About the intelligence of "boys in pink pants"!

1. Long color leap into the unknown.

At one time - in the 90 of the last century, the well-known economic reforms in our country were carried out, world-famous in the so-called by the words of General Alexander Rutsky, the well-known “boys in pink pants”, and what exactly this could lead to - now we feel everything on ourselves, both everywhere and daily. Although some of the sensual intellectuals constantly and always praise one of them, and still, because, apparently, the reformers so much liked the reformers so completely with the whole country into absolute obscurity or, quite possibly, that none of them, and with them along with many other equally sensible people, still completely understand that we were all then, having made our “powerful color” jerk, right before the XIXth century. However, in our view, most likely, then the latter was actually in reality - an overly sensual outlook, including their elegant everyday intelligence, still, no one from the young grief of the reformers was allowed at that time, and, like today, in fact, to understand and in reality fully realize that all of a sudden our great country suddenly found itself in earlier times, namely, to laugh at the rest of the world, even in the XYIII century, after its so famous economic “leap”, If more precise, in the days of the nascent capitalism - in the era of Adam Smith (1723-1790) and David Ricardo (1772-1823).

However, at the same time, we, along with many of our Russian professionals in our field - it is precisely the intellectuals of Russia that we are well aware of and can say with great certainty that this could well have been and should have happened - our country suddenly turned out to be in the real economic deadlock and the general social chaos, first of all, only due to the fact that not one of the so-called boys in pink pants of this kind of so “courageous” grief of the so-called boys in pink pants ever had it is necessary to a sufficient degree of true intellectuality, and this is at their level of education, and this is only why, at first glance, they did not understand and could not, in principle, even more aware that with external constant pressure on the economy any country is not its world currency, and in this case it is the dollars, including on the country's economy, no internal economic reform in Russia will ever be able to go into life and be quite successful, and the country will not be able to develop, and even more and buy yours was greatness as long as the president and other leaders of the country, and even any applicants for the top two or three government posts do not have, in their own gene pool, not only strictly logical rationality, but also yet have the intellectual and strategic intelligence thinking to guide and successfully manage the state for the benefit of its multi-ethnic people and the entire future economic development in our time and in our external conditions, and not in some past times, for example measures, at least in times before 1878, after which any head of state — the ruler of Russia — needed strategic level, as it was necessary to resist the self-proclaimed World - International Supranational Government after the famous 1878, after the famous speech of Anglo-Saxon Cecil John Rhodes, pronounced in London with the blessing of the English crown, precisely in 1878, when he declared that our union should be a government over all governments and have a way awn very quickly and efficiently enough to everything in the world possible conflicts and stabilization of property rights and privileges - that's our main goal and our main slogan at all times.

В связи с представленным, нам хотелось бы и что будет не лишне, ещё раз напомнить абсолютно всем очень забывчивым и чрезмерно наивным пока чувственным интеллигентам России и ничего и никогда не помнившим ещё либерал-демократам о том, что в 1878 году, как это, всем известно, ни такого якобы тирана как, например, Иосиф Сталин и даже ни исчадия зла в лице Советского Союза, по мнению Рейгана, тогда ещё не было и в помине, а не менее известный всем Карл Маркс всего лишь только начинал писать свой «Капитал» об этой главной сути и жизненного смысла именно этой, тогда совершенно неизвестной ещё ему, но, однако уже давно предполагаемой им, без всякого сомнения, подобной речи - лозунга и призыва английского лорда – олигархического манифеста всех необоснованно чрезмерно богатых с помощью явного только обмана и одной лишь наглой лжи, безнравственно обогатившихся посредством повседневного как воровства и ростовщичества, так различных махинаций и спекуляций, как правило, всегда возглавляемых и постоянно в течение последующего всего времени жестко управляемых, бесспорно, именно этим самопровозглашенным англосаксами мировым наднациональным правительством всех затитулованных капиталистов и богатых банкиров - ростовщиков, а их совместная борьба, направленная против всего прошлого и современного человечества – будущих ещё только союзов черни, в том числе и российской, началась уже именно тогда в довольно скрытой форме и совершенно не заметно для очень многих людей в мире, в том числе и для абсолютно всей тогдашней российской чувственной интеллигенции, одухотворенной уже тогда западными запахами и ветрами, но, однако, только не для российских настоящих интеллектуалов в лице всех российских истинных ученых и изобретателей, инженеров, конструкторов и военных специалистов, которые не имели совершенно никакого отношения к тогдашней довольно вольной во всех своих мыслях и порывах, и чрезмерно чувственной в своих ежедневных желаниях и постоянных потребностях российской интеллигенции, воспитанной под воздействием и влиянием всё тех же англосаксов, а также обычно, как правило, всегда обеспокоенных, как и в настоящее время, достаточно искренне, будущей судьбой своей России, и, прежде всего, именно в экономической сфере, и осознающих, без каких-либо сомнения, что без разрешения прежде её всех внешних, в том числе особенно и военно-стратегических проблем, никакие внутренние проблемы России никогда и абсолютно никаким образом не решить – просто довольно наглым образом не дадут ничего решить, заставляя всегда нашу страну быть только всего лишь сырьевым придатком мировых развитых стран - англосаксов, имеющих свою собственную мировую валюту, в связи, с чем только и может, и должна состоять основная суть всех внешних проблем современной России – это есть бесспорное создание своей собственной мировой валюты, или же, хотя бы совместной валюты с дружественными странами, чего осознают её пока одни лишь интеллектуалы, но, однако, совершенно не понимают или не хотят понимать интеллигенты и предприниматели, выводящие валюты за пределы страны и тратящие её за рубежом, начиная с времен «мальчиков в розовых штанишках», причем попреки всему здравому смыслу и какой-либо логики интеллектуально развитого человека и патриота.

