Red Bavaria. How to create a Soviet republic in Munich

April 1919 of the year entered history as a period of short-term existence of the Bavarian Soviet Republic - one of the attempts to spread the socialist revolution beyond the borders of Russia, to the countries of Western Europe. These attempts were unsuccessful, but, nevertheless, entered the history of the world revolutionary movement as very interesting and, at the same time, tragic pages.

Red Bavaria. How to create a Soviet republic in Munich

Revolutionary upsurge in Germany in 1918-1919 was the result not only and not so much of the Russian revolution 1917 of the year, as the defeat of the German Empire in the First World War and the associated political and socio-economic crisis. The same problems experienced the lands of the ceased existence of Austria-Hungary - and there, too, their own revolutionary uprisings took place. Thus, the Hungarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed in Budapest.

Recall that the German Empire before 1918, was a kind of "federation of monarchies." In addition to the emperor - the Prussian king, in their own lands ruled their own monarchs. In Bavaria, the royal dynasty of Wittelsbach was in power. Against her in November 1918, mass popular actions began in Munich - the main city of Bavaria. Although the last Bavarian king Ludwig III Wittelsbach (1845-1921) was considered a fairly liberal monarch, and in 1906, while still a crown prince, spoke in favor of universal suffrage, having won the approval of the socialist leader August Bebel, the defeat of the German Empire in World War I put the final point in his reign. The people accused the king of blindly following the interests of Prussia, refusing to protect the real interests of Bavaria. Finally, as a result of mass popular demonstrations, Kurt Eisner, a member of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (NSPD), at a meeting of the Munich Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies on the night of 8 in November 1918 of the year announced the overthrow of King Ludwig III Wittelsbach and the liquidation monarchical form of government in Bavaria. In accordance with this decision, Bavaria was proclaimed a republic. 8 November The 1918 Interim Government was formed by the Provisional Government of Bavaria under the leadership of Kurt Eisner, who occupied not only the Prime Minister, but also the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The deposed King Ludwig III Wittelsbach 13 on November 1918 of the year officially announced his abdication, but so far continued to be in Bavaria. The era of government in Bavaria of the Wittelsbach dynasty, which lasted from the XII century, came to an end.

Meanwhile, on January 12, 1919, the elections to the Landtag were held - the regional parliament. On them the majority of votes received the right Catholic Bavarian People's Party. Only 2,53% of voters voted for the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany - a negligible amount. NSDPG received, in connection with the elections, the entire 3 place in the Landtag. Accordingly, the government of Kurt Eisner, which did not reflect the interests of the majority of the voters, should have resigned. 21 February 1919 of the year Kurt Eisner left for the Bavaria Landtag, where he was to officially resign as Prime Minister of Bavaria. However, on the way he was shot by a young aristocrat, Count Anton von Arco-Valli (1897-1945) - a well-known monarchist who belonged to the ultra-right circles of the Bavarian aristocracy and hated Kurt Eisner as a native of Berlin, a socialist and, moreover, a Jew by nationality. It is noteworthy that Count von Arco-Valli himself was also half Jewish - by his mother. For this, in fact, he was not accepted into the protonacist Thule Society - they decided that the count, despite its aristocratic origin, was not sufficiently pure-blood.

The killing of Eisner immediately led to a sharp aggravation of the already tense political situation in Bavaria. The chairman of the Bavarian branch of the SPD, Erhard Auer, was seriously wounded in the Diet by a communist. In a shootout, a deputy from the Bavarian People’s Party died and one of the secretaries of the war ministry was fatally wounded. Riots began. Ex-King Ludwig Wittelsbach, fearing for his life, hastily left Bavaria and settled in Austria, and then in Liechtenstein. Meanwhile, constant rallies and demonstrations continued to take place in the Bavarian Republic. After the assassination of Kurt Eisner, the government was headed first by the poet Ernst Toller, which will be discussed below, and from March 17 - by Johann Hoffmann. The Central Council of the Bavarian Republic was headed by Ernst Nikish - a member of the Independent Social-Democratic Party of Germany, and later - one of the ideologists of national Bolshevism, a new political ideology born in Germany of the 1920s. However, the radical left masses wanted more. An example for Bavaria was neighboring Hungary, where 20 March 1919 was proclaimed the Soviet republic. Inspired by the Hungarian example, the Bavarian leftists dreamed of creating a union between Soviet Russia, the Hungarian Soviet Republic and Red Bavaria, which should bring, in their opinion, the coming revolutions in all countries of Eastern and Western Europe.

