Why did the “offensive” of cryptocurrencies begin and what does it promise

Lately more and more News You can hear about cryptocurrencies in general and about bitcoins in particular. Not only the media, but also the government joined in this. So, if before the Central Bank strictly rejected any cryptocurrencies for several years, now, although they are forbidden, nevertheless, state financiers have decided to bring the moment of their appearance - the Central Bank said it was working on a national cryptocurrency. What are electronic money systems and what promises their distribution? About this in a conversation with Nakanune.RU said Doctor of Economics, professor of MGIMO Valentin Katasonov.

Question: The most popular cryptocurrency is now Bitcoin, but there are others - how many are there? And in general, what are they for?

Valentin Katasonov: Yes, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and only about two thousand names of different cryptocurrencies. True, some of them are like one-day butterflies, so to say how many there are at the moment, no one is taken. Experts monitor about 100 leading types of cryptocurrency. As for the name itself - “cryptocurrency” - we live in the era of the world of neuro-linguistic programming, and sometimes we are given some new notions so that we finally stop understanding something. The word "cryptocurrency" consists of two simple words: "crypto" means secret, encrypted, secret; and "currency" - that is, something like money. But in fact, we can say that there is no secrecy. They prove to us that this is a kind of electronic money that ensures the anonymity of participants in transactions. This is all sorts of professional terms: "blockchain", "peering", "big data". The man in the street begins to walk in a circle, and he begins to really believe that there is one hundred percent protection there. Of course, there is no absolute protection, and any serious expert in the field of computer technology and the Internet will say that there are ways to identify a participant in transactions.

Question: Even with encryption?

Valentin Katasonov: If we consider the world of cryptocurrencies as a kind of closed world, then for those who created these cryptocurrencies, this is complete nonsense. Roughly speaking, there is a kind of gambling between the participants, and it ends with someone recording their loss with many zeros, and someone recording their winning. But the winnings must still be converted into something more understandable, more real. Therefore, between the "world of cryptocurrency" and our world there are certain "corridors" through which real goods and real money circulate back and forth. When some assets pass through these “corridors,” at this point participants can be decrypted.

Theoretically, a person can remain anonymous, but there are many known cases when decryption occurred. Even the most careful participant in the game of cryptocurrency still makes mistakes. Here you can catch him with these mistakes. And the cases of how anonymously protected by various crypto-ciphers people were calculated and caught are more than enough.

That is, of course, this is not “crypto” - everything can be deciphered. More importantly, it is still not a currency.

Question: Why is it not a currency, not money?

Valentin Katasonov: The difference is that when we talk about national money, we simply say “money”, when we talk about money from other countries - we say that it is foreign money, it is currency. The most important feature of money is that they are equivalent, in other words, they must have a stable purchasing power. And we see what is happening in the cryptocurrency market. There are constantly fluctuations, in professional terms, there is high volatility. Recall history Bitcoin - it appeared in the 2009 year, then the bitcoin coin was exchanged in the 1 ratio for a tenth or a hundredth of even a dollar, and a cent. Today, its rate rises to $ 3,5 thousand and above. They say that the time is not far off when it will cost $ 500 thousand for one coin, someone is talking about 1 million.

It is a tool of speculation, not money, because money must have a steady purchasing power. And if they do not possess such an ability, then this is not money.

Why did the “offensive” of cryptocurrencies begin and what does it promise

Question: How does the process of sale and purchase?

Valentin Katasonov: Participants in this world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are like two categories of people. Some are those who make this money, one might say, out of thin air. These are the so-called miners. Mining - from the word "mining", they are "miners". The second category is those who buy these coins. These may be people who do not even have minimal computer literacy. Miners, of course, need to have computer literacy, and today also have computer power.

Question: And why do you need to identify players? Cryptocurrencies can be dangerous?

Valentin Katasonov: Because cryptocurrencies are used not only for gambling, but also, for example, for financing terrorism, for drug trafficking, for paying for gangster services. We live with you, sort of like, in the visible part of the electronic world, which is called the Internet, and there is still the “black Internet”. It is in this "underworld" that all these transactions are carried out. There you can order and kill someone using the same cryptocurrency.

