Small rocket ships project 2163 "Buyan-M". Infographics

Small rocket ships of the 21631 project (code “Buyan-M”) are Russian multi-purpose rocket and artillery ships of small displacement in the near sea zone. The river-sea class of the ship predetermines actions near the coast or even from rivers, which explains reduced seaworthiness and weakened ship's air defense, since the ship may be under cover of coastal systems like C-400 and its like.

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  1. +5
    4 September 2017 10: 33
    Handsome !!!
  2. +2
    4 September 2017 10: 38
    A perfectly armed guard for our shores! good For its characteristics, the expression is ideal: - "Small bug, but smelly!" Yes
  3. +1
    4 September 2017 18: 41
    Putin’s mobile rocket platform. Hello, Misty Albion! laughing