Johann Hoffmann, formally remaining the head of the government of Bavaria, actually lost all power and did not control the situation in the region. The Landtag of Bavaria was broken up by the revolutionary-minded soldiers of the Munich garrison, and Hoffmann himself was forced to go to Berlin to ask for help. In the capital of Germany, Hoffmann was unhappy because he could not take control of the situation in Bavaria and restore the system of government.

Increasing popular unrest resulted in the proclamation of 6 on April 1919 of the Bavarian Soviet Republic. Its first president was 25-year-old poet and playwright Ernst Toller (1893-1939, in the photo). A native of the Prussian town Zamotshin, Ernst Toller was born into a wealthy Jewish family. He entered the University of Grenoble, however, when World War I began, he volunteered for the front. But the horrors of war dramatically changed the worldview of a young man. Thirteen months on the front line turned Toller into a staunch pacifist. After more than a year of service, he was demobilized due to illness. He spent some time in Berlin, then entered the University of Heidelberg, where he founded an anti-war circle - the Cultural-Political Union of German Youth. However, the activities of this organization immediately attracted the attention of the police. Its members were expelled from the university and sent to the front, and Toller, as already demobilized from the army, was arrested and put in a military prison. Toller's mother tried to make his fate easier and succeeded in transferring her son to a psychiatric hospital, but the conditions there were even worse, and Toller preferred to get back to prison. Freed, he arrived in Munich, where he became close with the local leader of the anti-war social democratic movement Kurt Eisner. However, soon Toller was put back in prison, where he stayed until the end of the war. In 1919, Mr. Toller came to Munich again to help Eisner, who became the Prime Minister of the Bavarian Republic, but just at that time Kurt Eisner was shot by Count von Arco-Wally. In this situation, Toller took the most active part in mass popular unrest in Munich and became one of the key leaders of the Bavarian Soviet Republic. During the week, from 6 to 12 on April 1919, Toller served as president of the Bavarian Soviet Republic.

Among the other leaders of the Bavarian Soviet Republic were German anarchists known at the time — Gustav Landauer (pictured) and Erich Muzam. Philosopher and writer Gustav Landauer (1870-1919) was educated at Heidelberg and Berlin Universities, where he studied philosophy and German philology. As a young man, he became interested in anarchist ideas, studied the works of Pierre Joseph Proudhon and Peter Kropotkin, and then became the editor of the anarchist socialist magazine Socialist. Landauer developed his own concept of revolution, which was considered in the context of the birth of a new man. Having experienced a great influence of anarcho-individualistic concepts, Landauer believed that a socialist society could be born as a result of the struggle of individuals who, within the framework of the old exploitative society, create centers of a new type of social order. During his life, Landauer was twice imprisoned — in 1893 for “incitement to insurrection” that allegedly took place in the novel “The Preacher of Death”, and in 1899 for anarchist propaganda. In 1914, along with his friend the philosopher Martin Buber, Landauer tried to create an anti-war committee. As a prominent politician and scholar, an expert on the history of the French Revolution, at the beginning of 1919, Landauer was invited to the post of Minister of Public Education in the government of the Bavarian Republic. Landauer's first and only decree in the new post was a ban on history lessons in Bavaria schools — Landauer believed that it was not necessary to study the political history of an exploitative society in a revolutionary republic. However, Landauer's ministerial position was not long - he soon left the government, coming into conflict with the Bavarian communists.