Here, it is entirely appropriate for us, in connection with all the above, to answer with a question all sorts of critical akh and opposing moans and cries of our sensual intelligentsia about any kind of friendly relations of Western countries with respect to modern Russia in any near future: the truth of friendship is verified on a real matter in a difficult situation, and not on idle talk with oath assurances of a disinterested, supposedly eternal friendship, from which, in our opinion, not only can but necessarily follow the following question: What exactly must do this particular all of the modern West, the majority of Russians believe in his sincere friendship towards Russia in its modern economic hardship?

Perhaps, to stop, finally, the creation and deployment of all elements of missile defense in Europe and no longer think about it, never, once they were able to mature and are finally ready to make friends with Russia? Or, maybe, to start creating a joint missile defense system with us in Europe, as Russia has repeatedly said about this and offered it to the West? Or, to provide Russia with some of the newest technologies, including military-technical purposes, or, maybe, give it a multibillion-dollar, after all, long-term and interest-free loan for its development?

No, however, and not even once again, we don’t need such donations from developed western countries yet - Russia will never accept such future friends from their future friends and we don’t need them, this is too much and a rather large concession as is evident from a friend of Russia - the West. Modern Russia may well be satisfied with even a slight concession on the part of the Anglo-Saxons, expressed in such simple and obvious paper trivialities for all Western countries as to begin to believe in real sincerity and selflessness of their eternal friendship, as, for example, concluded in the following frank question: Will they agree? for example, the United States or / and the UK really create and suddenly begin to print along with Russia a completely new world currency, for example, Russodollars or Rossifunt, or even a rucheuro, or maybe sales at least let azianevro, thus, naturally, eliminating all their dollars and pounds to the euro as it is the world's currency and leaving them only currently for internal use, as it could make the EU countries with their national monetary signs?

That's all, and more, Russia doesn’t even need anything from the whole Western world, and it is just such a trifle that we in Russia will be completely sufficient for us to announce to the whole world about our eternal and indestructible friendship - indeed, in fact, All of this is just some trifle compared to the deployment of elements of EuroPRO against Russia, nevertheless, including the development of military technologies and the provision of loans to us! However, it is not known for some reason - for some reason that is so incomprehensible to us, neither the United States nor the United Kingdom, together with all of Europe, even for such an insignificant for both of them and even a very simple paper-money precisely petty concession, together with Europe, do not want to go so far. with Russia, and all of them with their own currencies - the Anglo-Saxons will never agree to even go with all their obvious and long-standing friends and eternal partners in business and politics, such as the beautiful country of sunrise of the sun with his lunar Jena or, always sweet and usually obedient, they are always the most faithful and eternal European brothers with their European Union and the general EURO. That is why, however, it would be extremely interesting for us to find out and, of course, it is good to understand that this is why, for such a real reason, so close and true friends always have absolutely nothing in common in such a simple paper trivia, as a common world currency, why specifically?

Now we would also like to know and understand for the future, in connection with so mysterious and unknown, including too incomprehensible for us in Russia so far, but, however, this reason, interesting to Russians, whether such simple paper-money questions can be answered correctly and objectively at least some of the representatives of the modern Russian sensual intelligentsia, who sincerely and disinterestedly may wish for a real rapprochement between Russia and the West?

