Shoigu maneuver: the Pentagon is blind, deaf and dumb

Russia has a unique complex of electronic warfare, capable of "jamming" low-altitude satellites and neutralizing their work.

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  1. +1
    25 May 2017 20: 46
    Russia has a unique complex of electronic warfare, capable of "jamming" low-altitude satellites and neutralizing their work.

    I thought it was invented long ago?
    The attack on spacecraft was reported by the Ministry of Communications. The ministry said they tried to use electronic warfare from territory in western Ukraine.
    1. +2
      26 May 2017 02: 19
      Fifty-one articles dated 15.03.14/XNUMX/XNUMX that Russian satellites were attacked.
      [media = http: //]
      Is there something newer?
      1. +3
        17 September 2017 10: 34
        Ask the USA - they have the newest junk. We will work out well with the old ones. The war was played with patches on the pants, which made it easier for the enemy. Sit and be silent, a corrupt provocateur such as you, who was shot on the spot during the war.
    2. 0
      26 May 2017 23: 42
      Quote: APASUS
      I thought it was invented long ago?

      For a long time - this is with respect to terrestrial means, but not satellites
  2. +3
    26 May 2017 07: 10
    Russia has a unique complex of electronic warfare, capable of "jamming" low-altitude satellites and neutralizing their work.
    That's right - keep it up!
  3. +1
    26 May 2017 08: 33
    I am absolutely sure we can cleanse the Cosmos from everything (debris, satellites, rockets, etc.)
  4. 0
    26 May 2017 11: 58
    it would be good !!!!! if so!!!!! wink
  5. +2
    26 May 2017 15: 20
    Today it is Russia, tomorrow the USA. So what? Bad title by authors. The panic is created by the media (well, the steeper the slogan, the more readers). But what about a layman who has forgotten elementary geography and spits on history? He believes everything that is published in newspapers, magazines, now on the powerful Internet. Who is good in the world? Just a resident of the planet - I want today, I want now, and if not for me - I will go to prosperous countries and pick up what does not belong to me. And we will help him. He has nothing to eat, but for now everything is fine with us. There is a Russian proverb: "On a tricky train ... we have x ... with a screw." so that there is nothing to gulp with saliva on the belly about himself. Be humble, it will be better than good. Sincerely.
  6. +2
    26 May 2017 20: 20
    The most important thing on this issue is the ability to launch heavy space objects into high orbits that are not achievable for land, sea, and air defense missiles, whoever succeeds in this and will be the winner, the United States seems to have problems with this, hence the "jitzy".
    1. +2
      26 May 2017 23: 44
      Quote: Glen-99
      the United States seems to have problems with this, hence the jerk,

      They have a jerk with engines. While flying on our RD-170. Elon Musk promised to make his
    2. +2
      29 May 2017 22: 46
      Quote: Glen-99
      The most important thing in this matter, the ability to display heavy space objects in high orbits

      The video focuses on small devices in low orbits. On the high tech thing. we have it. Sleeping satellites in high orbits, a few meters from the operating ones, is a "killer motorcade"
  7. +1
    27 May 2017 01: 56
    The key phrase in all this High-Tech video: "God bless." On space technology with the gentleman on the lips. Cognitive dissonance in the minds of the author or give back to obscurantism?
    1. +4
      27 May 2017 06: 40
      Quote: Sovetskiy
      The cognitive dissonance
      It only happens in heads wounded by "scientific" atheism. All sane people do not find contradictions where they do not existBut it is most difficult for atheists to recognize them as sane, that’s why they bark with anger.
      1. +7
        29 May 2017 10: 15
        Quote: Stanislav
        All sane people do not find contradictions where they do not exist

        If the "sane" did not impose their religious tenets in all spheres of society in the flesh to schools and kindergartens, and did not go into politics (do we have a church, according to the Constitution, or not?), Then there would be no questions.
        And bark from anger is precisely those who have not yet grabbed everything with the help of church restitution, legitimized by the "King" in 2010 - for some reason, believers resist). In our city, your "sane" squeezed out according to the "royal" law the only children's puppet theater in the city center. You see, there used to be a church shed.
        And so, pray for health, who does not give you. Or, as always, there is not enough money and you want to increase the number of contributions to the church piggy bank at the expense of new converts, so that all the clerks on Kruzak already ride?)) So I'm not an assistant to you.
        By the way, you don’t know (for the sake of interest), what kind of dachshund to charge a rocket with a church “whisk” to spray? After all, we have capitalism, and even the funeral of the deceased in the "other world" is not free, but here the rocket!))
        1. +1
          29 May 2017 23: 18
          Quote: Sovetskiy
          our church is constitutionally separated from the state or not?
          Separated. But you have one thing to understand: every believing citizen of the Russian Federation has all the rights. Do you want discrimination? The sect of atheists with a monopoly on ideology does not want to say goodbye.
          1. +3
            30 May 2017 18: 50
            Quote: Stanislav
            The sect of atheists with a monopoly on ideology does not want to say goodbye.

