not die their appetites .....
    2. -2
      17 March 2012 17: 13
      Quote: Magadan
      1. The salary in 1999 was 80 dollars, now about 800. Average. In Magadan, near 1300-1500.

      Well, yes, that's right, only you forgot about the price increase !!! How much did it cost in 1999 and how much now ........
      Quote: Magadan
      2. In 1999, bevik mercenaries not only controlled Chechnya, but also part of Dagestan. Now there are some undeserving ones (for the training of special forces they left along the way) With Georgia, NATO had been dragging NATO for 5 years in 5 days. With the equality of forces.

      I agree with this ...
      Quote: Magadan
      3. In 1999 America, no one spoke across the word, and even if it did (as in the case of Primakov and Yugoslavia), NATO sneezed at all. Now - Putin has not allowed to unleash aggression against Syria.

      But my opinion is that in those years we snapped harder than now, one Churkin in the Security Council was worth what ......... why did you get the idea that Putin did not allow the unleashing of aggression against Syria? How? In my opinion, all aggression is yet to come .......

      Quote: Magadan
      4. In 1999 in foreign. forums, they directly told me from what country I am, they say, we Russians are below the baseboard and we can’t say anything there (for example about Serbia). Now I can calmly mock those foreign citizens. states. For I am from a Mighty Country. Which again became Mighty in 10 years.

      Well, yes, only with our "power" who hasn't sent us three funny letters in the last 10 years: the Baltics, Georgia, the countries of Central Asia, Qatar, not to mention the larger countries ........ So powerful, that NATO is expanding without any resistance from our side, creating bases along our perimeter, building an anti-missile defense system along our perimeter, and we, because we do not know where to put this "power" of territory, distribute to the right and to the left ....... fool

      Quote: Magadan
      In Russia, normal (albeit western) cars are produced.

      In your opinion, this achievement ???? If you wrote that AvtoVAZ produced a car that is not inferior in quality to at least Opel, then I would agree with you .......
      Quote: Magadan
      In Russia, the possibility of a mortgage.

      And I generally keep quiet about the mortgage, robbery in broad daylight, in no country there are such percentages ......
      Quote: Magadan
      A normal movie appeared in Russia (such as We from the Future, Saboteur, Shtrafbat, Sword, Brother-2, Shadow Boxing, etc.)

      You forgot about the Internet with its available porn sites, and also about the program "Dom2" and another for brainwashing .......
      Quote: Magadan
      20 trillion allocated to the Russian Army

      We will see the result in the 20 year, God forbid that it be good, which I personally doubt .......
    3. rolik
      18 March 2012 01: 12
      And they never give facts. And if they cite, then these are not facts, but maxims of various publications, organizations, and personalities. Which do not have any affection for Russia.
  38. Evil Tatar
    17 March 2012 09: 07
    Inappropriate crybaby:
    Everything is "relative" ...
    Wear a muffler, although half the country wears a vest under a sweatshirt,
    Carry a child in your arms or carry a kickback to the bribe taker,
    Wear a daddy by status, and dream of a budenovka,
    You’re talking nonsense (demogogionizing), but it seems to yourself that a fresh bright thought has come to mind,
    Wear a stone with a bang, and you interlocate to the interlocutor about the world peace,
    Wear a traumatic under the arm and therefore boldly spit in the face of a tipsy hard worker, and cover the woman with obscene
    Carry to the bank and stack "tugriks", and your employee taxes after work,
    Wear a pectoral cross, and in the Temple on a mobile send someone on three letters ...
    Carry your favorite party’s booklets and party card in your pocket, but don’t know how its leader breathes, although in pre-election and post-election passions, you are ready to cut the skin on your ass, at the same time and on someone else’s, on the crosses, based only on promises made by someone to someone , promises based on bullshit - slogans and declarations ...
    Carry dubious ideas about a future unknown to anyone that certainly cannot come about without your candidate ignored by the majority of the people ...
    Horror! Bring your eggs from our basket, here we will manage without your unwashed rotten meat, and we will figure it out ourselves ...
  39. -3
    17 March 2012 12: 23
    Did Putin go somewhere? As he steered the country through Medvedev, he is still steering. So nothing will change.
    1. gojesi
      17 March 2012 13: 35
      baby ... here the big guys gathered, you would be in the sandbox ...
      Do not be offended ...
      1. -1
        17 March 2012 16: 34
        Quote: gojesi
        baby ... here the big guys gathered, you would be in the sandbox ...

        Botanologist, support ...........
      2. 0
        18 March 2012 01: 58
        insanity grows stronger
  40. +2
    17 March 2012 14: 54
    somehow the conversation went rudely. Maybe we’ll be calmer?
  41. r.anoshkin
    17 March 2012 17: 24
    What does it mean for Washington? What’s the difference? The main thing is what does it mean for us. The ordinary Amer does not worry about how the Russian president will react to his choice of president, what the dollar is to the ruble and how much the barrel is worth. Why should we care? The normal course of any government is to do to the maximum for his people, and not against another to the detriment of his own.
  42. rolik
    18 March 2012 01: 22
    And now they are timid, let me introduce you to the pearls of our great democrats about us, about Russia. And I hope that S_mirnov, nycsson and other lovers of "swamp democracy" will understand why they still chose Putin.
    NOVODVORSKAYA: "The Russians must not be allowed into European civilization with the right to enter the European civilization. They were put in the bucket, and they did the right thing." "The miserable, spiritually insolvent, the cowardly sleep at the bottom and have no rights. If such rights are given, the general level of humanity will go down."