In our view, any representative of the modern sensual Russian intelligentsia, constantly fighting for complete rapprochement and a close connection of Russia with all Western civilization and its real values, should not so much, but rather find a logically absolutely correct and only correct answer only to these simple two money questions. And it is precisely all this that is one of several strictly logically substantiated and objective, that is, from a scientific point of view, true criteria for the real presence of any person, true intelligence, regardless of his education, and sincere patriotism, including any Russian, regardless of his nation and nationality.

2. About intellectuality wanting to be president.

The real level of the “pink” intellect of the grief of the reformers did not allow them to clearly understand and fully realize then, and so far, that any such exceptional country as our Russia has not solved, first of all, all its main external problems, mainly of a military nature and strategic plan, it will never be able to resolve its main internal problems, including social and social problems, no matter how much its leaders want and try, and all the people do not tense up, which is why any and all each applicant for the highest post in our country should not so much, but rather always have to pass a nationwide logical test for their strategic level of intelligence in order to never again allow all kinds of “boys in any pants” to the highest authority in the country, which Russia then it may not be able to endure on his humpback. Previously, in many of our works and articles, we have more than once presented options for such logical tests to determine the real level of intelligence of all very willing and usually quite covertly seeking to take the post of Russian president, including for all new grief reformers who themselves want quite possibly, not realizing to drag Russia into another dead end. In connection with all this, from among sensual intellectuals, including all sorts of screamers at rallies and various beggars in foreign offices and embassies, we can and are quite able to argue in an overly angry way that “there is no person, so you can talk about him whatever, because it is impossible to double-check the intelligence of people who are in non-existence ”. However, they are greatly mistaken, even in this case, without any doubt, one can already see from their indignant objection that they have no real intelligence, because you can always check everything and in the absence of a person, if only by his immediate then-boss, First Deputy Prime Minister the then Russian government, due to the fact that everyone is well aware now, on the one hand, that it was this Deputy Prime Minister who once hired a person to work in the government as his deputy, and on the other hand, he was also well known to all that it was he who never took a person who is smarter than himself to be more intelligent than himself, and besides today many others from among all these pink-colored ones, who can always, naturally, with desire, prove that here we are brazenly lying and even slandering, and thereby justifying any of our cohorts! So what's the problem then? Let all of us prove that then the “boys” were not wearing pink pants, but were only smart and highly intelligent, having passed at least once and only one logical test of their intelligence, without any demagogy with verbiage!

We started talking about all this even before the elections, judging by our articles and statements, and therefore we want to repeat after the elections just because we really want to warn many other also so supposedly clever and self-confident - today's boys, because of today, the whole of Russia with its multinational people, by virtue of which all its possible “intelligence” with self-confidence, real rationality and understanding of the strategic problems of our country must be supported not by boltology and populism, but I’ve visual proof of the presence of intelligence sufficiently enough to control such a huge country and so seductive for all the pleasant “crediting” and “tail and mane” a lot of our beauty and wealth around us in all sides of many supposedly disinterested friends, except for true friends only, seeking together with us to the Eurasian Union. To control our great country for the benefit of all the people and its subsequent greatness, in our opinion, a level of intellectuality is necessary not less than at least in 150-160 units, whereas in the majority of those we mentioned, the reformer’s grief is IQ, did not exceed then it does not exceed surprisingly all just 110-120 units, that without taking into account their state awareness, although no awareness has any effect on the development of the intellect itself, with rare exceptions, when it is the intellect gene in humans It was originally from his birth that any of them always, of course, can refute, if only the level of IQ is enough, catching us really in a lie, since for this we have already created all the necessary conditions here. For example, we note that George W. Bush has the 95-105 units below the baseboard, and Bill Gates has the order of the 170-175 units. According to our preliminary data, that is, the constant observation and scientific calculations of our four presidential candidates, the value of IQ - intelligence factor ranges from 115 to 130 units, moreover, the two newly minted have fewer than two "old men", while mentioning Yavlinsky, whose IQ is somewhere between Gaidarovsky and his boss Burbulis, which is much less than that of Zyuganov - 120-125, and that of Zhirinovsky - 125-130. At the same time, the excessive surprise of many Russians from among all sensual intellectuals and their Western patrons, we note that the level of intelligence - IQ, for example, Hitler had less than 130-135 units, and he had even more confidence than Roosevelt he was about 130-140, Churchill had 135-145 units, and their rival Joseph Stalin had at least 175-180, which is what his mental and logical victories over them and the many enemies of Russia can explain, how would someone not belong to the most l chnosti Stalin. That is why all of the highest rank and status of the Anglo-Saxons never complained of Joseph Stalin - he was almost as many as two or three heads smarter, that is, more intelligent than their best political representatives, since they are Anglo-Saxon bankers-moneylenders and capitalists-speculators never did not like all those people - the leaders of Russia who were above their needs with their minds, and all such as, for example, Khrushchev with Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov, Gorbachev and Yeltsin with their grief with a reforming team - constantly and always usually pressed Wali and even gently prilaskivali, and only because of their absolute thick-headed and irresponsible self-confidence.
Here we would like to say a few words about only one of these, perhaps, boys dreamers - presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov, whom we already said the same before the elections, and in connection with which, now partially repeating, for example , we will give only two or three of his pre-election theses, with regard to both his internal and external policy it would be possible, without dwelling on many of his other theses, all of which are candidates for this post also declared his own, but, however, a look not feasible nick When, due to the presence of the following in the Prokhorov program, we, as the newly elected president, should certainly be consciously.