The third prominent left-wing intellectual who stood at the origins of the Bavarian Soviet Republic was poet and playwright Erich Muzyam (1878-1934). From a young age, Muzam revolved in a bohemian environment, in 1900 he joined the New Society group that preached a way of life in the communes, where he met and became close to Gustav Landauer. Then, in 1904, he moved to Switzerland for a while, then began to publish a newspaper with the characteristic name "Cain." Interestingly, with the beginning of World War I, Muzam first took nationalist positions, but then quickly reoriented himself under the influence of anarchist comrades and became a staunch opponent of the war. In April, 1918, Muzam (pictured), among other anti-war agitators, was arrested and imprisoned, but in the fall he was released and announced in Munich. Three intellectuals - Ernst Toller, Gustav Landauer and Erich Muzam - defined the cultural face of the Bavarian revolution. They became part of the first government of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, which existed from 6 to 12 in April 1919.

The short history of the Bavarian Soviet Republic is clearly divided into two periods. The First Bavarian Republic, which existed before 12 on April 1919, was characterized by the predominant role of independent Social Democrats - followers of the murdered Kurt Eisner, as well as active participation of anarchists in the government of the republic. As for the Communists, they at first distanced themselves from participation in the government of the First Bavarian Soviet Republic. Moreover, the communist agitators tried in every way to hinder the activities of independent social democrats and anarchists, accusing them of "social treason". However, in the end, the communist leadership decided to take power in the Bavarian Soviet Republic into their own hands. Moreover, independent social democrats and anarchists were not able to keep it - the fact that the leaders of the first republic were mainly representatives of intellectual circles and bohemians.

13 April 1919 was proclaimed the Second Bavarian Soviet Republic. Its president was Yevgeny Levin (1883-1919). A native of St. Petersburg, Yevgeny Levin was born in a Jewish family of merchant Julius Levin and his wife Rosalia Goldberg. When Eugene was only three years old, his father Julius died, and his mother left for Germany in Wiesbaden with her child. In his youth, Yevgeny Levin studied law at the university, where he met with Russian revolutionary émigrés and went to Russia. In 1905, he participated in the revolutionary events as part of the Socialist Revolutionary Party. Returning to Germany, Levin became a professional revolutionary. He headed the government of the Second Bavarian Soviet Republic.

Unlike the anarchists and the independent social democrats, the Communists immediately began to organize the authorities and the power structures of the new republic. The formation of the Red Army began, with the commander and military commander of Munich appointed 22-year-old sailor Rudolf Egelhofer. Persecution of any opposition movements began, including the same anarchists who had recently been among the organizers of the Soviet republic themselves. The Bavarian Communists used the practice of taking hostages - they detained a number of activists of the right-wing “Thule Society”.

The “right hand” of Eugene Levin was Max Levin (1885-1937). Like Yevgeny Levin, Max Levin was born in Russia - in Moscow, in the family of a rich German Jew, Ludwig Levin. In the biography of Levin and Levin much in common. Max Levin also studied at a university in Germany, then returned to Russia, where he joined the Socialist Revolutionary Party and participated in the 1905-1907 revolution, even was arrested and imprisoned. After his release, Levin went to Switzerland, where he established contacts with the Russian Social Democrats and personally with Vladimir Lenin. In 1914-1918 Max Levine served in the Royal Bavarian Guards Infantry Regiment. In November, 1918 Mr. Levin joined the Soviets of Soldiers' Deputies, joined the Spartacist group, and later participated in the founding congress of the Communist Party of Germany.

To be continued ...
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  1. +2
    April 13 2017 05: 46
    Three intellectuals - Ernst Toller, Gustav Landauer and Erich Musam - defined the cultural face of the Bavarian Revolution.