Question: In this case, why is there so much noise around bitcoins? They overcome the line of $ 4 thousand or are divided into two cryptocurrencies - each time this is “high-profile” news ...

Valentin Katasonov: Do you understand where the wind blows? Let's see the global trend. The owners of money want to become masters of the world. Naturally, cryptocurrency is one of the tools with which they want to accelerate the onset of this happy moment for them. There are several versions of why cryptocurrency is needed. Of course, we can skip the optimistic version, they say, the cryptocurrency is an exemption from oppression from banks, that now we do not need banks, now we can directly enter into horizontal economic relations with you, and no one can cheat anyone. This is a fairy tale. But they are believed and supported by the cryptocurrency projection not only the “frostbitten” speculators who really need to win and make a profit in 1000% begin, but even those who simply dream of a certain bright future. In this sense, the devil is cunning and creative.

Question: Why then cryptocurrencies are needed?

Valentin Katasonov: There are several versions. When I studied at the institute - at the end of 60, at the beginning of 70, the world experienced a transition from the Bretton Woods financial system to the Jamaican one. Then about many things that are familiar today, no one heard. Then they said that there are such derivatives - financial derivatives, that this is a very rare tool that is used exclusively for hedging, that is, for reducing or eliminating some risks of commercial operations.

And look today - the markets for financial derivatives are in the hundreds and thousands of trillions of dollars. Only a few decades have passed, and a giant elephant has turned out from this “bacterium”. One of the versions that cryptocurrency today is really a “microbe” against the background of these scale operations that are carried out in financial markets. But tomorrow it can turn into an elephant or a dinosaur.

The total capitalization of the leading cryptocurrency is somewhere at $ 200 billion - the capitalization of one large company on the US Nasdaq Stock Exchange, such as Facebook or Apple. Here are the scales. And the information hype just rolls over. Everything is very simple - because the media is in the hands of the owners of money, and they begin to inflate another bubble with the help of the media.

I would not be surprised if tomorrow the capitalization of these cryptocurrencies will be measured not by billions but by trillions of dollars, but the day after tomorrow by tens of trillions of dollars. And what is it for? Again we return to the times of the transition to the Jamaican system. What happened then? Then the gold exchange standard was eliminated - the “golden brake” was removed from the printing press.

In fact, a situation arose when the owners of money could print an unlimited amount of "green paper", figuratively speaking. There was only one "but" - it was necessary that there was a constant demand for "green paper". Even the Jamaican conference failed, it was in January 1976, and in the fall of 1973, the energy crisis had already erupted. For several months, the price of "black gold" jumped four times. This is the first sign that a new system is being created, which involves the removal of all control over prices in commodity markets. The price of "black gold" jumped four times - and that at the time was equivalent to tens of billions of dollars. At the same time, the dollar began to turn into "petrodollar". This is such a subtle, thoughtful operation. By the way, Henry Kissinger was actively involved in the implementation of this operation, who was then winding around the countries of the Middle East and negotiating with all countries producing and exporting oil that they would buy "black gold" only for dollars.

And then - more. Some financial instruments began to appear, bubbles began to grow in the financial markets, and they began to absorb billions, trillions of these “printing press” products. Today, these possibilities are already exhausted. And here is one of the versions that cryptocurrency is another bubble that will continue to create demand for "green paper" and prolong the existence of this "printing press" of the Federal Reserve System.

Question: There is a version that cryptocurrencies were initially created in order to later bring down the monetary systems of different countries.

Valentin Katasonov: Indeed, we are seeing strange things around the world. During 100 for years, central banks - I carefully studied and tracked it - were very jealous of the emergence of some kind of alternative money. It could be corporate money, local money, local money, municipal money - an infinite number of precedents. Central banks have always in the bud destroyed the possibility of the emergence of such alternative money. And, of course, they spit their monopoly on emissions.

And here we see strange processes. As an example, we can take Russia - for example, four or five years ago, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance firmly stated that we do not recognize any cryptocurrencies. It was a normal and mature response to the emergence of some alternative currencies. And today, the monetary authorities are beginning to speak in a different way, they say, we still cannot prohibit cryptocurrency, so let us legalize them, let us regulate them. The parallels suggest something like the story of drugs in Europe - suddenly they began to say in Europe that they are not able to fight drug mafia, therefore, they say, let's legalize the drug trade and we will control this legal trade.