1. In domestic politics, it is, first of all, to perpetuate the memory of all the victims of the Leninist-Stalinist terror and declare 7 November the Day of memory of all Russians who were victims of revolutions and wars of the twentieth century, and also to start forming a single civilian nation in Russia ... really contradicts a friend, because it only separates the whole nation - Why? This is precisely what Mikhail Prokhorov does not understand because of the quite possible low level of his intellectuality, which is sufficient for business - entrepreneurship - and after all the victims of repression were no more than 1,5 - 2 percent of the entire population of our great country, while the rest 98 percent people worked for the good of their homeland and fought to protect it from fascism, in connection with which Prokhorov asked: What should 98 percent of the entire population of the country do every 7 in November — what to celebrate when the 2 percent remember mourn?

And, secondly, it is to abolish the concept of strategic industries and at the same time allow private capital to build and own infrastructure facilities, including railways and roads, pipelines and airfields, as well as reduce the capabilities of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service and other law enforcement agencies. communication frequencies ... that can only tell us about the lack of strategic thinking from an already former presidential candidate, who, perhaps, so thoughtlessly and completely irresponsibly equates Russia, for example, from Monaco or Switzerland th, which all this is really not necessary and there is no need, naturally being under Uncle Sam's wing, since, omitting everything else, we note that the ownership and constant control over radio frequencies from any private trader can only mean that the Anglo-Saxons are more their spies our country and our traitors will never be needed - all the secrets of the country on the beak will be brought by the radio frequencies themselves, which proves glaring military-technical ignorance of just that kind of thinking!

2. Now in the sphere of foreign policy it is to make the main goal of Russian foreign policy the protection of the interests of Russian citizens and Russian companies abroad, as well as promoting economic and technological modernization of the country, while adhering to a clear focus on Russia’s main economic partner - the European Union, and strive to achieve economic integration with EU member countries, as well as develop and start implementing a strategy to unite the European Union and the Russian Federation to a single geo-economic center with a common economic space, a common currency based on the euro and the ruble ..., in connection with which Mikhail Prokhorov must, above all, answer the strategic question: And where is the place in this economic space for the Eurasian Union, and why is it that unexpectedly England does not aspire to the European Union to the full extent that it will oblige her to accept the common currency with the rest of Europe, renouncing her own, and Russia suddenly, nevertheless, turns out to be for some reason all the same? Or maybe England is already - is this not Europe?

Otherwise, otherwise, as, obviously, the entire election program of the former candidate for our presidency, Prokhorov, is verbiage and demagogy, as well as an indicator not of his intellectuality, but at least excessive naivety together with the sensibility of the world outlook, if not elegant haidarism - this is when, in the absence of real intelligence, it’s very "It is necessary, just close your eyes tightly and jump into the unknown" according to the prescription in Pravda from 16 April 1990. Apparently, Mr. Prokhorov has completely forgotten quite a lot of historical things accumulated by our country, especially in relation to the Anglo-Saxons, and intellectual in comparison with Western Europe! What, naturally, can be quite forgiven for any person, if only he may not have a completely necessary level of intelligence, but then one asks: why was it immediately for the presidency?