    "For example, I do not care at all how many missiles a democratic America will launch at undemocratic Iraq. For me, the more, the better. Just as I am not at all horrified by the trouble that happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

    "Why is it that the Indians in America do not declare their sovereignty? Apparently, at one time the white settlers did a good job with them. And we, probably, in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, did not finish something with our" now wild tungus ". "The freedom of Chechnya worries me. Chechnya is beautiful, it is bold, it is noble."

    "Apartheid is a normal thing." "Civil rights exist for people who are enlightened, well-fed, well-bred and balanced." "So apartheid is true, and some kind of universal human rights is a lie."

    “I personally ate my fill of human rights. Once upon a time, both we (!), The CIA (!), And the United States (!) Used this idea as a battering ram to destroy the communist regime and the collapse of the USSR. This idea has served its purpose and stop lying about human rights and about human rights defenders ".

    "Russia is not only a country of fools, but also a country of boors ... And in general, since 1917, boors in greasy boots have ruled us."

    "We were never properly defeated. Smashed like Hitler."

    "In Russia, everything spreads and hangs like pasta from a spoon. A sixth of the land was inhabited by invertebrate protoplasm."

    "I never celebrate May 9 and I do not advise anyone to do this ... all progressive mankind, if it wants to, then modestly and without much chic celebrates something. And only complete losers who have blown everything else can arrange parades like ours. who need a myth to prove to themselves that they still mean something. "

    "If Russia dies, in general, in principle, I personally will not grumble"

    KOCH: "I think that in order to take away atomic weapons from us, an airborne division is enough. One day, land and take all these missiles to hell." "Nobody needs Russia (laughs), nobody needs Russia (laughs), how can you not understand! I don't understand what is so special about Russia?"

    BOROVOI: "When discussing the issue of infringement of the rights of Russians in the Baltic States, Konstantin Natanovich took an openly misanthropic position of the Nazis, approved the marches of the Essentials in Riga, hiding behind freedom of choice and liberal values. In the course of the discussion, Borovoy accused the country's top leadership of state anti-Semitism. AI Solzhenitsyn as a "Russian fascist".
    during the recording of the TV program "Two against one" "

    KHODORKOVSKY: "... it's a shame not to steal from such a state"

    "Corruption began with us, and it should end with us"

    “Our attitude to the authorities? A few months ago, we considered it good for the power that would not interfere with us, entrepreneurs. In this regard, Mikhail Gorbachev was the ideal ruler. At that stage of our development, this was enough. Now that the entrepreneurial class has gained strength and It is no longer possible to stop this process, and our attitude towards the authorities is changing. Neutrality towards us is no longer enough. Implementation of the principle is necessary: ​​he who pays, calls the tune "

    BUKOVSKY & Co: In an interview with Le Figaro, Zakayev named Bukovsky among those who make up "Berezovsky's London group." "Now, after the death of Sasha (Litvinenko), there are five of us left - too few to destabilize the situation in Russia," Zakayev added.

    BUKOVSKY: "It's time to throw out the concept of" sphere of Russian influence "from the political vocabulary.
    Russian troops must (?!) Leave the North Caucasus "

    PANYUSHKIN: "It would be easier for everyone in the world if the Russian nation ceased. It would be easier for the Russians themselves if tomorrow it would not have been necessary to form a national state anymore, but it would have been possible to turn into a small people like Vodi, Khanty or Avars .. ...
    I am Russian, but I seriously think that the logic that my people are guided by now is akin to the logic of a mad dog. The mad dog is terminally ill, it has three - maximum seven days to live. But she doesn't know about it. She runs, not knowing where, with a characteristic ragged pace, emanates poisonous saliva and attacks everyone she meets. At the same time, the dog is very tormented, and its torment will end when it is shot. "

    Latynina: For example, I’m trying, as a thought experiment, to imagine Russia, which will fall apart ...
    Suppose Vladivostok, or Samara, or Sochi have disappeared. And in that case we would call Vladivostok, and there they would tell us: “Listen, it’s so good in Vladivostok, we have abolished prohibitive duties on foreign cars, everything has become normal with the export of fish, now we do not need to unload customs her to the pier before exporting. Everything has become normal with the export of wood. ”
    Or we would call Sochi and we would be told: “We are so good. We no longer evict from the Imereti Valley people who lived there for a long time. We no longer embark on monstrous projects that formally should make the audience of the Olympics formally, but really come down to an endless increase in prices in Sochi and the fact that Sochi is not transforming into a normal resort city.

    L. PONOMAREV: "The hemp march and the gay parade should be allowed ..." People with democratic views and a high degree of civic engagement will always find the strength and courage to support those who disagree, including those who support the legalization of cannabis and gay pride parades. "

    "... I believe that the topic of legalization of soft drugs is quite acceptable for Russian society ... Therefore, my opinion is this: young people have the right to such demonstrations, rallies and" hemp marches "to draw attention to this problem.