In fact, the state is moving away from the solution of this task, and there are such evil, dangerous to human alternatives. It has to be said that even in the United States, officially, they are still tougher than cryptocurrency than in Europe or Russia. From my point of view, the owners of the “printing press” of the Fed simply do not want the cryptocurrency to be somewhere close to this “printing press”.

Question: Is this a trend imposed by global corporations, and soon we will give up cash, live in the digital economy and pay with electronic money?

Valentin Katasonov: Yes, in general, the trend is such that money becomes non-cash. Of course, we have some paper banknotes in our wallet, which are called Central Bank notes, but all over the world there is a crowding out of the paper component, and it is not a secret to anyone that trust in banks has dropped to the level of the plinth. In Russia, it suffices to recall the example of the bank "Ugra". And in the West, besides this factor, the threat of bank bankruptcy, there is also another threat - and this is not even a threat, it is a fait accompli. These are negative interest rates on deposits of commercial banks. In a number of Western countries, commercial banks leave a zero interest rate, or even a negative one. Of course, in these conditions, people understand that it is better to keep money in cash. This strains banks, so they strongly lobby for the adoption of laws that prohibit the use of cash. This actually means building a giant "bank concentration camp." And Russia is in the same trend, it can be seen with the naked eye, although there is no direct connection with cryptocurrency.

Question: What influences the rate of cryptocurrency? Racing can be in both $ 100 and $ 200 - is this possibly related to the global economic situation?

Valentin Katasonov: This can be determined by informational factors - some kind of publication about the good prospects for Bitcoin or the same ethereum. With external factors, objective circumstances, the relationship is very weak.

Question: The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as you noted, began to look closely at cryptocurrencies, but went further - said that work was already under way to create a national cryptocurrency. How can this be interpreted?

Valentin Katasonov: Statements about the fact that some country will try to create its own national cryptocurrency, for me in general is some kind of nonsense. This was previously announced by England, this was stated by China. In China, there is the official currency of the yuan, which is issued by the National Bank of China. England has a pound sterling, which is issued by the Bank of England. What does national cryptocurrency mean? Not very clear.

If we mean that in parallel with the pound sterling or the yuan some other currencies will go around, this is, as world experience shows, the most unpleasant situation.

For example, take the history of the Russian Empire. In the Russian Empire there were parallel currencies - the credit ruble and the silver ruble. The proportions of exchange between them are constantly changing, and this is a very unpleasant situation. This is actually a monetary system built on parallel money.

Question: And is there already any foreign experience of cryptocurrency legalization?

Valentin Katasonov: For example, in Japan they said that they legalized cryptocurrencies from 1 in April of 2017. Please note that they are still trying to use the word not “currency”, but they say that it is an “asset” or a “financial instrument” or something else, but still no one has said that it is money.

In addition to Japan, you can also call Germany, some other countries. But I repeat, they formally say that this is not money, it is just some kind of asset that can be used, which can be used. The same China - after all, until recently China had the first place in the world in terms of the number of crypto-bills, that is, the most gambling game was played there.

But all this leads to a loosening of the national monetary system. It will all end very badly. So there is a multiple-step process: first they prohibit, then they say, they say there is something in it, we cannot prohibit it, so let's control it, but it will not be money, it will be some tools and some assets that cannot be used for paying taxes or some other operations. And then at some point they will say - you know, cryptocurrency is better than the yuan or the pound sterling. And this is necessary for the owners of money. There is a sweep of world monetary space from traditional currencies.

Question: If all the same cryptocurrencies start an offensive, and with us - is our economy ready for this at all?

Valentin Katasonov: So that we are ready for this, we need to prepare people. And the preparation of people is very active - a reboot of consciousness is being conducted. As I teach in high school, I see, I read textbooks, I hear what professors say, I hear the answers of students in the classroom - all this is perceived with a bang, they say, this is all great. But I already said that the current higher education in general and economic education in particular is, unfortunately, a conveyor for the production of fools. But the current system needs fools to support the demand for cryptocurrencies, to support the inflation of these bubbles. If people are ready to agree that cryptocurrency is great, if they agree that non-cash money is great and cash is an anachronism, then we are driving into this "electronic-banking concentration camp" at full speed. But I think that we should discourage this in every way.