Most likely, former presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov also forgot some of our recent stories a very important and serious thing that he should definitely remind us here for future times is always remembered, namely: the following words that were spoken at one time by one of the famous Anglo-Saxons, which he adheres to so far and will obey the European Union, he wanted before the election:
“Having sown there, in the Soviet Union, real chaos, we will almost imperceptibly replace all their values ​​with false ones and make them all believe in these false values. How? How? We will find among them our like-minded people ... We will find allies — assistants in Russia itself. Episode by episode will be played out in this country, a grandiose tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-consciousness ... We will continue to support and raise in every way the so-called artists who will impose a cult of sex, violence, sadism, treason - in a word, of all immorality. In the government we will create chaos and confusion in the country ... We will very quietly, but actively contribute to the tyranny of officials, bribe takers, unprincipled. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue ... Honesty and decency will always be ridiculed and gradually become a relic of the past.

Constant rudeness and everyday arrogance, lies and deceit, widespread drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other among this people and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and the enmity of peoples among themselves, but above all enmity and hatred of the Russian people themselves - all we will pretty clever to cultivate and very imperceptibly plant, all this bloom terry color. And only a few, very few will guess or understand what is happening. But we will put all such people in a helpless position, making it a mockery. Find a way to slander them and declare the dregs of society. We will always shatter, thus, generation after generation, to eradicate this hateful fanaticism. We will take on people from their childhood and adolescence, we will make the main stake on young people, we will decay, corrupt, corrupt it. We will make of them perfect cynics and vulgarities, absolute cosmopolitans and various rascals to the brains and bones. That’s how we’ll do it with them and their country. ”

In conclusion, I would like to once again caution, including all future candidates for the presidency of Russia: think again - once again in a logically serious way, before making your own conclusion and a choice, at least for , so that once again, flags from “pink pants” or any other colors should NOT hover over Russia, and also think: NOT THIS IS THE word of the famous Anglo-Saxon - Alain Dallas, and NOT THIS IS there is a concrete plan of the Western world that is supposedly completely civilized and today pr Why are we all - Russia, including with the direct help of many representatives of our overly sensual intelligentsia, who have never had true intelligence in history, known to us?


1. Sh.R.Sayfullaev. "Great Russia - in thought!"
Ed. Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, 2012
2. Sh.R.Sayfullaev. "Putin is against European missile defense!"
Ed. Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, 2012
3. Sh.R.Sayfullaev. "Putin is the President ?!"
Ed. Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, 2012
4. Sh.R.Sayfullaev. "Evolution and the nature of intelligence" in 2-s volume.
Ed. Peter the Great, St. Petersburg, 2005
5. Sh.R.Sayfullaev. The greatness of Russia needs an intellectual!
An article in the country's Capital Magazine, 29.02.2012
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  1. Evil Tatar
    6 March 2012 07: 37
    Put +
    But only because the third paragraph is quite pulling for leadership in the book of some "Guinness", for the longest sentence. The author tried very hard ...
    In general, the text is difficult to perceive, although information and reasoning deserve some attention ...
    It’s easier to be an author, not everyone can boast of high intelligence ...
    But one must understand that people will be drawn to the realization of simpler and shorter conclusions.
    The more pleasant the reading, the easier the material is absorbed ...
    He pulled the snot, pulled - the hand was tired of putting commas, and the memory to seek interjections ...
    1. +5
      6 March 2012 07: 43
      I plus the author without a doubt ... A clever, thoughtful point of view with an excellent attempt to argue ... There are controversial points, sometimes even very controversial, but on the whole the author thinks he expressed your point of view ... and read with pleasure ... Well done Shuhrat!
    2. Sergh
      6 March 2012 07: 51
      Yes, Alain Dallas set an example that all the Anglo-Saxons perceived as a model. It’s just that everything is fully confirmed, no West, no America will give us a hand, they will drown us with pleasure with the sound of champagne.
      Today, almost until the morning (local), our opposition rally watched, barely spit, that’s where the shame for these barkers was, they didn’t throw the whole crowd of innocent youngsters at the police, you bastards. It’s good that at least they were treated gently, they were transported to the monkeys, or they could have been smashed, and the instigators had to give real deadlines for this deputy goat Ilya Ponamaryov to drive three deputies from the deputies, and then put him in jail. There will be time, I’ll try to compile everything, I can throw it to the moderators.
      1. +10
        6 March 2012 07: 56
        Here I agree without hesitation ... The leaders of these supposedly rallies are covered by immunity ... You need to ask in full for such things ... And if blood is shed, then plant ... Without discounts and pity ...
    3. +5
      6 March 2012 08: 22
      I never considered myself to be a low-intellectual person ... TsPSh graduated almost by five alone .. But I still don’t understand .. What scared me? By the appearance of the Prokhorov phenomenon? So, every year a prophet appears to us ... In short, Govlov’s little has gone from the coils
      1. Paratov
        6 March 2012 12: 44
        The author apparently does not know that the overly frequent use of the word "intellect" casts doubt on his own intellect! As in the proverb, no matter how much halva you say, it won't get sweeter ... This is the first, and the second; how did the author measure the intelligence of all the listed figures? Where did he get such a thermometer? .. More specifically, it should be simpler! For intellect, unfortunately, is not yet reason, much less wisdom ...
      2. +3
        6 March 2012 14: 13
        Quote: older
        What scared me? The appearance of the Prokhorov phenomenon? T