    Russian fascism is not a far-fetched phenomenon; it is rooted in the minds of the population.
    1. +1
      18 March 2012 01: 28
      Roman I express my gratitude to you, as I myself wanted to lay out the pearls of these "radishes" on the occasion. And what is characteristic, the site of the same "Echo M ..", excellent in design and convenience, in comparison with Mayak and others. Dozhd TV channel can say Echo TV clone, in HD quality. It becomes sad and sick.
      1. rolik
        18 March 2012 01: 48
        Thank you, for my 40 years old already burned out.
        And the site is really convenient. The only thing I want, sometimes, will be expressed in the address of this or that character, but it is impossible, however moviton recourse
    2. 0
      18 March 2012 17: 01
      And where did you get the idea that I am a fan of "swamp democracy" ??? Everyone you have listed is Jews, and I just don't care for them ........, since all the troubles in the world are from them .... I am in opposition to the GDP because all these years he and his team were engaged in robbery of our country, forgetting about its safety ....... and now he seems to have come to his senses, changed his mind, but it's too late, the lost time cannot be returned ...
  43. rolik
    18 March 2012 01: 32

    K. SOBCHAK: "" First, 1917, then immediately 1937. Two consecutive destruction of the elite led to the fact that Russia has become a country of genetic trash. I would ban this country altogether. The only outlet for me here is the art galleries. And a circus. "

    T. TOLSTAYA: “The country is not such as to fit it! .. It must be dragged along with it, a fool with a thick ass, inert! Right now, maybe the leadership is trying to comply, to be as bl ... as stupid as a people, stupid as a people, as backward as a people. ”

    YU.GUSAKOV: "The country is inhabited by a bestial rabble, who simply cannot be given the opportunity to freely choose. This rabble should hum in the stall, and not burst with dirty hooves in my cozy air-conditioned office. For this," Nashi "," Molodogvareitsy "and other cattle youth Is it not clear that with free elections and equal access to the media, at least DPNI and other brownies will win? We should not get out of the country now, when Nashi and other sovereign dolts ... would be marching in formation. We should get out of here precisely when the all-religious masses, when these animals are allowed to choose their worthy power.
    That's when I'll be the first to rush to the American Embassy. And now everything is fine - you can earn money, you can bark at the Kremlin in LJ, you can fly anywhere. And the child does not need to change the Jewish surname to the Russian so that he entered the Moscow State University. Now there is complete freedom. "

    I. YURGENS (Institute for Contemporary Development)
    “What innovations are there, what an industry! The fate of Russia is to export oil and other raw materials! Forget the rest! ”

    "Russians interfere with Russia - the bulk of our compatriots live in the last century and do not want to develop ... Russians are still very archaic. In the Russian mentality, the community is higher than the individual ... Most (of the people) is in partial dequalification ... general degradation ".

    Let's go further.

    V.POSNER: "I think that one of the greatest tragedies for Russia is the adoption of Orthodoxy ... I believe that Orthodoxy has been a heavy burden for Russia."

    “From marijuana, as many experts rightly note, there is no problem at all. And, of course, it needs to be legalized. But I go further than the Dutch government, I believe that all drugs need to be legalized. If we make it so that any drug can be bought in a pharmacy “for three kopecks,” we will thereby knock out the economic foundation from under the feet of the drug mafia. "

    "I am not a Russian, this is not my Motherland, I did not grow up here, I do not feel completely at home here."
    Project "Globus".

    E. IKHLOV (Expert of the "Movement for Human Rights")
    "... General Vlasov was right: the best fate for our country is to divide into ethnic states, the highest achievement of which will be integration into Western Europe as difficult younger brothers" -

    L. KHEYDIZ "I am sick of the RUSSIANS, who have nothing for their souls except chatter and claims to" greatness ", you are insignificant cheap stupid people who are ashamed to even dirty their hands."
    hemu- / 589371

    S. KOVALEV “Terrorists need to be understood, they are forced to act extremely cruelly”

    G. PAVLOVSKY: "... We discussed the likelihood and risk of liquidation of the USSR by a small number of people. I considered myself something like a Zen Marxist."
    "Russia is the final stock of historical missions ... We are dealing with a unique country that does not discuss any of its problems ... Theoretically, Russia can stop to recover in 10, 20, 100 years. When the rabble passes retraining ..." ...

    And in the piggy bank.
    V.KULISTIKOV: “Russia, I think, takes the first place in the world in terms of the number of“ holy places ”per square meter. The forest is noisy, the bags are lying around, used condoms are hanging on the branches - a favorite resting place.“ Shrine ”, you know? Pushkin ran along it after Anna Petrovna Kern. Traces remained, you understand, - you can't touch either. "

    Medvedev noted that television chief Vladimir Kulistikov does not like the Russian public. Kulistikov retorted: "I love it, what about you. This is cannon fodder for our talk shows, how can I not love them?"

    O. KASHIN: "... I really hope that when Siberia becomes a different state, separate from Moscow (and I am seriously sure that Russia will not exist in its current borders for a very short time), the border crossing regime will be visa-free."

    Y. PIVOVAROV: “I am convinced that Russia will leave Siberia in the next half century: the depopulation processes will be so strong that Russia will geographically narrow to the Urals.
    ... Russia needs to lose ... (don't be alarmed) Siberia and the Far East. "

    "Godmurzky Stalin created the disgusting cult of Alexander Nevsky."
    Could there be a decent life here, as in Europe? I think the old Russian history will end when Russia loses Siberia and the Far East ...

    B. STOMAHIN: Kill, kill, kill! Russia can only be destroyed. And it IS NECESSARY to destroy it - this is a measure of preventive self-defense of the human race from that savage devilishness that Russia bears within itself. Russians need to be killed, and only killed - among them there are not those normal, smart, intelligent people with whom one could speak and for the understanding of which one could hope.