    Another proof that the majority of the so-called intelligentsia can only chat well.
    Unlike anarchists and independent social democrats, the communists immediately set about organizing the organs of power and power structures of the new republic.

    The right approach to business. Talk less, work more! But, in general, the Communists would have held power in Bavaria and Hungary, a good configuration in Europe had developed. Most likely, Hitler would be retrained as a superintendent and there would be no WWII, not millions of victims. An article, plus, interesting, I look forward to continuing.
    1. +1
      April 13 2017 06: 20
      In conce, as a result of mass demonstrations Kurt Eisner, a member of the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (NCSD), at the meeting of the Munich Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies on the night of November 8, 1918, announced the deposition of King Ludwig III Wittelsbach and the abolition of the monarchical form of government in Bavaria.

      A small addition. As early as November 2, 1918 (a week before the “official” victory of the November Revolution in Germany!) A huge crowd, consisting mainly of non-combatant soldier and declassed elements, led by the leader of the "Independent Social Democrats" ("Independents") Kurt Eisner (Solomon Kosmanovsky), whose parliamentary faction was a minority in the Bavarian Landtag (Land Parliament), attacked the army barracks located in Munich.
      It seems that everything, like ours, is only compressed in time. And again, the Communists did not overthrow anyone. And yet, so to speak, to the portrait: “Kurt Eisner’s supporters included lawyer Hans Frank, who became Hitler’s leading Nazi jurist, minister without a briefcase and Warsaw’s governor-general, who instituted severe terror in Poland conquered by German Nazis and was hanged for his crimes by the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal.”
  2. +2
    April 13 2017 06: 48
    Something, the article hooked me laughing Not much about the killer of Kurt Eisner, Count Anton Arco auf Valley.
    The second son of the Bavarian aristocrat Count Maximilian, mother - maid of honor of the Bavarian court Emmy von Oppenheim from a family of wealthy Cologne bankers Oppenheim, baptized Jews. His father did not suffer racial prejudice, a successful marriage only improved his shaken material well-being. But the young count was very complex about his "not quite full racial purity." As the son of a hereditary member of the upper house of the Bavarian parliament, the young count was brought close to the court from childhood. Having lost his father at a young age, he, along with his older brother, shared part of his posts transferred by inheritance.
    During the First World War, he served in the Bavarian heavy cavalry, having earned the Iron Cross of the I degree and the Braunschweig medal for courage for service on the eastern front. The count was highly revered in his regiment for bold attacks, he received the rank of lieutenant ahead of schedule and began to serve in the Life Guard, in 1918 he even managed to visit Kiev. The hasty evacuation of German troops from Ukraine and the Bavarian revolution that soon followed, dropping the Wittelsbach from the throne before all other German monarchs, made an indelible impression on the young officer. The beginning of law studies at the University of Munich could not help cope with thoughts about the incorrectness of the new world. Loyal to the monarchical ideals of Bavaria, but betrayed by other right-wingers who considered him not quite German, Arco auf Valley decided to kill the first prime minister of the Social Democrat. On February 21, 1919, he shot Kurt Eisner right on the street when he went to the Landtag (it is interesting that he went there in order to file a resignation letter), and he himself received five bullets from the police. The count was not killed, and successfully recovered after the operation. Now he was awaiting trial and the quick death penalty. But after his rally and high-profile judicial statements about the fight against foreign communists, Arco auf Valley became an idol for right-wing and Bavarian separatists, therefore, numerous demonstrations in his support and even attempts to organize an escape (the future SS chief, Himmler took part in one of them) influenced to a court decision - the result of which was a change of sentence to life imprisonment. The count served his term in the famous Landsberg prison, in the very cell in which Adolf Hitler would later be put. In April 1924, the count was released, a year later he published his book Five Years in a Watchtower, and in 1927, on the 80th anniversary of President Hindenburg, he was finally amnestied. Later, he was a member of the right wing of the Bavarian People’s Party and received honorary membership in one of the branches of the organization of monarchists, Anton Arko auf Valley was engaged in journalism and became finance director of the South German Lufthansa. The NSDAP initially praised Arco’s deed, giving him the title of “hero of the movement,” but later the count, dissatisfied with domestic politics, sharply spoke out that he could get rid of another Eisner in this way (interpreted as a threat to Hitler), and only the intercession of the Crown Prince Ruprecht slept in his prison. Now he began to be considered a reactionary and separatist, although his family was not subjected to any harassment. In 1934, he married his young distant cousin, Maria-Gabriela von Arco-Zinnenberg, who came from a family of princes Auershpergov from her mother. They had five children. By the way, the count's older brother, Ferdinand, was married to Raoul Wallenberg's cousin, Gertrude.
    In June 1945, Count Anton was tragically killed in a traffic accident near Salzburg, colliding with a U.S. military vehicle.
  3. +3
    April 13 2017 07: 41
    On April 7, 1919, the government of the Bavarian Soviet Republic sent a greeting to the RSFSR:
    "Russian Soviet Republic.
    Comrade Lenin, to Moscow.
    Bavaria is declared by the Soviet Republic. The revolutionary workers, peasants and soldiers united and carried out the dictatorship of the proletariat in order to form a socialist-communist society. The Red Army is being created. Relations are being established with the Russian and Hungarian Soviet Republics. To you, our natural allies, our first greetings go. The Bavarian Soviet Republic abandons all communion with the government of Potsdam and Weimar, serving capitalism, and calls on the peoples of Germany, Europe and the whole world to follow her example. Bavaria followed Russia and Hungary. We believe in the coming of World Liberation Day.
    Long live the International!
    Long live the world revolution!
    For the Soviet Bavarian Republic, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs - Dr. Lipp.
    For the Revolutionary Central Council - Erich Musam. "
  4. +5
    April 13 2017 08: 58
    the first president is a native of the Prussian town of Zamotshin, Ernst Toller was born into a wealthy Jewish family

