Intercontinental ballistic missile "Bulava". Infographics

The intercontinental ballistic missile "Bulava" in the next five years will be the basis of Russia's naval nuclear forces. The uniqueness of this development of the domestic military industrial complex lies in the fact that a rocket with ten hypersonic war blocks can change the flight path in height and heading. Such maneuverability makes the Bulava virtually invulnerable to existing missile defense systems.

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  1. +1
    30 June 2017 09: 12
    I hope in the near future, the twelve-year saga with its tests and the correction of the stocks will end. And the Boreas will go on full combat duty, already equipped with the Mace! good
  2. +4
    30 June 2017 11: 12
    Area of ​​damage up to 3,5 ha

    Is there really no mistake? 3,5 hectares - a site with sides of 100m x 350m, that is 35 square meters.
    This is more like a KVO when 1 (!) Warhead falls into such a section of 100x350 meters and no way somewhere to the side!
    1. +3
      30 June 2017 11: 25
      Here for example
      The size of Red Square in its historical borders is 4,6 hectares.
      The length of the area is 330 meters, width 70 meters
      and here is 3,5 hectares, that is, 1 warhead can destroy only a zone of this size? Yes, this is complete nonsense!
      1. +5
        1 July 2017 10: 18
        This is probably just a funnel .....