    The strict collective responsibility of all Russians, all loyal citizens of Russia for the actions of the authorities they choose, for genocide, for mass killings, executions, torture, trafficking in corpses should be introduced ... There should no longer be any division of murderers into peaceful and non-peaceful, conscious and involuntary. Kill, kill, kill! To pour blood over the whole of Russia, not to give the slightest mercy to anyone, to try to certainly arrange at least one nuclear explosion on the territory of the Russian Federation — that is what the program of radical Resistance, both Russian, and Chechen, and any should be! Let the Russians, according to their deserts, reap what they produced (Wikipedia).
    1. +1
      18 March 2012 01: 36
      Gratitude with the entry ..... good Thank you Roman.
  44. rolik
    18 March 2012 01: 41
    And now it’s the turn of one of the chief liberals, with a face like an imbecile.

    G. YAVLINSKY: "In the event of his coming to power, the leader of Yabloko promises, first of all, to" bring out the evil spirits "of Russian fascism throughout the country."

    "... National Bolshevism, Russian fascism, a bias towards the nationalist side of this whole movement, an attempt to find the political Russian nation, and so on are fundamentally unacceptable to us. We treat this with great concern and wariness, because games of this kind are very dangerous ... "

    "... we will unite all those civic organizations that are close to us in spirit - for example, the" greens ", human rights defenders headed by Sergei Adamovich Kovalev. We consider this to be the most important matter." http://www.yabloko.ru/Publ/2007/2007_03/070314_svob_yavl_sps.html

    S. IVANENKO: "... the fight against the brown threat in Russia, the fight against Russian fascism is really one of the key tasks

    Quote from the YABLOKO party website: "... the Generalissimo had the trick not only to make an exception, but also to hypocritically proclaim a toast to the Russian people (and nothing more!) At a reception in the Kremlin after the Victory Parade. Thus, he humiliated other peoples of our country..."

    "The surge of fascism in our country, first of all, was prepared ... by our school. It does not teach humanism, tolerance, understanding of the value of the diversity of cultures. At the same time, our mentality, however bitterly, is characterized by the heroization and romanticization of terror and violence." http://www.mosobl.yabloko.ru/news/index.phtml?id=374

    A. TROITSKY: For the most part, I consider Russian men to be animals, creatures not even of the second, but of the third sort. When I see them - from cops to deputies, I think that they, in principle, should die out ... In fact, I do not mind this breed at all. And, if instead of the one that will die out (and it will die out), a new growth of normal men will grow - clean, tidy, smart ...

    R. DOBROKHOTOV: Two-thirds of Russia's population are xenophobic and latent criminals. If we give them freedom now, it will be too late to correct it after a few years.

    I think the comments are superfluous. Here they are, our glorious oppositionists in all its glory. Despite the fact that they live here, walk along our streets, use the labor of our workers and employees. They use it and spoil everything at once, poisoning the air we breathe with their miasma. They conduct their own shows (shows licked from the west) and for some reason do not refuse the money they receive in this wild, dark and miserable country with its cattle and savages.
    1. 0
      18 March 2012 01: 46
      good Drill a hole under the asterisk and a free ticket to Seliger drinks even if reprinted from somewhere. The third time, thank you.
      1. rolik
        18 March 2012 02: 00
        Let the youth go to Seliger. And I have a reward, the right son to raise. He is 9 years old, but House-2 cannot stand the spirit laughing The right path is a young man.
        And thank you again for your ratings.
    2. Catsan
      18 March 2012 22: 08
      We’ll stifle pensioners, we will blame the youth, we will leave only the scum.
      Finally plunder we sell everything.
      Dissenters will be put in camps.

      In general, I live well, and the rest of the vegetables that are not crooks and thieves are simply bought by the State Department.
      Glory to Python, three-time cheers of St. Petersburg brotherhood
  45. NKVD
    18 March 2012 09: 07
    Hitler at one time called the Jews "lice parasitizing on the" body "of the world community" the same can be said about the United States.
  46. 0
    18 March 2012 13: 36
    Sad as it may seem, our "democrats" are a burp of an overblown intelligentsia. I am personally quite familiar with many human rights activists. In principle, these are small businessmen - provocateurs who make their 30 pieces of silver on falsifications and provocations. Only they do it with pleasure, shaking with happiness.
    Therefore, when they tell me - now, 50 of thousands came out on Sakharov Avenue - I understand that this is stupid meat, which seems to be smarter than everyone else. Although the fate of any meat is very straightforward, whatever it thinks about itself.
    And when one of them scolds the authorities, I ask - what is democracy? It’s funny, but not a single democrat answered correctly, everyone carried some kind of nonsense.
    And democracy, guys - this is the power of the people. The one who without any shit will figure out if he needs gay parades.
  47. rolik
    18 March 2012 15: 17
    No, exit to Bolotnaya, pr. Sakharov is more likely not a political position. Rather, it’s just fashionable. It’s fashionable to be in opposition. And it's very bad not to have an opinion. If one, some popular character went to a rally, a crowd of admirers gathers against him. Who doesn't care about politics, it's just so fashionable. Our idol is against, well, we are together. And their idol absolutely does not give a damn about these mindless individuals. He promoted, showed how advanced and "courageous" he is, the job is done and it's time to reap the fruits of your courage. We have a rather tolerant attitude towards these protesters, although they shout that they are being pressed hard. If they want a hard press, let them go to Wall Street to pickets. There they will feel the gentle touch of the club and the exquisite scent of tear gas. Experience the friendly kicks of police boots and boots.
    It's time to tighten measures for these lovers of free expression of thoughts. Do not confuse freedom of expression with verbiage, freedom of protest with freedom of subversive activity and calls for the destruction of statehood.
    All of these Novodvorsky, Borovy and other single-celled, in the same America would have long sat under article terrorism and violation of statehood. And here they calmly walk around. And if they were suddenly taken and closed for a long time. The people in the country would only say thanks to the authorities.
    1. Catsan
      18 March 2012 22: 09
      The time will come and take the emergency lights from you, and the immunity ...
  48. Catsan
    18 March 2012 22: 16
    I remembered by the way the song at DDT.
    Lost in urgency!