        And here they frightened? I am glad that there are people like you who cannot be intimidated by "prokhorovs", and most importantly, the brain cannot be clouded. But here's the trouble. For the second day after the elections I have been engaged in anti-Prokhorov propaganda - he embarrassed many people. God grant that everything ends by itself. And if not? Therefore, I welcome any article arguably debunking this, as you put it "the prophet."
        The literary style let us down. In general, it is definitely "+".
  2. +7
    6 March 2012 07: 47
    Yes...! Shukhrat, of course, insisted on at least a doctorate in philosophy or some other and some other ... A common phrase comes to mind - "Be simple and people will reach out to you!" With some adaptation to the site, I would like to paraphrase a little - "Be more specific and laconic - and you will be understood!" Maybe I'm so narrow-minded, but the article is about nothing! If the author wants to reproach Prokhorov - so please! But why is it so fearfully, with such an awesome preamble of deepening into the history and evolution of monetary-material relations and economic theories? To convince us that Mr. Prokhorov is a byaka and is not worthy of the "high KAGA title of President", so many have understood this and do not stack transcendental IQ like Shukhrat's! I dared to draw this conclusion on the basis that a significant portion of the article's content is devoted to the "unforgettable ..." Prokhorov. The mountain gave birth to a mouse - this is the result of this article in my limited opinion. recourse I would be very glad if I am mistaken and the forum gets involved in a lively discussion on this article and in the same philosophical vein! This means that I personally have to study and study, "As the Great Lenin bequeathed"! request
    1. +3
      6 March 2012 07: 51
      laughing laughing laughing Hello Valery! .. And read the result in the comment of a certain Esaul ... lol Well, if such monsters like you thought about it, what will happen to the youngsters? The author feels good preparation in the field of political science ...
      1. +4
        6 March 2012 08: 01
        laughing laughing laughing Greetings, Domocles! He lifted his head, read "a certain" and realized his complete insignificance ... I agree with the Evil Tatar about the book of records - while you read the sentence, then at the end of it you forget what was said at the beginning ... Today is clearly not my day. ..Although, it seems, and not with a hangover ... recourse
        1. +6
          6 March 2012 08: 19
          Greetings to the site’s bridges laughing I just read the article and didn’t understand whether they scare us or scare them? What did the author want to say? Was he a hitman? Or was it always hit in Russia? And the day is just beginning wink
          1. 0
            6 March 2012 08: 31
            Quote: older
            I read the article and didn’t understand whether they scare us or scare them?

            laughing Salute, Sergey! I myself am "in confusion"! wassat
            1. +4
              6 March 2012 08: 38
              laughing Yeah ... I’m going to chew on now .. What are both incomprehensible both of you ... The elections ended in the complete defeat of all those who are in opposition ... So you need to escalate, escalate and escalate ... People have to doubt ... And the option, the most passage- sow doubts about the right choice and stability of the country (Read Dr. Goebbels laughing and Allen Dulles laughing )
              1. 0
                6 March 2012 09: 12
                Well thanks buddy! Well - GUESS! good
              2. Charon
                6 March 2012 09: 13
                As for the complete defeat, it is you, dear, jumped up. Complete defeat was only at polling stations in Chechnya.
                64% in conditions when opponents are on the head, or even two lower, are hardly outstanding. And if we take into account those who did not consciously go to the polls because of a lack of choice, then all the more joy should be moderated somewhat.
                Another thing is that jerking is now not worth it. Zyuganov should have been indignant in '96. Now his place is in the dustbin of history. Including in terms of intelligence.
                1. +1
                  6 March 2012 21: 00
                  Then it was scary. Now another thing is crap. Only on ........... is she so needed?
            2. +1
              6 March 2012 20: 57
              Guys, this is just a little analysis and statement of facts. And the proposals really are for the Guinness Book.
    2. +4
      6 March 2012 09: 44
      esaul Greetings, Valery! I have a double impression of the article. Either the author is very wise and deep (we can’t get to the bottom of it), or self-conceit is very much inflated and you can’t write a little. In my opinion, on a military, patriotic website, any review or stimulating article should be clear, concise, set out in a simple and accessible language that leaves no doubt about what the author wanted to convey to the audience. I want to remind those who write or are going to write an article or their opinion that the site also contains a large number of young, unformed people who take most of the information about the world from the Internet, from sites such as ours. And that means that their attitude to the world and their position are also formed here. You must be more responsible. And here so much water is poured that you don’t know which coast of the article to sail to. To be Prokhorov a political figure or not is up to us, the people of Russia, to decide. And the position of the article (author) should sound as clear as a shot. So it seems to me. drinks
      1. Charon
        6 March 2012 10: 11
        Victor Today, 09:44 a new

