The armed forces of the DPRK. Infographics

Today, the DPRK with a population of 25 million has the fourth largest army in the world. But while the army of North Korea can not be called the most powerful technical equipment in the southeastern region.

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  1. +2
    30 May 2017 09: 37
    Judging by the presented scheme, the Americans have nothing to fear for their territories, except for bases in Japan, South Korea, etc. Although a video appeared in April showing a scheme for striking the United States. And on the Internet I got an article

    and one more

    Judging by this information, the Yankees have something to fear
    1. 0
      30 May 2017 13: 26
      70 submarines, it's scary, the rest is nonsense.
      1. +1
        30 May 2017 13: 41
        Do not rush to conclusions. South Korea, for example, fears attacks by North Korean artillery
        1. +1
          30 May 2017 17: 43
          Quote: pvv113
          South Korea, for example, fears attacks by North Korean artillery

          You will be afraid when from the border to the capital with 10 million people 40km.
        2. 0
          30 May 2017 20: 27
          Quote: pvv113
          Do not rush to conclusions. South Korea, for example, fears attacks by North Korean artillery

          They generally need to be wary. The charge will be delivered on a stretcher. Not just an art charge. But the loaf is also vigorous
          1. 0
            31 May 2017 00: 44
            Why on a stretcher, they will repeat the "11 of September" only in relation to one (several) of the 24 NPPs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  2. 0
    31 May 2017 01: 00
    If the DPRK is a closed state, then where does such detailed data come from? Source from? AND? Why reprint "information" from the South Korean yellow press
  3. 0
    1 June 2017 22: 47
    far from the weakest army in any case, you can get a lot if they turn up