Dmitry Semushin: Who and how began to reject the Russian Arctic from Russia?

Dmitry Semushin: Who and how began to reject the Russian Arctic from Russia?
A political act that opened the way for cooperation in the Arctic of the USSR (Russia) and Western countries and the creation of the so-called The Barents region, was the speech of the Secretary General of the CPSU, Mikhail Gorbachev 1 October 1987, in Murmansk. In it, in particular, he said: "Issues related to the interests of the indigenous population of the North, with the study of its ethnic characteristics, the development of cultural ties between northern peoples require special attention."

So, for the first time in the modern era in the subarctic region, the question was raised about the modern interstate cooperation on the problem of the "indigenous peoples" of the Arctic. We note the terminological ambiguity in the speech of Mikhail S.Gorbachev, which is very characteristic for the whole epoch of perestroika, and so-called. "new thinking". On the one hand, in his speech there is the traditional for Soviet law concept of "northern nations" (compare: "small nations of the North"). And, on the other hand, the innovation is “the indigenous people of the North”, under which its students in Murmansk, the Soviet people, could perceive themselves. So, apparently, it happened, because they interrupted this fragment in a speech by the Secretary General of the CPSU with applause. But, as the next steps of the first and last president of the USSR showed, the “indigenous population” still meant the former Soviet “small nations of the North”.

Two years later, in 1989, the USSR joined the ILO Convention No. 107 "On the Protection of Indigenous and Other Populations Leading a Tribal and Semi-Tribal Life Style in Independent Countries". The concept of "indigenous people" was introduced into the domestic legal field. It was used in the basic document when establishing the transboundary Barents region in 1993 - the “Declaration on Cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region”, adopted at the Conference of Foreign Ministers of Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland in Kirkenes 11 in January 1993 In the special section "Indigenous people" of the declaration we read: "The participants reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring the rights of the indigenous people of the North in accordance with the goals set out in the 26 section on indigenous peoples Agenda 21 of the 21st century. They expressed their commitment to strengthening the indigenous communities of the region and assured them that the cooperation they are starting to take into account the interests of the indigenous population. "

However, if we turn to the original text of the Kirkenes Declaration on Cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region in English, then in all cases the term “indigenous peoples”, i.e., “indigenous peoples”, is used there. The section itself is so called - "Indigenous peoples". Let's compare the text in the marked fragment in English: "26. 21. XNUMX. "Indigenous communities of the region,"

Thus, from the international legal point of view, the Russian side, represented by then Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev, proceeded from the interpretation of the concept of "indigenous people" given by the ILO Convention No. 107 1957 (the Convention on the Protection and Integration of Indigenous and Other Populations Leading and semi-tribal lifestyle, in independent countries "). And the Western signatories of the Declaration, in particular the Norwegians, from the interpretation of the concept of "indigenous people" from the ILO Convention number 169 ("Convention on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries). Recall that in the latter case," indigenous people “are understood the descendants of those“ who inhabited the country or geographical area of ​​which the country is a part, during its conquest or colonization or during the establishment of existing state borders. ”(Conv. ILO No. 169. Art. 1. § 1 b). Compared to this, under the "root the population "in the USSR Convention ILO No. 107 1957 adopted by the USSR was understood only the population" leading a tribal or semi-tribal way of life "(Conv. ILO No. 107. Art. 1. § 1 b).

Thus, there is a mismatch of concepts allowed by the parties that signed the "Declaration on Cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region" in the section on "indigenous people" / "indigenous peoples", which is unacceptable for international cooperation documents. Moreover, in the Russian text of the section on the "Indigenous Population", the use of the concept of "indigenous people" was three times permitted, in fact, at that time, not yet adopted in Russian legislation, which has not yet been adopted. Therefore, it’s illegal for the Russian side to look at the obligation in this section of the Declaration “to exchange information about the current and upcoming legislation regulating the situation of indigenous peoples in their countries”.

So, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Andrei Kozyrev, in the considered examples showed incompetence and made fatal, unusual for the former Soviet diplomacy of the Gromyko epoch, blunders bordering on, in fact, an official crime. At the same time, we must pay tribute to the diplomatic dexterity of the Norwegian Prime Minister Thurvald Stoltenberg, who managed to draw Russia in the Barents region on the delicate "national issue" into the Western game. As one Russian Scandinavian diplomat pointedly noted: "The Declaration of Cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region, dubbed the Kirkenes, was recognized by leading politicians as an art of the possible."

The international legal error, the consequences of which became apparent to us only in recent years, was fixed at the same time in Kirkinesse when the heads of the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions signed a protocol establishing the Barents Regional Council. Together with them, the aforementioned document was signed by representatives of the Norwegian provinces Finnmark, Troms and Nordland, Finnish Lapland, and the Swedish Norbotten. The complete diplomatic failure of the heads of the Russian regions was manifested in the fact that they even agreed to use the concept of “indigenous people” in the Russian translation - “to take into account the interests of indigenous peoples and ensure their active participation in the multilateral development of the region”. Moreover, they did not object when, in addition to the heads of the Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish regions, the designated document as an authorized representative was also signed by a representative of the so-called. Sami Parliament of Norway. This precedent allowed by the heads of the Russian regions made it possible for a similar Aboriginal body to appear in the Russian Federation. We will write off the mistake to the incompetence of the heads of Russian regions in international affairs. But where were the Russian diplomats at that time? In 2010, the local “Sami parliament” was created in the Murmansk region. However, the legal reason for its existence was given when the Barents Region was founded. Is not it?

So, the officially announced program of activities of the Norwegian Barents region in Russia includes five areas. The third direction is “recognition of the traditional and cultural needs, values ​​and interests of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic”. However, the key concept of "indigenous people" is legally differently understood by the main participants of the "Barents cooperation". From the point of view of the Norwegians, the “indigenous peoples” of the Russian, as they say, sectors of the Barents region live in conquered and colonized territory. They occupy a non-dominant, dependent and discriminated position. Indigenous peoples do not sufficiently enjoy their collective rights. In this they need help. After the publication of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted at the 107 plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly 13 September 2007, the Norwegians, in addition, began to act on the basis of a slightly different strategy, which assumed that only the “disadvantage” of the indigenous peoples could be overcome by “restoring” them as “nations” —that is, integral social systems that have a land and resource base for self-sufficient development and their own institutions of power, which constitute a special national territory General level of management along with federal and regional.

As for the Russian side, until recently it has been engaged in clarifying the concept of “root”, however, doing so in a completely different direction than the Norwegian one. Only eleven months after the creation of the Barents region in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 in article 69 the concept of “indigenous people” appears. In the federal law "On the Foundations of State Regulation of the Socio-Economic Development of the North of the Russian Federation" of June 19, 1996 (No. 78-FZ), this concept received the following clarification: "Indigenous peoples of the North - peoples living in the territories of traditional residence of their ancestors, preserving an original way of life, numbering less than 50 thousand people in Russia and realizing themselves as independent ethnic communities. " The report "On the Basics of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the North" at the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council of April 28, 2004 additionally formulated the concept of "indigenous people of the North", which meant "people born in the North and permanently residing there at least one generation. " The divergence with the Norwegians in the interpretation of the concept of “indigenous people” was continued at the disposal of the government of the “Concept for the Sustainable Development of the Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation” dated February 4, 2009. The introduction gave its own Russian understanding of the key concept of the subject of national politics, including, we note, in the Barents region: “The Russian Federation is one of the largest multinational states in the world with more than 160 peoples, each of which has unique characteristics of material and spiritual culture. The overwhelming majority of the country's peoples have developed over the centuries as ethnic communities on the territory of Russia, and in this sense they are indigenous peoples who played historical role in the formation of the Russian state. "