        Victor, the idea is clear. Itself was faced with the fact that not all master a large text.
        But you shouldn't abuse the "sister of talent" either. Otherwise, the same readers will be accused of lack of evidence.
        A shot is a comment on an article.
        But I agree that the conclusions should be clearly spelled out at the end of the article. At least for those who obliquely read the author’s argument.
      2. +1
        6 March 2012 10: 14
        Quote: Victor
        . And the position of the article (author) should sound as clear as a shot. So it seems to me.

        Salute, Victor! Absolutely - "Okay!" drinks
      3. +1
        6 March 2012 21: 02
        I think it’s just a cry from the soul.
  3. +2
    6 March 2012 08: 24
    Stalin said about IQ tests that it was a "bourgeois invention", and Hitler said that it was "Jewish." So it seems., As Stalin in his office, a pipe smoke test passes winked laughing
    1. +2
      6 March 2012 08: 36
      Quote: kagorta
      So it seems., Like Stalin in his office, passing a test smoking pipe passes

      And then he picks up the phone, calls Beria and says - "Lavrenty! This is not our man! Understand, DarAgoy!" laughing
  4. +11
    6 March 2012 08: 33
    In Russia, due to its geographical location and climate in various regions
    a liberal economic model with a free market and price regulation is impossible in principle. The country will simply be divided into rich regions where financial flows and banking speculative capital and regions-raw materials and production "colonies" will accumulate. Which inevitably leads to the disintegration of Russia as a single state. Only the model of state-industrial capitalism with the function of the state as the main regulator of "development flows" (investment) between regions can preserve Russia economically and politically as a whole. And with the development of the national industrial bourgeoisie interested in the development of its own production, which is supported by the financial policy of Russian commercial and state banks, the class of hired workers, the proletariat, will be saved from liberal degradation. Medium and small businesses will not only focus on intermediary services and serving the needs of the so-called. the "elite" of the liberal middle class, but also on industrial production cooperation, which in a free market cannot bring immediate intermediary profit.
    With the development of the productive forces, prerequisites will inevitably be created for the transition of society to a more JUST socialist track. In politics, this will be expressed in the struggle of the social democrats and "conservatives" in a simplified form for the votes. This will be Russian democracy in which there will be no place for liberal ideas and "orange" revolutions.

    PS As for the article, for some reason, one recalls the statements of one of the most worthy commanders of the missile division at meetings and summing up among the officers.
    "The speaker spoke long and stupidly as in the calls of the Central Committee of the CPSU for May Day"
    "Who will defend the Motherland for you? Am I? Yes ... I need it!" Something like this. As they say, fewer words and more deeds, and do not forget about the Motherland at the same time, That's the whole point ..
  5. +2
    6 March 2012 08: 46
    It is of course, if correctly judged, from the point of view of reasoning in relation to themselves, is nothing but general! For example, pink pants, however, but still quite! Damn, I read it to half and was tired ... Therefore, I can’t appreciate it.
    1. anti-communist
      6 March 2012 11: 10
      I agree, the article is not impressive. some kind of exercise. not subject to evaluation.
  6. +1
    6 March 2012 09: 39
    From the last paragraph, I only understood what the author wanted to convey to the reader. Therefore, I set +.
    Among those present here, I saw work both better and easier!
  7. Evil Tatar
    6 March 2012 09: 49
    Quote: sergo0000
    From the last paragraph, I only understood what the author wanted to convey to the reader. Therefore, I set +.