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  1. +6
    18 August 2017 15: 17
    current higher education in general and economic education in particular - this, unfortunately, is a conveyor belt for producing fools. And the current system just needs fools,
    I'll put it for it + wink
    But I think that we should in every way prevent this.
    I do not think so winked
    1. +5
      18 August 2017 21: 45
      Finally, a sane article on cryptocurrencies. I am glad that such teachers work in the tower.
      1. +10
        19 August 2017 00: 58
        Riley? Well, and what did you learn from this article? You were told that HF ​​is everything, but not a means of payment.
        The cams below confirm this.

        What thread have you learned about the profits of HF? And what is blockchain and how is it good? There is no nifigashenka in the article - water and blah blah blah.

        If you develop the correct CV, then each emitted "ruble" is a unique unit with its own ID. And therefore, this "ruble" can always be traced - who it is now located. Unlike today's b / n money. The ruble is the ruble, and where it came from and where and when it is “released”, you can’t always get to the bottom.

        Blockchain is the "path" of this "ruble." What accounts he went through. Blockchain accumulates history.
        Therefore, the "correct" HF is stolen, washed, etc. orders of magnitude more complicated. Almost impossible.

        Moreover, if we introduce the categories of HF, then, for example, so many million rubles for concrete can be allocated for the same Vostochny spaceport. And that’s it - you don’t buy a jeep for this money - the transaction will not work. It will be possible to steal only with ready-made concrete. And wherever this "concrete" money settles, it is determined per second - where it is. And still, only concrete can be bought on them.

        Further, if the investor suddenly suspects that the money goes according to the "left" schemes - a lot of subcontractors, etc., he can cancel the transaction at any time - all the "wise men" will remain on the "beans".

        When the loot swims away and transparently - corruption is very difficult to turn around. By orders of magnitude.

        Clearly, this only works if there are interested parties. If at the state level there will already be an attitude toward theft, then the effect will decrease. But even in this case, everything will be much more complicated.
        1. +1
          19 August 2017 01: 20
          Quote: iConst

          to you +100500 and Respect !!! good drinks
          and here are the guys from ..... laughing came up with a topic about HF, ha ha ha, how to hide the cache? yoopsil-pugsil, well, not in boxes laughing
          dudes, did a lot of sports, they invited bear lawyers laughing , and now they are 180 degrees, and there are mothers and mother-in-law, and children with kukruziny ...., circus wassat
        2. +4
          19 August 2017 07: 12
          Quote: iConst
          Riley? Well, and what did you learn from this article?

          First of all, HF is a soap bubble behind which there is nothing, and it is not provided with anything. The whole superstructure rests only on the trust of the participants of this pyramid themselves. The price of HF is determined by supply and demand. If we assume that demand for HF has stabilized, and some of the holders of HF decide to cache, then the price of HF will fly down with terrible force, precisely because there is no content and content behind it. Therefore, not all HFs manage to spin up to Bitcoin. Burst much earlier.
          Blockchain technology is truly disruptive. It is in full use by banks, in the web, in document circulation ... I don’t know whether it will be possible to use it for the circulation of rubles, but the proposal is interesting.
          1. 0
            19 August 2017 12: 48
            Quote: Stas157
            First of all, HF is a soap bubble behind which there is nothing, and it is not provided with anything.

            The US dollar is the same bubble and is not provided with anything.

            Bitcoin, in particular, does not have a monopoly issuer. Emission is carried out distributed for computing (mining). And it slows down all the time.