    Ass rides around the country and we are therefore in the shit
  49. rolik
    18 March 2012 23: 51
    Again, the cat's toilet got out. Even boring to respond to this ....... man.
    I’d better go see a Benny Hill TV show. It’s also dumb, but much funnier than arguing with a cat’s toilet (it’s just dumb but not funny).
  50. Patriot
    21 March 2012 09: 56
    S_mirnov March 16, 2012 20:46 -19
    "with the president who was chosen by the people" - I would say with the president whom the swindlers, tori and gullible Buratins chose. And America in GDP is satisfied with everything, from the NATO base in Ulyanovsk to the storage of the stabilization fund in the United States.
    In more detail, I already wrote about this, I repeat.
    Not so long ago I started visiting this site. And communicating with the local audience led me to some thoughts:
    I wondered who the supporters of GDP are made up of. Well, first of all, these are thieves and crooks, usually high-ranking members of United Russia. The GDP Board is very profitable for them, because allows you to rob the country and leave it unhindered, as the time comes to molt.
    The second type I would call "cowards." These are individuals who are forced to support GDP using an administrative resource (in other words, they promise to dismiss from work if they do not come to the rally or “vote incorrectly”). http://www.shturmtv.com/video/3997/Puting-in- Petersburg-18022012
    The third type is “traitors” - they support GDP for personal interests who are for 500-1000r. paid at a rally, who for exemption from practice at the university. And most of them will be very surprised if they are told that they are betraying their homeland! Well, I came to the rally, earned money, but I won’t vote for him - in that regard.
    The fourth type I called "Trusting Pinocchio" - these are generally good people who just got under the propaganda press and were too lazy to look for information from unofficial sources. It is to this part of the population that I want to turn. I perfectly understand that you absolutely do not want to lose your pink glasses. After all, your position is very convenient. Look, we consider the GDP a patriot genuinely caring for the interests of citizens and the homeland, in fact, everything! you don’t have to do anything, just spit on oranges, and maintain hysteria about “Russia without GDP”. Come to the rally in Luzhik, and the caring authorities put the trap in your ass, so that the patriotic ass isn’t freezing, give out hats for a freebie and a bag of gifts, bring them, take them on buses, sit them down so that everyone has enough space http://politsovet.ru/ 36909-opublikovany-svidetelstva-podvoza-na-putinskiy-miting

    .html at McDonald's is being fed. The main thing is to boldly stigmatize all those who are against the GDP into an orange apposition and blame them for wanting to ruin Russia, and in no case should one allow the idea that there are people for Russia and against the thieves' GDP regime. This seditious thought can destroy the cozy world of a “positional patriot,” you have to admit that the GDP regime is leading the country to death, and here it is already necessary to decide where to go from Trusting Pinocchio - to cowards or to traitors? There is another way out - to become a real patriot - but it is dangerous and scary, because it turns out you go against the government.
    Many "gullible Pinocchio" find a way out of the situation in that all the bad things in the country were done by Yeltsin, and all the good things were done by the GDP. I want to remind them who brought the GDP to the presidency. It is under the law adopted by the GDP against Yeltsin that it is forbidden to institute criminal proceedings and conduct investigations. Remember who put the monument to EBN. Who praises him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kInnSe_KMhE&feature=related
    I want to dispel the misconception that GDP pursues an independent policy from the United States aimed at Russia's interests. It is impossible to defend the interests of Russia if your daughters live in Germany, and before that they studied at the school of the German embassy (by the way, only German citizens have the right to study there, we draw conclusions). We also remember where the stabilization fund of our country is stored. So the US is completely satisfied with the GDP.


    By the way, in order to look more decent in the eyes of the people, the GDP regime is forced to sling mud over our great past.


    Now about why, under this regime, Russia will not become a great power. The most important reason is the corrupt power vertical. The GDP regime for all its time has convincingly proved that it cannot cope with corruption. Just by virtue of your device. For example, who elected deputies of the State Duma? Who are all these people adopting the laws by which we live? I answer - those who paid money to the leaders of the Duma parties, whose interests they will protect? Also with governors and judges. So you can roll in the army as much as you like, they simply won’t reach the end consumer. There are no people in the army defending the interests of the army.
    Especially for those who seek information on the real situation in the country themselves, I will post a few links:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HJW7ua211w&feature=youtu.be карусель на выборах
    http://lenta.ru/news/2012/03/07/nomod/ ситуация на флоте
    http://news.rambler.ru/13102454/ олигархи
    Very funny video about Zhirinovsky http://www.shturmtv.com/video/3998/ Schizophrenization-consciousness-zombies

    1%80%D1%84-%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80-%D0%B2-%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA это про КПРФ.