    The leaders of the Bavarian Soviet Republic are the poet and playwright Erich Musam, the son of a Lübeck Jewish pharmacist.

    Its president was Eugene Levine (1883-1919). born in the Jewish family of merchant Julius Levine

    Max Levin was born into the family of a wealthy German Jew. Ludwig Levin

    Look, everything is just like in Russia! belay request Who would doubt that...
    It is a pity that in Bavaria, government troops and the state were able to clean up, crush criminals and save the country from the millions of victims of these "experimenters", but in Russia, no ....
    1. +2
      April 13 2017 09: 22
      Quote: Olgovich
      It’s a pity that in Bavaria, government forces and the state were able to put things in order,

      ... blaspheme your ideological "bros", ay-ay-ay ... laughing
      1. +2
        April 13 2017 13: 21
        Quote: V.ic
        Quote: Olgovich
        It’s a pity that in Bavaria, government forces and the state were able to put things in order,

        ... blaspheme your ideological "bros", ay-ay-ay ... laughing

        This is HOW to hate the Russian language, so as not to know him request
        1. +2
          April 13 2017 14: 48
          Quote: Olgovich
          This is HOW to hate the Russian language, so as not to know him

          Have you appropriated the powers of a "specialist"? Present the diploma, Romanian humanities!
    2. +2
      April 13 2017 10: 34
      I have the impression that Hitler’s attitude towards the Jews was formed largely under the influence of events in Bavaria. After all, German fascism arose as a reaction to the communist movement, and therefore could not help but become anti-Semitic.
      1. 0
        April 13 2017 10: 55
        German fascism arose as an ideology, clearly not as a reaction to the communist movement. "The burden of the white man," the idea of ​​the superiority of the white race, is from the Anglo-Saxons. Hitler openly admired and supported these theories. Fascism is natural for this socio-economic system. Just a little to the right of the right. The Jews, just robbed, as a little earlier, the Ottomans carried out the same expropriation with the Armenians and Greeks. The genocide in Germany began after the robbers refused to host the then leading democracies, the USA and Great Britain. Hitler had no choice but to build death camps and bring the corresponding doctrine under it. So, in the Holocaust, lies direct fault on the crowns of democracy.
      2. +1
        April 13 2017 11: 23
        I think that Nazism arose as a reaction to defeat in the WWI. "" Backstab "", etc.
        Thank you for starting a new topic, Ilya.
        Unfortunately, not one of the socialist republics of Europe of that time was able to save itself ...
        1. 0
          April 13 2017 12: 14
          As a reaction, too. But the ideas of fascism were developed before. Late 19th, early 20th centuries. PMV, trigger. Poverty and famine in Europe, the horrors of war led to an upswing, in general, of the left movement. The authorities could not directly deal with the labor movement, so they threw people a trickery, ideas of nationalism (doesn’t it remind anything?). In mono-ethnic states, it worked. Basically, they cite Germany as an example, as a state omitted, but Italy was on the side of the Entente, and the Nazis won at 23 m, in my opinion. Reading comments, it is not contemporary thoughts that are seen, they say, if there had not been a USSR, then there would have been no Nazism in Germany, but thoughts of the outbreak of the Cold War. It’s probably clear where they came from. Put everything upside down, change the cause and effect, this, in general, is the hallmark of the anti-Soviet.