Thus, the discrepancy in the interpretation of the basic concept in the field of cooperation on "indigenous people" (Russian version) or "indigenous people" (Norwegian) inherent in the founding of the Barents region in its main document - the Declaration did not diminish over time, but even increased. becoming a legal basis for conflict.
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  1. Goga
    15 March 2012 12: 00
    What else was there to expect from the tagged rogue and guznoblud Kozyrev? Another betrayal. And now we will butt - carry out geological research - our shelf, not ours .... Will we have time to bring the "gorbi" to court for treason, or will this dirty trick itself die?
    1. recitatorus
      15 March 2012 14: 26
      All this, the so-called international law - is solid casuistry! You never know what someone once signed! .. Papers as they are signed, and torn! Of necessity! Only the weak can be poked in the face by some protocol.
      Russia has risen to its feet and has been erased by previously signed papers!
  2. yorik_gagarin
    15 March 2012 12: 25
    hunchback scum so many documents signed ..... that we living .... and our grandchildren have a long time to rake .... Remember our shelf in the Far East ...... by the way oil ..... which America already considers his .... although we have not ratified this agreement.
    1. vadimus
      15 March 2012 13: 29
      The Arctic is already ours. And it is our duty to protect her ...
      1. Brother Sarych
        15 March 2012 13: 41
        The Arctic almost became our own! And to slow down this process is the main task for today!
  3. Tugarin snake
    15 March 2012 12: 49
    Norway is a "serious" enemy in the Arctic :-)
    They can only spoil the petty things from behind the United States, they spoil things on Svalbard, or they delay the trawler ...
  4. +5
    15 March 2012 12: 52
    All these liberals such as Gorbachev, Yakavlev, Shervanzade, Kozyrev, Ivanov and others, heaped such other things to break the country.
    Worthy students of Ulyanov and other brackets.
    Who will collect the land ?!
  5. +6
    15 March 2012 12: 55
    Yes, overlap what is written there, not a big piece of paper. There will be strong aviation and fleet, HRN who will turn up!
  6. +5
    15 March 2012 13: 02
    I repeat once again .....
    For especially stupid ones .... who were sitting in Kirkenes, and even now sitting "behind the hillocks" by all kinds of .... if the Pomors are not considered the indigenous peoples of the North - then the Eskimos are all only Amazonian Indians.

    The Pomors of the North are those that are around the White Sea, which walked on the Grummant kochi ... from which the whole terminology of the NOS on the Arctic coast.

    Let the Americans and the rest of the apricots die. North is Russian!
      15 March 2012 15: 41
      So life went on, this marked s.ka, sold everything and everything to the Jewish-Masons, sits with them on full allowance, and from behind the hillock gives advice on "how to conduct elections correctly and democratically." They are waging a war against us, on all fronts, everywhere, in schools, on the internet, on TV! What kind of "reboot"? What "cut"? Arm themselves and arm themselves again, only this way, and not otherwise!
  7. Nickolay3145
    15 March 2012 18: 11
    On the farm for the radish to send all! Our lands - and let them try to bind!
  8. +1
    15 March 2012 19: 09
    This marked sale with a "democratic perestroika" mess in his head
    sv..loch together with its mosquito brought so much harm to Russia that it must still answer for its betrayal. If the "circumstances" do not yet allow organizing the trial of these Judas, then at least collect the material and publish the WHITE BOOK of betrayal, forever nail them to the pillar !!!
  9. serge
    15 March 2012 20: 18
    As signed, it is necessary to sign. Get out of all these conventions, and all matters.
    1. 0
      16 March 2012 08: 46
      ... with the wording "As not meeting the political and economic interests of the Russian Federation, as well as its territorial integrity." Generally speaking, it is necessary at the government level to formulate and legally formalize the concept of Russia's national interests both in general and in various fields - in science, economics, social sphere, security, etc. etc., and also to determine that it is necessary to answer for actions against the national interests of the state without any statute of limitations. am
  10. dark silver
    15 March 2012 23: 29
    in Arkhangelsk we only talk about * indigenous people *, everywhere in the media propaganda comrades = ( sad

    Yes, and on the collage you can see my district of Solombala, and honestly surprised drinks
  11. iulai
    16 March 2012 13: 37
    while labeled alive urgently put him on trial! and to have a trump card of Shevarnadze! will die late! if Putin does not do this, then he feels guilty for himself and also has sins.
  12. Marat
    16 March 2012 18: 35
    One thing is clear that the enemy will try to do everything to "squeeze" from Russia everything that is possible until we are reunited and fragmented

    Unification must be accelerated - only a single strong country can effectively defend its legal rights to its legal territories