    The most amazing thing is that I DO NOT BELIEVE. I DO NOT BELIEVE that in our country there are so many weekly, stupid and blind people. Who completely refuse to believe in the real state of affairs, but see and hear only what the current government shows them.
    ONCE AGAIN I BELIEVE THAT SOMETHING (probably the current government) is actively ZOMBING my PEOPLE! I don’t know how, maybe a 25-26 frame, maybe somehow ... But, the people don’t see the whole disastrous situation in which the country is.
    And to understand what and who is Mr. Putin, one should only brainwash in the interests and try to answer one modest question "Who does he work for"? In whose interests are those significant steps and "reforms" that he made with his godfather ebn. Damn it, even the abbreviation here is very indicative.

    Well, citizens Putiners, tell me in whose interests:

    - in whose interests are financial reforms under which Putin invests money in the bonds of a potential enemy at 2,5-3,0%, and Russian enterprises in his homeland cannot get loans at 12-14% per annum. WHO NEEDS SUCH A PURPOSE? Just do not say that the same China invests even more in state bonds s. For, they really have nowhere to get money since they have already set up plants and factories in their proper quantity. There is no point in building more for two simple reasons - low domestic consumption due to low incomes of citizens and the second - a drop in aggregate demand in Europe and the United States. You yourself understand why build factories and factories whose products will not be in demand?
    - privatization carried out by ebn and gdp? Has any of you ever received anything from this?
    - education reform, no comment
    - pension reform is a real pokutelsk ability of post-salary pension is significantly BELOW than before the reform of this enemy of the people,
    - medical reform no comment
    - reform of the army.
    Only here it is not necessary immediately about the allegedly allocated 20 trillion rubles. Perdyukov today cannot even master the allocated 50 billion rubles. What are you talking about. These are just plans. And very beautiful plans.
    By the way, from time to time I watch RBC’s channel, there was a program there yesterday at 20.15 dedicated to the analysis of Strategy 2020, which Putin's team made up. In general, according to many experts, this is a degradation strategy, a direct continuation of the line of dependence on oil and gas, an increase in the army of guest workers, a complete reluctance to engage in the real sector of the economy, etc. You can watch this video in the RBC archive.
    - Who benefits from transit through Ulyanovsk?
    . The only task of the authorities is to work in the interests and for the good of the people who elected it. YOU DO NOT BELIEVE BUT THIS IS THE ONLY TASK OF ANY POWER. And from here the question begs. WHY DO YOU NEED A POWER WHICH DOES NOT WORK IN YOUR INTERESTS

    PS: vote for Putin and you will not see your homeland soon!
  51. Patriot
    21 March 2012 11: 57
    By the way, they say that it was for this book that Ilyukhin paid with his life!
    Annoyingly. How many were there - Swan, Elizarov, Borovik, Rokhlin ...

    Putin The truth that you better not know
  52. Patriot
    21 March 2012 17: 12
    These elections could not be fair no matter who won. Because In general, only puppets were allowed to participate. True patriots were not allowed to participate in the elections (Boris Mironov and Ivashev, for example). And of course, participation in the elections of a prime minister who has not left his post means turning out the lights altogether.

    Now to the question "What to do?" Looking at the leaders of the systemic and non-systemic apposition, honestly speaking, hands drop. But, nevertheless, I found in the network of people whose position is close to me and I consider it correct. http://avn.armiavn.com/ their position is reflected on this site. Of the presidential candidates, I support Boris Mironov and Ivashev, though they were not even allowed to vote, they are afraid.


    I have also repeatedly expressed my opinion that real anti-Kremlin candidates were not admitted even at the stage of submitting an application to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. This is B. Mironov and L. Ivashov, and that all the admitted presidential candidates in 2012 are ALL AS ONE people with whom the Kremlin:

    - or negotiates, providing them with certain privileges - V. Zhirinovsky and G. Zyuganov,
    - or these are initially purely Kremlin projects by S. Mironov and M. Prokhorov
    There is NO REAL candidate ready to defend the INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE AMONG THEM!
    But, nothing, comrades. Such people will quickly find themselves in a situation when it comes:

    - or an economic arctic fox - a collapse of markets and oil prices, that is, the beginning of the next round of the crisis. When the socio-economic situation reaches such a point that the people will be forced to STARVE.
    - or a military-political arctic fox, that is, the possible beginning of World War 3, into which our country may be drawn.
    1. CC-18a
      21 March 2012 19: 58
      Quote: Patriot

      What do you mean, "another sane one?" so you quoted him several times before and corresponded with him wassat , is your memory so bad that you don’t remember anything for more than 5 minutes?
      And how can you not remember yourself? after all, this is your clone/cartoon account.

      As I wrote earlier, you're a p*****!
      1. Patriot
        22 March 2012 09: 52
        Listen, you...

        1- You and I did not switch to you. You and I certainly haven’t drunk vodka and we will never drink vodka.
        2- no one here gave you the right to get personal and insult your interlocutor. And, in a personal meeting, I would not allow you to do this again.
        3- WHERE IS THE MODERATOR? I still can’t figure out whether it’s a DELIBERATELY SKIPPED LETTER or Nashi immunity that allows the Putinites to get away with being banned?
  53. Patriot
    22 March 2012 09: 57
    And one more thing... SS-18a

    I see it’s written on your profile.