            The fact that you can’t print this currency as much as you want is afraid of the Fed.
    2. +1
      19 August 2017 08: 22
      Quote: A1845
      current higher education in general and economic education in particular - this, unfortunately, is a conveyor belt for producing fools. And the current system just needs fools, but for this I’ll put +

      Well, yes, only Keynesian economic system is taught in institutes, as supposedly the best, econom features and subtleties. the systems of the former USSR do not make out at all they say "well, there was a planned economy" and that’s all. No conclusions, pluses, minuses.
  2. +3
    18 August 2017 17: 13
    Very reminiscent of MMM, had to sit earlier, but did not have time.
    1. +2
      18 August 2017 22: 47
      This is the MMM bubble in digital format, the guys spend hundreds and even millions of rubles on the equipment of the “farm” for cryptocurrencies - making the promised profit, everything seems to be going fine, but one fine day, it will all collapse and cost hundreds of cents again. In this case, beautiful noodles, with cooking and hanging on the ears - above all.
  3. +2
    18 August 2017 23: 00
    These cryptocurrencies are a grandiose scam of our century.
  4. +1
    19 August 2017 01: 29
    In figs, these electronic ones are not up to the currency. You just need to digitize the ruble and switch to electronic cash. You can sew micro chips into paper money so that cash does not run away and disappear, but capitalism will not agree that someone controls its income. angry
    1. +2
      19 August 2017 06: 41
      Quote: XXXIII
      In FIG, these electronic ones are not up to the currency.

      Obviously, the pyramid of the dollar is coming to an end. Accordingly, we need new "carrots" that can be hung in front of the "donkeys" so that they work for the American economy.
      1. +1
        19 August 2017 08: 24
        The saddest thing is that they are trying to drag us into the same place (in cryptocurrencies), and our Central Bank does not really resist it.
      2. +1
        19 August 2017 08: 25
        Yes sir! This currency is not provided with anything, even a printing press. It can be done without limits and can be enriched until the end of the existence of mankind. But a paper dollar, it must not only be printed on super cotton, but also carry donkeys around the world. wassat
        1. +1
          21 August 2017 16: 50
          Cryptocurrency can not be done without limit, and the time required to produce one unit of cryptocurrency is constantly increasing.
          Ok Katasonov. He had seen the king-priest, but his brains had dried out somewhere under Stalin ... But the rest, where they climbed without understanding?
    2. 0
      20 August 2017 22: 16
      Valentin Katasonov: ... If people are ready to agree that cryptocurrencies are great, if they agree that non-cash money is great, and cash is an anachronism, then we are moving at full speed to this "electronic banking concentration camp".

      It follows that Katasonov for cash. Those. for some reason, non-cash money is "electronic banking concentration camp". On the one hand, it doesn’t pull in the conspiracy camp, and on the other hand, banknotes are very much like an anachronism.
  5. +2
    19 August 2017 07: 31
    US debt is about 20 trillion. Using cryptocurrency, we separate US dollars from the dollars of the world payment system, turning it into cashless and stop the printing press. Exchanges operate on cryptocurrencies and the sweet dream of globalist investors in reality. laughing
    1. +2
      19 August 2017 08: 05
      I also think that this is a project of globalists. Only the meaning of HF is a little different. HF are global in essence and do not recognize the borders of states. And it has long been known that if the state ceases to control the movement of money on its territory, then such a state will die off very quickly. The examples closest to us: they accepted the CMB Gorbachev proposal to switch to mutual settlements in hard (read "foreign") currency, and after 8 months the CMEA was gone. Again, Gorbachev introduced a proposal for mutual settlements between the republics of the USSR in hard currency, and the USSR very quickly did not. It turned out to be easier to earn currency by working for the United States, which printed it, than for neighboring partners, who also did not have it.
      That is where the goal of the "globalists" is to completely dismantle the nation states on the planet and the HF for this is a perfectly suitable tool.
      1. +1
        19 August 2017 11: 44
        “The state is an anachronism, statehood is a prejudice! A person is a resident of the whole planet!”: Here, approximately, on such slogans globalization is moving forward in the minds of people, and KV is its means, one of many.
        1. 0
          24 August 2017 08: 45
          Why not. You can strive for this.
  6. 0
    20 August 2017 14: 04
    This means that real political cryptostructures have been formed that are not associated with any specific peoples (sorry, nations). This is very convenient! But, on the other hand, political cryptostructures are also being formed, corroding entire states, as in B. Vostok, which are also not connected with any specific peoples. And all this is rather very interesting than wonderful.
  7. 0
    24 August 2017 22: 38
    Hello. I agree with the author.
    "This is a bubble guum!" ©