    And I didn’t have enough information about Putin’s IQ ... Well, if the author began to list, then why did he stop short? Why did not satisfy the interest of the electorate? People because he clearly wants to know... (damn allegorically happened, but in the subject)
    But any ending would have turned out ... A sight for sore eyes.
    1. Charon
      6 March 2012 10: 15
      Then the intellectual qualifications for candidates for state are pertinent. position.
      A simple deputy, whose responsibility is to vote with the cards of colleagues - 80 units.
      Head of fraction - 100
      The head of the commission - 120
      Speaker - 140
      President - 150

      Something like this.
      1. Paratov
        6 March 2012 12: 56
        And who will measure? This education can be measured by a simple crossword puzzle, but what will measure wisdom? Smart people at all times aroused suspicion and dislike of others, so that nothing shines on them in the elections!
        1. Charon
          6 March 2012 13: 22
          And this is a question of the correct formulation of the problem. Why, too, the mind is needed.
      2. +1
        6 March 2012 16: 17
        I agree, but next to the column with a price tag!
  8. +5
    6 March 2012 11: 04
    I did not master everything, but I understood the idea. I do not agree on one thing - the problem here is not in the intellect of these young reformers, but in direct sabotage and betrayal. I remember how in the early 90s all our novice manufacturers were killed by taxes, but right there, at the same time, they lit the green light for import, the duties were ridiculous, no one checked the bagmen at the customs. I remember how we started producing ice cream, we were given a shelf life of 2 days! And American ice cream had almost six months! Aunt one from the Trade Inspectorate (by the name of Zlunitsin) told us so "They (the Americans) let them do what they want, but you are on the territory of the Russian Federation and we will ask you in full."
    I also remember - I read it in the newspaper when suddenly at the same time the reconstruction of compound feed plants for chickens closed. In Magadan, all the chickens were cut; Then, about a year after this article, I’m returning to the Motherland from the USA and I can’t believe my eyes - BUSH FOOTSTEPS, damn it. in every store!
    What, is it all coincidence or what?
  9. +3
    6 March 2012 11: 42
    Quote: Magadan

    I do not agree in one thing - here the problem is not in the intelligence of these young reformers, but in direct wrecking and betrayal.

    You are right: here the problem is more of a moral order than an intellectual one. One must look to see if a person has a conscience, not an IQ; whether he lives according to the commandments of God or according to the instructions of the Masonic Zionist backstage; good does he bring Russia and its peoples or evil? t Here are the criteria!
  10. Comrade
    6 March 2012 12: 47
    I didn’t read, it’s hard written, forgive the author. But as I understood from the comments, the speech is about the mental abilities of our managers.

    I had 130 iq a few years ago, Putin certainly has 140, but for those who fired yesterday at Pushkinskaya ... these clowns should have a textbook of logic and let them cram.
    March 10, 50 thousand on the Arbat, it will not be so, they are clearly preparing a coup and it is not clear that the authorities let everyone out and even did not give anyone 15 days.

    Zyuganov-Debil! lol
  11. +1
    6 March 2012 15: 30
    What a cunning man, I still did not understand what he wanted to say. Although the general emotional coloring is close and understandable. "+" for diligence. In general, this IQ phallometry is pretty funny.

    What a cunning man, I still did not understand what he wanted to say. Although the general emotional coloring is close and understandable. "+" for diligence. but in general all this IQ phallometry is funny, especially in the comments.
  12. Nechai
    6 March 2012 16: 08
    Quote: kagorta
    So it seems., Like Stalin in his office, passing a test smoking pipe passes

    Anecdote from life. Tests are introduced into the CA. They sent me a "vertebrate and very promising" comrade - here he will deal with this. Explain, teach. Frets. For a better understanding, come on, you will do the tasks yourself. And I'll explain along the way. Yes? Yes! Task number 1: write as many words with 2 letters "A" as possible in ... time. The comrade wrote down "masa, bacon ..." he thought for a long time and threw away the pen, said - "No, you have to train here! Is it so easy to write ?!"
  13. suharev-52
    6 March 2012 21: 59
    The thoughts in the article are correct. But for reading the article is a bit heavy. Although the meaning of the article could be conveyed to the reader in a shorter summary. And simpler phrases. And so something similar to a fragment from a doctorate in sociological psychology. As they say - not for average minds. If you wish, all these insanities about children in pink pants can be stated more briefly and in a simpler language, but as long as I read it, my brains began to curl up into a spiral corkscrew. I almost made the decision to make an appointment with a psychiatrist for mental disability. Maybe someone will translate this article into accessible Russian. I would try, but unfortunately there is no time. Sincerely.
    1. Aleksandr30
      7 March 2012 11: 00
      I agree! The meaning of the article is clouded by verbosity. And there are not many new thoughts.
      It is interesting that the author writes his articles based solely on sources of his own production - do not have enough time to read someone else?
      BUT ... "The shot is a commentary on the article." ... said respected Charon. With the help of comments - you can not master this!