    You write about yourself: pin*dos trolls infuriate me, these are:
    - “nycsson” aka “Patriot”, aka “S_mirnov”, aka “Akhmedpomoev”, aka “rassia patriot” from the foreign media forum.
    - "mr. bender" is also found on other resources.

    I hasten to disappoint you. I haven’t written under other nicknames and I don’t intend to write. AND, THESE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE LIVING IN DIFFERENT CITIES OF OUR COUNTRY!
    1. CC-18a
      22 March 2012 20: 52
      don't give a fuck. Whether it’s intentional or not, I don’t care, you dare to insult people with the words Nashi and Putin, and with impunity, while at the same time the word pin dos who you are is considered here for some reason an insult. This is double standards or an oversight of the moderators, let's leave it on their conscience, I have my own conscience and it does not allow me not to tell the truth about who you are.
      1. You claim that you are from different cities, strange! but the IP showed up a Polish address for one of you, it’s strange, it turns out that some of you live in Poland and Russia at the same time, while the flight between the 2 countries took you a couple of hours, less than the flight time, if I’m not mistaken in Teleport has not yet been invented in 2012!
      So, in fact, you are clearly using an IP anonymizer or a website or hosting or programs, and a bunch of all sorts of gadgets.
      2. If you weren’t a cartoonist, you wouldn’t have stated that they all live in different cities. A person, if he really has nothing to do with answering differently, it is not difficult to guess that if you are not connected with other persons - cartoons, you do not know what cities they are from and always answer for yourself, but your answer was typical for a cartoon leader.
      3. The moderator shouldn’t cry, again, another confirmation that you are a troll, an ordinary citizen is in no hurry to complain, because he has a job, family and other important things and an ordinary person doesn’t really care who thinks about him and what he thinks, but here’s the cartoonist and It is very important for a troll to suppress any false talk and hints about the investigation of his personality.
      4. Since I wrote that you are a cartoonist, here is my proof:
      In it, you have already talked to your cartoons in a similar way like “oh, it’s nice to see...” and every time you pretend that you don’t know each other and read each other for the first time... I think even before this topic you repeated the same thing, but I don’t want to drip, I’m too lazy.
      In that topic you corresponded with each other, in this topic you pretend that you are meeting him for the first time... I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be blind and not understand who you really are.

      I repeat with you troll the conversation is over
  54. Patriot
    22 March 2012 11: 42
    A little information about our old and new president. Some revelations by Viktor Ilyukhin of Putin's "deeds", for which he paid with his life!

  55. Kamaz
    22 March 2012 18: 50
    What does Putin's arrival mean for the West???
    fellow Hurray The raw materials and “Pseudo-diplomacy” store has opened!! By the way, only from Putin - a special promotion! Recognize the elections as fair and you will receive transit through ULYANOVSK!!!!

    the price for transit through Ulyanovsk is negotiable!
  56. Patriot
    23 March 2012 11: 58
    CC-18a (3)
    Quote: Patriot
    What do you mean, "another sane one?" So you quoted him several times before and corresponded with him, but your memory is so bad that you don’t remember anything for more than 5 minutes?
    And how can you not remember yourself? after all, this is your clone/cartoon account.

    As I wrote earlier, you're a p*****!
    Reply Quote Report Abuse

    Patriot (4) Yesterday, 09:52 -1
    Listen, you...

    1- You and I did not switch to you. You and I certainly haven’t drunk vodka and we will never drink vodka.
    2- no one here gave you the right to get personal and insult your interlocutor. And, in a personal meeting, I would not allow you to do this again.
    3- WHERE IS THE MODERATOR? I still can’t figure out whether it’s a DELIBERATELY SKIPPED LETTER or Nashi immunity that allows the Putinites to get away with being banned?
    Reply Quote Report Abuse

    Patriot (4) Yesterday, 09:57 -1
    And one more thing... SS-18a

    I see it’s written on your profile.

    You write about yourself: pin*dos trolls infuriate me, these are:
    - “nycsson” aka “Patriot”, aka “S_mirnov”, aka “Akhmedpomoev”, aka “rassia patriot” from the foreign media forum.
    - "mr. bender" is also found on other resources.

    I hasten to disappoint you. I haven’t written under other nicknames and I don’t intend to write. AND, THESE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE LIVING IN DIFFERENT CITIES OF OUR COUNTRY!
    Reply Quote Report Abuse

    CC-18a (3) Yesterday, 20:52 new 0
    don't give a fuck. Whether it’s intentional or not, I don’t care, you dare to insult people with the words Nashi and Putin, and with impunity, while at the same time the word pin dos who you are is considered here for some reason an insult. This is double standards or an oversight of the moderators, let's leave it on their conscience, I have my own conscience and it does not allow me not to tell the truth about who you are.
    1. You claim that you are from different cities, strange! but the IP showed up a Polish address for one of you, it’s strange, it turns out that some of you live in Poland and Russia at the same time, while the flight between the 2 countries took you a couple of hours, less than the flight time, if I’m not mistaken in Teleport has not yet been invented in 2012!
    So, in fact, you are clearly using an IP anonymizer or a website or hosting or programs, and a bunch of all sorts of gadgets.
    2. If you weren’t a cartoonist, you wouldn’t have stated that they all live in different cities. A person, if he really has nothing to do with answering differently, it is not difficult to guess that if you are not connected with other persons - cartoons, you do not know what cities they are from and always answer for yourself, but your answer was typical for a cartoon leader.
    3. The moderator shouldn’t cry, again, another confirmation that you are a troll, an ordinary citizen is in no hurry to complain, because he has a job, family and other important things and an ordinary person doesn’t really care who thinks about him and what he thinks, but here’s the cartoonist and It is very important for a troll to suppress any false talk and hints about the investigation of his personality.
    4. Since I wrote that you are a cartoonist, here is my proof:


    In it, you have already talked to your cartoons in a similar way like “oh, it’s nice to see...” and every time you pretend that you don’t know each other and read each other for the first time... I think even before this topic you repeated the same thing, but I don’t want to drip, I’m too lazy.
    In that topic you corresponded with each other, in this topic you pretend that you are meeting him for the first time... I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be blind and not understand who you really are.
    I repeat with you troll the conversation is over

    Listen, you scumbag osaurus, filter your verbal nose. You can't force me to use foul language. I won't be like you. You will not get it. Pin dos is definitely not for me. For me, this is the enemy of my people and my country. The most important pin dos is precisely the same fellow who planned to torment and destroy my Motherland for another 6 years. And, this can also be called all those who, in such a situation, also add legitimacy to him with their thoughtless voices. Yes Yes. This is me, including about you, too, a narrow-minded and fooled plebsik. As for conscience, just watch your conscience. It seems to me that it is hardly particularly clean. Nashi and Putinist are normal epithets that describe a besotted young or older person who does not really complicate himself in analyzing the real situation in the country. These concepts are the antithesis of a Komsomol member and a communist. But in the USSR it was not a curse. I hope there is no need to explain who the Komsomol members and communists are and whether they have at least some relation to the Nashi and Putinites. Yes, perhaps you dare to object that the Komsomol members and communists were also fooled and zombified by their communist idols. To be honest, I would have been fine with such zombies, because at that time my country:
    - was respected all over the world,

    - had friends all over the world

    - had a strong army and navy,

    - had a healthy population

    - had the strongest teams of athletes who took mainly 1st and 2nd places at the Olympic Games

    - the best and most reliable weapons in the world. As experts say, in 20 years

    NOTHING NEW was created in the Russian Federation. Only there were attempts to implement Soviet developments

    - the best education and science in the world,

    - provided a decent standard of living for pensioners

    - created for future generations that industrial and infrastructural safety margin that the current government cannot achieve in any way

    - gave her people a reliable nuclear shield, allowing citizens to SLEEP PEACEFULly and is still relevant even after all the stages of its destruction by the enemies of Russia.

    Yes, I agree that life in that country was very boring.

    - the authorities of that time did not give their territories to the Americans, Norwegians and Chinese

    - People were confident in the future.

    - there was no collapse and destruction of the army,

    - there were no mass layoffs,

    - there was no paid education and medicine

    - there were no failed competitions and Olympics, to which bureaucratic functionaries dragged their numerous relatives instead of coaches and doctors

    - there were no millions of speculators and representatives of office plankton

    - there were no countless shopping centers on the site of destroyed factories and factories,

    - there were no armies of homeless people, alcoholics, prostitutes, HIV-infected people and drug addicts,

    - there weren’t hundreds of dollar billionaires with foreign names,

    - there were no old people in trash cans collecting empty cans and bottles

    - there were no divorces equal in number of marriages

    - there was a number of childcare children unheard of in the village during peacetime

    - there was no catastrophic decline in the birth rate and extinction of the nation either

    - there was no cola, jeans or chewing gum

    - there weren’t thousands of cars with blue buckets on the roof, considering everyone else to be scum and the scum of society

    - there was not such an abundance of E-shek in the food sold in stores

    - the products were natural and healthy, and the authorities on Channel 1 television did not teach their people to choose the best of the worst products, thereby completely abdicating their responsibility and duty in establishing order in the food market

    - there was no unheard-of scale of impunity and corruption,

    - an unprecedented increase in contract killings and crime in the countryside

    - stupid decisions and empty promises before the elections

    - there were no large-scale hostilities in the south of the country

    - there was no betrayal of regimes friendly to us

    - there was no rampant expansion of America and NATO around the world, accompanied by the overthrow of legitimate regimes and the destruction of civilians. They still hadn't lost their sense of smell then.

    That country did not have such “benefactors” of the Motherland as Ebn, Putin, Medvedev, Serdyukov, Golikov, Zurabov, Fursenko, Chubais...


    Again you are wrong and I didn’t cry to the admin. And thank God I’m not used to doing this. It’s just obvious that there are some double standards, because not so long ago I was banned for several days for a couple of childish violations in the style of distorting the name of our “new president”
    1. CC-18a
      28 March 2012 12: 59
      you're a pin board troll, what kind of verbal diarrhea are you having? how they pressed you and showed you who you really are, your brain turned off O_O. Why did they start making you weak trolls?)))

      I will repeat what I said again:
      4. Since I wrote that you are a cartoonist, here is my proof:


      In it, you have already talked to your cartoons in a similar way like “oh, it’s nice to see...” and every time you pretend that you don’t know each other and read each other for the first time... I think even before this topic you repeated the same thing, but I don’t want to drip, I’m too lazy.
      In that topic you corresponded with each other, in this topic you pretend that you are meeting him for the first time... I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be blind and not understand who you really are.
      I repeat with you troll the conversation is over

      In response to my facts and links, a complete diarrhea of ​​stupid nonsense poured out
      The truth is annoying trolls)))))