            What can I say, I hear from the obscurantist sect. Do you have the idea of ​​a flat earth by chance, again not in favor?
            As my friend surgeon used to say: "A hopeless case. To the morgue, no options!"
          2. +2
            5 November 2017 12: 30
            It is patients with Orthodoxy of the brain who want to persevere in the spread of their disease, regardless of the cost of budget funds to their palaces. They climb into schools, the sun, and wherever there is something to profit from.
      2. +2
        5 November 2017 12: 13
        They are sane. Because they understand that it’s easier to mimic “believers” than to defend one’s in an unfavorable environment and in front of superiors. And the bosses are more convenient to blame everything on God.
        If the communists come to power again, they will immediately remove all the crosses and enter the CPSU. Everything - as one!
      3. +2
        9 January 2018 20: 30
        If you believe, believe, no one else can be faithful.
        Do not be angry with atheists who believe that believers are people who do not have enough of their own intelligence and logical thinking to understand that a person is mortal and they are looking for oblivion in the faith. Russian Orthodox are sometimes too keen on faith. This was the root cause of the collapse of Russia in 1917. They were fussing, as my great-grandfather used to say, when near the Voronezh Bogucharsky district, the village of Pervomaiskoye, his entire large Russian family of 23 people was recorded in limited, border, extreme (in Polish, Ukrainians cloned in the Austrian and Czech concentration camps of Talerhof and Terezin from Galician Russian Rusyns in June 1914 d) and the church was afraid to defend its fellow villagers and its church records that the entire settlement of the Cossacks was ethnically Russian. And so it was throughout Voronezh province. In large cities, they were afraid of Russians being overdone in limited.
  8. +2
    27 May 2017 05: 56
    Scientific thought is alive, although a lot of significant sold out ... But there is no ideology - being a dog with a leash in your head instead of ideology is a rather weak factor for unity and victory ...
    1. +1
      9 January 2018 20: 45
      For the unity of the nation, we need not a country with the name of our own Federation (Union) of 22 nations, but a unitary Russia with the Russian 136 million state-forming nation, which until 1917 was able to unite and form a single Russian nation. The union of 22 national republics will break up, just as the union of 16 national republics has broken up. The thirst for power is the strongest and most terrible animal instinct. He destroys and kills everything in the pursuit of his goal.
  9. +3
    27 May 2017 18: 29
    The Pentagon is always shocking, the Pentagon is in shock, America is terrified, Obama in a panic immediately understands that the crap, the author’s fiction.
    1. +1
      9 January 2018 20: 36
      But the way it is. just that the Americans are hysterical and blame the Russians. In Ukraine, this is the main thing to drive into the heads of all, including Russians, of whom the total majority are there that they hated Russia and considered it the culprit of all their troubles
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +3
    5 June 2017 16: 29
    Stop whipping! Better silently do.
    1. +1
      3 July 2017 13: 36
      Right No need to brag, you need to do and demonstrate .... silently
  12. 0
    2 July 2017 18: 27
    there is no god, like Santa Claus
  13. 0
    10 July 2017 23: 13
    - Soon we will all die! Give me money!!!! Of money!!!!
  14. +1
    15 September 2017 07: 54
    Mogug Americans have no doubt they kirdyk! Only Uncle Vova and Uncle Seryozha do not want to answer while on the sabotage of the geeks of NATO and Israel! I’m sure my thoughts are there! I just really want to look at their cries!
  15. 0
    5 November 2017 12: 31
    Quote: meandr51
    It is the patients of Orthodoxy of the brain who persist in the spread of their disease, regardless of the cost of budget funds to their palaces. They climb into schools, the sun, and wherever there is something to profit from.
  16. +1
    21 November 2017 23: 46
    Quote: nikolai55soot
    I am absolutely sure we can cleanse the Cosmos from everything (debris, satellites, rockets, etc.)

    Rather, we are able to turn everything in the near space into garbage ...
  17. 0
    31 January 2018 14: 01
    Hehe It is very easy to clear space from satellites: You launch a car of nails at the intersection of the orbits of enemy satellites! Or five. fellow It turns out a cloud through which no spacecraft can fly with impunity soldier . True, all (both strangers and their own) companions will die. But we are old-fashioned and without them the adversary will be soaked in the toilet. tongue
  18. +1
    21 March 2018 10: 52
    In terms of military confrontation, this direction is effective - we respond to your stupid baton with our own, more powerful and penetrating everything. But this level is by no means representative of the species a reasonable person. For, if not only material values, but also human potential is expended to create batons, then it is easier to work with this human potential. It is enough to recall that progressive scientists who opposed the American aggressive policy of creating atomic weapons and dominating them based on the world made it impossible. Therefore, it is now necessary in response to hostile, immoral-ideologized propaganda, where lies are the main means of proof, to contrast theirs on the basis of morality, friendship, fraternity, human unity and peaceful cooperation in common interests. And then all those who wave different clubs, aimed at enslaving peoples, will look like a cave savage from a distant uncivilized society - a society of cannibals, murderers and rapists. And then those who, for one reason or another, find themselves under their material and spiritual-ideological occupation, will contribute to the victory over this rabble. And if God is the Human Mind, which created not only everything around man, but also man himself, then, as they say, WITH GOD !!!