          1. 0
            April 13 2017 13: 02
            Who thinks himself ---- is unknown to anyone. But it turns out, some people think about others, that they think so ..... And others think about these, that their thoughts are sort of ..... Like a dream about not a dream ..... Let everyone think their own thoughts better . And does not diagnose others.
            Thus, I think it is a pity that other socialist republics of Europe could not take place after the October Socialist Revolution. HERE then our country would have had real allies. Indeed, in fact, even RI, even though the USSR is always in isolation and always under certain sanctions.
            Of course, history does not have a subjunctive mood, we can say that these fantasies do not lead anywhere: yes, if the social camp early, if Alaska and Hawaii were ours, but the inland Caspian Sea .... But this, probably, is a dream of the Empire.
            1. 0
              April 13 2017 14: 35
              Dialectics, however, the stronger we are, the more enemies and the more they want our doom. ".... there is nothing to lose but their chains. But they will gain the whole world."
          2. +1
            April 13 2017 19: 45
            nationalist states after WWII arose in Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Austria, even Czechoslovakia (in which Slovaks and Rusyns were second-class people), Yugoslavia (which in the period of the 20-30s is more correctly called big Serbia, where the Karageorgivich dynasty pursued a policy aimed at infringing on the rights of other peoples). It was such a preparation for the further redivision of the world.
      3. 0
        April 13 2017 14: 42
        Quote: alebor
        that Hitler’s attitude towards Jews was shaped largely by the events in Bavaria

        Not only. Jews climbed to the top of bourgeois governments. As we remember the story, Communist Jews in Germany lost to bourgeois Jews. During the war, the God-chosen also acted inside Germany against the German people in their own pockets, however, as always with all wars. One description by Gumilyov of the actions of Jews among the Byzantines is worth ...
  5. +6
    April 13 2017 09: 37
    In general, in the Bavarian Soviet Republic, a Jew was a Jew and drove a Jew. Approximately like in Russia (only we had enough other nationalities like Dzhugashvili, Dzerzhinsky and other melons). However, unlike our country, Germany was a national German state and Jewish domination caused Germans sharply rejected. And when the German is dissatisfied, he acts very decisively.
    1. +1
      April 13 2017 12: 00
      Especially when he voted for Hitler, an ethnic Jew.
    2. +1
      April 13 2017 19: 49
      Oh, well done, straight Germans, they gave Jews the teeth. And then these fellows voted for Hitler and there was general prosperity with gas chambers, concentration camps and other amenities. All for the sake of a nation state. Oh, Alexey Vladimirovich, our grandfathers would have shot you 70 years ago. And by the way, they would have done it right.
  6. +7
    April 13 2017 09: 42
    And here it was not without Jews. And here they made a revolution.
    1. +3
      April 13 2017 11: 23
      Quote: Seraphimamur
      And here it was not without Jews. And here they made a revolution.

      Not only in Germany, one of the leaders of the Hungarian Soviet Republic was Bela Kun, also a bright representative of his people ... After the defeat of the Communists, he fled abroad and then settled in Soviet Russia.
      Being the head of the Crimean regional committee, along with the Countrywoman (Rosa Zalkind), he became "famous" as the organizer of mass executions in Crimea after the evacuation of whites ....
      However, in the end, "the reward found a hero" - in 1938 he was shot for counter-revolutionary activity ...
  7. +7
    April 13 2017 09: 55
    The pre-revolutionary "bookmarks" of the agents of the Jewish diaspora worked against the national states of Europe as planned: in 1917 - against Russia, in 1918 - against Germany, in 1919 - against Hungary and Bavaria.

    At the same time, the names of Vladimir Blanca, Rosa Luxemburg, various Hungarians / Bavarians and other public agents of the Jewish diaspora, known to everyone, are just the tip of the iceberg, the invisible subversive apparatus in Europe was much more numerous, generously financed by Jewish financial capital (such as General Secretary of the Comintern Angelina Balabanova, Comptroller Vladimir Blanc, Adolf Schiklgruber and Benito Mussolini).

    Another thing is that the native Europeans were able to eliminate this subversive activity, but only after the self-destructive pan-European war provoked by the Jewish diaspora by throwing in conflicting slogans of the red intervention (on the side of the USSR) and repelling this intervention (on the side of Germany and other European countries).

    The customer of WWII is Jewish financial capital, the organizers are Britain and the USA, which were under the control of the Jewish lobby.
  8. +4
    April 13 2017 11: 22
    The funny thing is that after the suppression of the revolution in Germany and Hungary, as part of the anti-communist brainwashing, for the most stupid of the German inhabitants, they began to say that the German Communists were agents of Moscow and everything was done with Russian money, and so that the revolution in Germany was an attempt to ruin great Germany.
    That is, absolutely the same thing that was said in Russia (Lenin-German agent of influence, defeatist agitation, etc.), only exactly the opposite smile
    But the imperialists themselves were able to suppress the Soviet states in Europe by the combined forces and with the help of terror.
  9. +4
    April 13 2017 12: 43
    Good stuff, makes you think.
    First he went to the university, then went to war, then he slanted from the war. Then he went into subversive activities, ended up in jail. I exchanged a prison for a psychiatric hospital - BUT - it turned out that the insane were sitting in a psychiatric hospital worse, so I had to go back to the prison. And then to the government. This is this very Ernst Toller.
    Those. clearly see the milestones of the path of the "professional revolutionary" or there, a government figure: -motor in the ass - prison / psychiatric hospital - the government.
    And all this against the backdrop of idleness.
    I would have read, for example, the bower Hans Schwartz from Chiemsee, threw a pitchfork and a shovel, left the pigs under-fed and the cows un fed - and went to Munich, knocking out the rest of the loafers for aggressive actions, seizing barracks there, Moncada, for example, or, for example storm the arsenal. That would be interesting to me.
    And about these "children of Zion", wandering all over Europe, and participating in pouring gas over the police, I have heard so much from childhood that I’m no longer interested in them. You know everything in advance.
    One only strengthened in a long-ripened thought -
    Bolsheviks, Communists - the guys were not a miss. Thoughts on the tree did not spread. And quite so busily they began to organize and equip concentration camps. From the first days of his power.
    As if not the Communists - but the natural, natural aristocracy of the British, from which the concentration camps began.
    Good stuff.